THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1910. 11 CRAlVlND PRODUCE MARKET XtJrUi and Nebraska Are Given An- . other Good Soaking. BOETS CHECK THE DECLINE (on nllh Wrikrr Wfceat Mar ket -(oantry Shippers 811 Lib erally la Increased ,4 inoauli, t ',. ' " I .'.. V OMAHA. Mar 18. 1310. There were light rains lir tho northwest and Kansas and Nebraska were well soaked. heat (lart1 lower on crowd Belling Haiti encouraged the bears. Heller cash demand and a heavy decrease , Jn the world a visible supply checked the decline. Weather conditions are tou cool for good corn KrowlDK. Heeding In well advanced. but seed Is not Ktrminatirig under present conditions. Iteceipts are picking up. but demand In-mill steady. Improved northwest condition, whero rains were received, caused heavy selling Values eased Off when support was Ibcrimk on the buying side. Cash stuff held firm and unchanged. k After a steady opening, corn sagged with 'ih-j weaker wheat market. Receipts wers liberal and selllni; by country Mlilppers was Increased, hairf e market ruled about He lower than - .Saturday. Ilmary wheat receipt were 711.000 bu ai.J alilpiiienta were ;M..jO bu.. AKaliiKt r- ci.ljus hint year of 3tt,uOU bu. and snipmenls VI 410.000 toll. t'rimary corn teceints were 371.000 bu. Jid shipments were .1.J.U00 bu.. aKlnnt re ceipts lust year of 3134,0ml bu. and shipments of X44.0H0 bu. Cleurancis were 50.000 bu. of corn, 2,000 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to bu. - , No Liverpool market. Local range of options: He lower; No. 1 mixed. 61V; No. X aiqcBc; No. t white, 4e; No. S. Jic. OATS Crchanaed: Nr. 1 white. IJihtte: No. 3 mla-d, 3MiMc. IlYK-70T2c. HAV-L'nchanaad: rhnlm flmothv. tlMKl! choice prairie. ll0.7Miit.on: ehnir alfalfa. !' ..KHll7.SH. Ltl'TTER 1"nrhano-ii1- rcAihii'V extras Wc; firsts. 24c; seconds, 22c; parking stock, c. EOOS Unchanged : current receipts, new cases, tfi.35; miscellaneous case. 16.30: southerns, tJG6i storage parked. ? -W. Ileceipta. Shipments. heat, bu 47nno Corn, bu rj.chO Oats, bu lo.ono 44.000 41.mii) s.Ouo WHtTHKH IV TUB URAtft BELT Decidedly Colder. Weatbet Mo-alng Over West and Worth-west. OMAHA, May lfl, 1810. A trr.ugh of low pressure extends from the liakotaa south over tne Missouri val ley, southern Kocky mountain slope and the southwest, and rainy and unsettled weather prevails from the Mississippi river west Into the mountains. An are of high pressure, accompanied by dccldidly colaer weather. Is moving In over the west and northwest, and f reeling temperatures are general in Colorado, Wyoming. Montana atrial es. Opn. High. I Low. Close. Bafy. Wheat-, May... July... Corn May... July... Oats May... July... ItW lOOVil 1 69 S94 1 I 1 m lool 1 08 1 1 0'4l 1 OS 1 1 0v4i 61 3a i 1 1 00 69 4 The western hlan will follow the low over the valleys and will bring colder weather over this vicinity tonight. The weather will continue rainy aim unsettled In this vicinity tonight, but probably will be fol lowed by clearing Tuesday, with continued cool, t rost Is predicted for Nebraska to night. Temperature and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: . laio. v.iw. isos. l&or. Minimum temperature ... 62 61 ffo 41 i'reclpitatlon ....i 09 .00 .Oo Normal temperatur for today, tjS degrees. l'eflctency In precipitation since March 1, 4.00 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 2.33 Inches. Drflrienry corresponding period In 1908, 1.49 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Hearlosi Balletla. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m., 75tt meridian time, Monday, May 16, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. NEWl'ORIiSTUlISAM BONDS Reading it Principal in Small Deal ings of the Saj in Wall Street aaaMKaamassat ' KING'S FUNERAL HAS EFFECT Com Ins; teremoalca aad Prospect of Holiday Teada to Tans Idle aess Crop Advices Seem Ml ltd. NEW YOKK, ais iu. The professional optialors in sloths nnju ui u,iue, i uy troiu luieiiesa by Omy a naiiuA uiai aui. iucl vno ueilne oil a iail,y mige cale in one or two iiiuiviuuai sloe,, vwncn weiu resioinnjic iur wuaiever se.i. oiuuue ui activity uie iimrkit uau. iuk principal ot ineu was l(.eau,.i. ine omy news ot Keaumg was tue it.ivai ut ii.c reports ot an imenueo cuaiiae in tne fuiiu oi capltaiixatlou, wiiilIi nave done uuty in speculative iiiuvenieiua otien ocloie. i ue cioMng oi loreign stock exenauges and the western Canadian provinces, and I in observance of the Wnit Monday holiuay. jnows are falling In Colorado ad VV yomlng.M ftllu lhi, ,.,,, of .u,.lllPr ,lliemiDti,.ii dollars. ltiHi.a4.000; silver dollars ot 1&. ...4fia; silver certificates outstanding, 4W.iM4.UO. General Fund -Standard sliver dollars In general fund, 41 nu,M; cuirent liaollitlea, I('.V4,27; working bHlanca In tiea-oiy ot I cs, l7.'iM.ii; In bsnks to cred.t of treas urer of the I'nited States. M.!'21.4, minor I balance ill general coin, ll.044.3oK; total fund. tMX322."& New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 11-t-MONEY-On call, steady, Vn4 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; bid. Vl per rent: offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, easier; 00 days snd W) days, 4 per cent; six months, 4'J4U P'f rillllK MERCANTILE PAPER-4Vd6 per cent; sterling exchange, firm, with actunl business In bunkers' hills nt 14 WW i43) for 60-day bills and at 4 87 for de mand: commercial bills, l4.Af4W4.RVY SILVER Itar, 54c; Mexican dollars. 4le. BONDS Government, weak; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds were as follna : ..Iftttnt MM. Int. M. M. 4.... ..Ill Jupan ,.1K Ve it ..114K. r. So. it .., ..lHHL. . "leh. 4 1K11. .. TS !,. N. eel. ..., lOIH'M . K. T. lm 4i 114 do sen. 4i 0. t. rtf. la tt ... ref. tt pnapon. V. 8. M. ref 40 coupon 1a 4s restptereit So 4 rnunon .. Allln-Chal. 1st ts Am. Af. 6s Am. T T. fY. 4s Piatlons. Temp., Mag. Mln. Rain fall, .10 1 : .14 I . Omaha Cash Frlccs. WHEAT No 2, JLCSHlftl -07; No. 8 hard, 11.031.0(1; N. t sprlnit,- 1.0o'&l 07; No. 3 pi lug, ll.COnl.06; No 2 durum, doVfcrt&Tc; No. i durum. Sb'iju. COltN N. 2 white, 48iai4e: No. 3 white, ttVxWtfc; No. 4 white. flOWS'lle; No- 2 yellow, 63c 1 No. 8 yellow. 6VitBtt4c; No. 4 yenow, to feit) pic? No, z. Mto; No. , o nc; No. 4, 6i'yfifl7o; -no ariade, Wi53o. OAT8 Htaodard. 40&4oUo: . No. S white. V440c; No; 4 white, anVic; No. 3 yellow, 8Si(3c; No. I yellow, i'JAc; No. 3 mixed, 37tUVo. B A RLE V No. 4, 49HKc; No. 1 feed, 47 Sr4V ejected, 41(4c. ir.'fi-No. 2, ";4tr75c; Ko. 3, 73740. , CVrlut llccelota. ; ' ' Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 83 63 10 Minneapolis .. ,32 ... ... 