T?" OMAHA. SATUlin.W. MAY 14. into. 13 CtlX AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Has Good Support at Opening from Bad Reports. CORN MARKET HAS SOFTENED tit Moilki fhovr l.oaa, Altboagh Corn la Stead) at the Start, with Firmer Peeling In bent. packing Mock, reeerpts, new $.i.2i; Omaha, May 13, 1910 Vi,c continued dry and cold wnthT in the northwest nil discout aging reports from Indiana and Ohio biuuiit out guild uppnrl a th owning. t'ablea were fiinicr, but leading bt-ais ."till cite the K Mitotan situation aj a weakening feature The corn market softened when elevator concerns told cash Bluff. Conditions ate favorable for seeding and good demand Is necessary to sustain values. Willi firm and higher cabin, wheat worked higher and short were best buy ers on the advance, (.'ash wheat sold up 'c oer yesterday. News Is generally fnv Jitnar the hull's side. llesHion files me Japoitrd doing considerable damage. Corn wai.-j'cadv at the ?tn-t. Willi film r feeling In iJvr-at. Later a wt-ak cash mar ket eased allies and all ni'jntlis showed a lf. l)crt'and Is not ao active and should r"lpts Increase a decline Is evident. iTrrtmary w heat receipta were -sau.wl ehels and ahlpmenta were 427,onn bushels, against receipts last year of 6M,W0 bushels and shipments of 114,000 bushel. Primary corn receipts were 214.000 bushels and shipments were 370.000 b-hele, against ler.elpts last year of 36,00 bushels and ship ments of 368.000 bushels. Clearances were 70.000 bushels or corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 44.600 bushels. . . yUvwpool closed VSHd higher on wheat a ) Vfcd lower on corn. Vjhcal range of options: 2c; first, lie; seconds, 20c. KUOS fnchanged; current cases, .to; miscellaneous cases, aoutherns, $i.fl6: storage packed, $f.70. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu , Kf.(i)0 Corn, bu 3i.n. R7.i Oats, bu 4,010 lT.oni) WE ATI! Ill l Tilt: t.R4l BKI.T Light Froale In Ohio and I peer Mis sissippi alley. OMAHA, May 13. 1910. An area of high pressure continues over the central portion of the 'Country and In s.owly advancing over Hie eastern por tion. The weather is much cooler In the southern states and la sllgntly cooler over the lake region, Otilo vailey and eastern states, Tetnpvratui as are Higher In the central valleys and throughout the west. Light lo heavy f.osts occurred again last nlglii In tin; Oil i lalley, lake region and tin onghout tiie upper Mississippi and upper M!souri valleys. Barometric depressions overlie the southwest and western Canadian provinces and generally Increasing cloudl-ne-s is shown iiiiuugnout the west, with raim falling on i tie southern llocky Moun tain slope. The outlook Is for lair and warmer in this vicinity tonight, followed by increasing cloudiness and possibly showers .Saturday. Kangc of temperature and precipitation as hi. at c.1 x.t.ti last .mti. years: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Typical Midsummer Dullness Eclipses Interest in Stock Market. FOREIGN EXCHANGE AFFECTED Perceptible Hardening Reported Wide Xoirmrnla la Fees- MocLa Furnish Interest for the liny. i.' .'10. 1S)js. ... .110 .01 for today jjth. mi. t:o 39 .10 .00 1,1 lie Artlcles.l Open. High. I Ixw. Close. Yes y. Vheat- May... July... Corn May... July... bats May... July... 1 ow, 1 OoVil 1 "9 I i oua! 1 0! 1 Wa! ks 51, S 69 59 ol 40i Ht 89: 3941 39 39H 1 Ofl I 1 M! I 59 j to 39: 1 OS" 1 00' j o a 4ns 29V M illinium temperature I'i eclpitation No i nml temperature Sir e. Dcllclcncy in precipitation since March 1, 4.19 Inches. deficiency conei-ponding period in 1309, li.75 Inches. - ' Ueficimcy corresponding period in 1908, 1 J- inches. It. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. C'orai and Wheat Hearlon Rallelln. Kor Omaha, Nab., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 7Jth meridian time, Friday, May 13, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. flees. 1:5.501. 121: sutuldlatv silver coin. $21. 472.!?: minor coin. $1,",7,7; total llance In general fund. $-J.246.i47. H l.rOHT OF Till! I I.F.AIUM. HOtK Transactions of the Aeaorlateil Hanks for tke Week. NKW YORK. May 1.1 - I'.railstreefs Rank Clearings Report for the week ending May 12 shows an aggregate of ::.ltM.'. as against .tTt3.tr..ts la-t week and :t.l'HI.;!7. m in the correspnnd-ng week l ist year. The following is a u. -i of tne cities; Stations. Temp. Ma. Mln. ll.Oumil.OTA; No. 3 2 durum. K7JX7'4c; spring. No. 5 Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $l.05Hl.07V4: Nv 8 bard. S1.03V!'105H; No. 4 hard, Sjcnjl.oi ro. g spring, 1.031.06: No. durum. 8i(l7c. CORN No. 2 white, Mc; No. 3 white, 64Gf64Vic; No. 4 white, 62ry(lc; No. 2 yollow, 1,9140: No. 3 yellow, WfooUVtc: No. 4 yellow, 67ti69c; No. 2, 5Uc: No. 3, u8Vt5'.)c; No. 4, 67rWc; no grade, 60y3c. 'ifcKTS Standard, 41c; No. S white. 40tt --m. fio. white, 88H3Vc; No. 3 yollow. i-faWW. No. 4 yellow, :i7V4a;l!Vic; No. 3 mixed. mtXtc- BARLEY No. 4, 5051c; No. 1 feed, 4S'U 49s rejected, 4oti47e. . RY1S No. 2, 74ji7dc; No. 3, TSfa'te. Carlot Receipta. Wheat Chicago 26 Minneapolis 18.i Omaha 7 Duluth 22 Corn. Oats. t2 11! Ashland. Neb. Auburn, Neb R'ken How, Neb Columbus, Neb.. Culbertson, Neb.. ralrbiiry. Neb, r alrmui.t. Neb. .. H2 ir. Island, Neb.. t4 Mnrttngton, Neb. to Hastings, Neb. ... t4 ttoidreffe, Neb., Oakdale, Neb... Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb., Alia, la Carroll, la Clariudu, la Sibley, la Sioux City. la. Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. in averages. DISTRICT 8TATION8. No. of Temp. Districts. stations, KM 65 75 UK 7 til ttt tig 59 til S4 5N 00 34 3d 49 .IB 62 3 38 44 30 :;s 42 32 42 sr, 34 r. 33 29 32 Rain fall, .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .' .00 .m .110 .Ml .00 .00 .110 .01) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 for I 8kv. Clesr Clear Cloudy Cloudy lt. cloudy l't. cloudy Pi . cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy l't. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Not Included NEW YORK. May 13,-ldlfnei-s and peg lect eclipsed all signs of interest In tne sto k market today. The traditional mid Huiiiiiier iiul.ne'.H rarely funis iiiiparaiied for the short walls for single transactions which were the rule today. The Imminence of a two days' holiday interval in London furnished a rational explanation. The influence of the London situation on speculative sentiment was increastd by ihe evidence of a hardening money market at that center. The foreign exchange market was rather disordered and fluctuated with violence at recoveries ,from the recent low points. Highly apectilntlvi. conditions have grown op. in me roreiRn exchange market In New York In common with practically evdv other salable commodity and the present strength of exchange is attributed to an tncovered interest, which sought to take advantage of the expected supplies growing out of the bond sales. The strength of exchange, however, served to brighten the effect of the hardening tendency reported In the London money