REAL ESTATE ; city PBorERTT ro SALS (Continued.. JUST COMPLETED WEST FAIHJAM DISTItlCT .V., , EIGHT-ROOM HOT'SK Thl Is that new anil repldiy develop ing psrt of the Wfl Ftrntm district west or 4ith St. and north of bodge Bt.; hour number will bo m N. 4let 8L. a blo'k from either branch of the West Farnam car line; a largo, airy room, far atttr, tuir basement, with laundry room and extra toilet, dull oak flnlah down atalra. columna between reception nail and living room, rak mantaL birch flnlah and white enamel Up ataira. bedroom large, with windows e-n tun sides. snd I a run closets; beautiful fixture and everything right up-te-dal. The-, lot Is efKiaS ft.. 4-fU terrace, very ightlv. . Reveral renters offer VA per month, but prefer to eell. Price, 44, WO. If nor. told will leas. Harrison & Morton, fUSM N T. Ufa. . Tel. D. 114. or A SI44. (1 824 M ' CL.0SE IN .- V . Jig rooma, all modern except heat, lot fix 127. paved, street, permanent sidewalk, all specials .fully paid, plenty of room for an other house i only $1,660.. Located sear Join and Caldwell 8ia. C O. CARI.BEKC., ' U N. T. Ufa Bldg. ' 1 3 20 A MODERN l-room nana and ham at a bargain: Kf . 27th St., Inquire within. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. , . , 3112 BURT ST. .' -CrtU(tei, rooma. Including , yootn; herd oil finlah, newly roofed. . and painted; open nlrkel plumbing. porcelain bathtub, gaa, full brick ce ment eallar, new cement walk and ea good a new: term if deairedi ti-Wfc MpCAQUE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug, 411. 1(06 Dodge St. ' . l-8- 20 ; ;;. " . north side "New' T-room house, all modern except Jieet. corner. lot, scuth front, at 25th Ave. and Bpragu Bt, Price. 12.600; eaay terma. A chance ts get a good home cheap, V CV (J. CARLBERG, v, . " Wl N. Y. Ufa Bldg. il-MS42 U FOR etAUS At' sacrifice, modern t-room t-nuse close InV owner leaving the city. Tel.. Webster TPS. (1 M&G8 tlx 40th Street.Residence room, all modern; hot water beat, eaat front; very fine, home, bam lxS), can be ueed for garage. Two blocks front new cathedral; near two car Hoe. Price $6,000. Terms If desired. - stringer investment . : COMPANY, 43 Bee Building. 'Phone D-J261. US M7S7 21 Ml'SIC teacher or musicians desiring ad vehement, wanted; 15 to 20 per day guaranteed; salary or commission: ter ritory reserved; positively no competl-, tion. invfiucKiv, jrerueia aausiee. utj reulli Farnam Bt, - (It) M785 XI ; tKS! That beautiful borne of C. H. Lee, ' In Bellevue, ie for aale. Bald to be the . best tootled residence, property la town. .-On direct route between depot, college and motor car. Perfect title. Eight large room.-bath room, rloaeta, cellar, halls, etc. All kind of fruit; barn, pasture, windmill; 15 1U. Come and aee it. In quire for C. ,11. tee. 1) M833 21 LIST your property with Carts Borer. Kid ad . Cuming eta. iil 66S 3"HS . REED ABSTRACT CO. eat. 1S34. , r'fampt service. Get our prices. 1714 rrnm. a-t y 1?EAI- EST ATM TIT LB TRUST m CHAS K. WILLIAMSON. Pres. W. , . , ... ' !) M .: ' REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH UKD FOR SALB Calarada. FOH PAXE " acres, good Colo. soil. Address owner, 11 6th St.. Greeley, Colo. (a)-Ui2t 2ix febraka. IT. TOU WlfiH TO BUT or trade for ranch property in Nebraska, we some proportions which It will pay J-ju to Investigate. Also write us for prices oi western lands. . . - B.EBIERER&CO., 411 Bee Bldg. (20)-627 23 ' RELINQUISHMENTS Our western IaJnd man Just returned from Kimball Co., Neb., where he liiHpected three tracta of 4m) acrea each, improved good farming land, clone to R. R. towns, adjoining land worth $12.00 an acre. One tract $1,100, the other two a little more. One wheat 'crop will more than pay for the land. Quick auction necessary, NATIONAL INVESTMENT . COMPANY, j I31-5SS Brtindles Bldg. Omaha. Neb. (20) 738 H " it out.