n 10 hit: bkk: omaiia, wkdnksrw. may 1. mm. REAL ESTATE cvrr rKuikRir kur bale. (Continued.) REAL FSTATE CITY PROPKItTV FOR (Continued.) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE KAHM AMI It M II l-M FOH AI K (Continued ) "I I A I.E. FARM A I RANCH I. A M Foil "Al (Continued.) A n Boyer's Bargains IMPROVED 8-room house; toilet and city water, lot xlHb; Ohio St.. near l.th. Bargain, il.SWO. Make ma an offer. s-rnom house; modern, 3. E. corner 24th and Blimey tfts. 4 CO. room house; modern except heat, 4-rootn house In rear, lot 27x132, on William St., between lu and 6t li. 2.M. Three houses, lot BlxSH. In alley, between 6th and 7ih and blwcrn Pacific and Fierce ly. kOJ. "-room hou. modern except heat, good barn, cistern, shude and fruit trees; lot 5Uxl27; le catur St., between 31st and 3.'d a-H.OOO. One 3 and one S-room house, ewer and "water connection, toilet In houses, lot tOTxIL'O, 27 til Ave., near Burdette J2.2W). E-rooms house, modern ex cept heat, lot 60x120, Maple St., between 33d and 34th 12,500. 7-room houae. modern except tieat, Rood barn, full lot F.rsklne St., between 4:kl and 44th. one block from car line- 12.600. Make me an offer. Northwest corner 20th and Nicholas, with three housea and a 1-atory double brick flat tf.OOO. 4-room house, sewer and water connection, Jxard St., between 20th and 21st-$;t,000. -room house,ll modern, lot 2x135, 2fi0fi Bristol St., beauti ful place 12,700. 6-room house, all ' modern, full lot. Lafayette Ave., be tween 34th and 35th, Bemls Park 13.800. fi-room house, barn, city mater, lot 27xl744, Califor nia, between 22d and 23d 2, 000. VACANT LOTS Two lots, N. R. Cor. nth and Saratoga 8ta. 1,000 for both. Two lots, 8. W. Cor. 4Sth Grant Sts. IH00 for both. ind Two lota, replat of Radford Height Add., 8. W. Cor. 40th And Ames Ave 1460 for both. Three lots In Fairfax Add., 40th and Pratt 1560 for three. One lot, 62x123, 28th Ave., N. Of Cuming 1750. One lot, Ave. 1500. 45th and Military Two lots, Kenwood Add., 36th and Lalk Sts. Jf.OO for both. Two lota on Spring St., be tween 2d and 8d two for the two. Chris Boycr 22D AND CUMINO STS. BARGAINS . 4328 Parker Bt best bungalow for the money In Omaha; 8-ft. front; 5 rooms and bath on first floor, two bed rooms up atalrs, large living room, beam telling, ami dining room with built-in buffet and seat; flrnahed in hard wood. atalneH nwhnvnnv- m iiuuii, iuii cement cellar; lot Mix 180 ft., aouth front. This Is really the, best thing offered for the money In Omaha Price, 84.600. Easy terms. 4332- Parker St., modern 2-story 7-room houae; lower floor finished In hardwood; oak floors; built-in buffet, bookcases and seat; large attic; finely decorated; com bination fixtures. Handy good house for the money. Lot 50x150 ft. Price, 84.500 Easy terms. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 111 Board of Trade Bldg. IHth and Karnam Sts. Phones Liouglaa 49, Independf nt, A-2049. BIG SNAPS Price $3,500 Wa have a special bargain thla week in a nlea home of 7 rooms besides 2 large rooms finished In the attlo. This home Is modern in every way, has extra large porch and fine large closets; all nicely papered. It Is an east front In the llans com park district on 28th street. Just below Poppleton Ave. Take our word for It that thla la a big bargain .vnd as the owner does not need the money he will accept 8700 vii, uBiHiirn on easy lerme. Price $2,500 Big snap In a fully modern 6-room 14 tory home, only 4 years old; newly pa pered. Where can you buy a house like this on a paved street at anything like this price? It is on California street, near oon eireei; aw ensn, nniance easy. ED JOHNSTON & CO., S05 South 17th St. Phone lHug. 1233, 10-ROOM. REAL. HOME. 15.500. Not merely a house and lot, but 10 rooms oi real Dome, moaerryin every way; finely located; large lot, fruit tres, lovely lawn. garage, paved street: car at door. Owner warns 10 sen, ana mil l tn tuna to buy, Terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Bulte 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 199. DO YOU WANT TO 8 ELL. PART Of IUUH LAIVUI Writ a description o( It. buildings, water, near what