Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAIIA DAILY nK,;: MONDAY. MAY 11. 190$.
V ACRES, mineral lurid In Cnprer bssn,
t miles east of Hlnrklev, near the Orat
Northern mtna at farm land prlc Clae
tt, Pine City. Minn. C!0)-M1ST lt
s Teaae.
TEXAS LANt8 How to att them. Serf's
$1.00 to R. c Iomnx. Austin. Texes. for
copy of Texss land law and Instructions
how to buy. I wii for ten years chief ot
land department state treasurer's office.
Know the landa, when they coma on tha
market, how to them for my rllnts.
Heference: Atietin National hank. AuKttn,
Teses. Peat landa to ba sold next three
months. Fees reasonable.
(2l)-MS9 M77r
lino to lio.ftw mada promptly. F. 1. Wead,
Wead Bldg., ISth and farnam. 22 61 1
MONET TO LOAN On Improvad city prop
erty; building loans a specialty; no delay.
tV. H. Thomas, 03 1st Nat I Hnnk Hid
(22) M7U All
MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment f'o.
- K tr)-S3
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O Kcefa R. E. Co.. 10U1 N. V. Ufa Bldg.
(22) 61
NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN, '2-3 18T
(32) 518
PER CENT money to loan on eastern
Nebraska farma and good business prop
erty In Omaha.
208 First National Bank Building.
Telephone Douglas 722.
MONET to loan onlmprmed city property.
Hastings & Heydon, 1704 Farnam Ht.
(23) 53)
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust "o.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Ft.
LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block.
W ANTED formation regarding goad
farm for sale; not particular about loca
tion; wish to hear Ironi owner only, who
will sell direct to buyer; give price, de
scription and state when possession can
Ih hud. Address I.. Derbyshire, Box 4W4,
Rochester. N. Y (S3) M432 11
WAVTED-'-To buy a ' second hand soda
fountain must be In good condition nd
cheap. Post Exchange, Fort Omaha.
' ' tf-Mt;7 ISx
HIUHEST prices for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. TeL
Wong. , 916
WO) LD like to rent a furnished hotel In
" good location. Writs L. B., Lock Box 145,
Itavenna, Neb. (26) Ms 12
WANTED 3 or 8 Pice furnished rooms for
light liouwkeeplng, close In, private fam
ily preferred,. Mo children. Aortress M tij,
, t . JB) vo liX
6-ROOM inuuVrn house; good neighborhood,
'liiutic Doug., 764 pr W eb. 77.
.... (2)-M402 12
EXPERIENCED .stenographer; excellent
ivfertncfrg. Address "Lt," Omaha Beo, Blilfts. ;.... . f'ta JilMl.'..
WANTED By man of experience, position
as catllu fecdei capable of assuming
vliaiga of yards or ruiich, keeping books,
tic; at pieaent employed, but desire to
make a change. Write or Inquire, 1&!4
.North alsl. Omaha. Nb. (27) Its) llx
W-NTEt To do housework la hotel. Have
experience. Tel. Douglas Sim.
(27) M196 llx
POSITION wanted by young man sa Ice
machine, operator; have had experience;
can give references. Address F 60S, care
' Bee. , (27) MM 12x
W A X TED By rndustrious, educated you ng
man. position In office; Al penman, speaks
hleli and low (lerman and very best of
refereucea. Address P. O. Box 6W,
Omaha. . . (27; M258 llx
N EXPERIENCED farm hand wishes Work
by day or month. Address M. S. Han
sen, Uen. Del., Omaha.
(27) M40 llx
WHEN writing to advertisers, remember
It takes but an extra stroke or two of
the pen to mention tha fact that you
saw the ad In Tha Bee.
dan Coal Company The holders of bonds
of the Sheridan Coal company are hereby
notified that the undersigned trustee, un
ter trust deed of the Sheridan Coal com-
Sany, dated June 11, 1909, and recorded
nm 80, 1903, In book 26 of Mortgage Rec
ords, on page. 4:$, In the office of the
county clerk of the county of Sheridan and
state of Wyoming, has received notice from
the Sheridan .Coal company that It will,
on or before 'June 30, uw, remit the un
dersigned 624.0uO to taks up and retire 24
bunds, as provided In ssld trust deed. No
tice Is hereby given that the undersigned
lias drawn and selected by kit the fiiiljw
log twenty-tour numbers of twenty-four of
the bonds oulslsndmg, secured by raid
ust deed, 1. e., 241, US, E4, , 2W. 2j2, S41
4V. 3. 3S3. 119. 209. 154. 4. 146. 11. W. Hit
fcll. 112, 6Jd. 278, 206, SU, tor payment from
the sinking fund to be so paid to It by said
the Sheridan CoaT company under ' said
trust deed, and' upon such payment of
said S24.000 ta the undersigned on or before
June 3D. llMI. the undersigned will, at Its
office, at-the comer Iearborn and Mad son
streets, to the city of Chicago, Illinois, on
the first day of July. A. V.. lWS. pay to
the liolOera of registered owners of sail
bonds numbered as a foresaid tha principal
and accumulated Interest thereon, upon the
surrender and delivery thereof to the under
signed, uncanceled and aecompanled by all
unpaid coupons thereto belonging. Interest
on eacn oi aata Donas numbered as afore
said will cease after aald. first day of July
a. u., jwi. wneiner presented on said day
or thereafter. LMON TRl'ST COMPANY
Trustee, by Adsm C. Boetliger. Assistant
eeereiarjr. M11-U-26-J1
lery, riding and saddle horacs Chief
Vuai itrniasier's Office, Omatia, Ne
braska, Apitl IS. 1V Healed proposals. In
tiipliiate, will- be received at this office,
until U o'clock m., central standard time.
Mr U. I, and thea opened, in the pres-
me oi aiientung uiauers; ior is cavalry
Horses;. 2 Artillery Horses; la Riding
nurses, aoa . Maaie nuraea, ror oetiv
eiy l Omaha. Nebratks. Cheyenne. Wvo.
or oilier prominent railroad paints. The
animals ta conform to specif tcationa for
mvairy, artillery, riding and saddle
horses. . United States reserves rlt:ht to ac
cept or reject any or all proposals er anv
part thereof. Particulars and blanks for
iTopoaaia will be tuintahed on a ool'f! ti..n.
lCnvelopes containing proposals to )e In-
aorsea proposals for Horses." and ad
dressed to Major IX E. ilcCARTHV,
CbleX Quartariuastsr.
