10 TTIE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1910. REAL ESTATE cirr rRorKKTi ron alb. (Continued.) 3 New Modern Homes 9 Walking Distance-Just Completed and Now Offered for Sale 2106 Sold This Morning 2102, J110 and 21L2 Grace bireet. These line attractive homes, containing six and seven rooms eacn, oak finish in par, or, (lining room and reception hall, maple floor in kitchen, upstairs finished in yellow pine. Mom up and downstairs papered with a cplendla selection of the latest designs of paper. Colonnade opening between parlor and trout hall; both eiectric light and Has., with combination fixtures; cement smewalka and paved street; within easy walking distance; convenient to sesool and stores. Fine for a homo or an Invest ment. i . Price 13,330 nd $3,600 each: Will make easy terms. Hastings & Heyden. 1614 Harney St A FINE KOUNTZE PLACE HOME 1816 LOCUST ST., $4,200 A beautiful new home, on fine south front Int. with terrace and paved street, cement walks, sodded yard. A full 2-story square house, with full basement, cemented floor, good furnace, nioe reception hall with front vestibule ana coat closet, open oak stair way, good siied parlor and dining room finished In oak with oak floors; kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor. One largo south front bedroom 20 feet long, with 4 windows and two closets; two good smaller bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; good stairway to large floored attic. All of the rooms are papered throughout and have fine combination lighting fix tures. The location Is very fine, one block from car, nice street of homes. The lots adjoining are held at $1,250. You could not possibly buy the ground and build this house as complete as It Is for this price. We can show this place to you at any time. It Is vacant, ready to occupy and possession can be given immediately. NORMS & MARTIN, Doug. 4270. . 23 Bee Bldg, THIS WILL INTEREST YOU $225 Down, $25 Ter Mo. $2,300 For a good 7-room modern house, In best repair, newly painted and decorated; nice lot on grade; east front; concrete walks; close to car line and in very pretty loca tion on north side. Also similar bargain In 8-room house and corner lot, south and east front, 2,80O. $400 Cash, $G0 Per Mo. $6,500 Fine double apartment of 12 rooms each. all modern, lot 60m0 ft., east front, on Bherman Ave., and west on 17th St., with space for cottages, flats or apartments. An excellent home or investment bargain. You ran occupy part of this and rent of bal ance will practically carry It. RUSSELL & YcKITRICK CO., 48. Ramge Bldg. ' 16th and Harney Sts. ; COTTAGE HOME ......$500 DOWN Look at 2648 S. SSth St, (Crelghton's First Addition), a swell, new S-roum cottage, strictly modern throughout except heat; oak floors In hall, parlor and dining room, and maple floors In bedrooms, bath anJ kitchen; fine level lot, sodded; cement walk In front of house and around same. Price, $2,1160; $500 down and balance monthly. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLATER, Bole Agents, 001 New York Life BIdg. 5 to 20 Acres Near Florence At Farm Land Prices These fine tracts are two miles west of Florence; just off level concrete road. Good for garden, poultry or alfalfa. Price $150 to $165 an acre; easy terms. WILL TAKE YOU OUT ANY TIME. GARVIN BROS., Doug. 52. Third Floor N. Y. Life. T. JORGENSEN., Florence 367. Florence. Near Field Club : $4,250 Very attractive, 7-room house, all modern, new, on 8. SCth; east front lot; handy to car. EASY TERMS to good party. It's cer tainly cheap. BEMIS PARK, $4,500. 8 rooms and hall, all modorn, very nice bouse, at 84 Lafayette Ave., built for a home and first class. Excellent view. See this at once. O LOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Room G-. Ground Fl. N. Y. Life. D. 3963. G-Rooms, Up-to-the-Minute Oak- and maple floors, latest resign In everything. Home of thorn as low as $2 50 only S6U0 down. Balance $33 per month. In eluding interest. , NOWATA LAND 4 LOT CO., . Sii N. Y. Life Bide. Red 11)99. 