THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY 2.1. IP-V. Enormous Gut-Price rri UCHT ON RAILROAD VALUES " n n r n mmm Every n House Cut in Price Hat INVESTIGATE -IT PAYS! fll H jy - Donolas St.1" pir Tax ComrdMioiifr Poller of the Omaha Pmerti Sure rifTire, '"STOSTH KOSE THA5 ASSESSKEST see Fiaawstl'elr 1st tfce Varlaae Nethada af tnr(ll tfce alae cf Railroad Praaerty tnmlMll Ralls. From a Ptff Corr-sfiTid'-nt. LINCOLN. Neb. May H.-T. A. Polleya, tax commissioner of tbe Chicago. St- Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha railway company, a ho today spoke before the state board of nwnficfnt, appeared to be boosting for a raise In the assesse-d valuation cf other railroads m Nebraska or to looking out for an assessed valuation that may be used before the railway rommissloa a an argument for leave to increase freight rates He showed the board hew It might increase the valuation of hi road from K2.K a mile In Nebraska to ICft. and then 1 talked an hour or !o to shew the beard that really MS.OiO en alout rl;!.t. The board of assessment last jear valued all railroads In the state a? an average of M.M a mile, but Mr. Polleys -v a r-orriTiiil a 1 inn showinr hOV it Slight LONG TRIP WITH BROKEN LEG i ivw . mi, secretary Christopher I Sc&aviand of Msdison, recent'y ejected, Levi AiiriMi af Hal Rides Leagtk I met with the board today. At noon, after Prices The Difference A maa buya clothea to put on and a woman buyi item to show oIL Yet Impressive clothing ii more important to a buainaas man tnan 1t U to a woman. . To be well drewed meana to be well received. To be well dressed meant that yonr business proposition will be well received. And lastly, but by no meana the least consideration for the man who withes to aucceed, to be attired in s. Ma cCarthy-Wilson made-for-you suit ia to be well dressed. MjrCaj-th.y- ilan Suits raade to meaaure. -825 S45 Pants to Order perfect lit 55 to 513 Opea Evening- HkcCarlhy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 'S04-50 SOUTH 1TH ST. Sear Southwest Corner 10th and Farnarn Sta. FToae Dowtlas 1808. f 5erakt with riiriairl lajarf. RULO. Neb, Mar n. 6peciaX Levi An derson. an old soldier and widower about W rear of ape. arrived here Vast right after having come from the western line of Nebraska with a broken and badly bruised lei Mr. Anderaon timi property here. Last March he went west and took a fr4v-acre homestead near the Wyomlnf line. Being lonesome on hla claim, he undertook to hitch up hi western bronco and take a having listened to Mr. Polleys for two hours, the board adjourned till tomorrow morning. Mr. Polleya said rn part: Itu4i w.e OTerralae. If It is the purpose of thi board this year to as" railroad at 1W per rent of thrir preeent ac-tual value, and If It i aiao their purpie to aaeetie real Mrtate at Ita fjll Tireeent value, then but not otherwise, ff will probably te ! jufi;fi-d in in reaii;g trie railroad as- (-eBMiient tLi tHT to an average for itii nate f about f per miie. whit-h i would procu'-e an apgreate (if a little flrlva. Tif horae would not be harneed. ljJBt Vf,11 c,r ij,i.,BK,..Ki f the hoard mmVr of yeara i errd a In ternal revenue ccle'tr fr Nebraska Trior to the adroimM ration of Elner E Ftj heneon r.iaalalai taitar. After beir.j rgania3 and Id operation for more than two j eara, the braka L.jmi-rtnen Mutual Iosurao'-e a.aocla tion. an adiunct to the Ptate Lurobt-j-realertf aasoclatlon 1 bow beinf aa- amined for the firat time by the nate in surance df.artment. The work t being done by Archie Parle. a brother and ap pointee cf Auditor 1'. M feearle The oomj.any ha been reporting It huttw each year to ti.e dej.artment. tet ha not been required to rubmlt Hi affajra t3 atruiir.y untu tne present time. err- watertrg tank yaterdar afterrorm. The child wa Juat old enonrh Vo t;d1ie about and waa o-jt of .