nrr p.kk: omaita. Tn:sn.v. may : im. .j Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska V1V Saloon Advocates of Lincoln Spend V,587 in Vain. BRYAN WANTS PULPIT'S AID Adroeate of Initiative and Rrlrrm dam I raes Ministers Not to Forget All fur toast) OiMlnn. isv nd ims M I e suits. This is t'ir first tine caw of t'ns kinl r.r been inil in this county. The nin th.t V. .. S. hapers ti"k lli license in the rani cf M wife. K. A. Srhapers. was tranne the' beard out th're refud to f urt him a llr.nse. but granted filrl funrard with Perjury (From a tSaff Correspondent I LINCOLN. May I .Special Tch-gram I- ' The "wets" filed thei: campaign t xpnf account toda. showing that they spent j K.SST and then fallal to defeat the prohi- : bittnnlsts In Lincoln. The money, enn- trary to published repoits. the mH'miii shows, did not come from Omaha, but i l contributed by persons In Lincoln who .fit n I. "I ' a. ready hern appoint d atid thj'. mmit'.e- ha been a' work rvt : It 1 now "Mi 'lh nl- I li t ) ten or telve orlier rcimmiin i and etythlng "ill be , looked a ft t " laor Hronn t.els t redlt. In o letter to ("nptain Trimble. Anna )n rt) nm (,f ,,,,, .,fp Jarvlr. founl?t of -Mother' day." said I ' Nbta;-ka ha bo'-n nn of the f'.'t stit5 , In the union t end' rse the proposition. I and that F. W Knmn. thn maor of; j Lincoln. " the first mavor in the United , States to lssti- a proclamation calling for : J the observance of the day. i llfrr Shallenberrer "III iii" a proc- I lamatlon prot.ably tomorrow, callins upon 1 i the people of the Mate to recognise next i Hilly I Sunday a Mother- djy." I ,n tne county .tall at Ne)on. awaiting trial ' f ernov in t'meraon ' "n tn chaige of robbing Kred Lunlmin. AfFIDAVlTS OF CONSPIRACY Incriminating Allegations in. Hands of 0. F. Hamilton's Friends. DOZEN MLN ARE INVOLVED Proposition to Hnve Hamilton Rratea Ip Said to Hate Rrra Made la TWO SUPERIOR BOYS IN JAIL Omaha Darin Trial of - Land Fraud. Rohhril Farmer of HMI aad Skipped i to Fnld, Okl.. Rat Were (. When the Clock Drags lured and Rnnibt Bark. SI PKKItiK. Neh.. May I ( special. ) Hill and Walter Verbeck are no Friend of the late Oscar f. Hamilton, who "as murdered two iar. ago at Mul- ' len. Neb . a the result of an aliened con- ! spiracy to get him out of the "ay for hie surposed participation In unetiihitiK ihe iand frauds In Hooki.r ai.d Tliumus co.intita. j are taking an active Inurui In awing thai V Iceme to town and got drunk and wa Governor Shallenbei gr ha gone to Fmeraon. where tonight he epeak at a democratic banquet. The meeting I under ,'"""! with the boys haMng a good time. the direction of the democratic Mat com mittee chautau'tua c rrult. farmei. of IfO. ljit week Lunrman I the alleged murderers r brought to (Ir1rr to onanlldate. The American (.'ider of Protection of Ne foTi-rerlv had aaloon her- and exre.ted t . , h:a?Ka ann tne mgnuna .ooie oi if:- aerr lKene. Attorney Felt' lec-iv-d Murfln IITI for legal iri and Captain aervtce. V rr. Addre rr.chrra. Vpon his own Invitation. Mr. r;tyan to day talked to the association and urged the mlnlMera not to neglect the initiative and referendum In their z-al for rnimtr ontlon. Roth, he Ulged. V Pre f Importance, the initiative and referendum a much o as county option. He informed the milliner hat ho bad not endorsed .t 'lunty option until be knew it "as uu lsue j " irf Nebraka. ' Freda Jacobjon. 17 yeai old. w aj - j reated on a chai se of pel iur- In the case I In which Pr Johnson i belns tri.d foi i perfoimlrg a criminal rpM atioii. The gl;l Irformcd ome of b-r friend"! that she hnd been paid t?" to testify that the ox-ration had been perfnrmed-ty the gill " ho died I C. R'irr, atlomer, and It. Johnon both tetlfled that $25 had been paid to a brother of the girl to look up evidence, follow inti the receipt of a note that for tl'TO e id' could be pecured that "ouH clear tin fendant. They denied giving me i loo, la., contemplate a consolidation of the two order. The fi;st named ha a mem bership of about 5. and the Noble has about .