tnarkM. Preliminary estimates pointed to another la-ge gain In cash for the week by , ,.c w ii, oatiKs. inn money mar ket showed no change In conditions'. W ile movements In a few Individual stocks supplied the only features of Interest in the market. Wabash was affected again by revived reports of control passing to the Rock Island Interests. Texas and Texas iRnd trust certificates were run up on a Tew transactions for no other reason than hat a report that, they were being bought by the trustees. The halt in the speculation was due partly to the inconcluslveness of crop con ditions. Reports of Insect damage to winter wheat and to the low temperatures in the southwest were noted. The week's ex ports of wheat expanded more than a 0011011 minimis over those of the before. Honds were Irregular. Total sales value. tl.M3.0no. Cnlted States bonds 1 ncnaiigen on ran. Number of sales (nil principal quotations cn stocks were as follows: 81 1 Hirh. Lew. oiom. week par were 33 i CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area of Ihe Trading and Closing Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 13. Frightened over the Idea that tha market had been oversold on recent declines, operators who were short grabbed all the wheat in sight during the final hour todav. The close was at a mt advance of VC'lc Corn finished VSc to Vg.0 down and outs Mn4c lower. Pro visions showed a gain of 7Wfll0c to 224c. Although muc4i of the day's news was against values, It waa the steady absorption by large local speculators that accentuating tha congestion was chiefly Influential in making the shorts uneasy. Lack of rain in tha spring wheat sections appeared to more than offset re-ports of downpours on tho winter crop. Little attention waa paid to statements that southwestern receipta were Increasing and that one big mill in Kunaas City waa cloaing down. But notica was taken of an advance tt Liverpool, con tinued damage bv insects in Illinois and Missouri, and especially of a report late in the day that wheat In Michigan was show ing a vellow tinge Indicating something radically wrong with the plants. September had a rango of Pilftl-Hc and closed firm near the top for tho day with a net gain of Tc. Corn started strong, but weakened later. Weather in the Corn belt was reported warming up west of the Missouri river. The price variation In September was Mltntn a. limit of &c. with the close ftteady at a net decline of Uo at 63H4t3c Cach demand wna alack. No. 2 yellow eol At fi.t; n Cron prospects for oats were represented t h. ..client. September, however. In fluenced by wheat, closed at precisely last Neither the buvlng ror the selling of pro visions was important, but packers were reported buying hogs at the yards. Pork i'losed up 17ti2:iHc, lt.rd iMrfi'lOc and rlbr Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Rainfall. 17 HO 36 .00 19 titi 10 ,20 12 62 .'Hi .00 26 ISO -M .flu 13 64 in .00 11 60 34 .00 so so .00 24 66 l ,to 19 6-1 38 .00 Appreciable rainfalls occurred onlv in the Kansas City and Louisville districts of the corn ana wneal region, f reezing tempera tures occurred In all .-xcopt the Kansas City ana ixiuisvine districts. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Columbus, O.. Louisville. Kn Indianapolis, Jnd.. Chicago. HI St. Louis, Mo les Moines, la.... Minneapolis, Minn, Kansas City, Mo.. Omaha, Neb Artlcles.l Open. I High. Low. Close. I Yes y Wheat Mav July Sept. Corn May .lulv Sept. I )cc. Hints .May July Stpt. Dec. Pot-It Lard July Kept. Ribs July Slept. 6.Vitii,,63U4'- 1 14H 1 03' 1 014 6i a 1 15' 1 04V 1 02Sl I I I 1 13'il 1 H!i 1 03'ill 04WSI 101 102N,. tun, eo'ri""! 62'-i,62Vvoll I'il'VutU 4:1 40Mi?i saV'c TO 55 bl IttfUWS 12 60 12 50 12 45 12 40 42s I 40', KIV 22 i'74 12 60 12 ni 50 42V 6S 42v 40',i 39 39! 1 22 52H 22 5.1 12 57i 12 47Vj 12 42' 12 35 63V Nl. 5SU 42 3.C, 1 1 IK-" 61 1,3' 1 42S- 40 39 4' 704 10 IS II '79 104', 1WH 96 's' 11I1H 124" 110' ':i4 4fi SKW YORK tiK.X KU A I, MARKET ttaotatlona of the ' llay oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, May 13,-FLOUR-Steady ; spring patents. o.3ii.i(5.t6: winter uatenta. S.'i.lOuu.Su; winter extras. No, 1, $4.0nqj4.jO; Ivannus straights, U.8a5.Vo; sprint; cai.-,. .itH.M; winter extras, io. 2, J. i64.tH. Receipts, 16,4.41 bbls. ; smpments, 7,468 obis. Kye Hour, uuiet; fair to good. 4.2of(i4.4u: Choice to fancy, M. 404(4. 60. CORN MEAL Steady: fine white and vel low, ll.40WI.46; kiln dried, 13.30. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red. 11.16k.. bid, c. i. f.: No. 1 northern. I1.21W. domeatie. f. o. b. Option market -waa quiet most of the day, but prlcea were generally higher on small offerings and coverings bv shorts on cool weather In the west and the firm technical position, cloaing at 11M3 net advance. May. 1.18H&1.17H. closed at li.il July, l.lOMtWl.U, closed at 11.12: September. ll.O7Hijjii.0dH, closed at $1.08. Receipts, 44.400 bu. ; -shipments, 136,398 bu. CORN Spot, firm: No. 2. 70c. nominal. elevator and domestic basis; export No. 2. 68Mic, nominal, f. o. b. Option market was without transactions, closing unchanged. May closed at 70c: July. 72kc: Sememher 71i,c. Receipts, 9,000 bu.; shipments, 27.12!. OATS 8pot, steady; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.. 46H clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 4752Vo. 100 . 1,000 700 M 4&S 27 13(H ,ios t4. 47H 22 72141 22 C 12 il'. 12 65 12 15 12 42'i 22 50 22 ;o 12 5.7 12 45 12 40 12 40 4)Wc; clipped white, 34 Option market waa without transactions, closing nominal. Receipta, 41,175 bu. HAY Steady; No. 1, $1.1201.13. HOPS Dull: atate common to choice, 1909 2225t:; 1908, nominal; Pacific eoa.-t. 1905)' Hid 18c; 1908. nominal. HIDES Firm; Central America. 23fi234c: Bogota, 22Hi.23Hc. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts, 26 2e; seconds, 23ft27c; thirds, 22ig25c; rejects 20tp21c. ' PROVISIONS Pork, steady: meas. 124 00 G24.50; family. $26.O0.ii27.O0; short clears, $25.0Oft;27.O0. Beef, steady; mess, $15.005i25 00 family. $19.0020.00; beef hams. 21.O026.0O.' Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $15.50l 17.00; pickled hama. $15.75 16.25.r Lard, firm; middle west prime, 13.j0 13.40; refined, steady; continent, J13.S0; Soutb American. $14.50; compound, $10.00 10.50. TALLOvV Barely steady: country, 6'i7c, 1ICK Quiet; domestic, 51488c; Patna, G c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, specials, 28c; process specials, 25'c. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, old as to qualitv. 15VMH7C. POULTRY Alive, ouiert: fowls. IRUe- turkeys, WuUc. Dressed easy; frozen chick ens. 17ty28c; western fowls, lufllSkic; west ern turkeys, 16'&21c. ih quotations were aa follows: f'LOUR Higher; winter patents, smt B.10; winter stralghtf. $4.24.(r4.90: spring Htroights, $4.50f4.75; spring patents, $6.25ry 0.46 for best hard: bakers, $4.00ro l.tfi. RYE No. 2, 7SrnS0c. BARLEY Fel or mixing. 4'iy54c; fair to choice malting, 60fii6.ic. SEED Flax. No. 1 southwestern. $2.21, No. 1 northwestern, $2.31. Timothy, $.;.20. Clover, $11.