10 run r.KK: omaha. TiirusnAV, may 10, mm. J REAL ESTATE C1TV fllUI'EHTY I' Oil IALE. (Continued.) IJKMIS VAUK HOMES $500 CASH Will handle -ronm cottage, all modern, on paved street, handy to car, paving paid In lull, Immediate possession, pi u p reduced tO J,r,."l. 'CHUKf It' K'K to Ki ll this w ek. SMi LA FAYETTE AVE. Now cffered for mile fur fnt time; very neat, modern hom"; 6 rooms and hall; pl.nty of closet room; limit for a home, and It'll good; excellent view; rinht. nandy to rar; what mote do you want.' i'tlee Is $4,uo0, and term are reasonable. DUNDEE JiUNUALOW Clot One of the newest, up-to-date bunga lows In hfsl part of liuridce; Jusi finished; now ready for inspection; li very good rooms; 6 bedrooms and plenty of Closit loom; has larne living room, with fire place; hardwood flnlsn, beamed ceilings, lul. cement hHRement; is handy to car; complete for $4.Mi0; H.OoO cash will handle. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Itoom.- a," N. Y. Life. Doug. J3. KENTElfS AND 1NVESTOKS I'ay M to m cash and 15 to $-' pet month on a home or Investment property and the rent saved or produced will noon pay the purchase price. See un promptly about the following: s-mom, part modem, clone In. $2,300. Id-room, name, paved sts. 4! ft lot, $'J,400. a-room, same, on car Hue, 46 ft. lot, $J,600. ii-room, same small cash pmyt., 1 1 , n0. 6-room,, same, lot 41x:), l'.hw. These places are all In llrst class con dition and rented to good advantaKe. HUSSKLL & McKITHICK CO., 4.2 UatiiKe HIdg. l.Mh and Harney. REAL ESTATE i 'AIOI AMI llt.MM I.A.Ml roit BALE t'oloratlti onllnDFil. CHOK'K relinquishment on Crow creek, near new town of Hllggwdiile; I'M a res. f ii. est soil, smooth luno. )4U am ia.1y t rutii; d.-td. d land adjoining b Id at $.i to $ti an hcih; retlii'iu-stimeiiis same Kl.id land In I'llJolnlng section sold riciitly at $10 acre; puhsliile to lit. Mate; to sell before May 2.1, olfet nt $t:.0. invii'T leaving Colo rado. VV. W. Lorimrr, (Jrover, Colo. BENSON SNAPS. BL'Y FROM OWNER AND SAVE COMMISSION. $1,800. New 6-room, lH-story cottage and ground 80x130. Una parlor, dining room, bedroom and closet, kitchen with pump and sink, large pantry, first floor; and two bedrooms with large closets on second floor; good cellar; high and sightly; ti blocks to car. You can raise chickens and all your vege tables on this ground besides all your own fruit. Terms, $jo0 cash, $a per month. $250. New 5-room cottage, modern except heat; lot tMxliJO, east front; bearing fruit trees; t blocks to car. Built of best material and best of workmanship. Has vestibule, parior, large dining room, with bay; kitchen, with hot and cold water and nice sink; two bed rooms with large rttosets and all rooms have double floors. There Is a colonnade between parlor and dining room. Klegant bath room fixtures. Mission electric light fixtures. Large pantry In rear; polished floors; wide front porch; large cemented cellar. If you are looking for something that Is very nice and up-to-date in every particular, look at this one, Terms, $300 cash, 125 per month. RELINQUISHMENTS AND DKKIKI LAN1S Near Deer 'It, ill, Colo., in the heart of the rain belt, shallow water, fine soil. Also deeded lands, town lo'.s. Deer Trail la the coining towr, ot Colorado. .V, nibs i ait of Denver, tanning land In tnls v.ciniiy pro duces better crops than JiiO to lw lands in the east, its up to you. Write us today, ask iu stions. the iKer Trad Kealty Co., Deer '11 all, Colo. Florida. JUPITER GARDENS, FLORIDA. Land near 1'nlln Uracil, Kia., that will produce in actual profit toe fust year over twice Its cost, 40 an acre (a dollar an acre down and t dollar an acre per month). Immediate possession given on fust pay ment. You may piunt your crop Oct. I, 1HI0. Crops farmed winti r und suinm-'i-. Free Insi ructions by expert farmer. First ytar'B profit Irotn IOu to $.00 per acre. W U i ..: H T RANSPOK i'A'1 iO in . A shell road from your door to Enst Cnant railway station, u miles ilistant. in4trs transportation easy; ulso water transput-. a titn. Hut times from Atlantic ocean and glut stream; but 1? link's north oi Palm l.eacn America s greatest