THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MAY 22. 190S. r CRA11AXD PRODUCE MARKET Quiet on Option Market Follow Actirity of Lait Two Dart, BETTER WIATKEB, CONDITIONS Wat Weather aaa Strang Cahle rare Oarw Vp at Hateh Wknl 4s Pair I r Steady Clae lag Prta. j OMAHA, Mar H. Option market wer Try quiet after tha scuvity cf the lset two daya May options regined some of tha loaa yesterday and famed strength on some rery active b!4t r ch gram In Chlcagrv. Light receipt ar offs-t by a gener! slackening of de mand. Wether conditions ara apparently ott favorable. ' Wheat opened steady and tilMnwil readily on bida foy cssh wheat, wtnch was trmi after the heavy Mump yeeterday. Trading waa not heavy, aa arrfvala mn tlnue to disappoint estimate. May option opened at 4o and rkd at 4c 4'orn orened strong, -with mMhi higher and reports of continued wet areathwr and mu'.t further delsys In planting.- Vary littla corn la showing up from the notry arid receipts ara expected to continue light. July corn opened at CIV and closed at Primary wheat receipt were Cl.onO bushels and shipment n JK am bushels, agafnat receipts laat year of 336,000 bushels and shipments of 223 Va bushels. 'Corn receipts were oSo bushels and sV.loir.ente were 174.OT0 bushel, sgs'nst re ceipt laat year of 4H&.009 buaheia and ship ments ot I. Mux bushels. Clearances wer 2.oi bushels of 001 nans of oata and wheat and lour equal to K27.00 bushel. Llverpool cload unchanged to'Vsd lower on wheat and Hd higher on corn. - Seaboard reported 44.U0O bushels of wheat and it,u09 bushela of corn is ken for ' ex port Lqcal rsngn of option: Articles.; Open. High. Low. Cloeal Tea y. Wheat-" I I I May... N M M M M Jaly... 63 M tt M apt... I to 7 . . av T Corn May..'. 6 68 SS ffl July... K 2 1 ' n 2H Sept-., eo CO SO SO CO Oata . May... 4Ht ' 494 4? e 4 Onata Cavaai Stlaeaw WHPJT-Vo t hard. MUfiTltc: No. hard. iMf: Xo. bard. a-!:; Ko. I spring. K-tiiaio. COKN No. 2. sk: No. i. ITVCWc: No. 4, Cc ; No. S yellow. 4c; No. ( yellow. 67Va-ir sc; iso. I white. GWil&- OATS No. mixed. No. white. Sic; No. white. 6Vfc6iV KTE No. I, 723Tic; No. t. Clet mauatata. Wheat. Corn. Oat. M . 14B h ... 1 44 27 Chicago Minneapolis Omaha ... Duluth ... CHICAGO GRAI.1 AXD PROVISIONS Peat area mt the Tradtaa; aad Cleatac Pricea aa Baard mt Trade. CHICAOO. May B.Iamaa to the fait aown crop caused strenrth today in tha local wheat market, the July delivery cloa- ln at a net aain or No. Cora waa on c. celt were a shad hlgiier. ProvUluns were up " to loc. t The wheat market waa firm all day, chiefly becauae of crop damage r? ports. AdMcea received stated that a large part of the eroD la southern Indiana bad been ruined by excessive rains. From Kaunas can- renorta ot as onooalto character. -aa- aerUng thai the crop had been blighted by drouth. An undirected aavano at Lirtr pool waa a still farther aid for the bulla. 1 he principal trading waa In tha July do livery. The market closed strong. July opened Vire. blgber at SmiHc, advanoed t ) 'fi!llc and cloaed at fcritc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to XTt.M bushels. Primary receipt were 461.000 bushels, aa compared with ioJ.ono bushela on the corresponding day one year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of U cars, against CI car a laat week and 3M cara one year ago. 'I'rlcea In U.'Corn pit. wars Inclined-to drag throughout the day. Juiy opened un changed to a shade lower at (6o to W49 t,.a Bold off to 6c and closed at aWttifcC. May cloaed unchanged at, T7Vc. Local re were M cara, with 61 cars of con trsrt arade. j , a. , TM oata market waa doll. July opened a rhte lower to a shade higher at itj 11 t advanced to 4c and cloaed at eo c Lor si receipts were 145 cars. The provisions market waa firm. At the close July pork waa up 10c at $.lT2i. Lard at up Ec at $S.S7. Riba were 7Vc higher at 7V Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Whqal. IS cars; corn. Is7 cara; oata. U3 cara; hojts. l&.rt) head. Tha leading futures ranged Ss follows: No 1 Cal fomla, Crm. "?a 7H4 rn quay, and 7a n store: tuture. steady: My. nornin,!, Jdy. -tli Kr,t mber. 7a d. 0RN fipot. new American kirn drte-d. firm. Sa liiri- rtlA Afl.M-1r.M mltMl a I b .1 as. ld; futures, quiet; May. ld. WEATHER IX THK ORAIt BELT aa Coaler aa Pa-vlaly Llskt Praata. OMAHA. May B. 1. Mains were t'finnl In the Mlaaourl and Upper Mississippi valleya laat night, and eralve fails occurred In lore lit lea in eaatern Nebraaka, Iowa, Mlnneaota and eastern Iakotaa Snow fell In aoutheaatern Montana, northern Wyoming, and waa un usually haery for the Mason In tha former Uon. A rerr decided fall In tempera ture la shown In the upper Missouri valley ana west into the mountain, and heavy and killing frosts occurred laat nlrht In the western Ltakotaa. Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. The weather la clearing west of the Mlaanurl river thle rooming, and condltlona are favorable for fair in thia vicinity tonight and Thuraday. with cooler tonight, and pneslbly llg.t frost. Omaha recerd of temperature and pre cipitation rorrpared with the correpor.llng day of tha past three years: Minimum temperature.... 