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $22.7:f 23 00 Lard, per 100 lbs.. I13.O.V&13.I0. Short l ibs, aides (loose), $12.6tfri 12.S7 W. Short clear bides (boxed). $13.501' 13.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 446,000 bu. Exports for the weok, a. hr,un i,v llradstreel's. were o.iiul to "9t4 0lo bu. Primary receipta were 320.0tiO hu., compared with 654.000 bu. the corr , pondlng day a year ago. Eatlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 44 cars; corn, 05 caia; oats, 130 cats; hogs, ll.OoJ head. Chicago Cash Pile.: Wheat: No. 2 red. $l.loiy&1.17: No. 8 red, $1.1IU1.1.' No. 2 bard. $1.1531.17; No. 3 hard, $l.l0ft1.15. t.orn: No. 2 cash. 6lS1i2c; No. 3 cash, No; i white, 7it44tKr; No. 3 while, 6lVu7c; No. : yellow, C3tM3e: No. 3 yellow, t7V Oats: N. 2 white, 434!j4lc: No. 3 white. 41'4 l3V; No. 4 white, 40Csi41'-ic; standard, lii'irj 44c. BUTTER Steady; creameries. :3b:.c; dillrfes. Sl(i25e. EtlCiS Steadv; receipts 12.68S cases: at mark, cases Included, lii'alSo; firsts, ISHc; orlme fiisis. Inc. I CHEESE Steady; daisies, 14'(il4'c; twins, 1 HittilSSc; young Americas. 15c; long horns, POTATOES steadv; choice to fancy, 26 t7c; fair to good. 24i25c. il'LTRY Steady; turkeys, 15c; chick- kiA 1 Steady ; 50 to 60 lb. wis.. S)9c; itt to iw lb. wta., I'-.jloc, ai to 110 lb. wta., low 11 -v '"Hi"" Today: Wheat, C cars: corn. I tXti. oats. 143 cars. Kstlmattd tomor iw : W heat. 44 can; corn, 65 cats; oats 2t cars. Kanaaa illy limli and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 13 -WH EAT-May. $1.06. aellers: July. 99cli$l 00. sellers; Sep tember, OTVoc. bid. Cash unchanged to , 'tflle lower; No. 3 hard. 107'ril!0; No. 8. I Jl Ota 1.10; No- 3 rri- l-l""U 1.1E; No. 3. $1 05ifj' r CORN Unchanged to lc lower;. No. 2 ' Mixed, 63e; No. 3. 6Py62c; No. 2 white. 65c; so. ?. 64'aC May, Gl'4c, sellers: July, 6IVl II V bid; September, 59'iC bid. OATS- Unchanged; No. 2 white, 42'y44e; No ,: mixed, asujso. St. I.onla General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. May 13. WHEAT Fu tures, higher; May. $1,114; July, $l.02V 1.03; September. JI.OIV4. Cash, steadv: Vack: No. 2 red, $1.20 1.23; No. 2 hard. 1.1514. CORN Futures, weak; July, 64c; Sep tember. 63TtiO. Cash, firm; track: No. 2, 65'injr6ie: No. 2 white, WOWV1. OATS Futures, lower: July, 394c; Sep tember. 3S1j.3Si4i0.' Cash, steady; track: No. 2, 41V'(i42c; No 2 white, 444i45c. RYE -Higher; 81c. . FLOI R Firm: red whiter patent. ki 1 515.70; extra fanry and wtraiglit, 54. 70'; 5.20; J hard winter clears, I7i.75i4.10. TIMOTHY SEKIJ $3.0C'aa.60. CORNMEAI-$3.. HP.AN Steady; sac-kid, east ttack, $1.04iu l.M. HAY" Steady; timothy. $14.50ilS.a: prai rie, iir.oorg io.to. RAlUIINtS 7 3-16c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; prime steam. $12.9(4(13.00. Dry salt meals, lower; boxed extra shorts. 14c: clear ribs ll'c; shott clears, 144c Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts. 16c; clear ribs, lu'c; short clears, 164c POULTRY Weak; chickens. 14c; springs, 27i32c; turkeys, 14c; ducks. 12c: neese. 6Ve. Ainit-nilnir tiM Amlsmate.1 Conner 13 ftno Amerlnn Agricultural ... Ainerlcin Beet Sugar jlio Amsrlrsn rn 1. son American ("sr. A r '5011 Anierlrin notion Oil son Amerlrin II. ft 1 pfd.... 100 Amerlon T.inaeed 2no Amerlran locomotive Amerlcin S. A R yznn American g. R. pM... !0O Amer. Sneel Pnundrles. .. anrt AmerlrKn Sucr Ref 200 Amer. T A T no Amer. Toherco pfd 800 Amerir-sn Woolen Anronrl Mlnln inn A'rhison 5,100 AtchUon pfd At. c L ma Baltimore Ohio iflo Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rp Tran. 1!(ino Canadlen Peiltlc 11. TOO Centrsl leather 1. 000 tenrrei iMIhrr pra Central of N. J (Tiee. & Ohio I4.S00 (hlraao Alimn ion Chi. (Ireat. WeM.. new- J0O Chi. Great West nfd V) Chlcaso & N. W soft Chlcaso. Mil at. P mo C. C, C. St. Loula Colo. A Roulhern 100 Coneolidated Oae 4,10 Corn Pniduets 300 r. . a. . . . .1 n. R. 0 4400 '42' n. & r. o. pfd Ulatlllera' Securities Erie Krle lat pM Kria id pM General Elerlric Ureal Northern pfd Great Northern ore ctfs .. Illlnola central lntarborouaTh-Met Ir.terborouah-Met. pfd .... Inter. Harvester Inter. -Marine pfd International Paper .... International Pump Iowa Central K. a. Soutliem K. CI. Southern pfd LAlede Gas Louleville Naabvllle Mtnn. aV St. L. M., St. P. 8. Sta. M M., K. & T M. K. 4- T. pfd Mlseourl Pacific National Biarult National Lead N. Ry of M. 2d pfd New York Central N. V.. O. W Norfolk & Weatern North American Northern Pacific Paciric Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa Plttaburi, C. C St. b.. Pltteburg Coal Pretaeil Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Republic steel pfd Rock Uland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L At S. K. !d pfd..., St. h. S. W St. I.. S. W. pfd Sloaa-Sheftteld 8 & I Southern Pacific Southern Hallway Southern Railway pfd .... Tanneaaea Copper Teiaa & Pacific Tol St. U ft W Tot., St. U. & W. pfd... I n Ion Pacific tnlon Pacific pfd t'nltrd States Realty Inlted Slates Rubber.... United Slatee Steel I'nlled Slatea Steel pfd . t'tah Copper VlrKlnla.Carolltui chem.. Wanaah Wcetam Md. clfa Wektlnshouia Klectrlc ... Weatern tin ion Wheeling Ac Lake Krie... Total aalea (or tha day, ZiO.lU share 3( 6 '37S . t l M 13T, -7S M 1J.114 134 109 1, 1107, 11(54 41H 1.S0O 200 S00 600 1.000 500 100 ino' too am) 101) soo 1.40) 1.M0 184 135 Si', :i'i 194, 47 MT, sis 147', lVt'Ci 4 7 4.SH 2', K2 ' 13Ki 151, '4UA, 464, 13W 631, 136 4. 4 M 1S 47 20T4 24 H7 13S ' 41;. 600 70 i, 9, 400 soo .ii 400 soo liKT 2.3X1 I'M) 34.100 100 4S.4IIO :no' HH d.SlO 2.401) SoO l S'W 300 26,J0 SU0 4J0 ' 400 100 200 J3,00 500 43.700 300 1.0U0 1.600 3. IW0 3' 10 . ' 100 600 7, 43S M2 7SV, is: 14 2TH 135 , l'i 40 34 H7', 45H ill 4 ms 7'i 74 127S 2, 14 34 IS (MS l!3V. 4344 S3 US 4, 0 4.-'' 4H4 7 ! 12044 434 103 14 73 '4 13IV4 7S 13V, 1, 40 ISO 34 7S 44 o, 43', 51 ' 74 734 1:3', 27 -'a -854 4a 4.1 82 4 1. 45V. iS 45S 61, 4 34 70 4K 37'i M4 24 1 141, 4S 79' 104 r,4 9a 35 43 W 110 loi4 l'J.314 1104, 1A, 1M 414 107", 290 7i 45 27 H 16-.' ms sr. so 13'i ir,. 17! 414, 7 Uj M14 4414 SdV, 14 1364 3 1344 20'4 6iH US', 19 1214 47 10 MS em 101 S 147S 14i 140 4'S f 70 Pit LMTIKS New Yoik Chicago Huston Vhlladelphia St. LouS Kansas Uliy 1'litshuia; San Francisco Baltimore t'lni'innnti Minneapolis New Orleans 4'leveland Ilrtrolt OMAHA, Los Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul . Hnffalo Henver Indianapolis Atlanta Hrovidence Portland. Ore Memphis Richmond Fort Worth Bait Lake City Washington, L. C. St. Joseph Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane, Wash Toledo Rochester Nashville Hartford lies Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Slnux City Wichita Grand Rapids Syracuse Augusta. Oa Birmingham Springfield, Mass.. Kvansvllle Hayton Oakland, L'al Oklahoma Jacksonville, Fla.. Portland, Me Worcester Little Rock Knoxville Whet Unjr. W. Va. Charleston. S. C... Chattanooga Lincoln Wilmington, Del... Mobile Topeka IUvenpori Wilkesbarre Kalamazoo. Mich.. Fall River Cedar Rapids, la.. Sacramento New Bedford Springfield, 111 Macon Younsstown Fort Wayne Helena Fargo, N. I Columbia, S. C Akron Canton. O Lexington Krie, Pa Sioux Falls. 