Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha. Daily
Is thti most powerful business
getter In the went, because It (oet
to the boUiet of pour and rich.
Kor Xrbrnskn Fair and warmer.
For Iowa Fair In west.
For weather report ?e pape 2.
Traffic Associations and Individual
Manufacturers Unite to Combat
Raise in Rates.
Shippers from Many States in Con
ference in Chicago.
Meetinf in Omaha, May 25 Will En
loin Proposed Rates.
Sprakrra Contend thnt lllaher
(Charges Arc Not ISeeeaaary, Be.
cease Net Karnlnae of Hall
roada Ar tirowln.
CHICAGO. May 17. The concentrated op
position if I7" bl- manufacturing compan
ies to an advance In railroad rates took
form here today In the permanent organi
sation of Individual organizations and com
pat.b's Into a hi association to fifiht the
roadr. The following of fleers were elected:
President, John K. Wilder. Chicago;
vice-president. H. F. Spencer. St. Louis;
ancrttary, E. K. Williamson, Cincinnati.
E. J. MeVann. of the Commercial club,
Omaha, announced that western shippers
probably would seek by Injunction to pre
vent the raise In rates scheduled for June
1, from going int- effeot. A meeting to
take final action, he said, will be held at
Omaha on May 2'.
.Many CHIre Kepreaented.
VlKoroualy opposing tho proposed ad
vance In freight tales, which carrier In
j official classification territory and western
trunk line territory have decided to
make, shippers from all sections of the
country gathered In conference here today
at one of the largest meetings of shippers
assembled for yean
The conference was called to order by j
W. II. Burne, vice president of tbe Ml-
roia Manuu urers' association, undei
w hose ausp.eej tue meeting is being held.
A )eiter from Mai tin B. Madden, congress
man Horn the First district of Illinois, ex
plaining the provisions of the bill amend
ing the Hepburn act, was read. A com
munication frcm Ohio C. Barber, chairman
of the board of directors of the Diamond
Match, company, urging united action, was
also i tad.
Among those who addressed the confer
ence were:
William Duff Haynle. counsel for the
Illinois Manufacturers' association; 11. C.
ha r low uf the Chicago Association of Com
merce; B. E. Williamson of the Cincinnati
htcelvers' and Shippers' association; C. 11.
Gregory of the Manufacturers' and Ship
pers' association of Rock ford. III.; O. I-'.
KM of 'Dear &'C6:. Mollne. III.; W. J.
Kvans of the National Association of Im
pllment and Vehicle Manufacturers; P. M.
Hansen of 8t. Louis; C. L. Lingo of In
diana Harbor, lnd.; F. T. Bentley of Chi
cago and C. T. Bradford of Chicago.
All of the speakers declared the rates on
many' articles are already too high and
that the carriers are wrong in their con
tention that higher rates are necessary to
meet Increased operating expenses.
Address of Mr. Burn.
In opening the meeting Mr. Burns de
clared that the railroads, when their at
tempt to advance rates two years ago was
defeated, promised the Illinois Manufac
turers' association that in the future ship
pers would be notified before any attempt
at advancing rates was made. No notice
of the present advance had been given, he
"Your representatives have received no
request for conference, notwithstanding it
1s well known that the roads in official
classification territory intend to advance
their rates- from II to 20 per cent and the
western trunk line roads have already filed
their tariffs for advances as great as 10
per cent," declared the speaker. "They
have also withdrawn commodity rates and
reached out to grasp the large Increase In
their net revenue.
"The situation which presents itself is
unusual. Almost every important shipping
V. center between the Rocky mountains and
the Alieghenles is represented here today
and many of thosa who are not represented
have taken steps to co-operate or unite
with each other In opposing the advances,
v "For Instance, the Missouri river states
"wilt hold a conference tlili week to gain
united action on the pan of the commer
cial and Industrial centers along that great
western course. We are In the market to
buy transportation, The railroads have it
to sell.
nitnnflon la I nuaual.
