THE BEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 17, 1010. Ti IE UMAHA DAILY 13ER FOUNDED UT EUWABD KOSEWATtll VJCTUU IlUSEWATKK, EDITOK. Entered at Omaha postofflc aa accorul c.ass matter. TERMS OK BUnsClUPTION. J n llv Hr (including Sunday), pr week. He Dally Bee (without Sunday;, per week.. 10c i'miy lte (without bunday), una ear..fw Daily B-e and Sunday, cue year .W DKI.iVEKED UT CARKIKU. livening iice (without Hunday), per week Cc Evening Bee (wltu hunday), per bunday bi-e, one year : W-W fcatuinay Kee, on year.... l.W AddrpNS all complaint of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department , OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Suuth Omana Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 15 Scott Street. Eincom Little Building. Ciilcagu Loiti Marquette liuildltig. New Vork Koums tWl-UWi .No. 54 West llilrty -third Street. Washington Fourteenth Street, N. W. coRKi;sroNUE.c:n. Commurllcatloha relating to new and rdiionul matter should be addressed; Omuli iter, Editorial Department. , REMITTANCES. Uomlt by draft, express or postal order paable tu The Bee Publishing Company, only 2-cent stamps received iu payment of in. 1 11 account, personal checks, except on omaha or eastern exchange, nut accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Slate of Neuraska, Douglas County, as.: Uoorx M. Tsechuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, 4s that the actual number of full and c-umplvta copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday be printed during the bonus or April, iiu, was as louows; 1 .43,800 X ...43,910 ...4a, loo II 43,730 17 43,300 18 43,380 1$ 43,680 20 43,580 11 43,800 ti... 43,630 i 43,100 I 14 41,400 43,840 II... 43,830 IT 43.800 it r,690 It 43,760 80, 43,970 4 .....44,400 6 '....43,770 v... 43,840 ....42,690 t ....tlBSO 43,060 10...'. 44,bC0 11 ..49,840 IX 43,560 U 43,600 14 .....43,680 ' '....42,700 Total , .' X.884,040 Returned copies 10,431 Net total. 1374. Ut Dally average 43,470 . ' . UJeJOUGB, B.,'TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this 2d day ot May. 1910. U. P. WALKER, Notary Public. Subscribers tearing; the city tem porarily ahould hare The Be walled to then. Addresses will bo changed aa often mm requested. Successors may' be round even for kings. ' -'" ' Minnehaha s is "won't come off." the smile that Evidently most Omaha trade boos ters are still rain-makers. Revised verff.on-i-Waea astron omers disagree, who shall decide? ,. Congress wll L prt Ifohn probably adjourn June 4 and Jack son July 4. The recent robbery of a Brazilian man-of-war of $35,000 shows that It really does no good to go armed. We go! i past; another Friday '. the thirteenth without fatal consequences. and that, too, With the comet above us, A headline in our ' amiable demo cratlc contemporary reads. "Desperate to Drlng I'eace in Party Ranks." Which party? s- . , Ajax may have defied the lightning, but he has not got much on the thief who steal's metal from the point of a church steeple l ather Rlgge. advances seventeen reasons why the comet's tall is harm less. Sometimes one reason makes all the others unnecessary. A Virginia preacher has married his fifth wife, but what is that beside an Omaha parson who boasts of hav ing married somewhere near 1,300?. Perhaps Mr. Heney and Detective Burns, both how cltUens of New York, have determined to take up the work where Governor Hughes lays it down. . The women and children who prayed while men fought prairie fires In northern Minnesota evidently be lieved sylth Paul that faith without works Is dead. 1 does not require a mathematician to figure Out that those " prize fight promoters can derive a lot of valuable free advertising from this hurrah about -tiro referee.-' Tho report of the' InJan conimis sioner that the uprising of Pueblos in New Mexico was entirely the fault of white men is still farther evidence that Poor I.o needs hip. r Did anyone suppose tho club women would got through their convention at Cincinnati without a contest? Are they going to lot tho Buffragettes and revolutionists beat thorn like that? The base ball fan. will,, of course ooserve mat rue uee gives him the games and standing of the Nebraska State league, together with four oth ers. ino nee tor all the sporting news. o one connected with the Star Is al lowed to promote the Interests of any poli tician or public man. IJncoln Star. Tell that to tho marines! The Star still carries at the top of the flagstaff the inscription, "D. E. Thompson president." J Mr. Thompson con nected with the Star? .Jf anyone wants to know, there were Just sixteen of the members and offl cers of the republican state committee present at the recent banquet' in Omaha, and at least half ot the other nineteen would have been present uugioesa engagements naa not pre vented. And every one ot them paid