12 THE BEE : OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY G. 1010. CONNOR JURORS MAKE REPLY i Eight Members of Panel Declare Their Good Faith. INSIST THE VERDICT WAS JUST John Hrttt Forth Statement tuat Derision Wan llfirbfil After llonrat and ralnataklns Deliberation. K'.irht member of th Connor will trial Jury make affidavit In district court In re ply to th affidavits fll-1 the other day liy counsel for the proponents in support of i motion for a new trlnl. The. first of these affidavit." H by John J3rltt, a brother of Iho Attorney of that name. Mr. P.rltt carries the. war in Africa and asserts that whatever rellRlous dlscus alon got Into the rasa was Interjected there by C. J. Smyth of counsel for the proponents. Brltt gwenrs that "the verdict is the re sult of a deliberate and honest conviction, laurel upon the evidence and nolhinK else; that Joseph A. Connor deliterately fle troyed bis will. Tho oilier Jurors awear that they have read lirltt's affidavit and affirm Its truth In respect to these Ktntements and likewise deny that anything was aid In the Jury room about "the church having property rnnufrh; that the church did not need the properly in dispute and that therefore the heirs ought to have It." The Jurors likewise unite in saylnts they lid not hear nn elderly woman walk out tf the court room saying-, "He is a liar." ni;h reference to C. J. Smylli, who was then addressing the Jury. Tlie Jurors making- affidavits besides Kritt are Charles II. Allen. J. 15. E. Moore, P. .1. Traber, Harry H. Munslcker and A. Myer. The.a affidavits are filed by J. .1. Sul- llvan ami James P. Knullsli. counsel for the Connor heirs, and these two attorneys Join themselves In an affidavit. Campen Shies at Bathing Suits Assistant City Engineer Does Not Warm to Sheldon's Request for Specifications. Councilman Sheldon, as censor oT the bathing costumes to be worn by swim mers at the Omaha Hod and Uun club, has requested Assistant City Knginrer Campen to prepare drawings and make pat terns for a proper suit, but Campen Is not enthusiastic over the Job. "My work, as I understood It, was to be engineering," said Mr. Campen. "While I nave some knowledges of draftsmanship, still I hesitate to tackle this assignment. Now, If the design were to be for a bath ing suit on the Isthmus of Panama I could handle it without much trouble, but to make fli-signs and patterns for a self conscious people is entirely different. At the Isthmus a drslre to swim and perhaps a coral necklace would be the limit of equipment. "Here, I am given to understand, there must be a foundation and on top of that an apron or some such thing, with the footings covered by opaque material and the wings quite exposed. "For a man any other man can design a bathing suit that will set off his good points Just the way be desires, but for a, woman, they tell me, the Idea Is to con ceal, or not more than half reveal, the good points. That problem will give mo eome study. City Knglneer Craig la a high officer In the Rod and Uun club and he will have to vhoulder the heavy end of this design for stop-short clothes that will not be condemned by Councilman .Sheldon." Eberhart Coming Here Unannounced Minnesota's Governor to Stop Off for a Family Visit on His Way to Omaha. lioiciuor Eberhart of Minnesota has w ritten President Ryder of the central Republican club that he docs nut care to ; have a reception committee meet him at ! the depot, when he comes for the repub- 1 lican banquet Monday