THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: MAY 17, 1908. n IIET DAYS .FOR SOCIETY ib Meeting and Small Informal Affairs Make Up the Calendar. I : ,T MUCH DOUfO AT THE CLUBS ! -. eek's End Brlna-a Only Few IMamcr Parties and the Ma jority af Tkra Arc mnll. 1! Africa Gratia. "1 hate to axnd this photograph To Tom. he'd have a fit; It Isn't like me. not at all. It Isn't, not a bit." Then swiftly' came tho soft reply Which caused ensuing scenes: "If that's the cast-, why, Mabel, dear, I'd send It by all means." The Listener. j The Social Calendar. NDAY Y. T. dancing party; Temple rael Sisterhood card party; Mrs. Hem igtdn, Monday Bridge club; Miss Nelson, venlng cards. F.HDA Y Howlnnds - llnndloy wedding; Ilss Mary Furuy, luncheon for Miss Alice IcBhaie; Mrs. Frank Welngard, Sunshine luh. 3D NEB DAY Th Amateur Musical club, Irs.' BarnucI Cnldwell; Mrs. Wllhclm, 'jncheon; ladles' day at tho Country club nd at the Field club; mid-week dance at 'leld club. JUHSDAY Comls club, Mrs. E. V. Fer ls; Xaurel club, Mrs C. A. BteVens; lose t'ard club, Mrs. lcker; Mrs. H. A. A'aiorener, matinee party at Boyd's for tins Sargent; ladles' day at Happy Hol- 1W. II DAY Miss 8ra Woodhnlls. S. 8. club; . O. Y. club, Mr. Jack Sprague. TURDAY Mrs. Thomas Brown, dancing arty; Mrs. II II. Baldrtge, French brenk sst for Mailain Borglum; North Ptile latlnee club evening party at the home f Mr, and Mrs. J. J. McMnllen; table 'hole dinner and dance at Country club nd Happy Hollow; dance nt Field club. t may be tho weather or any one of sev il things that are likely to occupy the ihlonablos as well as other people at this ison of the year, but it Is certain that ire has been a decided lull In social af rs of late. The quiet of the last week M made all the more noticeable by the lrl Incidental to the opening of the intry ' clubs, and while these resorts ve been the scene of many of the prln ul affairs there has been comparatively le entertalng done there or any placo e. Things look a llttlo brighter this ek. The calendar "is more promising, A as the days grow warmer, the clubs w more and more attractive. Ladles' y ha been little observed so far, but observation 1s Inevitable and another tnight or so will find people as anxious ever to embrace Its privileges. 'he ' bachelors have been unusually ac e of late and there have been some un jal things in consequence. It Is not sry week that much indulged contingent heard from, but when it is . i "fly" party was one of the novel af rs of the week that had one of this set It host, and while it is not the first rty perhaps to witness a theatrical per mahce from up In the "rigging" it Is 'e to say that the week afforded nothing re enjoyable. lolruz to the other extreme was a formal iner given at the Omaha club by a trio bachelors and it was one of the largest 'airs of the week's end. , ' Country Club. Tie largest dinner at tho Country club turday evening was given by Mr. and . Oeorgo F. Bldwell, In compliment to . and Mrs. A. F. Jonas. The table was ractlve with a large niound of red dut i and red and white tulips.. Covers were d for Dr. and .Mrs. ' A. F. Jonas, Mr. d Mrs. George A. Joslyn, lf. and Mrs. mry W. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mors tn, sr.. Miss Jessie Millard, cs-8enator II. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman, and Mrs. Casper E. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cudiihy. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McSween d Mr. and Mrs. Bldwell. it. Denis Barkalow and Mr. Stanley son had as their guests at dinner, M1n nby of Chicago, Miss Calvert . of Maine, s Louise Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph kdahy and Mr. George Van Brunt of 'uncll Bluffs. . . lining with Mr. and Mrs. Richard 8. Hill re Mrs. J. A. Ware, Miss Ware, Mr. d Mrs. Phillip Potter and Rev. and Mrs. Jldlson Knickerbocker. r. and Mrs. Walter T. Page entertained r. and Mrs. August Mothe Borglum, Mr. id Mrs. Bamuel Caldwell, MIbs Frances essells and Mr. Ross Towle. ' I fara. and Mrs. William Aycrigg hud as loir guests; Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. uel, Mr. a'nd Mrs. George L. Hammer I d Mr. and Mrs. J. C. French. ' Ilatnr Hollow. The partita were few and amall at Happy j)llow also. , I dr. and Mrs. J. F. Ferguson entertained dinner, covers being laid for Mr. and '.I. Orrln Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Jametj f M.rJ.auurKria. Mr. anal Mum. T Dcnca. JCim ULhr 2- i K ii and Jf r. and Mra. rsrrv Dtnlnar will Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Sotoera were Dr. and Mm P. L. Taylor. Mr. IL P. Lrarttt had as his gueata at dinner, Misa Burns of New York. