A A 11 4 PHione Douglas 23 8. You will find a ameer - fill siaff ready Want -Ads Waal ads reeelvea al any ta lasara sroer claaslf Icatloa aa t presented a for a IS cloekt aa. for tha tttilu edition aad lara T18O a'clock ol prarloaa Tla moraine a.d .., edition.. Want ada received after tick boars " kara their flrat laaertloa aadar th keadlac "To Lata to Claaeify." In sans aacamaaar all ordara far wbt ads Ml adrartlsamaat w fc accepted far leaa taaa. SO aaata tar first laaertloa. Hates apply ta altker Tka Dally aadar Bea. Always tout aim wards ta a Uaa. CASH RATES rOR WAST ADS. EGCLAH CLASSiriCATIOJI Insertion, 1 X-U caats sir ward aad eeat par ward tar tack nQ lasartlaa. Bask laaertlaa amada add days, X 1-S Mill wak 9 Uaa par month. Will ada far Tka Baa air left al aar at tka fallowlas drasT stares aaa Is roar "corasr drns;n;lt', ty are all branch atflaca far Tka Baa aad yaar ad will ka Inserted last a i promptly aad aa tka ansa rata aa al ' tka aula attic la Tka Baa Batll ksraateaatk aad raraaaa atreata. Albach, W. C. 44Hh and Farnam, Beranck, 8. A.. 1" to Hth at. Paylon Pharmacy, 790 a. UUi SU Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bom la Park Pharmacy, sad and Cuming. Blak-Bradlah, till Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R.. lib and Plerc ata. Clifton H1U Pharmacy. 311 Military Are. Hinterlong Drug Co, Uai Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 14th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, trt B. ltth U Cermak, Emil, 1264-1 8. 13th 81 Ehler, F. U., am Leavenworth. Foster Arnold!, 111 N. th BU Freytag, John J., 114 N. Mth 8t Fregger Drug Co.. 1J0S N. Mth Bt, riimnM rii-i i m rjv rlnrlia& Neb. Ureen'a Poeriuacy, Park At, and Pacific ureenougn, u. A., iuo B. ivtn m. Groenough, O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Haydan, William C . 2990 Farnam Bt Hsr.ioom Park Pharmacy, 1W1 th Av. Hoist, John, m N. Mth St Huff A. 1 (02 I MV.nwnHh St. Johacson Drug Co., Mth and Spaldlns King, H. s., 223 Farnam st Kountze Place Pharmacy, UM N. Mth. Mares, Fred L.. Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. Mth St. Lathrop, Charles B.. UM N, Mth St. Goldman Pharmacy, Mttt and Leaven worth His. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOT I CBS The funeral of Mrs. Edward E. Bruoe will be held from the residence, 607 South Thirty-eighth street, at 2 o'olock Saturday afternoon. Friends of the family axe in vltcd. BAHS Marguerite, Marra, aged 18 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F, fctahi. Funeral from residence, 2306 California street. Saturday. 2 D. m. Intorment. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. Please . mlt flowers. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit, 310 Bee Hide. Phone Doug. 2KH UNION LOAN COMPANY. Get your WEDDING RINGS at FRKD BRODEOAARD'S. It Insures good luck IIS ti. lbth tit., at th sign of the Crown. TT a II "TtTT"VO WE ARE SELL- CENT BELOW COST. Money to loan, Biodkey Jewelry Co., 1401 Douglas St. WEDDINQ rings, wedding presents; coin plete stock. UuHtafson & Utndrlckion, 201 X. 16th St. T Iron and Wire H rYlf Chamnlon Fence Co.. "v . & JacKIon sts. Tel. D. 190. BEAVER BOARD Takes place of lath and Dial ter. American Supply Co., 1112 Farnam EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns,'316 S. 15th, upstulrs. ELEVATORS REPAIRED. FreVrht.Pas senger. J. It. Kennedy, li4 S. 13th. Doug. 2m EXPERT drainage enKlneer. Write N J. McEathron. S48 New York Life Uldg. 8. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 37tiS. 1316 Farnam FINE clock repairing: prices right; call deliver. Belknap, 306 Sunderland Bldg. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas, Mlxsoui'l Filters made, sold. 1310 llaward. ED ROTHERY, Proprietor. Rchllta No. t. Full line of wines, liquors and cigars; merchants' lunch served from 10 a. in. to 2 p. m., regular meals at all hours: strangers in Omaha and visitors to the city always welcome and shown every attention; Information bureau In cotinei-lljii, where, all Inquiries are cheer fully answered. A call appreciated. Ill SOUTH FOUUlLbMIl SlREET. ' MAOOAKD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van & Storage Co. Pack, move, store and ship II. 11. goods. D. II 14-24:3. THOS. DUKK1X lAX WIRING OLD BUILDINGS A SPE CIALTY. 26WW Cuming St. Tel. Harney 24i. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Older your house and porch screened from THE OMAHA WIMHtW SCREEN CO., A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HUME. 6:4 N. lth St. Cull Doug. 4G92. A. 14. ROBERTS, reliable rap. agent, but-cessor to Marilti & Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. Hl'Dl'll IV'IV1 it J""' LUNCH iMIVlU HAl liS MIDLAND CAKE. