TIIE PER; OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1010. 11 f il ,. CRAKi AM PRODUCE MARKET K .. - Wheat .Opens Easier with Favorable Weather Reports. Soils TOWER PUT TO TEST Condition In Winter Grain Belt In. dlcate Prospect tor Good. , Growth Cora Price - Slnntn. lids:., ' OMAHA, May H. 1910. Clearing weather with wanner tempera turca gave wneat an easier opening and price ruled' 4u4c lower ourliig tne sb Ion. j- 4 Miouid present weather condition help the growth In tho winter wheat bell it will take conaluprtkuiu Uluit ,., uu po.t o. bull leaders' to. hold pru.es at these levels. Corn waa weaker and, pncea slumped on more uoeraj selling by country ueuiere, farm deliveries are better una a notrai movement will chum turLher declines. Warmer and clearer weamer caused heavy selling of wheat, which easily brose (the market. cash prices Were aiow ana noma weaker, value tieniK about n to lu lower. Demand in not active. Fine Weiainer I'lospect took the snap out ot tne corn. ' ns? t ket. and the decline harp. Selling by longs and funnel- snuit UtilinK gavt) the caan market an earner uiio anu samples were uttered lower Tor tha day!' v Primary w heat' recelDts were 381,000 bu. Hid einoinehu were l.sj (wO bu. against re ceipts last year of 86J.O0O bu, nd shlp- liienta oi 3u,00O-bu. ,. Primary corn retclnt were 300,000 bil and shipments were ia,000 bu. against re ceipts last ,yeur or. ZnJ.uoO bu. unu amp DlfcfltM (if IHHI hll. Clearance wra ll&tiOO bu. of corn. 90 bu. of uaia and wheat arid flour equal 4'j l.0()O bu. v Liverpool closed 4 to higher on wheat nu unchanged on corn. Local ranjge of options: ArUclos.l ojen. lllgh.J Low. Clonal Tesy, Wheat I 1 r-. .-t May... 1 OHMil 1 04 1 July... 100 i 1 0 ' 1 i4i i ...I . 5741 6741,", Sfttl I Corn- May. July uau May. July. 00 I I i osm i osH 1 ou 1 l ou f6H ,..8i. 634 Jl39l 39 , 34 38-fc i I I saw 8841 68 bit 8914 39 k Oanadan Caan Prices. WHEAT No. hard. Sl.04Wl.06: No. hard, $1.0Ufl.04; No. 4 hard, 94cu$l.o0; No. 2 spring, ii.ua4i.uu; Mo. 1 spring, ti.uuriji.ui; iso. i ouruii, KbHiitmc; no. durum, mkisoc CORN No.. white.. OOWn rt0ic : No. white, 80f3-i4c; NOi white, 67U5c; No. 2 yellow, wvucci No. a yellow, f7VS4c; No. 4 yellow, .uwie: No. 8. 68fu8V4c: no. S. d7Viii6Sc; Mo, 4, W4j.GTo; no grade. 4(i63c. aV'sYTo Standard, 4ue: No. S white. 3Wn40c; HuJ4 whlta.-fcfl.TSe; Ho. 3 yellow, 3ai9o; iNo. 4 yellow. Wa3c: No. 8 mixed, tiWft B A RLE No. 4, 48ViiglHc; No. 1 feed, i KYE-$Jor t, 7S7Ec; NO. S, 73ff74c . ' Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago ..,........ 20 DO 100 AHnneapoll , Ill Omaha 5 12 22 JJUlUtU vs....,ria...a 26 row: Wheat, SO cars; corn. 43 car; oata. cars. WEATHER IX THE OR AIM BELT flr and Warner Forecasted for To day and Thnradar. OMAHA, May IS, 1910. The disturbance that was central over the, upper Mississippi valley Tuesday morn Inn; la now ctntral over the lower lakea and St. Lnwrence valley. Showers attended ins aisiuroance over tne upper Miss issippi and Ohio valleys, and lake region during Tuesday, and continue In the lower laae rrclon this mornin. Halns were gen eral In the southern states within the Ihf.i 24 hours, and are general In the mid dle Atlantic kiates this morning. The weather Is Keneially clear in the central lleys and throughout the west, excrpi In Colorado and south over the Texas pan handle, where cloudy w.;athr witn scat tered sho'vers are reported. tUlghuy cooler weather prevails in the lake region, the Ohio and lower Mississippi valleys. and warmer weather Is general everywhere west of the Mississippi river, f air weather will continue In this vicinity tonight and probably Thursday, with slightly warmer toniisht. i:s Temperature and preclpirATIon as com pared with the last three years: 110. 1U03. 1908. 1007. Minimum temperature.... 48 58 60 52 rreclpltation O T T 1 Normal temper atur for today, 61 degree. Deficiency in pieciplialiyu since mai'cn i, 4 7 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 2.09 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 1U Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local forecaster. Corn and Wheat Regloa Bulletin. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, May 18, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Kaln- Ptatlons. Mas. Min. tall. Sky. Ashland, Neb 6 40 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb 88 88 .00 Clear B'ken Bow, Neb. 70 80 .00 Clear .Columbus, Nob... 70 36 .00 Clear Culbertson, Neb.. 73 45 .00 Clear Fnlrbury, Neb... 71 41 ,00 Clear Fairmont. N-b... 68 40 .00 Clear Gr. Island, Neb.. 70 40 .00 Clear Haatings. Nob.... 70 41 .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb... 72 43 .00 Clear Oakdalc, Neb O 36 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb 66 45 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 68 37 .00 Clear Alia, la 61 40 .00 Clear Carroll. Ia 68 39 .00 Clear Clarinda, Ia 65 37 .00 Clear Hlbley, la 61 41 .01 Clear Sioux City, la... 64 44 .00 - Clear Minimum temperature for twelve- period ending at 8 a. m. Districts. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain- Stations. Max. Mln. Columbus, 0 17 66 50 Louisville, Ky 19 64 46 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 64 46 Chicago, 111 26 62 46 St. Louis, Mo 18 m 46 Des Moines, la.... 14 62 42 Minneapolis, Minn. 80 W 40 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 68 44 Omaha, Neb 19 68 40 Oood rains were general in the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys and lake reaton during the last ' twenty-four hours. The weather Is warmer west and slightly cooler east ot the Mississippi river. L. A. WUUbH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. fall. .40 .50 .20 .40 .01) .00 .40 .00 .00 ' CHICAGO, GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Peat ore of the Trading and Closlns i Price on Board of Trade, . CHICAGO, May J8. In every pit on the Board of Trade closing quotations showed a loss. Expectation . of , marked Improve ment In the crap showing was general be cause of the warm weather in all direc tions following a,. "long-continued coolness ana ine rains. .Reports of another oararo of IV). 