Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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i L
Xtilroad Employe End the Presents
tion of Their Cssei.
That la the ! of the rmpUrfi
of th Corporations Stat
Trnairrr Make III
-' Report for May.
LINCOLN. Mn S--(Sp lal.)-Mmber
of the Stat Rillway commission endeav
ored ti secure Information from th mirn
erou railroad employes who ore here pro
testing against' a duresse In freight ra(a.
regsrdlng the earnings of the several roads
they represent. I'pon this proposition
however the employe professed Ignorance,
answering the queailona Kim ply by saying
they Vnw nothing of the amount of money
earned by the roads, but they did know
many of their fellow employe had ben
laJd off and the houra of others had boen
reduced. It Waa their opinion thla was
done by the managers of the railroads be
cause of a reduction In the amount of In
come received by the roads, due princi
pally to hostile legislation.
The Information presented by the em
ployea has been something of a revela
tion to the railway commission. In the
matter of the number of employee who
have been let out. especially when consid
ered with the reports of the railroads of
the amount of the net Income for Nebras
ka for the last year and the large In
crease In the amount of money spent for
operating expenses. Each of the roads
ahowa a material decrease In net revenue
for the last year compared with the pre
vious year, due to Increase Is cost of opera
tion, yet the figure Indicate this state
has contributed considerable to the sur
plus fund of the various systemr.
The commission does not understand why
the employee of the railroads In Nebraska
should be In auch sore straits, as they
smdoubtedly are, according to the state
ments made at the hearings, when the
earning of the roads are considered. The
following two table show the net earn
ings per mile In Nebraska for the years
ISO and 190T except In the case of the
Burlington, where the 1!7 earnings. have
been computed for the six montha ending
In March, 1918. In the matter of the Union
Pacific the board apportioned a per cent
of the earning to Nebraska on a mil
eage and tonnage basis which ra road
representative said was fair:
- xsei r-arnings rtr xint-
Saturday's Bill
Sale of Clocks
See Harney St.
Window - -Every
warranted to
be perfect and
a good 1 1 m
keeper; one large variety of mantel
clocks, eight-day cathedral gongs,
striking hour and half hour, values
to $7.60. at S3.98
Gold and Bronze Clocks, many
beautiful and elaborate effects.
worth to $15.00, on sale
t S2.98 nd $3.98
Traveling Clocks, .complete In red
morocco case, worth $3.50,
for 81.98
Alarm Clock Special Several hun
dred on sale, $1 clocks for-G9
Ribbon Specials
rive-Inch all silk taffeta ribbon, heavy
quality, white, pink, light Hue,
brown, red and black, worth J5c,
Saturday special Bale on tables, at.
yard UH
PJlk nthhon Belting, two Inchea wide
strictly all stlk. large variety of
Persian effects, worth XBc to 60c a
yard, at, per belt length, each.. ..So
1 fill jik) ji?
11 I J i v. M,
White mehlnga, put hp In fancy
boxes, assorted pattern to box.
worth ISe, at, per box lo
Embroidered collare. laundered tlff.
very desirable summer stylea. all
regular 2Sc good, each lOe
Swiss embroidered turn-over collars,
reaularly priced at 10r; special pur
chase sale Saturday, at two for.. Be
Opening of Straw Hat Season Tomorrow
Memorial dy, through custom long established. Is the day when felts are discarded and summer straws
are ushered In. Saturday the first complete display Is made here and such a showing. Every latest
shape upon which fashion has put the stamp of approval Is here. Large assortments of yacht, soft roll
and Porto shapes In fine Milan. Porto Rico, Manila, and split braids, 50 $1 $1.50 $2 to 1
An Early Season Special Hand Made Panamas $4.50
SltnOAT BIO tOT OXaTTTIira OK FrECE, hand made, Columbian
I'anamaS In large or small Optimo or telescope styles Pon't con
found thse with "'seconds" one ees so frequently. Absolutely first
quality and worth $7.50, Saturday sale at 94.50
Straw Hats for Boys
The little fellow are well looked after
In our straw hat stocka. Nifty styles In
great variety. Including manv telescope
effect 8 So, BOo, 75c to 1.0
Mon's Shirts
Saving of 1-3 to 1-2
Hundreds of shirts In light or dark
patterns, plain or plaited fronta.
mostly, coat style, cuffs on or off.
