TVTT: OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, MAY 22. 15V?. REAL ESTATE cttt ntorrwTT rum eCr.nt.niwi ) ItLB " " SOLIEDODY " - IS MISSING IT. A KEW UP-TO-DATE 8-EOOM HOUSE $2,000 BeetiTl'u" pepered p mirK. ut. Ji'Wi m lath. tnnt a;. 4 " "9 tit.y, a i.v f south l:-t-i1 4ot " -VtVA. fe in kill". T-ficefl ir, and onurff's' iron Ii-m jn ' froet. trlre lim. t-e and ftmh. newl- psved r-p".. permaricnt walk m tnfi out Next lot can Ik had adjoining if oesired.. end eiieap. atme mpr H must be :iid end WTe-w iivf reused to rent m tht account: rn y:v In-imed!' poerrlon; r.ght on mm cr li-i ted i - rseerrjiiiTi'y priced t t tnoe "Mak r-ir nrti See it before queetioning 1 the -ve'tr Owner wouid like tuiai 4oir, tout perhaps MbK wit fin VILUiV FLEMINCJ 23 Smith Itch. "Phone Iiouc 17 (IF 13 S I wVT en offer cm trr property. 113 and il R t. : tw annd-m rmuae and ywaf barn; well rented. Thi property W nC by eim rt-tr who roust hi; BKKNNAJS. ' Koom i. Sor Tork Life Elfia. i. -J i anc STOP! LOOK! TWO SXATS T-TW1C beiav. Br.i mxi Fa-ker; modern ex cept k'-.l, paving and sidewalk iiaid for; large tot. only ee terma. I rnmni new. modern except heat; on car line, Bat ui California: lary lot; ranu for A3., a good vestnent at; miLt crffer; eee trrmr WAIT INVESTMENT CO." m Sw Eifl. Omaha Neb. 1D MSR4 X. "OR quick list your nrnnertr with Walter Wilis, 4 Bm fittt,-. Rentals and Ue iul i T"0 w roarB ootiaa-ea. full lota, -on 2th fx., yimt smith of fcmney; nine bath and wnmit alk fmir frn mia ajon mtict wack. Frion. d.7i4i. Cu mak "kft rr avi in VACANT LOT Cbaia TYaDkJla Irt t:tlT ctj thf Tiortli of St. tii i eel weal of Mth. frloe. C. O. C ARLE EM. UK.I. Lai Budc. 1P .-M!26 3 REAL ESTATE rAUl AID kAJtCU UJIO rM ULI i mi lea Irotn to'B ia Wood jvar vaUry ali bact rnm, wtiat and t'.lnlra land m Btatc. Mb p-r aiir. E- F. F'auik V ooA t.iror. Xeta. 0W Mjm 2 CHOICE J UAETEH uod larvfl. U 1th Jjravf axatid trinwa itT-ei.iration ; lnr lew tfar mtuy. aWki, SXIM ttaiancr Tory try irmi irifcp at thia irrioa. tik Im 'Puone. Dobs. "XL UM adM. GOOD FAUtSa UlXZl AT PATHS-NTS. 3ear . Drawer, ta Qei airy Aistxiel. blaiak wiL clay aabaoA. weiia jfe to 40 last, a aimrliati na at xaawrur, low aJtttatte. avn r4 tanaaa lodadttic oera raiauijr: ana oray pay tor imaC; ioa ta land (30 aa aeiti law yrrtoai, eajry terma, will aaua tfioubl tn waJaa. NATIONAL. DCVEFTJffENT CO, al ajraadiae BuluUos, Cnnaria. Nnii. XE KK iMfk lmacam. -VEtTTORB AND PEAZJtRg TAKE JSO TICB Ten dunt know It, hot i-t me T"to rbU" ftiM 1 "aia anjthrrrtty on Torth ajid fiuutk aknta land. Cao aril cliaaper and better than anybodr. FJ t'ia rear a e:pernre; beat f reference. V. i. Clark, Omaha, Lock Buz & Mi TTKAS LjlNDS He w to rat tbaa. Sana (M ia It. C. Ijoduul. Auatrb. Texaa. tor copw mt Teaaa jutfl law and baatructiona bow ts buy. I aa fur ta yaare chic t lanfl 4epartment jitate traaaurer a cfficic "Know tb lanaa. wbca tbey oonta on tb market, bow ta yet tt.em tur my cl tenia. 4,raacTei AuaGn RattoaaJ babk. AuaUb. Texaa fteat lanQa ta ba aoid next Uirea Pi on 1. ha. fwaa reaao&atile. - OD) MM5 MTi REAL ESTATE LOANS Sion ta 110.81 tnaOe proBipUy. p. X. 'w.'ead. Wea i0x. iui and tuua. tf a it FKIXAXE MOfJT-NO DEJ-At! GAiifLN XiitOft, Aau FA P.NAM. . Cdr-all MONET TO IX) AN Payne laweatrnent Ca LOAN'; on lmAUtwaal Omaha Brorperty. O'Kaete - K. Ca, 10C1 K. X. Luie BiUc. " tV ii , . five piaa CENT . . airiy ta tn a n . tDmatia lualaaa projerty, IHuUm fcKEXNAN, oom 1. Nw lask J-li Bidy. PRIVATK MCiXlET CAJH ON HANi - L1UI J. U. Ml THEN , M:-- lriT 3kAZ. AXA HULKL 7 EL. LOl J. IZli. MONET t a loan oa taaprmed cttr so-oyerty. Haa:itiy;ak ideyaaa, livt ftnum tn Vi'ANTS'T' Cfry lacaa. wier Truat Ca. wAiriirj-or y amaoi miufi and warrmtaa. V Ca. AUb Farxiaia Pt.- Lrl EST KATEfl Bamla. Partem Bi-k. if citf,T TO LOAN oa Omaha property and iabraaka Xaxm land W. J. Imnuoudi latnmnt C. I X. I. L Buiy UaL isuum- If. Ja Ii WANTEDTO EUY JUCUrr prtoea fnr 26-band furniture, ear jjoia, cni.iia and airnaa. 1 ei. Lwuy. aVTL a m. KTST arte paid for 2-baxd f umttura. aaiia, aun-ee, Ciotairm, alio 24. hmt . V A VTtI-T buy. amaH auda louiitala. berxaaa. fcuanh, WaaliiiiAtun. Neb - - - OE-MK4 34 COX. JKjrPEON ato-k wan tea. tain avwaat Jirlca. AAdreea X dak. car Bee iS MKT Ma .AflTDT0 RENT "Wl Jl LX LIKE TO RENT a f urnlahed bote! Ja yuud locauutk Virus law iux lu tL euiH, Nek. lfc MaJ lb WANTjaO Roan and breakfast: tnuet b a tine rwijsa, on car Una. AOareai P a;i. care ike iC A :& ss2 c: ?ts fs.e!U W lta t in id, Aodrea H i-.k. Ml) tax - VVANTEO-SITUATiCKi CIPERIENCED ataucrapber: cxoalM-nl retexence Addraas " Li." Omaii bat, tuuncli Is. una, JaiSUi. W A VII Ei Poras a aoveniauor man ager I y a perasnoed Acu ea 1 u7. c-aa Tba i. aTTj 47! la 1 WWW . .1,1 . 