Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily
PAGES 11 TO 10.
goe to the home Is read by th
omtc sell! goods for advertiser.
sinqlk copy two cunts.
Practice Economy With Every Purchase
We can't recall a I lino when merchandise good, vuHDiialilo, new merchandise was as al
luringly priced an now, in thin unloading week sale. TM entire aRe fairly throbs and pill
sates with the bargain spirit fur Saturday's shopping throngs, jet it's a mere fraction of the
having opportunities that await you. The Dennett store Is a better store than ever today, by
reason of this sale. It's worked incalculable good to thousands of families. Why not bring
your wants here, too; surely you enjoy turning a dollar to good account.
Greater Unloading in Lace Curtains
A notable day for buyers of the !etter grades of curtains,
run over each lot mentioned They are Just as described.
Never had finer bargain. Just
J.ace Curtains Irish
Point, Kish Nets, Arts
& Crafts, Scrim and
t able Nets; values to
$H.75 now at, per
pair 08c
Lace Curtains A sim-1 I .are Curtains
jce Curtains Brus
sels Nets, Irish Point,
Cluny. Kte ; b1ucs
up to $9.50 a pair
unloading price, per
I'nlr $3.48
liar range of styles as Nets. Irish
above; but values to Brussels Net.
$5.50 These go
per pair, now
at 81.48
values up to $6.75
unloading price, per
Pair, at $2.-48
bloom this year 18c values 10(" J
ilnl i j t!fliia Vm at
I I l Is
J u
, (Greatest
25 Oil
Last Day of Offer
500 Styles Frames
Jj i -1 i lilt' r
ssf4 FREE Efery Purchase
It Pays to Save Them
Men Get The Best Suit Bargains of Their Lives Here Saturday
Eight seventy-five dresses you up in tip-top style, giving; you all the niceties of correct tailoring and modeling you would pay $15.00 and $18.00 for at any other time.
A little over half of the purchase we told you of last Sunday still remains 300 suits in all and the picking is just as fine as on the first day. Why not have two sum
mer suit3 this year at the price of one? You men who pay up to 520.00 can have them at the same or less cost tfCT ""Tv psxra
and be just as well tailored as ever. Our unloading sale this week has been a tremendous success and this n) C jL a
same clothing offer was one of its biggest boosters. The suits come from a Rochester maker at half his usual
price. They are all wool worsteds, in dark, medium and light shades and in medium an dlight weights. You
could not select more desirable clothing if you searched the country over. The patterns are excellent, the cut
right up to the minute; the tailoring well, it's hand made and the best that goes into $15.00 and $18.00 suits. We have all regular and stout sizes up to 4.6. Where is the
man who would not be glad to snap them up for eight seventy-five? You'll have to be here Saturday, remember.
Doys Knickerbocker Suits With two pairs of
Knickerbocker punts; made of Scotch Tweeds,
Velours and fancy worsteds: they
are splendid $5 and $J suits lor
boys 7 to 16 years, now
Men's Silk Half Hose All pure silk, mind you:
such as you would pay 75c for regularly. They
are all perfect, and not a flaw in
them. Fine summer hosiery, and
nil you pay tomorrow, is
Four-in-Hand Neckwear All silk, 50c and 75c
Kinas; in piain ana iancy patterns, we lound a
jobber going out of business and
taking big losses to make a quick
clean up. That's why these are..
llig Line of Attractive Dollar Shirts The sum
mer lines are now In, and are Just the finest
patterns we have seen: all styles,
of course, plain and pleated, mostly
coat effects; great selections, for. .
Drug Store Savfgs
You'll Recognize
Hair Brushes, white, all bristle. 0-
niw, Sue kind, fur 15o
Hulr Brushes, celluloid, lung bristle.
