Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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When the Nebraskans Gave a Silver Service to Their Great Battleship
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' KiiM.u.i.tM.c, v.ith A t'bi k-ruuixl of
r.i , y unti lii::'!' mm nwl Wth
t-Ui 'i 4ii -n FnirtfiBci) tmy jrt
u:..l tt m.-rt.t icut na-f ifrl.ilnf
v-r liUHcmhU'd in une l.artnir in tii
: t ..ri.l lor u'l .-rt nu iit of tli
!( n'r.r.r I m-- .su!:-!CM-iit.!- tm-
! ' ;'H' ::' v'ti ; moat
T .. p . In. To inr.ividubl wlUi
M :m ht' T i FLU h VtHVUH (if
::'Ui It licvini. t. m.irt of a
: ii'kI 1 mis of 1k j.'yfj! o:cnKKin
oririnal.y lic'n iti'!iud. A
h . h'.' ttKT t:t t .r' can
ft- i'.K nr-rtn iuk " fctid y-t
a.i 'r;tortioti"d thul it H'cmi a
. ;i!"v crcati.'t: f r tin- jiicaHure of
rutot-r tl.un u njuKt tr-tiifti(tus
fi'r cl- k: ruction, all decked wi'-h
; hut. in. and frtrt amers. a:i3 on it
d.-rk iism:iilcef1 a tiiro-p of u . vi:in
cacii (ithir In iioi.tcneB or
niUn.'Ti- . lialf-cnitmr'asiicj familiarity,
ariL o it let lll.x il eT loriR out (tf
tin- OT'innt'y uhnut to T;uk a
Tut Mtiiuiidji. It iik rt lu rC t y tin tioca
of i lie hugle souiid.ns atiHemlii.c. and Itie
tra:t:ji f trained fert on the deck j,laijk
at 'iie tlilp company of mariiicF und Rail
ore under arm asscmhlcd on the yuurter
(iuck, while 1hf olfit-rr ranged ttifnmeh e
In proper order that tlie ceremuny misht
he (-riyen lta fitting dienlty.
r-rrrDiair of thr Dar-
"Bound Kiii'iict !" A fihurp note on the
I'Ut'i . and ail ai miii.
Mrr.. Isahel Iliclu y of LJncoln. fdilor of
tdr Vi'umnn a deiiuruncnt of The Twentieth
Ci -it..ty nvmer, wan introduced ty Car
ti. r NirlioiHon. and read In a clear, Btronc
vn ci t! e oeilicatorj' ode. She waa clven a
n ui d '. f ai'jiltiusc. and tire-sented the taj--ti:i
with a cojiy of licr jioem.
A !.!',iT word from Captain Nicholson, and
then ii.iveri.or Sheldon voiced the eenti
i:ieiiLK "i all Neiirat,k!nF In Lib addreaa to
the '.'1.' cei und na n of the Nehraaka. It
van lint a lotiK F!-ech. nor an fcFj)cial:y
elutiiu u one. Hatlu r It lu simple and
earnen. and in its very simplicity It carried
v,:h it itn.if directly the cxpreamonB of the
naif'f i-ltizoiiBhip of pood wiU for the taJ
lunt i-e.shel and ite company than the moat
flowery rhetoric miKht. Governor Sheldon
t ld Captain Nicholaon and bic ajutoclatea
of the Interest the periple of the Interior
hold in the fortune of uiobb who fro down
lu the aeaa In the chip of war, and espe
cially of the intereat the people of Kehmaka
liave in the eplendid veRel that bear the
name of the mate, "Nehraska it ebHcntlally
a atute oT lionie lovers," aaid the governor.
"I'eopie ho have built an empire out of
the wiidernesR, and who love their home,
und own them, too. But the heart of these
home-lovuiK jople coe out to the men
iio are tiitaaed in the frreat work of pro
lee: It. g, imi utily thi me homes, hut the l-at'.e
of the woild ly the.r reudinejis to defend
l.'ie one und punmh vlolatmn of Hie other."
Tht; hilvtr serlct:, purchased ly the njoney
a. t a ide ly the lepiSiUiure, rrpresenis not
lint 'iOua! ccntr'.hutions, but the ouniribu
1. ins of all the cititen of the state, and la
liinf. It fuu more worthy of the rift to
li.e h.iei. Alone with It Is sent the heaxtJ
i of codxpeed and the most warm and
t..:M(.t of (food will.
