8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 17, 1908. A , Lingerie Waists Silk Summer Dresses 5 M H M r, 5 5 M Of all the waists that will be most popular for summer, the cool, airy lingerie waist will be the favorite. We bought In Immense quantities and secured price concessions that uean a great Baring on your summer waists. 1 The are by far the daintiest, waists that ever were brought to Omaha.- Many are exclusive patterns to be frrnrxl only at Rramlcis. A special group of real lingerie waists in short and long f Q sleeves, very prettily J(jC made, special, at - Great Muslin Underwear Sale Everyone is talking about this wonderful sale where the finest of undermuslins are being sold at un heard of bargains. The stocks are gigantic. , These are only a few of the big bargain groups : Dainty . Sheer Effects in Waists Many with beautiful embroidery trimmings i ii ii ii ii n o 2 otners m me uiira sweii jpju M tailored styles, at... 5 . Delightful Styles in Lingerie Waists Very elaborate creations and pretty as French waists can be. at. . .' . The most exquisite waists in sheerest linens 5 and lawns, richly trimmed and hand em- 5 broidered the season's cleverest waist I s::!!.onr.....6- up to wi i 5 This ! a waist display without an equal. The " H waists are by far the daintiest and most varied In style ever seen In Omaha. - 1 ' 3 I n n n H A' splendid assortment ' of finely made muslin under wear will go on sale at ........ 38c Great bargain tables filled with snowy gowns, skirts, drawers and corBet covers, at 65c A wonderful assortment of undermuslins of high char acter very elabor ately made, at 95c Beautifully trimmed g a r ments of French lawns and. cambrics, will go at 1.39 We place on very speeial eale Menday 42 Jine silk dresses, charmingly made of ponfees, chiffons, messalines and crepe de chines which we want so sell early in the season. Ihese are those ultra smart one-piece sum mer dresses in princess and two pieee effects. Exquisite dress of silk worth $98 at The $89 silk dresses will be sold at 43. The $85 silk dresses will be sold at 92.30. The $75 silk dresses will go at $37.50. The $65 silk dresses will go at $152.50. The $50 silk dresses will go at $-3. m I 5 I Hi P WIWI'll I UiiilHU.pi, I '"-" ' ", ) ' WWrVII V 't.W. Wm j. i Aft''. j V n-ri t Vim Vr'1'' K i i' njiirl h'l,l M-t t- Sf'"-''-" 'I in tin -H S9 A Cat a! Niinanalr famkrir and Suri w.v w. M n Embroideries 18-inch skirtings, corset cover widths also medium and wide edges, insertions and headings- all new, fresh and crisp the biggest embroid ery Dargain or me season worth up to 23. cents yard- at, yard ...... .. 5 SI Embroideries. 39c 18 and 27-inch flouncings, skirtings and cor set cover embroideries also fine novelty frontings and waistings, in choicest de signs worth $1.00 a yard; ). tSaSV 2 on bargain square. M H Embroidered Waistings ss A 24 and 27-inch waistings and frontingi also allover embroideries the richest new g designs and effects, worth up . m . to $2.00 a yard, at, yard , 69c H a Sale of Laces I t 1 5 m M J New arrivals in fine French and German b Vol. lanes and insertions manv to match also fine torchons. Point de Paris. Piatt f Vals. and cluny curtain laces and inser- J tions, worth up to 15c, Cs. n $ at 2C-JC t Women's Long Chamois Gloves The celebrated Perrln make 4n 12 and IG-button length gusseted sleeve, and 2-pearl clasp fasten ers, natural shades and white ; . . . . $2.50-$3 $1.25 82.00 Long Gloves at $1.25 16-but ton. extra heavy, pare Milanese silk double tipped new shade $1 gloves, white, pair Long Silk Glovee I Long Lisle Gloves New colon, 16-button ! Pure, Milanese, black length, worth CI ft. tan and white. $1.75, at worth $1.00, at 50c Monday Biggest Bargains in Omaha's History 1 f MllWlSliilj ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF HIGHEST CLASS RUGS BOUGHT FROM AN EAST ERN MFGR., WHO TOOK A TREMENDOUS LOSS TO GET SPOT CtiSH ' This' Stock Consists of Strictly High Class Rugs of Every Kind and Size. The Stock Invoiced Nearly $22,000, But We Bought at