winter re sort; but US to 5 hours oy Iruit express from the bignest tuarkets in the United States. Jupiter Uaruens positively are situ ated BELOW THE FROST LINK. Climate healthful; morlullty rale hulf that of largo cities. Lamia dry and drained at ell seasons. Schools, chui'cnes, near neighbors and pleasant surroundings. Certi fied abstract furnished purchasers showing good title free from all Incumbrances. Company absolutely responsible. Write to. literature at once. THE JCl'ITEU l.AND Co. Lands near Jupiter, Flu. General ul flues MercHimle Library lildg., Cincinnati, o. ; Floridu offices, Jupiter, j-'la. REAL ESTATE l-'AltM AM) lf li I. AM) FOH !1F. (Contliiutd ) WANTED SITUATIONS C ont.nueil ) 'lex ax -t oulluned. VACANT school lands jet on the plains of lun for seltlers. goid land, good water, in a co-intry that imisis coin anil hugs; fee W.I a section, hall down, baluuce whn settler Is en Innu. Aildivss i. W. Hague, Silgo, 'J ex. FLORIDA. County commlsslonei s of Marlon county have Issued an orficiul booklet of con servative information which will be Bent free to all. Address M. M. Proctor. Countv Commissioner, 1'edro, Marion Countv. Fla. IV YOIT Uunl f lrti.ti.' all cili,,,, ap.v. lands in soijthern stub s, tlie drainage of the everglades, of Florida, fruit and truck iikis ot Alabama and Mississippi, gulf ast, Texas and reclamation ol the oit- rful fertile alluvial lands ot Louisiana send 2n cents for one veur's suoscriutlim Gulf Slates Farmer, New Oilcans. $2,(530. Six-room atrlctly modern 1V4 story cot tage; hot water heat; oak finish and maple floors; colonnade between hall and parlor; cement walks; terraced lawn; chicken house- and run; wide east and south porch; lVfe blocks to car, cement walka all the way; high and nightly. In the fine residence part of Henson. Price reduced from H.00O to effect quick sale. Terms very reasonable. W. E. YAHTON, 228 SOUTH ORPHANAGE AVE., BENSON. PHONE BENSON 5S1. BIG SNAP 94x165 Northwst Corner Thirty-seventh and Mason streets, room to build three houses; paved street, cement walk. Price, 12,600. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLATER, Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. For The Land's Sake Here are three lots, all kinds of trun, shade, gardening, small barn, chicken house, besides a good, 7-room dwelling, with city water ana electric light; In good repair, three and one-half blocks from Har ney car line; price, S2,2uO; $l,uu0 cash, bal ance monthly; Just like rent; house vacant; ready to move In. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLATER, Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR SALE Mode,i lu-iwu,.i nout.., ju.ti vo.t.p.eted, on the llnest rvsiuuiice sireei m u tsi ai nam ulstrict. Owing to clunge of business, ne cessitating owner's ausence irom city, can offer this home tor quick sale, HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Bd. Trade. LOT, 66x112, small house. 2Sth Ave. and Ames. FOR SALE BY OWNER. NKAJt 24TH AND FOK'f STS. 2-story square house, new, t rooms and bath, large living room with fireplace and beamed ceiling; oak linlili down and yellow pine up; an oag ikhus; stiow-r bath, ucreens, large porch screened In; corner lot, cement wains and basement; furnace; klicnen cabinet built In; strictly first-class: must cell before June 1. Call for further iwuoulars. C. 11. Ktmlngioii. Douglas DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OV YOUH LAND Write a description of It. building. water, near wnat town. Make 70 words of It all and send U to The Omaha Bee wltn 72 cents for eucn Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They loon to 'in Gniaua bee fur rtai estate oi lerings. And tuny ei them lu Tue Ua. REAL ESTATE FAUX AND HAKC11 LA.M) FOR 8AI.E Arkansas. THREE thousand four hundred and eighty-five acres of land located in the famous St. Francis valley, along the Si Fiancla river, lu Butler county, Mo., and Clay county, Ark. Timber estimated as follows: Cypress, 6.000,000; red gum, 6,000,000; Oak (65 per cent white), 6.00.w0; elm, ash, etc., l.UOO.OUO; hickory, l,0U0,0o0; Tupelo guin, 4,uuo, 0U0. Will sell any or part ot timber witiiout