Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1910, HALF-TONE, Page 3, Image 19

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Augustana Synod is Soon to Celebrate
Fiftieth Anniversary
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REvrr. a .xnsPE h
L .P-ESOKW. ph.d..x.-d
ArratrsxANA College. anx Teeoiogical. SEnnosKsr
k : - C' V I' r V
II B , i .
cjuicago, rrriHE SfikSOfffiM'
of which ajdoustatta.
itrst' started
EGINNIN'Q Sunday, June 6, The
Auguktana Synod andAuutana
College and Theological Semi
nary at Rock Island. 111., will
begin a two weeks' celebration
In commemoration of the f lf-
tlcoa for a reunion t all Its former mem- desire to help his countrymen In the ,far
bers. The Augustana military band will off country, Rev. Eebjorni settled with his
a'.so be greatly augmented. These musical company In Andover, 111., which soon be-
organlsatlons will furnish the- music during came a large center for the Swedes. He
the two weeks' celebrations, besides the soon organized a church there and later on
aolo numbers on the program. other churches at Princeton, Mollne, Hen
The history of the Augustana synod Is a deruon and Ualesburg, -111.
moot Interesting and fascinating one. From j)ut rjr. Esbjbrn'a work was not limited
humble beginning It has grown until It has to Illinois alone. In the spring of 1851 he
become 'the greatest body In the general undertook a Journey to the eastern Btatos
council, of which It composes one-third, and to suiiclt funds among the English and
a great power for the enlightenment of German-speaking Lutheran people for the
, the Swedish Lutherans In America, it has erertloii of churches In the " newer and
united the scattered Swedes of this ooun- ,,0orer western settlements. In Boston he
try as no other organisation. Little did was introduced to the famous Swedish
the founders of the aynod who met In the sinner. Jenny Llnd. and received from her
re a gift of $1,600. With the money he gath-
little church at Clinton, Wis.. In 1860
tleth anniversary of their birth. April Zf. alixe that the organliatlon of which they ered ne erected a church at Andover and a
1910. marked the fiftieth milestone in thA were laying the foundation would assume framo chUrch at Mollne, 111. One of those
history of the synod and the college, aijd..uch enormous proportions and develop in wno wa of great assistance to Dr. Esbjorn
though the occasion was fittingly cele- tna manner which It has. Little did they . , ,., rf r, v vnr..
realise what an Influential Dart it was to u... n..i . . t,.a
T! i-1?1?;! Vn HrVtZ ' P"y ln the h"t0r ' tb Swade" Amer' President of the gyr.oJ. Together ' they
, ..I.'lan.d' "I" t" Lutheran church. It. has alked or roda b6twetu the Boatter.d Bet-
proven to be a mighty power In uniting the tiemenU assisting their . countrymen in
Bwedea Iff this country and in establishing every way. They were tireless In their ef
a system of schools and colleges founded jortlli and sacrificing comfort, they set an
on Christian principles, where their children exampie for their brethren.
imam uuLmn a, inorougn eoucaiion.
It Is often forgotten that the Swedes
brated with memorial services at that time,
ynod holds this year's session and where
the college la located. It will be the
greatest celebration ln the history of , the
ynod and thousands of vlsHora are ex
pected to be present, coming from nearly all
the states of the union. It Is estimated
that at least 4,000 persons from far off con- '
m l
if if
Tregatlons will be present and that at some
days the number will be much greater. Of
the 1,082 oongregatlona belonging to the
ynod each one is entitled to two dele
gate. Beside these delegates scores will
were among the early settlers of this con-
About this time It became evident that
a stronger church government was neces
sary for their existence,
who oes a RtPResenTATwt
at the jwtnuM church and
appointeo By KING GC7STAF V
in i
GVSTATiOTKEEN.PH.D. - president of
" 7
- -TM
was stationed at Chisago Lake and P.
Carlson at Carver. A little later J. P.
C. Boren took up the work at Red Wing.
Beside the small means at their disposal
The privations and sacrifices of the min
Isters were great and It is hard for th
present generation to understand how thejr
could bear it. The present president of tha
moy oiien naa 10 De on meir guara ior synod, Dr. E. Norellus. lived at Vasa.
the Indians, who often annoyed them. At Minn., In a single room, which hIho served
times they were compelled to leave their
dwellings and flee from the prairie Into
the towns with the Indians at their heels
and their houses in flames behind them.