000 hush els of wheat to come to Chicago from Duluth gave an additional statement near the close. .AoUve. futures finished lo to 1140 lower ana may, c. corn showed a decline of To to lc; oats, a to o and provisional 7Ho to 17V. Apparently the- short Interest in wheat had largely, covered on yesterday's bulge and there was little or no other basis of strength. The higher Liverpool quotations were regarded aa merely a reflection of a temporary spurt here. i-. purchases which caused tha local bulge were believed to ' have been sold out today In the first hour. The selling pressure was renewed and par ticularly from the northwest. Duluth stocks- were shovfti to have been deoreased 300,000 bushels In two days. A dispatch from Dallas declared that Texas would rain 15,000,000 bushels and that the harvest would begin in eight days. Almost simultaneously came Information that durum wheat was 23c lower than spring wheat at Duluth, showing total ab sence for any foreign demand. In none of the. markets was there any call reported for ordinary milling, sorts. Selling was moot persistent and the -support poorest In the final dealings. One reason was a telegram asserting that reports from every nunty In North Dakota, showed almost ithout exception practically no damage ' and that conditions apparently were about perfect. " September aold from I1.01H to Sl.Ooti. and closed weak at Sl.OOHc, a net loss of lVc. Bflght warm weather and larger offer ings frJin interior dealers and farmers made corn quite weak at the bottom" fig ures of the day, No, 3 yellow finished at 638 64c. Illinois and Iowa offered oats here freely today. Many longs who bought yesterday and- last week unloaded. Fluctuations In the September option were between 39o and 'Mc, with the close at the latter price, a loss of Ve'ic. The weakness of grain operated to keep Intending buyers out of the provision mar ket. Pork scored a net decline of 104i Ljl : fc lie, lard, 7Vfo to lOtfUViC, and ribs. Ang quotations ranged as follows: Articles. Open.j High. Low. I Close. Sat y. Wheat May 1 1S July 103V T fr-pt. 101VH C?in A May 60S July 62Vu1 Sept. S Dec. 6'i 42 July 40W Sept. 3.11. Dec. 3D7 Pork July 23 25 Sept. 23 15 laid- July IS 80 Sept. 12 72H Ribs July 12 77 Sept. 12 70 I 13J 1 12 1 03'4 1 02V4 1 01H 1 U0 iHI - ni - C8HI ; 8Wl v.42 4ohi J; Sll is i-v.1 13 7i It 77H 14 IV , 697i 67 42 - 40k ; V t 3 00 il 97 12 5 12 70 1I57H 4 1 12 1 124 1 02H 1 03 1 00 i oiv, 5974 60 61HrW62to'4 2'4 6.) , 67WI 68-4 42 42 - 40S!40Stl' 8S35lii4 3U 40 23 10 23 27A 23 07V4 23 174 12-774 12 90 12 65 12 724 12 724 12 824 12 60 12 70 No. S. I . '': - - Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; wniter patents, $4.90 1 10; winter straights. " S4.26i(T4.!(0; spring tralKhta. $4.50(4.75 tprlng (Mitents. 6.2"i ki iur utrsi naru; oarers,. f u"ni.irj. RYE No. S. 78e. .. .. BRLKY Feed or "mixing, 62&67c; fair to fc. iiimunK, OJ.iD(C. SKKDS Flax. .Nu.. iiuiihi-Miwii tl uu No 1 northweKtem, 82.044. Timothy, nom inal. Clover, til w1?VI?10?-M,," rW Pr bbl- " '". per JW ID., 1J.UZ4'UU.06. ohort ribs, rides (loose), S12.75tri3.124; short lear side (boxed), SIS. Tata 14.00. . c "."5" of wheat and flour were - J! k . " DU- Primary receipts were cM.000 bu.. cumpard w4lh 281,000 bu. the cor responding day a year ago , , SlJ-,m"ir1,t tor tomorrow:,' Wheat. KO0h.a7n, t-'.' U- 14S e"- hos- rix'."r.C,,ll;.Prl50--Wh'': No. S red. R-SjfVlW Nv?v rl- 1 0711.13: Nn. I hard L w ' tfrd, SlOrailS; No. 1 terrnB,'i. UVU5; N 2 nortr,;rn "Sl No- S cashT die; S yeiiow.c-VtSe,'NWo lV be; No. 4 white. M,404c; standard. 43S EOG3 Steady; receipts, r.SOl cases' at ErlnJ. tlVZ'xF-WU-. firsts We; CHKK8K tadjrj daisies. lHtf: twins i'WMi 'rf -Ainenca. lie; Long Horns. HffWSa. ItiTATOKS Steady; choice . to .fancy fcdiSOc; fair to good. JSTuttc. "'. POI LTRY-Steady; turkeys, JScj chick ens. ino. v4ineay; 80 to ao-lb. weights. 8-39 0 W 6-lh weights, IsniOc: 85 u 110-lb 1 HV: Whllt Mra- Him 100 Cra. Estimated tomor- IfEW YORK GKMEUAL MARKET dootatlon of the Day on Vartona Commodities, NEW YORK. May 18. FLOUR Dull and lower to sell; spring patents, 6. &&).); winter patents, S5.10ig6.30; winter extras, No. 1, 14.004.50; Kansas straights, S4-8r&5.00; spring clears, 14.26$ 4.50; winter extras. No. 1, S4.1044.40. Receipts, 17,867 bbls.; ship ments, 32,277 bbls. Rye, quiet; fair to good, I4.15ru4.40; choice to fancy, 4. 404.60. CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, S1.40U.1.45; coarse, $1.2561.30; kiln dried, J3.30. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 2 red, $1,144, nominal, c. 1. f.; No. 1 northern, $1.18, f. o. b., noniina. The option market declined under active selling by speculators on the Improved weather in the west and gen erally favorable crop advices, coining at 4 fec decline. May,- $1,1541-154; July, $l.ow ll-l6'1.10vfe, closed at Sl.oiHa; Septem ber, $1.0H41.074, closed at $1084. Re ceipts, 12,OoObu. CORN Snot barely steady; No. S, 69o, nominal, elevator domestic basis; export. No. 2, 69c, nominal, f. o. b. Option mar ket was without transactions, closing 1 lWc net lower. May closed at 6c; July, 70Tc; September, 704c Receipts, l,12o bu.; shipments, s.sw ou. OATSBpot, sieaay; mixea, io iu io., nominal;; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.; 43i 484c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 4?f524o. Option market was without transactions, closing nominal. Receipts, 23,875 bu.; ship ments, 750. M. , HAY Steady; prime. $l.l(yffL20; No. t, Sl.OMrl-10; No. 3, 95ctS$1.00. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 190s), 21(8 24c; 1908, nominal; Pacifio coast, vno lcal'io: 1908, nominal. HIDES-Firm; Central America, 23234o; Bogota, 224'234c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 26 29e; seconds, 23i827ci thirds, 2225c; rejected, PROVISlONS-Pork, steady; mess, $24.25 24.75; family, $26,004t)26.50; short clears, 6O04i27.00. Beef, steady; mess, $15.0016.00; farnllX' $19.00(&-'0.00; beef hams. $21.00OS26.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $15.6O17.60; pickled hams, $16.75 16 50 Lard, easy; middle west prime, $13.36 &13.S5. Refined, firm; continent, $18.90, South America, $14.75; compound, $K).lCKt t TnwRtMilv: country. 6t4JT70. RICE Quiet; domestic, 6488c; Patna, 6 BUTTER Steady; state dairy, common to prime. 23427o; process specials, 26c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, new Do white. l4V4c: fancy colored. 14Vic; average prime, 13914c; fair to good, 124 EuSs Steady; prices unchanged; freshly gathered, regular packed firsts, 21&214C. 8. Lou I a Grain and ProvUtoas. ST LOUIS, May 17. WHEAT Futures, higher; May, $1,094; July, $1,024; Septem ber $1,004. Cash, lower; track No. 2 ted, $1 1M, 1 184: No. 2 hard, $1,084!-"- CORN Futures, firm; July. G&Hc; Sep tem, 634S34c. Cash, lower; track. No. 2. 34a4c; No. 2 White, 654U-S64. OATS Futures, firm; July, S9-'!439''jC ; September, &c Cash, lower; track. No. 2, 41c; No. 2 white, 43&44c RYB Nominal, 81c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $5.20 (fftS. 60; extra fancy and straight, S4.70i85.10; hard winter clears. $3.76ff4.00. SKEI Timothy $3.0OiSj3.5O. ' CORN MEAL $3.25. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, )1.04 1.06. HAY Firm; timothy, $14.5018.50; prairie. $10.00-13 50. BAGGING 7 S-160. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, ' lower; Jobbing. $22.75. I.ard. lower; prime steam, $1Z8V$ 12.95. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 144c; clear ribs, 144c; short clears, 144c Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, 154c; clear ribs, 154c; short clears, lD4c POULTRY Steady; chickens, 14c; springs, 27(ii:Xc: turkeys, 16c; ducks. 12c; Keese. 7e. