The Omaha Daily Bee. The Bee aims to print a paper that appeal to intelligence; not to an appetite fur scandal and sensations. WEATHER FORECAST For Nebraska-- Show it. I'nr Iowa Shower. For west her report ace pace 5. VOL. X..lX-NO. jt;. OMAHA, h'KlDAY MOKNIMJ. MAY f., IIHO-TWELVE I'AUKS. SIMILE COPY TWO CENTS. WATERWAY 151LL Danville Miners TAFT SENATORS ADVISES TOWERS TO KEEPAT PEACE CAUSES ANXIETY i Drive Workmen AttE LINING UP i I ' Forty-Five Republican Members Join J Ie asure Incites Fear AmoRs Senators . Who Have Appropriations for Their Districts. from the Pits I Colonel Roosevelt Suggests Interna tional Agreement to Check Growth cf Armaments. 1 in Movement to Formulate fiew Three Hundred Men March on Shaft and Force Men to Quit Work Short Fight at Kellyville. Legislative PropTam. WILL SWING THE BIG STICK FORCE TO TREVENT WARFARE HEAR PRESIDENT WON'T SIGN Believe Action Hinges Somewhat on Railroad Legislation. RECALL ECONOMY DEMANDS l.Ai Would Justify Veto, Assert Some at Washington. BELLS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS Senator llorkrll Introduces Mrurr Providing; fur Improvements - .llrCunk, Wjmnrf, Alliance lid llriihrti How. I i From a Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON. May B. (Special Tcle- yrain.) -MembMS of congress who lime ap- i.rupriatiuhs for their dlmricts pending in I " ! il, a nvfr and harbor bill aie worried They hia- time and again that Picshlent j Taft will not sign the bill unless the rail road bill also is cmicted In pome shape satisfactory to the administration, i The fact that this piesi.Unt opposed an j Appropriation bill for river and harbors at this consuls on the wound of economy la recalled. It would be an ea;;y matter for tlio president, according to the view of mmibers of t-oiigreJsi to Justify the veto of the rivers and harbors bill on the ground thut economy demanded it. From what tan be gathered at this time It appears that the conferees are willing to agree upon $0.ooi,fiO as a maximum total for waterways this ar. Instead of the $52,000,090 carried by the bill as it passed the senate. Members interested in the rivers and harbors bill are uneasy over the prospect of obtaining executive ap proval of the bill. The recent develop ments in the railroad legislation program have not served to allay their fears. There is hope iimonit friends of water ways that the president may see political phase of the waterways bill. Supporters of the measure say it would be an unneces sary handicap for the republican party to so before the people In the fall election with a record of bavins: defeated it. They my the party would undoubtedly be pun ished for such action. Members of the sen ate committee on commerce do not expect Senator ISurton, who mad the minority re port, to press hi objections to the bill be fore the ptvsldent. Senator Iinrkrtt Active. Senator Uiirkett today Introduced the fol lowing hills: For erection of public build ing at McCoik. $l.m; for pun-base of site for public butetliiig at Wymore. $10,000; for purchase of site and erection of public illdln; at Alliance. $!S5.O0O; for purchase of alte and erertlnn -at public tvtitMIng at ltiokken How, S1.TS.OU0.' : Senator Crawford today secured passage through the senate of his bill Increasing the cost of tli public building at Huron, S. I to S1W.0IW. Tiie senate has confirmed the nomination of John A. Hays, to be postmaster at Nor folk, ami William K. Morgan at Greeley. M. Limb of Lancaster county, Ne braska, Is appointed scientific assistant In the forest service. Tin, secretary of Interior bus affirmed decision of the commissioner of land traffic in appeal of Charles Pec, dismissing his contest agstmt the homestead entry of Henry K. Mct'lemenl In Onelll land dis trict. Similar action was taken In the casu of Emma J. Dickinson in the same district. The application of F. A. Met.'oi nack, C. IX .Young. J- t'ohurn, J. C.'Noruce and W. 'T. tlraham, to organize the First Na tional bank of Laurel. Neb., with $to.0uo capital has been approved by the comp troller of currency. ltnral cai tiers appointed: Nebraska-Kiemont. Route 1. William J. J'almer, carrier: John II. Seaton. substi tute. SeottB Hluff. Itoute 1, llattie M. Von f ui ell, earl ier; no substitute. Iowa West Side Route , Krnest Siegner, Cai rlt r; Miianlus Ki aeht, substitute Momn i.aKoia-M-nngion. imute u, Mias It. Bennett, carrier; no substitute. Ve-tmasteis appointed- ! A.,vn-t-roion. countv. Winfield Scott. uU A. Harlan, ictonocd. ' sVtjth liakotn Canning Hughes county, Moaoii L. Sum o, vice U . s. Nye, resigned. Uitora at t .:.itl. No-rman T. Mason o leadwo.. l. S. D , partner of K. pi esemaiivo Martin, is Washington enrouie to N.