The spiritual status of the different con
gregations varied exceedingly. Here is a
as church. The furniture consisted of a
bureau, a stove and a bed. Later on they,
moved to better quarters a house pro
vided with a tent-roof. When It rained
they slept under an umbrella. When thejr
moved to Red Wing there was no room tor
- .ijii
. la
wn, from those Pl- t b. Pt " church work ln th. country. m
visitors. Special train, will be run from llIlml8rant, that arrlve(J ,roJ th
tineut and that they had churches eutab
lished here as early as 1&!8. But the
"Gloria Dei" church at Philadelphia and
the "Old Swedes church" at Wilmington,
Del., are still witness, of their earliest
the neighboring towns, .uch as Galesburg, "" "7r " ; ir" ,
- - " . . . .. Country ln 11)38 were several nulura am
aTVswsh .mmediately upon landing they established aul.t of
throughout the land will celebrate the flf- churches where they might worship. The ,
tleth anniversary of the organisation of peop'e aim.
vnod and the establishing of their central "-uum "ul ul a sememeni wunout
hool of higher education.
Extensive and elaborate arrangements
have been made by the synod and the col-
noithern settlement: The men gathered and
went from place to "place to punish Indi
viduals and "apply the law." One man
waa trying to appropriate the land of a
widow. He was driven out of the settle
ment, whereupon the whole crowd plowed,
' ., . T . .' . . m. ., . . . .,,. lh. sowed and fenced ln a considerable posl-
the diocese of Lund, Sweden, to become Rev. Krland Carlson, another or tne
T., u..Qll. tnoh rhni ir of thl Work llu" "l l" V
picture of the discipline exercised within a be hadf and ,n all good falth a man to,4
Dr. EbJorn. tneir pillftor
le Norwegian ftnil Brrivprt I
pastors, met wun the Anglian Lutheran The COmine of this man marks an eDoch footing. With unabated vigor tills
therefore, together with some Norwegian and arrtVed in 1852 and at once took charge, after Uaaselqulst had put it on a sure protect her rights. After It was ail done.
me commmee uw& a ivw onou auu
them: "I don't know anything else but "
for you to move Into my pigsty for tha
present." It was a new one, however, and
had not been used for Its purpose as yet.
But his hospitality was not put ln requisi
tion. In the year 1860 the Scandinavians with
drew from the northern Illinois synod and
organized an independent synod. The
held a conference in the Swedish Lutheran
congregations In northern Illinois at Ce- ln the history of the Lutheran church In labored in Chicago for twenty-two years, "spend an enjoyable evening together. This church of Chicago. April 23-25. This step
darvllle In the fall of lnol and organised Amprli-a. He an unusuallv well irlfted receiving a salary of 1350 during the first of course, was more on the order of "vlgl- n,ar,B a new beginning in the hlst.irv ot
the Evengellcal Lutheran synod of north- mani witn rare ability to organize and with years. When he was offered $400 he replied lance" than of evangelical church disci- the Scandinavian Lutherans of America,
em Illinois. an untiring woiklne caoacitv. Kariv in the that he could set along on 1350. PUne; but their motives seem to have been At, tlle meeting at Clinton. Wis., whur.
Meanwhile the congregation at
Gales- year of 1853 he organized a congregation The work of the church now reached good, and It had at least the aesirea ei-
in the rapidly growing city of Chicago. Minnesota, where Rev. P. A. Cederstam lect.
a cnurcu. ineir cnurcnes prospered as
long as they had thtlr paHtors among
them, but gradually their ministers dimln-
lege authoriUcs for a fitting celebration ltned ,n number, some returning to the
Some Specially Culled May Time Flowers from Storied Urns
of the anniversary. Every day will be oc
cupied with progress and about three ses-
oia country ana oiners aied. Having no
other way of getting ministers for their
ions will be held daily. Invitations have congregations, they petitioned the king to
been issued to all the larger universities end em Pastors, but the troublesome
and colleges of this country and Sweden tlmes ln the old country at that time made
to send delegates, and favorable replies W impossible for the king to graut tneir
have- been received from most of them. Petition and they were compelled to gel
The universities of Sweden will send their 'nK witnout any clergy, on this account
most representative men, the Upsala uni
versity sending its president. Dr. Henrick
fichuck, - widely known as a scholar and
auiofity on the literature of the middle
anew- The representative from Lund waa
to be Dr. C. J. W. Thyren, but word was
received last week that on account of
urgent business at the Swedish Rlkdag,
of which he la a member, .he oould not
Another representative will come to
laoe. The representative from the
An Appropriate Text.
said k, New York banker, "aiked
me one Saturday aft?rm on a
good, blblcal text to base an
addrujs on.