-mm oo On the C., U. ait. P. Coast Railway, through Adfctna county. North Dakota, which la attracting homeeekera to ao uiisACelled (sruilug country.- Sunahuia, Xxe tomU pure water, eure crop, a, home . .and, profitable occupation for you. Land tut lit) to l-J an acre row. Ey tsriua. ve iiave homentAad relinquishments lor . aie. . bee W'ro. H. Brown Co., Hayuoa i siolt, Nort Pakpts, or 131 LaSalle L, Chicago, iii. lisps1 free. Mention tills tapes. Or wrlla our fclandan. North ota. office. . Uu Mm tav Dawetav. ' ttO-ACRE Improved rarrn. Browa county. South iJakola, $2$. 00 per acre. Two amslier tsnn at bLreaia prices, fc. ev en! qukrtars UDlmyraved ;ud. All fine iQvetnienta ana km ium vlnnat ln epectioB. Cub or terma. Bos JJ, Absr- , dean. 8. t. . (iOj-UUUi COM3 choice farma in eastern South D. kota, tor aale r exchaut. ry terma. K. J. t.icks. Big Stone City, U. D. lJi M4 Mix M SaeeliaiBMsuk WESTFBN LAND. Urge and email tracta; rale end exchange. NaUooal Invt. Co, Brandeia Bldg. (nij tot WANTCD Readers of my booklet. "Land Values," full of good information for ail land biryers. lree for the asking. Ad dreee W J. Mundt. Pierre. S. D. jt A. k to REAL ESTATE LOAKS n TO $10.n made promptly, f. D. Wead. Wead iiidg.. 1Mb and uuuo. tC .y fRIVATB MONKT-NO DELAT. OAKVLN BK08., 14 FARNAM. (a-oi UOMdT TO LOAN On improved city prop. eity; buildiug ioana a i-eualty; no deity . W. k aiioaa. M Ut iaf tk Bldg ca-M;u AH LOANS on improve Omaha property O Keefa .- to-. 14. ti., y. Lire Bldg! -.... U-l boa LOW JUST KATIu3-brnU. Paxtoa Bloeki ta .t s-RIVATK Id ON KV CASH ON HAND NO 1kLJlY. .. It. ill ! HEN. Wf NAT. bAMC BUDO. 'ik-U LOUti. iTs. ' ' ' 4riir , V ANTED City loan .anl warranta. W. iUSMS f)uu:a"dt to, U.t tarnatn Bt t- Iri ok If ta iaan en tmprovad city property tuii 4i imiiltii, livt Vaibaiu ac l J e, 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) tVi PF.R CENT monev to loan on east era Nebraska farma and good busineaa pion rty in Omaha, ALFKtD C. KENNEDY. 10 rirtt National Bank Building. Tele phone Douglas 't-S. f22r-n WANTED City loans. Peters Trtist Co. 2J)-7. MONBY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. . . 7t WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy aecondhand furniture, cook and heating atovee, carpet, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all klnda of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Tbe Mffhest price paid. Call the right man. Tela Douglas Hi:U Independent A-S071. (2K MiUS BEST price paid for Zrihand furniture, car pets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red &40L (35) warn WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man 30 wants situation. I'nder etands care of house, lawn, etc. No ob jection to country or any kind of work. Address L 34. Bee. (27) MS10 32x WANTED Position by a Jarsneee grad uate nurse. Call up 78, T.. vv. c. A. (27) MH3 23x A GOOD MALE! STENOQRA rilER, experi ence In railroad ofTice. Work preferred. Address M-3s. care Bee.- (27) (12 21 A THOROUGHLY reliable Japanese boy desires place with good family. Beet ref erences. T. Nakamura, 213 So. lth St. Telephone Doug. 1XX (21) MS51 CIAM3X9 SHIHT STUQ LOST v HtWir WlOB MTATIOsT AMD rosTorrzcx S1C3.C0 REWi-3 . Tor retnra to Oaoklsy Broa Itta and Capitol Avsnue. WO QlTXSTXOaTaj A1KID. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Dwight G. Lyman and wire to John T. Hale, part se4. rieH, ft-l-.... 