land. Eighty million three hundred and elglitv- three thousand feet virgin timber, well located; estimated as follows: White oak, ti.TOT.lM); red oak, 3.353,000; white, ash, 20,121,000; cypress, 20,l21,uuu; red gum, 10.0U0.0ou; cottonwood, 15,tc:o,2o0; other kinds, 6,03u,&0. On both railway and water way. We sell farm and timber lands. Write lor price list today. Barron-Lily Land & Development Co., Ulythevllle, Ark. RIVERSIDE. Alberta's finest stock farm of 1.000 acres, Is for sale at a snap. For particulars of this and other farm lands write to the owner, W. J. MoNaniara, esasktwtn. Alberta. Canada. to FLORIDA LANDS 100.000 acres fine southern Florida lands for sale at a bar gain. George T. Hedges is Co., Cedar Rap ids, la. FLORIDA LANDS Ask about our south ern Florida lands; now is the lime to buy. tsen i. xanner, cedur Itapids. la. FOR SALE Florida's frostless belt; 1.000 acres dry vegetable land, richest marl soil; earliest trucjtlng section; ,000 this winter on it) acres tomatoes; near Miami; guarantee to rent every 'acre lor fla per year. G. L. Miller, Box 685, Miami Fla. tieorurla. FOR BALE-How Is this? A lot DOxlW freet in a progressive city and 40 acres farming land all lor 1200; on terms of $10 cash, $10 monthly witiiout Interest. Address F. L. Thomas, 13260 Hiver road, Columbus, Ga. Illinois. S5.000 BUYS 40-acre Illinois fruit farm: B.0O0 apple, peach and pear trees in full bearing; tine house, beautitui maple grove; joins railroad town. J. T. Bradley, Alma, 111. Indiana. FOR SALE 10, 20, 30, 40 and 80-acre farms; well improved, to miles from Chi cago. Frank L. Faiey, Valparaiso, Ind. Iowa. 15 ACltEh $1,000. About one mile trom street car line, Council Biuffs, about one-half good garden and fruit land, balance pasture, excellent road to city, nice building sue on east end of place, protected on north and west by hills, no buildings. This Is a cheap place, $250 cash will handle it. . 11. G. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO. 14 Pearl tit., Council Bluffs. IOWA LANDS, HOWARD COUNTY, 320 acres within a mlie of station, 5H miles from county seat, a very well im proved half and good land, price, $75 per acre, eay terms. 320 acres, tour miles from a good town, all good land, fine grove, fine buildings, splendid water, good black loam with clay sub-soil. Price, $,0 per acre. 240 acres; very fine farm, good Improve ments, good arove, good oi chard, price $6ii per acre. 240 acres, one mile from station, some small Improvements, good land, a snap at $o0 per acre. For further Information, write, ED. M. HUNT. Fourth and Pierce Sis. Sioux City, la. STOCK and grain faim for sale, consist ing of 374 acies, with good improvements, located halt mile of good town; price, $Ni per acre. Address Lock Box 06, Itedficld, lowa. Maryland. FOR SALE Farms In the garden spot of Maryland, Harford county; several fine stock and gram farms, JUO to 500 acres; good buildings, water, fences, fruit, roads, M-liools, chuiches, neighbors, railroads and health. Write for prices, particulars and terms. Harford Real Estate Afjency, Bel Air, Md. Missouri. FOR SALE 1,200 acres, well fenced, set In grass, stocked with game; good springs, good pasture, tine shade, walnut, niul beny, white oak, hickory, elm; n"ar navl gubla river and large creek; good fishing i nd hunting, other lands lu largo or smnii tracts. Correspondence invited. W. a Pope, Jelferson City, Mo. FOR SALE By owner, Canada wheat lands. Thirteen farms In 100 and 240-acre lots, ready to break and seed. Near Win nipeg, id an.; best market; first crop pays for tiie laud; all near railroads. Must sell quick to hold contract. Write Hernial) Kiel v Hie. Pella. lo. " California. A BARGAIN Form of 113 80-100 acres of good sandy loam land, 40 acres of orchard in S of mile of railroad station. Situated In Solano County, California; good well of water, with farming Implements. Price $,000. Addiess Box 511. Dixon. Cal. UuuIim, FOR SALE Montana land; 5.2S2 acressTx miles from Lavlna and six miles from Broadview, and one nulo from the state ex periiiiental station; 85 per cent tillable: will sell for $14.50 per acre. W. O. Bock, New Atom. J a. 1'OH SALE--l.i.0K) acus south Texas, .VOi aens In high siate -t cultivation, a. I undi r fence. n Houses, oili- r buildings, 20 art, si m weils. u-rlgntf taiiy ci -op.