Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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THE BEE: OMAITA, FlilDAY, MAY 27, 1010.
Graduation Dresses
for Juniors and
Small Women
Months in advance we were busy planning
for the graduates. We senrched the eastern
iiarkets for the prettiest styles nnd materials
that our offering for this graduating season
might find-favor with the most particular
young women. Asa result of our efforts
there awaits you, here a most charming dis
play of dainty dresses. '
Yon wHl be greatly Impressed with the
fine quality of materials and the perfect
? making of the garment. You will like
,. 'V tho Princess Dressea and the Belted Styles
; - Of ' fine raull batiste and sheer lingerie
Y-cloth. There are new ideas in trimmings,
, Of pretty lace and embroidery insets, dalntly
v ; , edged with fine Val. and cluny laces. We
, , have something to please all Blmple styles
' .- for thoso of Quiet taste, and elaborate styles
for thoso' who want to be in the heighth of
fashion. , ;
Junior Dresses $1.95 $25
Small Women Sizes $13.50 to $35
Dainty Summer
Cloth: Suits
;at Greatly :
.4 '-..Prices K,
Eledtrio LigM Man Sayi Hi Kind of
,'Consenration is Wrong."; ;
ioo-MAirr'PowEE sites held w
ForirStr U Accaaed of
btTfa tr Man Who is
.;;?ia;d with Seeklns , v
8t XOtTIS.- Ma;, May S6.-Tha Mississippi
riverlhsd lt jDrttn this morning at the
Natlbnar'EIlwctrlo . ilght. asaoclatlon in
vention. John Hunter of St. Louis told the
the delegate there was great poselbilltlai
In the father of waters.
Cleveland delegates are waging an active
campaign for the 1911 meeting. Frank M,
Talt of Dayton, O., was chairman of th
power transmission session, at which
Henry X Doherty of New Tork delivered
an address on "The Public and the Water
Powers," incidentally criUslclng Glfford
Dr. Charles P. Stelnmets of Schenectady,
Successful , Career of a Well
'- Known Specialist.
How He Haa Gained Hia Place
Omaha as a Professional Man.
In noUning thejrapid growth of Omaha
as a business tenter, it is interesting to
look back a the starting point of dif
ferent business and professional men and
note how they-bav'e attained success In
their several professions. Ever since Dr.
Milan of the MUen Mdlal Co., opened
an office in the Hamga bulMlng about two
yara ago, ha haa been Unabla to accom
modate the ever increasing number of
callers. As a result of this condition, it
haa bean'' necessary to find a location
where ha would have mora room. While
they already occupied several auitea. cf
rooms in the Ramge building, they have
, leased larger quarters at No. lit South
Sixteenth street, the building formerly
Hanson's cafe, where they hope to be able
to examine and treat all who may call
as. this new -location affords every facil
ity for same.
,: Dr. MUen has won great success in
Jthe medical sclenoe. He has cured cases
of paralysis, rheumatism, stomach and
kidney trouble In their Worst forms, and
which wer pronounced. Incurable by
'other physicians. A short time ago, Dr.
,Mllen accepted . Miss Lna-' Llnd's case,
a resident of Mlnden, Neb. Miss Llnd
luid been mifrVqtng from a bad case of
Stomach and kidney trouble. She writes
after taking the treatment one month, "I
am feeling fine and am working away
from home., J, oommepced to improve
from the flrat."
Chris Hollander of Aspinwall.'v la..
says, "I am more than plt'imed with (ha
way your treatment brought me out.
am feeling fine " . Mr. llollander was
suffering' frant a long atandlng case of
atomach and-Uef trouble.
. Alfred "Peterson uf Mondamln, la.,
says. "AsfsiKva I twarted take your
treatment for kidney and stomach trouble.
I bCtta ti' ttnprove 'and have been 1m
tirovlnir sever since."
, Mrs. C Bergon of Olewtln. la., says,
1 can .grataa 11 y. say alnc&i starting to
take your treatment I have not had the
(lightest trouble with my stomach.
can eat good and digest all my food and
I am also cured of my ga! stones."
Va mention the above merely to show
tha 'cures, which are glveaby a auoccBS
ful 'epvclaUst- tr. Mtlea Is located .at
Wo. Ilk Bou,il Rlxttenth street rlgnt op
posite the tkhllta
.ji ty i
is. ,'.. -i j . .
