Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1910, Image 5

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the drink that
m m i' ni i-fiauf aa na
Full of sun
shine, joy and
It's for all the
(family all the
' time.
It's pure and
At all fountains,
and in bottles
Lincoln, Neb.
Nabruka Dbtributm
Women Choose
Executives for
Next Two Years
Election for Staff Officials is Peace-
ful. But Warm Contest Arises
: Over Directorate.
CINCINNATI. May 18.-(.peclal Tele
gram.) Tho exctit)ve officials of the Oen
eral Federation-of i Women's Clubs had no
opposition In the biennial election today,
although a warm contest has developed
h tt er 'positions 'on trie tfoard of directors.
'.Ballots were cast late this afternoon for
the directorate, but 'probably will not be
counted until after'hoon tomorrow. The
following officers were cbosen to serve for
the next two year: ,
President. Mrs. Phillip- N. More, Missouri;
first vice president, Mrs. Joalah Evans
Cowles, California; second vice president,
Mrs. Mary .Ball King Sherman, Illinois;
recording secretary, Mrs. Henry H. Daw
son, New Jersey; ' corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Frank HI Shtek,' 'Wyoming; treasurer,
Mrs. John ThreadglU, Oklahoma; auditor,
Mrs. L. U Hlankenburg, Pennsylvania. .
All of these were re-elected except as to
the office of treasurer, Mrs. O. O. Welch
of Minnesota declining another term.
Ten wore nominated for members of the
board of directors and eight will be chosen.
Mrs. Elmer Blair of New York and Mrs.
Lawrence Maxwell of Ohio were nominated
this morning from , the floor and this
brought up the contest s
This welling at the convention Dr. Rlch-
, rd Burton of the University of Minnesota
, lectured pn VTha, Theater and the People."
i "The Proposed Ue of the English Scholar
eWp'rf was, then subject, tot aa .address by
Miss Juliet Steward ."Efftolency In OetUng
Things pone Through the Publlo Schools"
was th subject of an address by Dr. Wil
liam H. Alley !of New York.
John Mttoheil, former president of the
United Mine Workers of America, made an
eloquent address this morning on "Indus
trial and Child Labor." Mrs. Perry Stark
weather, ' deputy labor commissioner of
Minnesota, advocated as a slogan for the
biennial, "Take as good care of our chil-
' dren aa of our fish and game."
I Mrs. Phillip N. More, national president,
la the third woman to suffer a broken bone
within' ihe week. Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell
of Cincinnati, chairman of the biennial
board. ' has her right arm In a cast on
occovlnt ' of a fracture and Dr. Louisa
ua Southergate fell on the stairs of the music
f ball Saturday and broke her left arm.
Yankee Vessels Second la Displace.
. meat, AlthooaU Hanks Six
' In Nnmber.
WASHINGTON, May 18.-The United
States leads the world In tho total dis
placement of completed warships, with the
single' exception of Great Britain, but Is
be.hfndsflve other countries In the number
such, vessels. Adding to these com
pleted war craft the ships provided for but
not .completed, this government outranks
all others, except the British, In total dis
placement, but ranks sixth In number.
War vessels built and building, America
Germany are running on equal terms,
iu( the former Is leading in displacement
when the ships provided for In the pending
naval appropriation bills are added to the
calculation. Great Britain, the United
States ' and Germany remain the leading
naval powers. .
Thes warships rating facts are set forth
In 'tables which Pitman Hulslfy, compiler
of the navy book, has prepared.
President of Florence Crittenden Mis.
slon Kays Publicity Helps
"Of 1-"!. r;"! ' Cnnar.
STJ."' !.p"LTIS, lMay 18 Woman's pert In
aiding her unfortunate slater was discussed
by Mrs. KatO'W. Barrett of Alexandria,
Va., In her Tirtsldentlal address at the
opening session : of the twenty-seventh
annual conference of the Florence Crlt
tendon Mission arsoclatlon here tonight.
"Recent publicity that was given to the
white slave" ' traffic." Mrs. Barrett said,
"has aided the work of the mission and
he loo4nf the-publicity Is yet to came.
