4 s-mi or rv .1 ffv rt in, "Vv7 'UTI T3 11 H one DouQlas e3o. lou'WiM lino a clhieer- fill siafF ready io serve ou ; Bee Wamil-Acclk MS X i MONEY TO LOAN Salary d Chattel Comllnard. MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loart you any iinount on your FLUNITURK, PIANOS and LIVE STOCK, or any other chattel BECUR1TY. We positively have the lowest rates tn Omaha. CALL nnd CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUSI NESS MTRICTLY CONKIUKM1AL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., L 1 Crounse Block, Corner llth and Capitol. Opposite Postof fire. Both Phones Douglas 1256; A-1356. MnMVV WANKD ON CHATTELS AUJXMiI AND SALARIES. tJuHt terms and lowest rates obtainable. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board ot Trade Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft W. C. FLATAU, ru MONET WANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOLME AND OTH F.RS, without security; easy payments. (tfulces In 66 principal clues, loiman, room b!f l New York Life lllrig. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND BTORAOB CO. clean your carpets and floors. Electric vacuum system. 309 So. 17th. Tel. D. 1663. fTTUTATV Clncd, day ' UUi.VlVJl0 j-hon, Douglas work done. 4S23. EXP. Delivery Co., office IGth and Dav enport Sis., warehouse, 8207-09 Izard 1st. STOVES stored. Ranee, 1611 N. 24th 6U I'M" TT VnV HAVE YOUR FURNI iJJ 11 J.NUW iuhk REPAIRED AND UPHOLSTERED. 3006 FARNAM. H. 3110. WHAT IS the us ef taking up your car pets when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours? Free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Douglas block, 107 8. 16th St. "Phones: Doug. 745; Ind. A-1936. Acrosa from Hayden's. ;$HAGE Ice. Cole's E reasonable rates, prompt snrv- ExpJlCapltol;IX 70LA-!3Ii OFFERED FOR RENT Board sal Hiiomi. LARGE east front room, large bay win dow kind alcove; suitable for two or three ger.tlrmen; also smaller rooms; board reasonable. 306 S. 20th St. 1 1 . ROOMS and board. 3070 Mason. Tel. Har ney 3630. NICELY furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; close In. 618 S. 19th. THJ3 IRVING 2102 Leavenworth; newly decorated, single and double room, with first - class board at reasonable prices. Tabla board a specialty. Douglas 6547. DESIRABLE furnished board. 123 S. 25th Ave. rooms, with Furul.bed Roosua. LARGE, airy, comfortable, two baths, few quiet roomers, large porch, lawn, 1 10 and 315. Douglas 809L 2324 Harney. NICELY furnished front rooms on first floor; modern; suitable for man and wife or two gentlemer. 964 Harney St. . PRIVATE family, room with alcove and 0lber! rooms. 2567 SU Mary'a Ave. ONE large furnished room for one or two gentlemen at 608 S. 25th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 638L ONE or two good furnished rooms, mod- . trn, walkmg distance. i ucw'ir ah, ff Douglas 7506. MODERN furnished front room, private family. 2778 Burt SU Tel. H. 6463. CLEAN parlor room for rent to lody, week. 209 N. 20th. 33 FURNISHED Cuming Bi.-. housekeeping rooms. 2406 FUHNISIIED rooms, 37 to n to 310. 221S Call- forma bt. Tel. Douglas 44, K. MODERN room. 638 8. 24th BU W.KWLY furnished front room suitable ftm two, with prlvata family. 2614 Dodge. DODGK1 . HOTEL Large outside, and team heat In every room; rates by week. WAJlM rooms. U .per weei weeks trse balA. Oedsa Hotel, Cwunoll xuurts rURNIHIED re-ems tor geotlameav B. 13th MU- The Chatham. Ul A nice large room on 1st floor; pleasant aurroundings and with prlvata family; suit able for two gentlemen. !23 B. 25th Ave. BLKQANT froat room, flae furniture sw Ijl, tOth. No alga tsouaa. TWO furnished rooms, ensulte, very cen tral, inquire uue pmramm. u iiour. i .itiG. airy, comfortable, two baths; few culet roomers; large porch, lawn; 310 and H. Doug. tWd. 2324 Harney.' TWO rooms, strictly modern, six blocks grom postoffloe. 408 N. 30tU at. ICY Uuropeaa notel. Uik A raxaauk A modern; private house. Red 7728. 1818 Chi cago. , - ' TWO large rooms, one with alcove; board If desired; private. 114 8. lsth St. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 816 N. 19th. ' TWO furnished front rooms, with priv ilege of bath. 3216 bo ward. .Webster 4601. rpv . tiani.ma FlrSk-ctaaa ramiiy lnO UeOrgia ml Georgia Ave. hotel. H-m. NICE furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred. 28M Dodge. NICELY furnished front rooms; modern. 302 N. 19th SU ' SUITE of I room and one other largs room; nicely furnished; modern. 