TITFi OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. MAT 11. IMS. TOM S. KELLY ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy hero with perfect confidence, hotli in the price nr.d in tlie quality. J. H. DUMONT. J. B, DUMOBT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS BBNTALS, LOANS, TIBE IN8UBANCE .60S FAKNAM STBEET, Tel. Douglaa 6D0. OMAHA. MtnngT Life and Accident Iepart- nunia for State of Nebraska. The Travelers Insurance Company Hartfort, Cunn. i?0 ?trii Rid. Omaha. Neh. How to Advertise Omaha The Byron Reed Company ' !,.. "' Taontlt lth Street Faon OMAHA, BED. life axii accident issrn!rr, home nnxuiinds. . hf.m. estate, iu-.m. mTATK. f I f " eBBasBBeaeasBesSBBBBBBSSBBBSBBBBBBBBSBB I I a' . I I 1 Beal Brtate Abstraol of Loui Insurance imi,. I i j KOMK FIHXISIIERS. Feat her your nest FLRJVITl RE. If you deslr goods of nigh penality, low prices and easy terms. It ba boo vea you to trad at THE PEOPLES STORE 14Kb and FAKNAM STS. PIANOS. HIQH Ci.AS3 PIAN03 Meaconabl. Ttrni LarKe selected ptork Of Webr, Mehlln, Henry and R. ft (. I.lnrieman, Toiler fo. flrhiller KATTBTWH PIANO CO. Mfgrs. and Dealers 1613-15 Harney. Omaha PIANOS. Everything in Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Doutfas St., Omaha ' PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' Stat.l Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS lOa-S No. 19th SC. Omaha, Nab. Tel. Rad 2841. PIANOS. bchmolleb a KUELLEa PIANO CO. PIANOS lf.n'if.cturvrt ane i..l.rt In niffh Oiade Planoa Ovr SO) Plana ta Slack 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. MUSIC BY MAIL. A FUZKLB Write tho sum Eleven Thousand Eleven Hundred and Eleven In plain flKur' with proper punctuations. Send the. correct answer and receive a $5.00 duo bill "free" to apply on a mimic course. Address the Ferflcld Mnsloal Bnrean, Ho. 1611 Farnam St. PITONOOItAPIlS AND RECORDS. Columbia Phonograph Co. Ooia Moulded oulded Beo- ft P It any Cylin- f 'nP ling Machine f UJJ ou throw ) orda to fit der Talklr l made You away money If you pay more. 1631 TAJUtAK 1TSZET , PS Ha eiT&S CIGARS, nVRRRH GOOITS A DRUGS Prescription Aooiiracy Gaarant.ed. Syringes, Rubber Goods by Mall, out prices. Bend for free catalogue. Band us yonr mall orders for drugs. Freight paid on. $18 lots. , Cigars at cut prices. lOo cigars, to. asyers suioa irmw vo, DKOOS: p AIoTT HSfli and Famnrn. 1416 Harney. CANDY. Craft Guild smans Confections Sold by GEOKGB KOOEK8, , 1608 Farnam BREWERIES. Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAUCI'S KE&AND BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. . WATBR filters. dbihk pitab. iriimia i WATKS IT VSXNQ MIS- UUW -WAXES FILTERS. C.H. BUBER, Mfgr. 1901' Farram St, Omaha, TELEPHONES. IN OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. JUBlKkB AMD tKIfFIAl OF PHOTO SUPPLIES lAlffCiT HOTSI - IN TAB WEST. The' Robert Dempster Co., 1818 PABVAK BT OMAHA. SHOE BEPAIBIVG. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 FAKNAM W. do tb. work right, phone Doug. TUT and we will call for your wor. Vr sU aoUah. Ucaa and ahoa spciai tloa. CLKAMNG AND DYEING. We are headquartera for all cleaning, dyelajr. prMaiag and repairing of la ale' and gentleman's clothing. TOWS TAAD1 OUCSD THE WARDROBE 211 Farnam Branch Office. 17JI Iev!!orih. Tephon. Iojg. 1113. XAUNDBIICS. mi MV WAT" Wa don't Iron ahirta at all. We proas them. Thia gives a attractive fknlsb Without wearing out the linen. BTAXV 8TBAM UtTUIlT feit. 1I(. AUaa , HanaUton, SCgi. til B. 11 va ki. 1-1. BovglM S3 4. TRUNKS AND 1EATHNK GOODS, TR.UNKS '. Salt Case. Bag s4 Iuk Psckel Basks ilELING STOhLE Tel. Basaj. 4Mt. SMS rarsaej SI HETV BOSDS. Lion Bonding fi- Surety Co. A Burnt Comrny with Atirti in Nebraska. 