Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The - Omaha "Daily Dee.
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chantecler cocktail new?
Life is not a mere gong even at Sing
Sing prison. , . . ,
History does not always repeat;
often stutters.
Bluefields. has been
altogether too long. .
a red soil for
Friday, the thirteenth, has no
rors for the South Pole hunter.
So far as the Georges are concerned,
the new king naa an easy record to
"Jury weeps in the Hyde case."
That must have been the doctor's cue
to laugh. !
The least that Kling could do in ra
turn for the favor would be to recover
that pennant.
Let me agitator agitate, saya
Colonel Watterson. Sure, he would
do it, anyway.
isow juuan iiawtnorne proposes
that a million, men give Walker Wes
ton $1 each. Oh tut.
Rumor 'Jhaa it that a Coney Island
camel died of thirst. Nice knock just
at the opening of the big season.
Colonel Roosevelt is a great trav
eler, but he never loses his head and
leaves the earth In his navigation.
Parisians referred to Colonel Roose
velt as . the "great commoner."
Colonel Bryan is containing himself
it is eviaenuy nara to suit tome
Lincoln visitors in Omaha after
S o'clock, even with a banquet other
wise pre-eminently successful.
Folks who criticise Caruso for
laughtng-at the stories he tells have
to remember that It is always up to
the Btory teller to start the laughing.
If the Burlington Is going to spend
$30,000,000 on improvements and new
equipment Omaha, will gjadly furnish
a few places to put some of the money.
Ambassador James Bryce thinks the
United States ha too many candidates
at an election. But what of France,
where 667 men run for about a dozen
A medical journal contains a
learned dissertation on the advantages
or the fat man, failing to mention,
however, his chief advantage in being
able to put up a big front.
The advance in rents and commuta
tion rates in New England for the
suburban resident and summer tourist
is a direct slap at Mr. Hill and Secre
tary W'llsou In their cry of "Back to
the farm."
The Nebraska state medics are reg
istering vigorous protests against the
itcious practice of city surgeons divid
ing fees, with country doctor who
uteer patients to tbem. Somebody
roust be outbidding the others.
Chivalry In the case of men and
women on a sinking steamboat costs
the lives of many women, while the
lack of chivalry among youths in a
lowing boat accident causes the death
of several girls. Cool headed Judg
ment boats chivalry al! hollow In such
Growth of the Wet.
Itailroad expansion Is one' of the
surest Indexes to the growth of a coun
try and nowhere Is this more forcibly
demonstrated than here In the wpst.
The Burlington ha .made public Its in
tention to expend $30,000,00(1 this
year for Improvements. It is a western
railroad, traveling those sections
most prolific of mlnerat and agricul
tural wealth. TUU huge expenditure
of money means that the development
of the went la gigantic and demand
such enormous outlays on the. part of
the railroads lo enable them to keep
pace with and meet the requirements
of the ulead I ly growing population and
There Is not a slate or section of the
Transmlsslssippi country that Is not
making rapid and substantial progress
and this condition of affairs leaves the
railroads no option; they have to ex
pand as a simple consequence. Traffic,
freight and passenger both, Is steadily
on the increase, as the periodical
dearth In train facility surely indi
cates. James .1. Hill, himBPlf, has
warned the railroads of the Imperative
necessity of enlarging equipment and
terminals to meet the growing de
mands of traffic, which, he saye, in two
years will overwhelm present facili
ties, and he is showing his good faith
by ordering this expenditure for the
Burlington. Other western lines arc
pursuing a similar policy and this year
promises to be one of the busiest and
biggest for railroad aggression.
The Burlington penetrates or
i traverses as much of the new and
17 43,600 ' growing part of the west as any other
as 3.09ojroad, and it has already done a large
work toward colonization and empire
building. Its purpose to put $10,000,-
000 of this great outlay into new lines
Indicates that there is to be no let-up,
but a decided pushing of this policy.
