Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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L 1-
15181320 Faxnara Street
Sfony Wevsh Dresses for
? Small Vomcrt,Great Values!
for the house, store, office and school-
room those dresses are just the thing. 'Hie illustration
gives an idea of the pretty style. The materials are last
color percale, eliambniys, French ginghams and Wexford
cloths. The colors are tan; blue and pink, also figured and
dot effects and shepherd checks there are both light and
' dark colors It's needless to add that they are right from
the viewpoint of style and making. We have sizes from
v 32 to ;:8 bust.
You'll recognise
25 $0)50
Ik at one that than
i- p r 1 1 r Drr
K ara great y1os
3 at tta special
V r I e a quoted
IT tier.
One of the besetting dangers of every business firm is getting "into a rut" fossilizing. It
is perhaps almost as much a fault to adopt too changeable a policy. It has-ever been the aim of
our management to find a happy medium in this respect and the result has been that in the
articles which we have for sale may be found all the old reliable items which were in demand in
"war times" and constantly since then and also the products of scientific and industrial activity
of the Vintage of 1910. x
It is an absolute fact that no working day in the year passes that does not see one or more drugs, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals or toUet articles added to our stock. This is the reason "you can always find it at Sherman &
McConnell'a" Your doctor will tell jou this is true, 'your druggists will admit It, and the very generous and con
tinued patronage given us by the people of this city and surrounding states, leads lis to believe the fact ia rather
generally known. - Our stocks are now more complete than ever, and we invito the patronage of large or small bay
era. , Individuals, families and hospitals. .We are glad to charge giioclN to anyone who can satisfy us as to ability and
willingness to settle account eacli month. J.
We Sell 100 Kinds
Write For List
We sell a most complete line of Fever
Thermometers A "one minute," ac
curate Thermometer with certificate
by mail . I .......... . '. .t.t
Sponges and Chamois Sale
French Toilet Chamois, each ....Hie
Polishing Chamois, each . . ISc to flOe
Automobile and Carriage Chamois, at,
each 50c to $I.Bo
. Sponges, for toilet purposes 5c to 33c
Sponges-larger-for toilet purposes;
each, at S83c to $:J.OO
Bleached Sheepswool Sponges, now at,
each 73c to $t.3
Fine Mandruka Bath Sponges, now at,
each 5c to 81.00
Fine tough fiber Sheepswool .Car
riage and automobile sponges, each,1
each .73c to $4.00'
"Reef" Scrub Brushes, each 13c, 33c!
We have the stock on these article! j
and shall be glad to Show you. j
Sherman & HcConnel! Drug Co.,
i Owl Drug Co., 16th and
lor Ten Tears as th fjatlln Treat
ment Ks Been Onrinir th Liquor
Habit la Tat TIB DATS, as a
Thousand rapatabl CHitans
rt )trfc Oaa Testify.
fa amputation of th Patiln Xnstltat
Is So Oood aad thn Caras tH Oat
,V tin Treatment Sffota Ar Mo
Prraar.tat Teat Imitators
Xav Appeared.
Th ttaUla Treatment Cannot B Had at
Any restitution ta Sabraar)-at Toil
Datt-r-port to th oatlla Inatl
tut; Isspoatera aad Asg
When th Oatlin Institute. TEN
YEAKd Ai3J,, first announced to the
public that lmuoi drinking was not a
liiseia and tliat the Oatlin treatment
Cured drunkenness In THRKI5 l'AVS by
1olng away with the cause accumulated
ikohollc poison of craving, desire and
nr-demand for tlijuoi. the announce
jitanl met with skepticism.