night. The gover- ; nor nays h,i his letter: My folks live In Nebraska and 1 mny make them a visit on my way lo Omaha. I It Is therefor impossible for mo to tell I when I will arrive. Will report Imme- ! dlately upon my arrival, so that the club j neto, not go to any trouble In looking after me. I am anticipating a good deal of pleasure from the gathering you are arranging." Governor Eberhart Is a man of most democratic spirit, say those who know him, and by his conduct In the difficult posi tion In which he was placed on the death of Governor Johnson, has almost made his nomination -by acclamation a fore gone conclusion. Tickets for the banquet are still being j canea ior in niusi encouraging fashion, and the capacity of the Rome banquet hall will probably be tested to the limit. Chief Donahue to Stop Speeding Says Chauffeuri Must Quit Using Farnam Street as a Speedway. Chief Donahue has declared this the open season fov motor speeders. "I have noticed," remarked the chief, "that there are a lot of chauffeurs out in the West Farnam district who take their bosses down to the offices In the morning iu a very decorous manner and then pro ceed to bit 'er VP at about seventy-one and two-thirds miles an hour on the re turn trip. . "I have Issued orders now for the officers to arrest a bunch of these chaps and put them in Jail, rut them there and keep them long enough to let them know there Is really something doing. "Then there Is a bunch of kids who own fust motor cycles who seem to think that Karnam street Is a specially con structed speedway for their exclusive bene fit. I'nless they are able to run away from our motor cycle squad, we'll Jug some of those young hopefuls, too." For More Than t kree Decades J-'oloy's Honey and Tar has been a house holdvfavorlte for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For Infants and children It la best and safest, as It contains no opiatea and nn harmful drugs. None genu ine but Foley's Honey and Tsr In the yellow . package. Refuse substitutes. For ale by all druggists. BRANDOS Extraordinary REHNANT EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY We will clenr away thousands of yards of up-to-date goods Friday in short and medium pieces at a fraction of what they sold for in the bolts. REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS OF 50c Wide Embroideries 15c and 25c Yard 1H and 22 inch fine enihroideried set widths, wide Insertions and Galloons, many worth 50c a yard, 2 big bargain squares, at, vard THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF 12i2c AND 15c EMBROIDERIES AT VZc YARD Narrow and medium Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, all kinds, on big bargain square, many worth H 13c, at, yard . . '. I 2 C 15c and 20c WASH LACES and INSERTIONS at 7y2c Yd. Fancy Wash Laces and Insertions, all kinds, Torchon, Piatt Vals., Point de Paris, Imitation Crochet, etc., Hr worth up to 20c yard, at, yard 2v 10c FANCY WASH LACES, IN BASEMENT at 2c Yd. Thousands of yards odd lots, all kinds, to clear up quickly, many worth 10c, basement, at, yard .... REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS and WASH FABRICS All the reinnants of Himalaya, Irish Pongee, Silk and Cotton Pabncs, Koseo Silks, etc., worth up to 50c, 4 bargain square, at, yard Choicest summer weight,' all wool Dress Goods, imported Dress Lin ens, cream Serges, all wool Ba tifite, etc., stilt and g ' jA Last chance to buy imported, matched dress goods pieces, REMNANT BARGAINS IN BASEMENT Odds and ends cotton goods, white and printed Lawns, Curtain Scrims, Silkolines, etc., as long as they last, at, yard One counter with the latest patterns printed organdies, worth 15c yard, in remnants, at, yard . 