R THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: 'MAY 17, 1903. TUB SPIRIT or TUB It AYV. strong. They attacked the mayor, For more than five-months the at- grilled the Board of Education and TOVKDED BT EDWAUD ROSBTWATEit ftention of the American people baa pointed out the path of plain duty for been riveted on the American navy lall the city officials. This was,, or closer than ever In time of peace. The course, Just a warming-up process, cruise from Norfolk to San Francisco The next step was to reform the mor- was more or less of a spectacle, al- als of the town and the bulging-browed though attended by very little spectac- book-taught Journalists ent at that The columns of the with the I Tie Omaiiat Sunday Beb Victor robetwatkr, editor. Kntwred at Omibk Powtotflce aa second (Aaaa matter. fwrty 7 twtooot Sunday). on yf..Hn ular effort It was made under busl- with a vengeance, lhi B and Sunday, on year ne8B conditions, and for the very ep- paper were Illuminated Saturday Bee, on year'..!.'.. .. -W I parent purpose of showing the world names, street addresses and all the de- delivered BT carrier: what tne new Bhip8 flying Uncle Sam's tails about the Joints In the town Iaity Bee (wwhout Sunday). 'per week. iioo flag could do. That each vessel com- They told where poker and faro could E'inJ b t-Vth'sundrvf 'k. i Pleted the long cruise In perfect ship- be played, and what the limit was, Address aa complaints of irregularities l gjjaDe and was ready at the finish, as They wound up with giving the names I in delivery to City Ctrrolatlon iepaxunouv i - ( tnr fight," to quote the sententious utter- these purposes, a list of the most reg- ance of Its commander, Is the highest ular patrons and called upon the Judge possible tribute to the efficiency of of the district court to summon a this arm of the fighting service of the grand Jury and complete the cyclone of United States. reform. Then the paper was sent to But It takes more than ships to press and the tired but happy editors make a navy. In 1898 the theoretical waited for results. They came. warriors of Europe figured out beyond The Judge of the district court called peradventure of a doubt the advantage a special grand Jury and yanked every Spain had on both land and sea in a member of the college editorial staff war with the United States. These before it as - witnesses. The faculty calculations were very exact and very of the university became Interested convincing, but they omitted the one I and wanted to know where the stu essential factor they did ifot take dents gained their familiarity with the full and complete I into consideration the snirit of the gambling dens and other disorderly Sunday Bee i printed during tha mouth of navyv It was tne manxbehind the gun resorts, rarents are demanding m ApriJ, lsot, was- aa taJiows:- that counted in the long run, and the formation on the same subject and the M.MO IS... se.iw ... . W , OT.140 theorists had entirely misapprehended send the amateur editors to Jail for aeaao P,rlt of the American navy, libel, perjury and other crimes unless H. 3,S80 Dewey's achievement at Manila and they produce evidence to support their 36460 the battle of the captains" at Santiago charges 14!"!!"!! aaisso Proved that the successors to John dents in the school of Journalism have St . 36,580 Paul Jones and all the glorious line of learned the Important lesson that a - naval captains who followed him were fluent command of vitrollc language 21 '!!!"!! 36,9510 nt wanting In that indomitable cour- and an unbridled pen are not the only tt 36,990 omcKS 0"rmha The. Bee Building. Couth Omaha City Ifall Building. Council Bluffe 16 Soott Street. CMraao-1640 University Building. Now York Rooms 1101-1102. No. M Went Thirty-third Btrt. . Washington 726 Fourteentn mre . w. f Comrminloatlons relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: vimaca UoU Editorial Department. ij REMITTANCES. !l m it a a uatal araf II Wl I II W 9JW bmsm V Mri 1 .fl rrab( to Th Be Publlh.n company. r-i Ovtlw a(AiMMi pswIvm1 In DAVmem Ol j! mall accounts. praon.U eheckfl. except on j Omaha or eastern exchange, not acoepteo. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. 1 fttat f KttrMkA. Dnutflna County. M.. '1 fl.w . T TVahtirk tramrr or i ni nra 8 ' tha (ha Actual nnmhar fif thority, declares that the fly la the! workmen and the relations ot capital greatest distributer of typhoid fever and labor. Most ot tho ngures are I ... a a. a A I germs. His description QJ tne iiy s not true ana wouia not d impurwui method ot dealing disease and death if they were. follows: The fly lives and moves and has its Some of the aspirants tor tne presi- being in dirt. It breeds and feeds in dirt dentlal nomination are denying the and as it never wipes its feet the results rep0rt that they have withdrawn In caa oe .mapnea. JO a.pe. any i.u.