' Hut the Ga'.lln treatment mere than
Verified eery claim mad fir It In ten
yeara past ther ha been Jailiare; to
Sure in no case: after ten year it has
?ome u be reclgnlied as the only real
ruie for the . Iliiuor habit lu existence;
after ten ;-u it Is rvcognlxed aa th
Inatlonal treatment for liquor drinking;
,ut not until AFTER ten years, when
:h Oatltn treatment la proved by several
housand cures and NOT until after tli
iatlln Instltut ia alao a proved finan
.Mal aucceas. hav coin TUB 1MITAT
pHf" They alaaya cum aooner or later
t.'ey :!i:d it profitable to follow MrJHI'1'.
1 ' ..i.UtuleS lo.aieil at IJJ 8e lillilan.l Ae. K. K Plttil.tng la; 1414 Feenlli ft., i'arkt raburg. W. Va;
'rati i t i I. aS. IH ; IMS f. Klgntli t . Kaits City. Mo.; lu hu. Mrand Ave., Lc Anatles, t a) : t')i exenth Si.. Ho.
villi; c:..lis. Minn. J7 Ho. ". " M.. l acoma, Warn, hau Fixiiclsco. S.atile, fortluiid and New Vork lustiiutei now opening.
Jk , i c; ai atluiia elng mad lu Omaha.
50 J95Jj75
Reliable Proprietary
Medicines at Cut Prices
Newbros- Herpicide . . . . .43c and 89c
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic . .30c and $1
f 1 Squibb' Sareaparilla, for 73c
f 1 Zemo- 6k in Cut). for- - ' -snc
Rexall Kidney ..Cure . . , r43c and 89c
$1.00 Booth s Hyomel 89c
Victor's' Hazel Leaf Pile Cbncs" "'. . .50c j
Rexall Mucutone 43c and 89c I
3andholm's Eczema Cure 25c, 19c, 89c
50c Neal's Dyspepsia-Tablets .. ..43s
50c Oassoms' Kidney Pills' 2c j
Rexall Orderlies 10c and 23c
Write for Price List
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets 25c, 43c, 89c
I ,, ,,.,. - . on
D- D D- fc'czcf,1a Curc -aSc nrt 9c
j Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets ..13c, 8!)t
Plnkham's Compound .
Rexall Rheumatic Cure
. 43c and 8c
Special Sale of
Rubber Goads
These "Imitations" are heralded a
"nw discoveries," strictly "up-to-date."
as though the fashlona In medicine
changed like th-'Se of shirt walata. These
"Imitations" wer. In each Instance, "dis
covered" by ex-employes and "flounced"
by ex-patients of the UatMn Institute.
The verv fact that ex-failenta. knowing
th worth of th Gatlln treatment by
having taken It. were willing to "finance"
ex-employes who CLAIMED t) "KNOW
tha Uatlln treatment, la a very consider
able Indorsument uf the Oatlin tn Itself,
tsn t It?
If you ar willing to pay nut money
for ei.-mthliig that Is not PROVED BY
TIME, you hav a perfect right to do so.
The worst, perhaps, that can happen to
you Is tit hav your confidence In ever
being cured a'.iakcn and the chances are
that nu will at least be sobered up.
But If aum one represents to ou that
you have been given the Oatlin treatment
and ou took such treatment In any In
stitution not hearing the nam "Oatlin
Institute," or If you hav purchased a
noin treatment a th Oatlin treat
ment from any
than on bearing
Institute." you have been
upon you hav been a victim of fraud.
If you hav beet) deceive 1 la I hi regard
and desire to hav th money you paid
out lelundftd. writ to the Oatlin Insti
tute, giving particular, and you can get
it back. v
Th Oatlin treatment contains no pol
aonous drug, nor are there, any hypoder
mic Injection. Th Oatlin Institute cm
ploys no 'solicitors." 'drummers." or
cappers' to piv Into your home lite
snd niak you.- lulnortun nioi t public
. lis
n t: l
Any article of spparel from thin utor 1
right from every view point of quality, style
and value. Right now w ar denionsttat
In the Important fart 'hat prices at tbl
store are right right, low, we mean Visit
in this week In every department
throughout Cm store you'll a" goods and
prices that will surprise and delight ou.
