Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaiia Daily Hee.
Entered at Omaha postuffice aa aecond
clas matter.
Dally Bea (Including Sunday), per woek.Uo
Dally a twilhout .Sunday, per we. .10c
I'anjr Wee (without Sunday;, un year..4 W
Dally Uee and Sunday, una year s W
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week.Sc
Evening lie (with Sunday;, per week....ltlc
fcuriuay Bee. ona year
fcaturaay lee, one year 1.M
Addiena all complaints of irregularities in
delivery to City Circulation Department,
Omaha The Hee Building.
tiouth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Bluffs IS Hc.'ott Street.
Llucuin uJK Little Building.
Chicago 1S4S Marquette Building.
New York Kooma llul-llui No, U Welt
Thirty-third Street.
Washington 7a Fourteenth Street, N. W.
Communications relating to newa and
editorial matter should he addressed;
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Ilea Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received in payment of
mall accounts. Personal check, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, nut accepted.
Elate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss :
Ueorge 11. Txschuck. treasurer of The
Bea Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says that the actual number of full and
complete copies of Tha Daily, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bea printed during to
month of April, 1!10. was aa follows:
1 42,800 1 43,730
2 43.S10 17 42,300
S 43,100 l 43,340
4 44,400 43,680
43,770 SO 43,640
48,840 II ..43,600
7 42,600 12 43,030
S 43 090 It 43,100
43,080 14 41,400
10 44.BC0 It 48,840
II 43,840 !.... 43,830
IS 48,600 17 43,000
II 43,600 ill 43,690
It, 43,680 XI 43,760
It 43,700 (0 43,70
Total 1,884,340
Returned copies , 10,431
Net total M74.ll
Daily average 48,470
Subscribed In my presence and sworn, to
before me this 2d day of May, 1910.
31. P. WALKER.
Notary Public.
Babacrlbers leaving; the city tem
porarily ahoail4 kav The Be
wailed to tbtra. Addressea will be
cksagei aa often as requested.
Why not let Ootch referee that
We love the comet, but oh, . you
early morning sleep! '
The Mollne preacher who said all
wdmen are liars must be ready to re
sign. Dallas has had a legal hanging.
Running ahead of the ticket in Texas,
is it not?
Presumably "mental housecleanlng"
must mean absent treatment by the
mop and broom.
At any rate. If our building sky line
were limited to one story we-could see
the comet easier.
When the kaiser referred to the
colonel as a civilian he was not trying
to be funny, either.
The comet's head is said to vary in
size from 20,000 to 1,000,000 miles.
Sort of swell head.
Still, peddling secret entrusted in
confidence is not altogether the most
honorable path to glory.
Thus far Colonel Roosevelt has not
found any scepter in Europo for which
he offered to trade his own big stick.
Not being able to smell brimstone,
our fears that the comet's tail brings
the end of the world may be allayed.
It Is the Irony of fate for Denver to
go wet and beat a water works fran
chise proposition at one and the same
time. v
Warning to auto scorchers: Slow
down. If a police court fine won't do
It, some remedy more severe may have
to be tried.
The city slaughter house inspector
is to have an assistant, while the city
bacteriologist will have to continue to
go it alone.
The question that confronts us in
the passing of the comet is, On what
shall we lay the blame for bad weather
after Its departure?
These diamond displays in Omaha
are also calculated to put a crimp in
the calamity talk indulged in for po
litical purposes only.
It may be of interest to note that
Rev. Billy Sunday will be preaching
in San Francisco, while Jeff is licking
Johnson over the bay.
It is not a matter of record that any
of those Alabama officers risked their
lives to put out the fire that burned
thirty-five negro convicts.
The Bee gave Mr. Bryan a free ad
for his meeting and Mr. Bryan consid
erately opened his meeting with a free
ad for The Bee. Reciprocity,
For the sake of good old times and
Barnes it might be well If Cone John
son were elected governor of Texas
Sounds a little like Zcko Simpklns.
The National Cedlt Men's assocla
tion need not worry about finding a
lawyer to prosecute tuose frauds, since
It Is given out that fund of f 1.000,
000 is to be raised.