210 Kate B. Ryan et al. to John Q. O Coit nell, part tax lot 20. aection 17-16-12.. $40 Jnterurban LAnd company to George Mosher, parl-swSi ne4 12-14-12 1,000 Thomaa C. Kenney and wife to Bes sie B. and Mable A. Kennedy, lot 12, block 1(19. Dundee Place K R. W. Patrick to Bessie B. Hart, et al, lot 12, block 1', Dundee Place.. 6 Frank Novak and wife to Marie . Oernovska, lot 7 block 2, Brown Perk x 1,050 Joseph Kotrc and wife to William Eltapatrlck. n lot 20, block t. Brown park 1,100 Luella G. McLaughlin and husband to A. R. Bcolt. lot 8. block t. Pat rick's Hecond addition (.BOO J times Miller and wife to Charles J. Kalrle. lot 4, block 44, Florence Boulevard Park Improvement coni- fiany to Bhlmer & Chase Co., part ot IS, and 18, block t. Boulevard Parle 1 Anna Thomsen and husband to Ben son Cement works, lots U. IS. 12, block 10. Rose Hill 2,000 Hattle Reed to Minnie E. Hillatrom. eH lot 8. block 'V Lowe s addi tion l,3W Joseph Moravec and wife to Vaclav Kulhanek, part lot 8, black 21, Credit '. Koncler 66 John Bltera and Mary to Kterlna Plegl. Jot 4. block 13, First addition ". to South Omaha, 1,080 Gilbert E, George and wife' to E. O. Smith, lots 11 and 12, block 4, Ames , Place -v....... , . 237 cnaries Kluge and wife to .John al tera, lot I, block 6, Van Camp's 2,100 William F. Fales et al, to IjouIbo M. Iary, lot 7. block, 19, Poppleton Prk , , 4,150 Gould Diets and wife to Moshier Co! petser, eH alley adjoining lot 1 end north 14 feet lot 2. block 12, High land Place 1 Same to same, lot 1 and north 1$ feet. ; . of lot 2, block It. same 4,800 Edward, Fearon and wife to John F. -Sturgeon, lots 10, 11,. 12, Fearon -Place , 1,725 A. L. Reed et al, to Minnie E. Adams, lot 23. block 4, Reeds' Fifth 1,100 Frank Wolf to Frank Lichnovaky, nH wli block 20, and other land Secohd addition to Corrlgan Place... 1 Elisabeth and husband to Bradford C Kickox, lot 6.. block 4, Cleveland Place. .... J,587 V. J. Sullivan to Henry Bergmann and wife, lot 12, block 2. McGav ocks & O'Keefe's addition 1,17 Carl G. Turnqulst to Alfred Keller, sH ae ivVi section 8-14V13. 1,950 James M. McDowell to Louise 8. He- Doweil, lots 1 and 1, block t, Avon dale park 1 County treasurer to Alex C. Reed, lota 1, 2, , 4, IS. 1. 17. 18, block 8, and lots , and t, block 4, Institute Place Lewis g. Red and wife to . Ksed Brothers, same , J C. Chrlstensen and. wife to Mary A.. Dalbey, lot 4. Marlon Place 2,360 Robert H. Harris and wife to Millard F. Funkhouser. lot 26, block 6, Kilby Place Alex P. Thomson and wife to Rlrkett Tebbens, lot 1. block 6, lian acorn Place ,t. Georgo A. Hoagland and wife to James P. Atkinson et al, part lot 5 block 14, Omaha and a atrip it feet adjoining ttM) Olive Christenson to C. Chrlatenson, lots 1. 2, 8, 4. t, block 2t, Benson 1,000 Total ... $67,47 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. De partment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affaire, Waahlngton, D. C, March 27. 19UL Sealed Proposals, plainly marked on the cutaiile of the eMsled vnveJupe "Proposals for Improvements at Crow Agency, Mon tana," and ad'ireased to the Commissioner of Indlaa Affairs, Washington. D. C. will be received at-the Indian Office until 2 o'clock p. m. of May 1, lsm8. for furnishing materlaia and labor for the erection of a hospital at the Crow Agency, Montatka, la atrlct accordance wW.h the plans, apeciflca tlon and Instructions to biddera which may be examined at this office, the offices of the "Hecoed," Helena, Mont., the "Bee." Omaha, Neb., the "American Contractor," Chicago, 111., and the "Improvement Bulle tin." Minneapolis, Mica., the Culled States Indian Wareheuaee at Chicago. 