THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. 1010. IT sRAlS AND PRODUCE MARKET fltkeat Stftvosj Keporti of Bain and ' Low Cablet. JLL ' LEADERS ARE CONFIDENT Ilirliic r Uliarti strengthens Cora. White Cash pemand la Aetlre -II r ! - afflolent for i ' " KlBDlf i - ' OMAHA. ' May 17, 1910. Lower csbles snd Mors rain In ths north- West reused wheat to Sag lower at the Attmitnif .Shurta have bfcoirw timid sellers. Prices are holdlnn too firm to encourage further .eelllni. Hull lender are very confident atid Hio holding firmly their IIiicb of long wheat The strength In corn la due to buying uy shorts and while cash demand la fairly active receipts ara becoming liberal enough to supply present- reoub erneoU. 'Wheat held firm utter an early break IhKtH t new la mlrK tn. ami report do show.any miner mi advancement In the winter wheat crop. Rull- leaders still pro- . met niglmr values ror -nr. w erop future. 1 I nfavotable Weather. reuorts of neces ", "iry replanting ef early seeded corn and firm cash- com! lofts, la holding firm the value in corn, f ilecetpta are anina heavier, but not enough to be a pressure aa yet. Primary vhat receipts were 601,010 bush eX aniL .shlbnieiits-3.u00 bushels, again receipts '41 year flf 161,000 bushels and shipments of S22.O00 bukhel. Primary com receipt were 357.000 bushel and shrnmenls 853.000 bushels, aernlnst re celpta lat year of 3O2.O00 bushel and ship menta of 2S2.0OO bushel. . learancca were (16.000 buahel of corn hone of. oats, and wheat and flour equal to inMMi rmsheis. Liverpool cidsed lower on whea n-l 1 hlsmrr on crtrn. hard. Ilinji w; Ne. 8. $10481.05; No. I red. l.l 14; eso. a, tl.04tfi.l2. CORN Lnenanaed: mo. 1 mixed. Jc; No, , tJlvtb, .No. it white, 4c; No. . Ulc; May, .die bid; July, lHHlo bid; Beptember, u9'o bid. OAT4 Nominally unchanged; No. I whita. 42g44c; No. I mixed, 810 40c RYE WnTie. HA If Cncnanged; choice timothy, li 0. choice prairie, $10. Ha ll.W; choice aiiaiia, tittfwuUW. HL.iTh.K unchanged: creamery extra, 24c; firsts, 24o; seconds, 22c; packing alock, 20. KOOt Unchanged to Be higher; current receipt, new cases, $5.40; miscellaneous casts. K.85; southern. Ki storsge Packed. 16.70. llece lot and ah Id men Is of grain were a follows. Receipts). Shipment Aitlclea.l Open Illsb.-f low. J Close ! Yesy, Wheat I May . . July., Corn May.. July.., Cats Mav.. July.. i oo'.,; l uov! i 6 1 f"lJ I W I I 80 I I 1 0K4j 1 00 H ) I 39 1 oo'., l ooVi 58 r m B9 m mi 39 39 NEW YORK STOCK ASO BONDS Business in London Somewhat Repres- sire Owing to Mourning for King. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES UP Action t'aese Vagae t'aealnea Orer Poaalbl Hitch la Bond Halve Abroad Crop et somt. what I neertaln. OinaJa C,. Prlcee. WHKAT-K;':: ftr.-ft-HVWt(KHi; No. S hard, 1.00y.HWi't. hard, iHci&ll.OO; No. 3 spring, ilMfiMs; No, aprlng, $1.006p 104; No.'i dvtrnnij yaSa; No. 3 durum, M, COHN-Ng. tihlte. 43Hc; No. t white, i f4ac; N.,4 wliUa. (Miifi2c; No. 2 yel h low, bSt'ic; No. $ yellow, 5liV45Sc: Nu. i irellow, i7fWc; No. 2, 6'Ac;-'No. 3, 68a58c; No. 4, efViftWIc; no grade, 4756c. OAT8 Hlandard, itKatoc; No. white, 39 40c; No. 4, white, '3n4r3c; No. 3 yellow, 3V-.; No. A-yellow. 87(3c; No. 3 'f-M. 37WSj'3Vc. lMUl.liiv-t-No. 1 4rG0ev No. 1 feeding. 47 6lc; rejecved, 44fic. ItyB No. V-7tf75c No.:S, 7fip74o. A Car.ot - Herclpia. 41 77 264 Wheal, bu 2f.K mow Corn, bu 4k,ijo eo.isio UAia. bu ,m ii.vwi WEATHEIl IS THK 11HAI.1 BELT Heavy to Kllllnsj M-oata In t'pper Hlver Vallea Laat Night. OMAHA, May II. 1910. The trough of low pressure, exienuing from the uuir .vllHSuri valley ooutn aiou tna nasierii Hockv muunlain Mlope alouua itornmg, has uevelopea lino a well-uefitivd lorm urea thai Is now. central over toe 'upper Mississippi valley. Hams were gen eia.1 througnuui the central. valleys during the uasl tweniy-tour houra, anu continue with the diaturbance over the upper valley this mornlna. A very decided tail in tern lerature occurred l."t night In the upper MISHiHslppl, throughout the Missourr vai leys, and the snutiiweat. and heavy to kill Ing front- occurred in the extreme upper valley, the mountain district, and north west, and lighter frost In the Missouri valleys. The western high continue slowly eastward, and It crest nOWNuverlle Wyoming, j he weatner naa cleared gen erally everywhere west of the Missouri river and temperatures are higher In the northwest and mountain dlxtrlcla. The weather will continue cool In thla vicinity tonlL-ht, followed by rising temperature Wednesday, with futr tonight and Wednes day, Temperature and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: 1H10. 1809. 190. 1307. Minimum temperature.... . 44 .(A W W Precipitation 00 .01 .43 ,01 Normal temperature for today, 63 degree. Deficiency m precipliullon unco March-1. 4. 6H Inches. befioleiK) corresponding period In 1909, 2.47 Inches. ln-d, lency corresponding period In 1903, !.C5 Inches. 1- A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat neglon Bulletin. For Omaha. Neb., for the twentv-fnur hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Tuesday, May 17, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. TemD Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. eneral fund. II.SIO.W; current liabilities 1O0.4H4.IP3: working balance In treasury of fices. l.,ni.0; in banks to credit of treas urer of the Untied States. f7.S73.731; sub sidiary silver coin, $31.47.9s; minor coin, 11.3711. 4TS; total balance In general fund, .247,4.'. Chleato Minneapolis Omaha Duluth .112 . 7 ' . 45 16 f CHICAGO OHA1N AND I'llOVISIONS Fratares of the Tra4agt and Cloalna; Prlera on Board of Trade. CHICAGO', May 17. A flare upward near the end of1 the session thla afternoon, gave a touch- of brightness to the market In wheat. The activity at the close with prices ut the top for the day was In sharp contrast with the rest of the time. The stoppage of wheat shipments at Buenos Ayrea because of a strike there served as a pretext. Active options finished to .Ac higher. Jilay waa down c. Corn showed Vuy.o to Kc gain, and oata were Ho off to a shade higher. Provisions were luc to lWbc lip. , Depredations by the Hessian fly came -into prominence again. Bxport clearances were 157,000 bushels, and there was a VnUtiJit Improvement In the cash trade, with aali.H of 15.000 bushels here and 26.000 bush .at Buffalo. An Interesting trad was Lhe.sjLla.of 1.000.000 bushels ot Juiydellv ery by one prominent operator, chiefly at UMi. The Drice afterward advanced on covering by a number of local HiiortM. Imrlnir mnph of the day. now eer. extreme dullness provalled, and fh rtiiBKnns were within a range of 4o ' The northwest reported considerable offer . inss of wheat to arrive. The southwest I rnenhlla rnntlnued to reach wheat car ried over, unsold, the- only call being for i,ut ears Kuln hero and In the north west and 'In the west tended for a while to make tradera br a rlsh, but leadership as lacktfli?. Cold weather In England, said to be retaidlng the growth of the Svheat plant was reported with assertions that lb.a-.orop- In France shows deterlora- Mvui.,: Or the other hand, Duluth