314-315 MEW T9KK LI?E BUILDING. Telephone Douglas 552. MISM AXD J1IMVO. FOr Information conoerulne leglU mat mining In British. Columbia, addraaa F. H. KNIGHT Room M--.. j oir.jiDla ai-Iff. SPOKASS, WASHIBGTON. M ON I'M ENTS. MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM a CO. ISIS Farnam St. Omaha BANKS, FIRST NATIONAL BANK s OMAHA Capital and Surplus, $1,100,090.09 BANKS. United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NE3. United States Depository 16th and Farnam Sts. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS. J.L. BRAHDEIS & SONS BANkERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK 1th sns Douglas ts Omaha OFFICE FlTRNITURE. Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRIMING CO. 10th and Farnam Sts. INCORPORATORS. LIT EZ7EXTI Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Oocd Proposition. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-318 HEW TOBK LIFE BUXLDIHO. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IX THIS DAT OF SPECIALISTS you waste time and money selecting your help. WE ABB SPECIALISTS The best ability In the city Is listed with us. Give us your needs let us assist you no charge to employer WEST. XEF. A BOND ASSN. Bnit Taa N. T. Life. Tel. Dour. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference gt. Ino. ' a. a. cxoTxm, o.. Kg. Suit 404 Be. Building. REFERENCE AGENTS. HOW WOULD TOU LIKE XZFEBTS to secure your help, saving you tlmt and. money. Competent Clerical. Sales and Technical Help furnished - em ployers, without charge. OUABAHTEB BEF. A SUBETT CO.. Phone Bed. 6444. 638-4 Brandeis Bldg. OFFICE SUPPLIES. Office Supplies rerything from a Fin to a Fills CabUet. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Farnam Sts OFFICE SUPPLIES. . LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Filing Cabinets, Files and Ledgers, Olfloa Fixtures and Supplies of All Kinds. Anchor Rubllshlna Co. 308 8. 18th St. TsL Doug. S583. TYPEWRITERS. We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Tye writer Exchange 1SC7 luua rhoss Esns. cc; AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DEIUGUT & CO. Wfcaleaalo aad ILetaU Safeei and Aatomobilos ltl 4-1818 FAKNaM STREET Mall Order, Jewelry and Prea. Gexda WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOKEB8 AID DISTBJCBUTOBS Wholesale txelers In ' HOTBLTXSS, PBBMIUM 4VOODS Mail Order Sappilas of All Aiaas tret Class Aeota Waated OUAHA. MSB. The business or individual corporation that succeeds nowadays to the fullest extent is the one that advertises and this truth applies to municipal corporations as well as to business concerns. The experiment has been tried with most satisfactory results. In the last year, St. Paul, Kansas City, Denver, Louisville, Port land, lioston, Scuttle and other cities have carried on a systematic advertising campaign with the most gratifying results. St. Paul, so well satisfied with its first efforts, has raised a fund of !f.")0,000 for a continuation of the campaign. Kansas City, has within five months, ac quired more than forty factories and a num ber of business concerns by the expenditure of $20,(100 in. advertising. Concerning this move ment, the Xew York Times says: More thfsii 70 per cent of the amount was pneiit in advertising in the newspapers of the country. Referring to this feature of JEWKI.KIH AND WATfUMAKKIlS N.P.STILUnU, Diamond Expert Watch. Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated R-nd intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. ' Boom a Paxton Block. JKWKI.E11S AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafson Ifenrickson Successors to P. E. FLOSMAV k CO. Jewelers f& Watchmakers Hotel 1,07 a 1 Bldg-., 16th and Capitol Ave. PHOTOGII APIIERS. HEW LOCATION WIAD BLSO. 18th and Farnam PIIOTOGB A PHER S. MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOUTH !6th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OAIQIBAL FAIHLXSS DIHTIST Largest and Finest Dental OfflM Weet of CMcage Bait 4, Bdshman BIk., Kth and Dong. HAIR STORE, SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE HAD STOBH For BTerythlnir In Hals Goods, air Work, Hair Dreeslng, Switches, Wigs and Topees. 