8-Roora Modern, West Farnam $3,200 Easy' walking distance and a sure bar gain at the price. Terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO 624 N. Yv Lite Bldg. U99i Choice lots In different parts of city $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. WV J. Dcrmody In r vestment Co., Tel P. 781 S36 N. Y. L. Bldg Two Lots Near Hnuscom Park . $0.0.00' On corner RSxlitt lnuM wwiio r.i. front. One block to car; wnt to 9cy . NOWATA LAND & LOT CO ?4 K. Y. Ufa Bldg. Ked 19. MUST BE SOLD Brand new 6-room house, bungalow style, large living room, dining room, den or bedroom, kitchen, pantry, refrigerator rwum, umn on iirst rioor, two fine bed rooms, with large closets upstairs; all nicely decorated. comhinAtlnn flvtura,. full cement cellar, furnace heat, large south front lot 5xlS0 feet; sodded, trees, walks; one-half block from car; $3,750, on yvijr vwy terms. . D. V. SIIOLES CO., 111 Board of Trade Building. " lttth and Farnam Sts. ' Tel. Doug. 49. Independent A-tO. SIX ROOMS New. modem, hot water . Kiumm ui, tvji in. win; lot mxio; La rooms, modern except furanoe: near !4th and Spencer; lot 40x127; nice place tor only 8 'rooms, t-story, modern eirept heat; lot 60x127. at 3m Wirt St.. $1,700. Lot 60x133, S. E. Cor. 35th Ave. and Cass, for only $600, W. IL GATES, 07 K. T. Uttu TtaL D. 1291 , REAL ESTATE CITY ritOI'EHTY roil SAL1 (Continued.) New Cottage On rovn AND NEW TAOR, VKUY PKK OWN TERMS. 33D LARIMORI-: AVE., KIX-ROOM VoitNKR PLEASANT COT LOT HOME. THIS 113 ABOUT QUICK. R H. Landeryou, 423 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. Ind. B-215L STRICTLY modern, brand new, two-story square house, 2.7W Maple, for sale by owner. I'rlcc, $3,700. $150 Cash, $20 Per Month Brand new 7-room house, full lot, $2,800. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1!9. City home for Omaha property. Call Doug. 640. 5-ROOM house on boulevard; big corner lot: also lame barn: will sell cheap. In quire 2419 8. 24th. DO YOU WANT TO 8ELL PART Of YOUR LAND! Writ a description of It, buildings, water, near what town. Make TO words of It all and send it to The Omaha Bee with 71 cents for each Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha He for real estate of ferings And thev get them In The Be REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 4.1.18 FOR SALE Arkansas lands, 23,000 acres, one body; depot on ground; also 88,000 first class white oak timber. K. Q. Wright, Berwyn, 111. Canada RIVERSIDE, Alberta's finest stock farm of 1,000 acres. Is for sale at a snap. For particulars of this and other farm lands write to the owner, W. J. McNamara, Wesaaklwin. Alberta, Canada. - CANADA WHEAT LAND 20,000 ACHES. BEAUTIFUL, LEVEL, RICH PRAIRIE LAND. Located in well settled district, near sev eral railway lines, 25 ml.es north of the United States boundary, In southeastern Saskatchewan; will be sold cheap on easy terms, in tracts to suit or in wholesale at a very low price. Full particulars on ap plication. N. HALSEY, 424 Endtcott Building, SL Paul, Minn. Colorado. COLORADO LAND3 Free homesteads, relinquishments Of Im proved homesteads, cheap deeded lands, fruit and garden tracts. 06.000 acres at edge of Denver, coming under Irrigation. Colorado's Irrigated land yields $300 to $700 per acre. Easy payments. Get a cheap, good home In sunny Colo rado. White for literature. SECRETARY. LAND HEADQUARTERS, 410 Empire Bldg., Denver. Colo. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH NO EQUAL IN THE MOUNTAINS, NEAR DENVER Here Is an oportunlty; seize It: dissolving a partnership; 500 acres, all fenced, of which 200 acres are cultivated; very richest soil; luO acres more can be cultivated; 66 acres of that rich timothy meadow, with numerous springs; 35 acres In finest arrow ing grain and potato crops;' excellent home buildings, with largest Al barn, worth $4,000 aione; me iinest saw, ue ana post timber, worth $3,500 easy; all Implements, tools. etc.; location unsurpassable; 3 hours from Denver. 6 miles to railroad; this place Is a sacrifice and must be hold: price S8.500. only 4.uvu aown, Daiance s years at 8 per rem; immeaiaie possession unusual sacri fice. Charles F. Lelmer, 1633 Champa, uenver, loio. RELINQUISHMENTS AND DEEDED LANDS ' Near Deer Trail, Colo., in the heart of the rain belt, shallow water, fine soli. Also deeded lands, town lots. Deer Trail Is the coming town of Colorado, 66 miles east of Denver, f arming land in this vicinity nro- duccs better crops than $50 to $100 lands In the east. It's up to you. Write us today, ask questions. The Deer Trail Realty to,, ueor j. ran, tjoio. CHOICE relinquishment on Crow creek, near new town af Ullcesdale: 100 acres. finest soil, smooth land. 140 acres ready for corn; deeded land adjoining held at $20 to an acre; relinquishments same Kind land in adJolntnar section sold recently at $10 