Do you
sion or trad
tite, and lay
. - "upiiun nas si mot gaineo n tootnoia in tbe lorm I
HngenoJ ! eoagh, bronohiti, or bleeding at th lungs, it will bring about
CUr IO VH per cent, of all eases. It is a remtv nrenared hv nr. II V.
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose oW U tietn
01 ounsiu, it. 1 ., wnose Mmi is tivtn frit to all
great uoaa hs com from hi wid experience 1
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dcale
tut for Dr. Pierce' medicine, reoommended
PlMt-f mcdioiaes are OF SNOH Composition. Thai avarv inflr..l,n nrl.t.!
on Atwia wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Cootsin no hsbie
forming drug.. V orlj' Dispensary Medical Aociatioo, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bills Affecting
Indians Ready
House Adopts Conference Reports' on
Measures Now Ready for
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The house late this afternoon
adopted conference reports on the bills
authorizing the sale and disposition of a
portion of the surplus and unallotted lunds
In the Rosebud and Pine Kldge Indian
reservations. The senate adopted the con
ference report yesterday and the bills by
reason of the action of the house today
will now go to the president for his signa
The secretary of the Interior has denied
the motion for a jevlew of the department
decision In the case of S. U. Sellers against
James H. Ward, filed by the latter In
holding for cancellation his homestead en
try located In the O'Neill land district.
Rural carriers appointed are:
Nebraska Nebraska City, route 1, Frank
cj. xvecior, carrier; saran Hector, kuohci
tute. Tllden, route K, Ueorge w. baifell
carrier; no substitute.
Iowa Carroll, route 2, Carl E. Potter,
carrier; catnryn Potter, suostltute; route
6, John K. ttyerlle, carrier; E. M. Byerlie,
South Dakota Mlllette, route 1, M. E
Rockwell, carrier; no substitute.
Nebraska postmasters appointed are:
Lewellen, Garden county, L. O. Robelee
vice E. Dick resigned; Wllllow island
Dawson county, Daniel i. McKee, vice W
E. McKee removed.
Colonel Melvln Grlgsby of Sioux Falls,
one of Roosevelt's Rough Riders, Is In
Washington for a few days.
rllenry Ti Clarke, ar., of Omaha is In the
Wives Plead for
Husbands' Wages
Show Family Expense Accounts in
Efforts to Secure Increased Fay
for Engineers.
CHICAGO, May 18. Wives of'e
submitted their family account books In an
effort to establish their contention that It
la impossible to "make both ends meet,"
to the arbitration board wtilch is trying to
settle the wage dlsDute between ih 97
employes end forty-nine railroads west of
Mrs. Martin Oliver of Chicago, nlai ed th.
following comparison before the board:
Per Lb. Three
Now. Yr'sAgo.
Sugar 60 00
Round steak 14o 100
Liver go
Bacon 2tkj 2oc
- .-.. v
Lard lo 12c
miner a
Prunes 10c &o
"Meat Is too expensive to eat, cabbage
Is nearly a luxury and we can't afford to
buy anything but the cheapest of clothing,"
concluded Mm. Oliver.
Rev. Edwin C. Brown Also Says Tell.
Falsehoods Is Women's
Chief Sin.
CHICAGO, May 18 Rev. Edwin C. Brown
of Mollne, 111., precipitated a lively debate
during an add revs at the opening of the
annual Western Unitarian conference here
today, when he said. "All women ar liars
and telling falsehoods ' is woman's chief
Two hundred women were attending Jhe
meeting and Mrs. C. V. Meriereau, inter
rupted the speaker.' She declared Rev.
Brown could not prove his assertion.
Another outbreak occurred, when Rev.
Brown said he knew a number of minis
ters, who were "liars," who preached that
things can be measured by nobler things
than money and yet lived their personal
lives with money as their chief object of
Rev. E. R. Shlppen of Detroit took Is
sue with Rev. Brown on this point
N) external application la equal to Cham
berlain's Liniment for sore muscles or
saollen joints.