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS, 317 N. Hit U St. Notice to Contractors Sealed propoul4 will be received by the Holy Scpulcher Cenie'eiy Association at 112 Barker Block until two C o'clock p. in.. Monday, May lu, I'.'IO, for furnishing all material and labor uei-ursury to grade and pave a strip of roadway twenty CM) feot wide and nine hundittd and fourteen iU) feel long In the Holy eepuli-hei Cemenery, Omaha, Neb. Approximate estimate of quantities: pavaj 2,uu) square yards. ru..'.g. ta qiare ard. Bids will be received lor a macadam pav ing five Inches thick. Plans sud specification on file at the Holy Sepulcher Cemetery Association. , HOLY SElH l.l llEll CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. 312 Barker Block. City. PAINTS Clir-KN'AMEU. JAP A LAC, BUN PKKJr" f aim. SARATOGA DRUG CO., 21th & Ames Ave. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. fPHiV p ilJlVi FRENCH DRY CLEAN lUIil.HUO N(1 to, u N. 16th St. Douglas 2311, H-Uti. B. F. WUItN. Optician. 4J4 Brandels Bldg. A KlItS'T class hotel to lease, good loca tion. Addrsta Mtad Advocate, Mead, Ntb. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Contlnuart.) DIAMONDS MOO PER CARAT. Otir famous Mexican white sapphire gm, which Is practically th sama as a diamond; brilliancy and sparkle guaranteed forever. Call or write for catalogue. De bring Jew elry Co., 609 Mof'ague Bldg., loth ana Dodge. Omaha, Neb. Multigraph Work Typewritten letters duplicated. J. C. Northup, 606 Paxton. Douglas MS5. SH(B.S called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam. TO BUY. SEL,Li OR TRADE Pea Midland In v. Co., 109 McCague ITUlg. DR. H. P. JFNSEN has resumed his of- flre practice at room 446. Bee Building. Hours: 10-12 a. m. and 2-4 p. m. CEMENT BLOCKS tVtlX In stock. Estimates given contract work. Call after I D. m.. 2oth Ave. and B.hUr Bm B-'aoT Omaha Concrete Stone Co. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1620 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 4367. DELMONIOO Cafe. 617 N. 16th: Chinas and Mexican dishes, all hours; best meal, 16c up. E. II. OLSEN, Practical Builder. Estimates Furnished. Tel. Benson 260. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 7Ro a lar hnt- la. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE 622 N. 16th St. Douglas 6670. JOHN NITTLEK ltonVt.?"".,lmer'- LUXTTS Tlm B03ER YOU LIKE, Doug-la 189, Red S9S2; Independent, A-1420. GOOD MEtROHANTS' LUNCH 5CTS. A. JKJ1KH, 1302 Doug-las St. THB HOMH FURTJITURE CO.. W per cent less than Omaha prices; 20th and L Hts. JOHN B. HIMOB5. shirts, 830 Paxton Blk. BARIER BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, 1609 Farnsm St. 8her- wln-Williams' paints, olla, varnishes, glass, whit lead, wall paper, brushes, glaslng and picture framing-. Tela: Bell. Douglas 4760; Ind.. A3S21. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HHATING. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY, 706 8. 16th. Phone Doug-las 1477. NOTHING more eoollnar nr ifrehln than a srlass of Ins crnsm soda at th Rail Drug Co.'s fountain, 1216 Farnam St. THE Cltv Garbaa-a Cn. Tel. Dnuslnji l.W cleans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, asnes ana an kinds of refuse. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 614. PATTON-BOWMAN HWD. CO. AGENTS P. A- F. OORBIN nr'Tr.KTa HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. 1616 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 6SW4. Cement Blocks T,EI5IT ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In th west. TSir-lriari TCnrria 16th and Howard 8ta. X urKlSn Xain8 ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814 WESTERN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Be Bldg. Multlgraphed letters. Douglas 3641. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDIS Sells Buggies. aKes AUTO TOPS. Builds wagons, Repairs Autos and all kinds of Machines, lfcin ana Harney 3ts. 190B STODDARD-DAYTON TOURING car, with top and - full equipment. used but little 12.300 ivim sionaara-uayion roaaster, with top and full equipment, used but little, fine condition 2,000 1W7 Mtoaaara-uayton touring cur, 7 passenger, fuil equipment, over hauled , 1,600 Waverly electric, without battery 160 With battery aio rteo touring car, two-cylinder, 1S06 nodel 400 1907 Stoddard-Da ton, with touring car body and limousine body, all In gocd condition 2,00) DEKIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., IMS Farnam St. FOR SALE For best bargains In auto mobiles write or call on the NEBRASKA BU1CK AUTO CO., 1912-16 Farnam St. "autog eno usvelding All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BEKTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE One 1909 model 7-passenger White Steamer auto, complete equipments. Has only been run 12,000 miles. Cost tj.100. Will nell for Il.liOO. X" trades will lie con sidered. Object of sale going to Europe. William H. Breretnn, Monmouth, III. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICK SON AUTO CO , Omaha. BARGAINS In used ran; expurt repair ing. Agent for Oakland. Staver & Welch. M 1NTYR A V TO CO.. 2J03 Farnam. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DEK1UHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. VI 'iO MIDWEST AUTO CO., ioie 8 1)th st 216 AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25c to 13.60. Columbian Optical Co.. a.tt-211 s. lbth. READING, Standard three-horse-power for sale cheap. 'Phone Harney 3673. WE CAN take a few more cars for storage in our new fireproof garage. Prices very reasonable. l,et us hear from you, SWEET-EDWARDS A V TO CO., Farnam St. Douglas S065 Auto Painting "Murphy Did It." Get our prices. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. WANTEI A practical confectioner and baker to take full charge of business on Sroflt shsring basis. C. Y. Smith, 1112 'a rnam. S. Fogel TO BUY OR SELL. 329 Neville Block. Doug. 3123. FORTUNES made operating "The Cir cling Wave," the latest invention and catchiest amusement riding device in use. Write for catslogue. Armltsge at Guinn, 14 Mill fl.. Springfield. N. Y. BAKERY and confectionery fur sale; will sell stock and rent building or stock and building. Address Lock Box 30, St. Ed ward. Neb. TWO GOOD ONES-Well established ex clusive photo business, gallery, with full equipment. In county seat town and nl resitkmc; all for only IK.4C0; a good pay ing jewelry business to be had with pur thss of stork at Invoice prlc; will In voice about 11,100. You will be too late If you wait C. M. Miller, Alma, NeU BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TUB CUSTER County Abstract Co. of fers 111 books and business for sale; a eompetent and reliable abstrscter can pur chaae a good buainesr on his own terma The abstracters of this county have more business than tbey can atUnd to promptly. The present owner baa too much other buslneas to make abstracts. Willis Cadwall. Broken Bow. Neb. FOR SALE Unopposed doctor s practice, In southeast Nebraska town, surrounded by richest furmlng community. Address Y 3S6, care Omaha Daily Bee. FOR SALE Drug stock; Invoiced Janu ary 1 over 15.200; will give liberal discount and terms If tnken at once; good reasons for selling. Address Y 363, care Bee. 1500 BUYS H Intfrest in well established real estate business, making good money; rara opportunity; act quick. Address K 67. DOCTORS Will sell offloe fixtures and practice at a bargain. If taken at once; southeastern Nebraska town of 1,000 In habitants; will Introduce. Address Y ML car of Bee. ICB CREAM PARLOR and stationery store; only soda fountain In town of 6v0; good location. X M. Bee. WANT man to take Interest In legitimate business; oig profits; no competition; must bava SX.SO0 to M.W. Addraaa. F 172. Bea CORNER STORE ROOM--Whera man of right caliber can make money. T. J. Hook. 1101 N. litti St. From 9 to i. PARTNER In estate business. a well Address established B D7. Bee. real STOCK of general merchandise, new last August; leading store In town, doing 160.000 a year: large territory; town of 7; stock invoice. Iiu.000. Will take land or residence property in part payment. Fur ther particulars, write Box 13. Merna, Neb FOR SALE We buy. sell and trad lands, merchandise and Income property; send description of your property; no deal too large. Opportunities" mailed free. City Realty Co.. Land Brokers, Muskogee, Okl. FOR SALE Three-chair barber shop, 1270, $100 time, in most enterprising tourist city in Colorado; new llxtures, not ana coia water, fine location, good reason for selling. Address J. A. Shlmnosky, 3u7 Larimer Bt Denver, Colo. H.M.MUNNECKE, collections. 694 Brondels CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. IMS Farnxm St. Douglas 6497, DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing, onabla. Call Harney 6130. Prices re. MISS STURDY. 27ID Faraam. XL H. M7& DENTISTS BA1LE.Y de MACK, M floor, Paxton. D.ltsl TAJTTS Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas ttt DETECTIVES OMAHA Dot. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 131. CAPT. T. COKMACK. (17 Karbach. D. SU1 EDUCATIONAL 1'HE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College, la now onen day and night. Student are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable fosltlons In uooKtvji;it;'iu, bhokt IAND. TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPH X CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open in the fall. The catalogue Is ready. Apply fur 11 BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Both 'Phones. SPRING TERM MOSUEK-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEUai. Unexcelled course In business, short band, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sebsions. Most Interesting catalogue pub- Usned lu Omaha, bend lor on today. MCSHER & LAMPaiAN. Keveuieenlb and Farnam sta. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41st AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D- T.vner. 2411 Charles. Harney 23S3. EVERYTHING FOR WUMEN B. P. BRUCE Molln Pianos. 413 MoCague, ARSk'NIC and iRON complexion wafers makes clear, whit skin. By wall 60o and ll.ou. bneriuau at aicuonuau urii Cu., uuiaha. CHIODO, tho leading tailor and dress maker of Omaha; latest styles, workman ship best. Parlors xts-aia ao. itta Su CHINA decorating; order work a special, tv. Lessons Tuesauy, inursuay and Satur. iiL nil ins: daily. Children s olassea bat uruuy morning. Mrs. C. C liuugata, mm Braudeis Blu. 11. ea sti. LADIES, It will pay yuu io get our prices on nats, w;now plumes, fancy leatu urs, iiuwciD, v. L'EAn NELL, 1611 Douglis BU, second tioor. SANITARY HalrdressiDg Parlors. fiwucues made from combingb, Jl.jo. oul Paxton B k. Phone Doug. 4W1. Uress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sizes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. Both phones. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Nurseries. mrT-,Ta and plaDta that grow. F. W X L Menersy. Crescent Nursery Co.. Omaha yard. Barney 4o0. list and Farnam ata, Pbooe nTiiTTTrp TREES AND (SHRUBS, a general t UUll f nursey stock. Benson Omaha Nursey, Bemun, Neb. Tel. Benson U4. J. V. PEYTON, KEAIRNES & CO.. sod ding and grading. Sodding a specialty. Phone Douglas 6i9l.ResideiK'e 1014 N. ltilh. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. BENNETT' Flower Dpt E. store ntrce. J. H. BATH. 162S Harney. Douglas X004 J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson, 1511 Farnam Bt Doug. 126s, BRANDE1S CUT FLOW ICR DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS WATER HEATERS, VASES forparks. yards and cemeteries; tank heat trs t and 4-hole. water fronts and furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1 Louglas. Both 'Pnones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Otfle. WANTED Young lady for office work; must be plain, rapid writer. P. F. Collier 4 Son, Paxtoa Blk., city. FOR GOOD POSITIONS SEE US FIRST. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, tiult 671-671 Brand! Building. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Factory aad traits. WANTED Hand-li Caere, steady work. good pay. Kimball Lauodry, rtfUeat and Jackson. WANTED First class dressmaker. 113 per week. 433 Grain Ex. Bid. Slou City, la. Hoasekeepers aad Domestics. C.OOD girl for eeneral housawora, M par week. Mrs. Cowderoy, 122e Bo. 6th M. COMPETENT GIRL, at once: two In family. Call 3316 Dewey Ave., or 'phone Harney 37j3. rrt j x it . i i ... work; three in family; wages 16. 'Phone Harney 376. 1301 S. lUi bu Mrs. R, J. Clancy. WANTED Girl fo. aeneral housework: small family. 320 N. list BU Tel. Harney M0. GIRL for a-eneral housework at 1624 N. 40ih St. Tel. Harney 822. COMPETENT sirl for general house work. Mrs. S. Walters. 3319 Harney St. A GOOD girl: no cooking : no washing; M per week. 2423 Cass St. GOOD girl for general housework: family of 2. 2614 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 696L GOOD girl for eeneral housework, 1020 fl. 36th Ave. Tei. Harney 2104. YOUNG girl to helo In housework. NO washing, hoi S. 30th Ave. WANTED A cirl for llnht housework. One who can do good plain cooking. 407 M. GIRL for a-eneral housework: eood waa-ea. 616 S. 29th St. GIRL for housework: no washing; best wages paid competent KlrL Mrs. Mlnter. 617 S. 19th St. Douglas 6921. GIRL for general housework. AddIv S5SJ Jackson St. Telephone Harney 2468. COMPETENT girl for general house Sherman Ave. work; good wages. 3204 Tel. Webster 4152. An experienced cook. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 So. 39th. WANTED Competent gill for kitchen worn; top prices to right party. 2R04 Har ney St. WANTED Good colored girl: must bs good cook. Tel. Harney 1900. WANTED First class woman cook In take charge of our kitchen as sunn as our new hotel Is completed, which will be In about thirty days. Everything first class and expect the cook to be. Best of wares tttld. References required and furnished, angworth & Co., Carter, S. D. GOOD second girl wanted. 2025 Dodge St. WANTED Housekeeper; references: mid dle aged lady preferred. Call 2404 N. 22d St, YOUNG girl to assist with general house work. Good wages. Tel. Harney 375. 1301 S. S2d St WANTED A girl for gentral housework. 615 a. 22d St GIRL for general housework: 16 per week. 534 S. 20th. Tel. Doug. 3612. COMPETENT girl for general house work; three in family. TeL B-21U and Web ster 4148. 2112 Emmet 8t GIRL for general housework; no washing; best wages. 1906 Blnnuy St. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and cure of children. Mrs. Sturtevant 11 So. 36th St. GIRL to assist with housework and car of children: no washing; references. 112 S. 36th SU WANTED An experienced girl who Is willing to go to the country for three months. Modern 6-room bungalow; three In family. 