4 TiTE omatta sttnday bee: mat 10. iooa. 4 The Superiority of 'Our Purchasing Power is learly Demonstrated in Monday's Sale Evenl h;ch gxadc White Goods Dept. A full line of 'white goods for graduating; dresses at greatly re dnced price. St. Gall embroidered Swiss, regu lar $1.00 grade 691 J5L Gall embroidered Swiss, regu lar 76c grade f5 6t. Gall embroidered Swlsa, regu lar 69c grade 3) Scotch Swisses, S7-inc wide, reg ular 60c grade 35? 39c grade lioC Domestic Swlsa, at, yard 26c, 19c and 15 French embroidered Batiste, regu lar $1.98 grade, on sale Monday, at. a yard $1.25 Opera Batiste, 46-lnch wide, at. a yard, 66c, 60c and 35 Wash Chiffon, 48-inch wide, at, a yard. 98c, 6 o and 39g Mercerized Chiffon, 46-ln wtde, regular 60c grade, at, yard 35? French Lawn, 46-ln. wide, nice and sheer for graduating dresses, at, yard. 86c, 76o. 60c and 3) . Persian Lawn, 46-ln. wide, regular 76c grade 59 69c grade 39C 89c grade 25 Checked Uwn, regular 89c grade at 254 26c grade 19 Mercerized Batiste, 4 5-ln. wide, regular 98c grade 75 76c grade7 59 69c grade . . . 35 High Grade Wool Dress Goods Dept. Final windup sale of wool dress goods, Monday. Every thing just as advertised. Mail orders filled until Fri day. No samples sent out. Black Dress Goods AU $1.00 Black Dress Goods 46c All $1.26 Black Dress Goods 67 All $1.60 Black Dress Goods, at 72 All $2.00 Black Dress Goods, at 87W All $2.60 Black Dress Goods 98 All $3 Black DreBS Goods $1.10 All $3.60 Black Dresa Goods, at $1.39 All $4 Black Dress Goods $1.75 All $5 Black Dress Goods $1.08 Colored Wool Dress Goods All $1 Colored Dress Goods 38 All $1.25 Colored DresB Goods. at 59 All $1.60 Colored Dress Goods, at 69 All $2 Colored Dress Ooods yy All $2.60 Colored Dress Goods, at $1.98 All $3 colored Dress Goods Sl!l2 All $3.50, $4 and $5 Colored Dress Goods $1.49 All evening shades at same prices. Samples of &11 piece goods sent free to out-of-town customers jiMf LiEbvJS Mall orders given prompt and careful attention. Filled from these price If aent at onoe. THE RELIABLE STORE. Silks at Almost Your Own Price Monday Over 37,000 yards of elegant new silks, secured by our silk buyer at less than actual cost of production. Mr. Mickle states that in all his buying experience he never had such irresistible values offered him as in the recent manufacturers' and jobbers' clearance sale in New York and by careful selec tion he secured Silk Bargains that were seldom if ever equaled in the history of Omaha merchandis ing. Will be placed on sale Monday. Entire purchase will be divided into THREE GREAT LOTS at, yard, 69c, 45c and 29c. 86-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.25 yard, 36-inch black peau de sole, worth $1.89 yard; IX J. Bonnett's best dress taffetas; 27-lnch color taffeta; 86-inch changeable taffeta; 86-lnch checks and fancies; 6 different weaves in rough pongees, in browns, Copenhagen blues, etc., mandarin, the fashionable new silk; auto silks; Leanora silk; foulards; 4 6-lnch color voiles and crepe de chines; 20-lnch black satins; Swiss messallnes; brocade and r evening novelties; fancy blacks, etc a few pieces actually worth $6.00 yard all go Monday fs7f" vi at, choice, $1.00 and $1.25 values in color taffetas; fine novelties; plain and fancy rough pongees; 27-inch hlack taffetas; foulards, habutals; color crepe de chlnee; 45-inch color chiffon voiles; 45-inch dress weaves and colorings to select from not a yard worth less than double Monday's price, yard Come early Monday and secure first choice of the magnificent bargain offerings. 45c On Silk Square in Domestic Room A great assortment of plain and fancy silks, surpassing in variety and quality any showing ever made at" the price, here or elsewhere in Omaha. Beautiful novelties and plain silks in range of new colorings and patterns most delightful, biggest snap ever offered, at, yard 29c Lace Sale Monday Absolutely the best values ever offered in this or any other Omaha house. Normandy Val. and Point de Paris I Laces, in four lots, 6c, 7V4o, 10c and 12 W All matched sets, 8 widths of lace and two of Insertion 20c Laces, go at 5S 26c Laces, go at 7H 80c Laces, go at 10 3 5c Lacos, go at 12 W C 25c Embroideries at 7c A big line for selection, actual values up to 25c yard. 50c Elastic Belt 25 $1.00 Elastic Belt 49 Sheetings, Muslins, Domestics Ilere's where we excell. Compare our prices wit tx outers. XVnn S art In H-K(l TV. It. jn rnaa T.nnRrlla Bleached . . . . From 2:80 to 8:80 p. m. One case of Fruit of the Loom . . VOR ALT, DAY. 9-4 Bleached Lock wood. . 