Do You Fee! This Way?
feel all tired out P Do you sometimes
you just can't work away at your profes
any longer P Do you nave a poor sDe-
awake at night unable to sleeoP Are
your nerves all tone, and your stomach too P Has am
bition to forge ahead in th world left youP II so, you
might as well put stop to your miiery. You can do it ii ;
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
make you different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set thing right in your stomach, and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keen that dread destroyer away. Even after cos-
frit to all who wish to writ him. Hi
and varied practice.
dealer into takiag inferior aubsti
.hemes, remmmmdul to ha ' iiut SnnH " l
Says He Furnished Subject Mattsr of
Glavis' Charges.
Witness Arrases Attorney Brandel
of Deliberate tntrnth Kerhy
Contradict Secretary
WASHINGTON. May 18 A day filled with
Interesting episodes reached an exciting
climax In the Balllnger-Plnchot Investiga
tion yesterday when Aseiftanl Attorney
Genrral Oscar Lawler, author of the now
fainoun Lawler memorandum, rose wrath-
fully from the witness neat and accused
Attorney Brandels of uttering a deliberate
Then after he had been rebuked by sev
eral members of the comnilttw, Mr. Lawler
withdrew his remark and apologised to
the committee.
Mr. Lawler was called to tho stand by
the "defense" to explain the circumstances
under which he had prepared for the pres
ident a memorandom containing his opin
ion on the charges that had been filed by
Special Agent Giavls against Secretary
Balllnger. Several hours had been con
sumed In the examination of Frederic K. M.
Kerby, tho stenographer in Mr. Balllnger'a
office, who was discharged yeterday
becaUBC he made public confidential Infor
mation of the department relating to the
Lawler memorandum.
Mr. Kerby was called unexpectedly by
Chairman Nelson soon after the rommlttee
assembled In order that he might give
sworn testimony to his published state
ment, which Mr. Brandels had endeavored
to have printed In the record together wjth
the president's letter of last Sunday.
Kerby Contradicts Chief.
Directly contradicting Secretary Bal
llnger's testimony before the committee,
Kerby said his former superior knew about
the preparation of the memorandum and
that he participated In the conference on
the subject. Furthermore, he said Lawler
had told Private Secretary Carr in his
presence that he had left a copy of the
memorandum with Mr. Ballinger.
Under cross examination by Mr. Bran
dels, Mr. Lawler was referred to various
requests for document and information
bearing on It which the attorney had sent
to Secretary Ballinger through the com
mittee. Mr. Lawler had Informed the secretary
In each Instance that he had supplied all
the matter bearing on the Glavis charges
In "his possession."
"Did you discuss with Mr. Carr the ob
vious purpose of my requests?"
"No sir."
"Did you discuss with Carr how you
could evade my requests?"
"Didn't you know you were evading"
"That statement is an absolute false
hood by you sir," shouted the witness,
jumping from his seat and facing his In
qulBltor with flashing eyes.
Mr. Brandels Instantly appealed to the
committee to reprimand , the witness for
bo addressing counsel,
I.avrler Apologises.
"If my remark has been offensive I with
draw It and apologize to the committee,"
said Mr. Lawler. Mr. Brandels was thereby
placated and resumed his cross examina
tion. Mr. Lawler said he had been asked. by
the president to prepare an opinion and
that lie regarded it as a confidential trust.
He said he had furnished to the commit
tee all the Information he had felt at lib
erty to divulge and did not think he had
any right to Inform the committee that
Such a memorandum existed.
Immediately after his return to Wash
ington from Beverly last . September Mr.
Lawler said he had begun preparation of
his memorandum. The original draft, he
Bald, was completed without consulting
When the draft had ben typewritten by
Kerby and Massey, he added, he had called
In Secretary Ballinger and others one
night to hear it read.
"I wanted to be absolutely correct in
every statement," explained Mr. Lawler.
He said no one made any suggestion, ex
cept for the purpose of verification.
Mr. Lawler said he had burned the origi
nal draft of the memorandum.
"I was confident," he said, "that 'gum
hoe" men had b.een on my trail for months,
and I knew there were no depths of depre
dation to which they would not stoop. I
was afraid some one In the office might be
corrupted as Kerby has been corrupted."
The "Gum Shoe" Men.
Asked who he thought were behind the
"gum-shoe" men, Mr. Lawler declared,
dramatically: "James H. Garfield, Glfford
Plnchot, Norman Hapgood, a man named
Connelly and that man there."