J"or i.ini.s. i: and his men Captain NichoJ
v m mi ike ht'it fly and directly. In accepting
l.e hi!er eervice, he acknowledged the In
to' i k; ol the interior of the country' 'n the
i i:,i. of the i.avy. end spiike warmly of
ti.i; in, ti wi.o have gone from the
i -1-1 ' 5 Kino..! r -ni thi ku to make up the
t.. t;::'ic et'i ! 'ice of IflvM' nien then X'rest nt
in ii.e i.iiriior on the creat fleet. These
men. he said, are nut only the hacklxme
o. Li. i navy, but the hope of the country.
A to tht b rvlce itself, it would ever be
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formal reception for the officers of th
fleet at the ralrmtint tiotcL
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a reminder of the penerosity of the warm
Yiearted people of NebraHka, a lij.k that
w ould aJwuys bind the venae! to the shore,
and under what sun or on what occasion it
might lie used, its presence would bring
the state of NebruKka closer to the com
pany of the srood ship Nebraska.
The NehruFkans on board Joined In three
rousing cheers for the ship and Its com
pany, and then Captain Klcholsnn returned
the compliment by ufckinp officers and men
to irive three cheers for the Rtute.. It was a
cheer that ranp far over the waters, when
more than l-io young and lusty throats
poured forth their tribute In reepoiiBe.
Bibles sis 4 FlSLsra.
One of the m:ist Bitmificunt Incidents of
the ceremony came next and It seemed to
escape the notice of the chroniclers who
were on the boat, taking notes for the
heretofore published accounts of the ev;ts
of that afternoon. Miss Bessie Marks of
Lincoln, a most charming jourp woman,
spoke briefly and presented a Iithle to the
aiip through Captain Nicholson on behalf
of the Christian Scientists of Lincoln. Her
Fweet modesty and low, pentle voice were
part of the pretty picture, and the captain
was most precious In his acceptance of
the unusual plft- Colonel C. B. Anderson
of Crete, on behalf of the Pundi.y school
of the First Conprefratlonal church of Lin
coln, also pieeented a B.ble, and It. ton,
w as accepted by Captain Nicholson, w ho
pave amurunce that both would he used.
And then came the most Interesting part
of the service. Mrs. Bheldon In earnest
words presented to the ship s strand of
colors, one of the most beautiful ever
looked upon, on W-half of the Ieuphters
of the American devolution of Nebraska.
"Our prayers are with you. that under
whatever sun these banners may be un
furled thy will be hartm pers of peace."
she sEid m corcluding. "hut should tioy
he unfurled in bartie, nur prayers are won
you for tiie safety of the men and the
honor of the flap "
Command r Oootr.i. executive -jfTicer of
the ship, accepted the colors on behalf
of the company, anel promised that the 1'lug
siioulJ always hi.e I'f meed of reject,
and never would it trail in the dust or
be lowered In defeat while yet there lived
a man with strenpth to uphold or da-tend
It. "Attention t" sanp the buple. "Pre
aent arms:" and then while the band
played the natlonaj anthem all stood at
attention and the new- flaps tint! are the
prntid old flaps were turned over to the
color puard und the ceremony w as over.
It was not so lor.g. nor so wonderful In
anythinp but Its spirit, yet Its very sim
plicity made It the more Impressive and
the conditions lent it a tmpe of solemnity
that raised it above the level of ordinary
proceed. i, sh. The officers and suihirfi, ac
customed, perhaps, to functions on bourd
stiip, seemed more alert and intent on the
exercises than were the landsmen, whose
attention was distracted to a considerable
extent by the novelty of the surroundings,
but none could avoid the penural Impuls
ion that a preut event had transpired.
To the ship s company It meant that
the leapuet 1 f tumbling waves of the
mightiest of oceans might at retch In vast
uses between them and shore, end yet the
link of friendship and warm Interest cf
people who dwell far from the sound of
tumbling breaker or lapping wash still
reached to them strong and unbroken. The
silver service symbolizes the tie that binds
them to the shore. 60 they felt a deeper
concern hi the proceedings than the lands
men, whose DveB are not bound up within
the narrow confines of a floating fort, and
whose daily walk and conversation is not
that of a rlpid routine of prescribed duty.