17 He 9-4 Brown Lock wood ... i . . 15 7 IX r Towellnsr ....... ....... Fit 6c Cotton Crash ........... 2 C 5c Wafih Rags lc SQi Prpara Damask "1 ? 26c Turkey Damask 12 sac una mercsnieu uauio, t The best 10c Towel made.. 5 The best 12V4c Towel made 7 The best 16c Towel made. . 8 The best 19c Towel made. . 10 10,000 yards of White Goods, yd., 8,ttc, 6c, 7 toe and 10 Wonderful Values in Stylish Outergarments Monday The climax in a season of unusual bargain offerings has certainly been reached in the displav of the garment values just received from our cloak and suit buyer, now in New York. A more delightful assortment of charming style ideas would be hard to imagine. Greater values almost are impossible. Covert Jackets Worth to Untie w Rug Question Easily Settled Here Just the pattern, just the color, just the quality you want at lees ... a M Inns . 1. , a. VAtl1!! HttVA 41 1 1 V AlflA. price UMtn you ve expecveu w ij k mm j - r -- where. OuV complete assortments and low prices offer. the very best Opportunity ior BjuuBiswufrj wvu .. $35.00 Axmlneter Bars Best quality. size 8-3x10-6, special bargain; ax. ale price $18.50 $23.00 Tapestry Bofi Seamless, best quality, size 9x12, 15 patterns to se lect from, at $18.98 $15.00 Brussels Buys Size Dxll floral B.ml oriental deslens. beautiful colorings., at $11.98 lao.oo Taoestrr Brussels Bus's 9x12 size, only one seam, bis range of patterns, at. $14.98 $17.00 Tapestry Brussels Buffs only one seam, l-txl0- size, on special sale, at $13.88 $39.00 Seamless Wilton Bur mil alia, beautiful danisms, srreat assort ment, at $37.60 Omaha A genu for Brenlin The new window shade material, won't crack nor wTlnkle. Let us measure your windows tor anaaes ana save you money. ' ! $30.00 Best Axminste Burs, 9x1 size 28 patterns for selection npe clal sale faV? $10.00 Brussels Buffs 10 wire, 7x9 sUe. 11 different patterns for selec tion, at Ua-ea $15.00 Tapestry Brussels Burs 9x12 size. 18 patterns for selection, spe cial, at Kashmir Buffs Colors guaranteed. "No wrong siae to a tv.asnn.ir, size 9x9 size x9 size $5.00 Axmlnstor Burs, t(x72, .$9.98 .K8.76 .$5.75 mi a a at $2.75 Axminster Ru$, 17xM, at.Jl.98 12.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x64. at... $1.35 $1.60 Smyrna Buffs, S0x3. . .890 Tailor Suits Made to sell at $30 and $35, Merry Widow, Prince Chap, Butterfly and other pop ular styles, at 18.50 Tailor Suits That would sell regularly at $40.00, $50.00 and $75.00, on sale Monday in three lots at $25, 35 and 45 $12.00, semi or tight-fitting styles, satin lined, a swell line at 6-95 Fine Voile and Panama Skirts Values to $15.00; black, white or colors, on sale Saturday choice at... 4.95 and 6.95 A Lot of Silk Coats Nob by styles, regular $G.00 values, on sale at 3.95 A Beautiful Line of New Lingerie Dresses Shown for the first time at 10, 12.50 up to S35 $4.00 Jap Silk Waists White or blaok; choice ..1.95 Big Sale on Infants' Wear MoV day, 2nd Floor. $2.50 Lawn Waists Splendid assortment for selection, 95c In Our High Grade Linen Department Can be found every reputable brand and make of Bed Sheets and Pillow SUpe. at prices which defy all competition. These prices all day Monday only: , H.V"a l8, 81x9- ach 79H Defender Loom, 81x90. each.. 69 I Linen Finish Loom, 81x90, each 4n Pepperell Loom, 81x90, each.. fl Pepperell Loom. 72x90. each., Standard Loom, 81x90, each.... 50 Linen Finish Loom, 72x90, each 45 White Thorn, 81x90, each 75 r ruix or me ixom, vixvo, eacn 75, May Clearance of Brass Beds A Saving of 25 to 50 on Your Grocery Bill We have too large a stock of fine brass beds and in n mAnntx frfr nn4lrlv Tin 11 TnfllrA RWfPT)initr TDrlCfl TedUC- yXIACI W AVUUlo AV ituviuj " . . .. " 1 O X tions fan all lines Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Note Few Price Reductions $60.00 Brass Beds $49.50 $48.00 Brass Beds $41.25 $42.60 Brass Beds. $35.75 $40.00 Brass Beds $33.50 $37.50 Brass Beds $31.50 $19.60 Brass Beds $15.75 $9.00 Music Onbinets $0.50. Why scatter the music all over the house when for a small sum you can buy a neatly" designed, handsome