a HE BEE: OMAITA, SATURDAY, MAY--21, IDiO. Its Just Such Saving Values as We're Offering Saturdays That Make Hayden's Omaha's Most Popular Store I; X V ' r I i .4 ' Your , a A Millinery 7 Millinery of Any Trmmed Haf Unre- stricfed Choice Just Half Regular Price Not a Single Hat Reserved. All Marked in Plain Fig ures. Choicest Assortment in Omaha for Selection. $2.75 UNTRIMMED SHAPES, CHOICE 98c -Hair and chip braids in black and burnt. An immense variety of up-to-the-minute styles, actual values to f fl g $2.75, on sale while they last, Saturday H O If choice, at V W U - Greater Opportunities Were Never Offered. Big Shirt Sale HIGH CLASS UARMKNTS AT AHOCT HALF ACTUAL WORTH $2.00 and Kliirta . . .Q8 Very finest materials, all styles, colors and patterns; ilutn or pleated bosoms, with or without collars, on sale, at 08 fl.OO ami 1.50 Shirts ...49 BlKgeat assortment and best val ues shown anywhere ; all Btyles and colors, at 19 Men's Four-in-Hand Wash Ties v25c values, In plain white and colors; neat stripes and figures in mercerized satin and madras, choice, at 7H THE RELIA3LE STORE , ! y Eig'Sale of Men's "Insured" "Never UfCE "Darn Dam" ill DL. proor aegular 35 o Pair ataes Fine mercerised ilnle. in black and tan full faHliloned, made to sell at S5c. A big" speotai purcnas on saio BIX PAISS rOB ONE DOX.X.AB If you wont a ral nap In hoslory take advantage of this big Saturday special. Men's Summer Underwear and Hosiery Specials Men's I'nion Suits Extra quality lisle and mercerized, white and colors; special values, pvr suit, now at ..$1.50 and 82.00 $1.00 1 Mastic Seam Drawers - Special Saturday 50 Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers Valued to 11.00 o garment, cnl - ors bihI black. at....39o ana 49c rine Maco and X.isl Hon Plain and tnncy colors, lace, embroid ered or gauze; to 7fic values at lOo. 15o and 85o Sox. 1.60 i m m Waynfl Knit Indestructible guaranteed on sale S Pr. Very Interesting Sale Prices for Saturday Special Manufacturer's Floor Stock Clean-up-Sale of Men's, Women's ani Children's Shoes HIGH CLASS GOODS AT VEY LOW PRICES Women'" fine quality Pumps, Oxfords and Christie Ties, In patent, gun metal and kid leathers; values up to $4.00 with styles up to the minute, at The entire floor stock of a celebrated maker of boys' and youths' ehoes, values up to $2.25; lu two lots, at, per Pair $1.50 and $1.19 Misses' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers; red, tan or black; values up to $1.75 In 4 big lots, according to a'. at $1.40 $1.00 75d and 50 A factory clean up of men's shoes and oxfords, in all leathers; black or tan, with values up to $3.60 per pair, now at $1.98 $2.50 Women's Oxfords and Pumps, In patent and dull leathers values up to $3.00, at $1.98 Women's patent and tan Oxfords, worth up to $2.(0 a Pair, at $1.39 Women's Kid and Serge 3-point Slippers; the kind us ually sold at 75c, at . . . 50 Agent In Omaha for the STETSON and CROSSETT Shoes for men, and the QUEEN QUALITY Shooa for women we sell GROVER soft shoes for tender feet y Rugs from the Alexander, Smith & Sons Ruction Monday Greatest Kale of High Class, Terfect Uurs Kver Held in the City. Our Representative Secured Immense Quantities at Splendid Hargaln Prices Come Karly Monday. SEE DISPLAY IN OUH 10TH STREET WINDOWS Unusually Attractive Bargain Offer ings In Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear Suits, fine lislo, nil styles on salo Saturday, 98c Ladies' Union fchiita, worth $1.00, lislo or cotton; all styles Saturday at. .50c Mercerized Lisle Vests Values to 50c-at 12VjC and 25 Mercerized Lisle Vests Fine quality, with hand crochet yoke; special, nt, ereh 50c Ladies' Puro Lisle Vests All styles, regular 50c values, in Saturday's sale nt 25c LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS Corset Cover and Drawer or Corset Cover and Skirt. In fine quality barred nalnBOok or cam bric; regular $2.50 value, on sale, at. choice . ...98 GLOVES $1.50 Kid Gloves, In all colors; samples, on Bale Sat urday, at 08t GLOVES Kayser & Fownes Silk Gloves; all new colors per pair, now at ....