117 Capi tol Ave. 8INOLB rooms, Douglas SU 21 week; modern. 2111 LARUE, nicely furnished front room and aleova. with uianu: sirxtly modern; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; no objection to practice cr music of any kind; 320; walking distance; car one block 2668 St. Mary'a Ave, ( "We had twelve calls in person and fifteen over the 'phone for the property advertised in our one inch ad last Sunday. "We find The Bee pays us best. "McNeill-Jewell Realty Co.," ( Farm Lands a Specialty, 515 North 24th St., j T South Omaha. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Itooraa Coatlaita. ONE! single and one rront room; modern. 201 8. 24 1 h St. TWO elegantly furnished apartments In the Column upartmenls, S. Vv. corner lOtu and William streMs. V. FAUN AM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam. FURNISHED room In new, modern apartment houHe to one or two ladles em ployed during the day. References. Tele phone Hid 7700. BEAUTIFUL suite of nicely furnished rooms in fashionable residence district. Also single room If desired, warning aistance and on car line. Modern conveniences, In cluding use of phone. Good board nearby. Address WJ Park Ave. ROOMS, both large and small, newly papered and renovated, brick building, modern, walking distance. 220S Harney. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; near car line. 2335 S.-19tli. MODERN rooms for 2, 3 or 4; separate beds If desired. 2037 Harney. FOR RENT Rooms close to depots and new car bwna. 1404 b. 8th. MODERN furnished rooms. 211 S. 20th St. NICELY furnished rooms; all modern; nice lawn and snade. 2716 N. 22d SU Phono Webster 4318. TWO rooms, suitable for four. 308 N. 22d. NICELY furnished, strictly modern sleeping rooms; large flat; close In. 14.00 week; 047 S, 24th Ave. LARGE sunny south room with alcove four big windows; appropriate for one or two gentlemen or married couple; walking distance; private house. Phone Doug. 2ou. tiii Mason tit. FURNISHED rooms, So per month, for young men; electric light, steam heat, tele phone, running water, laundry and press ing privileges. 2627 Harney. LARGE front room; also single rooms with board. 2610 Harney. Harney 294 1. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, with or without board; also tabla board; reasonable rates. 440s N. 24th St. FURNISHED modern rooms for one or two gentlemen. 1717 Burt. NICELY ' furnished sleeping room In modern brick flat, lady preferred. 21)13 Mason St., Harney (363. FOR young ladles employed, two benutl ful, large rooms, strictly modern; private family. Harney tj2u. ONE large furnished room, strictly mod ern; walking distance, close to 24th St. car. 2308 Dewey Ave. Doug. 6401. YOUNO man to share comfortable fur nished room, reasonable terms, 2702 Far nam; Harney 2673. , FRONT room; modern;, in private family; price reasonable, 114 S. 21nh St. ONE room, 81. SO; 1 room, 32; both newly decorated; walking distance; modern con veniences; can be used together. Inquire 2616 Davenport SU LARGE front room, southern exposure. 117 S. 26ta Ave. 'Phone Douglas 7010. , ROOMS AND BOARD; home cooking,; car n out a ..1 a iau) ' llne. .300. S,,24tb.. JDouglaS WiX ili- NICELY furnished south room for gen tleman. 1707 Dodge St. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 415 S. 19th. LARGE front room, suitable for four boys.. 2627 Harney St. VERY desirable furnished room with pri vate family. 2116 Poppleton Ave. TWO front parlor rooms; modern; house keeping privileges. 2220 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms, 2208 Harr.ey St. Strictly modern, newly. papered, excel lent location; call quickly. SINGLE furnished room, 3d floor, flat 11. i'J.2 S. 16th. MODERN Mary's Ave. furnished rooms. 2018 St FRONT room for 1 or t. 2215 Farnam St. NICELY furnished largo modern front room, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 824 N. 19th SU Doug. 6202. TWO nicely 2114 Harney. furnished rooms, modern, NICE furnished rooms. 615 S. 16th. Flat 4. QOOD, clean, desirable rooms, suitable for one or two young men or mau and wife. 218 N. 19th St. LARGE modern rooms, furnished nicely, 13 and 33.50 per week. 618 N. 19th SU NICELY furnished rooms, 1811 California. CLOSE In, large, clean, beautifully fur nished front rooms, unfurnished f de sired; modern and reasonable. 191 Cass 8U. . . ... NICELY furnished room 102 California. Tel. D. 6819. In new flat. 1S10 CHICAGO BT. nice front parlor, suitable fur two gentlemen; strictly mod ern. LARGE front room with alcove. 