V TITE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, ,1010. m you no OWN STORE 1518- 1520 F&rnara Street Fascinating Suits of Linen for V Small Women , of sperlal Interest are the new srrlval In ctisrmlnR washable Butts these are efcrluslve creations frenh from tbe hand of a leading New" York designer. Tho charm of these xulti cannot be pictured In an advertisement, ao we urgent! advise ynu to see them. s In the wide range of selection there are tailored effects In rough linens, ao much In demand; there are pretty French Rep. Suits with new pleated skirts; there are hand some suits o f Ramie linen In all colors, with black satin Nhawl collars there's natty Norfolk styles too. See This One a pretty plain tailored, natural linen suit with par asol and hand sag to match complete $9.75 We wish you low prices to consider our very $10, $12, $15, $16.50 New Skirts White and .' colored linen sklrta await you here In a broad variety of pleasing styles. Prices V $3.50, $4.50, $5, $5.50 0 INJURED STILL IN DEBRIS Search for Victims of Explosion at Pina Del Rio Continues. FIFTY DEAD, HUNDRED INJTJKED Ton and a Half of '. Dynamite Ex plodea and Inhabitants Think that End of the World la at Hand. ! HAVA'nX, "'fci'ay' 19-tTntll the ruins have been mora, thordufThl? ekarhlned. It will not be known poHltively how many lives were lost when the Rural Guards' barracks In the city of Plnar Del Rio was demolished by an explosion of dxnamlte late yester- There is reason., however, for the hope that the fatalities did not exceed fifty. The wounded will number'' more than 100, It Is believed.' It , Is almost certain that the explosion- resulted from the accidental fall of a case of dynamite from the hands of an employe of the public works depart ment, who -with others; was engaged In loading oil wagons seventy-two cases of the explosive, which wert-o be transferred from th ttarrackj to, the government maga sine In h tty ' Injured Still In Drhrla. Many Injured ore relieved to be , still penned under the debr'lk Work of extrlcat. Ing the victims was -continued throughout the night by torchlight. Among the bodies recovered were those of Captain Alfredo Ravena of, the Rural G.uards, his wife and three children. With the exception of a daughter, .Griclella.- ithe' Whale family', per ished with the destruction Qt, their home.. The body of Lieutenant Dlhlgo of the Rural Guards and ,thune of score of privates ajso have been recovered. Many wounded guards have been rescued from the ruins. Andrea, the daughter of Egomis, the Spanish consul at Plnar Del Rio, could not be found today and It Is believed she war, killed. fjepior . Leagre, engineer of the province, fUso is thought to be among the dead. . . The quantity -of dynamite exploded was nearly three tons. The buildings destroyed were massive structures. , The government wireless station was shaken to bits. Iuunblnuts lu Terror. The explosion caused great error among the Inhabitants, many of whom thought the disaster was caused by the approach of Halley'l comet and that it was a precursor of a still greater catastrophe. This morning twenty-el tit bodies had been recovered and forty Injured persons have been taken to the hospitals. The barracks was a massive structure of Spanish architecture and was situated on an elevation Just outside the city to the north. Near the main building was a long row of offlpere quarters. The barracks was occupied by (our troqops of rural cav. airy and employes of the publlo works department. Daring a recent alarm over the alleged -.activities of conspirators the government .ordered all. the dynamite in. the possession, qf the contractor removed to the barracl(S. Keorntly If was decided to transfer the unploslve to Havana and the work of removing It was begun yesterday afternoon.7 - Jewelry Thief Cnnrlrtrd. "Wyo., May l.