'oinaha , 98 U) Jjulum 41 Ashland. Neb 6 63 Auburn, Neb 54 . 50 U'ken now, Neb. 72 41 Columbus. Neb... 60 50 Culbcrtson, Neb.. 75 40 I'lilrbury, Neb.... 5S 62 .38 Fairmont. Neb. M 48 .OS or. Island, Neb.. TO 47 .0 Hartlngton, Nob. 1 60 .00 Hastings, Neb.... 77 47 SO Hoidiege, Neb... 73 45 . Oakdale, Neb 48 .00 Omaha, Neb 54 51 .12 Tekamah. Neb... 55 bl .10 Alia, la 54 IS .10 Carroll. Ia 55 48 .24 Clarlnda, la 51 48 .27 Sibley, la 5 49 .) Sioux City, Ia... 64 60 .02 Minimum temperature for period ending at 8 a. ni. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Districts. stations. CH1CAUU GRAIN A.D l'ROVISlONS i ' mmmmm m Featnres of the Trading and Closlna; Prices on 'Board ot Trade. CHICAGO, May 18. Indications were plentiful that followers of the leading longs were selling out wheat today. The northwest, too,-aoid considerable here. Fine rams over the entire winter and spring wheat country materially improved the crop outlook and led to a somewhat de cided change In sentiment. Tne close was steady, but at a decline of He to Vu'-sC. Corn and oats finished Wo lower to Vc fclaher. Provisions lost 2ftttVfcc. ( The wheat market took on a heavy tone from the start. The close was at almost I the lowest prices of the day. Evident .' weakness of northwestern and southwest ern markets had considerable influence. It was averted that the rains had come at a 4 particularly . inopertune -time to fill the maturing wheat in southern areas. A sub ject of comment was that southwestern re ceipts today were more than three times aaiargoi-a year -ag- a that 1 Louts prices, for cars of No. 2 red were 6c tower than last week. Furthermore, northwestern receipts were increasing; and world's ship ments were large. Neur the end of the session Pacific coaat reports were received a that the carry-over there to the next crop would be the largest ever known. Talk gj was current of additional possible ptir r chases of wheat at Puluth to come to Chl oagjo. According , to one authority, the rainfall in Kansas improved the prospect itn that -state by J0.000.000 bushels. More rail was predicted for tonight. September wli.ctit sold, between $1.01V and S1013i. clos ing c down, at ii oiH. OVterlngs were ncant in' the corn pit. and In; .consequence; prices maintained a better level relatively . than wheat. September old from 83MiC to 3tte and closed steady at last night's figures. KneeSShC The raah-market also was steady. No. 2 yel low closed at MHc. catn were bought by the leading wheat WKa and the market was a little higher rsriT; but eased back. September had a nc A rtngo and was m shads up at the finish. 'T Provisions eased off because of the weaker market for hogs. Fork In the end was 67Hc lower; lard 2W3c and ribs 6c. The leading futures ranged as follows: fikr. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy , Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Knlillng Cloudy Cloudy 'Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy - Raining Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Raining twelve-hour pioepects of a lurlner imeri'UDti' this week by the Mineral ceremonies for tne la'.e king of England were called te spohsibie in iMrge part for the Intense dull ness of the market. Prices rose to the best of the day, after it was announced tnat there was no decision in tiieNcorpnratuiii tax case anil that the AJnerican Tobacoa and S.andard UI. cases naa been set lui reueai ma in November. The approach of renewed trading In London acted unfavorably on Canadian Pacific, wnlcli relapsed snaruly In spite of the continued rumors of an intend; d Increase In the dividend. The declaration of a dividend on SVlscoiitiin pre ferred, a subsidiary company, equally failed to noiu vanauian I'acmc. The' heavy tone of Chesapeake & Ohio was due to the receivership for the Hock ing Valley In the suit to prevent its s'ile to the Chesapeake A Ohio. The sutalned rates for foreign exchange left open tha question of the attitude of the London money market toward any at tractive force of gokj on the part of New York. The withholding of details of the ft. Paul bond sale In Paris kept up some feeling of suspense In regard to that trans action. Crop advices were mixed between the beneilts of rains and fears of another drop In temperature in the northwest. Iron and steel trade advices seemed to have a similarly confusing Influence on the speculation. The. depressing effect of tho Hocking Valley receivership was - In force when the market closed, with the effect of hav ing wiped out the gains and. leaving the net changes insignificant. Honds were irregular. Totnl sales par value. 81,457,000. United Estates 3s declined per cent In tho bid price on call. Range of temperature and precipitation as compared with last three years: 1910. 1909. 1908. I1!?. M Am. Tobscco 4s 7) Ma Fslflr 4s. V Max. Mln. 62 '42 . : 48 66 4S 4 44 62 M 60 48 62 44 68 . 60 60 48 Temperatures have risen In the and eastern portions of the corn and wheat region, but much colder Is moving in over the northwest portion this morning and freexlng weather is reported In North Da kota. Rains have fallen In all except the extreme eastern districts within the last twenty-four hours. L. A. WF.LSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Columbim. O.. Louisville. Ky Indianapolis, Ind. Chicago, HI St. Louis, Mo Des Moines, la.,., Minneapolis, Minn Kansas City, Mo. Omaha, Neb 17 19 12 26 13 14 SO 24 19 Rain tall. .00 .00 .00 .20 .20 .20 .30 .30 .2) central Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Sat'y. 1 HVif 104' 1 1 I 03'4 1 OIVs! Wheat I J May...! 1 1S f July'.:. 1 03V, 1 Sept... 1 01HI Vlorn ! - I May... H4I 60 July... ffi'.frS K2Vrf Bept... 63H(fi"i 63H Dec... 58 68Vi 6i7i osts .11 Mali 4 42H 42 Juljst.. 40VHVU 41 . PVB'W 1 39'' 0 . 40V. 1 lSf 1 14V4 1 03,m 04m, 1 01 VI 1 0SU ' 1 I 60'4I 60-H'ff 62H 24,fi2!4863 oavita!a 63H(ftx, Bept, Dec., PQrk July. Bept... Lard- SeSV... 2f 75 23 77H 1, . I s nip ' July Bept 22 92i I 63 42 42 40A, 40fc 393lHff 12 70 13 re 13 65 I 12 62 12 M I 12 60 12 47HI 13 e2tt 40 a ts 23 75 12 624 12 62V 11 62 12 46 40 4 II 85 22 60 6tW 424 4t 894 3H 22 7214 22 16 12 7241 12 66 12 6241 12 55 11 674 12 55 12 474i 12 424 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Higher; winter Patents, 14.90 (.10; winter straights. 84.fcje4 90; spring straights, 84.50f(i4.75; spring patents. pl.2b for best hard; bakers, I4.00OT4.96. RYE No. 2. 