Omaha's trade boosters ar receiv
Ing rousing receptions . wherever they
go. As a market town Omaha's pre
tlge is steadily rising throughout its
tributary trade l1,
Ohio Primaries.
While the results of the republican
primaries In the congressional dis
tricts of Ohio are not conclusive as to
the election In the fall, they reflect a
degree of party unity which earlier re
ports did not concede and indicate that
there is far less discontent within the
party In the old Buckeye state than
was heralded abroad. Ohio, in fact,
was one of the strong republican states
which democrats had already begun to
claim on the basis of factional strife
among the republicans, but It Is impos
sible to Justify this claim in the light
of these primaries.
The Issues were squarely drawn be
tween the sitting members of congress
and their critics in this primary, so
that the outcome will be taken as fairly
reflecting the relative strength and the
test is encouraging of ultimate republi
can success, because not even In the
districts where the strongest fights
were made is there believed to be fac
tional differences that cannot be al
layed before election day.
For the democrats, whose whole
campaign in and out of congress
has been constructed upon the one
hope of republican dissension, these re
sults offer poor encouragement. They
are almost certain to exert an influ
ence In other states that will go far
toward closing gaps in republican
ranks and paving the way for suecess
at the polls this fall.
No Need to Wait.
Now, I tell you what I am going to do.
I am going to add to the planks of our
democratic, platform. If I can. I am going
to add another plank declaring In favor, of
the enforcement of the law that we have
and prevent brewers from owning saloons
under other names. (Laughter.) And I am
goit.g to ask The Bee to Join with me and
ask for that kind of a plank In the repub
lican platform, (Laughter.) It It la wrong
for the brewer to own a saloon, then it Is
wrong for the brewing company to, own
and control another company that owns a
saloon. 1 thank The Bee for giving me
this proof that the brewers are a lawless
class, and I ask it now to help me to
make them obey the laws ot this state.
Bryan at Washington hall.
If any brewing company is violating
or evading the law forbidding it to
own a saloon, there is no need to wait
for a platform declaration by any
political party to stop it.
Mr. Bryan as a lawyer certainly
knows that much. Especially is this
true right here in Douglas county,
where we have a democratic county
attorney, elected on the same ticket on
which Mr. Bryan ran two years ago,
who has full power and authority to
see to it that all the laws governing
the sale of liquor and regulating the
liquor traffic are enforced. Instead of
writing another plank for the demo
cratic platform which he expects to
dictate to the next democratic state
convention, Mr. Bryan should .write an
open letter to the democratic county
attorney of Douglas county, or, better
yet, volunteer himself' to help bring
a suit in court as he did 'when he
crowded Attorney General Smyth out
of the maximum rate cases.
Incidentally, however, if it is wrong
for a brewer to sail under false colors
by hiding under another name, what
about a political party hoisting the
purloined banner of another political
party? What about the theft of the
populist label by Mr. Bryan's demo
cratic presidential electors two years
ago, which alone saved to him the
electoral vote of his home state by mis
appropriating the votes of populists
who would otherwise have voted for
Tom Watson? The Bee is In favor of
a plank in the next republican state
platform promising to put an end to
the dishonest masquerading of one
political party in the stolen clothes of
another political party, and here asks
Mr. Bryan to Join it and ask for the
same kind of plank in the democratic
How the Comet Marks Time.
Whatever else Halley's comet
teaches it must make men stop and
ponder on the lesson of human prog
ress. It is epochal in Its recurrences
and marks off the milestones by which
the development of the race may be
reckoned. Its course is traced from
11 B. C. when, observed at Rome, it is
believed to have presaged the death of
Agrlppa, and Josephua saw in its pres
ence at Jerusalem a forecast of the
Holy City's doom. On down through
history it comes and rests over Eng
land as William ot Normandy enters
upon his invasion. The superstitious
Turks beheld in its mysterious reap
pearance a token of Allah's love for
every loyal Mohammedan. Galileo, con
founded by simpler mysteries of
science, was probably greatly per
plexed by this vagrant of the centuries,
while Isaac Newton, we are told, was
the most intimate friend of Edmund
Halley, whose name the comet bears.
But it Is not necessary to go back so
far into history to get the lesson ot
progress which the comet teaches.
Scientists in California are to "sweep
its tall" by the use of scientific ap
paratus in the hope of determining its
composition and constituted elements.