-ht of the nurae but a fw miiiu'.e. and a hen f-urd wa r.oatl-,g face dear ward In the tank. A phyacian waa Summoned, and every aneant used t3 reaunitate the chtM. but to no avaiL VOWS OF HERWA RIOW EXD OfKee-ra Etoe'te-d aad 1 1 ! fBta , a Sell MeMlaa flare. GRAND 3KUAXI.', eh.. May i?r-"C;aJ , The eiarhth annual aearion of the Ron of Herman H Nebraska came to a conrlvritn Wedneaday nl:ht at a barque tendered bT the local lodge at the Llederkrana hall. Tha ball waa beautifully decorated. Han- tary Bird Critctfieid a reoorda ri the ; lmgr'a rrhoetra waa In a-ttendawe. thera membership at IftO and the amount of wera acveraJ numhera by the male rhorua lruenranoa in force at IfTP.ICO, ea.h mem- of the combined Haatinga and Grand laianS aociettee and exoellent addrraae were made r being limited to 11.000 on any one totk t gooda. The company fumlahee protection to lumbermen at rate about fc per cent cf thoae filed by the "board" schedule. HCAVT RAI OfTHEJIT Mr. Anderaon aaya. and in aome mancet either kicked or atruck him on the leg and broke it. Thia rouaed the ire of the old aoldier. ard without aecurtng aid. he harnessed the horae, hitched it up and drove it thirty mile alone to a railroad siatioin. On hi homeward trip. Mr. Anderson came throug-n many citie. bat had nothing dine until he got among hia friends, about forty-eig-ht hours after the accident hap pened. He was carried to his home on a atretcher, and upon arrivinar here f:ur phyaiclane were called to dress and set hi injured limb. Alt hours badly bruised, in flamed and broken, the doctors think the leg will mend In time and that Mr. Ander son will be able to be about again. Mr. Anderaon flraas a pension of MO a month. shall place thia year an average actuaj value of more than ..(0l' per miie upon tlie railroads of the state, it will, in my Judg ment. I valuing tt.em at more than 11 per cent of i;ejr ffc;r present value. The determination of the system true taiue per mile of the operating iropert.v of ar.y t inroad cnimar.y cwnirig and operat ing hues in Nebraska and in other state i a necessary prerequisite to the actual a.nd equitKll determinat ion ly this board or by anyone else of the true value per inile of the operating property of any company withir, the state of Nebraska. 1 w isti. very briefly, io lay before the txiard certain calculations, made upon sev eral different plans, indicative of the sys tem value, total and per mile, of the oper ating property of the C. St. P. , M. at O. Ry. cott t any in IO. Alter grivmg the valuation of his road by the various processes on atock and .bond cases, capitalised net, physical property tiasis. commercial value on com pound gross and net earnings, Mr. Policy st.d: ATHLETES TO KXLP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE . COKDITIOS Or THE SKIK. . TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD EE TAtEIff WITH - HAND SAPOLIO Alt Qmcert mad Dntgzftta l larkei of Rata at Teransek. TDCrMFEH. Neb.. May r. i Special t This aertion was visited by erne of the heaviest rain storms In its tiirtory. beg-in-ning about t o'clock 'Wednesfiay afternoon and continuirc during the evening: and most of the night. The total precipitation waa .11 inches, and of this four Inches fell from 7 to I o'clock "Wednesday even ing. Heavy rains are reported in other aectiona of thia part of the state, but the fatl vii thf. heavWKt at Terufnaeh of inv ! place in Johnson county. At Sterling the rainfall was about one and one-half inches. Borne damage has resulted from the storm. The rural mall carriers report acme of the smaller culvert over the county aa being washed out. The com waa washed some what and vegetation was beaten by the driving; rain, At Table Rock aW feet of Burlington track waa washed out and mixed train No. 11 on the Burlington, due la thia city at 73S a. -m, did not reach here until I o'clock " Thuraday afternoon. There la no report of damage from light ning. The Nemaha river overflowed slightly at thia point. it ar. 1 Maw Tare ta flaatlaa Cera. TORK. Neb.. May ZL (Special. t One of the oldest . farmers in Tork county, who ha watched tbe great improvement made in recent years in the preparation, and plant ing of com by Tori ce'unty farmer, stated that never before has he seen farmers pay so much attention ta the preparation of corn ground and that the seed this year if tbe best. Owing to the great work done in preparing the corn ground and the fine rains of which every ounce of water wa soaked in and Is sail held in the subsoil. Tork oounty farmer never had as fine prospects. Quldren's Oxfords Tbere'e a fie variety of child ren! Oxforde here. Bova anC Girls' sites In Oxfords, Gibson Ties Etc Our Oxfords will fit the child foot properly; most Oxfords don't Briag la the CMldrra Kid ot Patent Leather, or Can- vhM with low or spring heel S1.25 t 52.00 according to sire.. Tbe children's feet we fit with Oxfords will be fitted comfortably See our children's window. FRY SHOE CO. TMW IIOI1L . tSih and Douglas S.'s. a O TILLS. j TheE-C Girl Gives Away Much Money Says She Is Jus! Cettiog Started - liore Big ii Bisy Days. Iid tbe