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23itf27c. , EGGS Steady, 18c. v Flour, bbls 5.400 9,600 Wheat, bu 22.000 73,600 Corn, bu 96,300 . 55,300 Oats, bu ....73,600 51,800 Kansas City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY, May 18. WHEAT May, $1.02. sellers; July. 974c sellers; September, 954o; cash, unchanged to lc higher; No. S hard, $1.0$1.10; No. S, $1.0401.0!; No. I red, Sl.08til.13; No. S, $1,0441.11. CORN May, 60c, sellers; July, 604-60o bid; September, 584(&58Ve; cash, unchanged to 4c lower; No. 2 mixed. 624c; No. 3, 61c; No. S white. 64c: No. S. i84tra'ViO. OATS Unchanged; No.. 3 .White. 42Mo; No. S mixed, S7ti40e. - RYE 7072c; May, unchanged; choice, 15 00; choice prairie, $10.75(811.00; choice al falfa, $16 50Jj 17.50; BUTTER Unchanged; creamery extras 26c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 23c; packing stock, 20c. EGGS Unchanged to 5c higher; current receipts, new cases, $5 46; miscellaneous caes, $5.40; southerns, $6.06; storage packed, $5.70. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 17 000 3.0u0 Corn, bu i,oom SS.oon Oats, bu. S.000 7,ouo Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. May IS -WHEAT Spot dull; No. S rod wetern winter no storks; futures quiet; May 7s. July 7s 4d; October 7s 141- CORN Spot quiet, new American mixed northrrn, no stock; old American mixed, 5 74d; new kiln dried 6 64d; via Galves ton 6s 4d; futures quiet; July nominal. Hllwsskn Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May I8.-FLOUR-D11II. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.12tl.lS; No. I northern. $l.OH1.104; July, $1 0t. OATS Firm; standard. 42i43c. BARLEY Samples, UOV NEW YORK STUCKS AND BONDS Foreign Exchanje Situation Partly Explains Stagnation in. Markets. CONTUSION REPORTED ABROAD Exlatlac High Price of Commodlllea Kmpkaslse Keoewlty of Wide spread Adjustment to Awaken Trade Activity. NEW YORK, May 18-In seeking an ex planation for the present stagnant con dition of the stock market attention was turned to the foreign exchange situation. The persistent hardening of the foreign ex change rates since the break caused by the first reports of large sales of American securities to foreigners has begot the fear that the reports of these sales were ex aggerated and partly unfounded. The dif ficulty In obtaining authentlo Information on the subject from the bankers concerned adds to the doubts which have come to be entertained. The suspicion that has grown up as to the sales of bonds actually effect ed cause a reversion of discussion to some of the unfavorable conditions which it was hoped to have relieved by the free recourse to foreign supplies of capital. It Is to be said that conditions In the foreign exchange markets are much con fused and the difficulty Is thus Increased of reading the supposed effects of sales abroad of bonds. On the other hand, the negotiations of the bond sales saw the de cline in exchange rates nnd the reduced profit on the sale of their bills against those sales with no great relish and the rebound In exchange Is under suspicion of manipulation to correct the situation In the Interest ot those banking Interests. The uneasiness of the shorts In foreign ex change would be aggr.ivlatrd of course, by allowing doubts to grow of the realltv pf the reported sales of bonds. Genuine strength In foreign exchange In Indicated bv the course of foreign mar kets and the sales here of stocks for for eign account. The troubles Incident to the putting afloat of fraudulent cotton bills of lading also constitute an element In the scarcity of commercial bills of exehnnpe. The hardening course of the private dis count rate In London today dissipated any expectation that the bank rate would come down tomorrow. The continuance of with drawals of gold for sundry destinations from the bank of England makes it likely that protection will be bought bv making the present bank rat effective In the open market. With this outlook in the foreign exchange market there was a recurrence of discus sion today of tha unfavorable trade bnl ance, the existing high price of commodities and the possible necessity of a widespread readjustment to correct the discrepuncv and to reawaken demand and restore trade activity. In this mood of the speculation atten tion was attracted to such Incidents .is the agitation by shippers against freight rate Increases by the railroads and thi? move ment among New England cotton mills to shut down for the week of Decoration day. The dealings of 245,200 shares were the smallest of any day of this or last year. In the hour between 1 and 2 o'clock today less than 18.000 shares ohans-ed hnrnt. Bonds were easy. Total sales par value, $1,176,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and quotations on bonds were as follows: SalM Hlvh Plnu Aiiia-wiaimers pia u am. ppo8r ,, Am, Agricultural , Am. Beet Sugar Am. Cn Am. Car A FVmndry Am. Cotton Oil , Am. Hid A Leather pffl.. Am. Ica Securities Am. ' Linseed Am, Locomotlre Am. Smelting sc Ret do pfd Am. steal Foundries Am. Sugar Rafinlng Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Tobacco pfd Am. Woolen , Anaconda Mining Co Atchiaon do pfd Atlantlo Ooaat Urn B. A o Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific Central Leather do pfd..i. Central of N. J Che, ft Ohio fhloaso A Alton Chloaso Gt. W.. new do pfd C. A N. W C, M. A St. P C. C. C. A 8t. L Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Con. Oas, ex-dlr Corn Producui Delaware Jk Hudson D. A R. O do pfd Dletlllera' Securities Erie do lat pfd do id pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd do Ore. ctfi Illlnola Central Inter. Met d pfd Inter, Harvester Inter, Marine pfd Iner. Paper Inter. Pump Iowa Central K. C. Southern do pfd , Laclede Gas L. N Minn. A It. L Minn., St. p. A S. St. M.. M.. K, A T do pfd Missouri Pacltlo National Biscuit National Lead Nat'l R. R. ot M. 2d pfd.. N. Y. Central N. T., Ont. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern pacific Pacific Mali Pennsylvania People's Qaa P., C, O. A St. I. Pittsburg Coel Preaaed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steal Spring Reading Kepubllo Steel do pfd Rock Uland Co do pfd SU L. A 8. r. Sd pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd Sloae-Sheffleld S. ;A 1 So. pacific do pfd. ... Tens. Copper Texas A Pacific T-, St. L A. W , do pfd , t'nlon Pacific do pfd U. B. Realtr....... V. S. Huh bar II. 8. Steel do pfd Utah Copper: Va.-Caro. Chemical.., Wabaali do pfd , Western Md . ctfa Weatlnfh. Electric.... Weatem t'nlon V. . A Lake Brie Total sale for ths day, Wt.aou shares. Roat BOSTON. May mining stocks: Allouea Am. copper Am. Sine. L A 8.. Aril. Com'! Atlantlo B A a ft A . M Butte Coalition...... Calumet A Aria..'... Calumet A Heel. Centermlsl Copper Rans Eaat Butt Franklin Otroux Con..... , Oranby Coa Greene Canane , tale Royalle Kerr Lake Lake Copper. LaSaJle Oopper Miami Copper Asked. . fire. $18,(M.074: In bunks to credit of treas urer of the United States, SiS.PSS.TM); hid Sldlftry silver coin, fcU.640.719: minor coin, Sl.Fil.KiS; total balance in general fund. $S1, 8.78. " 15,900 104 H 4 46 C4 100 t t 00 1 60 0V 600 M 42 62 82't S00 25(4 25 V 13 1.000 48 47Vi 47 6. W0 74 7M4 7 1044 600 654 644 64 ...... .. .. 