-w York. V'dge George Carson of Council Bluffs. ! la., i Vi3so:ngton. , I.- T. Peterson was endorsed by Sen- ators Brown and BurUett for postmaster at j iosriON. May t. King Edward Is suf Sheltorr. Neb., vice 1'. H. Iteed. who has I fering from a severe bronchial attack. His d.'cllned to b? a candidate for another ! ,naje!,ty has been ccnflned to hi room for i two davs and today his condition wis such Judge Walter I. Smith of the Ninth Iowa ,nat he was llot abe 1o B0 t0 the railway cong.esslonal district will leave for Council stati0 to met Qvl,en Alexandra, who re Bluffs next week to remain until after the I ll.riP,, ,nU afi,.rnoon from til.- continent. iuo ,.,..!,., v.. ... ....... n.s presence l an- huiuieiy ueeoen in i usoington. juoge mIlll Is receiving encouraging news from his dis- ii ici, out oci.eve mfli u lour over uie same will help matters considerably. In-Mnil Itlll ''a -. Congressman M iguiic"s bill providing that li'olan lunds m ar FalU City, In It chai dson nH'iity. Nt biasku. be Included In the Ne- I it, aha river drainage Improvement now be- j ing made, parsed the house today. The im- , liMitriucnt work is lii.u in oi-ocesv b it I until the Indian lands along the river were included, permitting thin Improvement and astersmtnt, the whole work was In danger of delay The improvements ,-tre u'o of advant:ti;c to the who desired to be ineliule.l. rut this coul I be don" only bv act of con- K!C?. Th" m ,i.niil t .I-, nuur.ui.,n,.td . assessment to be made not to exceed $i..Vj per acre on j ouch other bodies of water as aie fre Indian lands and to be paid from JPW.OiW 1 iiuenl' d or s ipio-ed to be f rooiieiued bv f tribal money aC :rasury. now in the United States DAVJp COLE READY TO BUILD Mfll l-:rect rw Home Creamery ' I'nny nnd tit'd tor- aae Wnrrhme. , Pavid Cole Is pterin lug to t-io-t a new "Ikht-sUiry cold stol.uie boll. lieu ii tl, orner of Tenth and Howard 1 reel. - - - .,.. i.u.ii. i. uo li ra on tlio lot lias already begun. Th ,v building will be used In connection th the David .Cole Cit-uinrry company for id storage pui poses. The propcrlv was mvhascd to -ais ago. at which time i - ....i.. u..t ii.,.. i,., ...... ... . .. ... , : , v v t U , u yu. uy . new t Vitldintf to VM lANVILMv lil.. May S Three hundred miners if this city marched on the South Westville coul mines today, declaring they w ould drive out the men who had rrtiirned to work pending an agreement between the strikers anil tlvir employer. A riot If lit -catcm-d. Many families In the district ' tn I ." .tapeilit- hprailRA of the shutdown or the mines. The sheriff organized a posso to start Immediately for the scene of the trouble. ! The mines of South Wentville are cisht mi'- couth of this city, on the Chicago & -? rn Illinois railroad. f. re the posse had started a t"l phon , brought the news that the miners : ft. 1; at South Westville had flrj from C on the approach of the mob. yvllle there was n short but no Inn were V fc Inv! fired and no one seriously i Invading miners then moved on I the lion mines, two miles youth o' ; Sunt. , i llle. i j, - ,1 Bic avfor Knights ! of Columbus Mitchell Lodgpe Will Initiate Class of Seventy-Five Preparatory to Grand Lodge Meeting. MITVHKI.U S. !.. May 5. (Special.) Next Sunday will be an Important day In ) Knights of Columbus lodge circles of thtsj city, when an initiation of seventy-five can didates will take place. Hans are being laid to entertain fully 7) representatives of the order, coming from Huron, Water town, Sioux Falls. Aberdeen, Iead and many of the smaller surrounding towns where members of the heal lodge live. In the morning the delegates will march in a body to the Holy Family church to attend mass, for which a special program has been arranged. Bishop O'Gorman has notified the loral lodge that he will be present and will deliver the address at the morning service. The Initiation ceremony will take place In the afternoon, when the seventy-five candidates, will be put through the paces. ; With thla addition the local lodge will have 1 membership of .150, making it one of the largest lodges In the state. At the conclu sion of the Initiation a banquet will