2.J8 South 10th street. LARGE front looms with 'big closets; walking distance. 2025 Dodge. TWO single rooms and one front parlor; modern. 2218 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms; 33 week to gentlemen; modern. 2472 Harney. FRONT room with alcove, for four. Harney. 2210 ONE large furnished room In modern home, with private family. Tel. Douglas ivm. zm, at. Aiary s Ave. TWO furnished rooms, front and back parlor; suitable for two or four gentle men. 2577 Harney St. Reference. SINGLE rooms, strictly modern; 81.50 and K.ou. o.i Dodge. NEWLY papered, newly furnished rooms eight blocks from P. O. Red 5100. 2204 California. ' TWO modern rooms for Harney 4146. mi Mason. housekeeping. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Hsonu LARGE single room. Continued. 2709 Farnam. FRONT room with alcove. 201S Leaven worth St Front room, fun Ished. 120 N. 26th St. THREE furnished rooms; walking d's tauce. Inquire eveuuigs. 2000 Davenport St. LARGE front south room; also smaller room; modern. 3707 Farnam. NEATLY furnished larga front room. S. la Hi St. 60S FRONT pallor; nicely furnished; modern. 621Vi S. 19tn. WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove, also small room; private fam ily; large lawn. 702 S. 2jth St. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping. Call Sunday before 6. Share these cheap. 2201 N. 20th, upntairs. Leighty. LARGE or small furnished rooms, cither In suites or single, in modern house. 18J1 Cuss St. NICE front room, closo In, 3 blocks from postofflce; also small room. 200 N. 19ih. NICELY furnished single room for gentle men. 218 N. 23d St. NICELY furnished rooms in private fam ily of two. 2308 Capitol Ave, or 'phona Douglas 7609. LARGE front room for two people: $7 each. 613V4 S. 20th. IN private home, large sunny room, ele gantly furnished, electric light, hfat, bath, phone, walking distance. Nice porch and lawn. Farnam and 24th Ave. Harney 4JOS. LARGE front room for two or three; also one small room, strictly modern. 313 N 20th St. MODERN and nicely furnished private family. 609 S. 17th St. rooms, LARGE front room for sleeping, for rent til wi a. iiin oi. FURNISHED rooms. 2543 Capitol Avo. TWO large front sitting and bedrooms: nicely furnished; bath; gas; porches and yard; 312 per month. Webster 6S34. 3u07 N. 24th St. ' FRONT room, newly papered, light house keeping or sleeping. 1813 Izard. TWO modern rooms, single and double; south, exposure; quiet place. 1710 Daven port. FURNISHED six-room, modern cottage. lauti jt. loin isu LARGE modern fruntshed room. 32.50 Der week. 2003 Uurt. A NICELY furnished room. 2623 N. 20th. FURNISHED room for rentlemen: 32.50 per week. 634 S. 2Mb.. NICELY furnished south room for cen- tleman. 1707 Dodge St. VERY nicely furnished large room, suit able for on or two. 201 S. 20th Ave. BEAUTIFUL rooms. facing south; close in. 621 S. 18th. NICELY furnished south room for.iten- Ueman. 1707 Dodfi St. ' " FURNISHED rooms, " 622 S. . 16th, third floor, flat 11. FURNlSVlED rooms. In town. 31.50. 1708 California Si. . FOUR rooms, one block from car line: reasonable price. 2711 South 23d. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO very desirable light housekeeping rooms; everything furniuhed. 550 S. 26tli Ave. FURNISHED llsht housckeeulns rooms. 2412 Dodge. A SUITE ot three elegant new rooms. modern. 220 N. Mth. FOUR housekeeping rooms, modern, fur- nished. 'Phone Webster 628. THREE housekeeping rooms, newly pa pered; water and bath: 38 per month. 2215 Military Ave. Tel. Webster 1760. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete; gas for cooking and hadi. 2223 Leavenworth. Phone Independent A-4405. TWO nicely furnished rooms, comoiete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. THREE rooms, partly furnished for light housekeeping; references required. 2701 Woolworth Ave. TWO rear rooms and pantry. 2709 Doug- las St. PART of new. all modern, house: fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire 2015 Lake; for husband and wife; no children. BY May 9, one large room with alcove for light housekeeping. 310 a month. 1512 S. 6th St. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; partly furnished; cheap. 530 S. 26th Ave. - FRONT suite ot light housekeeping rooms; fit at floor, modern. 2028 Farnam St. Phone Red 5211. 80UTH front for light housekeeping; modern. 2018 Howard St. LARGE front room for housekeeping. 2111 Douglas St.' SOUTH front, basement housekeeping room; 313; modern. 