V TTTE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY fi. V?V 6s- CRUS AND PRODUCE MARKET PtefTS aecor.1 XEYORE STOCKS AND BONDS 1 tea 1 " E-IOMAUA LIVE STUCK MARKET li-. ' . .t 1 a v .1 1 ti 1' ftje, . f.,.,, Ciear 4 ! T . V." ew-le.e. r fttraihern , 4W pr "STteit Cpem Lower from Weak Ca- j b!ti. bit Boo a A d Tine e i. 8ELLEIG TUXXS TO BTTYISQ r. .- z. TioTr-jc, . EITHER 14 TNK .R4M BELT Decretiinj Influence Felt from Sales of Secuntiei Abroad. it r4 l-" 4" t.t lej Cora rrkee toallaoe Pli-oaa Markrl kwve Eat Tea, wltk a O 4 tko rlleat r Deaaaad. i OMAHA. May i. K'lA. cabis XAi ft a neat a lower open.rg Ra.n was repawned m the wmier wheat beit, but early prmm. noon turned to bu -tr.( when no offegT.gs cam on to ar kt and prices advanced snarpiy from ine iff point. Corn emytlmies In good demand and sr. p rrnia are rapidly decreasing local stocks Wiih light race.pts and the present de mand prices a re low enough. Light eft er log firmed w anal after Hie early decline ruianl by low et tib't -Toe ro'ernment rpott io tin iss led M.mdy givirg ike ror,difn rf -he winter wh-T. crop is expex.td U be 1,uli :sa, and omc im provement in caeh detne.id ara Et-eugtu-rniag leatiirt. . rr-i pnen continue strong, the m'" Hvir.g earelient tune, good demand and i'fh receipt causing support on i'i IH t'tio aturf la a ready aa.e. fiW t 'f'ed were tsaen Sc over yesterday Pr.mary m-fiea rece:o:a r bieheis (ml enipment mere UOi ousnels against rtrrii last year of 22.i"4 busr.e.s ai.d aaietscu.u ef oIT.OOO busrei. Prirtiaiv corn receipts mere Jfcn nOO bushe "J j ainpmeni were ".(a ti jeTieie. against eceipia last ar of i-A.C burneia and ah amenta at 441 imO h'inele. learmorea were M buhe: of mm. S .ne of oai and m r.eat and flour ejua to '' tM) buvheia Lrverpool ci'eed '.d to "4 loaer on heat ard unctiarj-d n cfvrn. lxea rn of cptlor.a: Deareaalaa EateaJa 0ee Katlr Eaat la ef Mklr OiCAHA. May I W The area of Lib-. p--ev;re. orr;y:n Te country a of lr. t'.urky Mur.ia.na. c n tir ue tr, drift iioW eaaiaa'd A a..r.t but general rive in temperature r.a oc-.-urre.1 in the cer.trnl in" and urpe" Lake region s.nce tn '.a-i report, but ine eainer -onr1nuea rum for aea-n the upper va-ievn ad eaelera atares. t.eav? fro' mere era n nrii imei ,n Tr.e utuer Mnih'TTM and and Lake reg.on. The . and i mchl : .inl va!i-y Weetern depreaeioa na aurr.ed a irouan. ana - I...rta mnA ..ntl LOIlt tl. Mlirt 'ni I i iw of i he horky iloitntaine j and ur.aeti.e.1 ! M.oouri v ! tk.'U. and BOJTD SALES A5IMATZ Offlelal Idaaiaerarit af "ai lraaaaet aaew lark naakera Malatala tfltaa 1 Sh.imery fier la cenera. iti iif r.d meet 2.:o toe moun- on'tidii .una are favorable for rea; ntmned fhe' in inn i-innj r.,1 nrot.b.y r'naa , mita aiiht;y ' Xhe'taimlcr hm tha ten-pratura orec.Diiaiiun lor Lb ikt iare )': warmer ad UMk. i.i Jl-nirrum temperature .... j 41 Precipitation K No-n.a! teiuperal ure tr-day. i iif- l'efioei.cy iu prec.pitai-oo linn Mai CO 1. Deficiency correypuod.n I.S. jnc!le Ltiiiency correspond.ee pertofl B 1 incbra 1 A. WELSH. period to Fdrecaater. Car. a-4 Tkaeat Reartaa Ralletia. For Or-.aha, Nb.. fjr ttie laenty-four houra endir.j at a. rr. . 3lB meridian urne, Thurwlaj. Xay V uMAHA 1'iSTRiCT Jr4ei.iOpen. High 1 Iow. ICloee lTaa X eatH May..., Ju.y.-i Com f Mar... JuJy... Oata I Alay.-..! Jaiy 1 I I'jer.l.. Asniand Auburn Broken Pow Coiumoua Ca kenson ... Fairbury Farrmort Arand laiand Temp Max. M TV. "4 i ( ; l ." l o i n i j1 i : "I i i a!) 1 ill if i i 1 1 4-v 'a s: j a 3k Oaaaka Caak Price. WHEAT-No. J hard. ta.nPaJl ; No hard. rv-Sei.te: No. 4 hard. MXfire.c re Vcte4 Kan. wMriavvj' Knm.j eprinr M-'iS1 So. I fprrcg. B-00rt.Wr No. I durum. : No. i dun.ni. aic. CORN To X while, aV0SV; No. 2 ntu. capSfic. No. e arBUe, &illci No. 2 yellow. 4jf,Sv"; No. t yePnw. No. -yftiiov itft; No.. S. iWc: No. X. .iAc. Ni.,i ieWiSTc; no grade. Hfi&K. OAT9 Standard. eifl-GV- No. X wuite, ary41p: No wnlte, stS; N I yel low, WSf-tuV:: No. 4 )eUow. ttU: No. tniasrt. &y&4Pr. BAR1T-N, 4. 4iejwac; No. 1 feed. 6VM-. rejected 4SJ4Sc. H J E No.- kV :4Sa:-c; No. X. 7S7c. - Cawa4 aeniita WhaaU Corn. Oata Chicago 7.4 "S MmneapoUa 1 Omui J Duluta Hartmajton Hetn Hoidreca ! Oakdaie ",j jOmaha j Tkamah av.iiVita. la - r !1 1 . Clarlnda. la jihler. j Sioux CT. 1 S i iit Ineiuried 1 o Ski,' 4 51 2 ST M S7 . M , a M 3 in 4" el 4S 42 42 r j 43 41 4 47 42 Si 4-1 XI 4 Bain- fall. ."2 .15 .30 !ao -21 . .IS .n -ST. . . . .00 .N Cloudy Raining Raining Rainir.g Raining rUin:ng 'Cloady Cloudy ruilnirg Cloudy Cioo" Raining Cloudy CkwKiy Cloudy It. Cloudy Cloudy tHoudy Cloudy Minimurn Ljeuiev iia a fttavir.ft na a it. bev . i. r a a me m K T . K. T r'4 . Mimmroel hr it .. . ' Nannnal Bleru'r N 11 r sr a. M : MAB.XIT ! "ew T re-.r., I S T . 0 a w ; k 4 1 V tri fcr-wlt an rif' Mall rnTe :mTiia lei-e-r 1 en4e Oaa . . . . P'luttt r c a at. 7"teira Coftl r iii 1 atm car - e-tnwan Palace i"a vi-.- .-.,,,. e. Fieei pnna -NE TOKK. May a T.jday a t ck mar- : iu4'ni ket no wed a.,rre dereae in the Influenr-e R.f. 1 ateai 'f the retv-ra , f aa.ea of large ineuea if 'aei prt ... AmerK-an aeruritlea anroad tmrh .rtrl.. laiand Co fled tr-.a market teeterrtav Var1..n mnril. i:an4 0 p't eratlona entered tnio line moderating of thla Influence, but leeeened appreciation rf the practical lm;iortance i.f the development n t one uf them. The market cioaed biu ant m uM reetore.1 confiderce There i apprehension at first that -eterday a rejxirta mignt have been exaaaerated in eereral particular Aa to the amount of the male, aonte of tr etimatee. mlncn aggregated art amount well m r a hundred millioni atrmined credulity. Late conf'rmat.in of the St Paul bond 1 aaiea animated the whole ma-ket. Or.e reaetn far mlthholdirg conf Irraatlon maa that announcements had been premature. leaving the cloeing up of neaot.ationa In complete. Another mod'fying factor waa the absence ct knomiedae of the ferma on mhich the aaiea mere being made. Broad Intlmatlora that attractive pnon 1 mere necessary tt enl at the buymg of the i foreirn hanke-s left open the problem of the f.na! effect of the iranaactlon on ex- , ts Vsrk Maaey Market. I "vina lasuea ana tneir current pnees. NFW TOPJC Mav a. MONET-On ca.i. An Impression got around a!ao that loan a ateadr 494S rer cent; ruing rate. 4 i-er new acci.ntiea aa col, aterai. , cent cloaira- hid SV aee rem: offered at J"a per cent. Time loan. eaer: aixty day and ninety da a. per cent; six Fairly Actire and Stronger. 