Ki eat the phisu
And then the snip was turned over to the
visitors. Wherever any wauled U go, the
way was clear. Some went above and some
below. The hand planed two-step and waits
music, and the quarterdeck was used for
the duncei'ji. On the forward deck group
assembled and were ihotcipraphed On the
h: idac, and the turrets, and "I. Ine barrels
of the preat Funs outside the turrets tin
visitors clin.h-d, and the phmopruphers
made plate afttr plate cf them. Iown in
the wardroom officers' mess room the
siHer service was laid out, and punch was
s rve.d to all who wished and so the eMer
i,i.,'ii drew into the evening and the shades
of a California niprt were draw n Tt en
the electric liphts on the ships of the fleet
broke out. and added their glory to trie
other g.jrie of the cigt.t, and launch after
Roster of Officers on the Battleship Nebraska
Ciii'Uin K. F. NJrholbon f. S. N.
Ll ut. CoitniKDuer R. t. Coontx, U. S. N.
Executive Officer
Lieuuiiuiit lUrris LatlEg. U. S. N.
Lieult-hiLt Dudley V. Knox. V. B. X.
Ordnance Officer.
Lieutenant Artfcur CrtUahnw, Z. S. X.
Seuior EhEihr.
Lieutenant Jt.hc HtlUpan, U. S. X.
Lieunnaiit V. A. Kirhberly. V. E. X.
Lit ui uui t Jt-Ln Rodgers. U. S. X.
Ehbish AriLur G. CtCe. V. S. X.
Ens C. C. Senile Jr.. I. 55. X.
Eiisipn D. P. Vit kerfcLam. I. S. X.
Ensign A. F. Carter, U. S. X.
Ensign G. A. befell. U. S. X.
Eubirn C. Grkvei.. V. S. X.
MidO-lrrhan C. r. Tage, V. S. X.
Vidbaiiaan J. W. Jewell, V. S. X.
Midkbipman R. L. MoLtsomerr, V. S. X.
Midshipiuan R. R. Smith. l S. K.
Midshipman E. H. "Williams., V. S. X.
MidiLii'iii&n J. H. Ingram, U. S. X.
Midshipman S. F. lleiru. U. S. X.
Midahiiiinan X. H. White Jr., U. S. X.
fuipeon T. A. Berrvhiil. U. S. X.
P. A. Surpeion H. A. Dunn. T S. A
I'armabter John D Earlitir, U. S. X.
Firei Lieuteuaiit Fredrick Barker, V. S. M. C.
Chief Carpenter W. F. Eamtrger, V. B. X.
Boatswain P. Bhanahan. U. S. X.
Gunner H. A. Nevins, U. S. X.
Gunner J. H. Aipter, U. S. X.
Warrant Mach. W. W. Fuller, V. S. N.
Warrant Mach. William James, U. Si. N.
Warrant Mach. Lewis A. McClure, U. S. K.
Warrant Math. O. J. McCorkle, U. S. K.
fay Clark U. R. Zivnubka. U. S. X.
launch left the ship s side for the long ride
back to the wharf. The way was through
suet, a spectacle as none who. witnessed it
will l kely ivr r.pait.. y. ic n n .iea
if the ai'pearatKe of that piest fleet of
WbJHUips. illuminated us they Wert, is t:m
pteat an undertaking for ar. ordinary epis
loieer, and in trie present ins'iiti"" entire
liuapaci-y is confessed. The ties, simile lot
the picture Is a group of ghost ships, and
jet their terriblt r :d:ty wat all too apput
er.t. It rey aires the entire voc. l-uiarj- of
the sutitrla'ives to even inch' n 1 e the
sjiietiflnr of the sight Above the buy on
one side biased the mj-riud liphts (if Pan
Francisco, in gala dress, and lieyond, on
the farther shore. Oaklunfl. crossed and
erpei tuntlj- awuitmg the roming of ttie
momitip when its streets would sue the
repetition fin a smaller scale of the demon
stration cf Thursday in San r'runcisco.
added a fer off effect of luster tn the sot
ting Peurrhlirhts fin the sh!;s shot preut
beams of light bcr ws the wrier und Into
the henvenK. cr'issirip Jtid re-rossn p it in
cessant piny, wi-av'.rip fc strangely fsti'.astlc
fabric of unreality, and bewildering the hi
that trli'd tn follow them. Harhot hp!. is
and shrp l'phts. t!ie srnrs and the rn.ion.
were all purls of the wonderful diST'hiy.
And thrortrh this most porewms of ill inil
nutlons the tired but l.iippy NebrusktiiS
Went ashore from the ship they felt to ht
their own. and the object of the !.: t wus
over. The officers of the shir vpvessefl
but one r-pret and that was that 1:1 did
not permit them to do ni'-re for the visitots
they entertained so royally.