0 2v Sample Pieces of Embroidery Many 0! them are wjrth op t) 15c yard, at, per bunch ...... SILK SPECIAL IN BASEMENT AT 25c YARD Dotted Japonika, figured, Jacquard, diagonal and also plain silks in all shades, BRAMDEIS QuvwVvgo Wwvuj ourXrtf3 (Wvtgj Si 6 O ft I Omaha's Pure Food Center SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1-lb. can Climax Soup, assorted, dj ior can 5e it "4-lb. tin Imported Sardines, per tin, at i . . 1 lc E.'C. Com Flakes, pk. ...... 7c C rne-N'iit. like Hie Vermont Maplu Sugar, new crop. per lb., at HOe 2' Peanuts, per qt 5c White or Yellow Corn Meal per Back at 15c Colorado Potatoes, bu 05c 3 -lb. can Tomatoes, dot. cans $1.10 Domestic Macaroni, pkg Oc fj Imported Macaroni, Vermicelli, or Q5uVfgi C1 CWnj4 awrW Graduating Gifts M It Is getting more and more the custom to remember the graduates. Nothing; nicer than something from our stoc't. Spend rw Mlnntes with Us. Look for the trams S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. Turn Omaha Over to Find Whistle j Commercial Club's Noise Machine Ob ject of Strenuous Search by Trade Excursionists. Look under your beds! It ha to b located. The future of Omaha depends upon its being found. That siren whistle belonging to the Com mercial club has to be found. Thei-e are no "Its and ands" about it. It must be found. So declare the trade, excursion, boosters. For two days a city-wide s'arch has been going on In an endeavor to locate Omaha's premier noii-emaker and unless It is lounJ Ihn tiado excursion is liable to l.-e a lizzie. Advertisements have been run In tie local papers and every endeavor has been made to locate the lost screecher, but t date of no avail. 'Tiled at Pnruittual" In npver written of those who nuf coueIih tnd cold with lr. King New liacovry. Ouarantood. SOe and $1 .00. Tur ail by Ucatou Lruj Co. STOffiS 1 SALES Flouncings, Skirtings, Cor 2c Xell All the single and exclusive im ported Dress Goods Patterns, mostly 54 inches wide, worth from $1.25 to $2.50 yard, at, yard 69c-$l 15c-29c all wool, at, each. . Printed lawns and batistes in great variety, worth T2c up to 10c, at, yard Extra fine white lawn and India linon, sold always at 10c and 12M;C yard, r special, a yard ........ WV 5c 25c worth 50c yard, at, yd. STORES (4W o3Kt QuW (owVr o i .-I -. i 4 K opugueiu, pK Box Soap, 40 bars $1.15 t 25c can K. C. Basing Powder f$ special, at ioc o IlLTTKK, KGOH AX1 CHEESE. Lotus Butter, cartons, lb 3:2c rf Best Country Butter, In sanitary Jars, per lb 81c Dairy Hutter, lb. .. UK, per uozen . . . Y. A. Cheese, per lb. 880 d: ado I WO - I loo (El Hlue Label Cheese, per pkg. , Waukesha Cheese, per pkg SSo v Xeufchatel Cheese, per pk. Cottage Chffse, per pk? TRESS VEQETAHtEa X bunches Radishes . inn t , Bo xninach. per pk. 16o 3Plaln Lettuce lOo (Ji ourU (Juu.'tfi (JoU5vi THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Very Low Fares to KALT1MOKE, M. . Southern I lit pt 1st Convention, May 11 IK. ATLANTIC CITY Onernl As sembly Presbyterian Church, May lrMil. WASHINGTON, l. C. World's Sunday School Association, May 10-UO. CONSl'LT NEAREST TICKET AGENT RE(ARI1.