E-C Girl call on you yesterday? Uiyl aiia maybe nut. Sue roaue a lot of calls and cave away crisp n-w dollar bills in all parte of the city. ehe ha3 procicted u would be a busy any. and it as. From 8 o'cloca ui :lie morning until early ( In the evening the E-C iirl kej.t ( aieadily at h- work. With a reprenetaa I live of te E:j-(-See Cereal Co. aiie drie I over great portion of the city, getting out ' of her carriage at f;-3uent lrteivata ana t making -all at the home of trie neighbor i hHd Winrever arie found E-L Corn Klakea In a heme., and it a in nearly j eery home at which she called, she left i one of the Dollar Mils which filled her aatrhei wln sne began the day. ! "1 aatd yesteroay 1 t.e)ieved !' per eerr o tne of Cmaha ate E-O Corn Klake f.r r.reaifat. said the K-C tiirl. j "Toflur 1 would to raise ny figure j to Hi jier cent, axid i don't 1 am ivcr- i!triatinp It Mmi like n-enwli 1 1 -ali. In fier) jiart of town I fird I Com Flafcee. A reek ago the people ready whew J called, but now fiey ere i baying It for the food itself. And that I what pleases me mm " ! 1o1ay will be another b.g day with the j EC" tS:rl. S!ie declare she is Jusi new get. ' tine started on her unique work here j t ithin the teirt few uayi she Will visit; eiery j'rt of 1 ie city several times j The followrrg is a partial list of thuw . Thu we have worked out four different system valuation per mile for I: S'.ock and bond basis. 4i.M2 per mile: capii.a!iea tion of net earning tiasis. Mii.KT per m lie, physical property basi. 4S.6a per miie. and commercial value on oombined gross anj net earnings basj HT.oSti per mile. The comjKiaite system value per mile, beir.g the average of the four separate value Just stated, is MS. 74. which woi.)d produce a total system value of ITaffT.STi. Thi com posite system value per mile (ea.74i e ooeds by less than I per cent the assessed actual .alue per mile fjed by this board for the last four j ears for our Nebraaka lines, namely, Hl.ij-K.'. But. iijetead of adcpting the composite system vatue per mile Just stated (.$;."4i. 1 propose to use for the purpose of this argument only, the highest one of tle four separate values above stated, namely, the comroerciaJ value of MTj per mile. We iiave seen thst the hignest amount per mile, aa ooroputed by the use ot the four d:fferent plana, at which ti.e system value of the Chicago. St. Paul, Mmneapoli at Cmaha m 1! c an t placod ia K'Mk' per mile. That being ao. at what amount per mile should our Nebraska lines in fairness be valued? (est Ftaarea. The census authorities in 114. as I ex-pian-d m my argument of a year ago. apportioned system aluea to tne several s.ate crosse d by such systems on the bast of the gross earning made within tbe sev eral rial. Reference to the ' gross earn ing ' taile on the accompanying statistical siieet aiil tliaclose. tiiat duriiig the ten 3 ear las'. Past, the gross earning pom er of ! our Nebratka line has ranged between a I ton mmiiiium of ib 7 per ceit and a maximum of Wi.31 ptr ctnt of our syste n. gross earn ing per miie. For tbe entire ten year the a vet age gross earning i-ower ;er mile of the Nebraska lines waa 7(1 7b per cent of tne stem srob earning per mile, and for me last five rears Jl was 74 7k per cent. If, then, crossing ean.rig power would he taken as the sole basi of apportioning sys tem values, our Nebraska lines sntiuid be valued at not more than 74 7fc jier cent of our system commercial value ot H,') per mile, or at tJi.lta per miie. In 1 the average commercial value per i i' of ail railroads in Nebraska, as com i by lb combined gross and net eara 1 roc.eas. a as K1.27a. or 74 1 per cent ! . ,- average value of all railroad ol the I i i.trj" of thai year, lifc.lfjt. per mile. The j average actuaj talue fiaed by the board m i year for ail railroaus in Nebtaska was M'.iiSH' per mile. It lKt'7 the average commercial value per miie for all railroaos in Neoraska wa 14.