15 TO 20 COTS HIGHIS t. Is. a a T 3d ?i. Levis W S' U W I l(a-hmfrl-4 ft. 4 1 S"uhen ra'fic . . , aouthera Rai'war rut he-n HftJ'wl' f4 ; Ttr.nam 1 (W . . Tnaa a Paei!i , 1 Tel . t- t- 4 W TJ.. Si t- 4 W fd I ra'oa racitle 1 I rlon rariflc p'4 t t nlt4 sva-aa mtt I I wtel Stales Huimmw X nl'ej S:a-a flleei I v. a atset rt j I tak ('oepar a anaah s. atkaan afd 'n Yi rtl .. . mesrem fn'sci wnee'-f a l-ss K'M Twal aa rs fa h9 fta ith th rather than outright aaiea. mould be found to be mvoived In eome of the renrted oi"-; a Liuur. x luu more peweni moonyir.f months 4i pe' cent factor mas the extent to which tha rap.d 1 PR ME MtRCAXTiLE riw ir. price yesterday and at the rpeii- , rt n aa uiierTvuniiia liie llvuriDif effect of the bond aaiea to fureigre'-a Ta airong return nf the Bank of England 1 demonatnaied tha effective recuperation of the inJon motiey position and Ita com plete i-eadiqeaa for the government faecal 'pera:ion for m-hicn rt waa prepared New Tork bankerg maintain an attitude of aome reserve regarding the outlook for money 00 account of tta extended condit.on of backa througn tha country. r'ubllcatlun of atatistics of tha rata at i which the pig Iron production Is being eut ! jw r w ve ! S a. 5jtjl(-t I ai )a 11S .-" '. HlUa - 4 m ' arn ... . )T ' t"i ": ; r;i i:s iA lu" w V t I aad )aallty Paar, mrltk Tra4e Ua if ITS : ijft J: -.' Mara Active aa4 rrleea L. . VN si., i -t seajie atrwager. ..J. sjn m m r A . '.hi f'"H OMAHA. Neb May S. fO . .. l.ww n-t Si". ; Recei;,i mtre. Cattle. Hoga. 4-eep. 1 . ... a. m -. a" Of tcial M ndav 4 . .i7 k.vm .. . .. IS " Official Tueadav .i " , ... (Official Weln-JaT ki .!? --"4 aid ... rs) - ITal.rral. Th,iea,-a. 1 llll . H"J V:':: ; .rA'J.',::"--V.Z Vc ?Z ex a, c r ; Same days J weeka aso. X.2it Sv'i 7 !? t i "-w hame Javs 3 weeka ao..i iV.'' i j !t p.me dais 4 weeka ago.. !"iX -" e1" 1 1 ; Law. s m H'SH , ame days laal year S-iSl. Z'.'li 1J.-M4 . i- r f! ! The following tin. ahows t'.a le-tlpts ! l"1 lm pf 1,,ti'- ,l SO'Jlh "m,-,a t "t , f' r th J'Fr tu ,al"- -onr'd wtu at H. 7. -3 tl 'yaar- Inc. J-'tC. taw t ,Catt;a I 1 M9 !t !- S: 414 . .. 171 . xt : a i Hoaa 4 "T.,sJ J";; iei-4i i.. l rS I '-s i is i f nwp a..l .-v.. - I , 1 4 ""a j 1 Cfcew .. U rjy r w, 1... likT;. IMS. lis. 4- 1 mh . 7V tt-,1 April ?: S4 6 rs ."ii.:.a tbar-a, (April ... i 7 1 : '? J ' ;Ap"l . T 01 & 34 1 11 . 1 Arnl 14 1 & - v1 Mav 1.... s : A 5 41 -4 2S S 1. I i Mav 2....J ms i 34 : n. May I...., IH, 7 8V I C ! ?7 J 1' I Mav 4....J C ftS 7 C4 jKlw S I May a . . US 7 0" i Uk . 1. - P'jeday. m .ft 4i at ... t : n 4 r" i' ": I t .. f 14 . .-si j 4T ,' :1 le I l at ; t t ' t , r : r ! .i :. r u. i -1 . r ? r , j ! 11. s . .. n ;. S (S 1" I I ' ' '"... J 'k 771 ti I J . . I 7 M 4 11 . J .a . . . s: 1 "1 : : 1 a . . , : . I 14 . 13 . V ." '. ! ... fe 4 IS" as- . . ! r"9 yi c . rr t 4 ' tf . ... 13" a 2 m a 4 ' at . . . sr . t re a,. bd r ' ' .. ! I S 4" ... X ... I 11 . t y 4 . . . ri . f 1 . . 1 M IK t . " 74 .14 "; . . IM IX ' e .. a' . t ' : . . r4 n ii 94 3A4 . 4 1. .-f ' r I4aak rf 4 i i 1 h IklAKll -Tii .1 : -.ana's !lt. e-. Te m-vv ,4.. t. c' -: : i, n i-rri a.-1 i '. . ' n .1 riM-ri 1 1 ; olfl' r 'C!' -std i..'l-i rir. :- ilt iv. s t.-k j.. I '1' ft.tw4.s 1ic e-' ni.i. s n.'H. re4foL rre-.t 4cut uDcra- Bed "Tie pr. l- .( ihr hoi.k a Iiat-'lllrs th. -tt is .Mi' Mr t It maa pi r ern:. , f - .1-4. b'll trv"ir",rl i?H-e- -sed. t; ssi. , .oxera- fn t4 c-1.1. Uat er ark Mlalag tterka. XKtA' TRK, Mav S ("'.,'nt .i i"itiont t;ie M.'ung exel arie fHEKP Supply lamne was hard'v tent cf tallies this morning very llnvte!. abcut half o cf killing sheep and larxe eno.iKh to make a Receipts wre the run ctn- sist ng of aUM'k that monl.1 !.k heiter in a feetl lot than in a packers pen. Bure 1 needed a fern fat etrnt-s. hm-fifi aid ' cleared up most of the offermgs du-irg K ' Leavi e 0 n . i Hr-inse "4 1 n t hirl . ... .' -!. rvtiiisi : m- an ' A.. bor1t ... n irn ... t crwi ai 4 11 ., ; Mrn -4;, far ... s." S'ft-1ar-1 1n -er 1ST .!. :artet UM4H GE-4EI141. MARKETS. ear'y rounds. Pr'.cea paid weie f-i.iy airadv to a llttie higher in eri Mexican m.. e1 lamba that went at tum yea-erday hrotight t f. wol4 wethers ree'.'.red fT .. and ni-n wethers charged hands at IT li In ouirT for feeder rr shearer strinps was not verv brisk and It V as men along In the ; morning before bjyers had bet-n found for 1 everv thing in IhJ.- 1 ne. For tfe mek si pply f'gurea do rot i't j up irrr oear'en. out ine ofmi'm itrq ern traile and siack demand f 'r rr-djet iftaale aa4 Faary Pre 4 art Prlrea Farm alake4 ky Batera aa4 " knleaalera. HVTTEK- Crerr.ery. N 3. 3 deuvered tt I the re a.l tiauc ui l 'ib. cartora. Jc. No. I in -ib tuba. -.; No. 1 in 1-lh. carlona. laic; iu riO-iti. uoa. :Tc. pji king atvx k. aoiitf I r'S. -''c. dirj In wl-la. tu;s. JSc. Ma: ket clang"S ex-ery Tjeyday. CiiiuilSR Tm ins. Jiiu -; young Armrica, Vjc, daisy. 17c, nrr.ii'i: ger. iao No. brick, iw.. No. X. L'-c; J'mrsl.c b.ock 1 .-r I 1 have resumed Ir sharp reiljctiona cf the eeeterr. markets. The f.vst t a j SwIm.. ?c: imported f"wis. t data mere the most disappointing to sh p- ' f Ol'LTHV-l'n sre I bro.iera. f dn rrs. the net d- line amiMint.ng t' j-m". I for tlonie. an'."; for 1 r,i sprir.ga. ale; on lamba atsd JrerSnc on shep. Clnrr Wat hen. li-. cacks. l"-tc. dcha. .'... geeae. time miOf) sugm 'nvpro em nt e apparent. iSc. turkeys, 2fc . j gcoi.s. pi r dug.. 1 J: PAPER iS3! averares. temperattira for twelve-bour period ending It I k. ID. DISTRICT S-TATl4N5. No. of Tmn RaiB- Siatlona. Max. M'n. fall XI - i m 40 IX 34 x s a u c . J4 C " M Jsj m .40 14 C 15 M - '42 CHICAGO CRilM ASD PROVISIO rj-lcea aa Baar4 at Tra4e. CHK'AOO. May &. Vodfertma crop dam age cnea mere neard today ail along Uie bna tram Manitoba to Taxaa. F reeling. dtnnesa and ineecta were a few of the ai-"lege-J reaaonn. J11 conaeuuenee pricea for wheat toada a net -advance here of Sto,c . to I'c. Corn flnlBhed 13c to Vjjj'Sc up and oata MfNo to Sia-"- Proviaiona . tnoewd u Be ha rig ad to XTc luaher. Official denial irtin uie iwrllngton rail way that the com j any had reported the wheat proepect tn Nebraska at 57 per . jsrnt and that arm era were plowing up Jundrada of fielda spoiled the unanimity or tna damag reporta. go did the Ohio ' state peport ahowingf a condition of two - pnuata betxar than a month ago and nine teen pouita