be served In the city hall and plates will be laid for 350 knights. The banquet will be served by the Catholic women, and follow ing the banquet a number of toasts will be given. On the Monday following occurs the grand lodge session of the Knights of Co lumbus, with the six lodges represented with delegates. It Is likely that a large number of deiegats Till remain oyer to the convention. The following are the officers of the Knights' grand lodge: State deputy, L. J. Welch, Mitchell: past state deputy, John Bowler, Sioux Falls; secretary, P. H. Guhln, Aberdeen; treasurer. Thomas Foley, Waterfown; advocate, Thomas Har vey, Lead; warden, M. K. Haiker, Sioux Falle: district deputies, L. W. Grant. Sioux Falls; M. L. Tohln. Huron; J. J. Morrow, Lead. The convention will last Monday and a part of Tuesday. Omaha Strike Breakers at St. Joe Officers of Carmen's Union Say Num ber of Men Have Been Imported from the Gate City. ST. JOSEPH. May 5. tSpecial Telegram.) Officials of the street car men's union say the local traction company lits a num ber of strike breakers from Omaha here under sixty day contract. There will be a conference at 3 p. m. on the demands of the union for a closed shop and other con"cs- si,,i.s. ... . sions. General Manager Van Brunt haa ""';-. .... oru.u ,m. e- ,i,-al,y S!l,d be refused. 1" tnat event the carmen may strike to- night, but it is believed they will wait the advlce from nntional headquarters. ' 'I KING EDWARD SERIOUSLY ILL ,. j m. Majesty la Confined to His lloom ,h a letere Bronrhial Attack. I A builetj ,sued ,t 7;;0 to Ight sayg "Tvinir I-Mward has brona':ltI '. Thi ten - t,uhm of maJe,ty caus.s Ml anxiety." I ' I 'Boys Demand Play Hookey to Go FishiiV I j "Each male pupil of seven 7) years of age or over shall be perriiltted to absent himself from echool two (2) days In each . school month during the season In which the same laws. In such casts made and i provided, shall permit fishing In lakes, 1 A ..i.rk rlt.r. !-.., i.,l' I ponds, creeks, rlters, kireamu, lugoons and J fii-ii. Said days i f absence thai! be chosen . . at ibe volition of the absentees and with- out previous knowledge or Mibseou- nt ex - i life to Ini-tructijt-s. teachirs m- principals, ', It Is the intent of this enai'tmrnt that I i ecogiui ion ve Kuru .u ii. w nun rein rigois i cf the small boy In the pursuit of happiness ! as guaranteed to lilui under the eonm.tu- t lion of the l lim a Males or America. In their words of formal declaration the school board of Fater-son, N. J, hus . top of hs roomy dii-k. kicked the waste ltyalixed "hookey" in the publ.e hoo:s. J basket and Mrndc out. To gain obedie.tce they have bent the law I "It's de go.ids." promptly replied Atneli to those whom It will govern. The move- cus Oxorktwltx. aged . son of a s in Iter merit has attained already more than a; laborer. "If wes ran get It tru here 1 can localised significant e. Omaha s.-hool Im at de oi' man. Have to tend the kids authorities are confronted with the neees- Saturdays, never get day off. now." slty of making a d-clslon aad an answer; Ameliei: lhr down in the bottoms and to the email boy. He must be heard, now. I he knows where the bullheads blt the Superintendent Davidson was in a wiatb-JbesU President Expected to Get Busy When He Returns Today. LIST OF THE CONSERVATIVES Two More Men, Whose Names Are Withheld, Are in Line. NEBRASKA MEN ON OUTSIDE iinrkrtt llrunn, Ilornli, nonrne, Crawford, Dixon, ;nnillc and Nelson Mnlit to He Men Prrsl drnt Will Reason With. WASHINGTON'. May 5 Forty-five en ators, all from the conservative or "reg ular" wing of the membership, are s.iil to have ioined In the movement to foi -mulate R new administration legislathi program. Two more are claimed posi tively, but the. regular republican leaders say they d in t care to subject these men to embarrassment by disclosing their name at this time. The new organization, which has begin vesU rdav, w i.s made by the c msci vative i republicans in the effort to maintain con jtrol of the senate majority. Mutual con cessions already have been made. Much nf President Taft ! in harmonizing differences that may arlr The president will be back in Washington tomorrow. If he is willing to wlng the "blK stick." as the regular republicans say he is. the claims of the rceular organi zation appear to be Justified. The wo:k of the organization In lining up senate members proceeded today with the under standing the senate would adjourn until Monday. l.lst of tonfrtlfi. The forty-five republican conservatives who have undertaken to stand together to establish a firm control of the senate pro ceedings and put through what remains of the, administration, are ;s follows: Aldrlch, Hridiry. I;ilinhin. iMiuont. Klklns, Flint, Ke.