his own way to and from Omaha. Overplaying the Game. The itralghtforward statement of I'lcaldent Tuft detailing all the steps in the preparation of the letter ex onerating Secretary ttalllnger from the original Glavis charges will be ac cepted as complete refutation of the insinuations of the trouble breeders that the president was either imposed on or sought to shield his cabinet offi cer by Imposing on the public. What ever drafts may have been prepared by others at his request, the letter of exoneration was his more even than are the instructions of a Judge made up after going over the forms sub mitted by the attorneys in the case. It Is, however, to be regretted that the president's action should be dragged into the case to such an ex tent as to call for this statement from him, although that Is palpably what the so-called prosecution has been all along aiming at. The feature of the Dallinger-Pinchot dispute that has divided the department officials and subordinates into two hostile camps, incited breaches of trust and insubor dination, betokens demoralisation and disorganization that, will make a thorough- overhauling' eventually nec essary if efficiency and discipline is to be restored. The Ashing expedition that has dragooned . clerks and sten ographers to question the motives of their superiors and to try to surround ordinary transactions with suspicious circumstances drawn from their own imaginations simply destroys their usefulness as public servants. 'There Is such a thing as overplaying the po litical game and if these tactics de signed to 'besmirch him do not pro duce a reaction in favor of the presi dent we will be greatly surprised.. To Validate the Withdrawals. If the cause, of conservation la ad vanced it will be necessary , for the senate to pass the bill that validates withdrawals of public land thus far made and empowering the president to make other withdrawals, when in his Judgment public Interest demands it. The bill has passed the bouse and the president says It is Imperatively Important that it pass the' senate, where it has been proceeding very slowly. President Taft contends that neither the constitution nor the statutes de fines the executive's right to make withdrawals and, as they must at times be made when it is not possible. -to ob tain congressional authority, It is es sential that one general law be en acted specific in its application. Un less this is done every withdrawal made by the president or secretary ot the interior' will be subject to attack In the courts and this may lead to end less complication and 'the gravest sort of lots to the public domain. Already, as the president has poyrted Out, pri vate Interests are taking advantage of the absence of a law on this point and are staking out clalm ftriMand with drawn in the hope thaj congress will not enact this law and He courts will decide the withdrawals illegal, The position of the president In this matter of conservation of natural re sources is Impregnable. "The prob lem is how to save and .how to utilize, how to conserve and. how to develop" is the way he has put it. This doc trine comprehends the - use of these natural resources for the present gen oration as well as for those yet to come and brings the whole question down to the most practical basis of consideration." But no line-spun the ory or cleverly-shaped doctrine will avail anything without the necessary legal machinery to carry them into ex ecution. Some 60,000,000 acres of public land have been withdrawn by the secretary of the interior with the president's approval and unless con gress validates this action -at this ses slon the withdrawal of every acre may be decided illegal. As this land com prises the most valuable "water-power sites, coal, oil and phosphates ts re turn to the public domain wbuid be a most serious blow to the whole sys tem of conservation. Cotton in the Southwest. Attention has more than once been directed to the fact that cotton rata tng is not keeping pace with cotton manufacture. Cotton mills are multl plying, even in the south, much more rapidly than the crop Is Increasing and the supply of raw material has already fallen far below the demand. New England and foreign countries de pend chiefly for their cotton, on the southern states, but if the south con tinues at the present ' rate to manu facture cotton goods it . will soon be producing little more than enough for Its own mills. Relief natura)ly lies in a greater area of cotton production. This may be brought about to some extent by applying the ' principles of intensified farming in the south, thus increasing the yield per acre and also by cultl vatlng vast tracts of available land not now so employed. The south is growing corn and other crops in in creaslngly large proportions and it cannot be expected to produce enough cotton alone to