town. Make 70 words of it all and send It to The Omaha Bee with 72 cents for each Insertion. PvopW tn Ne- Drasaa nave money and want land. They look 13 The Omaha Bea for real estate of ferings. And they gat tbem in The Bea. S ROOMS, WEST FARNAM. i 3,2 00 AH modern; easy wa'klng distance; surely ciitap at tha price; tirns. KOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., ROOMS. MODEST, 2 LOTS. $1,900. everything except r-tat. Near cti, fin home; i caan, bu'wce very easy. NOWATA UKa & LOT CO.. Bulla tUt N. Y. Life 1-1. j. Ked 1990. DO TOU WANT TO f'L.U PART Os" YOUR LAND? Writ a description of It, buildings, water, naur wnat town. Make TO words uf It all ant sand It to Tha Omaha Bee wlta II cents for each Insertion. People in Ne braska have money and want land. Tbey look to Toe Oiuaha Bea for real estat o ftringa. Ajid they get them tn Tha Bea PAYINO 37 PER MONTH, $S,000. Well Inoated, practically walking dis tance. Irtrms. Might lake good clear lot as part payment. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANT. Bulla OM N. Y. Lite Bldg. Red 1J. WEST LEAVENWORTH DISTRICT Choice lots $10 casn, $1 per week. Mltslaff, IKM Leavenworth- i'lium Harney 23. Two Lots, Corner California St. One block to Karnam car. Prlca $1,500. Terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life. Red 1989. FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEAR I4TH AND FORT STS. $ story aquare bouse, new. $ rooms and bath, largq living room 'with fireplace and beamed ceiling; oak finish down and yellow pine up; all oak floors; sIiowt bath, screen, large porch screened In; corner lot, cement walks and basement; furnace; kitchen cabinet built In; stiicllv first-class; roust rell before June I. Call for further Lsrtlculara. C H. Remington. Douglas . ... - ' - ' NEW 7-ROOM. FULL, LOT. ,150 cash and balance X per month. Better look at It. NOWATA 1.ANP A LOT CO.. Suite 924 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19 INVESTMENT. Business property, well located, sura to Increase In value; now rented for 82. 2M) per annum. Price, liR.Or.6. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Bulte 624 N. Y. Life HI (I If. Red 1999. Two Full Lots, Corner, $G50 Two blocks of llanscom I'ark. one block to car, if taken soon, $m0. Cheap. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 024 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Red 1999. ALL or half Interest In a aood real estate business; cannot handle the business alone; will be priced at worth of office furniture; also have a good typewriter for sale or trade. K 675, Bee. Investment About 100 Acres Near Town Land adjoining sold readily at 8500 per acre In 5-acre tracts. For quick sale. Price, $225 per acre. Terms. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 173 FEET. FRONTS ON THREE STREETS Right In town. Best location In Omaha for apartments at the price. Owner want to sell ao badly that he wll give you free fine, large, modern 8-room house now on tne place. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Bulte 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red M PRAIRIE PAItK ?5Bd"Z form collection of homes; terms easy; atresia paved ana parked. 1'axton Ileal Estate Co. KOR PALE An up-to-date 6-room cot tage, finished In hard wood. Inquire of owner, 314 High School Ave.. Council Bluffs. Investment $18,000-Pays $2,280 Business Ground, 120x150 feet, choice location. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO . 624 N. Y. Life. Red 1999. DESIRABLE rent housea and choice lota In Nebraska City. Fur particulars addreas Y 365. Bee 6-ROOM, NEW, MODERN. $2,E00. Good else lot. south part of town; owner hard up; chance to ge: bargain. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 024 N. Y. Life Bids. Red ltoa. FIVE-ROOM house on boulevard, big corner lot. also large bain. Will sell cheap. Inquire 2419 S. 24th. a,.-. REAL ESTATE frARSt AND UAACJt LA.M) FOIt SALE Arkansas, THREE thousand four hundred and eighty-five acres of land located in the famous St. Francis valley, along the St Francis river, in Butler county, Mo., and Clay county, Ark. Timber estimated as f ol lovs : Cypress. 