-(Speelal.)-Carl Osberwho robbed fhe Buechner jewelry store and who' Is believed to be an all-around crook, yesterday pleaded guilty to grand larceny and was sentenced Highly Satisfied With; The Nea Took The Neal Three Day Drink Habit Cure and in Free from the Desire. Senator Bruce, "Atlantic, Iowa, "I took the Neal Cure at one of your Institute and am not ashamed of it. It has made a man of roe, when I was a wreck physically, mentally and morally. The Neal Is an Internal treatment, given In SO drop doses, without hypo dermic Injections, and cures the drink - habit In hrte day, at the institute or In the home. Wo Cure, Vo Fay. It Is the moral tuty which every per son addicted to the drink habit owes to bis family, relatives, friends, society and the public, also everyone who Is Inter ested In or knows of one whn Is addicted to the drink, habit, to call upon, write or . 'phone the Keel Cure today for free cop ies of their guaranteed Bond and Con tract.' booklet, testimonials, endorsement and bank references, winch will be cheer- full furtilsbej. Address ' Toe Ileal Oar Institute, O. B. 160 Bouth 10th Street. Omaha, J1b,. also peg, Mtaea, pavenporl rcoptrs to one year in the pen.. Mrs. Osborn Is still held in the county 'Jail, but will probably be discharged, along with the men upon whose person some of the stolen Jewelry was found, as they claim Osborn gave tho stolen articles to them and there Is no way of proving to the contrary. Steamer Burned Twenty Miles Off Newport, Oregon Nineteen Persons from the J. Mar- hoffer Suoceed in Reaching Life Savins Station. 8AN FRANCISCO, May 19. The steamer J.' Morahoffer," which left -San Francisco for Portland, Ore.... on May 14, has been burned at. sea twenty miles, north ofvNew port. Ore. Captain Wellander of the United States life saving station reports that nine teen persons' from the' burned steamer.-In cluding the captajn and his wife, have landed safely in their own boats. ThittyoThousand ; Dollars Stolen Three Pacakagei Containing: Cash. Taken from Railroad, Station ",' ' ' " " at Oil City, Pa. OIL 'CITY, Pa., May 19. Three packages of money, containing 132,024 were stolen from the Pennsylvania depot here at 1:30 o'clock this morning, while John J. Truby, the station agent, wa . loading baggage onto a Buffalo bound train. The money was being shipped by the Adams Express company to Philadelphia. The railroad detectives. Investigating the robbery are of the opinion that the theft was the work of one" man who knew the money was. In the- depot and knew just where it was located.. The Pennsylvania railway pay car ' ar rived lu Oil City late last night and turned over to the day station agent three pack ages of money wrapped In manlla paper containing $32,024, which Lwere receipted for In the name of the Adams Express company. The money j consigned to the treasurer's office ..e Pennsylvania, railway in Phlladclphll ' ' The packages proved to be too bulky for storage in the small depot safe and Night Agent Truby placed them under a sack behind the ticket ' counter, covering them carefully. There was no one in the station. At 3:20 o'clock . this' morning, Buffalo bound Pennsylvania train pulled into the station and Truby stepped out on the platform, closing the office door behind him. The door Is self-locking. While about 200 feet from the depot office Truby saw by the light of the station; pti?orm lamp that the office' door was. not &oed.' Hurrying back he ran Into his office and discovered that the three packages -fit money were missing. A hurried search of the train and vicinity e the station was .made with no results. TIMES ARE OUT )F JOINT a-S-BBBl . Moderator Barkley Open K l'resby terlan Assembly .with S?sa- .. i tlonal Vttvraaeeav ' ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., May 19.