supply the demand much longer. California, Arizona and New Mexico must come to the relief of the situation. California already is raising cotton and of a. high grade too, so high, in fact, that European manufacturers are eagerly seising every pound ot it they can get, offer ing the most favorable bids. The climatic and soil conditions of the Pacific southwest are said to be highly adapted to cotton raising and as the new tracts are opened up by irrigation there Is no reason why some of the land should not be de voted to this crop. There are millions of acres in the three states that seem fo invite the experiment. Southern Californians are already taklDg. hold with enthusiasm, and California en thusiasm usually begets results. It will not be surprising to find that country one of the great cotton-producing sec tions some day. Quest of the City Beautiful. OMAHA, May 14, 1910-To the Editor of The Bee: Mayor Jim" and our two yel low Journals have gone on the beauty war path. The City National building Is a sixteen- story structure, and a beautiful one. It should make every Omahan swell with pride. The Woodman of the World and Union Pacific buildings will be very similar. However, the shacks alongside of those grand edifices look more like what they really are than they ever did, so what do our beauty doctors propose? "As long as they ran't all be beautiful we will make tbem all look Ilk shacks and then the difference won't be so marked." Omaha with Its wide streets surely can stand a few skyscrapers, If 8t Louis with streets half as wide can stand twenty. Just as soon as we get a metropolitan aspect up bob a score of cranks, who should move their belongings to Albright or Wahoo, environments more suitable to their dispositions. XX. . Our correspondent calls attention to another side of the picture which has elicited the suggestion to limit the height of buildings hereafter erected In Omaha to ten stories. Omaha is really in much greater danger of being disfigured by one-story shacks and two story billboards on its main streets than it is by overshadowing skyscrapers. - 'Before we put an upper limit on the height of buildings, with a view to promoting the city beautiful, we should put a lower limit on the height of buildings within a prescribsd dis trict to pTevent further disfigurement. The most beautiful cities in the world, notably Paris and Berlin and other European capitals, not only limit the height to which . buildings may rise, but they also .set a limit be low which they must not fall, and in that way secure an approach to uni formity. So far as Omaha is concerned the lower limit certainly seems to be more important for the present than the upper limit. j A Free Ad for Mr. Bryan. This is a free ad for William Jen nings Bryan. Mr. Bryan is coming to Omaha to talk to the democratic "faithful" and impress them with the necessity ot embracing county prohibition in order to save the party and put the saloon out of politics. Mr. Bryan used to make his political speeches here in the Auditorium, which holds from 6,000 to 8,000 peo ple. But he measures his crowd and is content this time to speak in Wash ington hall, which is overtaxed with much less than 600 people. Omaha has many halls which Mr. Bryan Could have hired In which to make a prohibition speech, and he might possibly have gotteji one of several churches at a nominal rental, but he has preferred to hire Washing ton ball, which is immediately over a saloon. Both saloon and hall are in a build ing owned by the Independent Realty company, which is another form of in corporation of the Storz Brewing com pany. Mr. Bryan will, therefore, make his prohibition speech in Omaha in a brewery annex. This sort of foraging on the enemy may be good politics it, at least, is as consistent as many other of Mr. Bryan's peculiar performances. Conviction of Dr. Hyde. The conviction of Dr. Hyde by a Jury returning a verdict of guilty after being out three days is naturally a surprise to all concerned. Ordinarily a Jury that hangs that long either dis agrees altogether or ends in an ac quittal. It goes without saying that Dr. Hyde has not finished fighting for his freedom and that resort will yet be had to all the various procedures the law allows a man accused of crime. Irrespective of the merits of the case, which the Jury is presumed to know and pass on with most intimate familiarity, it would seem to an out sider that a life imprisonment sen tence does not fit the case. The crime with which Dr. Hyde is charged, the deliberate and cunning concoction of horrible tortures through poison and disease germs is almost unthinkable, and capital punishment would be none too good for a physician clearly proved guilty of- such heinous mal practice. On the other hand, if the imprisonment sentence re taken to re flect doubt ot guilt, then Dr. Hyde