Au. u. is. i-m a-u
and Artillery Horses for Light and Horse
Batteries Chief Quartermasters Office,
Omaha, NebrnakajvMay t. 1. Sealed pro
xal. In triplicate, will be received at
this office, until 1J o'clock m., central atand.
ard tUue. June L lsua. and then onened. in
thit presence of attending bidders, for 4nU
tavairy noraea ana iw artillery norses lor
light and KorM aattertee, for delivery at
tMuaba. Nebraska, or other prominent rail
road points. The snlmals to conform to
epectfftatlons for cavalry and artillery
horses. I nued States reserves right to ac
cept er reject any or all proposals, or any
part thereof r'artk-ulars and blanks for
iTopouli will be furnished on application.
Knvelopea cuiitalnlng propossls to be n
oraed 1'niwwli for Howe" and aev
iIku.4 to Mjor D. E. M'CAKTHY. Chief
Uuarloimasur. Mlr-ll-Li-JS iS-Jl
telved by 1. R. Johnson, villas, clerk of
Genoa. Neh., linill May 1, I p. m.. for tha
purcrtasc or .ofin I per cent h-y) year (op
tional) electric light plant bond, dated
Fehnmry I. lyn. Bonds draw Interest at
the rate of t per cent per annum, payable
annually. They are of t"K denomination
and mature February 1, lit, optional after
February 1. WIS. All bids must bn accom
panied bv certified check for per cent of
bid, made payable to O. K. OREEN. VII
latca Treasurer. M5dl4t
celved at office of treasurer. Battle Moun
tain Sanitarium. N. H. f. 'V. 8. Hot
HnrlnR,-South Ink"ta. until 12 o'clock m..
May 2ft, (ai, and then opened, for fumleh
Insr and delivery of Current Expenses. Sub
sistence and ilniisehnld Supplies. Ip ac
cordance with Instructions and speclflra
ttona, copies of which, with blank proposals
with other Information, may be bad Upon
application to W. A. Tucker. Treasurer.
I nlon ParlSe
Teave. Arrive.
The Overland Limited. .a 8:-'io am a 9:4" pm
The Colorado Express . a 3;o0 pm S:W pm
Atlantic Express aI0:16 am
Tha Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
The I,os Anjroles Ijn..al2 65 pm a 9:15 pm
The Fast Mall a 9:30 aat a 56 pm
The Chin V Jnnan
Mall a 4:00 pm a 8:50 pm
North T'lntte IoCsl a 7:42 am a 4:45 pm
Colo.-chicaa-o Special. ..al2:10 am a :K am
lieatrlce & Stroms-
burg Local b12:30 pm b 1:40 pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Express .....
Chicago Limited
Minn.-Ht. Taul Exp
Minn. -SV Paul Llm
..a 7:15 am a 3 45 pm
..a 6:K) pm a 8:31) nm
..b 7 15 am
...a t:00 pm a 8:30 am
(hlcaao Great Western
St. Paul-MinneHpolls K:30 pm
St. Paul-Mlnneapolts .... 7:30 nm
Chicago Limited :05 pm
Chicago Express 7:3" am
Chicago Express 2:36 pm
7:30 am
11 :35 pm
K:27 am
11 :.T6 pm
3:30 pm
(hicaarn, Mllwakc A t. Paul
Chic A Colo. Rpecial.,.a 7:25 am allrt pm
Cal. Ore. Express a s on nm a 11:25 pm
Overland Limited a 9:M pm a 8:S0 am
Perry Local a 6:16 pm all:00 am
Mlasoarl Psrlte
K. C. St. T Exp a 9:00 am a M6 am
K. C. & St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 6:50 pm
Chicago A orthreerii ,
Chicago Daylight .a 7:25 am ail:4S pm
St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:6D am al0:20 pm
Chicago Local all:30 am a 3:2. pm
Sioux City Passenger. .a 70 am a 3;2X pm
Chicago Passenger.... ..a 4:30 pm a 945 am
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a S:23 am
St. Paul-Minn. Llm a ft:28 pm a 8:00 am
Los Angeles Limited. . ..a-9:30 pm al2:36 pm
Overland Limited al0:O0 pm a S:a am
Fast Mail a 3:35 pm
Sioux City Ioca! a 340 pm a 9:20 am
Twin. City Limited a 1:28 pm a :( am
Norfolk-Bonestoel a 7:4o am a 6:40 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:46 am al0:35 am
Dead wood-Lincoln
.a 3:00 pm a 5:40 pm
Casper-Lander ....
Fremont-Albion ...
Ft. IouIs Express.
...a 3:00 pm a 6:40 pm
...b 8:00 pm b 6:40 pm
...b 6:35 pm b 1:35 pm
...a 6:10 pm a 25 am
St. Louis IjocsI (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all:15 pm
Btandberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:15 am
Chicago, Rock Island Jk. r"avolo
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all :05 pm
Iowa local a 7:00 am a 4:80 pm
Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm. sl?:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:4u am b 9:65 pm
Chicago (Eastern. Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Flyer
a 6:10 pm
8:35 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:15 pm a 2:60 am
Cuo. & Cal. Express.... pm a 4:30 pm
Okl. & Texas Express. ..a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally
except Monday.
-10TH t MASON,
Leave. Arrive.
IVrver & Callfrrrnla... a 4-10 nni t 3:45 tm
NruthweM Spccja 4;10 pm . 3:4S pm
nincK. iiuia pm o.ia um
Northwest Express ,...all:o pm al0:15 pm
Nebraska points
.a 8:45 nm . a 6:10 pm
Nebraska Express
Lincoln Fast Mall
Lincoln Local .....
Lincoln local
.a :lb am a 6: in pm
.b 1:45 pm a13:ll pm
bS:i am
.. nl0:15 pm
a 7:60 pm
Lincoln Local
Plattsmouth.b 8:10 pm b10:20 am
Plattsmouth.a 8:00 pin a 8:M) am
i'lattamouth - Iowa b 9:18 am
Ptllevue - Plattsniouth b 1 :30 pin
a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am
a 7:26 am all :46 pm
Chicago Special
Chicago Ejrpress
Chicago Flyer ..
Iowa local
....a 4:20 pri) a 3:66 pm
....a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am
....a. D:15 am a1l':30 am
....a 4:46 pro aJl SO am
St. Louis Express
Kansas City &. St. Joe..a.10:4r pm a :) am
Kansaa City er St. Joe.. a 0:15 am a 6:14 pm
Kansas 1 ity,& St. joe., a 4:40 pm
8t. Paal, Minneapolis 4t
" 1
" losve. Arrlre.