- faTor ( Mr Taft WM ot neceB. doubt plates of gelatine have been exposed where files could walk upon them, and ry. The republican voters have within forty-eight hours there were clearly simply withdrawn from them In favor recorded tracks of the footprints of the 0f Taft. flies written In clumps of bacilli sown by their imny teet. with a singTe speca con- The . worna whf stopped Mark talnlng S.000. We cannot disinfect the fly , A . ... ... . nor make h.m w.ne hi. feet, but w. can Twa,n on the ln8l8t4 exterminate him utterly. 8he recognized him as Buffalo BUI has The only way to fight the fly then started a trouble Mark and Buffalo is to fight dirt. There is no way to kill uill may settle between tnomseives, as the fly egga and the ability of the pest doubtless both feel Indignant enough to reproduce Itself la marvelously over It treat. The only effective plan Is to I T - vti r v. 1. i ... abolish dirt wherever found. The """" "uu 01 i,,ew ,u u ,u Trunin- nf Annr nA windows aids I tervlew in London, says that the demo- In reducing the aisease-spreader's crat are Bure t0 w,n ,n tne campaign. sphere of activity, but it does not go to t 36,900 S 86,750 .. 37,010 t.. 863O0 37,380 t.. 4740 37,040 37,140 19..; 37,060 11.. 37,090 II........... 37MIO II... 37,340 14 3730 It..; 37,130 stable, the open garbage can, the pools of standing water, the butcher shops and like places that almost all flies are bred. Cleanliness tn the stables and markets Is the only safe and cer tain remedy for the fly evil. Dr. Hutchinson declares that In five years of concentrated effort In getting pure water, sanitary sewage disposal, the cleaning of backyards and the general removal of breeding places of flies, typhoid fever can be eliminated. That is worth working for and every citizen should aid In the campaign to health- fulness over the dead body of the fly, SO 36,970 Totals 1,108,630 U Las unsold and returned coplea.. 11.341 Net total 1,097,179 Dally average 88.873 GEORGE B. TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer. flnhaitA In m nreaenre and sworn ' to before me tnis 1st day of May, 1U04. meal.) tiutituni u w ' Notary Public WIIEX. OCT Or TOWN, f bvcrlbera leavvtas the city tem porarily skoal havi The Baa aaatlaa t taeaa. Addreaa will be ehaasaa aa eftea aa raeatad. 1 The Booster's club of La Porte, Ind., , will hardly get out a souvenir spoon , bearing the picture of Mrs. Guinness. 1 1 age and fiery dash that has made the qualifications of the successful Jour American navy great ever since the naiist. first emblem of the nation was un furled aloft above the quarter-deck. Japas IS dire straits. The new navy is still actuated by I Japan's towering national ambition, thlB spirit. Its movements are marked which has led to the appropriation of by wonderful alertness, and the young vast amounts of money for the build- men who make up the companies ng of a powerful navy and the main assembled on that great fleet now in tenance of a monster army, has created Pacific waters are the very pick of the a most Interesting condition for the nation's youth. Whether it is for fun, students of history and economics. The or for fight, or for frolic, tbey can be nation Is on the verge of bankruptcy trusted. The honor of the nation and and the condition Is growing more serl- the peace ot the world Is safe in their oua daily. Agents of the Nippon gov hands. The spirit of the American eminent are now in this country trying navy was never higher than at the to negotiate heavy loans for which present time. Japan agrees to pay 9 per cent inter est. The national debt of Japan al Salaries of ministers. ready amounts to about $2,000,000,- Methodlsts, as well as churchmen of 000, or nearly double that ot the ' v orcnard iB a little slow in other denominations, will find interest United States. The government ex-onfesslna- that he committed that ,n the addre of the bishops ot the penses of Japan for, the last year were ' am Mr. niiinnpav einoaiBl cnurcn to tne general con- nearly as large as those of the United , DUOI.u .u.,. ference at Baltimore . firm I ' salaries or ministers of the church, one-twentieth of the wealth of this The new peace palace at Washing- T8 addresB of the bishops la really a country. , The Toklo Gazette shows 1 r.n has hn wisely located out of the report concerning the affairs ot the that the clearings of the Toklo banks line between the White House and con- j church, with certain recommendations tor the month of March of this year J B1I. reiauve 10 policies ana practices. After ere only anout one-fourth what they I .. 