78(tf!t0o, . BA RLE Y Feed or mixing, JftgStJc; fair to choice malting, fllip')6c. StlED Flax, No. 1-southwestern, 82.194 N01 1 southwestern, 82.294. Timothy, nom inal. Clover, 8U 86. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl., $23 00 C25.00. Iird, . per . 10b lbs., 13.12Vq 13.15. Bhort ribs, sides (loose), $1 2. TSti 13.134; hort clear sides (boxed), $13. 6043 13.76. A Total olearanees of wheat and flour were t jnal to 142.000 bu. Primary receipts were llUOuO buVcompared wtlh 359,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible siily of wheat In the nlted States de creased 1.713.000 bu. for the week. The mount of breadstuffs on ocean passage decreased 612.000 bu. Estimated receipts for timorrow: Wheat, tUrcars; corn, 7 carl; oats, 868 cars; hogs, 12,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; No. I red, si.isyi.isH; No. 3 red. $1')1.144: No. 4 ijsiru, i.njf t jijw; No. -3 hard. 81.109 1.144 ... ..,-p,i; "" l.MW.i4W- Coin: No. 3 cash, Jlj2c; No. 3 cash. aMfctilWc; No. 3 Hlts. tah.si4o,- No. 8 white. S-iVO; No. I yellow, 6JVi(il64o; No. 3 yellow. 6342sC. l. i. ' Saeh- 41S4IV4C; No. 3 white. 444c; No. .1 white. 41V4K;; No. white. fcia-4l4c: standard. 43Wfnso. bUTTEH-. Steady; creameries. 23fc27o; dairies. 21t)25c. i Firm: receipts. 17,459 cases; at "iJ1-Jncluded. lBi9c; flrsta, 19c; rtme firsts, 20c. ,.9Hf;ESE-Bteady daisies. 14fl44ci twins, 134ltV; youn Americas, lie; long hortu,t(5'i44c. JKnUTOKeWFIrm; eholca to fancy. SSff 0c; fair to good, 2.627c. POVLTRY-tas; turkeys. 15c; chickens, 16c. VEAL-flleady; M to flO-lb. welghU, 8flc; 60 rl? -,1fc,-'ht. atoc; to uo-ip: weights. WUc. Receipts Todsy: Wheat, 33 cars; corn. 12 ears; oats. lM-eara. Estimated tomor from Wheats U oarorn. 77 cars; oats, j t cars. . v . , NEW YORK GfciNEKAL MARKET Uaotatlons of the Day- os Various Commodities. NEW YORK, May 16. FLOUR Quiet to nearly steady spring patents, $5.301 s.ta; winter patents, $5.1066.30; winter extraa, No. 1, 84.004.50; Kansas straights, 34.8565.00; spring clears, 34.25&4.&0; winter extras, No. 2, $3.76&4.60. Receipts. 16,830 bttls.; ship ments, 25,141 bbls. -Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. $4.254.45; choice to fancy, $4.404.60. CORNMEA L Steady, fine white and yel low. $1.400146;. coarse. iX,261.80;iK41n dried, $3.80. . . . i' . WHEAT Spot, easy; No. J ted, 81.15 nom lnal o. l. f.. No. 1 northern, $1.20Va f. o. b. (lotion market easier on the stood rains in the west and larger reoelpta, but offerings were not heavy until late when the market declined under liquidation on northwestern selling, closing at 1 cent net decline. May, ll.lWil.16: closed. $1.16.. .July, 81.109-1641 1116-16; closed, 31.10H: September. $1,07 6-16 cu 1.0SS; closed, I1.07H; receipts, 88,800 bu.; shipments, 131,690 bu. CORN Spot. eay: No. 2. 70o asked, eleva tor, domestlo basis; expirt Nj. 1 G34o nomi nal f. o. b. union market was witnout transactions, closing unchanged. May closed. 70c; July, 72Hc; September, 71Hc. Receipts,-3,375 bu.; shipments, 19,688. OATS Spot, quiet; mixed, 26 to 32 pounds nominal; natural- white. 26 to 32 pounds, 4Vq484c! clipped white, 34 to 42 pounds, 47& 524c Option market was without trans actions, closing nominal. Receipts, 83,875 bu.; shipments, 1,999 bu. HAY-Steady; prime, $1.15S1.J0; No. 1, 81.0641.1.10; No. 8s&cti$1.00. HOPS Easy; srate common to choice, 1909, 190tt, 21(g24c; 1W1, nominal; Paciflo coast, 1909. 14(15c; 1908. nominal. HIDES Central America. 230234c; Bo gota. 224ror234c. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts. 2&29c: seconds, 23Z7c; thirds, 2225c; rejects, 204i 21c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $24.00 4(24.50; family, 26.oora.'; short clears, $.!5.00(j27.00. Beef, steady; mess, 115. 004j 16.00; family. 319.OOifi20.00; beef hams, $21.00ii 25.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. 315.504) 17.60; pickled hams. 315 754? 16.25. Lard, eaay; middle wests prime, 813.30 4114.50: r fined, firm; continent. $13.80: .South America, sit.w; compound, siu.utwi' 10.60. ,,., TALLOW Easy ; country, 64417c. RICE Quiet; domestic, 5488c; Patna, t 60. POULTRY Dressed, steaay; rroxen Chick ens, 1720c; western fowles, 164jlo; turkeys, 164120c. BI TTER Firmer; creamery specials. 29c: extras, 384c: thirds to firsts, tut&ZSc; stato creamery, finest, 28c. common , to prime, Ki'ljlTc; process specials, 2C4c; seconds to extras, -a-inc; factory seconcm to firsts. 214f.-.'c; imitation creamery, infwc. CliEKBK-f irnn; receipts j.ino pkgs.; ex ports 800 pkgs.; state, full cream, new com mon, (l He; state skims, specials, Wirjllc; line, vvovvic; lair 10 gooo, s'uc. EOG8 Barely Steady; reoelpts, 17,265 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby creamery, orown, zjia-tc. Allls-Chslmsrs pfd A null as mated CVpper .... American Airlniltursl ., Am. BMt 8ugtr Amsrlcan Can Am. C. A F Am. Cotton Oil, n-dlv.. Am. H. A U pli Am. Ice SertirltlM Amsrlcan Llnssed American LocemolWe ... Am. 8. A R Am. S. ft. R. ptd Am. Ptl Fnundrlss Am. Sugar Refining Am. T. ft T Am. Tobacco pfd Amsrlcan Woolsn Ansconda Mining Co.... Atahliton Atchison pfd Atlsntie Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Bsthlshsra Btssl Bmnklyn Rapid Tr Canadian paciric Centrsl Leather Central lesthcr pfd Central of New Jersey.. Ohesspeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago o. v... new C. O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W C, M. A at. p C, C. C. A Bt. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern.... Consolldstsd Oaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Orsrrts.. D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Bacurltle ... Brie Erie 1st pfd Kris id pfd. General Eleotrlo Qreat Northern pfd...;.. Great Northern Or etfs. Illinois Central Interhorough Met Int. Mst. pfd International Harvester Int. Marine pfd Internal Ions 1 Paper International Pump Iowa Centrsl Kansas City 80 K. O. So. pfd Laclede Gas Loutsvllls A N Minn. A Bt. L. . M., St. P. A M . K. A T. M., K. A T. pfd... Missouri Pacific - National Biscuit National Lead N. It. R. of M. Id pm.... New Tork Central N. T., O. A W...A Norfolk A Western North American Northern Psclfio Pacllle Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa P., C, C. A 8t. L Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steal Car pullman Palace Car Hallway steel spring Heading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock island Co Rock Island Co, pfd St. U A S. F. 2d ptd.... St, L. S. W St U S. W. pfd glnsa-aheffleld S. A I Southern Psclfio gouthsm Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. L. A W T., St. U A W. pfd t'nlon Pacific t'nlon Paclllo pfd I. B. Realty 1 V. S. Buhbec I'. S. Steel.; f. S. Steel pfd Vtah Copper Vs. -Carolina Chemical .. Wabash Wabash pfd Western Marylsnd ctfl... Westlnghousa Electric ... Western Union Wheeling A L. E Total sales (or tba day. 13.400 JO inn ' soo 1,M 9K1 101) t.ann M0 eoo JA) 0 JO0 'i.ivi ,io too 72 47 A m n ti 104 MS 12.1 137 M 4. llfts 101 71 47 S S7S 11 t I 14 4 7v 104 M 1-14 13(1 14, K '45" W Ml 7, do 6a Armour A Co. 4S Atchison gen. 4s.... do ct. 4s do ct. Is At, C. 1- :st 4a... Bal. A Ohio 4 do 5H do 8. W. J.... Bra. Tr. ev. 4s t'sn. nf Oa. Central leather Sa. .". of N. J. g. 6s., C'hes. A Ohio 44s.. do ref. os 1'r.irsgo A C. D A q. 04 . V4 . 