An Extensive Show
ing of New Effects
t 82.50 S3.50
We are offering so many pretty new styles in Lingerie Blouses that
it would bo quite an undertaking to even attempt to tell of all the new
effects we have brought out for warm weather.
Everyone who visits our popular section will be greatly impressed
with the extensiveness and completeness of the showing of stylish blouses,
at every price from 2.50 to $10.00. High and low neck models, long and
-Short sleeves.
$3.50 Many good models in
Mull Blouses, daintily trimmed r
alao Tailored Waists of fine mad
ras.. - '. .,'
AT 83.50 Blouses trimmed with
' embroideries "and : lace, - Mn- a'
pleasing variety of effective jder-..
signs. - . . - i
1518-1520 Faraam Etrett
U. T.',' read 'a paper on -"High Potential
line Phenomena." ' i ' l
Among the speaker ' at" the aetional
meetings were T. L Jones, of Brooklyn;-C.
;N. Stannard of Denver, .Herman Russell of
Rochester, N. Y.; Douglass , Burnett of
Baltimore and A. U. Holmes of New Tork.
Criticism oi rioohot. . ..
' Praeldent '.Taf t Twill call 'vlil jaatm
trained In lheschool.,it . reejionslUJUUi'.whi
have vAfrle'4 on- the lvelopment : woriof
me country. Be wbi, jjnd.rthat Wa. .co.v
eervatioa means 'something more than bub
jllclty to fictitious storjesjf rettion ,'.to
aeveiopmeni, xne closing jOf . pub, tC; 4nd4
to production of farm 'products ' and th
petty bickering and mud 8l!ng:itg of publls
officials," said Henry L. Doherty of New
York In his address. ,. ,-,;
In an official report to President Roose
velt, Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of
corporations, charged that Doherty aim d
to control the water power of the United
States. -
, "I think it was a mistake for Mr. Pln
chot," said the speaker, "to adopt a sub
terfuge to withdraw many water power
sites from entry. Unfortunately our whole
conservation movement became embodied
In the personality of one man and those
(-who could not agree with h's lntole.ant
opinions have been denounced as traitors to
the public cause.
' 'A busy publlo applauded the efforts of
the last administration, to establish a
movement to -converse our natural re
sources and our -present 'admlnls ration
stands committed to this, movement."
Doherty said the available water powers
are . capable of. producing power In excess
of the amount of power now generated
either by .fuel, or water -and that If our
publlo officers deal in 'facts rattier than
fiction this . situation should be . attoarent
to them.
He advocated turning coal into nitrogen
ous fertilizer and uslnc it to anrteh the
tana insieaa oi wasting it In developing
power, .... , :
. Electricity and the Farmer.'
Looking toward ;tne day when electricity
shall be - the servant of the farmer as It
Is now of the manufacturer, Herrnun Rus
set i of -Rochester1, N. Y., spoke' today of
tha use of electricity In irrigation of farm
lands.' Ha 'aafd 'In part: i ' '
"Tha- farmer1 of ' tha future to be success
ful niust insofar as possible 'be independ
ent of the elements. He must push Into
a position which will enable him to get
most possible out of his land.
"If wa are to feed this country and keep
tha present high price of all food products
from going still higher farmer must very
materially increase their yield per acre.
"Speaking from tha point of view of an
eastern farmer, I believe it is essential
to supplement our rainfall by irrigation.
There is no section of the country at tha
present time that does not, suffer almost
every year from drouth during the growing
Wa go to great pains to Insure our
homes and places of business against less
by fire and yet we stand Idly by and watch
inrms iurn up. --
'Is It not tlme '.hat .the farmer take out
drouth Insurance by Installing an irriga
tion system?"
After citing statistics to show tha rea
sonableness of his position, Mr. Russell
concluded by saying: , ,
"I look forward to a time not far dis
tant when electric lines In' tha oountry will
be as common as telephone and telegraph
lines are today and tha present enormous
Idle Investment of our central station com
panies will be employed In making our
farms mora productive and Ufa mora worth
living for both the farmer and tha com
panyat good profit by each,".. '
Cllaitoai McLatrkl Propa Dead froua
Dolt' While Worklna- Near (
,. Bark Syria, Wo.