-50 to $1.50 Ladies' Muslin Under skirts Values up to $5 in three lots in Satur day's sale at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 Ladies' Crepe Gowns and Cnnibrio Skirts, beauti fully trimmed, values up to $3.50, at $1.50 Gowns, Skirts, Combina tion Suits; values to $2.50 on sale Saturday at 98o Marceilla Drawers, Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemise Very spocial values . 50c Ladies' Mercerized Union Big Cut in Hardware On account of the backward season we are practically closing out the following articles at a loss $7.00 Ball Bearing New England Lawn Mower; fully guaranteed or money back, close out each, at ' $3.95 $6 Lawn Mower; plain bearing, close out $2.75 Screen Doors; extra strong; extra thick; hard wood, painted, well worth $1.75, close out 98 Natural hardwood finish fancy screen doors; very best quality made; close out . . . .$1.49 Oak frame, adjustable wire Screens; any fze up to 24x37 inches; close out 29t Double strength Screen Wire Cloth, only . .22 Grass Hooks, slightly rusted, worth 25c; close out, at . .. 10 One year guaranteed wringers '$2.25 Three year guaranteed wringers $3.45 Bit bearing Bicycle Wringer,, worth . $5.0 o , Close out, at .'. $3.75 Heavy galvanized Wash Tubs;, medium . .49t large size, at v . . .59 " and extra large, at 69 Heavy Galvanized Palls 10-qt., 1Q l2-qt.k 22! 14-qt., 25 50-ft heavy braided cotton clothes line ..15 90 Clothes Pins, 3 boxes for 10 guaranteed In writing Garden Hose 10? Mrs. Potts' 5-piece Sets Nickel Plated Sad Irons now at 79 Parlor Brooms; close out price 35? WASH BOIUIBS Heavy block tin, copper bottom. wood handler worth 12, any Bias; enap $1.85 flood strong Wnsh Boilers, any utie 980 WASH BOARDS Bras, Klaus, tine, enamel, etc.. well worth 60c clog out prlre .08o Oood slno will) board, 26c quality 150 No telephone orders received at these prices. wmm , lit I H Most Delightful Garment Bargains, fh Season Saturday Our buyer, now in New York, sends us Manufacturer's Stock Purchase for Sat urday's selling which surpasses in beauty of design and quality of workmanship and material, any shown this season at anything approaching the wonderful bargain prices on these garments. 375 Handsome New Tailor Suits $25.00 up to $35.00 values, in fine diagonals, serges, tweeds, chiffon pannmr.s, Jncy suitiners. etc. Russian biouse and plain tailored ef fe-is your choice $ j90 New Wash Dresses Val ues to $7.50; ginghams, Long Silk Coats $15 and $18 values; silk pongees, Rajah, poplins, etc., the newest spring styles, at, cboioe $10.00 reps, fine lawns, ckim . brays, seven different de signs, beautiful r trim med $2.85 One Immense Lot of White Batiste and Lingerie Waists Trimmed with tucks. .md laces, insertion and embroidery all sizes, newest styles; actual values up to $5.00 your choice, at .J.........................'..'..'........ ..$1.9S Children's Coats and Dresses Less Than Half. One-Piece Silk Dresses Made to sell to $35.00 Pongees, Itnjahs, Messalines, Taffetas, Foulards all newest styles and colorings elegantly trimmed; on sale at, your $Q&7 choice ; New Wash Suits 150 of them; regular values to $10.00, in tans, white, lav7 ender, pink,, blues -.- all sizes; to $U'.00 values at :.$3.95 Children's Dainty Wash Dresses In Swiss, dainty lawn, batiste and ging hamsall sizes 2 to 14 years; values up to $5.00, at $1.98 Children's New Spring Jackets Nobby new styles, in all colors, made to sell up to $7.50; Saturday in one big lot; your choice, at $2.95 An Immense Showing of Exquisite White Cowns for Graduating. I Interesting Hosiery Specials Manufacturers' Samples Saturday Ladles' Hosiery Worth to 35c; all colors and black; In two big lots 10 and 15 Fine Lisle Hosiery Values to 75c; plain gauze, lace or embroidered; on sale Sat urday, at 25 and 35 Fine 811k Hosiery All new colors Satur day, at $1.00 and $1.50 Children's 25c Hosiery Big values Satur day, at 15 Ladies' Wayne Knit nose Guaranteed all colors, 3 pairs for $1.00 PAKASOL8 AND