better than a year ago. Aa a res-lit the' dose, although gteady. waa SJ 4e tinder the tow prloea of the day. Tha . aortbaaat waa parUcuiajiy builieh, much ' ' of the time and aent In reports of injury to tha aprouttng wheat during the recent freece. Many speculators were disposed to - T.ght ik a advance, asaerucg mat uie leaJ trg lorga were trying to make a market on which to unload May advanced twice aa much aa new crop futures. Scattered . buying of that option cavma from a promi nent long. Offerings of May waa very ' light. beptmber started V(Se daern. had -a tmw f IV and closed Stf'Vc up, at Si it:1. Tra?e was of email volume In corn, but prlcfs a-aJH-ed wltn wheat. Shipping de SBand practically Tamahod. Caeh waa , cuoted 81c "P. a"Hh No. 2 yellow at 0Q iir- September sold between S3-k'i32 c and 8JH. eloaiag steady at -,e. 1 . Timeiy pyrahaaea f Ma and July by wheat buiia influenced aentlment in the oata pit and helped vaiues Crop reporu rar, timon uniformly unfavorable. Jsep (amser sold fr'n 1"c to J and closed steady av -46a"ec. a net advance of -ftfl1- - ' r,iiiiaf a.SMSc advaace In live hogs. the bulllarineiaa 1n grain end the btg ahort a.a a lavSacainf trisra waa eonalderabie - iyyjinf of pro-rie tort"; toilay on the part of ajxTtj. but alao a good deal of proflt taktng n the advances. PorR closed I7V jjSlVrf fciglier; uncnanged to We higher --- and rrtve TrtfKir " fsaii-ne higher v 1 -'l'-f luturea ranged aa follows: restricts. Columbus .. LouisviDe .. Indianapolis ChK-ago Pt Louie .. reat Moines WlnrwsaTKlia Kansas City 24 an fi . Omaha '42 -M Cool weather cemtinaas throughout He corn and wheat region and heavy to killing frosts occurred last night In-all except the Onuiit. Kansas City and 5t- iouhi dlen-icta. Rains are falling in the Omaha aod Kane sas Oty disulcts this morning , L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Burr a a. YORK OEMEBAl.- MARKET Virloal Article.) Open. I High. I Low. Clooo. Yes y. Qaotatloaa af tke Oar Cobb aaodit lea. NEW TORK. May 4. FLOUR Quiet, anarnnoa Minmi Ca .. spring patents. Ti.2iVa4.ai; m inter atraigiita. Auauamt 4.atj4.5t; winter extras. No. 1. e4.otM.aU: t-hie. era . winter extra.. No. X. IX.7Sfl4.0i; Kansas rV int1 CnJrin "" straights. 4. ufi..Kl-. receipts. 21.117 bbls.; shipments. 7.014 hole RyffKmr. Quiet; 'Tn H ? fair to good. 4.24.4f,; choice to fancy, rariri0 t4.5Mly4.tlO. central Lealher tXjRN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel- central Laarher pt low. 1.41vl.4ii, coarse, fl.S4fll.3v; kiin dried, rhaeaeaaka 4 Ohie ... $3.25. rhiraeo 4 slim WHEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red. oeuun Gt. wast, naw llll. nominal, e. i. f.: No. 1 northern. 1 Ghiraro ct mi. pta. ll.iTw. f. o. b.. opening navigation. Option caira(r 71 market opened lower on toe cames ana i. - ' raina io the west, but rallied and advanced 1 1- ' . m? sharply on active covering by shorts and " " '""' commission house buying on further un- ,,7,.,, rM favorable crop advam.s. but 'ed a little J'IteV late closing ,HJTc nigtver. stay ciosea at 1 4 Huasoa 11 Wi' Jul'v closed- at H.12H; September, , panvar 4 R. C H.OrV Receipu. lCtt.2 bti. ; shipments. I pjanTar a 11 0 j.td ... 115. sos bu. I DtatlUera' tefswitlea CORN .pot market steady; aieamfr. iinc. Bna nomrnal. elevator, export baala; export. No. trie 1st pfd . 2. c. nominal, f. o. b. Option marxet was icn. aa sis wtlhcut tran-sactions. closing uncnangea 10 t1"""1 ire net advance. May closed at sue; July, Oraat V J'1--TISe: September. TISr, .Receipts. 7.250 bu.; J", vrm ahipmenta. bu. JiuSSareet OATS Spit market ateady: mixed oatjr 'SS.Si-liCi. ' p 2 to ti pounds, nominal, natural mhite. 24 (amauanai Harraeter t. 22 pounds. ii'c'4Sc; clipped white. 34 to ( imr.kinn r' 42 pounds. eS'-rcMc. Option market was ; tniaTinncil Paete ... without transactions, cioaing n'Mnirial. t international Pump ... ceipts. 79 3" bu. I HY-K7rm; prime. CIS; So. 1. I1.12SO ' : L15. Nc. 2. $1.00J-ti; No. i. VM.-(ggl.00. HOPS-4a!iiiet; atate. common to choice. 1 cmp. 22(j35c; 1!S. nominal; Pacific ctast 1 '.". !4lSc; JlKri. nominal. H1DB! wuiet; Central America. 23i823tc;c Bt'toxn, Si3c- I LEATHER-Firm: hemlock f!rta. 2H i 2jc; seconds. X3Si7e; thirds. 22jiic; re- jested. a:ic. PROVISIONS Fnrst.. flnr.f mess. C4 onifl 24 bu- family. 138 00(5 36-50: shust -Meara. K5.4S j a27 4L Beef, steady; mtssa. lli.U9alS; f am- I pickled belin-a. steady; pickled hams. I16.jtf tsi Ttrd. stronc: middies west, print, I 13 SOQUflO: refined- nrm: conuneni, 4i.a ,0. South America, I14.5U; compound,. $l.0(Jjl in :j prime cny, num., .tw; aow n proves a euro on speculative en thusiasm. Tha effect maa not perceptible on United States Steel, hut It was a con tributory influence to the weakness of the coppers. In contrast with the strength of tna general list Advances In passenger rates on some of the eastera railroads supplemented the ef fect of the notices of higher freight rates. Bonds we-e Irregular. Total sales, par vslue. Xi475.00n. United States bonds were unchanged on call. NurutxT of sales and principal quotations on stocks aers as follows: galas High. Lew. Cles. All-TaalBMew, pd . .. . 14 Amalgamate Tripper 44 Hat 44' 4H amsruma Airtc-shural lu 4? n 1 ameniws Baet Suar 1 S IX'w Arcnr1ua.n Ca W H" 1" Amen cam car 4 r . tan M S4i f.t Amenrmn counn OH Ml fcS 4 fci Ameriran H. 4 U. pld.. 32V, Jrs M AtneriaJi I -a er-inre .. Ml S H I4H i Amtmca.11 Laieil Urn American LoecaaoUva tn 4 47 American I 4 M.SOO 74"a 74. " Arserlcall 4 R. pf d . . . . " . Amtmrwa Steel PtmndHaa .. 1(a) M k t7. UnrlMi Sugar Refining . x. 1HS 1111 1H Amerlrmn T 4 T I V Ut1 Amarlran Tohcca p'd.. American STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual bua.ness In bankers htils at M vcl 4.a4ie for sixty-day bit s and at 14 K1 for deman.1: cunmsrHkl hi'.la. l4Si'ii&4- STUVrTrV-Psr. 54c; Mexican dollar. 44c. BONIjS Gaverntrent, steady; railroad irregular. Closing quotations on bonda folloa s: "(Vla'-Vst. 4S . . 1 israr M. twa i2HJrn 4 lOTltj a4 41,, likeK. r. s. 1st aa . 1)4L. S. eb 4 C.M1I L un 4s if g. ret Sa res . . . 4n ref. 2a eaupoa 4o kv raaistaies 4a 3a rVHapstl . . were as Piv . . 44 MM 4w AH lu 4?i 4 v JS aa) 101 .. IP" S4 .. : as 32V, jrs vm S H-e P1 4 " 47j . . M.SOO 7-ft 74. .. 1(4 U 44 . x.) utS . . 1 in un, 74 J' l"- 04 1 .. M'a ! 4l . lU.jKio l(lft f 1'S !U 1I li1 W-ft .. 2 7ra l.iv, y in S" -, .. u :mi 7,s .. l. in 14,'m .. it.! tr, 41 W .