4 4S fl K rr-initatKin M .11 t .to Normal temperature for today M degrees. Oeflctener In Dreclnltatlon since March L 177 Inrbea. DeTlclrnc' carresnondlna eeriod In 1WI. Inchea Deficiency corresponding ferlo 1 .47 ot an Inrti. L. A, WELBH. Local Forecnster. Cora aaa Wkest Reatoa Balletla. Por the IWenly-four hours ending at I a. rn . TStH meridian time. Tbursdar. Mar XL la: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln Statlona. Max. Win. talL Sky. Ashland. Neb.... W 45 .15 Cloudy Auburn. Neb.... M 61 4 !7 Ratnlna Columbus. Neb... 83 41 .M Cloudy ralrbury, Neb.. 43 .75 Cloudy Fairmont, Neb... ft 8 .14 Cloudy Or. Island. Neb.. M 41 Cloudy Hartlngtnn. Neb. M 4 .15 Cloudy Hastings. Neb... K3 40 .14 Pt. cloudy Oakdale, Neb.... W M .13 Cloudy Omaha. Neb. 7 46 .SS CloudT Tekamah, Neb... M 43 .yi Cloudy Alta. Ia M 48 3 Raining Carroll. Ta M .1 Cloudy fClarlnda, Ia 10 so 1 15 Raining Slblev. Ia M 42 .SS Raining 8iou City. Ia.. S6 42 .SI Cloudy SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Movement of Prices is Erratic to the Highest Degree. FLUCTTJAnOSS ARE CONSTANT six months. IW-'N PAPF.R-SK"4 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at g a. m. t Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAOE3. No. of Temp Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Min. Incbee. rhleego. m Columbus. 0 18 Dea Moinee, Ia. ... It Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City. Mo.. 10 Lnulavllle. Ky 17 Minneapolis, Minn. 3 Omaha. Neb IS St. Louis. Mo 12 Exceaslv rains fell during the nlpht In tha Omaha. Des Moines and Minneapolis districts, and lighter ralne In all other ex cept the Chicago. Indianapolis and St. Lrule dlatrtcta. Tha weather la decidedly colder In the western portion this morning. L. A. WELSK. Local Forecaster. H .00 74 M ."4 M .S 7 M .fi w rt .u 7t M T m 44 . ? 44 . M a .00 Daellaea aad Ainten Harried P.aek Other la Rasla s;eeealaa-Flaal Price Astte Claaa t Xlght Before. Articles.) Open. I Hlgh.i Low. Closa.l Tes'y. fl-haat ! I I May !1 difV 1 0?U! 1 July jia;'.i, SOTfc-ri l I - Corn 1 May 77W July JWViSr-l ' Sept. Oata aMay bUay aJuly Wuly tVept. Pork July Sept. Lard July 8pL. R loo July " Sept. 4 4M0" 40 OMs' S4V ss S4 47 4f-4 1 0114 66 77 V, 13 70 t 7iW 14 VP, S n I T7t-I 64H! 6,4flH I 65 64 64H 46Vi 45 7!37dH u 71 is en U 7W U K74 e4 4 4ft It G sss rrvaJ s n t T47HI TOO SS7H 75 S 5!H S 70 T 4?m 7 tnu 7 4IHI 7 as TM I Is) . fNo. t aOld. bNsw. Cash quotations war as follows: VliOl'H sWady; spring patents, $S.tog 70; straights, Kl'.lk6; winter patenta, M !. airaighta, M-h"tj4 70; bakera, 13.10 MitAT-No. S, SUcsjSi.07; No. 2 red. $i.oii oe".' ' COKN So. I. 77c; No. 2 yellow. TTV'gTSc. OATB-No. t. tie; No. S white. 4WJ64c. BAhLtY Fair la clMlce snalUng a70c fcttD Flax. No. j northwestern, IL24. PhoVISIuNS Short riba tlooaei. M k:i.S7 . ' It era Mirk, ner bbl . li;a. Larf. per K lis., a.00. Short clear aides (ooxri). W.Hr&l.l. wUwU'g aere the receipts and ship- iuvui el ilour and grain: tiacaipta sthipmenta HEW YORK GCMCRAL MARKET ttaatatleas af taa Day oa Vartoas Coaaaaadltlea. NEW TORK, May II. FLOCRt-Recelpts, 21.1X3 bbla; exports, 8.20 bbl.; market quiet and unsettled. Minnesota patenta, Se.23 S.40; winter atralghta, f"; Minnesota bakers. S4.2ti4.0r; winter extras, S3.6c8-4.10; winter patents. HNiW; winter low grades, $3.4ta4.00. Rye flour, dull; fair to good. S4.5iii4 is); choice to fancy. t4 CORN MG1AL Weak; fine whit and yel low, U.60; coarse. Sl.fiO; kiln dried, RtD Easy ; No. 2 western. Sec, nominal, f. o. b.. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 42 000 bu.: exports. 111. 904 bu.; spot market firm. No. t red. $1.06, elevator; No. 2 red, Sl.OuV late July, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 21 14V f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter. Sl-131. f. o. b.. afloat. An Increased export buai neas, together with light northwest receipts, and colder weather In spring wheat states, started a covering movement In wheat to day that advanced prices lo per bushel, last pricea being, close to tha top. May cloaed at $1.074; July. SS4c cloaed at yeHc; September, gMi I-l&C toaed at tltte. CORN Receipt. .57S bu.; exports. t4B bu.; spot market ateady. No. 2, 78c, nom inal, elevator, and 76c nominal, f. o. o. afloat, notion market was without trsnsac tions, closing net unchanged, as follows: Uir T7Vc: Julv. TEc: Seotember. 73c. OATO Receipts, lit. w DU; spoi marsei easy. Mixed oata. ss to i mm.. . natural white. 26 to 12 !ba S7fr5Ho; cUpped white. to 40 lbs.. 6r4c. HAT low; good to choice, wcbw.w. nom Inal HIDES Firm: Bogota, c teniraj America. IT'hC. PROVISIONS Beef, ateady: family, I1S.50 (rlT uu; meaa, J.MJ14 ou: beer name, s-v tk,A- marker tu hilS.o0: city extra India ni-B. Vj4.0i28.0O. Out meat a. quiet; pick led belitee. 9.0O10J: plrkl 'd ha me, 210.00. Lard, firm; western, U4Hi8.&6: renned, firm- rnntlnerx. St. 00: South America, $!.J; compound. IT.T&fiKU1. Pork, steady; fam ily, $17.0a'l8.o; short clears. mu 114 TALLOW Dull; city 02 per !). He; emintrv frka. free!. fcu6VC ' HICtj rirm; oomesiic ,iair 10 eaira, fiWc; Japan, nominal. , HiTTKR-Firm; creamery specials. 2Sc extras, 23V: third to first. l.'J23e; state dairy, commoa to finest, l.ic; process. oommon to apecMu. uyamytt wwveru tory. first, 1W. ' ' ... 1 1 1.1 til Alive ami. vrmg ciiiuaiiiit, She; foals, Uc; turkeys, uc; oreseea weaa; western spring cnicaens. Miix; turatys, t5i' fowls. 12vil5c CHEEBK enaaay; siais tun cram, new. au.t iik K(Ki3 firm; Biaie, s-ennariToiuo ee.rhv fancy. Selected, white. iac iiuu) to choice. lS'fi'aOc; brown snd mixed. extrs. 19'Ac; flrsU to extra flrsU. ls'tf lc: fresh gathered, storag packed, firsts. 17w17fcC St. Lsils Geaeral Market. Plour. bbls... AVheat. bu.',.". 