This will mean thousands of home? in
this new land where the man with a
few acres is the least conscious indi
vidual as to the worries of high prices.
As p. Revenue Producer.
Critics of the new tariff law cannot
attack it on the ground of its revenue-
producing powers, for since last Au
gust, when the law became operative,
the receipts of the government have
increased $00,500,000 more than for
the corresponding ten months a year
previous. This increase came from
the stimulation of import trade effected
since the tariff law was enacted.
Duties received on imports alone in
creased $38,000,000; internal revenue
gained $18,000,000, wnlle miscellane
ous sources showed a falling off of
$5,000,000. The ordinary expendi
tures of the government for these ten
months have been $2,000,000 less
than for the corresponding period a
year before.
But these detail figures, signify
cant as they are, do not tell as
graphic a story as do the com
parative deficits. The deficit for these
ten months is $16,700,000, while the
total deficit for the preceding year-
only two months' greater period was
$69,236,000. This showing is made
in spite of the fact that since last July
the Treasury department has paid out
on the Panama canal account $27,000,
000, without disposing- of any bonds to
make up the amount.
The last two months of this fiscal
year May and June are expected to
show snug surpluses. At the end of
Juno the corporation tax will be due.
The treasury now has to its credit on
the year's operation more than $10,
500,000 and the corporation tax is ex
pected to produce nearly $30,000,000,
which will close the year, June 30,
with a surplus of more than $40,000,-
000, not a bad showing for the first
year of the new tariff against which
there has been so much political
clamor. Of course the supreme court
may yet decide against the validity of
the corporation tax, in which event
the year would still be finished with a
good balance on the right side of the
King George's Training.
King George V comes to tho throne
an enigma to his own people and Eng
land Is waiting with keen interest to
see what he is going to do. Curiosity
naturally centers around his political
policies will he line up with the
tories, as radicals fear, or will he be
as liberal as his father in dealing with
political parties and matters of state?
The new monarch has given no lnkliog
of his political views and all his peo
ple have to guide them is his charac
ter and temperament He is strong,
but retiring, and evidently thinks more
than he talks.
But the king's methods thus far
since taking the crown have certainly
distinguished him as a far-seeing and
broad-minded man, tolerant of others'
rights and prejudices. He has limited
the period of public mourning for his
father, showing no lack of filial devo
tion, but a desire to cause no unneces
sary business depression or unreal
gloom. He also has objected to the
ahtl Catholic references in the declara
tion he will make to Parliament, indi
cating that his best judgment is not
fettered by traditional prejudice. In
the way he has gone about the details
of business at the palace, where the
body of the late king still lies, he be
trays a Bure sign of indefatigable In
dustry. " . '
The king's training is in his favor.
He has spent more than thirty years
in the service of the navy and be is
intimately familiar with all the details
of bis navy aa well as those of other
powers. This sort of life is not of
itself a training school for statesman
ship, but in the way it has trained
George there is reason to believe that
It will help him to give his people a
beneficent reign as king. He Is studi
ous, conservative, Industrious and
possessed of tho highest senfe of ob
ligation and responsibility. He may
not be able to develop the democratic
spirit that made Edward, VII popular,
in fact he may never become as popu
lar as Edward and yet not fall to be a
good king and a powerful factor In
world affairs. He is certanly under
the disadvantage of his father's popu
larity, and if he proves equal to this
handicap he will at once have done
much to entrench himself In the es
teem of the people, which will give
him a good start toward making his
own place in history.
Acquittal of Heinze.
Scarcely had F. Augustus Heinze
been freed from the charge of misap
plying bank funds than be announced
to the public that VI stUl have some
of the best copper properties In the
world." . To, round out his advertise
ment, he might have added, "So, come
on, gentlemen, and place your orders."
Heinze displays the grit that will
not down and the pity is that the
man's methods cannot be regarded on
the same level with his grit. Bit hia
acquittal after seteral years of In
vestigation and a prolonged trial, is
still not a vindication of what is
known as "high finance," nor should
it be so confounded by the class of
men who hae played the game of
speculation on the theory that the end
justifies the means.