( 4 H'H y 4i i" rt l.lal pr, 14 ... id. so ik irv wo 114, fTH . .. 4n 4C 41 .. I ;s w la- .. -4 17ft 1 ... !, Sl !'- V 74 T Til sa an ... i. ? a win ,'.. 44 ..." i.r in" i: ! Hit 44 ...45" I ...4. B ' SS .. i.i Pa n iv i7i in. i-s u kOO 4444 44 4k, J4e ill's its nH M TS 1 'a t tki, " 4Sw rrv. 1 1JS, M 44 4o ta resiatew tt 4 eoupf.in . . ' Alll-Oialntra let a ' ; Am Arn. aa ! Am TAT. I lite T 4a 4i a I Annsar 4 cp 4,4 . IA-tnaon seti 4a ... de rr. te ....... dn rv. fia . . . . u r. u 1st la. 4 n. a l-.t ; g. W, HI, .... rantrsl of Oa. ta... ; Brwnk Tr. rv a ! CTarvrmi LawfliaT 4 Can. of !. i g. ta Oa. 4 O 4S dn ref as C. 4 A. C- B 4( ) 4.. . ' 4 gen 4 cfcl 4 H g. !a C , I. 4 P e. 4s dn rfd ta j Colo. In4 ta k'olo !'. 4S r. rwf 4 4i ' , n. 4 H. r. a I P 4 R . O. 4a 44 ! do ref. is SI i runnier 4 71 p 1. 4S do asn. 4a 71 j io cv. 4 Bar. A do t. B nt '-M , K. 4 T. 4a.:nrV 4o evi t'rt . .. 77V Ma. Paelrlr at . . . ,;naieN. R. f . .. sS. T 'ian. ri PS da deb 4s let 4 k " 4Vpa.. - t " t.: Omaha Parkina Co. l'V V. 4 K. rr. 4e. . . .Ul i:t and Corr-psrv Pece'r?t and d.spo-ition of live t or k I Union S'ock yard. South Omaha, for the tweniy-f jur hours f rded at S p m. N edres- ; day . , RECIPT3 CARS. ' Can. e. Hogs S.I p. 1 C . M oi 17. P Missouri Tacific Union Pae'flr . C. & N. v'. i-asti C. i. N. W. iwest.... C. St. P.M. O. ... ;.. U. A W east C , B. A w ' west t C. R. L P least). : . R. 1. P iwesl.i.. Illinois Central C. G. V Total rece'nts 2 4 7 :4 J 2l 1'4 22 S 1 1 a 24 4 2 t 2 2 1 144 M b'lt the oetter feeling aprsws a a troa.irr demand rarher than in higher prices Itesent vaiuea range from 2.V io .'V loei tian last weeks clofe on all ciasr of sto.k. Current price on iiorn 'i.nbi are lust about Tic less and prices on shorn sheep around ic less than va.jis on a.ivniai quality wool sit nrnei.tg. Ine foi omg quotations appiy to me latter cia-s ef stock, 'j-ood io choice lainov K I- 'uii :'. fair to gotd iambs, s Tj 10. g -d 1 sht yearlings. IT Ttotutt'. good neavy jearur.gs. 7i(9T75. good to choice wethers. -'.1 7 si; fair to good wett ers $7i.ij7jO. good io choice emep. g; 407.41.; i.r ta good ewes. 17 ii,tj7.4v. RpprtfuiiiiUvs salta: "jrrrr tQ-iah. U .4 per Jox ; L rj,irrv 1 rom .ta . Jiv. hens. 4 on iter Ax. ,'anry aquaba. No. 1. X." i) per d.ig. Alive: 1 to I'? lbs. Sis.-; 11, t4 t old r-oter. jOc. young lit rrr 4 w 1, S1 4a rv ........ ss ! Pacifir 4 ... sw 4n at Wi".. S. It. rt ta 1S Ptmn ev 4e I tiki 441, ,, rM1 t ssAtRaad'ng sen ls4t. U 4 . F f 4. 1N do fn 5a 4"S. U I W on. 4s 77 7w do 1st grid 44 41, 44 A L 4a 43V, tSo- Tarinr eel. at ft oofl 4t 44 i74k .I'lUVp 7 4o 7 do 4S" 7 do TSAk t'nioti at ref. 4ft R. is Parlfir 4 (Ten. Eier. lllinnii Ca. do 1st 4 n r Rnoaer r. a s-eH ; Va.-4-r 4 ttatl a'aisB let e I at a at 4i,Wr: Md. 7West. R'e- Ss . ta. ..1"! .. . - T". . l"i . l"w . . , . 1H 11 DISPOSITION H EAD. Cattle.Hogs Sheep tiki 611 Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour dr Co Schwsrtzctii'd A Sulxl Murphy, si ippers St. Claire B'nton Van Pant A t Hill A Son F. B. Ierrs J. B. Hoot A Co J. H. Bulla L Wolf H. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild Mo. A Kan.-Cai. Co. Cine A - nrirty Other buyera .. . : .).. Tn t.' . 7 -'12 Sif. .... 731 2.4" hr 21 1.H0X .... 4 ush 12 .... U .... M .... IS .... fA .... 17 15 .... 37 . . ,w .... .'42 ... , icTM No. Av. Pr 2k western ewes, shorn s4 75 14 wesi'rn ewes, thorn, culls K7 4 ') JsTi Mexican aethers 14 7 75 i Mexican wetcers. culls il 5 " 43 M'xican iamb" OR " 11 Mexican la inks 4 9 45 4H w-esiern we-ihers and year lings, atom 9G 7 15 CHICAGO LItE ItlM K M R KET Caltle lid Host Market Hlgber gkeep Rrnerlri 4endr. CHICAGO. May i CATTLE ReelP:.. 2.7X4 head: market hipher s'eers. JT'it 0, cows M..aT '. heifer. 4 2S7T bi.il 4. i.'S4.. j. calves. $2.tttj.; siorners a-.J f"-eoera. 4.7ila7..V1. H"JS liece-ipts. R.W head: rmrket 2 rrt TOc h gher; chiice heavy, $9 H."t&1i 7J. butchers. I !'.flf45.7l; light mixed. tn F.ijt choir-r I light. r.At.79: pack-ng. J 0is;j4,7'i; pi-s J i'Kf4 d0: bulk of sa:ea tawinVTO. SHEEP AND- LAMBS Receipts, inn head; market steady. sheep, y, .7a(r7 ... yearlings. 7.5f3 .;' lambs. 7.7;ni 1 S"; spring iambs. 10.'Hf 12,'K. 1st r. ...lss ta s Wis. JO. retinal 4a Pae. rv. at nfs kSv, ' 44, n Btastaa kiaeks iftd Baaaa. BOSTON May 5. Closing quotations on mining storks were:. s. AllMUM 4 ma I A. Z. L. A AHx. Com rlaiitle B. C r. A C ma.. B. A Cern. C. A g. Bona Ooajmotv . Calumet 4 Arts 14-" 1 ralnaaet 4 Ha 4 CafitaTWlial ' reppar Rang . Frank tn ' tul Butte ....... ! fitrstax don Oranbv Von Greens Caaanea . . . lete Reval Cop I srr bafta ; Lake CotPr . .... ! Laaall Co-pewr .. . ! Miami Copper 14 . 7H Hi", 24", IMS IS 7 t OMAHA li-iday were . 4 Wnhawk . 4Netda Cos . 3 N1rrsins Mines .. ..l4Hlortb Butte ...... . 4 North Lai ft . II nd TJioBMnion . lliPreMt IS. A C- . 1at,Oacanta . S7 Oalnrr .S74 Mta.'SHa'l . 14 guptaler - ttilitSlapaafr A B. . 11 Superior A P 7 Tajnaimck . T7 I 4,Catl 4 OH. . 41 C. M. A R. . 4V, do 4.M . 5ti t tah Cnnaniidaied Ht'ah Clipper . kl Wrnrma . II WMrenn S . 47 . . : , .. XI, .. :i .. StA, .. 1SV4 ..152 .. n .. lv . . :, -- .. :i . . 4 .. K4V, .. 44 .. 4H .. l .. 43 ..11 Baak CTleeriaaa. Mav 4 --Batik clearings for to XX.044.I H and for the ccrre- I apoding date last . IP were I2.o7X.S714 SI. Dun's Report of Clearings ' Mav Jure r aWpt. r, Corn , . May r Juir - ept-lc-Qata - Mgy .'uiy ept a . L'ec. lf.t May rjg'r ' epu rd Jtay Jilv 4 t-epi. Ji4 -May a Ju r " Sep;. I I (1 t V ii eitt4 1 lJv,' 1 ixe WS9H "a; sa-, cw- ie,-S''oV"r io. 'a-ai . iH, I I I 41N' 42S1 1 40 I A. SSv-SSII-Bt I I I 10S1 12SS 1 (B1, 1 4-l '1 1 02S4; I 1 lit 1 iS 1 01 : ! 57S., I 41Si 5sefH V2p tiTt. iiS,';3s1w 42-41S?s4 40 40S4jSi "S 51 SfB", . . -1 - bh :nj' I . i I I I ' ; 22 & , 22 10 22 a- T 22 TO !' 22 22 C 22 41 22 ; 22 i 22 H 22 77! 22 kw 5.7SS :ba ; full full TALLOW Steady countrv. PiaWTjC. BUTTER Steady; receipts. prices unchanged. CHEESE About steady. atate. cream, new average beet. 13c; state cream, new common. KHiai&llc. E(jOEasv and unchanged; fresh gath ered, regular -packed, extra firsts. 21V 22c; flrs-.s. 20621c POULTRY Alive quiet;. fowls. ITc: tur keva 10lac. Dressed easy; fowls. ir.43vic; western turkeys, 17t&23c. '11 12- 13 2 Pll i 12 ' -.' 4ft 771a, fj ft f. 13 H 12 NO 12 74 i I " 12V, I 12 77 1 13 US 12 77S 12 "V, I i 12 ! 12 K 12 12 12 57 S 12 M 12 T7. 