1 Corn, bu Oata. bu Kye, bu.. parley, bu. 44 I44 ....lTl.fcs) ..... .... l.ts.4 U4U 24.1oO 3-.eo . 2231. KiO a.iw 10 On the Produce exchange todar the but ter market waa firm; creameries, 194jZ3e; valriee. IhflJc. Kgga. steady; at mark. cases irjcluded. litjitc; firata, lilV; prim l.rsia, 17c Cheese, steady; l;ai."c. Bkaaaaa City Grata aad Pro via teas. ,. . KANSAS CITT. May ll.-WHKAT-l'B. Cliangeu; exax ei-, fcuy, wivi Drjrinuuci, fclc Casft: No. 2 tiuJ, atiav; No. 1 hard. J',ii67tc; No- S d. a-wic; No. t led. ttH'. ' COK Unchanged to c lower; May rSc: July. ie: September, aV- Cash: ' No. 2 pjixed. t?Hc; No. 2 mixed, tSKijtSrVsc; 0. I WnilO. Air; wnnw. ',p OATS-L'nthanged; No. I whit. UVrtUc No 2 mixed, a&lc HAY-asv; choice timothy, SllSOtj 12.00; choice r-rMlrlck. x3.2rzS.7a. BCTTLH-Crea incry. steady? packing stock. V: hiahet; raror. sue; pacaing atot k. Ibc. '- tOGS Plrm; fresh extras. ISc; current I -eOpLs. lc. . Opuona al'Kansas City: Artlclea. t Open. Hlgh- Low. ( Closa Wheat July Sept ' Corn- July ; Sept 183 8.1' .au Sl v- a m I Ml (1W S14A I 6! t SleVi Wheat, bu. ....... Corn, bu Cat, bu Receipts Shipments ...... 7J0 9"0i0 $ i0 2. 1.10 U.0U0 1 rMits Msrkst, PEORI. My 21. CORN Ixwer; No. 2 veiluw. hK: N le'low. 7if9Sc: No. $. tie- No. 4. tV; P grade. . CATV-tMeadyi No. S while, fCic; Ne, i whue. 51 W- . WttloalY,-. ll,3aV., ...... ) Toioao aa Market. TO I EDO. May B.-S EET-Ctovar. De cember. 2T47H- Ulvers-aol Grata Market ' uvmnii.l.. Hiv 1 WUF.ATffaot Xa. I tJ western a Intel, ata4. Is ;J.jloer at HSSt-1", Bpe'ur, lwatr at tLti. futuiea higher; track. No. 1 red. xi wtj 103; No. 2 hard. SOctJll-; Juiy, svxjvc; September. M ,c. CORN Weak; track. No. I cash, TJHc July. 65c: September, Sic; track. No. ! OATS H 'her; track. No. 2 cash. S2Hc; May, Wic; September, 86Sc; No. 2 whits. KIJI R-Uuu: rea winter ("'. e 64: extra fancy and atralght, S4.10Q4.t6 Clears. Hfs'-ai-T'l. SEKO-Tlmothe, xa siirj . cr.nvuril Atendv: tl.30. BRAN Firm; sacked, aast track. $1.1S 1 HAT Steady; timothy, $10.00ffl7.00; pral rie. sio.Oiirn mrM PTlTTOV Ttr II 00. $11 Tt. Lard, higher: prime steam. 2S-0f?.U. Pry Bale meals, steair; boxea extra mom, 27 75; clear nba, r 2v; abort cleara, V (fl. Bacon, slraity. boxed extra snoris, clear riba. W rVi: abort clears. $9.Ua- PvlULTRY Mrm: chlckena. luc; springs. tlu-JSc; turksys, USlle; ducks. 7c; geeao. Sc. PI'TTER Dull; creamery, l4f?3c. V ulii eleady at 14c. case count Recelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,oO Wbeat bu 44.&W SS.oftl Cora, bu 74 ("0 73.0 Oata. bu hi.. Mlaaeavalta . Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 21. WHEAT No. 1 hard. l',4: N'o. 1 northern, $1 PTa l.tfc; No. I northern, 11 i : No. 2 northern. Sl."dl OJ1:- May, l.tT',; July, tltriV,: SeptemtM-r. tlfi. BRAN In bulk. 211.5 2 00. FLOL'R FtrKt patenta, ti 4H5S.": eeeond patents. t&3U65 4o; first clears, t 24.33 second clears, Xio0 J ... Mtlwaakea Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May H. WH EAT Na northern, tl 1-U1.11; No, 2 northern, ILonJ l.w; July, Btc saaea. Metal Market. NEW TORK. May Zl. MKTAT.S There waa a decline of over 2 in the London tin market, spot bring at AU6 and futures f 131 l.s at. Locally tti avarket waa weak. alta quotation, ranajing f rum ka J6 ta , Ci4r waa a aixide lower In the Kbaliab market, with -! I quoted at ib' 12a d and futures at as Ts td. The k.-l market waa quiet. Iake, Slx7U electrolytic, TliJSTl.TV snd caatlng, 2.tiS.W Lra as 4wrr at aU la Sd In Jyot'doa. Locally qutet at S4 EVoi 4.27W Spelter declined s to a In Lnd Locally a ar.ade lower, being dull at S4.& 4 au. iron waa niamer abruat. alta land warrantB t km Ixjcailv the market 1 la steady; No. 1 foun.lry aorthora, Si&Ttd 17 1; No. 2. J'-intj la.Tfc, Mo. 1 Hiuil.trn au. No 1 aMithern a- ft at SlsLJF'Mr.uA. eT. IX'l 13 May 21 M tTA LJB Lead. NEW YORK. May 21 The movement of pricea In the stock market today was erratic to a high degree snd wide and sudden declines and advancea succeeded each other In rapid sequence. It Is not to be supposed that operations over ine tpeculatlx outlook could undergo such wide snd quick alterations as would OS reflected by the constant variations in the course of prices tody. The assump tion was general, therefore, that tnese changes were largely of manipulative origin and deslsmed to conceal the kind ff opera tions that a-ere being conducted. The design waa successful if this wo Its object, for the professional trading ele ment and the lesser speculative follow ing was In a state of bewilderment and were timorous for that reason about ven turing upon new commitments. Heavy outpouring of atocka for a time would give an appearance of diaorderly liquida tion and hajrty retreat by the bull J-.ity. A sudden turn or upwsrd spurt would fol low and send discomfiture into the ranks of the bears who had been followli the apparent liquidation with snort !. Moat of the day'a business was conducted at prices below thoae ruling yesterday. Little attention waa raid to event bear ing on outaide affairs And none were re ported of great Importance. United State hteel waa almost Immovable moet of the day and took no share in the feverish fluctuatlona In other quarters of the Ust. The action of the stock fosters tho ie llef thst the stability of Its quotation In the market Is aa much sought by Its sponsors ss for prices of the product by orriciais or toe corporation. 