wired that the price of durum wheat there w as ' "lb'c under Chicago quotations. Ac cording to a dlspaloh from Minneapolis r all that Is needed now to bring the spring W-heaf crop' along nicely Is warm growing -father. Heptemher delivery here sold be m.'en ll.uoti l.0l. closing hC up at " t'rlrn ' shorts covered on reports of re planting s Tesult of recent cold weather in Important sections of this stale and Iowa. September ranged from OSUiiJteSHo -to tWXc. and finltrhed with li0 gain at WVjc The cash msrket waa firm. No. yellow' closed at Ktmnttc. - September oat fluctuations were from 3o to with the close at 39S 39ViC, a net loss, of Ho. . Packers were the best buyera of provls Ions. Pork clotted, S7',to tc 420 up; lard, 1(V to 17o and ribs, 22Sc lo 2u0. . Leading quotations ranged aa follows: Ashland, Neb 67 44 .OS- Cloudy Auburn. Neb 2 44 .13 Cloudy B ken Dow. Neb. 67 40 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.., 63 42 .18 Cloudy Colbert son, Neb.. 68 So .00 Clear fan-bury, Neb... 58 42 .08 Pt. cloudy Kalrmont. Neb... 55 40 .09 Pt. cloudv (Jr. Island. Neb.. 50 42 i .00 Pt. cloudv Hartington, Neb. 80 42 .12 Cloudy Hastings, Neb.... 68 40 " '.00 Clear Holdrege. Neb.;. 61 39 .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb 67 41 .01 Cloudv Omaha, Neb 67 44 . 04 Cloudv Tekamah, Neb... fll 41 .16 Cloudy Alta, la 67 43 . 77 Cloudv Carroll, la 57 43 . 25 Cloudy Clarlnda. Ia 61 43 .4rt Cloudy Sibley, Ia 0 45 . 40 Cloudv Sioux City, Ia... 5 44 .14 Raining Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at a. m. U1STRICT AVERAGES. Temo i. Max. Rain fall. No. of Districts. Stations. Columbus, f 17 Louisville. Ky..... 19 IndlanaDolls. Ind.. 12 Chicago, 111 26 St. 1ouis. Mo 13 Des Moines, la.... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 19 The weather Is much cooler In the west ern portion of the corn and wheat region. Temperatures at or below freezing were recorded at five stations in the Minneapolis district. Good rains occurred In all except the Columbus and Indianapolis districts. , L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YORK G1MBHAL MARKET NEW YORK, May 17-The stock mar ket sank Into a lethargy today. The fail ure of the reopening of the foreign stock markets to revive any activity In the dealings was a discouragement to the trsdlng element and they practically gave up the attempt to move the market even over the one-eighth range t eon I red for the minimum profit on fluctuations. News developments were not important, but stocks were unusually unresponsive to such aa there were. Home Influence was allowed to the Hocking Valley receiver ship as a factor -In the stagnation. The Hawley projects of extension furnish about the only matter of that kind now avail able for the consideration of would-e speculator and the check thus opposed nullities Its possible effect. The resumption of business In Iximlon found that market under the repressive Influence of the morning period for the dead king and with the prospect of an other adjournment on Friday for the fun eral ceremonies. The meager business that originated there today was ' on the seiung sine in New jrork and met a, lower opening level of prices. Desultory attempt to renew the advance In Rend ing whs followed by a languid bidding up of Brooklyn Transit, which about ex hausted the resource of the markeet. A further advance In the foreign ex Change rates today, when the reported bond sales In Paris, If completed, ought to cause a downward tendency, gave rise to vague uneasineft over a possible hitch In these negotiations. Immediate parties to the supposed transactions maintained the utmost reticence, not only as to the terms, but aa to the fact of the sales. I hi unusual demeanor In the circum stances of a successful financial opera tion of the magnitude attributed to this Is one Is responsible for the feeling of suspicion that has grown up regarding It. The continued sluggishness of the bond market and the conservative views re garding the money market field by bank ers emphasise the Importance of an ex tensive sale of bonds to foreigners. Rates on mercantile paper are rising again with no demand on the part of hankers for the small supply In the market. The protests against the proposed in creases In railroad freight rates, which are being voiced from different quarters, are not without effect on values of rail road stocks, the increased revenues prom ised by these advances having played a large part In the more hopeful specula tive sentiment lately held. The final form to be taken by the railroad bill now under debate In the senate, also la a subject of Interest stock market wise. On the side of the crops, decisive ten dencies are lacking still to frame definite speculative views. The report of deficient temperature contained In the weather bur eau weekly bulletin was supplemented by forecasts of further frosts tonight in regions, where both the cotton and grain crops would be affected.' The strength of the wheat market In face of considerable speculative llauidatlon was remarked. Bonds were heavy. Total sales par value, $1,538,000. United States were unchanged on call. and loading quotations follows: galea. High. Low. C1m. Tfew York Miner Market. NEW YORK. May 17. MON ET On ci steady; 3Vii4 per cent; ruling rate, 3' per cent; closing bid, 3T per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, easier, sixty days. 3 per cent; ninety days, S'i)4 per cent; l month. 4fT4i pr rent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER4S4 per cent, STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at I4.R.190 i&4 4 for sixty-day bills and at $4 R710 for demand; commercial bills, S4.&tfctN.RIV SILVER Bar, 64c: Mexican dollars, 44o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad heavy. ' Closing quotations on Honda were aa follows! I), g. ret. U ref li4 Int. M. M. 4w 4o nr. I !!. Jpn 4 V. I. la. rwt l' do 4H do coupon K. C. So. lrt 1. do 4s r.ntwd ,.11H L. B. deb. 4s 1931 do 4s coupon 114 b. A N. unl. 4s... AIIU-Otil. 1st Is.... 71 M , K. T. let 4s. Am. A. Im lm't do 4Si Am. T. T. ev. 4e...UHMo. P settle 4a Am. Tobaeoo 4s. N. R. R. of M. 4i do e HffHN. T. t . I ISa 70 f .00 At 52 .3D 68 ' ' 52 .00 6. 52 .40 S 64 .20 0 .46 .60 54 40 .60 66 44 .SO 58 42 .30 11 do de. 40. N. T . N. H. A ..11014 ev. s ..lU'N. A W. latt . .. 44 do cv. 4s .. nitNo. Psoitis 4.... .. do Ss .. ft o. s. L rfrlg. 41 Armour a Co. 41 Atchison sen. 4a... do cv. 4a di et. is At. C. L. 1st 4a.... Bel. A Ohio 4 do ISa do 8. W. t4.. Brk. Tr. ev. 4a cn. of Oa. 5s..,. Cen. leather 6s. . . C. of N. J. 6 C'hs. A Ohio 4Ve do ref. fia CtilMao A. te.. lat snld C, H. A Q. I. 4s.... rgM hoard A. L. 4. do gen. 4a 13o. r-arlflc c. 4a... C. M. S.P. f. Ia m. (to ct. 4a. '.. K. I. A P. 0. 4. fl't d" 1st ref. 4s... do rff. 4s SSo. Ksllwsr tw Colo. Ind. is 7x4 do gen. 4s Colo. Mid. 4a J?lnlon Pacific 4... C. e S. r. A e. 4 44 do ct. 4s 1 ft !7H ss 4H . .. ... SJ-i H. la.. H . ... I'M ...104 ... TJ 111 011AUA LIVE STOOL MARKET a Cattle Generally Steady, but Move ment it Not Lively. HOGS OPEN FIVE CENTS HIGHER e-HsBMaawst aaae Weakness la Maalfeated Near Close aad Lata tales Are) Akoat tke lasts aa Moadar'a Average. SOUTH OMAHA. May 17, 1910. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. kHieep. Official Monday 4.1W estimate Tuesday ....... 4,, .4 s.inu TtL-n itivl llili arsak . . !Un 11403 10.061 Same days last week.... 8.3! 12.SM Same days S week ago.. .1S5 .047 14.1 Hsma .lavs w.L mm f,T7 B lUtl 12.D.S) Hi. me davt 4 weeks aao.. 7.K17 1I.2K7 12.674 Sam days last year M 1U1 4..H1 The fnllon lnff tahla shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheap at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last mo. 37.leS0 H02.S4S i2.m MliPenn. or. lm 191i.. . IMHi "do con. 4a lmv, nsaitMiling gsn. 4s 1 .iai ut u. a. r. tg. 4a i ..101 do gen. W'. c. 4S. D. D. H. ee. 41 K. O. 4.... do ref. ia.... Planners' as ... Kris p. I. 4s... do sen. aa... do cv. 4s, ear. do aerlas B Oen. Klac. cv. ia. III. Cen. 1st re(. Int. Met. 4lta Bid. Oltered. M .. tl ..lff . .iff. ..lois ..1V . . HIS ..UHl, Is) da 1st ref. 4s., .... KiVtl'. g. Rubber .... a I'. 8. Steal td ta... Vs.-Caro. chem as ll4Wabah let sa l'"4 71 do let a ex. 4s Tiu A.. 7T Western Md. 4a 44 .... eSTiWaat. Klsc. cv. as. . . ss ....141) Wis. rantrel as "4 4a.. 7 Mo. ruo. s eiis w Local keeariilaa. Ouolallors furnished by Samuel Jr., 33 New York Life building Castries Creamarf, cof City ot Omaha 4, 114 Cudahv Packing Co. 6a looa Portland Cement botida, a... laws Portland C'amant con. 4 Kansas CI17 a. Y. stock Long Bell Lumbar Co Nabrsaa Tel. stock. per cent North Piatt Val. Irrl. Co. 4a, 11120. Omaha Water Co. ia, 1H Omaha Water Co. 6a, 1141 Omaha Water Co. 2d. ptd Omaha Oka 6a, If 7 Omaha Oa , 114 O. B. L. A P. 6a. 13I O. B. L. pfd S par cent Omaha Bt Rr. bt, 1114 O. A C. B. St. Rr. 6a, 12 O. AC. B. St. Rr. p(d O. A C B. St. Rr. com O. A C. B. It. B. pld Pacific T. V T. ia, IM7 South Omaha 6a, citr of Topska Ky. 6s. 1M4 Burns, Omaha Bid. Aekeit 1 Hill 1M M 8 ) as W4 M too . 191 , ia . Ml , 104 1 821 . MS . Ill , 84 , 78 , (6 , 5 lOtVa hi' as 1" 10a 10 luvti 100 101 614 18 105 314 loo 84 , 7414 I8H 1"T4 Number of alea on bonds were as tlootatlona on Vartoaa ot the Day Commodities. NEW YOB.K, May 17.-rLOUR-Qulet and unchanged; spring patents. 6.36(g.o5; winter patents. S.10a.3U; winter extras, No. 1, I4.00fipi4.50; Kansas straights, 4.&5ra6.00; spring clears, S4,254.S0; winter, extras. No. 2, S3. 7664.60. Receipts, 32.92 bbls.; shipments, 12,715 bbls. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, e-. i.'iii w, cnuice 10 i&ncy, H J04.UU. M.uumi.Atrirm; rine wnite and yel low. Il.toia 1.45: coarse. ll.2r& kiln dri.ii S3.8H. . VNHlLAn Spot market easv: Nn pert S1.14V4. o. I. f-i-No. 1 northern, $1.1, f. o. b. me option margei opened easier today on the weak cables, poor cash market and fa vorable Crop prospects, but In the after noon advanced sharply on leas favorable crop news, and closed firm at unchanged vi iuci iu net rise, mbv ciosen at 11 in July at i.lO't; September, Sl.twH'tfl.07 7-16, ciuoeu i i.uii. neccipts, 44,4vu ou. ; ship ments, 61,oU0 bu. CORN Dull: No. 2. 70c. nominal, elevator domestic basis; export No. 2, 69c, nominal. 1. vi. u. me uyiion maraet was without transactions, closing net unchanged. May viunru ai ivc. JUIV 11 iZ4hO Hentnmhei. slI 11H0. Receipts, 8.000 bu.; shipments. 818 bu UAie-tijiot market dull; mixed, 28 to 112 nominal natural white. 26 to 82 lbs.. Articles. "Open. I High. Low. Close. Sat y. Waiv Jul Sept. July ; -ijept. Lite. O.V'-i ill'" y pt. " tec.' Pork-" -July 1- July . .blpt. tsaiept. 1 IS 1 0If14 1 otw tKiti 62t4tis HJ3Vlfi 40 22 90 22; ir so- "IS BS' 41! 66 1 IS 1 0.1T 101 0M. 1 n 102T, 1 0O 62W 3-6344t, 42S 41 40HIi :40lh 42V. 424 1 15J 1 i 1 0.V, 1 03SV, 1 Ol'l 1 01H 00 V I i'iO '(BVOTk 62' SM-Va ' '4UAij 23 20 It 90 11 77Vi: 12 m 12 70 40 22 90 22 87.i 12 80 U6 12 AS 12 66 6s 42X 40 3'JV(iHiS9i,'l' 0 23 27 23 l7Vt 12 90 12 72'4 12 70 40 Ht 23 85 22 80 . 1! 724 12 62W 12 R7 12 47j asn nuotatlons were as follows: KLOC It Steady; winter patents, 4.90c,J 4V10;. winter straights. Ii.2rntv4.fe3; spring . MraiKhlg.; HBOSi47i( tpring patents. 4iV.( 6 45 for best hard: Dak era. w.twpt.tfo. RTE No. Z. 78c. . 'aiAHLHY Feed or mixing, 8!57c; fair to Atholce malting, tEoooo. r EEIJtf-r-Klax, No, 1 aouthweatem, I2.07H; ' fo. 1 northwestern, 2.17'4j. i iover, iii.z.v PROVISIONS Mess pork, ptr bbl., -'3t (i:'3.!i0. Lard. Dor li0 lbs., til )i 13.25. Hhurt ribs sides (loos). H2.S7W 13.16. Short clear si'l.s tboxed). Total clearances of wheat and flour were Huiil to 157.0U0 bu. Primary receipts were W: compared with 11,00 .bu. the OorrefffsnMlrtK day a fear ago. The world's Visible, supply,' as shown by Brads decreased S.H31.000 bu. .Est! mated, recelnta for tomorrow: Wheat, 19 cars; corn, is cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 13,000. Jiead. . . . Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red. i; .-so. s red, fl.0Htl.l3; No. 2 hard, Jl l.'Vul-l; No. 1 hard. II.0K&1.13: Na I Vriih;. l. O1Voi.1t Corn: No. 2 cash, 2tf ,. casn. FVi62c: No. I white. 6Sc No. 3 whltr, ikl'VifSTc; No. 1 yellow, 3Hf Me: No. I yellow. :w,it: nai Mo. -x b'tfT-JtMi; No. I white, 4143c; No. 4 .vr t "inuaru, 4.HU-440. UlvrTkR-ftadyi vreameriea , tSQZIe; unilin, 1V HU. . KiKK-w-itettuy. at mark, caaes Included 1WI 1 ' lg, jeoeipte, jW,il caees, firsts. Ilk), prlm"trts. 2oc. . cnr.KSK Plrnv; daisies, 4ftl4Hc; twin . jjy,u"ii. j vun Auierioas, ise; long borne I4'"i jtm-. - IOTATOES-Kasy: rholo anc: fair to good. 2Sa?7!. .-POULTRT-Qulet; turkeys. Be; chickens, ' '-i Perl Market. I TEORIA.; Mar 17-COn.V-Flrm; No. I ellw c; . . svcj o. 4, ssc; no 1 t.gde, 4Si&ic. OATS-Sieailv! No. t white, 43c; No, white, nd No. 4 white, 40e; standard ta fancy, t0 l"Jrna ftty Orala aad Provisions. K.TAS CiTT. May 17. -WH B AT M ay tl v? f Ul;Al. c. ( ish .-changed sellers; September to 10 lower; No. lbs., at'tftoVto; cupped White, 34 to 42 lbs., 47'y) i iiv viiun iimrnei whs wimoui trans actions, closing nominal. Recolpts, 63,375 bu. HAY Steady; prime, l.lul.20; No. 1. HOPS Dull; state, common to 'choice, itv citfac; lsnxt, nominal; aciflo coaat. pvj , . ..y 1 in , jaw, nuiitllittl. Hiuh.8 Central America, J3e28V4o: Bo got ft, 22')(3'.,3ViC. 1 .N. A ll. I. H nAmln.A1. ' I . - . - - . . uuj , iintmuvR 111 i a, Mia 28o; seconds, 23&27o; thirds, 22t35c: rejected. 20i21C. i'KOVIBIONS Pork, Steady; mess, 124.00 luze.Du; lamny, ;; snort clears IJ6.Otv927.OO. beef, steady; mess, S15.Ofrgi6.00; family, lt.001i Ju.00; beef hams, U1.0w26.oo. Cut meats, sternly; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs., $16.50u 17.50; pickled hams, tl&.7o 16.50. Lard, easy; middle west Prime. 113 .25; reiiuea, iirm; continent, 114.00; South America,; compouna, 110.1010.60. 1 AL.L.UW t.ttsy; country, 6MJ-7C. KICK Quiet: aomeatlc. bVUusc: Pa tna ec. BUiTtK- etcaay; creamery, thlrda to 111 sis. xbtuac; process, seconds to extra. W)1,A.. . .. . . . . utw, laviuiy, aucunus 10 ttrsis, 2UU23 Imitation creamery, 23240. CHEWit-mrm; state, saims, common. 