Public attention turns directly from
Heinze acquitted to Morse convicted.
There is, after all, some surprise that
the aggressive young .millionaire
should have come out so well when
Charles W. Morse, the so-called ice
king, was convicted on the charge of
"bank wrecking," for which he is serv
ing fifteen years In a federal prison.
Heinze complains bitterly that the de
lay 'in his trial has cost him $4,000,
000 or $5,00d,000 and ruined his
credit. Of the latter there can be lit
tle question, but still he is fortunate.
Outside of any moral effect the
Heinze verdict may have, it is likely to
result in stimulating Mr. Morse's be
lief in his own case and in his right
also to freedom and lead his friends
to redouble their efforts now for his
Party Differences and Agreements.
The suggestion that all political
parties in Nebraska incorporate into
their njatforms this year identical
planks pledging the initiative and ref
erendum, and other subjects whose
partisans represent them to be outside
of politics, raises the question how far
this duplication, should go.
If all political parties were com
mitted to the same program there
would be no party lines whatever, and
government by political parties would
practically cease. If voting the re
publican ticket holds out nothing dif
ferent from voting the democratic
ticket, then government becomes sim
ply a question of persons and person
alities, and men rather than principles
become the determining factor.
But men are human and transitory,
while principles are lasting. The
principles of the great political par
ties, although applied to constantly
changing conditions, are themselves
in a measure permanent and make for
continuity and stability, of govern
ment. Unless there are party issues
elections become simply a scramble
for office, and the ordinary citizen
who has no special interest in the
candidates must be Indifferent as to
which side wins out.
Ours Is u government of the people
through political parties, and political
parties will disagree on the most vital
questions because actuated by different
ideas of governmental policy. So it
may as well be put down now as later
that we will have party issues and
party disagreements in Nebraska this
year as we have had in previous years,
and will have in years to come, and
that voters believing in republican
principles and republican policies will
have good reason to vote the repub
lican ticket In preference to voting the
democratic ticket.
The unofficial figures sent out from
Washington giving the population of
St. Louis as less than 700,000 shows
how absurd it Is to speculate on the
census. If St. Louis does not show
up at least 750,000 it will be surpris
ing, but it will not be if It goes to
800,000. That city's growth has been
slow, but steady and very substantial.
In general appearances it strongly re
sembles a city of close to 1,000,000.
Just keep your- eye on aeveral score Ne
braska towns and cities. The columns of
the newspaper! daily testify to extensive
Improvements all over the state. World
Herald. There must be some irrepressible
prosperity then, anyway, in spite of
democratic lugubratlons that every
thing will continue to go to the demni
tlon bow-wows so long as the country
Is under republican administration.
The initiative and referendum was
first promulgated aa a platform prom
ise by the populists, tut It never had
sufficiently attractive powers to get
Mr. Bryan to renounce bis standing as
a democrat and pronounce himself a
populist. .
Being king, Oeorge V has already
learned, Is not an Idle task, not when
he has to be at work at 7 a. m. It is
an oppressive duty that greets the new
sovereign, but the only kind a success
ful ruler may expect to begin his reign
Strange how the succession of out
breaks and dissensions In the Lincoln
Insane asylum seen to have accumu
lated only since Governor Shallen-
berger made Its management a foot
ball of democratic party politic. A
board of. control to take charge of our
Nebraska state Institutions, on a plan
similar to that adopted In Iowa, might
help some
Governor Shallenberger saw no
"emergency" last January to warrant
bim in calling the legislature together
in extraordinary session. .What, if
anything, has happened since then be
sides the return of Mr. Bryan from
his South American junket to create
an "emergency" requiring a special
session? .