ly finished cabinet. Many other special cabinet bar gains In this week's sale,, Bolster Rous Usually re tailed at $1.50, large space for pillows, no bed com plete without one, special, Mon day $7.10 Lawn Swings, large four-passenger sire itrongly con- structed. well fin- JJ'- Ished, at. $G.25 Freshest Goods, Largest Stock, Highest Quality and Lowest Price. Granulated Sugar at Less Than Jobber's Cost. $40 Parlor Suites, $29.2.1 A handsome 8-plece mahogany suite, genuine leather uphol stered, hand polish finish, a pat tern much admired by people of taste, certainly a beauty and great bargain, at $29.25 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 35c 10 lbs. best white or yellow Cornmeal for 15c The best solid packed Tomatoes, 3 cans for ..... 25c Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, 4 cans for 25c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per pkg., at -THc The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. 8o 1 lb. can Assorted Soups 7 He Quaker Oats Co s. Toasted -Wheat Flakes, pkg 6c OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 8Kc Choice California Prunes, per lb. 4 Ho Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb. 8U Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per lb. 8He Fancy California Grapes, per lb... 5c Lemon, orange or citron peel, lb. 15c The best Soda Crackers, per lb. . . 6o Fancy Cookies, per lb 10c 48 lb. sack best fancy High Patent Flour, at .' I. . $1.25 BUTTER AND CWEESE PRICES FOR MONDAY. x Choice Dairy Butter, lb. ... X ... . 18o Fancy Dairy Butter, lb 21c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb., at 25c Fancy full cream Cheese lb.. .... . 15o Neufchatel Cheese, each .8c Sap Sago Cheese, each 7 He The best full cream Sage Cheese, per lb 17 Mc FRESH VEGETABLE AND FRUIT PRICES FOR MONDAY. Fresh Spinach, per peck 5c 2 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c 2 bunches fresh Radishes 6c 8 large Cucumbers for 5c 3 bunches fresh Carrots or Beets 10c Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb. 10c Fine ripe Tomatoes, lb 7 He 4 bunches fresh Pieplant 5c Fresh Green Onions, per bunch... lc 2 bunches fresh Celery 5c Fancy new Cabbage, lb. ........ 2c Large Pineapples, each 5c, 7Hc, 8c 10o Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen- 12c, 15c, 18c and ..20o Another carload of pineapples coming. This is the most delicious fruit to put up. Watch the papers for the sale of this delicious fruit. ThbBusy Hardware Department 5c to 15c Articles 2 l-2c and 5c o packages Carpet Tacks, hard wood Tooth Picks. Flu Stops. Clothes Pins. Vegetable Brushes, Can Openers, Ek Beaters, Strainers, Picture Wire, Coat Harden (wire or woodeD), Dish Mop, Screen Door Hlnees. Pot Chains. Wire Toasters, Foot Sorapers, Etc, all go tor each, at 8H 10c Dover Egg Beaters So lSc Feather Dusters 6o 150 Folding- Card Racks 6o I sure catch Mouse Traps 6o lOo Braided Clothes Lines Bo Carpet Heaters ...6o Whisk Brooms . 6o lOo Shlnola Co garden Trowels, White Metal Knives and Forks, worth 10c each, only 6o Teaspoons, white metal 6o Children's 8-plece Garden Sets, worth 15c. all ko for only '. 6o ADiujiuuuA i MuuHi.ru na lamia u luoinis Brlrht, new No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boilers, worth $1.00 B9o Brais Wah Boards 95a Beat Zinc Wash Boards 19o Bona, neavy braided Clothes Lanes, only lSo Padded 25o Sleeve Boards .....lOo 6-foot Celling- Dusters 15o Wire Cable Wash . Board, worth 26c, at 18Ho Union Made Parlor Brooms, Saturday. at IS140 nuuoer w inaow vjjeaners, only lU'.o Mrs. Vrooman's 25o Sink Strainer, at lai-jc Mrs. Pott's 6-plece gets Sad Irons, at 79o All white enameled. Tea Kettle, at.... 680 Try IHLAOEM'S IPSiPSJlt Some extra specials in our High Grade Linen Dept. for Monday's Selling 10 pieces grass bleached pure Irlwh Table Linen, sateen damask, 2 yards wide, regular $1.26 grade, special, Monday, yard.... GOC 15 pieces imported mercerized satin damack, 64-lnches wide, beautiful range of patterns, good value at 98c, special, Monday, at yard 48 25 unhemrned pattern Table Cloths full bleached, warrnnted pure linen, size 8x10, usually sold at $3.00, Bpeclal Monday, each, at 81.60 20 dozen Dinner Napkins, all pure linen, good size, In bleached and silver bleached, well worth $3.25 doz., special Monday, , 6 for 