12 B 12 -S 12 :-s 12 5TS -12 4i t'aeaft S'ldialwrfis- -tt as fo.loa s. FLoUR beit-r demaJ.d. winter pa ents. Ei tiJ 5 30. winter sira.ghia. M 7j ;i. spr ng rr'ghis. "K-3iiT4."S; bakra. Kkj5 '.4. KYkJ-Nw X. 774; TV-. ' ,-.UAaU-aiY-e'K4 Di.x.ug. 44'j-jtH.; far to t-buire malting. dTi63c. i.-p-rii Flax No. 1 so'ithe estern. li.TT-; N. 1 rsorthweatern. 12 42S Timothy. 4 2.. Oovef, fll.&. i PfcUVISIO.VS llr.'i potk. per bhl . 122 T7e 2XO0. Lard, per 'be., lili-'-p. "inrt ribs. ! alilea tluosei. r2vSU4. ttiort cnr nb : a.oxedi. $13 tCSilS-"i-Total clearances of wheat Slid fl.i ir wet , e4uA 19 2jH il ku Primary i-ece'pia wa-re ! 2-JOO.bu.. t-ompaied aith rSflWI bu lae i crreepjndtng' dav a year ago. j KaMinaied receipts fir tomorrow -. Wiiai . 1 . are. turn, cars; oats. 113 cars. honi-. k ) keavd. - . t-'hlcago Cash Pi ices Wheat : No. 2 red. , 11 12ri ii: No. d. COvfftl lJ; No. 2 hard. ! '. llStt S; No 1 kard. Xlusnlli- Cora., N. 2 ct. :;; No. I cah. iSiaftJlSc : N J ; 1 white, nfctr-tifc; No I wane. 4-imlc: N'u. 2 jlo. glftTSVpc; No eilow. i2iu2'i4:. ':a No. 2 wh.te, 44x54." . N 3 wn.te. i '1J4A.1.-; no. 4 white, t3-t:c; standard. , 44e4SC. ... 1U 1 TER Marnet attady; eregnrieries. 24 0 TV da leva. xuaJtr ' 1 EGUsV-Market fttemdv; at mark, caeca j incjutled,. iTfjiy-c. fioia. IK. pi im first. SI. Lasts Geaeral Market. ST LOUT-?. May I WHEAT Futures, higher: Mar. n ugrLllS; Julv. I1.4S: cash, higher; track. No. X red. $1.17 t-jil 1SS: No. 2 hard. 11. 4ifil.l7. CORN Futures, firm; May. glStJUSe: Ju.v. ta'-ac: tah. higher: trak. No. t. 44 I ((i'4V: No. X white. Txv&'iiC. i OATS-Futures higher. Mav. 4:!i,.-. Jaly. , 3i.c: caah. higher; track. No. 2. 421J42Sc, J N" ? Wl. te 4!il,4iS . . TTE Higher. HOc. ! FI.Ol'F. Unchany-d; red nlnte' jaten-s. l7i.:-KHr 70: extra tar.cv and s:riht. '."i' S .lc. hard winter rlear C 6752.11. SEF1 Timofiv -l4SJ50 coUVMF.AL- K. "RAN Ur.chgagt-d: aacked. taut tra k. $1 o in l 4. HAT Unci. ang -1 timothy, '4 S fjlvSO prai:-le $)0 00i 13 :3 B.5tIN'J T'.e. HKMP TSVINE-Tc , PRjl'VI.-IONS Pork sieaJ-: Ip'n-ng !22 2'. Ird. sieadv; p irre stem. li'.'ii 12 0. Dr ealt m, kts stetuiw: boxrd tin thofs. XJ4 27. i K-ar rb-, 3 4. h.u-t 1 r 14 'a. Pa-m str.t-lv l,td e tr iho t. 11". S i .tar -ib". 115 54: short clears. 115. 7a P O I L Til 1 uuiti, cil.oa.ui-. : spr'r.s. 22c. turkey . J7c uck. L'-g.: geese ;4kC. Bi TTLR-Lower: .-r-amer-v 24ti2"c tr,i;.- Lower. le. April Bank elsaringa make a sotaawkat leas faeorshle rnDpariaoa tbaa fax laeamt month a, dn main to sasaller sxraanges at Kew Tork City and one or two ether laaillng oentera, tha aoat laa port sot of whish Is Boston. Tbo aggrwgata hotrerer, of cities asjtaids Xw Tork is very aaavfavetorT, bolne far abees that of any plot-tons vmmr sad rafisettac rary aettro bualBasa 1b every aactioa of tha aottatry. Total bank exrtangma at aS aitiaa tn ti Uaired Stavles, aoeordisg to tko statafBeat lasoad by K. 0. Dca A Co-, whioh tncludaa IK lamvdlng eontars. amount saaiX1103.SSO,agkia4f 12 par cant, sa oomparad with last year sad of 7 1 par eaat, oomparad with the eatraapoBAUBf Baoath la 1906. At No Tork City there Is aom lass, tueariags for too axoatk this year agrwtracl( aavly H4l,KZ,m, a dsirsasa of 11 par eaat, eoeaparsd with laat roar and of 14 per east, osktipaisd with. I90R. This kafararabla abowlBf, haworar, waa eassed almaat eBtirWy hy stack tisa lsr stock market operatisna, barlnaas oa tha Exehaago for the majar part of tbo kaoBth rsselilag oaly lnaliBlBaant prwaortaoaa. Nearly all sitia ta tko New Eagiaad Stavkas axaka aaore or lass gala. Bosnia beiag the only lsapertaat poiat raporttac a loam, which hi probably 4 rC actios of the uaawtuew sttaaOoa la tko ooctea tadostry. Astacg the points where exxaaagea is tr tan it are Prwvldaaoe. Hartford, Now Bedford. Spring-field, Partlaa4 aaMl Wanaatac. Aetrre haafaaas at atany of the cities la the lUtidie Atlaakte Stats is ahowa by the large InareaatBi ia azebaagee at many of the store tasportant points ta eonpariaoa with both yean, among then, btatag PhUadaiphia, Pittsburg, Erie, Heading, Wilxae-Bame, Bafaio, Rochester, Albany, Wilatiagtoa aad WbesJiog, W. V. The Sooth Atlaatie Sis tea eoBdane U auake very saisfatrtory rotoraa, exchanges at praedcafly every important city being maca larger than ia either year, aad where a laaa ia revnrted U fat very laaigaifleant. Soma ef the oitaoa RkaAing gains are Baltimore. Wanhiagua, Eiebaead. QiarkwaoB, Savaanah, AUaata, Anguata. Maeoa aad Jacksonville. Ia the htidtila fleath, althoagh srsall loatee are reported at aceartJ potata, the gonatal sttnadoa is quit aadafaetory, most of the large cities reporting Increased returns, aad at boom of tkeaa the fLgwrta approach aow react-da. St. Lsalt, LtratariUa. Mobile, N'ear Orlaaaa, CTLattanooga, Xaaplui aad Koaxvilla are amoag the cities which report larger exchange, and whit there ia some leas at Galveston aad a fsw stasilor point, it is doubtless caused by eoadltitaBa ta the eortoa market la the Mlddie West proapsrtmt eoatlluoas gwaerallv prevail, reeaUcUi g ta a largo eol ame of ejenangas at aoariy every laadlag eoater, aad the single loss at oa auaer poiat, doe to local cause, does aot ia the laaut dotraot frokt the splendid shewing ef the whole. Aston g the cities RtakiBg inertia aad remras a coat pared with both last ysar aad 1904 are Ciratro. OawelaBd, Detroit, MUwaak, IadiaaaDoUx, Toledo, Dayton. Toaagisarara, tiraad Bf aids and Ka'aiaasoo. Ia tha Far West large iaersaans ara gwsaral compared with both years and those iadleate eery plainly eoatiauad programs ia the territory tributary to the eiboa reporting. At so dm ef thoat asehaagae are far ahead ef any previous eerrespeadiag period, eatable among them being Sr. Pool. Mianaapolia. Des Uoiae. sieax Cry, Omut, Wanses City, Wichita. Deaeor aad Sioax Fe-is. Oa tbo Paeile Coaat zehangoi are eery large, relloeriag active haalBoas ia every dirsctioa. record exchanges beiag made by Saa Francises. Lae ABgete, Pert-aad. Seat'Ja, Taoorat, Spokane and aomt other ctUaa. Tbo eompartsoa ia mad below of baak exchanges by secueas core-lag throe years; also the seerage daily figure for the year ta date : Pnt.l . X.l i-m CATTLE There was a very decefit run of cattle tnis mortin. 