66Hc. KOUS f irm; freshly gathered, regular paeKea iirsis, ai'Dic. mi ltkx unseed, quiet; frosen chick- ens, Wq2c; western fowls, l&giKo; western iowis, turaeys, rwu-vc St. Louis General Market. BT. LOUIS. May 17. WHEAT Futurea. higher; May, ll.uivt; July, 11.03(4; Septem ber, tl.OOH. Caah, lower: track No. 1 red. ei.r'Ci 1 ivs; iso. 1 nara, ii.0HSiZfi.i4. corn Futures, firm; July, 634s; Sep- n-in, uwuv. taan, lower track. No. 1. tkiViKtiMc; ISO. 2 White, 66VaCC',. . OATS Futures, firm; July, 39S39T4c; neptaniDer, Mkc. tain, lower: track. ISo. I, ie; is-o.- 1 wnire, 49R44C. RYE Nominal, 81c. r lui K Lower; red winter patents. 4Ti.rxhti.60; extra fanny and straight, $4.70w e.ju; nara winter clears, .1.V4J4.00. HEED Timothy, I3.00g3.50. CO RN M E A L $3. 25. Bran Lull; sacked, east track, 11.043 l.Ou. vjuiei, iimoioy, 414.MK11 18.60; prairie aiu.wir la.ou. ItAOiiINO TS-lCc. HEMP TWINE Tc. PHOVISIONS-Pork. higher: lobblna- J23.00. Ird. higher; prime steam, UAOSHra U.12H. lry sail meats, steady; boxed extra snorts, no; clear riDa, 14c; short clears 14sc. Bacon steady; boxed extra short. lose; ciear r.o, io-c; anon clears, l;.Vc. PtlULTRV-Steady; chickens, 14c; aprltigs j.tasic; turaeys. 10c; auca. uc; geese, 7c, Ul'TTKR Steady; creamery, 238270." EUUSSieady. lo. Receipts. Shipments Flour, Dole ,,, , Wheat, bit,, 17.000 Corn, bu 135,Ono Oats, bu 104.000 Attls-Chalmera pfd Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural .... Am. Beet Suiar American Can Am. C. A F Am. Cutton Oil Am. H. L. pfd Aril. Ice Securities American Llnssed American Locomotive , , . , Am. 8. A R Am. 8. at R. pfd Am. Btuel Foundries Am. Susar Refining Am. T. eV T Am. Tobaceo pfd.:,..,.,.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchison ptd Atlsntlo Coast Llne...'.r, Baltimore da Ohio.. Bethkebom Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Centra.! Leather pfd Central of New Jereejr Chesspeaka A Ohio hlcuo at Alton Chicago Ot. W., new C. O. W. pfd btcturo A N. W C, M. A Bt P C, C. Bt. L Coolrado F. A 1 Colorado ft Southern...., Consolidated Oa Corn Products Delaware ft Hudson Denver ft Rio Uranus D. ft R. O. pfd nietlllars' Securities Kris Brie let pfd Brie 14 pfd Oenertl Electric Oreat Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore etfs... Illinois Central Interboroush Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester .. int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump ...... Iowa Central Kaoeaa City So K. C. So. pfd Laclede Oaa Lou lav I lie ft N Minn. A St. L M.. St. P. A I. 8. M M., K, ft T M., K. ft T. pfd.... Missouri Paclflo National Blacult National Lead N. K. R. of M, Id pfd... New York Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk ft Weatorn Nortfi American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall PMinsylvaata psopls's Uaa p., ('., --. st, L, Plttaburg Coal Praaead Steal Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Republlo Steel pfd Ruck Island lo Hock laland Co. pfd Bt. L ft B. F. M pfd Bt .Louie S. W Bt. L. B. W. pM Bloea-Sheffleld B A I Southern Pacific Southern Railway 80. Hallway pfd Tenneeeae Copper Texas ft Pacific T., Bt. L. ft W T , St. U ft W. pfd L'nlon Pacific talon Pacific pfd V. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber V. 8. Btsel V. 8. 8tael ptd I'tah Copper Vs-Osrolln Uiemlcal ... Wsbaata Wabash pfd Western Maryland ctfs.. Weetingheuea tlectrlc ... Western Union Wheeling L E Total sale for the day, a.700 71H .. 100 : 4'W 100 too 100 no 8110 4,800 '"ioo KU I0 80ft 800 1.8H0 I, too 400 800 1,800 'tiioi I. too 10) 1714 t 8HH 26 4 14 4D44 7i 'it" 121 H M 441 lo 1014 124 111H ..n.. 81H IMS 41'e 17 ti 63 V, 83 S 86 14 44 H n m M 86 43 10 10114 124 ltos ioii 1KH 4114 Boston Closing; Stocks BOSTON", May 17. Closing quotations on mining stocus 7,00 84 I6H 100 too 2il 1,000 400 27S4 41 U.t 18814 to4 "lt'li 400 41 100 701) '"ioo 2,500 100 i',500 l.H) 1.410 too '"ioo J00 100 'iitui) 100 too 600 en 80'4 28 'Si 'tivi mi 41 '80S . lt SB 194 84 rt, 14714 84 140 42 tt 11 1M4 lit o4 "it 14 'iuii 't04 28S "iAvi 149' l:S tt 'iosi !' It 21 84 4 ioi" 1474 8414 18144 41. If. 70, 46 S6S IS tt4 la 26 18 4814 7S14 104 8614 m m t l'M4 1011 1 HIS .H Jkl m 41 H 107 20 8H 46 17 50 1M m 81 M to 118 1 171 J 40V4 78 "i 80H W 46 80 l.V i:i54 43 mm 80 W'4 . 18 12 48 tl 84 I 1084 140 34 lf 414 Allouei ..,...... Amal. Copper A. Z. L. ft 8 Atlantlo Arltona Com. 41 Mohawk 80 B. tc C. V. 70 Nevada Con. 24 Nlplsalng Mine 7 North Butte I North Lk Bulla Coalition Cal. ft Arlsona Val. ft Hecla....... Centennial Cupper Rang C. C. East Butts C. M.... Franklin Olrous Con Granby Con Greene Cananea .... lei Royal Copper.. Kerr LeJte Lake Copper 1. ...... La Ball coeeer Misml Copper 8, M.. lipoid Dominion... ."HWKIH t. S Parrott . ft C... 680 Qulncy , 17 Shannon . 7 Supavto . t Superior A B. M. 13 Superior P. C... , 7Tamrack 411'. 8, C. A O , WU. t R. ft M... , 21 do pfd , Uth Con. ., . 44 Winona . 12 Wolverine .; . Ill . . 20i .. 10- .. 83 .. 12 .. 87 ..135 .. I4 .. 1114 .. 44 .. 11 .. It .. 49 .. 85 .. 42 .. 4971 .. 34 ... I ...lit Neve York ( orb Market. The following quotations furnished by Logan & Bryan, 315 South Kixteenth street Bay Bute Oaa Butt Coalition. Cactu Clilno Chief Con Fraction Pavia-Dely Kly Central Ely Con Franklin Qlroux Uoldfield Goldfleld Qoldfleld Cons. . . . Florence. Daisy.... tl Oreene taanea 84 ,. Dfii Inet'lrtttol' 7 ,. 1 Larowf - 4 .. 18 Nevada' Cans il .. lKewhoua It ..61 Ohio Copper.,...; 14 .. 2Rawktde' coalition.. 31 .. 1 Ray Central 2 t- ., H Swift Pkg. Co 106 .. 13'4Seara, Roebuck .. 7 Superior ft Pitts... t 7-ltTonopali Mining... .. 3 Trinity Cupper ..7 . Bnnk ot Germany Statement BERLIN, May 17. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Uermany shows the following changes: Cash In hand Loans- Llwounts Treasury bills Notes In circulation. Deposits . Uoid In hand 'Increase. yar; Cattle Hog. Sheep Item. I,fn7.4,ri6 86,il7 Inc. 27.295 Dec. I34,0 24.504 The follow In tahle show the average prlcea of hog at South Omaha for tbe lat several daya with comparisons: Lat. 1 ii. Mar 7. May I.. Mav 1 . May 10. May 11. Mty U May May May May May 13 14... 15.. 16... 17... lt s I I4 t7f U iin 1 iA a &,! 1 211 1 171 1'4I 1 I tt) t 26 21 26W B 1 351 241 t 2K t 7 I 41 C 38 28 (42 80 .1 .l 1 01 I S UOVt! 1 V4 I 06 14 S 22 24 3itj 7 08, 7 a 3074 K) 1 00 4 a 4 35 30 6 24 6 19 31 30 S 2j 5 If.) 4 f 5 18 4 l ( 27 14 64 I 261 4 4 201 4 M 4 61 B 16 5 20 1 4 61 6 21 S 331 5 2S 4 93 Sunday. Recelnts and diKnosltlnn of live stock at the I'nion Stock Yard, South Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at 3 o clock yea terday: RECEIPTS-CARS. C, M. & St. P 14 Wabash Missouri Pacific .... 15 L'nlon Pacific 61 C. A N. W., east C. & N. W., went.... 40 C. Bt. P., M. A O.. IS C, B. A Q., east .... 3 C, B. , g., west.... 70 C R. I. A P., east.. 6 Illinois Central 2 C. O. W 4 Total receipts ....22" UlrJPOBITION 4 4 17 I 33 14 4 27 1 3 6 122 -11KAD. 14 18 Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. . 713 1.169 600 . 976 2,018 468 .1,272 2.&31 ' 1.135 .l,lf3 1,IW1 1.143 fioi . 1H7 .... . 64 ,. IBS .. 161 .. 10 . 83 . 12 - . 2 . 1 8 ,. 714 .6,154 8.024 4,062 71 !47 ... Ill . U tN IW IU 4 :' so s M j ,,, 180 i! 840 80 t 3i 7 Si ... t 87 M ISO t '1 21 ... t 87 i "4 ... 