What 11 Slgwifirs.
The mere giving of a t'lver service Is
not such a rreHt tiling In lts"'.f 3t is the
sjiirit 1hnt counts, ar-d Nebraska folkf n.m
feel ctrta.r. that theit I'l'id- :! n:'
hn'tl.-sl ip. --i.e if the f iT'. s- v...t n -a-s
toda', ts r-ot l.-ii.- t.:-,-' thu: of C ; p'sio
Nicholson end his e.imptitiy. and im: ti.
warmest of I vi-n is! . xis's 1 -r Ne. ia--kaits
on the Nehraska. li d- d, fn:" i-i-ler
c.Kir'i bus protn.i-ed to I rii e the s' ip
to in. aha,'.'ly the fleet jet urns
fvurr its cruise around toe w o-id.
All this wus ii"t a-.- ! v.J'.i.i'.i:
SO'.'' T'fi! mi id- T ts. Solo of ihi ll, lu o "IJ K,
h-,d S T-ie -h-Vi not hul 10 ;! t v
ph tisunt. If G' e-iior Fhe'd..n was T, r. s .r
prised st tht- t uh'T of Ni hriii.i.iis :o
founcj ,. fiHli P .'.tu'is-o. he steal.! t:l. ,e
be.n. ine l.ui-diel arid tv.-'i.ty v i 1 : 1.
him to the cot si. and at Sat. Francsc
w e.s ,1'ilnod h another soore v. '1 1.'; :
J'.UrT.eyed tl.h her before his am VI: t. "o
ttiebe he exit tule 1.11 lr.i i'a'i t. t . j
the rtrtni'irv. V'i n t; tii t-i- r
the place on th- f-oi:t w!:er la.itr 1 s
were to he pi. eliej to take the parly c! '
to the ship, a rule of sovi ral ti h-s. a ,iun: f ff lss v a.L io 1: a p.-,.; 'o
emor P'o-idi n eiis-ovi r-d that l is ijih
bad bet 1: ii.c; euat J I" see-al
tin.,. the ori'-oo' ""O'l. T!:: :
California was lit In? potn k siO' r n- rut
the snjne aftemfMit, the h -ur hemp s-t a
ltttlt earlier tiian f h' se-'-i: e or. t:.
Nebraska and as a result mat y Oalitorti
lar s hud cone to the do. k to g . ah iai'd
and ee.. When thy found tiny could
not Fet sbosrl their !. o-url, th?y dt
tiiled that a b-ties-. 15 w.'u.l do as well,
snd so for t:.t Tiotm Nehraskana.
It was not U.e tasitst ta-k in the world
to get the genuine NehrasaanE tl.-.iuph
the crush, but it was finally nceomplii-tiei.
sThough the sejit iati it. i.ot n.a le t o-n-pletely.
A good many of u.ose wna attended
tha exercises on the Nebraska had htver
been much nearer Nehraska a U than ws
Were at that ir.mute.
Jam at the Rrrrptlos.
Tills reception wss tj-plcal of everyihins;
else and lalrly well served to lllusirsta
the conflltions that preTulied In the el'y
duritip the week. Invitations to ths num
ber of aoout li.i'ie had tx-en issued and it
was tht expectation of the committee that
bout IuiIki would attend. It turned out
that about 7.5sj came, und the hotel was
such s .1am as It will never see again. All
the officers of the srmj- and navy present,
tht governors" stalls and others permltiel
to wear uniforms, gave It a most military
tinge, the man not in uniform being de
cidedly noticeable. The beauty of Bun
Franclsoo was present, the Caltforn a
women coming out In foroa to greet tha
visitors from the fleet, and fair breasts
heaving under diamonds that sparkled be
neath the bright lamps in corridor and ball
room added beauty to the bewildering
spectacle. Dundng was all but lmpostdhla
in ihe crnwd. and the formality of receiv
ing by Serretarj- Metcslf was practically
abandoned. Admiral Fvbjib waa unable to
attend, but the other rear admirals of tha
fleet were present. Cm Thursday the great
Xiarade of la.OOO fighting men was the spec
tacle and drew out a crowd tliat thronged
the line of march for hour. It bad a am
ple significant feature. In that It atnrted
promptly on time and finished a fe-w min
utes ahead of Its Bchedule. So much for
military precision. The oolumn Included
all branches of the service aud made a
most Impressive appearance.