"In scanning the history of Industrial
progress or the commercial world, can you
find another Instance where the man or
men having something to sell assume the
anomalous position of forcing his custom
era to meet In convention for the purpose
of bringing about a united front to pre
vent Jlhe advance in the price of the com
modity? Did you ever know of a success
ful merchant or a successful manufac
turer who was constantly fighting his cus
tomers? "What right have the roads to appeal to
tlia sympathies of the peopl ) c f Ihis country
and make the public believe they have been
generally abused, and that the railroads
are getting the worst of It?
"Even since, the convention two years ago
the railroads have put up a sympathetic
front and pounded the man to whom they
sell good Into creating an agitation to
make the public believe the man in the
railroad business was getting the worst
of It.
"It Is largely due to the railroads that
thla agitation about the high cost of living
has taken place. They have got the public
y worked up to a point where It believes that
the railroads are not making any money.
a s lPr"l on ful.l'e Oulntoa.
P'Ae to what legal remedy we have the
' lawyers will have to guide us. but 1 want
to asvure you that there is no result-getter
like public opinion. If the people t,f this
country rise up and show ihe r determina
tion to stop the railroads frjin adding any
more tax to their food, from adding any
mora tax to their clothing, from adding any
more tax to the things they use. you w.ll
have to appeal to the courts, or the In
terstate Commerce comisstnn, or congress,
or any state legislative body.
'There Is nothing in this country that
will straighten the railroads out like public
k sentiment when It la th.?ioughly aroused,
i tiut' "ptlins It takes a volcano to arouse
d publntlment"
If Hyde is Denied
Go to State Prison
He Cannot Remain in Jail Pending
Appeal of Case to the Su
preme Court.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 17. If Judge
Ralph H. Latshaw overrules Dr. II. Clark
Hyde's motion for a new trial when the
matter comes up some time thtg week, the
physician will be sent to the state prison
immediately. The court made this an
nouncement today.
"The law provides," anld Judge Latshaw,
'that a co"'-'"' " man shall begin serving
his senteni oon aa his motion for a
new trial li j- 1. Whether or not ho ap
peals make y ffererice. There are sev
eral men I j -lng time In the state
penitentiary ' cases are being con
tldered by treme court. Therefore
If I see fit t C Dr. Hyde a new hear
ing, he will c r itenced next Saturday
and started
as suits the
on as soon thereafter
ence of the marshal's
off let. U -
"Of course li'-" ' not mean that I shall
not grant the ', . ui a new trial. If his
attorneys show what I deem good cause for
another hearing, they shall have it."
Should Dr. Hyde lose his case In the su
preme court, says Judge Latshaw, tho costs
would be upon the defendant nlone. Mrs.
Hyde could not be forced to pay a cent of
While, Dr. B. Clark Hyde is In jail, he is
not going to permit his medical mind to be
come rusty. Today the physician had one
of his attorneys bring him a score of texts
from his office. He will study them regu
larly each day, he says.
Professional associates of Dr. Hyde are
not surprised at his studying in Jail. He
was known among the physicians as a seri
ous student and was well abreast of the
times in medicine and surgery. It was
largely in recognition of his ability, it Is
said, that he was elected president of the
Jackson County Medical society last fall.
Hyde has become popular with the pris
oners at the Jail. He is an honorary mem
ber of the "mock court" by virtue of hav
ing paid SI Initiation fee, when the regular
cost is but Bl) cents. The physician also
plays cards with the Inmates to while the
time away.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., May 17. -At
torney General Major will appear In behalf
of the stnte when the motion for a new
hearing for Dr. B. Claik Hyde Is argued
before Judge Latshaw.
Prosecutor Virgil Conkllng today re
quested the attorney general to be present.
Charges Against
American Officers
French Fisherman Alleges Malereat
ment on the Cruiser New
TOULON, trance. May 17,-e-The crew of
a fishing boat which was engaged early
today to take officers of the American
cruiser New 1f6rk from shore to thelrshlp
later lodged coir plaint With the police, al
leging .ill treatment' at the hands of certain
officers and men of the cruiser. The Amer
ican consular agent, Francis M. Mans
field, has been notified.