" 'I'm thinking,' he sail, 'ahout
the churches were gradually closed und utaullful verse lrom the Tw.nty-third
filially went over to tne Episcopalian l'aalin "The Lord is my Shephuiu, i enil
church, ln w hose possession some siul ru- not want.' "
face, Mr. Blank?' his age seemed about 119, the company sent
""Profile, by all means,' was the reply, a special agent to his home to make' sure
'The curve of the stomach gives a dignity that James Montrose ln his proper person
to the figure.' "-Philadelphia Bulletin. waa really getting the annuity.
"The agent found James Montrose, an
One !ot lu tuo Ulble. aged m&n Dut hale, making a chicken coop
"We wero Invited to dinner the other il,l.Lvard
h & pis
main. Such was the first chapter in the
history of the Swedish Lutheran church in
The second general exodus of Swedes be
gan In the forty-fourth and forty-fifth
years of the lust century, when several
families arrived from the southtrn part of
Sweden and settled In Sheboygan, Wis.,
Swedish church will be the venerable and New Sweden, la. A beginning had
bishop von Scheela, who has been here been made and several other families ful-
twlcs before. He Is without doubt . the lowed, but did not settle close losthose
most prominent man In the church of the that had come before, but scattered
old country, and the college authorities are throughout widely separated parts of the
much pleased over the fact that the king new country. Tneir experiences in
" 'lieautlful, and appropriate,' I agreed.
But, Rockefeller, there is even a better
verse In tho eame pslam "Tnou anoint
est my head with oil; my cup runneth
over." ' "Cleveland Post.
la the Land ol Itapld Travel.
"The tiain crews of the southwest, from
sheer necessity, are made up of men able
to take and appreciate a Joke," says former
Councilman L, C. Carran. "Otherwise the
droariness and monotony of their lives
might kill them.
"1 was on a train ln Arkansas recently.
evening, my wife and 1," Bald a Staten
Island preacher, "by some people who had
Just moved into the parish, inadvertently
my wife had allowed the maid to go out
" 'Are you Mr. James Flagg Montrose?'
he asked.
" 'Yes, sir; I am,' the old man answered.
Are you the Mr. Montrose who draws
the final organization of the synod took
place, it was also decided to establish a -chool
of their own and Augustana
college and theological seminary, now lo
cated at Rock Island, 111., was founded.
Rev. Hasselqulst was elected president of
the synod and Prof. Esbjorn president o
the school. The school was first located
at Chicago, but later moved to Paxton.
111. Rev. O. C T. Andren was sent to
und the ex-president whose rush around Sweden to gather funds for the new school
the capitals and courts of ' Europe has and succeeded well. The sum raised was
turned all utlention from the approaching 40,000 crowns, or 110,846.45. The king, Carl
comet. The parallel Is rather to bring out XV, donated over 6.000 volumes that had,
the Incapacity of the public from top to belonged to the library of his father. In
bottom to sue greatness when not set forth 1875 the Institution was removed to Roclf
with sonio striking or sensational element. Island, 111.
The course of going straight from the In 1870 the Norwegians withdrew from
White House to thu wilds of Uganda was the Swedish Augustana synod, united with)
too much out of the common not to hypno- the general council, organized in 1867.
that day, waich involved the consitierat-on tne llnuUy from th l)ush company?'
and howled out soma sort of gibberish
a. we came to a stop.
" 'What place la this, please?' I asked
the conductor.
" 'Place? , 'this ain't no place,' he
aid, and good-naturedly, too, at that.
"This is Just ono of the habits of the
ildents of the nlns educational in- tiresome and often dangerous travel over engineer, w nenever he goes so many yard.
ntutlon. belonging to the Augustana synod the endless prairies, lu canal boatu and
he stops Just from force of habit." " Clevc
land Leader.
appointed von Scheele. He was present In strange land with a .tiango language and wh" the biakenian came through the car
IBM at the WOth anniversary celebrations of customs were varied. They spent months
tho final establishment of the reformation at sea, tossed about In small sailing ves-
ln Sweden, and during this visit he made sels, suffering ail manner of hardship
many friends wherever he went. The pi em- from storms, sickness and sometimes from
dents of the various Lutheran synods of hunger and thirst. Hundreds died on the
tho country will also participate, bringing way. But their miseries were not at 'an
greetings from their respective synods, and tnd when they landed. Then began tho
ivhe pre!