-"I cannot be a pessimist while Ood Is in his heaven; but I declare to you that, dls credit the muokrakera and the mock- re formers as we will, 'the times are out of Joint,'" said Rev. Dr. James Berkley of Detroit today, in his sermon opening the 122d general assembly of the Presbyterian church. "Twin sins that threaten the very existence of this Christian nation ac the vulgar rare for gain and the rotting In of social vices." said the speaker. Come seta H4ay p. nv. Comet sets atudar 10 p. m. Comet seta uadajr 10i3B p. m. The Weather. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: For Nebraska Showers, colder. For Iowa 8lowers, colder. Hour. t a. m I a. m Deg. .... 6 .... 6S .... 60 62 .;.. .... 6 6 6S H .... 85 .... .... tt .... fi .... .... 63 It m m.... ...... . m...t 14 a. m It m 1 p. m I p. m I p. nv,.,.,.. 4 p. nv t p. m p. m T p. m I fill - i 4 f l ip iil av Interstate College Orators Meet in Annual Contest Tonight W., . . . : W :, :. .,- , Wf . , . , f .if fi , f I V 1 J f " I . v, f i, . . If -ff, .' y nfc ' , i - v- I v. at . - - . si v h I " V - - V'-V'. 'I . IT ' ' J 1 i X- v r i ' k 'V 7i II; t V j U.' Vt 1 , y . , ,v , f tili ;'V, ) JoKn A.SKiclds - iPEAKtR W.Mcrrill Wolffe -stc -TREsy erjlAr.HaiTinQcn-vicEPREyCat'l Becker -speaker iOTTAWA. UNI. -KAN6AS eff PARK tOLlECE -PARKVULE ,M0. ,?; TXPEIGHTON Dm.- OMAIIA VUIEHTSERG C0UE6E SJWBGmiLD.CIiB 1 y - i t BOILERMAKERS INTO COURT Federal Tribunal Will Listen to Labor Troubles Today. FRESHMEN 10. Shannon of Ilantlnsrs Made President of Organisation Dr. W. II. Johnson Ulvcn Two VMM. (From ft Staff Correnponde'it. LINCOLN, May 19. (Special Telegram.) The application of the Burlington rail road for an injunction againat the striking bollermakers of Havelock will be heard to morrow morning In federal court. Th case was set for today, but went over until tomorrow. Thrmhrrmrn Rlert. The threshermcn who have been In ses sion here two- days adopted a constitution and bylaws today and elected the following officers: President, F. E. Shannon, Hastings. Vice-president, George H. Steele, Exeter. Treasurer, L. A. Enderly, Aurora. Executive committee, J. O. Colo, land; William Roberts, Hastings; Paulson, Trumbull. Legislative committee, C. 8. Sheets, land; J. V. McIIarry, Juniata; Itosu A. L , Ttose Lew Is Fields, Hastings. Two Years for Johnson. Dr. William II. Johnson, convicted of per forming a criminal operation which caused the death of a 17-year-old girl here, was to day sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. Johnson - gave bond and sentence was suspended pending appeal to the su preme court. BRYAN'S LETTER THROWN INTO WASTE BASKET V , Address Intended- to Be .Read at Beaver City Bnnquet Doesn't !' ? i-n JrP-:l ! -.-. , i " LINCOLX, ' May ' l9.-(SpeclaI.)-rAt the Beaver City banquet, at which, (governor Shallenberger was the principal speaker, Mr. Bryan received one of the worst snubs of his life, at the hands of a democratic gathering, and he was not there to de fend himself. ' Mr. Bryan was invited to attend the banquet and speak. He wrote to the Chair man of the committee, having the affair in charge and expressed his regret that other engagements prevented htm from ac cepting the invitation. With that letter of regret, Mr. Bryan enclosed a three- page letter advocating county option and telling his position on the liquor question. It was Mr. Bryan's desire that the letter ,be read at the banquet. Instead the man, who received it, threw it Into the waste basket and no mention of It was made at the banquet. That banquet was one of the number