1H 9 7H . PIS , S f7 Ml . 7S MS 101T4N R R. of M. 4'. . ilN. T.. N. H. A H. . . SO c. lhi ?1 ..lli'SN A W. 1st e. 4s..,. 01 ..HIS do cv. 4s l'BS . . .!;, Psrlflc 4s 1WS . . 's do Ss 71S .. ""So. S. L. rMg. 4.. 8."S .. 8'Pfnn. ct. 3Ss 19!S... Ms .. MS Jo con. 4 1S ..lmrtesdlng gen. 4s 57 .. St. L. A 8. K. fg. 4s S ..113 du gen. es ..101 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s. .. 47k do lt sold 4s ... A. ISs. 7'?eahoard A. L. bs. . 4 ..8o. P.lltlc c. 4s. do gen. 4 VTS do ev. 4s. V. M. A 8. P. d. 4a M do 1st rel. 4s.. C. n. I. A P. c. 4s. 774Sn. Rallwsy 6s.. do rfg. 4s M do gen. 4e Coin. Ind. is 7Sl'nlon Paciflo 4a Colo. Mid. 4s 77 S do CT. 4s A 9. r. A a. 4Sa 07 S do 1st A ref. 4s. 4s. 4a. D. A H. cv. -ti. A H. II. do ref. os DIMillcrs' &e Erie p. 1. 4s do . 4s do cv. ser. A do seriss B Oen. Elec. cv. 5s. 111. On. 1st ref. ,. 7TS .. s .. us .. ros '..101 .. us .. 77S ..'.MS ..1"S .. ' .IMS t . S. Kubher Os . MSI'. S. Steel M o....l"4S . 2 Va.-Caro. fhem. &s.. :MS . lUSwabari 1st os . 1 do Ut A ex. 4s .7.1 Wrnern Ml 4s ... . 77 West. Blee. cv. ts.., . t7 Wis. Central 4a 13SMo. Pac. cv. ; ctfs . 7H .1'iSH ,. IIS . Jts tr- 100 111 111 $.400 S.jno .9ii0 100 ';&ni ano !00 1.100 100 t.ioo 1S lr-S 42S :o7S 'ii" 4.1 2744' 51 S lt2S 13S 8lS 195i 4! 107S 'ws 45 27S BS IMS IMS 00 I8 3H 1,200 too l.WS 1S 600 41 St. I.owls General Market BT. I.OITIS. May 1. WHEAT Futures, lower: May, $1.09H; July. l.ftfc&l.OlV: September, $l.OOS1.0Ot. Cash. twer; track. No. 2 red, $l.i:ul.22: No. 2 hard. $1.10C115- COKN Futures, lower; July, bihc; Sep tember, 63'ic. Cash, lower; track. No.. 2, 64ViaiV; No. 2 white, 67nVSo. OATS Futures, weak; July, Xo: 8ep tKmbrr, SHc Cash, weak; track, No. 2, c; No. 1 white, 44c. HY K Nominal at 51c. FLeOl'R Dull; red winter patents. $5 4AW 6.70; extra fancy and straight, $t. 70ft 5.20; hard winter clears, $3. 76 'if 4 10. TIMOTHY SKRO $3.0OriJc0. t'(KNMeALr-$3.2t, BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. $1.0J3 1.06. HAY Steady; timothy. $1460318.50; prai rie. $10O0rnl3.50. HAOl UNtJ 7 J-16c. HEMP TWIN K To, PROVISIONS Pork, unehanaed: iobblna:. $2.'.7S. Lard, higher; prime eteam. $12.7Vii 1J.07S. Iry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 14c; clear rlba. 14c; short clears, 14Sc Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, lSsc; clear rlba, 16SC; short clears, lfiSo. . . H l I.THY Flrart; chickens, l4Ho; tprlna. ducks, 12a; Reese, "o. creamery, tiA27o. a I 18c. Receipts. Shipments. B, M. 100 00 eio M) OI 1,400 too ino too J.soo 4.700 '"ioo too 1,700 "ioo 1,200 91 S S 41S at 14 IMS 4S Hi tl 66S 7S 'its 48 S 13S 1S 'iiii ais : 47 it 14S IMS 4 115 ios DOS M 'iis 48 21 ions 147 S 141S 41IS 400 70 tOO 78S 4,000 2,000 M0 'i.'wo 100 is, 100 400 300 too too ttieoo too 100 t.4no 1,A"0 too 40,) 600 400 12.4O0 1.400 (00 tt 604 1.00") 400 , 200 too , 1.9) , 4.7O0 JOO . 6,100 , , 140,) , M0Q . I.t00 100 4 a) 100 122 4S 102S 13JS 27 IMS 10S 101 s 40 11S i4s 34 trs 4 toT4 49 SIS 74 S 76 IMS rs 43 S tS U s 4 U4S 96 71i 4:S t4 1US 47S tis J'iS 4S 4 4S 68S 4S 319.TW shares. ios 147S 140S 41 tS '78S li'l's 44S 102S 132S 27 1S44 11 101 161 S- itiii 14 ris 44S 90S 4 tIS 14 74S in !US MS MS S3S !SH tts 1M 4H 7JS 44 S US ins 4S 60 US 41 S 47 S 64 S 6S 4H IS 44 i7H S 33 14 49 7V4 104 M 1!2 ISfiS MS 34 44S 110 101 12s UOS4 17 S 80S im 41 S 10; s 20 MS 46 27 61 161 W 84 38S 60S ISIS 14S 172 41 7 31 lf 47S MS 148S 13S 44 1?4S 2S S 9V 19 12 4S tl 4S 103 147 3 140 41 9 . 6S 109 7SS 19S 121 44S 108 13144 zs 134S 107 S 101 II 39 S 141 S s m S4 ins 44S 80 48 S IIS 74 74 IMS 17 tlS It MS 39 41 1U 84S 71 S 44 us lUS 4S ) 21S 414 48 s ts 4S Boston BOSTON, May mlnlnit stocks: Alloues Amal. Copper A. Z. L. A S Arlsona - Com Atlantic B A C. C. A 8. M Butte Ccalltinn ... Cel. A Arlsona.... Cal. A Her la Centennial Copper Uange C. C Katt Butts C M.... Pranklin Ulroux Con , Granhy t-on Greene Cansnea . . Isle Royate Copper Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Sails Copper.... Miami Copper .... Cloalne Storks. 18. Closing quotations on OMAHA LIVE SNICK MARKET Cattle Lower Because of Bearish Con dition! in Other Cities. HOGS riTE TO FIFIEEN LOWEK Provisions and llosj Values In Other Markets Are Lower Sheep Art Ten to Twenty-Five Cent Lower. Neb., May 16. 1910. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4,200 , 4,t0 3,rii g.60 4.u a.u; 2.. 10 4.7iW 6.0S0 6.K'7 H..U4 S.ksH SOUTH OMAHA Ilecelpis were: Bstlmate Monday ... oamu day laat week... alll. two wwks ago.. .Same tnree weeks ago Name four weeks sko.. name day last sear the following table jIiows the receipts nr Cattle, hoys and sheep at South Omaha ror the year to date, compared with last 't'ttr: 110. 1SKW. Inc. iec. Ji"'le S76.2W 3IX.!f 20,;;M "' 7S,2n5 l.4l.a7 2;.IK1 Wn:''P 007.7V7 C.S4.tJ UU.319 ine following table snows the average prices of hogs at South Omah.i for the last teveial days with comparisons: .J31 I Wl 109. 11DUJ. 1907. May 6 lav 7. Ma'v (.. May . May 10. May 11... Mty 12... May 14., May 14... Miy 15.. 1 27?sl 8 l 6 Tl 241 I 5 2St 4 i'4 161 ( 66 6 34! 27 ( li 4 C5 I li 071 6 S4I c its; fi "II .'1 171 I 9 IS'el I 6 3JI 6 ."U C I'll 6 i:, 4 9 2U"i P3 I f. 361 6 24! 5 19 4 69 V W'.MI 117! 5 411 "l 291 5 27 4 04 9 M"l 1 01. 6 4J I 0 ) 5 2 4 2 3oiJ 7 04 5 Mi 6 I a 20 1 4 R 3lsj T 0S 5 24 0 S0 SI I I 4 07 May 1K... 3071 J 5 J4; 6 JOj 0 5 20 4 fil Receipts and dlnpoultlon of live stock at tin I nion titoiik Yards, South Uinuhn, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yes terday: RECEI PTR-C A HS. Cattle.Hoaa.Sliecp.II'r'S. . 43 Motissk . TIS Nevada Con . 2'S Nlplssing Mines ... . 14 North Butte . ISNorth Lake . 12soid Dominion . jiOsosola . id Psiroit 8. A. C .580 Quinev . nSBhsrinon . 67 Superior - . 8 Superior A II. M .. . :jSSuperlor A P. C... . IS Tamarack .40 f. 8. C. A O . t V. 8. S. ft. A M. . . 19S 40 ptd . t:sl'tah Con. .1....... . M I'lsJi Copper Co.... . UfcWInona . 22 Wolverine . M . 