In a large variety of new shirtings
and fancy shades. We have also In
cluded In this lot all our broken lots ;
In our fine grade shirts left oer
from our early spring selling all
go on sale In one lot Saturday V1'
ues to $l.Ro. choice $
3 So ITtckwear Special Saturday
100 doien fine silk French fold and
reversible f our-ln-hamls. In the lat
est narrow width and effects, regu
lar 60c values, Saturday J!c, or S
for 1-00
BtxiT's vmiE tmDsmwsAJi
Men's shirts and drawers. In fine hal
brlggan and llsles. per garment. 2tc.
SOc to 1.W
Men- Combination Suits, In baihrlg
gan and fine llsles. II .00. $1 M
and 3-0
Company. 'T,;.,
Missouri Pacific 11.644
Pacific, R. R. in Neb..
C, St. P.. M. & O ...
Vnlon Pacific
8t. Joseph & O. I
Rock Island
Loss. 8lx months ,
1 &7
Missouri Pacific t 4Ml.bflS.Rl
Pacific R R. in Neb.. 1i.l.7
Northwestern I.SK2.727.23
C . Rt. P.. M. at U....
l'nlnn Pacific.
fit. Joseph a. I.... lB.WO.T
Rock Island 113.8W7.37
Def. Six month.'
i lW.fi93.90
g 073 3.K77.2W.71
7.0S5.79.1 6.3:. 478.36
Unprecedented Selling TaiKed Suits
150 suits for women, in light cojors, wool mixtures, tailored in high class manner. Sim
ply an over stock is the reason for such marvelous reductions:
Saturday buy
fine $25.00
Suits . . . .
Saturday buy
$35 Suits for...
1.000 White Waists, at One-Third
Here's waist news that makes one sit up and take notice. Th is great
aggregation of waists' comprises $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 garments.
No store ever offered such strikingly beautiful styles
at anything near this price. All crisp new and fresh, U
Bi Purchase Sample Baby Ctps
Just the dearest, sweetest, little
caps and so daintily made with all
overs, hemstitching, featherstitch
effects, many styles, some ribbon
trimmed, actually worth to $1.50,
Heather Bloom Petticoats
Black only, look as beautiful as
all silk taffeta, four very showy
styles, with attractive flounces.""
They rustle like silk, cut wide
and full, and worth from QO
$2.00 to $2.50, choice. . . . OC
Saturday's SaJc Men's . Yourg Men's Suits
$20:00 and $25.00 VALUE
sITS' tl A
Here's a suit proposition that is thoroughly dependable. Xoth-
: c :f..t i i r.4.i i on aa t-i-. aa ti A ""l" 1
"We found a maker who was disposing of an over supply of this bet-") n
ter grade of suits. "We are just as sure of the excellence of these suits
now as you will be after you have worn one. The needlework shows
the handwork of expert tailors. The materials are of cassimere and
worsteds and are made to hold their shape.
The styles are just the kind particular, conservative men like
best. Modest and fancy stripe effects in the new greys, browns,
modes, etc.
finma in Saturdav exnecthur a Good Suit flS3
Bargain and you'll not be disappointed.
About 200 suits in the lot. Take a look at them in the windows,
all sizes, as we said before, $20.00 and $25.00 suits for 14.75.
m mm .
Tsar Doiokof Make Plea.
In hi talk to the. commission thl after
noon Tony Donahoeof Omaha waxed elo
quent over th dlatregaed condition of rail
road employe, and made the atatement
that If hoatlle legislation wa kept up Ne
braska railroad employe might be forced
to emulate ttie Kentucky nlfrht rider.