4 . . . - - . i cjrrk. yjam yra;.ucr and ocuiacuir, nl retujea. Ai-rna O tSti. bee. , - ' . - gD-JMHiC rx W A h"I'T Oeue-Tat linuework 1 ' aroali fan-iy be svutiiaa aitA one cl d Ad fiiwt a A7V oare Le. dt M.a a BANK STATEMENTS KtPCFT fT TfiE OMITIDN CT THE Tulta atat )tilMHl Kaatu OrntVia. hi IS Fli i t Nb-a.a. at t? c t.ia rf i'lirtTi'fii. Hit 14, J fcESOVRCIiR. !Tn flmn.ttTrta. t i.BCJiC.": t""-u:"ii '-ud erd utiiM-uTd 1". R bnnit to iru-T I I''Uf ''" 4'.i T". S tvtirt 1n a-cur T". S. ATfita ir , ifltn. ortirtt lf. oi e. :.? aj PanktT f hOOT Mi M T'u Irtrni natirmal .ariV i Tint rt " ti:n ( ! Trom utRlr tmnlca and GTikT rffTv nr: La Oi k nd o: bT raati hi tnr tinua X" of oihar lia- tlmiiil iiarkk rnrr, nk-fceia enfl rwritp La -f u JfTH rra tn Bank, rtr: rwra Lra1 tnflrr tiol . Rf6mjn.ti'r fun with I". i trfapur-r "V of I'lifulatlftn i . Iu from I. 6 1ta- vtt. n.b- than H r6emrtloo fund . .. a.M Br Total BO.W-W UAElXJTIEfi. Cap'tal Work paid In. t r a Purpli: fund X.OWi.dT l'nittvifl-a pr-pf'tii. rxrTiK f and 1a- TK3!T Ketmnal hk Tot" ovmtand)n f, IH to eHhrr national bank Sl.E-t.lM ffi Ti to wiat nanka and hki k IJ4S.E2M I'u tp trust rrrm- rTTea and aavttifm hmki TITtSm rvtrtmijiii urinniS Tlf l JnflHtoual fltnr!t publnt t V .... S.TC..5t.M Iwniaid rertlfiratt-a of firrirwrf Trm rrrtflrat of flpnrmlt Crttflcfl rtidiki CarilpT rhoc:k Ptil atandlnr T. fi. d-o-whf P5 ?7: .3t S,nir,.( I-Tiiirt' of t dia- tmrnnr r4rtr-ra . ... V.K S.1IC. ! Rfwn-Wi for Taa.. a.75.Ki Total Slftar.. Stat of hrr.aka. of Touclaa I. A. Millard, oafhif-r of th ahw narnod nank. n an)nnrilr rfar that thr abov t atomrnt t trot t n tb hal of Tn kmnwl eir and h-llM. A. MILLATiP. CaRhtrr. Purmrrrrd and to trfor ro thia 2lct 4aF f l O. WILTJAMS, ?CotRrr Publtc. CPTTOCt Attwt ; A. l -R-E-nm. E. M. VOHFVAV. E. S. CAU'WEU.. - rirctora. GOVERNMENT NOTICES H F. Kl'Q X' A P.TERP rEPAPTMENT OF tii Miwuri, tiffice Clu Ctimimmry. Omaha, Jieb.. Aprii S.. 1H Reaied pro jiuetla. tn triplicate, for furnifihlny and fle I'verr to the commiesariea at ttie fnuowlr-jc nota. via : Fun -Crook. Kf.; Fort Tra Motw. la ; Jeftr(n BarrnrtR. ado.: Fort LaTinwcirth. Kan.: V. S. Military Prioon, Fort Leavenworth. Kan.: Fort Marliecaia Wfo.; Fort Mnade, 6 V ; Fort Omaha. Neb.; Fort Kiley. Kan: Fort Robixieon. Neh ; Fort T A. RuBae:i. Wr-. and Fart TAaahakie, VTya., euch guantltiaa of freah beef and mutton for the period conamenciny July 1. 3mia. and emfin; Lecfimber . lDiDi. aa may be required by the wmimtwinM at to m"-eraJ inta akiv Tiamed. art! ra aoeoroaiK-e wiih apwiftcatlona and oondt tiona ant forth tn circular No. 4. 'War le uartment. tiffioe of the Ccimmtaaary Oen- f-ral V. 6. Army. W'aahinrtnn. U. C. Marcli r. IM. wUl be recervrfl at thi offioe until 11 (1 clock a m May S. 1. nd then onem.d. Full information, blank propoaaia, yuaramee bond and repy of circular No, 4. above refrr-d tc, ran be had oa applica tion to thl offioe wr the poet Tommiasary at any of th t.ani. nand Jjcwlopea oon tauiiny pproTJoatl "mcrtt be marked "Pre poaiut lor FYeeli Beef and JAutton. te b oiMiBfd Mar 2u. ' and be addreeaed t the underaifrne. T. B. Hacker. Crtrtala. C umnitt.KK.ry t- E. Army. Chief Commiaaarj'. Ar-3-a-a'Mii-2: r?OPOBAL5 FOR DRAFT HORSES ANT Trafl. Pack and Bufld.e Mule Cnief' Office. Cmiaha, Neh-aka, I aiaj' I!. Sealed projioeaia. tn triplicate will tie received at thi office until w o'clock m. owtrBl etandard time. June IS. 1H". and tiien oned. ia tl. preet-nce of at tending bidas. for U liyht d-aft hor. 17 medium draft boreea. lif draft mulna. Sfdl 1 C riraft mule. lad: P4 pack mulei and an saddle mule, for a'V.very at (imtht. Nebraska, or other prominent raitr-al point. The animal to oonforna to apeoiri caLlon for draft h.TH" and mu'ie. t'nitd State reeeirea Tiyht to acoejrt or reject any or ali prop vale or any j.tirt thereof, particular and blarika for propoeal will ke furr.iahed oa application. Envlo contamiin; propoaaJ te be endoraed 'Tn poaaia tor Hinwe or MuW" and iioflroad to Major Ii. E. McCarthy. Chief Cniarier maeter. M2i-a-; JlHf-17 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Haetlny V Heyden tr Frank TThtp- perman. tiart lot 17 and tU lot 16. blnok t. Coilier Plane 4 73 Atlarrtvr Reany aanoriatlon to L. A. Ooidnmrth. pari lota a and 6. block S, Kendall add 1.J00 Richard eiebbiii and wife 10 Albert K. i..iliu:a. part lot t. liinrk ITS. Omaha 1 "EtheJ I.alharh ta Franci A. Broyan, hrt 21 and S. bluc-k . t klnut H.U . 1 Carl E. Bafbech and wife-t an rue. aajne County treasurer to T. W. Rk-kol. lot , Haaen aubd:v A. J. Johnann to Onma Jonnerrn. part lot 111 and 11. block 1. Mtlntoab tuWlT L0.M. Morri Iwyae t al. to Kate Rrrr, lot A. Fair euhdrr l.ft Lwif a. Reo and wt.'e to It red Broa lot H6 and pan lot ST, Giae a add Eiiaa.lxH.ri rufnere to Thumu Siiell- tnan. pan aub kit 1 of tax lcn i. a-li-U L7i Marbl 6a vine bar.k to A. S Hunt- uiytan. pen lot C. block ISO. Oman.. 4,0ij Harry A. Tubey 1 Frank Lander, kit 34. block Ifu. Halcyon Heoyhi W Praikk Lji.oer and wife te Addie Van Anoeri, part aame. 1 AAA i Van Annea and Frank Lender. part im It. block fe.. aame 1 Ji.rtamt C. Malit.ney el al to Edward -hia et al.. lot 14, li, lfc. biock a. bricya Place Aiinie .R BmtTb to Jame P. iarkeon, jrt lit k bimk an. faouth Omana Ruben B. Howell anl wife to Harold J. CAthroe.. Ire k. , Mi. Fort View add., and im , Fort View Annex... Jennie E. Alien 10 Harriet F. Ella- 1J"6 worth, ahk ft of kit t, replat if fcuock 2. enii Park P , Total , .ii. i 0CEA1S STEAMERS CAfiADIAN PACIFIC Xana of tac AtlassAs