Pure Fosd Soda Wafers
The ONYX gi'KKN Is the name of
our Soda Fountain at Sixteenth and
I Dodge and the ONVX KING, the beau-
tlful new fountain at Sixteenth and
Harney streets, is without doubt the
; finest soda fountain !: the west. Our
j force of experts "know how."
Toilet G:od$ a) Cut Pricis
23c Mistletoe Cream 14r
25c lOspey's Cream 14c
25c Sanltol Tooth Paste 12c
25c Swansdown Powder 12c
$1.50 Oriental Cream ..,;08e
75c M. & L. Florida Water 49c
$1 Plnaud's Lilac Vegetal 49c
60c Plnaud's Comtesse Powder . .29c
50c' Cucumber and Benzoin Cream
now at 29c
Roger ) Gallet's Rice Powder . . . .19c
151 Kay's Hat Cleaner 10c
Dr. ti raves' Tcoth Powder 12c
16th and Dodge
Until preparations are completed for
opening a Uatlln Institute In Omaha,
those lealrlng the genuine Oatlin treat
ment may come to the Gatlln Institute
at 1)23 High St.. Dee Moiiua. la., or th
Uatlin institute at 1425 Cleveland place,
Denver, Colo., for treatment, and upon
larrlval at either Institute, If mention Is
made of this announcement, railroad fare
and Pullman car charges both ways will
be paid by Hie Gatlln Institute..
To those who cannot come to either
Institute for three daya, the Oatlin Home
treatment I recommened. It Is just as
efficient aa Institute treatment If simple
directions are followed.
Each patient will be accepted, at the
Gatlln Institute under a ligally executed
contract to cure In THHIlK DAY to
cur satisfactorily In every particular
or on leivlng the Institute th full fe
paid shs'l he refunded. Aa ta the finan
cial value of this contract, and at to the
Integrity of the owners of the Oatlin ln
stliute, you are ' referred to the I'nlted
States National bank of Denver, to tha
Continental Trust company of Denver or
ir-niuiion oiner,0 the mtyor o( Denver, the health com-
tlie name "Oatlin ,l.. inn..- nf rienivr tlia pllv unrl rnuim
oiivatelan of Denver or to any uubile of
ficial or financial Institution f Denver:
to the De Moines National bank of Det
Moines. Is.: to the First National ba.ik
of Kansas Cilv, Mo.; to the Monro N't
tlunal lu nk of Chicago, 111. -Hooks
of particulars, cjpiet of con
tract to cur and other Information On
request. Address- the Oitlin Instltut.
It.'i Cleveland place, Denver. Colo., or
th Oatlin Inatfuie. 1323 High St.. Det
Moluc. la. Ho'h institutes have long
illslmce telephone connections.
New Mexican Troopi Sent to Taoi Are
. Ordered Home.
Traakla Dae ta tkaa p Methoria
f Gavrrameat rrldaat Seada
Traa of Caaalrf from
rrt Wlaaata.
A NT A FE. N. M.. May 14.-Tha thrat
n1 tiprlainr of the T0 Pueblo Infllana
St Taos, x. M., appears to be at an and.
Governor Mill today aald hia National
Ouard, acnt to Taos lat night, had bean
ordered to ratjrn.
Early advices from Tao ware tliat all
waa quiet. with the exception that the ren
etade Indiana tor whom bancli warrants
were out were ttlll reaiatlng ai'reit and
wra protected by their associate.
Troop nt Cavalry Seat.
WASHINGTON. May 14.-Preldent Taft
conferred today with Secretary Dlckinaon
nd Secretary Baillnger retarding the up
rlelng of the Pueblo Indiana at Taoa, N.
M. It waa decided to send a troop of cav
alry from Fort Wlngats to restore order.
The president waa unwilling that the terri
torial militia of New Mexico should deal
with the situation.
It waa feared that a clash might Occur
between the Indian and the militiamen
and that there would be needless blood
shed which might be averted by the ap
pearance of th regular troops, for Whom
the Indiana have the utmost respect.