J. W. Johnson, a section foreman of Ar
lington, employed by the Northwestern, told
the commission that under present condi
tion eeh trie ectlon 'mm were hurt.. H
waa not In tha confidence of the general
manager of his road, he said, and knew
nothing of tse flnn". 'nl condition of It
owner, but he did - that something
had caused many m id employee to be
let out of work, in l'."7. he aaid, every
section of the eastern division had a force
of ten men and a foreman, while thla year
the ectlon on gravel ballast have five
men. and on dirt ballast three metf. In
1907 the men were paid a minimum of 15
centi an hour. March 1. a cut wa made
to 14 cents an hour. All the freight coming
In over the Northwestern comes through
Arlington, he ald. and during the last
five months, compared with the prevlou
five month, the freight ha been reduced
80 per cent. Arlington, he aald. wa a coal
... m-f .t.tlnn. and for elsrhteen
year two coal heaver and frequently
four and all have been employed until
March, when all wre let out except one,
and he now ha to attend to the switch
lamp. During the last two week In
March, when the elevator men were trying
A t get their grain out to avoid the a
T eor. two helper were employed. The
assistant lt the agent ha been let out. A
conductor used to be employed a a pilot,
but he ha been let out because, said Mr.
Johnson, there Is nothing to pfTbt. The
pay roll 'in Arlington has been cut from
S1.12S to U9S A mantli. A reduction In
freight rate, said Mr. Johnaon. would not
make up to the merchants of Arlington
that fl.IOO a year lost by reason of the
reduction In the working force.
Numerous 'other employes spoks during
th day, most of the talk being long
similar line that . If freight ratea are re
duced, then wage come down ar.d no ono
I particularly beneflled. because the aav
Ing to the individual will be ao small It
will riot It noticed even If the merchants
save the consumer tho benefit of the reduc
tion Chief Clrrk MacDanlels of the Omaha
shops told the commtsiin this morning of
th alxty-flve dead engines ready to start
out or, a momeiu'a notice In the yarJs at
Ouiahu: but there Is nothing for them tn
haufT This knocks out approximately 10U
men, he said. The hearing wa continued
till afternoon.
ftate Treaaarer'ai Report.
' Saturday being a holiday. 8tau- Treasurer
ftrlan doted hi month' bus.ness today
nuTmaJe hi report of the condition of tha
treasury to the state auditor this afternoon.
Tlio-folio wlrg shows the trust funds In
vested! .,.'-
Permanent -hool r.7.S.' 19
Permanent untveraity. 134.57.
Agnrul. college endJW. 444. .W
Normal endowment Si 7.fei3.j78.tX:
H-m.H of all klmla...7.Ml.C5a
Warrant of all kinds. M.Sau.-I7.Hi3.57.U:
Statement shorn ing receipts and disburse
mpi for May,
funds. May 1
General M 47
Permanent school .. i').M
lSAMAOf attul
Toilet Specials
Pom petit n M a
sage Cream, a
great cleanser
and beautlfier;
60c size for 29
76c size for40
$1.00 size
for 65f
Colgate's Talcum Powder in new
style package, violet and
cashmere boquet odors.. 15
Berry's Face Cream, 1.00
ls 70,
Hudnut's Sachet Powder, In all
odors, ounce ?w75
Hudnut's Chrysls Sachet Pow
der, a delightful new odor, per
ounce .......... . . . 60 '
Creme Simon, 60c Blze, for 3
With every purchase of Face
Powder Saturday we give Free
a pretty satin Eiderdown Pow
der Puff.
Another Frame
Five hundred frames, as
sorted styles and sizes, made
up from remnant mouldings,
also odds and ends of fancy
oval frames, on Saturday Just
tort dialrabl nmmr glove
in th beat oolor at nnmatonabl
low prlo.