21S .. lS . 31 . It . 34 .136 . IS ,. JS ,. US ,. M . lMt . 12S . 60 . 3 .. 42 .. 497 . 24 ,. 44 ,. 8S ..118 Bank Cleariutja. OMAHA. May 16 Bank clearings for to day were 23,001,09,20 and- tor the corre sponding date last year f2,C40,71S.4Z C. M. & St. P. WabaHh Missouri Pacific .... I'nlon Pacific I. C. & N. VV., east... C. & N. V'., west.... C. St. P. M. & O... C. 11. & Q., eat C. li. & Q., west C. It. 1. P., east.. Illinois Central C. (J. W Total receipts LI 6 3 7 32 4 3o 7 1 67 6 7 3 ...US 8 7 10 1 20 2 4 1 is d 1 1 2 1 64 2; 1 JLi y and Tupnep 0. 1 f is. . Trip- PMnKr aW BOJTON.MAS4. SO STATE STRLtT . fcaiWtitnaniTiiiaasaawsMiiiaiwat OMAHA. NT B. boasd ar tbam m. If You Have Fiids to Invest Consider our lino of Municipal, Railroad, Corporation BOND In denominations of f.100 to $1,000 Yielding from 4 to 6 per cent interest BONDS ARE A SAFE AND CONVENIENT INVESTMENT. FORM OF Officers and Directors: BAT KTE, Pres.. Fremont. X. B. J0H1T30IT, Trca.s, Oinnlin. raitup a. rARLET, Host on. V.-pre., Ca&S. W. TTJllKXal. Jr., Soc. New y Hi-it. O. BCHNEIDB, Frt niont. RAILROAD. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION CAPITAL , FULLY PAID , S100,00 ON BONDS 0.02 y im iittua. see-! Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 16,-COKFEE-The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of five points, under scattering liquidation In the absence of Important support. There were no sales from Europe; Brazilian markets were unchanged, with no change In, the general situation, the market here remain ing quiet, the close being steady, net un changed to five points lower. Sales were reported of 8,500 bags. Closing bids: May, June and July, .40c; August, 6.60c; Sep tember, (.55c; November , and December, 6.60c; December, 6.65c; January, 6.66c; Feb ruary, 8.68c; March, 6.72c, ' April, 6.73c. Itio, steady; 7s 4, 25.60; Santos quiet, 4s 4, 23.60; 7s 3, 29.50. Receipts at the two Ura silian ports, 9,000 bags, against 9,000 bags last vear; Jundlahy receipts, 4.60O bags, aga.Vt 1.400 last year. New York ware house deliveries Saturday, 6,313 bags, against 9.4O0 bags last year, Spot, quiet; Rio, No. 7, 84c; Santos, No. 4, 9c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 9s124c- ' . - flaarar and Mo-lasse. NEW YORK, May lft-SUGAR Raw, steady; Muscovado, 89 test, S.74c: centrifu gal, 96 test, 4.34c; molasses Sugar, 89 test. 3.49c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.95c; granu lated, i.26c; powdered, 5.36c, 4,017 3,747 tt,"57 l.seal Hcearille. Quotation furnished by Samuel Bums, Jr., C33 New York Life building. Omaha Ktasti CMy 41 rails aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Ma H WHEAT May, Ilea's, eellersf Julv, tMiii,c-. sellers; September. 0Vj'ao bid. Cash unchanged; -o. iiard. 10iiil.ll: No. J, fl.04tft.10: No. rr'f l!.ltrtlS; Nil. J. fimiil.ll tit-.M.vA reVae, sellrra; July. aTe PljinLer, J VWi casli unchanged to 7ic: turkeys, flic; BITTER Higher; EGGS Unchanged Dour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu usts, du 8,(00 ... 49.O0O ...100.600 ...160,400 fM.OOO M.7O0 63 600 4.T0O Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. May 16-CORN-Lewer; No. S white. 66c; No. t yellow, tic: No. t yellow,- 60c; No. I, )c; No. 4, 69c; no grade. Mf?66Ve, OATS Unchanged; standard. 42ic; No. t white. 41ft4Sc; No. 4. 40alc. Mllwaakeo Oral Market.. MII-WAUKIE. May 11 FL01R-Dull. WHEAT No 1 northern. fl.lMTl.14; No. 1 northern, tlV,l ; July. fl.OJH. OATS-42'j4c. Klala Batter MerHat, ELOIW, III.. May ll--BUTTER-Flrm at t?v; sales. 692,400 pounds. Beatrice Creamery, cof City ol Omaha 4M1S, 134 Cudahgr Parkins Co. ts Iowa Portland Cement beads, 6e ... Iowa fortlanil Cement eon. 4a Kansas City B. T. stork Lon Bell Lamber Co , Nebraska Tel. stock. 4 per eent North Platte Val. Irrl. t"o. 4a, 19J0.. Omaha Water Co. a, 1414. Oinaha Water Co. 6s, 14 Omaha Water Co. ti p'oV, Omaha Oaa 5a, 1'T Omaha Oaa s, 1414 O. B. U r. aa. 1M1 U. E. L. fti I per tent Omaha 8t By. 6s. 114 O. 4s C. D. au Hr as. 1U O. a C. B. Bt. By. pfd O. O. B. St. By. m O. aY C. B. K. Ik B. P rscltlc T. T. as. lill South Omaha la. elty of Tufieka By. (a, 1H0 Bid. . Vs , 104 , '' , M , II , n , aa . , H , 1U0 ,. N . 11 , 44H , 104 . HV, , M'a , . 14 , tl , 44 . Aakeil i)Vs 104 Vs w l' inn l' loo 1'iOH 100 I'll 13 i 104 434 100 "il ' Mvs MVS 14-4 44 Vs 11, ( Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 16.-COTTON-Market opened steady at a deollne of 8W14 points under a renewal of scattering liquidation and local bear pressure encouraged by re. ports of rain In parts of western and cen tral belts and rumors that the scant rela tive weakness of May as compared with July meant that the big bulls were get ting quite as much cotton On contract aa they cared to handle. The bulls, however, gave the market aggressive support around the Initial figures and Bhortly after the opening prices rallied sharply on this demand and covering. Cotton futures opened steady. May, IE. 27c; July, 16.43c; August, 14.91o; September. 13.76c; October, 12.89c; December, 12.71c; January, 12.67c bid; March,. 12.76c. Futures closed steady; May, 15.48c; June, 15.4tc: July. 15.62c; August. 15.13c; Septem ber, 13.95c; October, 13c;- November, 11.90c; iwsmhrr. iz.K4c: xianuarv. u.xuc: alarm. 12.85c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 15.90c; mldd'tner gulf, 16.15c. - ST. UUV1S, May is. cut row Middling, 15c; sales. 62 bales; receipts, 253 bales; ship ments, 832 bales; stock, 30,878 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 18. METALS-With the London exchange closed, the metal markets were generally quiet today. Standard copper was dull, with spot and all deliveries up to - the end of August closing at f 12. 2512.50. luteal dealers quote lake copper at $13.75-13 00; electrolytic, tl2.2Viyi2.75; casting, fl2.S7Hf( 12.50. Ar rivals of eopper reported at New York to day were 1,050 tons; custom house returns showed exports of 1,716 tons, making 8.647 tons so far this month. Tin was steady, with spot. May and June closing at f33.10ij J3.20; July and August. fS8. 10133. 30. Lead was dull; spot, f4.25ti4.36. New York, and tJ.12V'ti4.17V4. East St. Ixmls. Spelter was dull and unchanged; spot, to.XtfM, New York, and t5.06S5.n!V4, East St. Louis. Iron was unchanged; No. 1 foundry, northern, ft7.00il7.75; No. 2, fl6 E017.25; No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern, soft, fl6.2Cg 16.75. POSITION-HEAD. I Cattle.HORS. Sheep. Omaha Pack inn Co 213 54'i l.ftt Swift & Company 80S V4 1,12 ' Cudnhy Parking Co SmS 1.277 507 Armour & Co S7 l.oli 9l8 Schwartz-Bolen Co 14 Sinclair Packing Co 19 Moi rell Packing Co Zi Cudahy from K. C 480 Cudahy from country 1,918 W. B. Vansant Co 36 Stephens tiro. llii Hill & Son 277 F. B. Lewln 42 J. II. Bulla 93 L. Wolf 81 S. Werthelmer lno H. F. Hamilton 27 So! Degan Other Uuyers 2U3 143 Total t, W .. . 