LANDElW Wyo., 'May '& '(Special Tele
gram.) Clinton McLatchle, a sheep herder,
working near Buck . Springs In Fremont
county, was struck by lightning Tuesday
afternoon 'and Instantly, killed. Tha body
was brought to Lander today by Coronor
gchoo. 'Mc-Latchla , waa a roan of family
and leaves a wlfa aud child. A broth ar,
r-J 1. i I f 1 1 if it
. t 1 r.
$3.50 -Some charming styles
inj Mull Blouses trimmed .with
...Mull Blouses
Irish -crochet lapes.
- AT- $5.00 4 very large assort-,
') meat of be'autifuT etydeB, incliid
i ?1hg "Blouses, with yokes 6f hand
" . embroidery,; reAl( cluny or s Irish
, ' Jace trlmmedi " "v - -
New Linen
Coats '
- ,on, l
Edmund Mc-Latchie,'
while, herding sheep
last "winter.-''. '
was frozen to death
for the . same outfit
Mitchell Wins, !
x ; Xlephdne Suit
Supreme CoW ofHrJafli fcetktrfa TJp-
;TrhoW "Validityrof Orifinal' Con-
jtract ''with 'tfce." Compan
PIERRE, S. D.. May 26. (Special.) The
supreme court today in an opinion by
Corson, upholds the contention of, the City
of Mitchell, for Hs claim on a share of the
gross receipts of the Dakota Central Tele
phone company of that city. It appears
from the record that some time ago the
city granted a franchise to a - telephone
company with a provision that the city
was to receive annually 10 per cent of the
gross receipts of that company, after such
receipts had reached J2.400 a year. The old
company sold to the Dakota Central, and
a new franchise ordinance was passed
whclh extended the rights of the company
so far aa long distance wires In the city
were concerned. The Dakota Central de
clined to pay the 10 per cent of gross re.
celpta provided for In the original ordi
nance, and the city brought suit for $1,731.77.
The lower court held against the city, and
on appeal to the supreme court the finding
of the lower court haa been reversed, and
that court is ordered to enter Judgment
for the city in the amount asked for. The
contention of the company was that by the
pew ordinance granting them extended
powers, the original ordinance was re
pealed, and .no longer in force; and thai
the payment demanded is a tax, placing
upon them double taxation in violation of
o constitution. The court sets aside both
these contentions, the first on the ground
that the original ordinance created a con
tract between the. city and the company,
and as such. It remained in force without
Its being Incorporated In the new ordi
nance; that tha 10 per cent was not an
additional tax, but was payment to the
city for the use of Its streets, and wholly
within the rights of tha city.
Strike in Ohio
Convicti Refuse to Work, Alleging
They Are Served with Con
demned Food.
. COLMBUS, O., May 26.-Twanty-f ive
more convicts In the Ohio state penitentiary
struck today on the plea that they were
being served with condemned food, the
total number on strike being 147, but all
of them, after a parley with the warden
promised to go to work at noon.
Warden Jones promptly ordered all the
strikers "hung up," so that their arms.
In shackles, are held above 'their heads,
though none of their bodily weight Is sus
tained by, the shackles.. .
Many of the strikers were murderers em
ployed in tha bolt room.
Comet sets Triday 11:38 p. m.
Comet sets Saturday 11:40 p. m.
The. Weather! ; ,
FOR NEBRASKA Showers; warmer.
Fort KiWA-tthowtra: warmer..
Temperatures at Omaha yeaterday:
B a. in..,
t a.-m...
7 a. jn,.,
8 a. m..
. m..
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
It m
1 p. m..
B p. m..
t p. m..
p. r.,
6 p. hi..
6 p. in--
7 p. m..
t p. n..
. 50
... 62
... M
... K
... &
... 61
... 64
... 61
... 70
,.. 70
... 68
... 68
... 67
... a
i i
( . y.tcwMtM'
Decision After Listening
Secretary Bumner.
Prodnre t.ettrr from ,crrtarjr of
Medical Hoard ( oitlnrln Them
III lutrntlun ' la Not to
lnn Tbrm aa Such.
(From a Staff AJorrespondcnt.)