acre; possible to Irrigate; to sell before may x, oiler at $450. Owner leaving Colo rado, w. w. ionmer, urover, uoio. FOR SALE SO acres fine farm land In Weld county, Colorado; price $1,000; terms, l-W cash, balance pn 8 years' time at 6 per cent, 'this Is a Dig snap. Stanley ai Barrows, 1541 Champa tit., Denver, Colo. I.mnil atnlr tnr an I. a t a ha gain; no trade considered. Write or call uu a. vr. uiuuiii, jiiiuerfc, ROUTT county, Colorado; bargains In water rights, 3 a. rel.. $u60; a good ISO acre ranch, plenty of water, $2,200. Writs me. N. A. Wright, Yampa. Colo. Indiana. FOR SALE Best Indiana bargain; 240 acres vass county, Indiana, 4 miles from rtoyai (..enter; i,u acres level, deep black soil, well ditched; balance timber, well set In bluegrabs; large 10-loom brick residence, modern; all outhouses; barn poor; two acres orchard; two deep wells; near school and church; telephone and dally mail; very desirable place; for short time only $72 per acre. Box 60, Kokomo. Ind. FOR SALE 85 acres first class farm land; located lV miles from city limits of bouth Bund; no trade considered. Address Happ & Taggart, bouth Bend, Ind. Mexico. HAVE short option on 10,000 acres of the most fertile land In Mexico; will raise corn, sugar cane, rice, oranges, nearly every thing; river flowing through property for five miles; double in value shortly; will bear closest Investigation; want party to furnish half of purchase money. Addreos 11. N. Nichols, 124$ Marquette Bldg., Chi cago. Michigan. FOR SALE Perfectly equipped poultry farm, 20 acres; Bure crop; not affected by frost, flood or drought; successful business 6 years; finest Chicago trade; investigate details; ill health. E. 1L Wets, bouth Haven, Mich. FOR SALE 80 acres on lake; 100 rods of lake frontage; this lies in sit,'ht of a beau tiful village; luke has fine sandy shores, affords fine fishing, bathing; 20 acres tim ber laud; is good for all kinds of grain as Well as fruit; this lays on two main roads, 11. F. D., telephone line; $1,200, $000 down; 2D acres in the eiigo of a village; 6-room cottage, largo barn, outbuildings, apple orchard of large, bearing trees; soil is a dark loam and a sandy loam, good for all kinds of crops as well as fruit $1,700. $200 down. ' GEO. BRIDGES, Banger. Mich. FOR SALE Michigan farms. No. 1 20 acres, cleared; small house and barn: some fruit; near town; fine fruit land; $1,000. No. 2. 40 acres, cleared; good house and barn; plenty of fruit; level, good soil; $1,250 No. S. 200 acres, rich loam soil; level; 4 miles Muskegon, city 35,000; $12 per acre; $1 per acre dowu, balance easy terms. No. 4. 456 acres; 200 cleared; good build ings; fine lake front; 150 acres beech and maple Umber; $20 acre. Others. Catalogue and list fre. Th Evans-Holt Co., Fre mont, Mich. FOR SALE Just on ths Market and Will Sell at a Bargain A fine Michigan fruit knd general purpose farm of ti acres; lo cated near Fennville, in the heart of west ern Allegan county fruit belt; only 60 rods from the Pere Marquette Ry, station; store, postoffice, church and fine school; best of oil; large orchard, good buildings, pure water, etc.; price only $3.5W; half down, balance to suit . For particulars address W. E. Stedman. Fennville, Mich. When you want wiiat you want when you want It. and want It la a hurry, ad vertise for .. In Ths Bco. REAL ESTATE FAR Bt A ft Li HAX II I.AKU FOR SALE (Continued.) M laaourl. FOR SALS 200 acres good land; good country, good neighbors; h acres rough in timber, balance rolling to level; 28 acres timothy, IS clover, 1W pasture. 2u hog pas ture, u5 com, 20 oats; 0-roum house and tenant house, shed barn, granttry (l.UUO bu, t other outbuildings; never falling water; land advancing 110 a year; tele phone, K. F. D. ; H0 per acre, or will price stock, crops, and give possession; 40 ml.es from Kansas City, & miles Odessa, on C & A. It. R. J. W. Uray,. Odessa, Mo. FOR HALE A good ten acres; buildings; some fruit; 6 miles south of St. Joseph. Price $1,700. 80 acres, grain land; good buildings, well and windmill. Price $4,u00. 10 acres, close to intet urban station; good buildings; partly fruited. Price $2,000. 