UMBRELLAS Pongee Sik Parasols Plain and fancy borders; special values, at $1.50 to $3.50 Ladies' Linen Parasols White and colors; colce assortment, at . . . .50 to $1.75 Children's Parasols In great variety, at. from ....12W 19 25 to $1.25 IliK Special I mbrella Bargains Values to ?3.50; on salo Saturday, 98 to $1.50 In Our Popular Family Liquor Dept. Marland Rye and Tennessee White Corn Whiskey; both 0 years old Full quarts, at 75 pr gallon, at $2.50 Pure Home Made Grape Wine; red or white; per gallon $1.00 2 qututs high grade beer 25 Ladies' Neckwear Sale It will be difficult at any time to equal, impossible to surpass, the very choico bargain offerings Saturday. Plauen Dutch Collars, worth 60o.... Lace Dutch Collars, worth 60c Pretty Lace Jabots, worth BOo Crochet Tob Collars, worth 60c Oo...., ;.;:::::25c :::::50c Plauen Dutch Collars, worth $1. ,.,'.,, Beautiful Fancy Jabots, worth fl, 36c Plain and Fancy Veilings ....19 All the newest Bhades In both plain and fancy mesh, great snaps. 25c Silk Taffeta Ribbons ......... ...12W Four and five Inches wide, In all the popular new shades The beBt values of the season Sat urday. SPECIAL HAIR GOODS SALE $1 Sanitary, Washable Hair Rolls ...... .40 50c Washable Hair Rolls, snap at 25 86c Net covered Hair Rolls, 24 Inches ... .19 25c Human Hair Nets, with elastic ....12H Extra' large Silk Hair Nets 54 Special Bhowing of Darrettes, Turban Pins, Fancy Hair Pins, Back and Side Combs. We fill mail orders from dally ads, ex cept In case of hour sales or where other wise mentioned. Fresh Fruits and Vege tables sent only by eipresB. Interesting Specials in Drug Dept. lwJd'jlis With every dollar's worth of merchan dise bought at this department during this sale we will give absolutely free, one 0o bottle Toilet Water. 10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap, at two bars for lBo Five bars of Ivory or Wool Soap for 18o 10c and 15c Toilet Soap, ansorted brands, such aa Munyon's Snap and l'ond's Fix tract Soap, at two bars for I80 10a Williams' Shaving Soap at Bo 25c Pond's Vanishing or Cold Cream 80o 25c size pure Hydrogen Peroxldo at three bottles for BSo $1.00 size pure Beef, Iron and Wlne..49o 60c per os. Lilac Perfume at, per ox. ..9So $2.25 Wellington Syringe and Bottle guaranteed for five years, at $1.49 50c pkg. Paris Green ; 39o 25c pkg. Paris Green SOo 15c pkg. Paris Green 10o All fl.00 Preparations, every day at B80 All 50c Preparations, every day at...4Bo China Dept. Specials Decorated Japanese Tea Cupa and Saucers, thin as egg shell; 50c value, now at .......10. Decorated Salt and Pepper Shakers Values to 25C, 25 different Bhapes, per pair 9 8Tn-plc China Barry Beta Decorated $3.60 valuex at 89 0 Handled Cups and Saucers, white porce- . lain, Blx pieces for 180 Decorated Bowls, all sizes Bo DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE BIG SPECIAL GROCERY SALE SATURDAY Wi can save you from S3 to 910 a month on. yoar grocery bill. 48-lb. aacks best High Patent Flour, made from the f'net No. 1 wheat and retailed everywhere for $1.75 a sack, our special price, this rale Is 81.33 18 lbs bent Granulated Sugar for ....$1 8 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Km All Soup, for 23c 6 lbs. best Hand Picked Navy Beans.. 25c The best White or Yellow Cornmeal, por ack 12Ho The best Soda Crackers, per lb 7V4o The beat crlHp Ginger Snaps, per lb., 7 Vic Fancy Assorted Crackers, 15c sellers, 40 varieties, per lb 10o 8 lbs. choice J up an Rice 25o 4 11. fancy Japan Head Rice 2ac 10 lbs. best Kolled Breakfast Oatmeal 2oo Don't Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg. 7 He Kagle. Lewis or Champion Lye, can 7 He Hex Lye, per can 6c 2- lb. cans Wax, String, . Green or Lima Beans for 7 He 3- lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Apples or Baked BeanH,;..7Hc Corn Flakes, K. C, pkg 6c Grape-Nuts, pkg lOo Choice California TruneH, S lbs. for.. 10c The host Golden Santos Coffeo, lb... 15c The best Tea fil f tings, per lb 12 He Good quality Sun Dried Japan Tea, for family use special, S lbs. for ....