DE8 MOIKKSiMay 2H. (Spcqlal Tele
gram.) The ijtatev Association of Osteo
paths at their convention .today axajn con
sidered at lojiHth their, plans to Induce the
legislature tqt separate their board from
that of the Mate Board of Medical Exam
iners. Secretary tUuranar of the state board
appeared before the ouuvention and aoked
an opportunity .to explain - matters. . He
gave a pledge., that Ua state board .would
treat the osteopaths fairly, but a letter was
read from hUn, ' wr4ttn only a short time
ago, which the recipient declared showed
that aa secretary be jiwdo no Intention of
treating the osteopath as professional men,
A committee will take up with the legisla
ture the matter of a complete divorce from
the medical boftrd.' " " ' N
tn tu hi lnq; I'ndrr nun.
After midnight tonight any person found
shaking dice or 'engaged In any form of
gambling will be liable to arrest and con
finement In the -city Jail. Such was the
ultimatum Issued today by 'the .commis
sioner of safety, Hell G. Roe. So far the
cigar dealers1 have b e'en allowed to shake
dice without Interference. Pool halls also
have accumulated much side money, it Is
said,' by various forms of gambling. The
proprietors are said to have openly "boasted
that the "lid" was sky high.
... 1 i
More Troopers Arrive.
A squadron of . 126 troopers from the
Seventh cavalry. at Fort Riley today Joined
the Sixth cavalry at Fort Dcs Moines, the
change being made to relieve the shortage
of men In the Sixth. .Captain- Roberts, of
the Seventh regiment arrived today with
the men. With this new addition to roll
call the Sixth will be short of a full regi
ment by only 100 men.
Tnft Clab Appeal.
Frank D. Jacksort, president of the Tnft
club, has sent but to the members in the
state a proclamation' '-In ' regard to Iowa
duty In the pending state campaign, espe
cially as to governor atid "some members of
congress. In this" he appeals for the voters
to stand by the' p'mtiderit and says:
Insurgency threwteh'S the supremacy of
the republican party. ' J3very victory of tho
Insurgents Inspire? . democratic bope , and
confidence. The democratic party is active.
It Is organizing. It Is1 hopeful and even
aggressive. What inspires this hope and
activity? The .oupoUUon by the Insurgents
to resident Talt aniline national aamunis-
tiation. There are 250 administrative re
publicans In cotigrMs-'and about forty In
surgents. Shall fopubllcan supremacy be
threatened by the continued opposition of
the insurgents and do the business interests
or lowa want republican supremacy over,
thrown? .
Tho mists of a possible democratic vie
tory already hover , and around our
business interests. ' Ask-your banker, ask
your merchants, make an application for
a Iran to sustain, or extend your business;
Investigate general business conditions and
see and satisfy yourself If the uncertainties
of the political ' future have not -already
overshadowed y what.. should have been to
the business world a. clear sky tor this
year 1810. "' v " '
Shall Iowa at? the' Jurife primaries encour
age the democratla organisation and demo
cratic prospects V, .Shall lowa land assist
ance In spreading 'the' cloud.! of uncertainty
over the busine "world Aby neloetlnn a
4tate oonNitMrirawe tajPrfttrtdent Tt
and the national republican administration r
This Is a vital qui-stion to cthe business
Interests of Iowa, 'Shall -w- give aid and
assistance to democratic uecese. and notify
the business world to ,get ready to meet the
cfiaiiKea cunuiiiojis necessary 10 ihi uemo'
cratlc victory T 'Shall Iowa oppose I'resl
dent Taft and 286- administrative republican
congressmen , or Khali . Iowa republicans
sound the death knell of democratic hope
by an overwhelming endorsement of the
national republican administration; dlssl
pate the clouds ox doubt from the political
horizon;' give hope, encouragement and as
surance to the business interests of this
country by declaring that Iowa refuses aid
and assistance to democratic hope, and that
Iowa may be counted on In the future to
stay by the party of Lincoln, Grant, flic
Klnlev. Roosevnlt 4frd Taft.
