THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 24. 1010. r' i. 4vAB0R AT COSPEL MEETING Ten Thousand Industrial Worker. At tend Presbyterian Service. UNIONS SEND BIQ DELEGATIONS Mwhtiln and I.nhorrrs Mnrrh to Ike flail Tin Thmnsan "tronn; WnrklRK Dr la Called Tod ' I. abb;. ' ATLANTIC CITT. N. J.. May M.-Ten thournnd persons filled the auditorium of the "Million Dollar Pier" today to attend thn mass meeting for labor, the greatest popular meeting of the Presbyterian Gen- j Chief Donahue was asked tral assembly. Charles F. Nael, secretary New Police Rule is Laid Down by Chief Donahue Plain Intoxication Not to Be Treated as Serious Offense By Officials. Chief Kohler of Cleveland. O.. wss a prominent figure at the recent convention of police chiefs, owlna to the amount of discussion his "Kolden rule"'- methods of police work, propounded at the last con vention, aroused. "What do you think of this jolden ruler1 of commerce and labor, did not appear to deliver his" scheduled address on "The Con servation of National Life." A slight Illness ivas given ns tho reason of his nonappearance by Congressman Ben nett of New York, who declared that he was speaking for tho cabinet officer when he said that the national turmoil over con servation of forests and national reserva tions la not nearly as Important aa the conserving of human life throughout ths 4 n:ntry. Congressman Bennett hinted that "the ctimlng report of the commission on lm niinialion. which has been studying con ditions In American factories, Is likely to create a sensation In the number of pre ventable deaths caused In factories." Industrial "W"rons. Rev. Charles fctelale, superintendent of the Department of Commerce and Labor of the V) Presbyterian chinch, suld that, "When .10. 000 Industrial workers are killed every year, It means that there Is something wrong In our Industrial system." In some caes It Is nothing short of murder. The railways of America alone hill nearly 12,00) people every ytar and Injuro 120,000 persons." "The present working day, from a physio logical standpoint, is too long," continued the Rev. Stelzle. "It keeps the majority of men and women In a constant state of over-fatigue. It leads to the craving of means for deadening fatigue and Induces drunkenness and other excesses." Officials of the Atlantic City Central La bor union led a delegation of 2.000 mechan ics and laborers, who attended the meeting. Moderator Charles Little preached his an nual sermon at the men's religious meet ing, held on the steel pier, and appealed 'for the return to the simple life as a pan f cea for modern Ills in both Industrial and ' social life. ' World's C'hnrclies t nlte. WASHINGTON, May . 23. Churches in every clime ' echoed the precepts of the World's Sunday Schoojl association, which Is holding its sixth convention at Washing ton, by the observance through a common form of service of the World's Sunday School day. In this city, the scene of the convention, services were conducted in all the Protest ant churches. The devotions began at 7:30 this morning, when in many of the churches the sacrament of the Lord's supper was ob served. ' Delegates fron. the executive committee of the convention visited every Sunday school and ther were missionary rallies for boys and girls during the afternoon, and In the evening missionary meetings in more than 100 churches were addressed by ' foreign missionaries fresh from the field. The work began with a sunrise prayer meeting at a hotel, at which the Rer. S. D. SSweim-r, for many years a missionary In AraA. ;,P.';Sldcdr, an(l, pray.era ,wera made for -ill..- Moslem world. ' All the services were strictly international In their oolor. , Practically every Protes tant denomination .was represented and It was estimated folk of fifty-one nationalities were gathered. Some of the foreign workers wno spoke at meetings were: Prof. Alberto Clot. Italy; Prof. J. R. Chltambai1, India; Prof. T. II. Yun, president of the Anglo-Korean school In Korea: the Rev. N. Tamura, Japan; the Rev. N. E, Pressley, Mexico; Francis Con pell of tho Stockport (England) Sunday school, the largest' In the world; George Wlnslone, New Zealand; the Rev. Aqulla Lucas, West Indies; the Rev. J. Paul Cook, Algeria;" the Rev. J. Monroe