Superintendent Crandel of th Santa Fa
Indian school telegraphed the commlKstoner
of Indian affairs today that the uprising
Deemed to be nothing serious, but that he
would leave at once tor the teens ot trou
ble In order to report any developments.
Mr. C'randell said the trouble apparently
was due to "squatters" having fenced up
fWaehmea. Kept t Igll.
1AOS. N. U., May U-Rtnchmen
throughout this lection spent a sleepless
night keeping vigil against a possible or
ganized raid by Pueblo Indians from the
reservation north of here, but at daylight
no .word of any further movement on the
rart of the braves had readied this town.
Following th raids ot yesterday and the
day before, In which th ranch of U 8.
Meters was attacked, the buildings burnod
and fences destroyed, and, It I reported,
the female members of the family attacked,
everybody armed themselves and gathered
fn groups for better protection.
Troops from Santa Fa and othei points
ordered yesterday to the scene were due
to arrive this morning, but In the meantime
a general masacre was feared, ss au
thentic new cahie that fifty or more of
tha warriors of the 8an Juan and other
tribes , were wearing war paint and en
gaging In war dances. None ot the older
bucks had donned the war bonnets, but
many , of the young ones were reported as
having joined the uprising.
Cm u ara of Iprlalng.
' Several causes are given as thepotslble
reason for the outbreSk. . Opposition to
census taking and general dissatisfaction
wlili the whites because of what the In
dians, bellev to bs encroachments upon
their rights are more generally accepted
as the tause of the trouble. .Tha attack
upon tlis Meyers ranch is explained -by
th. fact that Mr. Meyers had fenced in a
section of land over which the Indians had
enjoyed undisputed control for many years.
Koi years the Indiana have governed
village councilors, who tried and punished
malefactors ot the tribe without appeal to
th territorial authorities.
dome months ago an Indian of tljt laleta
Pueblos, who had been lmprisioned by the
village authorities, appealed to th terri
torial lourts and the chief and councilors
of th village were put in jail, eflnca that
time the Indians have been unruly and It is
thought the present outbreak ta the result
of fear by the Pueblos that they would
luoae their Independence.
For several weeks ranchers near Taos
have found their fences cut1 and their
stock missing, but the discontent of tha
Indians culminated yesterday In the attack
on the Myers household.
The taking of the census Is also believed
to have caused much unrest among tha
Indians. When the enumeratora reached
Santo Domlngj and San Pueblos they wen
I refused all information concerning members
of the tribe and were threatened with
violence. t
It was only after triey had threatened to
bring troop and former Governor Curry
had gone personally to the chiefs and
reassured tnem about the purpose ot the
census that th Indians were perstiaded to
answer ih questions. Several eastern
artists are believed to be in the Taos coun
try making sketches ot Indian life. Tsos
is the oldest and most picturesque town ot
th Pueblos.
(Continued from First Page.)
If w as understood by us that this
work w as of . eelal Importance.
'The general airangement of facts, th
order n which they com tn th presi
dent Itler Is practically Identical with
the arrangements of facts In the final
Lawler draft or so-called memorandum.
Kerb? Admit Making- Statemeat.
Kerby Is quoted a Saying In conclusion:
"Certain portion of the Taft letter 1
can Identify a being in subitanc the
thoughts of Lawler. For Instance, ther la
th following passag in th Taft letter,
which certainly embodies Lawler thought:
" 'The general responsibility of cabinet
positions demsnda th selection of men of
the highest character and Integrity. Pos
esslon ot these qualities, as a ell as ability
and experience, which especially fitted you
to direct th affaire of th Department
ot th Interior, warranted your appoint
ment aa secretary.'