1602 S. 32d Ave. Tel. Harney 717. WOMAN to assist with care of two chil dren; reasonable wages to the right paity. 1603 N. 29lb St. A GOOD girl for general housework. Harney 4046. Address S617 Farnam. Tel. WANTED A housekeeper In a family of three; references required. 2839 California St TeL Harney 4662. GIRL to assist with kitchen work. Douglas. 2214 A GOOD girl to assist In general house work. Apply at once. 610 S. 22d St., be tween Howard and St Mary's Ave. Doug. 4430. GOOD girl for general housework that can cook; two In family. 444 Farnam. H. 2o49. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Apply 102 S. 36th St Tel. Har ney 466. WILL pay 6 per week for competent elrl; no washing. 4ul S. 36th St WANTED A white lady for washing and ironing. 401 N. 22d. MIDDLE-AGED woman; general house work; three In family; no washing; 16. 1S0J Ohio. WANTED Girl 2006 Spencor St. for general housework. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3516 Dode. Telephone Harney 4782. WANTED A Jap or Korean. S12 Dodge bl. Jiarney w. A GOOD girl for general housework; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. UV Capitol Ave. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; good home lor nuuaie-agea woman. iw Leaf euworth. wan I kij win or minaie-agea woman for general housework; 54 per week. 1917 Grace. WANTED Girl for general housework; cooaing not ieiuiicu. tiv ijq im. WANTED A nurse tor two children good wages. 2007 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas lat-o. neierenccs reyuirea. NURSE girls. 2013 California Ml COMPETENT second girl; references re quired 607 S. 38th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; gooa wages, ippiy wutr ir Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. 3320 lisrney. Mrs. g. tu. ciara COMPETENT girl .'or general house work; three in family; no washing. Mrs. n. is. weicn, tit e. asm Bt. ITIRT.fM.lfiJ nil ttr - work for family of two; must bs good cook, ieiepnone narney lib. GIRL for general housework; small house. suus Mason bt. TeL Harney 3411, WANTED Good girl for general liou'e work; no washing. Mrs. C. K. Snuth, 71T r irsi Ave. a council uiuiis, is. WANTED-A woman tor dav work: 34 S SOU. St. Mrk. F. Drews. South Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework; only two in family, ju-'o narney at. WANTED Good waltre&s; nice place, 116 to. lLth St., short hours; upstairs. IiADIKB wanted to take work home, ap plying iransrers; i to H aosen; original; rename rirm; wora guaranteed Trleber s, lJOl Faram St.. basement. W'ANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. Klein. 177 m. Kth Bt HELP WANTED FEMALE H( Dome tics Cont'd. WANTED Cook, good wages. 1918 Far nam. AN experienced girl for general house work; family of three; no children; new hoe; $6 weekly. Mrs. B. S. Baker, 102 S. With St. Harney 317 or A-1016. WANTED Cook. 1918 Farnam. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no washing. 2443 Manderson. Mlaaailaaaaaa. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at PL Mary's Ave. and Seventeenth St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding Pisces or otherwise assisted; look for our travelers' aid at Union station. LADIES wanted to do stamping, work taken home; experience unnecessary; steady work. Wilns Ward Co., 102 No. 13th. Hours. to 6. LADIES wanted to take work horns, ap plying transfers; II to M dosen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trleber's, 1201 Faram St., basement. WANTED Ladles to do stamping; work taken home; experience unnecessary ; steady work. Willis Wood Co.. 102 N. 18th. WANTED A first class operator on ladles' jackets and skirts. Inquire of L. Nassau. 2t N. Main St.. Pueoio, Colo. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppletou. Ad dress Mabel Chilsli. LEARN HAIRDRESSING It pays. You can earn lis to S2a weekly. Full couiae taught. J. L. Brandeia. Halrdreatsing Dept. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, Salesmen aad Solicitors. EXPERIENCED collector for house fur nishing Co.; state experience and reference. Address H 479. Boc. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road tor Tbe Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or writ man ager of circulation, 1 be Be Publishing Co. LEES. TEXAS New town In Glasscock county; building hotel, stores, paving streets, electric lights, newspaper; oenler 26,000 acres finest agricultural laud, now being colonized; crop failure unknown; lots, $33 to taou; lands, (18 to $40; liberal terms; opening, mercantile, firms; townslte and land salesmen wanted. Lee-Norrls Co., Lacs, Texas. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY kUU 15 TO HW WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCKEAnsi AO WORKER. ADDUESd FOB fAili'ICU LA H. HOME CASUALTY CO., WANTED First-clasa salesman for retail drug store; good wages for good man; also neat soda dispenser, enermau ct onuwonneu Drug Co., Mth and Dodge. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drlv through 'th country and solicit subscriptions. call and ae circu lation manager. The Be Publishing Co. SALESMAN WANTED Address Box 182, Council Bluffs. Dupa. WANTED Boya for factory work; alean, light work; good pay. Oman Box Cos Bast Omaha. BOY wanted. 1212 Douglas. Clerical ana Offlc. IF YOU are capable of filling a high- grade position It will pay you to call on our office. We have a number of good openings and can give you time In locat ing a poaltion worth while. WESTERN uiur. BUAU ABS IN, Mis..;, 752-64 N. Y. Life Bldg. lEat. 6 years.) WANTED To correspond with competent, reliable abatraoter of titles, typewriter and good penman, desiring position. Address Adams county Aosiraci lo., Hastings, Neb. FOR GOOD POSITIONS SEE US FIRST. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU. Suite 674-676 Brandels Building. Factory and Trade. Drue; stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. RELIABLE, all-round ad. and Job prlntor wanted by Semi-Weekly Times at Alliance. Neb. Wages according to ability, state references and wages first letter. GORDON PRESS feeder. 1212 Douglas. iir . VTL'll D-vnAeloiiiafl tin II nana .!.. man; retail business; state experience and reference. Auuina i jcr. TAILOR wanted. H. Livingston, 106 S. ltth St. WANTED Bricklayers for pressed brick. Inquire 24th and Maple. WANTED Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer, Architect Fre mont, Neb. Ilsccllaaeoas. I MADE $60,000 In rive years with a small mall order business; began with to. Send for fi booklet. Tells how. Heacock. 6067 Lockport. N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Omaha examination schedule. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept 187 O, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A couple of trade getters for Alamlto wagon. We are paying from U0 to $100 per month, depending on business done and length of service. Alamlto San itary Dairy Co.. 1812 Farnam. CAPABLE refrigerating engineer. Ala mlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. MAN for collecting and delivering Omaha, Council Bluffs, South Omaha. Prefer one well acquainted with streets. References and bond required. Salary 115 per week. P. F. Collier & Son, 1'axton Block. IRMEN THE OLD REL1 '$15 ABLE. lo9 N. 16th. Suits to Orde LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lleraes and Vehicles. BUGGIES, surrles, stanhopes, runabouts, high class work, for sale cheap. 1117 Far nam. DELIVERY ..-an s. iS T Aw AN A niedlum. Racine W AnOKSl bUh grade. Three types of IVAUU1M3 medium priced wagon. Get catalog. Johnson Danfortn Co , Mm & Jones. BUGGY and harness cheap; 2111 J. South Omaha. St. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and (arm wagons. 1UI Farnam Su FOR SALE Good, strong covered lauo dry wagon. $J5. White. N. ltth. LET Frost fix that wagon. "14 a. 14th. FINE wagon repairing. Frost 714 8. 14th. HORSES for sal 1416 ap. Ave. D. 1610. HELP WANTED MALE AIJ yuMALK, WANTED-SIx good agents to work around cit. Barllett Supply Co., Urowu LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear Ills HARNEY. Expert Cleaners and Dyers. BOTH 'PHONES. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creiglilon Al edits I college, ltth and Daven poll am., kpecial attention paid to con finement cava, all treatment supervised by college proiaors. Phone Dougjaa 1161. Calls antwcred day or eight DRS. STIVERS A STIVERS. Formerly tbe Radium Medical and Surgi cal Institute, now suit k, Patterson Block. All chronic diseases for men and women. Consultation and examination free. We give th radium treatment BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray Nerve Food PlIis. II a box. postpaid, aaermaa McConuell Drug Co.. Omaha. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for Rolling, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c, postpsld; sample free. Sherman ft McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMI CHATTELS !im$wmssmi$$?wm$mmimm tt i 'Mill. I W.ll I !wQ Ml(Ml M IS v..v,ifw,vv X lo a Uood Advantage i if Sit down and sum up all your bills, h $ putting those of the butcher, the M l grocer, the rent man, tiie furniture It M store, etc., all In one amount; then M I come and see us and give us an op- ft II portunlty to explain our plan for help- It If ing you to pay your bills. It We will loan you the money to pay II your bills. II It Is far better to have all your debts II II In one place. If It will be easier to make payments It M on one debt than many. $ 11 We will loan you money on your fur- II nlture, piano, team, fixtures, ware- 14 II house receipts or other personal prop- It U mrtv nf vnlttA n,lrht,it . All buslne.'S strlc.ly confidential. Your l H payments win do so small you will not It