185 74 8(4 ... t r Tt e III , 76 148 44 t 87 41 ! 4 t U 46 141 80 137 84 tu to t SS M .1S ... tt; t tM ... t 18 74 .11 ... t; tt ...t.t M t 11. I I 40 t 87 V ? 4 1 St tel 1(4 187 47 40 1 It M lit tot 187 4! 80 ... t 84 II Ill ... t 17 70. .c I 1 85 41 J2 40 1 40 V Kl 80 1 85 It ... 1 4.1 4 1J1 ... t IS TO 40 t 40 12 tf . 31 M f4 40 1 40 S n tt 1 84 It 84 ... t 44 tl HI 40 1 86 7 Ill) ... I K 148 ... I 88 44 144 ... t 40 14 18 W III ." r 84 ! 40 T tol ) 1 86 78 1 ... 1 40 as til 40 1 36 70 1st 80 t 41) 6t 874 ... t 8t 47 3)1 ... 1 17 t ... t 36 7ft m SO 4(1 II tt.3 ... t !U tl 387 10 t 40 4 110 ... 1 85 TO 2l 40 40 n 2t ... I 85 41 8. ... I 40 ! 143 I'") 1 St. 78 t e' 1 40 It. Ill 180 131 to Ill Ik) 11 43 Ill 40 I 86 14 It! 80 t 4f 34 121 ... t 35 70 180 ... 1 45 17 23 40 t 81 tl U0 .,, t 46 41 7 let) t 15 Oregon. Apricots are firm, with small offerings and further export buying; choice. It'iJ it)1-.-. Peaches are firm on de creasing storks; choice. 6lc; ohWe, 10tiUVv" Raisins are nominal. with .a dull trade; muscatels are quoted at !7tSSc to fancy seeded, 4Hv4cj seedless, l4$4Ci London layers, tt 20jil 2S. extra, mostly loo choir) SHEEP Conditions surrounding the sheep and lamb trade were still unsettled thla morning and. despite a barely normal supply, the demand was not especially ac- tlve. Most ot the offerings were snorn. as usual the big end ot the run consisting ot lambs. This class of tock met with the hetter inquiry and sold earlier than sheep and common shipments of all kinds. In point of prices the tendency was somewhat Stronger on high-dressing lamhs, most of early sales appearing to be pretty cloi-e to a dime higher than yesterday. Home of the rest shorn lamhs here changed hands at F.R6, with a less desirable kind at 4 Mi. California spring lambs went at $9, the limn as yesterday. The proportion of sheep and yearlings on sale was almost too small to make a test pt the market. Inquiry was very quiet, however, and most of the prices paid were quotably steady, although the uncertainty In this branch of the market lately leaves any comparison -open to doubt. Strictly prime light yearlings would probably sell pretty close to I7.S0, hut they would have to be top-notehers to bring this figure. Ewes are still In a rut and It I hardly safe tdNquote the best kinds over fi.2."i. Quotations on shorn . tock: Oood to choice lamhs, 18.50S.75; fair to good lntnhs, $7.75 fcJ.&O; good light yearlings, $7.4of,i7.90; good heavy yearlings, $6. 76417.25; good choioe wethers, fi.5ora6.; fair to good wethers, $6.10r(t6.60: good to choice ewes, $3.7tj6.2S; fair to good ewes, S6.2&&6.75. Representative sales: No. lambs ewes, cnlls lamhs ycarllDgS . ewrs 12 8 t . Decrease . W,3470O0 marks . 14,44.0ts 111a ks . lJ.lili.0W) murks 8SI.U00 marks . 74,4il,twe ntttiks . u6,n3i,iAW marks la,82t,Oo0 mat ks . : 1.800 70 I, 69 106 100 77. 774 71 404 2 1 21 1.400 111 120 110 400 44 44 44 102 12 1,700 132 131 111 27 17 21 14,100 1364 1844 186 100 108 101 1074 100 100 100 100 II 100 1M4 81 31 HI ioo i4 in. 74.4-I0 13 Ui 1624 ZOO 83 83 83 100 74 t7 17 l.HW 44 44 44 IMi 100 48 48 47 81 31 tl I0 78 73 78 Tl 14.104 114 125 124 400 17 2i II 600 03 42 62 100 27 17 26 3o0 Si 32 32 M0 8a 88, W 700 44 43 (3 24,700 183 1U Ut 101) (4 14 14 Tl 42 64,400 83 82 HO 118 118 II 1.100 444 44 4 4,100 6 614 100 11 It 11 2,800 47 4t 4 ) 48 48 47 104 44 44 41 48 -j. 4 New York Mining; Stocks.. NEW YORK, May 17. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice sis) eLeiiovllle Con 'Little imei ., Mexican ....... Ontario ....... Ophir btaiidant Yellow Jacket Brunswick Con. ... Com. Tunnel stock do bonds Con.sC 1. ft Horn Silver Iron stiver. Oltered. va. .290 . I . 26 . 16 . to . 6 .114 .. t .. 4 .. 80 ..223 ..101) , ., 66 .. 70 Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company .... Cudahy Packing Co.., Armour A Co Schwartt-Bolen Co . . 8. At S Htaphens rUos Hill & Hon P. B. Lewis J. B. Root eV Co J. H. Bulla L. Wolf McCreary A Carey ... H. Werthelmer M. Hagerty Other buyera Total CATTLiC Receipt were about up to the average for a Tuesday, the general quality of the offerings being somewhat better than on yestetoay, although b no means above the average for this time ot the yar. Conditions were much tne same as on yesteiday and the market presented no new features aside from a Uttie more dis criminating buying by both packers and eastern shiDDer and a Pronounced Prefer enc for fat, hahdy-wtlgnt beeves. Heavy cattle did not move so freely at last week wtiiie hair-tat ana short-fed Kiuas we badly neglected and hard to move even at shaded figures. The general market, how cvot, was substantially steady, and, al though the' movemfnt waa by no means lively, a Pretty fair clearance had been nitida bv noml. Cow atuff was In verv moderate supply there beinif In the ieljjihborhood of forty loads on sale, and the trade was reason ably active at prices substantially the same as on yesterday. Medium and common cows are- meeting with more . or lea In different demand on account of bad mar kets east and south, but In the absence ot southern greasers local packers are forced to pay well up to recent quotations for this ciass of sidek. The market for veal calves ha. suffered a considerable slump mis week, prices' being 2ii'5oc loWer than last weeks cIokc The market for bulls, stags, etc., remains moderately active and tuny steady. Business In stockeri and feeders contin ues very dull, as there Is little or HO de mand from- the country and salesmen find It difficult to dispose of what few catue tncy receive even at prices a full quarter lower than last week. Choice lightweight (steel s and heifers find a fair outlet, out anything common or rough is very hard to move even at the decline noted aoove. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed wteers, 17.4048.00; fair to good corn- fed Sleers, 46.Hoc(i7. bo; common 10 lair corn fed steers, 86.76iii'.7; good to choice cows and heifers, .wu7.W; fair to good cows and heifers. !4.75i5.k6: common to fair cows and heifers, 2.75fj4.75r good to choioe Block ers and reeders, 0.o((.oy; lair 10 goua stockers and feeders, $4.76ao.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.ou-(j4.76; stock heifers, 83.75i7i4.60; veal calves, S3.754i7.W; bulls, stags, etc., $3.76u;!.26. Representative sales: lit..!)' olfc.fc.lli. Xo. 275 western fj eatern 160 western 67 western 14 western 2t western ewes 129 western lambs, culls 7611 Colorado lambs 50 western lambs, culls 244 western ewes 85 western lamhs, culls 2t8 western lambs 115 western lambs 141 spring lambs Ills western ewes 123 western ewes, shorn 5 t'al. spring lamhs, wooled. 512 Cal. spring lambs, wooled. 75 Cal. spring lambs, wooled. Av. ,. 68 .. 84 .. 82 . 95 ,. N 1. 103 .. 61 . 77 . 79 . K3 . 80 . PI . h5 ,. 87 .. 83 .. 118 . 69 . 69 . 60 Tr. 6 25 4 50 8 65 8 00 6 00 5 SJ 6 25 8 i '6 4 Of) 5 50 00 7 s5 8 10 6 00 t 00 6 W 9 On t m 9 00 ClilCAOO LIVE STOSK MARKET Cattle Market Steady Hosja Reported Higher Sheep Demoralised. CHICAGO, May 17,-CATTLE-Recelpts 2,5o0; market steady. Steers f6.2jiy8.i5; tows $4.WKa6.75; heifers S4.2fVa7.46: bulls 14.iora5.40; calves 83.00rg7.25; stockers and feeders $4.75& 6.00. HOGS Receipts 10,000; market 10c hlKher. Choice heavy 19.659.75; butchers 19.iK.i-y9. 