12 THE HKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY IP,- IMC. QBBDEiaiH n B b n a b b a n .wan H! B P I i SI' MM Kit STVLK ISOOK, including nny 15c l4Klier Home Journal I'auem, for. . . .SOcJj j Xrn " 1 " r" -!- ! Hi iibihii im i i mii f i ti ' n - ' ' i I y wm mm? ELSm i 1 MMDS H TP? i v. vs-i nil 1 1 hij iu ii : nil .- H a i i i i. ,ii" ' VT. r . I i pj I V ir V TV I Hi ! I .'4 k A km II lit Thursday Specials Women's White Serge Suits Very popular this season, made in nil the newest style features, nicely tailored, specially priced group ' WOMEN'S LONG WOOL COATS Choice of hundreds of smart long coats made of serges and other wool fab rics, strictly up-to-date, worth up to $30, at PU WOMEN'S WASH DRESSES Pretty new styles for summer wear all new arrivals being shown for the first time some very C clever ideas, at .JPJ FOUR SPECIALS IN BASEMENT CLOAK DEPT. JVomen'a wool Tailored Suits new styles, worth $T98 up to $10, at J Extra size Skirts for stout women, good quality mo hair with cluster $50 pleats, nt t Women's Tailored Skirts new and practical $59 styles, worth to $7. . . . ; New Wash Petticoats, made of good chambray, embroid ered flounce, all PA colors Trimmed Hats at s2.50 Worth $5 00 and $7.50 Several hundred trimmed hats, in new models for summer, will go on sale for the first time Thursday on our second floor. Great variety of straws, graceful trimmings of flowers and ribbons, large and medium shapes, $')50 worth $5 hnd $7.50, at - WOMEN'S SMART NECKWEAR at 25q . New Dutch collars, sailor collars, some with real Irish crochvjt me dallions, jabots, Irish crochet lace bows, fancy lace -" r stocks, lace and tailored stocks, etc., worth up to ' Charming New Dresses for First Communion and Confirmation Few stores give as much attention to this class of nierchandiuc as Bennetts. What we know to be the most exquisite styles In white lawn dresses are shown herp now in great profusion. There's an air of distinction about them, and a certain something that Is so con spicuously different and new as to make any young girl "dress proud". Who would bother over the making of them? Seamstresses could not be expected to give you the ldeaa and designs as well as thoae whose life work is devoted to creating girlish . modes. The cost of making alone, in Omaha, would equal the total cost of the dresses complete; consider that. You'll wonder why you never thought of this before, once you see them. The making could riot possibly be better or more satisfying. They are all new and fresh and crisp, ready to put on and wear at a moment's notice. v SIZKS ARK TO 14 YKAKS; MARK A OIOICK NOW W II ILK CHOOSIMi'IS MOST. DRESSES (7 AT THREE STYLES 0Vo) Made of fine lawn, round yoke, lace Insertion and hemstitching, pleated skirt- with folds. Gibson effect, . with embroidery shoulder straps, belt collar and cuffs. 1-.OW' square cut neck and three quarter sleeves; lace insertion and R 1 - Bl $3,95 tuck trimming. DRESSES THREE STYLES Mado of fine lawn, with cluster tucks and rows of Val. Insertion alternating across front. Dress with yoke of fine tucks and lace insertion and lace trimmed sleeves. Dress, French waist effect, with hand embroidery and lace Inser tion yoke; front tucked in clusters from yoke to bottom of waist. DAINTY DRESSES Made of very Bheer lawn, round, shirred yoke, blind embroidery and lace Insertion of daintiest pattern, row embroidery Insertion at bot tom. . $5.95 pi; i 5: la s H a B 13 H B N i u a M 75c, at OMAHA gi II 1 B I CONFIRMATION DRESSES s.ss Made of finest India linon, low, square' neck and short sleeves, three rows embroidery insertion alternating with cluster- tucks, ribbon belt, long French effect; pleated and tucked skirt. EMBROIDERY DRESSES 7.95 Made with deep "embroidery flounce skirt, Gibson style with em broidery straps over shoulder, low square neck and short sleeves. Also several other handsome models. Brandeis Stores Were Among the Largest Buyers in the Greatest Auction Sale of Rugs Ever Known in New York The Wall Street Journal of May 16th says: ' ', Buyers who attended the recent sale of the Alexander Smith t Sons Carpet Company stated that in many respects it wvas the most remarkable they ever attended. v The New York Journal of Commerce says: From four to five hundred carpet buyers were present from all over the country when Wilmerding, NorriB & Mitchell began offer