11 cars being re- i i ix.rtel in. This bfngs tha t ta. r.."T four days up to 17. head, aa against . for lust meek and 22 1 head ror a yea ago. While the market was a Httl- ! ' in retting started, owing to the s sidv fa 1 oi rain ail the morning, ill as a whole it was in preity fair condition ar.d trie 1 eljng was generally better than for the last ..ay or two. While the ran oi ram -a. Kaasaa City Live tock Market. KANSAS CITT. May S CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.5i0 ht-ad. includ-.rn 2"" southe'ns. market stady to l"c hiarhe- choice 'xport and dr'-ssed heef ters. IT KKVI.l'i fAjr to good. $t.2.''ti7 25; western siee-s $ 7 . 7 T." ; stockers and feedevs. i-i.01iK...r0: acrh.-rn steera $? 2f.i.7 isJ: eomhem cows. Hi'.'iiiT". native crws. 13. .Viti TTi . native hdle-s -40 tcT50: bulls. 14 2i7 eaive. H OfictSi. HO"VS Recelots. .0"0 hfad. market lVd 30c higher; top. IS Vi; bulk of rslos. I "'Jn 44: heavy. H Uf SO: packers and bitekers. w as rec gUed tt a: tt j f yfr 46: liarnt. $. S5: pigs. R nlMrv.TS moan hesvv. It would be a gTeat help to oeiaieo it.ni" as well as helping put the g.ound in better shape for working. W hen lhe trade was once under war the nsrket on beef steers was iu te active. u much so that everything changed hands at an rarlv hour in the forenoon. The pricea paid "for the desirable kinda of cattle at least were Wc higher than yesterday. Gc-kI killers sold up aa high aa f a T'ie medium grades of cattle, while not howirc so much advance, were at least strong. Cows and heifers wrs airo in very siw demand, and desirable kiuers were gen. r ally 10c higher than yesterday, with tht trade active. Common ana mienor tman naturally did not show o tnuch sain. Stockers and feeders were In light supply and while the market on feeders was nom inally steady, the few stockers here were verv poor sellers. Speculaiors all semed to have a few cattle already on hand and were not particularly anxious to load 'ip with additional supplies. As a result, the trade was slow and connderably lower even than yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers, r 2537 SB; fair to good cornfed steera, 6S 77tr7 25, common to fair corufed steers Sfc T.Van.75. good to choice cows aad hclrVra. IK. Will 00; fair to good cowa and heifers. V OOyCOO: common to fair cows ar.d he-fees l2.7i4iiS.7s): good tn choice stockers and feeders. CTSfi ."5: fair to gocd stocke s and feeders. It aJSiLUH: coinmou lu lair stockers snd feeders. 14 00; 00: stock heif ers, 12. 756-4. 87. : ves! calves. It.2iiaia.25, bulj, stsgs. etc, $5.75&'S-2u. Repreaentatlv sales: SHEEP AND ISiBS R'-eep-F 2 00 head, market stronir: lamhs. $tTlr'7"; yearllnars l 2J.(ii4 sl : wet!-.e- IniO'iTT.'. ewes, ta.iOeT.aO; stockers and feeders. $a.iSt 5 00 Jt. v PT p 471.1 4 40 IS WM i all , Hut 4 st'l 4 4f K1-.2 4 71 ;j 7il 4 Kl n m 4 7k Bl 774 4 IS a 7 4 ki i 1171 in 17 H4 4 IB !S 4 Vt I llHt 4 t I 1174 7 0 )114 7 OD 1 K-4 7 00 7tl T n I 41" in7 7 ft a i:st 7 l .lllai 7 1 31 )! 7 1" 31 i:as T IS 4 Ill t til 1 71 I Kl IT j Uu I 71 11(74 4 4 IM 4 7 1" 4 It 11 1027 4 t it: 1 7s 4 4J I 25 I M IS t It 4 i 4 7. 1 nl I Ka. Av. Pis 4 m 7 it 42 !25 7 Kl Ml IS 1 H lb t.4 7 S 4 llfcft 7 IM 14 llf.3 7 a tl 1S-JI 7 S a :".7tt 7 3 st l.mt 7 It to irtt J y tt' 142J 7 It 17 1111 7 kl ti I4 T It 4T S 7 44 II 114 T 41) X law 7 i 17 Iti 7 kl II 13!4 7 OI M 1X74 7 M Hil T II 1! 7 7 St. t.ooi Live Itark Market. ST. LOl'IP. Mo. May S CATTLE Re ceipts. 2 106 head 1-icJuci-ig 7T) T-xans; ma--ket steady: r.stiv ship:-1ng an i xo r steers. Ki7fnj; :: d essv-d b-ef and hute'ier attrers. 14.014 24; steer under Lt40 Mini". IS 7;.3lt.j0: sto-)cTS and feeders. MO0avT5; ialvs. t4.9V&i8 ,o: Texas and In-1nn steers. Id Tift. OP: cows and he-ifers f0015'. HGS Receipts. .7K) hea'- -i ri.-l 2 c' higher: pigs snd Urots. k OCa S5; racke-s. ! Is r l.TS: buuheis snd brst heavy. f9 67 ICjrs ,i SHEEP AND LAMPS Rece ris, l.'OO: market stesdv; narve muttors. tr 7 - v Iiiiibn. rS0n: rul's and burk. MifiS 0. stockers, $7 00CJ. roosters. ;tx , d.icks. full feathered. 14c, geese fj.l feainc-eii. tic, Urkrya. lac; Sun t a lov.lt ejc.-i. plaeona. .'.: per d 11 : , tiomrr. S-T ot) i.-t Jot., aUaOa, No. L tv-0-) ! per dog ; Nc 2 '-er. I FISH ia.l rr.ixer. P.ckerel. Sc; whiTef s(l. 1 IT:: pike, lw: tr-jut, ,1c. .a.-ge crapp.es. 1 71ic, .tnii."; nickerei. la, eri. ihc. haJ- djtk. IV. f louhvlt r s. ijc Frei-h ca;f;ah. Isc; tree'. 13c: buffalo. Sc; halibut, pc, wane perch, he. wbitcf.s.--. lie. yt.iow perch. I,-; ' hu.'l-raJs. He. hi;e bats. 17c. roeshada. tl 0 ench: s.ladroe. P'-r pair. ie; f.-og Itgs, j ;r pt-r dox I'.tnK i-'UTS No. 2 I- Irs. V.'ic: So. chin I;. S-:r, No. 2 rtnuk. 'lc. No. 3 cnuck. ("S.C N'o. 1 rourd. 11",.", No 2 round, lic No 3 lOLhd. : .C VLiJETAELKS. IRISH rOTAl ut?-M ipccnsin and nt. me. per bu.. i0.5r.oc. ColoiaJo. per bu., btta. SiH.i' SllEtT rOTA rOr.a-lvAnna. pef I'bi . ... CA hBAGE New California snd southern, ptl lit.. 4e. jNl" N' Texas crystal max, prr erst". (2. e:iuw-, per crato. I1.T5. OLD VKiJKTAHLLs-I'arxr ips. carrot, bot'.s. loiiilr. in racks, per ii . It GARLIC Litr faay. whit', per lav, 17.C. K'!. P'-l lb.. Itn. NLW MJL'IHEKN VEoETAPLEU P.AL'1SHE Per dor. bunches. 45c. TL KNli'S Per dux. bunches. jir. CALKOTS Per -dox. btinchea, ami fHALLi'TTS Per Uox. bun -r.es. oOc. PAR-LEY Per doe. btinrue. 50c, iittT; Per dox. bunhea. mic. C-PlN'ACYi Per bu . U lor. HOD. EvKi PLANT Fancy Florida, dox., tl afifl 2.00. TOMATOES Fancy Florida or Cuba, per ft-bsl: crate. is: choice. LT5. STRlN'i AND WAX BEANS Per ham per, about 25 lbs.. liouy.0u. GREEN" PEAS Per nan.per. C 50. CUCUMBER.- Hot house, per uox . C. 504) 2 00; Tea.-. per dox.. Too KOkiC 'IROW N VEGETABLES. Fl'lSliES Extra fancy home grown, per tif.z. biinche.. 37n-. LETTUCE Extra fai.ry leaf, per dox., tic: nead iettuce in hampers. U75. PARSLEY Fancy honie grown, per dox. bunches. wc RHUBARB Per dox. bunches. 45c. ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches. 75c liREEN ON 11. i.NS r-er dox. bunches, ZjC MISCELLANEOUS HORSERAi'iH i dog. in cane, tl M WALNUTS B.ack. per lb., Jc: Califor nia. No. 1. per . b., 17c; California, No. I soft, per lb.. He. HICKoRT NUTS Large. P lb.. 4c; arrikil. per lb., a -. CoCOAJiUTS Per sidt, 15 00; per doa, 65c S-OILS nil mu-i Rasla. CHARLESTON". S C. May Tnrper.t .re. firtr!; "TTtir. ROSIN-Firm: i,uoe. A FC T. eSq !.f5: D. 14 25.: E. S4 40ii4.5f: F. W-"Si4 S5. i. 1 4 1-3 1 i 4.70, H. 4.75; I. f4.H0; K. 5.40; M, ;.,i0; WiS, llf. '.f.: WW.d '.-7..i5. SAVANNAH. Ga . May 6 t iILS Turpsi tine. firm: ;!c: Sale'. X 4 hbis; receipts. S2I 1 hhis ; s:iipmnts. 