9-row 60c. kind, for 35o
Beef. Iron and Wine, $1.00 pint size.
for 50o
Syringe Special Swun Rapid Flow
Foun'aln Syringe. :t-qii.irt. With i
lips, usual $ 1.76 value. ' for. .... .75o
Mechanics' Pumice Snup, per har..3o
Hradley";j Violet Sea Salt, 30c size 15o
Nappy's t'ream. the 2uc size. specl.lSo
Willow Llcjuid Green Shampoo Soap
for 16o
Dr. (rave's Tooth Paste. I'Bc size.l3o
rSEB Souvenir bottle La Belle Per
fume free with ounce purchase of
Cameras and Picture Waking
Freinoette Camoras, the smallest ami
simplest; pictures 2 ",4x3 V Inches,
at $4.30
Brownie Folding Camera, pocket size
;,4X414 Inches $7.00
Azo Pest Cards, gloss or seinl-gtoss,
2 dozen 35o
Eastman's Blue Print Post Curds 1
dozen ISO
Printing; Frames, 4x5 Inch 800
Oil Burning Ruby I. lulu. (I size.. SOo
Mounting Cards, Curdo Slips In gray
or brown, any size to x7. doz..l5o
Black Developing Tray. 4xfi. for. 30o
photo Album, 100 page, cloth buck,
for SOo
Women's Dress Ac
cessories Alluringly
Little fixing- that add so much to the
completeness of your outfit a pretty
ell, a smart neckpiece or a bit of ribbon.
We are featuring- them at uncommonly
low prices Saturday.
Taney Mesh Veilings An assortment of
splendid new effect. Tuxedo nets Hnd
fancy mesh veilings in black and best
colors -25c values for, Iftn
yard "'
Chiffon Veils Three yards long, hem
stitched on one edge, J wlt-e and many
shades, for driving, motoring, 00.
etc., very special at ov
Dutoh Collars and Jabots We show the
newest summer creations in neck dress-
, logs dainty Venlse and lace trimmed
effects considered very smart
at 60c, 35o and "JC
Buching- Day Less than half regular
wide and narrow widths in white, pink,
blue ami other shades, values to Aq
2ic for, yard.... j 4,'v
Dresden Blbbons A quantity of very
handsome floral ribbons, the finest 60o
all silk ribbons, up to 6 Inches
wide at, yard "v
Taffeta ' and Messallne Ribbons and a
score of plain shades, also warp print
ribbons, all silk goods, worth 25c C
and 30c: Saturday, for v
Coronet Braids In Hair Goods section
L't Inches loner and usually selling CQp
at JI.00. for
Hair Nets, 10c kind, for Bo
The Most Beautiful Suits that
$30.00 and $33.50 Will nfc
Buy arc Now
II! II ;
CD (0.50
We know there are few parallel eases wlien such high class suits were
so tremendously underprired in May. Maker's misfortune proves a
Messing to Omaha women folk. Our offer to take several hundred of
them at a low figure was accepted. The picture illustrates the styles.
Xeat, conservative and pleasing, and fully worth $;tM)0 and 933.50
pick from lot now for KIO fiO
Long Sergo Coats A bargain of the boat kind on garments that are most
popular today; beautiful workmanship marks every one; in fact, 4 c
most of them ar.e $25 coats; tan, navy and black, at.- $10
Women's Light Weight Jackets Just such a coat you'll need all summer for
cool evenings, for vacation days and the like; new, up-to-date jackets, In
tan and grey mostly; worth $7.50 Our unloading sale price j Ac
each, at vO.Vv
Foulard and Taffeta Kilk Dresses New Tunic effects A lot of the cleverest
new ideas; with neat, conservative patterns, and In many colors C"f f. Ct
$35.00 is actual value; buy them for $J.7 0U
Girls' Reefers About 200 garments, In a variety of styles so broad that all
can be suited; plain and fancy garments; worth -fl frr l C
$4.00. $C.OO and $7.50 Saturday, at..' (pi. VU-tC. VD
The New Matinee Waist Made of fine sheer lawn, with an accordion pleated
Biae frill; finished, with val lace; entirely new;
all sizes, at
This Japanese
China Berry Set
Ni House Dresses with square neck
and three-quarter sleeve, C
in light percales, for Jl.eViJ
Oii'ls' Gingham Dresses made of
Scotch Ginghams; $2.25 Cl )Z
value; 6 to 14 yrs Jl.eVl
A really wonderful bargain larife bowl
and six saucers, the actual price of It
is 1. SO beautifully decorated. Just for
one day. and only one to a JQ
customer v
SAUCEKS Heautlful enough to grace
any table, very fine in duality ami
daintily decorated. Such "values are
crowd compelling IBc and 60c Iflf
goods; Saturday lwv
((Not over six pairs to a customer.)