5,000.000; red gum, 6.000,000; Oak (66 per cent white), 6.000,000; elm, aah, etc 1.000,000; hickory, 1,000,00; Tupelo gum, 4,n0o' 000. Will sell any or part of timber without land. Eighty million three hundred and eighty three thousand feet virgin timber, well located; estimated as follows: White oak, 6,707,000; red oak, 3.353,000; white, asn, zu.izi.oou; cypress, 20,121,000; red gum, 10.0110,000; Cottonwood, 16,030.250: other kinds, 6,030,200. On both railway and water way. We sell farm and timber lands. Write lor price list toaay. Barron-Llly Land & Development Co., Blythevllle, Ark. Canada. RIVERSIDE, Alberta'B finest stock farm of 1.0U0 acres, is for sale at a snap. For particulars of this and other farm lands w rite to the owner, W. J. McNamara. Wesasklwln. Alberta, Canada. FOR SALE By owner, Canada wheat lands. Thirteen farms In i'i0 and 240-acre lots, ready to break and seed. Near Win nipeg, Man.; best market; first crop pays for the land; all near railroads. Must sell quick to hold contract. Write Herman Kietvllle, Peua, lo. Colorado. UOUTT county, Colorado; bargains In ranches and relinquishment!", homesteads, water rights, 320 a. rel., $i.F0; a good lfio acre ranch, plenty of water, $2,200. Write me. K. A. Wright, Tampa, Colo. CHOICE relinquishment on Crow cre.ek. near new town Of Ullggsdaie; 10 acres. finest soil, smooth land, 140 acres ready for corn; deeded land adjoining held at 20 to $25 an acre; relinquishments same kind land In adjoining section sold recently at $10 acre; possible to irrigate; to sell before May 2n. offer at $4n0. Owner leaving Colo rado. W. W. Lorlmer, Grover, Colo. RELINQUISHMENTS AND DEEDED LANDS Near Deer Trail, Colo., in the heart of the rain belt, shallow water, flno soli. Also deeded lands, town lots. Deer Trail Is the coming town of Colorado, 5ft miles east of Denver. Farming land in this vicinity pro duces better crops than $,"0 to $100 lands in the east. Its up to you. Write us today, ask questions. The Dter Trail Realty Co., Deer Trail, Colo. LARGE stock ranch for sale at a bar gain; no trade considered. Write or call on A. O. Putnam, Elbert, Colo. California. A BARGAIN Farm of 113 80-100 acres of good sandy loam land, 40 acres of orchard In H of mile of railroad station. Situated In Solano County, California; good well of water, with farming Implements. Price $S.0lO. Address Box 64 L Dixon. Cal. . Florida. j JUriTER GARDENS, FLQR1DA. Land near Palm Beach, Flu., that will produeo in actual profit the first year over twice Its cost, $40 an acre (a dollar an acre down and a dollar an aero per month) Immediate possession given on first pay ment, you may plant your crop Oct. l, 1H10. Crops farmed winter and Rummer, Free Instructions by expert farmer. First year s profit from 100 to $ per acre. OUICK TRANSPORTATION. A shell road from your door to East Coast railway station, tf miles distant, makes transportation easy; also water transporta- i.en. nut ti nines rrom Atlantic ocean and gulf stream; but 17 miles north nt Palm Beach America a greatest winter re sort; but 3s to 5? hours by fruit express rroin me niggest markets In the United Mates. Jupiter Gardens positively are situ ated BELOW THE FROST LINE. ' Climate healthful; mortality rate half lhat of large cities. Lands dry and drained at all seasons. Schools, churches, near neighbors and pleasant surroundings. Certi fied abstract furnished purchasers showing goon line tree rrom an incumbrances. Company absolutely responsible. Write fo literature at once. THE JUPITER LAND t O. Lands near Jupiter. General offices Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, O Florida offices, Jupiter, Fla. FLORIDA IJtKDS 100,000 acres fine southern Florida lands for sale at a bar gain. George T. Hedges & Co., Cedar Rap Ids. Ia. F'LORIDA LANDS Ask at.out our south ern Florida lands; now la the time to buy, Ben I. Tanner, Cedar Iapids. Ia. FOR SALE Florida's frostless belt; 1.000 acres ory vegetaoie land, richest mart soil; earliest trucking section; $30,000 thla winter orr v acres tomatoes; near Miami guarantee to rent every acre for $15 per year. u. i. Aimer, box uk, Miami