rots X. AT a A S3KA Tta Emprtiase Ball Irom Quebec t Luvarpow ah mix daya, two & m tn ma.ieauc al Lasnuiot rpeeo. comfort, eiegane and aafety are mnuiiiuei Aa tnaae apieodid expreaa auaamera Ak aty marl artit for partlcwlara er will fur LJutraxed booklet dat-nMny peraonaily umauricd k.ure 1 ?eaa toar. TWAspnuae aamua mi" ismx CUaxk Sua A, CaAaaye, XU. D. C SCOTT. D.V.S, (raimnr la Dc H ACtTJTAaT tTATR mm XaeqstlkL REts) Call Promptly Answered at A3 Hasa, Cell, til P.r.AD TTIE BEST. s DaAjy TATZR L tiinanlwil) m iti maii DES SOKES EECLNS TODAY ud Got is CiL& OS. C3TLT EIOGLXS KTXE Draarr Bit fwdl If Flaylma; rt Ball mm taa C&aiatama T 111 Waff-k Bard ta Wlm. Ir Wntnwa wa biot kfd tT Wk on the Rack laland railroad rwt-raaj- noar No!a. 3a.. and failed tf ruach trw cttr tn tlm for th firm (irw mt th awrtea a V frit on atwt park. That am-wia of fnur Ftrtin. tbairrfore, will bra-in thoa ftrm-Km at t tf. Art It will lafliMr' day. and Aoar old Tat Haras trill br in tl box. And dear old corr 3 at vO ba t atcrmd for th riaftora. And thrT hang a tale. It TTT!y aliarnr ta toll rolan thai h'a rthc to rt th finert bougu errr rtaaafd prw tP a Jioptilfcr 1flol. Tot Th acrt la Juat toa rood to konn, beaiaea th bouqurt aa baolfd out ta tb park t-i.t-dar la a two-horac vifan and kf-rn in tb box offloa. roadr for action. It M la bo'rf i!i ft loTif and two ft wiin, o It rr u b a dairy. ttilan and TrofrritoT Hitrlna war thr rmlr Lie l&oinea nim who gat to the rfcrk, 3ot lookod Ukot th .mrald lal la hi Brit ult of frmen Of nourae Joa rnulfin t play th gam all by fctrmwlf and Mr. Hierlna a rry nic -ontlman 1 ntir'y too fat. Bo. after ba'rtnf the rollickta rhamptona onteriatn tb crewd. which unmtxTrd I'jrne thlnr ahnrt nf lO.Wfi. for a while. Brother Dav lUiura... ia 11 ahanr of Pa. a- nounned la aonorou tone: "Rala check irnod for any flay to the caaon." Then ererrbofly went bom la a harry ao aa to irr rdy to ti&ptn out today. Ie Motnea 1 playlnit rmt ball, wlnnlnp hail, and probably will make Omaha work erery mlnut. Omaha probahly will be fle prtvrd of Ban acaifrtam-a. aa thi arm la till lame. That will tend to equaliae thine aamrwhet. The team will line op ac follow: Omaha. A utrey K ln Auetm Franrk Houee bolder. "STeirh Bel0"n ... Good in Le Brand Pandora.. hunt Hall Holleubeck... Noah Poaition. Flrat .. .fwcand Ttird Bhon ... ...Lfl - Cfnter . Rlrbt ... .. Catcher ...Catrh ... .-Pitch ... Pitch .... ...Pitch ... ...P-tch ... . . . Pitch . . . I M oinea. . Tla-rpr I " rrLr, 1 "vinhnff 1 Arww. '.F?ourrIc? i .Ierter ... . .Fltx.iatnck T Tenyer "J...."Vriiherup Eortur Furd JficGrtnr Clurk HOII AJtK ItDLT DEMORALIZED Pwebla wTlaa by &wx1 Rlttlaar a fwwr Ptay mt Opywaieata. 'BIOITl CTTT. May E Bloua City put up in rottenem yame eier riere thi iwaaon and thi. oupled wtih effect.'v pitchmy b GaUrano. allowed Puetuo to win eaaity by a arm- of to 1 Cirrtiett twirled yood ball, but the harder be worked the more erratic became the fieldiny of hie team mate. Andreaa' error wrr rnepmiKltiie lor the firat three runa. the haiance of the rune kM-rty mad on dumb fielding by Sj;w--oer and (kevereid after chanoo had been offered to retire the aide. Score: aUOtrX CTTT. AB. R. H. v 1 A S Campbell. TT... Andrea. 2b . Woed. cf , I Weed, rl .......... I Henry, c 4 4 H. fcpeiicer, cf ........ I 1 2 11 2 v 1 m - ' ' b I Serereid. lb...... Oranvilie. aa...... Cor bet t. p.. To-lals .. 4 .. .. 4 S2 J 27 31 C PUEBLO. A.B. R. H. C O. 1 Rpet cor. IT ( Hoarrirver. In t 1 v 4 1 4 I Patierecm. 'lt 4 Marticka, of a I 1 11 1 Miliar, rf. Claike. lb.. as. Mltae. c 1 Ga.yano Totil ..... 5lpuw City Puet.te Two-baae bit: Pacrifio hit: r S 10 ...,A I) I e 1 r. V 2 10 t 1 2- MaTticka. Mttae. eVeereid. kicLr, Corhan. "W'eich. Stolen bBJH-: Hoyrlever Ti. Corhan, Pat terann Buee on hall: Orf CoriK-tt. 1; off Oayanci, t Ptrurk ut : ty Corbett. ; by Galyano. i Time: 1:06. I'mpir: Isvi Attcuaanoe : LaXW. KOHA1JOI itE I P I TBE IISTH LlaewAa Jiaei . Bla for Pwar R ta tke Elyktk. LINCCiLN. Neb.. May n. t"p to the lnnlny today liohvnnan bad the Lincoln almoin et hi merry, four acatttir lti hrta netuny but a einyle run. la ttie riyiith Pritciiett. J ones, Juoe and Gacnier ainyled. Prttchett eoorlny and FVnlcm aent the other three men In with a triple to center. Jone wa tiK hard early la the yame. but fine fielding mlriimiaed the effect of the eiuyyniy,. amyle being th total of Denver aaJetie. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. ii. I. 4 1116 1 O. 3C Jude.. If j Pcx 2b 1 GaynieT. ac. ' Fenion. rf . . Ttiomta. lb. IlV!0rm. :f Prltcbetl. Sh t Inram. c . . . Jotiec, p..... Total ... 1 1 K 1 t tENVSR. AB. R. 1 VtlSron. cf 1 O. I 12 j : Belden. If $ e : Zalufcky. 3b . 4 I Oaawacy, rf ............ 4 I.U. St. 4 Luterbr.rn. Jb. I Kir.nealiy. a ( 1 McLKuioucb. c t e liohanuoii, p 2 1 Totala 20 1 I.lnr .in t 0 I.nver Three-base hit : Fenicm. Dvidon. te.uhie p.ava: t 24 1 1 1 r 1 Two-baae hit: Fos to ijaynier , la Thoina Bacrifioe hit: Belden. Stolen I bae: I'tridaor.. Stru'-k out: By June. J 1 1. by I. Buse m ball: Off j Jones. 1 Time . 