will also be present. prairie schooners they found their way to
Be.ldea the. scholars and church men settlements lu Illinois and other western
there will be many other prominent men state, ln 1864 came the terrible cholera
taking part. Governor Eberhart of Minne- year. It I. estimated that about two-
sola and Governor Charles Deueen of Illi
nois are on ths program, the former taking
part in ths session which has been called
"Greater Augustana," held ln the evening
of Juns 1. Judge Peter S. Grosscup of the
United States circuit court of appeals,
Chicago, will be the college commence
ment speaker and Chief Justice Harry
Olson of Chicago will also speak.
Ths Rev. Dr. K. Norellus of Vasa, Minn.,
president of the synod and on of the early cam the financial crisis and many of the
plonM-s. will be the main figure at the settlers who had a little of their savings
third, of the immigrants that arrived that
year perished In the plague. Many literally
walked about and died. Serious times were
coming. At first men worked for W cents
Friends lu Uota Places.
Mark Twain, the humorist, had friends ln
tin city, and uiie of them, a woman who
was his hostess at a dinner on his last visit
to Philadelphia, telU the following story;
"We weie talking about the future life,
day, while th women worked at 10 and nd th8 various kinds of reward and pun-
26 cents a day. One of them wrote in No
vember of the above year: "Twenty-three
of our small company have died; the rest
are unable to work; our means are gone
and winter is at hand." Three years later
syn.Vkal Jubilee. Though now an old man,
being SO years old, he is quite active and a
staunch pillar ln th synod.
A fecial auditorium seating over s.000
poj& has Just been completed on th col
lag campus, and arrangements ar being
mads for extensive decorating of the beau
tiful College boulevard and all the streets
leading to th college grounds.
All th classes that have graduated front
th school have anrangad for reunions, as
have also th musical organisations. Th
rgeat musical reunion will no doubt be
reunion of th Handel Oratorio chorus.
which,, it is estimated, will number clos
to JuO members. Thl. chorus will render
ln th banks lost air they had.
Th eastern and central states next re
ceived several group of immigrants.
We find them settling ln Sugar Grove
and Jamestown, along the borders of Penn
sylvania and New York; at Chicago, And
over, Rock Island, Mollne, Galesburg, I'l.;
at Burlington, la., and Chicago lake, Mln-
lshmcnt that might be expected in the next
world, and, Mr. Clemens took no pari ln
the discussion.
"After a few moments of conversation on
th part of the other guests, and com
plete silence from the humorist, the woman
sitting next to him turntd to him and said:
"Well, Mr. Clemens, aren't you going to
tell is what you think about future pun
ishment and reward?"
" 'I must ask you to excuse me, madnme,'
he replied, 'you sue 1 have frienas lu both
places.' "Philadelphia Times.
o my hoy, who Is Just 6 years old. My
wife telephoned asking If It would be agree
alle to bring the youngtter. Of course the
new parishioners replied that they would be
deiigutcd. So we went.
"At dinner 1 was asked to say gi-ace,
and not satisfied with this the family be
gan to repeat In, turn a passage of Scrip
ture. The brevity of the beatitudes seemed
to make tho most popular eppeal, and when
my boy's turn came I saw a twinkle ln his
eye, but was scarcely prepared for what
followed. With a look of extreme piety he
lolued his hands and exclaimed: "
" 'Ulesaed are those who sit on a tack,
for they shall rise again!' "New Yoik dun.
Where Was Jobuf i
A San Francisco woman, whose husband
had been dead some yean, went to a me
dium, who produced the spirit of her dead
"My dear John," Mid the widow to the
fplrlt, "are you happy now?"
"1 am very happy," John replied.
"Happier than you were on earth with
me?" she asked.
"Yes," was the answer; "I am far hup
pier now than I was on earth with you."
'Tell me, John, what Is It lik ln
"Heaven!" tald John. "I'm not ln
heaven." Llpplncott's Magazine.
I'lult's t )iiU-nl Wit.
"The late Senator Piatt." said an Albany
legislator, "had a cynical wit. Talking greatest civil wars ever known. He must
about a politician who had changed his have passed through Europe unnoticed had
" 'Yes. Blr, I am, and my father before
me,' said the old man." Detroit Free
Press. $
Epigram ou Experience.