Fla. Georgia. FOR SALE-How Is this? A lot (0x110 feeet In a progressive city and 40 acres farming land all for $200; on terras of $10 cash, $10 monthly without Interest, Address F. L. Thomas, 32tiO River road, Columbus, Ga. ladlaaa. FOR SALE 10, SO, SO, 40 and M-arr farms; well Improved, 40 miles from Chi cago. Frank L. Faley, Valparaiso, Ind. Illtaota, $5,000 BUYS 40-acra Illinois fruit farm $.000 apple, peach and pear trees In ful buaring; fine house, beautiful tnapla grova; Join railroad town. J. I. Bradley, Alma, lit Nebraska. He Argues With Himself Wito goes Into the Siott'a Bluff country and docs not buy land. AH we ask of a man Is to GO AND SEE. After wo show you the Needle Dam, Headgatea, Sluiceways and the land, you have to grip your purse strings pretty hard and argue with yourself to prevent making an investment. A WONDERFUL CHANCE Has taken place In the Scott's Bluff country in the past ya-ar. One man went with us a year ago and bought an eighty. lie went again last week and bought 160. He said he could not afford it, but could not resist. Another who went last year and bought an eighty for $85 an acre, recently offered it for sale at $100. He went with us last week, and, after seeing the Needle Dam, raised his price to $125. After driving over the country and seeing his land, now in wheat, he again raised his price to $150, and would probably refuse that. YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY To go out with us and see the country, examine the abundant, un failing, unlimited water supply, note what the land will produce, in vestigate the possibilities, if you go on our NEXT EXCURSION, TUESDAY, MAY 24. With the Payne Special it Is a quick, comfortable trip. We have our own commissary, a good cook, comfortable beds, show the land by automobiles and get back to Omaha Friday evening. We sold $68,000 worth of these lands last week and will do better next week. Ask for copies of the Land Owner, describing and picturing this land of sunshine and substance the garden of Nebraska. Call, telephone or write about the Scott's Bluff country. "MANLESS LAND FOR LANDLESS MAN" PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 15lh and Farnam Sts. BIU H AUG A IN. 320 acre In Lawrence Turk Creek Val ley, about elnghteen miles southwest of Bridgeport. Neb. Over 300 acres smooin. tllable land; good soil; only 2 to 40 feet to water. Will grow rine crops of wneat, oais, rve. bnrlcv. alfalfa, potatoes and corn. One crop will "more than pay for It. Can offer for 116.00 an acre. GEO. N. HICKS, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. 620 ACRES, complete ranch; dipping vat. dehorning chute; ull buildings In good shape. Owner making good money; lamny wants to move to city. rric. wuw. take soma clear cit property as part pay- """nOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Bulte 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19, BARGAINS. Hlllcrest, 160 acres, a,20o; cash rent. Midway, 80 acres, beautiful home. M.S00. Ash Grove. 320 acres, $11,200; easy terms. J. T. CAMPBELL, Litchfield. Neb. CHANCE to get a good home, 64 Oacres, relinquishment, 40i acres, partly level, Im provements cost fl.ooo. Thin Is a bargain, fu.oOO. il40 acres relinquishment, 80 good level land; bal, hills, but makes good pas ture, $;. 320 acres hay land, thla la good and only $10 per acre. Address O. Gallugly, Johnston, Neb. $4,000 will buy H section of land 2 miles south of Benkelinan, county seat of Dundy; good soil, level road and close to water. Box 2U2, Albion. Neb. Owner. Iowa. 15 ACHKS $1,000. About one mile from street car line, Council Bluffs, about one-half good garden and fruit land, balance pasture, excellent road to city, nice building site on taut end cf place, protected on north and west by hills, no buildings. This Is a cheap place, $200 cash will handle it. H. G. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO. It Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. IOWA LANDS, HOWARD COUNTY. 