Included In the democratic chautaqua circuit, which was organised In the Interest of Governor Shallenberger. Police Methods v Under Scrutiny Suicide of Chicago Prisoner Who Had Been Given Third Degree Arouses Comment. CHICAGO, May 18. Stephen Zacak, 24 years old, who yesterday after fifty-two hours' almost continuous questioning during which, It la alleged,- he -was not permitted to sleep, confessed to the. murder of a policeman, committed suicide today. The alleged slayer hanged himself with a hand kerchief while in his cell at the stock yards police station. The patrolman, said to have been killed by him, met death at tempting to arrest robbers plundering a freight car. The ordeal to which Zacak was subjected and the shooting of two men yesterday, who did not halt at the com mand of detectives not In uniform, have aroused much comment as to police meth ods In this city. CHICAGO SUES TO RECOVER LAKE FRONT City Beeka Poasessloa of Strip Four Miles Loagr Worth Manr Millions. CHICAGO. May 19-Utlgatlon involving many millions of dollars in lake front. lands, and considered by the plaintiffs the most Important ever entered Into by this muni cipality, was begun today In the filing of ix suits by the city against occupants of the land. The land Involved was formed by filling In operations from Sixteenth to Fifty sixth streets, a distance of four and one half miles. The greater part of the land is. claimed by the Illinois Central Railroad company, whose right-of-way runs through It, but there are five other holders against whom suits also have been filed. 'The land is occupied. In addition to the railroad, by many magnificent residences, hotels and some Industrial structures. 1'frreed Auction Hnlr. Beginning promptly at 1:30 o'clock Friday and Saturday afternoon at Krug theater, all of the unsold donations to the Wise Memorial hospital basaar will be sold at auction at sacrificed prices. . These are going to be "bargain days" for the ladles as there are a great many articles which will appeal to them. The admission will be free and comfortable opera choirs to rest In, The basaar will continue until Saturday svenlng. but the auctions will be held each day until all donations are sold. It will pay you to com out ELECT OFFICERS I. , r ' ' ) V;4 'y' j !( ' ; 11 MAITY ' MOItE FOB , f bcloit A i 4 : w I KAN CIS 1IWTHE,W5 -speaker CRtlGVtrON WKM. -OMAHA Six Catholic Bishops Are Consecrated Archbishop Ireland Officiates in Cere mony at St. Paul in Presence . of, Great jCrowd. ST. PAUL, 1Jkllnn.;MMoy, .-Significant of the growth of , Cath(olicinm In , the nw world wau, the isplendld ceremony , per formed by 'Xrchtyfshop Ireland in St. Paul today.,, by which for. the first, time since the church came to America, six bishops were consecrated simultaneously. Those six new bVsljops of 5t.. Paul, pro vince received their divine, pommlnslon at the hands of thefr 'own,, venerable metro politan, astifsted bj- two of , his, remaining blOV'in'tMS Jonif!3lV St. 3Paul seminary BlTrtOst' tVrecl&l'a.t 'rlVe spot whfre Father Loula'Hehhepln 'Vn flr'st Christian ' itils-l eionarr io ine -region or me-i mure pro vince, ' lariJed ori - tHe bank-' of " the Miss issippi, "a league below the falls of St. Anthony," 230 yeafs 'ago. ;v' "'' The archbishop, hW rlne TMsltdps and his COO priests out of'-90liow in the province represented a Catholic population of 600.000. At the tfme this flrfct' bishop of St. Paul was" corisebrated Sixty" years1 ' ago, "there WereT tw'd priests and ff.lOO members' Of ' the ' church.' - 'ii'' ; ' -' ' ' The consecrator himself, and 'the preacher of the consecration bermori,' Bishop Thomas O'Oorman ofSldux Falls,' S. D.," were the two first seminarian! of the' dIocee of St. Paul chosen from