"You mean Mr. Brandels?"
"Yes. He came In later. He's the flower
of that foul flock."
This reference to the champions of con
servation caused an uproar among the spec
tators, most of whom were women, and
there was some hissing.
The witness said he gave two copies of
his memorandum to the president's secre
tary and one to the attorney general, and
had not given one to Secretary Ballinger.
He produced the original, which he said he
had obtained from the White House Satur
day morning.
Confidential letters between Secretary
Ballinger and It. H. Thompson, city engi
neer of Seattle, last summer and spring,
were read by Stenographer Kerby to bear
out his contention that Thomson was not a
fit man to be director of the reclamation
service. He said he had mentioned to Mr.
Brandels at Plnchot's home here last Feb
ruary that Ballinger had Intended to sup
plant Director Newell with Thomson ever
since he became secretary. The letters were
furnished the committee In response to a
request by Mr. Brandels.
Contents of Letters.
The letters related to a trip to Alaska,
which Ballinger had suggested Thomson
should take as an expert In the summer
of 1909, with Generge W. Perkins, of J. p.
Morgan & Co., to make some Investiga
tion with a view to establishing a railroad
for the development of mineral lands, Mr.
Ballinger wrote Thomson, he had recom
mended him to Mr. Perkins and that the
matter should be kept strictly confidential.
It appeared from the correspondence that
Mr. Thomson had first agreed to go to
Alaska, but subsequently had abandoned
the trip, because of his denlre to be pres
ent at the Spokane Irrigation congress.
In the letters between Ballinger and
Thornton reference was made to the re
clamation servica and the reorganisation,
which Mr. Ballinger planned and some
proposition, ahlcU Mr. Ballinger hoped to
be In a position to mak to Thomson by
Sapttxuber lust. Kerby read . a letter re
ceived by Mr. Ballinger from 8. II. Ueddes
of SeaUiM, ur.di-r date of April 11 last. In
which Geddes wrote he hod told Thomson
he would like to see him in Washington
as head of I no reclamation service, but
had assured the secretary that he had not
intimated some conversation the two had
Th committee declined Mt. Brandels' re
quest to have mad a part of the record
Uiu stattmeiil Issued from the White
House, denj'.ng ther was any foundation
for tke statement. Suiatuf Root
charged that Mr. Ilrandeis whoU' Vnc of 1
Inquiry was a covert iittonint to drug tin;
president Into tho investigation, to which
Mr. Brandels replied that It nia material
to the Investigation as tending to tdiow
the president- letter exonerating Ballinger
was pel pared In such haste that It whs not
Judicial In Its nature, but was extremely
Drandrla Fires Buck.
Attorney Brand Ma said that. Inasmuch, as
Senator Root had made a personal attack
upon him, he thought he should be nllowrd
to reply. Mr. Root said he hnd no ob
jection, but he did not remain In the loom
to luar the lawyer's explanation.
Mr. Brandels said the president's letter
of September 13, ex jneratlng Ballinger
and dismissing Ulavls had been prepared
under such circumstances as to lead to
the suspicion that it "was not Judicial In
Its naturo, but was extremely partisan."
He said that instead of producing tho
Lawler memorandum, when he applied for
It, a process of evasion had been resorted
"It Is clear to my mind," tald Mr. Bran
dels, "that the Lawler memorandum was
material anil that it his become doubly
material in view of the circumstances at
tending Its ultimute productions."
Kerby had tod the committee he had not
been accustomed to keep his stenographic
note books and hud so told Mr. Carr, but
had mentioned to Carr that Massey had
kept all of his. Ho said subsequently to
that Massey had destroyed his nolo books.
Mr. Brandels asked Kerby to explain
why. The witness said he and Massey had
been discussing the possibility of their be
ing cslled before tho Inquiry. Somithlng
was Fald about Massey's having kept all
his notes, and Carr turned to Massey, smil
ingly, and said, "according to Kerby, 'Mns
Bey, you hud better lose those note bookB.'
Massey lost the note books," udded Kerby
Mr. Lawler was called to the stand and
denied that tho memorandum 1iad been
prepared with the assistance of anybody.