About 40c on the Dollar Every woman in Omaha' knows that a Brandeis sale is always a genuine sale. There are no disappointments in our sales. Every woman who attends can buy just the goods she wants and save money every time. That's the reason why Brandeis sales are dif ferent from other sales. This will positively be the greatest rug sale ever held in the west. IVe Devote Practically Our Entire Third Floor to This Sae-70 Clerks to Wait on You-No Crowding-No Delays-A Sale That Will Be Remembered forYearsto Come. Read these specials and remember that never before was it possible to buy a high class rug for 60 little money. 30 Wilton Velvet Rugs at $15.98 These are all 9x12 seamless rugs, woven in one piece a splendid range of patterns in the Wil- JTpQG ton vpIvptk hfin.nt.if nl new desiems and H Uw WU made to sell everywhere up to thirty dollars, at. Seamless Axminster Rugs, $17.98 Finest quality of Axminster made very high class 9x12 seamless rugs, in those rich dark VI and light tones. Exact copies of the tine orientals that sell at five times the price, at 798 1 Very Finest Quality of Wilton Rugs Manufactured These are in those beautiful light, soft Persian patterns that rival the most ex pensive imported rugs. All are seamless 9x12 in size, and the 7QQ nun OS L uriu ill ua i eicyaui pa l to i no i w iiiwiuuou. uw&& acter rugs sell regularly at $BB Monday at $20 Brussels Rug at $12.50 The best quality 9x12 Brussels rug splendid oriental and floral patterns, for dining rooms l C fl nnd livinc rooms would be called a IK fWU bargain at twenty dollars your choice at $5 RUGS at $1.59 A wonderfully large assortment of various kinds and sizes of rugs Wiltons, Axminsters and Velvets all- overs, floral and oriental patterns, and A every one is an exceptional bargain, H Mi ' sizes ud to 36x72. at UaV' SI ROYAL WILTON CORNER RUGS Also fine Axminsters and Brussels sizes are 4-6x6 feet and values are up to $6, at 98C-1.98 GRANITE ART RUGS AT 29c These are 86x72 In size, and they are sold everywhere for 75c our price In this sale, Is GRANITE ART RUGS AT 15c These rugs are 18x36 In size, and are sold as a bargain else where at 60c our price Is. 15c Entire Stock of Drummer's Samples Rug pieces nicely bound on both ends and made from Wiltons, Velvets and Brussels all in one big lot, at. . 59c Lingerie Drses -These are all up to-date, correctly made dresses that are a 1 1 o g e t her charming for sum mer wear. . $14.8. f M I White Summer Skirts The smartest of new wash skirts In piques, Indian heads, reps, linens, etc. all the newest models, Rt $1.08 $2.50 nd up n 5 Tailored Suit sxt $15 I Charming tailored effects In lightweights, suitable 5 for summer and will give splendid service in early H fall . The styles are right un-to-datp values up to $25.00, specially priced, k f S 5f if if at Famous FashionseeJ Suits. $25 u The style aristocrats in new Butterfly,-Eva Tanguay " M and moalfied Prince Chaps, smartly r 1 r 1 i a nde, t 5j)25 " 1 s WASH FABRICS n h Shown in. Wonderful Va riety in OUR GREAT nASEMENY Imparled TaffeU Dress Ginghams n M 1 Small and medium checks, tartan plald3 nnd stripes . silky as silk very desirable fabric for outing suits, jumper suits, fancy waists and children's " ii invjuijr nuu reiains us hi brilliant finish 25c value, off the piece V, f yard New Arrivals Tissue ginghams, chiffon ba tistes In pretty checks, stripes and plaids will make a beautiful summer gown a rare bargain right in the heart of the season all Ills 25c values, yd H m New styles printed ba tistes sheer quality 15 values, at yd .6c Regular 12 Scotch and chambray ging hams so desirable for dreBses, waists, skirts and child ren's wear at, yard . . Remnants and f :1! hr-ln bleached ai;d ii'i bleached ja.il v muslins rr.iii;)-, y;:. known brands, v. or h a special trip to the itopj Monday to buy 10 yards of this p grade, at, yd . . . Ask for No. 999.,long cloth instead of.pay- ing $1.50 bolt, we of fer 400 bolts at the regular white V m goods dept. Sf at, per bolt. One big lot of India llnon remnants. These are 10c values all go Monday, em . . 