Twin City Passenger.. .h 6:30 am b :10 pm
Bloux City Passenger.. a 3:05 pm al0:50 am
Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 5:55 pm
Mlasonrl Pacific
Auburn Local b 3.50 pin bll:25 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday, e Daily
except Monday-
Par rest, nleasuea ar
It nays to Iravs4 an tbo
To PARIS, tha City Beaullful,
TSsnea n all ruuifls aa the Continent
yr. .j vornpsnis swnasraiiw
Ilr1"" TrntUntlqU4
-ir" past Llsdted Mall acrve
iv bi'mi vosiBi va wmmim in ujtYn
via Havre oa gigantic Iwin-ncrew express
steamers, sailing everr Thunidsy 10 a. ru.
These wundes of moaern iuventioui have
all the couveuience stid luxury of most
palatial hotel on a mora Immense scale,
rassenger elevator, roof cafe, gtmnsslnm,
elegant suites Sbd single apartments; daily
newiDiwr orrhestra. wireless teleeratihs.
famous nilsrne end everv ctovislon fat
safety and comfon.
I Tourains ....May til ta Lorn Ins ....June 11
La lU.ols Utt M l Ls Ssiols June II
L ProTenrs juus tl 1 Proenr June it
Bsrly rssetvsiloos reeemiueaSso. sw eopr ot
Ihiutmet hoos ot irstals sad nm apply to
BAKKI K. UOOKCJ, .... Itoi .rus tC
I a nnrNoL,is. ..... u.jj puna ei.
W. a bxx'K, lMi parn.oi it.
W. O. DAVIDSON. ..... lell p,rM at.
buuis AibEsa. - - sare nm National
Impress tins of tha Atlantis
x.rss x&an jjuua uats at ssa
The Empresses sail from yuebeo to
LlverpMi in six days; two days on the
niajestlo Su Lawrence, bpeed. comfort,
elegance and safety are oouibltied In these
splendid express steamers.
Ask any ticket agent for particulars.
Call or write for illustrated booklet
describing personally conducted Euro
pean tours.
Q. B. BBltJASCnr. Oea. ArV,
Tsoepaooe Iiarriaoa 1710.
t3g lonth Clark KueeW Caioafo, 111.
I'era ornial Beaten In Advocacy of
Manlelpal UTraershln.
PERU'. Neb., May lO.-(BpeciaL) Teni
Normal debaters met defeat here Friday
night at tha hands of th" Valverslty of
Nebraska. Tha question was, ."Resolved,
That municipal control and supervision of
public utiliuea, water, light, street railways
and telephones Is to ba preferred to munic
ipal ownership of these utilities."
Peru, represented by C. C. Berkey. B. E.
Swenson and Julia Van Drlel. debated tha
sfflrmative; . the university debaters.
Meters. Btes. Hare and HU1, maintained
the negative. Tha Judges were Prof. V. L.
Evana and Judge Nv. A. Parriot, both, of
AUburn, and Superintendent 3. E. Dill of
VV'ilber. A' rereptlon was tendered tha uni
versity uivD after tli debate. ,
Labor Memorial Day Semen Held
Today by Benson Presbyterians.
Dander Dweller Celebrate Opening
of Happy Hollow t lab Bell
erne Town omcers Are
Services will be held In all the church
at tha usual hours.
Mrs. William Wardlow pleasantly enter
of tjie bride's mother.
Me'v. B. F. Kistler returned Monday from
a week's stay In Kansas City.
Carl Lll.lenstolpe left Tuesday for a two
week's visit In Topeka, Kan.
P. Hansen returned Monday from a
short business trip to Lincoln.
E. O. Dolnh left last Saturday for his new
home in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Miss Florence Johnson returned Monday
from a few days' visit out of town.
Mrs. E. Craven returned on Monday
from r short visit In McClelland, la.
Mrs. Munsell returned on Tuesday from
a short visit with relatives In Lincoln.
(1. R. Williams .has returned from a
two-weeks' stay at Excelsior Springs.
A progressive lunch was given last
Tuesday evening jit Mrs. Leldy s home.
Aiisrust Welsh has returned from a
short visit with relatives In Plattsmoutii.
E. K. Hoffman has received a promo
tion recently in the railway mail service.
Mrs. M. Hennlgsn enlertnlned a few of
her friends at a Dutch luncheon last Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Longacre returned Isst
week from a two weeks' visit in uouge,
The B L. S. club will meet with Mrs.
Thomas ls?gan next Thursday In her new
home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson rttertalned
at dinner last week In honor o out-of-town
Mrs. William Zimmerman entertained
Miss Mary McNamara at dinner on last
Miss Mabel M. Pherson of Neligh, Neb.,
Is a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Mason. ,
D. P. Williams of Omaha has purchased
one of the Ager cottsges on West Main
Mrs. Maud Cutterton of Macon, Mo., Is
the guest oi her sister, Mrs. jynn mc
Mr- v. c Hrtlhrook went to Florence
on Wednesday to attend the Hunt-Smitu
wenuing. r
Mrs. Follet of Pittsburg Is the guest of
Mrs. E. A. Mason, having arrived on, last
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Finn went to Omaha
to attend the Hoffman-Dougherty wedding
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fargo entertained
at lunch for their uncle, Mr. Frank West,
on Tuesday.
The Baptist Missionary circle will meet
at tha home of Mra. Rolfe of Omaha on
Friday next.
Ralnh and Miss Ruth Anderson of Conn
ell Bluffs were guests last Sunday at the
Chllds home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fuller of Ashland
are guests at the Homo or tneir cousin
E. C. Fuller.
Mrs. G. R. Williams entertained at dinner
last Wednesday In nonor OI ir. anu airs,
Herman Wulff.
Mrs Asa Dixon snent last Sunday at ths
Flvnn home, where Mr. Dixon is staying
during grand jury.
Th hid of the hank of Benson on the
W00 school bonds was accepted, it being
the lowest bidder. '
Mr Worr rit Newnort. Neh.. arrived on
Tuesday and Is tha guest of her mother.
Mrs. Joseph Mason.
The Knieiits and Ladles of Security will
give a social dance at tha Odd Fellows
hall Friday. May 16.
A number t the members of the B4-n-son
Arte of Esgles went to Fremont to
attend the'" Initiation. ' " . - t .
Mrs. John Vehrs entertained st her home
on Wednesday In honor of her sister, Miss
Cleo Presner, of Blair.
Benson aerie -of Eagles will attend the
Eaale memorial services today at the
Burwood at 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grove entertained at
dinner last Wednesday in honor of the
birthday of Mrs. Colson.
Mr..' and Mrs. John Sorenson left last
Sunday for a visit In Denmark, They will
be gone till next ueceraoer.