ing about $4,000,000 worth of carpetings and rugs, products of the ' Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Oou at 105-107 Fifth Avenue. The buyers who bought the rugs Included retailers as widely separated as Boston, Washington, Omaha, Seattle, Minneapolis and Richmond, Virginia. . . ' ' BRANDEIS ENTIRE PURCHASE OF THESE HIGH GRADE RUGS GOES ON SALE NEXT MONDAY Great Sale of Wall Paper (or Next Monday We bought the entire stoek on hand of an eastern wall paper Joblwr. Two immenne carloads of high grade wall paper on special sale at ImrualnH that have never before been offered. A remarkable opportunity to buy wall paper under price. J. L. nitAXDEIS & SONS Women's, Suits, $25, $29.50 to $33.75 Values, Choice of 200 or More, at . . .". . ... v.. This includes the best of the year's styles we nave up to jds. lb. .! ; any colored cloth suit H Our Big Book Sale a Notable .Success YOU buy books for VOUr librarv for lena than van hnvn ouuk l-nnnrn before. "Handled" sets that show slight Injuries from counter and win dow displays, is reason for the sharp price decline. It's worthy of note that, William Collier, the well known actor, ap preciating the remarkable savings over New York prices, purchased heavily Monday, having the books sent to hit home In New York. The sale continues all week. '1 kMltlAJk Mir Mm kM.m$kjum n ( : ftpys . -1 " ' ' - r w ;y v:':'- y Jm ' I A LWAYS the same delightful be vcr- JftTi 8 ace and always uniform in delicious ' 1 v tw H ' I flavor and absolute purity. It's " flV if If If I because we grow our own yeast and .; fll :.j t If -"Sllf- 1 take the proper care and time to malt ,: jj J-lpt L,g 4 li f 1 I our barley by the old process. That's j i & W-iUit t 1 ; ! J 'J. I 8 why High Life Deer is so rich and so B p llEH ll tr' 'Hr:-" I consistently pleasing. ' " ' I I" Vi pi'!'Pi' Vil'M' viijl j 1 Br.welby I I" 1 j ifeP I W,LLER BKEWIWQ COMPANY, at Milwaukee. V. Vp-' Tifi M ' I ' : 0RDEI:a case today. IE"; M J iBn ' : ' " 1 ' mm I ir?rr rf 4 -a - -f'. jW.ii.ii i . ftoWMMfcuii m.' mi ii Ti.jni.iriii,in . rh';Y"V vH :,; j .Distributors.' ' " tt ! i f t i 1020 Hroadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. T - -t V r-' , i Doth lhonc, 705. ,.; rfM. , ' ' ' ''r " As? irr Ml in'm-n, .mi. i iMiffr..Mi.,ti.,i.'i-mi-riWf,- ,f 5r . -XjNiw ' . VJ?" ""Vff "" y.i.f.i"iimi mi iwmiwui miwu.i ,u mi miiiin. 1 uw J'tt-;T,iltJ4r -r- : ii -- -n il.., JHmA . Millions Spent in Reclaiming Soil in Idaho Important Rug acd Furniture Sales Are Scheduled For Next Monday. Details Later G. Lesur of Twin Falls, Idaho, Tells ot the Wonderful Work Being Lone. P. Q. Lrsaur, president and general man after of the Twin Fall. Land and Orchard company, and secretary of the Twin Falli Mining exchange, arrived from Twin Falls, Idaho. Tuesday night and Is quartered at the Taxton. Mr. Lrssur Is another of that type of western man who Is beginning; to make Omaha his headquarters. Filled with en thusiasm and confident of the future of his town and country. Mr. l.t8ur talks Idaho in the morning. Twin Falls, Idaho, at noon; and Orchalara, Twin. Falls, Idaho, at night. Mr. Lemur Is an Iowa man, one of that army of mid-west buxinests men who have KOne out Into wi st was the waste spaces uf the Snake. River desert; who has helped to. make It blottaom as a rose, and who are now reaping lh reward of their belief and faith and confidence and toll. "The day of cheap land In Idaho la gone," raid Mr. Ltneur at the Paxton this morn littc. "There Is t o more cheap land left In the west. 'ThW la because with the devel opment, of tHe" land through Irrigation and bringing of vaat areas ot country under cultivation, the demand for ttilaJand has grown and grown' and the price 'has kept pace with it. . ' ', .. ., . "V. S. Kuhn, his" brothep" 'and a groupj ot Flttsburg capitalism have spent on the Halmon Kiver project about $16,090,000, on the North Side Twin Falls project, about JM.000,000; on the South Side Twin Falls project, Frank Uuhl of Ph'aio.n, Pa., has spent fO.OtiO.OOO; on the Oakley Twin Falls prdject, $12,000,000, and Frank Buhl and his associates are prepared to spend, In the opening up of the Bruneau extension, com prising G0O.000 acres, the Initial aura of $30, 000,000 before the land can be' used for farm purpoaes. Before this land is fully developed It will take an additional $10, 000.000 These are all