1411 FAJtNAM ST., OMAHA, HUB. Telephone Douglas 8333. OPTICIANS. Tho U I Danfnlrl Pn I IIS 111 Jt I 6IIIUIU UUl WE LEAD. OTKEB4S FOLLOW SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS Bee Our Haw Torlo Leases 1408 Farnum St. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Caarir, Mineral Waters. Imported OUvs OU Dlreot From Italy IS 25 per gallon. Special prloea to dealers. Agents for Huyler's fins candles. Kresh daily. . Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-Dillon Drag Oo. lata and Farnam. EDKlnccr and Hf(. Machinist. P. UELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MANUFAOTUBINO AND U PADIIKO OF ALL HINDS OF MACKINEBT Erecting and Consulting Bnginer N. R. Cor. ISth and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS. WILSON STEAM BOILEB OO. Mlr. el Takiilar ftae aaj fir Bex Mtn VII aas water lsaas, Btacas saa SrcecAtaa a..ftriae Factory lth and Pierce Sta.. Omana MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEHMER, Haadqnartera for BTerythlBg Blaotcioal Railway, IMU and Mill SappllM . jrramps an Onsrastesa. Prompt Ahlpmeat and SattaiaoUwi ateao. 1218 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Freight Elevators SUPPLIES aad KEPAIKING rkoaa Beaglas swT. 14 H. IKa St. 107 SOUTH 16th STREET tln campaign. Geoipe II. Tefft, chairman ot the piihllc.ity committee, said: "Kansas City has a preat press of its own and Kansas City believes in the news papers when we want to reach the factory executive in his own town and in his own field without Industrial maps and facts and figures divorced ot special pleading and confined absolutely to comparative data positively official and authentic. We at tribute much of the success of our great movement to the use of the newspaper space in the splendid list of newspapers selected." The newspapers used by the Kansas com mittee are the New York Times, the New York World, Brooklyn Kaple. St. Ixniis Globe-Democrat, Chicago Tribune, Cincin nati Enquirer, Pittsburg Gazette-Times, Boston Herald. New Haven Register, Prov idence Journal, Detroit Free Press, Kansas City Star, Omaha Hee, Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Milwaukee "Sentinel and In dianapolis News. The fifId is richer in Omaha than in other cities in the country. The days of bonuses are largely over. Cttles seek industries just as they seek settlers, on the merits of what.they have to offer. Omaha has enough cold, convincing facts, showing persistent and consist ent progress, to make this city better known than any other city in the west and to draw more investments and industries here than to any other city, The way to advertise is to advertise. PLUMBING. 705 So. 16th St. TeL Doug. 1477 SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. DALFE FXTfUBIHO, HOT WATIB AXTS TEAM HSATIHQ Oas and Electrlo Fixtures KapaU Work a Specialty TsL Doug. 743. 1607 Howard Ha, Cl.EANINd AND PLEATING. Pleating All Kinds ....DYEING AND CLEANING.... RUCHINOS, BUTTONS, ETC. Bend for prlre lint and samlea IDEAL PLEATING C. 901 Donfrlaa Blork. Omaha, Heb. CORNICE WORKS. Cornice Bat. 1889. fuel Ceilings m. l Cains SHUT MBTAX WOBXS Flslals, Metal Hoofing-, Tanks, Sky. lights, Dheet Metal, Fir. Proof Win dows. Large stock of Metal Ceiling 1718-26-23-S4 bt. Karys Avenue TeL Doug. 802. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS. raa vm fob ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. D0TTOLA8 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS. Gas aod Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail DLRGESS-GRWDEV CO. TeL Deag. 81 SIS 1 IStk SI. GAS WATER HEATERS. Why beat up your coal rang, fust to heat water when a Oas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a tiath In a few minute. We sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING. PRINTING, ETC. KOTERA (SL COMPANY Steol and Copper Plat En graving. Embossing and Printing UOI JackSM SL, OauAs, Nat, ENGRAVING. HALF-TONE tl ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED. A. W. WAGNER naslesak asi let ail Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Douglas 1142 0U5-S-7-9-H N. loth 6t Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS. M. ROSENBLATT Waol.eol. Hay, Bras, Oaia. Feed BEST OBADE OF COAL Offloa, cal Tard aad Grata aaeraseet T Ilt 1 tia NUntaa t WHOLES ALE SHOES. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR HAH FBOTXH BEST BT TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MoTea, -Packs and Stores House hold Ckrads. Faoa Dong-la UOS SAOT r lynch Bros(r B EST AUB ANTS. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you a DRAWING ttiat W1H DRAW you trade. K. O. BUNNELL CO., Commercial Artists I2i N. Y. Life Douglas Kit BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Build Tour Home for Ton and let Tou Pay lor It Like Bent 81-30 V. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. Phone. Doug. 4603 W IIOI.KSAI.E AND RETAIL PAINT ' Wa are sol. agents for ' Lows Bros. High Standard Faints aad B. B BL Jap-A-Lao, F. A U. Hukot. and a oomplets Una of Tarnish Call or write for color card, Myere-Dllloa Drug Oo. BBVOBl VAIHTt lStk and Farnam. 1416 Harney. SIGN PAINTING, S. D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Irery Description ISM Dong-las St. TaL Dong-. SB18 FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BUILT LIKE A BOILER CLEAN, DUBABLE, ECONOMICAL W. S. HEATON 1318 Ho. 84th St. 'Phone Web. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harnay PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Farnam Sts. PRINTING. PRINTING. -Hav Root Print It" UKMJia Howard Mb Omaha. NebraskA,, TdtlophoiM) Doaglaa 1604 PRINTING. so. . BneU Albert sinus? BNEXli PHINTINQ OO. FABTICULAH FHXHTBBS 10 South lath Bt Omaha, Has. Telephone Douglas 8764 OOLOB WOBX -I- HMBOBSZHO PRINTING. ImitaUon T7PWTlttrn Ljetters. -naaattsAl arxsattsr, Ha Jok To. Laxge OS XoO SjaaU. FAIOBS HIOBTF f 306 Bo. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 3959 I PRINTING. CONTINENTAL FBINT SHOP. AT T. WORK OCMl -S ths Best Get our estimates and save money. Telephone Donglaa 4803. Boom 81 U. 8. Bal l Bank Building, OMAHA. I I I BBS BASK A. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THE BBBT BOOITTII fob iron a uitu WB MA KB TBJS FKAJrBCV KXKD MAN GUM A CO. TaUaaaaa laas laa sa, lata an. REAL ESTATE. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tho best hnrgnln to bo found any where In farm lands. Main rioor H. T. L. Bldg., Omaha. REAL EHTATE. ALFRED C. KENNEDY HBAXi ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, KINTALS 80S First national Bank Building, Tel. Bona. 783. OMAHA, HEB. HEAL ESTATE. Mew House 4116 Dodge Street Modern house of 7 rooma and re ception hall; finished In oak down stairs, rmrdwood doors and finished floors throughout, l'rlce, 4,750. Can make terms to cood pnrtv. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1808 Farnam Tel. Doug. SZ9 REAL ESTATE. D. V. SH0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABB OF THADH Tel. Donglaa 48. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Loots Berks Chaa. Btelger DERKA & CO. BEAL BSTATB City Property, Farm Lands, Loans, Xnrestments and Fire Insurano. Office: 93 N. T. Life BldgN Tel. Douglas 747. REAL ESTATE. CALL FOB OUB FLAT OF WEST FARNAM LOTS glOO to $1,800 Each Harrison & Morton 813 H. T. Life TeL Dong. 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS 83,000,000 TO LOAN on Improved city property. Jf desired loans can bo closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, S03 FIKST HATIOHAL BARK BLDG). REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 617 New York Life Building, Real Estate. Investments. REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (EL CO. Kaal Estate Abstracts of Tit Is Investment Securities 1601 Farnam St Omaha. Nab. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Main Floor, H. T. Llf. Blflg, MORTGAGE IOWS, REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Buy and sail Collect KenW. HJBAL BSTATB, Bsnt Property. Loan Money on Baal aetata. 