(5 mcmbe ra. When the c nolida tion Is peifected the name "111 be changed to the American Noblee. TO ORGANIZE AGAINST HCRSE THIEVES' GANG 1 . drew t4" from the bank and the boy a 'took care'- of him while he "as ob'ring off. When he became aober the boy and money "ete gone. He reported the cave to the police, "ho began a search fcr tne young spoits. They wete located in Knld, Okl., "here they "ere lllng like klr. Sheriff Jones brought them back and landed them in the county Jail. They at first denied the charge, but later con fessed and returned S. about all the money they had left. Their trial "ill come up next month. operler Farmers and Hnalnem Men to Form orlntlon to Stop Horse Mealing. SlFKRHiH. Neb.. May I.i Special. For some time the farmers have become interested In a movement to perfect an orgHiiizHtion. vrnlch may put a stop to a pra.tice that i becoming too general in this neighborhood. A number of fire nave occutred here of late, when good farm barn have been burnd and alway the hor' have been burned alo. It -eems as though the fire start about 2 o clock In the morning, and "hen first Nf it Armorr at ehraka tit . .AbBKAMvA iitv, Neb., May i. ispe , The memtxTS of Company G. Ne- hraska National Guard, have purchased a J lot at the corner of Fifth street and Cen i tial avenue and v.ill erect an armoiy l thereon. 0xl20 feet. It will be built of brick and have a large basement the fall length, fitted up with a gymnasium, f bower bath and things of tnat nature. The ground floor will be ued as a grill room. They "ill issue bunds for the pay ment of the same, which the citiaen have agreed to take. The plans have all been prepared and It is thought the building will be completed by the first of August. discovered are burning and entirely en- . - . . j . i i olr.rx A in f'Dm miklnr II InmosMlble I monev Mis .laroftson "as r-i-as o 10 i - - i Im e.....nii. .-.ore l.'ri.lnv morninif. to control the flames or to rtscu any Medina- at Falrvlew Todar. ; thing from the barn. It is almost posi- ' tt-.l' linni. m tViaf arilAn!!! hnriai till A Preparations f',r the marriage-e.f ' Ruth ; frnm worn out fielters have been replaced in their Bryan Lavitt to Lieutenant Reginald Owen of th rtrltish army are complete and the ceremony will be performed at Kalrvlcw Tuesday morntng. Te Bryan family to day would not give out information regirn ing the italls of the affair except to say that. It would be very quiet and that on'y a few pervont would he present. Mis Marie pwanson, harpl't. e.f Omaha, ar rived tonight and "111 piny Ihe harp at the wedding. G. A. R. Kmnpnirit. Captain A. M. Trimble, adjutant general of the Grand Army of the Republic, is of the opinion the coming encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Falrbury will be the mot enjoyable of any ever In the barn in order that their skeleton may be found after the fire. Then the . i barn Is set on fire from every direction in order that "hen It Is discovered, there "ill be no possible chance of saving it and discovering the fraud. But a splendid large team supposed to have been burned In a barn northeast of town recently, were not burned for the skeleton of some old worn out pelters. muc smaller and older, were fotind In their stead. Now the farm ers think it time to organize and have asked the town people to go In with them. The organization at a meeting to be held held. His opinion la based on information j In Fuperior. If there are similar organl he received this morning from Falrbury -egardlng the work belDg done by the sev eral committees which have the local ar rangements In charge. The encampment will be held May 17. IS and 19. In the parade will be 1.000 school children, some from' the city schools and others from the country schools. In addi tion there will be a civic section, automo biles and floata. The committee expects to raise t least Sl.SflO to pay the local ex penses and the chairman has written Cap tain Tr1nJ-UV-tl- loirn will be deco rated to such kit extent that It will not be recognlxed by the old soldiers. 1 never saw better committees," said Cantaln Trimble. "When we met at Falr- zatlons over the state, their co-opratlon is asked for and they are Invited to write to V. A. Huff. Superior. Neb., who will be glad to give any information possible to the new organization. Funeral of Otoe rioneer. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. May 2-The body of William H. Saunders, who d'ed at Fort Smith, Ark., arrived here yesterday and were taken to his old home at V'na dilla for int nent. He came to this county in entered a homestead, buit the first house at t'nadilla In 1S72 and a flour mill In 175. He was engaged in business there for years. His health failed and he moved to Arkansas, where he died. He "as a leading prohibitionist and the leader in this county. Old Resident Mrleken. SUPERIOR, Neb., May :. (Special. ) Elder J. W. Tipton, a Chrlctlan minister, wa stricken while on the streets yester day and for a time it was thought he was dead. He is to years old, and an old soldier. Nebraska News Notes. runaw ay e.ccldent near the depot va ednes- Wldow Need Not Pay for Whisky NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., May 2. (Special. Some time since W. A. Schapers, had been conducting a saloon at