8. D. Hockford. Ill Qulncy. Ill Hloomlngton. 111.. Springfield. O Chester, Pa South Bend, Ind.. Lowell Blnghamton Jackson, Mhs Decatur, 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg. Miss... Jacksonville, 111.. Duluth "Scran ton. Pa.... Houston Galveston I Clearings.; Inc. Dec. l.:'.l .770. ooo1, 4.6 11. 2X t. 17. 14. I 2S 111 434 108 13:, 20 13414 108 Vi 101 19S. 39 101 38 181 S3 '4 97 454 HO4 41.1 314 74 74 1!R, 2 t.2', it "4 33S J9S4 64 1824 94 I214 41 H2'4 118 45 6;a 11 4.5S 63 C8 444 7,tKi2.0(io l.M.rwi.OOO, l.'i(i.4.rKl.0O0' 7 44f.(i. 49,:i41.noil 4.H.",2.li)0. 4:!.r.l.1.0i. 2, 74(1.000 2o.2ii7.000, lli.M7.000 lii.it.'O.ooil, I!,0l!.fl00! 17.oM.000, 16,618, 0OO io.:.'.V'.ii Iti.Wis.ww u.VHi.Olllli t.27.0iKI K.77a.0no, K .727.KIO 8.123.0110 10. 177.0001 ft. 471.00O: n.020 ooo, 7.0S7.0HO K.l.iO.(iKl T.SS.'.OOO1 ti.lK 12,000 fi, 041, OOO; 8.S14.0IIO: 5.0G4.O00'. s.HW.tmoi , 8.4S1.00O 4,0SS.000 4,IKl,Oooi 3.811.000, 4,24.5,000! 4.421.0001 2,f4,000 2.7fi8.iO 2,6)5.000 . 8.6.".2.0ti0l 2,W4.000 2.612.000 2.348,0001 l,5!'l,000j 2,t:!4,000 2.:io2.000- 2.858,010- 2.22ft,t)00i S.029,0001 2.4lti.O()o: 2, oil. 000: l.!78.000 2.240.000- 1.721.000! .M:..oflo 2.038.0001 1,361.0I10 l.tl22.00O: 1.5,V).000: 1.S95.O00. 1. 470.000! 1.257,0001.. 1.439,0001 23.6. 1. 5,")1.000 1.532,0001 l,216.000l l.l1.000 1.208,0001 1.0fiu.0fl0 1.044.0001 900.0001 933,000' 1. 109,000 S29.000 1,108.000 836.0001 949.000J l,O25.OU0 712,000 830,0001 1.017.000 1,007,000 W1.000! 500,000 r24.ooo ft56.000 577,000 694.000! 4!8.0001 6s7,O0O 42I.0OOJ. 418,0001 31S.O0t)l. 30,000i , 303,000! 3,411,0001 2.784,000. 27,424.000!. 14,216.0001 I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ran of Cattle is Light, but Demand ii Poor. aYVBaaaaaaaaaaa HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER Nearly All Xalee Are at Same Price and Movement la Active from Start to rialah hera Are Dall. SOUTH OMAHA. May 13, 1910. 5.9 9.3 .. 4.6 .. 23. 9-. . 13. K.. 10.31.. 2'.o . . 9.2 ... 0.8 .. 236 .. 5.7 .. 4.K .. irr.o .. 33.4'.. "ji'.li1.. 6.1 .. 15.6 ,. 12.. 30.7 .. 7.1'.. 11.2 .. 10.1 . . 23.7'.. 39.6'. .9. n.9 . 15.7 . 7.4'. 14.5!. 11.8 . 6.71. 23.2 ... 14.9:.. 8.0 .. 70.8'.. 2.4 .. 24.7;.. 2.6 .. 19.9!.. 12.6!.. C5.51.. 58.6!.. 26.1 .. .4l.. 35. 6'.. 2.3'.. 12.7.. 22.0'.. 4.5.. 13. 6j.. 10.1'.. .1 11.81.. 33.2;.. 23.0'. 11.4'. 22.7'. 25.01. 24.8'. S.6 26.5 "i'.i is. 6 24.5! 34.8! 22.4: 6.6 14.9! 74.l 33.6 receipts were: 0 1 1 1 1 1 a I Monday .... Official Tuesday Of I trial Wednesday., OM'Icial Thursday Ls.imated Friday .. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, , 3.1.4 . 6.222 6.3 '0 . 3.636 . .. 1016 4.6.4 7.697 7,039 6.139 4.382 6,ti'j7 10,'i9 4 034 1,2. Fives days this week. .18.440 2WM3 2''.j0 Seme days last week 18.6H 28 126 2..i.'8 Haine days 2 weeks ago..l'J.o6l ls.742 "j"-'' Kaino days 3 weeks ago.. 21. 734 3",r, Jt' anle days 4 w eeks aao. ,2o.46ii 45.22.1 2", 422 Same days last ear. .. .18,109 36. 17 J lli.otl The followliiK tuble shows the leceipta of cattle, hoijs and sheep at South Omaha 6.1 lor the year: Caitle t logs Sheep The jeur to dat l:ilc 3iO. W17 8.5.7 551.263 follow InK labia -mtiat eil with last Inc. Lec. 346.624 24.3,3 1.020,42i 2,.8i) 582, 7t.l allow a tha averaga 1.2 6.6 1H.3 prices of hota at Koutn Omaha for tha laat aavetal days with (.ompariiona: 7 M; 6 tti 3i 6 l 1 Data. I 1910. llisl.iiao!i.!lSO"i.;i0.l?05. 104. May 4.. May . May 6. May 7.. May 8.. May 9.. Mav 10. Mav 11...' I'S.I R 971 K 41 6 381 6 291 5 271 Mty 12...I 9 23:1 7 01; 6 42 1 I 30 6 26 4 2 May 13... I 9 So'si 7 04 6 36 : 6 35 1 u ' t 9 19 41 ' OOi 11 . 1 lo 0 Hoi 9 27-- U hi 6 37 i 24, I 28, 9 IMi 6 851 6 M 16 27 ( 15 I 8 971 6 341 25; 2L 5 171 1 9 IS'.! I h 3b 1 8 261 21 6 In 9 2h.si 89 1 i'i "I 4 63 4 o 4 66 4 68 4 69 4 64 .Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the L'nlon stock yards, South Omaha, for tw 1 nt, -tour hours ending at 3 p. m. '1 nurs da : RF.CKIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hog-. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. At .St. P 1 3 Wabash 1 Mlbfuiiil pHclfic 2 1,. l'nlon Pacific 8 12 C. N. V., east 3 2 C. & 2s. V., west 21 23 C. .St. I. M. & 0 6 5 1 C. H. & g., east 6 3 1 ('. H. & (J., west 1 9 2 C. R. 1. Ar 1'., east 1 Illinois Central 12.. Total receipts 45 . 64 6 and Itioc for (irenons. Aprh o( i ate. f.rm, with sitiall offetiiiKS. hut a less atle ea port 1I1 Kiittiil . choice, liv.iioi-i-; extra 1 I10K a, (iti 1IS-: fan-. US'"'" 12' iC l'iaihis ara tii in. wltli an miproxed demand; choice. 604 6c; extra choice. 6lt'y7c: fancy. 6tirlo Kaialns, dull and feat ureles : loose musca tels are (Uiit d at 3ni.VV': choice to fan seeded. 4iiSc: seedless, 3Sia4V', and I.01K don lasers at H-ulX. IIMAIIl GKIIiHtli M4RKKI4 Staple aal Vmntr JTodaee Trlcca e Blahed fcr Barera aaal A leaalera. ItVTTKK Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade, In 1-lb. carlona. 29c; No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs, 2vc; No. I, In 1-lb. nrlona, 27c; In 60-lb tubs, 2vo, packing stock. aoll4 pack. 20c; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, 22c. Markal ihanites every Tuesday. OUKKSK-Twins, 1640; ' yotnif America. 17c- daisy, 17o; llraburger, lo; .No. 1 brick. 16c; No. 2. 15c; domeatlo block Swiss, 22c; tnioited Swlaa. 80o, POl'LTRY I "teased brollera. $9 00 doa.j for atorage. 6.K; for freah aprlngs. 20c; hena 19c; cocks. 124c; ducks, tiK geesa. lie; turkeya. 26c; pigeons, pet tioa , $110; bonier a.iiabs, $4 00 per dot.; fancy squabs. is itrow Ina I $t .) per dos ; No. 1, $3 00 per dui. Allva: showing a llioilers. from l' to lbs., 40c; 1 to I tendency to leave the wooled article lbs.. 3c. hens. '; oia "i " V" ever.iv .1.,.,. it i. ..in,,, loii little roostel s. loc; ducks, ftill feathered, 14o; hlaher than similar nualltv shorn stock. geese, full feathered. aV; turkeys lo; Uuotatlons on shorn stock: (food good One load of goals was included in the run. hut It was consigned direct to a lai ker. Inquiry wa no; very active In spite of the very meager suply and trade was quiet throughout Most pales looked to be little different from those of yester day, quality conKlilered. hut allowance must lie made for thn fa, t that packers are buying very spatlngly at present and that any opportunity to bear prices on account of ' Iniidensome receipta la not overlooked. Yeaterdav's sheep market. It will be re niemhered. closed In very poor shape, much of the business being dona at sharply lower fisures. For the week thus tar supply has been 1 normal, with quality onb fslr. A lot of' lail-enders are coming and buyers do not ' take kindly to this class of offerings as It I dresses out poorly. Natuisllv the demand has been dull at all times and the trend of price lower Heavy Ianil.s and sheep have suffered the most, closing sales on . shorn ewes showing a net decline of about 35ruoOc for the five days, ami Imnn with i too much weight selling all (lie way from1 a dime to a uuarter lower HaniH weight' shorn lambs have acted well, however, and! are commanding figures qimMhly sieaiU with a week ago, but the demand Is not very broad. The supply of wool'-d stock smaller daily, but killers are to choice lambs. $8.60ru8.7f; fair to good lamhs. $77.Yrt8.50; good light yearlings. $r.25n7.75; good heavy joariings. $!.0u(".7.ii0; good to choice wethers. $i'.ooo 7.50; fair to good weihers. $6 6O'4i7 0O; good to choice ewes, $6.4o?i'ii.75; fair to good ewes, $5.50fu-40. ReDresentatlves sales. No. 319 weatern lambs, shorn 112 western yearlings 107 western lambs, shorn, culla. 