Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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rt - -N (Continue.) - .
.?r&: .That beautiful horn of H.,L.
rn Bellevue. U for ssle. Said to be the
beet Iocs ted residerfe property In town.
! On atlraws f rtut twl wen depot, college
and motor rsr, Parrot title.- Eight bar
V moms'. bathroom. -roet, cellar, bells,
-etc,- Alt kinds of fruit: barn. -pasture,
-wrndmlll; fifteen lot. Come and e It.
lntH(r for O. H. Lee. G9 MSI 6 1
- i i -- -
We -lie v. uvrel anlonIM ... r.nt farm
taken aa part payment on the tale of farms
nd kt4 the very beat kind of aecurltlca.
Call and tee us.. , '
I First Floor N. T. L. Bldg.
FOR, SALE Or Idng; term leaae. 6-room
modern cottage. For terma addreaa T. B.
Barnes. 3(5il X. 22d. Tel. Webster li5.
.;' ',. , , (18)-3t
. ... .!., .... ,1
TMr'BED ABSTRACT CO. est. 1858.
Prompt service. Uet our price, till
V arnam.
19j 4M4
Jrnnaels Blue
Benjamin R. E. Co., 471
Bold phones. 1131 637
Iat- May we opened
May ve opened up
. Keystone) Perk, the largest ad-
, ciiuou ever put on tne. maraei
i' '. 'In ,-the -stater of Nebraska.
, t i - This e tra-t 7 comprise &2
-.acresinearly a mile square.
During the past year we
have completed six miles of
boulevards, ave set out over
r;ty , -fruit -and ahade trees,
NnitfianoreoVer, have sold over
a lbrVourths of the addition.
uuT'1,' ..''. - .
The purchasers of the lots
L',JV"hh already erveted nine new
houses and are plannlnj or a
Jt'. i !': dttten mere' thut spring.
:t Thlhk 4f-U! j You can buy
Ive acres In Keystone Park
- - for -"less .thau a deelrablo lot
' ., In town. .This five acrea will
O'.nlaks anl attractive suburban
home alte, or If used for a
truck pat"Ji, 4rult farm or
chicken ranch, will be the
foundation for a" snug little
fortune ten years hence.
U ,t.l M . I
There" la ,no . better Invest
majTt rfttfnred to the Omaha
inveator than acres In Key-..-il-Ttopa-JHn'kj-
It must double
and treble In value diiring the
next flvr ta ten yeara. as
Omaha's growth Is surely in
f- t- direction. ,
, i Tracts two to ten acres each.
m to- per acre. Easy
i-. A...I
Aak i for plat and general
; I information Id regard to mis
(v fdeal suburban addition.
' Flrtt "Floor- TI, Y. Life Bldg.
v" Telephones:
Douglas 1181 and A 1188.
1)0 Boedff Trsdo Bldg.
rtnltvlaa 4ft and A 2049.
. : : s - WEST-FARNAM
m:uA.Xt mt ii.n''A4Tteen -ouse. 1 - block
' 'from Parnara bar. hot water heat oak
'tlnlsV, lot 1 tfitlOO" This beautiful home
must be"' ol4 at hc-, as owner Is moving
tjtwsy". - Will submit reasoname oner.
..... 'fcirat .Floor '-. Y. L. Bldg.
TLr.rdug.Ii7si. "A" ii88.
5 ;7:ctotst; J7
8 mofnay sIV m4dern, open plumbing, new
fuinac-. full basement, concrete floor, large
lot and pnvlng paid. ' Good barn. Must sell
at once it Tent. Make offer.
,L fim-2-3 N. Y. Life.
f t -
On ; ; Small Payments
We have the finest lots for your new
hpuee, 4-nvenienicU car, water and other
cSnvealonee. .The most beautiful residence
.Ti anvnhere available at these -prices
a'.d.'terfua tH to 1560; 110 cash. 36 per ma
Vie can arrange, lo duiio lor you on a very
small cash payment. Call and get full par-
tit:ulera. or our pian.
'tW TIamr Bldg.
15th and Harney.
091-666 30
New 'St. Louis flat, near 27th and Jack
son. This will prove a very conservative
investment. Prlco is 7,uoo. "un pariicu-
lars upoa request. -
1 C..BEST, 1007-8 N. Y. L.
Sole Aaant.
'Phones Douglas 44, independent A 4244.
tl 01 M
NEW. welt built 4-roora houses. One mod
ern except heat; one haa city water; one
nas wen. win sen ' neap on easy terms,
n. A. McEachron. 206 B. lttb St. '
- (19)-M4U X
Modem, 8-rooip, small lot. 27th and Cap-
noi Av.( IX.MD). isow teased at -o. terms.
lotrt caeh. balance like rent.
- Double house,- new, atrlctly modern, ten
blocks IbV'postofflc. Price, H.500. Rentals,
I'ilO. Eusv terms.
-Attrantlvn 6-room houses, now building.
ckrae in; oak fkxirs, fine finish: designed
for people of snaTI means but fine taste.
Heady . June 1. Very easy terms to right
liarUmc . Select now.
C. 8. 8HEPARD.
Tel. Webster 212. 1 VA Wirt.
. . '.19 M633 lx
Close, to buaineas center: built one vear I
ago.. , handsome, well arranged; rented to
hign-ciass tenants.; pay large returns; re.
Buced price for April, IX.0U0. Terms If de
sired. C. B. Bhepard, au04 Wirt St.
I191-M6S4 IX
2613 Pierce St.; hjgh and sightly; lot
(oxl6S; eleven large shade trees: barn and
other outhouS. , House 'is all modern:
nine rooms. 14.260, one-half caali, balance
at s per, cent; no Incumbrance.
-Phone Dour. 38. 26 N. Y. Life
, . 1
Barn I
11.700 In th north part of the city. No.
411 inrowne St., lust two blocks from the
car line; has a food rellsr, fruit trees and
rvina'lerable amall frulL The barn is new.
aisa. a new'caiuken bouse; plenty ground
for garden and i hie or four acres can be
leasd. email Daymen ovwn ana , very
easy terms on caiano.
BKM1S. Paxton Block, '
Independent A-16&; Douglas MV
r - tl)-6W
VACANV lot. 61x200, on Lincoln boulevard,
-just west of ebth. In Bemla park. Mak
offer. Own. , P 44 Bee, v
(1 M&&0 tt
- W ANT an offer on the property, 1123 ant
1 we B. l-8t.; let modern . houawe and
good bars) waal rented. This (trvperty Is
eatoed by an eastern Dartx who sauat sell.
fcoens 1, Nm--T-- " t'tx
f( 'fin! inuit 1
t-TST your property with Cbrls Bnyer. 224
ana c liming Bt.
21.500 acres Just placed on the market In
Lincoln county. Neb., can be purchased
wholesale at about In ait acre.
This la Ideal ranching land, plenty of farm
land, hav land and gracing land.