jeei mem, ana you can have fifty t weeks to pay off your loan, If you II II wish. i II 1.20 is the weekly payment on a 150 It II loan for fifty weeks. ft II Other mniinlR It, mm t,..i . - '', fiwiiutiivu. f II Loans made In all parts of the city. If ) ft juu neeu money, call on or writ US 11 II and our agent will call on you. M II STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO., t I II Room 12, Arlington Blk., 161H, Dodge t II 'Phone lKugiaa 2466 xi iituwmimwwiwiwiwwiitiiiwwtt Notice to the Publio No More High Rates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS AND 8ALARIK8L THIS IB A NEW FIRM Organised by th REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of tbls city to protect honest working people In need of temporary help from th extortionate charge of th so-called loan com panies. W will loan you all th money you want and charge you only 10 par cent a year. THIS MEANS TOD PAY I LOO Interest on 10 for 1 year. IsO Interest on 26 far 1 year. 10.M Interest on 100 for 1 year, and all other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason able Appraisement Charges. A glance at th above rate will con vince you how uiucu you sav by dealing with us. NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Money In your pocket within aa hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., Phone Doug. 504. lain and Harney. iw$$$ii$$mimi$wii nwttsumimm' $5J5UJWWJMf5$lKJl$fHWM!, CIlUAP JAJA.Nfc on Furniture, Piano or Salary. i YOU BORROW if $10.00 you pay baok $11.00 16.00 you pay back l-T.OO t $60.00 you pay back $64.00 It i0 UlllKIt CMAKGE. $ UMAiiA FINANCIAL CO., Room 601. Brown Block. II 207 S. 161U St., Cor. Douglas St . f 'Phones: Douglas MM: A 6. ti Salary and Furniture Loans st positively tbe LOWEST RATES, quickes service and MOST CON F1DEN TiAU DEAL of any in tbe city. Palronla ins RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, 107 -308 paxton Biock. Douglas 1411 and A-141L MON'KY LOANED ON CHATTELS iUUXNTji AND SALARIES. Easiest terms and lowest rates obtainable. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trad Bldg. THE OPEN DOOR TO RELIEF. v. 1 , 1 , 1 1. u Inun .nmnujx,. .. . . If you owe a loan company now, com In and get our terms or. the i amount for the same time. W e'll .en It to you for leaa. NO APPRAISEMENT FEE or uther LOOK!!! LOOK!:; The Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., for eighteen years at 119 Board of Trade Building. Telephone Douglas 2196. MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loan you any amount on your FURNITURE, PIANOS and LIVE STOCK, or any other chattel SECURlTy. l7 positively have the lowest rates In Omasa. CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BU. IN ESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., I Crouns Block, Corner 16ih and Capitol, Opposite Boston.-. Both 'Pliou, Douglas Um; A-1361. DIAMOND LOANS AT b?0 vV (J FLATAIT Ttl- R,a "n MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKOPLK. WOMEN KEEPING HOUtiE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in M principal cities, 'loluiao, loom til New York Lite Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING! OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., cleans your carpels and floors. Electrle vacuum system. 3us bo. 17th. ti. D1669. miRTAINS Cleaned, day work dona VUXVA'aj.l0 Puoue Douglas 4S2i. WHITEWASHING, plaster patching. Storm windows, screens put 00 and take flown, cleaning. TeL Harney slot. Melt a. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16tn and Dav nporl Sts.; warehouse. Xa1-0 Isard St STOVES stored. Kane. 1111 N. Iltn St. nn TT NOW HAVE YOUR FURNI PU1111UII 1URE REPAIRED AND UPHOLSTERED. 2KVs FARNAM. H. ilia WHAT is ths use of taking up your car pels when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hoursT Free estimates glvsn. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Douglas block. 107 S. Kth St. 'Phones: Doug. 74; Ind. A -1.136. Across from Haydeu's. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. Omaha Van A Storage Co, 309 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 1669, Ind. A-1669. If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It In Th Bo Want Ad columns. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. HAVF.RLY HOTEL 2310 M St, Am. plan bath; $1.25 day; weekly, $6 up; meals, tfa. LARGE south front room, good board. In private home, for couple of young men. Tel. Harney 34S2. 21K Dewey Ave. LARGE east front room, large bay win dow and alcove; eultabln for two or three gentlemen; also smaller rooms; board reasonable. 3o6 S. 26th si. y'1 THE best place In town fdr young m-n; double and single rooms; walking cl tance; all home cooking and plenty to Jk terms reasonable; references. Address Cass St ROOMS, good board. 1812 Chicago St. 710 B. 18TH Nice, clesn rooms, wltn board; home cooking; rates. ROOMS and board. 