12 western wethers 255 western yearlings, shorn 141 western wethers, shorn 25 western wethers, shorn, culls 60 western wethers 83 weatern ewes, culls 143 western ewes, shorn ., 7S western lambs, shorn 20 western ewes, shorn, culls.. Av. t'r. 71 7 50 78 8 10 66 00 ,77 7 75 79 8 00 90 ,V ,76 4 50 ,99 I 25 ,87 4 W 98 6 37a 95 8 00 92 4 00 CHICAGO 1.1 VB STOCK MABKKT tattle Market Mom lloaa and Sheep Reported Klrni. CHICAGO. May lS.-CATTLE-Reeeipta. 3.000 head; market slow; steers. $6 2Tv$7.50; cows. $4.85J6.75; heifers. $4.25Cir7.46: bulls. $5.0Ord6.75: calves, $.1.0tVd7.7o; stockers and feeders, $4 75&6.75. HOGS Receipta, 15,000 head; market firm; choice heavv, $9,(1547 9.75, butchers, $9 60rri9.76; light tntxet. ttt.nWjO.65: choice light. t9.69S9.qO; packing. tOW9.65; pigs, t9.25i-9.65: bulk of sales. t!.6rio'9.70. SIIKKP AND LAMHS Receipts, 8,000 head: market, firm:, sheep, $6.00(a7.00; yesrling. t7.257.85; lambs, t7.6.Vg"1t.05; spring lambs, tn.Will.00. auinea low is, -"c eacn, mv-tu.l, em par o.. ; homers, $;; tm per doa.; aquabs, No, l. ' ii per do.: No- 2. iiOc. FISH tall froarnl-l'ickenet, c; whlteflsh, 13c; pike. 10c; trout, 13c; large ci apple., 16fo'l8c; tipanlsh mackerel, 18o ; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders. !2c. tlreen catfish. ISc; trout. 15c: buffalo, 8c; halibut, c; white perch. 8c; whlteflsh, lbc; yellow perch 9c; bullheads, 12c; white bass, 17c; roeshads. $1 00 each; shadroes, par pair, 60c; frog legs. 30c per do. Ueet Cuts-Rirs: No. 1. l.c; No. 2. 14tc; No. 3, ISc. Loins: No. 1, 19c; No. 2, lo'c; No. i- 14c. Chuck: No. 1. 9c; No. 2. 84c; No. 1. sic Kouno. o- "v, a. jnc, 1 Us Flate: No. 1, i)c, No. 2, 7Vac; No. 1' Ult-i'OSlTlON HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6.8 I Omaha Packing Co 270 206 Swift A Company 106 773 431 Cudahy Packing Co 190 1.072 3..8 Armour & Co 041 1.325 Si-hw artz-Bolen Co 145 Cudaiiy from K. C 'M 272 Hill & Son 31 F. H. Lewis 9 Other buyeia 47 606 13.0 32.7!.. n.6j.. 29.8!.. 9.4 .. 9.51.. 10.61.. 90.3'.. I 17.0!.. S.9' 39.61., 39.6... 2.2 Y.S 31.8 , 6.8 Not included in totals because contain ing other eluded In Incomplete, Items than clearlnaa. Not totals because comparisons in are days, U per call 3V4 cent; New York IMoner Market. NEW YORK. May 13.-MONEY On aieauy at JfrM per cent; ruling rate. i i i',-""! viunuig oio, o:ii per cent; orrered at 4 per cent. iJMf. L.OANS Steady; slxtv per cent and ninety days. 4((4 Six months, 4-JiU ner eenf. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4H5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Stronger, with actual business In bankers' hills at $l,S370-a' 4.8385 for sixty-day bills and at $4 8'3 for demand: commercial bills, $4.83(54. 83U. SILVER Bar, 63Hc; Mexican dollars. 44o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad irregular. Closing quotations on oonds were ai folio s: U. g. raf. S rn 100irnt. M. M, 4',a .... Ml, oo ref. 2a coupon. ...loi'-.Jaran 4a . ao 4a, raclEtarad. .liW'A do 4M 103'4K C. 8. 1st 3s.. 72"4 ll"l. 8. deb. ( ((IMll 1 114'4 I,, tc N. un 4. ... 9104 7"'4 M.. K. A T. 1t 4a E7V. ...IOIVi do gen. 4a WV 4.1011tMo. Paritir 4s 79 ...10S N. B. of Mex. 4Aa.. 74'4 Total L002 3,521 1,706 CATTLE There was tun usual small Friday's run of cattle today and the qual ity of tha offerings waa decidedly below thn average of the week. Partly on this account and purtly because ot tha indif ferent tone of the advlcea from eastern markets, there was a poor demand from all quarters and the trade waa decidedly alow all forencon. A few bunohea of de sirable cattle changed hands at prlcea not materially different from yesterday, but It was Into in the forenoon before much trading had been done and the tone of the market waa weak throughout. As com pared with a week ago prices do not show iiiucti change, the more desirable cattle be ing perhaps a shade stronger that at that lime, while the plain and unfinished grades are hardly selling as well as they were one week ago. Less than one dozen loads of cows and heifers were Included among the offerings and they generally changed hands at right around steady flgurts. In fact, there has been no particular change in the market for butcher stock and cannera all week. The demand has been broad, the supply of very moderate proportions, and thfre has been a fairly satisfactory tone to the busi ness from start to finish, closing quota tions being quotahly Ihe same as one week ago. The market for veal calves was quotably steady and what few bulls, stags, etc.. here found a ready sale at firm fig ures. There was practically nothing doing in the atocker and feeder division thla morn ing. The meager offerings were hard to move hi shaded Drlces and 11 u lie a good many common and medium cattle have I accumulated In sneivlator's hands ao that prospecin 101 mi) i.aa ig St. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST. TXlUIS. May 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head; Including 1,700 Texans; market. 10c to 26c lower. Native shipping and export steers, $6.70rr800: dressed beef and butcher steers. $S.0O(Jj8.0O; steers under 1.000 pounds. $5.5O(fj8.00; stockers and feed ers. $4.0OSi6.2fl. cows and heifers, $3.35'58.00; cannerS. t2.7ntf3.25; bulls. $4 .OIV&-6.76; calves, $400ji8.25' Texas and Indian steers. $4.7.V(i 8.00: cows and heifers. $3.0Wt65O. HOGS Receipts, 9,500 head: market strong; pigs and lights, t8.0O4'f9.60: packers. $9.00-59 65; butchers and best heavy, $9.60 (&9.67V4. SHEEP Receipts. 1,200 heal: market steady; native muttons. $6 5(W7.60: lambs, $7.60rg8.35; culls and bucks, $2.00516.00; stock ers, t3.50Ca5.60. clearance this week like a complete not very favorable. ao sa, coupon .... do 4a redataied .. do 4s coupon Allla-Ctaalm lat 5a. Amer. Ag. 6a Am. T. & T. cv. Amer. Tub. 6... -Amur. 100. 4 7 N. y. On. fen 3V,a. nmuur or o is.. aili do deb 4... 4. 4 1 HI'TTER I'nchanged; EGGS Lower; ISo. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu creamery, 22826Vic. Receipts. Shipments. .. 4.800 67,000 ..37,000 24,600 .. 7.600 64.800 ..54,000 33.000 l.onilou Stork Market. LONDON. May 13. American securities I opened a fraction higher to a fraction I lower and moved Irregularly with the small business. At noon the market was dull, with prices '4 higher to H under the closing New York prices of yesterday. C-'.raola, mime;., tl . 