-. n. I linger, tiUKKvnheim Hle, Heybum, Juns, Keiili, IjrxlKe. Loiimer, M "umber. Nixon, Oliver. P"e, Penrose, Perkins, Plle. Rici)rdson, Hex. Scott, Smith, (Mich.), Kmoot, atephenfon, SvtberUnil, Warner, Wurren. Wetmore. Bulkier, burton, Clark (Wo.) Cr&ne. Cullom, ( urtli. lie pew. Dick As utterly Impossible for the conserva tive to reach, the regulars have classed Beveridge. Bristow, Clapp, Cummins, Uol liver ami La Follette. The men on whom the regular republicans are still -working and who will receive, the attention of President Taft Include; Borah, Bourne. Brown, Burke: t, Crawford, Dixon, Gamble and Nelson. All of these men. have voted with the insurgents from time to time. They have refused, however, to be called Insurgents, and have been found In the ranks of the regulars at least half of the time. Dixon and liornb. It was reported today, although no con firmation of the report could be obtained, that Senator liixon would vote with the regulars as soon as the long and short haul amendment to the railroad bill waa disposed of. Senator Borah, It was stated, would also Join In the lineup for the Taft pro gram, provided he were given assurance of support for his bill providing for the Issu ance of $30.O0C.O00 in certificates of indebted ness to provide money to complete reclama tion projects. Senators Bourne and Nelson, It Is said, will be found In the conservative ranks If the new legislative program takes cognizance of certain measures favored by them. The purpose of the regular republicans is to get a majority of the senate so that the charge cannot be made that they formed a ' coalition with the democrats to pit through . party measures. At the same time they ' claim they can count on certain democratic votes when needed rrr.l.Jcnt Keadr to Act. CINCINNATI. May 5.-Presldent Taft passed through here this afternoon on his nay back to Washington. He 1s due In the capital early tomorrow morning. Mr. Taft has been in touch with the sltu- atlon. The president may adopt the policy announced at the senate conference presided over by Senator Aldrlch. In fact, he Is said :o feel that he has been patient quite long enouurh In listeninir to rjromises of Insurgent support In the senate only to find the "In surgent knife out" for much of the legisla tion he has proposed as a compliance with party platform pledges. Mr. Taft Is contemplating making a speech at Passaic. N. J., next Monday evening If hi finds the situation In Wash ington what he thinks It to be that will : I disclose to the country a number of facts land incidents thst the rhief ,v.f.itli . ' heretofore kept to himself. Right to fill mood over the matter when a prying person Invaded his for an expression of opinion. "1 absolutely will not le quoted on the matter." he declared. "In fact, you can say for me tiiat New Jersey u the home ' of corporations which are already In the courts. It Is almost a commercial axiom that nothing good i an i ome out of New J. rey but mosquitoes and Instruments ...r ( the aggrandisement o predatory wealth, j "This step means hut a further step i by the fishing tackle trust. I shall resent ! any effort to extend the campaign for the , ue.noi mi.kiuiou oi uie schools tilth a im- ! plaint to the mission. It is Interstate Commerce coni a dilation of the Sherman : aci. I Whereat the supe-ritit ndent slammed tile From the Washington Herald. SOI FAIR OR iuUTlItLL Mr. Ballinger Thus Characterizes statement cy m. Garfield. CONTRADICTS HIS PREDECESSOR He I liar thai Letter Written to I'reslaVat Taft Doe ut Square with Kurt and the Hero ret . WASHINGTON. May 5.