The thought itself is all but overpow
ering mankind essaying to tamper
thus with profound mysteries ot the
unseen. On the comet last transit,
something near four score years ago,
the land in which this amarlng demon
stration is to be made was but a waste
of territory, a wilderness, inhabited
only by the forerunners ot civilization.
And it the simple inhabitants ot the
Pacific slope saw the comet seres ty
five years ago they saw no more in it
than did the superstitious and un
learned men ot the ages gone in the
older world.
If In the brief span of seventy-five
j ears our people have advanced from
the recess of comparative ignorance to
such enlightenment that they can un
dertake to dissect the comet, what
goals may they not hope to attain
within another seventy-five years
when, if Its cycles are observed, this
comet will be with us again?
Effioacy of Aroused Public Sentiment.
The vice president of the Illinois
Manufacturers' association, addressing
a convention of shippers assembled to
protest against additional advances In
freight rates, latd down this proposi
tion: There is nothing In this country that will
stralKhten the railroads out like public
sentiment when It Is thoroughly aroused,
but It sometimes takes a volcano to arouse
public sentiment.
But public sentiment is aroused and
it has been aroused on this very ques
tion of freight rate regulation a long
time and it has more than once crystal
lized into tangible results. It was
aroused public sentiment that en
larged the powers of the Interstate
Commerce commission, enabling that
body to deal effectively with this and
other railroad problems and it was
aroused public sentiment that put the
pass and the rebate out of use and
thus helped to purge business and poli
tics of, evils that had become untoler
able. There is, of course, more that
public sentiment can and will un
doubtedly do, in this direction, but it
has done enough already to make re
lief possible to these big shippers from
any exactions against which they may
protest by recourse to the courts.
In the good old days ot the rebate
this speech would have been even
more remarkable than it is today.
Then public sentiment was not ap
pealed to from such organizations that
now fear higher freight rates might
mean higher cost of living to the peo
ple. ,.The enjoyment of special privi
leges in shipping, which the people
generally did not have, tended to dull
the sensibilities of the large business
interests to their rights and to dis
courage any move toward arousing
public sentiment that might antago
nize the railroads.
If high freight rates figure as an
element in the high cost of living, as
they doubtless do, the people who
eliminated the pernicious evil of dis
crimination will eventually enforce an
equitable level of schedules through
an aroused public sentiment.
Trade with Mexico.
The United States should enjoy bet
ter trade relations than it does with
Mexico. Not enough traffio is passing
back and forth between the two re
publics. Statistics published by Mexico
show a radical decline in imports by
Mexico from the United States, a fall
of from $146,000,000 to $90,000,000
in two years.
True, the figures sent out by the
government at Washington do not con
firm so heavy a loss, but they do not
show better than a standstill. It is
also true that Mexico's imports from
other countries as well are on the de
cline. This, of course, indicates that
the southern republic is content to
use' what raw material or manufac
tured articles it has and forego the ex
pense or exertion of drawing upon
other countries, but this policy, while
it may satisfy Mexicans, should not do
for Americans. They should proceed
at once to arouse Mexico to the con
sumption of our goods more than it is
The matter of tariff has nothing to
do with this situation, nor has the
question of good will. The most ami
cable Relations exist between the
United States and Mexico and there is
no tariff that in any way could serve
to restrict commerce. We need the
Mexican trade and should have it. The
market right at our very door is too
Inviting to be lost and it is strange
that the Yankee drummer has ever
allowed his sales to fall off in this
The Lincoln Star insists that no one
connected with it is permitted to
promote the interests of any candidate
for office, but ignores the question
whether the late ambassador to Mex
ico, who is reputed' to be its owner, is
still connected with it. Perhaps the
Star man who made that unequivocal
declaration forgot that he was working
for Mr. Thompson.
If some of those Washington bur
eaucrats would get a lot of well-
seasoned clubs and go arter each other
maybe thlB hubbub would come to a
settlement much quicker than by the
process of official investigation. There
can be too much mistaken patriotism
and not enough fidelity to trust among
the lesser lights.