The Golden Rod Kensington club .were
entertained last Thursday at the home of
Mrs. E. F. Bralley of Omaha.
The Lutheran Sunday school Is making
arrangements for a grand concert to be
given on weaneaaay, May a
The laying of tha corner stone of the new
Eatrle auditorium will take place at 2
o'clock today, with a program.
St. Bernard's choir gave a fine mustcale
at the Odd Fellows' hall last Monday even
ing which was well attended.
Mrs William McKeown went to Mis
sourl Valley, la., last Wednesday, where
fche will visit with tier parents.
Services st the Preabyterisn church will
be appropriate for a Labor memorial day
at me morning services at a wt-iuov.
Mrs Rvlvla Convey celebrated her 84th
birthday, Saturday, a week, at the home of
her son, when about fifty guests assisted
' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull 'returned last
finnilHv from a three months visit in can
fornia. Mrs. Hull Is not much Improved In
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wulff have taken
rooms In the Swanson home for the pres
ent. Their home waa sold to the Suhler
Mies Marraret LtlJenstnlpe. with the as
aistance of some of hr music scholars.
gave a recital at her home last Tueauay
Messrs. and Meadames J. C Wilson, John
Speedle and M. D. Crosset were entertained
at dinner at trie noma oi a. ivowb on iucs
day evening.
Mr. and' Mrs. A. J. Van Nays of Belle
Meade, N. J., arrived Thursday and are
guests at tne noma oi meir uaugnior, mrs.
A. L. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Orlndulf entertained
St dinner Tuesday evening in honor of the
fosmer'a brother, Asa, who la visiting here
from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barnes announced
the engagement of their daughter, Edna, to
Charles A. Johnson, the wedding to take
place on May 20.
Mesdsme William Sprlngmyer and J. A
Howard were In attendance at tha grand
lodge of the Order of the Eastern Star all
lug the l'St week.
Mrs. Eertsch and Miss Smith of Omaha,
and V. A. Thorley of Columbua Junction,
la., were guests at the Whistler home dur
ing trie, last week.
Saturday evening, a week, shout forty
young school, friends surpriaed Elmer Bedm
at l is home. After a merry time a dainty
luncheon was servea. -
Mi. H. Frink's sister and husband of
Atlantic. la., visited him last Thursday
before his- being taken to imrnanual hos
pital for appendicitis.
The closing dsnce of the season of the
Benson Pleasure club, waa given last
Friday evening. It was a real May party
ana a most enjoyaoie one. ,
The regulat meeting of tha school hoard
was held Monday evening. Besides the
bonds being disposed of, the regular routine
of buslrjess ass transacted.
Miss Ella Oravert entertained on Wednea
day and Saturday In honor of Mrs. Maud
Cutterton of Macon, Mo., who is Uio guea
of her sister, Mrs. L.ync Meuulre.
The Methodist women members will con
duct a May fair at the town hall May
11. 15 and w. tn me itret evening un i:
tertalnment will be given at o'clock.
The new court house bonds were voted
on lust Tuesday, lit votea were caat, 67
for ana 07 against. Messrs Horrman, Dod
son and Clarke were clerks 01 election.
lAst Friday, short funeral services were
held at Mount Hope cemetery over the
remains ot tittle trfinn cnadwell. brought
here I mm cneyenne enaay morning. Key.
Wilson ot wenson ocnciatea.
Mr. and Mra. Joseph McGuIre entertained
at dinner last ounnay. Miss Mary Moor
Misses Koao and Margaret Mctrnvern
Omaha. Miss Mayme Barry of Blair and
airs, jay union 01 irvir.gton.'
Tha women of the Benson Lutheran
cnureiv gave a very succesaiui chicken din
ner last Wednesday from 4 to 8 o'clock
In the church baaement. The proceedr go
to tne nuiioing fund and amounted to fSi
Miss Ella Oravert entertained at lunch
Wednenday afternoon, tnoam present beir.
Mra. atsod Cunertna of Maooo, kto. ktisaea
1-ira Wasiiburn and Ella Graven, Ms
JuxueS jf'rvd Luialer, N. ii. Leuchacr, OlUe
Crswfnrd. Bertha Gross, Lynn Mc'julr and
K. rarkcr.
The funeral seniors over the remains of
. Jurgcsen, who wss found dead nrsr
Krug s perk, were hi Id from the home of
his brother, under the auspices rf the
Benson EHglea' lodge, of which he was a
Miss Nelson of Benson end R. J. flnnssett
of Omaha were married last Wednesday
evening at the home of the officiating
minister. Kev. Mr. Savldge of Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. Paussett will reside at tha home
f the Bride's mother.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid sorletv met
sst Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Young, when a lo-iint lunch was
served. The penny string contest was
losed and the total nmminl mss ! Mrs
tsing's side earntna lCi.fiit and Mrs. Yonns?
S.4.10. Final arrangements for the Msv
fair were made.
The fnnerHl of Wlllliim Ryan was held
ast Friday afternoon at the home of bis
son Vt 111, who lives on West IKslge street.
Mr. Ryan dlc.1 Wednesday at St. Bernard's
hospital, where he had been for trcHtinent.
He was about fit ears old and bavlna
Ived In Benson for some years, was well
known. A number of comrades were present
t tho funeral and the floral offerings were
mony and beautiful.
Saturday evening, a week, a city council
meeting wss held, when Mayor Howard
called for a canvass of the election returns.
MS then administered the oath of office to
the elected officials. Mayor Williams ap
pointed the worklrr committees, a number
of bills were allowed and a large amount
01 routine Business transacted. Monday
evening the new council met to appoint
some new officials, as follows: Charles
Hansen, wster commissioner; James Manev,
chicr of police: Dr. H. F. McCoy, city phy
sician, and E. C. Hodder. cltv attorney.
The meeting was adjourned until Inst even
W. H. Snlc-pr Is vlsitin relatives at
Rulo this week.
Miss Laura Kent was In Panllllon last
Saturday on business.
Mrs. E. E. Taylor has been under the
doctor's care the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trent had business
at tha county seat Saturday.
Miss Nellie MacDonaid of Orhahn visited
In Bellevue the latter pnrt of the week.
Mrs. E. H. Phllnot of Lincoln has been a
guest at the McGinley homo the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cockerel! were
down from South Omaha Saturday even
Belle C. Clarke of Kearney Is spending
few days at the Chapman homu this
Miss Minnie Berry of Danville. 111.. Is
visiting at the home of her uncle. A. U.