This I the laat or the railroad land. If
you want to get In on the ground floor.
318 Bouth 15th St., Omaha, Nebraska.
120I-M9 1
or trade fur ranch property In Nebraska,
we have some propositions which it will
pay you to Investigate. Also write us for
prices or western lanns.
13. K. MERER & CO.,
411 Bee bldg.
(!X-60t 6
lf)0 acrea 3 miles from county seat; all
;ood land. Hnuse, barn, sheds, etc.
flowing well. lvel as a floor and first
class in all details. Best farm for 1he
money In Nebraska. Price, $5.io0. To show
that we have confidence In thla farm will
sell' for $l,ioi) down and carry the balance
aa long as you like. Call, "phone or
write i
Stringer Investment Company,
438 Bee Building. Omaha, Nob.
LOCATED in kkontikr county.
WANTED To sell my , stoc k farm, two
mllea from county scat, containing 8J0
acres, well Improved. Will Rive immedi
ate possession. Half mile from school.
Klve acres of native trres; an Ideal stock
farm. If sold soon can be sold for un
astonishingly low figure of J1o,0o. Com
municate with owner, A. 13. Krccmnn,
Box 67.. Stockvllle, Frontier County, Ne-
bruaka. (20) M016 lx
Kortk Dakota.
Oa the new C. M. St. P. Coast Railway.
through Adams county, North Dakota,
wnicn is attracting norm seekers to an
unexcelled farnilua country. Sunfcliuie.
free coal, pure water, sure crops, a home
and profitable occupation for you. Land
but lu to Vm an acre row. Kaoy terms.
We have homestead relinquishments fur
sale, ben Win. H. Brown Co., Ilayiius
or jaoii, ronu uaaota, or iu iaaaiie bt..
Chicago, ill. Maps free. Mention thla
caper. Or write our Uandan, North Da
kota, office. 20 WMi
South Dakota.
BOMB choice farms In eastern South Da
kota lor aaie or exenangu. ,asy terms.
U. J. x'.lcks, Big atone City, o. D.
140-ACHE improved farm. Brown county.
South uaaota, 12s. oo per acre. Two
smaller farms at bargain ortcea. (Sev
eral quarters unimproved land. All fine
investment anu v. n ( eianii ciotfist ln-
speotlon. Caah or terms. Box 23, Aber
deen, D. U. iiV) U1 HI
TEXAS LANDS how to get them. Send
31.00 to K. C. Loinax. Aualin, Texas for
copyof Texas Land Law and Instructions
how to buy. I was for ten years chief of
land department state treasurers office.
Knew the tanas, when tney come on the
market, how to get them for my . clients.
Reference: Austin National hank. Austin.
Texaa. Best lands to be sold next three
months, l' ees reasonable.
20)-M396 M27x
' 't WaawtntTtoa.
FOR SALE 663 acrea nine timber In Wenat
dice valley, central Washington, choice
opportunity for small company to manu
facture lumber and rruit boxes, tor in
formation, addreas P. Snyder, 1748 West
3d 'Bt... Davenport. I. ... (20) M 401 2x
WESTERN LAND, large and small tracts;
sate ana exctiange. National invt. co.
u tsranaeia tsiav. - 3B) mt
WHEN writing; to advertisers, remember
It takes but an extra stroke or two of
tne pen to mention the fact that you
saw the ad In The Bee,
tlOO TO no.ouo made promptly. D. Wead,
, UAKVin snua, lout c ARNAM.
llONbJY TO LOAN On Improved city prop-
i eriy: duiiuii.b ivwiuiy; no olay
W. H. Thomaa. 603 1st Nat l Bk. Bids.
(22-M741 Ail
U PER CENT money to loan on eastern
Nebraska farms and geoti business flop-
erty in vn'an'.
209 First National Bank Building. Tele
pnona iuugias to.
Paxton Block,
() 173
LOAXB on 1 sob rosea Omaha Broaertr.
O'tteeis sc. lu. uiw iwt 1. m. a,ira tUtlq.
4A Sb
NAT. BANK. UUIU. Xb-Li 1JOUG. 127a.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam envitn ex Co.. iu arnam ut.
(22 let
MONEY to loan on Improved city property.
nestings at ueyaen. iivt r arnam at-
WANTED City loans.
Peteia Trust Co.
HONBY TO LOAN-Fayne Investment Co.
S S7f
WANT to borrow 33,000 at per cent on
Omaha rel vsiate worth 12.0i. Addreas
W 4u6. care Bee. (24)-M171 3
WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly
mention The Bee.
WANTED To buy secondhand furniture.
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts
and all kinds pt tools, or will buy the
furniture of your houa complete, Ths
highest price paid. Call the rwht man.
Tela. Do-jflaa SS71. Independent A-4W1.
. .. ,, . .... .C25 MiJi'
BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, car
pets, aioves, doming, snot, iu, ua m.
V . (25)-Mi:8
HARDWARE, Implement, merchandise and
drv goods stocks wauled; nave owners or
good lands that want deals on cash val
ues; give full details la first letter or no
attention paid. Address F. M. Joslin,
Frederick, 8. D. , (i M394 4
WANTED Bulck auto, slightly used, 18$
model, or 2 or 4-cylinder runabout. Ad
dress Y-439. rare Bee. (2&)-M542 lx
WANTED Five-room modern cottuse by
young married couple. Address K I.V". Bee.
tap Mn4Q x m
bwit of reference, fifteen .years' experi
ence; open for" iiermanent ' ur temKrary
office work. Address J 424, care Be. . '
' : r.(2?-M6J9 3 -
WANTED Situation by experienced book
keeper, cashier and credit man. A I refer
e trees. Address O 445, rare Bee.
, - . (27)-Mi7E Sk
YOUNG MAN. 21 years old wishes position
, In irt rto aeork. .-Head and", write Grman,
- French; lkanieh anj LtHflish; ' Addnsj,
Ae4(, care Be. - J7 MtiJO
WHKN antlnf to- advertiser,, remember
: n Hakes 4ut an extra stroke or two of
! the to nx-ntivia the fact -that oj
saw the ad lo The Bee.
atiwccw trwiow tatiobt
Akro ronorrics .
$160.00 REWARD
Tot rttnm to Caeklsy Bros., lata
and Capitol araina.
mil iui
lot me see the nest Itubbor
In the city for
and that Harness for
Glnd to Miow jou -Come on.
18th and Hamoy Stts.
The plftre for the beat car
riage and Auto repairing and
Hasflnrs Heydcm to Ell MoCon-
miKhey, lot IB. block B. Collier Place ! &50
Harvey J. Grove and wife to 11. L.
Cooper, lota 6, 7, K, 9, block 2, Grove
add 8"0
Jcnho E. Talbert and wife to J. U.