The World-Herald at least selected
a particularly bad day to contrast
democratic harmony banquets with re
publican get-together dinners on the
very morning after Mr. Bryan drove
his flying wedge in between the war
ring democratic factions, right within
a stone's throw of its editorial sanc
tum. "I prefer that this nation shall set
an example for peace and not wait for
other nations to Join with us," said
Mr. Bryan in his peace speech. Re
member "the free and unlimited coin
age of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1,
without waiting for the aid or consent
of any other nation on earth."
Proof that times have changed is to
be found in the fact that the local
democratic organ refuses to give Mr.
Bryan first page space. for his excur
sion into Douglas county politics. Mr.
Bryan always had to depend upon The
Bee for fair treatment.
It looks as if Count Boni might
have to go to work. He has been
thrown down by his former constltu-
fnts for the house of delegate? and Is
long ago in the down-and-out class
Tho educated chimpanzee, whose
tragic death has been duly chronicled
bad proceeded far enough up the lad
der of modern civilization to be rated
as an expert cigarette smoker.
Opening- for Tallrndera.
Chicago News.
Many of the .Russian peasants refuse to
work because they think the comet Is
about to destroy the earth. Russia should
be a good place Just now to have a few
league base ball games.
A NprnMrr I'enoadrr,
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mr. Roosevelt's recipe for universal
peace will work well, provided the chiefs
of diplomacy ran be persuaded to adopt It
faithfully But It may require a large
sited stick to Induce them to do that.
A Party Without Friends.
Washington Herald.
"You may Insult the witness, but not the
committee," remarked Chairman Nelson to
one of the Itallinger-Plnchot lawyers re
cently. Nobody ever seems to care par
tlcularly what happens to the poor, brow
beaten witness.
Shall We lone this Bill?
Springfield Republican.
. Buffalo Bill's farewell tour may turn out
to be one of the kind Pattl favored us with
for to many delightful years. The protests
against the retirement of Colonel Cody
seem heartfelt No press agent could have
called them out by his conjuring. Buffalo
Bill Is an American Institution, indeed, one
of our natural resources, and it is a wonder
that Mr. Pinchot did not Include the preser
vation of him In his propaganda.
Mr. Knadaen Initiated.
Indianapolis News.
The ex-premier of Norway Is tha latest
member ot the Ananias club. He, Knudsen
by name, asked a distinguished traveler
what he thought of conservation, and got
a most enthusiastic approval of the policy
which Just now he is advocating and with
it permission to: "Tell it to any one you
like." The gnntleman poor man! did so.
Now the creator of the club "comes back."
Me never meant what he said In that way,
but in some other way, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Mr. Knudsen should forward his name for
formal enrollment.
The Real Article Palled Off at Home
and In Sew York.
New York World.
The west Is not afraid of being senti
mental. It Is proud of It and wants every
body to know it.
If It had been a staid New York banker,
with a decorous sense of the dignity of
Wall street, who was acquitted Thursday
night, he would have wrapped himself in
his Innocence and gone home to bed. The
next day when his friends read the news
In the morning paper they would probably
have said, "He had a good lawyer."
But little old Butte, Mont., isn't New
York, and Frits Augustus Heinse isn't
enough of an easterner to hurt him. When
the Jury announced a verdict of "not
guilty," Helnxe's friends In the court room
threw up their hats and yelled like Sioux
Indians. Then they all, adjourned from
hotel to hotel until it was too late to see
the comet.
It was Butte's night to howl and Butte
was howling out west and back east at the
same time. Wheji (he word reached Mon
tana by wire -that Helhie waa free, men,
women and children turned out and pa
raded the streets of Butte with a brass
band in Heinre's honor. They set off all
the fireworks In town In Heinze's honor.
All the barrooms did a land-office busi
ness In Heinse's honor. The newspapers
got out extras in Heinse'B honor. And they
burned United States District Attorney
Wise In efflg from the top of a tele
graph pole In Heinse's honor. One editor
telegraphed Helnxe, "You can have any
thing in Butte you want," and Butte
meant It.
That's the way they do things out west,
and New York has a lot to learn. It
doesn't know what the moral uplift means.
Fllmalneaa of Ilia Reference to I.lqnor
Western Laborer.