( STOP OVER PRIVILEGES AMI OTHER DETAILS, OR ADDRESS It. N. Austin, Gen. Pass. Agt. ClilcafC"- W. A. Preston, T. P. A. Chit-ago. El! Piano Player Co. SELL TO HAYDEN'S Their entire murk of IIhuos, I'lay rH. Player PtHnos und t'tuno Player Miiflr. eituck IU be platc-U on nale Saturday. rni nTVTTTTTHTTifna? I'M Ll liOOK FOR THE HOOK KALE S.VTI RDAY Every Hook Lover Will Ik Interenlel. It's Bargain Friday A reK'iitloss lotting down of prices such as you have grown to expect on Friday, the best bargain day of all the week. Silks. Dress Goods, Embroideries Genuine Natural PoitReeH Light or dark shades, splendid 89c Bilks; Just the rlht sorts for coats, dresses, suits, etc. silks that A.tg are very serviceable and always washable, at, yard T"C Cream China Silks Best quality ever offered at 60c while supply lasts at, yard ZtD Wash Good Manchester percales, double fold standard well known makes; 50 pieces red grounds and white figures; 15c goods, r for ; DC Sff-lnrh Tourist Cloth All best shades, such as tan, rose, blue, laven der, catawba, pongee, brown, etc. for dresses, coats and 10 suits ,JQ Remnants Embroideries and Iju-cs Several thousand remnants at less than half values; all kinds of embroidery edges and insertions, also Val laces, torchon laces, etc. goods worth 1 r lc to 19c a yard, for eCjjC 10 JC Ik A Neat, Trim House Dress for $1.25. Dresses that make you look presentable about home. Smart one-piece effects, either with low neck and three-quarter sleeve, and high neck styles; light and dark percales and nurse stripes, at A Suit for Your Summer Trip. of vacation and the clothes you'll new tailored suits that are ofrered Friday at almost half. Surprisingly handsome models; you'll wonder how It is possible to sell them for so little; new snaaes, new materials, new styles; Long Coats, the Kinds You'll serges, diagonals and checks or light novelties tans and grays predominate, some blacks aro also shown. Each 1s tailored In superb style, such as you see In $25.00 coats uaas ana anas ana Women's Skirts. A small lot only, but garments worth to $8.00 brown voiles, gray mixtures At n and stripe Btyles; nicely made In correct fashion Vfc J "I to clear vDmi Gowns and Chemises. Several styles. A lot of fine summer garments. They come in high, styles and all are nicely trimmed, all at 250 Pairs Women's Who wears small shoes? Here's a vnvt-B you rnuice 01 ian, can, aun ana vici uxroras; mey are the usual $3.00 and $3.50 qualities, but best selling sizes are sold out. Pick any. Misses iTinins and Oxfords Ox- . bloods and tans, all good sizes; fifty pairs only f p $1.50 values JUG Youths' Box Calf Shoes Foot form or wide toe style; lace ef- sr- $1.50 Household Hardware Ttanlfa yon nd avary day and all at sharply cut prloaa, juat for Friday. Uanollnc Srftx 3-hole high Btand move, worth $7. 60: special ... .94.95 Perfectltm Ofl-Htove for $7.50 Perfection 3-liole Oil Stove for $10.50 Family Scale.r weigh your purchases each time 9SO and 93.50 Carpenter Hammer, L'oc kind for 19o Carpenter Hammer, 60c kind for 890 Handy House Level; special 7o Tack Hummer, extra quality .... .9o Handy Block Plane; upeclal 7o IMsh Mops: usually 7c, for 6c Asbestos Mats 5o Cotton Mop Rags 10o Plato Scrapers 10c Fish PoTes 19o Dor Collars H Off Thomas Enamels, can.... So and lOo 20c Wire Carpet Beaters 90 Towel Bar. nickel plated, IR-lnch, 29c Glass Shelves, with brackets, 6 and 18-lnch, for 91.39 Screen Doors, adjustable scresn frames and screen wire; poultry wire specially low rates. Bargain Day Bennett's Capitol Creamory Butter, the pound bricks (limit or D pounas to , . , . . 