111., St. Louis. Mo., aid Omaha, Nab.; builders and Tradera Exchangee at St. Paul, Minn., Minneapolis. Minn., Omaha, NeU, and at the agency. C, F. LAKKABEE, Aetlng Commlaaioner. A-T--u-i4-i-i-a-a- OCEAN STEAMERS Far reef, a4eaaur er bwel Wl-lfElJCH LirjE Te PARIS, th City BeeutlfwM .Tkeso to at pomU ee the Casnsest i Trenastlantlqug , 1 r rse, tlaHe Mall e.rv.e . . a. - atsnni id a w 1 m m uva via Havre ea giirsotic twtacrew esoreas otMrt, sailitiic every Tburadav 10 a. as. 1 hec wander, of Buxlem inventions nsve all the conveuicace aad luxury of not palatial koiets ea a more iuauense r.nee tiger elevaior, roof cafe, f ynuaiiv, elc.ut suites abd single anartueela, daily acwsuapert orcbeMre, wireless Urirsraps-r, iimuuf cuimii sua evciy ritn istna toe asjeij aaa ixai 'p--- Ut Ssrais April M I La Teuraiae May tt Ls rria4 SUf Y 1 1a Hsveie M lM Lorralae. . M.y 14 I La Proveace June 4 knr MMrnduu reoiaian4e. Poe seer el li.Mir.LW book at mw s4 rs appir te HAHHt K. MooKU. - - - 11 Varoaas tt. I. sv inuu4i , , . . u.J Paraaa sc. W. K. B K. - -W. O l'AVir80!, LOUIS .KaK. - - Ut r.rua M. - - - - - U I ruua ac sare ftnt Katloaal Aaa ft. Butrlt rV THE OMAHA DEC Ccst West L . ... e THE OMAHA CDAMPS DROP TI1EIR FIRST Sionx City. Jam pi On Hall for Fair in the Sixth Inning. OMAHA UK ABLE TO GET MAN HOME Sleax Ale Proeeeal te Take Liberties Os) the Bases, Having; a Total f Ix r II fere tacks Dar ing the Ceatest. SlOf X CITT, April .-The Omaha West ern league team suffered defeat today for the first time this season. Sioux City win ning by a score af 4 to 0. The game wss slow most of the way, though well played. There was nothing doing on either side until the third Inning, when, with two out, Spencer got a pass and stole second, scor ing on Henry single to left field. Again In the sixth Weed started a merry batting bee with a two-sacker to right field. When the fireworks were aver three men had Crossed the plate. Hall's weakening hav ing been followed by wild throwing of the Infield on two bunt hits. The Champions looked dangerous on two Or three occa sions, but never succeeded In starting things until after two were down. In no Inning did a runner get beyond second base. Dar ing base running by Sioux City waa easily the feature of the gams, Henry carrying oft the honors by stealing from first to third, stopping at the second station only long enough to get his breath. Seers: SIOUX CITT. AB. R. H. O. A. K. Campbell, If 3 0 0 1 0 9 Holmes. 2b...., 4 0 1 0 1 0 Andreas, 2b 2 0 4 2 Weed, rf 4 11 8 1 0 Spencer, cf 3 1 I 2 0 t Henry, c 4 0 i t 3 0 Pevereld, lb 4 1 1 12 1 0 Granville, ss 3 0 2 0 3 0 Corbett, p t 9 0 1 3 0 Total SO 4 t 27 U OMAHA. . AB. R. H. O. A. B Beiden, rf 2 o 0 t 0 King, ss 4 0 1li Auirey. jo 8 v 0 I 1 Householder, If 4 0 1 0 0 Welch, cf 4 0 14 10 Austin, to.. 4 0 0 1 1 4 rrancks, 20 s o 2 . i 0.1 Lebrand, , c 3 0 1 4.1 e Total '.. 30 0 24 14 l Sioux City 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 4 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Holmes, Weed, Francks, lebrand. Stolen bases: Andreas. Spencer (2), Henry (3). 8vere(d. King. Double plays: King to Autrey-to Austin. Baaea on balla: Off Corbett J. off Hall 4. Struck out: By Cerbetti. by Hall 4. Paased bails: Lebrand. Time: 2;06. Umpire; Haskell. Attendance, 1,500. DENVER SHUTS OUT THE INDIANS I'aable Hit Paige Wheat Hits Meaat Baas. PUEBLO, Colo.. Aprjl 20.