75; light mixed IB.OOtfrDJs; choice light .0ii pig e9.20a&.Ml 9.77'; packing t9.65ig9.7&; bulk or Bales ri.TOftu. SHEEP Receipts 12.000; market demoral ised. Sheep $6.0tif.8O; yearlings $7.U7.40; lamba'iis.ofi; spring lambs ix.Ooyy.oo. St. I.onle Live Jtfock Market. 8T. LOUIS, May 17,-CATTLB-Recelvts, 4, put) head, including 2,000 head lexanb; market steady; native shipping and export teers, $6.!ifl8.16; dressed uecf and butcher steerB,; Bteers under 1,000 pounds, lj.0oy8.0u; Blockers and feeders, t4.ontrfl.4 ; cows und helters, U-..W, eauncrs, 0d; bulls, 14.ui!S6.76; calves, H.Wu'; '4'exas and lnman steers, tt.lotao-w. cows and heifers, ta.OwV6.frO. HOGS Receipts, 10,000; market E(&10c hlKher: plus and lights. to.00riF9.65; packers, t.n5f9.72; buichers and best heavy, 49.66 fc.Hh.EP A.M) 1-,amm iieceipts, head; market steady; native muttons, 15.50 1(6.75; lambs, V7.507 8.1VI; culls and bucks, Jw.0tXU5.0U; stockers, Bank Clearlna. OMAHA, May 17. Bank clearing for to day were )A633,3ti3.71 and for the corres ponding date last year were $2,363,314.73. 101,100 ahares. London Stack Markrt. LONDON, May 17. The market for Amer ican securities Opened Irregular and on bare buying of Canadian Pacific, Penn sylvania and a few other hardened. At noon the market was steady, with prices H higher to V lower than the close in New York price 01 yeeteruaj. Consols, money. 4o account Amal. Cupper Anaconda Atchlaon do ptd Raltlmore A Ohio. llLoulavllla A N... .. II M . K. A T .. 72 N. T. Central.,.. .. Nortolw ft W ..Ill do pfd ..106 Ontario A W . .113Pnnevlvenla Canadian Pacific ivSlund Mine.. Rr. 8.300 47.0OO 91 000 80,000 l.lveroool Oral) Market. LIVERPOOL. May l7.-T7HKAT-Spot. dull; No. I red western winter, no stork; futures. teady; May, 6 llVtd; July, 7; Oc tober. 7a Id. CORN Spot, steady and quiet; new American mixed northern, no stock; old American mlied. ta td; new kiln dried, 61 td; via Qalveaton, 6 6Hd; futures, steady; July, te ld. Dalath Grain Market, DfLLTH. May 17. WIIEAT-July. tl 10; No. 1 northern, 1.07; No. S northern, 11.07. 81 Reedlns . 18 Southern .141 do ptd . II Southern Paclflo. ,. 43 In Ion Pacific... . 41 pro . WU. 8. Steel . 41 do pld . 81 V abash . 81 do pfd .131 Span I ah la steady at 2474d per MONEY ZVtti'Z per cent. Tha rate of discount In the open market for ahort and three months' bills la VJ3 per cent. Chesapeake A O... Chicago O. W Chi.. Mil. ft St. P. Da Bears Denver ft Hlo (J... du pfd trie do 1st pld 4s td pfd Orend Trunk Illinole Central SILVER Har, ...161 ... 43 ...114 ...lie ... ... 454 ... tn ... ... M ... 274 ... 6 ...121 ...117 ... 87 ... 16 ...Ml ... 18 ... 41 ... ounce Treaiarr Mtatement. WASHINGTON, May I7.e-The condition of tha Ueasury at the beginning of bui ness today wa a follow: Trust funds Gold coin. 84K54. 124.8C9; (liver dollar. t490.234.0U0; ailver dollar of 1K90. i:,724 000; sllvsr certificates outstanding, 1490. 234.000. General Fund Standard silver dollars in Visible 8 apply ot drain. NEW VORK. May 17. Special cable and teiegraphlo communications received by Bradstreets show the following changes In available supplies aa compared with pre vious account. . Available supplies: Wheat. United States east of Rockies, decreased 2,318,000 bu. ; Canada, decreased 13,000 bu.; total United States- and Canada decrease, 2.381,000 bu. Afloat and for in Europe, decrease 6,000 bu.; total American and European supply, de creased 8,931,000 bu. Corn, United States and Canada, decreased 2.453,000 bu.; nals, United States and Canada, decreased 223,000 bu. ' The leading decreases and Increases re ported this week: Decreases: m it nun on, fju.eou nu. ; Chicago private elevators, 208,000 bu.!- Omaha, 132,000 bu.; Godetlch, 107,000 bu.; Louisville, 60,000 bu.; Fort Worth, 50.000 bu. increases: Port Colborne, 608.000 bu.: Mid land, 203,000 bu.;' Sarnla and Port Edward. 58,000 bu; Owen Bound, 61.000 bu. Wool Market. 1 BOSTON. May 17.-There Is a distinctly better tone to the local wool market. Buy ers are showing marked Interest and some heavy sales are reported. Prices for old wool ravor the buyer, but prices rrom the west are to the effect that the growers are holding for high value. The leading western Quotations ranae as follows: Missouri, three-eighths blood. 30ii 81c; one-quarter blood, 8K,(i,29c. Scoured basis: Texas, fine 12 months, fiti7c; fine, 8 to 8 montha, - ufi)12o; fine, fall, o2Jr63e. California northern. 67if.dc: middle county, 623Mc; fall free, VWOc: fall defective, 3j 39c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, 62f63c; eastern clothing. 6ii59c; valley No. 1. 54 55c. Territory, fine, staple, Bwc; fine. medium staple, C2u3c: fine, clothlna. MHS 6ic; fine, medium clothing. SftBSSc; one-half blood, &77ftNC; Ihree-elKhth blood. SfctfJKr one-quarter blood, 526541'; pulled extra, 68c; tine A,."tr"-c; a supers ki ybsc, , Coffee Markrt. NB WVORK, May lT.-COFTEE-The market for coffee futures opened at un changed prices to a decline of five points. In response to lower French rabies and under a little scattering liquidation of early new crop deliveries. No further feature developed, offerings being absorbed around the Initial figures by trade buyera, and the market closed stesdy, net unchanged to five points lower. Sales are reported of 10.000 bags. Closing bids: May, June and July. 6.40c; August, .46c; September, 6.50c; Dclnher An4 NiivariW 1 .....n.1... - -. -' ...... ., .".- , -, . . i'i vri , 1 r, rflp; January, 6.66c; February. 8.48c: March. .H7c; April. 4.68c. New York warehouse deliveries were 8 087 bags, against 12 931 bag last year, foot Rio. quiet; No. 7, c; Santo. No, 4, 8Wc; mild, quiet; Cordova, 8U'-c. .10. 14.... 11.... 81.... 14.... 14... 48... 16... 16... It... 1... 10... 10... 17... t... to... 11... 21... 10... to... 19... 10... 14... 8... 4... I... t... 4Y'.'.'!.' I T. I3 1010 194 40 1081 1014 107t :M7 91? 87 lOti 1011 1126 10tS I'M 12S6 1187 HIT 1204 1404 Ml 170 834 61 1025 1040 1014 IHIt lull lull 1045 10it , 10M 440 44 676 781 1100 1870 , lilt U2S .1460 Av. rr. 31 I It t to t to I t It t 10 to 1 01 f 40 1 00 7 to 1 00 7 14 1 14 7 It 1 II T 20 1 U 1 34 1 w 1 tl 1 18 17 42 II..... tt I 20 17 II U 89 8 I It..... II..... 14 11 I tt 80 to COWS. It. 17. 5 10 It it.... 21 t 10 4 1 474 I11O UO 13 17i roc KERB 440 4 10 t7i4 4 HI SOT) t 00 tu I It I 48 4 15 4 14 4 to 4 71 I 40 I 10 f II 4 It 5 94 HEIFERS. 4 14 f Ill t I 00 6 t tt BULLS. Ill 1 I o 1 t it 1 5 to 1 t to CALVJt. Av. ...1181 ...mi ...1887 ...184 ...14M) ...1434 ...1817 ...1181 ...Hit ...1201 ...1 94 ...1234 ...1118 .. .121)8 ...1230 ...1141 ...1301 ...180 ...1201 ...1337 ... tl ...101 J ...1141 ...1WI ...810 ...101 . . . 100 ...10M ...114 ...1141 ...ut 741 111 770 rr. 1 to 7 lo 7 84 1 84 1 It 7 40 1 40 t a 7 44 1 45 f 45 7 44 7 41 7 40 7 to 7 10 t ) 1 40 t 10 1 45 1 ) I 70 t to t II I to I M too I 10 I u I 80 4 41 I 44 880 I 80 I It 4 OO I e) I M 4 M I 71 7 00 I. .... I .. 4... 8... AND I... 4... 14... IOO. 