Haw Asrwla mm4 Happy
On Flday the silver sen-ice was preaentej
to the battleship In the afternoon, tha
earnest request Captain Nicholson excused Hunter-a Point another roared forth Its morning having been devoted to a review
him from spetukme in rerpotiBe to Gov
ernor Sheldon's ren.arks. Mr. Smith wa"
sent to Annapolis fr im Utah., his parents
having removed to Salt Lake City when
he wus about a year old. But, while none
of the officers of the ship, other than
Cadet Smith, are "native sins," most of
lot m knew the state well, tuid not a few
have warm friends In Omaha. Among these
Is lr. Berry hill, chief surgeon of the ship.
He was especially active, being chairman
of the t titertaintnent committee, and If any
Nehraskan missed anj-thins. It wab not
the fault of the dot tor. lie had a short
consultation with M'ss Marks as to the
probable effect of her gift on his call'ng
in the i.avy, hut decided to refrain from
resigning unti! the matter of suggestive
therapeutics bus advanced a little further,
feeling that occasion might arise In which
his skill as a handier of the human form
divine tr.ipl t lie more efficacious than sug
gestion. While no broke nut
curing the ttttie ihe visitors were onboard,
the doctor fil.ed presc rpt ions for the gov
ernor end several meintrB of the staff,
and each of the patients professed a re
Tnarhshle itiipiovt-iiif'til in condition im
mediately after taking the dose. Others of
llo (I'o'.'ts tierted themselves Quite as
r ue!, us (iu-i tl. doctor, and the time on
board ai ail too st t ti.
Busy Is fur 1 si tore.
days spet-i :n San Francisco by the
note, and all precedents hal been broken
General Furiston had overriden tradition,
and the army was saluting the navy. One
after another the torts fired twenty-one
puiiB each, and then the Connecticut re
plied. Admiral Evans, on the bridge, de
dined to say if the salute was for the
army ; it might be taken merely as a aaJute
to the wide, wide world, he said. Hut the
salute was fired, and some minutes after,
when the head of the column had readied
Fort Mason, another salute was fired. One
lifter another, in a line as siraight as a
ruier, the great warships steamed In order
uown through ttie Golden Gale and Into
the quiet hay. Something of a breese was
blowing, and outside the sea was quite
rough, so. In order to svold any
unpleasantness or hllch, each butUe
si.lp had ni piling under Its lee
a torpedo boat destroyer, and
the Nebraskans, sluing on the grass on a
l.iUsiue at the Presidio, had in sight at
one time sixteen bal'Jeshipc and sixteen
lorjiedo boats. And lliey also saw Lbe
cruisers of the Atlantic fleet halt while the
Wisconsin. Ncbiaaka, California and other
vessels of the Pacific fieel joined In the
column. Siowly the great procession moved
along to Its anchorage and by 2 o'clock
in tin afternoon the vessels wr- rolling
lazily at rest li. such formation as pre
sented Ho spectscle not to he forgo:t"n hy
any who su-a 11. Formal gree were
exchanged beiwtten ins authorities, and
by Secretary Met calf of the assembled
fleet. In this, too. Governor Fheldon waa
a participant. And on Saturday the Ne
braskans were ready to start for bone.
Some extended their visit In the city, oth
ers went to the Tosomlte, and still others
to Portland end the northern cities of tha
coast. But on the Overland Limited Satur
day morning came a party that was glad
to turn Its face towards the green fields
and Inviting pralrlej of Nebraska. No
vista of mountain or canyon, no eight ot
sea or desert, tied been enough to lure
them from their allegiance to the
state they call borne. And in
the comfort of the TTnion Pa
cific's great train they found plenty of
time to reflect on the many advantages
of Nebraska. The trip home was without
incident, for the Overland limited Is ad
mittedly one of the best trains In the
world, and covers its route with the regu
larity of passing days. From Oakland to
I'orta Costa along the shores of San Fraue
cisco lay. froja Porta Costa to the moun
tains through the valley of the Sacramento,
across the Sierras, under the stretch
of snowsheds, down the Truckee valley
Into the desert of Nevada, over the great
fait Lake on a trestle bridge, up the Weber
end down the Bear, through the Wasatch
mountains, across toe Red desert, skirting;
Hitter creek, through the Astton tunnel and
out to the great central plateau of Wyo
ming, atid finally In 10 the fertile Platte
Nehraskane tit hut the 1 u. ruination of a
very oeliputful journey. From Lincoln the
part went to Denver. Santa Fe, Albu
querque, the Grand canyon of the Colorado,
Los Angeles. Fed.aiitls and other points
including Cktallna island. 't. tins latter
expedition tiiev t.d toe x;i -r.ei.ct of i
s,,'t:s. Hit- j iih.mi h. .ng uu-sual.y
r.o p:.. stiu -i.s--.,uei.t!j x ; y trying to t:.e
'i.iirfi 1 J. f.i . " A: '. r. i rsii".-.!"". i - v
ern. r S.."iuon r.t e.'. ej '.t..i k--j at i-.wii.