1 ne uouia stock still held a prominent place r-,r rlsing pricea even while the int of le list waa reactionary. The assertion per slsted that a practical alliance had b-n formed between the Oould snd Harrlman railroad Interest and financial Decking for the alliance Is to come from the Rock efellers. A sudden turn from the down ward course i( American Smelting was due to a new view of the dividend out look, of which pot-ltlve predictions have been current lately that the rate must be reduced or passed at the next meeting. Th declaration of the regular dividend for National Lead gat force to the denials of Intended reduction of the American melting dividend. The declaration 01 a caah dividend of 2,i per cent for the At lantic Coast line contrasted with per cent In serin for the preceding period waa accepted as a hopeful augury for other railroad stocks. Including Missouri Pacific and tha Erie preferred, on which ome resort had been taken, some ex- preaaed uneaelneaa over crop conditions was heard while prices were declining. The rallv In effect when the market losed was more decisive than any ot tne other numerous recoveries during the day, Union Pacific's strong three-point ad- ance waa of marked sentimental eiiect nd as a conseauence gains over last night were the rule for final prices. Hoods were irregular. Total sales, par value, 22. 1st. 000. United States bond were unchantred on call. Following were the aaie and ranga of price on th Stock exchange Bale, mm. lot. cia. A flams Btpeeas Aswirmmsted Copper anertrta c. a r ae M , AsMMcaa Cot lea Oil .... to pti Aomrtcaa Express Aot. H. a L. std ... Awsrleaa Liasee Oil .... da ill Amertrsa LoeoBBottv ... to f4 Americas S. A R. M AsMrtsaa t. It Aaisr. Tob. prd. emit... Aaaroeda Miaiag Co atctatsoa vti Atlantic Caaat Uae Baltueor St Okie eo t4 .'. Bronklra H. T Caasillaa Pseirie Ceolrmi f Nrv Jsrsey .... Cluaapeeke Ohio Cfclixaa ot. WMm Cacae a Worthweetera , c. h. a st r Chicago T. A T a pre C, c. c. a it. L. Color ! Fuel A Iron .... Colorado a Southern .... to i pf So M r Coatolldste4 Oaa Cor Proaerta So DM Deteou a H4soa D.. L. A W Deavar A Rie Orande ... eo pt4 , DlMlllsrs' Securities ..... Ent do lat p(4 do ti rd Oeaersl Klertfio Illiaeis Central intsraationsi Fsper do pfd Internatloaal Pump do pfd low Central do prd Ksssas City Southern .. do pfd Lonlavllle Nashville .. Mexican Central ktina- tt. Lonis at., at. P. A S. Ste. M do pfd Mlssoart Pirie M., K. A T ,. do pfd Nitoti Laid how Tork Central M. T.. O. A W Norfolk Westers .... Pfd North Amortosa raclllt Mall Pennsylvania Poopls's Oa r . a c a st. l, Pressed StMi car do pfd Panama Palace Car .... Bsediof do. 1st pfd d M pld Bopobilo Steal da pfd Jtoek Isiaad Co. do pfd ft. u a a. r ad pf.. Sl Lou i goutheowera do pfd ftonihern Pacific do pfd anthers gallety de pld Taua A Pacific ........ T , SI. U A W do pld t'aloa Paclf M 4a pfd .. Tnitet tut Express . t'nlted States Realty ... laurd Statea Kabbar . o pfd United States Btoxi ... do pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemical . de r4 W'xbaaa , da pfd Wfrlls-Parso Bxpresa .. Woxc Klonrlo Waotera t'moa w keohng a Laha Kris Wisconwa Central .... An pfd Northern pacifls Central Leather So pfd loaa-gtieffleld Keel .. Oram Northern ptt .... lniarfcareech AteL do pfd rth coppnr Copper S:571 :: gold rHn snd bullion, rJ.S.0. gold cenirictea. 'w Tork Money Market. v tth' mn v u.v ei uovrv n, ooll easy' at mtjl per cent: ruling rate. 1U per rent; V4'eiia lt cm; PI irni t IS P"r cent. Time loan, quiet and steadv; sy dsy. 2V per cent; ninety days, ?tj3 per cent per cent PRIME HCKtAMItt: per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual buelnee In bankers' hills at S4.ST20 for demand and 4 v-fl" for elxty-day bills; commen lal bills. I H"4- SILVER Bar, W'ic; Mexican doiars. 7c . . ... BttNOcJ oovernment, steaay; raiiroaa. lrrular. The following ara lb closing quotations en bonds: inn en, gold 4s h Met. Central s len 4 i mr .1" M. A St- L. t 1I M . K A T. 4S .... IB lo tda . 71H H. at M. e. 4s .J"4 es. y. c pl t . S N. 1. C tn. to.. . t Nor. Pn-in 4n . M do 3s 71 4 . P N. a W. roe. 4. .. slv, . O. S. U rt1 4s ... MV4 . 7N Pni cv. .lfK- B-nlin gen 4s .... . ?1 L A 1 kl e. U I0714 . h L A I t F. 4. T4 . M ft t. -W. . 4n. M hnar A. L 4s.. 41 ev, eeno. Pprinc 4s .... S do lit 4s certtf 1 4J rti 4Ri tt i. r r rv, i ; ; n o 41 0Vk n '.'.'.I k ) It 11 1 lo4 Vi .2U 4 frw H los.ene tsh 71 1 m tt k rr !) i4 lit m is H tl pfK4 . 41 t3 rs 7 4 -0 I K-A h ! tt Yt V it tl t2H io.t.4 r s fc7 IS.) li 1114 ASM V4t in nt .... 4 l U M 4w 44V 46, l.fxi - -n (v, t 1S4 IMt IS4 ti.m 13 1 JJS M I i 1 M 4i OS Ct tH It 1)0 114, ,V SO .) II V tl tO. h . S4 5!o, 1 tt ew, . 11. ut it irr . initio i" i i T 144" ltl lHi 4W 24 Mi i t; 7 6 l.. I"..') , . stt 1 t"i ish irn aa in u- u 41 iob 4M M LKO 17 lt4 'a u l.teo i9a w tS 1 14. 11'a (3 4.TW) 1 l0 2t 4.PD U l.ioo f a law i l.uo n aaj a aa it . rtiu ia 4o kf ' 1,'ioo .i:t.7v ut 2 T"X 1. too . ,: 1 u 4" Tne ... n ... i t . 2a 1 :.. 7 4: ... 4.PW 0 1 KO 4.M-t 4i k 44 44m pa , 4 ! 7 a a 4S 14 14 1H 71 1" 14 i7 11 1 112 W9 ta-i J -a Ka 4 70t to 1 : - St .... TJ 24 Ut .... M .... 14 111" ll4t .... w Wt4 14 1) US Ti 4"N in 1T4 4 at hi ti4 dii, lv4 e"4 4 it" rr-4 17 44 1714 I7V4 Ha u l)a 11 4 -4 4'4 It 12.1 14V k It k 1 to 14 Lua 11 v u w 1 .) 