-"lt was not a fair or truthful statement." exclaimed Sec retary Ballingej- during thy Ballinger Plnchot investigation today, referring to a sentence In former Secretary Garfield's letter to the president last Noevmber, j which read: "Ha t Ballinger) directed the reclama-, Ion service to prepare lists . for restoring the withdrawn lands," Ou"-.; dc9t -slowly in order not to attract psbftcv attention." Mr. Ballinger aal'd that whila he had no desire to reflect tin the previous adminis tration, which had .withdrawn the lands unlawfully, he believed he had Issued no such ordef and that all th lands actually had been restored within a period of three weeks. Another Statement DUpeted. Another statement In the same letter was disputed by Mr. Ballinger. Near the end of his letter Mr. Garfield said the plan of the reclamation service for the Issuance of co-operative certificates had been ap proved by the senate committee on irriga tion. Mr. Ballinger read an affidavit from the secretary ot that committee to the effect that he had fa.hd to find anv such appioval In the lecorus of t..u for the last seven years. As the reason for his having withdrawn power sites he had, previously restored, Mr. Ballinger said he feared they might be taken up pending action by congress, giving the president the power to withdraw them. He admitted that he had no more legal au thority for his action than had Mr. Gar field. Mr. ' Ballinger contradicted two state ments made by Secretary Garfield in his letter of November 6. 1909, to President Taft. In that letter, which is in evidence, Mr. Garfield said that the co-operative certificate plan of the reclamation service had been approved by the senate commit tee on irrigation and Mr. Ballinger read a certificate from the secretary of that com mittee, stating that a careful search of the minutes of the commltee since 1903 had tailed to show any reference to the cj-op- ! eratlfe certificates plan. i Question tlinol Reclamation. j For more than an hour the commi toj questioned Mr. Ballinger about the me. hod i pursued in tntering on new r. cla ratio.i projects. It was brought out that n-.any of the states had not had their cqul.abl share of these projects. Senator Flint rough! to ascertain who was responsible, for this condition. Th; witness admitted that probably former Secretary Hitchcock, under whose adnrnis tration most of the existing projects we-e Initiated, was responsible and not Dhector Newell of the reclamation service. Mr. Davis was at that tin - chief engine r of the service. A long discussion among members ot the i Committee ensued as to the feasibility of jvatlous reclamation projects. Mr. Flint wanted to know if It were not a fact that Do you want a second girl? Second girls employed through Dee want ads are invariably good ones. They know what work is they can do lots of it. They read The Bee the good ones they answer the advertise ments of housewives. Jf you need ono, 'phone J)ouglas JoS and tlio nl taker will write your ad aurl tell you what it will cost to run it two or three times. That's ahout all that is re quired. V Come On In! J Twenty-Seven Hundred Persons Are Vaccinated Case of Smallpox Discovered on the Steamer Main After Part of Pas sengers Had Left Ship. PHILADELPHIA. May 6. A 17-year-old immigrant boy suspected of having small pox caused 2.700 persons to be compulsorlly vaccinated on tne North German Lloyd steamship Main last night and early today. The Main arrived here yesterday from Bremen with 2,365 Immigrants and forty five cabin passengers. As the parsengers ; were disembarking word came that the boy possibly had small pox. Eight hundred Immigrants who had de parted on a Baltimore Ohio special tram were Intercepted and brought back to the ship during the night and 175 other new centers were rounded up In the streets In the southern part of the city and also re turned to the Main. Every one had to submit to vaccination. . . j . . . .u .,a hi. Including the captain of the ship and his crew, every policeman, longshoreman and customs official who was on the ship or dock when the quarantine was established and several newspaper men. More of the cabin passengers were traced to their homes and vaccinal! d. The quarantine was lifted today. Pittsburg Grafter Given Vacation Banker Who Pleaded Guilty Bribery Will Go to Carlsbad Before Sentence. to PITTSBURG. May S. Stating that he Is 111, Emil Winter, pre iient of th" Work ing Men's Saving and Tiust company, thu recently pleaded no defense to a harg of bribing; filed a petition In irmna! courts today asking that he bi e :cuiad from appiaring May 14 for sen -c nee anl trat he be allowed to go to Carlshai', Ger many for tr.atment. The court gran el the prayer and re'.eased the banker under $ 0,000 bail. More Par for Km York t'riitral Men. NEW YORK. May n.