Those German throat specialists do
not know much about their patient if
they think they can scare him into
submission. He made concession
enough to the Danish doctor when he
agreed to stay Indoors most of one
Lucky the smallpox epidemic among
the university students at Lincoln can
not be charged up to the bad water
supply. If it had happened in Omaha
it would be blamed on the water
A Tremoroim Conundrum.
Brooklyn Eagle.
More than 1,500 earthquake victim In
Costa Rica. When will the foresight of the
seismograph be as good as Its hindsight?
The American Way.
ISaltimnre American.
The expenditures of the average Ameri
can Increase with his Income. Possibly it
Is a bit illogical, therefore, to constantly
complain because the cost of living Is con
stantly going up.
Kathnalaam I nder Control.
Indianapolis News.
Notwithstanding the fact that the comet
Is now visible to the naked eye, many peo
ple will still be found who are patient
enough to wait until It does Its diurnal
stunt shortly after sunset.
Greater Honor and Better War.
Baltimore American.
To sit on a throne by virtue of royal
birth Is an honor Impossible to but few;
to be elected by the free will of the people
to preside over the destinies of a ration
Is greater honor and may be aspired to by
tho humblest An-erican citizen.
Booatlnar International Price.
Philadelphia Record.
Mr. Roosevelt Is making some very good
speeches In behalf of international peace,
but they are not more cogent than the
speeches of other man who were urging
peace measures when Mr. Roosevelt seemed
to think that the biggest fleet was the
only strong argument agalnBt war. We
fall to observe In his Christianla address
any mention of more American battleships
as an assurance of peace. On the Con
trary, he spoke favorably of an agreement
to check the growth of armaments.
I ,
Shaking- Off the Peerless.
New York Sun.
Can it be possible that even the shoulders
of the Nebraska democrats, the most pa
tient and longest suffering of all demo
crats, are at last weary t of the Bryan
burden? At all events signs of a novel
form of Insurgency among them are not
lacking. Only the other day . the demo
cratic Board of County Commissioners of
Nebraska City flatly refused to permit the
thrice rejected leader to make use of the
court house for oratorical purposes. Even
more recently two democratic state sen
ators have declined to accept the com
mands of the greatest of all losers. Their
letter, in which their refusal Is set forth
with great frankness, Indicates the ex
tent of the uprising along the banks of the
Honors to Theodore Roosevelt Flat
ters the Home Gnard.
Cleveland Leader.
It does Theodore Roosevelt no Injustice
to remind his feHow countrymen that the
tremendous demonstrations which. are be
ing made over him In all countries of Eu
rope which he visits are In a vc.-y vital
sense tributes to America as well as to a
great American. In large measure the
country gets the applause and commands
the attention centered upon the man.
It is perfectly true that no other Amer
ican could have caused such demonstra
tions, In so many countries. No other
citizen of the United States could have
called forth such extraordinary evidence
of admiration and honor. In that sense
the Roosevelt ovations are personal.
But, on the other hand, It his career had
been upon any lets vast and momentous
stage. If It had dealt with smaller things
and weaker forces, not even Theodore
Roosevelt could have made any such Im
pression upon Europe. It would have been
Impossible for him to arouse the Interest
wlucii bus been shown in every country
he has visited.
The man and the nation had to be united
for the effect which has been produced
upon foreign lands. It was necessary for
such a dynamic personality to have the
possibilities at hand which Roosevelt
found In his own country, it his career was
to move the imagination of the world as
It has.
So the American republic may fairly
claim a liberal share In the tribute 'paid
Theodore Roosevelt In Europe. He would
be the first to acknowledge the Justice of
such a division of the honors of his won
derful journey from one cheering capital
to another.
Our Birthday Book
Ifar 1, 1910.
Judge Alton B. Parker, Jurist, politician
and once presidential candidate on the dem
ocratic ticket, was born May 14, 1802, at
Courtland, N. Y. Judge Parker had the
misfortune of running against Theodore
Roosevelt, and came out worse beaten even
than Bryan.