2310 Douglas St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2543 Capitol Ave. YOUNG lady to share suite of rooms for housekeeping on first floor. All modern. 2627 Harney SU TWO or more desirable housekeeping rooms, also front parlor, complete for housekeeping. In modern flat; rent reason able. 2114 Chicago St. BEAUTIFUL ' furnished liousekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 632 S. 28lh St. 'Phone Harney 6146. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. aim California. THREE connecting rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern and in West Farnam district; private family. 'Phone Harney 200 TWO tnod.rn housekeeping rooms, 114 per muuin. iim cumiiig. NICE large neatly furnished rooms, light noustssepuig; an iiont rooms and modvrn; ibhuumui. rent, jui jN. iltn. THREE rooms unfurnished, strictly mod rn, lu a mouth; also furnished apart merits. 4758 No. 24th. THE MANUEL, 6( 8. 21st Ave.; fur nisneu iur iiuuseseeping; not water free; steam-heated; two-room apartments, 820; four rooms, 330. The Howard, two-room apartments, 3o. Red 447. TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms. u uason, itarney 41 w. TWO furnished apartments, I rooms each. ii w. aa bu . MODERN furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. D21 Chicago bU TWO south rooms for housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. Modern, 2U2J rar uaui, 3d floor. TWO furnished rooms, modern, 1150 ptr week. Apply at not Miami bu THREE newly papered rooms. 608 N. 16th. housekeeping OFFERED FOR RENT Housekeeping Reoms Cont Innrd MODERN newly papered, 2 rooms, coal range or gas. laundry, yard, 320 month. 2073 St. Mary's Ava. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished. Jaiksun St. 1713 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished compl'-tH. Call 314 S. 20th, between Farnam and Harney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Leavenworth. 1S07 NICELY furnished front pnrlor In brick flnl; housekeeping privileges; rvervthmi; furnished complete. 'Phone Red 5760. 2116 Chicago St. LARGE front room. Leavenworth. housekeeping. 2013 FURNISHED rooms, can do lielit house keeping, lsiti Charlts. FOR rooms. RENT Two modern housekeeping 1215 S. 16th St. THREE unfurnished hnusekenplng rooms, Dundee, 'l'hoiio Harney 2K!I1. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, with alcove, 412 N. ISth St. WANTED-Ladles to do slamplnR; work taken home; experience unnecessary; steady work. Willis Wood Co., 102 N. ISth. FURNISHED, two front rooms, suitable for three or four men; may have use of piano or will furnish for light housekeep ing. 146S S. 16th tit. SOUTH front room, able. 21U0 Cuss. all modern, reason- TWO nice rooms with alcove, or unfurnished. 1411 N. 20th St. furnished TWO nice, modern rooms, gas range, electric lights, on car line. IMS N. 16th St. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster St. Phone Douglas 2S19. NICELY furnished light housekeeping sleeping rooms. 210 N. lilth. TWO large rooms, 3 closets, modern; walking distance, $16, alao 3-room suite, parlor floor, handsomely furnished. 604 S. 28th. NICE room for light housekeeping; furnished; modern. 2118 Douglas St. gas MODERN housekeeping . and sleeping rooms; walking distance. 25G3 Dodge St. TWO or 3 rooms for hounekeeplng; mod ern. 270-J Farnam St. 2fS0 Harney, two south front rooms for housekeeping. TWO elegant rooms completely furnished; reasonable; modern. 614 S, 22d. TWO light housekeeping rooms en suite: ground floor; modern conveniences and use of laundry. 2169 Harney SU EIGHT-ROOM modern house, near car. Phone Red 0100. 4- LARGE front room, modern. 10 No. 19th. SINGLE room, for gentleman, 87. 3001 Maeon. Harney Zi'Jt. . ..... frum rrvTTn r a c Clean.' first ciiki Xi-LLJ wwiuuno rooms, close In. U1 uougiss. TWO rooms for light 'hfii&eliecDlng - 2018 Davenport. .(Vjk , - Unfurnished Rooms. STEAM heated modern .l-room apart lent, unfurnished. 475 N. 24Ui SU TWO fine rooms, facing Uausconi Park: 310 per month. 2M6 Woolworth Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 191o WeOaier bt. THREE very desirable, strictly modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family.. Call Webster 1785. THREE, all modern, parlor floor. 315. 613 N. 23d St. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except heat. Call after 6:30 p. m., 2608 N. 19th Ave. THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 2254 N. 20th St. ' ' ENTIRE 3d floor for housekeeping. furnished. 