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. William Metier and Mr. Walter Pnigh. With Mr. and Mm T. C, Karens Were Misa June Stevens of Pauline, Neb., and Mr. Jesse Rogers. Other innervations were made by Mr. H. M MUllkon, four; Mr. T. C. Havens, four; Mr. W. W. Johnston, four; Dr. P. E. Coulter, four; Mr. A. T. Crelgh, four; Mr. Kklward Haney, two. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ransom and Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Cloyd. At the Field Clan. Dining with Mr. and Mr. H. L. Porter field at the Field club were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Henry of Fremont, Misa Mae Yates entertained at dinner, covers being laid for Colonel and Mrs T. E. Patterson, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dr. and Mrs. Ira Porter, Miss Yates and Mr. John T. Yates. Among the others who entertained were: Mr. S. O. Fans, had two guests; Mr. R A. Goes, two; Mr. H. C. Frlsbee, three; Mr. Aubrey Potter, two; Mr. W. O. Preston, two; Mr. T. E. Buckingham, four; Mr. W. N. Chambers, four; Mr. Herbert Kohn, four; Mr. W. C. Bullard, three; Mr. G. W. Johnston, four; Dr. HolllRter, four, and Mr. T. C. Belden. five. One of the enjoyable affairs of the week was the lunchwrt given by the teachers of Tralrr sehool In honor of Misa Minnie Davis, kindergarten director of that build ing, who Is to be one of the brides of Juno. The white and gold banquet room of the Millard hotel was used for the oc casion, having been beautifully decorated with palms, ferns and daisies, the kinder garten flower. The place cards were also marguerites and bore quotations or origi nal verses appropriate to the coming event. Miss McKoon. former principal of the school was also of the party. IMeasnre I'nst. Miss Florence Powers wns hostess at an Informal bridge party Saturday afternoon nt her home on Park avenue, In honor of Mrs. Selwyn Doherty, who is one of the spring brides. Mr. Luther Drake, Mr. C. E. Spens and Dr. W. C. Bridges entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the Omaha club for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Kansas City, who are the guests of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates. Miss Janet Wallace entertained infor mally Saturday afternoon at a 4 o'clock tea In honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Water house, who leave -this summer for Fremont, where Mr. Waterhouse has accepted the position of superintendent o,f schools. The guests were members of the high school faculty. The Busy Bee card club was entertained by Mrs. H. Backensen. 1S9 Corby street, Thursday afternoon. A hostess' prize given to Mrs. Backensen, first prize to Mrs. F. H. Barnes and second prise to Mrs. R. Smith. Those present were: Mesdames. R. Smith. H. E. Turks. C. S. Barnes, F. H. Barnes, M. Goldsmith, G. W. Goodrich, J. N. Dennis, J. Suiyvan, P. Melcher, A. J. Samuelson, W. A. Wetland and H. Backensen. Miss Helen Cook entertained a number of friends at her home Thursday evening. Tho home was tastefully decorated and refreshments were served. The evening was spnt In music and dancing. Those present were: Misses Katherlne Williams, Elizabeth Haggarty, Irene Petelse, Costen, Jewel Simpson, Katherlne O'Leary, Fairy Hobson, Clark, Cook; Messrs. Gus Carl son, Wlnfleld L. Shrum. Thomas B. Noone, Will Kear, J. T. McDonald, Joseph J. Noone, Mr. Harry O'Neill gave a unique party Saturday evening, when he entertained at the Orpheum, his guests viewing the per formance from the wings at the side of the stage. After the theater supper was served. The party included Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Gilbert," Miss Flora Webster, Miss Ella Mae Brown, Miss Jeanne Wakefield, Miss Gertrude Moorhead, Miss Ethel Tukey, Mr. Georfce Prlns, Mr. Stockton Heth, Mr. O. C. Redlck, Dr. Leroy Crummer and Mr. O'Neill. . Mrs. George L. Gabriel assisted by Mrs. S. W. Scott entertained the Don't Worry Card club Thursday afternoon. Dutch luncheon was served and a hand palnttjd plate given the hostess. First prize to Mrs. Wright, second prise to Mrs. Running and consolation to Mrs. Yeager. Those present were Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Running, Mr. Yeager, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Voorhees, Mrs. Kellogg and Mrs. Scott. The J. O. Y. club was entertained Fri day evening by Mr. Rollln Carson. The evening was spent with music and games. Those present were: Miss Sylvia Hover, Miss Marie Warthen, Miss Hazel Lnmor eaux, Miss Amelia Adams, Miss Cleo War then, Mr. Jack Sprague, Mr. Earl Noel, Mr. Leslie Noel, Mr. George Butlln, Mr. Marcus Nielsen, Mr. Leon Carson and Mr. Rollln Carson. The next meeting will be Friday at the home of Mr. Jack Sprague. Complimentary to Mrs. August Mothe Borglum, who leaves about the first of Juno to spend the summer In Parts, Mrs. Alfred Darlow entertained at luncheon Sat urday at the Omaha club. The table was brightened with a centerpiece of pink roses. Covers were laid for: Mesdames August Mothe-Borglum, Joseph Baker, Jr., Charles L. Deuel, Harry Jordan, Edgar HI Scott, Alfred Darlow, S. D. Barkalow, Frank Crawford. H. Gifford. Charles Offdt. Vic tor White and Miss Mary Lewis Wood. RENCH BEAUTY SECRETS FT i I Famoui Parisian Beauty Reveals the Secret of the Wonderful Charms !j . of the Women of Her Country. . j French women are the daintiest and most Lautlful In the world. They stand iinrlv Ued. To all appearances they have solved j.a problem 'of perpetual .youth. Madame 'amllle de Velac. the reigning beauty of jarls, ts authority fo the Blaienient that I iy woman, old or young, can bring about it astonishing transformation in her pcr I'tial appearance wheti she knows how. ;hls clever woman Is recognised us the I ghest authority on the subject of beauty IiUure In Pans. Her own ravishing beauty evidence that she speaks from experlenca. "French Beauty Secrets" Is the title of a ok written by Madame de Verlne. Tins ick has been tranalaied Into English and liberal edition has been printed for tree strlbutton In America. It tells how the j omen of Paris make the most of their aiursi c-uariiis iiiu worn iiiey uu unt'n alural charms are absent. Being superbl lustruted and showing photoKrupfm of Madame de Verlac and other famous Paris ian beauties, it cannot fail to Interest any woman who lias pride in her appearance. The book, explains all that any woman needs to know on the subject of beauty. It clearly details the rapid French method of removing wrinkles and lines from the face; It tells how a gloroua wealth of hair can be cullvated; It reveals the secret of a faultless complexion. It fully dencrtbes the wonderful French method of beautify ing the handu. the teeth, the eyes: In fact, It is the most complete and Interesting hook on the sublect of beautv that has ever been written. After possesxlng this book no woman need remain unattractive except by choice. A copy will be sent lo you Tree Tor the asking. A letter will bring It. Postage to Paris 1s five cents. Addicts your reouest to: Madame Cainllle i de Velac, 7. Avenue de l'Opera, rayn I 862. Paris. France. Be careful to get the I address exact. i FOR THE JUNE BRIDE Invitations and Anouncementg. Correct formulas and let ! t rln Roofptlon. At Homo, Calling Cards, Wedding and Guest Books bound In white silk. Monogram and Initial work, Our stationery has a distinctive, clearly refined Individuality which ladles will appreciate. &Ae Moyer Stationery Co. ' . ' 1616 Farnam Street Prospective Pleasarea. The Comls club meets with Mrs. E. V. Ferris Thursday. Thursday the Rose Card club will meet lth Mrs. Icker. The J. O. Y. club will be entertained by Jack Sprague Friday. Mrs. C. A. Stevens will act as hostess for the Laurel club Thursday. The Monday Bridge club will meet with Mrs. Arthur Remington this week. Misa Jennie Nelson will entertain a number of friends at cards Monday even ing. Miss Alice Au1d will entertain a tmall bridge party Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm will entertain at luncheon at the Country club Wednesday afternoon. A program will be given by tho Ama teur Musical club at the home of Mrs. Samuel Caldwell Wednesday. Saturday the North Side Matinee club will give an evening party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McMullen. Miss Mary Furay will entertain Tuesday at a luncheon for Mitts Alice McShane, who will be one of the spring brides. Tho Y. Y. club will give a May party at Chambers Monday evening. May IS. This will be the last dance of a series given by the club this season. The last of a