1 Jii. L'mpir: HaakeH. ! Attenoanoe: 14i. j RITEM Al BACK IT BALL It OCT V agaer ay in Be ReoaiHeal If laiarr berieSja Owe. 1 ..... . T. . . L. . t I caJ L: ttnar from tue farm If Ha:l 1 tc , be out of th yame any it ngth of tuiie ; on atx-ount of l.ia injured arm. I "I wi i find out Irtim tti doctor at once ' say li.e cap. "auout how long to I e,t hali t be laid u: . and If u la a period of any ou-Eti-ii then 1 will bring tak end Lit I'm ta work al j otn 1 thit.k m.i of hi.n. aryasy. Hi 1 na gt.oa ti.ti in !'.:in 1.11a W: li niake a 1 gtiod pitcher wit training 1 are hoi- 1 ms er courae. Ala:.' a arm w 111 soon" be I riarers Oa a kreraa4. Tf.e Tiger of Omatia yo to Ore-r woc! i uia.M,i. e.fl , -, ..... 1 urs tt.ry will pirj: ! tiie GreenwcHid team, which 1 on of tne j fasteet m- lb state. The Tiyeira. wi woe :x out of alien game tni j ea.r. r coaf i dent e wtrtr.rrig. On Sunday they will plaf j the Kaiiyer cn their bom yt-ounda. at , J want --ri! l and Cnark- strta. Lixanup: 1 Tiy- Crtiw'jod Ei)rrnil F1-r Fel Zwkmeister f-ec:ir.3 V ied 1 GnaaniAA... 7'hTd E Landuo lotion ., Mi n AJ-ms:T,m Murpl.y ...lf. . H urlbui I .and an .Ha. nana B.yper ...Senior tanoni J-. r i . .. C ta-ernian ati-a . Ball Piu a . Prieamaa. Pur a . Hoaaid ....T. ..... CreAsrktaai Baa Uaeala. 1 Tka CaMyt.uai aemaj aolleer eaea beat the xAaeoitt lientai coney u-xn te the tun ul 11 u I al the iitLaua baas ball para STAKDJMG CF THE TEArfS. atrr. AVER. AWN L fc L rv Om'ii .3 .n lof mr,'p'lia. . jl . rrrr if 34 l.lnoi.ln K 14 roi Cry ..:4 4 l Moinua-.-J 1 Fwbto 1 1 . i-X Ttic1o 3: cyn .os: Co'uThii .fi Jf M 'wtuK... 1 .W 4f JjOiiteriilr 34 XT JS Kir aa Crrr.! :S ! VmieaKli.ll ?f Sr t I'tiU 7 5H XAT. LSAQIt jlkeh LEor w. Lv Prt v . u Frt Ohioara ... a C New Tork.. JT ! Oli Pftarnrrg .. 1J .m Pmla. 1 11 .ana Pl.iia. ...nil .I Cleteiand ...11 1 .D New Tork... 14 1 .fi ChirKr 14 1 .fl Ponton If. 34 .MT f-t. ijcuia 34 J Ctnrinnatl ..1W ..vIrre:t TJ 16 4 ft. Ijouia U 1( .K7 V brt.S'B..U It .-t Jfookrvn IP Boatnn 1 .tai GAK( TODAT. "Weatern l-afue le M nine at CVnaha, tfinver at LJnpt.ln. Pttfebio at fiinus City. KfctioTai ljeiifue Etomon at Cbicera. at rirjibur. New Tork at eM. Lioui. rii.idd( lj.i.ia at Cmcinnati Aroerr1ra.11 Lm4tu ChkAre at New Trr-k. St. lentil at BoeLon. XeTmli at W aaUmFtoo, Clpreiand at Philadelphia. Ajrterioan Aaaooiaiion Indianapolia at Toledo. Loulrn-ili at Ooiumkma. Kanaaa City at tt. Paul. MUineajtoiia at XUwaufcee. yeaterfliiy. The fftr of the yam Were a home run hy Flat. back and the plfhlTiy of Buiyrr. whe aJ)owd but two hlta. Bat tenf Creiylitun. Siulyfr and FMaperaidi Limctln, lluvrll and Carr. I'S THE T10 ftl. LCA61K Cabe Ralae plMekip riaa; aa Cum. CHiCAQO. Mhy a. After ao hour con cert, durint: which th tam paraded tii perk and rained th "W n-ld C'hampion ahlp" 7mnant. won by the Chlcaee Na tional leayii team from the Iicuroil Amer ican fall. Chicayo aiicwed a revereal of rhaTnmnneh.p form by loniny to Boston, k to li. Mynt Bue Threw Uie ftret ball frirrn an upj:r box. Bcwton pounded the th-ee local pitcher at wiU. Flaherty pitched a winnlny yame. hi hita aell K.'BTterod eiccpt tn two lnniny Ever wan tiamatied In tii fourth for dleputmy a decmion. Score: Batted for Pfcieter la fifth. Chicay.0 f' 0 1 I " B,.etoli ... 1 1 1 2 1 t 4 311 Tw bane hit: RltoheT n, Scbulte. Itm merman, Ban. P:einlldt. Hit: Cff Oi'er aTl. I; tn two and one-third lnrrmya: off pielater, l in iwa and oae-thlrd mnincr. Ptoien baaea: Brown. MoQann. IHiuhle piay: Rlayie. Chance and Kliny: Pla-herty. r'Bnev ara novaiin. uen in onet-e mr n. tt, .. .... v.-n. rr ueo. r "l . . ' 1 -mrr- w ii iiip. f:eieter, i: tiff Reuibath. S; ofr FlaJierty, l.RRe on error: Boeton. 2. Ptrocjt out: &S Pleltaer. 1; ty Reulbar-h. 1: by Flaherty. Tmtr - 1M- I'niprie: Rudderham. Fkflaclelphta Beata Clarlaaatl. CINCINNATI. May -1 Six pitcher wer Ued la tooay a yame. thexe of Mie vlnitor finally rnovtny the wtr.nera. Hard hirtiriy waa iaduiyed ta I f both teama Morek w a rot ha aalely untO tii eiatb lnnnitig. after which he retired Gram wa benched lor protMuny a oeciRiun. Score: Batted for Cunipotll In ninth. Ctnemnatl 0 (i a a 4 e 1 at Plillaaelphal ( M Ii M d l Two-baa hit: Gtil. I'oolin. Three bae hit: Kuyym. MncheU. Swrifice hit: Huyyln Grant, Moren. Btolen tiaee: Cwhoma. Xoute piay: uiaaiiec 1. Ptruc-k out: By "Welmer. 3. by Rjiaoe.. 2; by Moren, 4 Baae on ball: Off Weimer. i. off Moren, 1: off Sparka, 1; off Movuillen. 1 fjttr: Off 'Weimer, i m four tnniriya: off fipade, ; In three lnnnmyi.. off Ca.m;irell. (1 in two lnr.nlny; off Moren. b In five and two-thrrd lnumy; off ltrkii. 1 In one and one-third lnnlny. off Mcyuilien. 