Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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CHOICH QUARTER good land, well Im
proveri; stand strictest investigation: for
few days only. K'vo, li.uvo cash, balance
very rjr l.-rtns Snap at tola rrir.
4J8 Deo Bids. 'Phone. Dou.. -2-l.
. M-J 2
good farm in o land,
Kear Denver, In Ores'ey district, black
nil. clay subsoil, wells 28 to 40 feet,
abundance of moisture, low altitude, gen
4 at farming Including corn raising; ana
crop para lor land; cloaa to laad .'J) aw
acre; tw price, easy terms; will aooa
souble In valbe.
tea Brsndles Building
Omaha, Nab.
Seat Lmlrata.
TICE Vou don't know It, but let ma
prove to you that 1 am authority on
North and bo mil Dakota land. Can sell
cheaper and better than anybody. Fa
tten year a experience; best of references.
W. O. Clark, Omaha, Lock Box 6W
TFXAS LANDS How to gst them. Bend
81 M) to R. C. Lomnx. Autin, Texas, for
copy of Tcsaa land law and Instructions
how to buy. f was for ten years chief of
land department atate treasurers office.
Know lit lands, when they coma on tba
market, how to get them for my clients.
Leferene: Austin National bank. Austin.
Texas Pest isnds to be sold next three
months. Fees reasonable.
(3d) MJ9S MI7
(100 to $'.0,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed,
Wead Llilg., ma and Farnam. () 6U
MONET TO LOAN Fay a Investment Co.
' U2.I6.3
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O Keefe R. K. Co., 10U1 N. Y. Life Bldg.
2 61
Money to loan on
Omaha business properly.
RooEn 1, New York Life Bldf.
02)-U 453
(! 6l
MONET to loan an Improved city property.
Hastings Meyden. 1764 Farnam St.
(21) -620
WANTED City loans.
Feters Trust Co.
WANTED City hmna apd warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St.
LOWEST RATES Bemts. Paxtoa Block.
MONET TO LOAN on Omaha property and
Nebraska-farm land. W. J. Itermpiidy
Investment Co., J N. Y. L. Bid:. TeL
Doug. blM. (22) MbAil
WANTED Information rersrdlng- a grood
house and lot for sale In or within S
miles of Omaha: prefer dealtnv with
' owner only; atate price, location and irlva
run aescripuon. Aaaress L. Darbyablre,
Box 6it, Rocjiester, N. Y.
HIOHK8T pricaa (or td-hand furniture, car
pets, clothes and ahoaa. Tel. Doug. 1971.
t 61S
6 EST price paid for 8-haad furniture, car
pets, aiovea, clothing, ahoaa. Tel. Red MuL
(6 471
WANTED To buy. small soda fountain.
Herman Busch, Waahlngton, Neb.
. () MS4 M
CON. JEFFERSON stock wanted. State
lowest price. Address Y 468, care Bee.
(25) Mm S8X
WOULD LIKE TO RENT a furnished hotel
in good location. Writs Lock Box 146, Ra
venna. Neb. () MM3 25
WANTED Room and breakfast; must be a
line room, on car line. Address F 631, rare
Hue. tj m ttx.
WANTED Rooma in small private family
by woman with child. Address H 57a,
tare Bee. 2t) MlOo 23 x.
EXPERIENCED stenographer; excellent
references. Address "D." Omaha bee,
Council Bluffs. U7 AiSkL
WANTED Position as advertising man
ager by experienced man. Adlress Y 467,
care Ine Bee. iI7 M72 Ix
WANTED General housework In email
family by woman with one child. Ad
dress Q C74. care Bee. t27) M99S 23x
William P. Kelly to Nellie Osborn
part lot 2. Bartlett's addition. .s. . ...
John H. Trennery and wife to John
Berg, part lot 14, and all lot Is,
block 21. Walnut Hill
James Cooke and wife to William
M. Dorward, tot 68, Burr Oak. and
other lota
First National bank to j. J. Novak,
part lot 1. block 4. Kounlse Third
Chris Hsrbe and wife to Anna E.
Dainlon. 14-14-16
Oak C. Redick to Andrew Vance, lot
i. block 2. Clark Redick a addi
tion Eldlnore Place Co., to Peter Peterson,
lot 13, block 4. Grant place
Lenora Sll.ley to Franklin Bancbor,
Iota 13 and 22, Kountse s "A ' addi
tion Elisabeth Kunixe Ral Estate Co.,
in Padle Rector, lot 10. block M,
Kountse plaie
Elnia I.. Canuh to T. F. DeJhf."lut
13 blink 14. Calkin s subdivision. . .
. A- , L lt(--l et al. to Marv E. Chad
wick., lots I, z. j, 4. block , Camp
bell's sdilltlon
L. O. Nelson to Andrew p." Rss
mussrn, part lots 17 and W, in addi
tion to blocks U snd 1, Second
addition to Bedford place
Fred Sulllvsn sod wife to Harry
FUcher, lot 62, Nelson s addition
Elisabeth Trelbrr to Mary Nlttirr,
lvt IS, Harlem Lane, and other
Lilla M. Gardner and husband to
Alia A. Uatee, V lot , blmk 4i.
Omaha :
Elmer K. Kennard to Charles H. Kl
driKe.. lot 30. block 3. Creighton
, Ellen O Grady Dickey and husband
to Anna L. Selss. part lot 2, block
6, Kountse's Fourth addliloa
Village of Sidney (Nebraska) water bonds
In the aum of 4JJ.Ouu.oo, bearing 6 per cent
Interest, for sale.
Apply to LUvUE NELBAl fc.R. Vlllsgs
Clerk. 8idney. Neb. Mch!8 WAS.
the Uosrd of Trustees, until 8 p. ni..
June 1, 1. for the purchase of Il0a)
water works bonds Issutd My 1. l'jua, in
d-uointnS(lmis of Saw each, barinar 6 per
cent Interest, paid aeml-arnually, ort'
any time at the end of five years. The
Board of Trustees reserves the right to
reect any and all bids. All bids must be
accompanied by a certified check fur 1
per cent of the amount if bonds All
prortoeale must be marked "bids." Address
Ferdinand Fecal, Weston. Nebraska. Vil
lag Clark. M2-ld7t
4 The Bee 6a Yens- Friends.
l l ParlSc
Lea re.
Tba Overland Limited.. 11 am
The Colorado Express. .a 3.W pm
Atlantic Lxrresa
k t 40 pra
a B."0 pm
aiO lS am
Sl:' pra
a l:1S n
t.4S pra
a t .VI pm
a 4 45 pm
a 7.06 am
The Oregon F.iprMi.... I I pm
1 he 1-os Anreles li..i: pm
The Fast Mall lI Km
The China Japsa
Mail a 4 W pm
North I'lstte Ioeal a 7 42 am
Coln.-Chhago Special. ..all:10 am
Bcntrlce A Stroros-
burg Local bl2:50 pro b 1:40 pm
Chirac Slortavreetera
Chicago Daylight a am
Et. Tatil-Mlnn. Exp. .....a T:5 am
Chi' ago Local a!l: m
Ploux City Pawiene;er..a T:45 am
Chicago Passenger.. ..a 4: pm
Chlrsgi Special a :") pm
Bt. Paul-Minn. Urn. ...a S :n pm
Los Angeles Limited... .a pm
O.-erland Limited aliciO im
Fast Mail
Sioux City txval a 80 pm
Twin City Limited. .ja. S 2" pm
Norfolk-Bonesteel ....Ira 7:55 am
Lincoln-Long line a 7:"6 am
Deadwood-Lincoln a t: pm
CaspeT-Lander a J:'0 pm
Hastings-Superior b 3:ofi pm
Frmnnt-Alhlon b S30 pm
llliaois teatrel
Crii-ago Express a T:15 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Mmn.-St. Paul F.KB....B 715 am
Minn. -St. Paul Lim. ...itwpm
St. Louis Express a 8:39 pm
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a S: am
Rtaniiberrv Local (from
al1:M pm
ar-'::"n pra
a i:2 pm
n a;M pm
a 1:45 am
1.23 am
n am
all Si pm
a (:2a am
a 1:35 pm
a t.Z) am
a s:' am
a 5: pm
a10:3o am
a 6 : JO pm
a t:20 pm
b 6:20 pm
b 1S pm
a S 45 pm
a 8:30 am
a I : ara
a I S am
all :15 pra
Council Bluffs) jt I:) pm blO 15 am
Chleasa, Mllwaakea A St. Pl .