2 4 a Total salos tor Ua dav. l.ltl.J.a 14 1 1M4 41 1 lit " It t t 4- 4: 1 4J 14 t. Ulk 11 U) u it-a 11 r. 8. rf in. reg. do emipno r S. t. re do coupon f. ne 4a, re eouTm ....... Iner. To. 4s ... do s At-Msrm gee. 4. itn adj. 4s Atlsntle C. L 4n B O. 4 do Hn Br-vk. R T. cv. 4 Cent, of Oa. ts... do tt tne n Id Ine do M tor C A O. 4Sn C. A A. IWt C, B. a Q 44 S4 l4 r Tt P' If4"4 if C . R. L A P. k. 4. :i So. Rtllvar fa do col ( 7?S T. A P. lets .... CCC A 8t L g. 4s TS T.. St. LAW Colo. Ind to. a A.. ?S Vnlnn r-arlfM 4s olo. M'dland 4s tl dn cv 4s Cno. A BonUiera 4s &4 P. P. Steel, ii is Cuhe M l'm eeWshort lets I'. A R. O. 4a H Wwtrrn M1. 4s ... rnt. Sec. to 74't W. a l. B 4.... Ene prior lien 4s wis. Central 4s .. do sen. 4a "1 Japan 4s H vk. V,l. 4Us ...Kas, Atchison cv. 4s Jsptn 4tr. ccrtlf.. do S do M nerlen ....."lint. Met. 4S .... L N nnlfled 4s. p BiA llH ll"S i. 71 .101V, . f4 . - 144 . 7 -t t .14, . t. Ronton Sfoeks and Bonds. ROB TON. May a. Money, call loan. ft Per cent: time loana. 2V5-4H per cent The following were the closing prices on stocks snd bonds: Atrbtena adj do 4t AtrMsoa do pfd Boetna A Alhnny Photon A Mslne "Dos Elev. ... yitrhenrg pfd ... Mcxtoaa Crntral . f. T., H. H. A H t'nton Pacific axtj Anrenture .. -Vt Allooet . . 4 Amt'gxmnted .. S2V, Atitnstc Blnsham ... . IV' rivme A Heels . Ii4 Crntaonlal ... ..1U Copper Range .. T-44 P. It Wont .. lit rrnnklla 14 Granbr Amer, Arse. Chem.lS'a !! Rosle do pfd k Miss Mining .. Ataer. Pnen. Tnhe.. T'4 Michtrnn Amr. Sngnr lr uht do pfd lt-4 Mnntsnn C. Amer. T. T 114 Old Dominion Anf Woolen St do pfd td Tmnlnloa I. A 8... 14 Edlsna tt. I tl4 Oea. Eleetrlc 1S Main. Fiertrt do pfd Oticeoln Pnrrot Qulncy Shannon Tamnrnck 4 Trinttr I nltd Cnpper Mun. Gas 55 C Mining InltH Prnlt 140 f. 8. Oil .... rnlted Shoe Mach.. S" luh do pM V. 8. Steel de pt Bid, Asked. . Victoria .. . U Winona .. .tvts Wolverine . t . t4 . V-H . l . .475 ?4 72 10 '4 tl o 1 ta M4 C. sH ti4 ss 11 so 1 7S 41 4 H 1S4 Porelrn Financial. Tnvrmv Mar t Mrmev waa in de creased supply on the market today, the Joint stock hanas having caned in sup plies. Discounts wera steady. Tradfhg on the Stock exchange opened hesitat ingly, but gathered strength during the seaaion and the early declines disappeared. The close generally, excepting Ameri cans, was firm. Consols benefited on the Improved lank return and investors -ere more active wun the otner gooa aiviaena vleldtng stocks. Foreigners wera firm on Parts buying, while Kaffirs experi enced a broadening business. American securities were fairly active In tha fore noon. Dealers put prices a rnane over parity and profeeslonal operations car ried them higher. In the afternoon New Tork accepted th higher level, but Imme diately offered Baltimore Ohio, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. This started a general decline and the market finished weak. BERLIN. May IT. Trading on tne Bourse today opened firmer on New York advices, but th tone In general wa PARIS. May tl. The tona on th Bourse today was firm. , New York Mining Rtorkn. NEW YORKi May a. Closing quotations were ss follow Adams Coa Alice BniMvirk Coo. . CoBDStork Tunnol Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silver Iron Sllvar Potost . 4 2W . w . t . 14 .. tl . SO ,.1) . 11 Sjnvtgs Storm Nevada fmall nope .. tesdmie Cob.. Uttlo Chief ... Ontario Ophlr gtaadard ,. M . tt . II . 4 . I .oft .au .114 45 24 tS-4, tl tc I7a i.l" f l-.t, 1.;S eat b ttt ut 47 74 tl M Ut 14 II, t r.t as tt Mool Market. BOSTON. May 20. There has been no Improvement In the wool market during the past week, and trading and values ara dull and weak. Supplies, however, are increasing, especially in new clip In the west, Tho leading western quotations range, as follows: Kentucky, Indians and Missouri, three-eighths blcod. 24': ouarter blood. aKi21c. Scoured values, Texas fine, twelve months, M hoc; fine, six to eight month 44c California, northern. 4ft4-c; Middle county. Attrtoc: southern, S'itc; fall free, S34iXc. Oregon eaatern No. 1 stable, StVufJee; eaatern. No. 1 cloth ing, fcVatJc: Valley. No. 1. 47348c Terri tory, fine staple. B7iCc; fine medium staule. SofiMc: fine medium clothing, 4.mI 4c; tint clothing, 46&ooc; hslf blood. 4B 4Sc; three-eighths blood. 4tVjpr; quarter blood. 4343c. Pulled extra, Syg67c; fine A. 5iSi?c: A supers. 44 a 45c. ST. LOUIS. May 21. WOOI-Steady medium gradee combing and clothing. 1&3 lVjc: light fine. laalJc; heavy line, S4j10c; tub waehe.1, I7i83c. LONDON. May 21 WOOL The offer Ings st th wool suction sales amounted to 10. 0 bales: competition was sctlve the prices of the aeries. A good supply of scoured sold brisxry. Americans bought greasy merinos snd medium fine cross breds at full rates. Cat ton Market. NEW YORK. May tl.-COTTON-Future opened barely ateady; May. 0c: July, S0r; Aneuwt. Shr; September. .15c: Octo ber. tc: December, s.Bc; January, $.Sc; March, I 8fc orrered. Ppot closed ateady, 10 points higher; middlmg uplends, 11.00c; middling gulf, U c: pales. 1.817 bales BT. IU18. Mo.. Msy II. COTTON Quiet: middling. HHei sales none; receipts 1 bales; shipments, 187 bales; stock, 27,23 bales NEW ORLEANS. May 21. COTTON Spot, steady; low ordinary, ec. nominal; ordinary. 7 -bic; nominal; good ordinary, Sc; low middling. KjSc; middling. 