Gibson, Lon. don. Cupid and Girl Pitted Against Irite Parents Kansas City Heiress Sent to Europe, But She Still Lores William Fairleigh of St. Joseph. "Golden rule!" lis replied, with an ex clamation. "Why, It Is stmplv common sense, simply allowing the police officers at the station to' exercise the common sense with which the Creator has endowed them Instead of having them obliged to abide by a fixed rule without the opportun ity of a shade of variation from It. "Let me give you an Illustration of what I mean. This (Saturday) afternoon a man was brought Into the station drunk, but not incapable, while I was there. He said he was a farmer from Iowa and bore every evidence of the truthfulness of his state ment. Now if that man had been held un til Monday morning, look at the nneaslness of his family, end all that could be charged against him was that when he came to Omaha to spend his money for the bene fit of the traders of the city he happened to take too much liquor. Wou! it have helped the Improvement of the man's char acter If he had been kept In a veil at the police station until Monday. I don't think It would. Consequently, I had the man put on a car and sent to the depot. Now. 1 think that man's experience with the Omaha police will have more effect, mor ally, upon his character than If he had ben Immured In a cell for two days. "This Incident will give an Idea of what police methods should be, the methods which have come to be known by the pic turesque name of the 'golden rule.' But there are difficulties and those difficulties will add to responsibility and be a test of the discretion of the officers at the police station. "For Instance, an officer picks up a man drunk on the street; it would not be right that the officer should send that man home before he brought him to the station. Sup posing that man had money and had lost it, would not the public be Inclined to sug gest that the officer had helped himself. These are among the points on which the application of the 'golden rule' must be safeguarded. "Therefore, what I mean by the golden rule in a practical aense la that a man who has worked steady throughout the week should not be placed In Jeopardy of losing his Job because on a Saturday he may have crossed the border line and ren dered himself liable to arrest, detention and appearance Monday morning under bond when ho should be at his work. The very fact of that man having to break the con tinuity of his work on Monday morning might mean he would go on a spree that would not end for the whole week. It Is a knowledge of this fact that has led me to give thought to the 'golden rule,' or rather, as I should call It, the common sense police method." " ' Big Family Party Sails Briny Deep Twenty-six in Group Bide to Dock in Twelve Taxicabs Passage Costs $5,000. ( NEW YORK, May 23. One of the largest family parties .that has ever sailed out of this Dort. and certainly the biggest that M'l in- the first cabin of a liner, departed yesterday on the Hamburg- American stemier Kalserln Augusts Vic torla. It was composed of General Ismael Montes, Bolivian minister to France, his five daughters, three sons and the wife f 'one of them. Besides the Montes there aa tno imer-in-iaw oi n iuuiaicr, mme, Zalles, with her husband and nine other members of tne Zalles family, most of them the wives of sons, who are remaining for - the time In their South American home. It looked like a small army when a dosen taxicabs brought the family to the Ho boken plr and mo.-e than two trucks were required.' to take their bmisage trom Man hattau to the ship. There were five serv ant? In the party and this swelled the num ber to twnty-slx. The party took up lit i.n iiiatorooms and their passage cost nearly 16,000. ' GIRL HAS LOVER ARRESTED llnnkM Tonnst ' Womnn Meets Plane at Hnllwnr Station -With ,Detecv. CHICAGO, May 23. Miss Mayme Ryer son 'played detective so successfully that today she was able to hand over her former fiance, Walter Kutrchled, to the police when he arrived here Horn San Franolsco. Roth 'are 21 and their homes are in Mil waukee.' v Miss Ryerson aconses Kutrchled of .ob taining t30 from her a week ago by false pretenses. Brie learned of his whereabouts efi wrote him, offering forgiveness and at&lnsT hltn to return.. She met him at the depot today in company with Detective Gorman of Milwaukee, who placed htm t'?r arrest and returned with htm to Mil waukee tonight. Tornado Season Opens in Illinois Twister Turns Houses : Bottom Side up and Uproots Giant Trees. CAIRO. 