Chic. & Colo. Special. ..a 7:S am all:S0 pm
Cal. & Or. Express a:w piu
Overland Limited a t:t& pm
Ferry Local a 6:14 pm
tkslraaro Ureal Wealera
a t:2S pm
a 8:30 am
all. -00 am
BL Faul-Mlnneapollh.
fit. Taul-Mlnneapolla
8:36 pm
T 50 am
ll :35 pm
:2? am
11:35 pm
1:30 pm
30 am
Chlrago Limited 6:'6 pm
Chicago Express 7:2" am
Chlrago Express t:35 pra
Sllsauan rscine
K. C. & St. X. Exp a 9;0n am A 6:45 am
X. C. a SL U Exp alius pm a S:iu pm
thicago, Rock Islaasl A Faclgte
Chicago Limited a :00 am all :05 pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4; JO pm
Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:M pm al2:30 pin
Iowa Local ....bll:40 am blii pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Chioaao Flyer a 4.10 pm a 8:3 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:l$ pm a 10 am
Uclo. A Cal. Ex press.... a 1:10 pm a 4 iW bm
Okl. A Texas Express... 4:40 pm a 1.14 pm
Per vrr ft California... a 4:10 pm
Noithwebt Bpeciai a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express ....all: pm
Nebraska points a 8:46 am
Nebraska Kxprcsa a 3:15 am
Lincoln Fast Mali b 1:46 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Bchuvler - Flattsmouth.b 1:10 pra
Felle'vue - Flattsmouth.a 80 pin
Flaitsmouth - Iowa b 3:18 aw
1 elievus Flattamouth
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago Special a 7 :m am
Chicago Express a4:2"pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a 3:15 am
Ft. Louis Express a 4:45 pm
Kansas City St. Joe..al0:46 pm
Kansaa City 4x BU Joe.. a 9:15 am
Kansas City 4k St. Joe.. a 4:46 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 1:4a pm
a 8:46 pat
a 10.16 pra
a 6:10 pm
a 6:11) pm
a 12 11 pm
b V:t am
SJ0:15 pm
a 7:50 pm
bl0:M am
8:50 am
b 1 :-30 pni
a 7.f am
all. 46 pm
a 1:56 pm
a 8:. am
alV:M am
all 90 am
a 8:30 am
a 6:10 pm
t. Pawl, Minneapolis s
Twin City Paaaenger...b 6:30 am
Eloux City Passenger.. a 8:06 pm
Emerson Local c 8:46 am
b 3:10 pm
alO.50 am
c 8:66 Dm
Mleewarl Fac lac
Auburn Local ...b 1:60 pm bll:25 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only. Dally except Saturday. Dally
except Monday,
Fee rest, please re or baelneee
it pay to travel ea me
To "AAIS, Ike Oty Beaatlf ui;
Id all essns ea ths Cestmesl l
rZ.-J Transatlantlqu
'.-if PM Uwltee mmU limit . .
new tomk to paaia in a day
via Havre en gigantic twin-screw express
etesmere, sslllcg every Thursday to a. as.
Jheae wonders of modem invsnuons Bare
all the convenience and luxury of ssost
palstiat hotels ea a more immewae scale.
Passenger elevator, roof cafe, gymnasium,
elegant suites and single apartneata; dally
wiMDrr. orchestra, wireless tetezrsDhT.
famous ruwuv vrau wng y www. mvm f
afcty and cosBioft.
La gavels May 3 La tavels Jase U
Le proveooe Jus 4( La hmm Juae Jt
La Lorraine Jase 11 I La Lorraine July I
Bariy nasi latlons reeeatsieaSaa. Par eovr at
tliasuatea book et uaals aa4 ratas apt if te
ilAKUt a. MOOKBB, - - - 181 raruaa tl.
t. a REYNOLD. - - - t"l raraua St.
W. B. BOCK. 1U4 raraaai a.
W. O. DAVIDSON. - - - - - Ull rarmaa at,
WOt)lf'tK8a. - - - ears rirst Halloa. I aaaav
IS. Ton Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers
. Direct to -
Norway. Sweden and Denaarlt
ailing rraa Ka York at aesa.
Ualte4 luu.....M! ts usaar II Jase 11
C P. TH(a....Juue 4 Halli OUv Jane M
alaea 1i and op: .aail cabla 6HM.
A. B. 'OHBSOaV 4k CO.,
ISC B. SUnsse V. duoaara, XU.
seeks Driving- Park Where Matinees
May Be Held. '
The Omaha Matinee club Is again active
In Ita efforts to secure a driving park
where matinee races may be held by the
Omaha Roadster club every week or every
two weeks. An effort wss made to come
to some sgreement with Mr. Renne, who
has lessed the old fair grounds near Elm
wood park, but no understanding as to
the price was reached at a meeting which
was held by the members of the club,
when Mr. Renne was present, so the
club Is now looking for another track
where matinee races msy be held. A loca
tion In East Omaha near the car line Is
available and the members are now con
sidering that location.
lledfern the Sensation of Meet la the
Mile Kan.
DES MOINE8. la.. May tt-fSpeoial Tel
ejrram.) Redlern of the Couim.II Bluffs
team, aet a new record In the mile race
tor the Iowa State High school field nift
and was the sensation of the dsy. Ills
record is 4.11V He aiso won the half
mile race.
West Iee Molnea High school son first
place, with a record of 34 points. North
les Moines High stands aecond, with !!
points, and Ida Grove li:gh stands third
with 3 points. Ida Grove baa won the
meet for the last three years.
I'ssstry Clah Cen testa.
The announcement Is msde from the
Country club that the president's cup will
be contested for in a handicap match play
against bogies, the ta be plaved
durii g Mjy, June, Juiy and August. The
two lowest scores will be qualified in each
contest, the finish to be a match jla.
The wlnn-r will not be eligible for any
other contests. In this msy there will be
four nsuies on the cup, la September the
four players will play at match play, ths
winner ut the finals to become the owner
of tlie cup. t
Mlaa Tlttertoa Mine Tssrsey.
ST. ANDREWS. Scotland. Way 21 The
women's open golf chsmpioneliip tourna
ment of Great Britain has been won by
Misa Titttrton. who UU Mian Campbell at
the nineteenth, hole al as Tiiterlon ts an
English international player, but before
t-Mi.y she never I. as survived the semi
final stags of the championship contest.