would be the victim of as fonl a con spiracy as ever entrapped an innocent man. What lends special interest to this caso, and what has intensified senti ment on both sides, is the large prize supposed to be bung up in the form of a residuary bequest under Million aire Swope's will. In view of all the Interests at stake, we may be sure there will be several more chapters in the now famous Hyde case. Someone has been going through the probate court records of Douglas county and comparing the personal property included in the appraisement of different estates with the last pre ceding tax return to show that the collection of personal property taxes here ia as much of a farce as it is else where. . Someone might as well have saved himself the trouble, as nobody contends that the assessor gets all the Intangible property on which the pay ment of taxes would in most cases be merely double taxation. There are but two ways to stop the flagrant eva sion of personal taxes either change the law so as to eliminate Its double taxation features or abolish the tax on personal property altogether. Collision between a street car and a moving train has aroused the people of Dundee to renewed Insistence upon the construction of a viaduct that will do away with the dangerous grade cross ing. We are not familiar with the scope of authority vested by law in village officials, but we know that Omaha has fought out the viaduct question with the railroads to a finish and has established its right to com pel the railroads to provide viaducts wherever necessary. If the people of Dundee want to make sure of getting the viaduct before Gabriel blows his trumpet they should apply without de lay to be taken into the city of Omaha. Some Of the democratic and near democratic papers are trying to make out that the recent republican banquet in Omaha was only a personal demon stration on the part of The Bee and Its editor. While complimented by the accusation, we regret that we can not take the credit for work done by officers and privates of a local repub lican club, of which the editor of The Bee is not even a member. What more timely tribute could Americans pay to the memory of the late king than has been selected in an oak wreath made of foliage taken from a tree Edward planted at Mount Vernon, the home of George Washing ton, in 1860? Oak is indicative of strength, and this tribute may also be a bond of greater union between the two nations. The spectacle of Payne and Aldrlch on opposite sides in congress seems to have slipped by the other fellows with out arousing attention. Payne was against the $250,000 Item In the civil sundry appropriations bill for the tariff board and Aldrlch for it. And Tawney voted for it, with Dalzell against it. Omaha police seem to have pulled off a clever stunt in rounding up a gang of professional thieves who have been operating on the wholesale in this city and Council Bluffs. When It comes to real police sleuth work our Omaha police, despite the knocks of the knockers, will take rank with the best. One of the most striking coinci dences in history is the attendance upon King Edward's funeral by former President Roosevelt, who was to meet the monarch on a special mission of world peace. Britain's ruler has for ever made his peace with earth and heaven. The repetition at earthquake shocks In California felfc.lntermlttently since the horror of San, Francisco in 1906 must have a disconcerting influence, indicating that, ( ..Nature has not yet completely satisfied Itself with what shakings-up ' it has given the Golden state. Will the Hooalere Hike? Buffalo Express. Now that Roosevelt and Bryan are to stump Indiana, General Apathy is looking for a cavern in the very depth of the tall timber. Industry's Costly Toll. Wall Street Journal. During 1909 over 600,000 workmen were In jured In the United States with accompany ing loss to manufacturers of $230,000,000. Safety devices and practical workmen's compensation law seem still to offer the best cure. Panning; the Load Along;. St. Paul Pioneer Press. The railroads are figuring on spending $100,000,000 more a year on wages and sal aries and expect to cover the loss by the addition ot about IJO.000.000 In Increased freight and passenger rates. The railroads know that the ultimate consumer is no myth. On the Back Trek. San Francisco Chronicle. The exodus of American farmers to the Canadian northwest has been a phenomenon that has attracted. a good deal of attention for the last ten years. Now It Is reported that thousands of them are moving back. Canada Is a good place, but the United States has Ita advantages. l PERSONAL NOTES. Said the wise man at the club: "An optimist Is a man who can make a lemon ade from the lemons that are handed him." Quite a large number of people will aprree that Senator Depew Is wise In re fusing to drink any