- li;, wnu h bore a ratio of 71, 7J ;er ceiit to the commercial value per mile for ail railroad of tne country. Ca.anO. The actual valut assigried by this board te the rail r;.a of Netraska as a whole wa 44.44i. Vee, Xeaaafca aad rwaee Caatte Have Mark Malatar. STETLXJk. Neb.. May SI i Special V-Af'-er an all-night rain Wednesday night the farmers were notified by telephone to ge their nock out of the low land along the Muddy, and at t yesterday morning It broke out of ft banks north of town and In ten minutes tha stream was a mile wide at this point and up to tbe railroad grade at tbe de pot. An Immense amount of com and hay ground win be damaged along the bottoms. The wagon bridges west of town are sur rounded by water, and as the rrver Is still rising, both these bridg-es may be carried out. It will be Impossible to reach town from the west for several days. WTMORE. Neb May (Special. -The Burlington will enlarge a section of It roundhouse here to accommodate the large ngines being used on this division. This will necessitate moving several hundred feet of track, vaed in making a 'T." Traffic on tbe main line east and west wa delsyed several hours on account of bad washouts at Table Rock. Reports re ceived say that several thousand feet of track are out there. One cf the hardest rain of the year fell here last night. It is said over four Inches of water fell. In dian creek is out of Its banks and still ris ing. The Blue river Is also up, but ft Is not expected that stream will go out of lis banks. AUBURN, Neb.. May ST i Special.) The heaviest rain that has visited this part of the country commenced falling Wednesday night at t.K and continued the rest of the n;ght- A great deal of hail alao fell, and it is reported lid considerable damage to fruit and gardea truck. Nearly a mile and a half of roadbed is washed completely out Just north of this city on the Missouri Pa cific railway. All trains from tbe south have been tied up at thia place since ar rival, and from the north they cannot get any farther than tbe Nebraska City Junction, two miles and a half northwest of this city. Part of the yards of the Mis souri Pacific were submerged about t o'clock thi morning, caaamg a great deal of damage and temporarily stopping- all work therein. This did not last long, how ever, as It wa nearly all surface water, and tbey were soon able to commence stor ing away the traina arriving. It ia not thougrht that with the most favorable con ditions tbey will be able to get train through until late tomorrow. by Messrs. John Ma'.tea. Jr.. John Schidler. A A. Liembacb of Hastings, F. J. Freitag of South Omaha, PYltt Volpp of Scribner. Albert V. D. Heyde of Or and Island. Cap tain Louis Loeecr '"of Nebraska" and Carl Rohde cf Columbua. X. C. Mayer of Grand , Island acted a toas: master. I The grand lodge In its closing session ' selected Lincoln as the plsce for the next j annual convention. Rol jtiona declaring i sympathy with the alms and purpose of the Personal Rljrht leagrue recently or ganised were adopted. A parade, headed by Harrison band, was gives after the close of the business aeesion and several hundred were in line. The following effioers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John Martes. Jr., Nebraska City; vice president, F. J. FTeitag. South Omaha, second vice president. Altwrt V. D. Heyde, Grand Island. secretary. Carl Rohde, Columbus, treasurer. Frits Vo'.pp. Scribner: member board of trustee. Will iam Pitpeuitock, Wayne; physician. Dr. C. F. Ptockhart. Nebraska City; delegate to national convention at L'enver in I!. John Schindler of Stanton, Frtts Volpp of Scrib ner. John Matte, jr.. of Nebraska City. J. H. Lohmann. alternates. F. J. Freitag of 6outh Omana. August Roe Lecher of Colum bus. Albert V. L. Heyde of Grand lsiand and Can Rohde of Coiucibi.a. Trwlaa Diverted by Wstkt BEATRICE. Neb, May 22 (Special Tele gram.) Several main line trains on tbe Burlington were run through Beatrice to day on accour.t of washout east of W ytnore. aaaaBBaaaBaBBBaaaBaBaBBaaBaaBBaaaaHBHa ! WS I aa aa . CHOICE STRAW HATS.... Straw Hats are ready, and it's time ycu should lay aside tbe .old liat and put on a Mraw. There never was a wider choice than is shown . thi? season. Soft straws, stiff straws. Conserv ative chapes, extreme shapes, every shae and braid. We've All the Gcoi Stvles. 50c 75c $1. $130. $2. $2.50. $3. $3.50. $4 $5 Beautiful Panamas. $3.50. $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $8.50 TAKE A PEEP at cur tiot weather Shirts. If you want some of the handsomest hirt your eye ever rested upon, come new and make your selection. Our line include about all a man can ask for In a cool, comfort hle fitting shirt, pialted or plain bosoms, cuffs attscbed or de tached, coat styles. Sleeves of different lena-th and at prices that w i.l please you. $1, $1.50, $2. $2.50. $3. $3.5 KMAJaT BKXS8XS.B who want chic and tun; 1 y suits can find their ideal garment here CIS and up to S3S. Sew Cfearrh at Palrbary. FAIB.BURT. Neb.. May 3L (Special .) The cornerstone of the new Catholic church wa laid Wednesday afternoon with the imposing rites of the church. Tbe proces sion formed at the rectory and marched to the foundation of tbe new structure and the fixst services wars held teefore a large ros which had been erected where the altar ia to stand, tbe final ceremonies held at tbe cornerstone, which was blessed and laid with tbe customary rttea. Rev. Joseph T. Roche of Nebraska City, a for mer rector of the Falrbury church, preached the sermon, the F.L. Rev. Thoma Bonacuni, bishop of Lincoln, delivering an address to the eorjarregauon. Those from abroad participating in the ceremonies were: P.ev. S. A. tiucpby, Eut- Rev. J. C. Freeman, Wymore; Rev. M. A. Shine and Rev. 6. Agnus, Lincoln: Rev. Thorns Eadden, Tecumeeb; Rev. J. Lonrhurst, Lvid City; Rev. W. McDonald. Hastings, and Rev. M Higgms. Doniphan. Rev. J. J. Carey, rector of the church, -assisted In, the service. The dimensions of the new church are a follow: Length. It feet; width, nave. 44. feet; transept, oe feet- aacris'.y. i4 feet. The spire is Ms feet hiph. Xefcraaka Si Sales. RULO An unusualiy heavy crop of al falfa hay is now being cut by the farmers. RULO An inch of water, miiified with a few hail, fell here between 4 and o clock this morning. BEATRICE The Wymore State bank has opened for business The ofticers of the new mstnuUori are the same as those a ho were connected with the Stale bans, RULO Winter w heat has headed out ntceiy. is unusually lengthy, rank and long-iieaded, probably due to the large amount of rain ha fallen here tne last three weeks. LEIGH J C. Elliott cf West Point baa been eetcured to oi liver tbe address Dec-oration day. Exercise atli be held at tbe cjera house. The Le.yh Concert hand U furnish music. BEATRICE At the close of the Iwr.quet of the comme-oial club last rnptrt the fol lowing director were eiect-d: c . rt. Iiempster. E. G. iTake. C. G. Laker, B. H. Begole and L B. Howry. BEATRICE The Rockford ball team yesteroay lost three game, one to the Dutch team from Beatrice by the score of i to K. one to Filiery by the score of 1 to 1, and one to a pirkc 3 nine from thia cltj Ly the score of y to i. CFDAT RAPIDS The members of the St. AnUiony Catholic church are building im rp.,,'irle1 a large addition to their church, w hich fur j and ifUrjn, some lime rtasi xias e-ii vco rmui id commodate the coTsregatiotis. They hoj to have it completed by the middle of July. BEATRICE Lightning played a queer prank at the home of George Stein, south of the city. Wednesday merit. It strut the bed in which Mt. and Mrs. Stein were sleeping, partially Destroying it. and did not injure the occupants other than shock ing them. LEIGH The graduating class this year consists of four young people. Alexander Oonrad. Mabel Matren, Hcrti.a Dunn and Rosa Moeller. fTof. N. W Berg Clothing Co. rirteBth aad XoTurlaa. 1 W V-V,"!,.', . -i :mmm ! 'I T7. ') . f t v a' company at Tecumseh for six years and six month, ha -nen up the position. Other dutie oetnand so much of hi time. Mr. Miner decd-d to five up the position in question Tecumseh ic tlie distributing point lor Johnson county of the oil com pany and the agency here involves a great atliouni of work. Mr. Miners suc cessor ha not jet been named nor i it known ho It w ill te. BEATRICE E J. SI. inn. manarer of the Book waiter faj-ms, relumed yesterday from Booka alter. Net. .. and report that corn waa badly damaged in that section of tlie state by the cloudburst of Wednes day night. He reports a rainfall of six inches at that place, and says that much cf the corn is wasned out. Similar rep-ins come from tlie south part of Gage countf. whtie a rainfall of three Indies Train on the Roc lsiand ngton were badly belated yester day on account of washout on these lines. FA7RLURT An ordinance was pre sented to the city council at tiieir last meeting, granting to H. 6. Fuller and -social ca a ftanchise to construct ra works for lighting and heating purposes: end also providing for ceiling an election under toe referendum ordinance, submitting the question of s renting the franchise to a vote of tbe electors of the city. The coun cil made several amendments to the ordi nance, prmcipsl'y relating to prices to te charged for cm. Tft t-hareee were nmt t re, on i satisfactory to the petitioners and tne WINDSTORM IN ST. LC'JIS Balldiaaw and 7 reel Blnn mTia and . Telephone I'-j I ctat ,f senile. ST. LOUIS. May Si A ii-t.r,ia! rain and windstorm visi;-d