"In general Taft aoftened Law lei's draft
and doubtless ycry materially changed th
wording, In that he aubatltuted for cer
tain I.awlr phrases, phrases of hia own
m.ftnln. Ih. ..m. thin. '
When the news of Kerby's sensational
statement reached th Interior department
a messenger was sent by th department
to Kerby, who was off duty, to ascertain
the ver.ty cf the report. He admitted the
n ry was tru and tliat he Issued
tuch a satement. t
Kerby reported at th department . for
duty this morning and obtained permission
from Private Secretary Csrr to be off
duty today and Monday.
When Carr was seen he. said a had
noth'ng to say at th piesent time, but
late.-, after he had full read the tt
oienl would make reply.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
has heretofore expressed to m'.-thsi
Pierce's decision ass of tne category that
cauted King John to exclaim: 'It Is th
curs it kings go be atiendtd by staves
that on th winking of authority
ft .,Milk,.tinit ft Iftft.-' " I
Mr. Brand: then aked: 'CM Mr.
niavl quel that expression from King
'No. I gueas that was just the way I
put It."
'That Is all I cart to ak th witness."
said tn attorney.
Daalal from Dtaaett.
Fred Dennett, commissioner of the gen
eral Ian! office, succeeded Mr. Pchwarts on
ih stand and related at great length tin
attitude Of the Interior department toward
coal land legislation which has been before
congress In recent year. He denied thai
he had ever had any Interest in Alaskan
coal claims.
The committee decided today to meet on
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
next wk.
Second Witness
in Sugar Scandal
I ancQ TilKPn I 1 1
ViU3va clivvll lis
Misfortune Stems to Pursue Men Who
Are Expected to Testify for
the Government.
NEW YORK, May 14.-Mlsfortune seems
ta b pursuing witnesses in the sugar scan
dal cases. Recently nicherd Parr, star
witness In preceding trials snd expected to
figur prominently In the trial of Charles
R. Helke, secretary of the American bugar
rtefinlng company, a as threatened with
peritonitis and It la still uncertain whether
h can appesr at the trial next week. To
day it was learned that Otto Hcnmeiter, on
of th American ttugar Refining company'
bookkeepers, on wl-ot testimony the gov
ernment depend even more largely in th
Helke prosecution. Is seriously 111. Th
prospects ar that he will be unable to tes
tify Parr uncovered th crooked work with
the scales on thfi Williamsburg sugar docks
Which sent a quartet of checkers and
Oliver Spitzer, their foreman, to the peni
tentiary, after a sensational trial.
Bchmelter, at his post in th sugar com
pany office, checked th weighing opera
lions. It was the tables he prepared and
concerning which he testified at previous
trials that enabled th government to show
the dlffeerences proving the underwelghlng
which rent the checkers to prison snd
which resulted In the refunding to the gov
ernment by the Sugar company of more
than I.Mt'.OOO In duties. Bchmelter Is ssld
to hav suffered a breakdown as a result
of th laborious v.ork hs did in msklng
the computations and the nervous ' strain
of tha long continued prosecutions.
the government counsel, while somewhat
cast down atv th" Illness of Parr and
Schmelter, Insist that other evident has
developed that makes their ess stronger
than ever and that the trial of Helke and
others accused In the sugar conspiracy
cases Will start e&t Monday, according to
Saloons Reopen
Attorneys Check Over Petition and
Announce it is Insufficient Big
Legal Battle Probable.
MArtS HALLTOWN, la.. May H.-tSp-clal
Telegram.) When their attorneys who
spent ten days checking th revocation pe
tition announced that th petition was In
sufficient, all saloons of city reopened this
afternoon. The opening is the signal for a
bitter legal fight. Anti-saloon attorneys de
clare there ar any number of reasons not
based on saloons petition of consent cir
culated ten years ago on which they can
be closed by Injunction aside from the
petition. Revocation proceedings by In
junction will be begun at once.
Wealth la Preoloas Metals and Coal
Ho Inaeae that Valuation Can
Oalr Be Gueaaed At.