wine at a banquet ex cept champagne. Miss Emily Brown, for upward of forty years a school teacher In Stamford, Conn., was married to Norman Provost, and thus was culminated a courtship that began before the civil war. Harvard. Talo and tho rest of them owe Mr. Cannon a vote ot thanks, if not a de gree. Cannon admits that In the case of a bright young man a college education is not necessarily fatal to success. Mr. Calvin B. North, for forty-six years cashier of the First National bank of Sellngrove, Pa,, has quit. At the age of 88 he Is still cheerful and active, but lias concluded to retire and give some of the other youngsters a chance. King George V used to black his face and strum the banjo to entertain the Jolly English tars In his command. This streak of low comedy In his makeup will com mend the new king to all his subjects who can take their vaudeville in copious in stallments. . Our Birthday Book Max 17, Dr. Edward Jenner, who introduced the practice of vaccination to prevent small pox, waa born May IT. 1749. Ita announced his discovery in 1758 and received tJO.OOj from Parliament In money and grants. William H. Eastman. Justice of the peace, Is celebrating his sieventy-flrst birthday to day. He was' bom In Yates Center. N. T., and la a veteran of the civil war. He w In the mercantile business from 1870 to MM), and laa .been Justice ot the peace for even year. Army Gossip Matters of Interest Ot and Back of the rirlng Line Oleaned from the Army and Vary Kg1str. It Is probuble that the revised order pre scribing regular physical exercise and the annual physical test for army officers will not be Issued from the War department until It has received the attention of Ma jor General Leonard Wood, aftrr ha shall have assumed the duties of chlrf of etnff of the army. The draft of the new ordr has been submitted to . the secretary of war, containing some Important amend ments of the tentative order which was subjected to trial and criticism on tho part of officers at the army war college and those on duty at Fort Myer and the army schools at Forts Monroe, Kllcy and Leavenworth. The secretary of war has not lacked for Information upon which to base his modified order. Personally, he Is Inclined to add' to the exactions. It Is known that General Wood possesses some decided opinions on the subject, and the secretary of war desirea to confer with him before promulgating the new regulation to the service. What Is probably the last of the con tracts for heavy furniture for quarters for army officers at all military posts has been awarded this week at the War de partment, about $160,000 in amount, divided between three firms. It has taken three years to acquire the various articles of heavy furniture originally planned for in stallation. When the idea waa first pre sented to congress It was estimated by the then quartermaster general that the ex pense would be about $1,000,000. It has been possible to obtain the furniture In extent to supply the quarters of all officers every where for a little more than $SOO.O(H. The contract awarded this week Included two new articles which will be furnished to all buildings. These are divans and hatracks or hall trees. Much commendation has been bestowed on these articles of furniture, which are of mahogany and are of attrac tively slmplo design. The comptroller has not yet rendered his decision In the case of the army retired of ficers who are on active duty and who are of the class advanced one grade on ac count of civil war service. The indications have been that the comptroller would hold that these officers were not entitled to the active duty pay of the grade to which they were advanced. It being maintained that these officers did not hold the higher of fice. The situation will probably be ad Justed to the satisfaction of the officers most directly concerned on account of the enactment of a law, signed by the presi dent on May 6, providing "that officers on the retired list whose rank has been or shall hereafter be advanced by operation of, or In accordance with, law shall be en titled to, and shall receive, commissions In accordance with such, advanced rank." Ar rangements are being made to issue com missions in compliance with this new law, the terms of which estabHsh the right of the retired officers to the pay of the ad vanced grade. Further consideration Ih to be given the Infantry equipment designed by the board of infantry officers which has been In ses sion at Rock Island arsenal. The descrip tion of this equipment was published In the Army and Navy Register of May 7 and is made the subject of further comment and special Illustration in this number. Colonel J. A. Duncan, Sixth Infantry, acting chief of Infantry on the general staff, and the Infantry members of the first section of the general staff have been constituted a com mittee