70 20 dozen Dinner Napkins, all pure linen size, 21x24 inches, full bleached, strong and. durable, good value at $5.00 per dozen, special Monday, 6 for.. $1.10 25 pieces pure linen Toweling, comes in BarnBley, Stevens & Glass, the best toweling value ever offered, never sold less than 15c yard special, Monday, at, yard J) Curtains, Draperies Comparison will certainly prove our assortment and values superior. It will pay you to look over our new lines and get our prices before buying. Princes Cnrtainn, real hand made goods, at $27.50 and.... $25 Huchess Point Curtains, big range of patterns, $15 to.... $ 10.50 Saxony Brussels Net Curtains, great variety. $12.50 to.. 818 Arabian furtains, all hand made, new pfltterns, $5.00 to .. 810 Irish Point Curtains, great assort ment at $3.98 to $9 Harnett Curtains, for dining room, at $198 to $4.08 Madras Curtains, In 500 soft, pret ty shades, at $6.00 to.. $8.25 Snow Flake Curtains, rose, red, green or yellow, at $1.98 to : $3.08 Drapery Madras, yard, 1 5c t $1.50 SO-inch (irenadlnes, at, yd. 25 French Muslin, in new colonial patterns, at, yard 25 Rope Port lore, heavy festooned style, at $1.98 to 87.50 60-inch Bagdad Couch Covers, ex tra heavy quality, special, at $2.08 Wash Goods Department Monday will be the greatest Wash Goods day in the history of Omaha. Everything cut close. No competition in our lines. 25c Scotch-Ginghams 10c Yard Three cases of genuine 32-in. Scotch Ginghams that sell at 25c a yard; fine styles; all will go at, a yard 10o 39c Wash Goods for 10c Arnold's 39c silk Mousseline, plain and dotted; Arnold's printed silk organdies; French Bilk warp ginghams, etc., yard. 10o 15c Wash Goods 7V20AMI 15c and 1212C Dress Ginghams, all new and latest styles; no other can give such bargains, t, yard 7V,C I2V2C Wash Goods for 5c Five cases of the celebrated Lan caster dress ginghams, known as the old standards, fine styles, absolutely fast colors; also double fold Pacifio per cales always sells at 12Vc a yard; all 32-in. Amnai mills, extra heavy German blue Calicoes, that sells at I2V2C, for, a yard 5c Wash Go ods nur Famous Domestic Room This is undoubtedly the greatest room of its kind In the west. Everything sold at about half what you pay elsewhere. 10c Lawns, 2 Yards for lc Three different grades 10c Lawns, fast colors, god values, 2 yards for J. 7c Apron Checks 2JV 12 Lawns 2 15c Lawns 3 12 c Percales, 36-in 5 12 c German Blue 74 7 c Calicoes 2V4 60c Silk Organdies 101 60c Silk Ginghams 10 39c Madras lOf 25c Scotch Ginghams 10 89c Silk Warp Ginghams.. 10 12 He Long Cloth L 12 Ho 40-ln. Lawns. 5t 25c Waistlng 10 15c India LlnonB 7Ht 19c India Linons 10 Remnants of Wash Good, up to 25c yard 3H Short Lengths 2 Various other sales here all day. COL O. $4-00 $3-50 $3-00 f"pHERE must be unusal merit in any, shoe that is so much in demand as this Queen Quality Colonial Tie. One of the "biggest sellers" of the year. We have it in Tan and Patent Leather. Ask for it. Facts About Our Trees .All our standing- t1mbr Is estimated to semswhera betwn fourteen hundred and two thousand billion feet. If we use 40,000.000,004 per annum we can run thirty five to fifty years at the present rata, provided we do not have anywaste. If we use 100.000,000,000 per annum our timber will last fourteen to twenty years on the same basts. If we use 150,0u0.0o0,0u0 pr an num in nine to thirteen years our timber will all be g-onel We have now about 16a, 000,000 acres In our national reserves. If we. had three times that much we should not have enough. If It costs twenty acres a Sunday, or forty acres a week, or 2,080 acres a year to print one dally newspaper, what does It cost In acreage to print all tbe newspapers In all the cities and towns of America T Add to this the enormous editions of our magazines. Add to this the paper used in books. The total staggers the imagination, and yet the amount of Umber cut for pulp in the United States annually la less than per cent of what Is cut for lumber. Last year we made more than 18. 