WASHINGTON,' May 14.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) That America has no conception
of thn wealth of Alaska Is the declaration
of V. C. Hancock of V.s Bay, Alaska.
"Alaska's surface has only been
scratched," ssys Mr. Hancock. "The gold
production of the territory hss not in
creased In the last few years because of the
lack of transportation fscilltles and capital
to develop th country, but there Is no
doubt In my mind that the production of
gold will tsr exceed that of last year. Just
as soon as the country Is properly opened
up. Thsr IS na danger of Alaska wearing
out. But not only I the future bright for
mining, but for agricultural pursuits as
well. Some day Alaska will b one of the
greatest agrlcultura sections. , The soli Is
very fertile and the seasons are adspted
to big and good crops.
"Alaska Is going to produce more million
aires thsn' any other piece of land of
similar slse In th world. It contains gold,
silver, lead, coal and other minerals in such
quantities that the real v valuation cannot
be gLCssod."
Come rises hteaiay at liM a. aa.
Oojast rises Tuesday at 4:0 a. in.
The Weather.
For Nebraska fthoaers: warmer.
For low Fair; warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
3 p. m..... Phone Douglas 1812.
4 p. m S
5 p. m So -'-" "-"- " --" ------.r-
Ml lUuniKli ft I il- MfttmtilifirmiMrtu
. gViiuuiui iniWftM amiiiiftift iftftftftiftiWlWftiiii ftfrftmilfti irff i
. nnm
i4x'i Tiff.n.. mm, . .-ftrata. fine
't Tiffany Ring, 1 carats, good
) gig Tlffsny Ring, l M caran.
No, 1317 T1(fenvRing I l-ls. 1-Ji tsraia. fna color
No. 12t Tlffsny Ring 1 l-l. 1-3S carata. good tailor
No. Il7i Tiffany Ring. I 3-1. l-2. l-4 carat i. fin color
No. 12&eriftr.y Ring S. 1-1 carats
No. ill! .Tlffsny Ring. 14 !- carats, fins i color
No. list Tiffany Ring ' 3-S4 iiat. fine blu whit
No. IliS Tiffany R-ig '. 1-CC teiat. f!,, color !?
No. lif: Tiffany Ring 1-2-' cSrats. flu color ' ii ei aiioou
Dir.r from 800 Jooa
Our guarantee We agio in ipurcliac any of the aboe 1eiilj r.lng
at any ttms wlintn on ,ar from data Ot pinch', and pay in can nine
tenths ot ,aid. or will allow fall price paid In exchange at any time.
No. 1271 Tiffany King S-I. l-i- nnii,
Devotes Address at Manilla, la., to
State Issues.
! Ilr-lr I'nreton a .i,.. ( r
Serarlna Caatral of rrojecle
! Mine of Iowa W HI
Heisae Monday.
I aJUIfli
ir lorn a r-t. v r iuuucu.. j
DfcS SlUl.Sr.H. ji.i it. i.-jptemi 1'clc
gram.) Governor Carroll went to ManilU.
Cianford county, to ulhr thi opeii.nt
speech uf his campaign for :h repubrcun
nonilnatlon for govt i nor. He rcltfwal itl-
woik while ataie senator snd state auditor
and gave a list of the hills passel by the
i called attention to the iact thnt foreign
!.5ndlcR,cg dl8 ,,,, conu.0l ot
power sites in Iowa and he will urfte that
public utilities be better regulated. 11
i tfen cd to highway uiid lmpio cments of
state1 institutions as a part uf bis prociam.
ilc stated that he has as governor Im
proved the finnnclsl condition of the sintc
and reducer) the state lax levy and said
that In making appointments he has recoa
nixed both factions of ihe party. He din"
not discuss national Issues ut all.
Company Lacks Franchise.
A dcudlock has been reached In the
matter of the negotiations for settlement
if street car fianclil.e matters In Des
Moines. Three weeks ago the city council
offered a franchise and notified the com
pany that unlets acceptance was made by
today sll negotiations would be off. Noth
ing has been done or ia likely to be done.