19 acres directly on the Interurban rail way, miles from Bt. Joseph; good build ings, good soil, well fruited. Price $7,MM. Natural timber land lying directly on the banks of bt. Joseph river. Just across the road from Interurban station. Will sell In parcels to suit purchaser. This is a fine place for summer, bchuls & Pixley, bt. Joseph, Mich. Montana. FOR SALE 7.000 acres of land In eastern Montana; nothing better in Judith Basin. Dibble Land company, Madison, Wis. FOR BALE 10, 20 or 30 acres choice fruit land in Bitter Root Valley, Montana; under fence; 17 acres orchard; a. it. v. l. Co. water right; house, barn, Ice house, other buildings; attractive prices. Address Chan. A. Carney, Corvallis, Mont. Nebraska. 4fi0 acres, well Improved, all smooth, rich Best Farm Bargain in the State land, 200 acre farm land, balance excellent hay nieadow. Cuts 400 tons. $30 an acre for quick salo.. W. M. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Best 200 acre farm In Dodge county, Ne braska. Modern improvements; valued at $15,000.00. House has twelve rooms, two stories and bnsement; sewer, water, bath roams, telephones, and register dial for each room, and furnace, and also four fire places. There is an artesian well, with a water flow of 1,000 gallons per minute. Best fence In state on the farm. Will sell all or sub divide. Have option for one week. Price less than 1100 per acre. Wire or write at once. George Falconer, Fre mont, Neb. $4,000 will huv U section of land t miles south of Benkelman. county seat of Dundy; cood noil, level road and close to water. Box 262. Albion, Neb. Owner. North Dakota. 15.000 ACRES choice North Dakota farm lands for sale; any siio tracts. Write for booklet with full description. ALFALFA VALLEY LAND CO., Towner, N. D. FOR SALE A number of very good Im proved grain farms; rich black loam soil, clay subsoil; well adapted for raising wheat, flax, oats and alfalfa. H. N. Tucker, Courtenay, N. D. FOR SALE Section of fine Dickey county, North Dakota, land four miles from mar ket; one-half under cultivation and now In crop, balance now being broken up and will be seeded to flax; share of crop goes to purchaser; owner must sell at once; price low and terms reasonable, the biggest snap on the market In Dakota land. Write or call on Youker & Perry, Ellendale, N. D. Oregoa. DETAILED Information furnished con cerning Oregon and Washington. I am con stantly traveling through both stales ev amlng fruit and farm land Investments. Write me. W. G. Souther, The Souther Albertson Co., 286 Oak St.. Portland, Ore. Virginia. $10 PER ACRE and up buys good farm lands, , frequently with Improvements, In Virginia. Fine climate, water, markets and society. Send for beautiful Illustrated pamphlet, f arm .. Huts, rates, etc. F. H. Labaume, A. & I. Agent, N. & W. Ry- Box 110. Hoanoke, Vf.- ' - Wisconsin. FOR SALE 140 acres of land, 2H miles from Eagle river, Vilas county, Wisconsin; 7 acres plowed; one-half mile lake frontage; on town road; 250 rods of fence; cheap and on easy terms. Write Grant Lawton, Antigo. Wis. FOR BARGAINS in timber tracts and cut-over lands, better write us today; nothing better In the country. Grimmer Land Co., Marinette, wis. LAND FOR THE LANDLESS To the homseeker or investor: Why not In vest in Marathon county Improved farm and cut-over lands?- Healthful climate, produc tive soil and best of markets. Our cut over lands can be bought from $10 to $20 per acre; $3 down on an acre and balance In yearly payments. Write us now for particulars. aiaKe Known your wants. An drews The Edgar Realty Co., Edgar, Wis. Texas. FINE bearing peach orchard, Texas fruit belt; trade Nebraska. G. P. Stebblns. FOR SALE Altolma stock farm; 16,000 acres in one body, SO miei. of Austin, 6 miles of Leander, eight good residences, eight farms, plenty of grass and water: 100.000 cords of wood on land and good roads; $6 per acre, one-third cash. Other large tracts at an prices, isox um, w in teract, la. BARGAINS IN TEXAS LANDS. You are missing the best opportunities In the United States today If you don't get In touch with the bargains In the Texas rain belt (Houston District). Next fall and winter will be a record-breaker In the sale of these lands. We have the choicest list of these bargains from $5 to $16 per acre. In all sized tracts from 200 to 25.000 acres. Send for our list free. Address W. P. ROSS & CO., First National Bank Bldg.. Houston, Texas. $250 WILL secure option on 1,000 acres for 60 days. The biggest bargain in Texas (rain belt). Only $8 per acre. Greatest activity in property adjoining this, where large tract will bo developed and sold this rail at AI to per acre. This l.uuo can be turned at same prices. Best opportunity of the year for agent or