St. Lou. a an" vicinity tnr.irlit. Several small frarn st-ui " Hire arre b4r.r. dim.. 1ice airr b:oi; arid telephoisr put out of sen ice. At Granite City. ill. across tne river, "h plant of the Corn Tuita Refining ,km pany, employing 1 rut., was strutk t. lightning and daniajed to tie ex.i:i i Sl.,(MMt. One girl opt-tative was m.ureo !:i i panic during en aitemp; of girl t!;i;.n,. e. ir the syrup roon. to make t;it.i tia,. from the buiid.r.g. Valeatiae High frekaol Gradaatlaa. VALENTINE, Neb., Mty 21 cSpeciaJ Telegram The seventh annual commence ment exercises of the Valentine High school were hld this evening at Church's hail, when seven graduate received diplomas. The scholarship race, which w as very close, wa won by Miss Mary Easley. who had an average of Ki 5-7 per cent. The baccalaureate sermon was preached by Rev. W. W. Wells at St. John's Episcopal of the Fremont Normal has been secured i election w ill not lie called until thev fle as Siieaker. Tlie rommencenieni exercises ( 1(je whether Uiey wish the question sub will t.e held at the opera house Saturcay , rmtted in its present -form. It is under etening. May ! stood that other partie have an ordinance CEI'AR RAP1IS Mr. John Vanderwaila ' 1or a similar purpose prefiared to submit and Miss E.izatieth Kc-hnert both of this I to the council t Ihcir ntxt meeting, p. ace. weie united m marriage May jaj. FE.4TP.1CE Notioe has been sen ed upc n The friends went immediately to the home L). Kreismger. aitornv for tne cojntv of the bride, about three miles southwest s n tne case of Join H. Sparks agamst of town, where the weeding breakfast wa Gage count, whkh ha been pending before served. J tie leetivitieF lasted ail cav. ana p..f, ree C. J Clements in United Slates it was said t.'ikt fully two hundred j (.ourt since March, that thev will applv j son enjoyed tlie hospitai.ty of the Kc-ii- soc.n for a re.-.p-n'ng cl tne case. Ti is ' nert home at varu.-e t.mes during the 15 t!,e ense tn which fpork brought suit lor day. . ii which he allege is due him fori BEATRICE Mr. L. A Horrum died j bridf const ru'-tic n. 'i"he case is to be re- I vesterday morning at her home in Adams 1 opened for ll.e purpose ol proving tliei at the age of sei .nt; -five yea The ! piait.fff a cit:s-n of Missouri, and that ti.e ' deceased .ocated in Nebraslta in !, lak- I I "lifted States court has jurisdiction in Die ing up a homesieai with hr hustiajid 1 case. -iarn i.roo: was noi introduced 1 near Adama. Her son, the late M. D. Kor- ' when the case was up for hear'ng I'noer . rum. served Gage county several vears ago t ' statute a resident of one state cannot as ujnnlenoect of schooia He later I brine n t a if' or c. rpora' mn edited the Adams Glob. She is survived , f mother stute unless wst resident 1 a bv lier husband and one daughter and two c itittii ol the state. !(-:. j he or siie ir sons. 0 ACTIO OX ODD FLLLUa ' HOME CassBBlttee S er.ailafp.cli Poat pone fur a tear. SIOUX FALLS, & I .. May SV tpei. -i ," Tulegrem 1 At the 'final season of 1:1. graad lodge of Odd Friic w of South Da kota this afternoon the . (jjcstiori . of e- lec ting a ilace a the location of liit- f ta-.t home wiikh the Odd Fellow plop .se ,.-;-' ing, came up for discussion. In si.n.e .,uai- i ters'it wa txpevted a seh-i ti'm wo..:d b.,: made at the grand lodge invrt.t.g u!.n.j has just concluu'd its work, anu s. t ra I towns m Ihe wen j.reparetl to pr- r 1. . their claims for the ioiatrr. if tlt. j, - ( However, the hoard of trustees of thy i'.o ! poeed state home subTin:ti.i a lej.i.:. w hich suggest cd thai the C'-tt i-rr.itia 1 h n o: the he-tin- location should i.e c!ri.d 1 ir . to the n-ieet::ig at Deadwc.d next yeei UTl, the grand lodge decid'-d that nu ai-i.oi TECTMSEH-Hardy had the agency of I". Mtner. who the Standard has Oil Hard lime ia hire I.lae. Not ttlisttri'.iir-g tin talk 1.1 l-.d 1 tne I'Tutei States used iust jtar Si' ;i w-ortb of laces most ot .!",:, tn. ported. At (.a 111 1. l-rTte. with a pwulu ue. I nor. 01 atK'ut ,re, over Ti p.i cert engaged in lace,;. - ! tn-:e' S Use Bee wat t ad to boost your business I tiikitig about 7! per cent of tut lace ink ' rn actu ally idermctJ w 11c the commercial 1 inurra wn punaij eieniiiai mc oig au ! value a 'computed by toe proces referred j Euai higrh ac-hool picnic was held at Perry I l1- . , .,, , . I Fall last Saturday and the Junior-aenior I l railroad lb toe ' icitl'iR'n un J nusj, mc mm L i. nuii u le rial value tr nuie country is (-.S4i. as axamst H;..!4 per for ttie railroads of me state of Nebraska. per cent to the ! 