Old Jt Efceires Great Orttiom, but
Omaha Wins.
rat Prwvea lastaelhle Wkfs Raas Arc
Needed Harry Welch Sets V
R rear 4 at the
Omaha. ; Pes Moines.
Joe Do! an tad his flay at Vinton street
park Friday, but Cosey Jce was not enough
to win the game from the Champion.
Omaha brat Des Moines f to 0, allowing
but one rush to reach third, and one other
to reach second. Dplan was playing his
first game against the Rourke family on
the home grounds.' That he still has hosts
of friends In Omaha was shown by the
rousing reception he received.
Dolan was the third man to bet for Des
Moines In the first Inning;, and when he
stepped to the plate several of the Omaha
team carried out huge bundles of flowers.
Joe was overcome, but the members
of the Des Moines team with caps
In hand rushed to his assistance
and bore the floral offerings to the Des
Moines bench. The largest was a huge
horseshoe from the Riverside Gun club, of
which Dolan Is a member. Across the
front of thla was large band of flowere on
which was Inscribed "Cosey Joe." The
other two were large bouquets of carna
tions and roses from admiring friends in
Omaha. Dolan showed his appreciation by
making the first hit for his side, although
he did not do It the first time up. He made
two hits In three times up end took several
hard chances. He walked once. Dolan is
playing great ball for the Des Moines team
and the owner and other players are not
slow In expressing' their appreciation of his
Don Carlos Ragan shared the honors with
Dolan, although his were the honors of a
winner. He not only pitched a shutout
game, but In doing so held the Boosters
to six hits, two of which were of the
scratchy order, but he also issued but one
pass and made a single himself.
Welch Makea Record at Bat.
Dr. Welch made the record with the stick.
After walking the first time up, he hit for
a single and two doubles, making a record
of 1.000 on the day.
Ford pitched for the Boosters, and while
he pitched a fairly good game, he was hit
hard enough to win and on top of that did
not receive the beat of support.
Ragan shut oat the Iownni one-two-three
for the first three Innings, with but nine
men facing him. In the fourth one single
was' made. In the sixth but three men
were up, while In the sixth. King booted
an easy one and Ford made a single. In
the seventh Dolan and Flourney. the first
two men up, singled and the hope of a
shutout began to weaken, Yeager flew out
to King and Dwyer hit Into a double.
Things were not running as smoothly for
Dea Moines, for the run-retting started la
the first Inning. King put In the opening
wede by walking- and he went to second
on Franck'a out... Dexter was the cause
of the next trouble; he dropped a high
fly which Chicken knocked to center
field, allowing King to to to third and
Chicken to aecond. King scored on House
holder's out from Anderson to Dwyer and
Welch walked. Belden was the next man
up and he signalised his advent Into the
fray by knocking a long aingle on which
Autrey and Welch scored. That was
three runs.
The fourth run was made In the second
inning1. Austin has now developed Into an
ambidextrous hitter and he decided to
bat left-handetf agralnst Ford. Ilia Judg
ment proved true when he hit a hard one
which nearly cleared the right field fence.
He made third on the hit. Gondlng'a Ions
flyout to left brought In the fourth run.
No more, runs wete made until the
eighth Inning and then, although they were
not needed two more were annexed be
cause Autrey and Welch wanted to fatten
their - batting average. Ftanclt waa an
easy out when the Chicken hit a double to
right field. Householder hit an easy one
to Dolan and was out when Dr. Welch
lined a double to left field, driving Autrey
home. Belden's single sent Welch across
the plate with the alxth and last run.
Autrey pulled off the aenaatlonal play of
the day by running down a high foul which
fell close to the bleachers on the' first
base side. He had just time to nail It with
hla mlt hand.
Dea Moines will play In Omaha Satur
day and Sunday.
The score;
AR. R. H. O. A E.
King. 2b 8 1 0 S 0 1
Franck, as 4 ' 8 3 0
Autrey. lb 4 2 1-11 0
Householder, If....... 4 S 3 1 0
Welch, cf 1 1 8 1 4) 0
Belden, rf 8 0 12 0a
Austin, Sb 4 1 1 1 t
Gondlng, c 1 0 0 4 1 0
Ragan, p S 1 0 4
Totals in 6 S 27 10 I
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Anderson, ss 4 0 0 3 1 0
Nlehoff. 3b 4 0 0 t I 0
Dolan. 7b 8 J J 2 0
Flournoy, If 4 0 1 2 0 0
Yeager, c 4 0 12 11
Dwyer, lb 4 0 0 7 0 0
Dexter, cf 3 0 0 3 A n
Fltxpatrlck. rf 1 0 0 1 0
Ford, p I 0 1 1 S
Totals 32 0 6 :4 12 2
Omaha Runs 11000002 g
Hits 1101110taa
Dx Moines Runs.. 000000O0 00
Hits 00010121 1
Two base hits: Welch (2), Autrey. Three
base hit: Austin. Bases on balls: Off
Ragan, 1; off Ford. S. Hit by pitched ball:
By Ford, 1. Struck out:-By Ragan, 1; by
Ford, L Left on baaes: Omaha, 4; Dei
aioinen, a imuoio play: Rattan to Austin
to Franck. Stolen bases: Welch. Belden.
Sacrifice hits: Belden, Gondlng. Time: 1:20
Umpire; , Breonan. Attendance. 1.7u0.
Seerea Encash la First laala te
Take the Caaae.
LINCOLN, Neb.. May 21. Denver won
the game in the first inning today, a baart
on balls, two singies and a double off
Zackert netting- three rons. Two more
singles in the next Inning sent "Zack"
to the bench and Johnson, who succeeded
him, was strong up to the ninth Inning.
After the second Lincoln was unable to get
more than a hit In an inning off Oimstetd.
who pitched with good juigiiint through,
out. The fielding of Ju.le and Davidson
and the batting of Zalusky and Jude were
features. Score :
AB. ft. H. O. A. E.
Jude, If 6 0 110 0
Fox. 2b 6 0 0 2 6 1
Gagnirr, as 6 0 16 11
Fenlon. rf 1 0 0 2 2
Thomas, lb ....4 10 7 10
Davidaurt, f 3 0 0 4 0 0
Fritohelt, 3b 4 110 11
Zlnran, c 4 0 14 10
Zackert, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Julinson, p 4 0 1 0 I 0
Totals 27 1 8 a 18 X
AB. R. If. o. A. . E.
Waldron, rf 1 1 1 2 0 o
Belden, rf 1 1 1 I 3 0
KaJuaky. lb 4 113 0 0
Caaaady, If 1 0 0 1 0 0
Doll. b 4 0 1111
Lauterboro, 2b 4 0 0 6 1 Q
Kinnealljr, ss 4 10 10 2
McDonougn. e 4 0 8 1 0 0
Olmstesd. p 4 0 1 0 8 0
Totals '. S "l n B U "l
Lincoln 01030000
Denver 100000011-6
Two-base hit: Jude, Zalusky (TV Double
r'ays: rVnlon to Thomas. Gagnler to
Thomas, Ftnloo to Fox to Oagmer. Stolen
v W. L. l ot
W. L l et
Omaha ? 3 .filrnHan'plls .fl 11
Denver 17 14 .54." Toledo 17 11 S7
Lincoln 14 15 .5l; ('vlumbus ..19 1.1 .64
Sioux City. .16 14 .614 Milwaukee. 1H 14 J
IHS Moines. U 1 .4H loulsville ..19 15
Pueblo 8 SO .j Kansas til v. 1.1 13 .4'i
Minnespnlls.U .8.8
St. Paul 8 21 .250
W. L. Fct W. L. Pet.
Chicago ....17 8 .SS New York. ..17 10 .)