Women elbow length lisle gloves.
fl.00 values 49o
Women' 16-hutton silk gloves,
black and white, double tipped
fingers, $1.75 values for BSo
Women's lS-button ntlk gloves,
double tipped fingers, all colors
and alzea. 12.011 values for.. SI. 19
Double Ureen Trading Stamp.
t Handkerchiefs
Tour npply should b pnrehaaed
now; har ar prlo that mak
tt a rsal object to you.
Women' embroidered Swiss hand
kerchiefs, 20c value 13H0
Women' pure linen hemstitched
handkerchiefs, 25c value for 15o
Men' fancy silk handkerchiefs,
50c value for 95o
Double Green Trading Stamps.
Quality good for 1ms than yon
rsnsrally them marked. Fro
dnt woman will b lntrtd.
Women' tan and black seamless
hose, 17c value for 18Ho
Women' Imported lisle hose, lace
boot, 35c value Slo
Women'a hand embroidered lisle
hose, 60c value for 870
Double Green Trading Stamps.
Th bnlat nndsrwaar stor In
town mak th sjatorday po
lal. Most oomplat lln mmintt
knit nndrwar for woman.
Women' low neck, aleevele
vesta, lace trimmed, 15c values
for 10
Women' leeveles union ulta,
lace trimmed, SOc value for Sto
Double Green Trading Stamps.
Odds and Ends
Dinnerwar e
On Sale Table Saturday odds.,
and ends of fancy decorated'
china, worth to 50c each iu-'
eluding bowls, creamers, oat
meals, plates, fruits, cups and
saucers, etc.; choice. .. -10J
Another lot Include platen, cas
seroles, covered dishes, sauce
boats. Jugs, cet. Saturday while
they laat 16a
Wine Glasses, heavy pressed wine
glasses, special Saturday, at, a
dosen 18o
(Liml one dozen to a customer.)
White China for Painting; plain
white and German china. Soup
piaies, naiuraay wnne iney last
rive-incn toe piates....
Six-Inch 18c Dlates
Seven-inch 20c plates.
Right-Inch 25c plates
. .10o
. .130
Save One-Fourth on Corsets
$1.00 Corsets for 75c That's the best cor
set news for Saturday's shoppers. These
are just the best, most serviceable dollar
corsets made. They come in coutil with
straight strips and batiste, French bias
gored, like cut. They are in medium bust
and hip and extreme hip models, m !
lace trimmed and fitted with ll
supporters; Saturday, all sizes W
Girdles, in batiste
and net, a popular
summer line, at a
very low price, at,
each 25c
Summer net and ba
tiste corsets, in
medium, high bust
and long hip styles,
supporters . . 49c
Hardware Specials
"Blew Korka" Ball Bearing Ltwi
Mower, It Inch, very light run
ning machine, $5.50 machines
for 4J5
Qas Sang, sixteen Inch oven,
five burner top. Including giant
and simmer, connections made
free, special $15.00
Grass Catcher, galvanized Iron
bottom, regular $1.00 quality 65
Galvanised Tub, extra heavy,
stationary handle and wringer
attachment, regular $1.45. 91.10
Kabbar Ion, fifty foot length.
$5.00. $5.50. $6.00, $7.00 and 10
Hose Reel 7 re Saturday only.
sWMk Boiler, with 14 os. copper
bottom, stationary handle, tegu
lar $1.98. at 91.10
Poultry Wire, square foot... ViO
Boreen Wlr, per square foot IViO
Hammock, all color and styles,
88c to ia
Baa Ball Suits, special ....91-00
Croa.nt Set, special 65c to 93.M
Shoes Reduced
Saturday a sale of about seventy-flv
pair of women's Oxfords, lace and
button shops, both In tan and black,
odds and ends, mostly of our regu
lar $3.00 line, size 2H to 4 91. 8
Women' patent colt, patent kid. vel
vet kid and gun metal shoes and
oxfords, very beat stylea of the sea
son, all sizes, $2.50 to $3.00 quali
ties, at 9l.CS
Children's lace and button shoes, sizes
up to 2, regular values $1.75; on
Saturday, clearing at ......... .91.19
Men's Shoes and Oxfords
Choice of entire
stock of regular
$4 00 qualitlea. In
gun metal, box
calf.vlcl kid and
tan calf skin, also
patent colt, spec
ial Saturday 93-89
Men's vlcl kid lace
shoes and ox
fords, broken
sizes, regular
$2.60, for ...91.89
Bennett's Big Grocery
Omaha's Pur
Food Center..-
Bennett' Best Coffee, 3 lbs. 91.00 and 100 Ureen Stamps
Bennett' Beat Coffee, lb 35c and 30 Ureen Htainp
Teaa, assorted, lb 68c and
Tea Sifting, lb 16o and
Pride of Bennett's Flour, ak. 91.60 and
Allen's Boston Bread Flour, 10-lh.