1 In two lnnlnya. Time: 2 boura. t'milre: Emalle. Lake L.aea Bla Din 43awe. NEtV TORK. May B Lke liurt hie own yame to Chicaco today by allowtny trie vnrttor to bunch hit in two lnmnya. The lorara trtt aiah f 1 but win at the rlarnt time. Conroy Injured hi arm in thro wit if and Morianty rflieved lam In tlie third ltintTtf,. f.cor: Chlcayo 1 t 0 1 4- New lork 0 1 1 v 4 - Two-baa hit: Btahl. Three-liaae hit: onohue. eacrlfioe hltae: Nile. Hcmplilll, lanuchllL Stolon ba: Keeier, Chaw. L-ft on baaea: Chlcayo, 7; New Tork, a. Flrei ban on ball: OTf Lake. 4. Flrat baee on error: Chioayn, 1: New Tork, 1. Krt by pltolier: By LJut, 1. Btruck out: By L.e. 1; by Wilnh, X Time: xrfc. Vm ptre: jyajt. Sew Tork Defevta t. Lla. ST. IjOT'IK Mo. Mar !1 Tork ltexik a muc.h-mlaedup yam from Ht. : Liout thi af '.ernoou. to 4. Bt. Louic 1'tya.ined an early lead ti.roi.yh hittiny fty- llor, but could not lut C:rand.U. Kfcjyer j wa hit freely In th fourth lrnii.g and l.New Tork tied the (second He u or- dered from the field in Pt Loui half 1 , of the fourth ly V'mplre l-i'.yler for oia Jj jpnttny a derK-i.m. and From me. who re- lievea um, was rree.y atic poorly aupimrted. fcort: AB u 0.1 t. m i os BT. tl t Otiaria. Jt . 4 UtTTKT. d . 4 Iiielim. rf I K nnei olu , 1 4 O'Knurfc. M I 1uewl. e . . 4 CiilMn.. tb . 4 Kanvr. 1 Framnia, S naitufr .. 1 I Fhanmm, rf.. I I' Tenner , lb . . i Itmiiin. rl . . 4 aaevnuiur. cf.. I a famanahan. c B 1 Iievliu, 8b.. I I Nioaiui. 3b a I C B-mwKll. aa. 4 t'Tarmr. 1 ' 4 1 34 2 2 rmnaall. a . I Iioyla, th... I A ota la X 17 1 I Tmala M 11 14 t Batted for Fromme la the ninth. New Tork ...6 MHHt bt. L.0U1 2 c 2 e e e e Two-haee bit: Barry. Konetchy, Iwyle, CVandall. Three-baee kit; Kom't chy. Hit: Off Karyer. t In three and one-third lnnmy: off Fromme. ( in ?;ve and two-third lnnlny: off Taylor. A In three lnnmy; off CraAduil. 1 in eis ln nlny tu-crifle hit: Iielehanty. FaJB.n non. IieViln. Lor.iln fStolen tiaee: e.uan tior.. rieviin IiouLle l-lay: Karyer to Gilliert to Konetci.y Lnft on haxef.: Pi t i Lr-ula. A. New Tork. b. Baee on hali: J .Off Karyer. I: off Fromme f. : off lay- i lor. 1. Struck out: By Frommt 2; by Cranfia!l. 4. Tim: 3:1.1. Vmpinea: Eig f ' ler and Klem. At Plttsbuiy Pitiabury-Brooklj-a eaiied - ' la third Inn my a, rain. CAM E I AMERlCAk Af.arC I 4TIOS Mllwiaake T-aaa tackle Elt or Kwm. Make a KAVEA.C CITT. Mci.. May i'l -In on of tlie most remarkab.e yame ever ; piti tied in th American as- ociation, Jue . Wood slut out Milwaukee today with ivi ft ! hit and nt) rune A tr ;.l and a a' n- i fii fly yme 1C tn aa tij' ib w inraiig ! run- Scute : All ii C At ll H 0 X Kotamaofi m 4 Cieeaa. vf.... A ane't: ue It i W waar, cf . . . I Knb. a'cA It. I Cia-k. St. .. . I Annan. Aa . I l.i,uclirt , I fKaltmBB cf e rvuw. 1 Bora ie. lb. 4 1 InlMHr. lb i I' N. iillinrua. rf I 1 kerwia. B... I t brp-n St. . . I ! fuilivar.. t . I 1 W maa. I t M Tsui r at Tmala . KaTisbr City ...B 0 Muauke (i (i f 6 . . .k t r, 1 M 3 e e (" fi ii Three-baf ball"' C.ff By Wood . l Eurofl run: Kanaa Ory. hit: Beck.r j . Bute on liurtiert!'. 1. Struts out ""'by Imuyberty. I. L-ft on tiajie: kan- t ti'y, 4, Ail:ukee. 1. Stoien bae: j Kkiman. Or:t, Kerwtn Sacrifice hit: ;faeckle. B:-ahear T'.me: 3 f i. Im. pirtt: Kn and BierhaJter. Hoaaiera M Im im Slatk. I INDIANAPOLIS. M 3. Two bun: and ! a hit in the nir 'h inning, coupled wl: b a j baa tr.r"w ly Bail. yve InS.anap.ili twe I run kr.5 tat gam wr.L Coiumbua tooay. I S:io-i UrplAKASeilR All r l:a fl mil Jaiwa.. IT . I 3 l.c. 1.. ct I t .ui.lliin. rf I 1 ti. Ab 4 1 r OA I AA k OA K tit I luil ... 2 I 1 131 '. nulier. U I 1 I i I 1 eiavora. it I I I I I 1 I v.rr .fc .... 4 1 M 4 12 4 elifti.a. af I I 1 11 1 L..vlui-a-aa r I a a i a 4 1 t ii.. ) c . till e A V iliiama. A I I I I 11 iiiu, :.!... tail H-mt v a t 1 I t kirn., .a Atual. t 4 V rle) . to, 4 TUM . . .Jl 2 1. 1 i ... ...j .... t I Tolaa a r it 'None out when wninnig run acored, Bauad lor Hjpke to ninth. Culun-hu 1 2 o I Jj.aa..i.lii i v 2 fl 24 Twr-tiaae hli: Kiem, Frarl Struck out: By hl.i. '-. by brufi. i Ix.uiua piay: idy :. Kilim. Paaand aa.Il. Livingax u. Paeand ' rttoivB tiaae: tieweii. eiacririoe im: sca- ! aim i2. oirtu. Cu;ol ja. taaa ut ban: ' f Ji.riraTa. Z. nff HiM. A I'xbAur : Koriu. Time : 3 :tt. If nxit, Cu aa ud cat best rtaula. km is 501 SHI5G im VilliiLf to (Jrarede Ktiy Toixti in EXITCTS TO TATE TH7.TT. IVLVIS rl atfll a RIMK wl klle Kn- ana aai wl aablaarrew 1 alweratrVra Ar t Vakaai a qmaatttte. AM1CS. Ia Me r (Special WMany erm ertar ar being made a te the outoome of the Mleanurt valley ror-fereno meet to be held at Kknra City next BaturCay. Ame 1 at a lue Juet where to place Its rrval In th cominy conleat. Trulncr Jack T atann l reticent and he wm pot vetrtur t nay that th eolrey 1 enre of ar.vthiny eacept flrat la tb hlyb btjrClea. la tb half anlle and taj the two mile. Amea ba ane: NebraRka on tlie field before, but not thi year, and consequent 11- ha no way of yauyiny the relative atrcnyth of the two team Miewourl 1 a riddle, while Kanaa and 'WaRhtnxloTi are both entrrery unknowa auantltiea. Koowie. Amea' fart rprtnter, ba been ba the boeprtal with aa acute attack of toneiltti for the laet week. Thi put Ame out of the running In th KHVj ard daRlt. leavlr.g th laurel In that event tn Ml aourt. Branham would aluo have experi enced Mima little difficulty la beating Knowlo out In the Steyard daah. a he wa runnlny ft In 2S flat thi aprmy. Al ft 1 &rw. It is doubtful If Toung will pull more than a third cut of thi event, al though be 'i a lam man end may be khle te finish reennd. It i lucky for Ame that there I tie half-mile relay te be run next Saturday, . Kncwle wa the mam factor la thi race. "Walker will