1-14 l.ouiivllle & N 151 du account It n-KM., H. A T 43H Amat. copper ilVtN. Y' central 1, Anaconda D'aNortolk at W 1061, Ati hlaon ' 113. do ptd ! do ptd I".". Ontario & W 44'4 D.ll(l mora aV (Ihlo... ll"'Henni.ylvnla 4'4 Canadian Pacific lKRnd Minna tS Chesapeake aV O K- Reading M4 Chli-ago U. W Ji'4 Houlhern Ky 21 '4 ( hi.. Mil. 6l. P. .14.' do ptd 64V4 Pl Biera 8 Southern Pacific l'a Pr-nrer &- It lo 11 42 I nlun Pacific Ul do pftl S'4 do pfu !' Erie JIUV. 8. Sleel a.. do 1st pfd 4S'4 do ptd 121 do 2d p") Wabaab Jit. Oiand Trunk 3'i'4 do pfd 4H, llllnnla central I'I Spanish 4a .'..ti SIIA'FK-Hai-. steady at 24 13-16d per oz. MONEY 2sst(J2"'4 per cent. Atciuson Ren do cv. 4b.... do cv. 5a., At. C. L In B. & O. 4s do S.s do S. W. 5i,a Br. Tr. cv. 4.. . ( Ua. 5a... 1 cn. Latner b svfcjft. I 8. F. 1 . or .-v. J. arn. oa.liU do sen Sa Cliaa. & Ohio 4. . . . Ilk, si . I,. 8 W i-on 4 OO ref. &!, 9., ,n l.t .-.M Am C. & A. SHU 71 Mraur ard A L. C. B. H U. Ji. 4e. S4So. Pacific col. ' do gen. 4a 97 ,l0 cv. 4s C.,M. & S. P. g. 3t S6 do lat ref. 4... 0., R. I P. c. ( : Southern Kv E,. . 14 N. V. AV ll'i'uN. W. .11 IV do cv. 4 . . 9,l.Vo Pacific 4e. do 4a inlO. S. I,, rf1. , fI'enii. cv. 3ii , 84 dp coll. 4a. . Ill n'-aillna n. 4 88-14 2-4 do rM. 4s ''olo. Ind. urn Colo Mid. 4a V. & S. r. ex. 4 D. & II. cv. la I). 4 It. O. ii... do ref on Dlatlllera- S ... Erie pr lien 4... do gen. 4 do -v. 4s ner, do aer. B Oen. -leo. iv. ,,i 111. On 1st r Int. -Mat. 4',u .... Bid. lirfercd. h. cv. 6s.. is: lat con. 4s. cs IW4 71i4 101 4s.... W (imii mni lu.i'4 -S r. 4a t!l 84 ... 761.4 ... 8t .. 83, s . K4 ...KH ... 4i , ..liW ...Km ...UK do gen 6a . . . 781. ,to gen. 4s . . . ""'afnlon I'aL-lflc 4s. :j 7' rlo cv. 4s ...HI ilo lt and r. -'' 1. 8. Itubber (is .. :',t'. 8. Steel 2d . . . 7o Va..('ar. c.heni. i . SIN Wabash let fi... . -. 71 rln 1 Ft and ef 4a k. . 77" (. Mil. 4s . .. 6t'4West. Klc.-. CT. 5s ..VJii W Is. famral 4r , Is. 7 M,. Pailfl.- cv. . . . M ....l')ls . . ..Ii'4 4s. . o, PC 'i Ss. .I'M 5a.. iMiH ...,1'.'4 ... f!l . ... !M.t E-aennt on Bond to cnoice. light fat steers and heifers the market is 16i(.2jc lower than last week and verv dull quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn feu stetrs, t7.4O-ii8.00; fair to good cornfed uiMra 17 00ij7.40: common to fair cornfed steers, $5.$O(i6.90; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.75tc5.ib; common to fair cows and heifers. 12.7irfa4.75: good to choice stockers an, fH.Ts iTi 54Hfi,h..nO: fair to good stock r. nnil fteilers. 14.75'u5.40: common to fair stockers and feeders. t3.5tK-y4.7i: stock heif ers, t3.i-Y-t,4.fc5; veal calves, t4.00tij8.00; bulla, stags, etc., t3.754j6.27. Representative sales: BEEF slEEK-s. Kanaaa tity I.lve Stock Market KANSAS CITV, May 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.000 head; Including 600 aoutherns; market steady to weak. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $7.16!g8.20: fair to good, tfi.$0($7.20; western steers, $6.65S7.76; stock ers and feeders. $4. 0O36.20; southern steers, $6.007.65: aouthern cowa, $3.40(36.70; native cows, t4.O0(&7.00; native heifers. $4.25(&'7.00; bulls. J4.00fa.00; calves, $4,OlKiT8.O0. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady to strong. Top. $9.45; bulk of sales, $!..:KK!i!(.40; heavy, $!),351i'!l,4&; packers and butchers, $9.30irjN9.40; light, $9.25(!j9.40; pigs, t8.60-W.oi. SHEEP Receipts, 2.00 head: market. steady. Lambs, r.2Oti8.90; yearlings, $S.0O (flg.fjO: ewes, $5.00Cg7.OO; stockers and feeders, to.oO-rjo.OO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. .TOSEPH. Mo.. May 13. CATTLE Receipts 200 head; market steady; steers .0O4(7.75; cows and heifers, $; calves. $4.(H7.60. HOGS Receipts 3,600 head; market steady to 60 higher; top. $9.46; bulk of sales. Kt.aurav.w. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 200 head; market steady; lamba, $8.0O(i(j9.00. Stock In Sight. Receipta of live stock at the five principal western inaraeis yesterday: Cattle South Omaha 1,036 St. Joseph 2IO Kansas City 1,000 St. lvouls hicago ... Totals 2.500 3.000 7,736 Hoga. Sheep. 4,6r,6 6.697 3,500 200 8,000 2,000 9.600 1,200 15,000 6,000 40,656 16,097 No. .2... 2-. ih.'.'. in... 2u... 11... 4... 14. IS... ... . It.. . . .. IS... 4. . 5 . . . 6 . 1.. 1. . 1.. 1... I.. 2... I., t... 2. . !.. Av. ,. M .. lid .. 84n , . 1OJ0 ..I'M.' . r.l , , Mi .. 44 , . XK, . . DM .. lf.2 .. IW . . H7 4 ..llll'i . . 9S0 .. tin .. Ml .. in . .1140 . .143') ..1620 IT. t 30 i oil 4 oil M 7" (I ill 8 ,0 6 7f 6 76 No. 23.. m... l: . tS.., !... 20... I" .. ;... COWS. i 60 10... 4 5) ... 5 ml 4 i 2i 4 6 5 4 HEIFERS, 4 oil S 4 4.1 4 Oil BULLS. S2T, 1 6 :. 1 00 1 CALVES. too 4I HO Ill) 11.1 140 13) STOCKERS 121 5 Jf S IS 4 25 4 oil f'l 7 imi ; mi 7 25 Av. . .1326 . .lwoi . .1034 . llnll ,.'12 ..1107 .11(2 ..lias . .lint ..1145 . . ',221 .. i7 ..1010 . . 13U2 .. 858 ,. 742 .. 88 ..1110 . .140 ..13 0 .. 141 .. 1 63 .. ln , .. m .. IM . . 105 Pr. 7 1') 1 IS 7 15 7 15 7 2.i 7 So 7 10 7 35 7 41) 7 44 6 7J 6 75 6 40 111 50 ur :.i zt it 15 6 7 ! 7 r.o 7 50 7 M 7 6'i 1 70 FEEDERS. 65 5 40 !- VV-70T7:c. I nTtVa-4.'holiC' !.' . tlO-lV ifirTEii-f ,crv tiinotny. 'juo; choice WlOO; choice alfalfa, tltooij- Unchanged; eraamery, extra. Mlnueapolla tirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 13.-WllAT-May $1.I1S; July. $1.10VfTl.U: September. $1.01; caah. No. 1 hard. 11.14: No. 1 northern, $1 2.jl.ir; No. 3 northern, $1.10-gl.llT.; No. ll.07kI.UV- CORN-No. 3 yellow, u9Vt(iil0c. OATS No. J white, 40(6 l'c. riYB No, S, 70tl73'c. KLAX 4,'loaed a( $2.26,. HKAK-In KKI pound sacka. $18 0i-18 26. rU)L'R-Flrat patents tin wood f. o. b.. Minneapolis), to.3tKirJ.65; second patents. $5 lOp. ",.i; first cleaiT, tl.Uvl.X; second clears. $190-43.20. Liverpool tiralai Marvel. IUVF.RPOOL Mil 11-WHFAT-Spot. No. J red western, no stocks; quiet; May, 7 lSd: July, 7a lT,d: October. ?d. CORN Spot alea-ly; new American mixed, no s.ock: old American mixed. 5a tVad: new kiln dried. 6a 6d; via Galveston, 5a 7d; futures, dull; July, 6a 2V1. fli rate of discount in tho open market for short and three months' bills is 2Vo3' per cent. local Bcearlllea. 1 Ouotatiot.s furnished by Samuel Horns, Jr., 613 New 1 oik Life building, Omaha: 1414 Beatrice (reamarr, cam ntt Cltr o( Omaha 4's. 11.4 1-' l udattr Packing Co. 4a ; -a lo.a Portland 4 emenl bonds lows Portland Cement can. bonds 4... Kanaaa city Block Varus stock Urns Uell (.umber La Nebraska Tel. stuck.. par cant 4J-4 Nona Plane Van Irrl Co. 4a. 1M0.. s Oni.ha Water Co. 5a. isit l'J rim.hi Water Co. 5a. 1S4S SJIA 1 omaba avatar Ce. d aid 11 Oms .a Gaa ea, ltll II1 Omaha Gaa ea. 114 104 Omaha E. L. aV P. 4a. ll'l Oautia K. U pfd t aer ceal U1 Qaialis bt. Mr- 4s. 1414 Omaha ft C. B. at. H.. is. lia Omaha a C. B. St. Ry. pfd tt Omatta C. 4. St. Ky. cera 71 Omal.a C. B. Ky. A B. f(4 U Pacllle T. e T. U. .nil tl outk Oms hi ia. Lit of line Vnlied avanaaa P. c. Co ia. I'j2ll tl To Del 4 per cent. HlllwaakM Ural a Market. MILWAUKEE. Mav IS. WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1 l-til 14, No. 2 northern, $1.06-jj, 1.12; July. $1 04S- OATS 42'a-li 424c. FLOLR-DuII. Pearla Market. PEORIA. May 1J.