000.000, 000 'lead pencils. A lead pencil Is not very lare. but the total number of lead pencils re quired T.SOO.000 cubic feet of cedar. We have cedar enough to last us Just twelve years. More thea luo.000 acres of Umber, in the whole United States, are cut over every working day. We use many Umes more Um ber per capita than any other nation. We have left not over 460.000,000 acres bearing commercial timber. Cast up In your mind some of the small demands of industry upon this supply. Our railroads are said to use one-third of the industrial timber cut for ties. Suppose we could cut 100 ties to the acre; we should require 1.000,000 acres a year for ties. We annually reap for telegraph and telephone poles somewhere between 1.000,000 and 4,0fi0,0u0 sores of land. Our tanneries two years ago required 1,370,000 cords ef bark. In the same year we cut 11, 868,200 shingles and 1,812.1)07 lalhs. Then we had to Umber our mines, and for that we used ltt.SOO.OOO oublo feet, not board measure, much of which was the best of hardwood. Elmerson Hough in Everybody's Magasine. Opening a World's Fair (Continue from Page One.) are also represented by villages ajad booths besides their palaces of work and products. Conveniently reached and yet quite apart from what Is called the educational side of the exhibition is the Court of Recrea tion, where, the amusements which are in separable from a world's fair-, are located. To provide a great supply . of these novel ties have been brought from all over the world. They include a rifle range, consisting of a warship afloat, the motion of which It reMjduces. .a scenic railway, the fllpflap, which picks up passengers on one side ef the grounds and releases them on the -other; the wlgglewaggle, a kind of boat which carries its patrons to a height, gives thero a spin around in two directions and then slides them, still in the boat, on a sheet ef water. Switchbacks and toboggan slides, one spiral and one circular, add to the Coney Island element, while dancing girls, trick performers, lion tamers, etc., will all have places In this "Midway Plals ance." s The Ughtlng is to be a feature of thee ex hibition and daylight is to prevail on dark est nights. Searchlights, Incandescent lamps, electric torches and colored , lights are in great numbers, while none of the achievements of recent exhibitions, such as electrically lighted waterfalls, fountains, etc, will be missing. . The managers of this exhibition of muHh room growth announce that It la to open positively on slay If. How that is to be done remains a mystery in the minds of all but Imre Klralfy and his assistants. To the Bee correspondent Who ' visited tbe grounds the other day It seemed mani festly aa impossibility that anything ap proaching completion should be reached before July L But 11.00 men are now em ployed, and their number Is being decreased t.000 weekly. Day and night the work pro ceeds. Fifteen million dollars will have been ex pended on labor and materials when all is accomplished and the goods exhibit will be worth 60,000;000. All the buildings have bean made absolutely fireproof. Ail sonnected with the exhibition declare that they are sure the total attendance will be 30,000,000, which, of course, would break the Chicago reoord of 28,000,000. The glory of the entente cordiale is never to be for gotten and the distinguished French visitors are to be treated with the greatest cousid eratlon and hospitality, while special trips will be arranged for trades people from France who wish to see this evidence of the French-British alliance. 6ome 400 school children are to come to England as guests of the nation. The exhibitor! and. Indeed, the exhibits, are not yet actually on the grounds, but no doubt there will be a brave show on the opening day. No one ever expects world's fairs to be really ready till almost the time for them to close, so all duo allowance will be made for this one's deficiencies In that respect. And anyway Americans arriving early in July will surely find at Shepherd's Bush a display of the resources of twen tieth century civilization such as not even the most pretentious of nineteenth century world's fairs was able to rival. . J. Pierpoint Morgan, Poet Certainly It seems that the old saying Is true that the prophet Is not without honor save In his own country. It has been dis covered In London that the renowned cltl sen of whom the United States is so proud John I'lerpont Morgan Is, lu addition to his other claims to greatness, a poet of first milk. A popular London weekly M. A. P. devoted aoiue space to Mr. Morgan's