Young, lot . block 7. I.oeaii Place.. 1
Charles W. Childs and wife to Jennie
E. Reed, part lots lti to 20. block 21.
Benson l.OfiO
Jennie E. Herd and husband to George '
R. Childs, part lots 16 to 20, block 21.
Benson 1
George R. Chllda to Jennie E. Reed,
part lots 16 to i'O. block 21. Benson.. 1
Mnude Beck to Her.iy Michel, part
lot 3, block 10, South Omaha 2,;0
Thomas Lark 111 to J. J. Larkln, lots 1
and 1!, block 2. Fowler Place 600
bouth Omaha I and company to Brid
get. Itlggins, lot 11, block South
Omaha Sou
Charlea and Emma Brown to William
It. Anthony, part lot 10, Spring
Virginia Heelan and husband to C.
Corcoran, lot 2, block 2, Logan Place 1,400
Henrietta Ger-lus to Ethel L. Genius,
lot 1. block 347. Omaha 400
M. M. Patterson to James Parrotte,
pari lot 7. block 6. Park Place 50
Nebraska Savings and Loan associa
tion to J. H. Parrotte, part aame l.OflO
James Sellur and wife to Catharine
Becker, lots 3, 4. 6. block 120. original
Plat of South Omaha
Walter L. Peek and wife to F. Peck
et at., lot 1. block l.TC, Omaha
Tilllo Biorkman to Marie Kratisc. Dart
lot. 4, block 7, Marsh s add 1.HO0
Lnited Real Estate and Trust com
pany to W. Baldwin", lot 14, block 38,
Kountxe Place 700
Edwin Bralley to William Patrick, lot
2. block 3. Patrick's 2d Saratoga 440
Louise Klvlts to O. C. Klvlts. lot 20,
block 13, Saunders & Himebaugh's
Highland Park
Paxton Real Estate company to Betty
DiUtcher. lot 1, Keystone Park 1.700
Hattie Kelpln and husband to Charles
watkina and wife, lot 21, block 17,
Omaha View W
Hans Johnson and wife to Hans John
son, sr., nw, 20-18-U
Hans Johnson, sr., to Hans Johnson,
ir., wtt nwli. 20-18-11
Stephen, Bungn and wife to J. B..
Komol, lots 17 and 18, block 7, Summit
add. ' 7a0
South Omaha Land company to
Thomas Harvait, lot 6, block 239,
South Omaha 200
Boulevard Park Improvement com
pany to SJilmer & Chaso company,
part lot 45, block 7. Boulevard Park
Bliimer & Chase company to Charles
E. Lanstrom, part lots 6 and 6. block
7, Boulevard Park add 000
Eva M. Scott to Carl J. Niemann, lot
v. block 27. Kountze Place 6,760
United Real Estate and Trust com
pany to W. A. Redlck, part lot 8,
block 32, Kountze Place 200
Frank Wirthaafter and wife to Matilda
Walling, all lot 6. Dewey Place
Lauretta W. Corby to Josiah Redfield.
lot 14, block 9, Kountze Place 6,500
Matilda Walling and husband to
Frank Wirthsafter, lot 3, block 7,
Mccormick's add 1
MASTER, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
April 28, iS. Scaled proposals. In triplicate,
will be received here until 11:U0 a. m.. Cen
tral time. May 22, 1SW8, and then opened, for
constructing the following buildinga. In
cluding plumbing, heating, electric wiring
and electric lighting fixtures: Two sets
Field Officers' Quarters and three double
Bets Captains Quarters, at Fort Leaven
worth, Kansas. Full information and blank
forms of proposal furnished ou application
to this office. Plans and specifications may
be seen here; also In offices of Chief Quar.
termaster at Omaha, St. Paul and Denver
and Depot Quartermaster. Saint Louis.
United States reserves the right to accept
or reject any or an proposals or any part
tnereot. tnveiopee to be endorsed "Pro
posals for Public Buildings" and addressed
10 uaptain William u. Davis, Quarter
master. A2a-29-30 M 1-20-21
tmice. Kort les Moines. la.. Anrll an
iw. Healed proposals, In triplicate, wi
be received here until 3 t. m.. atandard
time. Thursday. May 21, 19118, and then
opened, for constructing a wagon ahed at
rori uea Moines, la. information fur
nished on application here. Plans and
specifications will be sent to Intending
bidders 110011 their ileoosltina- the sum f
flu, which will be refunded when plans and
rneclflcatlona are returned. Pmnnaals
should be endorsed. "Proposals for Wagon
Shed." and addreased. Constructing Quar
termaster, run jjea niuinea, la.
For rest, nleseura or
bus! neea
It Mys to travail as) the
To PARIS, the Oty Beautiful.
Tbenta f. all sowb ea th CasOaaot
r Compagni CttnitraU
Fast UanKaal Wall Bai-vtar
new vona to pahis in day
via Havre oa vlgenttc twio-axs-ew express
steamer, sailing every Thursday lo a.m.
Thece wuade'i of moiera invention have
all the convenience and luxury of most.
falaaal hotel on a mors immense scald
H.taeaer elevator, roof (.'ute, gvmnaaitira,
eleffant auitea ud alngle iarinicnta; daily
tiearapapcr, orcheatra, witfless telegraphr.
famous stui every ptorvuou scat
misty and confar
La frcreau May 'I I Savor May U
La Lisrraia.... May 14 'La f rovwnc Jua 4
La Touran, atajr :J La Lorraln ....Juna 11
Early rvaaryailua reoomoiandeoV Kor copy of
HiMatrai4 bock of tavala ui rata apply te
HARKY E MlKIHKS, - - - ltul raroaai ft.
I. a RSYNOLUa, - - - 11JI taroaai SL
W. E- BOCK. ....... Ibli Farsaai ot.
W. O. l.VIT:m. - - - Jail (lru
Lai' IS ha: BSC ear yirat Katluoa) iWaa.
Kmpress tin of the Atlavntio
The Lmpresaes ball from Quebec to
LAVerpoui in six oays; two days on ths
majestic St. Lawrence. Speed, comfort,
elegance and safety are combined In these
spu-naiti express steamers.
Ak any th-ket atfent for particulars.
. Call or write for illustrated booklet
describing personally conducted Euro
pean tours.
C b. bch jamibt. aea. Art,
Talephone Harrison ITU.
3a South Clark Sweet, CUucago, in.
Contest a Sec-Saw from the Start
Until the Last Man ii Oat.
With the Bases Fall He Cracks Oat
TTro-Raaa-er. bat Oaaaka Comes
Bark aa Ties Ike Score
In Meat Inulna.
LINCOLN. April 30.-A ninth Inning bat-
tlrr rally gave Omaha today's game by a
score of to 6. It was anybody's game
to the finish and the hardest fonght con
test seen on the home grounds this season.