Pittsburg ..13 11 M2 Phlla IS 13 .6Sl
Phlla 14 12 .& Cleveland ..Mil .871
New York. ..14 11 .5l9Chloae ....14 11 .610
Cincinnati ..14 13 .519 St. Lnuls....l5 14 .6
Boston 15 15 .: Detroit 12 15 .U
Rrooklyn ...11 IS .S7K Washington 11 17 .SW
St. Louis. ...11 19 .;7 Boston 11 13 .167
Western Lcsaue Des Molnea at Omaha.
Denver at Lincoln, Pueblo at Sioux City.
National League Boston nt Chicago.
Brooklyn at Pittsburg, New York at SL
Louis, Philadelphia at Cincinnati.
American Leaaue Chlraao at New York.
St. Louis at Ronton. Detroit at Washington,
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
American Association Tnrilanannlla at
Toledo. Louisville at Columbus, Kansas City
si st. i-aui, Minneapolis at Milwaukee.
base; Fox. Thomas, Klnneallv. Sacrifice
hits: Fenlon. Rel.len. Smirk om : R
Johnson, 2; by Olmstead, 1. Base on balls:
Km j on neon, a; on fcackert, l; off Ulm
stead, 1. Wild pitch: Johnson 1. Time:
2:10. Umpire Haskell. Attendance: 2,6oO.
Fltsgerald Driven Oat et Box and Big
Score Piled I p.
SIOUX CITY, la.. May r.-Sioux City
took on a batting streak today and
amassed fifteen hits off Pueblo's two pi tell
ers, twelve of them being trade on Fitx
avrald. They won the game by a score of
11 to 5, Crutcher was a llttln- wild, but he
struck out ten men and after the fifth
Inning had the game sewd up, and did not
exert himself. His two base drive in the
third Inning, with the bases full cinched
the game for Sioux City. The base stea.lng
of Holmes' men was the feature, nine pil
fered sarir going to their credit. Pueblo
fielded perfectly and cleverly. Score:
.... AB- K- H. O A. E.
Campbell, If 4 1 2 0 0 0
Andreas, 2b 4 0 18 10
Weed, rf i 12 10 0
Henry, c T 0 17 10
ifl. cW 1 0 0 4 0 0
Holmes, cf 8 3 110 1
Welch, lb 12 112 1
Severeld, lb ....4 1 1 10 0 0
Granville, ss 4 2 1 0 S 0
Crutcher, p 4 0 2 0 3 0
Totals 35 11 16 27 13 1
AB. R. 11. O. A. E.
Spencer. If 8 1 2 0 0 0
Hogrlever, 3b 4 0 112 0
Patterson, 2b 3 10 110
Mattick, scf & 0 2 2 0 0
McLear, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Clark, lb 1 0 0 10 0 0
Corhan, ss 10 0 14 0
Mltse. c 1 0 0 7 2 0
Fitzgerald, p 8 10 0 10
Miller, p , 0 10 0 10
Smith 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 31 S 6 S4 13 "o
Batted for Miller In ninth.
Sioux City 11401101 u
Pueblo 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 16
Two base hlta: Weed. Crutcher," Gran
ville, Severeld. Sacrifice hit; Severeld.
Stolen bases: Andreas (2), Campbell,
Holmes (21, Granville. Severeld, Welch (2).
Spencer. Base on balls: Off Fitzgerald. 6'
off Miller, 2; off Crutcher. 6. Struck ouf!
By Fitzgerald, 1; by Miller, 1; by Crutcher.
10. Wild pitch: FltxgeraldV Passed balls:
Henry, Shea. Hit by pitched ball: Spencer.
JwL ,m t'mP1''e5 Levis. Attendance.
Pralaee Dolaa and Proaalsea Higher
Plaee tor Dea Molnea.
..J: r Hlerglns, proprietor of the Des
Moines base ball tesm, is In Omaha to
watch the eerles of games between Omaha
and his team. He came on a different road
than that which his team took Thursday
and consequently arrived Ih time for the
game, which did not come off.
'We have a real ball team in Dee Mines
this year and mark my word, we wilt not
stsy long In the lowly position we now
occupy in the championship ladder," said
Mr. Hlsxtns. "Something has been g-olng
wrong all spring, but we are In the hope
that our troubles will soon be eneVd. At
one time recently. Dolan was practically
the only man on the team who was in con
dition to play the game. He la a corker,
i guess those three hits he has been mak
ing each day for the team are bad. Dolan
Is in fine shape and has been doing some
great work for us.
"We have a better batting team than
Omaha and I think our pitchers sre bet
ter, at any rate that remains to be seen,
but all I ask is that you watch our smoke."
Minneapolis Shats Oat Mllvrankee,
Foar to Nothlna.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., May 22 Roy Pat
terson showed a flash of old-time pitch
ing today, holding the Brewers to four
scattered hits and shutting them out. 4
to 0. Maniike was wild, passing ten men
and being hit for two home runs. Score:
RoMnaoa, sa 4 I i Drier, m I I 1
Oreea. rf. ... 4 t 0 1 We War, If... 5 0 1
M-caeM7. H 4 It OO'Nelll, et.. I 0 I 0 a
Wtaat, cf... 4 1 1 4 trraemaa. rf. ( 1 I
fleville, ... 3 4 1 I luullltn. Sb.. 1 0 0 3 0
MrC'ailck. hi 1 M OOBn.o. ts. Sslls
riarka, is... I I ( ftclarka, lb... 4 I 4
Rrown. lb.... I Oil Blork, 4 110
Maaaka. a... 1 S 1 Pattersoa. a. 1 10 8 3
Hoia !
Tot lt 83 in I 1
Total. II Itlll t
Batted for Manske In the ninth.
Minneapolis 2 0 0 1 0 1 4
Milwaukee ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-M)
Two-bare hits: McCormlck, Block, Mc
Chesney. Home runs: Weidsy. Freeman.
Sacrifice liit: O'Brien. Stolen bases:
Welday. Quillln. Double Mav: O'Brien
to Oyler to Clarke. Left on bases: Mil
waukee, 4; Minneapolis. 1. Base on bailb:
Off Manske. 10. Struck out: By Maneke,
u r.ori.uii, i. v. iiu piicn: oiaiisae.
Time: 1:50. umpires: Bierhalttr and
Kane -
thafuoloas Wis la Twelfth.
COLUMBUS. May 22 Wriglev's drive
over Woodruffs head scored Friel. who
had walked. In the twelfth inning snd
loiumtms won xrom Louisvuie, l to 2.
AB H O A It AB. H O A K.
TUIdr. is ... 4 113 0 Planter. rf .C 2 114
J-kre, If.. 4 0 4 t Wood raff. If. 6 S3 1
oaveii, ci . 1 1 1 eperrine. It.l 1 I 1 I
Ccnaalton, rf 4 3 a St ova 11, rf ..I 1 1
FritL lb till tsulllraa. lb.. 6 X 14 X S
Kttira. lb.... 6 I ll I Ohurke. lb... I ill
roni. e a l 4 4 qu;nlan, aa. 4 I 4 I S
Wnxlrr. rb. 1X13 Pit. r X l t J a
Mitt p 1 1 J. btu&im. s 4 1 t I
T.jlor. s.... 1010
Totala 4 1135 11 3
Tntaia zs is If It
Two out when winning run was scored.