11 $-14c; good middling, ii u-isc; middling lair, 12 2-lsc; fair. 12 S-14c; nominal. Sales, 1 S bale; receipt, 4.1'J bales; stock. bales. SS! znaz 0 Ik Cumulaiive 0 Preferred Slock Issued ty e Updte Grata Co.' is offered in shares of $100.00 each An attractive investment This stock is "cumulative preferred" with a fixed guaran teed dividend of seven per cent, paj-able in two installments semi-annually in January and July. The stock is "preferred" in that the fixed dividend of seven per cent on this stock must be paid before any dividend can be paid on the common stock. It is "cumulative" in that all divi dends on this stock must be paid in full before any dividend on common stock may be paid. A sale investment , This Company owns nearly 100 elevators, having a capacity of about 1,500,000 bushels; it owns vast quantities of grain in storage and in transit; it owns the large part of the stock in three separate subsidiary corporations: The Updike. Lumber &, Coal Co The Updike Milling Co., and The Updike Commission Co. We will gladly give detailed information. Write to, or call at our main office. Ask your Banker, The Updike Grain Co. Dec Building Omaha. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Trade on Killing Cattle Slow, with Tendency Generally Lower. NO GREAT CHANGE IN HOG TRADE Very Light Raa af Sheep aad Laat as, with N Netleeabl or Importaat . Ckisge la tha Geaeral Itaatlaa. SOUTH OMAHA. May a. Receipts were! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.J43 4.249 S,2 Official Tuesday 2sT4 1.T ' Official Wednesday 2.?S 12.3H5 P ,T12 Kstimate Thursday .... 2.9W 14. UK J0.11S K4.U6T 12, 83.1M 14. M7 17.M4 Four dasvs this week. .11 4S Same days laat week.. 157 fi.m. .1 - S ... b - .... K I'1 Same days S weeks ago..l2.T7 pume aaya 4 weega ago.. Th following table shows tha receipts oi cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with last year: luf. 1907. Ino. Deo. rattle SSOW7 449 1KJ W-l5 Hogs 1.144.1S1 2T2.179 1TS.863 Sheep B79.41S 747.47 1W,0 Th following table how the arerag price of hogs, at boutb Omaha for tba laat several days, with comparisons: 40.S1J 41.711 26.7M S3.47 i3.474 &..X1 IVIEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY EOIHT QVAJtTS WaTrgXIXS BOTTT.XS X2f 240aTX Pennsylvania Karmlngton Hye, 4 years old, per dosen. .......... . fVCUlUlKJT DU11 1 1 1 PUi lull, W J r I 9 ,, TABfrOmO TIsTA miTllII r02VOTST California Prandy, S years old, per dosen ,.r...... California Brandy, 4 years old, per dosen ....,. 1 1 California Port Mine, 4 yeara old. per dosen California Sherry Wine, 4 years old. per dosen .... Terms: Cash with order. State If wanted for medicine. E. E. BRUCE 4 CO. WIOLSSiXI BBTMISTa ..tiaoo Sis-oo f 18.00 14.00 M.00 MM 02CAJLB, 24K24. Data. IK. 12U7.120S...1804. 11S02. 1M. May 10. May 11. May 12. May 12. May 14. May IS. May 1. May 17. May . May 1. May M. May 21 I I 26 4 f41 S li 4 r-H 2i 29 27 4 (41 I 41 M 26! S 2ST S 25' S 21 4 SS: S 24 ) S S SI 4 7 S 214, S 24 S i S IS S riv,1 1' is I ' 4 (1 T OS I 111 t 83 a tV. 4 831 S 2"V 2& S 88 I K 4 26: t MS, S ; S bii 4 471 S 21 I 6 241 4 461 I S 2V S 24( S 2: I 4 41 S4 S 47 42! 17 SS4, Sto S 27 a xzi ( i7 7 11 S 26, T 07 t T M 1 U t 11 t 2 12 a 1 12 Sunday. Th official number of car of stock brought In today by each road wa: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. at 6t P. Ry.... I i Wabaah 1 1 Miaourl Pacific 12 2 Union Pacific S2 4S S C. N. W. teat) 2 4 C. A N. W. liti.. 30 tl C. St. P.. M. A 0 1 7 .. .. C , fc. A (J. (east) 2 .. , 1 C. B. at Q. (wean.... 40 47 1 C . K. 1. A P. least).. 4 4 .. 1 C. R. I. A P. (west).. I Illinois Central 2 Chicago Ot. Western S 2 as s s the offerings were not so very large tt was late before a clearance waa affected. Some of the beat kinds did not show much change, but the general run could not be called better than steady to easier. There were no Blockers or feeders of any consequence In the yards. While there waa some little Inquiry, still the demand la never very extenalre the latter half of Ihe week. The feeling was Just sbout steady. ' Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers. SS 23 7.t: fairto good corn fed steers. fa.754i4; common to fair corn fed eteers. 24 7aia6.76; good to choke cows and belfers, 44 71. 4 16; fair to good cowa and l.eifra, S3.75g .75; common to fair cows and heifers. Si.SiSQ2.75: good to choice stock era and feeders, S4 Sf.$S.2e; fair to good Blockers snd feeders, HtMj446; common to fair Blockers snd feeders, S2.UUj4,(a Representative sales: BEEF STEEHS. ' Total receipts 127 Th disposition oft he dsy s receipt wa a follows, each buyer purchasing tha num- l ber of head indicated: Cattle. " it "4 4114 at Lss4sa Claslaa Staeha. London closing stock quotations: Ceessia money Ut Mo., Kan. Texas., snii So auat t4-14New Tork restral...l Asatoaa ............ Korfelh a Wastera.. TXU tirtwa aa t'i u 4e fit ... Ootarto A Western.. 4144 Balilauire A Ohio... sev, pstriiiia ti Caasdisa Pacific ...12 ud ktiaca t t'baaaimie A oaie.. k.d,n ,ai ( hU UtW Westers.. T Bouta.ra kailvsr . ..'a Ckl.. MiL A 81. r .lS BI4 a. It n S"keni Psciru . A Rie SiaaSs 21 t sioa Pacific ... , f't ss Kn - t Tstte States' Steel s let t4 4J e pf s 44 f4 i libul Oru4 TninS 174, 4 fit luiaots Central 144 huia m lomaviitc a kiash. U tu.p'4 rrer. ut ' -4 81LVER-Lr. steady at 24 n-lad ner ounce. MoXET-lVtSlV per cent. The rat of diai-ount in tha opea market for short bills Is 22 1-1 pr cent; lor three rr.wiihj' bills. 2kO 1-14 per cent. SSajBtf. riaarlaaa, OMAHA. May 21 Bank clearing for to day wera 2 and for the corres ponding data last year S1.24. S4A2. T re weary Statement. WASHINOTtlN. Mtv n.-Today a stst. mer.t tt the treaaury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the Ili'.mO.o.t gA4 reeorve, ahuaa; AvaXatla csau baiaice, Oil aad Roala. OIL CITT, Pa . May !1 OILS Credit bal snce. 21.7. Runs. fl,0J4 hbl ; average, l?: bbla Shipment, Ui.71 bbl.; aver age, 178.KO bhls. SAVANNAH. May 3.