aii v..- paid Lrt.sual h ck. lit s.: : J
h.i ,s 1: he a ttt. st to- - u .':; i;nc p..::.-
Admira! Evans, rucked wl.h pain, was valley in Nebraska, a continuous panorama
attain taken to the hoiel. He hud brought of never wearying scenery uharius the
his fleet safe Into harbor through the senses, and makes the ride as pleasant as
Golden Gate and ills duties were tienr!y one could wish for. And nowhere dues on
finished. The afternoon was given over set anything that excels Nebraska.
to visiting on board and the to a lfCL
tal J.J,
1 r it..
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, the h.p parade of
t ero M'i an 1
i to- way along the
t .1- olio r Ine grttit
i.'-ioir of . C'raska,
ti r is t arni.i'1- w as
..t.rlt .aii J. eiowd-d
watt - f . 0' stood
' "T the pahS'.l.g
ba.'.'irs. ti e I, s;e.
... the i hei rs tor
r jut Jot lot g
1 uii't'01..- of trie 1
uisiit 6 p.o-st. an J
1 v ti e c.i.S'-nt u:
V 1 -'TT' V ' of pr
is..:i.g Neht ttkken
t-eeiiKij ....; al
w . 'ii tli itu.. and
ti.t s...j us was auaed a
veiiii. At the formal
w. 1 a he w as a :n-
W..S bin Wt. ait Mtel '10a
bun r aih'isco. iai.y
;.it v e--t iii-Md hy tv -
t n a couth of their
the Cl iiden Gate.
Haapltality Burt.
One of the middle on the Nehraska. Mr.
ftmith, was born in On .aha, tut l ij
Arrltal f the fleet.
The arrval .d lh fleet was tin p-i-eelest
e'ellt. Il.aJ !'. t f the whole Wt t k 1 t ine
ci'iiiitis The Guy w t declared a holiday
in ran Frati' isco and Otaiand. and to the
t! cusui. ts of vtsttors was ua-ed li-e thou
sa'i'is of resiuei.ts. and no mar t vr wiU
know h' w many pe .pie Clustered around
U.c Shoies of ttit Ciiueu Liml day
to waith im sight- It is a wcnderful am-philtiea-tei.
Where many milll-ins migrtt
easily lie given ample spue lo see, so
theit wus lu ciowang hui all had a full
view of one of the gi uidesi of n-arliUne
;K-(ai ies. btionly bt fure 12 ccl'Kk that
day the ' 'onnet tiout pushed lis prow j-ast
ths headland, aiid a len-inch gun at Fort
fcl a 1 1 mS bvuiucd eul a wreicuma. TLc& at
Presentation Ode
Cueen of the gea, and daughter cf a queen.
Who ruled a golden hfr.pdom far away,
We come, a Jojous coiuiiany and pay.
To crown thee mibireh of the billows green.
As Shf-ba came once In the olden days,
Beur'.n-r rich r'ftb in token of her lnve,
e come w ith treasure laQen. to to prove
Ourwhes as laiihful come to blLfi thy praise.
Fllvrr thd g-tld wr hrltp. each separate urn
Inscribed. "Nebrtbiiu," in our love and pride;
Ma MesblLCb resi uj-on thee and abide.
May every journey i d s sale return.
What power lies hidden in thy throbbing; breast.
What s'retirth and swifUieHS are in thee coll
ect; cd ;
Thou art a nation's pride, s nation's shield.
The link which hinds her East unto her West.
Thine hour is come, go forth upon the sea.
Too preat in needless warfare to C'ttend,
But rather claiiniLg all to he thy tnend,
' And aid unto a higher Uetuny.
Fill every cup and pohlet to the brim
With Friendship's subllt, sweet and boly
Drink to the wide world's jieao Love is
The Xew Tlc-e touches the hnrlion's rim
Lincoln, Xeb, April 20, lfcub.