among the boys of the first parish school by Bishop Cretin, first bishop cf St: Paul The ceremony they conducted today was before the governor of the state and his 'etaff, 600 priests, fifty bishops, ISO seminarians and Mgr. Dlomede Falconio, apostolic delegate 'of 'the Vati can to the United States. " Archbishop Ireland today received a 'message from' Pope Pius congratulating the archbishop on the consecratlen of the six new bishops. ' '.'' ' The message 'reads'; " The- holy father with fullrfcss- of heart Imparts his- blessing, to-yourself and to suffragan . prelates apttstlng you as be fitting to them, to the six newly conse crated bishops entering into the church's sacred princedom, to whom he earnestly wishes a prosperous and stainless career. MEHRY DEL VAL. ' Papal Secretary of State. ELEVATOR TANGLE IN COURT 1 ransmlslMlpul tirnln t'ompuny le ' mands Accounting from Man agrer of Klrrotorir, The Transmlaslsslppl Grain company has brought suit in district court against Mar shal L. Parker, asking a Judgment of $3,200 and an accounting. The Transmlsslsslppl company sets out that it gave Parker $15,000 to build elevators at Brule and Ogalalla, which were tobe ostensibly conducted for the Parker Grain company, but In reality by Parker for the plaintiff. Parker was to have half the net profits. The agreement was in the case of the two elevators. Among other charges ' against Parker, the 'plaintiff avers that he has not returned the grain company Its full share of the' profits,' and Judgment in the sum named Is asked besides an accounting. The plaintiff also prays for a temporary injunction' . to prevent defendant from transferring assts.' ' TOCRlMC CAR IS OVERTURNED Six Persona. 'In Accident Near Boone, low,' F.ncape Injury. BOONE. Ia., May 1. (Special Tele gram.) A .touring .car, the property of Jud Brown. wealthy farmer of Jordan, turned turtle., on the Eastern Star road, east of Boone, throwing six occupants out. Mr. Brown and a sister were pinned be neath the car, her. father was thrown Into a neighboring field, another . slater was Sarsaparilla Is the specific remedy for that tired feeling so common 'in the spring or - upon the return' or wnrm weather. It purifies and' enriches the blood. Get It today In usual tablet called Saraataba. liquid form or Ktodls LEVI PENNINGTOT- spcahip, CARLHAri tOLLEOt-IND. . thrown to one side of the road and two children landed In safety under the ton- uBiiu. jar. mown was unoonncious ror a time, but is recovering. The sister, caught under the machine, is not seri ously hurt. The slippery condition of the road caused the accident. ORATORS GATHER FOR MEET (Continued from First Page.) gates, by the faculty of Crelghton uni versity. The dinner will be In the Loyal hotel and Is scheduled to take place at 1 o'clock. ....... . ., Following Is the list of speeches and-the qrde,r Jn which they will be given: "The Moulding Power," Karl W. Becker of Wittenberg, college, Ohio. "The Philosophy of the Race Problem," Henry F. Coleman of Cornell college, Iowa.' "The Bands of Time," Francis T. Matthews of Creighton university." ' - i ,,"Poland'fl .Offering to "the American,''. Lcw K. Saeteky. of ileloit colluga, Wisconsin. 