to consider the report of the Infantry equipment board and will make a supple mental report to the chief of staff. In the meantime, Captains M. B. Stewart, Eighth Infantry, and John L. De Witt, Twentieth Infantry, are at the army war college en gaged in the preparation of a manual ex plaining the different parts of the equip ment. It Is probable that the new equip ment, so far as may be, will be sent out to several of the maneuver camps for trial. The experts recognize that that Is the most satisfactory method to practically test the equipment, since It will afford a reasonable period during which the foot soldier may become familiar with the outfit. In the examination of disbursing ac counts of paymasters of the army the auditor for the War department raised the question as to the right of an army officer promoted to fill a vacancy caused by the retirement of an officer of higher grade to pay for the higher grade for the day on which his predecessor was retired from ac tive duty. This Is a practice of long stand ing and It has only been recently that the auditor indicated an Irregularity, which suspicion has now been confirmed by the comptroller. That officer holds: "A va cancy in an office does not arise until the officer having the legal title to it ceases legally to hold It. As the laws do not recognize fractional parts of a day In the matter of retirements, promotions, and ap pointments In the army, a vacancy caused by an officer's retirement from active ser vice does not begin to run until the day following his retirement, and I am of the opinion that an officer promoted by sen iority of receiving an original appointment to fill a vacancy caused by the retirement from active duty of an officer of the higher grade is only entitled to the pay of the higher grade from and including the day succeeding the day the retirement of his predecessor became legally effective, with the understanding, however, that, If an of ficer receiving the original appointment In the army accepts the same on a date later tharf the day succeeding the day the re tirement of his predecessor became legally effective, he Is only entitled to pay from the date of such acceptance." The Qneen Widow. Boston Transcript. It was kindly thought that Impelled Pres ident Taft to cable a message of condol ence to Queen Alexandra, who now becomes queen dowager and must pass off the stage of British activities. She will be the first queen dowager since the death of Queen Adelaide, widow of William IV., in 1849. Her remaining years will be passed In re tirement amidst -the rerpect of millions. Retirement Is the great change' the death of King Edward brings to Queen Alex andra. By the British constitution a queen consort is simply the king's wife. She has no political place In the realm, and cannot even become regent without the consent of Parliament expressed In a special act In her behalf. LORE? YES! 8. E. Kiuer In Record-Herald. Once upon a midnight dreary, While 1 pondered, rather weary, Over a somewhat ancient, curious volume or forgotlon lore. Suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone loudly rapping, Rapping at my study door; "l' my wife, and what she muttered iimrte - t-fl confounded sore Po not aak ma what she wore. Startled at tin stillness broken iiy the words thut then were spoken, 1 allowed the book to tumble tu the cold, floor: Though 1 was her lord and master, Dodging skillfully I puitsed her. And then souKht my bedroom faster than I ever had before. Honestly the ancient volume was made up of wit and lore Ueroly that and nothing more The report made to th comptroller under date ot March 19, 1910, shows that this bank has Time Certificates of nppnsir $2,034,278.61 3V3 Interest paid on certificates running tor twelve months. Thursday is Home Day You will find just about what you want for a -home in the real estate columns. These are prosperous times and full of Opportunities for the man of moderate means. lie can now own his own home, paid for with the rent money; or if he does own his own home, he can buy another on the easy term plan for an investment, by paying a few hundred dollars down, the balance monthly like rent. This is surely an opportunity The real estate brok ers will advertise a large list of their choicest bargains for sale on the easy term plan in Thursday's Bee. Pick out what you want and close the deal before someone else gets-it. See theFinest Refrigerator Made We invite you to inspect the only refrigeratyr which received the Grand Prize at the Alaska-Yukon Exposition. Sold direct by us to consumers through our own stores at manufacturer's prices. Price less than a cheaply constructed refriger ator. You will be delighted with the elegance of the famous Refrigerator WICK itfw IfA Beautiful In ifaaP Perfect hi Law la Price Oak and tile exterior and opal glass and