11... i4.l I'liti 1,1 Ui,.,;, Iv, cib wt-.tia, U ru,au ,11, iiiv ai. i,ua.iy u. i.u 04- .wi(..s,4 waS ..cluiy . HMUu ti. II lilt tony .lail ot laSi euk. ei beai'isii au tics 11 0111 CnlcaoJ auu aioo.iceau. vtvailier an ui.iavoiuule urn. aet, u tar aa aeutia sveie cuuieiuru, and lue liaue opeiitu out siuW ana su cuimnucd all tore uoou. '.lucre waa u ery tuir uemand lor enipplna .couiii, iu huuitlou 10 luu usual aeiuuiiu from local pacueis, una wcii-latiea Deeved, ou wiijcii mere t piemy of coin petition, uia liot .have .0 sell very uiuuli uifterent trom tne cioae yt iusi wecK, wmle 011 tne general run of stuff toe market was fully luo tower tnan l'riaay, ana slow at that. ihe supply of cows and heifers was not very extensive, and largely tor thla rea son the market held up In fairly good shape and prices were not a greut deal lower than last week's close. Slow to 10c lower would about cover the general situa tion. Choice fat heifers were In good de mand, and they sold as well as at any time lately, tne weakness being largely on the fair to medium grades. Veal calves were generally quoted about steady, and there was little noticeable change In the market for bulls, stags, etc. Business In Blockers and feeders was very dull from start, to finish, and, although the supply was only moderate, there was a very poor demand and bids and sales were mostly right around lOtflSc lower than last weelei very mean close. Very choice light fat h leers sold at right around close to steady figures, but the market for the plain kinds was very slow. Quotations on caitle: Good to choice corn- fed steers, 7.40dj.oo; ralr to good enroled steers, t7.0(Va7.4O; common to fair cornfed steers, $5. 807? 6. 90; fair to good cows and heifers, t4.7M6 85; common to fair cows and heifers, t2.754i4.76; good to choice stockers and feeders, tri.50"fJ6.50: fair to good stock ers and feeders, t4.7iVfi5.40; common to fair stockors and feeders, t3.50 4.7,1; stock heif ers. tH.7r-94.X5; veal calves, 14. 00(38. 00; bulls, stags, etc.. t3.7SA6.25. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. 41 114 140 5 75 ;.-0 l?ii ?,i M 15 ... ?li 7! 216 H0 4 JUS ... tli SM ... 3.-, 41 Ino Ml 31 1 !,! "0 J.'. ft IOS 80 3'1 M I'.V) l.ll) t S.i 71 TM ... 9 3i J S'-3 ... So 14 M ... 3'i 70 217 80 I S.i 14 55 ... 30 Mi ill ... 3i TS li Hi) SO 71 Hill 40 S -t 70 334 40 I 30 199 40 40 SHEEP There was no visible Imiulry for stock of anv kind In the fheep barn this morning and with a fully normal supply on hansl prices dropped to lower levels ail a ong the line. Eastern receipts were much larger than expectations and very bearish wires from all of the leading trade centers only served to strengthen local buyers in their determination to hammer values.- Very little business was done, however, until well along toward noon, and even at that time hardly enough cales had been made to obtain much of an Idea of the actual condition of trade. It was a slow. dtaggy deal from start to finish, prices ranging all the way from a dime to a quar ter lower, according to quality and weight. Handywelght shorn lambs have been yield ing good percentages lately and were favored by killers, the same as last week, but they had to sell lower and broke al most as badly as other eludes of stork. Some toppy shorn Mexicans sold at ).6i, little. If any, lower than prices that pre vailed Friday. Quotations on k ho 111 stock: Good to choice lambs, JS.40fiH.ii5; fair to good lambs, t?.76'u8.40; flood light yearlings, f .'.lixy 7.00; good heavy yearlings. fri-lKXti 7..'S; good to choice vretherB, fti.ijO87.10; talr to good, "aethers, f6.2&fi.6.60; good to choice ewes, f5.60ft6.10; fair to good ewes, f5.O0iit3.50. Representatives sales: No. ' Av. 24 western lambs and yearlings. 98 606 Mexican lambs, shorn 71 86 western ewee, lambs, shorn.. 70 S3 western wethers, shorn 87 24 western, lambs, fdrs, shorn.. 63 64 western ew'es 110 222 western ewes and 'wethers. ...104 347 Colorado lambs, shorn 80 145 western lambs, rigs.. culls.,.. 81 231 western ewe's, , shorn 86 Ss7 Colorado lambs, shorn 77 50 western ewes, culls, shorn... 76 Pr. 7 00 8 65 4 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 6 40 8 45 8 00 5 60 8 45 . 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE JTOCK MARKET Now York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished tr Logan 4k Bryan, 11 South Sixteenth street: . i uo4ansia Lisisy is .. t.HOreene Caaanea I' .1 4 li' Inspiration 's, .. U'aLar.jee I 14-14 Nrv. Coneoliaatad ,. 81 .. 44t Newhovee to ., J Ohio Copper I 1-14 .. 1 gaerhlde Coalition .. M .. 41 gay Central I T-: .. 14 (win Pks Co 106 .. U B-ar. Hoebuok Co..lMM Bay svate Osa Butts Oslltlon .... Caetus Chloo Chief Cone y par 1 1 on Pavla-Daly Ely Central r.iy Consolidated .. Ely Witch Franklin Oiroui ,. CoiatleU Cons Oolaileid Florence Superior Pittatmra 11 .1 6-ltTonopah Mlarng .... .. IwTrUtliy Cupper ,44a New York Mlttlaar Stocks. NEW YORK. May It. Closing quotations on mining stock were: Alloa Brunawkk Con. ... Com. Tunnel atoek as bond 47m. Cel. as Va... Horn Silver Iroa illver. .ISO Leaa'vllle Con I Mule Chief ... 'Meiloaa . U Ontario ... M Ophlr ... 44 Standard Tallow Jacket .. t 4 M M 1 ..... 40 ..... W Visible Snpplr of Grain. NEW YORK, May 16. Tho visible supply of grain Saturday, May 14, as complied by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat, 22,872,000 bushels; decreased, 1,712,- 000 bushels. Corn, 7,7S0,000 bushels; decreased, 1,830,000 bushels. "' ' Oats. 7,276,000 bushels; decreased, 842,000 bushels. Ilye, 558,000 bushels; decreased, 26,000 bush els. Barley, 2,035,000 bushels; decreased, 119,000 bushels. Canadian w-'hrat. 7.134,000 bushels; de creased, t'J.000 bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 16. WHEAT May, tl.OOVj; July, $1.08-, September, tl.00V. Cash: no. I nam, i.u; ru. 1 nortnern, tl.OVSfil llH; No- i northern, ll.07S.4H.O9S; No. I. fl.04Stfi.06. COKN No. 8 yellow, osajxaic, OATS No. S white. 89S-41Ho. K YE No. 2. 708c. BRAN In 100-pound sacks, f1S.00lglR.l5. FLOUR First patents (In wood, f. o. b. Minneapolis). f6.rf6.50; second patents, ti.10ni5.3o; first clears, $4.154.26; second clears, fI.90iSI.t0. Oils and Rosia. SAVANNAH. May 16. -OILS Turpen tine, firm, 61 Sc; sales, 267 bbls.; receipts, 4 bbls.; shipments, 498 bbls.; stock, 1.792 bbls. KOSIN Firm; sales, 877 bbls.; shipments, 1.274 bbls.; stock. 