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 It 7 00 7 ev 7 00 7 16 7 It FEEDERS. ; 714 I M 487 t 14 7 tO I tO 74 I 40 ..1440 ..110 ,.1M0 ..1280 110 140 If 177 224 . "aiahs liar Market. OMAHA. May 17. HAY No. 1. 89.50; No. 1 8X 00: packiiisr. 85.01 Straw: Wheat, td 60: rye and rats. 87 50. A.falfa, 111 M. The best grades of hay are holding their own. but nobody sreina to want lb poorer quality at any j-ilc. HoGSv-A good part of yesterday's decline was regained In the hog yarns tnis morning Prices opened up a biff nickel higher and a largo portion of receipts changed hands on this bails. 80ms dim higher business was done, but the demand at this advance called for good to choice lights and smooth butchers, so mat the market as a whole could not be quoted batter than a strong nickel higher. Heavy hogs, the rougher grades especially, were neglected from start to finish and had to sell around I9.S5H j9.35 in most oases. A liberal run was yarded, but despite this fact movement waa reasonably active and a fair clearance wa made In very good season. Shippers bought rather sparingly, tha bulk going to local packers. Toward the extreme close some weaknesa was ap Kauiai City Live Stock Market. Kansas City. May 17. CATTLE Receipts 8,000; Including 700 southerns; market strong to 10c higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers 17.504js.Zb; ratr to goon a.KiT T.50; western steers 15.7W(i7.80; stockers and feeders 14.0u4ili.26; southern steers li.lOg' 7.7b; southern cows 83.75rf5.50; native cows 88.26t20.85; native heifers t4.60iU7.tO; bulls t4.5tntO.40; calves 84.857.25. Hoge-lUceipts 10,ono; market 10c higher. Top D65; bulk 9.4O$.50; heavy $!).46ji9.65; Backers and butchers 49.35)9.66; lletit 9.30j. S9.47V, pigs $.76ft'9.0o, Hheep Receipts 3, hod; market steany 10 10c higher. Lambs 87.25&S.i5; yeaning 15.50 (7.25;. wethers t5.lO'a6.6; ewes 4.fc0a.u0; stockers and feeders 1.1. OOii 5.00. Bt. Joseph I. 8T. JOSEPH, ceipts, 1,800 head 86. 60 7.76: cows calves, t3.oonjr7.oo. HOGS Receipts, higher: top, 8ii,62; SHEEP Anu Ive Stock Market. May 17. CATTLE Re market steady; sleers, and heifers, 3.5or.60; 6,500 head; market loo bulk of sales, 89.36ir9.45. LAMBS Receipts, l.EuM bead; markot steady; lamb; 17.tv48.75. Stock in Slant. Receipt of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesteiday: Cattle. Hogs. Sh South Omaha rU. Joseph .. Kansas City Ht. Louis .. hicago Totals ... 4.166 l.sno 6,000 4.900 2.5O0 3.653 6,50.1 10.0K) 10.010 10,000 eep. 6.641 1.600 3.1.00 6.500 12.000 OMAIIA GEN RHAk. MARKETS staple aad Fancy Frodnee Price Par alahed by Hareri and Wholesaler, BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered te the) retail trade, In 1-lb. carton, 29c; No. L In 40-lb. tuba, 2Vic; No. 8. in, 1-lb. carton. 17c; In 40-lb tub. 26V,o, packing stork, solid pack, 20c; dalr. In 00-It), tubs, 23c. Mar ket changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, ltio; young America, 17c; daisy, 17c; llmburger, lc; No, 1 brick, lbc; No 8, 16c; domestic block f wis, 22c; whole Swiss, 24c; imported ISwlss, 30c. POUL1 HY Dreshed broilers. In ui oo. tor storage. 88.00; for fresh springs. Wo; bens, 13c; cocks, 12Sc; ducks, 20c; geese, loc; turkey, lbc; pigeons, pet nut., 41.20; homer squabs, 1 4. 00 pr dn,j fancy squabs, 13.60 per dos. ; No. I, 81.00 per dos. Alive: Rrollers, from 1 to IV lbs.. 40c; 1U to I lbs., c; hens, 14i; old roosters, 10c; young roosters, 16c; ducks, full teaineieu, I40, geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, lsct Suinea . fowls, nc each; pigeons, sun pr os.; homers, 83.00 per dos.; squabs. No. L 1211 per dos.; No. 2. 600. FISH (all frosen) pickerel, tc; whlteflsh, 13c; pike, 10c; trout. 13c; large Crapples, 16t7Sc; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, loo, had dock, 13c; flounder. I.e. Green catfish, lac; trout, 13c; buffalo, 8c; halibut, to white perch, sc; wliitetish, lac, yvllow percn, yc; bullheads, Uc; white bs, l7o; roeshada, 81.00 each; shauroes, per pair, 600; frog legs, too per dos. U.ef Cuts Ribs: No. 1, 17e; No. I, Uoi No. 3, 13c. Lot 11a : Nn. 1, lKo; No. 2, 14 vc; No. 3, 130. Chuok: No. 1, c; No. i. l-c: No. 3, 8vc. Round: No. 1, llac; No 8. imc; No. 8. 11c. Plate: No. 1, so; No. I 7c; Ni. 3, 7'.c. FRUITS Strawberries: Tennessee and Missouri, 24-qt. cases, per cane, t2.76?i3.2. Uiaiige: Canfurma Cainvlla and i'rooucoe branus Rcdiand navels, bO-96 is's, per boa. 13.U0; 12b slxe, per box, 3.2., luv-li't and mailer slsc, per box, t4. '.v Otner brands from Riverside and omer districts, per bo, l;i.0O'ti3.50; oO-6-112 sixes, per box, 12.7. llavanii Mediterranean swectM, 126-112 sixes, per box, t.t.OU, 150 and smaller sixes, per hox, 11.25. Lemons: Ltmouicra, extra fancy, 30O-300 sixes, 15.50; choice 3oo-etX) sixes, per box, 14.75; 240 stae, &00 jier box less, Hananas h'ancy select, per Punch, $2. 25.(1 2 50; Jumbo bunch, 82.i6u3 15. Urape Fruit: Florida, 4il-i.4-t)4-WJ sizes per box, 85.00. Apples; Hen Davis, pr bbl., H.,6; California fumy W. VV. I'ear mains, per box, 12.25; California extra fancy . W. Pcurmains, Red Wood brand, per box, 82.26; extra fancy Iowa Jonathans, per bbl., 16.00. Cherries: California, pet 10-lb. box, 12.25. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 3u-ib. pKgs. In box, per box, li.00. Figs; California, loc size, bOc. VEGETABLES Irish Potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, per bu., oojtWc; Colorado, per bu., 65c. New Potatoes; In sacks, per . lb., 2Vc. Seed Sweet Potatoes: Kansas, " per bbl., $2.00. Cabbage: New California and southern, per lb., o. Onions; Texan crvstal wax, per crate. 11.90; yellow, per crate, 11.65. Old Vegetables: Parsnips, car rots, beets, turnips, tn sucks, pur lb., 2c Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., j&o; red, per lb., lile. New Southern egetables Rauixhes: per dox. bunches, 85c. Turnips: Per dos. bunches, 45c. Carrots: Per doz. hunches. 50c. Shallotts: per doz. bunches, 6O0. Parsley: I'er doz. bunches, 60c. Beets: Per dog. bunches, 60c. Spinach: Per hu., 12 lbs., 81.00. E;g Plant: Fancy Florida per dos., 81.50flfi2.uu. Tomutoes: Fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6-bsk. crate, 82.75; choice, 82.25. String anil Wax Beans: Per hamper, about 26 lbs., 13.00. Green Peas. I'er bumper, 2.frA Cucumbers: 4 lot house, per Uoz., tl.Ooyi.aj; Texas, per doz., 75c. HOME-GROW N VEGETABLES - Rad ishes: Extra fancy, per doz. bunches, 20c Lettuce: Extroj fancy leaf, per doz., 45c; head lettuce, per doz., 75c. Par.-dey: Fancy, per doz. bunches, 40c. Rhubarb: Per dos. bunches, 45c. Asparagus: Tcr dos, bunches, 60c. Green Onions: I'er dos. bunches, 25c. MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish: Two doz. In case. $1.90: Walnuts: Black, per 11)., 2c; California No. 1, per ib., 17c; California, No. 2, per lb., 14o. Illckorynuts Large, per lb., 4c; email, per lb., 5c. Cocoanuls; Par sack, 86.00; per doz., Geo. ' - . -Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 17. COTTON Market opened steady at an advance of 1 point to a deolinn of 11 points, May being 11 point lower and other positions 1 point higher to 3 points lower. ' The ruins reported In Texas seemed to be causing considerable scattering liquidation, but It veas said that temperatures were too low . In some sec tions. Tha big bulls gave the market ag gressive support and prices after the open ing held close to the Initial figures. Liver pool will reopen for business tomorrow morning. Cotton futures opened steady. May, 16.37c July, 15.4!o; AiiRiist. 