tile interior. Built by cabinet makers. Sanitary, easil cleaned, economical In ice consumption, and one oi the coldest refrigerators ever produced. Made in all sizes for all purposes ana in aaiiy us of refinement and in the most exclusive Clubs. Restaurants ana Apartments tn World. Call, phoce or writ. THE BRUMS WICK-BALKE-COLLENDCR 407400 S. Tenth St., Omaha, Neb. BREEZY TRIFLES. "Why did she get angry at the stranger in town?" "She BHked him If h had seen her daugh ter and he answered that ho had seen all the sights of the place." Buffalo Express. "Prisoner have you anything to say why sentence of hanging should not be pro nounced upon you?" "I have this to say, Judge. Couldn't the ser.tence be suspended?" ' No, but you will be." Baltimore Ameri can. "You have christened your baby 'Hal ley's Comet!' " "Yes. It's unusual but appropriate. He's a bright spot in one existence that gets us up at all sorts ot uneartniy nours. Washington Star. The woman wanted a new hat. "But, my dear," said the husband, "don't you know that the hat of the period has made a wise professor declare that woman "Well, he's wrong, for I'll be savage Talks for people The Interests ot advertiser and ad vertising man are best served by team work, planning and working together toward a cominon end, making adver tising clean and honest, effective and productive. An exchange ot ideas, a general dis cussion ot local conditions, of business problems between men broad-gauged enough to Bee the others' point of view is bound to be of benefit to both. Mr. Merchant, we want your store news In our advertising columns. We want our subscribers to know about the good stores in Omaha, where they can purchaae quality goods at fair prices. We want you to have the custom of our 150,000 readers. We want to be the means of introducing the stores in Omaha to the best homes In Omaha. We want to be the means of keeping Omaha trade for Omaha merchants. We know we can help you to sell more goods. Our subscribers are peo ple of Intelligence, education, refine ment people who know and want quality. The help and advice of our Adver tising Department Is at your service. Stick to it. Sometimes the homely ad produces handsome results. An occasional stumble won't count against you much If you pick yourself up and keep on going. The thing that we call firmness in ourselves Is often meanness and per versity in the other fellow. One thing that makes it bard to get to the top is that on has to pass so many people who are on the way down. The mau who Is Intent on getting there doesn't worry much about the If! li -r ' Appaaraneai Operation in Homes Hotels, the CO. enough if I don't get the hat." Philadel phia Ledger. Pnnk Manager You seem qualified by experience for the position of cashier w have vacant By the way, what Is yaur name? . Applicant My name is Phort. i B. M. (turning away) Good afternoon,' sir. Boston Transcript. "Suppose, doctor, this operation doe not succeed?" , "My dear fellow, If It doesn't, you'll never know It." Puck. "You don't go after that dentist very often?" "No." answered the. bill collector. "I'm afraid to. Every tlmo I see him he offorg to take the account out In trade." "She has a good husband," said Mrs, Babbleton. "But she got a divorce from him." "Yes. She didn't know what a good hue band he was till she saw how generously he behaved about the alimony. Chicago Journal. who sell things scenery along the route. He keep his mind on the end to be reached and keeps plugging away. j The man who writes bis own adver Using, like the woman who trims her own bats, sometimes comes out with a sensation that is painful. Every time a hen lays an egg she cackles forth the fact. Yet man, na ture's masterpiece, often stops and hesitates before he'll advertise. The man who copies other people'" advertising, like the man who wears second-hand clothing, frequently finds that the other fellow has taken most of the value. When In doubt mind your own busi ness. - Some advertisers aro Just like" gas meters they Just can't help lying. A pessimist is a man who is always wondering how large his funeral will be. Cut out the superiatlves that'g what they all say give 'em facts, backed up by reasons. Praises upon the' head of the critic who recently said that women can't resist advertisements. An optimist la a man who can b thankful when he has a sore throat because he wasn't born, a giraffe. Placing all your dependence on o big advertisement ls'llkej expecting otA suspender button to do all the work. The three sweetest words In tb English language are "Enclosed find check." Show me a man who can And a fault in everything that ever was done and I'll show you a man who has never done anything himself. An exaggerated statement in an ad -S3T 09 j- vertisement is like a spot of mud on new suit it spoils what oilierwlw might be a rplendid effect