Syracuse, died and several wholesale liquor house brought suit against his widow, In whose n.uns the -husband conducted, the business. The suit dragged In the courts fur some time and finally was brought to a hearing befoiv Judge Wilson, who. after hearing the evidence, decided that a woman Could bury last January to ee'e about locating the , not have a license or conduct a saloon Lenox Soap is Bigger COMPARE A. CAKE of Lenox Soap with a caKo of any other laundry totp, aelling at or about tta price. YOU WILL FIND that Lenox Soap la bigg-en that the cahe is brighten the quality better. AND LENOX SOAP IS CHEAP a. cheap at it ought to be. IT ISN'T POSSIBLE to mahe good aoap for less than the price of Lenox. It isn't possible to sell good soap for less. FOR "WASHING CLOTHES, use Lenox Soap in the form of soap solution. TO MARE SOAP SOLUTION. Tah a, caha of Ltnoi Soap, cut it into small plecs. dlssolva those in thro quarts of boiling; wator. Hoop w.l.r at boiling point until a solution Is formed. Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand ; J r m m- jrje I .1 At Soda Fountains or Elsewhere Look for "HORLICK'S" on the bottle. Original and Genuine n7 9 TJ in. LZ3 MALTE MO LEI day. in which his ltft ankle was badly shattered. TA BLR ROCK V. R. Tuggle. assistant cashier of the New England .National bank at Kansas City, was the victim ot a GRAND ISLAND The high school gradu ating class of 1110 consists of twenty-two Lxoung women and eleven young men. The iclass is at present publishing the High who I school Annual. GRAND ISLAND. Christian Hann. ased 88 years, one of the oldest residents of the1 city, died yesterday. He waa a native of Scnlesw ig-Holatfcin, Germany, and came to this country late In the 'ooa with his brother, John Hann. TABLE ROCK.-R. O. Ward, a Lincoln barber, who formerly resided here, "as taken to Pawnee City last week by fhenfl Fuller, where the court adjudped he fhould contribute $o per week to tne support of his wife and two children, who live here and from whom he has been separated for some time. PIERCE. Josiah W. iMoan. a pioneer contractor of this city, was stricken with paralysis Saturday. Mr. Sloan came to pierce over twenty years ago and has been engaged in the carpenter business since. I He has three daugnters living in Iowa and one son in Chicago. He was a veteran of the civil war. WACO Tn the death of Uncle Ben Camp bell, the pioneer settler, well known farmer and republican leader of West Blue town ship, one of the best known and most hlghly respected and. best loved early settlers of York county parted this. Uncle Ben Camp bell homesteaded in the early seventies the farm on which he resided at time of his i deth. j GRAND ISLAND While the last stone for the new postofflce building was being j raised Saturday, its fitting about tne j chimney on the roof, and Just as it had left the earth about four feet, there was a slip, the stone fell and was broken. It I weighed .000 pounds. It is feared that it will take three months before it can be re j placed. YORK Anton Georella. a son of Italy and recent arrival owing to dense tobacco smoke in Burlington smoker, left the train here and was found by night police wandering about the streets unable to tell his troubles. He waa on his way to Helena. Mont., to visit a brother. Father Tonnelia waa called and learned of his misfortunes and arrangements were about to be made when hi queer actions caused officials to suspect that he was of unsound mind. He waa examined by the Board of Insanity : and was taken to the Hastings asylum. HOLDREGE A large number of teachers i in this s'-ctlon of the state are Interested In the announcements which have Just come out relative to the work In the Junior I normal school which will be conducted this year at McCook from June J to July i9. All I subjects necessary to obtaining first, see i ond and third degree certificates w 111 be i given and In all probability a larger number I of teachers than ever before will avail themselves of the opportunities offered. 