111., May 23. A. tornado which snuck Cairo at 6:40 o'clock tonight demol Ished four homes, damaged a dozen more and destroyed several barns besides tear ing up many large trees by the roots. No fatalities were reported, but one woman was badly bruised and several persons slightly Injured. The house occupied by Henry Smith was lifted bodily from its foundation, carried about fifty feet northward and landed bot tom side up. Mrs. Smith and three chil dren were in the house and the former was painfully bruised while the children were slightly Injured. xne nome or Arthur Llnguest was car rled by the wind 100 feet away and landed right side up, but badly twisted. The oc cupanta escaped with slight Injuries. While members of the family of William Wise were at supper the storm lifted the roof so suddenly they did not realise what was happening. A large barn was carried 200 feet and landed on a coal shed. Other houses lost porches and several were un- roofed. The tornado appeared to be about 100 feet wide. PARIS, May 23. Love and the gal ties of Parts are waging a merry war for the heart of Miss Emily Keith, the Kansas City heiress, whose marriage to William Fairleigh of St. Joseph, Mo., was prevented In New York ten days ago. Miss Keith will not tell reporters how the battle Is going, but Just smiles a knowing smile that means much. She is to be seen in the shops and at resorts where leisure loving Americans gather, seemingly a happy as a lark. When Miss Keith and her sister, Mrs. Henry Koehler, also of Kansas City, reached Paris, it was understood that they had come for an indefinite stay until the young woman should forget her love ffalr. But she gave a pledge to Young Fairleigh to bo homo and marry him be fore July, so the American colony Is watch. ng tho battle of love against folly with genuine interest. , Miss Keith and Young Fairleigh are said to have first met at a social gathering In Kansas City. It was love at first sight and very ardent love, too. The' girl's fam ily objected seriously, it Is told here, chiefly because they were Roman Catho lics and the young man's mother Is a Christian Science teacher. Be that as it may, a European trip for the young wo man was quickly decided upon, and chap eroned by her sister. She was hurried to New York. Cupid had no thought of be ing so Ignomlnlously cheated, so by the time the unwilling voyager ' was an hour on her way Young Fairleigh, too, was speeding for New York. The lovers met, arranged for their marriage by the rector of the church of the Holy Cross, and then let the cat out of the bag by inviting the chaperon to witness the ceremony. Somewhat sensational scenes followed fast, resulting in the young couple break- ng away and hurrying to the house of the priest. Quickly Mrs. Kohler escorted by her brother-in-law. Captain Koehler. U. S. N., and others followed, and at the altar continued their pleading with the girl. At last she yielded and sailed away, but at the pier she waved her lover goodby and shouted: "My love cannot change I will . become your bride on June 29." New King Begins Rule with Deed of Forgiveness George V Grants Eemission of Sen tences to Prisoners Issues Letter to His People. LONDON, May 23. King George has com menced his reign with an act of clemency, granting remission of short sentences and reduction of others througout the kingdom, these including the army and navy. He has also issued a touching letter f To My People," expressing grateful appreciation of the affection, and loving - devotion . the nation haa shown In the face of "a "sorrow so sudden and unlooked for that it might well have been overwhelming. - "But the sentiment it haa invoked," con- tinues the king," "has made me realize that it ia a losa common to me and my people. They share it with me; I do not stand alone. With such thoughts I take courage and hopefully look' to the future. strong In my faith in God, trusting my people and cherishing the laws and con stitution of my beloved country." It is announced that King George Intends to maintain a royal racing stable at New Market and a breeding stallion at Sand rlngham, and that he will patronize rac ing on the same extensive scale as his father. Newly Wedded and Bereaved Prey of Swindlers Men Charged with Sending Packages of Cheap Jewelry Collect Sev' eral Received in Omaha. CHICAGO, May 23. Leon Kewney.