Columbus 2 0000000000 11
Louisville ...0 2000000000 01
Stolen bases: Raidv. Burke. Sacrifice
hits: Jackson, Woodruff, Pelts, (juinlan.
Bases on balls: Off Hltt. 2; off Taylor. 2;
off Durham. 4. Two-base hits: Friel,
Wrialey, (Juinlan, Stanley Double
Plays: Taylor, Fohl and Kllim: Odwell and
Kaldy; Perrtne, Quinlan and Sullivan.
Struck out: Hy Taylor, 2: by Durham. I.
Hits: Off Hltt, 2 in two Innings; off Tay
lor, 3 In ten innings. Time: 2.18. Umpire:
Yalentlae Loaee la Eleventh.
VALENTINE. Neb.. May 2.-(Special
Telegram.) Val.-ntine and the fast Atkma
son team played an exciting game of base
ball on the local diamond here today. The
contest went eleven innings and Valontine
finally lost by the score of 8 to 7. Caylor.
dm luval laiiier, struck out nine men and
Up to the seventh inning allowed but two
hits. Then his support gave way, allow
ing the visitors to Jump in and ain. The
attendance was large. Scora:
Atkinson 0 100 ) 01110 1-8
Valentine 0 020202100 0 I
Batteries: Valentin. Csylor and Fischer;
Atkinson. A. Wilson, Klrkland and H. Wil
son. Umpire: Jackson.
Waddell to Fitch tor t'aloa Leasee.
PHILADELPHIA. May -President
Lawsoa of the Union League of Base Ball
Clubs male the announcement today that
"Kabe" Waddell. who refused te ge to
Huston yesterday with the Bt. Louts Amer
ican leufue team, has signed a contract
aith the Philadelphia tiarn of the Union
league. It is atated that Waddell will pitch
for the team in this city on Saturday.
Waddell Is liable to cxpulskm from pro
Ucted baa ball for life, as the I tilon
lvalue ia n-t a national agreement org nitration.
Brooklyn Wins Exciting Game in the
Ninth, 5 to 3.
pittsbtoo leads ts eighth
Visiters Banrh Hits and Make Three
Raaa Last Tine t'p Scores of
Other National Leagae
PITTS.PURO. Msv 22 Brooklyn won an
exciting game from Pittsburg trsSsy by
scoring three runs In the ninth Inning, the
final score being 5 to 3. Pittsburg tied
the score in the seventh" and made what
seemed the winning run in the eighth, but
a base on balls and three hits in the ninth
netted the victors three runs. Rucker re
placed Willulm In the seventh Inning, and
the home team was unable to hit Mfflntyre,
who pitched the ninth. Scofe:
AH H O AT. Afi.H.O A B
Starr, lb I 0 0 V Hummel, aa. 11X11
Ctirk. If 4 0 1 0 Purrh. If 4 a I 4
Lern. cr .. a i i c Lamler, rf.. I 1 0 0
Wanr, H.I t I I 1 Mar. h. lb... I 0 17 40
ivicina. lb. I 1 11 I aaherh.a, lib. .4 114 1
ABMt'nio. ID I 1 J l Pattee. 2b. . . I 0 0 1 0
Mother, rf.. 4 I 1 0 0 M.lonrr. rf. 3 i X 0 6
(!ll.on. e.... 114 0 1 Peren. ... 3 0 110
Camnltt, p.. 4 0 1 4 0 JoM.a 0 0 4
Criaar, 1 0 0
Totala II I 17 14 1 wiihelm, p.. I 0 I 0
Rurker. p.... 0 0 8 10
Atpermaa ..1440
Mclntrre, p.. 0 1
Tout II Trt 14 I
Patted for Bergen In ninth .
Batted for Rucker In ninth,
Moeller hit by batted bsll.
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0-1
Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 85
Two-hase hit: Lrach. Three-base hit:
Ahhatlchio. Hits: Off Wiihelm. 7 In six
and two-thirds Innings; off Rucker, 2 In
one and one-third innings. Sacrifice hits:
Ahhatlchio, Maloner. Stolen bases: Wag
ner (21. Double nlavs: Waa-ner. Ah hit.
tlchlo and Pwaclna; Sheehan, Bergen and
Murcn. I.ert on bases: Pittsburg. In;
Brooklyn. A Bases on balls: Off Cnmnltz.
5: off Wiihelm 2; off Rucker. 1; off Mc
Intyre, 1. First base on errors: Pittsburg,
I; Brooklyn, 2. Struck out: By Camnltx,
3; by Wiihelm, 1; by Rucker. 1. Time: 1:50.
umpires: Ol'ay snd Johnson.
Reals Hit the Ball.
CINCINNATI. May 22 -Timely hitting
won today's tame for Cincinnati. Fast
fielding marked the work of both teams.
AB H O A R. A3 H O A E.
Hutdna. 3b. 3 111 0 Knaba, tb... 141
K.O.. rf I 0 8 A 0 Grant. In X 1 1 0
Lebert. lb... 4 lit OTItua, rf 4 114
Mltrbel . rf. I I 1 OMaaea. If.... 4 1 0
(.an tM. lb... I 1 10 0 Oftahorne. rf.. 4 114
MrLaaa, e... I Hran.tll4. lb 4 1 T
Paakert. If... I 114 0 Poolio, aa... 4 0 4 4
Hui.vitt, aa. till ODnntn. e 1 0 4 4 0
Campbell, p. I 0 4 0 Rlrhie, p.... 110 3
Totals 34 10 r 0 TnUli 13 7 24 11
Cincinnati 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 6
r'hliaaelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Two-base hit: Richie. Three-base hits:
Lobert. Hulswltt. Huttglns, Magee. Sacri
fice hits: Huaalna. Kane. Grant. Stolen
base: Hugs-ins. Double plays: Richie,
Doolln to Bransfleld (2); Doolin, Knsho to
Bransfield. Bases on ha lis: Off Camohell.
1: off Richie, 3. Struck out: By Camp-
oeii, a; n- nicnie. . nit wim pitcnen nan:
By Richie, 1. Tim: 1:41 Umpire: Emslie.
Cabs Bssrk Hits.
CHICAGO. May 22. -Hard lilttlne- In three
Innings g-ave the locals en easyvlctory to
day. Only two of the I at off Brown were
effective, a single and a -ouble, In the first
inning, bcore:
AB.H.O. A. E AB H 0 A R
Erera. tb.. 4 III Brown, rf.. 41110
Sherkard, If. I I 1 I Meaumont, cf 4 1 1 0
Srhulta, rf.. lit OHatea, If 4 1 1
Chan-e. lb.. I 1 11 3 MoOann, lb. 4 111
Btalnfeldt, Ib4ll Boararmaa, (I 1 I 1 0
Blade, cf.... 4 lit Ritrher, !b. I 1 I I 1
Kline, e 3 3 3 1 ODahlaa, aa.t 3 1 to
Tinker, as 4 I I 7 t Sweeney, lb. I 0 1 t 0
Brown, p.... 4 0 3 1 4 Young, p.... I 0 10
Totala a 11 37 It 4 Tltals 11 1 J4 14 0
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 7
Boston 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits' Evera (2). Bates, Chance.
Slagle. Tinker. Sacrifice hits: Sheckard.
Bcnulte. Rltchey. Sto en bases: Kchnlte
Browne, Tinker. Double play: Tinker to
Chance. Ieft on bases: Chicago. 6; Bos
ton. 4. First base en balls: Off Vmine.