Ho said that ho had merely read it over to
Secretary Ballinger and others In his office
after It had been finished in order to make
certain that every statement contained
therein was absolutely correct.
Attorney Vertrees Indicated-that he might
want to question Mr. Lawler further when
the committee meets on Thursday, as the
witness Btill was under examination when
the hearing adjourned.
Darbey Thielman
Caught in Seattle
Man Under Indictment in jOmaha as
Member of "Big Store" Gang Cap-.
tared After Long Hunt.
SEATTLE, May 18.-"parbey" Thielman,
a bartender was arrested by a deputy
United States marshal here today 011 an
Indictment returned by a federal grand
Jury at Omaha last December, charging
him with promoting a fake prize fight.
Thielman is alleged to have been a mem
ber of the Mabray gang of fake prize fight
and wrestling bout promoters, several of
whom were recently tried at Council Bluffs,
and sentenced to Imprisonment In the fed
eral penitentiary at Leavenworth,
When the Indictment was returned against
Thielman last winter, he fled to British
Columbia and did not return to Seattle
until a few days ago. Several years ago
be made a good record as a professional
base ball pitcher, lis will be given a
preliminary hearing before, a United State
commissioner tomorrow.1;
JOPLIN, Mo., May 18.-Lute West, alias
Lute Bodlen, Tom Rogers and "10," ar
rested In Webb City last week on an in
dictment returned by the Mabray federal
grand Jury at Council Bluffs, la., was iden
tified by W. D. Bedford, a farmer of
Bolckow, Mo., as one of the men who
robbed him of 150,000 on a rake horse race.
He was held In default of 3,000 bond and
will be taken to Council Bluffs Thursday.
Thielman Is a member of a prominent
and wealthy German family of St. Cloud,
Minn., one of the most highly respected
families of that old German city. When
he was first arrested In Omaha a news
paper man who knew him in St. Cloud had
a talk with him at the jail and Thielman
said that If he ever gut out of this trouble
he would stay clear of such associates
again; that he did not realize the criminal
side of the deal when he went Into It. He
was over-zealous that his family not learn
of his disgrace.
Thielman is a brother of Jaklo Thielman,
the old base ball pitcher, with Cleveland
and then some minor league teams and
Darbey Thielman, himself, was a profes
sional ball player, being a member of the
Spokane and Seattle teams In the North
western Pacific league, but he was hard to
manage and when he got Into this trouble
was blacklisted for Jumping a contract.
Thielman was one of the first men In
the Miking games at Council Bluffs. He
himself told the police after they found
they were unable to hold him In Omaha
and the Council Bluffs officers did not
try to get him, how much fun they had in
"pulling off" the fake prize fight where
one fellow with his mouth full of port
wine pretended to bleed to death when the
other one hit him on the Jaw. That deaf
was hatched In Louisville, Ky., and en
acted In Council Bluffs, so that the
Omaha police had no claim on him.
Hyde May Escape
Prison for Time
Physician, However, Must Remain in
Custody Even Though Case
Goes to Supreme Court
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. May 18. If Dr. B.
Clark Hyde's attorneys carry his case t
the supreme court, tho physician will not
have to go to the state's prison pending
action on the matter by the higher tribunal.
Ha must lemaln In Jail here, however
This announcement vaa made by Judge
Latshaw late today. Karlltr he had said
the state provided that an appeal did nut
act as a supersedeas, but upon further
Investigation he found lie was In error.
Attorneys for the convicted man said
tonight that It was possiblo that a motion
for a new trial, would bo made before
Judge Latshaw tomorrow.
In case it la denied I lie appeal will be
filed with the supreme court at once. All
of the papers tor the latter action are
Salt (or nolrndrr Kslate.
IOWA FALLS, la.. May IS. (Special. )
A fight for an estate of l&.Oou was started
last evening when a suit was fib-d In the
district court of this county seeking to
break the will of the late Mrs. Nora Bolen
der of this city. My Mrs. Bolender's will
she left the bulk of bcr fortune, estimated
at tX.OOO, to Mr. Frank Cowles of this city,
a young man who had befriended her In
advancing years. Seeking to reimburse
the young man for his kindness when she.
was practically alone In "-lie world, she re
membered him geaerously In lur will and
left him all her property, with the excep
tion of two bequests of tl.OoO each. Mis.