123 700 134 ISd 134 - 600 (St W4 5 100 S5H 55 S 2O0 434 43V4 41 J, SOD 1011(4 10814 KW4 100 101 10, H 1014 121 1,500 111 110', Hi 172 T.3O0 n m ana. 1,300 lMVi 19J lM'i 0 414 414 41 li .. 107 ' J8i 4.800 14 lb M4 M 464 464 46 W0 274 274 74 61 600 161 1504 1604 8,900 134 1374 1U M 300 174 874 S74 400 SO 694 684 1.100 13444 138 184 100 144 144 144 00 41 10 1.200 200 10 23 44 404 04 274 44 2,200 136(4 19444 100 i6 47 600 1I6V 186 664 74 l.SOO 400 to 64 M4 300 100 200 100 100 12 484 214 84 44H St 214 14 -44 171 404 74 )4 28 43 16 14M4 13t 24 133(4 4 4 11 444 si 84 4 1,200 10344, 103 Va 1034 300 144 146 14r, .. 00 1384 41 40 400 T04 70 70 100 106 1054 IDA 400 414 414 1.600 24(4 24 l.S' 1204 120 2W 44 100 724 TO 1314 100 26 44 T4 181 24 T74 ID 114 1014 724 131 4.4O0 1344 1344 1244 100 too i l4 1 4 200 40 40 44,400 1624 ll SOU 334 100 in 3u 1414 M 1H M(4 "4 44 as 4;4 4 'V.890 1254 1264 14 .. ei 17 134 . . 3H 200 44 44 41 23.100 1824 181 183 44 T3 424 5.10O 444 "ioo 474 400 31 too 734 334 434 474 n 72 300 42.600 424 824 "0 118 '1,100 44 4 1.000 1.000 8.000 64 11 44 424 82 1174 U71a 0 69(4 I4 464 100 44 6M4 :4 en 61 474 4 Closing; Stocks. 17. Closing quotations on 42 Mohawk 4N.Tad -con....... 16 Nlpieatng Mine.. 14 North Butte 1 North Lake l40ld Pom In Ion Osceola 42t4Parmtt 67 Quincy It Shannon 47 Superior ((Superior A Boston.. , 13 Superior A Pktaburg T4Taoiarack 40 V. . Coal A Oil 40- 8. S., R. M. H do pfd 4 Utah Con 63 Winona lWalTrlM ........... 114. . II . 4 . 10 . OS . ti . 14 .136 . 18 . 14 . "4 - 11 11 41 36 4 44 24 4 111 New. York Mini as Stock. NEW TORK, May 17. Closing quotations on mining stocas were Alice .... Brunswick Con. .... Corn Tunnel stock. do bond. Con. Clal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Silver Uttered. Uu LdTili Coa . "LJuie Chlel ... . 24 Mfcleilcan . 17 Ontario . M Ophlr . 44 Standard .144 Teiiow Jacket . merit a paid. .... 6 .... 4 ....100 ....250 ....118 .... 66 .... 7 Troaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. May 18. The condition ot the treasury at th beginning of business today was as follows: Trust Funds Oold coin, $SM,004.tV9; silver dollars, 84W.131.OU0: silver dollars of 18U0, fcil.724.00O; silver certificates outstanding, $480,231,000. General FundStandard silver, dollars In general fund. 81.SSl.ibti; current liabilities $00,511167; working balance in treasury of vr York Money Market. NEW YORK. May lH-MONEVi-Or, call. Steady; 84414 prr cent; ruling rate, per cent; closing hid, 84 per cent; offered at 81 per cent. Time loans, easier; sixty dsys, t per cent; ninety davs. 8fi4 per cnt; rig months, 4W44 per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE PAPER 41j54 per cent. 8TBRLISO EXCHANOE Firm, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at $4 tvWMf 44 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8720 for demand. Commercial bills, $4 8344.8SV SILVER Bar, 684c; Mexican dollars. 4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy, follows: Closing quotations on bonds were as U. S. ret. U, reg f 4 7 40 2a, coupon 10"4tnter. Met. 4s ) I'. . Sa, reg lid Inter. M. il. 44.... 44 4o coupon lot 'Japan 4a V, I. 4a, reg 114 do 4a 4 do emipon 1IK. C. fo. let is.... t!H Allls-( rMlmera 1st 6a TL. 8. deb. 4a, 1931. i Am. Ag. 6s 101 U A N. nl. 44 Aln. T. A T. o. 4a.. 101 M.. K. A T. 1st 4a i4 Am. Tobacco 4s 7t do gen. 4a u do ta lot Mo Psriric 4a tl Armour A Co. 4s.. 1N. R. R. of M. 4a M Atchiaon gen. 4s '4N. T. C. g. 3s K do cr. 4s 108 4o deb. 4a l d cv. 6 I11N. T-. N. II. A H. Atlantic C. L. let 4a SI cv. 6a B. . A O. 4s 18 N. W. 1st c. 4 0 do cv. 4a 1014 Mo S. W. a... ) No. Paclflo 4a 10i Brooklyn Tr. e. 4a.. 4 do la tl Central ot Os. 6s. ..l(HOr. S. L. rfdg. 4..2 Central Leather 6a... Penn. cr-. 1916 Central It. R. of N. do eon. 4 Ids J sen. 6a ...12lRading gen. 4a 6.4 Chee. A O. 4s....lii8t. L. A S. F. fg. 4a 11 do ref. 4a ct, wl M du gen. 6. r. Chicago A A. ta. '.0st. L. 8. W. c. 4s. T4 C. B. A Q. Jt. 4s.. to do lat gold 4a W do gen. 4s 7e board A. L. 4s... 73 C, M. A 8t. P. So. Paclflo c. 4a tl deb. 4a : do cv. 4a C, R. I. A P. c. 44 77 do lat ref. 4s.... d rrg. 4 KSo-. Railway 6a Colo. Ind. 6s "8 "do gen. 4a CoVo. Midland 4.. 74 Union Pacific 4a... Colo. A Southern ref. do cv. 4a and ext. 4a 87 - du lat and ref. 4a U. A H. cv. 4s.. .100 V. B. Rubber 4a... D A R. O. 4a M V. S. Steel id oa... do ref 6a 81 Va.-Caro. Chem. 6s. 'M Dlnlllera" 6a TO Wabaah let 6l lnau Brla prior lien 4a. 2 60 1st and rtt. 4a 7 "lo gen. . ....... va eweatem M4, 4e 84 do 4s, series A... 76 Weat. Klec. e. 6a.. Ss do 4. aerlea B ... 8(4wis. On lial 4s t4t Oen 1 Klec. cr. 6s. ..113 Mo. P. ev. 6s tfs.. 84 III. Central lat ref. Bid. Offered. .IO11 . .104 77 .1014 .104 . 34 .10.1 .104 OiiAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Values are Steady on Moderate Receipts. HOGS ACTIVE AND HIGHE1 Packer Bay Freely and Pen nra t'lnarod Early, at Price A versji Ingt Abont n Dime tlljkrr Tkan Toesday. SOUTH OMAHA, May 18, lKlfl Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Orflclal MondaV 4.M S.6..3 S.Ml Official Tuesday 5.907 $.ir,2 4.471 Estimate Wednesday .... 3,000 S.300 J.5W Three days this weeV..12.47S 21.105 1S.K11 Same days last week,...13.7ns K.ini 2l.TJ Same days 2 Weeks ago.14.6X0 18.2a ll.5'. Same days $ weeks ago.14.W2 10.7.i0 l.til Same days 4 weeks ago.14.6H3 20.W2 J1.4W Same days last year.. ..15,619 2i,627 7.104 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for th year to date, compared with last year: lmo. mow. Inc. Dec. Cattle SM.49r; S5S.740 14.753 Hogg SlO.foO 1,047.537 2W,7 Sheep 546.405 6S8,8s7 23,t2i The following table snows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the at several days with comparisons: :... u. . M .. 6 .. r t .. Tl... 11 44 .. 10... M... (4 ... lJ .. 41... 77... 74... Id.... a It.... Si ... !.... 44... to. ... 47.... T7... tl.... 4.... 10.... 41.... 4C... 47.... 4... IS... I ... .... 8... Tl.... 4.'...., 6 Data. I 1810, U0.ll)0S.13O7.lO8-l0S.llgMJ Mav 8... Mmv ft May 10.. May 11.. Mty 12., May 13. May 14.. Mav IV May .. may 17.. May 18.. ! I $7 I S4 S ! ill ft 171 IS") I 6 SOI 8 fl ill 6 l'l 4 8 S 204 $91 6 33 4 241 6 191 4 6 841 8 871 5 411 6 38 8 25)1 6 7l 4 I 8.8341,1 7 01 5 42, I 6 301 t " 7 01 0 8S1 6 Uu V SS'.I 7 081 5 841 8 301 London Stock Market. LONDON. May lS.