$1.00 Sutter, Cheese and Bggs Sown Again Why pay nioro when you can buy the best at Iiuyden's at the following prices: The best No. 1 Creamery Butter. lb...2Sc The best No. 1 Country Butter, lb..... 26c The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 24c The best No. 1 Fresh Kggs, dozen.,.. 20c The best Full Cream Cheese, lb 18c The Talk of Omaha Hayden's High (quality and Low on Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Fresh Spinach, peck Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb.... New Potatoes, per lb New Cabbage, per lb S heads fresh Leaf Lettuce C bunches fresh Radishes ...... 3 bunches fresh Asparagus Fresh Peas, per quart T . . w. . I .. ..... I, .... ., .. V. liUiKD . uiuiiiuat., cuv. 11 ......... Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, bunch Green Toppers, two for Fancy Rlpo Tomatoes, per lb. . Fresh Parsley, bunch ............ 6 bunches Green Onions 2 bunches Pie Plant Fancy larve ripe P.nnnnns, dozen Fancy large Juicy Lemons, dozen x i en ti jiuuniuu j nullum, ijuuii Prices ...7V4c ...7tfo 6c . . . . 1 Oc 6c at, per, ...VeT 60 ...7Hc ...3Ho 6c 6c . ...16o ,...15o 6c Fo"0et Try HAYDENS' Fir'st It Pays Pictures at Less The largest stock of Popu lar Priced Pictures shown in Omaha. $8.00 "Pictures, Saturday 81.98 A big, raw shipment of beautiful subjects, In wide gll,t frames squares, ovals, oblongs, as shown In Douglas street windows matchless at $1.98 Pictures In the Domestic Room Hundreds of them for your selec tion; all kinds of subjects; all shapes and sizes; greatly under priced, at from 5 10 15 25 to 08 We Loan You All Newest Fiction 2c Per Day Ask About Our New Circulating Library No Deposit No Fee Just Name and Address Book Dept. 1st FJoor- You Want Perfection Corset Style in Let us show you the new spring models In C. B. Cor sets. We have many Styles from SI up. to S5.00 A lorm for Every flgnre. No. 158, here Illustrated, la very popular for stout fig ures; has med ium low bust, Qirectoire skirt, hose sup porters, front and side; silk edge, at $1 Hpeclal for Hat. urday, $1.50 Corsets, at 7 no Medium bust, long skirt lisle hose sup porters, front and side, snap at -75 Women s W. B., R. & O., Nemos, Royal Worster, Thomson's Olove Fitting and all the popular . makes shown, up from . .81,00 Far . v TIPS ON KITCHEN GARDENING The Joy of Diferpnff and Watching the Seedlings Grow. PEOITTS OP A EMAIL PATCH riaaUlna; TUaa and Method of Col lar of Various Votabla Wsat Teoth of aa Acre ' win d. ihourh the removal of fences which hus boon so g-enoral in villages and towns added to their beauty. It we dlscourecer o4U rdns- In their various stages or rowth kltohen gardens aro not deoor tlve and the old-time fence acted as a screen, though U often was nvore uirly than the growing vegetable. Then, too, the fenoe was a restraining Influence to law less, tempted small boys and, wandering cats and dogs, all of whom were llablo to work destruction tit a garden. ' But now that time and the effect of beauty In finely kent lawns and flower beds has tduuiM the marauders, would It not be possible to restore me geraou paccnr a light fence of poultry wire would furnish sufficient prjDtlon and might be made beautiful vlriea.. or a row of tall flowers or prGilcarrant bushes might make - a tJR rua.de. i.arta'8 boustir la so great and there 1 such Joy In the growth of summer vege- tables and also such practical advantage In producing our owh iMtuc and beans, thai the springtime is full of. entreaty to those who possess land enough for a small gar den. Most people say that It costs nior to grow vegetables than to buy them. This U true if the care of the garden is hired, but. If one has a love of gardening or oven a willingness to work In the soil, the results will more than repay the la borer. Ouoe the land Is plowed or tspaded by hire, and even planted, the produce of a tiny garden patch will pay for Itself twice over. A tenth of an acre will yield enough vegetables for a family of five to supply them In ahoundaiice