-OILS Turpentine, firm: 4''5Ctc. ROSIN Klrm. Quote: A. B, C. II SO; D, 2; E. F. G. tt.X)Xi6; H, tXlla 2 : I. 14 ; M, 2& S0; X. u5; a. Klj. WW, S.10Q416. r.lTr. Market. NEW TORK. May II. COFFEE Future s cloaed teady. unchanged to S polnta lower. Sales reported of U.t1 bags, including Mar at .0O? l'c; July. .10c; September, i t C.Onc; December, S.onc, and March. 4-jfjc. Spot eolfee, barely feady; No. J Rio, sc; No. 4 Santos. i'c. Mild coffee, quiet; Cor dova. ei-e. Kaasaa City l ive tack Market. KANSAS CITY, May 21. CATT1-E Re ceipta. 2 m) bead. Including tH aoutherns; market weak and dull: rnoic export and dressed beef ateera. $.'; fair to bkm1. S&ui4i4a; western steers, 25. via 75; stockers snd feeders, Hl!5&i 26; southern steers. S3 hi 4&; southern cons, Cifa,i4 native cowa. I! hyift &; native heifers. 23.S tv5s;hiilla. U.SWja.ol; calve, Sl auejl'a). liv H tiei-r.. 14.3X 1.- 1 . i ,h t steady to c higher; top Sam; bulk of aaleg, SSJMjSK; heavy, SSKtiif1: packers sad butchers. 2G.eae-t;H; light, gvi4.i5; pigs, H ""U4 . fcHEFP AND IA MBS Recelpta, 5.ST0 head: market lamha. strong; sheep weak: lan'bs, t5Sj7.00; ewes and yearl'nge 2S.7S 4rHg; Terse yesrltnga. Hht15: Texas al eep. 23-734 40; stockers and feeders, S2.0S 64.50. Stork la Sight. . Receipts of live stock st tha sis principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, jtofa, Bheep. South Omaha .... Sioux City Kaaaa City St. Ioula tt. Juaeph CnW iu . Totals ..... . .. S.v .. 4.i' tl .. lb 15 5 7.r ltw 7 s.rj 14.' .' . .14,il B.2a U.SA Omaha Packing Co r 2.4 Sa-ift and Company 1.158 15: 478 Cudahy Packing Co I'd tni 73! Armour A Co Zn 4.6U i3 Schwartschlid A Sulab'r Ui t0 Vanaant A Co i W. . atephen 'ja Hill A Son 'Ji F. P. Iewis 12 Huston A Co 4 ... ... J. Ii. Hoot at Co l'i J. H. Bulla U Cudahy Broa. Co Stm Werthimtr 1 Sullivan Broa . N V. Butchers t'i Other buyers 17 ... 26 Totals S.332 14.140 l.4 CATTLE Receipts of cattls for Thurs day wera quits liberal, 117 fresh car being reported in. In additiou to this number waa a fin bunch of hold-over thai came tn too late Cor yeaterday market. Ine quality of the cattle aaa good, there being a good many rtg-t desirable killers amoiig the offerings. In spite of th fsct that thers were some hipping order In the Meld, th market opened very sluw and the forenoon wa Weil advanced bfore very much bualneaa waa transacted, buyer all seemed to feel with the number of cattle on sale trie late in the week, there waa an oppor tunity to take off a little and they were not aiuw to make the meet of the advantage. Thue beef steers were generally siuw to ldo lowtr than yesterday s early market, ao far as tt mure desirshie killers were concerned. The common to medium kinds of raltl such as aeil from 26.5 down aere alow and hard to move. The common klnda eepeciaily. were very much neglected, and they wera safely lue lower and In n.e caeca possibly aoree than that. AS a mut ter of fact, however, it was not bo much a question of price aa securing a buyer who would bid on the half fat or warmed up klnda. no one aeeming anxious to buy thetn. Holders of such, complained that aa sooa as the buyers looked over tha fence aad saw that they wer on th eorn Dus ordas they would (hake thair bead auj ride away witnout going tnaida the tuaa. There were a few good yearlings In the yards this morning and as klgh as 2L1 waa paid for a choice bunch that had mnn,m heifer s In It. The msrknf on cew and heifer also cjeutd very alow and tla.l and allbuugn No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr t HI i It 114 4 M It H I B 44 1'.M 4 4 44 -419 I 40 It 1141 4 U 44 .1114 4 SS lit 4 It 7 Ills 4 10 ej 1141 4 49 lr 4 IS 1 1J4I 4 'A 12 ion 4 ia U ; -4 4 2v ,1151 4 4 liU t. 41 12-- 4 W in 1410 4 4o fl i.l 4 K 4 1144 4 74 tl 1114 4 U cows. 1 t 1 15 tit 4 iS t. tTI I la 4 Ill 4 II 2 UJ 44 2C 1UXS 4 a 4 II ll I lOW 4 li 4 Vr I W 4 l' 4 41 1 I U 1 744 4 t 4 1("7 I T4 t ltl 4 7t T UI I Tl 4 1) 4 14 I. 10u 44 1Jt4 t M I ..n.4 4 i 114 I at I tOM 4 S 7 1111 I 40 I ISM 4 W IT lart I ti HEIFERS. 4 m 111 I tw 4 0 I 4 IS I 44 1 n IM 5 IN IH ti lit I It II tU I II BULLS. 1 W l 1 IfT 4 TS 1 .11 I 4 1 1-M t It t VTti I 4. 1 11& 4 Tl 1 HH I M 1 4 ti I itX I 40 I It's 4 00 1 1 t Si 1 1470 0 1 11T9 1 44 t. 1647 I I i426 I 44 1 I M 1 U 40 CALVE. XD CALVFS 444 1 11' IW B. IH 1 14 4 t 1 I 14 I US 4 14 2 ta 4 W 1 : la1 1 lit 4 Ti 14 17 4 1 1 4 T4 I 4 IS 2 1 4 is) I i Is the total offerings consisting of five fresh, cars and about two decks carried over from yesterday. Still there waa a great plenty to supply the requirements of tha market. What little stuff there waa sold at prices showing comparatively little change sine yesterday, the trad being of a slow and Indifferent chsrscter. A noted yesterday, the sheen trade, not onlv here, but at all other msrket points a a well, is in a very unsatisfactory condition. Receipts have been unusually large every where, there being a large gain in the grand total fur the leading markets as compared with a yesr ago. At the same tune, wun tne increaae in receipte. there has been a falling off in the consuming de mand. ThJs the two most potent Influences have combined to depress th market, namely, increased supply and decreased demand. Considered from thss point of view. It Is not surprising that the market on both sheep and Iwiibs la everywhere right