241 bMs: 8 toe s. 5. :l St. Jeisepa Live ST. JOSEPH. Mav 5 - l.tvio heed: market stei TTT.: cowa and heifers. t.'.00G.s..OG. HiXJS Receipts. S.500 head: 20c higher; top, Ui.M; bulk of 5 40. SHEEP AND LAME5 Rec-ipts. head; market steady; lambs, 17 .."aiyS 90. bhl P.OSIN Fi m: i-a7es. 1 4"0 h.hls: rrc?ips. 2 OtS Will: shipTiertf . :"0 I Ms; siorks. il.O'.i M is. Qu ite: P. i3 7". 00: T. J4.10: E. 14.50; F. H.50ti4 i5: . 14 S'ij4.To; H. I .T0S4 S"; I. f-4 :: K. IS 10: M. tiSO, N, 5 .; WG. 15.75: wyv ss ui "ATTLE Receipts WI 1..M I N TON. N". C. May 5.-OrS-idy; steers, T..tl? Spirts of turpentine steady; i.Tc. C.;O6..50; ca.vea. Rt jSIN Nomi-ial ; re.epts. three 1 bl i. (Tar. firm; 20. receipts, twenty Mils, j Crude turp n-l-ie. firm; 3.u; 14.70 and .50; rtceipts. I lur bhl. Sltaek Market. market lT.ia sales, $3 2.14, l.O"" ie-l Market. NEW ToP.K. May 5 MET L-S an-'srl copper mi dull on the New York Me'a' ixchanse today. Local deairrs q-jote 'ks Stock la Sight. T-l A :.. 1. a M- . , t 1 r,,y-::::::::::: i? ? ! Ti TO 1-1. it'tus 1.HV o 1 n ij . Chicago 2.D00 S.00O 0.W Toils lL2-' 30. V4) lv.2f0 1... 1 11 ... t.... H.... it'... t ... EJFER1 M ... 4 . . . 72 . 4 441 741 11U XMI .14 . '-) . M 74U I 11 COWS AXU HElrf.llS . . 487 i :t k 40 i 7 i Ti Tt ( 2 4 ti 4 4U 5 7S f) 4 ' I iKl I S Flour, bl la. Wh-at. bu. Con. hu. .. Owt. hu. ... . co 'n. i . 4 i st - . 200 Shipments '."4 41 Til" 0. "i . w 1 4 kaiMt Clip 4rala st4 rrai islaas. KANSAS CITT. Mav lWH EAT May. II dta, eellcrs. July. B it bid; tsepiemoer. sSia'c bid; cath unchanged to lc higher; N.i. 2 hard. H0li ia. S.i 1 17 OSiJI 1.13. N i. 2 red. 11 .o7Si.li; No- X II HSJl 10. t'OhX-Mav. tft,,-. seoera; July. QV. Sptejroer. tsic. fc.d. a.h 'inchanged; No 2 m xed. No S r-"jTVr: N"x white. t "H ft: SK Mar kit eteavdy; daisies. 14',! CSs-; No. 3. ii2Sni2tkC. IV. twins 144p Ui4r. .v ouug Americas. 14 ) tiATS 1'nrhai.ar, No. t h.:e. 4445 47c; 41p" torg horns 4lTj:Nc. , No. 2 m xed. 413c. TATOES ;-rwet easy, choice to RT F-7'.ijT2c ' t..-e VS;e- fur 10 g...d. TiBJV-. . HA Y-1 nenar.-ed mtli -e t'ltinihv, Ee s-ll"LTH V Mj-Wei eleady. lurke s. 15c, ' 14 54; croi.-e prairie SitiTbdi: (at." .'hurt ftenrrmwraa. ic . - nAl Market eaawdy. " to S lb wt . k. 41 to 45 lb. at.. !6cc. st to V. lb. . art., spemo Receipt a Tvtay Whrat 7 cars; e. rn. 44 '"ters; 4Stta. 31 eatra. kUt mated -.omorrow: Wheat. II car, corn. 19 car-, vtwu. 113 ere. "- " APXtL 11I. lot. r.c. lPng pc. Sett gagiaitd grfljl-.-j.-KHI gaij.ill.llT -7.0 ?T I .Ail .01" ! MiHilie .... 1 ft.oo.V-tj I pun.rHljlJt -lj I 4 Tel.'ltS -e . i a. ait. ItittUr ?1...iei iT ;i. : 7V s.l .111 :.4.4k.,ou eiu. tx.ulAteiii t.ti oi' I 1 k"T3Tij4T --111 !..K.lUit cet.lia. Weal l.'ii.TW-.tt'-s 1.".41 J..H 1;:.7 l.ll"T.n4.tiAS -!I7 4 Walari -..ivtl.oij f.MJU.T .It, jlivitT SiT -t-7i-4 Purine 44i.jliti HUiilat -t-rx.o jtrjJiJilT . -IT. ratal Ot.iue J41.S-.4 e..Nrs,lciJ.114 11 4 44" .TI7.v fill lara l.ly e4l.i,n.-.17i a.oU.TXi.1177 St s.Ml.XJk.MT il 4 CB.ttad eialae .. lli.ll.e.la.il gil SlTl.TPl i i Ht.MtFJtfJ.MH T 7 A raraat Jaiur : iiti gijj.oMiooo aag.Txiiaai 4- is mkJkoaotw a Maira & 1 . i oou l l',' i.ut ! .t 7-..i ft-14 1 fetintary l''l ..VI oil oi .-.7.o.l ln4 4i. T-;-.ji,i 4 4 Jtaainry eeiaiiaio kj)tjuMMMi t o &i,0lkjiuo -4 a Tory larg esrhsages are reported be St rauL Sflnnaapolis, Des at b. Sionx City, Osnaha. Kaasaa City. Wichita. Deaeor. Sioax Falla aad other eitiea la the Par West, refloat lag e aavrlsfaetory eoiamo ef entreat boaiacss ia that sertioB. The Igurea la dercil follow : BULLS. i 4 c :2k 4 CALVES. j nt t a 1 T Ti 1 .... a: t ! I t n, jjj at I U I I i .. ir :i ' " bTOCKERs AND FEEDERS I I 444 I Tt It I7G t 'I . i . .'....... ! 4 13 ..". T4 t 411 I It 13 I IS-.-- Til t Ml STKEF-t AND HEIFERS. is ktt 7 tt J HOiJ." Shippers fllli d s good many of I their order at the opening this m rning : at pricea that were just about l"fl5c higr.er ' than yesterday'a average h g trade, pack ! er d.d not need much urging u get busy. however, ana a lively market resulted at i f.gures that stta.y improved through out the session Saie on the extreme cione looked to he about Bi4125c h.ghe- than thoae . of vefiterday. but the bulk of hogs ciu.d hardly be quoted better than 15ii2oc h'gher. ' At tnia advaJie. order buyera dropped out of tn trade, moat of th offering moved to packers' pens. Movement waa very ac tive from start to f.niah. the total atipply of 4m head changing hand at an early hour. More encouraging reporta from the east and a higher trend to provisions vaiuea . are generally ascribed aa the main reuse. ns i for trday'a sharp advance. ' A large ehere of receipts went at (k 30a i 1 26 aa eompared with yewifrday'a buik ot ' " la- Topa were marked up 2hc. the i peat hogs ir.liiii at II 35, ttepr aentativ aa.ea: Uda atorkv Slarket. LOVPON. May S.-Amencm securi'ics opened f rm S to 1 point over the N"e-.v York 1 cioaing of yesterday. The market furti;. improved on fair buying, but ca.std off in the absence of any change ,n the Bank of ng:and'a rate. At rwion the tome was quieter and prices nrt ' to i'- nigher CotisolB. money do aueosat... Amal. l"4Pr Anaccnda ALChiaoa 4 ptd Baltimore Oh n Canadian Pacific. Clieaaaaakft O Cll.rM" G 111., Mil. A St. r If Beers... ... . Lamtr A Alo ii-. da ptd tna do ' si ptd .... do to pfd Grand Imr.k 1. lit. Oil I'MVTa! SILVER Bar .141 .. i:. . .12J 1H4V, tlv-Laniievill 4 N II 11- ta., K. 4 T . .. s:N. T (antral.... . .. fcHNorloik 4 W .. .11744 40 pld ...let Ontario . 112V4 Pannsylrinia ... . ,Ran4 Uicaa . Ii7-, keatl .r.g .. tt Southern Ry it: an jra . 14 Suuttiam Ptnif'.e . t!'V,l.i,ion Pacltie... . tn do pld . f 8. Steal ft do pfd . 44 Wahaeti : ao pfd ".it Sjiam'fth 4f quiet at j-,d per oaticr. MoNEY 21-3 per cent. Th rate of d.ecount In the open market for anon aad three months' bo.s is 3: p.r cent- don, lower at 12 s d The Amrl an Smelii g snd R-fin ng c mpanv ha re duced the price rn iesd from 50 to J4. 5. Sp-lter. dull: May. t4 3:Ji5-T.; New York nd spit st 14jl!0. c4i.l St. Louis. Ion don, unchanged at 22. Iron was lower .4 3d for Cleveland warranta tn Londoo Lo--a! market quief: No. 1 found y north-rn. t 7.2u-lh.Wi: No. 2. t8.7T.