trans-' lucent talents and Informs Its readers that In his early Ufa he seriously contemplated following the Muses as a profession and that his verse shows marks of genius. It Is not adduced that Mr. Morgan's verse has ever been submitted to public gaze through the agency of the printing press, and no samples are given to subfttantiate the edi tor's claim that the offerings are tho work of a true artist. Mr. Morgan is lauded wit second not even to Mark Twain, and as evidence the following Joke 1m ap pended: Mr. Morgan recently promenaded the London streets with a handsome collie, which, he said, bore the honored name of "Rothschild." A friend asked him where fore, and he replied because tho dog nas never known to lost a (s)ceiit. And another, Mr. Morgan recently walked for three suc cessive days from his home to lps London office with an empty bird cage In his hand. On the third day his business manager ven tured to ask the great chief why he car ried the cage. Then Morgan gloomily re plied that he had a wager with a Londoner that he could carry the cage for a week and that Ills employes were so well trained that they would ask no questions. But he had lost the wager and It niiitlit be the manager would lobe his Job. This kind of wit seems much more like the J. Plerpont known to his associates on this side and more in conformity with the poetic nature for which he la noted in the domain of Uncle Bam. Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columns? If not, do so and get best results. Fast for Sixty-Two Days For a period of sixty-two days Mrs. Charles Osborne of 1012 Boylston avenue, Seattle, has not tasted food In any form She declares that she f.-els but Utile effects of her long fast, and Is eonflilent that she will be able to continue to alMtatn from all nourishment for at least eVenty-ftve days If necessary. Mrs. Osborne admits she Is not fasting because she enjoys it, or to break any records In the noneatlng line, but she says she believes such a course Is going to cure her of an ailment that for years has baf fled physicians throughout the country. Recent stories of a man In St. Paul dying after a fast of thirty-one days, and of a man In Is Angeles eating after he hail not tasted food for forty-three days because he ybecame frightened have no terrors for Mrs. Osborne, and after reading the ac counts of the'latter she laughed. "I'm In this fast to kill or cure." she said, "and I'm not going to quit till my doctor says so. I could do Justice to s big Juicy steak with French fried potatws right now, but I can stick It out a little longer, as the pangs of hunger are not bothering me to any great entent. Mrs. Osborne weighed ITS pounds when she began hr fast and now she weighs 118. Mrs. Osborne Is a patient of Dr. Linda Uurfleld Hazzard. "I have .been under Dr. Hazzard's care for thrive mouths," said Mrs. Osborne. "For three weeks I was placed on a spe cial diet and gradually my food allowance was cut down. Sixty-one days a?o I quit eating entirely, and water, all I want to drink, la the only substance I hat ha passed my lips since. "It was quite an effort to go without food at first. I missed coffee at breakfast. I have always been a hearty meat eatei and for a few days I did not think I could stand It, but I cuniu-red myself and by the end of the first four weeks I felt better than I had since I was a girl. 'I am beninniiig to feel the effects of the long fast now, however. In .that I Bet tired more easily than 1 did at first, but I con tinue to perforin my own household duties, and after preparing my husband's break fast this morning I swept the floor. "Ir. Hazzard tells me that I am about normal weight row and as soon as he gets me a few pounds below he will begin a dieting course to build me up with good, sound flesh." "I don't know Just how long I shall keep Mrs. OalHirne on the present treatment," said Dr. Hazzard. "I will break her fast Just the minute I think the process of elimination of Impurities has been accom plished. It may be tomorrow and it may be a week or two longer. . "A great deal depends on the patient, the temperament and will power. It Is no easy matter to go so long without food, although I maintain, and point to scores of patients to prove my words,- that there la no oonger in fasting." Seattle Tlinea,