-K. K. CI -irk and P. H. Morrissey, the arb tiattri in the Ne.v Tork Central wage dispute, today awaidel the Baltimore & Ohio rates on th- New York Cential lln s east of Buffalo. Includ ing the Boston & Albany, with the exeeo tion of through passenger runs for endue tors between New Yo: k rtnd Albany. 1 hes : will get a lower rate of pay. DO IT If the census enumerator haa fill out this coupon, cut it from The Bee, fold It on the dotted line and drop It In the nearest mail box with the address on the outside. Postage and envelope are not necessary. CHAKLES L. Supervisor '' a, m Name Address Name Address Name , Address OYER HUNDRED DEAD IN MINE Workmen Killed by Explosion in Diggings at Birmingham, Ala. BLACKDAMP ' HALTS RESCUE Members of First Aid to Injured Society HenCh Scene, hot Are Hrnelled Three? Bodies Recovered. PI KM ING HAM. Ala.. May 5.-An ex plosion In the mines of the Palos Coal and Coke company, thirty miles from Birming ham, this afternon at 1 o'clock killed, it Is believed, between ISO nnd 180 men. The first man found dead was ISO feet from the entrance of tne mine. The chiff state mine Inspector and members of the First Aid to Injured society members are flock ing to the place " A special train is now leaving Birmingham for the scene. At 3 o'clock three bodle had been taken from the mine, but rescue work was halted by the presence of black damp. It is f .1 . V. . all 1 . 1. m.n& 1. .. , Kaon , " ' . ,." , k l ed, number ng between l.iO and 200. I " DISPOSAL OF DEAD CATTLE Serious Health Problem Confronts Residents of New Counties In South Dakota. PIERRE. S. It., May 5 (Special.) At the meeting of the State Board of Health held here last evening, the questio'.i of dis posal of dead cattle on the prairies of the northwestern part of the stt te was con sidered, and the board took steps to at once secure the appointment of county boards of health in the new counties of that part of the state, with Instruction to take definite action toward compelling the former owners of such cattle to dispose of the carcasses, either by burial or by burning. This action will no doubt stir protests on the part of cattle owners, but the situation is looked upon as one which must be met to prevent sickness among the residents of that part of the state. Phlllinarn Convicted of Smogitllna. NEW YORK. May R. The trial of Phil lip Philllpsen, Mny 8. Moore and "sab 1 Hollar.d, ind.cted In the United Mte-. court for conspiracy to defraud the g v ernment by SMiuugiing. ended today w t : the sentencing of 1'hul psen to one yrar'' The Jury was tnstric ed yesterday to acquit JIl-s Hoi and. vl;.-s Moore pleaded guilty and waa t n-d 600. JH Ins Mrv tlarrlni"i to Merry. NEW YORK, May 6 Mrs. K. II. Har l mau expressed regret today Dial puhli - ty had been given to the engag me it of Mis. Maty Hariiman to C. C., the scu p tor, as on account of h -r de.-p mourning, si e wished her own personal affa rs to be kept very quiet. She confirmed the report however. NOW not got your name, or those of friends, OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNITED STATES CENSUS. SAUNDERS, of the Ceusus, Federal Building, Omaha. m ... i - p i , Proposes Pact thp.t Will Keep Nations from Fighting1. GREAT END IS RIGHTEOUSNESS Peace is Only to Be Desired When it Conies with Honor. MANY NOTABLES ARE PRESENT King Haakon, )ueen Maud, Members of Cabinet, Kdaratora, Scientists Are In Tbroua Which Crowds Theater. CHRISTIANIA. Norway, May i.-Th.o-dore Rousevelt delivered his address on "International Peace" before the Nobu. priae committee today. Mr. Roosevcl, entered upon the mil difficult field of European jaililics and la the conclusion of a carefully worked out thesis, advocated an international agrea mi nt that would serve to check the growth of armaments, especially naval armaments) and the formation by those great power honestly bent on peace of "not only tu keep the peace among themselves, but to prevent by force If necessary Its being broken by others." What Mr. Roosevelt had to say today be fore the king and qui en of Norway and other representative personages constituted the basis of the private conversations which be is having with the statesmen of Europe, us occasion arises, concerning the practical possibilities of collective action by the va lious governments for the enrol cement of universal peace. Mr. -Roosevelt said It must be boms in mind ever tnat the great end in view was righteousness; and he explained that peace, generally good In Itself, was never tn.i highest good unless it came