2621 Harney. Harney 5328. FOUR front rooms, strictly modern, 2804 Sherman Ave. Webster 5310. One nice large unfurnished room for light housekeeping if desired. 2013 , Webster bt. THREE rooms for renU Inquire 2004 Vin ton SU TWO unfurnished rooms In new brick flat, 312.50 per month. 311 N. 21st St. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2026 St. Mary's Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper floor. 2506 Dougiaa. for rent-two unfurnished rooms. 2572 Harney St. FOR RENT 4 rooms, modern. unfur- nished, 31 5. 1760 S. 9th. FOUR rooms. for 313 per month. 312 N. 27th Ave. Apartments aad Flata. ONE five-room apartment, atrlotly mod ern, In the Hunter. 'Phone Douglas 4132. 8-r. brick for roomers, oetween High c'reiglitou; strictly modern, school and yard. 34a. O KEKF1S REAL ESTATE! CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21S3. I-ROOM flat, good condition, oa Park Ave., 324.00. 'Phone Harney 1566. CENTRAL. all modern 4-room flau tM N. 33d. FOR RENT An 8-room modern apart ment, Field club district; five bedrooms and Sleeping porch; beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first class. sju pop pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. 898. ELEGANT apartments, race. Webster 4328. Btrehlow T.r. FOUR-ROOM semi-basement flat la Dun' say, loth and Pierce Sis., steam ceawd. CONRAD YOUNG, Tel. Douglas 15 71. 1618 Dodge BU FOR RENT 6-room apartment In The Barnard. Apply 417 N. Y. Life Bldg., 01 'phone Douglas 1886. FIVE-ROOM apartment in the thermae U , , t I l. 1J J t - . U,UU, A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 33d and Farnam, nothing finer In the city. Call Wm. K. Potter, II. 2216. FIVE-ROOM new brick apartment, mod em; steel range and water rent paid, 326 monthly. References required, zjio cv 24th St. THE MANUEL. 606 8. 21st Ave.; 4-ronm apartment; hardwood finished; laundry; hut water, 32&.UO. Red 4467. 8-ROOM new flat; hardwood finished, 845. 601 U. Z2d bt. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; x rooms condensed Into 6; steam heat, electric lights and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed safe, gas move, refrigerator. Janitor ocrvlc. The Hunter. Tel. Doug. 4132. 4-ROOM apartment In new brick eaat ot Hanscum Park. Harney ISivi. bldg., KuraUhcd lloa.rs ssd Flata. 6IX-ROOM house, partly furnished sum mer or longer, 340. 3566 Jackson. . 6-ROOM strictly modern collate;' good location. 'I'houe Hartley 3&6. OFFERED FUii RENT Furnished Houses and Flats Conl'nil EIGHT rooms, mwly furnished. West Kail. am district. June 1 to October 1; $60 monthly, to reasonable party. 1'nonu be fore 10 a. in. Harney 16f.,i. Houses and Cwttaaes. FIVE-ROOM cottaea basement. 2:Uo S. luth. nd four-room FOR RENT Choice 6-room upper flat. 614 N. 2i'J Bt. ; new plumbing, bath, pol ished flooiii, fine view, tii. lei. Red fi2i. ALL modern 8-room house, 140 South 271 h St. Lest lurnuce, porceia.n bam, good con dition. 322.00. 'leleplioiie Webstir 17.8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap frelnhi rale; inuvlng and storing. Expretsnuii's Delivery Cu. 1'ci. Doug. 3m. HAN SCO M PARK DISTRICT. 8-rooni fully modern flat; hardwood floors throughout; tiv iu ilusirabie tenant. Wright & Lasbury, 106 S. 16th bt. Phone D. ii2. S-ROOM, modern, suitable for families. 100S S. St. Red 67.ta. two SEE OUR LIST RKFORIi RENTING. Save tune and money; all sikvm, all prices. PA1NK, HUSTUlCiv At SLATER, 6th Floor. N. V. Lite UMg. lit ah neltlii i pans ul the cltf. uii m (.v.. lice Hidg. ALL modern, 6-room brick house, finest repair, no7 N. 23d bt. ; . key next doer; reference lequireu, (25 per 1110; owner p-iys Viaier. Appy il. Cuius. is.puou Harney 1i,j0. FOR RENT Hot s- 6 rooms, modern ex cept luruace, oiiu block from 24th bt. car. liTi Pierce, inquire 12UI S. 5th Ave. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624, N. Y. LICo Bldi. Red U'jj. OMAHA Van & Storaue Co.. Duck. move. stole household goods; storehouse, 1120-21 N. lutn; oltice, 3U9 S. 1th St. Tel. Dmiylus IMn. HOUSES. N. Y. I. flats. Uurvln Bros., 3d floor , FOR KENT 7- room modern house, West Farnam. fine lawn, shady poreh, laundry. 311 N. 33d. Telephone Douglas 2oQ. FOR RENT Elegant lo-iooia house; all modern; 621 Park Ave.; only Ijo. C. E. Herring, 417 N. 1. Lite lilug. Tel. Doug as l!tK6. FOR RENT 6 rooms and bath at 637 So. 31st. Cheaper tnan anything of Its size and conditions. Keys at 5iV. bee owner ut 3831 North 22d. IF 5 rooms will do you, look at this. 5 rooms and bath, double flat, easy terms plan. Rents of one will buy both. bee owner at 3M1 North 22d St. EIGHT-ROOM tuick flau 2213 Califor nia, 345. lienils Park 8-rooms. 