series of whist parties which has been given by the Temple Israel Sister hood will bo given Monday afternoon at the temple vestry rooms at 3 p. m. A reception will be given Monday, May 18, at the Gardiner Memorial parish house from 4:30 to 6 o'clock In honor of the graduate nurses of Clarkson hospital. The French breakfast which was to have been given for Madam Mothe Borg lum Saturday morning by Mrs. H. II. Bnldrlge has been postponed a week. Mrs. Baldrige and Mrs. Klrkendall are at Excelsior Springs and will return the first of the week. Mrs. Thomas Brown will give a dancing party at her home, 1S24 W1rt street, Satur day evening for Miss Zoe Marguerte Fries, who graduates from Brownell Hall in June. The guests will Include the members of the senior class at Brownell Hall. Social Ctatt-Chnt. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Godfrey of 41124 Douglas street, Saturday, May 1G, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swltzler and Miss Alice Swltzler expect to sail for Europe June 13, London being their first point of interest. Their plana as to the exact route have not been determined, but they will be absent until September 1. Mrs. William Grigor of 2224 Dodge street will have as hnr guests the latter part of Ithe week, Mrs. Henry James and ' her daughter, Mrs. Alfred S. Wheeler, of North Carolina. The late Mr. Henry James will be remembered as superintendent of Omaha public schools for many years. Mrs. Grigor will be at home Informally Saturday afternoon. May 23, In honor of her guests for their many friends In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McWhorter and fam ily, who are living at Lake Forest, 111., Where. Mr. Hugh and Gardiner McWhorter are attending college, will return to Omaha about 'the first of August. Mrs. Herman Kountze and. Mr. and Mrs. Magee, who are at present occupying the McWhorter home will move to Mrs. Kountze's home at Thirty-eighth ami Dewey avenue, which is being remodeled. Mr. and Mrs. Magce will spend a part of the summer at Bennington. Last Tuesday evening tho Omlkron club held Its annual election at the club rooms In the Barker block. The officers elected are: Mr. J. R. Dumont, president; Mr. Russell Harris, vice president; Mr. Harry Reed, secretary; Mr. Fred Crelgh, treas urer; Mr. W. R. Wood, chairman of the finance committee; Mr. Wilson Swltzler, chairman of the house committee, and Mr. Paul Beaton, chairman of the entertain ment committee. The first entertainment of next season will be the annuul banquet, which will be given In September. '.!. ' W'11 JJB A''iIL" tm-mM'----- 'lIIM 111 """" mm "m " " aiuia jMsaw" V "fa 1 Ladles Suits, Coats and SKlrts at Greatly Reduced Prices bl'CH AS NEVE II IIEFOUE KNOWN AT L Kneeter, Omaha's Best Laiies' Tailor Win guarantee Lest workmanship, latest styles and design and the best materials as ever. Will remodel, re-fit and take ' rare of your wardrobe during the summer months. Your own material mads up It dt-slred. 7 FAJtXAM HTHEKT PHONE 1X1 GLAS 01X13 Conic and Go Uoaslp. Miss Ida Smith has returned from a short visit In St. Louis. Mrs. H. Rosenstock has as her guest her sister, Mrs. M. P. Mass, of Chicago. Mrs. Douglas B. Welpton leaves this week for a month's visit at lixcelalor Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Ashton of Lin coln are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Wlgnian. , Mrs. B. S. Baker and mother, Mrs. Car roll, have gone to Excelsior Springs for a fortnight. Mrs. 11. D. Reed and family leave the first part of June for their summer home at Wall Lake, la. Mrs. J. 8. Wood arrived home Saturday morning after spending a year with her daughter at Boston. Miss Mary Allco Rogers and Miss Helen Davis expect to leave this week to attend the Dartmouth commencement. Mr. and Mrs . II. L. Porterf leld have as their guests for the week's end Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Henry of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Crawford of Cole brook, N. II., are guests of their son, Mr. Frank Crawford, and Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. Loomts of Chicago is the guest for a fortnight of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Boulter at their home at 119 North Fortieth street. Mrs. John A. McShane and Miss Mary Lee McShane returi ed Saturday morning from New York City, where they have been for two weeks. Mr. W. D. Cregan of Chicago, 