1 I .1 1 . . .. I a . buuwiuk i" caurcn nas peen making were xor me corresponding month of 'A physician asserts that babies cry great strides, having more than 3.000,- 1907, while'the transactions on the 5 because they are Overfed. Girl babies uuu memDers and over 20,000 pastors, Stock exchange decreased by almost may err for that reason, but boy ba- th bishops direct attention to the fact 75 Per cent 1 iIp never inai me worn or the church has been l&e situation does more than em- I. 1 1 .... ... . ! . .. ... .. .. .. . 1 iiuuiyereu ana reiaraea Decause the pnasize me rony or tne talk that has These candidates wno priae mem- Hummers 01 me cnurcn nave not been neen current ror more than a year of j; selves that they "look like Lincoln properly compensated for.; their Japan's desire to engage the United I would be more proud If they could run services. ' States In war. It demonstrates the , like Lincoln. it is a notorious fact that ministers ract that the Nipponese government v ' of the Mehodlst church an a nlnaa o ta has overreached, itself In th nthimi.f tn The production of pig iron has fal- poorly paid, although the same char Place the nation in ranks of the first. len Off 60 per cent in me yr. resta reasonably strong aeainat othAr class powers of the world. The na. ii v. . v. . tnn a the fitrnat nltr Irnn I -i - ... 1 I., . .. . m in iu iu6uu6u v 1 ucuuuuuhuuub, i ne country has been uon s capacity ror SDendlna; monev 'l Is "on the hog. slow to abandon the long-established aeems to be unlimited, without the ac- ,uca i"""-1" wora 01 a minister should """vanjing aouuy on me part or Its u "Getting Married" la .the title ot paramount to the compensation or statesmen to devise revenue-raising rt Bernard Shaw's . new play. Lillian any other consideration. It la true methods that will not impoverish the Russell could appear In the title role doubtless, that men do not enter tha People. The Japanese have plunged 1 without a rehearsal. The Black Hand has demanded ministry because ot the attractiveness ,nt0 aet without apparent thought of of the salaries attached to the work, the tact that pay day always com.es but. fl t tha ea ma Hnm V. -1. - . . i a rnnn d Tonon Vioa ahAH j as aaa .- tiottu nAn ' " uicj tuuuia rw oiiuriui . a 1 celve a sufficient recompense to pro- courage and persistence, but the na. aOMUUesa BUO win uraw w v.v. IH , .(,!. ...m , . j .' vut, icaouuauig 1 eijuiremenia. I "', uu eAiravagance The commercial and industrial worlds ,n army, navy and subsidy expend! ' I O f A Klttln.. - - I.. -A. A j ... It waa perfectly appropriate that the . "'""'" servicea or clean, lu,co' i,ruui'a uusiness aepres Katlonal Association ot Funeral Direc- caPable. upright, educated men, such Blon and Buffering throughout the tnr. .hould decide to hold their next as are de8lred and required for the na- kingdom. convention at Philadelphia. Uon'B PuIPlta and congregationa have Russia, a heavy sufferer in the war " no right to ask a man with such qual- w,tn Japan, has also been in the loan The author ot the Black Hand let- ideations to make heavy sacrifices, in- markets and now has a debt In excess ter demanding $5,000 from Mrs. Hetty voiving his personal comfort and theor . 250, 000,000. Russia, however Green Is out the cost of the paper and education and welfare of his family. ,s a country of vast latent resources envelope and 2 cents for the stamp. order to take up his chosen profes- w,tn an area more than double that of sion Instead of accepting the more at- tne United States, rich in agricultural Mr. Bryan'a son-in-law was knocked tractive financial positions offered In and niineral possibilities. Russia can out In a tight In Paris, but camo up the business world. see a way out of Its financial dlfflcul ; smilingly for the next round. Pat- Men do not render their best service ties. Japan, on the other hand has U terning after the head ot the family? In any field of endeavor when they are scarcely an acre of land that has not - haruiiered and hnriinnoH . .. been cultivated for nr.tin.. . The aulUn of Turkey is said to have t0 how they ghaU wofully ,acklng ,n mlncral &nd recently paid $400,000 for the Hope theill.elv9s and thoae dependent upon natural resources. With an empty diamond. The sultan refuses to