The late Senator Piatt had a whimsical
way of wrapping his views of life in neat
A New York Jurist once said to Senator
"My son wishes to marry a chorus girl.
Give him sumo good advice, won't you?"
"No," said Senator Piatt. "Advice is
worthless. We learn only by experience."
Here he smiled sadly.
"And experience," he said, "is, alas! a
comb for a bald head." New York Sun.
Grant's Tour and Hoosevelt's.
Correspondents of foreign newspapers
following the trail of Colonel Roosevelt
draw novel pen pictures of the event and
occasionally Institute comparisons. In the
latter class Is the Paris correspondent of
London Truth, who contrasts the present
tour with that of General Grant, thirty
two years ago. He says:
"Tho lour of General 11 runt, when ex
presldent, lound the cupltuls and courts
of Europe was humdrum and iiulet, and
indeed Just nothing comparedto that now
made by Colonel to give him his military
title Roosevelt. Yet Grant turntd the tide
of victory from soutn to north. He brought
the United States In safety and without
a L'aesanst wind-up throufc'.
tiz all lookers on, Imperial, royal and
The London Times correspondent, duxed
by the whirl, sends to his paper this
grimly humorous dispatch:
"It is one week since I Joined Mr. Roose
velt's expedition It seems many a year.
For the correspondents who have followed
him from Gondokoro time has long since
ceased to have any meaning. Since Febru
ary 2, they have toiled after the colonel
In heat and dust, have risen at 6, after
working till 2. They can only trust the tele
; nort
.". V
, H
' t
. J
The men who have served the synod as)
Its presidents are Dr. T. N. Hasselquist,
18o0-18;0; Rev. Jonas Swenson, 1870 to his
death ln 1873; Dr. E. Norellus, 1874-1881; Dr.
Erland Carlson, 1881-1888; Dr. 8. P. A,
Llndahl. 1888-1891; Dr. P. J. Sward, 1891-1K, i-sjna
and again Dr. Norellus from im to tho-:!;.-:
present time. 'f-t
To give a brief review of the history of ;n
the Augustana synod it might be stated r.tit.i
that when Dr. Esbjorn, on March 18, 1850, .-.rn
organized a Swedish Lutheran congregation ntis
graph office to know the names of the ln Andover " consisted of ten corny
places, th month and the date, for they - "L ' " ' oa
.1-. no lnn..r rtaln nf anv of th... thin. "U"D ioOT- "" weJB "yiU DWeaisa
They wander
ally, after one week 1 have bea
certain or any of these things. , ' ,-
in a kind of dream. Person- cnregations with seventeen pastors and
e week 1 have begun to doubt i447 communicant members. According to ,'
the glamour of a fireman's life. Waiting to
Jump for a motor car when the alurm may
be given in two minutes, in half hour, or
not at ull Is more fearing even- than wait
ing for a flying man to fly. -
"This Is Indeed a singular adventure
upon which w are engaged. It is useless
to pretend that it lu not a royal progress,
for what further marks of distinction could
the latest available statistical
covering the tlmo up to January 1, liHJt), th
synod then consisted of 163,473 communl- '"
cant members, with a total membership oC '''"J
254,645. The number of congregations waa '"d
1,0!2, and of ministers, 611.- The value of tha"'"'1w
church properties was $8,077,862, and th
total annual expenses were $1,607,200. Trier
wer $.144 students enrolled In Hs nine edu
cational institutions. Its charitable In-
,., . - . 1 , ........ I n
. . , . . ,, , , , , . . t stHutlons consisted of eight orphan homes,
royal trains, to dwell ln kings' houses, to be . , . " ... . .. .
party, he once said to me:
" 'Circumstances alter everything polit
ical views, religion, even health.
" 'Why, I've got a friend w ho is afflicted
not the different monarchs lie called on
lnvlied him and Mrs. Grant to dinner. And
they did this without going out of th
ordinary course. Not a soul noticed Gen-
welcomed by kings, queens and princes, to
drive in state carriages amid flags and
cheering crowds, and to have trieards of
warships manned for him?
"And It is not only the ex-presldent who
is honored as if he were a reigning mon
arch. Mrs. Roosevelt, with her charm of
quiet dignity, is honored euually. Her
one of th bright, unspoilt, at. i active son and daognur
are honored, too.
"The whole affair is quite unique. One
is constantly wondering what it all means."
Dost Counts Ihe Honrs.