buyer to make handsome profit on small amount cash, Anolv to owners for fullest particulars. C. S. Treadwell, 107 Dearborn St. Cochran & McCluer Land Co., Chicago, in. FINE bearing peach orchard; Texas fruit belt; trade Nebraska. U. P. stebblns. Miscellaneous. CHEAP FARM LANDS. In western Nebraska and Colorado. Writs for prices. NEBRASKA LAND COMPANY. Sidney. Neb. HOMESTEAD and high-class cheap lands. We can locate you on 320 acres of excellent homestead land in Oregon. Wash lnatcn. Montana or Canada. We can sell you good wheat or fruit land at from $6 pdr acre up, with terms. Acme Homestead end iteaity l.o., itoom o. onerwooa iag.. ill) jtrversioe Ave., oposane. wasa. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS.. $d floor N. Y. Life. $300 to $100,01) on improved property. No daisy. WANT ED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam bmlth & Co.. 1220 Farnam Bt MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. D. We ad. Wead Bldg., ihth ana f arnam. $Tj00 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real ustats Co ivuu jn. x. uii. uougiaa er A -2152. FlVJil PER CENT MONKT to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS UKENNAN. Room L New York Life Eldg. LOANS to borne owners snd boms build ers. with privilege of waking partial pay' menU seml-aiiuually. W. H. THOMAS. 60S First NaUonal Bank Bldg. LOWEST RATES Bemis, Brandels Bldg. FIVE PER CENT BONUS for sale. In amounts from $J0 to $5,w0; we eash them any tune. American bats beposlt Vaults, lit B. I J la, li Bldv REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR (, ( and 7-room houses. If prices are right we csn sell your property for you. i NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suye 626 N. T. Life Hid , SOUTH OMAHA J.KLEIN, The old reltaMe fanslly LIQUOR dealer. N. E. Cor. 26th and N. bts. WEDDING RINQS-We have them to suit the taste of everybody; come, let us show you our 14-k. and ls-k. rings at right prices. Jacobson At Furen Co., Jewelers, 4U4 N Bt., Bouth Omaha. THE most popular millinery store In South Omaha Is the RYAN MILLINERY, where prices and styles prevail. 519 N. 24th St. SWAPS NINE rooms, strictly modern; large lot; new; clear. Price, $7,000. Trade for land. PLEA 8 K give full description in first let ter. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Red 1999. WE HAVE $3,000 of an equity In a fins section of land nine miles from Lodge Pole, Neb., that we will trade for the same amount of Income residence property clear of all Incumbrance. Price of land is $12.50 per acre. It will take $2,500 cash besides to handle this and there la $2,500 can run three years. Tate tk Barlow. Lodge Pole, Neb. ' Three-story hrlck, business building, well rented, clear. Trade for good land. NOWATA LAND at LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 acres, rich, black soli; 135 acres smooth and till able. Nn Improvements. About S miles from McCook, ' Neb. $4,000, Want clcnr Omaha residence. We have somo choice eastern Colorado lands at from $7 to $10 per acre; worth j IT cent more money now and will soon double in value. 1! ESTERN UNITED REALTY CO., 3uS-39 Puxton Block. Omaha, Neb. Tnn.Rlnrv K 1. k, kuni. stores, rooming house and basement ail ..mu. uic, toi.uvu. win iraae lor land. NOWATA- T . a mti a. I rr 4 N. Y. Life Bldr. Red 1999. TAILORS MISFIT tallorr.d suits 135 and 140 values at $15. See A. Rubenstein, 211 Vi B. 14th St. Martin & Rubin, R. 21 old U. S. Bk. Bldg. G. A. LINQUIST CO., 236 PAXTON BLK. CORRECT styles in men's clothing are Ure to be had bv natrnnlilnir V.rl Thiol Tailor, 719 S. 16th. TRAVELING GOODS WE have' some specially attractive suit cases and traveling bags that you should see. Our leather goods are real leather. Aiireq uornisn & Bon, 1210 Farnam. WANTED TO BORROW WANTIT1 ivt1 nnRnnw tAAn n trjwi ... - I year. Will pay 10 per cent Interest. Ad drees. H-676. Bee WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE nald for . aacnnri-hnnH furniture, carpets, clothing and Bhoes. Phone Douglas. 