1 I ira.tl.v'a Hartley's lorniiirui. wiuit- ui low. 8-lb. sack. . .130 Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 3B0 Jelly Marmalade, 18o; two Jars for 35o Small Sour Pickles, per dozen Co Codfish, all ready, 10c And 80 stamps Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds . . . .91-00 And 100 stamps Bennett's Ideal Coffee, pound 35o And 20 stamps. Bennett's Teas, asaorted pound 88c And 75 stamp. Tea Slftlna-s, lb. pkg. 150 And 10 stamps Bennett's Capitol Ex tract, bottle 180 And 20 stamps Ponpy Evaporated Milk Fix ran" for 35o Capitol Country Gentle man Corn, can . . .110 And 10 stamps Ghlrardelli Powdered chocolate, '-lb. can for 80o And 10 atamns Imperial Preserved F1'" can 300 Farrell Beet Sugar Syrup, bottle ISO And 10 stamps Dutch Hand Soap, three cakes for 250 And 10 stamps size, three cans . . .850 Franco-American Soups assorted, 20c pint cans for 15o Gilletf's Mustard, lar-?e Jar And 10 Capitol Baking Powder. 6-lb. can ai.ao And 100 stamps Gaillard Olivo Oil, small bottle for 24c and 20 stamps. Gaillard Olive Oil, med ium bottle for ....450 and 50 stamps. Gsillsrd Olive Oil. laree bottle for 75c and 100 stamps California Rlpo Olives, 60c cans for 25o Shelled Popcorn, .1 lbs. for 10c Jn' Rice, 7c quality. S pounds for 26c Bennetts Barraln Soar.. S bars for Crackers, large assort ment. pkr 10o and 10 stamps. "Gas Service The "All YesjLr Gas Every year we find greatly increased numbers of con sumers who use the gas range for all cooking throughout the year. ' Several years ago we were kept busy during the fall months disconnecting ranges, to be set aside during the winter months. The number who do this now is barely worth con sidering. Gas causes such a great saving in fuel expense, such an enormous saving in time and labor, such an elimination of all dust, dirt and ashes that there is little wonder that the old style coal range h being relegated to the list of old piemories. There's no longer a "Gas range season." OmakaL Gas Company r Bee-W Ms Boost Your Business S kXJal $1.25 Not too soon to be thinking need. We are showing about 50 $20.00 values Like. Semi-fittin rf rtirwliile rf $15 round or sminrn nerir 59c A big table full- Low Shoes at $1.98 Friday bargain specially for you. ially for you. $1.98 leather, patent colt Yml' Kimra a and ends; clearing a lot of forty pairs, in sizes 9 to 13 only, all good, strong durable shoes never less than $2.00 now $1.35 are. A ritlDAT CLEAN VP WHITE CHINA A fin treat, for China painters, 600 plain white China Cups and Sau cers at, pair lOo 90c plain white Comb and Brush Trsy, for 45o 25c plain white Pin Tray to match, for 10c White China Steins, for Friday only at lOo Plain White Salts and Peppers, per pair ....... lBo Plain white Tooth Pick Holders to match So Plain white Scarf Pin Holder ....10o .Plain white 40c Butter Ball Trays 19o 1,000 pieces Fancy China, odds and ends; many kinds, all values to 11.00 each. Great Friday IQf, clearing up at, each CBEFB PAPER FOB DECOBATIKQ Best Dennison quality. Imperial brand; edge-s are slightly Injured onlv; the usual 10-foot rolls for t Pino Stationery 24 sheets and 24 envelopes In a box; all for 90 Xilnen Paper S4 sheets In pks;....10o Post Card Albnme Hold 108 cards, 9o lor Groceries finest, sweetest made full 30c a cuioiiur, m, iiuunu PnrA llraniTM I I 1 1 .1 V'iri Pure Orange Old Virginia Roe, at. per can 3So and 10 stamps. Queen Cider VlneKnr, quart bottle, for ,.350 and 20 stamps. Macaroni Ptar and Cres cent. 3 pkg-s 35o and 10 stamps. Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, pko-. for . .lSVgO and 10 stamps. Fel's Xantha Soap, six cakes, for , 35o Cheese, full cream, at. pound 220 and 10 stamps. Cheese, Virginia Swiss. per pound 25o and 10 stamps. Umberger Cheese, brick' for 20o Pure Fruit Jelly. nt, per glass lOo Sterling Closs Starch ft lb. box for 50o and 20 stamps. Snlder's Pork and Bfnr" Xo. 2 can for ISO and 10 Ktamps. Royal Honey, bottle 10c and 6 stamps. Double Stamps on Gran ulated Sugar. E. A Vorn Flakes. 3 packages, for 35o 150 stumps B5o 99 Range u 1250 FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY Don't Miss II J 1 Special Offerings I t VW II 1114 I Ml THE RELIABLE STORE I THE RELIABLE STORE Matchless Wash Fabric Bargains Friday Trompmlooiis Mill Purchases of nil kinds of Wash Dress Fabrics, Linens, Muslins, Shootings, etc., secured for cash at greatly hclovr worth, will ho placed ON SALE FRIDAY IN OUR DOMESTIC ROOM. The choicest lot of values shown in Omaha. 2,500 Yards of Mill Ends Ginghams, Foulards, Per cales, Prints, White' Goods, etc., good long lengths on sale in 4 lots at about half actual worth 5c 25c Abberfoyle (Jinghains, full bolts, yd. I2V2C Arnold's 25 Cent Foulards, double printed, fast col ors, full bolts, at, per yard 12C Arnold's 25 Cent Diagonal -Novelties, full bolt, nt, yard ...... 15c 15c Sea Island Per cales, full bolt, nt, per yard . . . ,10c Remnants of Fine Wool Dress Goods, Serges, Fancies, Ba tistes, Lansdowns, Henriettas, OQp no AQn CQn Suitings, etc., on sale, at Zoli" J3u"iTJu'u3ub Nothing to equal the assortment or value ever before shown. Come Early Friday. Very Special Silk Values Friday Plain and Fancy Silks, worth up to 75c yard, at, yard 29( Mescalines, Foulards, Pongees, Taffetas, Clieck and Stripe Fancies, Jap Wash Silks, etc., in all new colorings, over 5,000 yards, included in this special Friday sale. 59c Shantora Pongees, 27 in. wide, heavy quality, . .39c $1.25 Auto Pongees, very heavy quality, splendid for Coats, at 1 89c 85c Tussah Pongees, 3G inch wide,1 fine luster, at . .65c Seven Rousing Time Sales Friday The smaller lots, but in most cases best values, will be placed on sale at stated intervals: At 9 A. M, Wash Fabrics of nearly all kinds, regular values to 10c a yard, long remnants, nt, yard ,.2Vc At 10 A. M. Shaker Flan nel, 10c quality, long remn ants, at, yard 3C 3 to 3:30 P. M. 15c Union Linen Huck Towels, 6 pairs limit, at, each 8y2C 4 to 4:30 P. M.- 75c quality Sheets 72x90 size, five pair limit at 37V2C Domestic Room Ladies' Suit Department Tailor Suits, worth to $15, all colors and sizes, 150 to se lect from, at $5.95 Women's . Dressing Sacques, regular 50c values, on sale, at, choice 25c Children's Colored Dresses and Rompers, the 50c value, at 25c Ladies' Dress Skirts, $3.00 values, at $1.98 Children's Wash Dresses, sizes (5 to 14 years, regular $1.50 values, at ... .$1.00 Women's Wash Waists, val ues to $1.50, at 69c $1.50 House Dresses, at 98c $1.50 Underskirts, at . .75c Women's Rain Coats, very special brgains $6.95- 2.95 HAYDEN'S, the MAMMOTH 1KB LOWEST FBICZS AND HIGH EST STANDARD Or Q UAL ITT Tou can ? from $5 to 910 a month on yonr houeaaeeplnf xpn by trading- with ui. 4R-lh. baoka host High Grad Patent Flour, made from the finest No. 1 wheHt and retailed everywhere for $1.75 per ttne-k; our prion $1.35 18 UiH. Hext liiuiiulilted Hiitfar ..