The fishermen charge .that when one of
their number went aboard the New York
to collect the fare of their two passengers
he became Involved In a dispute during
which the officers cruelly beat him, while
sailors of the warship threw palls of hot
water on his companions In the boat.
Work of Killing; the Jury Box Will
Probably Be Completed Be
fore Dar la Over.
NKW YORK. May 17. Completing the
work of filling the Jury box was expected
to occupy only a short time when the trial
of Charles It. Helke, secretary of the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company was resumed
today in the United States circuit court.
Helke, with flvo others, is charged with
conspiracy to cheat the government out
of iiugar duties by underivelgMng curgoes.
He Is th highest officer of the so-called
Sugar trust to be prosecuted by the gov
ernment In connection with the sugar un-
derweighing scandals, and is specifically
cnargea wiin enuoiMus cm-cnn urawn uy
the tiovernment for the rrfund thought to
be due the sugar company when the al
leged false weights were turned in by the
w elghf rs.
Mr. Helke pleaded Immunity, but his plea
was disallowed by the United States su
preme court
masses) Inn Made that Million-Dollar
Fund lie Raised to Proar
eatc' Frauds.
NEW ORLEANS, May 17. More than
I. 000 delegates from nil sections of the
country are in attendance on the annual
convention of the National Credit Men's
association, beginning Its sessions here to
day. Recommendations that a fund of
II. 000 be raised by the association for the
surprrsston and prosecution of fraud will
be one of the most important matters un
der consideration. Among the fe-tures of
today's program was an address by W. A.
Fendergast, comptroller of New York City,
and former secretary of the Credit Men's
association. F. H. Meadow of Chicago Is
Auto Dealer is Fined for
Tearing Policeman's Pants
The case entitled "Officer Wilson's Trous
ers versus H. K Fredrlckson" came tJ
trial in police court. The trousers won.
An experience in which he coasted down
Farnam street near Sixteenth street on a
"dead" motor and threw- patrolman Wilson
Into several somersaults, cost Mr. Fred
rlckson $V6 and Incidentals under a charge
of reckless automobile driving before
Judge Crawford Tuesday morning.
.While Court Officer lllover dragged at
his arm and strove to take tbe prlaoaer
Into the Jail room, Fredrlckson made con
tinued efforts to get a bondsman and t
appeal his case to a higher court. He at
tempted to submit a check for the amount
of his fine ta apply on his bond, telling
the court clerk that he bad bten unjustly
Iowa Senator Defends Provision in
Railroad Bill Giving; Power
to Commission.
Nebraskan Declares Himself as Unre
servedly Favoring; Plan.
Would Give Interstate Commerce
Body Action on Cases.
Inaararnte Refuse to Accept lipase
Amendment neelsrnatlna; How ,
Salts Must Be
WASHINGTON. May 17. -There were In
dications of 111 feeling between the regular
and Insurgent republicans when the senate
convened today. The pending amendment
to the railroad bill whs that offered bv
Senator Cummins to require the retention
of the presort rule thnt suits tinder the
interstate commerce j-ct be brought aSHlnst
the Interstate Commerce commission, lather
thr.n against the government, as Is pro
vided In the administration bill.
I'nder the Cummins amendment, the
commission, not the attorney general, would
have cliarga of the defence of the sult;.
Mr. Cummins arose to i-peak on his amend
mtnt. Senators Aldrlch and Klklns hurried
about on the floor and there was a great
deal of confusion. Finally Mr.' Clapp com
plained of the lack of order. On his desk
and on those of LaFollette. Dolllver and
Brlstow were piled books rnd papers, indi
cating that they expected to speak at
"Will you accept the house provision
designating parties to suits?" asked Senator
"Positively not." replied Mr. Cummins'.-
Under the White House dictum declared
at the midnight conference Saturday, Uie
supporters of the administration bill were
trying to formulate some agreement that
wouldl command the solid republican sup
port. The conservatives expressed willing-
nPU I. ttArtnnt t. , .