BolenuVr had no iMlmaie relatives and it
is gciicially kuppokcd that ihu aimed to
I 4-
i; "The Spirit of
I "The Best .
1 A'"A1 0rii jsaJr'
mm mA i&mmx w m rrrm sac
inn.MHiinHiSiHiiiiil I I!. mWilniHiilliiinidlin jh mUs ttinMu
F?r.'f.'r.r-?'r.?;i!'y.1'. My.'lwwil)Tt'lW8"l1-' .iimJii.i.w.M , rw.a i u in 1 lf.n.a
4rVTS.g.- tSJL'j;!SSr.-Ts,sr. ,.JiJg! tT i . ' i i i.fri -.rft-.gaJta
I K,n T HI
Kill tho Dandruff Germs Stop HsJr Falling
Thousands of mothers are looking younger. Their gray hairs are gone. The natural
color ha9 come back, and with it a new growth ol soft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should
you look old before your time, when yon can look years younger by using
It Is Positively Guaranteed to Restore
Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color
It other so-called" Restorers have failed, don't givo up hope, but ' give' WYETH'S
SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR (REMEDY a trial. Yoa ran no rlslu . 11 it is not exactly
as represented, your money Will' be refunded. '
Gray Hair Restored
My hair aa getting quite gray and falling cut rapidly
and I was troubled with a terribl itching f tha scalp.
Ky head waa fall of dandruff, which fell upon my clothes
and kept me continually brushing it off. While on a
visit to Rochester I rxaid of yonr E;j and Sulphur
for the hair. I got a bottle and used It. A fow appli
cations relieved tha itching, my hair stopped fall
ing out and gradually came back to its natural color. It
ii dw a nice dark brown color, soft, glossy and pliable.
Several of my friends want to use It, and I want to
know what you will charge ms for six bottles of it
Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa.
50c. and $1.00 a Bottle At all Druggists
n Yovr Drvgsist Does Hot Keep It, Send Us the Price in Stamps, and We WEI
Send You & Large Bottle, Express Prepaid
a Wyoth Chemical Company
. vi; sai,. kkl u..i.ih.. ii. i iw :m'.i;i. .i.vs ... . ,
oM Mr. Cowlfs in completing' hid
education and Klartlns Mm out In life.
Nora Johnson an. H. V. Aninn.rmaii, rlin
lant rrlativin at Arklt'j', are eoiniluliiaiits
in tbc an it.
SitIiiui ! rat lima
and u-ouikIm niv lualfd without ddn;T-i of
IjIimkI polMiiiliiK bv lluuklrn'a Arnica S.iUf,
the t.f.-tliMK uoii.Kr. , l,r ,jr f a.
ton In ug C'.j.
A dainty, crisp, delicious
daily breakfast will put
vim and life in your work
ai! day
No matter where the nrirt of
rubber goes, Sterling Tires' are
always tho samp. We build only 100 per day each one is hand made
and five times inspected in prot ess. With Sterling Blue Tubes iiiHidc
tiny fcive longer and fretter service .haii any others. Dears every
where. .IJooUet on request. Sterling Rubber Works, Ruthtrford, N. j;
I'ur bule b I'uxluu Ji Ullagl.e.' C'w., Jotb btreot Viuduct. Ouiul.n.
0 1
5 $fZi
mm Trtr
Dandruff Cured
Three applications removed
all the dandruff and left my
scalp clean, white and smooth.
Wa Croak, Eochestei, N. Y.
Grew Hair on & Bald Head
For two or thres years my hair had bees
faUiag out and getting quite thin until the top
of my head waa entirely bald. About four
months ago I commenced using Sage and Sul
phur. The first bottle seemed to do some good
sod I kept using it regularly until aour I have
used four bottles. Th whole top of my head
Is fairly covered and keeps coming ia thicker.
I shall keep on using it a while lsnger, aa X
notice a constant improvement.
2chtJtr, H. Y.
New York City, N.T.
' . -.1 U 1.