highly glazed, every one made for 85c
selling and well worth it We have
a large lot for disposal; f A-
each 1W4
BRASS CAHDELIERS Heighten the at
tractiveness of your dinners with ihese
t'andeliers. The cost now is a trifle.
We are selling Saturday
Brass Candlestick, t'andle. Cut-ass, fringed
lining and candle holder the complete
outfit worth 11.00, whtl. supply
lasts for "ix'
Cut Flowers
Another Carnation day that hun
dreds will avail themselves off
Beautiful, fresh cut and fragrant
Carnations; In all colors, wtirth
75c a dozen
Saturday, at
Rose Sale 1,000 of them; long
stem; regular florists price 5.1.00
and $1.50 a dozen Snt
nrday, dozen
Air Ferns, bunch .lfJWt
7 5-cent Cigars. 25c
And Still ten by the Bos You know
the brands: Tom Keene. Hawfk Eye,
Henry George, M. & W.. St. James,
Otlco Portundo, Parker Halt, Larry
Hells per box of DO, J CJ
llarseshoe and Star Plug Thbacco
per lb ......43o
Tuxedo, l.ucky Strike and Knglish
Curve Cut Tobacco, 10c can
Our Chocolate Day
We depart from our usuaH custom
of offering only one or two spe
cials, and this week give you
choice of our full line of 80c
Chocolates, just for tho one day
per lb., at
Pyroxoline Braid Trimmed Hats
A collection of very attractive Summer Hats at a very low figure to
morrow; there's a wide showing of white, old rose, light blue,
Copenhagen, champagne, brown, navy, etc.; flower and ribbon
trimmed; some
with ornaments .
Misses' Trimmed Hats
Misses' Trimmed Hats Light
straws, in tam-o-shanter effect,
with large bow flower trim
ming, at 81.75
Tailored Hats
Sale of 100 Samples
No two alike in the entire
line; smart taxicab turbans
in satin braids and other
fetching models for street
wear, from a house noted
lor the high character and
excltisiveness of Its styles.
These hats clearly show it.
They are $10 J m
Children's Milan Hats
Children's Milan Hats Daintily
flower trimmed; all light colors
for summer wear; special for
Saturday $1.00
Shetland Shawls
For Porch Wear
We have Just received a shipment of
these beautiful imported shawls from
our New York office. They are In gray
and white, 14 yards square; shell and
honeycomb patterns and are fringed.