'The New Ideal," Stanley II. Lowe of Albion college, Michigan. "Lincoln, the Master Politician," John A. Shields of . Ottawa university, Kansas. "The Evolution of World Peace,". Levi T. ' Pennington of Earlhum college, Indiana. The-Judges will be Prof. Vernon P. Stiulres.. professor of English at L'nlverHity of North, Dakota; Prof. John E. Swinger, former seoretary of state of Missouri; ex Mayor Edward F. Dunne of Chicago ; Hon. G. W.. Maxwell of St. Paul, and Judge Hor ace B. Delmar, chief Justice of the supreme court of Iowa. Mrs.G.L.MiUer Dead Operation Mrs. Frances Miller, wife of Dr. George L. Miller, died at Clarkson hospital Thurs day i afternoon after, an- Illness of three months. The direct cause of death was Brlght's disease following an operation. Funeral' arrangements . will be announced later. Mrs. Miller is survived by a bister, Mrs. H. B. Kelly, and a nephew, Arthur B. Kelly of Omaha. Mrs. Miller, before her marriage, was for years a teacher In the public schools of Omaha, one oC the most conspicuously successful of the entire corps. Mrs. Miller's death comes at a time to give it peculiar pathos. Dr. Miller, known as the "father of Omaha," is now and for months has been confined in a sanitarium at Lincoln In what is believed to be a hope less conditon. He probably does not realize his wife's death, If he has learned of It. For a long time and, In fact, up to her own lUness, Mrs. Miller was with the doctor in Llucoln. They had Just com pleted and occupied a beautiful new bungalow home on the Central boulevard, near .Chicago street, when the doctor sud denly Tecame ill. Foley Kidney Pilte are antiseptic, ton'o and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularities. Refuse substi tutes. For sale by all druggist. Perry Nohlott, a j-oung farmer near Rockpnrt, Mo., awoke Friday morning to find his wife dead of heart disease. Ha was so overcome with grief that he fired a bullet Into his own heart. AUCTION! AUCTION! Or A Iil, THE UNSOLD DONATIONS TO THB Wise SVJomoria! Bazaar WIX.Ii BB BOLD AT lt30 T. X. FRIDAY and SATURDAY KRUG THEATER THZBB '7II.Z. BB BABQAIST BATS. ASMIS8IOH TBEB. COMB OVEK. Coat and Pants to Order $20 This big $20 tale Is an unqualified success. The values offered are worth easily 25 to 60 more than the sale price. We offer you all the new shades of gray, some browns and a cracking fine blue serge all at the $20 price made to measure. Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and. stile.. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-300 South 10th Ktrvrt. NEW EPISCOPAL CHURCHES Extension Committee Reports Two Contemplated in Omaha. NESEASKA One of Tlieiu Is to He In the Field Club District nnd the ther In the North End of City, Hear Ames Avenno. The Episcopal church extension move ment contemplates the establishment o; two more churches in Omaha. Accordin;. to reports submitted at the Thursday hi-s sion of the annual council of the dlocexe of Nebraska, thepe churches are to be located lu the localities described In the General terms of the Field Club district and the Ames Avenue district. Reports of the church extension commit tee indicate .movements for the establish ment of many new Episcopal churches In the Nebraska diocese. The principal business of the concluding day of the. annual meeting of the council of the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska was the election of delegates to the genera) con vention. On the first ballot Uev. G. A. Beeeher and Rev.. John Williams of Omaha were elected as clerical members, and on the same ballot three of the four lay dele gates were chosen, via: E. A. Urggenhorn of Ashland and Joseph Barker and R. S. Hall of Omaha. Ten or twelve ballots had, how ever, to be taken before the other two clerical- and one lay delegate were elected. They were Revs. F. C. Taylor of Central City, Rev. S. Mills Hayes of Lincoln and Mr. T. L. - Ringwalt of Omaha. Provisional delegates or alternates: Cler ical: W. A. Mulligan of Beatrice, W. II. Moor. of Oiniuha, A. E. Marsh of Blair, W. Barnes of Nebraska City. Lay: A. P. Hop kins of Fremont, S. C. Smith of Beatrice, (f. H. Rudgo of Lincoln nnd Clark G. Pow ell of Omaha... . The following were selected as the stand ing committee: Revs, John Williams and R. p. Taylor of