-gi7 SO: No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern ecift, ti7oJ17s. Cotton Market. NEW TORIv. May 5 COTTON Market nnened steady an advance of & llecung a contin t a decline of 4 points to points, near months re ition of jeeterday a scat- il v I termg Uuuidation. w hile. in spite of 4 44 favuiahle viev. of the weather msp. the 4 I new- crop mas higher on covering and In 4 ! ri.pine to betier cable. Bull leaders T.'" ' gave the old crop support at the opening t!. I l.gures and. a offerirgs were n-.t ag ; ( grrst-ive. prlrea acKin f1rmd up with tno i latter pos tiona. a i Spot cotion closed iiiet. 5 pointa decline; m, : mlddiir.g uplands isyr; middling gralf. I2 Ui.aiic. Saies. U0.400 bale. 4 4 ti" Local Secwrillea. Quotations furnished by Samuel Bursa jr.. 114 Kew Tork Life building. Omaha.- But Aar Btr.e Crtwmerr. eon City ot Owiak 4V,. Ult CiKia&r Parking lb. t Luns Ueil Uuailiar La ft.ep.-aai.a T4. tlork 4 par cnt i No- Pimttel Vaiiej lm. Co. fta. liuli Omatia maiv Co. U. Hit uniaa alar C. bt. 44 j On. muttr Co, 'S pfd , i Omaha Gas to, Ik; I Oaaaua Oa 4a. 154 : Omaha R L 4 P U. lull ( Oman C. L pld i pr oaal i on:n St. R . ::: , omasa 4 C. B S'.. Rv. !. IDtl , umana A C B St. By. p'd bmatia a r. a. St. kr. cum unuu. 4 C B Rr. B titd . ( PaaUla T. A T. i. -117 i kami Oman Sa. ctir trf kiotix C-tr at era Tftras pfd Tofiak Sr. ta. H50 Lu.vib ttuc JaJ-3 atoui, g. 0 .. -, .. lusv, .. .. Ms . . I .. 1 .. HI .. 12 .. .. 11H .. - "4 .. nit Tl lilt rr I lot ! i ! I itn ; 44 14 w t l.o 1.1 , 4 " 4ft H aft m Philaslelpkla Prodwee Market. PHILAI'ELPHIA, May 6 BUTTER D"'l. unchanged. EiiKJS Firm, good demand. Pennsylvania and other nrarhy firsts. 22c at mark: Penn svnan a and other nearbv current receipts, returnable cas. 21- at ma'k; western firs!.. free rases. 22." at msrk; mestern cur rent re. elpts. fri-e cane". 21c at mark. CH EESF Steady ; Nm- York full creams, old. ITS-'i 17e; fa.r to good. liVM7e; choice new. 14'c; fa.r to good new. l.'Ctjltc. roffre Mar' el. NEW TORK. May a. COFFEE- Clo"d un. ! angrd nt. to p4!iis hteatr Ml vtt-ri. reported t if 4 7i00 tag : r'-r Uig i ' i follow: May. 5 40c. June. k.-tc: Julv. 4. or; Set-ten.l'e-. IV: t.tober snd N.vemh-r. r. 1 - Iecemher "Tc; ,Ta,-iuv. r e. F-tit-i:arv s:c: March. .icc; A"rl. e4c. Stit c-.f fee. itr et. N o 7 R o. Skc: Vi. 4 Santos. 1! Id. quiet. Cordova I'aUae. Mlaelt ral Market. MINNEAPOIJS Mav I WHEAT Mav w . 4wv- JUT. 17S. Sepiemher. fi iift ' 3 1V No. I ha-d. I: is. No 1 eiwin- i f3. IlllOl ll, No. 2, btrthrtB. 11 ft,l lu t-x . , rrito. ilRV-Nit. yelloir r-.-.t 1 t" T No, 1 hl;e A.ftii-.' 'f"0,NI- 1" pound aacaa. all .-tli25. i FL0CR-Ce,"t pateata i,la wjott t a h,J fa fa !! ai7 .". PUTTER Unchanged, creamery ex'raa i 2 ; f:rts. 2ic. s-conds. Jtc; packing slock 2kc. EtO- I'ncharred . current receipts, new . case. 35 25- m.eceliatieo-. cases. gi s: eout aern. 4"4; storage packed 17. T4. " Rie't'it i4hipn-nte Wheat, bu 2 a . J2... Corn, hu , . .. '' iMi, (Oats, bu " .;.-"' i.. ailwttkes airalta Market. , Ml LW A UK FE. Mv S WHCAT-ftVo . i iiiier" all:'l 173. No 2 nortr-ern. 4L 4-Sr! i I.",. J il tl eS Fl 4-l"K-tI:ghP. 4 CiATwt.-wc . j BA.JLLET-cAir.plea tSvf3 -"tC Ara.i. e. faM., ihsa kt . e-ftwa 1iv faftVafttpaTX . C4ar i.ai it ... i.'tKia. Wlli 4 epem ..... . m. Ifteftrave tleiaraaVaSpa.. Pnetiat . . . Par. aassis Faua OaMkk feasa totaL 1111 gfci.s: i.Tim 4u.T' 1.J7 I l- .. 4 J la.stie t-a 7.'.:-.JT eiil."k4l tl .iT t 4 al.-k4 ..iC.. To,..,., i 1 MII.44 .". at l 4 ljVTi". O'l laftl 4,laOft.l 3 ..1..I t 4 1.-1 1 six. I -Jt 4ts4AtSliil 1410. g-3.al.jIS .lli.l . IS 1.1 Si 77 1 lOe.n.PTl .-.'T. ' .' 1 .!" 5t So.lel-.l o. I..HS l jtr at. t a.-1 4.i 1 1 i:;.7 fi lie.. 1, . .'I: .-- h- ' ' r.- 1 f - I xJm 7i 3Zj:aas7 PC. lSftet. ui a. '... Tt tin i: i.-oit ft 17,1 llfi.4l xi4 7ja;.s.i7 els 4 k.ilk.127 . t.4;.i- tl I 4-l.T45.4l Vki SU.te.i...Il ioUUlio ft- 4 4 IJUKUJ. "7 ' 4 4.41s. J1J 4 1'il tesO-tkl ftiae V.t.4 17.. 47 :'T7.21 io t i r:..!.:,") eiit 1 .'t-i.'.tol S.t lAtl.tVSS 7 lit aT5T -r-27 PC 1 f 4e.g e j 1 7 4 111 els T l-ii 4- 44X Vii'i isTT o 42 4 Tg ft 2 4l 11 ft 111 t "7 w. v In. Pr it a Sh. PV. I 7 .... ft 4 I 7 mi . . .. 2n 1 I J li tv ... lu "..... i 4 jn as I"t i s tw g, , 7 :4 I" II" at ;i i u it t ti 24 u t at ,7-. . . ;i7 . lit 11 .. tt ... m 44 ... E 44 I 1 I t fl 74 71 li I 74 1,4 4 t P 74. -tft ll P" ..lH IJ , st ..... :-j l i ri j; . 4 ? j 77 174 iatl I l'l 1. T2 . I p 1 ...'... I"" ' ' 4 14 IH ;t T4.. tt it k 7 3J . . e ! r 47 I ' M 7 1 I 77 . at Sat .. . I It It l 4 I K., J 4 . . . r 74 . . . MIS -, ... .31 . . I ! f 44 1H , I.. , 7t X.'7 111 77 . . -M . a 11. il 11 17 .... . I Ji I 7 l 4 !2 41 lift tg I t ! 7 . . I 4 . I .! t "l 1 it :t . v. "i f ... I it li Xv .- -i i ... 24 17 at tear York, lurk Market. The following gustations are furn:i,ed by Logan A Bry an. 21" South Su:een:.n atreet : I Ivrrpael Grata Market. '.IVFRPOOL. Mv Ti. WHEAT Snot, dull. No. 2 led western winter, no s o k Future, oulei . May, 7a2d; July, Tsl'-gd; Cm- otir 7s i1.!. i CORN Spot, ease, new Am-lrin irlx-d i nort l-.em. 6 2d : old A men an mixed is 74 i Future dill July, nominal. FLOUR Steady, winter patents, i asy, 1 2d. Bar State Ga b.MS'.n con Butt Coautui Cam u rhlnn (lrf Can . PVIMt Daiit-l'ftT gift llrl 1 rrankiin F iliroua tWi!ne4d Cim .. GoiLfiVid SitirwDov Go.dfitd iJaiir c,rn tana.iaa .., '"li ln.ft.oatifal 11 ltLar..a . . l"SSn hi.. 1 S-i4i.hio t opiier ... 41 awia aol.tiiA 1 11-HP.ai (Vnira' .... .. . . II Pw-lff pt. t"a .. 12aeara. kaentuk (' .. i'.-tsili-er K-ng loalit, 7 aftiperme a Pitta. . I Tanas Mining... tTnuitr Cpptn-... . . 7 - ..4 j . . Wl S 1 II , t:M ! , '-T-4 J ..74.. v Oaaaka Hay Market. OMAHA May 5 HAY No.. 1 Ik 74: No. 1 f. 50; packing U 50. Siraw: Wheat. IT. 5"; rye and mil. I 5". Aifa.fa. Ill 50. Th supply of p.xjr nay la mucn heavier than lhe demand an.l low pricea prevail. a Sasrar aad Molasee. NEW YORK, Msy 5 SUGAR Raw f'im; muscovado. 1 lest. 3KT.c; centrifugal, ii lest. 4 ::...-; molaaeea sugar. 49 teal. 3 iec. Krfined quiet crushed. i.'Mtc; granu.aied, 5 27k-. pow dered, i .H5c. I Teeaaarr Olatewiewt. 'i WASHINGTON. May i - The eon ii I m of th treasury at th i lose of burn -at today was at f 11 ws: j Trist Funds 'io.d con. H t "1 . ttlia - doi:a-s. , 0 1 . s I-er iolir' o m. tllieOD tilt:- certl'ciie- outsian in '. tee 3i it. Geeie'a' Fund-Standard tivr dol m- ,n iiteil fund 37. i7, cur-."' limine. liailliri: workin la an f in ir-urv o -if r.. IT'S'ltTi, It ons I, r tit f Jtre-sury of th l'nil-4 tSa-et. IHkU.'l; Piano Player Co, SELL TO HAT0ENS Their etuire stovk of Pisn4. Plsy ers. Placer Ilanoa snd Planti Player M .ie.c tl.uk w ill Ue pJ. ed on am -turuty.