320 acres within a mlie of station, o'i miles from county seat, a very well im proved half and good land, price, $75 per acre, easy terms. iM acres, lour miles irom a gooa town, all good land, fine grove, fine buildings, splendid watfr, good black loam with clay sub-soil. Price. $70 per acre. 240 acres; very fine farm, gooa improve ments, good rove, good orchard, price $b'S per acre. 240 acres, one mne rrom siaiion, some small improvements, good land, a snap at $50 per acre. For further information, write, ' ED. M. HUNT. Fourth and Pierce Sts. Sioux City, la. STOCK and (rrain farm for sale, consist ing of 374 acres, with good Improvements, located half mile of good town; price, $So per acre. Address Lock Box bb, ilcdficid, owa. Texas. FOR SALE 1,400 acres. well-Improved stock farm In central Texas, 3 miles from good town and railroad: suitable for divi sion among b or 6 families. Healthy loca tion and prosperous community. A great bargain if bougnt as a whole, write for full particulars. R. L. Slaughter, Austin, Tex. VACANT school lands yet on the plains of Texas for settlers, good land, good water, In a country that raises corn and hogs; fees $25 a section, half down, balance when settler Is on land. Address T, W. Hague, Sligo, Tex. FOR SALE 175 acres rich Caney Valley land for sale; 135 in corn, 40 in timber; on railroad, station close; county seat 6 miles; fine climate; will grow anything; church, school privileges, good markets; In fast developing country. If Interested ad dress the owner, J. M. Cockrell, Wharton, Tex. lllseellaaeitaa. DO TOU WANT TO SELL TART OF YOUR LAN U ; Write a description of it, buildings, water. near what town. Maku 70 words of It all and send It to The Omaha Bee with 72 cents for each Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Bee for real estate of ferings. And they get them In The Bee. CHEAP FARM LANDS. In western Nebraska and Colorado. Write for prices. NEBRASKA I.ANU LUHfAAI, Sidney, Neb. CAN locate parties on desirable timber, fruit, agricultural and graxlng lands, in California, Oregon and Washington; spe cial government land list, with laws, sent to all Interested parties. West American Land & Timber Co., 719V4 K, St., Sacra mento, Cal. Maryland. FOR SALE Farms In the garden spot of Maryland. Harford county; several fine stock and grain farms, 200 to 500 acres; good buildings, water, femes, fruit, roads, schools, chuiches, neighbors, railroads and health. Write for prices, particulars and terms. Harford Real Estate Agency, Bel Air, Md. Uostsaa. FOR SALE Montana land; 5.IS2 acres, six miles from levlna and six miles from Broadview, anu one mile from the state ex perimental station; 85 per cent tillable; will sell for $14.50 per acre. W. O. Bock, New Albln. Ia. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw tha ad. In The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS OARVIN BROS., Sd floor N. Y. Life, SOO to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co, WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St. . MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investm.nt Co $100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. I'M to 15,000 on homes in Omaha. O'Keeftt Real Kutute Co., 1O03 N. Y. Life. Duuf.Us or A-Ilii. LOWEST RATES Bemis, Braudela Bldg. FIVB. PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMA8 bUE.NNAN, Room 1. New York Ufa Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS (.continued.) LOAN'S to home ownera and homo build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. 11. THOMAS, &03 First National Bank Bldg. FIVE PICK CENT BONDS for sale. In amounts from $20 to $i,000; we cash them any time. American Safe Deposit Vaults, 21 S. 17th, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5. 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property tor you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 62t N. V. Life Bldg. SOUTH OMAHA J. KLEIN The old reliable, family LlgUOK dealer. N. E. Cor. Willi and N Sts.- SWAPS -$2.40d CASH and clear lot worth about $SW. Want goou reii.tti property. KOWATA LAMJ AXSD Lor COMPANY, Suite 624 N. IT. Lite Blug. Ked 1WJ. CLEAR ILLINOIS FARM Trade tor' income Oinuna and assume reasonable amount. ISOWAl'A LAND & LOT CO., Suite 024 . 