H. H. Hood. L. t. Purcell and James
McKiernan were county seat viltors Sat
urday. Mrs. Ifler and daughter, Nellie, were
down from South Omaha, Sunday, visiting
Mrs. Anna Kayser has had a cement
block fence built around the old, Kayser
Carl Oldherrv of Gretna has onened iid a
barber shop in the building next to Stauf-
er s store.
The dance given by the bsse nail club
was unusually well attended last Satur
day night.
Clara Force seriously Injured her srtiw-
last Saturday by falling from a horse
while out riding. 1
Tom Moore has been coaching the track
team the last week getting it into shape
for the state meet.
Miss Rennle Myers of Central City was
vlwlting friends st the college several
days the last week.
Miss Catherine Gamble spent Sunday at
Papillion visiting with the family of he;
coubin, C. B. Tower.
Charles E. Baskervllle spent the latter
part of the week visiting relatives and
friends at the college.
About rineen memDers or tne local Mod
ern Woodman camp attended tne state
meeting at Lincoln this week.
Prof. Calder of the college addressed the
meetlnir of 4he Citizens' leaKue last Sun
day evening on the subject "The Bible as
a Book."
Miss Jennie Byram at the college has
been seriously. Ill this week with appendi
citis. Her mother and sister from Decatur
are with her. ...
Several houses are nearlng completion
that were started this winter. The homes
of William Jones, ' R. N. -Purcell, ex-Band
master Reading and Z. Starrs are ready
for occupancy. .
The case regarding the removal of the
children of Mrs. Gibson, before the county
court, wss settled outside by Mrs. Gibson
agreeing to surrender the children to the
court, with the privilege of visiting them
at any time.
At the regular meeting of the Commercial
club President Stauffer appointed A. G.
Sloan, C. K. Combs and Oscar Kemper as
a committee to co-operate with the college
author! 1 leu in cleaning up the underbrush
along the car line. "
PUns have been made to hold the sum
mer assembly sgaln this year. The grounds
will be located In the woods lust north of
the college and a permanent pavilion will
be constructed. A committee consisting of
A. G. Sloan, George 8., llurtch and John
y. Goes have arranged to have the first
Thursday set aside for a "home coming"
At ' an adjourned meeting of the vlllaee
board new officeis were elected and stand
ing committees appointed: Oscar Kayser,
clerk; W. H. Bets, treasurer; Andrew
Graves, marshal; W. R. Patrick, attorney;
Harry Petwrs, overseer or streets; Duncan
Menxlca, sexton of the cemetery; finance
committee, Leonard, Kayser, McChesney;
streets and alleys. Chadd. Kayser. Mc
Chesney; parks, Kayser, Leonard, Chadd.
Mrs. D. C. Dodds is spending a few weeks
with a sister In Denver.
Mrs. Michael of Tekamah has been the
guest recently pf Mrs. J. J. Dodds.
Miss Errnt Goff of Fremont was the
guest last week of her sister, Mrs. Frank
Brown. '
Misa Grace Calbert of Portland, Ore., was
the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. C, C.
George. "
A. W. Curtis of Cortlsnd, N. Y., is the
guest of his brother, W. 8. Curtis, and
Mrs. Curtis. v
Dean Beecher and Mrs. Beecher were the
guests at dinner on Wednesday of Mr. and
Mrs.' Frances Olney,
Miss Faith Potter entertained at bridge
Wednesday evening of last week for Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Cooley.
S. R. Rush left Monday for St. Paul on
business connected with the land fraud
cases, returning Friday.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church will meet Friday
with Mrs. D. L. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcsr and Mr.
Brando were the guests for supper Sunday
evening of Dr. and Mrs. Lemere.
More rails were laid on the Fsrnam-Dun-dee
car line last week, extending It all tha
way to the Happy Hollow club.
Mr. and Mra. J. W. of Loup City,
who have been visiting their uncle. J. J.
pyke, returned home during the wctk.
William Larnpe and Willard Lampe left
Wednesday, the former to take a church
fti Illinois and the latter one near l.ewlaton,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mansfield of Lin
coln are the guests for a few days of their
sister. Mrs. 8. R. Eilsnn, on their way to
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr, Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Barr and Miss Margaret Barr left on
Tuesday with a large party for a trip to
Miss Evelyn MacDougal. on her way from
Michigan to California and the Hawaiian
Islands, was the guest over Sunday of Mrs.
James W. Hamilton.
Miss Marie Wleck of Chicago, who lias
been tho guest for severs! weeks of Mrs.
H. B. Rsnsdell, leaves today for a. six
months' tour of Europe. '
Helen Freeman, who has spent the win
ter In Florida, returned Thursday. 51 1.
Freeman a'so returned tha same day from
a aeon visit in . j:icago. .
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Johns, who have
heen the guests for several weeks of Kev.
and Mr. I). C. Johns, left on Wednesday
xor irieir nome in Minneapolis.
Miss Gertrude Moorhesd aave an Informal
bridge party Friday afternuot, In honor of
miss liiancne t nteraircner or Burlington,
la., and Mrs. Arthur Cooley of Dundee.
v of the K.
braska Telephone conioanv. Mr. Tilnn
expects to uuna nome in Dundee,
A good many Dundee people were among
me gtof niemoera os ine i-iappy llolluw
club who dined and spent the evening at
tne lormai opening or the club last even.
I tig.
Stein Broa.. who have a store at 40. 1 Ham
ilton street, are making preparations ru
build a residence on the lots recently
bought by them at Forty-n'ntii and Caas
W. B. T. Bert and family moved during
the week into their new home at iJii Cali
fornia atrcou D. C J-KkU, wuxiae
house they bought, will build snnther on
his corner lots this Summer.
Oeotgs Winn was among the graduates
of tlie Omaha Theological seminary, whlcli
held Its commencement exercises, preceded
by a bamiurt. st the First Presnyterlsn
church last Wednesday. A good many
Dundee people were present.
The Gleaners, a society of young women
of the Presbyterian church, held a soeinl
Tuesday evening at the home of Miss
Margaret McNrrvcjc, who leaves soon to
make her future home In Colorado. The
society presented her with a hnndsoiiift
silver fork.
Dundee people who dined and enter
tained at Happy Hollow Saturday even
ing were: C. C. Gorge and party of seven;
J. H. Parrotte. five; R C. Peters, five;
John Harte. three; E. V. Hesford, two;
A. C. Crossmatj. two; P. R Rush, two;
.t. O. Yelser. two: E. E. Ktmheriy. to;
t O. Talmage. two; Frank Catmh-hael.
two; Dr. H. R. Lemere, two; Mrs. HnryJ
inn (lieson and Irs. -Elisabeth Colfax;
W. L. Selby, two; E. G. Benson, two, and
C. G. Trimble, two.
Mrs. O. L. Hart entertained Friday aft
ernoon In honor of Mrs. W. P. Maila.oJ
of Suit Lake City. Five hundred was tlm
game of the afternoon and the prize was
won by Mrs. .1. W. Bell of Council I'.lnffs.