Omaha and A. K. Ma run of Blair, and Messrs.. C. S. Montgomery and .C. A. .Lyman af Omaha anil S. C. Smith of Beatrices. Victor B. Caldwell of Omaha was re elected treasurer. USPENOER Rtf. boy's. Qupportsi trousers andj stockings without wrink-l line. Freedoml nf circulation f;ind ouickness in dress is assured. a Vnr bovs in Twee ; trousers. Made for girls also. Onlr50oaT5el Went Mailt n Sold bv Leading Clotnineanawe nartment houses. II your dealer does not keep m. rU Dealers re- -i.r. anw defective 'Aw"i &.. Sole Maker. r M i To Cleveland WITHOUT CKIHOII Ially train via Pennsylvania Lines Leaves Chicago BiOO p. m. Arrives Barberton . ...6iU4 a. m. Arrives Akron '. . 5 :37 a. m. Arrives Cleveland 7i00 a. in. carrying through sleeping curs, llbrary-wmoklng car, coaches. For reservations and further informa tion, address Pennsylvania Lines W. H. BOWX.AJTD, TraveUnr Passenger Agent,. 313 Board of Trade Bldg., Om.ua Near llh ud Faruuiu 'Street 1 J m raw f v-r'M A VVTB. fl.1 II W C'ira.Mfl'.VI I Ml M-MI 8fi' WW VA X i fc-3 r ' :v.'..i ' Kctq is a distznc tivc and definite difference of style, tone and export nccdlceraft in all jj3urlio toentv" five suits ttiat give them an individuality Tfot ob tainable in ordinary ready to wear clothes. S'oU Will find ths fabrics in keeping Wtf tha sty1, moics, good, new an J nobby. Spring Suits $1$ to $p oRainooats $id to before yoU buy your n(L jai. see tha JBo'Jrke pteforrcd that's otir celebrated $3 hat. It's the best Value in the city at the price. JIH the n3W b'ocks end colors. yid South :t iStr33l If you f.c 't In our ad it's so - We'd like you to see our choice line of SILVER for Bridal Gifts Deautiful pieces In handsome cases $5.00 to $10.00 Larger pieces in - ' SANDWICH PLATKS, 15KKHV llOWLS, MKAT SKTS $12.00 to $75,003 Uuy from us once nnd you trill be our customer always. This is one of the leading prep arations of the great American Druggists Syndicate of 12,000 druggists, and next to a reputable physician's prescription Is the best remedy for Indigestion. If your stomach 'troubles you and you don't get the full amount of nourishment from your food If you are distressed after eating and have gas, sour belchings, pains and nausea, this remedy will give you Instant relief. It Is perfectly safe and harm less, and you can get It at any A. D. S. drug store. Look for this Sign In IN O MEMBER MOrutglsl't Window ASSOCIATION With 11,000 QiW DfupgWw A FEW SPECIALS FOR THE HOME California Port wine, , per quart at aso, 3 So and coo California Claret, per qt. 330-360-800 California ftelsllng- wine, per quart, at 860-360-500 liome-Mude Grape Wine, red or white, per gallon 91.00 Imported ItalTun olve Oil, por qt..75o Beef Kxtract, 2-oa. Jar 80o DurnhamV, Clam Bouillon, for con valescents, pint liottle... 350 2 small bottles for ISO Maraschino Cherries, per qt. bot..7So Maryland Kyi Whiskey, full ciimrt bottlo 76o gallon S3. 60 Mall and Tsleplions Ordars PromptiT riled. Lady Clerks iu Attendance . CACKLEY BROS., WINE MEUCilAMS 181 IT. 16th St. Opp. 9. O. Both X-bonts AMUSUMUNTS. BASE BALL OMAHA vs. DENVER May 18, 19, 20, 21 Vinton street Park; ; Friday, May 20th, Ladies' Day Game Called 3 ;43 , ; psolal Cr 1.t-s lBta ) raraam Bts, at 3i30. r, . y , B HIQHT BtarUof Saturday Wight 4 WIGHT I May 81 EVA. LANG In ! n PETER PAN srsat wk v.... v',laK Ohm n ar,,,.., ' Ensr., JO aad tto. ROCfc-DIA GTOCK CO Za taa Oomsdy Drama With X.aa.b "THE QUEEN OF QUEER STREET' 1,000 ata f - at Tnsi.: Thurs., l IUO Bd Bat. Msti. lai, and all wssk "MOmtb csimTO." NTICIITS TOM THE TOY SHOP ABB MOW OB SALS . At Mstthsw'a Book Btoi.. BBion a. Taorna, Lindsay, JwUr; M,r J3Ulo and Boms Xotsl. Brrtd Bsats. wf it" -Ch. V5G0USllVERSMITH3YpT ISTH ft OOUOLASSTS toil Bloux City, low i