Splendid for wear in the cool of the
evenings on the porch or trolley. The
best part of It is they are fflj mix
13.00 and 14.00 shawls. We 51. JU
are fortunate to have them for. 'rv
Week End Specials
Muslin Underwear
A quantity of beautiful corset covers will
be a feature tight-fitting one-pleoe
French back styles, with lace or em
broidery trimming also k lot of draw
ers in several stylos. They
are all Use garments. The
price tomorrow Is
Gowns and Eon? Skirts Another table
is heaping full of dainty new cambric
nnd nainsook garments. Quite a vari
ety of designs. The usual price Is 1.50
and 11.09. You'll find It A .fk
well worth while to come S I Ifll
Saturday. The price Is VA.VW
Little Girls' Percale and Gingham Dresses
2 to 6 year sizes for 69 0
Surprising Shoe Bargains
for Men and Women
There are shoe ads and shoe ads In the paper this even
ing, but men, this one concerns you more vitally than
any of them. It's making the strongest kind of an appeal
to your economy and your good taste for
style. There are Just 2 50 pairs of summer
Oxfords, Russian Tan Calf, Dull Leather
and Patent leather The pick of new, 1910
styles. We do not overstate facts
when we tell you these
shoes are $3 and $3.50
values, for
1,000 Pairs Women's
Pumps and Oxfords
Men's Work Shoes
200 pairs pood, strong, all solid
leather Work Shoes, with wide,
plain toe aud tips; you always
pay $2.50 for surn shoes c Qf
here they are, at 0''
Women's Oxfords Small bizeg
and odds and cnils; on tho bar
gain square at half value; those
who can be fitted get 0f n
a $3.00 shoe, for
Misses Oxfords In chocolate, kid
and Hussiau Calf; wide toe; foot
form lasts; in best sues,
Qualities, for
We a large Jobber's entire
surplus floor stocks of about a
dozen different styles after bii
spring business was over Sou
pairs of tan oifords and two-eyelet
ties; the baTance in patent
leather aud dull leather pumps
and oxfords; new $3.50 and $4
lines, unloading, at
Women's Pure Silk Hose,
Tomorrow 49c
A rare treat. It's well worth any
woman's time who enjoya the luxury of
silk hosiery to hurry after these.
All pure silk, with lisle top, toe and heel,
giving added strength and wearing qual
ities black only, splendid SUc AQ
value, at
Bilk Iilale Hosiery, with double soles and
garter top, 60c goods at, tO
I,aoe Hosiery, allover lace and lace
boot' lisle hose, 60c goods, at, pair.
Mercerized Xitsle Hose, with double sole
and garter top, the usual 36c t
kind at, pair
Seamless Hose, black cotton with a mer
cerized finish, double soles, 19c 1 fle
quality, pair Vl
Glove Day
Silk Olcv.i, two-clasp, double tipped
tingers, always 00c at, "Qp
Chamois Gloves, washable, natural snd
white shades, tl.JB qualities 7fC
Xayeer and Fownos Silk QloT.e In white,
black and leading colors . .600, 75o, $1.00
Double S. &. II (itcen Stamps in Hosiery
and Glove Departments Saturday.
Sleeveless Vests
with Lace Yoke 8k
When have you ever heard of anything
like it? It's sure to bring choppers out
In goodly numbers. These vesta are nt
tractie and per fect, and come in all reg
ular sizes. For n summer's supply it's
ndvisahje to be on hand early each. S'.rC
Sleeveless Vesta, with silk taped neck ami
anil, narrow Khouldor strap 0 In
luc garments
Sleeveless Vests, fancy crochet and me
dallion trimmed garments, always ,"i,c:
for the week end, (g
Women's Knit Fants, in all regular sizes,
wide umbrella knee with a finish of
lace nt bottom; you could not expect for
less than 35c. We are able to !!
sell them tlmorrow at lv
Sleevelees Union Suits unite the lowr-m
price we ever heard or for a union suit,
wide knee style, well made and Q
.finished; 3 if garments for
1,1.1. Vr.lon Suits Sleeveless and wide.
Isce trimmed knee garments worth 7fc
each; unloading sale price, JQg
( See Us for Sheet Music 1
Turn linen handkerchiefs, hemstitched.
for women; kind at 5o
Armenian. Madeira and Appcnzsselle linen
handkerchiefs, worth aoc, for 310
(Double S. & II. Green Slnnins in t'nder-
wear ami Handkerchief Vepartments
Our week-end Music specials
are intensely interesting this
week. We are featuring that
captivating Italian song--
that scored so heavily at tho
Orpheum and that is setting all
the country to whistling. It
was formerly entitled Rose
Marie, being rewritten aad
simplified, but retaining all its
i rifiinal tunef ullness.