-CORV lyiwer; aaa t ioa-4 I'i 1"0 let) luOW 100 11 i' II ) '4 -105 Ma H lou 44 44 c 4 H lr-t Iluatoii POSTO.V. May mining stocks: AIIOU4Z Amal Copper A. T. I.. A S Arizona Com Atlantic P. A Corlv C. & 8 bmte Coalition Cai. A- Arts r.l. ar He. la Centennial Copper RatiRe Baat Butte Ctpe" Franklin Glroox Con Oranby Con Greene Cananea . . . isle Hoyale Krrr lAke Ike conper I)-alla Cnpper .... Miami C.pper t'loalnaT Sltui'Ua. 13. Closing quotations on 4S'4 Mohowk 4 (R? Vevaila Con lo IS Nlilaeliis Mines ,...14 17 North Untie JI 7'4 Nortti Ijhe IV, . lSOIil Ilnmlnfon r., (icia 1.U f.l Tarnst C. S 11', 5 Shannon US . 17 Q.ilni-T 14 , 46't Superior . 45j Ha4 rti;perior AV Bos II . l'urrlor & Pitts l! , ' Ts.maia--k 4H . -l . 8 Coal aV (111... .16 . hSl'. S R R. M . i'. . Da. rlo pfd 4l "'st'tsli Connl:dali .. St', . 55V I tali ( oprar 4.".', . 1".'4 W Innna S . K1 Wolverine 117 AND . STKERS AND 11E1KEK.S. 4 6511 4 10 5 40 6 SO tU t 15 SO loot 7 Ji j 10 TT IK) HOUS I he hog market came very near being a oiie-priceil affair this morning. Most of Ihe lui?s Mild at f!l.30. a big nickel higher than yesterday and movement was reasonably active from start to finish. A light run was largely re'-ponr-lble for the more active demand ami improved prices, packer taking the big bulk of receipts. While mosl of the sales today are ijuot able at Ihe advance noted, heavy mixed and even the anioothT kinds of heavies did not experience the full bulge, offerings of this description going st figures a short nickel higher. Uood light. aro selling to wsrd the top of the list, almost on a par with desirable butchers and rpilte a little business was done this morning In good lights at prices ptelty close to i'u 10c higher thai yesterday. Today's advance, of course, restore Wednesday's prices, a considerable portion of receipts f-elllng at a spread of $!l.27V.ihl spite of the very meager supply and trade yesterday k best sales. Representative aie Metal Market NEW YORK, May 13. METALS The market ror standard copper on tin? New York Metal exchange was dull, with quota nuns tanging from $12.25 to $12.50 for spot ana an irtuvones up lo tno end of August i ue j.onuon maraer. closed weak ror over the Whitsuntide holidays, with spot quoted at 56 IsJfd and futures at 56 18s 0d. Local d. alers liuote lake copper at $12.75'iT.13.0'). eieciroiync ai u.bZ'!t) 12.16 and casting at ai-.oivi'gii.ou. imports of copper by steam ers at Atlantic ports since May 1 have Deen u,44i ions. 111c UdltiK matte and ores while exports for the same period have been u...i ions. 1 in was st-adv at aiU.li'iAiM-t tr. May at $;ai2?i:a25. June at !:n lOfi:u fit. juiy and August at Xl.i)uiXlta. Sales were reported of five tons of .May at $i;i20 five tons of June at $;13.12S4 and five tons of June at miO. The London market waa steady, with a light decline, spot being yuuieu si tiju 00, ana rutures at t!51 1:!M till IVOU H,.ll ...uu . ...J . in, r.j qilllleo at $4.25-(t4.35. New York, and t4.!3Vn.4.l7. East St. ixiuls. London was unchanged at 12 12s 6d. Spelter was dull, with spot quoted at $5.25-1-15.50. New York 11 11,1 f.i, 6.124, East St. Louis. London was 'un charged at 22. Iron was lower el HM Md f ir Cleveland warrants In London. Locally the Pitrl:et t unlet. M 1 .,ni,..r.. foundry. $n.( 17.73; No. 2 nor.h rn f I'mdr. $!6.uOfc(W.25: No. 1 southern and .No. I south-ert- soft. S16.2.WI 16.75. ffT- ..,;0,'1:S' , May 1!-METALS-Lead. firm, $4. hi. Spel'cr, $5,15. S, lOo. 8 7C FRUITS Strawberries: Tenneaae and Ioulslanc, ?4-qt. case), per case, $.100; 14 nt cases, per case, $2.00. Oranges; Califor nia Camella and I'rotrucer Rranda Bedland' Navels. 0-H6 alie. per box, $3.00; 1W slxa, ner box. $3 60; lnO-iJ-S and smaller sixes, uer box, t4.00. Other brands from River side and other districts, per box. $3 OOiWl 50; Zn M-iU sixes, per box, $2.76. Havana Med- v' lMllia al.u ..ah Itterranean nwrC,, i, tt 00' 150 and smaller alias, per box, $S 14. 1 unions: Llmontera. extra fancy, 300-360 IS, , , 1 1 V I V. D , , UUJt, ' 240 alxe, 6O0 per bos laae. lananaa: Fancy select, per bunch, $2.-bi.60, Jumbo, bunch. $2.7txao-7b. Orape i'rult; Florida, 46 11. $4 50; 64-64-80 alxea, per box, $5.00. ADDles: Ben Davis, per bbl., $60; Callfot- nla iancy . " XT' . 12 26' California extra ianoy w. w. j-ear-iVialns, Red Wood brand, per box. $..$6; extra fancy Iowa Jonathan, per bbl., $6.00. Cranberries; ij. j, i'Om Dates: Anchor brand, new, ao l-ih. pkgS. in DUA, l"ci wi r-- sa, veilLUM nla, lOo sise. 80c. VEUE lABLM- irisu 1 oisiwk vviacon- aiti and native, per ou., owoissc; . oiorado. bu., toc. ,Aew j ui.vuco . an bsikb, per lb 4c. Seen nweei roiaiues; rvajisas, per bbi.. $'-09. Cabbage: New California and Southern, per lb., 3c. union: laxas cry stal wax, per crate, $1.90; yellow, per crate. $165 Old vegeiaoiee: a-avrBiiii, carrots, beets, turnips. In sacks, per lb., te. Uarllc: Extra rancy, wmn, p-i lu., auv, icq, per R.. lo. . NEV. SiUU 1 11iL.nr vtuni-jitiiiKs-. Radishes: Per dox. bunches. 4oc. Turnips: Per doi. bunches, 60c. Carrots: Per dox, bunches, 60c. Shallotts: Per dox. bunches, 50e Parsley: Per dox. tranches, 6ttn. Beets: Per dox. nuncnes, nw. opnmuo. rrr ou.. 12 Ibe., $100. n.gg rum; rancy r 101 Ida, doz., $1.60412.00. Tomatoes: Fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6-bsk. crate, $2.75; choice. $00 String ana wax ueini; rer namper, about 25 lbs., $S.OO. Ureen Pea: Per ham- tier, $2.50. CuoumDers: jiot nouse, per do.. tl 5O&2.00; Texaa. per e-oa,, 100. J tO .M r. uuuvrn v r.ui, iivnuin lusaien- es: Extra line; iiums s'vu, psr onx. bunches, 85c. Lettuce: Extra, fancy leaf, per dox., 45c; lead lettuce In hampers, $1.75. Paisley; Fancy home grown, per dox. bunches, 4oc. Rhubarb: Per do. bunches, 4oc. Asparanua: rcr 410a. nuncnes. 60c. Ureen unions: re' aox. csuncnes, joe. IlOHSl'.llAUinil J uoz. Ill vttrir, fornla. No. 1, per lb., 17c; California, No. t soft, per lb., 14c. Hickory tiuis: Large, per lb., 4c: small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuta: Per sack, $5.00; per doz., 65c. NUTS Black Walnut: Per lb.. 2c; Call Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May lS.-COTTON-Markt opened steady at a decline , of 2 points 014 May, but generally l(t2 points higher anil during the early trading sold Into new high ground for the movement. May firm ing up with the rest of the list, on cover ing of shorts, firm cables, large English speculations and fresh buying for long ac count. The frost predicted for the east ern belt did not materallxe, but there wa no rain In the southwest and It was re ported that hall storms had done some damage In the Atlanta district. Futures opened steady; May, 15.50c; June, 15.50c asked; July, 15.45c; August. 14.9.1c; September, U.7Jc; October, 13.02c; Novem ber. 12.900 bid; December, 12.83c; March, 12.82c. Cotton spot closed quiet. 