ami, If a record Is kept of the value of the products at market price. It will take a very had season or a very shlfttesa gardener to make the result less than double the amount of vegetables at half tho money. Time to Beala. Unless you live south of Mason ana PUon's line. It la not much use to plant a garden until the first of May, and In the New England states the middle of May Is even wiser, lest a late frost nip all the young seedlings. The only vegetable which la aa exception to this rule Is pease. They will stand the cold and may be planted as soon as the frost is out of the ground. The first thing after deciding on the place and lie of the land to be oultlvated (and It goes without saying that land that lie open to the sun. away from the shade u( trees and building. Is the best) Is to have the earth well stirred and turned by plow ing or spading. The cost of this should r, t be over i T -iid jnnt suited to garden culture and to the usual taste of eaters are pease, wax and lima beans, green corn, beets, lettuce, cucumbers, sum mer squash, tomatoes, carrots, radishes and cabbage, l'otatoes are not feasible In a small garden, as they taku up too much room. Planting in row admits of the easiest culture, and three feet apart is the bst d. stance except In the matter of corn, which requires three and a half feet bu tween rows. The rows of corn are made up of hills and tho hills should be three foot apart. As corn takes up the must room of summer vegetables, its place should be early determined, while tbo peu should be planted lu that purtion of the land that la most moist. 1'eas are such favorites that there should be plenty of them. Two plantings of them, two weeks apart, r-ili bu appreciated later on, and a third planting la desirable. The third week in May Is tho latent time when peas should be sown, because the hot weather, cominK soon after, will dry up ths plains. A row of pea twenty feut long will yield "messes" of satisfactory quantity for a ramlly of live, but the length of the rows and their number must be arranged ac cording to the garden plot. The low bush pea are tho easiest of cultivation, a they do not require brush, while the tall kinds produce gent rally larger peas. Wax beans are exceedingly eay vegetables to raise. A twenty-foot row will yield from eight to ten quarts of the creamy legumes, pro vided the seeds are thickly sown, rains should bo taken to wait until there is no danger of frost, as young bean plants are easily killed. 11 take about six week for beans to mature and they can be re planted so that one can have fresh crops of them all summer. A clever plan to save space Is to plant among the hills of corn hills of wax beans, not more than six beans to the hill. This should be done after the corn has been hoed and "hilled up" once, for beans grow rapidly and would overshadow the corn If the seeds of both were planted at the same time. , riaatlngr Periods. Most famllle like gTeen corn, and there should be a plentiful supply. The planting should be divided into three periods from a we.'k to a fortnight apart, the first plant ing bring as soon as the ground has gotten thoroughly warmed. Hut, In order that the fertilisation of Its flower by the wind should bo perfect the corn Bhould be kept together, not a row or two here and there. It this latter plan is followed the ears will be poor and imperfect. Each stalk of corn generally yields one esr) sometime ' the more vigorous will have two good ears. From this ws can calculate tr amount of corn that should be planted. Not more than four stalk can grow in a hill and mature. If more germinate, the superfluous ones should ha pulled up and, if this In done, thirty hills will give ten doxun ears. Hoth lettuce and radishes are quick and easy-growing vegetables, and can be planted and replanted all summer, giving a constant supply. I'nJor favorable conditions a month Is the Uhual time to allow for their growth and a twenty -foot row will be a generous supply. Carrots, beets,-' salsify, parsnips and