Let us not deceive ourselves. You let
the stalwart republlqan state of Iowa turn
down a republican president and the na
tlonal administration then watch the busl
ness Interests of tha country reef Its sails
In preparation of the, storm; then se capl
tal withdrawn from . circulation; see bust
ness hunting cyclone caves, and then you
can realize some of the results of what It
will really mean for-. Iowa- to withdraw It
confidence In republican principles and its
support rrom tne repuwican party.
Postpone Coal Case, '"
The State Railroad commission today an
nounced postponement of the case brought
by the Iowa coal dealers 'for consideration
of the Iowa coal rate and It win be heard
on June 17. A comnthtee of the coal deal
ers Is at work with a committee of the
railroad men to undertake an agreement
aa to what to do. It is probable there will
be no decrease In the Iowa coal rate. The
case ' In regard to the proposed change
In the minimum weight for cars of live
stock will be heard June 2.
Cownle Goet to Dnkola.
John Cownle, for twelve year head of
the State Board', of . Control, who Is now
made the subjects of attacks while in of
fice, has gone ' to South Dakota and It is
understood wljl not be bajf k for several
days. Mr,. Cownle, however, authorized the
giving out of an extended defense of him
self in connection with tha Mitchellvllle
school, in which he denounces the declara
tions of tha superintendent and Inmates in
regard to his alleged misconduct as abso-
' a" ' Munyon'g Paw
,-r raw ilis are un
' ,. like all other laxa
tives or cathartics.
'Ibcy coax tha liver
icto activity by
gentle methods. '
They do not scour;
they do not gripe;
they do not weak
in; but they da
tart all the accre
tions of tha liver
and stomach in a
w v thnt artnTi nut a
V'"n ' ' these organs in a
rJt healthy, conditio!
and corrects consu
ls, my opinion constipation
is responsible tor most aumenui. intra
are thirty-two feet of human bowels,
which is really a sewer pip. When thia
" pipe becomes clogged, the whole system
becomes poisoned, causing biliousness, in
digestion and impure blood, which often
produces rheumaaUsm and kidney ail
ments. No woman who suffers with con
stipation or any liver complaint can ex
pect to have a clear complexion, ur enjoy
good health..
Uunyoo's raw-Paw .Pilla are a tonlo
tr the stomach, liver and nerves. They
invigorate instead of weakening; they
enrich the blood instead of impoverish
ing it; they enable4 the stomach to get
all the nourishment from food that is
put into it.
'Dieie pills contain no calomel, no dope,
they are soothing, bearing and stimu
lating. They school the bowels t gut
Without ihj WC, l'tist rtV
T X -- J. - IT
lulely false. He attaoks Mr. Robinson,
the present chairman of the board, and
shows that the Insinuations In the report of
the board were Inspired ty malice. It is
expected that the whole matter will be
come the occasion for bitter attacks and
recriminations In a few days, as the poli
ticians are taking It up.
Hepo-t on Pharntaey rmnmlMloa
The secretary of the State I'hnrmacy
board this week completed his report on
the fees of his office, showing that during
the last year the office collected a
of $40,791.36 In fees. More than $.10,000 of
this was collected from pdedlers, and the
department haa succeeded In greatly In
creasing the number of Itinerant drug ped
dlers who go about the state. The number
Is now much larger than ever before and
averages at least three to a county.
l.nltnr Men Rndorif llnl'.
Labor Interests have come out In endorse
ment of Congressman Hull, a letter having
been placed In circulation written by the
president of the typographical union at
Washington. In this It is asserted that
Hull has been a very warm friend of union
labor at all times.
lulU ou Sex l'robloms.
Mrs. B. F. Carroll addressed the State
Federation of Colored Women's clubs on
the subject of sex truth and purity In the
schools. Mrs. Carroll's talk was heartily
endorsed by the colbred women. Mrs. Car
roll declares that all the opposition to her
theories has only . Increased her determin
ation to go on talking.
lonn Nm Notes.
KAN'AWKA Mark Bunt a farm .hand.
employed on the August Fetter farm, was
iuiaiiy nurt wnen he fell upon the upturned
tines of a hay fork, which penetrated his
side six Inches. The load of huy on which
he was riding, overturned.