" progressives view as
to the defense of suits If they would con
sent to the withdrawal of the .Cummins
amendment to pVohlblt the Increase of rates
oy railroads without the prior approval of
the Interstate Commerce commission.
senator Cummins' followers were obdu
rate. Senator Dixon, who led the forces
that compelled the acceptance of an amend
ment on the subject of long and short
hauls, acted as the Intermediary between
the conservatives and the nr.iiri-en.iuo.
For a time he met with encouragement, hut
as the negotiations proceeded It was re
ported that the several Insurgents, who
had not been Invited to the White House
Saturday night, "had heard that reflec
tions on their course had been made at
that, gathering, even by the president Him
self." Governor Has More
Power than King
This is What Mr. Shallenberger Tells
Democrats at Beaver City
Love Feast.
BKAVER CITY. Neb.. May 17.-(Sp?clal
Telegram.) The much advertised democra
tic love feast came to a close at 1 o'clock
this morning, closing with an hour's speech
by uovernor Shallenberger. The governor
came In time for the banquet,-which was
deferred for two hours, awaiting his ar- T ... .
""i" vere responaea to Dy Thomas
Colefer of McCook, J. II. Mooney of Ara
panoe, iiepresentatlve Keely of Beaver
City. Bernard McNeeny of Red Cloud, can
didate for attorney grneial; H, C. Rich
mond of Omaha, C. O. Harmon of Hold
rege, who announced himself as candidate
for congress and R. D. Sutherland. .
The latter, replying to Mr. Harmon, said
thnt he supposed that the conirrcf wlnnnl
plum was his preserve and he wanted to
,i0 no tresspassing. He said that It wn
his ambition to be elected on the ticket this
fall witU the present governor. The gov
ernor devoted nearly all of his address to
his administration and dwelt at length upon
the signing of the elaht-bnur law Ho ..i.i
that the great mistake of the democratic
party was when It did not oppose slavery
anil that If the democratic party was to
win In the future it must go on record
for morality and opposed to the Honor
Plates were laid for 20.1 guests and there
were but 176 guests. One feature was the
presence of a subject of King (Jeorge.V,
In the person of Mrs. B. C. Smith, who
is visiting here from England. Referring
to Mrs. Smith, the governor stated that
he had more power as executive In Ne
braska than had the king, as the governor
dared veto a law, while the king would
be sure to lose his crown should he at
tempt such a procedure.
Antl-Dynnatlc Fee Una In China.
PEKINO. May 17. Reports from Hank
ing, the capital of the province of Kiang
Su. tell of serious evidences of unrest
among the Chinese. The natives are cut
ting off their ques, an -tction which con
stitutes an antl-dynastlc demonstration. The
antl-forelgn feeling Is said to be increasing
charged and unjustly fined, all In vain.
Clerk Mahoney refused to accept the check
except as a payment of the court fine.
In the end, W. H. Wlgman, manager for
Mr. Fredr'ckson, signed a bond In the sum
of !) and the defendant was liberated
from Glover's clutches at the Jull door.
Policeman 'Bill' Wilson told the court
that Kiedrlcksm had made his way down
Farnam at a most unseemly rate of speed
and that when the policeman stopped him
and stepped upon the running board.
Fiedrlckson had started up his machine
In a Jerk calculated to make sixty miles
an hour. Officer Wilson damaged a fine
ti pair of trousers upon being thrown from
the machine. Fredrlckson's defense was
that his motor was not in operation and
that be was merely coasting.
v.-'- V T
''Wonder What's Keeping that George Upstairs so Long."
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer, .
It is Taken to Westminster Hall with
' Stately Pomp.