sack for SOe and
Diamond C. Soap, ten bar.... 860
Snyder' Pork & Beans, 1 cana 20c and
Economy Milk, 3 cans 8S0 and
Large Cooking Raisins, ib. 18 He and
New York Cream Cheese, lb. 80o and
Swtaa Cheese, fancy lb 85o and
French Cut Loaf Sugar, pkg. ..85o and
lr. Price' Breakfaat Food, three
nkgs. for :.85o and
Minute Tapioca, two pkr....80o and
Fresh Country Butter, pound, 18c,
Oc, 22c and 84o
75 Green Stamna
10 Ureen biamps
60 Ureen biaini s
30 Green Stamp
10 Green Stampa
10 Ureen B'.inn
20 Ureen Stamp
10 Ureen Stamps
10 Ureen Stampa
10 Ureen Stampa
10 Green Stamps
ii urflrn stamps
Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter,
pound brick B7o
Double Green Trading Stamps on all Butter.
Best We Have Corn, 2 cans.. 8 So and 20 Ureen Stamps
New Potatoes, peck 30o
California Lemons, dosen . ...18o
Several hundred Sweet, Juicy Pineapples, each S
Batavla Salmon, can 83o and 10 Ureen Stamrs
Crescent Maplelne, bottle 3 So and 20 Ureen biampa
J. M. Early June Peas, i cans.S5o and 10 Ureen stamp
Bennett Capitol Baking Powder
pound can S4o and 20 Ureen Stamp
A. B. C. Catsup, pint bottle... 83o and 10 Ureen stampa
Nickel Sodaa, four packagess. .160 and 10 Green Stamp
BEB'JTBTT'S CAHDIX3 Grocer 8 action.
Salted Peanuts, pound 100
Mixed Candy, pound .....So
Toasted Marshmallowa, half pound lOo
Toothsome Saturday Offerings' in. Meat Market
Leave your order at BEXXETT'S. The busiest and best meat market In the west; makes unusually low prices
to get your business cleanliness" and prompt delierles are other features worth considering. Phone orders are
2,000 pounds Morrell's Iowa Pride Regular
Hants, every one Is selected and guaranteed,
PW ,b '....14H?
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
5,000 pounds Morrell's Iowa Pride California
Hams, very choice, perlb. .
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Cudahy's Rex Bacon, narrow 'strips, 5 to 7
pound average, by the strip, per lb. -HH
particularly well cared for.
Fresh Leaf Lard, 11 pounds for 91.00
200 Young Mutton Legs, per pound..
Prime Rib Roast, ail bones out, per lb. . 15?
Choice Pot Roast, per lb 0
Boiling Beef, per lb 5
Pig Pork Loins, per lb 8C
Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb 7?
Lamb Shoulder RoaBt, per lb 7 'it?
Lamb Stew, per lb 5?
