12 TTTR r.KE: OMAHA, TVKDXKSIUV. MAY IS. 1010. B9R8 tsoBBBmsxsan. f ""'P.'Jt tsl 17 fl nn 1H I MEN'S SUITS, Worth $15.00 I $9 .794 .Mm .lH I 1 MEN'S SUITS, Worth $16.50 k 1 I ? t w MEN'S SUITS. Worth S18.00 BIG MANUFACTURERS' STOCK PURCHASE BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW TT B: MAMA ANNOUNCE TO OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS The Greatest Sale e STOHES" PfSf OF- UG EVER HELD BY ANY STORE IN THE WEST Beginning Next y,May y We bought these Rugs at Extraordinary Low Prices from the Great Auction Sale of Alexander Smith & Co. Stock. At this sale $5,500,000.00 worth of Rugs were sold at Big Bargains. Brandeis was among the largest buy ers. We will sell high class rugs next Monday at prices never known before. IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR EFFORT TO . MAKE A SPECIAL TRIP TO OMAHA FOR THIS SALE. YOU CAN EASILY SAVE ALL THE EXPENSES OF YOUR TRIP IF YOU BUY THE RUGS YOU i ' ) i. NEED AT THE LOW PRICES AT WHICH WE WELL SELL THEM NEXT MONDAY. - . , 0 Watch for Later Announcements. the woman we can't please In low shoes hasn't been In this spring. we're not expecting her either, for we are confident that every woman can find a shoe to please her in our lines of spring shoe beauties. mamm Oxfords. Ties, Sandals and Pumps In every choice leather, and new model. ""see otir Oxfords and Ties at $3, $3.50 and $4, the best shots that the money ever bought. 1 Madam, we ask you to come to see the finest display of low cut shoes the town ever saw. FRY SHOE CO. . "THE SHOER3" , 16th and Douglas Sts. J OMAHA re Compelled to Locate in Larger Quar ters on Account of Increased Business Larger Quarters Necessary to Accommodate the Constantly In creasing Stream of People Suffering With Chronic Ailments.. NEW LOCATION HANDIER. Dr. Theodore Milen or the MUn Medi l oompany has moved from 428 JUmgo buUdki- to SIS South Sixteenth. He la now too, t ml In the bulMIng formerly oc cupied by tho Hanson cafe, It la Just on-hlf block aouth of Sixteenth and rarnnu at re la, on the euat aide of the treat. The new offices and reception oom are much largor and lr. Mllen will oe better equipped than ever to care for thosa suffering- with Rheumatism, flail ptonea, OdIMr' Epllepay, Paralysis, Ca tarrh, diseases of .lbe Liver. Kidneys, Ptomach. Blood, Howels, Heart and other suruuiv mm nrvoui ailments or men and women. Th aame fair, liberal terma and e.'flelent treatment which haa built up Dr. Milen'a enormous practice will be ac corded all patlenta. lr. Mllen makes no chars for con sultation and examination anil accepts no cases which he'doea not feel confident ha can cure. Tlila eminent SDwisllst haa j spent thirty yeara In the treatment and j cure of chronic diseases only. The hundred I of people whom he haa cured, often times after other physicians had failed, j are sending their friends and neighbors so that Dr. Mllen and-his efficient alda I are among the busiest people In Omaha. If you are In need of the services of a specialist It will pay you ?o call en Dr. Mllen. Remember the new address Sit South Sixteenth street, Hanson building-. A Bee Want Ad will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant at a very small cost to you. Be convinced, rooms, or secure boarders on short notice items yS) Engraved Stationery VUiting Cmrdm All eomct forma ia tumm social arsj ia the beat mni and punctually delivered wkaa pfwissrt. Embossed Monogram Stationery J aAmt work aucutoj at prkaa lowm titan eauaQy prevail akawbara. a t nrrm i. . . V. l. KUU 1 , INCUKFtJRATEXJ UlO-llltHeweraSt. PaeaaD.lM f mmmmmmimmmnimmwxmMtnmrmmmmmmm Immmml - ...... . o mi i .... .... i 8 s s ! Canity Special For Wednesday HcKular 25c Pennut BHttle, 15c lb. Fresh Home-Made Candy. Special ales Wednesday anil Saturday. Pure ICE CREAM la what makes good Soda Water. We make our own Ice c lea in ...'JMuff Bed! Try our soda water. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Tarnam Bts. ZJtrr 'It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest 7 m KM .THE BEER. YOU LIKE , HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Consumer' Distributer John Nittlcr 3224 S. 24th Street Doug. 1889, Red 3932 Ind A-H20 "ci .1 I K. "'V'lal W.i s F M nny 1 5c Ladles' 1 jn (SIM.MKIl STVI.K HOOK and tlomn Journal I'atlci ti . . . $15 S3. 95 $10 Corset Covers French back and fit ted jttyles; ten different kinds, all 3c values, at HSo Corset COTsra1 -piece French backs; luce, embroidery and medallion trim med; ten atylea; 50c garments 39c Corset Carers Cambric and Nainsook 1 Mtyle; French back, "5c. vol uch, now at 69c Muslin Drawers Six stvlps; lace, em broidery and hemstitched trimmed; 3!ic garment, at SSo Muslin Drawers Another group ,f ten stylwa; hPHiitiful Sue valuta. 3ao Cambrio Drawers and Myelins 14 styles; elaborate 7dc garments, nil at one price , B9o Muslin Gowns With square, round and V Khape necks; also chemise or villi over styles b&c garments . ..69o Muslin Oowns Twelve beautiful styles; all wanted kinds; elaborate effects, worth U.oO ami some fl all at 91.00 50 doz. handsome Muxliii Skirts with deep lace or embroidery flounces; all good material; wel made Bnd llnlBhfd; splendid Jl.OO and $1 1!6 Skirts, for . . J 6Bo Muslin Skirts A variety of attrac tive styles with elaborate lace trim med flounces or fine embroidery, as you prefer. S 1 .00 and 11.75 gar ments, unloading, at $1.86 THKKE IS "SOMETHING DOING" TOMORROW IN FOULARD SILKS H'b a cbance to get them at near half the usual price. You could choose with your eyes closed without fearing to get a good pattern. We doubt If more desirable patterns are shown anywhere. There are polka dots, ring dots, geometrical patterns, dashes, neat floral de signs, etc.; on tan, grey, navy, green, old rosebrown, .uci, niue, i cseua ana omer colorings. i nese are shower-proof silks that you know to be well worth $1 a yara. . nenty or variety for all yard 59c A Great Neckwear Day Two Hundred Dozen Beautiful Neckpieces, : In a Wednesday Sale, at a Phenomenal price Come and choose from the cleverest and daintiest of summer styles; jabots, rabats, stocks, Dutch collars, Venlse and lace trimmed; also gulmpes and yokes. It's a big clean up purchase from a New York Importer. They are all fresh and crisp Just the kinds everybody is buying for summer. See the windows; values 35c to $2.50 each, choice, at xmmmm v v av mr jUHnr Ue 25c Allorer , Saoesl cotton " laces, a trifle soiled also Wednesday for Notions Safety lns, all alzea, 3 doaen for . .Bo Spools Cotton, 2a yards, Nca. ' 40, 60 and 60 white, 4 spools So Hose Supporters for women and children at, pair 8o Seduction Allover Venlse,' colored Bilk laces, 'Li to Finishing Braids, all col ors, at Bo Darning Cotton, spool 10 Mercerized 6c Crochet Cotton, spool Is 25c Twine Shopping Bags, at ISo 6c Pin (Sheets, assorted sizes, at 3o Valenciennes, Nets, fancy 46 Inches wide, some 49o and 69o values $1.00 to S3. 