-, p.enty tain for late ciopn; sale cheap: siinul tnsn puv nifiit, bauince easy lime. '1 he bi-i-t proposi tion in the state. Frank Bowks, Lubbock. Texas. Nebraska. Bargains. Hillcrest, 100 acres, $5,200; cash rent. Midway, SO acres, beautiful home, $4,S00. Ash Grove, 320 acres, $11,200; easy terms. J. T. CAMPBELL. Litchfield, Neb. Colorado. ROUTT county, Colorado; bargains in ranches and relinquishments, homesteads, water rights, 3M u. rel., $'0; a good luo acre ranch, plenty of water, $2.2uo. Write me. N. A. Wright, Yampa. Colo. LARGE slock ranch for sale at a bar gain; no trade considered. Write or call i. a A. Q. Putnam. Elbert. Colo. , Ct)IX)RAI0 LANDS Free homettteads, relinquishments of Im proved homesteads, clurap deeded lands, fruit and garden tracts. 55.000 acres at edge of Ienverr coming andep Irrigation. Colorado's Irrigated land yields $3oe to $."0u per acre. Easy payments. Get a cheap, gofl home In sunny Colo rado. While for literature. oECHKTAKY. LAND HEADQUARTERS, iiu tuwlre Bldg., Denver, Colo. CHANCE to get a good home. 64 0er. relinquishment, 4W) acres, partly level, im provements cost $1.IM). This la a bargain, fu,500. 640 acres relinquishment, ttj good level land, bal, hills, but makes good pas ture, $i5v. 32u acres hay land, this Is good aim oni) iv per acre. Auuiess O. Gallagly Johnston, Neb. ' $4,000 will buy H section of land 1 miles south of Benkehr.an, county seat of Dundy; tood soil, level road and close to water. uk iiMn. jveo. owner. Tennessee Ulwllsrs. DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OF lOL'R LAND.' Write a description ol u. buildings, w.ter, near what town. Make. i0 woius of It ail and send It to The Omaha lie" with it tinti for each insertion. People in Ne braska nave money and waul land. Tney look to 1 lie Omaha Hee for real estate oi ltiiags. And tuey get tiiem in '1 lie Bee. CHEAP FARM LANDS. In western rsebraska and Coioiado. Write for prices. NEBRASKA LAND COMPANY, Sidney, Neb. CAN locale parties on desirablo Umber, fruit, UMiicultuial and glazing lands, in Calitortiiu, Oregon und Washington; spe cial guvei liiuenl land list, with laws, sent to all interested parties. West American Land A: Timber Co., lv St., Sacra mento, Cal. DO YOU WANT TO SELt. PART Of lOUlt LAND? Write a description oi It, buildings, water, near wnat lotwi. Make TO words of It all and rend It to Tlie Omaha Bee with 'it cents for eacn insertion. 1'eopie in Ne braska have money and want land. Tney look, i. 'a lie Omaha Bee for real estate oi- ferings. And they get them in Tne Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN' BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life. $.100 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fariiam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnaiu St. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invcstmtnt Co. TWO hrlsht. Intelligent young mm desire evening work; anything; fust on snv type writer; reporter! best of references; work guaranteed, t) 5:2. Bee. RAILWAY TIME CARD t.MON 8TATI Tentk and Mason. m. in. m. ni. Arr 11 SI 6:45 6.45 5:30 :40 12:30 1:43 :00 4.45 10:30 1:20 I.JO a i a i: a'V bll Twm SIOUX iklll.M. V 111 all: a 4. a o. a i a 4 nu 4fc I U II a : a , alO $100 to $10,000 mado promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., lMn und Farnam. IVtft to 11 000 on linn-tew iii Omaha. O'iveefe Real Kslute Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douia or A-21o2. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. F1VL PER CeLnT MONEY to load on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNaN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. LOANS to homo owners and home build ers, wltn privilege of making partial pay ments seiiu-aiiiuidlly. W. 11. THOMAS, 503 First National Bank Bldg. FIVE PER CENT BONDS for sale, In amounts from $20 to $5,000; we cash them any time. American sale Deposit Vaults, 16 S. 17th. Bee Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED t'nlon rurlfle Leave San Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. S:li a. m. Chi. & Pap. F st Mall. 4:10 p. m. Atlantic express Ulegotl Kxl'ltfa 4:0u p. 111. Of.gon-Watdi. Ltd...v.12:40 p. Denver Special 0:47 a. Colorado Special 11 43 p. Colorado l.xpreas .... 