King George la Followed by Hla Two
Sons and Behind Them Come tbe
Klnsja of Denmark and
LONDON, May 17. The body of . King
Edward VII, the peacemaker, was taken
with stately pomp this morning from Buck
ingham palace on the flr-t stage of the
Journ-y to the grave and now lies In state
in . Westminister hall, where hundreds of
thousands will pay a last tribute to the
dead .monarch before the final passage
through the streets of the copitat on Thurs
The, procession from Buckingham palace
to Westminster hall passed through doubled
lines, of red-coated soldiers, flanked with
rows of . policemen, and a mass of silent.
black-garbed humanity. -
The buildings , along the 'route were
heavily draped with mourning. The Ger
man and other embassies In Carltoa house
terrace were covered with funeral palls of
black and purple, relieved occasionally by
green wreaths and hoiKtmils of whRe lWea.
The first -intlmatlon-i. that v the crowd;
which had born waiting for -hours, had of
the approach of the funeral 'cortege was
the booming of the first of slxtyteight min
ute gnns, which were fired at-Bt. James'
park, followed by the tolling of "Big Ben,"
the great clock In the toner of the House
of Commons, which heretofore has been
heard only as it struck the hours, and by
the roll of muffled drums.
Then a guardsman with sword reversed
came, down the Mall at measured 'tread,
two other guardsmen following close be
hind. Then came the officers of the head
quarters staff, the army council' -and the
board of admiralty. As these appeared the
troops came to a half salute with reversed
guns and remained thus until Field Mar
shals Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener of
Khartum, the admirals of the fleet,- the
Indian orderly officers In black uniforms,
and the aides-de-camp of the late king
Kins Marches Behind Casket.
As the gun carriage on which the casket
was borne moved ahead, the order "rest on
your arms," was given sharply. With heads
bowed the soldiers kept their eyes on the
ground, while the body of their late king
passed, coming to attention again for the
royal standard, which was carried Imme
diately behind the casket and In front of
Kins George, who, like the officers and
other members of royalty, was afoot. The
duke of Cornwall' and Frince Albert, two
little figures in the natty uniforms of
naval cadets, followed their father? King
Frederick of Denmark and King Haakon,
with the duke of Connaught between them,
came next and then followed the other
members of the British and foreign royal
families In gorgeous uniforms, the only
touch of mourning being the black bands
on the sleeves of their ocats. An army of
officers of the late king's household, nearly
all of them In bright uniforms, but a few
of them in mourning dress, followed.
The greatest Interest of the crowd was
aroused at the approach of the first car
rlage, for in this rode the queen mother
Alexandra,' to whom the hearts of all
Britishers have gone out during the last
aeen Mother In Klrat Carriage.
Her majesty, weerlng the deepest mourn
ing, had lifted her veil, and the people rev
erently raised the-r hats to the pathetic
figure, who, even in the hour of her great
grief, acknowledged the silent testimony
(Continued on Second Page.)
People who can
get along very well
with second-hand
things, are watch
ing the For Sale
columns of The
Bee daily.
Every day someone Is advertis
ing an article that they do not need,
and every day somebody is snap
ping up these articles.
You have something about the
house that you do not use?
What Is it?
It has value.
Somebody wants it, and will pay
for it.
CulM)ouglas 23S and de-
I scribe it to the ad taker nnd
I he will tell you what an ad
I will cost to sell it.
Battling Nelson
Has Interview
with Cannon
Pugilist Says Speaker Would Have
Made Great Featherweight if He
Had Trained Early.
WASHINGTON, May 17. "Battling" Nel
son, called on' Speaker Cannon at the rap
Itol today and after carefully looking over
the. latter's spare frame from a respectful
distance averred "that the speaker would
have made a' great featherweight."
Introduced to the speaker by the latter's
secretary, Mr. Hub by, ' Nelson grinned
broadly at the smiling speaker.
"If you had begun boxing a few years
ago youwould have' made a better boxer
than a speaker, and " you are certainly
some speaker," led out Nelson.
"Now. that's what I call a pretty nice
compliment," countered the speaker.