Those present were: Mesdiimes W. P.
Mallander. J. J. Walton. C. O. Talmire.
H. B Randell. J. O. Yelser. R. W. More,
Charles Miller. ). C. Avers, Harry Miller.
Julius Rosenxwelg. J. W. Bell'. J. . P.
Redmond. 8. R. Elson, Dr. Walbice and
Miss Grace Rrown.
The Dundee Woman's etub held Its bist
meeting for the year Wednesday at the
home or Mrs. J. E. Iiodds. Officers elected
for the year were: Mrs. P. J. Harr. presi
dent: Mrs. It. C. Balrd. vice president; Mrs.
A. C. Crossman, secretary; Mrs. J. E.
Dndds, treasurer. Mrs. Arton lowis and
Miss Lewi were made new members of the
club. Mrs. Bragg was tho guest of the
afternpon. Mrs. E. R. Hleme, the retiring
president, was presented with a choice pic
ture. West Ambler.
Mr. and Mrs. Shandy were the guests of
their son Thomas snd family In East Omaha
Mrs. W. E. Daley was the guest cf her
staler. Mrs. Flnley Bonewiti, In West Side,
on Thursday. v
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rehftel are nicely
settled In their new home on South Fony
slxtliavenue. Miss Lessie Faverty was the guest of
her slster.v Miss Bessie, in South Omaha,
from Saturday until Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Healey of South Thirty-fifth
avenue died Wednesday. Interment was at
Holy Sepulcher Friday morning.
O. Carlson has secured the position of
mower at Han scorn psrk and uses his newly
purchased horse In his labors there.
Lawrence Hoffmar. of Norfolk was the
guest of his grandparents, Rev. and Mrs,
R. M. Henderson, the latter part of the
The weekly prayer meeting at Southwest
church has been changed from Wednesday
until Thursday evening. The attendance Is
Mrs. N. Carbury of Windsor Tlace has
been caring for her daughter, Miss Bert
(lams, who has been quite 111 at her homo
Ini Eckerman. v .
Thomas Davis died at his home. Forty
fourth and Pierce streets, Thursday, aged
54 years. His funersl was held Saturday
morning. Interment at Holy Sepulcher.
Peter Mattlson came home from his dally
work Friday evening ill and had to be
taken to the hospital the following day,
where he underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis. The Ladies' Aid society extends a vote of
thanks to Mr. Hutchinson of Eckerman for
presenting It with four quilting frame sup
ports, which are hand-made and painted,
and will be of much service to the society.
Master James Halpine, jr., gave a most
enjoyable lawn May party to a score of his
schoolmates at his home on Forty-sixth
and Center streets Saturday afternoons May
2. Dnlnty refreshments were served at o
o clock.
J. E. Aughe and wife went to Council
Bluffs Friday and were the guests of their
son William and family for dinner. Mrs.
Aughe returned in the evening, but Mr.
Aughe continued his trip to Lake Manawa,
where he will bo the guest of his daughter
Mrs. J. Young and family a few days.
Helen Reynolds Powell vlalted relatives
In Florence last Saturday ana ounaay.
Mrs. Snyder of Omaha was the guest of
Mrs. Joannah Franklin Wednesday after
Miss nertie Woher of Wavne. Neb., spent
several days here last week tha guest of
Mrs. J. Weber, Jr.
Rosa Rebekah Ixidge held a social session
after their regular meeting Thursday night.
Several visiting members were present.
Mrs. William Alexsndef and daughter of
lCKamsn, reo..iare nere mia wr-i-n vimiiug
Mrs. Alexander a mother, Mrs. Franklin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nelson entertained
the Christian Endeavor society of the Pre
byterlsn church at their nome Wednesday
Several of the members of the Presby
terlan church attended the commencement
exercises of the theological seminary at
Omaha Wednesday evening.
W. K. Tavlor returned from Shenandoah
la., Wednesday, where he and Mrs. Taylor
were called Bunaay on account or me ueeui
of Mrs. Taylor's rather. Mrs. Taylor will
remain with her mother a couple of weeks.
All four of the saloons in Florence are
closed, not a drink having been sold since
12 o'clock last Tuesday night, the licenses
exnirina- at that time. There Is a protest
filed with the city council against three of
them, and the council did not see fit to
grant a license to the one that had no
nroirat filed against 1U which was Henry
Anderson's. Charles 1. Brown, Nicholson
Brothers and James NIchOMon all had pro
tests filed aaainst the aranting of licenses.
The final hearing will be heard Tuesday
night. May 12, when it is tnougru new
filings will be made and all four of the
licenses granted.
Omaha High School 'Indents Honor
Those Who Have Honored
An enjoyable evening of banqueting,
toast making and general celebration was
spent In one of tho banquet rooms ot the
Young Men's Christian association cafe last
night by a number of high school young
people. Prtnclpal A. H. Waterhouse pre
sided as "toastmaster and the guests of
honor were the members of the debating
teams which recently defeated West Dos
Moines and Kansas City In forensic con
tests. '
Those present Included the Misses Orle
Mae Devore, Ruth Llndley, Ruth Water
house, Helen Davidson, Helen Sorenson,
Geraldine Gifford, Dorothy Phillips. Marie
Hodge, Agnes Russell and Jessie Brain,
Mes-r. David Oberg, Lyle Roberts. Howard
Roe, Hsrry Drueker. Fred Carlson, FdWIn
Rosenberg, Will Ross. Gilbert Barnes
Mark Savldge, Frederick McConnell and
Harris Vance. Secretary E. F. Denlson
of the Young Men's Christian association.
who coached the victorious debaters, waa
also a guest of -honor.
The room In which the banquet was held
was decorated with high school pennants
and banners of tho junior class, to which
four of the debaters belong. The table
decorations consisted of cut flowers Snd
dstnty place cards.
The following toasts were responded to
"The Girls." Edwin Rosenberg; "The De
balers." Mr. Denlson; "Our High School, '
Fred iCarlson; "How a Debater Looks to
Me," Lyle Roberts; "The Kansas City De
bate," Harris Vance; "The Des Moines
Debate," Will Roes; "Our Debating So
cletlea," Mark Savldge; "Debating In tha
Tast," Gilbert Barnes; "Debating In the
Future," Harry Drueker.