2 50 p. North Platte local.... 15 a. Gland Island Local... b i p. in. Luicoln-lleat Local. ..12:41 p. m. Val. & Cen. City Lcl..U:41 p. m. Illinois leulrul Chicago Express a 7:00 am t.hica.o iiiniteu a 6:o0 pin Minn. -St. l aui Ek- b 7:00 am Mil. ll. -at. Paul t,td a 6.W pin oinalia-rl. Dodge Loc.b 4:15 piu imi:ii4i .Nurimt lrs. EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a. t.w am Chicago Juocai alj.iw pin LU1UI UO-Cllll.gO U U.-O .lll ciucago bpeciui a t:vu pin t uiuiu Cvaoi-Cincago..a i;um put ios AJigcies iiinueu. . . .a Ii.au p.. ui4.iiiu Liluiieu, ...... ail. w piii Duuver Si-tcai ..aid.-n)oi caiioii i.ocai .0 pw I'ul Mail NORTH l30UD. City LxitA4..... i:im cay iov.ai a p.ii c iAkiiid ix....a i ;w pu City i-ni'.ii-u a u.im fiu M LSlllOO CSU. Lincolu-Chadioa a i.ou a:n .sollulK-uooesieel a i:ll aid Lona i'ine-to. Piatie...o 2:1j V" llua.inbA-uperiol' D 2;15 piu ilVAUHuiJll-ilUL fipgl.....a W.OO p14 ca&poi -iuiiuti- a .w pal 1 1 iiiuiu-Aiuiun u s; piu vswuktf, Hock islaud A Pacific EAaT. Rocky Mountain Liu a ii.40 am iuwa Local tuicukj uskjf express.. a S.m am Des .ViOiuea Locai a :iai piu lowa Local ol0:d uui Cliicaiiu-t-aaleru Kxp...a i.iu put cuicBo-iNcuiaKa l.tu.a Ii:im .ui W h.a l . Chlcago-Ncbiaska LIU. tor Lincoln Colo, and Cal. Exp.... OKia. una iexas ii,xp. ituLKy -vlounittin Ltd. Wabash On aha-bt. Louis Ex.. ..a 6:30 pm iimi anu Lxpress t l:Msiu tlrtiibeliy Lvcal ttrom council uiuus.... u t;w pm Missouri Pacific K. C. tc St. L. Ex a 4:40 am h. t,, it SI. U ifcX. Uv bac U p. lu... ,....au:la Dra Cbieaao, Milwuokee t. Paul Overland Luniua ......aU:4 pm a 6 umaiia-Cl-icago .x.....a i.io aui Coioiauo bpuciul a 7:ui aui Coio.-caluuinia. Ex a b:uu piu perry-oiiiaua Locai.....o b.10 pui Chicago Great Western- Chicago Limited a 5:00 pm Iwin City Limned a s:jO piu Clucugo express iwiu city iLX).iefc a v:ou am m. m. m. in. m. m. m. in. m. m. m. nu 45 pm 45 am 45 am M ulll 05 am u p. a a pm M am IA piu .V p.il to am 44 aiii (rJ am piu 20 pm a u.ii ,ii a uui a 11: mi: u 1 00 am piu iu tun 1 UIU 4J p... UV am alO a 4 30 pm 30 piu 3U UUI :(k piu o s a l.lit piu u i.w out .a 8:25 am .a 1:25 pm .a i.M put .alu:4U pm WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6, 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are light we can sell your property tor you. , NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 626 N. Y. Lite Blag. SOOTH OMAHA J. KLEIN The old i-euabiu la.n.i LiciUOR dealer. N. E. Cor. 20H1 aim in Sls.- LATEST styles, good materials and low prices is poprttarlziug the Kyan Millinery store, 6U iN. 2lth St., South omaha. WEDDING presents can be purchased at an . advantage at tue jNoveliy Store, N. 24th St., ,Sou,t.h omalia. WEDDING . GIFTS You'll find the best collection ot appropriate gut imiigs at our flu re, either In jcweliy, cut giaus or silver ware, jacobson 6l V uren Co., in in St., Souin Omaha. , SWAPS l-KOUM modern home, excellent location, for good western laud. H bis, ca.ro Hev. 100 ACRES of raw land In Wheeler county to trade for city property. CHltlS. BOxER, 22d ana cuimug Sts. $20,000 HALF Interest In coal mine to ex change for clieap wuu land. Box 324, Des Monies, la. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits $35 and $40 values at $15. See A. Kubensteiu, ZlXrt S. 14th Si.. Martin & Rubin, Km. 21 old U. S. Bk. Bldg. ad died NO MATTEK what occasion you want clothes tor you get real tailor service Irom Ed Thlel, Tlit S. lUth. TRAVELING GOODS i' tT v O i iV iiitmlu i;i)mtliini7 In iini Jli T'lV 1 x . '-vim -'t w.ia line. We wunt you to know that our leather got urt are just a -eprtsciiieu. Jjtri us irove it. Alfred Cornish & Son, 1210 jarnm St. WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clouiUig and shoes. 'Piioat Douglas Mil HIGHEST prices paid for scrap metal and rubbers. A. B. A'phn. Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO BUY 6 OK 6-ROOM HOUSE TO MOVE Will move at once. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 024 New Yori. Life Bldg. Red lb). WANTED 5,000 FEATHER BEDS. Write cr telephone Douglus louO. METROPOLI TAN FEATHER CO., Su3 N. 20th. Best prk-es for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Uold, etc, NATHAN, 211 So. 13th St. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW-$100 or $500 for I year. Will pay 10 per cent Interest. Ad dress. 11-576. Bee. WANTED TO RENT "We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of AH Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA UNU AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red lHHil. ORCHARD FOR SALE. 1 MO-acre orchard In northern Tennessee. one of the finest orchards in the United States, thorns tula of lruit trees coming imo Hearing inis year; More, canning lau lory, three residences, mules, implements, tic, go with the place; a chance of a life time to the right prty. as owner cannot attend to it and is obliged to sell; will give long time or take part In trade, If necessary. Union Savings Bank, Eau Clulre, Wis. WANTED SITUATIONS a 5:17 pm a 4:30 piu a l:oO piu a i.ju mil a 9:25 am mil. Li piu biu.tt am 35 am :30 pm :o0 am :jo am ail;) pm a pm Wl.Uu via a 6: a 5 a a b: a a u 45 pm ov put 0UHL1NGTON B'lA'llOAl Tenth and alasoa. Bnrllnscon 1 Leave, Denver and California.. 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express.. .a 4:10 pm NehiaBka points a 8 20 am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express. .....all:2a pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pm Nebraska Express.. a V:15 am Lincoln Local ' Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm Schuyltr-Pialtsmouth....b 3:05 pm piaUBinouth-lowa a V:ls am Bellevue-Platti nicutn....al2:30 pm Colorado Limited. ...... .all:25 pm Chicago Special a 7 15 am Chicago Express a 4: to pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6 20 pm Iowa Local. ..... ,ti, v.... a :15 am Creston-lowa Local. a 11:30 pin St. Louis Express. ...... .a 4:30 pm K. C. tnd St. Joseph.-.. . al0:45 pm ic. C. and St. Jtiseph....a 9:16 am C. ai d St. Joseph. ...a 4:30 piu Arrive. a 3:46 pm a 6 :10 pm io pm a 6:10 pm a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm aL2:lu pm ' a 6:10 pm b B:0S am a 7:60 pm bl0:20am a 6:5 dm a 2:jpiii a 7:00 am aU.ob pm a $:55 pm a 8:00 am al0:30 am al0:3oam all:45 am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER STATION fifteenth and Webster. Missouri Paclfl Auburn Local.,.. St. Leave. Arrive. ...... .b S:50 pm bl2:10pm Paul, Minneapolis A Chicago, Osuaha Sioux City Express b 2:00 pm bll:45 am Omaha Local o 6:20 pin Sioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm Twin City Passenger. ...b 6:30 am Sioux City Local.. o ;35 am Emerson Local b 5:55 pm b 9:10 am GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Cjuartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, May 14, 1010. Sealed proposals in triplicate, will Do received at this ornce until :ju a. m. mountain time, Wednesday, June H, 1910, at which time they will be opened in pub lic, for the construction, heating, etc., of tlie following public buildings at f ort u, A. Russell, Wyoming, via: (1) For con struction, plumbing, heating, electric wir ing and electric fixtures, for one (1) quar ters for' four civilian employes, pians, io. )2-P;; (2) for construction, plumbing, elec tric wiring and electric fixtures, for one (1) ouattermaster'B stable, plans No. 13D-L and two (2) stables, plans No. 130-Q; 13) for construction, electric wiring ana electric fixtures for one U) double stable guard and shop building, plans No. 30-y; (4) for construction onlv.' for one (1) wagon shed. plans No. 60-H; (5) for the installation of steam heating systems completo and alter ations In construction of Barracks Nob. 35, 3il. 37, Sit, 40, 41, 42. 