-Th market for American securities opened about un changed and on a few buying orders prices naraenea. in margei at noon was quiot, with prices 4d higher to Vd lower than the final New York prices of yesterday. Consols, money I14LouIstII1s A N 160 do account 83 M., K. A T 424 Amsl. Copper T1N. T. Central 114 Anaconda Norfolk A W 1064 Atchiaon Ill do pfd 82 do pfd 104 Ontario A W 46 Baltimore A Ohlo....ll4Pmnaylvanls 49 Canadian Pacific l7Rand Mines 8 Chesapeake A 0... IS4 Heading , 83 Chicago U. W 28 Southern Ry 274 Chi., Mil. A St. P. ..141 do pfd M4 De Beers It Southern Pacific lis Denver A Rio 0 414 Union Pacific 188 do pfd 114 do pfd 47 Erl 24 U. 8. Steel.....' )4 do lat pfd 47 do ptd 121 do id pfd 38 Wabash 22 Orand Trunk 214 do pfd.............. 48 Illinois Central 188Spanlah 4s 274 SILVER Bar, steady at 24 13-16d per 01. MONEY-24S3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills la 84 per cent; for three months' bills, S 7-lttj34 per cent. Local tfacnritle. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., G33 New York Lite building, Omaha: - - Bid. Asked. Beatrice Creamery, eof City of Omaha 44a, 1814 Cudahy packing Co. 6a... Iowa Portland Cement bosds, 4s.... Iowa Portland cement eon. 4s Kansas City S. T. stock Long Bell Lumber Co Nebraska Tel. stack, 6 per cent...... North Platte Val. Irri. Co. 4s, 1820.. Omaha Water Co, 6a, 1814 Omaha Water Co. 6a, J 844 , .... Omaha Water Co. 2d pfd. ... ....'.".. Omaha Gas 6a. 111? Omaha Gas 6a, 1914..I, ...... ......... O..B. LAP. 64, 1863.... '.. 0. B. L. pfd i per rent utnana at Ky. be, 1814 0. A C. B. St. Ry. 6k. 1821. 0. AC. b. .at. Ry. pra.M... O. A C. B. St. Ry. com..... 0. A C. B. H. A B. pfd Paclflo T. A T. 6a, 13J South Omaha 6a, city ot, Topeke Ry. 6s, 1830 eaqio... . .l . . -i. 88 904 1044 104 ; 68 98 100 88 101 89 100 t 104 84 1004 84 100 100 101 ; 34 864 12 13 68 434 104 106 41 884 824 83 44 100 88 8 4 .. . . 84 T3 - 74 46 14 8 48 1044 1"4 84) 86 Inspiration ... lOHLtroso-., ; . . 8 Not. Consolidated ... 12Mewhouie .1 11-UOhlo Copper ... 614ftawh4de Coalition . .1 l-lRay Central ... 1 Swift Pks. Co .. 51 Sears. Hoebuck Co. ..158 ... 124 Sliver Pick 84 ... 7811. King Coalition. .236 ..6 7-148unerkr A Pltttburs 11U .. 2Tonopah Mining 8 .. T Trinity Copper 6 74 . 4 . 20 . 84 . 14 . ol . 24 .106 New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by LOgan A Bryan. 816 South sixteenth trr- cay state oaa. ... Butte Coalition .. Cactus Chins Chief Cons Fraction Dtvit-Daly Ely Central Ely Consolidated Franklin Glroui Ooldfleld Corn... Ooldflsld Florence Ooldfleld Daley .. Greene cananea . . Bank Clearlnsr OMAHA. May 18,-Bank clearings for to- ay were i,iMu,iK.so ana for the corre. spending date last year were $2,640,256.86. Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 18. METALS The market for Standard coDDer was firmer today, with spot and all deliveries to the ena 01 juiy quoted at 12.B74SHZ.o24. The London market was firm, with spot quoted at 156 6s and futures at 57 2s 6d. Local aeaiers report. a quiet, but steady market, with Lake quoted at $12. 76g 13.00; electroly tic, sii.ttfTi'gii.io, ana casting, i2.374iil2.S0, Custom house returns showed exnorta to.. day at 245 tons, making 10,643 tons so fsr mis montn. Tin was firm, with spot quoted at $3S.30fl33.46; . May, $33.2333.4i; June and July, $33.10(f733.86; August, $33.15 33.50. London was firm, with spot quoted at 151 5s and futures at 1162 lis 6d. Lead Was firmer, with spot quoted at $4.36S4.40, irw lui'K, ana at 44.10w4.20, east St. Louis. The London market was higher at in 15. Spelter was dull, with spot quoted at $6.25 4)5.60, New York and at $6.065.15, East 01. iouis. ine Lionaon marget was un changed at til. Iron was hlaher at 49s Ad for Cleveland warrants In London. Lo cally tne market was quiet, No. 1 foundry nortnern, H.wffi7.i&; no. 1, $16.50(317.25. ST. LOUIS, May 18. METALS Lead, rirm, S4.su. spelter, nrm, $6.80. i 1 .i Wool Market. , BOSTON, Mar 18. The leading western quotations range as follows: Mlsourl. three-eighths blood, 3j31e; one-quarter blood, 2Xff29e. Scoured basts: Texas, fine li months, etdgTie; fine, 8 to 8 months, 60 62c; fine, fall, S2O03c. California northern. B758c; middle county, 6aa'64c; fall free. 48 , "j krt a JAfan,lA iarR'Min . 9 , mm ur.ni 11 , wwv, 1 . S " 1 1 , east ern No. 1 staple. 62fi63c; eastern clothing. 5rVy69c; valley No. 1. 64&6fic. Territory, fine, staple, 644t6c: fine, medium stanle. 2tifi8c; fine, clothing, 6IS!lc; fine, medium eiotning, tx'fltoc; one-nair blood, 57-S8c three-eignths blood, . wowc; one-quarter biooa, Deflate: punl extra, 68c; fine A, 00 tizc ; a supers, omosc. Coffoo Market. NEW YORK. May 18. COFp-Em-Th. market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 2 points and improved slightly during th day In sympathy with 'higher French cables and in the absence ot Important selling. Tho close was Inactive, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of 4.250 Digs. Closing bids follow: May and June, 8.40o; July, .45c; August, 6.60c; September, October and November. 8.65c: I)er-emi-r 8.80c; January, 4.86c; February, 4.67c; March, a aa.. ...... . ..wit u il.. - . . . w.vu, aim .liiil, V.IV.;. imill l me (WO Brasllian ports, 10.000 bags againat 6,000 bags; Jundlahy, $.000 baga against i 300 bags last year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday, 9,307 bags against 4.324 last year. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 84c; Santos No. 4, 94c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 94124c Dry Good Market. ' NEW YORK, May 18.-DRY GOODS-The markets show an Improved tone, but busi ness on the whole is stlH light. Oray cottons , hold steady. Jobbers ar buying very ilttl and ar selling . steadily in small lots. Fancy silk piece good are In good call for fall. Plain clothe are quiet. Underwear and hosiery are quiet. Isgsr Market. NBW YORK. Mar M.-SITOAR-Raw. steady; muscovado, 8$ teat, 8.74c; centrifu gal. 98 test. 4.24c. Molasses sugar, 88 test 4.48c. Refined, quiet; crushed, S.86c; gran ulated. 6 26c; powdered, 5.35c. COFFEE Spot, quiet; No. T Rio, g'Zc; No. 4 Santos, 94c Peoria Grain Market, PEORIA. May 18.-4?ORN-Lower; No. 3 yellow, 60c; No. 8, 40c; No. 4, t84c; ao grad 5341 6c. OATS Steady; No. S whlta, 41V.CJ No. 4 Willi. 4044040, 9 Kl 9 9 94j 7 111 5 221 A 24 I 5 211 4 1 7 081 I 4 21 7 021 6 30 8 25 6 31 8 30 6 2 6 33 C 38 SKlH 5 2H 4 (ft 4 Hi 5 IV 5 20 5 : re 4 Gl 4 03 4 52 Sunday. Receipts and dlsnnsltlnn of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours endlna- at 3 o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS-CARS. ('trio Hoes Kheen. li r a C, M. & St. P 6 10 1 wabash a Missouri Pacific 4 4 union Fae fio 43 as 4 C. A N. W., east 1 .. .. 1 C. & N. W.. west ... 82 36 C. St. P., M. A O.... 18 14 C H. & Q., east...i.. 3 5 .. 2 C, H. c4 Q., west.... 22 Zl 7 C..-R. I. & P., east.. 1 Illlnola Central 4 C. O. W. 1 2 Total receipts.... 130 140 11 6 DISPOSITION H EAD. Cattle.Hogs.sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... ewlft and company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Sehwart-Ilolen Co Kahn Packing Co Murphy Stephens bios Hill & Son Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. K. Hus .7 NJcCreary & Carey Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kan-Calf. Co Other buyers 671 740 W7 710 24 15 24 11 3 1 1 290 1.205 i.Vii 2.3S5 l.nDo 122 230 488 12 62i 867 624 624 No. 4 14. 