easily win Tirot In th .iy tOTflle. McCord of Irake will take aec onfl. with Branham of Miaeourl and Mc Donald nf NebraeWa fighting It out f 3r third J.hnoa. Branham 1 doing great work for Mi eourl thi spring and In all probability h will win the low hu-flle. He 1 runnlny them In XX Hewitt of Ame ana Mc Donald' will race for eecond place. NeVratV-a Ha Brail Jwav. Perry of Nrbranka broad Jumped " feet ? in che In th Kanaa-Nebraka meet last Saturday and It 1 hardly poaelble that Lambert of Ann car. lie at him out, al though Lambert wUl have an eaey aeoond. it 1 bard to aay who will figure for third place An thi event. Le of Ame 1 a good high Jumper, but he 1 rather erratic In form, and with Knodr of Nebraska and Parker nf Kanna j olearlny the bar at I foet in lnchoa. h j can eoarecly hope te 3o more than beat I out 'White of Iowa lor third place, i Hayyard of Drake will carry off firt ( honor In the pole vault. McCuIlough of . Ame will take aeoond. w hlie Jeannn of I Ame will batw hard for third place. I la th hammer threw. Collin of Ne i braHka must lie conceded firat. Cotawuy of j Drake aeoond and Lmbert of Ame third. Had Lambert aot sprained hi ankle early la the aeaeoti, be would hv reea Ooa 1 away a clone rub for eecond place, and j evea a It ta, the big giant will have a I baby taak tn defeting him. The ahot put for firm and eecond place line up th aame a the hammer throw. Th fight for the remaining point will be between Branham of Missouri. Woodrow of I Irak and Laxnpman of Ames. A hard ftfctat will be put up. In ihc dlRou throw by Ptutaeman of Iowa City and Thayer of Amea. StutaesTiaa hurled tt SC feet throe Inch ay&lnet Minnesota Saturday. Thayer threw It US feet three lnche la the Amee-GrinneD meet. While on the earn day Collins of Nebraska threw tt UB feet alx and one-half Inches, making and "W w of Drake bidder for third honor. Beard for Half Mile, The hkir-miic run will tie eaaily wna by the fart Beard of Ame, with JTolfe of Iowa. Devi of Ames, and Prtewty and Ferri (if Kansas, makitg a hard fight for the remaining potrrt. Beai-d and Devi will ran the half mile for Ame. o tt Is dnubtful if they will be able to do much In the mile run. Van Mirier will be tn good condition and while he will rot be abe to tat Alden'a time of 4.27V he will at leant bring home rome point for Ames. That Mutch will wtn the twe mile for Amea. 1 foregone conclusion: the quea tloa Is. win Nebraska, lovt or Mienourl win the remaining points In thi event? Hubbard ha cuit training and a a consequence, Ame chance la the trtlle re lay are very doubtfal, especially consider ing the atrong team, which Kansa 1 bringing out ayainnt them. At tbetr home meet. Hsxard of Iowa City ran the 441. yard daab la CIV Douglas of Missouri ran It tn 51 flat. Larshsw of Mia eour! and of Nebraska each have a record of EI flat. Thi look good for MIotirl. ret, although Hubbard 1 out of I th ytme for Ames, Carr Is showing tT , faat and may be able te push Dtiuylae hard j ft.r first place. I Ames has no especially brilliant atara, 1 and while tt expert to win aame ftrwta. yet It t'y tt meuoy team work ana placing cf men la all event that It hopes to wla the meet. CJHEIl JTS THK AMERICAS LEICrE H'wvrt" Piti'klaa Tw M ark fee tke Uwtreat llsygrrA. w ASHINijfTf.N. May S-Bum held D , to two nl- lociuy. V tf-riir yttin seor- j a atiul ut. 1 to ii. Bm three of tn 1 trvi'1 my vii.itcr reactiea rirst arm nt.iie s--c"n.a Many cnation.l j.lavs niafle by bu ti side. Score : WACHINGTClK IiSTH'ir! I H O A t IhlOltl A a ! flirre. H 4 1 1 a 11 I'lkWAt. !b I t I t J I I I Cram-runt, cf 4 1 t a HI eotiM. rt 1 t a 4 e i kirvau. Js I 1 1 is :uraua a. I I i 1 r I J t I Pa vac. c ' I 4 14 1. 0 Lae. aa . t 1 il I 1 k 1 4 AiUlllB 1 srii Tmaia St 2 24 3J a Milan el ... 4 banler. 11. . 4 iHiH-lianry, At I eii-tonr at 4 l OTW, C - . I rrwau, IK. 1 M'tariSn. I rtTlia. kunia Batted for Siever in ninth. Washington ,. 1 0 f 6 3 Detroit 0 (' ft 0 o Two base hit: Delehtnty. Ganiey. SMen base: Stii;.ke. Left on bae: Washiuiaim, A: Iiet.rolt, I Base on ball: Off Burn 1; off Bievrr. I Siru'k em- By Burn, 4. by Sicver, 1. Time: 3 au. Vmjilr: Fvan. f kllaoelsikla Beat CVeeAaa4. PHH-Al'ELJ'"HlA. May 21 The hm' teura tat c'leiiaiid 1 to ii. iooi.y .Sr. a p:iciicr battle tietwees ticker and Rn iaat'. Plilladiiipnia won la tne seven t lnuiiig on a pas is Hansel! and Nit uoi s two buff'T Sucre: rLtvctAWT. rkiLApyL,rHi Afc 0 A ! At U tl A I I 3 riaraa. It. 4 e-au-y. aa. 4 Ho.r.ll. ... 4 Umw, St. . . 4 I unier av. - 4 K Carka. c. I Ptra'tuua. at atuiaiiniaA. et I kkaaoam. I I bed. "nuiuau ... 1 A 1 fflmrl. If. .at : m. 1131 J f UlllUt. ii t I I I ' Inru ja . . 1 a 1 a I k-urjiKT. Jt . I f I I- kxrlien-a. c 4 U t 4 I E CA. una Tf I 1 ." at. . i I' Vitaem, . . I t I to Tu I 21 1 1 Im la t : 1 i I: ted for X.huaoea la eighth Cleveiae.d to to to ' pniikcaupnia . to to 1 j Hit cff Rhoadea. I tn seven Inning Two '. Iih l.u. Nictiuik fcicr:it-a 1 ua- isar-aijl. ! Murjiky SioiuB baa : Turner. Left on i.aata: i.. I'tiiaoe.-plna, k e-tncs j cui: By KhuauiA. 