43 and 44, post plans. platiB No. 2-W3, and officers' quarters Nos. 2!) and 30, post plans. Plans and specifications for the Inspection of bidders are on file In this office, also the of flees of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska; Chief yuartermaster. Department of the Colo rado, Denver, Colorado; Depot yuarter master, St. Louis, Missouri; Constructing yuartermaster. Fort Leavenworth, Kan sas, and the Secretary of the Builders' Ex change, Sb, Paul, Minnesota. Proposal blanks and general Instructions to bidders may be had upon application to this office. The government reserves the right to re ject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for the con struction, etc., of public buildings at Fort H, A. Russell. Wyoming, to be opened June 8, 1M0," and addressed to V. K. Hart, Captain Fifteenth lnfuntry, A. y. M., U. 8. A., In charge of the construction, Room 9 Keete hall, Cheyenne, Wyoming. M-17-18-19-20 J 6-7. FAMILY WASHING neatly done: rough, dry or bundles. 'Phone Webster 5127. WANTED Steady situation In drug store, 7 months' experience; 18 years old. Hubert R. Kaempfer. Rising City, Neb. SITUATION a chauffeur: private owner preferred; does not drink or smoke cigar ettes. 'Phone Webster 1545. PROPOSALS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, May 12, 1:110. Sealed proposals In triplicate will bo re ceived here until 2 p. m.. mountain llm'. June 1st, 1S10, for remodeling the street lighting system and building a suti-statio.it at this pist. Plans ai.d specif Icatlons o file at office of the-Chief yuartermaster, Department of the Colorado, Denver, Colo i Chief yuartermaster. Department of tho Missouri, Omaha, Nebr., and tho Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Minn., or same may be obtained from this office upon the de poFit of $5 to Insure their safe return. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Electrical Work" and addressed to the Constructing Quartern-aster, Fort Mackenslc, Wyoming. M16-17-PV19-27-28 Texas. FOR SALE 1.400 acres, well-Improved stock fann In central Texas, $ miles from good town and railroad- suitable for divi sion among 6 or 6 fajnllW Healthy loca tion and prosperous community. A great bargain If bought as a whole. Write fur full particulars. R. L. Slaughter, Austin, Tex. FOR SALE 175 acres rich Caney Valley land for sale; 116 In corn, 40 In timber; on railroad, station close; county seat i miles; flue climate; will grow anything; church, school privilege, good markets; In fe.t developing country. If Inteiesied d drt.se the owner, J. M. Cockrell, Wbarloa. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS I W -y- 8 To Those Who Use Tho lOll UOydgeljREHCH LIKE v,,nHirkeDWr'8 lor safety, Epeed and comfort. Fast trams connect (or all continental points. Compagnie Ge'nf rale Transatlanlique Magnificent twin screw expresi steamers IrnvetNew York every Thurs day at 10 A. M. Commanded by Naval Otllcers with man-o'-war disci pline. Every known safety, wireless telegraphy and submarine ball signal. Appointments surpass many palatial hotels, roof .cafes, orchestras gymnasium, daily paper, superb cuisine. LA TOt'RAlNE, Mav 26 LA PROVENCE, June 1 LA LORRAINE, June 3 LA LORRAINE. June 2J LA SAVOlE. June t LA SAVOIE. June 0 Additional Ballings at !d cabin prices alternate Saturdays by popular one cabin steamers $45 to $62 60. J. B. RE TTJ OLD 3. ........ 1603 rarnam . T. B. BOOST, ....... Aft. O. M. II St. V. MJ. M. O. BH1BI.DB, ....v. .... 101 Varum sit. LOOia ....... gar rirst Vat'L Saaa. ill? ME MMAZME M(SE WELLILL VffllT A LITTLE MIILE. no, ill WUT 8 UiTTU WHILE! ITiWORTX TWlce TrteVr : , nttr of profit, -x " sS;, V OOuArJi. IU PAY J V W-TTLe WMIUF J J THOUSAND DOlLrWS V00 HQWS J yAy0y NOW ! C "-" I FOR VOUR PROVEfvTY,) X 'tf NT',usrSEEJV y fmU, :?3i ) SW I p3f : " WOULDN'T ( WELL 1U. WftIT 4fJL SELL IT TO ry-pSzr K)PYRiuHT1''l9io, BY THE NaW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM (NEW YORK HERALD CO.).. Ail RiohU Reerved. Brightside and His Boy "When the Ghosts Should Walk," Their Latest Tabloid Sketch. -.J BY LAFAYETTE PARKS. ' "A physician who has Investigated the subject says there are 3,000 varieties of superstitious beliefs in this country," be gins Brlghtslde, as wIhb Willie floats in for the evening confab. " "I believe In some signs myself," answers Son, with a sly wink at the ceiling, fishing a cigarette out of his case. "For Instance, when a gink makes a signal of distress and I know