8971. WANTF.n Ofirt W ATntrH urna iv.ii. tr telephone Douglas 1660. METROPOLI TAN FEATHER CO., 803 N. 20th. Best prices ' for BROKEN WATCHirs Old Gold, etc NATHAN, 211 So. 13th SL I WANT to buv n. B.rnnm nrtttnirA nr. more than $2,500; not colored district, and can pay cash for satisfactory property. W 619, Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, from October flr.t by responsible-party no children modern house In- Wear Farnam or Field club dis trict, with at least four bed rooms, not inciuaing main rooms. Address a Wa. Care Bee. We Are Getting Numerous Calla or nouses pi All sizes. Ust With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man, well acquainted In city, experienced, clean cut, wants position; collector or 'typist; correspondent; refer ences from foremost political men in Neb.; campaigns; anything. N 717. Bee. A YOUNG man who has had ten years' experience as a. carpenter foreman and as sistant superintendent, who Is thoroughly versed in all building trades, wants a posi tion wim a goou, reputaoie urm. u $uv, tsee. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Frank Walters, general manager of the Northwestern! 'has gone to Chicago on a Dusiness trip, ; Dan Fisher of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Dotty of Blair, H. F. Neu of Hastings, R. A. McEachln of Wayne and J. F. Wil son of Ansley are at the Merchants. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown of Cedar Ranlds. John J. Wagner of Lincoln, C. A. Myers or uenver, u. Diamond of McCook and G. A. Brlnkman of Geneva are at the Loyal. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood of Oerlng, C. oi. uuemner or uoiumbus, w. E. Van Dearmld of Alexandria, L. R. Rhodes of Fort Collins and. E. A. HanBon of Decatur are at the Henshaw. Ora Haley of Laramie, Nelle W. F. De Belle of West Point, O. 8. Newoll, Ruth Newell of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Brooks of Seattle, C. F. Bushman of Loup City and Mrs. J. H. Davenport of Milner, Idaho, are at the Paxton. United States Attorney Frank Howell. United States Marshal W. P. Warner and Deputy Marshal George McCallum have returned from Lincoln, where they have been attending the session of the federal grand Jury for that division. . Mr. and Mrs, George Slnton, Mrs. C. Ell of North Platte. A. KalHer of Spalding, J. L. Wheeler of St. Edward. E. C. Graves of Raymond, S. D., E. V. Everett, Mrs. M. O. Gillasple of Murdock and E. J. Kelso of Carleton are at the Merchants. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Maximum Steamship Luxury Six Days New York-Paris Compazine GtWralc Trans&tlanHque Elegant mod vn express steamers 'eve New York for Havi , Thursdays 10 A. M. 'Express train connections for Paris and all continental points. Passengers have the comforts of famous hotels superior cuisine, palatial suites, mag nificent salons, orchestras, gymnasium, eleva tors, roof gardens, daily paper and every desired luxury. - Naval orhcers; man-o'-war dis cipline. Safety Is amply provided tor by wlrar fcaa and submarine bell signals. ( La Lorraine June 2 La Lorraine June 23 La Havole ..June 9 1 La Havoie. . June 80 La Provence June 1(1 La Provence.. July 7 Additional amlllnn at ti cabin prlsae slMrnsu BAtanlari br popular one cIaas tAbla mmumts t to tut M. ... t. a. KCTVOLDI, 1903 Tarnam W. B. SOCK, Aft, O. M. ft St. JT. By. IK. O. aBTIBX.Bg, 1601 rarnasa CI I.OV7JI , rtrat (rational Baas. HAMBURG AMERICAN All Modern Safety BstUms (Wireless. eta. London-Pa ris- Hamburg tAmartka.Jun 4. v m.l CitlAn4 J una Pre. Grant J una ar( WalilanM Jurn 1 licluinl juu llitKU'n Aug. Vic.Juua n lI'toiiAjrlvAiila June liUlurbar Juna t tUiu-Curllun U L'axla KMiauranl. lUlliLurg dlrttl. Hajnbu.g-Aiiierh on Line, ti B'way, N. Y. vr Local Agents. AU1-U-U-.4-2. U ll'o'TAKtN ME TrIRtt WEEKS TO 'tCCH THE BIRD-BUY GUESS SHE'S V-U FMGHT j MOW" I'LL. HIRE BOV. TO DEUVER HER, "TO I DOLBY'S 'WIFE I'LL WRITE LITTLE. NOTE AND, IE IT YO THE BIRD'S FOOT HELLO- r r OLD DOLBY"? GUE.33 HI2 VICE. MUST HWC K&PT HIM HOME Tormr i .... VotAVTEP.- COLD I ' - - - - I RE OPEWtq T ! nu.-rua- nrr tivn ii I ywrtc- itH 1 COPYRIGHT. 1910. B r- M m h . :wi IY ALL HrTVCR SAW P ) fo YOU NOW- ' THE: BRC.Y - v Ji'&r, LID' j"" WQrjrf ' J U YO Yp CRUE1L 1 j j How to Keep Moths Out of Upholstering in the Summer To prevent depredations by moths and other Insects In a house closed for the summer, cleanliness Is necessary, as spots on fabrics and dust or dirt on wood at tract household! pests. If the dirt alone were not reason enough for applying soap and other cleansing agents, there is the added fact that washing or airing will ex terminate Insects. It Is not too muc'.j to say that every Inch of wood which is not In the light of day should be washed with ammonia water and soap. All bureau and dressing table drawers should be emptied, wiped carefully with a wet cloth and then put Into the sun for an hour or so to dry and air. Fresh papers should then be put In and every article that has been in the drawers must be shaken and aired. The fact. that garments are not of a ma terial that moths will attack Is no reason The DailyBumblx Bee VOL. I. THE) BUMBLE BEE. A. BTINQER Editor NO AD3 AT ANT PRICE NO BAD MONEY TAKEN. Communications welcomed, and neither signature nor re turn postage required. Ad dress the Editor. 