- said to be a member of a well-to-do Indiana family and related to the nobility of Ger many, Is under arrest here on the charge of operating an extensive confidence scheme. The police say he confessed and Implicated two other men, who. are being sought. Sorrowing relatives of the dead were the particular prey of the alleged swindlers, but sometimes newly-wedded persons were defrauded. Business Is said to have been done under the name of the Itoline com pany and all transactions were based on death and marriage notices appearing In out-of-town newspapers. The "company" owned a supply of cheap jewelry. These articles, . In neatly ad dressed packages, were sent to the dead of other cities always "collect.". The de liveries were so timed as to reach the house after the day of the funeral, and the first thought of the survivors was that there was some sentimental value clinging to the article and the deceased. . The bill ranging from 15 to 120, was gladly paid without examination of the contents. In the case of newly-married persons the Impression was that It was a present from somebody who forgot to pay for the goods and the bill was usually paid. A federal agent was sent here from Washington to work on the case. De tectives iouna a letter in wnicn the ex ecutors of James T. McClurg, who died recently in uenver, sent tne "company" a check for $12 in payment for spectacles. The business was wldespraed and all th big transportation companies held pack ages returned . from Omaha, Denver, St. Lculs and a number of other cities. Kewney Is a man of GO. He says his sis ter married a German count of Hamburg. Germany. " " it Is believed that tne same game, or one similar, has been working In. Omahs At' the Pacific Express company's office package was ' shipped to Mrs. Mary O'Gorman "on March 6, with instructions to collect $10. The package, which ' was supposed ' to contain books, came from Overton, Neb. It was returned to the agent at that place after It was ascertained that Mrs. O'Gorman was not alive. Tho name of the consignor did not appear, but the Instructions were to return to Overton if not collected. Mrs. O'Gorman was one of Omaha's well-to-do women and died at her home, 2109 Nicholas street, on Feb ruary 28. A C. O. D. package for $5 was sent from Elm Creek to P. Cants about the same time, and the express company ascertained that the person to whom the parcel was addressed was dead. Another was sent to Harry E. Smith, which called for $5. The last two packages were ordered re turned to Overton If not delivered. This move on the part of the sender would In dicate, so the express company , officials believe, that the alleged swindlers were moving from town to town, sending the packages from small Insignificant places to the big cities. ''".' , Inquiry at the local express offices failed to divulge any Information concerning the Itoline company. '" ' Autos Flock to Motor Speedway Forty-Five Cars Damaged in Eaces at Indianapolis Scheduled for Friday. . OTHER MAN WAS ARRESTED Explanation of the Embarrassment of Georgre Robinson Over an Item. George Roblrson, with the Velle Auto company, was surprised one morning last week to read In The Bee that he had been arrested the evening before In Council Bluffs and was at that moment In Jail awaiting a preliminary hearing on a seri ous charge. While Robinson was shaking himself to see if It were he or not he, his friends were busy finding out Just what sort of blunder the authorities had made and how they had made it. Ii turns out that two George Robinsons, up to last week, were In the employ of the Velle Auto company. One was from New York, with few acquaintances here; the other is an Omaha man, son of Charles Robinson, with Byrne & Hammer and fa vorably known in Nebraska. When the Nw York Robinson went wrong and felt Into the clutches of the law an explanation of the whole affair be came necessary