James I. Wyer, formerly librarian of the
University of Nebraska, and now with the
Albany State library, is 41. lie was born
at Red Wing, Minn., and while In charge
of the university library was secretary of
the American Library association.
Franklin Matthews, newspaper writer and
magrfilne author, was born May 14, 158, at
Ht. Joseph. Mich. Mr. Matthews used to
be a staff man on the New VoVk Sun, and
has been In Omaha on newspaper commis
sions. Ross B. Towie, secretary and treasurer of
the P. J. O'Hrlen company, candy manu
facturers. Is celebrating his 85th birthday.
He Is an Omaha born boy, and was edu
cated In the public schools, graduating
from Williams college. He la also Inter
ested In the Nebraska Fuel company, which
bis father founded.
Jay A. Rusaell. manager of the Credit
Clearing House Collectluu agency, was
born May 14. D79, at Ulrnwood, la. He la a
la)er by profession and was Journal clerk
for the district court for six years.
In Other Lands
Id Lights oa What la Trana.
piling Among the Near and
Tax Xatioaa of the Xartu.
The fifth of the Ungllsli Oeorges reaches
the throne at the meridian of lite 46 years.
He Is one of the nine old world rulers
under fifty years. From that turning point
of life the range nf nge reaches almost
from the cradle to. the grave. The pat
riarch of monarchs Is F.mperor Francis
Jpseph of Austria, who is nenrlng four
score years, a. id has ruled the. dual em
pire for slxty-t-.vo years. ' His only rival
In years Is President Ola nf Mexico.
From their lofty, Oslerlzed perch the
range of age runs down to the nursery
of Pu-YI, the baby emperor of China,
age four, whose lung exercise Is coinci
dent with, the awakening (f the empire.
Sultan Mirza of Persia, sge IS, Is tho only
other minor with a throne for a plaything.
Second to Francis Joseph in length of
i ul u is Mutsuhto, mikado of Japan, with
forty-three years to hie credit, though only
58 years of age. President Fallleres of
France Is 6I. two years older than Em
peror Menellk of Abyssinia, who regularly
discredits repot ts of his death. Emperor
William of Germany, now 51, hns a record
of twenty-two years on the throne, rank
ing fourth In length of reign. King Fred
erick of Denmark Is 7. Sultan Moham
med of Turkey, WJ, and King Clustavp of
Sweden 53. the stme age of President
Taft. Emperor Nicholas of all the Rus
sian is only 42, and has ocupied the throne
sixteen years. Tho rest of the ruling
youngsters are Queen Wllhelmlia, 30;
Victor Emmanuel of Italy, 41; King Man
uel of Portugal, 21; King A If ouzo of Spain,
2i, and King Haakon of Norway, 3H.
" ...
The grant of a constitution to the citi
zens of Monaco draws attention to one
of the few interesting petty rulers In
Europe. Albert I, the reigning prince has
devoted his life to scientific research, so
the money which the spendthrifts throw
away answers some useful purpose after
all. He is one of the foremost authorities
on marine zoology, his solutions of the
Gulf stream problem have been recognized
by the Institute of France, and the ocean
ogrnphlo museum which he has founded
has no equal. He Is 61 years old, has been
twice married and twice divorced, first to
the Lady Mary Douglas-Hamilton, whose
story Is a romantic and a pathetic one,
and twenty years later to the Dowager
Duchess of Richelieu. (lle tired of them
both, He has one child, tho Crown Prince
Louis. Prince Albert divides his time be
tween Tiis yacht, with his remarkable
scientific equipment, his Paris residence In
the Avenue Trocadero and the plnk-and-white
palace perched on a rock above the
gaming hall which supports him.
The Russian government recently ordered
the Finnish Diet practically to abdicate
Its constitutional authority by enacting a
bill drafted at St. Petersburg giving the
Russian government full legislative control
of Finland. The bill provided that prac
tically all Finnish legislation should be
made by the Russian Duma, in return for
which Finland should be entitled to send a
few delegates to that body. The Finnish
Diet received that bill . courteously, and
considered It very carefully, and then, last
week, refused to enact it and ordered it to
be returned to the Russian government.