This leaves the company in the attitude of
operating without a franchise, and unwill
ing lo meet the council on th proposition.
Mines Reopen Monday.
Iowa's coal mines will reopen Monday.
Late today the mine convention represent
ing miners and operators voted i.o ndopt
rules and terms which have been tn prepar
ation for five weeks snd to rtsume work
at ohc. The wage Increase averages sboul
3 per cent, but varies In the different mine
district. It affects 3,000 lnborers. An Im
portant clause was a ided to the agreement
to the effect that thereafter at the end
of the contract year the miners will con
tine at work pending negotiations for n
new scale and the new wage scalo will date
back. This will prevent the long delay o.i
reopening the mines.
Illinois Capital lit)- Beats Dairaport,
Making; Seen Straiaht.
PPRINOFIKUD, May H. Timely hits,
following errors, and the wildncss ot Arcner
gave t-prlngfleld Us seventh consecutive
victory today. Sere: U.H.E.
Sprlngield 10100203 i
Davenport 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 8 S
Batteries: Nixon and Johnson; Archer and
DANVILLE. III., May H. Angry spec
tators threw bottles and stones at t'mpire
Kcknian and h waa escorted from the
grounds. Durfug the play a sack of lemons
was given to Eekman. Score: It. U.K.
i Danville 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 S 1
Hock island ... v o v v l l l o 3 10 l
Batteries: Duffy and Wolfe; Quelacm and
O' Les ry.
PEORIA, III., May If A pass snd Lerch
an's triple gave Dubuque Us only score.
Two errors, a pgs and Uilts's double won
the game for the locals In the fourth. Hcore:
Peoria 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
Dubuque 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 4 ;
Batteries: Hcnniirler and Aamussen; Fa
ben and Msaon.
BLOOM INOTON, 111, May 14. Errors of
commission and omission today gave
Waterloo a victory, 4 to 0. Score:
Bloomlngton ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 6
Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 6 3
Batteries: Humes and NunamakCr; Clark
and llarrinston.
Peculiar to Itself
Hood's 8arsarari)la has No Equal at
Blood Medicine.
"I think ther Is no other blood med
lcln equal to Hood's flarsaparltla. I
hav a family of flvs ilttl one, snd
har uaed It every spring for twelve
years. There Is something about Hood's
Sarsaparllla which other medicine lack.
My husband was bothered with bolls.
H was so bad he could scarcely get
around. H took Hood's riarsaparllla,
snd It Cursd him." Mrs. Lillian Dixson.
Plk Ohio.
Qst It today In usual liquid form or
tablets called 8arsataba.
Laundry Talk
Does not buy you anything,
' but laundry experience, such
as ours, means real money to
you. We save your linens by
knowing exactly how to
handle each piece.
Would like to show you
our work A comparison
with other laundry work
would make you our cus
tomer. i ST mrSIOB
- llflAAA
. SoS.OO
goa iv.. . . .
I m
ff claim of swscr
lativo clothes ore
ccllcncs is a mcro
matter of Words'.
To substantiate the clairri
is not so easy. "We arc
abtindantl y enthusiastic
OVsr our style offerings
this season, but you will
find, ven you apply the
"tljt test" to our clothes, that
we rave made no clsirrf
"which is not amp'ij fulfilltd in
our JBourke twentij-five suits.
JThelj verify oUr every promise.
Spring Suits $1$ to40
Raincoats, $iS to $30
ioU will like the Jjourke Pre
ferred that's our $3 hat. It the style and the staying
qualities. Jill the new block a
and colors.
316 South ljthStreet
lrHi''lnit '"' "'"1 M' '' 'f'iftriSi
"I have suffered with piles for thirty
six year. One year ago last April I b
gan taking CascareU for constipation. 1st
the course of a week I noticed the piles
begsn to disappear and at the end of six
creeks they aid Dot trouble pie at all.