$1.00 ti hai'8 Dluinond (' or Heat 'Km All Soap f"r in Ids. Hrst Kolled Breakfast Oat me'il. for -Oc C IIin. Best Hand Picked Navy lirans, fur l!fe C lhs. t'hok'e Japan Hire for ...,25c 4 Dm. h'uniy Japan Head Hire for 2oc liroin inelon, Jellyi'on or Jelio. per pui kaKe 7 Hi' oil or Miimard Sardines, can 4o Tall run Alaska Salmon for . ...10c. 1-11). cans AMHorted Soups for ...T-fcc Fancy Queen olives, per quart . ,'i!,c Koyal or Mclaren' Peanut Butter, per pound l.rc Large Bottles asorted Plrkles, Cat sup or Worcester Sauce, hot. ..S'c Tlie Best Domestic Macaroni, at, per piickage 8'!c Diamond C or Diamond II Mince Meat, per package 7".jc Tlie best Boda or Oyster 'rucker. per pound 7 'ai' DOMT FORGET TRY UAYDEH'S FIRST ?AVt SEEDS WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FHKK IDE 1613 Howard Slreel itfBBBXSE&SU (Big Saving Values in Friday's Sales. Remnants of Linens Regu lar values to $1.50 a yard, on sale in 5 lots 19tr 25c 39o 40o 59c; Towels, Toweling, Sheeting nnrl Afnelills nil L-itwI at ABOUT HAli 10c Shaker Flan nels, fine quality, nt, yard 5o Several Other Lots of fine Wash Fabrics, at Bar gain Prices. Yard Wide Black Taffeta, chiffon weight, snap, 59c $1.25 Black Taffeta, 36 inch wide, oil boiled, yd. 89c $1.50 Black Peau de Soie, heavy gloss finish, 36 inch wide, at, yard ....$1.19 At 1:30 P. M. Wash Fabrics worth to 15c a yard, big as sortment, good, long rem nants, at, yard. .'. . . . .3Vc At 2:30 P. M.-Wash Fabrics worth to 50c yard, finest quality, at, per yard . . 10c 4:30 to 5 P. M. 15c Pillow Slips, 42x. size, ten limit, at each 8C Furnishing Goods Specials For Friday Women's Lisle Hosiery; the 50c quality; all colors On sale Friday, pair 25c Women's Fine Mercerized or Lisle Hosiery; embroidered, plain gauze and lace; to $1 values, at, pair 50c Children's Hose; regular 25c quality, on sale 15c Women's Mercerized Lisle Vests, with fancy yokes values to 50c, at each I2V2V and 25c Women's Union Krlls; In lisle and cotton; values to $1.00 prr suit, at . . . .25 39 and 50 Women's Muslin Skirt; worth to $5.00; handsomely trimmed very npeclal, at . $1.50 $1.08 $2 nd $2.98 MuhHii ;nviin, Combination and Skirts; regular values to $2.50. now at 08r Kayer & Founts' Silk Gloves; In all colors, special , 50 GROCERY DEPT. of Omaha The Best Crisp GlnKer Snnpn, lb The best Pretzels. Dor 111 ac til! THK BKST FRKSH No. 1 KOOS, at. per dozen Fancy No. 1 Creamery Hotter, lb. 30c. Fancy No. 1 Countrv Butler, lb. 27c. Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. ..25c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb. lHo Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, at, ji.-r pun nil i n; j THE MAJIXET OT OMAHA TOM U FBEBH VEGETABLES 3 Bunches Fresh Asparagus 10" Fresh Spinach, per peck JOo New 'tu lues, per Hi 4c J Meads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c 4 bunches Homo drown Itadlshex 6o Fresh Beets. Carrots ur Turnips, at, per bunch 8c. Fancy Blie Tomatoes, per lb. . .1 t: Fancy 1'eas. per ipiart 7i Fancy Fresh Wax Beans, lb 10i: Fancy Fresh Green Beans, lb 10i: Remember 1 lb Is eiual to 2 quarts. Fresh Parsley, per bunch 4o 2 bunches pie Plant for Re Large Cucumbers, each 7 He and Be Dame stalks Celery for 7Vje, Vim are always mire of getting the Freshest ami the Best at llaydcn's. Large Julcv Lemons, per dozen , . 1 hi: Jllahland Navels, per dozen lie, 20c -'lie and joc. i aiMwiimiim y llll iwwihwjj... Tlfit.ji1iHrj I W H 1113 1 JO 'I Potatoes, Lawn Grass, Flowering Bulbs, Elc Wby wat time and money planting doubtful aeedi when you can buy seeds that grow from NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Telephone Douglas 1261 UDE2WS2 t ( 'ft