immediately. And every body was satisfied. INDIANAPOLIS, May 22 Forty-five cars. representing seventeen makes, are entered for the race at the Indianapolis motor speedway, which will open Friday and will continue Saturday and the following Mon day. The entries are expected to run over fifty before the list closes Thursday night. Tomorrow many of the cars will begin "tuning up" on the polished brick course of two and one-half miles. Some of the manufacturers have entered from two to ten cars In the long list of events open to subdivisions of class B, stock chassis cars of from 160 to 760 cubic inches piston displacement and most of the celebrated drivers will contest In these events its well aa in the S, 10, GO, 100 and 200-mile races, free for th powerful cars that are not specifically classified. The referee will be Louis Speare, presi dent of the American Automobile associa tion, and the starter, Frank Wagner of New York. C. H. Warner of Beloit, Wis., will operate the electrical timing machine. GIRL'S AUTO RUNS' DOWN MAN Toartaar Tar Driven By Minneapolis ".. Woman Kills Stork ' Broker. J ST. PAl'U Minn., May 13.-8. B. Shot well, stock broker, wan run down and killed by a touring car while on his way boms from the ball game. The machine was I driven by ills Theodora Stuart, aged 19 " y'Mc'of Minneapolis, '.who was accorq podvit' her mother and sister and two f ritiv'Mlss. Stuart is being held with out bail pending Investigation. PHYSICIANS UNDER ARREST Dr. la., P. I.. Jolly of Hambirg, Chined With Mnrder of Mrs. Perry Xoblit. CRESTON. Ia.. May 23.-(SpeelaI.) As the result of the death of Mrs. Perry Noblitt of Hamburg, last Wednesday night, and the subsequent suicide of her husband, who, crazed with grief over her death, shot him self. Dr. P. L. Jolly, a well known physician of Hamburg, Is under arrest In the city Jail at Hamburg, charged with the murder of Mrs. Noblitt. It Is alleged Jolly per formed a criminal operation upon Mrs. Nob litt, causing her death, and a note was found after the bodies were discovered In dicating that this, and the husband's grief over the manner of the death, was th cause of his suicide. All the parties are prominent there and the charges have cre ated a big sensation. An American Klaa Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and cold, remedy. 60c and $1.00. Beaton Drug Co. Bntlrfln Permits. Jamee Kalar, lv South Twelfth, frame $1,000; Charles Woodland. 2310 South Thirty . m - -i . t t . . . . ' mim irMuv, a,wv. naaiiuas m niydttn liut Valley, frame. $l.Guo. Violent Earth Shocks Felt at Salt Lake City Country Bocks for ' Thirty Seconds- Damaging Homes and Dis turbing Slumber. SALT LAKE CITY, May 23. Sunday morning slumber of this olty was disturbed by a violent rocking of the earth, which lasted apparently about two seconds, al though the seismograph at the state unl versity recorded a disturbance of thirty seconds. The earthquake was quite sharp and caused considerable damage to crockery chimneys and old adobe houses. The tremor was local, being confined within a radius of fiity miles. Slight damage Is reported from the towns of Bingham and Garfield. The shock oc curred at 7:28 a. m. and was followed by two other shocks, one at 8:88 a. m. and the other at 11:24. Local scientists say that the shock was caused by the slipping of a great fault at the base of the Wasatch mountains east of the city. When this movement Is com pleted no more quakes will originate in this valley. LAWRENCE. Kar... May 23. The seismo graph at the University of Kansas recorded an earthquake this morning from 1:37 2:15 o'clock. Prof. H. P. Cady, who ' ob served the movement, said: "The quak appeared to be about 2,001 miles dlBtant. It had all of the characteristics shown by the recent disturbances In Cnsta Rica." KILLS SELF OVER LOVE OF GIRL HE HAD NEVER SEEN Kansas City Youth Jimpi Into River When II Falls to Hear from Sweetheart. KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 23,-Love for a girl he had never seen caused Thomas Clnd rleh to commit suicide by Jumping Into the Kaw river here today. Cindrlch came here from Ogulin, Croatia, a few years ago. Becoming lonesome he appealed to Mrs. Matthew Bldnlck, the wife of a fellow countryman, to find him a sweetheart. She described