conservative figures. "The fact Is that with the United States government, C. H. Meredith and C. J. Perkins and his associates of Dea Moines, together with the group of men whom I have referred to. there has been expended In the Btate of Idaho over $J5O,0Q0,0O0 for the reclaiming of an area of over 2.000,000 acres of the best land on earth. "This land never had a plow stMck Into it; that from time immemorial, it has been summer fallowed by the ages. From time immemorial the melting snows, the rains and the flood waters of the Nnake' river have brought down not only the volcanic BHh from the hill slop but a top soil of black vegetable loam, shed on these htlltiides by trees which must' have died with the passing of the post-pleoclne age. 'This has all been- mad. possible by one single man of the Twin Falls tract, by his Indomlnltable energy and his persistency In Interesting 'this capital which has du- 1 11 If ' - VI r Trunks and Traveling Bags i ' $3.50. to' $4.00 But Tonr Travaltn Ooada .t r.i. Where they know what Ipathnr la Wa u ni.,.. i low prices. Our Cowhide Leather Kult r. f,,r . .V. k..1 ...TiJ i ' tw.ww iss n o ucdi niuc in mo -a ,j , Drexcl Oxfords for Young Men For style and quality of ox fords the young mail is always a criterion. None of the de tails, such as the width of the toe shape of last height of heel or general appearance never escape his critical eye. On all these points lie is well posted.' B The .distinctive styles and snap py appearance appeal to him. Wo cater to the critical taste of these young men and know, .their every want when it comes to the oxford question. AVe carry a complete line of' young men's oxfords, in all the styles and leathers to be found, at prices to fit their pocketbook. aamwmgi 1SX. YeiBowstdrie i . M.,, .... '4 1 L. ALFRED CORNISH Harness, Baddies and Traveling . Goods. veloped this country and his name is known throughout the broad country' as' I. . B. Perrlne of Blue Lakes." Mr. Lesaur left for Dea Moines last night. ' & CO. 1310 Farnam Street. You are always welcome to look at our shoes and oxfords for young men. Park Open About June 15th Wylie Camping Tour of Park six days, transportation,, board, lodg-"'"',. . ing, etc from Gardiner or Yellowstone. . ..... . . . . . ... A J$ 40. Ot) Round trip rail rate to Gardiner or Yellowstone entrances. . . ,'.',$ 32.00 Round trip rail rale to Cody (cart and scenic entrance.) : . . '. ...JjJ ,30, 7o Holm's personally conducted eighteen-day camping tours .through the ". , park from Cody, July 8th and 29th, August 19th, Septeni-' f . ber 9th " vV , v; v. ... $ 7S.00 Round trip tour via Gardiner, five and one-half days. fn park, includ- Ing rail, stage and hotels. . ,;1v. ( .t 8-C.fiU Round trip tour vIp, Yellowstone, four and one-half dy lt' pur,k. . . - including' rail, stage and hotels. . . .g 78.245 Diverge route tour, in via Gardiner, out' via , YelowntdfaeivRll :ac- . oommodations for, five and. one-fourth days. .' '. : ; .' '..'V.'j 81072o Diverse route tour, , in via .Yellowstone, out -via Ggrdlnef, Rll" sjc . commodations for three and one-half days. ..... ... ' t, . 03,50 Side excursion trip, on coast tours, from Livingston. Mont., all ac , t v commodations , . ; . v . . . . . $ ' 55.00 ' A ' i , t . Free descriptive publications. "Yellowstone" !Pak,"-"The t!ody i Road Into Vellowstone l'ark," "Wylle t'aniplrar- TourB," 'Ooloradl Utaii Handbook," and others on re(iuet. For colli-' plete Inforrnntlnr. about routcn, (rain service, stop overs, ratea, tickets and bertha, call on.', , 1 , ,. r : Vi ' i. u. Jte, .iiin. jity I'Msencer 'AiroHt." f 15011 Farnam Street,. Omnha. , E30t Governors Meet with Army Men Talk Over Plans for Military Tour nament for This Fall. A LINIMENT' FOR EXTERNAL USE. ' Baty'f coming Wl b. time of rejoicing, and not of apprehen sion and fear, If Mother ' Trlend ii vied by the expectant mother la preparation of the event Thli U not a medicine to be taken Internally, but liniment to be applied t body, to aisist nature in the necessary physical changes of the ayetem. Mother Friend 1 composed of oils and medicines Vhlch prepare the muscles and tendons for. the unusual strain, render the llgamenU evpple and elastic, aids In the expanding of the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes, .ud tissues. It lessens the pain and danger at the crisis, and assures future health to the 'mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable Information for expectant mothers. . - . . . . THE DR AD FIELD CO., ATLANTA. OA, The board of governors of Ak-5ar-Ben Is to entertain a number of the army affl cers of Omraha and vicinity at a dinner at the Omaha club on Thursday night. The guests' will be General Smith, Col tiiel McCarthy, Colonel Glas.sford, Colonel Gardener, Major liurnham and Major Ken nedy. Tho dinner ttf to be held for the purpose ot getting tho army officers together for a discussion of the military maneuvers to be held here during the Ak-Sar-Ilen car nival. The Initiation crew of the knights gath ered at the Pen on Tuesday night for the first rehearsal of tho ritual. Another re hearsal of the work will be held on Friday night. A. Break 'p Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a ie box nf Ir. King's New Life I'll Is Is bought. For sale by lWtun lrtjg Co. Balldl.ar Permits. L.J. Crosier, S2fi North Twenty-fourth, frame, fl.su); Crclgliton university, altera tions and repairs t.i six dwelling. $mju; J. F. Hiurtteou. Leavenworth, frame. II.60O; K. K. Carey. 1U4 spencer, frame, IJIMI; A. VVIebe. 341 J North Twentieth, frame. 1500; Mrs. Ida Mallu, 421S r'aikrr. frs.itM, e-.AA. :;- The tonely use or ChaMibvri.ln's Cough Bemsdy will prevent pneumonia. mm i A Wonderful emedy (or all Diseases caused by URIC ACID IN THE BLOOD Theie pills cleanse W the whole svstem and bring about a new sense of health and strength. The manufacturers, Uelden & Copp Co., Minneapolis, will send you a sample ab solutely free. The regular price is $ 1 a box. For ssle by Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. t 3395 Hotel Rome 2uropean IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cor. IGth and Jackson Sts. Two blocks from leading department stores and all theaters. HOME Mll.I.I.lt. Worms "Caararetsare certalaly flne. I gare a Mend one when the doctor was treating him for cancer ot theatamach. The neit moraing he paud four pleceaof a tape worm. Hetties got a bos a ad to. three dayi be paiaed a u-wwm 48 feet loaf. It was Mr. Matt Fifclt. uf Milleraburg, lMupbi. Co.. Pa I am quite a w.rker for Catca. reta. 1 uaa thea aaraelf aad iod them brnrnnal for moat any diaeaae caused by In pure blood." . Cha. E. Condos.Iwuitoo.fa., (MiOlin Co.) Plaaaaat. Palatable. Potent. Taate Good. D.Uood Never Sicken, Weaken or Grip., lac, i4c, 10c. Nerer sold ia bulk Tnetenu ine tablet stamped C C C. (iuaraateed to cure or your aiuaey back. i21 St. Louis Shoe Shipments And Slioe Factory Output The factory output for the week enil IliKv May Jill was :, 0.V1 pairs of stioes and tiie iiumber of i-uMea of siioes Mhlp yt wu Ik.tiiiu. ' Fm ly-riine fui tune. are included In th. report which la made by the Blioe k Leather Uasett. NEXT MONDAY Try H AY DEN'S First for RUGS it wii.ii r.w. OMAHA'S GltK.lTKST SAI.K. 7 PILES FISTULA FAT WIIH CVB2 All Kectal Olasases - cured without a Surgical operation and Or.arantaed to last a Lifetime. No cliloroform. ether or other seneial anaeathette uaed. Ksamlaatota) rrea. Writ. rs rre. Book. GSR. E. R. TARRY 2 811 BZ,D(K OMAHA. BZB. Reliable Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms Facing Farnam Street; on the ground floor The best location in Omaha for many lilies of business is opposite the Court House and next to tho City Hall. It is very seldom that it is possibleifor you to get one of , the ground floor rooms in ' , ' , THE BEE BUILDING ; The entrance if. Just west of the main entrance of, tho ' ' building; It has an entrance from the court aH well.', The building furnishes heat, light, water and Janitor. enrco. . . The building la fire-proof and there 1b a lance brick yaujt. bo you can cut out jour insurance cxnciisn. The room will be remodeled and redecorated to suit tho tenant. The space can bo arranged to give tenant 1.S&0 square fet U if thYs is the best location for you, now js thtj tinio to grasp ' the opportunity, and apply , at r once Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Busineka' Office. . The system of the Mutual Raving Bank plan enables the Omaha Loan and Building Asso- ciation to pay to its members six pr cent per. annum dividends' Jauuary ancb.July int.'" Investment of $1.00 per month to $o;())0 iu lump sums can be made. F6r information" c.ill or address 101 South IClh St., S. 1$. comer ICth and Dodge Sts. -: .-. '