A number of the speakers pictured In
glowing terms tha future that Hea before
tha debaters ot Omaha High and mentioned
tha school's need of a department of debet
Kif the work of Principal Waterhouse, who
Is considered the father of debating In the
high school, waa voiced by alL
An I ally .a-h
should be covered with clean bandages
saturated with Burklens Arnica, Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, norea, piles. 25c. For
sale by Beaton Drugr Co.
Er uaind tha rartoua f-r-nmsnta ot Tu
Bee Want Ad Pagea you get quick returns
tx a anuui cxveacr i
Eagle i Hold Their Memorial Service,
at the Burwood.
Mr. Bryan Mill Also Lay the
Cornerstone for the F.aclea'
A est at Benson This
The annual memorial services of the
Eagles of Omaha and vicinity In honor of
he dead of their respective lodges will be
teld In the burwood theater this morning
stf in o'clock.
The program will comprise a selection hv
the orchestrs; song, "1 he Vacant Chair,'"
by Elks' quartet; prayer by Rev. lt. L.
Wheeler; memorial ritual service, by the
order; song, "My Redeemer and My Lord,"
by Miss Gwendolyn Garlow; address. H. B.
Fleharty; song by Elks' quartet, "The Songs
Our Mothers i'sed to Sing."
Tha oration of the dm will bo delivered
by Wlllliim Jennings Bran. i
The program will close with another
song, "The Cross," by Miss Uwendolyn
Garlow. 1
The officers of the aeries of Omsha.
South Omaha, ftenson snd Florence will
assist in the formal closing ceremonies.
Ado clock bundsy afternoon the corner
stone of the new auditorium of Benson
nerle. No. 1 2, will he laid. The program
will comprise short addresses by A. 8.
Ritchie, P. J. Barrett and William Jen-,
nings Brysn of Lincoln. Suitable music
will be provided for ;he occasion.
firand Army ot the Kepnblle.
The thlrty-se:ond annual encampment of
the Nebraska dep irtmer.t Grand Army of
the Republic, will be held In Hastings. May
Headquarters will be In Grand Army of
he Rcniilillc hall, opposite the Most wick
hotel. Conunanuer T. H. Crelgh has an
nounced the iollowing committee on cre
dentials: Assistant AdHitant General A. M.
Trimble, Jonathan Eiwails, post No. 7;
George F. 1 1 umphre h. ;-ost No. 11; Brad
f. took, post No. 214, and M. H. HinniHn,
post No. 4. The registration committee will
consist of Senior Vice Commander Ell A.
Barnes. G. Blakslee. post No. 112: 8. K.
Spauldlng. post No. 2", and J. M. Coleman,
post No, 68.
A public recent on will be held on Tues
day evening, My 19. In the First Methodist
Episcopal church under the ajsplces of the
local committees.
Tha naro.lA n-lll t I. .. ... nn ir.J....
day at 10 a. m., under the direction of
Chief of Staff A. W. Taylor.
oiaie associations will meet In Grand
Army hail Wednesday at 11 a. m.. under
direction of temporary chairmen repre
senting their respective slates.
The business sessions or the encampment
will be held In the opera house, beginning
at 2 p. m. Wednesday.
A camp-rire, to be addressed by well
known comrades and distinguished citi
aens will bo held In the opera house on
wennesaay evening.
Thursday will be devoted to the election
of officers snd installation, closing with
local reunions and final farewells.
Memorial Day.
In his recommendations rcasrdlna the
observance of Memorial day. Department
Commander Thomas A. Creigh of the Ne
braska Grand Army of the Kepublic says:
"As the ranks ot the GfVid Army grow
their, uur petuonal lnfluer.0 should and
does Increase and widen, and should grow
and expand In power and effect In the lives
of our -eons and daughters and In the
whole or this later generation, which has
Its problems to face and solve. They need
our counsels, our -experience, and they
honor our cause. Invite the citizens of
your neighborhood to oln you in this
solemn service, and let our flag droop In
tribute above every grave where sleeps a
soldier or sailor. In the language of our
great commander, John A. Ixgan, let
us then, at the appointed time, gather
around their sacred remains and garland
the passionless mounds above them with
the choicest flowers of springtime; let us
raise tho dear bid flag they aaved from
dishonor; let us In this solemn presence
renew our pienges to am ana assist those
whom they have left among us. a sacred
charge upon a nation's gratitude, the
soldiers and sailors widows and orphans.
Tne order proceeds rurlhpr with the usual
recommendation that pouts arrange to at
tend divine service In a body on Sunday.
May 24. and alao for patriotic services in
the public schools bn Friday, May 29.
By resolution or the National Encamp
ment the flag should be floated from the
top of the mast on Memorial day and not
at half-mast, as has been the custom.
Tribe ot Bea Har.
Lew Wallaces-ourt No. 121 met Saturday
flight and completed arrangements ior Its
entertainment May IS In Barlght's hall.
Admission will be by Invitation. This court
will be duly organised on May 28 by. State
Manager Way. j
Mecca court No. 13 gave its regular
monthly entertainment Thursday evening.
On the evening of May 21 this court will
give a dance snd Initiate a large class of
candidates for the new court now being
organized by Deputy B. B. Coons In Omaha.
umana court no. hi gave a social meet
ing Monday evening. A large crowd was
present. Refreshments were served. On
May IS this court will entertain Its members
and friends with a May party.
Fraternal I'nlon of America.
Omaha lodge No. Ill gave a successful
May ball the evening of May 6. A feature
of the evening waa the fancy drill of tha
team of Laurel hive No. 19. under the direc
tion of Its captain. Mary E. Blair. The hall
wss prettily decorated ror the occasion.
Miss Ruth Norman was May queen. Violet
Homan crown bearer and Vera Norman
and Pauline Roth ladles In waiting. The
committee In charge was Mrs. Frank Car
mony, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mary K.
mair. Mra. nmitey, Mrs. . E. Norroan,
Mrs. Ben Homan, Mrs. T. Leddy, Mra
Saleg of business lots will be held at REKDKR, North
Dakota, MAY If; nt 1SMAV. Montana. MAY 19; at
HAYNKS, North Dakota, MAY SI, and at HCHAN. '
TON. North Dakota. MAY liO. All g.iloi will pa by ,
The&e towns are In a good diversified farming, stock
raising and dairying district along the new line to - ,
the Pacific coast and have a large tributary trade ter-
rltory. They will witness rapid development and offer .
exceptional opportunities for merchants and investors.