7 4 IT 15 12 14 24... U U 10 14 10 1) 11 11 3:: Totals 3.524 9.951 2.554 CAI TLIB tteveiplS w ere model ale touuy and the qtltlity ot tne cattle aoout tu na trie as on Monday and 'xtietiday. M'heie was no very great chanae in prices. Botn paokera and. outside buyers - were anx.otu tor tne good weight and goott quality beeves anu paid rignt close to steady prices tor anything ot tin kind. Tne same was true as to choice yeaning grades. On tne in-between kinds, tne market was Slow from si art to finish and the trend ot vaiuea lowtr. iht trade was ratner slow all tore- noon, but still indications were favorable tot a lair clearance. There were about forty loads of cows and belters on the market and prlcua held steuay with, yesterday. Medium and com mon cows, as usual. wru ratner slow, but owing to the very moderate supply, sales men were generally able to secure putty ciohe to bl;ady prices for stoca ol tins Kinu. ' Wnllo there was not a arrcat -deal , of activity to tne trade in stocKcrs ana lecu- eis, the trend ot values was ratner up ward. Supplies were moderate; however, and the voium of business was nut very luige, out prices were generally steady to a little stronger for desirable - grades. Vuotailon on oattlei Oood to cnolce cornfed steers, ,.O4j.0O; fair to good corn fed steers, t6.80ra7.56: common to fair corn- fed steers, $6,16u.7b; good to choice cows ana neuers. it.ouru.7.uo: fair to arnod owi and hellers, t4.7brt)6.85; common to fair cows ana neuers, $8.76j4.l6; good to choice Block ers and feeders, -6.otxa4i.oo: lair to cood stockers and feeders, $4.i5io5.40; common to 'air Biucaers ana leeaers, K,.jvm.io; stock heifers, $3.7btg4.6o; veal calves, $3. 7u7.5o; bulls, stags, etc, $3.7o86.2b. Representative sales: Bh-EiT bTEERo, A. fa. 780 4 0 26... lUrO M 14... 144 4 8J -80-... ii... 8.... 11... 40... 18... S3... ko... 14... 18... 17.... 11... 17... 20... 13... 18... 21... 20... 22... 8... 16... 24... 10... 21... 20... 12... 18... M... 18... 17... COWs ..Ml 4 11 ... ..792 4 I ..10;3 6 it .. 804 8 14 ..10i2 6 80 .. 184 4 40 . .1030 6 46 w 864 6 60 ..02 6 40 HEJ.Fh.Ket .. 4 4 16 10 .. 484 4 2Ti 13 m 640 i 16 4 .. i8 8 30 J .. 667 6 46 BULLS. ..1510 in 77, .. 640 i 40 J..,. ..780 IN .., ..1170 6 89 1., " ..1680 8 86 1.. ' ..lioy 400 I...!' WAIVES. 4 1 I t 8 4 8TUCKEHS aNIi s'EEUEKS. 602 4 tO 1 66i 6 to 440 4 so 14 , 611 I 20 441 6 00 14 tH 6 16 407 4 10 HOGS Supply was liberal, demand broad, trade active and prices higher In the hog yards this morning. Improvement in prod uct yesterday resulted in a better shipping demand and order buyers were out In the alleys early, selecting such loads as they needed on outside account. Light grades met with the more lively Inquiry, however, and It was on this class of stock that com petition centered. Good light hegs sold In both divisions at prices sately a dime higher than yesterday, but the heayler grades had to go at figures lust about a nickel higher. Today's ad vance, ot course, leaves a small spread be tween lights and heavies, with the former class of stock selling at or near the lop ot the list. Packers bought freely through out purchased the bulk ot receipts and made possible an early clearance. A large share of offerings went at $9,403 $60 as compared with yesterday's spread of $9 80fl40. Tops advanced to $9,574. a shilling higher than high sales yesterday. A- 8h. Pr. . t. 144 100 H 68 -. 44 aa k 4 41 n ... as Si as ii 14 18 1 li II !::::::: n ,::::::: 4 6 1 20 t. ...... 6 16 e 1. e a.. Hi"'.!! It J... 1... 7... 21... 14... ... T28 8 It ...1011 $ 46 ...100 4 60 ... 71 4 40 ...1018 4 66 ...10V4 4 40 ...1146 4 40 ... 668 4 T5 ... 17 8 T6 ...1008 4 76 ... ta to ...1070 4 46 ....1064 4 (5 ... M 4 86 ...1021 4 49 ...1111 tlK ...1164 (t ...1164 T ) ...1044 T 60 ... M T 00 ...1140 t 00 .... 877 T 00 ...1146 TOO ...Hi! T 10 ...1161 7 10 ...;237 T IS ...1244 Tit 11.. 8. 1 4. S t 4 .. 870 4 00 .. 106 6 6u ..860 I SO .. 110 6 60 . . ill 6 74 .. lit T 00 165 7 00 A. Pr. 1204 T 16 1160 7 16 lw7 1 to 111 T 2(1 1 T 10 111 7 26 844 T 26 121 I , 1266 T 26 1214 T 30 841 T 80 lilt T 80 1124 7 10 loot 7 80 11'4 T 86 U7 7 36 1882 T 36 llaO T 40 1407 7 40 1H6 7 40 lttl T 46 137f T 60 1418 T 66 1007 7 ei -251 7 66 .....186 7 40 13 T 40 118J 7 46 1443 T 46 1814 J 70 i444 T 70 1488 T 78 483 8 1 ..II 8 ( 2j ..1182 4 23 1041 4 2 ..1164 2j .-1012 4 40 ..1122 4 ) " 4 60 ..1117 4 60 ..680 4 04 ..43? 4 60 ..loro 4 60 .. 838 4 ti l&M (00 ...1740 ( 16 ...1470 4 U -.1840 4 lit ...18ia 4 26 1-10 ( 6 ... 186 T 04 ... 140 7 23 ... 140 7 26 ... 145 7 24 ... 16 7 26 186 7 V9 Noll- 44.. 61.. 41.. 40., 4.. 7.. IV. .311 M 9 18 114 44 4 84 .840 80 8 14 .114 140 4 It 171 240 U .601 14 4 40 ... 9 40 44 ...... .4 80 4 40 4 .J14 44 8 40 44 TTll ... 8 40 44 HI ... 9 40 10 tit .9 40 2 21 1 4 9 40 44 H 61 44 m 48 2 Tl 44 41 s IT 44 10 ...183 100 4 a ....' I W 111 ...141 80 9 46 ...14 SM 9 46 ...is.... 9 44 ...14 tOO 1 44 ...M ... 9 46 ,..26 40 144 ,..174 9 4 ...1ST ... 9 46 .. 261 80 8 it ...226 124 9 48 . 260 , 80 4 41 r . J4 44 8 40 170 ... 40 n 8 o j:4 ... 40 ? ... 4 40 rat ... 4 40 .114 ... 9 40 .322 IN 18 SK8 1X1 9 40 89 8 40 80 1(4 . .Ml .. 21 ...228 ...Jt ...1M ...ir.4 ...248 ...ft ...240 ...r.4 ...!47 ...140 4 40 9 42 9 43 9 47 4 46 9 46 to 9 44 ti 9 4.-, 9 46 244 21 9 46 ..24 ..147 . !M .249 ..240 ..!! .143 ..J74 .271 ..ts ..278 ..lit .16 ..fit ..141 ..843 ..III .187 9 46 9 43 9 45 9 46 9 43 9 i ... 9 4 130 9 46 ... 9 4J 160 9 46 80 9 45 ... 9 45 ... 9 46 ... 9 43 ... 9 45 ... 9 46 to 1 46 190 9 46 120 124 44.. ;.. 44.. 48 . T.. 14.. 4.. 0.. 44. . T7.. 75... f.8... 87... 70... 4H... 81... 40... 18... 47... ... W... '.!... 88... 78... 1... 74... 74... 80... 74... 70... It... 4J... .... ....J48 ....(41 ....234 ....ll ....217 ... !4 ....:i2 ....lit ....ill ...3.1 ....-'Il ....MS ....111 ...14 ,...;i4 ....ICO ....lit ....23, . ...2iJ ....246 ....118 ....211 ....lil ....211 ...J10 ....211 ,...19 ....W4 9 (J , 80 40 80 ?40 20 80 ' 110 4 45 9 48 9 47 9 47 9 47 8 4,- 9 47 9 60 9 80 4 60 8 .' ! 6t 9 ui 9 M 9 80 9 60 9 60 9 00 9 So 9 SO 9 60 9 6. 1 9 W 9 60 40 9 60 10 4 60 200 9 0 200 9 60 ... 9 rt) 80 40 40 80 200 ?0 240 9 66 t ) 8 Ml 9 67 9 67 .to; .210 ... ..184 40 Idled shtti pi;. Av. . 58 . 81 . 69 08 Pr. 9 0J 8 90 9 15 9 15 8 00 SHEEP Lamb prices higher this morning on a list In supply am anvthlmt that was fit to kill told in vei. good season. Supply consisted of clove;, double-decks, mostly lambs, but four u. five loads were untlnisned strings still ti the fleece and had to go to a feeder. Tlu absence of ewes, wethers, etc., left value In this branch of the trade nomiuauj steady. Most of the fat lambs on sale went at figures ranging from u diinu to a 0.11111 If. h.gher than those ot yesterday. Snor.