The promulgation of the French marriage
law of 1907 has had the desired effect on
matrimony In France. It is announced that
the number of weddings last year was the
greatest on record, with the possible excep
tions of 1813 and 1872. Many men rushed
into wedded bliss In 1813 In the hope of
being able to escape service In the army.
The large number of weddings In 1872 was
accounted for by the ending of the war
with Germany. Many couples had been
obliged to postpone getting married until
the prospective grooms returned from war.
The new law Is proving particularly effect
ive among the poorer classes and in the
cities. It removes the red tape and restric
tions that formerly were burdensome If not
Great Britain's new naval program, as
embraced in the estimate for l'JIO, Just Is
sued by the Admiralty, Indicates no dis
position to halt in the process of building
up a large establishment. An expenditure
of over $200,000,000 is contemplated, an In
crease of more than $27,800,000 over 1W.
This Increase Is largely accounted for by
constructions authorized by Parliament be
fore the late dissolution. There are to be
five new large armored ships of the type
popularly known as dreadnaughts, five pro
tected cruisers, twenty destroyers and a
large number of submarines.
British taxpayers are being called upon
to pay what was in arrears during the
quarrel between the two houses over the
Lloyd-George budget. The government
managed to carry on business In the
Interim after a fashion, but the new taxes
became operative only recently, but In
many Instances are retroactive. Among the
charges which will be painful novelties are
those on motors of all kinds. These range
from 1 $5) on motorcycles to 42 ($210) on
automobiles exceeding 60-horse power. The
proceeds go to road Improvement and are
estimated to yield $1,300,000 the first year,
The largest one sum In arrears Is that for
the Income tax, about $112,000,000.
The Spanish elections of last Hunday ap
pear to have given the liberals a good
working majority In the Cortes. The lib
erals are divided into several groups, and
fuller details are required to demonstrate
the ability of Premier Canalejas to carry
out his program of reform, which Includes
expansion of popular education. If this
point Is still somewhat In doubt, the burden
of the election as an expression of anti
clerical sentiment Is. however, not open to
question. The republicans who stand apart
from the liberals have made surprising
gains, holding or capturing forty-six seats.
Madrid has gone republican, but that bus
happened before.
TORMPHOOF TEl.Kti K 4 I'll I N (..
Wireless System of Train Dlspatphiuif
on I nlon Pacific.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The I'nlon Pacific has decided to Install
wireless trlegraph along Its linen. The
principal reason for this decision Is the
prevalence of blizzards and violent strirnis
In Nebraska and Colorado. The telegraph
lines along the railroad line are not Infre
quently out of commission for days at a
time, and traffic is badly tied iij' In con
sequence. The Installation of wirclem
stations will obviate these difficulties
permit the rallrnud to laugh at the atorm
It Is also propfsed to equip the iocumo
tlvts with wireless receiving apparatus.
Thus equipped p ' messages could be
si nt in time to I r. en t Impending acci
dents. The engineer. It is held, could, with
out moving from his post, receive the moat
important orders.
Clearly this uie of the wireless on land
should open large new fields of prat ti al
usefulness. The marvels that hae been
accomplished at .-a have already heroins
an accepted adjum t of navigation. And
the science is )et in Its infancy.
Kl-V- a m
i Tmr nr,w
it maue irum uoyai urupc vrcom r
of Tartar k
David Bennett Hill is ti7. He reads about
the tumult and the shouting of political
clans, but heeds them not
An Oklahoma court is trying a case In
volving the Slamlard Oil company and
giving (iovernor Hascall a much needed
Illinois is showing great curiosity for a
view of the man, or men who packed tile
Jackpot with senatorial dough. Some
zealots declare the persuader came out of
the timber.