1066 Georgia Ave. TWO larire front, also side room, with (IIIVKlf ailllaVlCe, IH1H IUIVII M1U AVV.'' excellent ooard. znv uougiaa. 41 TWO newly furnished rooms, with tabio board. 1818 Capitol Ave. Douglas 7768. ROOM and board for lady In private family; modern. 1714 Nicholas St., 2d floor. ROOM and board In privet family: close in. 410 N. 23d. ROOM and board. 3070 Mason St Harney 3csG. CLEAN rooms and table board. Doug. 6324. 2215 Howard St. LARGE alcove room wtih board; modern. 2103 Douglas. NICE rooms, excellent board, German (Christian) family, $5.00. 1811 Capitol Ave. THE IRVING. S102 Leavenworth: newly decorated, slnglo and double room, Willi first class board at reasonable prices. Table board a specialty. Douglas 6637. ROOMS and board. 3070 Mason. Tel. ney 3686. TWO small connecting rooms for two ladies or gentlemen; also large front room. Reference. 1918 Cass. Phona D. 1476. Furnished Rooms. LARGE, niry, comfortable, two baths, few quiet roomers, large porch, lawn, $10 and $16. Douglas 3091, 2324 Harney. NICELY furnished front rooms on first floor; modern; suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. 2964 Harney St. PRIVATE family, room with alcove and other rooms. 2667 St. Mary's Ave. ONE large furnished room for one or two gentlemen at 60S S. Kth Ave. Tele phone Douglas 6381. ONE or two good furnished rooms, mod ern, walking distance. 2616 Dewey Ave. Douglas 7506. MODERN furnished front room, private family. 2776 Burt St Tel. H. 6453. CLEAN parlor room for rent to lady, $3 week. N. 20th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2406 Cuming St. FURNISHED rooms, $7 to $10. 2215 Cali fornia St. Tel. Douglas 4479. MODERN room. 538 S. 24th St II T V Inkail dAn rnnm am f r si Kl a 1 Hi IV is 1 IUIIIIDHCU WS DVIIwt.V for two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. DODGE HOTEL Larg outside, end team heat In every room: rata oy week. WARM rooms. V per weeks free hath. Ogdan Hotel. Cauncll Bluffs. FURNISHED reoma for gentlemen, lit tV llth St.- Th Chatham. A nice larg room on 1st floor; pleasant surroundings and with private family; suit able fur two gentleman. 723 S. 26tb Ave. ELEGANT front room. On lurk-uursx sat ti. Mta. No sign on noun. TWO furnished rooms, ensults, very cen tral. Inquire 1606 Farnam, 3d floor. LARGE, airy, comfortable, two baths; few quiet roomers; large porch, lawn; 110 and 115. Doug. 3091. 2324 Harney. TWO rooms, strictly modern, six blocks from postofflce. 606 N. 20th St. FURNISHED rooms; one block from car line; reasonable price. 2711 S. 23d. DEWEY European Hotel. Ulh Faxaam. ELEGANTLY furnished, large rooms: all modern; private house. Red 7i29. 1813 Chi cago. TWO lame rooms, one with alcove; board If desired; private. 114 8. 19th St FURNISHED rooms; house new; tanty hot water. 116 N. 19tb. f- TWO furnished front room., with priv ilege of bath. 2210 Seward. Webster 4601. rrl, fianrwrnFlnn-iiUS family note . u-vl6,H 1042 Georgia Ave. H-631. NICE furnished room; gentlemen de ferred. 2664 Dodge. ' NICELY furnished front rooms; modern. 202 N. 19th St. SUITE of 2 rooms and one other large room; nicely furnished; modern. 1617 Capi tol Ave. SINGLE rooms. 12 week: modern. 2111 DougluB St. ONE slnirle and one front room; modern. 201 S. 24th St. . , . ... .,1. ...1 f,,,,it rnnm anil UinvjE'i niceiy luiiiiain" - i .1.. ..iiv modern: nli-e iiuvr, wnii piniiu. - 7 bath, plenty of hot water, both telephones; no objection 10 practice m u. kind; M: walking distance, tar one block IMS St. Mary s Ave. unnE-uu -,v, fur 2. 3 or 4; separate beds If desired. 2027 Harney. MODERN furnlMied rooms, 211 3. 20th St. NICELY furnished rooms; all modern; nice lawn and shade. 2716 N. 22d St Phon Webster 4318. FOR RENT Rooms clos to depots and new car burns. 1404 S. 8th. NH'ELY furnished, strictly modern sleeping ii"niK; large flat; close In. 3.6J week. 647 B, 24th Ave. LARGE sunny south room with alcove, four big windows; appropriate for one or two gentlemen or married couple; walking distance; private house. Phone Doug. i'S ili Manon St. FURNISHED rooms, $6 per month, 'JJ young men, electric light, steam heat 14 phone, running water, laundry and press ing privileges. 2627 Harney. LA KG E front room; also single &ins with board. 2610 Harney. Harney 2941. NEWLY f ill-niched modern rooms, with or without board; also table buard; reasonable rates. 440 N. 24th St. FRONT room; modern; In private fanilb price reasonable, 114 H. 29lh St. ONE roum, $160; 1 room, $2; both newly decorated; walking distance; modern con venience; can be used together. lnqu''e 2616 Davenport St. LARGE front room, southern exposure. 117 S. 2otn Ave. 'Phone Douglas ,010. LARGE front room, suitable for fol.r boys. 2tt-'7 Harney St. VERY desirable furnished tmn witrt r-zV vate family. 2116 Poppietun Ave 1 TWO front parlor rooms; nm-Mu, house keeping, privileges. iUJ) Chicago.