Kramey Nor Uh. 7 69 7 9
Orthopedic Mosp. .. K7 t 37. m
Fnient Heserve .... ZxS.KI X.2RS.M
Institutions cash.... liltrt.M 12,2'0.18
Hr.spital fur Iniuine. 1.2JS 63
'tate Library 5T3.5S W4
1'nlversity ash 40.4U.41 35.&M.I2
Peru Nor. Lib 1 ! o4 l.M!i.'4
Normal Endowment 11. 177. 7 0
Norn-,al Interest .... 3.ii30.7l 3.030.71
Ar. & Mec. Arts... 6.74L&0 ft.fe9.17
Totals $48I.1U7 2.650.2
Take a
Temporary arhool.. 3i 7SI v
I'enii. t"Blverliy... lT.eM.ja
Agr. Coll. Endow.. .i k7
T. inp. i nlverstty..;
F-nitnt!ary aS.52
Kedctnpllon - 5.a).b4
May 31. 1.
f 7 &fi.J2
6i'i.lS7 4
45. W 4. 71
win at Into Terrttorr
the North western.
CREIGHTON. Neb.. May .-(Special Tel
egram.) The Bryan special train arrived
here today on time. It waa met at tha
depot by a large delegation of citisena ac
companied by the Nebraska State band.
Mr. Bryan spoke fur about twenty minute
from the platform of his car. Hia address
was entirely political, touching the various
lsauea before the people at the present
time, but developing nothlr-g different from
his previously expressed views. This was
th first opportunity Creighton people have
had of hearing Mr. Bryan In their home
town and they gav him an enthusiastic
reception and an attentive hearing.
VALENTINE. Neb., May 29. t8peclal.
talnlng of Hon. William Jennings Bryan
In thla city, Sunday, May 31, have been
completed. A tent seating over people
has been engaged and preparations sre he
ir. made for a large crowd. Mr. Bryan
will make two addretes, one at 10 a. m.,
under the auspices of the Presbyterian
church, upon some religious theme, the
other at 2 p. m., which will be his lecture,
"Signs of th Times." Both addresses will
be held In the big tent. Thl being Sunday,
Mr. Bryan will talk nothing at all about
politic During hi stay here Mr. Bryan
will be the guest of Attorney A. M. Mor-risey.
4 j
Puff, bloated, uncomfortable!
Your stomach is npaet.
Undigested food makes tha
gas that causes tha headache.
Papa's Diapepein overcomes,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heart
burn. Sour Risings, Nausea
and other stomach miseries in
fiva minutes.
Makes you feel fine.
Pape's Diapepsin
Oudit-L0ni Irtoev. Ami Dn Str.
4 M
rtk I
IT wax PUT vou
oh roan rctrr.
Creek Otrrlow Cron Badly
WmiH 1b Many Place.
BEEMEK. Neb.. May tSpecial.J
Laat evening at about 6:30 a disastrous
storm passed In a northeasterly direction
through this part of Cuming county, de
vastating the crops. In some places the
destruction being almoat total. Northwest
of this place It developed Into a cloud
burst, accompanied by considerable hail.
The damage by hall Is not great, aa moat
of the corn la just up or coming up, but
the fall of water was so heavy the soil
shifted and covered tt up. Listed corn Is
either waahed out or covered so deep
with mud that the ftelda will have to be
replanted. Th rush of water In the
ravlnea and slough wa something ter
rible, and at thl writing hall and corn
stalk are lying In drifts on tha lowlands
In placea to a depth of three and four
feel. One farmer. John Tomrdle, Is the
only on who lust sny stock, h loalng
fourteen head of hoga by drowning In tha
pen. Fencea hare been swept away. The
loss. In tha aggregate, will be quit heavy
to the farming Intareat her. Th oldest
tnrabttant ha nothln gto offer to compare
with It.
Fraaer Creek, which run through th
aatpart oC town, and drains a territory
for five miles north west, and which,
with the exception of a big rainstorm,
is nothing more than a ravine, went on a
rampago and did damage to village prop
erty to tho amount of hundreds of dol
lars. Two bridges across It were washed
away and the only way people living In
the east part of town could get horn
was by being ferried across In a boat,
and not then until between and 10
o'clock. The Plum Creek bottoms, north
of 'town Is all under water.