1 Miss Elizabeth Be-ttcher will he registrar during the summer session and an un ! usually efficient corps of Instructor w ill ; conduct the classes. , YORK-The Commercial club proposes to give a smoker to the 100 or more traveling men and salesmen llvllng in York, and enlist Wiem in helping boom York for location of state capital. Since publicity haa been given York's aspiration for lo cation of state capital, a large number out side of York oounty have expressed them selves that no better location than York, a city of 8,000 happy hustlers all of horn, are busily engHge-d in boosting York aa the ldal cliy for location of the state capital, and from a healthful, educational and commercial standpoint, Y'ork will be considered if the capital Is moved. GRAND ISLAND. The city council has established, a new precedent in the matter of granting the saloon licenses. The appli cation of Chris Breiderson was rejected be cause, since the enactment of the 8 o'clock closing law a Twilight cluh has been oper ating under the saloon. The application of (jeorge Schleicher waa refused likewise upon the unanimous vote of the council because to have granted it would have in creased the number of saloons, now about one to every 500 people, and would like wise have extended the saloon zone. No remonstrances were filed against any of the applicants, most cf whom are long: time residents of Grand Island, owners of property and responsible citizens. HOLDREGE Clarence Ellsworth. a former Holdrege boy. baa made a great impression lately with his sketches of In dian life and his portrayal ot mountain and Jus'tlce Most active In this work Is the Fort Phil Kearney Survlmrs' association, of which Hamilton waa a member, as a member cf the Eighteenth United States infantry. The trial of the saloonkeper. R. E. Mo Bride, In whose place it is alieged Hamil ton was killed by Mclntyre, is set for Mi) 4 at Mullen. The association has Just come Into the possession of some startling evdence in the form of affidavits showing the existence ""f a conspiracy against lh' life of Hamilton In September and October. 1'I5. because of his supposed activity in the land fraud cases. The names of the alleged conspira tors arc given in the affidavits, which in clude tl.c names of two eif the men now urder arrest at Giand Island, charged wit.i the murder of Hamilton, and a third man Just arrested in the state of Washington us being a party to the crime. Another affidavit alleges that the affiant wa approached by ore of the conspirator? in Omaha In January, l?eK during the trial of a land conspiracy case and was offered a bum of money if he would entice Ham- I ilton into a secluded place and slug him. and as a further Inducement for the affiant to commit the act desired, he wa assured if tnuble ensued the party making the propo. s.tion and the 'gang" would chip in and pay all damages. Proposal Ulade in Omaha. Hamilton at this time, Januaiy, IK was In Omaha as a witnesa in a land case for the government, while the party making the proposition to the affiant was here a a witness and friend of Ware and the other defendant. Copies of these affidavits have been for warded to Governor Shtllenberger, and were instrumental in securing the arrest of the parties charged with the murder of Hamilton. The affidavits show that at least twelve men were Implicated In the conspiracy. The prejudice aroused against Hamilton, as shown in other information In posses sion of the Phil Kearney Survivors' asso ciation, was due to the assistance Hamilton gave the government men who went to Mullen to Investigate the fraudulent entries of land. It appears that the government officers found It extremely difficult to obtain conveyances to visit the tracts of land suspected of being fraudulently en tered, and that Hamilton furnished the government officers his own team and assisted them materially in the location of the tracts in question. Some time after this Hamilton's barn was burned, his team perishing in the fire and his wagon being destroyed. Hamilton had taken -up a claim about five miles from Mullen, ljut was warned not to go onto It to imke a settlement under penalty of death. The government officers gave him assurance that u would Some time to-day, min utes will co like hours r 'r You 11 be .hot and urea ana thirsty you'll be hand heavy and brain slow Drink be protected fn establishing his claim. Whatever may be the result of the trial at Thedford In the state courts. It Is the Intention of the Thll Kearney Survivors' association to collect further evidence and present It to the government and push It to the end. PLAN TO TEACH PATRIOTISM Sons of American Revolution G. A. R. Will Co-operate li School Work. and It will wash the dry spot from your throat relieve your fatigue and make the hours go like minutes. Delicious-Refreshing-Wholesome Thirst-Quenching 5c Everywhere w Send for Oar Free Booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola." Tells all about Coca-Cola what it is and why it is so delicious, wholesome and beneficial. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola Body of Bjornson Reaches Capital Cruiser George Arrives at Christiania with Casket, People Mourning for Poet. CHRISTIANIA. May 2-The body of the late BJornsti-in Bjornson reached here to day on the cruiser George, which anchored In the harbor at 4 o'clock in the after noon. An Immense crowd awaited the ar rival of the warship and when the body was brought ashore the great sorrow of the people was manifest. The king expressed to the widow his ileep sympathy. No ceremony attended the removal of the coffin and the public dis persed in silence, many of the latter Join ing the May day ceremonies. I. ate The Food-Drink for All Ages. RicJi milk, mahreJ grain, in powder form. More healthful than let or coffee. Fa in(anl,invaliiit and growing children. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Pure niitrK)n,uibuikJin g the w hole body. Keep it on your sideboard at home, invigorate nursing mother sad the aged. A quick lunch prepafed in a minute Sample sou free. Address HORLICK'S, Racine. WW. Take no substitute. Ask for HO RUCK'S. man Some time ago President Pressly J. Barr of the Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution addressed a commun ication to Department Commander L. l. Richards of the Grand Army of the Re public, suggesting that the Grand Army and the Sons of the American Revolution Join In some day for the special observance of patriotic teachings to the new genera tion, with special reference to such ob servance In the public schools. Commander Richards now commends the Idea and has suggested that better results would come from the Joint efforts of the societies If the pupils of the schools could be interested in the work and take con spicuous part in the programs. In reply to Department Commander Richards' letter President Barr says: "I am willing to co-operate with you In any program you may arrange. Would It be better to ask each cf the patriotic so cieties In the state to appatnt a delegate to arrange a meeting to arrange detailH for auch a gathering. I am very much In sympathy with the idea that the only way to Impress lessons of patriotism on the minds of the children Is to arrange for them a series of programs to be given at dif ferent times during the school year. By continuing this course of Instruction, the lessons taught will be so thoroughly en graved on their memoriea that they will remember them the balance of their lives." Department Patriotic instructor Brad P. Cook of Lincoln in a circular letter to the various Grand Army posts of the state suggests that this program be followed by the schools Friday May 27: Opening Song "The Battle Cry of Free dom." Salute to the flag. Reading "Boys of 1." Song "Marching Th-ough Georgia.' Reading or Recitation " Lincoln's Gettyi burg Address." Song "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Recitation "L'nion and Liberty." Closing Song "America." EIGHT NEW MINISTERS READY TO BE ORDAINED Commencement Kserrlses of the Pres byterian Theological fcenilnary Wednesday Evening. Commencement exercises will be held Wednesday evening at the First Presby terian church In connection with the ending of the school year at the Presbyterian Theological seminary and eight young the ologians will be given their diplomas by President Dr. I B. Lowery. Five already have been ordained ministers of the Omaha Presbytery and the other three will prob ably seek other fields of labor. Communion service will be held Monday night at the seminary and the alumni din ner will be given Tuesday evening at the Toung Men's Christian association. Dr. Lowerey will have charge of the graduating exerrisfs and the main address will be given by Dr. John A. Marquis, president of Coe college. Cedar Rapids. la. Dr. D. E. Jenkins of the faculty will also speak. ARTIST ACCUSED OF BIGAMY Man Said to Hare Deserted One Wife in Omaha Most Fare Court. ST. I.OriS. Mo.. May 2 (Special Tele gram.) James Lcseuer; an artist for pub lications, was arrested this morning at ISIT Delmar avenue, this city. Captain George Hegar of Evansville. Ind.. arrived tonight and will take the prisoner, who is charged with bigamy, back tomorrow. It i alleg-ed that he first married Miss Rowena Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of Dewitt. Mo.. July 10. last year, deserted her at Omaha, and went to Boonvllle. Ind.. near Evansville, where, while an artist for Topics, a trade pub lication, he won the heart of Miss Jennie Kelly, in Evansville, and married her February 16, last. LEWIS MADE SPECIAL AGENT Warden of Wyoming Penitentiary Re. signs to Take Position with l'nion Pacific. After having held the office nf warden of the Wyoming penitentiary. George Lewis resigned to nccept a position as assistant special agent of the Union Pacific I'tah di vision, with headquarters at Ogden. W. J. McClement has accepted a promo tion to assistant special agent of the Union Pacific Wyoming division, with headquar ters at Cheyenne. Superintendent While, from the office of Jarvls Hunt. Chicago, has arrived in Omaha to take charge of the construction of the foundation of the new Union Pacific headquarters at Fifteenth and Dodge streets. HUGE PILE 0FC0AL BURNS jleaTy Loss Will Result to Street Railway Company at Bnrllna;ton as Result r.f Fire. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 1. Spontaneous combustion has fired 150.000 tons of coal piled In the Burlington yards here and belonging to the railroad company, and 18.- 000 belonging to the street railroad company, valued at nearly a f.00.000. The coal was piled on wet ground and this Is believed to have caused It to Ignite. Although a large force Is at work fighting the fire, but little headway has been made. STAGE HANDS WORK SUNDAY Getting; In Production for "Peter Pan" Gives Boys a l.lttle Over time Stunt. Sunday found the stagehands of the Brandeis and Boyd theaters doing a little overtime stunt. Manager Woodward took time by the forelock and ahlpped from Kan sas City to Omaha the scenery and stage equipment for tha big production of "Peter Pan." which has Just ended a very suc cessful week at the Willis Wood In Kansas City. It will be presented at the Boyd for the week beginning May 21. The unloading of the two big baggage cars and the storing of the scenery at the Boyd theater gave the stagehands of the two theaters managed by the Burgess & Woodward company in Omaha a busy Sunday. I,.-G.-A.'s Take Game. The Franklins and the L. G. A'a played a game at Twenty-second and Charles street. Sunday afternoon, the former losing by the score of 9 to 11. The game waa characterlied by heavy hitting on both sides. The L. G. A s won the game in the first inning, when four men crossed the plate. Score by Innings: Franklins 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 1 L. G. As 4 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 111 Batteries: Groove and Dodd; Magtter, Falkner and C. Harvey, Tlser. plain. The Ellsworth family were residents of this city for several years, movln; away from here In the late '0s. 8. C. Ellsworth, the father, conducted a drug store here and his family was many times pinched almost to the point of starvation on account of his improvidence. The familv was often sul Jecled to mny other adverse turns of for luto while they were living here, and the rise of the lad is all t:ie more gratifying to those who often befrierded the boy dur ing the hard years of his life spent In this city. Ellsworth never had the advantaer of even a slight training under a master, r.or did ha learn from anyone the wave of colors. By some mere Intuition, evl- dentlv. he was sble to blend Into bta nl.. 1 A Total Krlflns tures the correct proportions of dlgnltv.'of the functions of xtomach. liver, kidn. ve buoyancy, tragedy and comedy, and. above I . . , . , ,, , " all. remarkable originality, which hav''nd w Is quickly disposed if with made bis work so widely complimented b Kiectrlc Bitters. uc. For sale by Beaton critics Id the weal. j Drug Co Some Persons feel bright and ambitious a part of the day; and then listless and dull. " Most of these pecfple are coffee-drinkers. They cannot account for their whimsical moods and don't realize they are doing anything to cause them. But take a look at the case in the light of science as applied to physiology. Ever study the way coffee acts on the brain and nervous system? "Caffeine," says a scientist, "is a drug found in coffee and tea and is classed among the habit-forming drugs, like whiskey, morphine, cocaine, etc. It acts as a so-railed heart stimulant first but the reaction later shows that it is in reality a paralyzant weakens the nerves and partially paralyzes them. "Caffeine" causes a short period of excitement of the nervous system a delu sory effect. But it is followed by the inevitable depression of spirits, dullness of intellect and sometimes dizziness." That's what coffee does, in part. On the other hand, thousands of .people have learned to distrust coffee and have found in well-made POSTUM a beverage which tastes similar to coffee but has none of the harmful effects of coffee.. If you would feel clear-headed and well all the time, drop coffee and legin using POSTUM. But be sure you read directions on pkg. POSTUM must be made right (well boiled) to bring out the real food value. Thousands of people have found it. You can do the same and it is quite a pleasant discovery that am s 1 f "There's a. Reason" for TUM liend the little book, "The Iioad to Wellville," in packages. Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. ran