Lincoln looked like a sure winner In the
sixth, when with the bases full Thomas
rapped the ball for a double, sending three
runs over the plate. Omaha came right
back In the seventh, tlelne the score, and
then won out In the ninth. Bonno's wild
ness caused his undoing. Score:
AB. n. H. O. A. E
Jude, If ; 3 0 1 4 0 0
Fox. 2b 5 2 13 10
Gagnler, as 4 0 0 2 5 0
Kenlon, rf.i 2 2 110 1
King. 3b ..2 1 0 3 0 0
Thomas, lb 4 0 2 8 0 0
Davidson, cf 4 0400
Sullivan, c 4 0 0 2 10
Bonno. p 3 0 0 0 3 0
McKay 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals '.32 S 7 27 10 1
. AB. R. If. O. A. E.
King, ss.: 4 0 0 4 2 0
Fraiuk. 2b 4 2 1 2 10
Autrey, lb 4 2 2 12 2 1
Householder, If 4 113 0 0
Welch, cf 2 0 2 2 o 0
Beldcn, rf 2 1 0 0 0 1
Austin, 3b (40131
1.4-brand. c 6 0 12 10
Hagan, p 4 0 0 1 3 0
Totals ....33 6 8 27 12 3
Batted for Bonno in ninth.
Lincoln 0 10003100-6
Omaha 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2
Three-base hit: Fox. Two-base hits:
Thomas, Autrey, Householder. Stolen
bases: Fox (2), Gagnler, Davidson (21
Autrey, Bclden. Sacrifice hits: Klivg of
Lincoln, Bclden. Loubl plays: King to
Autrey; Austin to Autrey; Gagnler, Fox to
Thomas. Bases on balla: Off Bonno, ; off
Ragan, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Bonno,
1: by Ragan. 1. Struck out: By Kaean.
Time: 1:56. Umpire: Haskell. Attend
ance: i,wo.
Neither One of Pitchers Able to Hold
Iowa Men Safe.
FL'EBLO. Colo., April 30 Vitxgerald was
in poor form and only lasted two innings.
Striker, a new pitcher, who succeeded him,
was lilt hard througout. and les .Moines
had no trouble In taking the Inst game of
the series by a score of 9 to 3. Ford had
the locals at hla mercy until the sixth,
when he let up and Pueblo batted In three
runs. The game waa called at the end of
the seventh to allow the visitors to catch
a train. .Score: j.
AB. R. H.
O. A. E.
AndTson, ss ...
Mi:ltr, 2b
4 10 13 1
4 12 2 1
2 11O00
3 2 1 0 0 0
4 12SOO
3- 0 i 0 0 0
1 10 7 0 O
3 0 1 0 0 1
3 1 2 8 0 0
3 110 2 0
Klournoy. If ...
Clarke. If
McLaughlin, cf
Bnniar, rf
Dwyer lb
Dexter, 3b .......
Yeager, c
Ford, p
;.'.3l ,
AB. R."
, 4 - 0
4 t.
w 1 V
...... A wi 0
8 - 0
11 21 6 3
0 -0
A. E.
Spencer, c
Suliinger, rr .
Matticks. rf .
Patterson, 2b
Clark. 1b
5 1
Craig. If .
Neihorf, ss ...
Galgario, 3b ..
Fitzgerald, p .
f.f.i 0
...... 3
Striker, p
Totals ...:.28 3 6 21 S 4
Des Moines ,....3 2 1 V 0 2 1-9
Pueblo ......0 0 0 0 0 1 28
Stolen bases: McLauglin -2. Dwyer (2,
Galgano, Anderson, McLear (2), Flournoy
(2, Sulllnger. Two-base hits: McLaugh
lin. McLear. Three-baae hit: Spencer.
Double play: Patterson to Clark, Sacrifice
hits: Dexter, Ford. Struck out: By Fitz
gerald. 1; by Striker,. 8; by Ford, 8. Bases
on balls: Off Fitzgerald, 8; off Striker, 3;
off Ford, 1. Tlmo: 1:40. Attendance: 600.
Umpire: Davis.
Take the Game by Superior Work All
Along the Line.
TM:.x?X"iri r. ,1 rt inHI ttlfilmi C V
outplayed and outhlt the Denver team to
day, winning as it pieasea. marr wax, in
deed, a star, keeping the hits well scat
tered. His support was also all that could
be asked. Inp the filth inning, beginning
with Holmes, four Sioux City men made
hits In order. Holmes' hitting was a tea-
Denver played dumb ball, bcore:
AB. R. H. O. A.
Campbell. If 4 112 0
Holmes, 3b 6 2 3 0 2
Andreas, 2b 8 12 4 6
Weed, rf , 1 2 2 1
Spencer, cf 6 0 2 4 0
Severeld. lb 1 v v 11
Granville, ss 8 0 0 1 3
Shea, C 2 0 0 3 0
Starr, p 1 1 0 1
Totals 34 11 27 12
AB. R.
A. E.
Cassady. If 5 0
Waidron, it
Downie, ss 4 0
4 1
Beldcn. ci i
Irwin. 8b 4 0
Lauterbom, 2b. 3 1
McDonough, e 4 1
Paige, p "
... 2 0
...0 0
3 9
0 0 4
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
12 2
0 06
8 0-3
Sioux City
Two-base hit:
Sbencer. Stolen
Downie, Holmes,
dreas. Base on
Hit by pitctied ball: Ail
balls: Oft Paige. 6; off
out: By Paige, 9: oy
Starr, 8. I'ft on bases: Denver, ; Bioux
Cilv. 8. Double plays' Wod to Bevereid;
Andreas ti Sever. Id. First base on errors:
lenver. 2; Sioux City, 2. i'i...c; 2:t). L-iu-plrf:
Local Team t'ouqaerd Old Optioneat
In Good Ciaau.
Before a large and enthusiastic crowd
the Bellevue college base ball team de
feated the Tigers from Doane college yes
terday afternoon by the score of 8 to 2.
Both teams scored In the second Inning,
Doane running In one and Bellevue going
two better on a ulngle apiece by Dow ana
Haarmann and a double by Kearns, who
came in on a single by Msrter. Fast field
ing again characterised the play of the
local team and their batting was far above
the average. Marvel. Larson and Fowler
pulled off three pretty double plays.
Doane's aggregation seemed to be lacking
in team work, and Hartwell, their pitcher,
seemed to be in poor form.
Marter, In Bellevue s left field, made a
spectacular catch of a lunu; fly, running
nearly fifty yarda and catching the bull In
liis left hand. Bellevue filled the baaes
nearly every Inning and several times
forced men serosa the plate. Its infield
waa like a atone wall and the men, with
out exception, were in good form. Ohman.
although pitching a twelve-inning game
Tuesday, laated through the entire guJtie
and pitched afood, headv ball.
There la much relohMng at Bellevue. due
to the fact that thia year haa brought vic
tory In evnry form of college activity
agalnat their old opponents from Doane. A
number of Doane supporters from Omaha
were present at the gain. Score:
AB. R. II O. A. E.