They went on to talk at length of ath
letics. Some of the group surrounding the two
Informed the fighter that the speaker took
hla daily exercise and always kept him
self fit. "
"1 knew he was there on the training,"
replied Neleo,-f 'you can't fool me about
telling when a boy is In shape.
The speaker shook both Nelson's hands,
felt his biceps and shoulders and slapped
him on the back. The examination was
freely returned by Nelson who carefully
ran his hands over the somewhat gaunt
frame of Speaker Cannon.
"Say," said Nelson, as he ran his fingers
up and down the speakers's arms and
looked him over from head to foot, ."I
heard you were a big man, but you're only
a little fellow." . .
Uncle Joe grinned and put up his hands
In approved pugilistic style. Nelson ac
cepted the mock challenge and put up his
practiced hands as If In defense.
Speaker Cannon made a few swift passes
at the fighter, who backed away laugh
ing. "' 'Philadelphia Jack' O'Brien taught me
those," confided Mr. Cannon.
After the Informalities of the unique in
troduction were over the speaker stepped
Into hla private office and emerged with a
box of cigars which he opened and proffered
to Nelson.
"No, thanks," said Nelson; "I never
smoked a cigar or took a drink of liquor
In my life."
"I wish I could say that," frankly ac
knowledged the speaker.
Nelson was at the capitol to appear be
fore a committee In opposition to a bill
Introduced by Representative Smith of
Iowa, prohibiting the exhibition of moving
pictures of prise fights and transmission
of descriptions of prize fights by wire.
Collision ' Between Itvpnhllcana and
fiendarmea Reanlta In Injury
' of Several Persona.
MADRID, May 17.-A collision between
republicans and gendarmes is reported from
Valencia in connection with the manifesta
tion In honor of the arrival there of the
Republican Deputy Senior Serlano. The
gendarmes charged and the republicans
used knives and stones.
An officer was stabbed and killed and
many persons were wounded. Fifty arrests
were made and order was finally restored
after the manifestants had sought refuge
at the Republican club.
Pioneer Poatmaater Dead.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., May 17. (Special.)
W. T. Dale, postmaster at Mellette, who
died a day or two ago, In point of service
was the oldest postmaster In South Dakota.
He was over 70 years of age and served
as postmaster of Mellette almost continu
ously since the town came into existence
In 12.
He Tries to Drink Red Pop,
Struck Dead by Lightning
FORT DODGE, la.. May 17. (Special
Telegram.) Even soft drinks sre not with
out their dangers. A freight handler, em
ployed by a railway company here, raised
a bottle of ruddy strawberry "pop" to his
Hps while standing In front of a peanut
stand near the depot here last night, and
was struck dead by lightning.
The dead man, Joe Anderson, a negro, 24
year of age, was standing at considerable
distance from the building or the telegraph
poles when a shaft of blinding light, ac
companied bv a sharp report strut k him
squarely on the head.
Anderson opened bis eyes wide In teiror,
Says Fear of County Option Leads
Some to Oppose It.
Believes Option Inalead of Haute ulna
Prohibition Woold Delay It
( Defeat Wonld
Hasten 1.
W. J. Hryan, who spoke last evening at
Washington hall, which he rented himself,
told his he.irers that he preferred to have
the question of county option delayed for
two years, but that he would Insist on tho
qeuntlon of the Initiative and referendum
being taken up and considered at once.
He declared the liquor interests had de
feated the initiative and referendum before
the last legislature. Mr. Bryan said in
"We might as well prepare for the con
flict and settle now the question whether
a special pecuniary interest can control
the policies of the parties of the states;
silence conventions on Important irues and
then set up legislatures by secret manipu
lation. I for one am not willing that the
democratic party shall go Into the present
campaign as the open and avowed repre
sentative of the liquor Interests. 1 do not
know how many of the democrats may
aree with me. There is no way of find
ing out where our party stands unless a
fight is mado, and I am willing to be
counted as one who protests whether those
who agree with me are few or many. I
believe that they arc many; in fact, I
believe that If the matter can be fairly
presented to the democratic ovters a larxe
majority will record themselves us un
alterably opposed to tne domination of
cur party by the liquor interests. At leaht
I will nut admit it until we are voted
down in the convention or at a primary
that a majority o fthe democrats are will
ing to take orders from the liquor dealers
who havo a p-icuniBry Interest In opposing
all restrictions and who have in the op
pjsed try Important effort to limit the
evils o fthe saloon.