-. Mexican lambs at JS.IH) experienced the full advance; a less desirable kind sold at $st and California spring lambs, change-1 hands at $9.15. Despite A sltimpv Monday's trade that promised ill for the balance ot the week, iamb prices hnve scored a net decline ui fully lie for the three days, fucker h't been buying rather spar.ngiy. however, a-ul there has been very Utile activity to tne trsde. Shorn lambs that dress out will were wanted, but there has been practically no Inquiry for the heavier grades or tor wooltd slock. Shipments ailll in the fleece are not suitable for warm weather trade. Not many sheep have been coming, but the suppiy, even though meager, has been fully adequate. Killers have not been tak ing very kindly to sheep, and prlcrs have suffered all along tt. line. Ewes bore the brunt of the decline for the reason that ewe offerings were the more plentiful. Cur rent quotations are about 35jOc lower than prices at last week's close, but the amount of business done In this branch of the market has been almost too small to artoid a broad view of the situation. Quotations on shorn stock: Oood to choice lambs, $8.fta8.80; fair to good lambs, $oo 8.60; good light yearlings, $:.OW7.30; good heavy yearlings, $h.75S7.25; good choice wethers, $S.504jo.8A; tair to good wethers. $6.104i.50; good to choice ewes, So.i&yo.-o; fair to good ewes. $6.25'3.75. Representative sales: No. 10 spring lambs 627 western lambs 400 California spring lambs. 17 faltfnrnla. Nnrlnir lamhs. 509 Colorado Iambs.. 79 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Easy Host H Inner- beep Reported glendy. CHICAGO. May 18. CATTLE Receipts, 17,000 head. Market easy; BteerB, $6.Tu8.i0; cows, $4.85u6.75; heifers, $4.2.V7.45; bulls. $4.9tii5.40; calves. IS.0Off7.6O; stockers and feeders, 4.75fa6.GO. , m 100 higher; choice, $n.Vsi9.75; butchers $9.70 itju.W); llgnt mixea, s.oniti.w; cuoiuc $i).70ca9.75; packing. $9.65n0.76; pigs, U.'Xa 9.80; bulk of sales, $9.7Oft.80. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ln.COO head. Market steady; sheep, $5.35ifi6.tO; yearlings. $7.00517.75; lambs, S7.25ir8.90; spring lambs, $9.00X!i'10.05. Kansas Cttr Ltvo Stock Slar'kct. KANSAS CITY, May 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,800 head, including 800 southerns; market steady to lOo higher; choice ex port and dressed herf Bteers, $1.8 i!tf8.25; fair to good, $5.90577.30; western Bteers, $.OOtS7.90; . stockers and feeders, $4.50ii6.2u; nnihirn alnflrs 14.y0ra7.75: BOUthem COWS, S3.75fl6.90; native cows. $4 .OOiW.fiS; native heifers, $4.75(ft7.50; bulls. $4.00ryti.W; calves, $4.2or(i 7.50. ... , . HOGS ftfcclpts, 12,600 head; market steady to 10c higher; top, $.6o; bulk of sales, $9.50439.00: heavy. $9.5509.65; packers and butchers. j;i.45(rj"J.tru; ngnis, .ivj.oo, at-iir:n:P AND LAMBS- Receipts. 6.000 head; market Hteady; lambs, $ .iina tnlli7 9.',. wnlhArn. 15. 2.VI1 b. flO ewes. $4.2&Ij.0.2J; stockers and feeders, $3.00 jp5.00. It. Loul Live Mock Market. ST lll'ia. Mav IS. CATTLE Receipts 2.000 head. Including: 700 Texans. Market steadv; native shipping ana export steere tc S0r dressed beef and butcher steers. $6.OOti8.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., $5.50i-j8.00; etnrksrs and feeders. $4.0IXiW.25; cows and hnifers aTfAflsg.OO: canners. $2.758.26; bulls, $4.0O6.76; calves. $4.0O?i8.25; Texas and In dian steers, M .b i.w; cows ana ncntm, $S.0Ofl5.50. HOGS Receipts, 8.OO0 hend. Market Wl 10c hls-her: nlars and liirhts. $8.500.65; pack ers. S9.rXk39.80; butchers and best heavy, $9.66 RUFFP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000 head. Market steady; native muttons. $S.50 4J6.S5; lambs, $7.50(n8.50; culls and bucks, $2.06-1.00; stockers. $3.00414.25. St. Joseph LIT "tuck Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 18. CATTLE Receipts, 1,800, market slow? steers $6.50g7 75 rows ana neuers, 4j.rjirr11.ou; cuives a-iwit' 5.00. HOGS Receipts. 7.000. market active at 5c higher; top $060; bulk ot sale. $9.45 9.65. BHEEP AND LAMBS Reef ipts, 500, mar- ket steady; lambs. $7.508.75. Stock In Nlaht. Receipts of live stock at the five prin clnal western markets yeHterday: Cattle! Hosts South Omaha S.000 St. Joseph 1,200 Kansas City 6.800 St. Louis .., 2.000 Chicago 17.000 9.3fiO 7.008 12.600 K.000 21,000 Sheep 2.500 500 6.0 10 3 000 1.500 Total 29,065 62,900 13.D0C r bu.. Now pnt4tiHx: In Kacks. per 24-c. Seid Sneet I'utat.ir.: ' Kansas Mi!.. t-'v0 Cslihag : . Cwiiti I -Mill"' 11. per lt. 8V'. Onions: 'iexi crystal wnx. per crate. $l.!m: yehow k crate, $1 60. Old Vegetables: Parsnips,' i-ai . rots beets, loinlps, In sucks, pir lb., i Garlic: Isxtr lanvy, whli. per lb., lie, red, per lb.. lc. New Siiiuliein VrgvtaMes Radishes: per dos. bunches, .To. Turnips: iter dos, bunches. 4.x'. Carrot: l'er dos. hunches, 50c. cJhallotts: l'er dos. bunches, 60c! . .tlc) : 1 ei dox. bunches, uOc. Hcets: .. u.a. liiiiiciien. ioc. spinach: l'er hu 12 $1,110. Kg 1'lant: tancy Florida, per .o.. $l.o0ti3(W. Tonuitoes; Fancy Florida r Cuba, per 0-liHk. crate, $-.76; choice, $2 2... 'trlng and Wax Beans: Ter hamper, ahoui .4 lbs., $3 00. Ureen l eas. l'er hamper, iJ.t.i, .'uctinibri's: Hot house, per do., $1.4A8ul ai; exas. per dos., 7ic HOME-GROWN VEQKTABLES Rad shea: Extra fanry. per do, bunches, Jtic .eltuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dos., 45c; i id lettuce, per dos., 76c. Tardcy: Fancy, r dot. bunches, 40c. Rhubarb: Per dot. munches, 4C'0. AspaiSKtis. Per dos. .iiinches, fiOc. Green Onions: fer dos .lunches, 2.V. MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish: Two Jos. In case. $1.90: Walnuts: Black, per lb., ; California No. 1, per II)., 17c; California, .o. i. per Hi., 14c. Hickorynuts large, poi .It., 4c; sinual, prr lb., Rc. Couoantits: 1'ct u.k, Su.Ou; per dos.. die Cotton Mnrkct. NEW Yt IKK, M.iy lS.COTTON-Ppt)t lii.ed unlet 3; points decline, middling up ands $15.40; mlddlltig gulf, $16 65; miles, 1.14.1 bales. Cotton futures opened chsv. May $15.SS; nine $15.17; July $16.22; August ?H.h3; Sep , ember $13.6S; Oi toiler $12.75; November 12d2; tecemlnr $12.i"i7; .lanuni v $I2..V ST. LOI'IS, May IS t 'U'l'TDN-Market iitii haiiKid : middling, l.'.i", sales none; rc--elptu, i.-VI luiles; shlpmeiKs, 3,;0i holes; lock. iN73 baits. Oil anil Itoaln, SAVANNAH. Oh.. May IS. OILS Spirits turpentine, firm, ilic; sales, ts4 bbls.; re ce.pls, 1.10,", bbls.; shipment". Cii7 bbls.: slocks. 4.715 bbls. ROSIN-Kirin; sales. 1.7D bbls.; receipts. 2,6,1 bbls.; shipments. 2.7S8 bids.: stock. 47.MI bbls. Quote: It, $1.2:.; I, $1.50; E. $4,824; K. $4.85; G. $4.90; 11. 85.00: 1. $r..S; K, S.i.10; M, $.'-3."i; N, Ji.tW; W. U, J5.S5; W. W $6.10. .Mlnncnpolla Grain Jlnlkcl, MINNEAPOLIS. May 18-FLAX-Clnscd, $1.;.:!. CORN No. 3 vellow. 5K.n 59c. OATS No. 8 while, 3;iu.y4t),c. RVK-N'o. 2. 7(V() 7,".3. HKAX-ln 100-lb. satkM, $10.00fJ18.26. FLOl'R In wood, r. n. h., Minneapolis; first patents, $fi.8xti 3.60; second pntents. $5.10 (15.30; first Cleorp, $4.15$t4.2jt second clears, $2.90? 3. 10. OMAHA GK.NKHAf MARKETS taple.and Fancy Produce Price Fsr. silked by Mayer and Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to tho retail trade, in l ib. cartons. 