I. Hit by pitched ball: Kling. Struck
out: ny Brown, z: ty Toung, 3. Time:
1:30. Umpire: Rudderham.
Postponed Game.
At St. Louis St, Louis-New York game
postponed; rain.
Detroit Wins from Washington la
Ninth Inning-.
WASHINGTON, May 2t-Detrolt found
Patten for two singles and a double in the
last Inning, scoring four runs, defeating
Washington 4 to 1. The locals' only run
was scored on Mclntyre's muff of Pick
ering's fly In the first Inning. Score:
Milan, cf.,.. I 3 4 0 1 Mrlntrre. If 4 1 I 1
Oanlar. U...4 1 1 1 c-h'ler. tb-wa I lit
Deltrhantr, Sb 4 0 3 0 0 Crawford, cf. I 1 4 4
Pickering, rf 4 4 4 OCobb. rf 4 I I 0
Warner, e . 4 I 4 t 0 Knaatnaa, lb. 4 1 1 I
Freeman, lb. I A 4 OO.uthlln. 3b. I 3 0 1
McBrlde, aa. 3 1 4 1 Pavae. e 1 I 1
Srhlpte. 3b.. 348 OCLaanr, aa.. 111
Paleu, p I I tnowna, lb. .. 0 I 0
Sumraara, p. I 1 t
Totals II 4 37 12 IKIIUaa. p... 0 lit
Thomaa .... 180
Mullta .1... 1 1 0
. Totalt 13 10 37 18 1
Batted for O'Leary in ninth.
Batted for Summers In ninth.
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44
Washington .'. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-bas hits: Cobb. Rnaamnn (nT,,.
tyre. Tliree-baae hit: Milan. Hits: Off
oummera, t in eignt innings, sacrirtce hits:
Payne (I). Stolen bases: Schaefer, Cobb,
Coughlln, Milan. Ganlev. Double play:
Patten to McBrlde to Freeman. Left on
bases: Washington. 4: Detmlt. A F1rt
base on balls: Off Patten, 1. First base
on errors: Washington, 1; Detroit, 2 Hit
by pitched bail: By Summers. 1. Struck
out: By Patten, 4; by Summers. 2. Time:
i:. empire: icvans.
Bostoa Wipe from St. I.eals.
BOSTON. May 12 Boston defeated St
Lrfui, i to l, today in an interesting
gome. Ferris tied the score in the ninth
with a three-bagger, but In Boston's half
Stone dropped Cravath'a fly. Lord scor
ing irom imra. tscore:
BOSTON. t. Lofl.
AB H O A E ab h n i r
McCoaaelt. 2 4 1 1 0 Hoffman, rf. I 1 8 0
Lord. lb. .. 3 1 I I r. Joaea. cf. 4 1 1
Cra.ata, If.. 4 3 I ttftane, II 4 1 1
La port a, rf. .4 1 1 Vllllanu, 2b 4 1 1 I
Inalaob. lb. I t I 2 Ovtallare, aa. 4 0 4 I
Sallltaa, al.. Ill e rem., lb... 411
W'atntcr. aa.. I 4 I I T. Jonea Ihl I II 1 I
Crier, a.... 14 apaniar, e... 4111
Glaae, p 101 OGraawaa, p... 8117
Total so 7 II 1 Aotala IS 7IS li
-uns out wnen winning run waa made.
.... AAA. AAA.
...0 0 0 0 1 0 00 1 1
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 11
Three-base hit: Ferris. Sacrlfi.-e bit
Hoffman. Stolen base: C. Jones- U 3a""e
play.: Williams to Wsliace to T. Jo a:
Graham to Wallace. IWl on bases: V
ton. 4; St. Louls 7. Rase on balls: C.f
Graham, 1; off Glaxs, 1. Baae on crioi:
uosion, t-t. L.OU1S. 1. struck out: J,
Giaxe. 1; by Graham, 1. Time:., 1;3
Umpires: Connolly and O'Loughlln.
tame Fttatpoaed.
At New York New York-Chicago game
poaipunea; wet grounas
Gasae at Field Clah.
Tl a nm.Va XTM..I.I -,,, .. .. ... . , 1 l...a
- ' " , . - a iu v.u,. i. ail, win ii.t. n a
Its opponents at the Field club, Saturday
- r . . . v. 1 1 ii . r. . . .
a.iviuwii. .iiw cm iiiia-uii m reigni iepan
ment team. The Field club has been playlni
some great ball this spring, having wm
all its games. The grounrta ere in f'.r.c cca
anion. The lineup:
h leia eiuo. position. Burlington.
Catcher CI
Fa her
Pitcher Faum
First Base Ta
Second Baae Pnit
Short Stop ..Chrlstrnsen
Lhlrd Rase pl
rtt Field I.ti
Center Field Willis
I in
K!tht Field Mul
Hag'.and SuLstltute ...A. B. Smith
Railroad Gasae at Hivervlew.
The game of laseball bet seen the Unloi
Pacific shop foremen and officials will be
ptayea at mvirnt para at i p. ra.. Bat
Base Rail at Re Ciena. '
RED CLOUD. Neb., May 22 (Special
The base ball season Wss opened here last
Monday, May It, with two games between
Red Cloud and Hebron. The game ended
In a score of 11 to 1 In favor of Red Cloud.
Tuvaday the fan witnessed one of the fin-
et gsmes ever seen in this city. Al the
end of the ninth Inning the score stood
8 to 3 snd the game went to the eleventh
Inning, Red Cloud scoring one in Hi last
liaif of the eleventh and winning the game.
Misting and Red Cloud Will play hers,
Msy 80 and 27.
Yeansjsters Will Be Recalled If Injary
Proves Serloae One.
Captain Franck will take no chsnces on
crippling his pitching staff, but will re
call Rli smart from the rarm If Hall Is to
bo ut tf the game any length of time on
account of his Injured arm.
"1 will find out from the doctor at once,''
says the cap, "aliout how long to expect
Hall to be laid up. snd If It Is a period of
any duration then 1 will bring Ritsmnn
back and put him to work at once. 1 think
well of him, anyway. He has good stuff
In him and Will make a good pitcher with
training. We ate hoping, of course. Hall s
arm will soon be all right."
Hall s arm shows no sign of Improvement
ss yet. It Is very lame, but Franck will
wait a couple of days longer before taking
Happy Hollow Beats Pharmacists.
The Creighton Pharmacy bss bsll tesm's
record of no games lost this season was
somewhat spoil 'Hi after playing a seven
inning game with the Happy Hollow club,
Thursday. Nordstrom, of the club, put some
medicine on the bsll which the pharmacists
couldn't mix, and held them for a shut
out, up to the last half of the seventh
Inning, when loose playing combined with
walks snd a couple of hits netted the medi
cine men four runs. The club, however,
found little difficulty In cashing a few runs
In most of the Innings, the final ecore
being 13 to 4. Rstteries; Creighton, Mi
nana. and McCarthy; Happy Hollow's
Nordstrrm and Julgley. Saturday sfter
nocn the Camtenalles snd Happy Hollow's
will meet on the letter's diamond. The
Hapry Hollow club ts ready to book games
for Thursday evenings and Saturday af
ternoons with all leading teams of the
city. Telephone Red 6440.