Our Mr Morltz and Miss Karnesl hae worked It up In duet
form and it's immensely popular, t'ome end hear It. It's
one of the most likeable songs of the present time
SHEET MUSIC, 10c Our 10-cint music l.i newer than any you'll find on
miiKic counters elsewhere, also a larger assortment of titles, among the
newest are "That Meomrrlalng Mendelsohn I une, 'Tut On Your Old
Gray Bonnet, " In Dear old I ennessee, ".Next to
Your Mo. her Who Do You l.ove" There are
hundreds of others at
You are sure to save here on groceries and meats
Kesides you are always sure of pure, fresh, toothsome supplies that's an important consideration,
isn't just as we say it Is, send it back That's your privilege "! ' "ish.
If anything
Bennett's Kcst
Toffee. 3 lbs..$l
And 100 stamps
Bennett's Best
Coffee, lb 350
And 30 hi. linos
Bennett's Chal
lenge Coffee, ,18c
And 10 btamp
Teus, assorted,
lb 630
And 100 Stamp.
Tea Slftlngs. lb
pl;g 15o
And 20 Humps
Trlde of Ben
nett's Flour,
per sack $1.30
Yacht Club Salad
Dressing, at, bot
tle 85o
And ?0 stamps
Yacht Club Salad
Dressing, large
bottle 480
And 40 ntumps
K imii Seeded HaW
ins, lfic lb. pki;.
for 8o
Commander Seed
ed Raisins, IJ'jc
pkg 6o
Seedless KnisJnr.
l?Vc quality. So I
Sterling Gloss
Starch, 6-lb. box
for SOo
And 30 stamps
Trench Cut I,oaf
Sugar. pkg...2So
And 20 stamps
Diamond S Chili
Sauce, bottle, 100
And 10 Ntamps
Double Stamps on
Buttci .ne.
iKiuble Stumps oil
Karrcll Best Sugar
Beet Syrup
while it lasts lOo
Dutch Hand Soap,
three cakes . .85o
And 20 stamps
Full Cream Cheese
per lb S3o
And 20 stamps
Virginia Kwisa
Cheese. Ih. . . ,3So
And JO xtainps
Small Sour I'ickles
per dozen ... .So
Snld.r's Chili
Sauce, cocktail
or salad dressing
bottle .. ,.35o
And 20 stamps
Pure Krult Jelly
glass 100
Sterlim; Corn
starch. II) pkg 40
Diamond Crystal
Shaker Salt, 3
pkgs. for . . . .350
And 10 Hlampa.
Armour's Shield
Sliced Beef, per
jar 13iO
And a Ktamos I
Star and Crescent j
Macaroni, three
pUg. for . . . .350 1
And 10 stamps
Bennett's Bargain
Soup. K Imi h 350 I
5c H ixer lice. '
Gillette Mustard.
large jar .... lao i
And 10 iitampj I
Bex, a cans i
lot 350 I
.Ml'J ll VlUlilp,
llarileys Pure
Fruit Jams, per
jar MOO
Already Codfish
10c. cans, three
lor 850
And 10 stamps
Capitol Cream
ery Butter
Ih. bricks 30o
Jap Kice.. 7c qual
ity. D lbs. . . .350
Guillard olive oil,
small bottle .340
And 20 stumps
Halliard olive till,
medium bot. 450
And IiO Stamps
Galllard Oliv e Oil,
large bottle 7ac
And 100 1 Stampt,.
Poppy Milk. 5c
cans ut ti for 25c
Peanut Butter, 3
Jars for .... '.'0c
And 10 Stamps.
Shelled Popcorn, 3
lls. for 10c
F Is Naphtha
Soap, t cakes
for 25c.
Capitol Country
Gentleman Corn.
for 11c
Ami 10 Stamps.
Sn liter's Pork and
Beans, lartfo i an,
for 2 e
And 2') Stamps.
Ghlrardelll Powd
ered Chocolate,
Mi lb. ran. at 20c
And 10 Stamps
(I'Tiitiieul. & - lb.
ai ka, at, . li ic
Itoyal Honey, byt-
tle loc
And u Stamps.