Political looters who rent the air with
Joyous yells over the recent congress elec
tions In Massachusetts and New York
have become so deaf that they are unable
to hear from Bt. Paul, where the repub
lican road roller smashed the democratic
for the first time In twenty years,
Tom L. Johnson, lour times mayor
of Cleveland. has returned from n
four months" trip abroad very much
Improved In health, but the signposts of
the doctors warn him to go slow and
dodge the political game. If Tom can do
that his self-control must be classed as
Milwaukee Btandpatters are convinced
that Mayor flelilel Is not only a socialist,
but a revolutionist. He has engaged some
outside experts to investigate and report
on municipal evils, and, being forbidden
by law to put nonresidents on the payroll,
proposed to pay them out of his own purse.
If that isn't rank soda, sm political dic
tionaries are away off.
Achrnnka 4'lly'a Treatment of the
Peerless One.
St. Louis Times.
We make so bold as to charge Nebraska
with wanton cruelty In refusing to permit
W. J. Bryan to make a speech, when the
spirit intimated that it meant to move
him, If he could round up an audience.
It was In Nebraska City., Neb., that this
unnatural punishment was put upon him
who once was the boasted boy orator of
the Platte. ,
Mr. Bryan4 wanted . to speak on the
initiative and referendum, but the county
commissioners having their headquarters
In Nebraska City would not let him have
their court house. Two of the three com
missioners arc democrats, but they do not
share Mr. Bryan's views on the Initiative
and referendum. We do not gather thut
the views had been expressed, but it Is
plain that the county commissioners be
lieved they were pretty good guessers.
The incident Is not significant, except
that It puts an end to a contemutuotiB ar
gument which has become an Institution In
America namely, "Uo get a hall" this
being a slurring remark made to men who
try to force their views upon Indifferent
It now appears that Mr. Bryan cannot
even get a hall, in every instance. And
this is the cruel situation, we repeat; for
Mr. Bryan was made to talk. He has
never done anything else since he and the
Platte got on the map. He Is a "pretty"
talker, and lie ought to be permitted tu
have his say, on the initiative and referen
dum, or on any other subject lending itself
to resounding perorations.
It Nebraska will not give Mr. Bryan a
hall, what does that state expect the rest
of the country to do?
Talks for people
If you wanted to have a thorough
understanding with a man you would
sit down with him and have a quiet,
confidential talk, giving him reasons
for your statements you would do
that, would you not, Mr. Merchant?
Apply the same rule to your adver
tising, make it humanly reasonable.
Talk In your advertising as you would
talk to an Individual. Advertising is
talking, at long range, to Individuals
who cannot be seen personally. If
you attempt to talk over their heads
or talk down to them they will not
Advertising, to be successful, must
be broad enough to take In everybody;
you cannot successfully advertUe along
class lines If for no other reason than
that conditions change too Bwlftly.
Take a broad human view of tho
needs of the average family and adver
tise to their Intelligence; tell them of
the quality of your goods, the tone of
your store, your methods and your
prices. Put your own personality
back of your advertising and the peo
ple will respond never doubt it.
Mr. Merchant, The Dee is read by
42,000 families every dayi At the
cost of $12 a week you can reach an
audience of over 150,000 Intelligent
people who need your goods.
The modern business man Is pro
gressive, energetic, enterprising and
smbltlous, ' if he means to succeed.
I.Ike Alexander the Great, he proposes
to conquer the world and bring It to
his shop, or factory, to trade. The
great arteries of commerce, the rail
ways and steamship lines, offer such
good facilities for doing' business out
tide his home community that often
the home trade Is almost, if not en
tirely, neglected. The slogan of com
mercial associations Is "Buy home
made goods," but what real effort la
Dcalliful Qualities
to the Food
Economizes Elour,
Dutter and Eggs
S m m
n m r n t- -:
AlumHo Unto Phosphates
"Paw, what do they c'o with all th
money they make the people p.ty foi
Tommy, my son. at last you have snker,
me a question I can't answer. There ait
limitations to your father's knowlcdge."