47,409 bbls. Quote: B, R25; D. K60; E, t4 80; F, t4 86; G. t4.0; H, tdO.O; I. 15-05; K. 15-10; M. tS tS; N, fS 60; WO. S.75; WW. t6.5. Onaaba Hay Market, OMAHA, May 16-HAY-No. 1. 1860; No. 1, 18.00; packing, tfi.00. Straw: Wheat. f6 60; rye and cats. f7.60. Alfalfa, f 12 .60. The best grade ot hay ar holding their own, but nobody seem to wan. the pogrcr, quality at any price, toek la Slarbt. Nn. 28..'. It... 1..., to..-.. 11... 17... (... IU.. 20... It... :... ... T... 4... ... 4... 17... 4... ... I... II... 14... I... 10... C... ... to... Trssiary gtatensvat. WASHINGTON, May 1.-The condition of the treaaury at the beginning of bualneas today was as follows: Trust 1'unda Gold coin, fHlll,S3, silver pal western markets South Omaha........... et. Joseph , Kansas City St. Ixuls , Chicago Total receipts.. Cattle. .. 4 r .. i .JOl .. 8.500 .. 4010 .. 2.300 ..20.&00 !rlrgs. Sheep. 4.hU) 1 4(10 8.7 t OuO 74141 r,.vi 37.0HO 2-.0i 61,450 17, U5 U 4 4 t Av. 8H4 !n Ifi34 1041 904 1000 1010 47 23 114 11U1 i ti 91) SOS Wit 494 u) 883 401 144 72J 41 bit 44 490 704 12S0 nn low 1411 410 ;S2 1060 Pr. i ID 4 10 4 48 70 70 19 4 0 7 CO 7 T 10 7 10 No. U 44 13 It !2 14 14 II 14 18 43 cows. At. Tr. ..119J 7 14 I 00 I 1 I to I 45 I 76 I 15 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 7 HEIFERS. 4.. 10.. ... I.., ... 17.. 11.. 14.. 10.. 4 00 4 W 4 40 4 au I M I 14 7. I . II.. II.. 4.. 497 i. ...1141 1119 1337 1225 im 1844 1241 - m liW imi 944 40 924 911 9A , 811 1064 104 , 5 663 475 I 111 . 927 7 15 7 10 T SO 7 90 7 30 7 40 7 44 7 80 7 S3 7 13 6 00 ( no I Hi 6 SO r 30 I 40 I 14 4 ) 40 6 18 6 tl t 64 I B0 00 Cattle Market Steady Hons and , Sheep Reported Lower. CHICAGO. Mav 16. C ATTIRE Receipts, 2,800 head; market steady to 10c lower; steers. i6.2ZfiHM; cows, fl.K5ffft.76; heifers, f 4 2.Hi7.45; bulls, f3.O0U.j3; calves. ,3.0071 7.75 : stockers and feeders, tl.75ifjfi.76. HOOS Receipts, 37,000 head; market 15 20o lower; choice heavy, t9.67Hrq3.i',2iA; butchers, f9.o00(9.6n; light mixed, f.6u$9.0; choice light, f.60I9.6r.; packing, t9.o5(i9.60; nls-a 1 !HV,il SIV hulk nf snles. $H HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25.000 head; market 25!g50c lower; sheep, t.i0() 6.40; yearlings, t7.00t(7.50; lambs, f7.50jS.75; spring lambs, f9.00U.OO. St. Loots Live- Stork Market. BT. LOUIS. May 16. CATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head, Including 2.000 Texans; market 10c lower; native shipping ana export kteers, t6.7OfT8.00; dressed beer and nutcner steers, tfi.OVgS.OO; sierra under 1.000 lbs., to.50fj8.OOi Blockers and feeders, tl.OOfT.25; cows and heiifers, t3.35tjiS.00; canners. t2.75 3.25; bulls, t4.00ift6.7r.; calves. t4. 008.25; Texas and Indian : steers, n.i.wv vr, cowa and heifers, t3.00fj6.6a HOGS Receipts, 7,400 head: marnet ivy 15c lower; pigs and lights, t8.0Otj9.S5; pack ers. 89,50Hj'uft; butchers ana nest neavy, t9.iXWtH.66. SHEEP AM L.A M 13H Keceipis, o,.wu head: market 10ff2,"o lower; native muttons, J6.25ffj7.25; lambs, t7.MM.50: cul,s art(l bucks, f2.00iQtf.O0; stockers, J3.5Wj5.60. BULLS. 1 .. i 00 t 74 7 38 S2J 2M 10 133 154 8TOCKER3 4I3 4 70 447 I 00 794 00 444 4 00 .43 6 10 ( OS 1 II 8 16 t IS 5 14 I 60 6 ft CALVE 3. too K 4 11 t 1 AND 13.. I . 4... ..11S0 ..1S70 ..1540 ..1130 ..1050 ..1740 ( 75 04 04 4 04 15 15 114 133 1S1 240 150 FEEDERS. Ml t 15 790 933 T tS 7 2i T tS 7 2i 7 60 I 44 i ti 6 13 li 19 It'l 4 eto COWB AND HEIFERS 10 47 4 00. 11 T1 40 HOJS Provision reports at the opening of the hog market this morning were any thing but encouraging, ana this influence. coupled with sharply lower advices from other markets, operated to wipe out most of Saturday's advance, leaving prices gen erally on Friday a basis. In other words nnen nsr sales were just about a dlmi lower, but a light supply and reasonably active competition from shippers resulted In some Improvement, quite a little busi ness being done at frfjlOc lower figures. After one or two or tne larger nuyers had filled their orders and dropped out of the trade demand became very draggy at prlcesvfully lotflfc lower than last week's close, av lew late saiea ueing rnaae at tne full docltne. A laraa snare ot receipts oia at U 252 9 !2Vi as compared with Saturday's bulk of t9.fcVU.l(. Mops uroppeu to au. a nickel lower than best sales Baturuay. No. Tl... 47.... IT... TJ... 11... 14... 41... 44... 1.. 40... 1... 14... 4... 49... 44... II... 44... 13... 44... U ... II... 11... 45. .. 54 . . . u... AV. ....257 ...444 ,... ....967 ...Kl ...34 ... IH ... isO ....HI ...HO ...344 ....347 ... VA ... I 4 ...147 . ...!H ... S...ISH ....fO ...,34t ... rJ5 ...Be ....214 8h. 40 340 40 40 41) rr. I 34 . 36 H 9 N t 44 I It fit tt: I V 4 ITVa 17V, I I7Uj t r I 40 :s w I ill No. A. h. Tr. 40 K ... 30 44 Ml 44 I 12 106 ... I 14 64 3il ... I 11 II 240 ... I I3 44 IM 130 9 U4j 114 324 130 I t 36 143 ... I 334 44. ....... .311 10 I U4 i ... I I'iWj 7 SSOI ... I K , 44 r7 ISO I im II ri ... 11214 14 KM I 13 44 Hi ... Ku II HI ... 4 12Si 73 ai ... 1114 40 2 4 14 I Stv, 41 !W ... IM 74 Ml 44 I A e 104 l IU - 44 t'.l ... I li IT ti I U a.'. 4 lao t li 41 124 ... lie smaller sized, 'per bn., ti.W )tli;r brands 1 11111 jilvvtMidi.. and u;itilcts, pm- tm., vo iAi-jb .iti; u-6-112 Mzcs, per Ijux, ii.lj. iluvdi.a .UcuUl'l runcull i'i, UVHJ sixes, iur iiox, 4.1.00; l.iO nnd vmallcr sacs, per uox, X25. l.rinons: Lamunlera, extra lanty, ow-3iR sixes, 40.uO; t-uoice Joo-jtiO sisei", per mix, 44.75; ito Mir, i0i: per box lea. i.nnaiiaK i-unej mlmi, per uuiien, f2.2o(u; 2 bo; Jumbo uuneh, tZ. LvuJ.iS. urape l- i-uii: f'lunUa, 40-64-04-M) sizes per box, 46.00. Apples: licit Luvis, per bbl., 4.1.16; Caiitornla tunt y Vv . w. ' Pear uiaiiis, per luu, t2.2.i; California extra tuiu-y U . '. pearmains, Red Wood brand, per box, f2.1; extra luney Iowa Jonuthans, per bbl., b.oo. Cherries; Calltornia. per 10-lb. box, 42.2G. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30-lb. pKgs. in box, per box, fci.00. r igs; calltornia, loc slie, hoc. KUETAbLhS-Irith Potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, per bu., ooyooc; Colorado, per bu., 66c. New Potatoes: In sacks, per lb., 24o. Seed Sweet Potatoes: Kansas, per blil., t-.00. Cabbage: New California and southern, per lb., itc. Onions: Texan crystal wax, per crate, 1.90; yellow, per crate, fl.fia. Old Vegetables: Pursnlps, car rots beets, turnip, in bucks, per 10., c. (Jailic: Kxtia laucy. white, per lb., loc; red. per lb., I'jc. New Southern Vegetables Radishes: Per doz. bunches, 35c. Turnips: Per doz. bunches, 45c. Carrots: Per doz. bunches. 