Dates will he announced later of the sales which will
be held In other new towns on the Pacific coast ex-'
tension of the -
Six months ago the towns of LEMMOX, HETTINGER
and 1WJWMAN were established along this new line
In the Dakota. Today each has a population rinse -to
5bO ami most branches of business are represented,
but opportunities are Hill plentiful for many lines.
On MAY 10 there will be another homeseokerg'. excur-
sion to points on this new line. Round-trip fare from
Omaha will be to MOURUKiK; $23.93 to l.KM. '
V$6.BI to HAKLOWTO.N; 4)37.30 to MOORK or
LEWISTON. In the Judith basin. Montana Tickets,
good tl days; stopovers allowed. Fares to other
pointa quoted on request.
Special homeseekers' train tarrying sleepers, dining
car and coaches to MILES CITY will leave Aberdecu,
8. I)-, 11 p. ru. on this date.
Maps and descriptive booka regarding
tula bw country free for the asking.
Oesvaral rastaene'ec Agaat,
Charles Flineerland, Mr. Blslr. Mr. Nor
man, Mr. Kimball and Mr. Pllngerland.
Modern Woodmen.
Beech camp No. 1454 obligated ens pew
candidate Friday flight and received rev
era! applications. J. W. Houde of the
head office at Rork Island , was a visitor
and spoke briefly upon the work of the or
der. Beech ralnp (eels eleated oyer the
election of one of Its membera. N. C. Trait,
as chairman of tit Nebraska delegation to
ths hesd camp meeting.
Captain Stafford of the drill team has
now a tram of eighteen men that are be
coming efficient In drill,
(n Tuesday night at Lyrlo theater Beech
camp quartet, assisted by local talent, wl'l
give an entertainment for the benefit of
the Foresters of the camp.
Knights of Tythlaa.
The forty-fourth convention (forty-first
annus!) of tlae grsnd lodge Knights of
pvthlss of Nebraska will bs held In Repre
senatlve hall, state capltol building, Lin
coln, commencing at 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning. May 12. After 10 n clock Mon lay
morning. May 11. Ihe committee on creden
tials will he at the office of grsnd keeper
of records and seal, .vs-7 Farmers and
Merchants building, lifteenth and O
streets. ( , s morning at :. the grsnd lodge
will be formally welcomed by Meter F. t .
Brown. The grand chancellor. Dr. A. R.
Hay of Falrmiry will respond on behalf of
the grand lodge. . ,
Royal Arcanntti.
The annual attendance at church. In so
official way. hy the members of the. Royal
Arcanum of Omaha; occurs this morning,
with appropriate- services at All Paints',
Twenty-sixth snd IVwey avenue, conducted
by Rev. Dr. Mackay. Arv added privilege
tlila year, however, will be the presence of
Rear Admiral Schley and , a number of
grand and subordinate council officers of
Nebraska and Iowa. Admiral Schley has
been a member of the order for many years ,
and will make an address during the serv
ices, after which a reception will be ten-'
dered him In the parish hoilse. They sre .
to meet at Creighlnn Institute hall at 10:30 ,
and proceed to tha church In a body, where
the services will begin at 11 o'clock.
Pioneer council will meet In regular ses
sion Tuesday evening In the
block. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, with
Initiation of candidates and considerable
business to transact.
Vmlon Pacific council will meet Thursday
evening In Crelghlon Institute hall at 8
o'clock. Several candidates will he Initiated
and the special committee on entertainment
will report upon something attractive to
the members and their families. A smoker
and entertainment will follow the business
Florence I Crane auxiliary to Camp
Fcrbv, t'nited Spanish-American War Vet
erans, will give a card party In Barlght
hall Monday evening. Dancing and refresh
ments. ,
Omaha tent No. 75. Knights Of the Mscca
bees, will have ns Its guest next Thursday
evening Major General Slitteer of the uni
form rank of the Maccabees. General Slit
teer Is making a tour of the west, organis
ing uniform cHmps In the order.
White Fawn council No. 9. Degree of
Pocahontas, gave a card party in, Jiartght
hall Tuesday evening. The prize winners
were Mrs. Nellie Wolf, Mrs. Ellen Jack
mats, Mr. Darnell and Mr. Iantgrel. The
council will meet again May 1.
Gettysburg circle No. 4S, Ladies Of the
Grand Army, will give a card party In Ba
rlght hall Monday evening. Refreshments
and dancing.
Minnehaha council No. 2. DrgreS vf Poca
hontas, will glvo a card party and dance In
Woodmen hall. Fifteen and Douglas '
streets, next Ssturday .evening.- Refresh
ments will be served.
Garfield circle No. 11. Ladles of ths Grand
Armv of tho Republic, will give a New
England dinner In llarlght hall on May VS.
THs circle has accepted the invitation to
sttend divine services on Memorial Sunday
at the Diets Mtmorlal church. An Invttn
tion of the general Memorial day commit
tee was also accepted to participate in tha
exercises of Memorial day at the Audi
torium. ,
At the last meeting of Minnehaha council
No. 2. Degree of Poeahrrtas, two new mem
bers were adopted. Lunch waa sorvod,
followed by dancing. (
Torrn Board of Valentine Faces Claim
for Damage tor Dead Pet. .
VALENTINE. Neb.. May.. Special. )--All
because Its faithful, town marshal. In
his aeal to carry out.hla Inatructions, mis
took Jack Kellcy's valuable bird dog for
a creature belonging te J. B. Bhafer on
which no taxes had been paid, the town
board Is facing a claim for damages.
Recently the board issued an order to
the marshal, Henry irauara. -to shoot a
dog belonging to J. S. Blwifer, ipor) which
no tax had been paid. 'Henry munteied
forth, armed. Finally he came upon a dog
which could give no ctitlsfactory account
of ltaelf, and Henry's sun was raised to
his eye. He shot. ThM dog rsn toward
the home of Jack Keek y and dropped at
tho doorstep, dead. It -waa Jack Kealey"s
faithful bird dog, which he held priceless.
Now the town board has up for. their
careful consideration a Vlaim f Jttt, tiled
by Mr. Jack Keeley..,
More Neves trotu tcse Aew Onaiand
If anyone has any doubt as to the virtue
of Foley' Kidney Cure, tbjjy need oniy to
refer to Mr. Akin H. SLfmpson ot Willi
mantlo, Conn., who, ' etftsr almost losing
hope of recovery on adxtmt or tne failure
of so many remedies, ftmtliy tried. Foley's
Kidney Cure, which, he aarya, waa 'Jugt the
thing" for him, at tour "bottlea 'cured hint
completely. He la now . entirely well sad
tree from all the stiff erlt te Incident "to acult
kidney trouble. All dru (flats.
fUaaral Weaftera Area.