Marvel. 2b
I.arsen. as
Croasnittn. c
Fowler, lb
IKw. rf
Kaarns, cf..
Oilman, p. .
Marter. If..
8 10 27 15
4 0
4 0
4 0
8. nth. 2b ...
Ilarvev. lb..
lUrlwcll, p..
W.L.Pet. W.L Pet
Denver 10 6 .iT Columbus ...11 t .7
Sioux City... 8 4 .i7 Toledo 8 .TSo
Omaha I 6 .M: Indianapolis. 4 .!3
Dcs Moines.. 8 .4: Louisville ... I I .MS
Lincoln 6 10 .3:t3 Milwaukee. , 1 T .M
Pueblo 4 10 ,2S Kansas City. 4
Minneapolis. 2 It .1e4
8t. Paul J 11 .154
W.L.Pct. W.L.Pet.
Chicago 8 3 .727 Cleveland ... 8 6 .til
Pittsburg ... 7 4 .K6 New York... 8 I
New York... 8 S .671 St. Ixuls.... t .OHO
Philadelphia 7 7 ..vio llilladelphta 8 7 .f3
Boston 7 7 .600 Boston 7 7 .6tK)
Cincinnati .. 6 .4 Chicago 7 7 .6"0
Brooklyn. ... 8 .4-'9 Washington. 6 .367
St. Louis ... 3 10 .231 Detroit S I .2
Western league Omaha at Denver, Lin
coln at Pueblo.
National League Brooklyn at Boston,
Philadelphia at New York, Cincinnati at
Pittsburg, St. I-ouls at Chicago.
American League Chicago at Detroit,
Cleveland at St. Louis, New York at Wash
ington. Boston at Philadelphia.
American Association Columbus at Mil
waukee, Toledo at Kansas City, Indianapo
lis at Minneapolis, Louisville at St. Paul.
Moore, c
Wertx, If
Ward, 3b
Halstead. cf..
Johnson, sr..,
0 1 11 4 2
2 3 3 0 2
0 0 0 2 0
0 1 0 0 (I
1 1 0 0
0 110 4
2 7 24 S 12
Totals 36
Bellevue 0 3 2
Doane v. 0 1 0
1 0
0 0
0 0-8
0 0-2
Two-base hit: Kearns. Stolen bases: Lar
sen. Marvel, Crossman 2. Radlmacher.
Double plays: Larsento Marvel to Fowler
2. Bases on balla: Off Hartwell. 3. Bases
on errors: Bellevue, 6; Doane, 1. Struck
out; By Ohman, 6: by Hartwell. 8. Time:
1:30. Umpire: St. Claire.
Three of Cleveland's Pitchers Look
Alike to St. Loals.
ST. LOUIS. April 3iJ-Bv batting three
ritchers all over the tield, St. IxiulS beat
leveland, 9 to 1, In the second game of
the series today. Liebhardt lasted one In
ning and Chech was easy In four Innings.
H. 11.0 A E. B II O A E.
Hoffman, rf.,
r. Jon, rf..
Stnn, If.v ...
wiuiimi, 2b.
Watlacs. Ma...
ferrln. 3b ...
T. Jnnet, lb.,
finncr, o...(
O f nrK, If. 4 1
Rnilky, lb. . 4 1
Ogtovsll, lb... 1 I IV
Lk)oI 2b I 0 I
0H. Cllrke, r. I
Ontrm'ham, rf S
OHInrhman rf. B
LIbharnt, p.. 0
nrheoh. p 1
Powell, p
Schwflttier, rf 0
er, it 0 0 1
'Bomls 1
31 11 Zl 13 OPorrlni. 1
Hlchman ... 1
Grany, p.... 0
..27 4 14 IS 2
Batted for Chech in the sixth.
Batted for Oraney In the ninth.
St. Louis 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 '-9
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-base, hits: Bradley. Ferris. Three
base hit: Stovall. Hits: Off Llebhard',
4 111 one inning; orr Chech, a in rour nv
nliias: off Granev. 4 In three Innings. Sac
rlflce hits: Williams. Stone. La.toie. iStolcn
base: Stone. Double plays: AVallace to
Williams to T. Jones: 1 pilule to Ntll to
Stovall; Ferris to Williams. Left on bases
St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, 1. First base on
balls: Off Liebhardt, 1; off Powell, 1; off
Chech, 1; off Graney, 1. Hit by pitched
ban: By cnecn, 2. HtrucK out: ny uieo-
hardt, 1. Passed balls: By N. Clarke, 2
Time: 1:39. Umpire: Evans.
Senators Win In Rain.
PHILADELPHIA. April 30. Washington
and Phi adelDhla played in the rain today,
Umpire Connolly finally slopping the game
at the end of the eighth Inning with the
former ahead bv 2 to 1. The grounds were
In frightful condition long. before the game
was called, but desmte this neitner teem
made an error. Street scored the deciding
run of the game with a home run drive
Into the left field bleachers. Pitcher Falk-
enberg of Washington was today Indefi
nitely suspended Dy iTcsiaem joiuibuii
B.H.O.A E.
Mllan, cf 4
Uanley. If.... t
Delehantr. 2b 4
clymer rf.... 4
Freeman, lb.. 3
Street, c .. 9
MrBMria. aa. . I
Ollartatl. If... 3
0 0
ONIchola, ... 4
0J. Conine. 3b, 4
-Darla. lb 4
0 Murphy, lb...
OSrhreck e. ... 1
Or.'oomba,' rf... 0
OMoran, rf 1
OUidrlna, cf... 3
1 1
1 0
0 14
grhlpk. 3b
Hughea p 2
Carter, D.....T 0
Tntala 28
I 24 14 0 VUkera. p.... 1 0
K. I'ntllna... 0 0
Smith 1 0
Tot ale " 4 34 It
Batted for Coombs In the fifth.
Batted for Carter In the fifth.
Washington 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Hits: Off Carter, 6 in five innings; off
viilipra s In three Innlnirs Three-base I'll
Nlcln Is. Home run: Street. SaorlfUe
lilts: Ganl v. Freeman, nuaoes. sioicn
base: Davis. Double play: Hughes to
Kreeman. Left on bases: Washington, 6
Philadelphia, 6. Base on balls: Off Hughes,
5; off Carter, 1. Struck out: By Hughes,
a- bv t"rtnr 1. Wild nltch: By Hughes,
1. Time: 1:65. Umpires: Connolly and
Games Poslponed.
At Detroit Chicago-Detroit game post
nnnwl nnld Weather.
At New York New York-Boston game
called off on account of rain.
Itork Island Wins Opening: Contest
from Cedar Rapids.
' CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., April 30. The
nAr vianlriu men failed to hit Newland
and the visitors had an easy time. There
ix. am a. Mm automobile psrade with a band
but the attendance was light owing to cold
weather. Score: tt.ti.c
Cedar Rapids.. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 00 3
Rock Island.... 0 o u o o l I o
Batteries: Sper.cer and Simon; Newland
and Gilmore.