Chicagi) Tribune.
" 'Hamlet' ought lo lr th best paying o
drs nlas."
"Why so?"
"Because, In its production, the ghost il
sure to walk." Baltimore- Ameiican.
Teacher What can we do with our use
less organs?
Little Kbcn-Trade 'em fur phonographs
of course. Puck.
' Thru ymi dou't want to leave footprint!
upon the sands of time?"
"Nix," answered the politician guard
edlv. "All I wnnt Is to cover up try
tracks." Kansas City Journal.
"The Mcimfords want to sell their suto
"Coming to their niMimcm. are they.' .
"1 dunno. Hill Mumford told me th
they had saved prettv nearly enough to bu
a good deal bigger one." Cleveland Plait
"I want the office, of course." said J he
aspiring statesman, "hut not unless 1 an
the people's choice."
"We can fix that, too," snld his cam
palgn manager; "only ecu know It's a row
dial mor expensive to he the people ,
choice than it Is l go in as the Com
promise candidate. Chicago Tribune.
Perklns-lld you see Morgan's new mi
chii.e? ' ,
Jerkins Not In time. Smart fret.
Jerkin Is all cut up."
What about?"
"The operation the doctors told hlui In
has to undergo."
"Tell him not to b cut up about It. The
doctors will attend to that." Baltimore
(Bv Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer, Harvaid
Junior, winner of the Floyd McKim Oarri
son memorial prlsie of $100.)
With a thundor-driven heart
And tlio shimmer of new wing"1, '
I, a worm that Was, upstart:
King of Kings.
I have heard the singing stars.
I have watched the sunset die,
As I burst the lucent bars
Of the sky.
Lo. the argosies of Spain. ,
As they plowed the naked brine, .
Found tile heaven-girded main
Like to mine. 1
Soaring from the clinging sod.
First and foremost of my race,
I have met the hosts of Uod
Face to face.
Mel the tempest and the gale.
Where Uie white moon-riven cloud
Wrapt the splendor of my sail '
In a shroud.
When the ghost of winter fled.
Swift 1 followed with t tie snow.
Like a silver arrow sped
From a bow.
I have trailed summer south.
Like a flush of burnished gold,
When she fled the hungry mouth
Of the cold.
I have dogged the ranging sun
Till the world became a scroll.
All the oceans, one by one,
Were my goal.
Other winged men may come,
Pierce the heavens, chart the sky,
Sound an echo to my drum,
Kre they die.
1 alone have seen the earth.
Age-old fetters swept aside ' '
In the glory of new birth.
who sell things
made (to sell) at home?
I have In mind a large knitting mill
which makes a high quality of goods
and maintains a selling organization
and an advertising department to
create business throughout the United
States, but which overlooks the local
trade. Whtt an opportunity Is here
to increase the sales by a local adver
tising campaign, offering to supply th
whole home community with an article
made "under Its very pose." "A
prophet is without honor In his own
country" simply because he will not
advertise at home. His neighbors
and friends know less about his goods
than people a thuusHiul miles away.
Don't overlook the trade at your
very door, Mr. Manufacturer, (iet
busy with your selling talks, or an
nouncements, In the daily paper. Tell
the people what you make; how you
make it; what material you use In Its
construction; where It Is obtained; the
method of selection and treatment of
the raw material; how It Is handled
by employes; the number of families
supported in the community. Tell
them that your workmen will get a
benefit from the trade of their neigh
bors and friends if they buy goods
made at home.
Tell them home-made goods are
equally as good. Just as well made and
tost no more money, than goods made
In some other community. There are
many sound arguments that might be
used In selling talks addressed to peo
pie In your own municipality.
Not every manufacturer could find
a sufficient market for all bis goods in
his own city, but who among tbem. will
say that he has made a good whole
hearted effort to get the business that
should naturally belong to him If ht
has neglected to advertise anW bin
neighbors and friends la bia bora