several of her friends who were back In the old country and Cindrlch selected the- one he thought he would like to marry. Mrs. Bldnick took up the young man's cause, and I courtlnr the rlrl hv m.n . , - -- - - -" wui her consent to wed the bashful and sad dened young man. Eighty dollars with which to pay the fart to this country was forwarded the girl. That was three weeks ago. No tidings came from Clndrich's fiancee. He became despondent, thinking she had died. For three nights he did not sleep. Hope deserted him. Instrument Factory Burns. ELKHART, Ind., May 22. The plant of the C. G. Conn company, said to h been the largest manufactory of brass band Instruments in the world, was destroyed by fire; today, entailing a loss of $600,000. An employe was burned to death. matter what AJj-gPfl you pay, air ffPL there is tfW rynolhing Jt w J k JtJl bettepfT Mify tha i rt lAe out CHAMPAGNE it duUghtu Mm fnsas mttordj ju(jiI pMtMrf. MM wrnao iv. EST? L Bro ??a5 Opes not Color the thialr AfcJ,?;.rf1'..'-.0?"'j Preparation. BP- George Gibson of tho Pittsburg Nationals . .itrMA CChampions oi tne wonuy led the League as catcher with a percentage icu "re - a . nther ratrher of .983 and caugnt more Bamc w. . fast year. He writes us that he is enthusiastic about 1 You,' too, will like Coca-Cola, because it relieves fatieue, refreshes, .,.. f,- tWt and is absolutely wholesome. . Delicious-Ref reshing-Thirst-Quenching 5c Everywhere booklet "The lrna mini' " ; .. . .u r . Truth About Coca-Cola" and the Coca Cola Baseball Record Book for 1910. The latter contains the famous poem "CaseyattheBat," records, chcdulc$for both leapie and other valuable baseball information compiled by authorities. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola MMIMIiaMSs ... - !4r$ I j J rt i Ia 1 i )l. ij -- ,W .i-fW.. .1 NAtjft -I I i 1 V- wit " I 1.1 -l--. 5 iwiisiD SlFLki TN ANCIENT ROME a wife X could divorce her husband if his breath were impure. The daily thorough use of 0 Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Poivd not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth without in jury, but imparts purity and fra grance to the breath, removing instantly the odor of tobacco. fnwnmnaSBJBmnmnjnmnjnnnnim $1&&AA Suction Cleaners """ i r " i i i i ii 1 "' i t iiir"iiiiiiiiiiMniniiiiiii.ijiBiLjNii iimijuii hii hm s i ml. iisjutiMSL i 1 . Every Three Minutes There is one death from consumption in America every three minutes. ' This is a known, published fact. Dust is the greatest pri mary cause of consumption another known FACT. Brooms RAISE and SPREAD dust just aa surely aa m "Peerless" Suction Cleaner takes it all away and DOES NOT raise it These are both FACTS, and now ' as a foresighted man and woman ' what are you going to do about the DUST in your home ? Hlustratrd bnok and addmt of wares i P&ERLESS start sent on request to Manufacturer Outlet Company, Mfgu. f Sab to 89 Chambers Street. New York Tlit compauy. Crchard fc Vrilhelm Carpet Co. Omiha, Nab. --rtn. i. n.. v,. '4;pv.nV.r.rf-.. t - -.. : r? Thirty years of rSs ff ; cigar wisdom in the It r.;: .t -.ivs' - '. ' i rarn k-iH 4ft! J r. m . 8 f v A Wonderful Remedy for all Diseases caused by URIC ACID IN THE DL00D ti .,. , f I nese pills cleanse the whole system and brintf limi - nui sense o( health and strength. The manufanfurra. Rl,ln & Copp Co.. Minneapolis. win send you a sample ab solutely free. The regular price is $ I a bos. For sale bv Myers-IJilloD llrug Co TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ideal Farm Jonrnnl. Jr. 's' "i' iKhftitldn't if-hrhct? 1 " ' (sagged, so the demandV; L 'f I SUiihzs never lagged. Buy At wi one and see a nickel grow I lmnortant. Bin , ! 'i'-.A "Now made In two shapes. ' ; , s Tiie Pcrlecto you Imow p J una new. '-' jr, -i- r:;-f' . ... IJW. I . .Ill II .,11 ROTHENBERG & SCHLOSS. jOiatrlbutori Kansas City, Mo. Sterling Tires are biggest for their rated size. Put them on the scales with any other and you'll see one reason why they wear best. Sterling Blue Tubes are higher in price, but have no competition in quality. Method of making is patented no other can ever be as yood Dealers everywhere. Booklet. Sterling Rubber Works. Rutherford. N'.J, for Sule bjr I'uxton it GUglicr Co., lUtU Street Viaduct. Oiuuha. .