In W. J. Bryan's speech before the
Farmers' union in St. Louis last Satur
day the press dispatches quote him as
"Newspapers were criticised for opening
their advertising columns to liquor an
nouncements and he said that if news
papers did not have bo many liquor ad
vertisements on their advertising pages
there would be more editorials on the
liquor question on the editorial pages."
We have never seen a liquor advertise
ment In the Commoner and previous to a
few months ago there never was an edi
torial on the liquor question in the Com
The Influence ot the press on the liquor
question no doubt Is very Important, but
we know the Income from liquor sources
for advertising in Omaha newspapers Is
very small compared with the retail ad
vertising. When the prohibition question
was before the voters of Nebraska twenty
years ago Edward Rosewater of The Bee
led the fight agalnt It and spent thousands
ot dollars of his own money in bringing
about the defeat of that amendment. But
when he was a candidate for senator the
Interests that profited by his great fight
did not contribute a cent to assist him.
Last year one Omaha brewery spent $80,000
on bill board advertising, and we doubt If
It spent W0 In newspaper advertising In
Omaha. J. L. Brandels & Sons spend more
money on advertising In one month than all
the brewers In Omaha combined spend in
newspaper advertising In this city In a
year, yet the Brandels do not expect the
editorial pages of the papera they adver
tise In to be gorged with editorials boost
ing their game. We think Mr. Bryan's St.
Louis speech la far from the truth and
entirely uncalled for. The Omaha news
papers would starve to death were they to
depend on tha advertising of brewers to
keep them alive. Monday's Bee, News and
World-Herald did not contain one line of
brewery advertising. The brewery adver
Using In The Laborer doea not exceed 130
per month. The Anti-Baboon league gets
more free space In the Omaha papers than
the brewers. We don't like Mr. Bryan's
unjust knock on the newspapers. His
liquor editorials are too fresh to warrant
criticism or other editors not flopping when
he did.
I '
Our Birthday Book
May 1, 110.
Samuel Q. Blythe, journalist and humor
ist, who perpetrates "Who's Who" for the
Saturday Evening Post, to say nothing of
other -literary offenses, waa born May 1.
18H8. at Genesee, N. Y. He has played all
the parts In the newspaper game from
country reporter to Washington correspon
dent ot the New York World, from which
he graduated Into his present enviable easy
Around New York
BUpplea oa the Onrrear of t.lfe
as 0ea Id the Ore Americas
Metropolis from Say to Day.
. The committee In charge of the arrange
ments for the reception of Theodore Roose-
velt In New York wish it clearly under
stood that the demonstration Is to be na
tional In scope. Any organisation In good
standing will be given a position in the pa
rade, the out-of-town bodies being accorded
the right of the line. As many political,
social, business and other organisations and
clubs have already placed their applications
on file, Captain Cosby requests, that all
wishing to take part In the welcome notify
him immediately at the committee's head
quarters, 146 Broadway, New York.
While many minora details have not ben
decided on, the general arrangements have
been determined. Colonel Roosevelt will
sail on the Kalserln Auguste Victoria, of
the Hamburg-American line, and will reach
quarantine In the upper bay at 9 o'clock.
The committee Is able to name the precise
hour of arrival, as arrangements have been
made with the steamship company to delay
or increase the speed of the Kalserln so
that It will make quarantine at the exact
time set.
At quarantine the former president will
board a revenue cutter and proceed to the
Battery, where he will be officially wel
comed by Mayor Oaynor. Early In the
morning every available craft, laden with
crowds of Roosevelt enthusiasts, will sail
to meet the Kalserln and escort it to quar
antine. From this point they wilt escort
the cutter to its destination. Several or
ganisations, which have chartered ocean
going steamers, will pick up the fleet liner
east of Fire Island, and add the tooting of
their whistles to the roar of the guns of
Forts Wadsworth and Hamilton as the ship
passes through the Narrows.
The land parade will form at the Battery
and proceed up Broadway to Washington
square, thence through the Washington
arch and up Fifth avenue to Fifty-ninth
street, the point ot dismissal. At the latter
point, probably, there will be a reviewing
stand. Of course, there will be other stands
along the line of inarch, which will be pro-
ruseiy decorated. The parade will be led
by mounted police and the mounted police
band. The Roosevelt Rough Riders, form
ing the personal escort of Colonel Roosevelt,
will follow, after which will come the en
tire reception committee of 350 representa
tive citizens, and the visiting and local
They assert on Broadway that Mose 811-
berberg was not pleased with the portion
of patronage he attracted aa a ticket
speculator during the Harry Lauder en
gagement here, says the New York corre
spondent of the Cincinnati Times Star.