10 points ad vance; middling uplands, 16.05c; middling gulf, 16.30c; sales, 14,34 bales ST. LOUIS, May 13. COTTON Higher, middling, 16c: aalea, 1,256 bales; receipt, 696 bales; slock, 31,9x1 bales. (Ills and Hoaln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. May KI.-Tl'RPEN-TINE Firm, 616H4o; aalea. 412 bbls ; re. celpts. 543 bbls.; shipments, 1,451 bbls.; slock, 4.124 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1.695 bbls.; receipts, 1 fii.L' bbls.: shipments. 3,802 bbls.: stock, R1.701 bbls.: B. $4,1644.25; O, $4.30(1(4.46; E, $4.76: F, $4.80: O, $4.85: H. $4.95; I, $5 K. $5.10; M, $5.36: N, $5.60; W. G 5.80; W. W., $5.956.15. i.00; t5.7tV(, Omaba llay Market. OMAHA. May 13. HAY-No. 1. $9.50: No. 2 $8.00; packing, $5.00. Straw: Wheat, $6.50; rye and oats, $7.50. Alfalfa: $12.50. The best grades of hay have increased 60 cents, bug nobody seems to want the poorer quality at any price. dollar Market. NEW YORK, May 13. SI 'OA R Raw, slratlv; muscovado, Ml tesl, 3.74o; centrifu gal, ! test. 4.24c. Molasses sugar, 81) tesl, 3.411c. Refined, steady; crushed, 6.K5c; granu lated. 6.25c; powdered, 6.35c. ' for to-corre- sj York f arb Market. The following quotations are furnished br lAgan Mryan. ais soutn sixteenth atree' Bs state Gas Bnt'a Onelltion Cactus 1 I-Inn (Iiief roniolldaiea . Prn.tion nevis-nHir Kir Central R Cnrisiiltdatel Blv Wlirh j Farklln J tilrmtx . . I C'Sfi-ld Con sol I dated 1 (ioldfield Klorenre .. ?t noidrieiit ruisy 21 rlrerne Cansnea 5 "Slnspirallnn ,4, 1'.", I.arnse 5 -' 11Ner. C.-njill,1ltad 41', Venrhouse I? IVrtiln l or ner I 1-16 1 Rev t ertral 3 11-14 .VI Swift rk. Co I .'SSeara. Hoel.u. 4 Co.. 1 l ly-sll. King C'lnlo-i. :j.-4ft 7s. Superior AV PiUaljura 1?'; I Toropah Mining . . S SWTrlnllT Copper 4 a white. 66o; No. t yellow, 62Si-'Vc; i:c; No. 4. tic; no grade, 7iojV;. No. No. 'I reaaar) Klalrmral, WASHIXOTOX. May 13,-The condition of the treanury at the beginning of tiuxi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds Unld coin, $853.292. WD; tilver dollars. $:0.9C6.0U); silver dollars of $n.72K0U; silver certlf.cates outstanding. $4'.0.!Vi6.0nO. Uaneral Fund Standard silver dollars In general fund. $1.027, 966: current libilities, $106,121,451; working balance la treasury of- Xetv York Mlalas storka. NEW YORK. Mav 13. Closing quotation or. mining slocks n; Allre . :V eiadTille Con i Hniniil.l Con 7 l.tttle Ulilef 4 Com. Tunnel !'. Mexn-an Ijil clo Di.ri(lt 1 1 (iinarl'j Ccu Cai Va 1' Oplili .1;.-, Horn Silver 4.1 rttan.lard 5.', Iron Silver lfe lalluar Jacket j ofrared. No. Av. Sfl. I'r. No. At. 8H. Pr. ... ! 41. Ml l"l S) ,4 S3I 4) 9 :.. i. I-3J ;m 44 V.: ... 75 22.. ... I JO 74 5J4 l.l Z M ... (T 't ') I 4 75 S-,4 l0 3S 4 :i7 il I v st no mi ',-.7 ;'2 4'l 5 !92 ... at 511 24 ;u tl ZT a lit I" ... JO i , ;..'! 40 t ITi 17 f 40 1 4 J4( 7' '4 2'4 ... tt) 44 241 7V4 71 tt ... t JO (7 254 130 f'4 M - I'I t VI 2i .-ill ... t !H 74 in ... mt r.l .... ?3I KM 21'4 iO 1 I t I J..4 10 l IJ 'U ... Jr4 cs :i2 : ft 2i ... a i" I 7 214 411 aft 4.' isJ til 121, I ;,:i -4 ii iw II 7j I'i 7.1 I'.I 140 1') i :W ... ait 54 211 4 t 50 15 I.'. ... V li, 12 3IJ 1 M 71 2?1 ... I 51", I.-, !W 4'l 30 7 217 n 9 i:i, i ii si ?i 7 tn 1 15 1 rl 44 .......24.' .. ; J-.-4 41 -1 2 it 40. Its (si all . . .11 24 ... If. 9 24D ft I" 7 I J4I 40 I ?n 44 S.V) ... 30 SI 24S te I U 4; at ..! 7 Ml l 1, 4i : 4 i M :, 2. 4 . . I jr. an :) 4i ro 41 . . . 40 IS, 4 14 ..ii 120 1 SII KEP f mly a few loads of ato k were receit.e'1 to.lay, hardly eu-jngh to afford a teat of price.. Offerings consisted largely toffee market. NEW YORK, May 13,-COFFEE-The market for coffee futures opened quiet at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points In sympathy with Urailllan and French cables. Trading was very quiet during the morning, but prices were well sustained and later the market Improved on a better demand which seemed to come from Im porters and scattetlng shorts or other trade sources. The close was steadv, net un changed to 5 points higher. Sales were reported of 23, 500 bugs. Closing bids fol lows: May, 6.40c; June, July, 6.46c; August 6.60c; September, October, November. 6.00c; December, 6.66c: January. 6.0; February 6,70c; March, 6.73c; April. 6 74r. Brazilian exchange, 1-321 lower ut 15.H-32U. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports, SOW hags against a holiday last year; Jundiahy rc relpu. 3.600 bags. New York warehouse de liveries yesterday, 7,884 baas, against 7,993 last year; spot Rlo. quiet; Santos No. 4 'c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 9',(h 12;i Moiil Market. BOSTON, May 13. Wi )OI The Commer cial Bulletin will sav of the wool niarkc. At lsst sufficient business hns been accom plished here to etahllnh a market, with a large amount of sfinle Montane, and Oregon sold to a leading New England mill at C2'y63c. scoured basis. 1'nwash'd d.-lalne also moved subNtqntiBlly at 27c. a flirure now being retreterl In some houses. Washed delaine changed hello's at SOi slid Ohio and Mich'gan quarter blood at 29c, Or glnal hag Arliona hi 11a at i:W(12c. clean. The dead lock between Inner nd sheepmen in the west c'liitlniics and many clips are helna consigned to enMern dealers. The ship ments of wool from Moslnn lo Mav 12. In clusive, were, 73. 26.;. 694 lbs., as against k -990.891 for Ihe sme tini- last year. The receipts to May 12. Ip iiiwh ver IW 913 5X2 lbs., as against U'2.f29,0(t; for the same period lam year. Dry .ul Market, NEW YORK. May :!.-I)RY UooDS-The liiiproeiiieiit In the cotton goods market was iiinlinued on coiivertlhlea, print cloths, sheetings ami drills during the da v. ('niion yarns are firmer and higher. The local wool mark'-ia are quiet with snme fair in qulrira reported at the low values. K vapurutetl pplra and llrleal Fro Ma. N EW YORK. May 13 -EVAPoliATEIl A PPLES CJuiet, with prices eteady on the spot easy for future delivery; on the spot fancy Is quoted at loc; choice. Miac; ; prime. 7-a7,4c; romtmin to fair, 6o6l-jc. I'RIF.I) FRI ITS-Pruties are moderately active and prlcea are firm, quotations range Hank t'learlnga. OMAHA, May 13. Bank clearings dav were $2,776,511.66 and for the spondlng date lasl year $2,194,688.06. Missouri River Behaving Nicely Big Stream'i Deportment is Vouched For by Colonel Welsh of tho Weather Bureau. The lurid stories about a big Juno rise 1 the Missouri river at this point are fakes pure and simple, according to the weather bureau. The rise la a very ordinary and tame affair and but the usual Intermittent rises and falls of Hie river at thla season. I luring the past two days the rise has been 1.9 feet, with a fall of three-tenths Friday morning, and falling everywhere below and above Omaha. No latter how aovera an attack of dlar. rhoea may be, Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never falls to glva relief. of ahcep and average quality w aa none too J from 2VtfiVc for California up to 30-4Oa IF YOU WANT Valuable Information REGARDING THE GRAM MARKETS WRITS TO Gardiner B. Van Hess Grain Specialist CHICAGO, ILL. Member Chloago Board of Trail