3SG4 Chicago. O'KKtl'Ji KJSAu ESTATE CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. 1 - . Douglas or A-2U2. 6-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer; 740. 3500 Jackson. 2515 HEES. 4 rooms, 310. . 3K9 Decatur St., 5 rooms, 316. 2412 Parker St.. 6 rooms, 317. 1422 N. 19th, 9 rooms, 330. JOHN N. FRENZKK. ROTH 'PHONES. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad. In 1 ho- Bee. 332.60. STRICTLY modern oak finish. 8 room house. 1305 S. 2Jth St. Tel Harney 1767. THREE rooms, all modern, hot water heat, en car. 815' per month. NOWATA LAND c LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 6-ROOM modern noust; good location. 719 S. 37th St. 'Phone Webster 2590. THREE 9-room, new, brick houses, Just completed, all modern combination fix tures. 313-15-17 N, 21st St 35"). C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. Office 'phone: R. 2630; Residence, D. 6050. HOUSES. Insurance. RingwalU Harker Blk. 6 RQOMS. 1321 S. 28th. all modern except furnace, 323. Harney 2359, FOUR-ROOM cottage, garden and chick en prlvelege. 1914 Bancroft. NEW, six-room Harney 647. brick house, modern. FOR RENT Attractive modern house on test car line. Tel. Webster 3901. . BEST RENTAL BARGAINS. 8-r., all mod., fine location, shade, etc., 3321 Davenport JiiVOO 4-r., city water, 4:iii8 Burdette $12.60 6-r., ciiy water, 1023 Martha (15.00 4-r., part modern. 837 S. 24th Jll .( 4-r. and titnre. 2122 Military Ave J20.00 6-acre garden tract, Benson 3 3.04 RUSSELL & MoKl'i'KICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We . offer for rent the one- story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment. 22xi0, all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Rent 330. N. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and Harney. 1620 CUMING, new store. 336. J. W. Rasp Co., 6S9 Braudeis Bldg. STORE ROOM 1S07 Farnam St. heml-basemeuls. well lighted. 1807 and 1S09 Fajnam bt. Store ruom, 511 N. 21th St., So. Omaha. - THOS. F. HALL, 4.13 Ramgo Bldg. Both 'Phones. STORE ROOM TO RENT-330; 1822 Far nam. Western Umbrella Co. 1507 CAPITOL AVE. Store room, 27 x64, new building, excellent location. Apply Chicago Laundry Co., 1509 Cap. Ave OFFERED FOR SALE Baggies. RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan hopes, "llaclne" and other high-grade makes sold by us at muderate prices. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jones bis. HIGH GRADE BUGGIES, SURREYS. STANHOPES and RUNABOUTS for salo cheap, 1117 Farnam. Vsr al csr. DON'T BORROW MONET on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until yoo THE J. A. HUTTON CO, 614-316 Paxton Block. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables, iron base and stone top; also 3 galley banks and two steam laoles tor sale. Apply Bee Puo. Co., 17in and Farr.ain. ONE flue mahogany wardrobe, worth 340. will sell for 315; one Iron bed. spring and hair mattress, and one oak sideboard, fur sule cheap. 2200 DavciiporU OFFERED FOR SALE Farsltnre Continued. FOR SALE. ORIENTAL HUGS and hangings, MAHOGANY and other parlor, dit'ing room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. ALL NEARLY NEW. In first class condition. We are moving to Cali fornln. Sale prlvnto (no dealers!, Tues day and Wednesday. May 17th and ImIi; hours, 9 to 5. My residence. .I6 Park Avr. W. E. HITCHCOCK, Telephone. Harney 1203. TWO fine roller np oak desks. 4'':)u feet each; two revolving chtlis; utile- table. 207 Farnam. FOR SALE Folding bed, almost now. Douglas 4641. Musical Instruments. FINE upright Sohmer piano; big bar gain; owner leaving ciiy. llill Cass. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia C.ruplia hone, splendid Instrument. Price 3-MU and never sold lor less. ill sen one, which is brand nw and in perfect condition for 17il. Good tuuson for selling. Address, G 140, liee Typewriter.. SECOND-hnno typewi Iters sold, repaired. Central Typewilter Exchange. 1607 Farnam Typewriters for Kent 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. ALL MAKES. . bWUllbOll. BUY an L. C. Smith & Pros. Typewriter. B. F. Swauson Co., distrituar J. 1312 Far. nam St. ailaeellanroua. THnEE quater Inca cable for George R. W righu Be Bldg tie. Appli WE HAVE on hand a. number of Ink barrels which we will sell for W) cents each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press ro mi. Bee Publishing Co. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skh-t box, li good condition. Length 4 ft. Add. ess, C 673, care Bee. SECOND-HAND onk counter; hand carved, marble cashier plate; wive wicket, about 40 ft., odd shape; will fit a room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars phone Duuy loa 238. Deo Building Co. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 order.-; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. ISIS Farnnnn A LOT of well seasoned white pine lum ber, seconds, for sale cheap. 1620 N. 3Cth. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world iu cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke, Cullender, 407 S. 10th St. SCHOLARSHIP In leading business col lege for sale at discount. Address F-60J, care Bee. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand cafes, all sizes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam bt. The Economy 2Tvn4j0' w Screen will you one-half. T. H. Weirlch Fixture Co., all kinds of mill work. TENT COTTAGE located at Rod .and Gun Club Call at 1102 Harney St. Mr. Klrschberg. 6-HOLE Banquet Steel range; cost. 350: used one year. Fine condition, 315 takes It. 815 IS. 43d St. Tel. Harney 3188. SECOND-HAND scales at 1607 Harney. A WORD TO TRAVELERS Buy your traveling gooas at a real leather store. Cowhide leather suit cases, $D, .Alfred Cor- msn ec son, iziu i-arnam si. T iimlmi. Try O. C. Dimmock & Sons. 24th xjuixiwci and H Sts., So. Omaha, only in- aepenaent lumber dealers in the city. FOR SALE Some fine shelving. 317 S. 2Gth St. REFRIGERATOR, in good repair, riey 647. 1021 Park Ave. Har OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 10C4, Dr. Kathryn Nichols, 668 N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. 8TURGESS, registered patent attorney. U. S. and foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. SUA WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in U. S. Patent office. 618 Paxton Block. Tel. Red 2991. HUFFMAN, 318 Neville Bldg. Book free. POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH S1REET. Phones Douglas 1142; Independent A -3450. QERMOZONH la the best poultry medi cine, roup, colds, bowel complaint; sua Geo. H. Lee Co., 1116 Harney bu Screenings, $1.26 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16. SETTING hens, $1 each. 1914 Bancroft St. WON the silver cup. .White Leghonrs. Circular free. A. J. Simpson, Carroll, la. PERSONAL MRS. KOGERS' private confinement home, 1D10 Majtha St., Oinana, .Neb. Phone Douglas 62o0. BRAIDS and switches made from comb ings, $1 up; a fine line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. 1'. Stover, 25U1 bt. Mary's Ave. Tel. R. 3151. HINDOO strengthen. TABLETS will build, 50c. BELL DRUG CO. brace, ABLENE DE VOY, manicuring and mas sage. 621 S. 10th St., Flat 9. Phone D. 764 J. Swartz & McKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand books; Ger. & Eng. periodicals. 109 S. 15th. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrane, 1617 Dodge St., hours 10 a in., 8 p. in.; basement flat. V If I NintN Rubber goods by mall; cut vj.. prices. Bend for f ree tala- logue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lev. 4ol Bancroft St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1921. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, inn, a-iw.j. j.ioug. iwj. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 15th and Harney bis. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Arthur Mum please notify his mother, P. C. M ecu in, 1224 Harrison St., K. C, Mo. JOS1E WASH BURN'S book, "The Under world Sewer, at all book stores; price 31.50, OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg THE SALVATION ARMY solicits rast-off clothing, In fact, anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at 124 N. llih Pt.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagons will call. PERSONAL , (c on tinueil.j WE don't like to got personal, but U s right 10 the poiftl. Vaudeville, Litest and llehe.-t. PARLOR THEATER. Half price niatuuo. EXPERT thin packer; wedd ng rresents a specially. 1M4 lU engirt. Ind. R 27'.t. M EC A NO THERAPY IS a druglesa treatment for rheumatism. ConstiU lr. Margarltn llniinran, 226 Neville Hik. 'Phone. Douglas 7761. DIVORCES obtained without noise or delay. Wills and estates a specially. Practiced litw "2N years. W. A. CONNOLLY,' 474 Hrnndcls Hldvr. 