29c; No. 1. In 60-lb. tubs, 2A4c; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons. t7c: In 00-lb tubs, 264c. packing stock, solid pack, 204c; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, 23c. Mar ket changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 104c; young America. 17c; daisy, 17c; llmburger, ISc; No. 1 brick, ltic; No 2. 15c; domestic block twins, 22c: whale Swiss, 24c; Imported Swiss, 80c. POULTRY-Dressed broilers, 19 00 don.; fer storage. $6.00; for fresh springs, 2fj; hens. 18c; cocks, 124c; ducks, 20c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 2ic; pigeons, per do., $l.2j; homer squabs, $4.00 per dec.; fancy squabs, $3.50 per dos.; No. 1, $3.00 per dos. Alive: Broilers, from 14 to IV, lbs., 40c; 14 to S lbs.. 25c; hens, 144c; old roosters, 10c; young rooster. 16c; ducks, full feathered, 14c; geesa, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, 18e; guinea fowls, 200 each; pigue, sue per dos. !, homers, $3.00 per dos.; squabs, No. 1, $2.00 per dos.: No- 2. 50c. FISH (all friMren) Pickerel, 8c; whlteflsh, 12c; pike, loo; trout. 18c; large ci apples, tMHSc; Spanish mackerel, 18u; eel, 18c; had dock, ttc; flounders. lZo. Green catfish, 18c; trout, 13o; buffalo, 8c; halibut, Sc; white perch. 8c; whlteflsh, lac; yellow percb, 9c; bullheads, 12c; whit baas, 17c; roeahad. $1.00 each; hadroea, per putt, 50c; frog legs, $00 per dos. Beat Cuts Ribs: No. L 17c; No. S, 144c; No. 8, 13c. Loins: No. 1, 1:10; No. 2, Hc; No. S. 134c, Chuck: No. 1, 9'c; No. S, 84c; No. J, SvrO. Round: No. 1. Uc; No. 2, U4C No. 8, lie. Plate; No. 1. 6c; No. a, 74c: No. S, 74c. FRUITS Strawberries: Tennessee and Missouri, 84-qt. cases, per case, $2.7633.26. Oranges: California Caniella and Producer brands Red land navels, 80-96 -tsa. per box, $3.oO; 124 else, per box. M.2.; IW-na and smaller slses, per box, $4 0c Other brands from Rlversld and other district, per box, iS.OtKdS.M; B0-98-1U lxe. pr box, $2.76. Havana Mediterranean sweets, 126-112 sizes, per box, $3.00; 160 and smaller slses, per box, $3 26. Lemons: Llmonlera, extra fancy, KXhtot) sixes, $5.50; choice 300-860 sires, per box, $4 7$; 240 ie, 60o par box less, bananas Fancy select, per bunch, $2.86-41 $60; Jumbo bunch, $2.750 0 78. ' Urapa Fruit: Florida, 40-64-64-80 si sea per bos, 86 u. Apples: Ban Davi. per bbl., $3 76; California fancy W. W. pear malns, per box, $2.25; California extra fancy W. W. Pearmalna, Red Wood brand, par box, $2.26; extra fancy Iowa Jonathan, per bbl.. $400. Cherries; California, per 10-lb, box, $2 26. Dates: Anchor brand, new. 80-lb. pkga. in box, per box, $2.09. Fig: California, lOo slse..80c VEOETABLKti Irish Potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, pr bu., 5oyx;; Colorado, Onialiu Hay Market. OMAHA. May 18. HAY No. 1, $950; No. 2. SVOO; packing, $5.00. Siraw : Wheat, $i.W; rye and oats, $7.60. Alfalfa, $12.50. The best grades of hay are holding their own, but nobody seems to want the poorer qual ity ut any price. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., May 18. SHEDS Clover, cash, $H.:0: October. $6.55; December. 6.68; March, $6,624. Timothy, prime; $2.06. Allk4, prime, $6.90. CONGREGATIONALISTS IN CONFERENCE AT PIF.RRE. Delea-atea to Fortieth Conference Are Welcomed by Governor Vesaey. PIERRE, S. D.. May 18. X8peclal.)-Th fortieth annual conference of the Congre- ' gatlor.al church of South Dakota begun Its meetings here Tuesday for a session of three days. Representatives of practically all ths churches of the state are here, and the meeting has brought about 200 church people to the, city. ' The address of wel come was delivered by Governor Vessey. Besides the talks by ministers and mem bers resident of the state, talks will be given by Robert P. Hendrlck, of Minne apolis, Mrs. S. E. Hurlburt of Chicago, W. W. Newell, and A. N. Hitchcock ot Chi cago. One of the features ct the) meeting will be a talk on the -county tiptJun cam palgn in this state by Hev.' A, C. Bow dish of Mitchell. Among the leaders of church work in the state who are present are H. K. Warren of Yankton college, N. C. Hlrsohy of Redfleld, president of the con ference, F. W. Stevens of Yankton, moder ator. Doane Robinson Will deliver an ad dress on the future of the Dakota 'Indians. The Woman's Home Missionary union holds its meetings today, led by Mrs. H. Kv Warren of Yankton. The address of wel come by Mrs. D. Hanoy, with response by Mrs. H. W. Jamison of Beresford, and ad dresses by Miss Avery of Medfield college, Mrs. S. E. Hurlburt of Chicago and Miss Agnes Fenenga, a missionary from Mardln, Turkey. Churned with Hobblnu Homesteader. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Miy 18. (Special). Joseph Oreberg, sheriff of Meade county, situated in the extreme wostern part of the state, swooped down oil the little town of Tabor, In th extreme southeastern part of the state, and took ' Into custody Daniel Baus, who Is accused of having robbed homesteader In Meade county of $186 - In cash. The crime is alleged to hnve bees committed last winter. It "IS charged thai Bates entered the car In which the home steader was riding with his effects, and that he attacked him and forcibly took the money. Bates and his wife took up their n-sldnnce at Tabor only about three wcck ago and Bates entered the employ of tht Milwaukee railway company. The accused who readily consented to accompany Sher iff Oreberg. before his departure stated that It was a case of mistaken Identity, 11 nd expressed the belief that ho would have little difficulty in establishing his Innocence of the serious charge against him. Ion n Couple Marry in Stuns. Kalis. VflOUX FALLS, 8. D., May 18.-(8peclal). Sioux FalUi was tha scene of the culmi nation ot an elopement. In which Miss Nina E. Randall, of Cornell, la., nnd George O. Stetg. of Btorm Lake, Is., were the principals. They appeared at tho Min nehaha county court house and procured a marriage license, and were ' married at 0 o'clock In the evening by Rev. H. R. Best, pastor of the First Baptist church. Friends of the young people agreed to not let ths fact of the marriage be known until It would be too late for any action to bo taken at their homes. The bride Ik a handsome young woman of 18, while the groom stated his age at 22. As soon as the ceremony had been performed Information of the fact was sent to the parents, and th young couple, upon receipt ot a favorable rem sage, departed for Cornell to receive the parental blessing. No matter bow sever an attack ot diar rhoea may be. Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nvr tails ta glv 84114. NEXT MONDAY RUGS From the Dig ALEXANDER SMITH New York Auction. HAYDEN'S Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and Dealers QK.UM. STBOYISXOirS. STOCK I Osaaaa Offloei ilt Jtoare of .Trad .it Stall Tlpaoa, Beaglaa gait XaAvnaat. A-S1S1U Oldest ul tautit Men la tb atsta