Cascarets have done wonder for tne. I
am entirely ctxred and feel like a new
man." George Kryeler, Napoleon, O.
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Tast Good.l
Do Good. Never Slcken.Weakeo or Gripe.
10e.25c, 59c Nei sold In bulk. Th am
nio tablet atampsd CCC Guaranteed t
cur or year mor back. VP
I Stale of Nebraska, Office of
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 1. IftlO.
I It Is hereby certified that the North-
western Mutual Life Insurance company
of Milwaukee, In the stale of Wisconsin,
lias complied with Hi Insurance Law of
this nlate, sppllcsble to such companies,
as Ih, tliorefore. authorized to continue
'the business of Life Insurance In hli
.state for the current year ending Jan
uary :ll, 101 1 .
! nummary of Report Klleil for the Year
'Ending December 31. 1H09:
Premiums ..$ 37,080, K97.U
All other
sources.... 12, J56, 145. 41
Totsl f 49, 145.142. 94
paid policy
holders. . . .$ 2S. 35.020.37
All o t li e r
payments.. s.408,:ki.!S
kAdmltted Assets
t a: 2t i. :m
Net reserve. 1227,056,425.00
Net policy
claims t63.e62.g0
All other
liabilities.. 28.91 8,41 fl.3
256, 638. 604. Jl
Capital slock
paid up
SurpltiM be
yond capital
stock and
other la
bilities..., 5.S03.4J5.0S B.S03.4S5.14
Total $22.441.!sn .2S
Witness iiiv hand and Hie eal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts th day and
year first above written:
Auditor of Put. lie Accounts.
C. K. riKKt.'l'..
i Incorporated ISf.T.i
IriM. in increase of In.
Tear Force In Fore
u.oi t 7i.'jbfl,is7'i
1S0S , IS.ifi2.27 R4.9IIS.nSZ
ISO'. SKl.B:i.6-' ;2.JII.813
IS08 S44.r.7H.iiU .1.t3.0iS
KOS 1.01 J,S.0!i5 8. 32. 477
Showing a larger In -iva-e of Jiisuranc.
In Fore than any otlier Life Insurance
LThe Insuring Public will note the sig
nificant incre in The Northwestern'
Insurance In Force during the past flv
Jr?mtiortant fads relating to this busi
ness Sr shown by the following percent-
4 7
ini: 12. IS
19(1 1 1 JS JJ .
1907 H- '
190H ".7J J
It l lapame or easy amonairanon that
The Northwestern I the best company to
The Norihwoslern's ''New 19iftM
Ipollcv contract with Its dividend options.
:pld-un and endowment options, options
'of t: lement and Hi premium loan fea-
i tU'.
j indues partnership and corporation ln
! surance.
' C.fneral Agent.
B3S-44 Uraadfti Blflg.,
I Omaha. Mtb.
' Are Vou Looking for a Home?
o rtrmftr ihould ihlnk if buying Una helor
1 ueinf a ropy sr Tha Firm tnil Rail Kits
, Jnunil. It contains tha Ursaat list ol lan.U foe
i aa.a of anr P'nar ul.llhd la low. - kaft. IMS
I ti,.00e raaSftrs ftft' ll Ifttuft, sn4 Is Ot a of tlva Ml
1 4vartlaoi manluma to raa.h tu raratftra a"'l
! Home Sftaftets thsi you can advartlM tn ror 7t.a
a anil mall you Iba Journal lor a yar. or
I,- in llar .or aianiM wa will aenS on tM
Journal for two moniha on trial Al1ra FADS
;Mi RK41. EST AT B Jolh.SAL, Traftr, Tana
: l ouniy, loa
ill DRINK '
M Liquid W
jjt Sunshine w
John Nittler 3p
ij) 2221 So. 24th Street
IrcC oouo. ie. t to 331 jfcfii
4M v IHD. A-1430 f7 i
$100 for trado mark
B lity. U,