MARSH ALLTOWN But for his em
ployer, Henry E. Sundell. Andrew Hedge.
second cook In the Sundell restaurant, ould
have been burned to death earlv Wednes
day morning In a fire that partly destroyed
the kitchen of the restaurant and budly
damaged the restaurant itself. While using
Kerosene 10 itgni me lire, tne can caught
on fire, oil spread over the floor and be
came Ignited and In trying to put It out
Hedges' olothlng caught. His screams for
help brought his employer, who. after try
ing to beat out the flames, dragged the
cook Into the alley and tore his clothes
off before the flames had reached his body.
Well Known Lincoln Man Dlea In
Kew York Relative of Mrs.
J. K. Dauiu.
Omaha friends, of Charles L. Rurr of
New York will be shocked at -tho news of
his, death", . whloh- occurred at his home In
New York City yesterday. "
Mr.' Burr was the only son of L. C. Burr
Af Lincoln, where ha was admitted to the
bar some years ago. Shortly after removing
to New York, he followed the practice
of his profession, with great success.
His death was oaused by typhoid fever,
complicated . with pneumonia. Mrs Burr
Is a sister of Mrs. J. E. Baum of Omahri,
and they have one child, Lionel, who is
about 10 years of age. Mr. Burr was a
brother, of Mrs, John L. Meadows of Lin
coln. C. L. Burr was one of the leading young
men of Lincoln during bis residence there
from boyhood. ' He was associated with
his father in the law under the firm name
of Burr ft Burr before removing to New
York City. In tha east he soon established
himself, in practice which was successful
from the' start and at the time of his death
he was the legal representative of a num
ber of large business firms.
Is Your Health
Worth $1.00 ?
You can Improve your health
and appearance 100 by wearing a
Health Brace
The only Brace Without a Fault
Good health and good appear
ance are the best assets any one
can have. REBORN promotes
both because it compels deep
breathing:, expands thex chest,
straightens the shoulders, and
thereby increases the height.
REBORN is comfortable to wear
lightweight (3oz.) and washable.
. REBORN U Equally Effi
cient and Necessary for
Man, Woman and Child
price. 91.00
Mail ordtrt filltd. Give cAest maatunmwtt.
Tor Sale la Omaha by
and OWIi 13M.VU CO,
And at all good drug and dept. stores.
RmrA for our free book on Health and Keauty.
Reborn Co., 28 West 15th Street, New York
Coat and Pants
to order $20
i ,
Straw Hats now loom up on the
Summer Is here, friends! It really
Is! And you simply can't wisely dptay
your nummer suit order una day
The (act that this Is a tailor shop
where you really can (tut splendid
tailored garments maile-to-inoasuie
(or as little as )20 is the reason wa
ought to have your order.
Every garment guaranteed perfect
In fit and style.
Tailoring Co.
304-300 Houth 16th Kt. '
Near 10th and r'aruam 8ts. .
,' ;,. - -.- ..'I-'..:-
Attorneys for Lexington Company
Ask Amendment of Complaint.
It Maya that Callrast llonr Bleached
by the A) nop 'irorrit 'HIh
I'ntenf la Mot Mis
branding;. KANSAS CITY, May IC-Attorneye for
tho mlltrrs In the "bleached flour cases,"
filed a pptftlon In the United States dis
trict court today to have that portion of
tho governments' allocation charging false
branding stricken out, on the grounds that
even If the flour was bleached by the Al-
op proofs, that calling this "high patent'.'
flour docs not constitute false branding.
Tho petition was filed by . Edward r.
Snilth of Omaha, and Hrnce S. BUott of
Knnaas City, who represented the Lexing
ton Mill and Klevator company.
The argument on this petition will be the
first step in the case when It is taken up
for trial here on May 3L . .
On April 11, 1910, t sacks of flour were
felled by the government In a grocery
store at Castle, Mo. Tho government
then Instituted a test suit against millers
of Kansas and Nebraska, who had manu
factured tho flour to decide, whether the
pure food and drug act of 1006 had been
violated by the millers. This case will
come to trial hero May 31. . .
' Stato manager wanted for lowa or Ne
braska, y established old, Una life Insur
ance company. Highest contract. Don't
answer unless you are experienced and can
give references and bond. Write today.
H. O.. care Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs. la!
Bee Want Ads Are business Boosters.
PETERMAN9 B0AC8 FOOT) Kotiees from
their hidine olacet roaches. wtr him
beetle. Xhey eat It and die. Standard for
M years. ....... . "
and their eggs lntntly. A lure preventative.