1: 1-J u.a.:-a k Imui.i ' f.iay: Bhtu-tiea to Turiier le StovaD; Nx-4,. i. tr. Murpt.y " I' via Base u error : 1 aa ii i I Ik, L Bub oa bkL". j 0f r.hirl.. dun anil Hw rimr. 1 R". Vht-". Fh--i- Rm ataa at B". 'FT N. lliy 2i BrirtoTi bad a 3 1" ld ft r Pt l.ui tnnai hm vi'lioi.yMia oni.ra i.r rnn - M tt.e .nd nf tfe l.'i.r.h iiintig or. h;-f'unt of rain trtlCTtK TRICK "I Willi Re at I at. 'e-rwlty riar W4. TVlleii.e c:.!lirr w!1 a"i,fl few track men to 1 r'l-e p;; r J'lar-e tnn.on-fw to retire ent the loraJ enlleyien ?n tb teteretil leri1e track rw: 1 vie ti tn tornada. nub urwi ermrtInon for :me time, tii athlete whe were eriwottna to tart have itie n iitiatii tt. Ar cuneisterit train- ( ina. aa !: were neofed to V"-!":' rlamiire ' ana yuard -the properly in tii vilnur". In ; T!;e of tM fart, hrwever. sr-retai men : ut.cier the lead of Ciptarr Pvy wii; ar tt. ir trt m net we uphold Iie'ievtir ' record on the track A Team of tw h-e men w a I w l partictpaie. but only alx.ut . , men will yo. not wl the expectation of carrywia wr th trophv. but In makmy a 1 eiatt wii be in-proved In 1 he yea'- tr I 7"in I th f:rt var that the local j ooHrrr l a been represented at tlie stale j rntercoTW-giti'ie meet, but tn the furir" II I bnped to oevelori 1hi r-anck of spring i arl.letic tc a greater extent Kearn. tlie big foot ball nT wttl burl ' the licus. put the shot, and 1 lyb .Ittrrp tor I Bebevue Ai: hour h not in tne lsi of form. I Kiirru won firsi In the high jama and . shot put and seeond In tlie fllscu at th nnual eruacrt conference at Laki Geneva. 'Wm.. laet year, w here perhari 1 the best eo'.Mare athlete re gathered tie 1 pel her ' Kacelr in the Fprint i dolrg nme ynod work and ha been able 10 keep up In training. Being only a freerman and hel ms showed ui so eij against 'Waliao of the Omaha Touny Men CnriFtiau aasocia- ! tlon. tt I rxjiecled tht he will make 1 yreat showing at the big meet 7emp!:n ' at tlie pole vault i cotif iat nt!y eipected te t make yoofl. l EflJCI A4 PEFCUH BELI EVTE j Metkoiwt Take Loosely Played Gaaae ' frwoa the Freway-trrtaaa. Tlie Metiiodlst from Weal j-an tirlveraf. y ' flefeart-e fcelievue ro'.lree yesFterrlav T B'llevue. to h Scoring or both 'ride1 began whh tlie first tnnrng and fmre iIti i or. the yame wa loosely played until te fifth tT.ning. when both t.yiit-nea 1 WfHiyen all'Weci the local their run 1n ! th first two rnntnya. w hen wa In the ' box. but when I antitng W er t in lliiiipe looked like another cyclone had hit t tie I town With a lead of f to 1. Believue 1 should liiif won fhe yame, had b"t the ', team went to piece in th third, fonnti j and fifth Inning, allowing the Mt.thodistr ' their winnm: runs. Beievue tried inree I pitcher. Huarman Browne nd Ohmsn. I Browne w at reinstated only the day be- I fore by the facility and w a consequej:tlv n"t In tb best of form. Farthing for J Wenlevan did eome yreat !ah w i-k and ' flemonsi rated that he 1 probablv tlie : premier pitcher In the te-u. The' lnral ' meet Wealeysn oram Tbu-sasT oa Ttwrr I bom" field. Score by rnnlriir: ' I Wesieyan 1 n 2 i 2 P It f f , Bellevu 2 t a fi n (1 (1 (i4 rBOrES(l(WAL OS GOPHER TEIM I Coaaldlereaiae Fer-Ilaat m at lewa City (Her Taodltloa. IOWA CTTT, Ia.. May II 1 Ppecial Considerable fee:iny If being manifested among the student of the ftale uni versity at thi place on account of the playing by Minnesota of ttiree men w ho a. re a.ieged to tie proleKsional bail piay- ! er of a pronounced type Iiretchkn. ti.e star ts lrler of" the Minnesota agyrvyatlon. I 1 said on yoofl avthonti to liave played bail with the Alexandria. Minn., team iat summer and a r:rmir charge 1 made ayamet Boyle, who uyed tLird for the Gopher in the yam at Iowa City. These twe men are a iat ye pan of tlie Minne sota aggregation the lews euthnrt tie iiave notified lh- Gcj'tier tr.titp ment that they do rot tnke tinflly to the uee of such men in conference game. The most serious charge, bcwei er, 1 brouyht ayainrt the M inu-oia authorities for tlie playing et Minneapolis of Cald well, who rai ore ol ttie Ktars of the team and whose j.kture appear in th current ieeue cf Ffmiatny base ball guide a one of the rnemtier of the Oskorh, Wis., teem In the Wisconsin State league. The Iowa rooterw are con siderably lncenaed and tlie matter may lie ttie suh.iect of aotne examination iu the Tiert meeting of the conference. rBB WAD MAX 4ICITS CAME Plcrber bearel Braswa Beeastae Ha . V m Refaae-el Ralae la SaAary. PHILADELPHIA. May a.-The St LhjuI bae baQ team if the American league left thrs city today fer Boston, leaving "Rube" WaddelL the former Philadelphia pltt tier, behind. "Rube" quit the team today after 6enlaring that he had not lieen treated fairly by the management. After pltcnmg against hi old team here and carrying th St. Louis club to victury. Waddell made a demand for an advance In salary. He did not gel the money. Thi morning he walked UP to the desk In the hotel w here the west era, player were slopping and turned In hi uniform and the key to hi room. When asked for an explanation, lie turned to Secretary Racket of the western team, and aaid: "I can't yet my money, ao here 1 ir.y suit, and you can tell Manager Mc.Aleer 1 f.avr quit. He can blacklist me if he want to. " Pxwsksaei Defeat ei AMES. la.. May 21. 