Promptly at 4:30 o'clock ever morning
( th.
congregation as early as 1S4S. Being with
out a minister they appointed on of their
own to serve as pastor. Boon trouble arose
and tho cxistenc or not of th concresa-
the Jubtlca caulat written for tb occasion ..rion. imi .t thi. ini,,r.
Ilia Idea ui
Prof. Ludley A. Sargent. Dhvslcal du
nesota. At this tlm no organized church eftor 0 Harvard. aid recently that the
work existed among the immigrants, but fer,:aie figure was Improving mure notably
ths lack of a shepherd was keenly felt. In than th, maies.nd no wonder, mc3 wo.r.a.i
New Sweden, la., the settlers organized a took heelihy exercise whl. man slaved In
every morning that man sleep as sweet
and .sound as a new born babe when his
wife crawls over him to start the fire.' "
Rochester Herald.
That Me tiled Ills Kate.
Superintendent of Insurance William H.
Holchklca said at a dinner ln New York:
four homes for th aged, three hospitals.
two deaconess Institutions and two im-.
migrant homes. Its missionary activities-
home, foreign and Inner mlsalonsv-ar car
ried on extensively, and its publication
house, the Augustana Book Concern, Roclc
Island, with branch offices at Minneapolis,
Chicago and New York, is doing a great
work in th Interest of th synod.
Augustana college also celebrates its fif
tieth anniversary with great festivities la
June. It is thst largest educational Insti
tution of th synod, embracing also its on'y
theological seminary. Dr. Gustav Andreen
Is its present president. He Is a man of
untiring energy and has don a great worlc
for the school in personally leading th
movement for soliciting the $250,000 endow
ment fund that is Just being completed. It
is to a great extent due to his sacrificing
" J lf
'. CJ
an office.
"To look at om of our men," said Prof.
Sargent, "you would believe that senti
ments like Blank's were universal.
"Blank, a fat millionaire, waa arranging
... J-X, . . .... . .
U--,f i rjTaU .d,oru Zin .i M R'v"- Ejb3orn n1 Hanelqutst cam. and to hav his portrait painted. Th. length- annuity holder against whom the charge
T- sa r aucceedea in restoring oraer ana narmonv. three-auarters was settled and then the
in inapei onoir, com- Him two men became the nlllar. nf th luimrr Mid:
pos8 ouiy ol trained volcas, has sent no- caurch work from now on. Actuated by " 'Anaahall the view be profll or
with Insomnia ln Its worst form, and yet eral Grant on the boulevards and ln th John Paeaner, a farmer at Beverly, N. J.,
Rue dt la Palx as he sauntered to and arises and begins his day s work. He does
from the American bar to take a glass of not bother about alarm clucks any more,
whiskey as an appetizer before each meal, for be places more reliance In his hound
His instinct led him to keep his goods on dog Spot, who sleeps outdoors and who a
the back shelves of his store. That of few minutes before 4:30 begins an unearthly and Incessant labor for the placing on a
ex-President Roosevelt Is to show them howl. sure foundation th college of which h Is
well ln the front window. Rut few persons Paeaner knows from experience It Is use- president, thst Aug-uatana will forever
thought Grant Interesting until he revealed less to try to prolong his sleep, for the be the central institution of learning of th
" are not so many people buying his great character and tender nature in dog's yelps will not cease until his master synod. Its rank Is high among college
annuities from the Insurance companies as his last Illness from a cancer In the throat, comes down to him. and many of its alumni hold prominent po
thers used to be. This, perhaps, speaks well In that time of sore suffering he wrote Paesner gives a simple explanation of sitlons in church and state,
for human nature. An annuity holder, you his memoirs, not for any egotistical satis- how the dog became such a reliable alarm. One of the finest libraries of its kind in
know. Is spt to be selfish. faction, but to assure a fairly good In- When he used the clock the first thing he th country Is now being built In the mem-
"I heard th other day, however, of an come to Mis. Grant. Th pen to correct would do after getting up would be to see ory of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. A. Denkmann,
nd revise only fell from hi. hand a few if Spot was all right and throw him a plec-e late resident of Rock Island, and donated
lfishness could not be nought. hours bofor the fatal moment. of meat. Th dog now look, for hi. bicak- by their .on. and daughter. The cost of
"Thl. man lived on and on. Year after "Think not that 1 want to draw any In- fast at that hour, and for six weeks has the building will be considerably over $100,.
year his annuity was (.aid. finally, when vldloua comparison between General Grant not varied five minutes in tlm 000 when completed.