111., has been visiting Mr. P. C. lleafey for a few days and was entertained at the Field club Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Templeton left Satur day for Nebraska City. Mr. Templeton will return Monday and Mrs. Templeton will upend the week there. i Mrs. W. A. Fraser of Dallas, Tex., who has been visiting Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald of Kansas City, will be the guest of Miss Mae Yates, 3009 Marcy street, this week. Mrs. C. W. Hudson and daughter, Miss Delia Hudson, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diets, will return to their home In Owensboro, Ky., next Wednes day. Mrs. James C. Klnsler and small daugh ter, Jano, who have been visiting Mrs, Kinsler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mis- trot, In Galveston, Tex., for three weeks, are expected home the first of the week. Mr. Kdward C. Smith of Kansas City arrived Friday to Join Mrs. Smith, who hus been the guest for a week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Smith leave Sunday for their home. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn and Mr. and Mrs. Gejrge P. Bldwell expect to leave Saturday, May 23. for Saratoga, N. Y., where they will spend several months at Mr. Joslyn's summer home, returning to Omaha In October. Mrs. E. C. McShane and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye returned Friday from Excelsior Bpiings, where they hava been spending the last four weeks. Mrs. John A. Sargent of Kansas City, daughter of Mrs. McShane, accompanied them to the Springs. Mrs. !.. H. Mlckel of Boatman, Mont., is th (uest fo a few days of Mr. and Mrs. This Great HALF-PRICE SALE Will Dc tho Talk of Omaha. BB8 FOTJMEHLY n.ftSCOFIELD UJiaCAK&SCITCo 7- YzLl IVSF II II (i'Kl ILaUH 15 iO DOTJGIAS ST. In ii llltl 1 1 Sssp . a Form Eft ly :sconaD CLOAK ISUIT& Sale Starts Monday Morning Promptly at 0 O'clock. Ireet wlw.iM.iJ.i.t.L.m...iiL. . . in., PMLiimis . mi. i.n u . wd ulili.ii -1 Opens Monday Morning at 3 O'clock All Our Tailor Suits At telf-Price! This Great Clearance Sale the one great event that the economical women of Omaha have learned to wait for and look forward to as the greatest sacrifice sale of high clas3 stylish tailor made suits that is held in Omaha or anywhere west of Chicago starts nearly six weeks earlier than usual. This is truly a great sacrifice sale, for it's just in the heart of the spring season when we should be making our regu lar profits; but owing to the recent cold and unsettled weather which has almost stagnated business and with a great stock of beautiful tailor made suits on our hands, we are forced to start our half-price sale now in order to strictly adhere to our set policy of never carrying over a single garment from one season to another. SALE STMTS MONDAY RfllPTLY AT 8A.I. Over 1,000 Beautiful Tailored Suits at Just 1 SG5.00 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $57.50 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $50.00 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $45.00 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $39.50 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . . $32.50 $28.75 $25.00 $22.50 $19.75 $35.00 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $29,75 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $27.50 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $25.00 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . . $22.50 TAILORED SUITS ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALE, AT. . , Price $17.50 $n.85 $13.75 $12.50 $11.25 3 ..BRIDAL PRESENTS.. ..GRADUATING GIFTS.. a Our store is resplendent with new things. Corals' Turquoise, Matrix in Kings, Necklaces and Ilroochcs. We baTe made special efforts to have a line of elegant goods for praduates this year. Let us show you. C B. BROWN CO. Jewelers and Silversmiths. 