1 Ppcial ) The freshmen Oefeated the senior in nai baae ball yetieraty to the tune of 1! to I For tl ree year the (is have won the championship honors in baae ball. This year they tfiuriaed a tii." cup to the athletic association, to be yleii 1 nr!y to the winning 1 iaua. Tiny confidently exiiei'ted that their numerals wouid I the f irM to I insrrilied and yesterday s defeat et the hand of the "prep" waa a cusappuinUtiy ac It wa unexpected.. 4al Meet MLVee Ayalm. LONTiON. May II Jay Gould of New Tork and Bust" H. Mile, the English tennis player, win meet In the final of the Olympic court tennis competition, each having defeated hi opponent In The I semi-fsnai t the tiaer'a c'tili todsy. Mr. I Gouid beat Mr Page in ttiree tra:ght sett,. -l. -('. -ii. whll Mr. Mile aisa won three straight act from N. S. Edyt ton, -4, k-t. baae 4 Neleaisi tiara. RAN FRANCISCO. May CI Joe Gen and Battling Neison last rtigm signed up fnr a eVrM.und battle to take pilot In this city oil th aftcrnuoa of July 4. tlarkei w1tk risk. Li-ke Jame west of th country club, ht to I sloone with fish by Cliarie E Vi i'il-.amsnn w lio ha riena a shipment of r.rappiea from the stale fish commission. Sum of tl. f-sh ? and i years old and good siaed. Mr. WUliamaon controls tii Spcia3ty w ork and demanded. j!t --r-;,..-i fr fj nowaday 1 ca'lid Tc-r Sufferer from rhronic lirgerrrig disease need e! that ck-nce cao 6e for them and ehould therefor t'4tiult spM-.ialitt of al.lilty whose dtp ktiowleclye. exirt akili and extended f xperienoe commend them, and whe are em inently qualified te advise, direct ai.d treat such ; one who can encourayw And courwel the aufterer wth good ad vice wlilie our skill and treatment restore bun to health and hapflness Wi trees xaaa only aua atw jii saw ntly, aafely and XbartmyXly and at taa lavas aort, XCRCRTTXR. CATAaUS-R. KTBT On StBQJTT, RAVOOB POIkOBT, aXXsT rrr " ' 2XZaTXT ana RXA3DXIXR BZaV aAXXiS and all sparrta! ilaassea and raaA assais and thaur ooinr''-ioatirns. STATE MEDICAL MSTITUTE KNOWN AS THE DEGT-THE DE3T KNOWN Call and Be Examined Freo or Wrlttr Office a A. U. to r. M. KaoadAj s 10 te 1 On!. FaJT. o.n Et, Between lZHx aid Wh. Eli, On&ha, Kcb Prrsnastraitfr Csxabhataeidl ta OnMkba, yefcutt. V rtOS I THE LABEL A BLEND Or ETRAICKT TVt TTrCKTI?- FOUND ON TKE RCJTTLX CF A 5 5 BALTIMORE iS IN CGNFORrTY wTTM THE PUKE FOOD LAW. AND MEANS that rr is roMPRisu c ar. S0LUTU.Y PURS. K1X XOD3AULS BLDOtB fTOFv THE PURPOSE or maunc it a MDisL mtxlow AMD PALATABLE DRTNal THAN ANY STRAIGHT WHISHEY. WHETHER BOTTLED PJ BOND ., OR OUT OF BOND. ' n4.a inn im.i.e-. J, AaS a .A. b:un.u , kd lke Ji:me pirk aficlUmn t- th city, wri.'h eurroiroa rhe lke Sufficient i.f the isnd near the lal.e heme reserved, to mal.e pii5iiile the ut vviopnicM ol a resort and piace. HIGH efHWL TEX. tOrEt Slagle Proerrimlaa Nicely aai Dweble tart I k ia a erL. Th altiylm n 1 spring s t.jmi aontest St the cboil sre iiroyKsmg r.ici lv and the uoubtea will probHiily Kturi th 1 week. The Hlntlrf lounifrtictit 1 '.ulnf yrest oeal o! talk, with WUl Hajn Kenneth HatcU lion IJiCtgue. Rum Cur rier Bi.b Tti(itTTiHnn tnd a iiimlHt of other a poeaible winer Sam R-ynul.1 captured the champion:!!' last fall ant! will os'end hi ti;le against the w inru r ol the spring tournament. 7'he result in 1h matctiea thai bare l.t-en pit. ed ate a fjl-les-f: " preliminary Kr i nfl 'HeI.en Williums c feuhed to Vicl r i alda i-ii, WiJ KRJidj.ll defaulted to liob Thompson ; Robert Howe oeueated Ted Millard. -l. K-nne ri Hatch 6e1tetl li-ward ii'c -(!. 7-i.; H. Leese defeated Oeorev Fiank. -k V.; T, V w in K ireehbra un oefi a'.eo ,1 k I "wen. S t. -l Trod Htj n ocJe.alt d Hit bc:t Aro- ntein. G-S. b-4 First Round Kennel h Hatch defca'ed P.otiert Howe. R-l. fc-4; R;.y McCullnuyh de faulted to Bob McCafue, jTt-oeruk JwcC m nell defeated I Smith, 6-1.. 2-fc CI: Sam Carrier oefeated Liuyd Smith ly clefau't; Phil McCuliouth oefeated F. Game by default; Newman Benson 6efau1d te Wl; Hayne; C. Merer d"feateid John RrTlcv. -4. Morion Killer defeated, Bran don How-rU. e-1 Second Round 3ob MoCayu defca:efl Fred MeCtmneli. V7. 7-1. Last Aae rlw DefeatedL FT. ANDREWS, Mcv a. Mis Anit Phlpps. the last nf the quintette of Ameri can comjietjlor left In the contest Im in British women open -golf a-hereTnoT.e'iT. wa eliminated from the match in the li'.a round thi morning, lietnr vanquished by Mies Kyle rn six t:p and free 1 play. Dlsyi aetal .r3et of Ircer and liewels, rn refusing t art. is quickly Teroeclied with Tr. Kiny New L.i.'e Pills. 26c For sale by Benton Drug Co, Bear ia niaol bew neali To be ur of rnis it a pain: 2 that good lustainitg. gnod beer ask far JHmpa Th ttrntmrn Out Gmmt Blmtm The Lop Litters act &i aa appetizer and ciesiAiit--ancl trv. malt aaa sVBVaM A04a-.0 mS liAaV jBlatz" vtA your taeak f Have it on the xmily table and ecjoy its benels. SLATS OOM7AJTT, Whole ial TAeajrrs, !9 Bouylas Ft Car. Pkone Svarlxs firs: Ckmaha, Sea. er:;. rtk. "U,, S" "TJ.I,7?5rl i n aina an SS3. 4 .. if 4 viar- COUSULT FREE TliLl!A:U S?lCUl!i: bf Tii J Remember the Y i V Deaj ta mad that rood 1