1604 FAKNAM ST. HEAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS BEAL ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN HON TO CAKE OP PBOFEKTIE8. INSUBANCE, BENTALS AND INVESTMENTS 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. BEAL ESTATE and INVESTMENTS Farm and Baneh Land for Sale or Trade. 306 8. 18th St. TeL Dons. 8563 REAL ESTATE. A Fine 8-Room Modern House Near 38th and Farnam. CfJ "THf! Will seU for JpOOlIU Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1633 FAKNAM. TeL Doug. 419 REAL ESTATE. IP VOLT w'8'1 yur property well w w rented and given proper attention, irive us the agency. THE MCCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1806 Dodge St. TeL Dong. 418 REAL ESTATE. 8708 H. 84th St., New T-Koom House, 8. B. Front, Corner Lot, $3,660 1 $SOO Cash, $35 Per Month, ' J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandeis Bldg. Douglss 1653. REAL ESTATE. J UlTO-4 F m m n Ll L REAL ESTATE. law Faraaja Sk CeA. DouaT. atMT7 SKimtr ZL Chtvae Co. BKAL BSTATB, IB1B8TMBHTB, BBBTALS, IN SUB AH OH BBTT.nsaa of bobibi koukks REAL KST Ti;. BENSON ffii MYERS 31$ N. Y. Lite Bldg.. OMArl A Special attantion given to prop ery for out-of-town clients. HE A I. ESTtTE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor New York Life Etdg Makes a sperjajty of hnndllns; pioporty owned by enotem parties, and has ex- erty on his books. Ushs H lev at lae Uwret nrrent a.te ol Inter.-.l HEAL ESTATE. BENSON fil CARMICHAt L Real Estate, Care of Propcriiss, Insurance, Loans 643 PAXTON BLOCK, OLf AHA. HEAL ESTATE. HIGH, SIGHTLY LOTS at SStli and Ames Ave. tin rjir Hip Only $300 rnrh. ' ' WRIGHT & LASBURY B04 Sonth 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1S3 RF.AI, ESTATE, Cheapest House in Omaha l-rooran, part modern, rcio.1 loc.itlon. large, lot, nice lom snd rhcui, on easy payments, nt $l,3n NATIONAL 1NVKSTMKXT t'O. 683 Brandsls Bldg. 'Phone D. 6691 REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buliil.igs now under construction. C. P. TRAVER 'Inione a 7ai. " 439-36 If. T. Life. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 5,000 seres cf irrlRntfd !and In the Upper Snake Itlver Vallpy. If interested call or write for terms. Kxcurslons every 1st & Sd Tuesdays. W. S. FBAHK Phons Dong. 3600 331 ITerlUe Blk. REAL ESTATE. HOBTH SIDE R-room cottaue on 17 near Lake, shade east front, water, gas, sewer, one block from car. $1600. Terms: Ask O'Keefe Heat Estate Co. 1001 H. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone 2153, Omaha REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. 8. P. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTWICK & COMPANY ""BSTATB, BENTALS CITT LOANS, INSUBANCE Main Floor H. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglss 1018. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Bamge Bldg., 16th Harney Choice building lot, 110 cash, .6 per month. Good cottage homea It 5 cash, $10 per month. Modern homes 8100 cash, 120 per month. REAL ESTATE. V. Fsrnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance ' 1380 FAKNAM 8T. REAL ESTATE, Investments, R.ta.1 Eitnte. Rentals, Mortafe Loans INSVRANCC M. J. KENNARB (SL CO. 309-510 Brown Blook. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstraotora and Tltla Examtnara, Haw lAcados tOt Saalh lid St. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. , NEALE & NORTON AB STB ACTS OF TITLE Twenty Years Esperleno. In Omaha. 816 South Seventeenth Street, Be. Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1885 , Abstracts ol Title. Title Insurance 1714 Farnam St. Tel. Dong. 839 ABSTRACTORS. iEED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abatrast Offle. In Nabraaka, 1711 FarsaH Street, Omasa, Neb. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a KERR" Abstract 305 8. 17th Straat PUBLICITY DESIGS8, jVHEATCM BIT BID WW i T