as the hand maid of righteousness. It became a very evil thing when It served merely as a mask for cowardice and sloth or as an instru ment to further the ends of despotism or anarchy. Fight for the Hlaht. "No man Is worth calling a man," said the speaker, "who will not fight rather than submit to Infamy or see thus that are dear to him suffer wrong." This prin ciple Mr. Roosevelt applied to nations. As he proceeded. Mr. Roosevelt's voles plainly showed the effect of the strain to which it has been subjected by the dally speech making since March I. Today it failed him several times and toward the closb of his address, which was delivered with unusual emphasis, ho had difficulty in making himself heard. This morning he consulted a throat specialist, who sug gested a rest from speaking as lh best., remedy. Nevertheless, the former presi dent continued his set ' speech to Its end today. Many Notables Present. It was the Nobel Prlxe committee, tltt members of which are elected by the Nor wegian Storthing, that In 1WW conferred on the then president of the United States Its medal and money award In recognition of Ills services In bringing to a conclusion the Russo-Japanese -war. The occason was the : i;.ute of Mr. Roosevelt'B visit to Noiwj i.nd one of thu most notable of his Em open n tonr. Copies of the address had been distributed In ad vance among the puss and this afternoon and tomorrow nn i.vm, the views of the former president uili u- published In every country of Europe. Mr. Roosevc.i s dlscoiuse Mas made with something of the so e unity of a rfligo.iH Bervice In the largest auditor. urns o.' Chrlstlania. th j Nationul theater and In the presence of King Haakon. Q le'en Maud, munbeiM of the cabinet and t,f Par liament and of hundreds of most progres sive and influential p?rsonallt c-a In the kingdom. The address wftr received c rdially anl at Its conclusion John I.und, vice president of the Nobel prize committee fad a tribute to Die speaker and In the ! w hleh he came. Text of Address. Mr. Roosevelt said: It is with peculiar pleasure that I stand here today to express the deep apprecia tion I feel of the high honor conferred upon me by the presentation of the Nobel Peac Prize. The gold medal" which formed part of the prize I shall always keep, and 1 shall ' hand It on to my children as a precious heirloom. The sum of money provided si part of the prize by the wise generosity of the Illustrious founder of this world-famous prize system, I did not, under the peculiar circumstances of the case, fee! at liberty to keep. 1 think It eminently Just and proper that In most cases the recipient of the prlzo should keep for his own use the prize In Its entirety. But In this case, whila I did not act officially as president of the United Slates, it was nevertheless only be cause 1 was president that I wes enabled to act at all: and I felt that the money must be considered as having been given me In trust for the United States. 1 there fore used it as a nucleus for a foundation to forward the cause of industrial peace, as being well within the general purpose of your committee; for In our complex In dustrial civilization of today the, peace of righteousness and Justice, the only kind of p.-ace worth having, is at least as neces sary in the industrial world as It Is among nations. There la at leat as much need to curb the cruel greed and arrogance ol part of the world of capital, to curb tin cruel greed and violence of part of tin world of labor, as te cheek a cruel and un healthy militarism In International rela tlonshlps. Itiahlrnosnrss la Knd in lew. We must ever bear In mind that On great end In vlrw is righteousness, Justus ss between man arid man, nation and na tion, the chance to lead our lives on a somewhat higher level, with broadei spirit of hioth.'ily good will one for an other. Peace Is gem-rally good In itself, but It is n.iver the highest giod unless It comes as the handmaid of rightnouriii-ss, and It becomes a very evil thing If It serves merely aa a mask for cowardice and sloth, or as an Instrument to further the ends of despotism or anarchy. We desplst and ab hor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether III private or public life, but w despise no less .be coward and the volup tuary. No s worth calling a man wh will not fight rather than tubmlt to In famy or see those that aie d- ar to htir suffer wrong. Nu nation deserves tu axial