"The liquor interests have no politics.
They are willing to act with any party they
can control and agaltist any party tl ty
cannot control.
"When county option Is secured each
county will have the right to vote on
the subject of saloons and there Is probably
not a county in the Btale In which the
saloon Interests would be willing to sub
mit a proposition In line with the argument
they now make. They would be willlntr to
ask that a victory against county option
be construed as a permission to establish
a saloon anywhere and everywhere regard
less of local sentiment. When we have
county option the liquor interests In each
county will be very glad to have It under
stood that any town In the county can
adopt a no-license policy In case the county
Itself does not adopt a no-saloon policy.
The fallacq of the argument to which I
have referred lies In the fact that the
opponents of county option talk of what Is
fair to the saloon. The word "fairness"
ought not to be used by an advocate of
the saloon.
"There Is another argument which I have
heard advanced. Men have told me that a
majority of the people of their county
favored saloons, and that the saloons there
fore ought not to be disturbed. My answer
is that under county option the people of
any county can have saloons If they want
them. The man who opposes county option
ought to be arked to answer a question:
'Are you afraid that under county option
the saloons of your county will be closed 7'
Optiou and Prohibition.
"I submit that the people who want the
saloon ought to be satisfied to retain the
saloon In counties that want them, without
Insisting that Ihey shall exist in counties
that Mre opposed to them. If the liquor In
terests Insist that liquor shall be sold in a
county even when a majority of the peoplt
of the county are opposed to It, then can-
(Contlnued on Second l'age.i
gave a swift glance about and ran, throw
ing the bottle of red pop far from him.
He dashed across the street In a direct
line heedless of all that lay In hla path.
On reaching the opposite side he fell with
out a sound.
When bystanders reached him he was
dead. The negro's dark skin had visibly
paled to an nshen shsde through the effcrt
of his sudden sight of the death that over
took him.
The stroke of lightning which killed An
duson was the only discharge of elec
tricity which occurred during the slight
Discharged Stenographer Says He
Discussed Lawler's Note with
Garfield and Pinchot.
Says Thomson wts Slated by Bal
linger as Reclamation Head.
Chairman Nelson Presents it to Fed
eral Inquiry Committee.
This, Declares Kerb)-, Compelled lllm
to Ulve Facta Which, He Says,
Chief Clerk Failed
to Do.
WASHINGTON. May 17,-Frederlrk M
Kerby, whom Secretary Dalllnger dis
charged yesterday for publishing confiden
tial Information of the department on the
department on the stand today before the
Hallinger-Pinchot Investigating committee
undertook to Justify hla action as the ful
fillment of a public duty outweighing tht
loyalty he owed to Mr. llalllngor.
Kerby calmly underwent the ordeal to
which the republican members of the com
mittee subjected him. He Insisted there '
was no Impropriety In what he had doae,
declaring that ' If Secretary Balllnger had
responded to the call of Mr. Brandeis for
the "Lawler mrnorandum" It would have
been unnecessary for him to have taken
the course he did to get the Information
before the committee.
Kerby said his former chief, ex-Secretary
Garfield had told Mm at Ulfford Plnchot's
home In this city last February that It
was his duty to tell tho facta It ho was
called on to do so. It was on that oc
casion, he said, that he had first told
Garfield and Pinchot of the memorandum
in the presence of Attorney Brandeis to
whom he had later mentioned that he knew
It to be Mr. Balllnger's purpose to sup
plant Director Newell of the reclama
tion service, with R. H. Thompson of
Kerby read leters of Secretary Balllnger
to K. H. Thompson, city engineer of Seat
tle, suggest Ing that he accompany George
W. Perkins of J. 1'. Morgan & Co., to
Inspect Alaskan mineral lands.