pay them, The mlnlater wh(J ,B harasse. treasury, an impoverished people and arytning, even awenuon, vo vne claims by debt and fanjy expeD8e he ,8 una. credit exhausted, Japan is facing prob- this fall. The London newspapers al- the root of the trouble. It Is in the way' Ca"y the e,ectl)n8 for the deu,- crats in May and June. Secretary Wilson's estimates indi cate a winter wheat crop for this year of about 490,000,000 bushels. About time to repair and paint the Idle cars in the railroad yards. Searching for the I'nknown. Philadelphia Prers. Nobody ever Is a candidate for the vice presidential nomination, but It Is only onre or so In a generation that any one ever declines It. THE LAKE CV1-OFF' The opening for traffic by the Union Pacific of the Lane cut-off is an event of quite as much Importance in the history of that road as was the open ing of the Aspen tunnel In Wyoming or the Lucin cut-oft across the Great Salt Lake In Utah. While the Lane cut-oft partakes only In a slight degree Looking; Ahead and Fanning;. Washington Post. The order for fifty locomotives by the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad, to cost $1,000,000, Is pretty good evidence that the officers of the road have decided to "pull their freight." A Winner Everywhere. Baltimore American. Secretary Taft has settled affairs on the Isthmus with the remarkable and rather unusual result of giving all parties con cerned satisfaction. His peaceful vic tories certainly entitle him to the high place to which a majority of his fellow- or the engineering magnificence of the citizens of these united states are deter- other achievement, it is next "to the mlned to ra,se hlm- last or the great steps taken by Mr. Snffraae la the rhiiippines. Harrlman to shorten the distance and Philadelphia Record. make smoother the way of transcontl- Ther" r ope wh0 thB Filipinos nental commerce from the Omaha gate- dutIeii of self BOvernment. They wll, flnd way on the east to San Francisco on little evidence of their assumption a bin the west When the great tunnel which has been Introduced In the Philippine through the Sierras, now under way, tuhhi" llZZl ,r woma" "ufrae- ' ' I Wlln tne condition thRT nn mnrrleA WAman shall have been completed, Mr. Harri- can vote without the written consent of man s task will be ended and an almost nr nusDand. Your Eyes -S Your Eyes Do Wot Neglect Your Eyes You have but one pair of eyes. Do not abuso them. If you have headaches or get tired and the , print runs together when you read, if you aro nerv- ous or get sleepy YOUR EYES ARE WEAK and you should have them attended to at once. Glasses Properly Fitted Glasses Properly Fitted A NEW FEATURE If you are unable to call at the store, drop me a card or phone me and I will have one of my expert opticians call on you. He can fit you up the same in your home as at the store. Satisfaction guaran teed. Free Consultation Free All glasses fitted. Everything in my store is sold on the Easy Payment Plan. ', A DOLLAR OR TWO A WEEK WILL DO. A. MANDELBERG 1522 Farnam Street. .opportunity ii perfect road for commerce will be made across the continent. All the steps so far taken by Mr. Harrlman In his efforts to make a bet ter Toad of the Union Pacific are but a tribute to the skill and ability of the engineers who constructed the road in the first place. Between Omaha and ugaen air. narnman nas spent more n win take more than studies in mud to than $35,000,000 and has reduced the improve our manners. distance less than forty miles. ' A more I who know4, their Father never are iar irom ineir ratnermna. SEHMO.S BOILED DOWN. There can be no virtue in the Ufa without value. An honest doubt is always a door to some higher truth. The trend and purpose of your whole llfo. that Is your prayer. The length of life hereafter may depend on Its breadth now. Hocus The business of life insurance has reached the dignity of a profession. It is the only calling in which you can work and pay your way while getting an education. This opportunity may be your fortune. To the wide-awake man, to the hearty, cheery, healthy man, with clear head and strong heart exceptional opportunities are now open. Write today to ... , H. D. NEELY, Manager Omaha, Neb. eloquent compliment to, the men who It's not much use' for an empty life to laid Out the track Originally could" not worry about Its Immortality. be paid, but Mr. Harriman's greatest I Our hunger for Immortality may be the achievement has hen rh Hmlr.nHr.n evidence that we shall inherit it. . . . it. Tt 1 I The hypocrite Is always more successful