50 yard, In two lota, Wednesday Tal. X.acs at Half All vals, from 10c to 35c. are repriced unconditionally, ..Half Itag-nlar A Sale of Scrap Baskets Several 'hundred for Wednesday. They are made of g fine" Ffench' willow and are a 35c value. A necessary 1 article, Jo every home, special, at : AO, TELEPHONE ORDERS MUST COME IX PERSON Bennett's Capitol Cof- tee, lb. pktf "be And 2o dlamps. Bennett's ideal Coffee, per lb. ' BSC Atid 50 Stampit. Teas, assorted, lb., 680 And 00 Stamps. Teas, assorted, lb., 480 And 60 Slump. Bennett's .Capitol Whole. Tumartu), can . .13M0 And 10 .Stamps. Hartley's Imported Pino Fruit JaniK, Jar . .800 Corn Meat, S-lb. sack white or yellow. .120 Newport Catsup, 2 bot tles, for ISo Earl Cleanser, to close out, 10c cutis, for ..Bo Hypo Washing Powder, seven pkgs. 9So Bennett's Uxcelalor Flour, sack ....91.60 Royal Honey, bottle 100 And 6 Stamps. Hubbard Siruash. best we have brand. Lie cans, fur 100 E. C Corn Flukes, j pkgs., for ,25o And 10 Btamiwt.' Ghirardrtlll Powder ed Chocolate, H-lb. can, now at 20o And 10 Hlamps. Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.. Ht 12V0 And 10 Stamps. Seeds, flower mid vege table, pkg 8VjO Pure Fruit Jelly per lass, at 100 Fols Naphtha Boftp, xlx cakes, for BSo Armour's Shield Sliced Beef, jar 12VC And 10 Htamps. Hartley's Pure Orange Marnialado Jelly ,.20o Cheese, full cream, per lb., at 32o And 10 Htamps. Cho6se Your Summer Apparel Where The Greatest Advantages Are There's a real Incentive for jnii to come to Rennett's The un loatlinK "ale lias certainly demons! ruled I lint prices on seasonable gar inents of the newest modes were never so attractive Resides the beau tiful Ntock give increased wst to the cIioonIiik. Women's IinR Coats Navy, black tan aud grey serge; also black and white shepherd's plaids splendid $25.00 gar- QA gZ uents, at tPXCl Moire Silk Dresses- Smartest new modes; gome plain tailored, some with 'ace yokes, some are silk embroidered; black, navy, rose. (team, light blue and lavender; worth $29.50, to clear, at Wash Suits and Dresses 2-pleco linen, reps and linene Suits, in solid colors and combination colorings; also lingerie dresses and appliqued effects; $10. 0U, $12.50, $15 and $18 values, at Tailored Suits About fifty splen did all wool models; best colors and styles, values to $19.50, at Specials AYDB& See Wednesday's Specials .Hay Sale Uodermuslins Has the Right of Way ' 8uch" a sale as this deserves a whole page to tell its complete story. Our purchases were unusually large this time, in anticipation of the unloading sale and by reason of the uncommonly big price concessions we secured. 5 In WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY GROCERY SAVINGS Cheese, Virginia Swiss, lb., at 230 And 10 Stamps. Farrell'a Hunt .. Sugar Syrup, bottle lOo Plckle.-, asKorteJ, boitlo now at 80 Imperial Presersed FIk. can, at 20 o Country Ocntlemun Corn can. at llo And 10 Slumps. Snlder'a pork and Beans Xs'o. 2 can ISo And 10 Stamps. Dalldet Murasclilno t'licrrles S6c large bottle GOo 36c medium botllo,..40o Sbc small bottle 200 Jap Rice. 7c quality & lbs., at BSo Chicken Food. lb. . ..3o Hen Feed, lb BVio Bone Meal for Chickens now at BVio See njj Wednesday's i"!! U U THE RELIASLE STORE Children's Misses' Undergarments Furnishing Specials DELIGHTFUL BARGAIN OFFERINGS WEDNESDAY Children s Muslin Gowns In nil sizes, up to HI years 3)C Children's Muslin Drawers II oin.ti I cluul and tueketj, very spt'cinl lnrp;nins at IOC, 12' jC ami 15c Children's Combination Waists? and Skirts Hmbroidcrv and lace trininuftl, spofinl. at .". v 10c 25Siiiul ,19f Misses wusiin SKins ana urawers- i.wt and embroidery 'trimmed, very special values, at 40(1 39 and 25( Kill Hoys' lllouse Walsta White, black and colors, with or with out' collar, values to $1.00 at . 