1'hoiit DotiKliia iibOo. PRIVATE HOME during ronf Inrmenl ; halites lor adoption. Omul Snnnritnn Sniil lorium, 740 1st Ave., Council Hluffs. Iu. STRICTLY private Christian home for confinements, doctor III attendance, trained nurse babies for adoivinn. 2518 Davenport. f A Ci WTTn treatment. Mine. Smith, 624 IS. 16th St., third floor. WIGS and tcuprs for men. GRIFFITH, U and It- FHENZEIt BLOCK. 61 ME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. l'Au Dodge St., oppo site poe.of 1 ice. 3l floor. Phone Doug. i'ixA . MASSAGE AND BATlia! T" Room 3U.1 oid llulon Store Hldg.. 4th floor. 120 a. let 11 bt. btulrway on Cougia SU PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 211)1 St. 'Phone Webster 3.'.j!. 0.,.; i .,1,.,.. from combings, 31.60. Mrs. 8. OW llt-llta Mathews. 204 Neville Bk. D. 6303. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrane. 1(117 Doduo SU: hours 10 a. m. to V p. m. Dnsemont flat. PRINTING LEW W. RABER. Printer, "J tn,rc'ou:rt " BUILDIN G PHONE IND. A-2020 for good printing. Lyngstad Punting Co, 16th 4c Capitol Ave. DOUGLAS COUNTY saves thousands oi dollars yearly by having my figures oa priming. John 'I- ThomDSon. Tel. W 3586, Miller & Jamicson, 121? Doug. Both phones. R1ES-HALL I'tg. CO.. 103 6. 14th; Ind. A-3524, REAL ESTATE ItHAI. KSTATkl UUALUItS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 185S: promp: service; get our prices. 1710 Farnma Su KEMINOTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO, Tel. D 1271. 643 Ramge Bldg, New nou.es, FKEV S. HADRA. 417-418 First National tank Bldg. Douglas 318. BENJAMIN rU E. CO., 477 Urandets Bldg, REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST Cu. 1201 Faroam. Uiouud Floor. ABSTRACTS! UK T1TLK. PETER J ESSEN, JR.. TL Dojg. 2283. S. M. SADLER & SON. 306 S. 18th SU JOHN CAMPBELL. 410 N. Y. L. D. 107L GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1GZ3 Farnam. TCpnlp & Norton Abstracts of Tltlej CITV FHOFEHTY 'OB gI,B. A FINE KOUNTZE PLACE HOME 1816 LOCUST ST., $4,200 A beautiful new home, on fine south front lot. with terrace and paved street, cement walks, sodded yard, full two-story square house with full basement, cemented floor, good furnace, nice reception hall with front vestibule and coat closet, open oak stair way, . gooQ-siied parlor and dining room finished In onk, with oak floors, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor; one largo south bed room 20 feet lot ? with 4 windows and two closets, two good smaller bfd rooms and bath room on second floor; good stairway to large floored attic. All of the rooms, are papered throughout and have flno combination lighting fixtures. The location Is very fine, one block from ar, on nice street of homes. The lots udjolnlng are held at 31.260. You could not poHslbly buy the ground and build this house as complete as It Is for this price. We can show this place to you at an r time. It la vacant, .ready to occupy anl possossion can be given Immediately, AC'P TODAY., : NORMS & MARTIN, Doug. 4270. 623 Bee Building. BUNGALOW IN DUNDEE Located on Capitol Ave. between 61st ng 52d, nicely terraced,. 60-ft. lot, within on block of school and IVi blocks of car line, block from macadam road. This Is no doubt one of the choicest locations In Dun dee, overlooking the golf grounds and Happy Hollow club. Has 6 good-slsed rooms, strictly all modern In every way, full cemented cellar. House is ready to move Into. Price for quick sale 33,600. ' Another lot adjoining can be had. Ha sure to see us about this quick If you want a bargain. HASTINGS & HEYDE.V, 1614 llarhfy St, 2 LOTS S. E. CORNER 30TH AND MAPLE A fine place to build 3 cottages. These lots corner on iho fine new school house built at 30th and Maple und on the 3oih street car line. Have cenn-nt walks on both sides, lio fine for grade, have city water and sewer. This la no doubt the best corner you will be able to find so Wfll located to build 2 voltages. I'rloe for uuick sale, 31.1 10. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE Modem 10-room noust, Just completed, on the finest residence street In West Farnam district. Owing to change of business, ne cessitating owner's absence from city, can offer this home fur quick sale. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. fl9 Bd. Trade. Boulevard Lot Close to Farnam St. Double frunlagr. 31.500. arnam St. Doubli 31.500. SELBY, D. ir.io. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. LOT. Ames, tot 112, sioall house, :th Ave. and