u B"uo. i yicBcui, me union wlth t,imif ,u. ,i,h .v nn i Racine railroad between Omaha and There's a world of difference between at- Ogden Crosses at the backbone of the tentlon to details and absorption In trifles. rontlnent with Its atria rr,rp nf mnnn. Modern cynicism may be but the full ac- . ceptance of the doctrine of total depravity. i.u ai a iuaimuiu emuieui 01 ioriy- Many a man thinks he is flKhtlmt sin live reel 10 me mue, or less man that when he Is only flaying his neighbor's fol- encountered by several of the Iowa ble- rr.0A nnina, v,-, v. I " makes all the difference whether . . money Is life s motive or only a part of Its iuicago. una reuueuon OI graaieniS mechanism has been sought more than the reduc- It often takes more salntllness to bear tlon of distance and pIvrb tha nvorionj few mosquitoes than to stand a business THIS DEPARTED FRIEND. -. Robert Louis Stevenson. . Though he that ever kind and true Kept stoutly step Dy step witn you,. Your whole long, gusty lifetime through. Be gone a while Before Be now a moment awne before. Yet doubt not; anon the seasons shall re store Your friend to you. Ha has but turned a corner still He pushes on wrth right good will Through mire and marsh, by heath and 1x11, That self-same arduous wu That self-same upland, hopeful way That you and he through many a aoubttui day Attempted still. " AT THE PULPIT He Is not dead, this friend-not dead, But In the path we mortals tread Got some few, trifling steps ahead Ana nearer 10 tne ena. An that von. too. onofl naat the bend. program of rebuilding the main line of ge are the church, the newspaper and the Shall meet again, as face to face, this 1 1 ltIIU You fancy dead. panic Chicago Tribune. route a tremendous advantage both in the matter of speed and the matter of seci lar shots load. . ..... Bt. I-ouis Times: When Father Corry The Lane cut-off completes the great .Etd that tho three eat Inf,ucnces of the the Union Pacific, with the exception stego he said the last word on a big sub- of the few miles of track that yet re- 3ect- main to be lalrl tn rroatn thA Hnnhla Philadelphia Record track system throughout its entire length. Whatever may be said of Mr. Harrlman s financial methods, only praise can be spoke of Mr. Harrlman as a railroad constructor. DEEP POCKETS AND H1QH FOREHEADS' Urban Methodists asked the general conference to relax the biui upon dancing, cards and the theater. But the rural vote has come In and the prohlbltlton will stay. Habits don't change o fast In the country as In the city and the force of tradition Is stronger. Kansas City Star: Happily a decline In theology would signify not the least abate ment of pure and undeflled religion. The Push gayly You travel I on. strong heart: the while forward mile by mile. He loiters with a backward smile Till vou ran overtake. And strains his eyes to search his wake. Or. whistling, as he sees you through the brake, ' Walts on a stile. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. That leap year wedding was a very In teresting affair. I hear. Who gave the A new terror has been sprung, the power of dogma may continue subdue bridegroom wayt" ev)iryb0(1y wno k result of the learned Inquisition as to indefinitely without showing any influence whatever on the growth and expansion of tne oasic cause ior me nurvaru moop. moraIMy or the basic factors of right living. -mis peculiar posture, wmcn was as- New Tork TribUne: They do say down crlbed to various causes, notably to the Baltimore way that If the indefatigable adolescent indolence Of the sufferer heresy hunter's charges against four of the and less elegantly termed slouchiness, bishops of the Methodist church fall he of his creditors. Traditional - greetings were Inter changed between the governor ot North Carolina and the governor of South Carolina when they met In tA Washington last week. ble to properly meet is rarely able to lems that W,H place the ahll'ty and wls- ao the effective, vigorous work so aom 01 1U statesmen and the patience necessary for the upbuilding of his or lta PeVe t0 the supremest test, church and the advancement of the cause. Churches of all denominations should assure their clergymen proper nnanciai support. It appears that Mr. Bryan did not ride to Washington In the same Pull- COLVKGE-TAUQHT JOURyALlSiL 1VAK O.V THE FLY. The New York Merchants' associa tion, concededly the most influential commercial organization in America, has Joined with some eminent physi- nm mika at the next a-eneral conference has been traced to its very lair. One cnarBe, of maladministration