When the first call for the memoran
dum came to the department, Kerby said.
Stenographer Massey, who also assisted
Assistant Attorney General Lawler in pre
paring his memorandum fur the president,
said to Private Secretary Carr:
"You kpow what that means, don't you?"
Can's reply, according to Kerby. waa:
yea, but they'll have a hard tima get
ting The name, of Hugh ,'A. Brown, private
secretary to Director of the Census Du
rand, who formerly served Secretary Gar
field In the same capacity, was brought
Into the Inquiry today. Kerby said he had
mentioned lo Brown soon after the publi
cation of the president's letter exonerating
Balllnger and dismissing Glavls that: "We
practically wrote It In the secretary's of
fice." He said he told Brown In confidence,
but the latter mentioned It to Garfield.
Kerby declined to agree with Senator
Sutherland that he was a "Cautious pa
triot" In making sure o: a ...w Job be
fore he risked losing his u... oiie.
Senator Root was pt'. bitter In
his questions to the wiiutss.
"Do you think It was a ivputable transac
tion," he demanded, "to so to persons un
friendly to your viipir.ui', with confiden
tial information of Iuh d-'partment?"
"I did not under ilie cii cumstances," re
plied Kerby. "The country had the right
to any facts that my superior had before
l.ntvlrr on lund.
The drfens'j In tho Mailing cr-Plr.chot In
vestigation plaetd Assistant Attornty Cen
tral Lawler on the stand late this arter
noon. Mr. Lawler said that the rough
notes of the memorandum were burned by
hla orders because he was confident that
I e had been "gumshoed" for months and
he was afraid) some one In the department
would be corrupted as "Kerby has been
There was hissing In the audience when
Lawler said Garfield nd Pinchot were be
hind the "con upters"
Mr. Lawler criticised ns an absolute and
unequivocal falsehood the statement thai
in the preparation of his memorandum for
the president that he had consulted u
i Ingle person under heaven."
Taft Letter In F.vldence.
President Taft's explanation of the cir
cumstances under which his letter exon
erating Secretary Balllnger from the Glavls
chargis and dlsmihKlng L. R. Glavls wa.
prepared and was presented by Chairman
Nelson to the llalllnger-l'itichoi investiga
ting committee when the hearing was re
sumed today. It v. ill be printed aa a
part of the iicord of Hie committee.
Mr. Brandeis, counsel for Glavls, has laid
great emphasis on the president's letter of
exoneration and dismissal, contending that
the memorandum on which it was based
was prepared In Secretary Balllnger's de
partment by Assistant Attorney General
Lawler. The president In a letter which he
addressed to Senator Nelson last Sunday
says he had tin Lawler memorandum be
fore him when he prepared his communica
tion, but that he alsn nart notes and mem
oranda given him by the attorney general,
who had agreed with the president la the
conclusion lie had reached in t he matter.
While Commissioner Dennett of the gen
eral land office was under cross-examination
last Saturday Mr. Brandeis Indicated
that he intended to raise the question why
the Lawler memorandum had not been fur
nished, together with the other papers bear
ing on the case, which tile piesldent had
sent to the committee. A carbon copy of
the Iawler memorandum was furnished the
committee by , Attorney General Wicker
sham coincident with the publication of the
statement of Frederick M. Kerby, then a
stenographer In Mr. Balllnger's office, that
he had assisted Mr. Lawler In preparing the
document and that U, was similar In many
respects to the president's letter. Mr.
Wtckersham sent an explanatory letter ta
the effect that the document had been over
looked !n previous search of the depart
ment files. It 1 expected that Mr. Bran
dels will endeavor to locate the original
Kerby la Flrat Witness.
Frederick M. Kerby, formrrly a stenog
rapher In Mr. Balllnger's office, who was
dixmissed yesterday on the ground that he
iCoiitluued on 1' Three. I