he has the kelt, that means good luck to me." "Forty-five per cent of the population believes In some of the many supersti tions," continues Father. "Personally, I don't have much faith In any of them." "There are a lot of hoodoos, at that," puts In Son, "and It takes a wise guy to sidestep 'em. Whenever I Bee a croas-eyed darkey coming up the street with a razor In each hand It certainly looks like trou ble to muh. I don't take any chances I beat It. He may be an entire stranger to me and as peaceful as a Harlem goat, but with those zlgsag lamps not for your little Willie." "I suppose the various signs were origi nally conceived by some lucky or unlucky event that happened In conjunction with a specific incident," Huggcsts Father. "Like rubbing the bump on a hunchback before going to tho races to bring good luck," lemarks Son. "The first piker that tried that stunt probably cashed In a ticket worth a couple of bucks. Rut I'd like lo have the price of a pack of cigarettes for every sucker that's gone broke on It since. Papa's boy would slave no more this sum mer. It's a good sign when It works, but" "Your mother, as another example," Father , says, "will never walk under a ladder." "Probably some skirt back before the flood walked under one and got a pot of paint dropped on her lid, spoiling a seven dollar bonnet," remarks Son. "Leave it to the dames to pass on a hard-luck taie like that until the last Little Rrlghteyes cashes In." "The women, according to this physician, place more reliance In signs and dreams than men," asserts Father. "They're on the Job with the Gypsy's warnings, all right," admits Son. "If a little peach sleeps on a slab of brunette wedding cake she gets a hunch that the first dark-haired boy that comes by is there Willi a marriage license In his mitt and the first month's rent money In his The Oldest Iiihnliltnnt. He feebly shook his wise, old head; His heavy coat came not amiss; Ho shivered as he faintly snld: "DldHt ever know a May like this?" T. E. II. Anrlc-r! t urnl Advances. Now Is tho happy seed time; Heboid each tiny row. But soon It will bo weed time, And "whack" will go the hoe. -T. E. M. Jeans. The trouble is she thlnkt. It s strong she gets peevldsh If the chap doesn't fall for the sign." "1 know a married man," relates Father, "who never falls to tell the klird of weather a day ahead ' by the coffee grounds." "1 know a married man," adds. Son, "who makes the weather by the brand of coffee wifle hajids him In the morning. If it's a bit muddy he tints up the atmosphere in his cosey flat until it looks like a thun der and lightning storm on the equator. When the drink Is weiik hubby starts a frosty breeze that would frcese ice on a July day. They're almost superstitious enough to find grounds lor divorce at the bottom ot a ten-cent pot of Java." "Here s a man that has found a sure cure for toothache," Father resumes. "He says if you pick your teeth with a splinter taken from a tree struck by lightning you'll never be troubled." "Let him tell ' that to a guy running down Broadway at 2 a. m., holding his Jaw with one hand and his hat with the other, looking for an all-night dentist," Son suggests. "While I'm not supersti tious, it looks to me like a sure sign of sudden death." "Why do people fear ghosts walking only at night?" queries Father. "Tlie only way the ghost can throw a scare Into mull," Son declares, "is by not walking on puy dv." (Copyright, 1910, by the X. Y. Herald Co.) Summer Play Aprons for Small Children Ax VV ;-;v:'A A i 0l .'ft :;(': i .. . -"-. ir ti n.i itiwW V "V ii"if - Even mud pis might seem t.u, .ned If mude In such pluaf.iirf. h .ml and bicizv us to nock a ill H.orves, or rather IdiKc sleeves, and with fascinating Mother Ooose and Kate fli-eenaaay pictures on Hit: front, liig pocketH, too, In wlib-li to hf", f chocolate creams, j,ebble.s, hop toa Is and other special treasures of tlio day. s4, , Another kind of apion, of blue linen, with gay red and blue Ruuslun embroidery and a cratelalne pocket baa; Is deVEhtfvU, A design, more dressy, with ruffle at the foot and ribbon Uea over tlie shouldor, will be lilted by small meUa. 4f I