and heresy of the astutely erudite professors of against the whole church, excepting only fair Harvard has discovered that the himself. Ineleirant bearing of the VOunK men of Baltimore American: A men's church has ... . ... . been established In Atlantic City, which, 't mat institution is a resultant or aeep . , K- n..in, h.h pockets. through Its positive and negative qualities. The young men, he says, on coming I The positive virtues are pipes, cigars and n n- ara ativ on1 Hlfflonf I moving D1CIUITB luruugil m wniiuil. mo . . .. negative virtues are the absence of "merry buu wucu lunuut vu wldow" hats and general feminine frivolity. OWS, WUO abound in SUCn luxuriant Tne ,dea ot tne enterprlsmg mind which glory about the classic purlieus of dear started these unique services Is that evl- old Cambridge, the young man Is at a KmiratlOnril InKtltllHnna that Klin. n a ,omnal0r. man with Oovernor Johnson, but had . ..." , : " " . . . 1--"- - - - lc.uiluaUon ti.iAm ,o. lttlieQ ViCumB w i"e acuooi of Jour- against the common -bouse fly. The the: car ahead. Indications are that ... n,,Prnlin n . L...i..i- v.. ...... . he will also occupy a berth In the car ,nrecUon b that bue mav fl . an . I tlt. , ..TTnhnM Fpver. mYnA rittnVAF .1.... ' ' U 0 .oovu iu iuo ' iv iib reel, experience of an editor who turned his The purpose of the pamphlet Is to paper over one day to be edited and educate the people to the danger of managed by the students of the school spread of disease by the fly and, the of Journalism of the University of Kan- necessity of taking measures and pre sas at Lawrence. These younc mn cautions to limit the evil work nf the. gathered from the wheat field, factor- PBt. The first appeal In the pamphlet les and shops of the state, had been is to city authorities against the harm filled with theoretical misinformation fulness of "disposing of sewage by dis- eoncerning the manner and methods to charging it Into running streams, over be employed In running a high-grade 76 per cent, of typhoid fever cases be- newspaper. They Induced the editor ,nK caused by pollution of water While the question ot sewage dls- to demonstrate their wrsdom. He re- Psal is one for the consideration of tired in their favor, taking the precau- municipal authorities, the pamphlet r 1. amtmciallT announced that t,on however, to editorially announce eea other suggestions and Instruc- I . V. I. 1 . . ... I J . I . t . at . . 1 -1. .i..tin. iui uo wuuia not do-rfunnnsiiiiA rnr uuui uchkucd 10 uvueiii uouaeno 15 GOTemor HHinei win iwa rB-im.uvu - -- . . il .A.n.Aii of ntw Tork It hla blU lu,u lu migm appear in the pub- "S"' "-kiui ia pest, tmpna- e n...i ,w. . . I .1. i 1.1 . ,u. . rohlbltinf betting at the race tracks " ? was 10 ne in - luo U not passed bylh special session of re ot book-taught BeanetU merely a nuisance, designed for the New Tork legislature. It that an- t la authentic. It should ....... I ThA utiirlntH nf thn-orh.w.i nf 1 1 I and aerlous aienaca to health rtr t form a strong reason ror aeieating tne t juu'u'- r -y- ' - t aoveraor'. till at the special session. Um went la iot rerr. andjoods Hutthinaon. a recognlied au- Democrats have not decided whom they shall nominate for vice president at Denver, but Adlal Stevenson will probably have h's alarm clock set to arouse him In time to receive the noti fication committee. The report that John W. Gates Is going. to sell his $500,000 home in rhtraVo will come as a surprise to Sit Gate, never paid less than !.r.?.!e iTAVUm U.OOO.OOO for anything. him. but the bride took him all the same." Baltimore American. Chamle (blase) Don't you think society ( An .mnlv thins? Miss Fuller 1 ttiinn mere are iuia oi empty things in society. oman ".Tnhn. I neeked out la the kitchen and saw you kissing the cook a few minutes B-?o "' ... ... , . I Know you am, inu you u iiwo th firm thins' vou know If you don't stop spying." Houston Post. "In relation to the services next Sunday," announced the pastor, "we expect to have with us one or the most eloquent 01 pulpit orators. I think I may add that the Indica tions point also to the finest display of millinery." Attentive and unperturbed, the congrega tion then llwtened to a sermon touching the subject of vanity. Philadelphia Ledger. at the check book' wherein ' was Written his daughter's dot, "but one of tho old " families of Europe comes pretty near be longing to me." Washington Star. ' "John, you've been drinking again." "What of it. Marla? "You swore off for good last New Year's day." "But that was four months ago. Bring mo a glass