Distillers Play a Gasae. '
The teams of Willow Springs distillery
and Her & Co. will play at Uer's park
Saturday afternoon, The game will be
called at 2:80. The line-up;
Willow 6prlogs. Her ft Co,
Shavllck Catcher 8. Mntzle
Mclean Shortstop Slater
F. Trummer Right Field J. Maxxie
Favley First Base Horsse
T. Mazzle Third Bsse Foos
Martin Left Field Kaplan
Lynch Second Bnse..Brewlngton
Denton Center Field Faulkner
M. Trummer Pitcher Carlson
Umpire, McCarthy.
Golden Pearl Wins Feeaatlce Stakea
at Belaaoat Park.
BELMONT PARK, N. T., Msy t2.-Ooldcn
Pearl, an added starter, and quoted at b to 6,
second choice, won the Pocantlco stakes,
one and one-sixteenth miles, at Belmont
Park today, defeating the favorite, Robert
Cooper. The race was remarkably slow,
the distance being run In 1:6:1V The track
was still muddy. Summary:
First race, handicap. 3-year-olds and up,
six furlongs, main course: Lawrence P.
Daly (107, McDsnlel, 13 to 20) won, Mas
querade (104, Notter. 12 to l second, Red
River (128, Musgrave, 8 to ( third. Time:
:14H. Only three starters.
Second race, maiden colts, z-year-oios.
five furlongs, etraight: Selectman (luS, Not
ter. I to 2) won, Statesman (lKv Garner, 8
to 6) second. May River (1. McDanlcl. 80
to 1) third. Time: 1 :00V Home Run, Har-
rlgam and Tod also ran.
Third race, maiden fillies ana geiainga.
!-year-olds, four and a half furlongs.
straight: Font (116, Sumter, 6 to 1) won.
The Pinoln (lu6. Musgrave. 6 to t) second.
Queen Eleanor (lu6. Amldon. 20 to 1) third.
Time; 0:64H. Etherial, Beauty Atngnt, ki
Mimio, Albany, Lady Hubbard, Rose Beau
mont, Constellation and Ethellnd also ran.
Fourth race, the Pocantlco, toais or. jiae.
mile and a slctaerxh: Golden Pearl 1 1-1.
Musgrave, 6 to 6) won, Robert Cooper (lib,
J. Lee, 4 to 6; aecond. Wild Refrain thai,
McDaniel, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:62. Only
three starters. Golden Pearl added starter.
Fifth race, steeolechase. 4-year-olds ana
up, about two miles: anctus (162, Dupee,
2 to li won. Yama Christie (169. Hewitt, 8
to 1 aecond. L Keven (162, Carter, 2 to 6)
third. Time: 4:07. Mark uumoerts anu
Noblesse Oblige also ran. 'Coupled.
Sixth race. -year-oius ana up, scums.
mile and a sixteenth: Tom Dolan (!', Not
ter, 4 to 61 won, D Arkle U. Mci.artny,
DO to 1) second. Keator (1. Musgrave, 7 to
D third. Time: 1:43. Ar.imus. Trouble
some ahd Brother Jorathan also ran.
LOUISVILLE, May 2J. Summary :
First race, four and a half furlongs:
Hamnietrical (115. Warren, straight, 8W.10)
won. Tennessee Boy (116. Helclel, place.
XV7.60) second, W. A. Leach (116, Powers,
show, Ss.Mii) third. Time: 0:56V McCarney
Ned McCarnle, Angelo, Miami, DUOino, tv-a
Cloud, Sempcronl, Tlthonogen, Lemont,
Advance Boy and Songoha also ran.
Second race, mile, selling: Arrowewiii
(104, Butler, straight, a..o won, nun.i
(102 Burton, place, J!5.M second, Bill
u.r.n. i.J Powers, show. 17.60) third.
Time: 1:4V.. Banrida, Variety, Mlfl Mas-
aonl. Whisk Broom, JJtay rsaiour, may
Almy, Gllvldear. Ogbent, Crawford and
Naxlmova also ran. . .
Thir race, mile: wool oanuia iin,
tn.n ati-ale!,! 1-1.10 1 won. Bottles (1"7,
Bnhiniuin tila. e 111 Ml aeoond. Deuce Vi,
Warren, ahow, v' iniro. nine .--.
Moralgnor, Warner Grlswell and trsury
also ran. . .
Fourth race, free handicap, nx iuiio"b.
Al Muller (. Martin, J4.w. siraigmi
won. Kings uaugnter tin, rrn, eon,
i..i nri Aiiuda (115. Franklin. t.
show third. Time: 1:124. Honest. Haenxel,
Great Pirate, Hast Agnes, Bdibus and
Galleleo also ran.
Fifth race, four ana a nan iurionp;
F.thelda 86. Martin. 84k .60. atraight) won.
Crystal Maid (116. Heldal. til.SO, place) aec
ond. Denver Girl r, Connolly, 197.00, show)
third. Time: 0:53V Advancing, Anne Mc
Oee, Ribbon Girl, Acquia, Lady Nelson and
Buena Vista also- ran.
Sixth race, mile: Plantland (10S. Minder,
170.80, straight) won, Dr. Lee Huffman
(1U8 Rohlnson, tiJ.ou, piece; eect-nu, auu
Alarm lo4. Martin, 81590. show) third.
Time! 1XW4. Ladv Ethel. Alma Boy,
Colonel Jim Douglas, Meada, Beau Brum-
mel, L-ady eavoy ana juuge j reen ei
OAKLAND, May .'. summary:
F'.t race, six furlonys: Marwood O07,
Retti a to li won. Yada (114. W. Miller,
9 to 2 1 second, Benstone (101. Mclntyre, ll
to 1) third. Time: l:18k. L'omesKiii, uiscx
Mate. I'egcy O'Neal. Yellowstone Avona,
Bertie A, Kniliy M ana rvurmiss biso ran.
Second race, four uriongs: Mental An
guish (107. Kelly, 7 to 11 won. Middle (112,
Buxton. 12 to 1) second. Bubbling Wster
din. Mentrv. 16 to 1) third. Time: 0:47V
Jim Mallady. Mlcacll. Altamor, Belle of
Brass, 1 lie irane, miss v orin, iinoia.
Tola and Cavelana also ran.
Third race, mile and a sixteenth: San
Alvlso (lt'2, Waliih, 12 to 6) won, Tommy
Ahearn (95 Kelgler, 23 to 5) sec-r.i. Ponto
toc (li', W. Miller, 11 to 2) third. Time:
1:5V Miss Officious, Slbarl, Kay Ben
nett and pair ragut aiso ran.
Fourth race, seven furlongs, Mill .Ursa
hsndicap: Entre Nous (103. Kelly, 7 to
1) won. College Widow (30, Walsh, 5 to 21
third. Time: 1:86. Gemmel also ran.
Fifth race, on mile: uersberyer uz,
Harris, 20 to 1) won. High Gun (H6, Kelly.
to 1) second, St. Moaan (iw, Kettig,
8 to 2) third. Time: 1:40V Friar of El-
Itching, disfiguring eruptions, rashes, boils, etc. , as well as pimples, black
heads and rough, scaly 6kin, show the presence of some irritating humor in
the blood. These acids snd humors with which the blood is infected are being,
constantly thrown off through the pores and glands of the skin, and the
flesh is kept in an inflamed, diseased and unsightly condition. Nothing
applied externally can change the condition of the blood or prevent the outflow
of these burning acids; only constitutional treatment can do this. Washes)'
salves, lotions, etc., cannot reach the humor-laden blood, and are therefort
useless, except for the temporary comfort and cleanliness they afford. Tht
and poison in the blood must be tcmoved before a cure can be effected. S. S. S.
is a real blood purifier, possessing all the requirements necessary to neutralize
and remove the humors from the circulation. It completely eradicates every
trace of impurity and restores this vital fluid to its natural healthy state,
S. S. S. cools the acid-heatc-d blood so that instead of pouring out acrid mattti"
on the skin, it feeds and nourishes it with heaJth-sustaininp; properties, anxf
then the eruptions and diseases of the skin pass away. Eouk on Skin Di-f
eases and any medical advice free to all who write.