And so, acting on the advice of a friend,
he bought himself a Scotlsh kilt. "Oi
yol," called Sllberberg, "buy It the tick
ets from a real Highlander now. Hoot
mon, Andy Carnagy, tartan, Sassenach,
dae ye ken me kilties, aye? Only two
bones for a ticket, laddie. Buy It from
a regular Sandy. Brose, scones, plaidie,
claymore, heather oh, I been meshuggah.
Oi yol. "
But the wind waa shrill and Sllberberg's
knees, being unaccustomed 'to party dress,
ran through kaleidoscoplo tints until they
finally became a dull blue with edgings of
scarlet. Eery now and then Sllberberg,
bemoaning the- fact Jhat kilts are made
without pockets, stooped and massaged
his knees Into consciousness of cold. His
fellow , ticket speculators laughed at him
raucously, and the newsboys pinked his
exposed calves . with small pebbles. But
he did a land-office business with those
attracted by his costume.
"What's your name, Sawney?" asked a
big man with a beard of brilliant red.
"Mose," said Sllberberg.
"And phwat," asked the Scotchman, In
dignantly, "is ane ae the ten treebes
daeln' in a MacGreegor kiltie, hey, mon?"
Sllberberg and the Scotchman held a
private conversation, in which Sllberberg
explained that he sought to sell tickets
by trick and device. "If you're a good
feller, Mr. Scotchman," said Sllberberg,
you'll tell me what Scotties do to keep
their legs warm on a day like this."
The Scotchman said he would tell the
secret If Mr. Sllberberg would give him
a ticket at cut rates. Eventually Sllber
berg agreed, and the transfer was made.
'They aye pit on their pants," said the
heartless Scotchman.
"What do you think of this for a spe
cialty?" said a man who knows the Ins
and outs of Long Acre square. "There
are carpenter shops in this neighborhood.
where the chief source of Income is box
ing chorus girls' hats. It's become pretty
much of an Industry since the hata grew
so large that they couldn't be tucked Into
trunks. The girls when they were about
to start on the road used to drift Into ex
press ofices with bandboxes under their
arms and ask to have them shipped Just
as they were. But the express compan
ies can't accept packages so flimsily
hung together. The agent would direct
the girl to a nearby carpenter shop to
have the box crated, and that's how the
business grew. Oh, the carpenters get
about CO cents a Job, and in the course
of a week those half dollars make quite
a neat pile."
Alexander Smith of Paterson, N. J., af
ter wasting several matches In an at
tempt to light a pipe, went Into an oil
tank to dodge the wind. He hit the match,
but before the tobacco Igr.lted there was
an explosion. Smith was knocked down,
but In a few minutes he came to. Work
men were throwing water on him, when
he opened his eyes. He was hurried off
to the General hospital, where he will
remain ' for several days. The explosion
as heard for several blocks. Firemen
extinguished the flames.
Projected t rnsorahlp of News.
Boston Transcript.
In the pressure of business before con
gress a more Important measure might have
been Introduced than that for which Rep
resentative Smith of Iowa Is sponsor. A
prize fight Is scheduled to take place in
California this summer, and if Mr. Smith's
bill is passed no intelligence of that event
can legally be sent beyond the state where
It occurs. Newa of that kind is not uplift-
ng. Neither are reports of lynchlngs or
other acts of brutality and violence and
the public Is but poorly served by having
the details dealt out to them In sensational
form; but they constitute a part of the hap
penings of the time and the repression of
all reports of them Is hardly within the
proper province of the' law.
Good Monrr nt Home.
Chicago Record-Herald.
There has during the last ten months
been a decrease In the exportation of food
stuffs from this country. Perhaps the pro
ducers are so well satisfied with the prices
the ultimate consumer is paying here at
home that they have no desire to do any
more exporting.