turnip, if you choose to In clude these, should be planted la row, and when tho third or fourth leaf of the seed lings has appearod they should be thinned out bu as to be at ia8t four inches apart. This thinning out la one of the rocks on which a novice Is apt to spilt. It seems such a waste. It does not seem probable that the plants need so much space, yet, If It ts not done, the vegetables will be puny and Inferior. Karly and I. ate Growers. Lima beans, which are polo beans, should be planted os soon aa possible after frost, aa they are slow to mature. ' They are planted in hills, three feet apart, and only five plants should be allowed to grow. As soon ua the long tendrils begin to appear they should be given poles on which to climb, and tlulr (Irat efforts encouraged by tying with soft cotton strings or hit of cloth. Observe that they twine from the right to the left, and tie accordingly, Cu cumber and summer squash are to be planted In hills, not more than four plants to be allowed to grow lu the squash hills, and not more than five or six to the cu cumber hills. These vegetable mature rapidly in abuut aix weeks, and cucumber can be planted with advantage up to the middle of July. This will give not only plenty fur table use, but enough for pluk llng and for ripe cucumbers for sweet pickles,. so toothsome at winter meals, A dosen hill of lima bran and also of cu cumbers at each planting will be a gen erous supply, whllo six or eight hill of squabh will be ainplu, for these members of the. gourd family are very productive. It Is wiser and easier to buy both tomato and cabbage plant from gardener than to try to raise the plant from seeds. If, however, the latter Is preferred, the seeds should bo planted In February or early March and grown In sunny window of else a small hotbed built for the purpose. This Is more laborous and expensive than should ordinarily bo undertaken for a small gardon, and the cost of a doicn plants of each sort Is trifling. When set'out In the ground the plants "should be In rows of the usual distance. The tomatoes should be firmly staked as soon as the plants be gin to grow rapidly and, after the fruit Is set, tomatoes should be pruned, cutting back all but two or three branches. In addition to the vegetable mentioned, herbs are a satisfactory addition to the kitchen garden, They require but little space, and a row of half a dosen of tho gardener' preference will give abundant harvest. Sage and parsley are easiest to raise. Harper' Uaxar. Street Trnffto Abroad. Captain C. C. Healey, head of the mounted division of the Chicago police de partment, has started on an official mla slon to the old world such aa seldom falls to the lot of a police officer. Ill orders are to study street trafflo and transporta tion methods In the principal citle of Kurope and to make a report of the sys tems employed. He goes as the personal representative of Chief of Police Sieward, to whom the Chicago Association of Com merce extended the invitation to make a tour of observation Intended to benefit ulti mately the handling of street trafflo In Chi cago. Chicago I'ost. RINGS TAKEN . BEFORE EYES Woman L6era Jewelry from Wash stand Whllo She Stand Nearby. Dr. Helen Woods of Ingersoll, Ont., ha lost her faith In her fellow women. Yes terday Ir. Wood was at the Union sta tion waiting for ' a train, doing Into the women' dressing room, she removed her rings to wash her hand and plaoed the rings besldo her on the staad. Bha says she d'd not leave the ' washatand, but. In some way the rings, to tho value of over (100, disappeared. Toil ean gtve Chamberlain' Cough Rem. edy a confidently to a babe a to aa adult. Why Cough AJt tnut doctor if all touxht mf neceuanf. If mot, Ihtm vt couth jitlt akoul foi. Ai$ CUenv fWfei J O. ATsrCa., Stop coughing I Coughing rasps and tears. Stop ill Coughing prepares the throat and lungs for mors trouble. Stop It I There Is nothing so bad for cough as coughing. Stop It I Ayer's Cberrv Pectoral Is a regular doctor's medicine for coughs and colds.