25k and 4Q Children's 2.V Hoe. 15 IViney Urn ml Hose Best pro duced, at, pair 25 Children's White I.tnen, IUiinpers on sale 08 Childreit'a C't)KrH ftonipeis on sale 25tf ftn'1 35c Iluster Itrown 1hsrlu' w hite and colors 4f) nnd 08r J5c M. Waists,'" ri"ch &c I Six Rousing Time Sales Wednesday IX THK ni'SY 1M)MKSTIC I)OM From 8:30 to 9 A. M. ! From 2 to 2:30 P. M, lxckwoi(l 42-lnch Cosing Bleached, 10 yards limit to custo mer, at, yard 12Vs From 9 to 9:30 A. M. Hunters' Choice, Hlearhetl Mus lin 36-lnoh wide, 10c quality, 10 yards limit, at yard.... JJ From 10 to 10:30 A. M. HlxOO Sheets Regular Snc. val ues, limit 6 to a customer, each, at 54 18c Huck Towels All ,$1.50 lied day. at 12 ISc Huck Towels All day, each All day, each. . .08 15c Krench Percales All day, yard . . 10c Hortence guilts Sell regularly at t.9S, limit 0 to a customer, . 81.124 From 3 to 3:30 P. M. 42x80 rillow Cases--No. 4777, regular 10c quality, limit .10 to . a customer, each lOf From 4 to 4:30 P. M, 0c Indigo Mine THnts Full aland, ard. good patterns, 10 yarH limit, at, yard 3'Vi(r Spreads ,12 He 1'ercalea Alii day, at. yard. .7tttf ' 15c Printed Batistes. All day, yard . . 10 READ THE BIG GROCERY SALE FOR WEDNESDAY It Tajs to Trade at Hayden's For Groceries. A saving of to $10 a month in your housekeeping expenses. 48-lb. Sack Hest HIkIi Patent Flour, every nack guBranteed. sark $1.:U 18 lbs. Rest Granulated Suar. . tl.Ui) 8 Hars Diamond U or Heat "Km All Soap !!5c 6 lhn. ('mice .layan Rice 25c 4 lbs. ' Fancy Japan Head ttlce..i!fc The Best Domestic Maucaronl, pkg., at he Bromang-elon, Jellycon or Jello, pkR., at 1 4c Tall Cans Alaska Salmon 10c Diamond C or Diamond H Mince meat, pkg 7Hc il cans I.avallne, the Magic Cleanser, for ; lOo Oil or. Muatard Sardines, per Can, 4c, Fancy Queen Olives, per ijuart. . 35o' Tlie Best Bulk Peanut Butter, lb., 15c The Best Bulk Jjaundry, Starch, pei. lb .4c Th Best Golden Santos Clffee, per. lb 15c The Best Tea Sifting, per lb...l2Uo SpsolaJl Prur.a Ssl Wsdnssdsy Choice No. 1 California Prunes, for sauce or pies. S lbs. for 10c Cuttlnff Sown tho Prices Arln ia fresh Vegetables. J Fresh AspuraKUs, per hunch . . ,' . 3 1 0 Frt-sh Spinach, per peck 7Vjc Fresh Onions, per bunch ;..lo FreRh ItaillHhoH. per . bunch. la 2 bunches Plo Plant 5o Fresh -Beets,' Carrots or Turnips, per built'h 3 'jo New Potatoes, rer lb 3 'no Fresh Wax or drecn .Beans, lb.', TWc Fresh Pens, per quart ........ ."T?vo 3 Heads Fresh lt0ui Uron t.ettu,. at .........to Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb....7c Fresh PHrsley, . bunelt . ..; hi , lc' New Cabbage, per lb SHc Large Cucumbers, each .......... ,&n ' Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per lb...2yc ErgtJry HAYDEN'S First Uyj J OKI "II FOOD FOR NERVES Weuk and -nervous men who find their power to work and youthful vigor Kone as a remit of over work or mental exertion should take OKAY'S NKKVK FOOD P1UL.S. They will make you eut and sleep and be a man again. tl Box 3 boxes $Z.E0 by mail. IBXBMAS 1c MoCONNELL DRVGr CO., Oor. 16th and Dodo's Streets. OWL DBUO COStPAWT, Oor. 16th and Harney Bts., Omaha, Ifsfc. s-ggzszsHsasaszsasasgsgszsaszszgMHsasMszsHra tftf Gas Service i i ! I i 99 Attractive Excursion Fares East Effective June 1st. The thirty day low special round trip ratea afford the best chance In years for an extended tour of the east. Reduced fares to many other east ern resorts. ' New York City, standard routes S43.20 New York City, other desirable routes... $$-10.50 Atlantic City 840.7 Portland, Me., through St. Lawrence river region, or through Boston... 842.35 Boston, direct route $40. (iO Montreal, including St. Lawrence river trip $30.50 Diverse route tour of the east, one way through the Virginias, Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, Ocean trip to New. York, other way direct routes () .