1. Line Bldg. Bed' 1999- TWO-STORY brick business block, rented to permanent tenants. Price $20,000. Mort gage, $u,uuo. As ants clear lana lor equuy, NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Lifo. Red 1999. ii I 9-ROOM HUKlcrn home, excellent location, for good wet4e.ru land. H 6is, caro Bee. 160 ACRES, ,4ft raw land in Wheeler county to tradu for city property. CHRIS. ., BO YJR, 22d and Cuming Sts. $20,000 HALF Interest in coal mine to ex change for cheap wild land. Box 324, Dee Moines, la. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits $35 and $40 values at $15. See A. Rubensteln, 211 S. 14th St. Martin & Rubin, Rm. 21 old U. S. Bk. Bldg. ad died WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICK paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, cuitulng aod aooea, 'Pnoas Douglas V71 - HIGHEST prlcea paid for scrap metala and rubbers. A. B. Alplrn. Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO BUT B OK 6-ROOM HOUSB TO MOVE Will move at once. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New YorL Life Bldg. Red 19W. W'ANTED-6,000 FEATHER BEDS. Write cr telephone Douglas 1660. METROPOLI TAN FEATHER CO.. 80J N. 20th; WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $400 or $500 for 1 year. Will pay lu per cent Interest. Ad dress, H-576. Bee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sires. List With Us, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. phone Red 19. ' WANTED Furnished rooms with private family in south Omaha, or near the soutn side cars; laundry and light cooking privi leges. Refined couple. L 6S1, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS TWO bright. Intelligent young men desire evening work; anything; last on any type writer; reporters; best of references; work guaranteed . O (2. Bee. MARRIED MAN, between 25 and 30, de sires position aa office manager; am capa ble of taking entire charge, navlng had U vears' experience as accountant, auditor systematize!- and salesman; salary depends upon opportunity offered. H 610, Bee. Help Female Trades. WANTKD Steady situation in drug store. 7 months' experience; 18 years old. Hubert R. Kaempfer, Rising City, Neb. FAMILY WASHINO neatly done: rough dry or bundka. '1'hono Webster 8417. SITUATION as chauffeur; private owner preferred; doea not drink or amoke cigar ettes. 'Phone Webster K46. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN AM Modava Safety Savlcea (Wlrelaaa, etaf LondonPariS" Hamburg tKals'n A.V.Mir;i.l0a.m.Ocsna June a MliMcbar M UtAmfics June 4 iMutsctilsn Ms7Pras. Ursnt .. June I Frse. Lincoln.. ..Jul liHMnclnnai! Juns U tAila-lsrlton a U Cart Hausurant. .Saw. Hamburg-American Una, or Xiooal Agent. TRAVEL Don't X,eaT tba Details of TOUTS COHIIO ZUBOrlsV TOT7B to the last minute. Write today and get some literature on SWITZERLAND the most Interesting country, which should 1 Included on every Itinerary, hxport advlra and practical travel sug gestions WITHOUT ANY CHAROE. Sim ply ask for HOW TO BEE SWITZER LAND and our travel letter No. it. It will pay ynu. WI3B TBSBIU BAIMOAD 841 1-uu. A.Taiif Saw Tork 'kiKD LW. UiuLTOtj Are 3, Bur rowA fiDSHt nro th" MtttvE To cr.u tms ""X Givt HE BITE TO J I tOSf CUT rix j f?oHT LrV4H. te.'. ItS HOKE. LI w,6 LT' J jpT Pi"iXZft ON THIS GH(SS AM" I WELL. WKrVT 3)0 YOU THlMK OF TK POOR OAH CUT rLL THE AMX THEM "Ft.LL 3LER POOR Hftap WORKING- TELLOU' COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY The Boss of the BY AMKRK MAN. , T see," said the Boys of the Establish ment, "that a Chinese prince who recently left our shores said that women should be broad and curved like a pagoda. Say, he must have been pleased with some of the prize beauties he saw around town here. I read, the other day, that any woman who has lived In New York for five years and gotten enough to eat, is forty pounds over weight." "Really," replied the Boss' wife in a tone of Icy detachment, "I suppose the oriental Ideal woman Is like a pagoda dwindling to a peak at the top. And I'm sure you agree with It. Brainless w omen are so much less trouble." "Agreed with It?" snorted the Boss. "Why, I think any woman weighing more than 120 pounds should be