Peoria Defeats Bloomlnajton.
m-OOMINGTON. 111.. April 80 Peorl
knocked Hvtert out of the box In the open
Ina- Innings, while Nelson was effective
throuahout. Score: R.Ii.E
Bloomington ... o o 1 o o o l o I
Peoria 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 06 8 0
Batteries: Syfert, Davidson and Wilson
Nelson annd Wolfe.
Twelve Inning Wlthoat Hit,
DECATUR. 111.. April 30. Twelve Innings
without a hit was the new record set by
Bitirolff in the opening game of the sea
son against Springfield. The lone run by
Rnrlnarfield waa on the error oy jetiries in
.I, ulna? flv. He redeemed himself bv
scoring both runs for Decatur by fast baaa
runnlna. Score: tinn,
Decatur 0 000001000 13 5
Springfield '. 0 0010000000 01 0
Batteries: Blttrolff ana tisner; Bteiger
srd Donovan.
Green's Team Will Play Lee-Gla-
Orlajiaals Bandar.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 30. To the Sport
ing Editor Omaha Bee: Dear Sir: 1 have
juat been Informed that one of Omaha's
amateur clubs, other than the Lee-Glass-Andreesen
team, is spreading the report
that it is to play Green's National Indians
next Sunday, May 3. For the information
of the public, 1 wish to stste that I have
no connection with any Indian team, other
that the Original Nebraska Indiana, who
are booked to play the Lee-Glaus-Andree-sen
team next Saturday and Sunday, Msy
2 and 8, at Vinton street park, and sny
person using my nsme In connection with
any Indian team, other than the Nebraska
Indiana, la doing so either through ignor
ance or a desire to mislead the public.
The team that plays the Originals Sun
day afternoon at Vinton street park Is the
only Green's Indian team, and It in the
one that has been winning the games. All
toik aside a close fight is anticipated be
tween the Reds and the Omaha Champions
Mr. Green says there Is not a Pale-face
ermitted on his (earn end he doesn't cure
mil teams play In Otnalia the
Here are the line-ups for the
same dsy.
Bllaal Bogey Match.
A blind bogey match will be plsyed at
th Omaha Field club Saturdsy and the
scores will be used to aaalat In making out
the handicap for the month of Miv. The
regular opening of the Omaha Field club
will be held Saturday, May . whin a
match will be arranged which should b-lng
out all the golfer. The Happy Hollow
dub opeuuuf Is alio set for a week from
Saturday. The formal opening of the
Omaha Country club is set for this week
end a handicap match, with liberal handi
caps, is scheduled for Saturday.
Victory of Chicago is Due to Better
All Around Flay.
Home Team Ranches Its Hits In
Fraser Pitches Flae
CHICAGO. April 30.-Bunched hits, neat
sarlficlng and errors by the St. Louis in
field In the fourth and the seventh Innings
gave the locals an easy victory today. Mur
ray was the only one of the visitors to
solve Eraser's benders. Score:
B H O A K.
9T. LOtli.
B H O A F.
it 4
1 8
t PlTrne, 3b. . . , 3
OBarry, rf 4
0 Murray, rf . . . 4
Opelehanty, If 3
Koet.hy, la. 4
OO'Hourk ea.. 3
1 lloetetter. c.
OGIIbert. 2b.... i
0 I
thrkr4, It . I
3 3
0 3
0 0
o o
rhnlte, it... s
Chinee, lb. . 4
Stflntrldl. tb 4
Evert, lb 3
Tlnkr u 4
Kilns, c 4
mwr, p t
o 1
0 Raymond, p. . 3
.. 1
Total 10 8 17 17 1 ;
Totala 80 lilll
Batted for O'Rourke In the ninth.
Chicago , 0 0 0 2 ft 0 1 n -3
St. Louis.... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I
Sacrifice hits: Fraser (2). Kevers Delc-
hantv. Stolen bases: Sheckard (21, Byrne,
Evers. Double play: Fraser to Tinker to
hance. lft on baaes: Chicago, ; oi.
louls. 4. Base on balls: Off Fraser. 2; off
Raymond, 2. Base on errors: Chicago, 2:
St. Ixnits. 1. Struck out: By Fraser, 2;
by Raymond, 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire
Uodstrr shot Oat Quakers.
BROOKLYN, April 30. Rain saved the
ame for the home club today when, after
'hlladelphla had scored five runs in the
sixth inning it descended so heavily as to
put a slop to the proceedings, the score re
verting to the end of the fifth inning.
which gave tho game to Brooklyn oy me
score of 2 to 0. Score:
B It O A I.
B.H.O.A B.
fattea. 2b.
3 10 3 (IKnane,
Maloney, rf .. t
0 0
1 0
0 8 1
1 t 1
0 1 0
1 1 4
AOrant, 3b
Lnmley, rf. . . 2
Jordan, lb... 1
fherhan, lb.. 2
PTItu. rf
1 If
Penlnser. If..
lluratnell. If. I
OOanorne, cf.
Lfte. Jh .
miter, c.
Itucker, p.
0 Bran. field, lb 3
OPoolln, aa.... t
0 liooin, e I
Tola ll...
.17 I II II 1
..It 3 15 19 0
Philadelphia 0
Brooklyn o
0 0 0 00
0 2 0 02
Three-base hits: Ltimlev. Rucker. Sactl
fine hit: Maloney. Double play: Morail to
Bransfleld to Grant. Left cm bases: i-nii-
adelphia. 4; Brooklyn, 4. Bases on balls
Off Itucker. 1: off Moren. 1. Base on er
rois: Philadelphia. 1. Struck put: BV
Rucker, 2; by Moren, 6. Time: 2:18. Um
pire: Klem.
Boston Defeats New York.
ROSTON. Anrll 3n. Boston cot an even
break on the series by winning today from
New York, 3 to 2. The visitors scored two
vuna In the fifth on I rends II s home run
an error and Tennev a trn'O-baaKr-r. By
arnnri hattinar. followlrie crrora bv Nlckllu
and Shannon, Boston tied the score in me
elarhth. Brldwell fumbled Sweeney s sharp
hit In the ninth and Bowerman drove mu
ball over the fence, Sweeney scoring bc
fore Bowerman reachod third. Score:
B.H.O.A F. B.H.Q.A.E
if. 4 1 0 hannon rf . 4 0 1 1
Browne, rf... 4
1 1 1 OTenney. lb... 4 2 14
3 3 0 ODonlln. If.... 4 1 2
Be tea. If 4
Keller, lb ... 4
1 13 0 0 Seymour, cf.. 4 1
14 11 Rreenalian, r. 3 t
3 4 Ollevlln. Jb. ... 4 1
0 2 3 ONIi'klln, 2b... 3 0
3 A 3 0 Brldwell, ea.. 4 1
4 Ocrandall, ... t I
RIM-hey, Jb.. 4
Pahlen. ee .. 4
tweeney, 3b. , 3
Bowerman, c. 4
riaherty, p. .. I
Totala 34 31 15 1 Totala 33 1?S IS t
One out when winning run scored.