close to II per I'M lower than It was st the beginning of laat week. t'nder ordinary conditions, a break of tl In the price of sheep and lambs would Induce free buying on the part of packers snd shltpers. That baa not been the case this week. On the contrary, shippers have been conspicuous only by reason of their absence, while puckers have anown plain I by their actiona that they did not have use for anything like aa many sheep an& Lambs as have been offered. The natural supposition would be that there must be lighter receipts for several days to coma before th market can show much Improve ment. - Quotations on tnmhe; Ooed to choice light wooled lambs, StiHf 30; fair to good light wooled lamha, 26 5tvl.00; good to choice heavy wooled ' lamha. S5.7fi 47.25; shorn lambs TBo under wooled stock. Quotation on sheep: Good to choice yearlina. ahorn, tefj& 26; fair to good yearlings, shorn, t.7TjVi; good to choica wethers, shorn, 14 TMjS W); fatr to good wethers, shorn, H.2T'a4 75; good to choica ewes, shorn. I4 2&4J4 6&; fair to good ewea, shorn. HOiati 4 2 ; culls and bucks, ahorn, 2S0KJ14O; wooled sheep j40o above shorn etoca. No. Ar. lit western ewe ".. M 11 western ewes, culls 75 M Colorado ewes, wooled .....Ill 17 Colorado ewes, wooled. culls.. V7 l'" Spring lambs 4S 242 Western lambs ....Krf STEERS AND HEIFKR3. n ki in STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2 4-4 I o 2 US 4 44 1 4M 4 !4 I TSt 4 40 r ta tu 1 ) 4 te H'XieV Receipts of hog thl morning were very large, 21 cara being reported, in ad dition to which there was quite a number earned over from yesterday afternoon that arrived too late f r )teiday a market. The uiarket today opened rather slow, with salea general. y about steady. In a few cases buers picked up desirable loads at possibly a little stronger prices. The trade was at no time active, snd after the mor urgent order ner filled. It became less so. The hog sold very largely at 15 Mc& e with a top at SS 45. W hile the bum sold the a me as yesterday, it will be noted that the tup wsa a higher. Pr. 4 I7u 4 Vt 4 17 i, I 7a I rt 4 4u I 44 I 40 I 4 I 40 4 4 4 40 I 44 I 4 I 4 I 4 I Ifl ... 4 Vt TT ttl ) I 40 4 41 I I 4 I 4 I 4 I 40 I I 40 I 4 I 4 I 4 I . I f I I 4!Vs 4 44 , 4 tta 4 4! 4 !. 4 44 I tl Sheeo Of laiiiba 4a aai tu really 0141.4 a market. No. Ac Sk. Pr. rea. at th. Tt 11 la) I tu 11 iaa isj 1 SXi IM 40 4 14 Tt tut ... 1 44 2J4 W la tt 0 f I It IM ... 4 14 7.' MS tl I VI .44 a I 16 It....... t4 141 I Tl t -4 4t I tt 47 Hi ki I 4 las - . 4 at ti lat .. I TT til H 4 TT lil 1 t'. IM 44 1 II tt 2l 14 I 72. 24 ... 4 I7w 44 ... I 44 let W 4 rt l Ml st I n it at 1 ut u tti ... 1 1 Ii ... 4 17, 74 ilT P I u n 1 17 7v i t ita 1 p 111 . . 174, rr ... 1 Tl 14 2u 4 1TV 41 14 . . I SS ... 1 ... 1 !" SM to I 4 Ifl ... 4 1T r ttl ) 1 Tl 1 4 4 l'4 44 4 t) 1 a u: tr.t 4i t ; . - ua 4 17", 44 , :j, 1 11 N u i 17, k 7 ... 1 v rt s 1 r-t ft t 10 1 Tt 1J 4) I 17 -a T4 :.-4 In r ! iu 49. ... 1 l ! ... I Vt 1 Ml m I Tt ttl bh 4 ft 4 144 4 I 74 til 4- lit, r ill ... I t !1 1 1 ! T? tu 4 U iit aw 4 I7 4i lu ... tl tit 1 I 17a Tt J34 ... Tl li ... rt IT " 111 44 14 Ifl4 14 .. tl 1 au I r-a U M 4tt 1 n im 1 rt " wi it 44 hT 14 Ilia t. .. T4 lei r lit M 149 1.. ....! ia I 17 u i4t ... M ...... I 4 l4jd 4 17', 11 (41 ... T I t lr 77 31 ... i tu . . I a t-IIEKP There ner not enough Pr. 4 a s 00 75 t SO .3 CHICAGO 11 K STOCK MARKET, Cattle aad Sheer Steady Hogs Tea 1 Cents Higher. CHICAGO. May 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, estimated at about J.&oo head; market ateady; steers, IJ oP I 11; cows, 3.7&til7; heifers. S3 So tf 25 ; bulla,, I4 00tj5 76: calves I340O4I0; stocksrs and feeder. 125il 40 HOOsl Reoclpts. aatimate at anout 1.- , 000 head; niark. t 10.; higher; cholc heavy ; hipping. '.4 4,71 t (H : butchera, .tft$ ' 171, chrlc llgiu. 145&170: light! mixed. 5 55 -u5 4i., i a. alpg. 15.000 4 46; pigs. 4.iogow; duik e.t saiee, i.vtt i SHEET" AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated af alwut T.e'fO hed; market steady; 1 sneep. 4 i-titf 5 00; lauits. 1.I54.40; " . 1 . t. Laala V iva Stack Market. ST. LsU 13. May 21 -TATTLE Receipts. 4 f head, inclu.lmg 2 hA Texana; market for natives, sttady; Texana, fa-aloe tower; native shipping and export fterra, S 3fV'j 7.15; dressed beef snd butcher steers, IV-io 84 IS: steers under l.f"" rounds, 4.7M; b" : stockers and feedera, S3'"'?u": cowa and heifers. S3.i6 2s; cannera. StkaBf. SO; bulla, tlUijk'J). calves. 21 t'4: Texas and In dun steers, Ciit.A.;6. ci heifers, 1.7fl ii. H. Mlrf-Heeeipts.- T ine kead: market loo higher, pig and light, H 7;u6."fc; packet a, 47 '-iti. bJtchers and beet heavy, S5 ui iii 7e rHEKP AND LA MT'S-Receipts. 2 ') Veo.i imrkf tWiUan Inner: native muttona. til-oil-, lainhs. H 5"i7 :i; culls snd bucks, IC.U444.J, Biockeis, So vX'Wl U- . 4. Joseph Lisa Slock Market. T. JOSEPH. Mv. May 21 CATTLE Recelpta. 41. Maraet siealv; aallvea, 25.50 tjiOO: cons and heifers. lZ.dji 74; stockers and f. eders. tl ' tj U' Hi xlS Rei e i-.a. i z.l Market stesdy to a shade higher, tup. Hit. bulk of sales. UepSi". BliitEP AND LAMLS -ItVeipt. 4!3. Mark. I; limbs. I". ; tij; year, ii 1, en.s. Jt.Vtilal. Sleaa City Llva Stork Market. IOITC CITT. Is.. My 21-Special Tele grsm ( "ATT1.-Re- eipts s) hsid; best, s'ee'ty, otnera. lower: heevea. I if 4t.: enns and h:fer. 14 4n.ia 0; leaders, t4.4uii; calve, and yearULga. Ii ;i Receipts, 7.5s head, market (a higher, rJi, buik, St.Vs5.tu