made Into soap! Fat Is absolutely fatal to beauty also to brains!" The Boss' wife glared. But the Boss, un dismayed, proceeded: "Keeping In condition Is such a simple matter that only the seven deadly sins prevent a woman from being a Venus at sixty." "A Venus'" sniffed the Boss' wife with perhaps an unconscious glance at her own outlines. "Nobody wants Vc-ntises today they're far too 'hippy.' The more a woman looks like, n tadpolo the lovelier she's considered to be. But," she added curiously, "what have tho Beven deadly sins to do with slenderress? Do thoy" and for a moment she seemed to hover on the verge of crime "do they make one any thinner?" "No," the Boss answered aciiil:;.'. "Two of them are responsible for her over plumpness. Their names aro Gluttony and Sloth!" The Boss's wife glanced meaningly la the Boss' direction. "The Greeks," she observed learnedly, "believed that-the seat of tho soul was In the stomach. What a lot of psychics the New York men must be! I suppose the man who wrote about the windows of the soul didn't realize that they were bay windows." "You sound like a graduating thesis! When did you leave high school?" inquired the Boss. "But you are getting away -from the subject. Women are the exclamation points of life, and you know the more an exclamation point looks like a streak of lightning, the better." "No, 1 never punctuate," replied the --Kr-y -jtfmm M&' JTAOA Gardeners Must Keep Soil Soft to Make Plants Flourish "Work, work again, and Heep on work ing." Is tha advice of an expert gardener. For plants and shrubs will flourish as under no other conditions If the soil is worked fine. If It is hard and lumpy, tender roots cannot strike out and make growth and the tops will be weak. The same Is true of vegetables. The loam Is always to be kept fine, which means soft, for once It Is packed successful results are Impossi ble Before planting any seeds the aoll should be reduced to powder. The finer the seeds tha more apt they are to be discouraged by any Impediment and the less likely to de velop. Nasturtiums, whose seed are large, are naturally sturdier and stronger than petunias, for example, but even the former will do bettfr when soli conditions are congenial. Therefore It Is necessary before planting to work more than the surface. Inex perienced or laxy gardeners scratch the top a little with rake or hoe and think the preparation finished. They seem to turgvl wr Iguorc Uie fact ICDM1E . .jrj.:. j THrTT HtR.E.'S ADoULAR ffRASJT Coca nfiHj how OM ErtRTM J)iT you Do if .OOICKLY. r 1 1 . i. . . j.gri . i . i I THE NEW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM (NEW YORK HERALD COjTaT Riolitl Reserved. Establishment Tflt BOSS' WIFE. DID ROLL OJLZ Bath itoec and all.. lady. "So far as I'm concerned all a wife needs (o do Is to put a period -a full stop to any nonsense. However (comma), 1 live to learn." "Very well," answered the Boss, -with strange amiability. "I'll teach you. The answer to tho conundrum of tho woman's workshop is dieting Turkish baths exor cise. Of course some exercises are better thnn others. There's rolling, for Instance." "Yes," echoed the Boss' wife, "there's rolling. A rolling woman gathira no flesh, I understand." "You make epigrams almost as easily as you niako fat!'' the Buss answered point edly. "Then all the,, remarks you've made are personal!" sho exclaimed. "I had no Idea of It. When a woman weighs 1.15 It's dif ficult for her to realize she's a hippopot amus, but 1 suppose you know best." And to prove It sho treated tho Boss of tho ltabllshment as If ho vera a pe culiarly ubttiao Hottentot for tho rest of the evening. The next afternoon found the Bops "rooting" fur the Giants at the I'olo grounds, but at the end of the third Inning a miserable April hangover drenched the field and spoiled the game. There were nearer havens thnn his own home, hut the Dors was lu a dnniest!c mood and passed them by. Storms nluas mado him feel domestic. Ho was, Indeed, never nu!te so reconciled to his state of tiiat roots strike down, and the way must be prepared for them. For from four lo six inches is none too deep to turn