8. a. O. This Is her reason. A dream of Innocent wis dom; learned In the lore of the written and unwritten sciences made by man; full of fudge and a sweet belief In her teacher and her proud parents; as pretty a picture as ever was seen, she stands, robed In purest white, with all the world at her feet and eager to do her homage and acknowledge her sway. The Sweet Girl Graduate! Long life to her, and may each year bring her forth anew forever. Don't Knock. Whatever else you do, do not knock. Perhaps you do not like the way other folks do things; that Is no reason why you phould stand on the street corners and fuss about It. Did It ever occur to you that perhaps those folks think they know what to do and how to do it? If they are wrong, Bet about to show them In such a way as will not start a row. But don't knock. I. idle Locals. Te Editor saw the comet at Lincoln last Monday night. It was worth going to Lincoln to see. Charley Saunders says he Is still counting noses; Charity would like to hear from any body who hasn't been regis tered. Arthur Brandels is watching them eggs closer than ever now. They are In the refrig erator. Grand Exalted Ruler John son of the Ancient Order of Hay Tossers, was over from Chicago. He visited the local lodge, snd expressed to Deputy Grand Ruler Sanborn his admiration for the quality as well and the number of the membership. POUlBtE rA LVTYLC. FrVT MAJN wtr side: DO VOU IVHl2rsEP.S LOVE ME SENT Hir CEORCC- TOVOO- , OO VOU? DISV - WHE. rriKirft r.FORCt OLD &PORYT! s-iAm- mlv t r i-i OPOWIfSED oe BOYTLfc- YE-KIBLC t H-H YHE'NEV. YORK ljji&tM$RAM (NEW YORK for omitting the precaution of shaking them, for there are buffalo and other In sects that like cotton as much as woolens. Lavender flowers, or a few drops of oil of lavender In chests of drawers act as preventives. All heavy draperies must be sunned, as veil as brushed and shaken, before being packed away for the summer. Bilk cur tains should be carefully brushed or shaken to remove dust before laying them away. If there are woolen carpets on the floors and the rooms are to be darkened, special attention must be given the floor coverings. For example, the carpets should be swept and then wiped with a heavy cloth wrung out of strong ammonia water. Then the windows must be opened to dry the carpets' before camphor, tar balls or other moth preventives are scattered over tire rugs, etc., and ground Into the nap OMAHA, MAY 27, 1910. YE EDITOR SEES YE "HOLY CITY" Spends Several Hoars and Forty Cents at the State Capital. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 27.-Vla Burlington Freight.) (Delayed at Ashland by a Passenger Train.) Ye Editor visited the "Holy City" on Monday and Tuesday and part of Wednes day of this week. He hopes to get over it by the middle of next month. The occasion was the annual gathering of the editors of Nebraska for a convention of the Nebraska Press associa tion. It gave us great pleas ure to be permitted to Infest Johnny Miller's tavern with oui presence, and Johnny evi dently thought so, too, for he did his best to make it pleas ane for all who came. We shook hands with many veterans of the press, who have grown grizzled, but not old, while publishing papers in Nebraska; building up the state and making other pooplo wealthy, all the while satisfied if they got board and clothes out of the game. Ye Editor is a Queer duck, and seems to think It is all right if he can get out a good paper, no mat ter whether he gets anything out of the paper or not. Among others who were there was our old ct liege chum, Asa Bartlett Wood, who nas elected president for the ncxl year. Here's luck, Asa, and hoping that you'll be In Omaha with a nice little re port when the boys meet there next spring. We also met Johns from Wood River, the one man In all Nebraska who can collect dues from the editors and keep on good terms with them. Also his books balanced. John Donavan was there, too, John must be intending to run