KsK-O-Suo. Colli
1- lakes, 3 pkj;s.,
for 2uc
And 10 Stamps.
Bonemeul. lb. 3V40
Men Food lb. 2VjC
Chicken Feed, 11,..
for ?o
Spotlight Noise
It ss Matches, U
boxes 25c
Cookie Special,
cream, honey
lb. ..' 12c
Hen's Tourist
Gruham and
Fairy Crackers,
pkB 10c
And 10 Stamps.
Fresh Dresred
Young liens, lb.
Fresh Pi pork ,
Boast, shoulder,
lb JJ4c I
Fresh Pig pork
Chops, lb. 14c
Fall Lamb Legs,
lb lJ'.ic
Btef Steak, young
steer .... 1 2 r
Choice Pot K" asl,
lb 12 He
Yeul Chop?, per
lb l2'ie
Boast, per
Ih. .
lb. .
P.oast. lb. . . 10o.
Cmtahy's D i a -
mom) C Hams,
the best grade,
lb ISVsO
Cudahy's Hex
Hams, every one
guaranteed. at
lb i;;,e
Cudaliy's Bacon,
miKuf tured, 4 to
six lb.. avcragr,
by the atrip, lb,
at ITSe
Fresh Fruits & Vege
tables Cheapest Here
Our Supplies Ale Alw;iys I-'itsIi
and .Mwuys Dependable.
Strawlx-iTies Kxtra fancy for
Saturday, 2 qt. boxes ....25
OraiiKCs ICxtra large; SO to box
size; navels, per doi., U5 -40?
Orange, sweet and juicy at, er iy'-i!
Fancy Lemons, do.. 1C
New Potatoes, lb 3C
Florida Tomatoes, basket .
Asparagus, large bunches . . . ,f
Kadiiihcs, home grown, o bunches
for 5c
Spinach, special, peck 10
Leaf Lettuce, 2 bunches jj.
Wisconsin Hurbank Potatoes, at,
per bushel 55
String Means, qt fj
Wax Beans, tt 75s
Peanuts, qt 5
Apples lor cooking or eating -
l,er l,e k 35c
Hardware or the House at
Cut Prices
I'seful and handy articles alas
ahiiImI at some time or cither. Take
toe savin we offer you Saturday.
Bras-: Cup Hooks, u-omlly 15c dozen.
' So
Handy Tool Sets, usually 4'ic each,
at SSo
Ticket Punches, usually iuc each,
at 170
Gas pliers, nic kel plated, special . . lOo
F.iul (titling Nippers, ussually 2!m
for 17o
Si rec ti Door Fittings, complete, usu
ally 20c, for ISO
Door Pulls, nickel plated. each.,..3o
Monkey Wrenches, and 8-Inch .. .3 bo
Sinn iHpcr Files, 6-im h, 10c kind So
Itliil Knob Locks. 20c kind 130
Fancy Door Locks, odd lot, "0
Special purchase, many
styles, jOc grade; Sat
iirdny -
Sliecllll t
A clc'iiionst ra I Ion and
free Hamph s. Im paint
depnri merit Haturdav.
l mi Louisville Shinier
Bats 750
'.." il Base Bull Suits lor. .
XI 2.i Base Ball Suits for 7o
Be Ball Shoes 11.79
. . . SOo
.lie and c 1 C u d a h y ' Wx
Stew, per
Hams, shoulder.
6 to tl lbs. aver
age, lb .... 1 2 'ic
19c For This Padded Sleeve Board With Clamp
If if Wall or F
i ut.
Innr Brushea. made , ceclved 20o nm k.iges new .
of lamh'a wool, long handl : fceli. healthy Mialks. three
bent $1 Ji kind, at 89o i colois to a package; special.
Candy rails, big ones, in good j packng 131,0
condition, each So Turkey reather Dusters - I-no-.
Carnation Plants Just re- -I large KKc kind, for 19o
Just two iloueu,
led top, like
Sal urda y
ceclved 20o packages