of water, won't you? I'm awfully thirsty this morning." "I shan't do It!" "You won'tT Didn't you promise, Marin, that you would love, honor and oley me?' "Yes, but that was ten years ago." Chi cago Tribune. THE HUMAN EYE ..IS A.. DELICATE ORGAN You can't quite boast of belonging to .i it ! hotter for men to arnoke here I one of the old families Of Europe," said loss to know what to do with als hands. Like most men in such cases, he hides them in his trousers pockets, and the tailors of Boston or there abouts have been careless In making the Dockets of the young men's than hereafter. the Irritating friend. "No, answered Mr. Cu mrox, glancing - And understood by few. Many a good eye has been ruined by cheap glasses. Thinking Pcoplo do not risk their future sight and health In the hands of in competents. ; We feel the responsibil ity placed upon us and are prepared to do our work right. iNVisisimccALsmscuavs AT W ..a. kv PEHSO.NAL, AND OTHERWISE. Missouri undertakers have decliled to lift the business to a higher plane by substitut ing "mortician" for "funeral director. The receiver of a street railway prop- trniirs unrnnimonlv deeD. SO that in erty in New Y'jrk City Is unable to Ijcate hiding his hands the bashful boy rorcea to stoop in oruer iu reacu uie ,n Iocatng the mortgage. Will Your Friends "Make Good" II Tour Piano Is Unsatisfactory? bottom of his pocket. Hence the Har vard stoop. " Since the time that good old John Harvard laid broad and deep the foundation of the institution that still bears his name, It has had a single With holy 'smoking exhortations and vaudeville stunts In between, no historian of the times can say thai the AtUnt c City church Is not right up-to-dute In teaching for tho inner consciousness of fkkia man. Cardinal Logue of Ireland, after an In troduction to a large number of American Object in View that Of turning out the slang terms, pronoynces Dutt in magn ri-classic-browed young man with brain cently -else and .-.. The Hoys! uruf r t ft.iFolnnail r aii,H tiAiwirt Inn that bis - coining. head must needs he enlarged to carry . bunc of directors of a national bank all he knows, and to this desirable In a Pennylvanta town, the treasury ot output the tailor has now added the which contains a large deficit, have been ,v t, n v,.w.. invited by the receiver to make good about ueeu yi. .uu tUx!(1,m. It Is up to them to put up the been considered merely a deficiency In '. at tn, bank Cr put up with regular carriage is now known to be the fruit fare in Jail. Of a peculiar combination of mental The Cleveland Plain Dealer Is about to . .. .,ii .,it, rear a home of flvs stories, of granite auu nii - . . ... .,.,.... .t,uin. .111. ana terra, con, wnnwuw -- . . . l . . ,l. I DUl riwutttii v., .w . v r AS anotner inoicauon tnai iu cam- nfinilh,v .Architecturally the building palgu is warming up. statistics are bo- harmonies with lbs adjacent group of lug pilnted concerning the wages of j public buiidk... You can't get ahead ot the man who runs the game. Your "friend" may say he can get you an "inside price" If you buy at the piano store he recommends: that he will hand the commission back to ynu lie may nana something dock, dui there Is more than one skin to an onion, and he Is not spending his time for nothing. If you only knew It, the dealer could have given you one or two more prices Inside your "Inside prices" and still reaped a handsome profit. It la a mistake to buy from a store where you n-el a "friend" to get you the right price. If you can't believe what a dealer says about price, how can you accept his statement about quality? Will your friend give you any satisfaction when you find your piano la not all that was claimed for It? lie will be sorry, but that, Is all If your planfe turns out to be but a var nished sepulchre for the dead soul of mu sic, you will be the only , real mourner, and you bear all the funeral expenses. Ex perience may be a fine teacher, but is un expensive one. Be on the safe side. Ilospe pays no com mission and Ilospe's one price means tha lowest In the United Btatea for everyone. You don't need anyone to help you select a piano in our store. Btinply trim your own good taate and our guuranlee of ! quality, simple, isn't It? We are factory dlMrlbutors for Kranlch & Uarh, Kruknuer, Kimball, Hush & Lane. Melville Clark. Mallet a Davis. Cable-Nelson. Weser Bros, Burton, Cramer, etc. Lowest prices In the United fcHaUH. It 'you can't cull, write for particulars. A. HOSPE 1C13 Douglas St. Enoch Kouses-LlBcela, Kearney tad York, Neb.: Council Elalls, lows.