50c. Siiallntts: Per doz. bunches, 60c. Paisley: Per doz. bunches, 50c. Reels: Per doz. bunches, 50c. Spinach: Per bu., 12 lbs., 11.00. tug Plant: Fancy Florida per doz., J1.50&2. 00. Tomutoes: Fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6-bsk. i rate, $2.75; choice, fi.ii. String anil Wax Keans: Per hamper, about 25 lbs., fcJ-00. Given I'eas. Per hamper, 2.H (. ucumhers: 1101 nuuse, per. uus.,; Texas', per doz., 75c. . HOMK-UKOH N VEGETABLES Rad ishes: Extra fancy, per doz. bunches, 20c. Lettuce: Extrm fancy leaf, per doz., 45c; held lettuce, per tloz., 75c. Par.-deyi Fancy, per doz. bunches, 40c. Rhubarb: Per doz. bunches, 45c. Asparagus: Per dos. hunches, COc. Green , onions: Per doz. bunches, 25c. MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish: Two doz. In case, fl.90: Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2o; California No. 1, per lb., 17c; California, No. 2. per lb., 14c. lllckorynuts Large, per lb., 4c; smas'l. Per lb.,. 6c, Cocoanuts; Par sack, fo.00; per doz., 65c. ILLINOIS BORROWS SOUTH DAKOTA EXPERTS State Employes Asked to Assist la Prepurlnn; Rate Suit Aicalnat Railroad. ; , PIERR7, S. D., May 1. (Special. )-At the time the 2-cent rate hearing on the South Dakota cases was being held in Chicago, a representative of the department of the attorney general of Illinois attended the hearings and listened to the testimony of the state witnesses. As a result of his at tention to the manner In which the testi mony was presented by the experts em ployed by Houth Dakota, the Ullnoiu authorities have requested that tho serv ices of thesa men: C. W. Ulilman, expert accountant on books, and C. C. Witt, civil engineer, and E. F. Swarts, accountant on physical valuations, be loaned to that statu for a like suit against the Chicago, Poorla & St. Louis road. It has been decided that these men will be allowed to take up the work In Illinois as soon as all tho hearings In the Bouth Dakota case are completed, which will be In a short time. Kansas City Live Stock Market. If A MS AS PITY. Mav 111. CATTLE Ro- celpts, 8,600 head, Including 2,700 southerns; market steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, f7.OOfjS.25: fnlr to good, t6.65f7.00; western steers. H.OiVFi7.70; stock ers and feeders, fcj.004i6.iu; soutnern steers, J46Vii7.2S; southern cows, frar.jf).M; native cows, f4 OOfj 6 60; native heifers. J4.40&.7.2."., bulls, t4 25ti6.25; calves. f4.00fu7.Za. HOGS Receipt s, 8.7W head; mantel jus lower; ton. j!M2'i bulk of sales, lli.2offj-9.40; heavv. fO.SSiast.tJ1; packers and butchers, t9.8Cri9.40; light. t9.20M9.40; pigs. fx.75yD.00. SHEL.P AMI liAMUS-Ktcrinia, head; market tf?25c lower; lambn, S7.2Mi) 75: yearlings. iij.wnT.w: wctnrrs, i.oi-y 7 25: ewes, f4.50(g6.76; stockcra and feeders, t3.OOfj5.00. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 16.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady; steers, f5.60U7.76; cows and heifers, f3.505j7.&0, calves, t3.00S7.5O. HOGS Receipts. 4.500 head; market isc lower; top, f9.46; bulk of sales, 9. 35. BHEEP AND LAM H rteceipts, Z.wo head; market duJl and lower, lambs, f7.&tf I.U. t'ausbt in tho Aet and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills, bilious headacho quits and liver and bow els act rleht. 2Cc. For snlo by Beaton Drug Co. , Persistent Advertising Is the Hood to Dig ReturnB. ., . i--.: . - 1 , HEINZ OMAHA GEN EH At, MARKETS Staple and Fancy Prodoce prices Par. nlahed by Bayers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to tha retail trade. In 1-lb. cartons, 29o; Na 1, In 90-lb. tubs, Z4c; No. z. m 1-iD. cartons, 27c; In 0-lb tubs, W,c. packing stock, solid pack, too; dairy. In CO-lb. tubs. 22a Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. 16Hc; young America. 17c; daisy, 17a; llmburger. l&c; No. 1 brick, ltic; No. 2, 15c; domestlo block Swiss, tic; imported Swiss, 80c. PO U LT RY Di eased broilers, t9 00 doz.; for storage. I6.OO1 for fresh springs. 20c; hens, 19c; cocks, 12VaC; ducks, 20c; geene, 15c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per doz., 11.20; homer squabs, J4.00 per doz.; fancy squabs, 13.50 per doz.; No. 1. fclOO per duz. Alive: Broilers, from 1"4 to l' lbs., 40c; 1H to 1 lbs., 3oc; hens, 14o; old roosters, 10c; young roosters, Iw; duoks, full feathered, 14c; geese, full feathered, to; turkeys, lac; guinea fowls, 'too each: pigeons, 90o per doz.; homers, f3.00 per doz.; squabs, No. 1, 12 00 per dos.; No, 1 60c. FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, to; whltefish, 13c; plks. 10o; trout, 13c; large crapples, 16W18c; Spanish mackerel, lfc; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c. Green catfish, 18c; trout, 'Uc; buffalo, So; halibut, ho, white perch, 8c; whltefish, lie; yellow parch, 9c; bullheads, Uc; white bass, 17c; roeshads, fl.00 each; shadroes, per pair, 60c; frug legs, too per dos. Heet Cuts-Ribs: No. t, 17c; No. t. 14 He; No. 3, 13c. Loins: NO. 1, 19c; No. I, 14,c; Nb. S, 13'ic' Chuck: No. 1, 8'ic; No. 2. kc; No. i, 6vc. Round: No. 1. llfco; No. 2, 11V.C; Ne. 3. 11c Plate: No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 7Vie: No. 8. 7'4C. FRUITS Htrawberrles: Tennesee and Mimumrl. 24-if. cases, per case, IJ.7yu3i5. Oiatiges: California Camrlla and Producer brands Redland navels, 80-96 ls--s, p- box, fcl.uO: Ui Ue, pr box, liv 1,6 and The acquittal of V. Augustus Ilclnre makes It possible for him to resume tho active direction of copper proper ties which, ho declares, "are among the beat In the world," and restores to copper mining and market circles one of its most virile and most successful characters. Market attention la .. now largely focused on the HEINZB STOCKS. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but tne trutn concerning. OHIO COPPER DAVIS-DALY UNITED COPPER detailing their present financial, physi cal and market status, and clearly In dicating their future, will b told in an exhaustive article in the regular forthcoming issue of COPPER, CURB & MIIIIIIG OUTLOOK 72 TRINITT PLACE, KEW YORK The Leading- Mining and Market Aathot- ity la eVmarlca, OUT WEDNESDAY MORNIKQ OH BA1B AT HOTELS A WD XfEWb TAJTDS XVYWHBI. aV sample oopy containing this- vital article will be sent TMUa ou veauest. Writ for II now. Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and Dealers om.ijv. riOTinost, stooxs, Oanaba Otfloei ill Boar of Trade Hid Ball Talepaoaa, Pouglaa Sail laaevendant. A-S1321. Oldea aa Xrtsl Xeoae l tba State. r