Boston 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 S
New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2
Two-base hits: Bowerman, Tenney. Home
run: ( randall. sacrifice hits: Shannon.
Crandall. Stolen base; Seymour. Double
play: Brldwell to Tenney. Left on baaes:
Boston, 7; New York, 9.. Bases on balls:
Off Flaherty, 3; off Crandall. 1. Bases on
errors: Boston, t;- New York, 1. Struck
out: By Crandall, 3. Time: 1:42. Umpire:
Many Entries and Program to Be av
LontT One.
Final work Is being done at the high
school In preparation for tho annual out
door class athletic contest. The meet la
to be held at Diets park on Friday after
noon, and because of the length of the
program of events the alternoon session
of school will be dismissed and the events
stsrted at 1:30 o'clock.
The entries for the various contests are
not all In yet on account of the close com
petition in each class. The following senior
entries were turned over to the athletic
board Wednesday by the class captain,
George Brown:
Mile Run John Woodworth, Alfred
Mattsont Carl Nagl.
Half mho nun itainn Kiewitt, can
Nagl, Lloyd Smith.
Quarter Mllo Run Alfred Mattson, Meiid
Howard. George Brown. .
Two Hundred and Twenty Yard Dash-
Merle Howard, George Brown.
One Hundred Yard Dash Merle Howard.
George Brown, Herbert Arnsteln.
High Hurdles, 120 Ysrds Herbert Arn
Low Hurdles, 220 Yards Merle Howard,
Sam Reynolds, Herbert Amsteln.
Running Broad Jump Merle Howard,
Herbert Amsteln, Alfred Mattson.
Running High Jump Herbert Arnsteln,
Merle Howard, George Brown.
Pole Vault Sain Reynolds, George
Brown, Merle Howard.
Shot Put Alfred Mattson Ralph Kel
wltt, Randall Curtis. ' '
Hammer Throw Alfred Mattson.
Discus Throw George Brown , Alfred
Mattson, Ralph Klewltt.
Relay Team Herbert Arnsteln, Merle
Howard, Carl Nagl, George Brown.
Demarest Defeats Gardaer and Ctank
lla W Ins from Pt)sabera;.
NEW YORK. April 30. In the fastest
game played so far in the International
Amateur Championship Billiard tournament
at the Liedcrkrans club, Calvin w. uo
ma rest of Chicago, the national amateur
chanmion. defeated Edward W. Gardner of
Passaic, N. J . tonight by a score of 4U0
to 2l. The score follows:
Demarest 42, 0, 5, 2. 0, 60, 0. 2. 6, 10, 1, 61.
38. 0, 1, 6. 4. 2. 2, 0, 83, 0. 18, 28, 0, 0, 14409
A vera are: 18 10-30. High run: 64.
Gardner 15. 0. 9. 10. 8. 2. 8. 7. 0. 8, 3. 3. 1,
3, 12, 11, 0, 11. 0. 10, , 13. 0. 0, 2. 2. lti, 6, 37
218. Averaae: 7 13-29. High run: 37.
The second game of the amateur billiard
tournament waa played at the Llederkrana
club today. Charles F. Conklln of the Chi
cago Athletic association defeated J. Fer
d'nand Poggenberg of the Home club, b a
score of 4V.4 to 29. It was a long drawn out
contest, lasting forty-five Innings. The
winner's high run of 69 was made up of
sums excellent billiards, wnue li wss tne
best effort of his opponent. Summary:
Conklin-13. 4. 1. 5, 9. 6, f, 3. 7. 28, 20, 30, 1,
7, 1, 1, 0, 15. 4. 9, 0, 0. 1. 12. 69, 6, 1. 2, 9, 2. 0,
1, 38. 0, 0, 22. 2, 2. 2. 31. 7. 0, 8. 10. 16-400. Ave
erase: 8 40-46. High runs: 69. 38, 31.
Poggenberg O. I. 16. 8, 14. 14. 1, 1. 2. 2. 3
12, 2, 1. 2. 0, If. 2, 24. 7. 1, 9. 0, 0, 1, 2. 0. 0, ,
32. 1. 2, 2, 2. 13. I, 22, 0, 1, 13. 18. 6. 3. 13-289
Average: 619-45. High runs: 32. 4. 22.
Oberman Beats Kaplan.
Oberman beat Kaplan Thursday night in
the pool tournament which is in progress
at Harry Sage's Starling parlors, 22"5 Cum
ing street, winning by score of vn to l"4
Walling and Shields win play tnis even
Inc. .The score:
Oberman 1, 2. 1, 8, 3. , 2, II 6. 4, 3. 1. 10
t I. 1. 4, 2. 10 1, 8. 2. 2. 1. t, 3. 10. Total. 0.
Ksplan-1. 11. 2. 1. 6. 2, 1, 1, 16. 1. 1, 6. 4
4. 4. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2, 1, 3. 2. 1. I. 6. 1. 7. 2. 4. 7. L
1. Total. 104.
High run: Kaplan, 15. Scratches: Ober
man, ; Kaplan. A
J Vincent 110V
M. Oberman 1 1
J. Meek 1 1
M. Kaplan 1 0
H. Shlelda 0 0
E. Walling , 0 0
Oa Day Clipped OS Card.
LBXJNOTON. Ky.. April 30-B.v rtsson
of the heavy snow here one dsy hss been
clipped off from the local race meeting
It was flrt intended to run off the csid
on Monday, or give a double program, bu
this reuuirrs speetal action of the Stale
Racine; commission, which will not bv
flebroa Wlas anal Loses.
' HEBRON. Neb... April 30. cSpeclal.l
Hebron rust Its game Wednesday lo Y'ork
Buaineas college. Tuesday Hebron won
from the lals by a score of 9 to 10. Wednea
. i . i ' ' ll si i . i aja Jim!!
lay the Veik boys tamed thr- taMs anit
W'jh Inclr gann- 4 lo i, litt rla: Hebron,
llairls and liiay, V..rk Ibihincss college,
lioikinbair snd Cnstic Strtu-k out: By
IIhiim. b IbXKinbart. 11. Hits:
tichron, h, Yink Business cvllcarc, 9. -
Anneal Kirnl Takes. Place This
Thursday afternoon wllnefsed the last
practice at Hie high scluml before today
titdoor nihlctic meet between the classes.
on ai-couiit of the contest no m-luH.l ses
sions will be held In tho aflernoon, and
tin- whole student body Is "preparing to
turn out to witness tho events, which will
Ix gln st 1:30 clock this afternoon.