2 V at, yd. 3 H II s H n m B 4 U 5 N ' n H 0H14B4lBt And Various Other Sizes off Rugs From This Great Purchase at Bargains Just as Great 3 Linen Specials Monday Large fringed bed spreads with or without cut corners regular $2.?5 values, Monday each $1.59. Very heavy, pure linen, hemstitched table cloths, that are actually worth $4, Moaday, each $1.98. Good $1.25 quality, pure table linen all new patterns Monday, yard 68c." Regular $2 qaality Tur. Large, Heavy Bath kinli llatli liugH In all ' Towtcln Worth 15c, colors, each 69c. at, each 9c. :t , Chins. Department ANNOUNCEMENT ! W , wish to call your attention to our new lines Just now arriving for this department. . Our newest addition Is a complete Una of large massive lamps with huge chains hanging from the celling prices from $19.60 to $125.00. Art Glass Shades Also many new lines of high grads dlnnerware, hand painted cjilna, cut glass, etched glass and old Irish Belleck China. NOW IX PROGRESS Our Gigantic 6ale of Men's l'p-to- Date CLOTHING Men's $10 and $1J.60 Suits at Men's $18.60 and $18 07? Suits at . ...V Men's $20 .and $22.50 , T-75 Butts' at . .......... I J Men's $25 and $30 Suits at . . .-. .'. . . 16" Old Store Main Floor. ' ( BBANDEI m ouseiurnishings-Big Special May Sale-Basement, Old Store OUR NEW ENTRANCE-Leadlng From lite Sldewalk-N. W. COR. 161b and DOUGLAS ST. Om American bm&d Boas iiiit. Utaen hancfsome color, for Inter ior and exterior uae, per . C1B . lallon Joe Toldl ag zroalBf iioarae, mue ox nits, .wood, can be 7l folded flat Bra-ndela ease ralate, a uperlor quality, none bet-i ter. perl Ct 1A' 1feaj TUe-iaie A var nteh stain to re new everything- In the houee. m t r?Z- I j Bouee Brooms, made or neet quality orooin corn, at. I Q. each I-'C Olotbee ZilJiea, B0 ft braided cotton Q. clothes line, at..V PlneaoDl jbidb, a most convenient article for cutting the 74 even JC Tea Kettle, made of heavy block tin, aeam lee and nickel tail. plated, at.... Osjapkorated Tlake, Camphor Moth. BaUa, lb 5c Tailns Taper, enret 8t Bath Tub Beat, made of hard wood with iilckel- plated hangers, 23c Ml Kefrlrerators. 25 different styles to select Iromet Cn at. up from fv.9V Oo-Oarts and Baby Car-rlag-es, over luO styles 10 seieci rrom. ri jq U-root Mall Made Iron, Boxes of cast complete Steplsdder, of Norway jj, Glv taiud . Waeb Boilers, extra heavy, wnn tin cjver, slxe 8. at .... ..65e SaT Oaa Stores, two sheet steel frame special burner. 9c OtlTtallK ' Vul, laos, extra strong line or oil stoves, handily 49C "' "P frm MaUe pine. at Bake Ovens, for gas, gaso- Oardsn XS M Boss, 6 t 'm brands lffk f for use if IIhI Jj ln 50 ft 1 I 111 yj t lengths, IVy 8c W Turkey rsathex Bus ter, witn oiacK en ameled nanaie, c big value IJC kn hvii niTt. Japanese Bread Boxes I el-pla.ed. with ebony . "2lr. . . . 39c Covered Baekets, KUlUW, priced. at ..rlP" et specially 25c 23c Mrs. Tr sb Stralaer, catches with lock andT11 refuse, at.".. two keys, at. each 39c ,rouuoar ink1 Benches, and dura-Ible 19c I Wash strong ...69c Taok Xanunera, aa- sorled shapea, , A up from c BRANDEIS 60 lb. Flour Bin, japanned tin and handuomely decor ated, big CM. special '' Window Cleaner with new, adjuala, ' ble spring c tawn Mowers r rum a ) 1 down to $3.25 taur iUBVe, good quality brlatie Wllaoa Bread Toaster, toants four pieces of bread at one coffee pot also time and heats your Bo Bag On rtaln Btretoher. made of hatoHwood. braHa pine nlckle plated, slxe (ixlj. a big fiq. bargain, at -'c 'I i Voultrr Betting t-in- mesh, heavily galvan ized, per square foot fce or by the roll for ouc Window Boreena. adjuetable, fits any ordinary win- ttw:. 25c Boreea Doors, a large and com plete assortment, lowest prices. Boroea Wire Cloth, I.e. I quality, 7 r.r ft. We Invite the women of Omabu and vicinity to visit our Cor. set Section and attend the DEMONS T RATION of the Famous "NEMO" AND "SMART SET" CORSETS Tha . Nemo Corset Is tha Corset for Dur ability and Style. Miaa Newport. Competent Corpetlere Of Now York. Is In Attendance. BRABJDEb v