16lh and Faro am. HAIR ijii. jusm..arty On a Woman's Face, .H'k, Arms or Shoulders is Not Considered Attractive, LA JEUNE DEPILATORY (LIQUID) will remove hair from any part of th body In from 6 to 1') minutes leaving the skin soft and white no smarting or burning; bc per bottle. By mall, sealed, $1.00. Circulars free. IEI11UH SE McCOW HULI. DBUQ CO., Cor. 16th and Dodge Bts., Omaha. OWL DRUQ CO., Cor, lMh and Harney Sts. George E. Mlckel. Mrs. Mlckel Is on her way to Washington, 1J. C, where she Will meet Rev. L. II. Mlckol, who is attending tho scnvral conference of the Methodist church. Commander Wilson W. Buchanan stopped off in Omaha Monday while on his way to the Pacific const, where he has been as signed to duty as executive officer of the battleship Ohio, and will accompany the big boat around the world. While In tho city Mr. Uuchnnen was the guest of his b: ether, A. O. liiii hanan WpddlnK anil ICuuuareiiiruta. . Tho wedding of Mit8 Ma:)' l.t'c HJcbiiane, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. John A. Mc. Shane, and Mr. Wiiiard I lot. ford will take place Wednesday, June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I). Kadts announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Edith Fay Eadi s, to Dr. William Washing ton Word. Tho wedding will take place early In June. The wedding of Mrs. T. 3. Handley of 819 Park avenue to Mr. John E. Rowlands will tuke pluce quietly Monday morning, May IS. After a short wedding trip they will be at home at 522 South Fortieth street. Cards were Issued this wf ek for the mar riage ceremony of HI us Margaret Wood, daughter of Mrs. lien lirown Wood, to Mr. William Henry Harrison Crantner of Den ver, which will take pluoe Wednesday even ing. May IT. at 7:3u o'clock, at Mrs. Wood a residence, 221 North Twenty-second street. After the ceremony a reception will ba given at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mis. Cranmer will be at homo after the first of July lu Denver. Balduff's Wedding Cakes JU1ME BRIDES Are you one of them? If so you will bo Interested In our wedding cakes. The above cut ilustrates one of the attractive design' we have. Wo would bo pleased to show and tell you about tho many others we make. Wo make a speciality of making cakes to order. We are prepared to sup ply weddings and receptions with the most elaborate pieces on phort notl. 1 it Isn't convenient to call a letter will bring you full particulars and prices. We ship rakes to all points In tho U. B. CATXU3TO Wo will take entire charge of tho preparing and serving at your wedding, also furnish tables, linen, silver, etc. If desired, or lurDmu any one of the msny things needed. IRDXVIDUAX ICES uch as wish bones, ribbon slippers. Hearts. Horse Shoes, etc T.-1. d'Hot, Din- j BALDUFF ner, 60o. 1618 rilHiH fcT. Dinner Barred from 12 M. to 8.30 p. m. REDUCED iRICES The usual summer reduction on La Book garments begins May 15th. KARBACH 13 LOCK LADIES' TAILOR and FURRIER Furs Stored For the summer in a newly equipped storage room. n 75c PERRIH'S UulUluo- Swindlers. Owing to many swindles perpetrated re cently through forsed and utokn letieri of introduction, a card of ph'tosraph!c Identi fication Invented by a i'Utxburg man his become popular in that city. Now when the Pittsburger's friend aks lilm fjr a letter of tin reduction, he lakes toe f rl nd lo ths nearest photographer and U pilot -graphed with him In an aultude of t.resn fatlon. Then he writes his note on ths picture. And whea It is preseiitrd tha re cipient has no doubts as U lU Id.mUy ul his caller. English Toilet Water, 1 (Rose or Violet) Monday Only 27c j Limited Two Bottles to a 1 r.uiiAmAr Rpnfnn Onin f?n I h UUUIUII a Wij wa L I j nth and Farnam I, . i V:' V I BUSTER BROWN BREAD You will like It. It Is different from the ordinary loaf. The milk and malt used In Its making gives It a rich, delicious, appetizing flavor that you will . enjoy. It costs you no more than other bread. The little label of Bueter and his dog, Tlge, on every loaf. 5 CENTS AT ALL OROCERS. BAKED BY THE U. P. BAKING CO. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER -TODAY AT me CALUMET Trade Mark oi Quality I la so closely associated with an ar ticle from l.'dliolm's that the gift bears a double Blgnlflcuuce to the ncijjlent. The coming of the Jl'XK JiltlOE mid KWICKT OIK!. (UUIHWTK brings many new and exclusive do slus lu J i:vj: i.k Y sTi:i(M.(i (IT fiLASS u:.THi:a goods AKT t'ltAFT GOODS That for eleKunce and economy of prices Is ahead of any iirevious showing lu Omaha. ALBERT EDH0LM 10th and Harney Ms. WE AUE HEAIKJUAIlTEnS FOR WICTO r PRICES FROM -j Ul0ogto$30QQgl Coma In and hear Caruso, Melba, Scott or any of the Grand Opera Singers. NEBRASKA CYCLE GO. Cor. 15th and Harnoy 6ta. CEO. C MICKEL, Mgr. Mrs. A. Neble will have a Summer clu&9 class in china de coration specially adapted to children and beginners. Ciaia limited. STL'DIOS: 1614 Harney St. 2752 So. 10th St. I'llONKS: Doug. TtH, Doug i