Cadet at Xrbraska City.
NEBRASKA CITV. May 29. (Special.)
The I'nlverslty cadets who have b?en
camped at Morton park since last Tuesday.
being put through some hard pork, in
manual of arms, when the weather will
permit. It has rained every night since
they have bee nhere. On night the storm
tore down all of their tents and yesterday
and today th boys have had their cloth
ing and bedding hung out to dry. The
grounds are nicely situated so they will
drain. Yesterday afternoon th city offl
clala ami members of th comerclal club
were Invited out to witneea the dreta
parade and sham battle, which followed.
The Cowsta club will give a dance In honor
o fth visiting cadet. Th cadets will tike
part In tha Memorial day exercls
morrow afternoon.
Wife rialaaa Hnaband'a Estate.
SEWARD. Neb.. May 29. (Special.) Mra.
Jessie Smith, widow of Eugene Smith of
MUford who committed sulcldje a couple of
week ago, after having appeared before
the grand jury In connection with the
death of hia mother, Mr. Frank Smllly,
yesterday filed a petition In the county
court asking that the peraonal property of
the deceased which la advertised for aale
tomorrow, be assigned to her, and that she
be allowed $30 per month pending settle
ment. They were married June 4, 190S, but
only lived together a couple of days, after
which Smith had a notice printed In the
paper notifying the public that he would
not be responsible for any debts contracted
for by hia wife. His estate Is valued at
. Special Trcfn to Sidney.
SIDNEY, Neb.. May 19.-(Special.)-A
special train will be run from Ogallala to
Sidney next Tuesday afternoon for the
Bryan meeting In th evening at th Tobln
opera houae.
of too much, though they say there haa
been enough and would like to get a
chance to plow corn.
ALMA Graduation exercises of the
eighth gradea from each district In the
county will take place In the new high
school building at Alma June 12.
1 c ITT Judge William nay-
ward delivered the addresa at the high
school graduating exerrlaea last evening at
Dunbar. There were five graduatea.
BRAD8HAW At the home of the
bride a parents near nere on Thursday
evening, occurred the wedding of Mlaa
Marie Enderly to Mr. Jcslah Llchtenberger.
land and Miss Grace Def ranee, two popular
young people of Syracuse, came to this
city laat evening and were united In mar
riage. (
ALMA Mra. Charles Werner of Amory.
Wis., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Yot
of this city, died at her home last night.
The parents received a message to that
effect this morning.
WYMORE Decoration day will be appro
priately observed by the old soldiers of
Blue Springs. The Grand Army of the
Republic and Woman'a Relief corps of this
city will decorate graves In the morning
and have a campflre In their hall In the
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Free Facial
to each customer purchasing
$2.00 worth of La Maire Goods.
All this week and next free
demonstration at
Myers-Dillon DrugCo,
Farmam Sts.
Nebraska New Note.
YORK The commencement exercises of
the York High school were held laat night
at tha opera house.
A 1 M X Caniln C Y Adams of Hunerlor.
Neb., will dt-llver the addresa at the me-
I mortal day exerclaea In Alma Saturday.
BEJITR1CE Colonel W. 8. Tliton of this
city ha been engaged to deliver the ad
dress at Blue Springs on Decoration day.
ALMA Rev O. C. Cook of the Methodist
Episcopal church of thla place, will deliver
the memorial addreaa In Benkelman Satur
day. BEATRICE 8. C. Heacox and a Veith of
Hastings have purchased the Jewel theater
and will open it' to Uie public nrat Satur
day. VALENTINE Vernon T. Btillwell and
Miss Mary Nollets were married Tueaday,
at the Catholic church In thla city, Kev.
Leo Blear officiating.
EDGAU Tli weather ha been wet th
last week. Five Inches of rain ha fallen
during th month, two Inches the last
ck. Farmer art not yet complaining
Cut-price lllinerii Sale
Absolutely Every Hat in the House
Enormously Cut in Price.
; ID