the dirt over, pounding or crushing It, at the same time, to render it soft. Working Is never to be done when the soil is wet; that Is, after a heavy rain, fur It will only be turned over In lumps, anil dry that way, with an extra hardness be cause the sun will bake It. The dryer the dirt the better wlli It work, but, of course, no careful gardener allows her land to be come too powder like. If rain does not come to prevent this condition a hose must be used, but she must beware of watering loo freely. The moisture must go on in a fine spray and slowly. Better a continuous spray for five minutes than a heavy sous ing for two. The latter will make the soli settle hard, and do more harm than good. The test of gardening Is whether or not one Is willing to work with It, and tho true lover of a garden regards the fatigue as half Its pleasure. For It Is only by getting right down to the soli, literally, that good results will be obtained, and a M& t'"! : t-t.- jJj 3rt Y AM 1 pftrrv IT "5 ALL. COT To He Decides That All Tat Women Should Be Made Into Soap. bondage as when the rain rattled against Xh casemehts of his 'apriHment ' and the wind whistled for assistance from the bullying sky. Humming a merry tune, lie opened the door of his abode and strode boldly into the living room. Oh what a sight for gods and men wa V there! The room was stripped of Its furnl- ' tine and the floor had a strange carpet ing of white linen, which the Boss dis covered Inter was composed of sheets. Over In one corner a lady in a bedraggled dark blue bathing suit was lying prone, but struggling to turn over as laboriously arid fLtilely as the wheels of a Broadway car on groascd rails. And the Boss knew that he had ndt laughed so long and heartily in twenty years. -at "Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll!" he quoted from his skimpy classics I as soon as he could speak. But the "dark blue ocean" had scrambled suddenly to Its feet and run from tha room. When she emerged she was draped In the most voluminous of the Boss' bathrobes. "Funny, Isn't it?" sneered the lad); "awfully funny! I'm trying to look like a pugoda person since you say you don't ilk them. And now you come home and laugh at me! What did you marry me for If you don't like fat people?" She forgot that at the time of thcere ir.uiiy she weighed 100 pounds. fl "I don't caro how fat I am and I wouldn't try to roll over that floor again for all the men In the world!" 'No imp." i-,1-if Ilia rti.aa "imn fmn't , flo tyou.ro tlJ ,,,.. "Well, I'll Just show you!" And sum enough, the conjugal Jeer'gc. cnmpllshcil !n half a minute what the lady's effoi in li.ul failed to bring about all afternoon. She did roll uvcr, bathrolio and all, but It was tint a romantic spectacle. "Say," s:ild tha Boss, hurriedly, "don't roll any more. Vou don't need to. 1 was only kidding you about your weight. Fleasa put back the furniture. I want some place u'here I can sit down." "My wifo Is following my advice In tha mutter of physical riiliure." said the Boss of the Kstabllxhment to the Confirmed Married Mun next day. "and she's takei. off a lot of weight.' (Copyright, 1310, by the N. T. Herald Co'.) woman who utt-inpls to, have a garden her back without being willing to bend should not undertake the task. In planting seeds in border, or lines, tha greatest regularity is obtained by making a Uttlo trough to receive the seeds. Ac cording to tho width desired, tne. ,',uipl. ment varies for making them. For "ude border the rake may be pushed back and forward to twelve Inches, or more. Wher only a fine line la wanted, the rake4ndle dragged alone firmly, makes a satlstttctory trench. The rule for planting Is twice the depth of the seeds, but this, like everything else In gardening, varies. When seeds have been a week or more In the ground and the weather Is a little too chilly to be . good for aeedllngs. It is a wise precaution to cover them. This Insures their making a better root growth, i while the top Is retarded, and so kept from , possible frost. Such plants sre much sturdlrr when developed. if Persistent Advertising Is the Roai 4 N't Rot urns. tt "Tf