. Tip for I'onarreaaniaa Smith.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The hopeful representative who would for
bid the printing of any news concerning a
prise fight will be apt to learn that the
body of which 'he la an ornament controls
the columns of the Congressional Record
and nothing more
The report made to the comptroller
under date ot March 29, 1910, shows
that this bank bas
Time Certificates of
hepnsi. $2,034,278,61
SVs Interest
bald on certificates running for twelve
, ye
The story that Speaker Cannon's cat wan
ders Into the Department of Justice and eats
up rubber bands Is probably overstretched.
Sir William Hugglns, who has Just died,
was a great astronomer, although compar
atively few laymen were aware of him. He
never wrote a freak story n went Into
the Martian canal business.
The useful statistician has born flirurlna-
again, and finds that a man who shaves
regularly gets rid of thirty-five feet of
whisker by the time ha Is So. In the oh.
sence of the statistician this would be a
pitifully ignorant world. ,
Stephen H. Don., who. until his retire
ment fourteen years ngo. wn for more
than forty years a Boston & Maine mil.
roml man, celebrated his ninetieth birthday
anniversary recently. Mr. Long resides
wnn nis only son. Fred F. Long, in Frank
lin, N, H. Ho enjoys remarkably good
health and has not seen a sick day all
Menellk's wife, the empress of Abvsslnln.
who is reported to be a prisoner In the
hand ot those favoring the Immediate
succession of the heir apparent. Is a lady
who was once a great beauty and who had
four previous husbands before Fhe hecamn
the wife of Menellk. Her first husband
was one of King Theobald's Generals, her
second she divorced, her third was killed
by King John, her fourth was, as it has
been euphemistically expressed, "removed,"
and In 1883 she married the late empercr.
Some Reflection on Cracking; the
Party Faction Whip.
Sioux City Tribune.
Congressman Hitchcock persists in hold
ing Mr. Bryan to the alleged promise.
In. the secretary of state's office at Lin
coln, a day or two ago where he was
filing his senatorial candidacy, the con
gressman referred to Mr. Bryan's promise
not to accept the senatorship.
"No," he said, "I do not believe Mr.
Bryan Will be candidate for United States
senator. I believe Mr. Bryan is a man
of his word." Speaking further of the earn
ing campaign Mr. Hitchcock said: "I op
pose an extra session believing such a ses
sion and not Justifiable at this time County
option IS not a party question."
It would be more respectful toward Mr.
Bryan personally, more tactful toward the
Bryan faction who want Mr. Bryan and
altogether more conducive to harmony If
the congressman could refrain from re
Iterating that promise which he says Mr.
Bryan made privately to him. He threat
ens to hold Mr. Bryan to his word. But
Mr. Bryan has not yet admitted that he
gave the word as Mr. Hitchcock puts it.
Mr. Bryan frankly gives out that he is
not a candidate In the sense of seeking
the office but he does not admit that he
promised to refuse the senatorship If tend
ered to him.
Mr. Bryan seems to recognize that higher
law which the congressman overlooks,
that no man has the moral right to bar
gain privately that he will refuse to hear
a call from the people.
Mr. Hitchcock hurts his candidacy when
he presumes to crack the whip over Mr.
Bryan and over the party.
Talks for people
An honest, fearless newspaper is a
great educational force In any com
munity. Th nnonle read of tariff revision,
cost of living, adulteration, pure food,
high prices, all wool, shoddy, etc.
Thev learn to study conditions and to
economise. They learn how to buy
to advantage, and quite as a matter of
course they turn from the news col
umns to the advertising columns of
their home paper to see what you
have to offer, Mr. Merchant, in the
way of quality, service and fair prices.
Oive these Interested and Intelligent
readers your store news. Talk to
them honestly and Intelligently about
the quality and service ot your goods,
vour Drices based on actual values,
and Impress them with the fact that
your reputation stands back of every
word In your advertising, back of
every article you offer for sale.
The readers of The Bee are intelli
gent people; Intelligent advertising
will appeal to them, will win their
confidence, will make them your cus
tomers. Try It, Mr. Merchant. A 4-inch
space in The Bee will reach over 150,
000 people every ay at a cost to you
of about 1 cent for 400 people. Think
It over, w
Make-Believe Advertising-.