1 r
Dr. EDWARD R. TARRY, 224 De Bldff., OMAt'A, NEB,
gln May aiuttn. Dewratr-r. Csrmeltns,
Wolfvllle. F.d lsvis and Expectant also
Sixth r-ice. one mile: Re Thankful (14.
Hates. 13 to 6) won. Arthur Hymen (W,
Page. 8 to 1) second. M' Nriigent (li
Charlwinnesti. H to 1) third. Time: 1:41. ,
Vionsky. Cajenne Cora, KlMa, Mrs. O'Far- (
re I. Athgoiii. sightly. Rustler, Sake and ,
No Fartlter also ran.
Saaedere Leads la the Tharsday Night
Amid the wildest enthusiasm Saunders
school won first honors In last night's
preliminaries of the publlo school athletio
meet by scoring nineteen points acainst
eighteen made by Park school's athletes,
The Wanut Hill lads were third, with slx
points. i
The crowd that attended was fully s
Urge as that of Tuesday and Wedr-eeday.
and the rooting and rivalry was Just ss
energetic. For half an hour after the con
tests were over the young Americana hung
about the Young Men'a Christian associa
tion building giving vent to their enthus
iasm over the pennants they had won.
The 20-yard dash wss won by Wharton of
Saunders, which echool also captured first
honors la the relay race. Rector and Ertck
son won honors for Park school In the
high Jump and quarter-mile run, respec
tively, and Robertson of Walnut Hill took
the pennant for the broad Jump. The
records made the two preceding; evenings
were not much Improved upon.
The tug-of-war waa exciting, being- won
by the Park lads only after a grand rally
Besides Saunders, park and Walnut Hill,
the other schools r-presonted last night
were Saratoga. Sherman, Train. Vinton and
Windsor. , -
This evening at I o'clock the finals will
be run off among the athletes from the
nine schools that soored the most points
In tiie preliminaries. These schools were
Central. Cass, Farnam, Long, Lake, K el lorn.
Saunders, Park and Walnut Hill. Last
year in a similar meet the Central school
boys won the pennant for first place. It la
understood that they have a good chance
of repeating their victory thla year, but
the other schools also have strong tearaa
and are determined not to let the Capitol
hill boys win again, so the contests will be
close and Interesting.
Considerable Feellaa Showa at Iowa
City Over Condition.
IOWA CITY, la-. May 22-(8peclal-Consldersble
feeling Is being manifested
among the students of the stste uni
versity at this place on account of the
playing by ' Minnesota of three men who
are alleged to be professional ball play,
er of a pronounced type. Dretchko, the
star twlrler of the Minnesota aggregation.
Is said on good authority to have played
ball with the Alexandria, Minn., team last
summer and a similar charge Is made
against Boyle, who played third for the
Gophers In the game at Iowa City. These
two men are a large part of the Minne
sota aggregation, and the Iowa authori
ties have notified the Gopher manage
ment that they do not take kindly to the
use of Such men In conference game a.
The most serious charge, however, ia
brought against the Minnesota authorities
for the playing at Minneapolis of Csld
well, who wss one of the stars of the
team and whose picture appears In ths
current IbSue cf Spalding's base ball
guide as one or the memners oi tne
Oskosh, Wis., team In the Wisconsin
State league. The Iowa rooters are con
siderably incensed and the matter may
be the subject of aome examination In
the next meeting of the conference.
Wyoming; State Shoot.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Msy 22.-(8peclal.)
Crack shots from Montsna and Nebraska,
and possibly Colorado, are expected here
June 7. 8 and 8. to participate In the
Wyoming state shoot, held under the aus
pices of the Sheridan Gun club. Five
teams from the state have already entered
the lists for the championship, and It Is
expected several others will enter before
the lists are closed. The rhamplonshlp
prfxe Is a beautiful silver trophy three
feet high, now held by the Sheridan team.
Contestants for this must reside within
the state, but a large money purse is being
raised to put up for prises for outside ahot
gun artists In attendance. Five expert shot
gun artists, representing gun and ammuni
tion firms, will give exhibitions dally during
the tournament.
College Men Victors,
HURON. S. D., Msy 22. (Special.) A
large crowd altnesaed a track meet be
tween Huron college and the city athletes.
All the events acre closely contested, but
the results were largely In favor of the
college teem, which showed thst some good
work had been done snd that the boys are
In good trim for the annual track meet
to be held In Mitchell next week.
Sportiasf Goealp,
Minneapolis won a game, 18 to 1 Yes,
but from whom? Santa Paula. Betshcr
dees har bsn one gay life.
Joe Gans certainly worships the golden
calf. He Is arranging for another so-called
USUI nun DaiiiuiKj iiciaun,
Is Ban Johnson trying to make a new
record as a disciplinarian? Ho ia busy
suspending managers these days.
"It will be a walkaway If aomebody or
somebodies don't check those champions
pretty soon." says the Denver Times of
Omaha. 'Tanks, cous.
The race In the National league Is such I ,
that one game or two makes a big differ- I
ence in the standing of the teams. And 4 '.
that Is a healthy sign. I
It Is to be hoped thst Msnager Irwin of
Denver and White will soon be able to' ,t
play. Their absence from the game Is a,i
terrible Injury to their team.
Denver certainly has had Ita share ol '
tough luck this season. Manager Irwlr
and Harry White both out of the game al
once makes It hard for the Teds. ,
Addle Joss, the Cleveland pitcher an
yellow syndicate sporting writer, predict!
the St. Louis Browns will be at the tot '
when the season closes. He ought to know, I
They must think a lot of Joe Corbetfi
annexation out in Denver. Here Is what
the Times says: "When Joe Corbett reaches
town the coroner will probably be arrested
for not grabbing a dead one." (
If Rube Waddell will only stay with the1
outlaws the lawablding leagues may for-1
give him. And as things are now oon- ;
atltuted the lawablding leagues probably:
will see to It that Rube stays there.
President Hedges of the St. Louis Amerl-!
cans la planning a park with a seating ca-
pacity of JO.OOO. Better go after a team
with a pennant-winning rapacity. There la
Just one thing that will make more money
In St. Louis than a brewery and that Is a
winning base ball team.
If Hollenbeck doesn't develop Into one
of the strong pitchers of the country it
wit; be a surprise to many fans who are
watching him work new. He is In the
right school to learn the lessons of greatness.-
With the examples of Miner Brown.
Jack Pfelster, Ftsnk Owen and a few
others before them, young pitchers In
Omaha certainly have Inspiration enough.
Ho Money Till Cured
SXStlft cra4 wuu4s4 Hi ksJ. wmmmt 4Ba
gutftieVAt! ii Mai. tiirifia.t vVru for fcsa lllffsi
tx at ad kHMk ea Kscusl ( t. tar tv.e svei
ItaBlXil...-., . rtMr- . .8.