$40,40 Same trip through Virginia, Old Point Comfort and Ocean trip to Boston, other way direct routes () .$52.20 () Final limit, sixty days. Rates effective June . LOW CONVENTION RATES. St. Louis, June 4 to 8, inclusive .$15.40 Chattanooga, Tenn., June 10 to 12, inclusive . t $32.40 uetrolt. Mien., June to in, inclusive, juiy o.io iu, inclusive $22. 0 Saratoga Springs, N. Y., July 4 to C, inclusive. North Manchester, Ind., May 13-14 New Orleans, La., May 14 to 16, inclusive. $J50 $43.65 No Reason for Failure The paper that goes to the homes brings advertisers the best returns. llOTP.l.tt. Hotel : Martinique BVy,32d and 334 Sts. NEW YORK CITY IN THE HEART OF THINCS J HICH CLASS FIREPROOF HOTEL Hsnuiomel? furnlthed, all outside room, with svery modern appointment, OD block from New Pen a Depot, nesr sll luullDtf (leportmeot stores and tbssuct. R0021S WITH FRIY1LECE OF BATH, $1.50 per Day and Up. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.50 per Day and Up. x Tb. hlchssc Clait of socom ' tt.odttuoo st mixlsxsto raws. Tb nw addition willb complete on bpeailr 1st, slviog hotel ca pacity ol toO roo ail aud 400 baths. WaUtar Outntilar, Jr, Manasef Possibly you are not getting perfect results in baking bread, or your pastry isn't entirely satisfactory. " Possibly you blame the range. Your ill success may be due to the way you regulate the heat or to the incor rect placing of the oven racks. Faults easily corrected. , , Call upon our demonstrator, who can be of great as sistance to you and show you that there is no kind of cooking that can't be better done on a gas range than otherwise. . The Gas company demonstrator will gladly solve any cooking problem for you. Omaha. Gas Company BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS Best equipped dental offlo In the middle west. Highest trade dentistry at reasonable prices, forcelaln fillings. Just like the tooth. All Instruments carefully sterilised after each ALL SUMMER EASTERN EXCURSIONS. (Iteturn Limit October 31.) ' Mackinac Island ..$31.SQ Boston Portland, lYIc - S$t00 Atlantic City . .$55.00 Buffalo, including tour of the lakeB via Steamer "Northland" 'Qli.SO St. Louis ..'' 317.00 TRAIN KEKVICE: From Omaha to Chicago, Dylght KxiiBS, 7:15 a. m.; afternoon express, 4:20'p. m., arriving Chicago 7 a. rti.; Nebraska Chicago Limited, 6:30 p. m., electric lighted, with observation car, arrives Chicago 8.07 a. m. Let me help you with your arrangement!, J. B. REYNOLDS, City Paisenjer Agent, 1502 Farnam Street. Omaha atlrnt. 1KO tat I 111 FLOOR. I'AXTON HLOCK Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ., , Ideal Farm Josrnal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER $100 for trade mark Contest closes May 20U I! Facing Farnam Street on the ground floor . The best location in Omaha for many linos of business .. is opposite the Court House and next to the, City Hall. -It is very seldom that it is possible for you to get one of. tho ground floor rooms in THE BEE B U I L DIN G The entranc la Just west of the malrr entrance of tho 4 building; It has an entrance from the court as well. The building furnishes heat, light, water and -janitor service. The building. Is fire-proof and there Is a large brick vault, so you can cutout your insurance xpena. The room will be remodeled and redecorated to , suit tha tenant. The - space can be arranged to give tenant 1,850 'square feet if desired. ' ' 1 If this is the best location for you, now ia the time to grasp the opportunity, and apply ut . once. , Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Of f.