for office some time; anyhow, he showed the visi tors that his heart Is In the right place, even If he didn't own the hotel. The editors were all Im mensely pleased with what they saw while at Lincoln. They learned from ths mayor KEEP Y0UE OLD MILEAGE BOOKS Bumble Bee Joins with Supreme Court la Its Late Decision. The Bumble Bee desires to congratulate the editors of Nebraska that the supreme court has decided that it is not lawful to trade adver tising space for railroad mileage. This Is In accord with the eternal fitness of things. The editor of The Bumble Bee foels that when the edi tors of all the papers every where quit trading advertis ing space for anything, but demand cash for services rendered, and the privilege of spending that cash when and how they durn please, the era of an independent press will have been established. Editors no longer trade sub scriptions for cobs or pum kins; why should they trade advertising space for any thing, and least of all, for a mileage look, that too often carries with it an implica tion that tho editor Is some what under obligations to the railroad that Issued It. Keep your old mileage books. The supreme court Is right. how sweet and beautiful It Is to bo a citizen of the cleanest and purest community In the world. After they had heard what the mayor had to say on civlo righteousness aiiH had drank of the sweet waters from the city's plunt. and breathed the Inspiration of the wide and beautiful boulevards and shaded lawns, they, too, felt as If It really were the New Jerusalem, and wanted to live there always. It Is only the fear that some of them might not be able to measure up to the standard required for permanent residence that kept the editors from giving over all other arrangements and taking up their homes. Maybe If they will lead the right sort of life from now on, and not do anything really wicked, when they die their souls will bs permitted to go to Lincoln, B n, Ja DEK HTYLE WIFE -VOU FOR, PrOsRvROT-PLEE CCEFT THIO UTTUt (WHATirt TVIUMOESt - hello DOCftTHIO WHERE,'t in. tj.j GIRLVHft- i HERALD CO.. AS Rlfihts Ruervil by walking on the balls. Closet doors in rooms tightly closed must be opened so more air will be admitted and the retreat be less snug for moths. Whatever arteles are wrapped in news paper should be done so that no persistent intruder can get Into them around the edges and tse safest way to accomplish this Is to turn under the edges of tops and sides twice before tying the bundles. : ; itugs are nxeiy to go mrougn tne warm season In good condition If laid flat on the floor, putting plenty of moth preventives over the surface, as ths carpets are treated. Supply and Demand. There'd be no peekaboo stocking Or peekaboo waists, so to speak. Nor yet any peekaboo garments Were there no peekaboos to peek. -T. E. M. t a. NO. 1S8. WU INDEIISTAXD That Mayor Jim lsn'L wor ried any over the reporfthat his old friend. W. J. B., Is out for prohibition-. That Tom Blackburn Isn't loosing any sleep over it A That the Water board 1 a little anxious over what news may come on Monday, That the railroads are still running. . That the Trade Boosted really had a good time on the trip, even If Dave O'Brien and Clark Colt were along. That Doc Tanner Is going to be a regular editor now. That Goud Diets is going te work up another automobile carnival for Ak-Har-Ben week. That the report that the Omaha musical circle had de cided to unite is untrue. MAY MUSIC. The frracklu calls from the old cottonwond; The catMrii calls from the thicket; Tho May Music Fest has now beiiun Better get in line for your ticket. The rohln renders his solo at daw n, Inspired by the crow of the i Hthters ; Tho voi&e. of the mower rings out on the lawn, And then om,s the boast of the "boosters." Far off in the woods the cuckoo's call- Gives the, tip to our wise weathe prophet; And the wren keeps warbling htr little one tune And no one asks her lto stop It. y ' The frogs In the marshes are all tuning up; Mellow notes resound f r 4m the "wtllers;" , While June-bugs make for the bald-headed row. And ring in a fkW of their thrillers. N. T. There Is a certain type of man who demands rapid transit even In tne purfuit of happiness. Montmorency J. One of the mont effective methods for do ing away with gisy hulra is t shave your scalp and Keep shaved. ( L Tahitha M. Ainmits ubfi 0J( the toes la a sure psr'aiW) for corns, but it Is rt "-tv III rough on the toes