John Wanamaker once said to a
young business man who sought bis
advice: "I owe my success to news
paper advertising. J know that I can
reach the eyes of more purchasers that
way than In any other."
There is a whole business sermon
in those two sentences. The secret of
successful newspaper advertising is
three-fold: First. In having the goods
that people want; second, the price;
third, the ability to attract your read
ers. And the way to attract them is
to follow Mr. Wanatnaker's advice and
use the newspapers they are your
Mr. Wanamaker certainly must
Iff I i i
Jiffs pssj
t lii .Hi - - -raj
From the Ilig'
New York Auction.
"1' hear that it Is predicted that we will
have some great heat this year,"
"Yea, we generally do have some ot that
kind of weather in summer." Baltimore
American. .
"Ho always was a lucky fellow."
"What do you mean?" i
VI'hAn h. ..II ,, nf Vila tef hl V-. n
plumped straight through the skylight of
a hospital." Woman's Home Companion.
"People ask a Jot ot useless questions.''.
"Hush," replied the man in the ralncoa 4
"Don t discourage them. I'm tired of wait-
lng for the climate to Justify some one
In asking if It's hot enough for me."
Washington Star.
"The sheriff levied on our machinery In
the third act. Fortunately he had been an
actor himself at one time."
"What happened."
"We got awcy with our hand baggage
while lie waa taking a curtain call."
When all of the people are numbered,
When all, of the adding Is done.
When the books with the figures are
There still will be missing Just one,
The total may make us ail Jolly
Yet how can we carelessly grin?
To call it a census seems folly
If Teddy is not counted In, Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"Come here! Come here!" called tho
Cardinal, ;
"While 1 sing from the maple tree.
Wet year) Wet year! It will be a wet
Yes, a very wet .year J,t. will be!, ,
"Good cheer!" Good 'cheer!" called the
To his mate In the maple tree;
"I've a black, black throat, and a red, red
Yes, a cardinal coat, you seel ,
"See here! See here!" called the Cardinal, .
To his mate In the maple tree;
"I've a red, red vest and a red, red crest;
Yes, a cardinal crest, you seel
"So dear! So dear!" called the Cardinal,
To his mat in the maple tree;
"Now rest, now rest in the new-made nest.
And the work-a-day world leave to me
"No fear! No fear!" called the Cardinal;
Now behold In the maple tree;
They're here! They're here! Tiny nest
Unge dear
Little Cardinals one, two, three!
"Come here! Coma here!" called the
"While 1 alng from the maple tree;
Next year! Next year! would you more
songs hear.
Little Cardinals let them be!"
Chicago, May !, lilO,
who sell things
One time someone asked Mr. Wana
maker why he considered the newspa
pers the greatest and best '-'puller" fgr
the merchant. He said: "As I hsFe
spoken before, newspaper advertising
Is the secret of my success. Each
copy is a salesman calling attention to
the stock ot iho advertiser. Ho',
many homes urn there today where thW
first thing they do is to look at the
merchant's advertisement, whether it
is the clothier, dry goods man or the
furniture dealer? Let me tell you,
my son, any successful advertiser in
the press can answer that question,
and can answer it mighty optlmiHt
ically, too."
Tommy needs a new suit Is it your
advertisement Mrs. Household Is look
ing over, or is it the other man's, down
the street, who lately bas been forced (
to break ground for more space and
big improvements? Sister wants a
new dress was your advertisement
placed in that newspaper? Mrs. Bar
gatnday rushes In the house calling
attention to the low-priced muslin on
sale Tuesday afternoon. Whose ad
vertisement was that. Yourst
The successful advertiser advertises
all the time. It matters not whether
it is the dull season. He originates
and prepares for special sales and thus
creates new business. Dull days are
unknown to him. He Is always look
ing for something that will please
customers and then tells them about
It In the newspapers, and the result
quick and profitable sales all tend i A
toward success.
The man who never advertises is al
ways bemoaning hard times: "No
business," Everything Is dead," "Can't
pay expenses," these being his dally
and favorite expressions.
The real cause of this Is the fad
that the people do not know what
these merchants have to offer. Three
fourths of the purchases that are made
today are made because the aU.-ntf.
of the shopper is called to soi iirtlcl.
that interests her and she is made t
believe the must have it