I lie bova who hnc been training for tne
meet are in fine trim and some Intereetliur,
if not recoid-bwakinif performances are ex'
peeled. Except for the freshmen, full en-
trie are now In and the line-up r athletes
la encouraging the more enthusiastic stu
dents snd friends of the purple .and v hlte
to figure on a wlnnlrg team when Omaha
High meets other Nebraska schools.
I he entries are aa follows: ,
Mile tun: Seniors. Woodworth, Malison,
Naul; lunlors. Rosenberg. Larson, Neavlcs;
sophomores, Kennedy, W. Howard; fresh
men, Gardner.
Half-mile run: Stniors. R. Ketwltt. Nagl.
Smith; Juniors. Rosenberg, l.armon; sopho
mores. W. Howard, Kennedy.
Uuarter-mllo run: Seniors. Mattson. M.
Howard, R. Kelwltl; iiinlois, Mclvlnney-i
Aycrigg, Ncavtcs; sophomores, Deems,
Hunter, Trimble.
Two-hundred twenty-yard daah: Seniors,
M. Howard. Curtie; junlora, McKlnney,
Carlson, Oycrigg; sophomores. Deems, Bur.
dick, Payne.
Ono hundred-yard dash: ' Senior. M.
Howard, Armsteln; Juniors. McKlnney,
Carlson, Oycrigg; sophomores, Deemca,
Burdlck, Payne; lreahmen, RaWley, Sunder
land, W ade.
High hurdles. 120-yard flash: Seniors,
Amsteln; Juniors, Sears; . Sophomores, W.
Howard, Osborne, Kulakopsky,
liw hurdles, yards: Seniors, fli. now-
ard, Reynolds. Arnsfein; Juniors, McKln
ney, Rosenln-rg; ae-pliomores. Deems. Kula
kossky; freshn.en. Sunderland, Nelson.
Hunnlng high JuniD: Benlors. Arnstein,
M. Howard; Junlnrs. Aycrlag; sophomores.
Kennedy, talorne; freshmen, -Sunderland.
Running broHd tump: Seniors, M. How
ard, Arnsleln, Mattann; Juniors, McKlnney,
Carlson; sophomores, Osborne; freshmen;
Hammer throwj- Stinlors. Maltscn,
Thompson;" Juniors, 8-ars. Ncavles; sopho
mores, Burdlck; -freshmen, . Baumun, Wil
son. ; , . .
Discus throw: Seniors, Mattson, R. Ket
wltt; Juniors, Sears, Neavlcs; sophomores,
Osborne, Burdick; Ircsninen, Bauman, Wil
son. Shot put: Senlot-s, Mattson, R. Kelwltl,
Curtis; Juniors, Rosonherg, O. Kelwftt;
sophomores, Burdlck; freshmen, Baunvan,
Pole vsult: Seniors. Reynolds. M. How
ard; Juniors, McKlnney; sophomores. Mills,
BurjJick, Glvvlts; freshmen, Rawley, Rus
sell. Relay race: Senior team, Amsteln, How
ard, Nagl, R. Kelwltt; Junior team, Mc
Klnney, Carlson, Aycrlgg. Ncavles; sopho
more team. Deems. Burdlck. Payne, Trim
ble; freshmen team, Sunderland, Wade,
Rawley, Wllaon.
Rellevne and Doane Game.
Bellevue rooters sre preparing to Jour
ney to that town Thursday afternoon for
the annual base ball game between Belle
vue and Doano college. Bellevue has a
strong team this season and the followers
of tho tesm will think of nothing else but
continuous victories for the team. Doane
will bring along a few rooters and besM-.'
Doane has a large alumni In Omaha which
always turns nut when Doane plays. Tho
game will be called at 2:30.
Parks Defeat West Males.
The Hanscom Parks defeated the West
Sides Tuesday by a score of 15 lo 11. Bat
teries: Parks. May, Gunner and Burg;
West Sides, Arnes, Larmai and Curtis.. Tho
Hanscom Parks would like a game with
the White Sox on Saturday morning or
any team 12 years old or under. Write to
Herbert Gunner, 2986 Woolworth avenue.
R. U. Dan aV Co. Also Want Games.
The R. G.- Dun & Co. team has rigged
itself out In uniforms snd wants games
for every Saturday afternoon and every
holiday fot the summer. Information -as to
dates, etc., may bo had by making applica
tion to either Henry Bressman or Walter
Vlckery; 'phono number. Douglas 323, or
uarcss pOBioince -drawer l-ii-
Sporting; Gosalp.
And Skipper Bill made three hits yet in
ono game.
At that Frank Bowerman has not been
sent to the rolling chair. ...
McNeeley is pitching for Colonel' 'Jay
Andrews' team, in Hutchinson, Kan.
Stnno evidently has decided that It's bad
uck to wait till the seuson Is half over.
Jack Pfelsler was in hsrd luck Wednes
day. He lnll the Pirates to five hits and
then lost his game.
Manager Chance seems to have broken
hat toe hold that threatened to make a
bench warmer of him.
Spencer of the Browns says Waddell la
the easiest pitcher to catch he ever saw.
Turn In a fire alarm and try liim. '
You don't hear a great dca! about who Is
thu best first baseman in Chicago any
more, do you? Tho Jig is about up.
Joe Dolan wishes it Understood that his
excellent work with Des Moines is no re
flection on his affection for Omaha.
If Banders will keep up that lick we'll
stop calling him the "sunshine pitcher.
(.Besides, he'll crowd Noah for the flood
Bill Donovan doesn't -even know that
spring has come. -He ia still telling that
old winter story about Dutch Schafer doing
more than any othe.' Tiger to win the
Kid Elberfleld thinks the Browns are pen
nant factors in the American. He has not
be-n rntsteken in predicting that Williams
would imt some teamwork Ideas Into St.
L,ouis noodle. . .
Barney Drrvfuss admits he once bsd a
chance to get Lajoie. Barney Is on record
as overlooking seversl good bets In bis day;
jack rteisN-r, tor instance.
All this nonsense about barring Merry
Widow hats at ball parka might be tol.
erated If the gate renoipta would only shovr
up bett.-r. lkii t worry, pal; if you 11 onll
go out to tue gamo you il una plenty o
holes in space through whlcl) you can E
an occasional glimpse of the game.
A olf match with medal handican nlav
Is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at the
Omaha Country club for the formal open
ing of the club. The May. -handicaps will
govern. The two players having the lowest
scores will play off. at match play and
the winner will receive a handsome
beer is health austainiag.
To be ure of good beer
make it a point to ask for '
Jtlmawm Tk Jam Oiaf Geeaf Btatu
The hop bitters act as an
appetizer and dicestant and
the malt nourishes. Drink
"Blitz" with your meals.
Have it on the family table
and enjoy its benefits.
Wholesale Dealsrs,
03-10 XXrag-laa St., Cor.
th. I
ikoas ooajru fawa.
Omaha, Mb
'Sir t
J Remember the .K (
THarytulcrr :' 1
If Bev in mind that ffootj l
. . . -