15.11c; September, 13.94c; October, 13.02c; December, 12.S3c; January. -12. 7Sr: March. i:.S2c bid. Spot closed quiet. 15 points decline; mid dling uplands, 15.75c; ' middling gulf, 16c; sales, 3,100 bales. Futures closed barely steady; closing bids- May, 15.25c; June, 15.24c: July. 15.27c; August, 14.92c; Heptem her. 1,1.77c; October, 12.K4c; November, 12.72c; December, iz.ouc; January, u.63c; March, 12.68c. ST. IXUI3, May 17.-COTTOX-Dull; middling. 15c; sales, 1 bale; receipts, 4S hales; shipments, 895 .bales; stock, 30,028 . bales. Minneapolis ;rnin Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 17. WHEAT Mav, 81.00; Julv. 81.0r.Ti.: September, 8104'4; cash. No. 1 hnrd, $1.12-'; No. 1 northern, 11-lOJ 1 11': No. I northern, $1.08f(fl.09T4; .No. 3, $1.051.07. CORN Xn. 3 yellow, 58(1 DOC. .' FLAX-12.11. OATS-No. 3 white, MTn;. HYK-No, Z. 70M71C BRAN In 100 pound sacks 819.0O7J 19.25. FLOUR First patents In wood f. o. b. Minneapolis 86.30'j6.50; second patents 85.14 $5.80; first clears $4.154.25; second Clears, $2.903.20. .19,366 40,153 29,141 GOVERNMENT WEATHER REPORT Unfavorable Weather Conditions Daring- Last Seven Daya Injure Crops. WASHINGTON. May 17. Unfavorable weather throughout the country pre vailed during the Intst week, much to tne detriment of all crops, according to the weather bureau's national weekly bulletin Issued today. Of the conditions tt says: "Much cloudy weather prevailed over the central valleys, especially from Kan sas and Nebraska eastward over the lower Missouri, middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys, the middle Atlantic states. Farm work over this region has been greatly retarded by unfavorable weather, and vege tation made but little progress on account of cold, frost and lack of warm sunshlno. "Ovtr the district from the Rocky moun tains to the Paclflo coast also, the weather was generally unfavorable, ex cept over Washington and portions of Oregon and Idaho, where warm showers and sunshine were beneficial. Over most of, the northern duttrlcts, the weather especially at the end of the week, was too cold, and over tbe more southerly por tions It was ton dry. Oil nnd Itoaln. SAVANNAH, Ga., May 17 -OII.S-Tur-pentine, firm; fiHvfi6134e; sales, 613 bbls.; receipts, 6S9 bbls.; shipments, 204 bbls.; storks, 4,277 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1,515 bbls.; receipts, 1,664 bbls.; shipments, 925 bbls.; stocks, 4H.H4K bbls. Quote: B, $4.25; D, 84.60; E, 14 0 i4.824; F, H.H.ViM.STH; G, $4.90; H, $6.00; I. 85.06; K, 85.10; M. 15.36; N, 3.0; W. O., $5.765.80; W. W., 85.96;).0O. Issar Market. NEW YORK, May 17.-8UGAR-Raw, steady: muscovado, 89 test, 8.74c; centrif ugal, 94 test. 4.24c; molasses sugar, 8 test, 8 40c; refined, quiet; crushed, 6.96c; gran ulated, 5.25c; powdered, 6.35c, Milwaukee- drain - Market. MILWAUKEE, May 17.-FLOUR dull. WHEAT No. 1 northern $1 1241.13; No. 1 northern, tl.0Htftl.104; July $1.0374, OATH 43c. s UARLK If -Samples l(&5c. f Coffee. Market. NEW YORK, May 17,-The Coffee ex chsnge will not be opened until noon Fri day. May 20, the day of King Edward's funeral. parent, late sales appearing to be but little, If any, higher tnan moae ot yesterday. A large share of receipts went at J.S2HtJ 40. as compared with yesterday's spread of $9.25. Tops reached 88.4a, nickel higher. Ke. 14.. 80.. 41.. 14... 88.. 44.. I.. 81.. 14.. It . IV . 4.1. . ?. . AV. . .! ..17 .831 ...74 . .830 ..t7 , ,569 HI .If 7 ..HI . n .811 ..111 In. 40 i) 'ib ta ao 140 180 800 14) r. No. A. 8h. re. I it 844 80 t 14 t 80 80 1H7 10 I ! t 10 M. 2X7 40 t 14 tt! M Ill ... tM t 10 17 3 I ... 1 II t it if rrt 40 t is t It 71 184 10 t It, 110 II 2il ... tu I 34 - 71 t'.l ... I 3J t 80 M 231 10 I St t 4 ft 40 1 t 10 8 let ... t tt t 18 40 U. iu w Metal Market. New York. May 17. METALS The mar ket for standard copper In the New York metal exchange wu dull today with spot and all forward deliveries to the end of August quoted at $12.2Vu 12.50. The London market was firm early, but lot most of the advance as compared with the closing prices of last rrlday, closing easy witn spot quoted at (56 and futures at 56 ls 9(1. ljjcal dealers report, an uncnangea marxet with local copper quoted at $12. Sofa 13 O); electrolytic at tl2.02Vu 12.75; and casting at $12.3712.60. Arrivals reported at New York today 25 tone. Custom house returns showed exports of 1,851 tons; making 10,3.3 So far. this month. European stocks of $Iay 15, were los.620 tons; compared with 110,210 April 30. Tin was steady with spot, and May quoted at $33 miftM 20; June $31.15 fi33.87W and July at $:S3.15H33.3). London was easy with spot quoted at 1150 2s 61 and futures at 1151 10. Spelter was dull with spot quoted at $5 25fi6.5o. New York; $5.00(0. 15, East fct. Louis. The London market wa unchanged at 22. Lead dull, spot $4.MJ4 86. New York; 84.12V04 174. Fast St. Louis. London unchanged at 12 12s 6d. Iron waa lower at 49s 7d for Cleveland warrants In London. Ixxally the marset was quiet,. No. 1. foundry northern $17.00a 17.75; No. 8, $16.60r17.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft $16.67616.76. Missionary Kreretarr Resign. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., May 17.-(Sperial.) Announcement Is mad? that Rev. W. C. King of this city, for the last four years secretary of the South Dakota Raptlst as sociation .and general missionary for the church under appointment of the Amerlcnn Baptist Homo Mission society, has resigned his place, to take effect July 1, and has accepted a call as . pastor of tbe Judson Memorial church at Denver, Coin, The church to which Mr. ' King goes has a membership of 400. Boy Fatally Hurnrd. SIOUX FALLS, a. 1)., May 17.-(Special ) The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Havornek, who reside on a farrrt rear the Yankton Indian agency, was perhups fatally burned as the result of his clothing catching on fire while he waa watching an older brother bum stubble on the farm. Unnoticed by the oldtr brother, the little fellow ran Into the fire and his Injuries were sustained before the fire In his clothing could 'bt extinguished. Evaporated Apple aud Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. May 17. K VAPOR ATED A PPLKB Market quiet, but price ar steadily held on the spot, fancy being quoted at 10c: choice, eto; prime, 7;c; common to fHtr. tys'-ic. DRIED F'JinTK Prune sre In fair de mand nn the spot, and price are ateady. Quotation range from ZlifSKc fur tha California up to 30 40s, and at iVu'Jc for Persistent Advertising is the Road to Rig Returns. Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and Dealers OSAJtr. IaOTIi)I01f& BTOCXa. Osaaaa (ifflos: il Beard, ef Tr Midst 8411 Telephone. Douglas Sli tadpaaal. A-81221 Old! sad Largest Hons la ta Blast