1 be average gross ! thi evening The alumni, which now eum . amines per mne of all the railroads ol j bers over KK) membera. will hold its re- hall. Hem. Charles Weston delivered his addreaa. -Historic ldeala," at the exercise li s courti-v lor tne rive year diaiuj unt isi. llvr. were !H'':7. w here.a for all tne railroads .f Nebraska aa whole Uiey were ab .ut T.i' l'r mile, or only 7i.5k per cent uf tne average for the country at large. Railway rasaaaiaslaa Knllag. The Railway cx-mmissiuti tin afternoon gave the Douglas County Telephone com pany permission to lower rale at Val- E-C I ley, Waterloo and E.khorn. prov iding icre I , ha-crc are raid six month in advance. All the rai!od in Nebraska Joined in asking permission to change rate for exces baggage. The commission granted the req-uett to reduce the charge from 1 to cents per hundred rounds. cepiion tomorrow evening. Killed While Steallac Ride. COLUMBl'S. Neb.. May ii. (Special Tel- egram.) Train No. W. with George Over- myT. conductor, was the cause of the j oeaiii of Robert Stanley of Ortonrille, i Minn. Stanley, together with a partner, ! had been riding freight trains from Salt Lake City, where they had been working all winter, and were en route borne, but ' were put off near Gardner, abtiut fifteen j mile west of Columbua. and tried to rids I No M in. In trying to open the side door of a box car while the train was in motion. Stanley lost M hold and stumbled, falling ErOeadaohe and Hn&me Sflil with a minimum- charge of 1 cert per , under the wheel, and was ground to death, hundred and a minimum iharge for any J from in statement of the man who wa shipment of ii cents. " Without EkTSavatiaacr." HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43-5T.;??SSNRYY0RK Is El,.i siHis t " S t j T I a ;: :. ' - L 1' a. F i - i c tw Twtavt roar Flat rwoof raawsiEMT HCTti Cuaosf-aa . StkJi vuas QDirr aio - 4" TMt evtakT Of IMlUGI foemt wrrsi nuasuaa wTE,iioB tia Vii tm, at aao te. tuiTti. at aao yp Waitt lot esSTicutask. Va roa aifctsvaTiofca oua ixrikst. ' W. H. VALIOUETTE. MaaiaalK. '.HL BERfeiCK. ajTwAao. vr. day: "vi... , The VnlBtl j a, ,flc- F.ailroad com;r.y Mrs B. Sterhenson SMt Sherman Ave ; j was allowed to refund overcharges to T Mrs E. O, r.eeibein lili nio; Mrs 1'. e Hoard cf Central City for hauling U. rirt.irh ll' l Va.m- Xi I,.i.. . - - g-rtl. .Kli N i'(lh St ; j'7 A i-".sher. ' "'rn- T!' "m" ra " x 10 f(' Sherrrkn Ate: Moses Kahr. :(iimke correction in ita new rates for pas , Sherman Ave; MasteT Hayien 4hmt.n- i a,f ngers cn ti count of the Lane cut-tff i son. .tis .-v. jsin m., t-a.Ln ermii-on. ' iiicl N iMh Ave; Mrs H O. R e. t;.-7 K. it'th: Mabel Gertrude Kar.n S . . r a r-be-- man Ave: Mr. F. B St ra ndeaard. ,N lstn: H O Lester. Hit Wnj.le r-i . iMrs Moil.e Pni 1tf. Lise: Mr. J M. ITreesU. ;('! S. i''th, L. 1 t-e7 Plnaney; Mrs. R M Gross ii'dj Jk;e. Vera G i nert iM N. i"th M; Fc 'er Jone lfrii Bir.itey rt : air:. Rosen, N it'th St . Sun Thomas Hart. I Sherman Ave.: tint L A. verboy, 7(1 N lath St; Mra. R. U Harba h 1 f . . ( i aocomparytr.g Stanley, it i learned that j he ha a married aister living at Ortonville. I The body wa brought to Columbus and I taken to the Ga undertaking parlor, where j it will be held pending tlie coroner's in vestigation, which w-ni be held tomorrow. N. I f tie will take tp 1.1 abode tljere His i JL 4ih: Mra. H S Rhya. tlik N 1 isi.. F.-erlcs Rent. F17 N Ifth rt ; Fl-.-e- ence Weeierman ItlS . Mrs C. B ir..,,.. l ' a vc no.. r liHl' SheW.aa A'v'e : Mra A. b Uertvu. daughter. Mrs. Ksnlun. and her husband 'ISTI N lkth; Elsie ('rristie. ,( , Bur-(will come from Omaha io live with him. 'dette; Mra. A Mortn is(' Siierman Ave; I rour.,i is nukdrar.-i.ia.r in Mra. Muir. N Stth St; Mra. W. 11 ! " -'..,. w Best. Snerriian Ave ; Mr. D. ti TIM ltii Foninti strse-l aud .VaraU Veal ill? N lii: E. X Johbston. if.t boulevard, a tirt distance north cf N. lsth St ; Mi Be Mrii K. fir- !t,atll street. It aiot e to the west and face tbe country home c f A. O f au.a- Rea. J4('7 N K'th St ; Mra L H S'm-j ner an the east- The operty is to b raiuns 1417 Ohio; Mra K. A Lvitt, XLS4 i -Arked and Otherwise ULtroist at a total Jail Break at F rrwuw t. i FREMONT. Neh , My Si (Special, e ! Join Milton. Ed Leonard and Oh arte Kin I ey broke ut of the Dodge county Jail I last night and there is no trace of their . v . . ........ r... ( - - i. . , v. I tastenea tne cell m i-i.un tne tnre were conf.ned Reaching the corridor, they pried ; out a few brirks from around tlie grating j oa a window, wrenched the grating te one Mr. Hcu, and so..n a. it is c.mpieted I , , . ,Tr" -T ' tl il li'l tuikiml. abu Ihe iilin . u .ti. in Net ias 11. trka Hear. Anotiier har.dsjiTie suburban residence a.l; t ere'ttd southeast of Lincoln by J E Hou'i. fomefiy cf Jhte city, now of C maha. t n ten aire cf ground w r.u-h J4i , has purchased irom ine oia Lyimi irai l. ! 1 he i.rioe iid for u.e lnd and building now upon it wa .t'lu A Louse ccriir.g I : . a. '-.'.. '..''' .';'.: -.'I ''... I , ;'., ' ;Vi '..'- - j ' " . . " "" v ' ' i' j V- - - -cK - it Mr. Frederick 1 linden t-i!r. cf aa ford, X. J.wtio i eijtj-(lirie j'i- 'i age, uupl !. was (ki vlt: to tv-ir, at hia carrariileT trade, j. Le ti" trtul.lel t-ntiunally tairh licsda-lie,! I;.. diget-tkiB acd iaina, wiiich im n-d k be rfsrojnatk1. On the adtice of a frieiad Mr. Uod-n- Derger sbartexj taaing lifjV lute Milt Whiskey, whk h con.j.let f ly ur-l bim. He towt ha a khhJ atiiit-tite aisd caa do aa froud a !a' wtt.rk aa 4.11 j rcini li.0c to lli-.l'i' will be built by Ki a- 1 aerving thirty-day aentenoes from police csourf, M. ton is 4-elieved to 1 a man with a criminal record. nam. Mra H t.niorse. ana -N , Mra. S Srhecae. tkil Sherman Ave: N. ii'th St: Mlas Marjone Brandt. ?:-!- man; H Jtcoh. l'f Clark, Mra H Ii. Walker !(! N". IVth; Mrs. J. tv Viaaart. (; t'tto. Mra 6 A. Larson, lili N lilb, Mra. L. J Piatt i C11 Slierman Ave: Mrs H. Baker 18 N. 1 kit. Mra. A W Bel. lilT Jackann; Mrs Mary Gieoch. 114 Jacksoe. matron Child Sav- tsg Institute lsc Ohia twain. lil PUiAner. at,; rvderick xi-etie. IncluCii-g, cf about til (t'. The work wi-1 begin by Ju y 1. if tot tefore. Mr. Hcilu was president of the aid Lincc.a National bank and is vety will 'known to Lincoln people who were her I at that tuna. 11c rtmov ti t On,l,a a I'lrairr uaalta aaietde. SOOT1A, Neb.. May r. S:ciai Tele graar. Jasue Ri.ey commined evnriae today by ahootir.g himaeif He w a a hi.' g farmer liv mg Bear here. X year oid and unmarried. Ill health 1 supposed to have bee the cause MR FREDIRICK BIN DLN Bt-KGi-R Kecentiy Mr. Biriierberjer wrote: "Prrioua to ttree years kfo 1 thouftt I aa too ti'd to work any core at rry trade at rarpehter. waa tire-d out, kad wtet freerr,ed to le rbenmatUm in rcy batk and aliotild-!, tad icdicettlon. teadBclie- arid wa jretty jenerally broken up. I was a 6 vlaed by a friend lo take Duffy Pure Malt Wr.if.keT. I bourtt a bottle. 1 kept fettJag tuer; wfcat aeemed io b rbeuiuatUm left me; rr-y appetite rarnt batk; I begaa to fe-l lite doisi; atriie Uiir.R, ao I went to work and bate worked ever ainct. taking Duffj'a Purr Malt Wlilekey every day. I Lave only loFt four bonra tince last November, and that waa on awouLt cf tbe snow beiE6 too deep to act to tbe shop until riOOL. I feel aa jouiij aa I did thirty jeara apo and ran cake aorne of tte youcrest ooea bustle. 1 will be aeteu-tv-ttre yeara old iiext Auruet. if I litre until tben, and I r"a I will. Duffy's Pure FJlalf Uhiskey raild Draw ta Waler Taak. ORD. Neb.. May C Special Tbe 14-monib-old child of Andrew Naaa. a prom iiien t German farmer reaiding near this piaoa. unci, daata by tallli a liito a atoca ia an abaolutely ptire dirtlllatioB of Tnalted grain; rreat car teine vaed to haTe every kernel tboroughly malted, tbua deatroj-liiS ttv? germ ted producir-g a predipetd lltm'd food in tbe form of a malt eaeDre. wbitb ia tte ruof-t effective tonic atlroulant aad lrivbsoraior known to aclvtce. aofiened by aarmtb and n.oitTure Its ptlii.ub:lity nl fredotn fron itjnrioua subatances rt-Lder it ao tbat it can te retained by tbe rxoet aensitlve atomatb. It curea iiendCfseM. typboid. itialarla, every form of trtomacb troable. all diaeaata of tbe tCrriiit aiid luiig.a and all rnn-doan and weaeiid condltioriB of tbe body, brain and cervea. It ia prescribed ly dot-tors ar.d i rt-'fi- nUed as tbe rreAt family medicine eTerywhere, CAl'HOX Vv hew yow aak ytsar drukTirist, grrorrr or dealer for Iffr"a Pare Malt Wtuiakey, 1- aiuc iu jr.-l tl , rt-naine. It s the iy alc.lui-ly pare uardiciaal Daalt wtuXf-y and ia aold in aaK-d laittlrw .!; irnr ia bulk. Price- fl.OO. Lxauk for the trade-mark, the Xsd tlM-niis" tm thr lalx-1. and luake sure the Mai ow-r the ik is nbrbkea. U'nvr Dr. IL Citrraa, CNaaaJliut; rbiaatiaa, for a tre LUaatrated taodKai touiU-t aitd frott adikav. Datfry Halt Whiskey Otx, RoUi cater. X. V.