1'ETERMAN'S ANT FOOD kills sots and
neat. Nothing ele to ture,
PETE ROMAN'S MOTH Form utnrt...
kills motht. A ture preventative.
At all detlera. . . latiit on Peterman'a.
For the Benefit of the Child
Saving Institute
May 27 and 28 Saturday Mat.
Night Prices... :..25o to $1.50
Matinee Prices ..i ...25o to $1
Omaha vs. Sioux City
May 26, 27 28, 29
Vinton Street Park
Friday,, May 27, ladies Lay.
' Game Called 3:45
paelal Car leaves lBth m rarnam Bta,
. ai teia
Big Wresfling r.laich;
Bill Rokaf t. Ben Pavelka
John HtUen vt. Arthur Pavelka
Friday light, May 27
. Scat Sale Sow On.
PsUGES . n... 4. .v.asa. 50e and 750
I 'J g6G
Starts 2:30
Take the children and enjoy a trip on the riverl Tlie"
big, commodious boat has been renovated and decorated
for the pleasure and comfort of those who appreciate de
lightful steamboat rides. " ' '.;: i.
Excursions Daily at 2.30 P. H, and 0:00 p. m.
The City of Peoria may be chartered by Lodges, Sun
day Schools or Anyone desiring a day's outing.
Ho liquors IVill Bs Sold on the Steamer
Troper conduct will be demanded from all pali
First . class music by Lagrotta's Orchestra. .
A spacious Barge is X'rovided for dancing. ' '
T I M K E tE T
SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2:30 P. H.
Biggest meet ever held in thla part of the country. Over 500 en
tries from about 40 high achools. ','',.
. (; ; EVENTS
100 220. and 400 yard dashes; one-half mile and one mile runs;
120 and' 220 yard hurdle racei; pole vault; high and broad Jurni.s;
twelve poind shot-put; twelve pound hammer throw, dlaqua throw and
relay races. ' ADMISSION 25 CENTS ' '
j.. i- . it.. iiM.Ls'i Dul Dmir Crt.. Hhfrinati A Mrfnnnplf'
lUKCl. uu n.JD a, m w.-t "
Drug Co., and NtudeuU
Uaa'aliaMSistValtJdfc diWUWaal I
. ffilmost every man
appreciates the fm
pertanco of careful
dressing cut he docs
not aliQays realize
that good clothes do
not depend on faxbrtobs
fabrics or expensive lin
ings to achieve individual
ity; quality depends largely
Upon craftsmanship and
finish and these features
ere entirety characteristic of
JBoUrke twcnty-ffVo suits and
raincoats. Corne in today, slip
on a coat, and sec for IjourszIF
tfje truth of oUr claim.
Spring Suits $i3 to$)
Raincoats ' $t$ to $30: .'
OUrfj hatoBo'jrke PnferraJ
1 is built to stand Wiar ani
Weather. JQH the new blocks
end colors. ,
n mmi iata 1 1 1
3 id South 15th Street
I? ,Jvyl
1908- 433.50 :
1909- 436. 00
1910- 458.50
The first two figures are what
two printers charged pne of our
new customers for a joh in
years past. ' .
Both printers .have since failed.
The third figure is what Mr. Jonas
will pay us this year. '
He says that, hereafter he is not go
ing to help send printers into bank
ruptcy but will let us handle his work
at 10 above coat.' '
Why not let us do the same for iou?
"Take Ton Printing to Tbe Times,"
Master Printers "
10th & Harney Phone Done. 2160,
With klobard Carroll and Qns Wela-
bnrf and 50 others. Beats todaf.
fane 8-3-4 .MJlBOAJIBT AZTOI.I1T
Extra Mat.
Itezt Week. The Soolety Comedy, 8HA.M
MagnlXloent Soealo vlTal of
IVlonte Crlsto .
ammar-Tlma VandeTUle Betaawn Acts.
I nnfl Beats 1(1 at lues., Thnrs,
,U09 a IUO ;,,a ,,1. Mat..
.J.- ah Weak. Tha WldelT read -itV.
EI.MO." Extra Mat. Mon. Saooration day.
P. Sunday
Omaha High School. f
f Peoria"