-Pueblo was .unable to : hit Paige today, and Denver earned a Shutout by the snore of t to 4. Fitzgerald lost his own game In the fourth and fifth Innings on his wildness, snd be ing hit hard sjd clean. In the fourth, Downla opened with a three-bagger and scored on White's single. In the fifth, with one . down, Fltsgerald walked Paige snd Caseady. Waldron flew out to Spencer, but Downle slnglnd. filling the basea. White scored the three men with a long three bagger to right field. Denver's final score Came In the eighth inning when with two down. Bell went to second an Clancy's er ror and scored on Zalusky's single. Mat tick's double play to Smith on a long flv opt was the feature ot the game. The score: DENVER. . AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cassady, If 4 1 2 2 0 0 Waldron,- rf t 0 2 0 t 0 Downie, ss ( J 8 7 2 IVYfttite, lb... t a 2 10 0 0 Beiden, ef. 3 0 r 1 0 0-0 Irwin, 3b I 01 1 1- 0 Doll, 2b 4 1083 0 Zalusky, e 4 0 1 f 2 0 Paige, p., t 1 0 0 4 1 Totals '.-.IS I' 11 27 St 3 PUEBLO. 14. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Smith, c 8 0 8 1 o Ambos, 2b 4 0 0 2 1 1 Craig, rf We have two 6-passeng Mattticka, cf 4 0 0 3 1 0 Spencer, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Patterson, lb 4 0 1 t 0 0 Nelhoff, 3b 4 0 3 1 8 0 Clancy, ss 3 0 0 4 8 1 Fltsgerald, p 8 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 1 n a -n ie Dnnver 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0-t Pueblo 0 0 4 0 0 0 t 0 00 To base hit, Irwin. Three base hits. Dow nle, White. Stolen, bastes, Cassadv. Double plays, Fltsgerald to Clancy to Patterson; Matticks to Smith, Paige to Doll to White. Sacrifice hits, Beldon. Struck out by Paige : by Fltsgerald. 3. Base on balla. by Paige, 8; by Fltsgerald, 8. Umpire, Davis. Time ot game. 1:30. Attendance 600. DES MOINES GETS IN Wl! COLUMN Dolaat Coatribatea Tkre Hits aad Twe Ribs ta the Reaalt. LINCOLN, Neb., April . The seven hits of Dee Moines today were opportune and the fielding of Lincoln was alovenly. Da Moines won by. a score of 4 to 0. Pitcher Clarke for the visitors was aa steady as clock work and effective all the time. Score: Lincoln. AB. R. H. O. A. L. Davidson, cf 4 0 1 8 0 1 Fox, 2b 4 0 ' 0-0 8 0 Gagnier, ss S 0 0 I 1 0 Kenlon, rf 4 0 10 10 Thomas, lb 4 0 0 1 0 1 Reddick. 3b 4 0 0 1 3 1 King, It 4 0 0 t 0 0 Sullivan, e 8 0 1 11 1 0 Johnson, p 3 0 1 4 t 0 Totals 83 0 4 27 10 "i DES MOINES. AB. It. H. O. A, E. Haldt. ss 4 1' 0 1 I 1 McLear. rf 4 0 0 t 0 0 Flourney, If 8 0 1 0 0 0 McLaughlin,' cf 4 0 0 10 4 Dolan. 2b 4 1 t 0 4 0 Dexter, if t 1 2 13 0 0 Teaser, c 8 0 0 4 4 0 Caldwell. 8b .... I 4 1 t 1 1 Clarke, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals ....S3 4 7 a U 1 Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Dca Moines 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 04 Two-baae hits: Johnson, Flourney. Sacri fice hits- McLear. Caldwell, Johnson 4, Clarke. Struck out: By Johnson, 7; by Clarke, . Tim: l-M. Umpire: Brennan. Attendance: 1,0(10. PRESIDENT J FOR ATHLETICS Skarply Criticises Policy at Harvard la Mlalaalalag; ports. , WASHINGTON, April 20. -The members of the Princeton baae hall team were re ceived by the president today. The vie )tora aaid that the president aharply criti cised the policy of Harvard in minimising air let Ic sports. Ellswartk Makes Skewing. IOWA FALLS. Ia, April 20. (Special.) The near-victory scored by the Ellsworth college base ball team at Cedar Falls, Saturday, has naturally caused much re joicing in alhletio clrclea of the home achool. The acore of 8 to 7 in favor of the Normalttee waa a close margin, and the Ellsworth boya are naturally elated in be ing able to hold a team of the strength at the tttate Normal acljrol to a margin of one acora. This wss the second game the Ellsworth team had played this season. Western Defeats Brajaartt. WESTON. Nsb.. April 20 (Speclal.)-The lore la defeated Eralnerd in an lntereating contest yestfi-dsy. The visitors were help less before Petal Scute: R.H.L. Rralnard 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-4 4 4 Weston 2 1034444-4 10 3 Two-base hits: Bralnard, 2; Weston, X Struck out: Matons, II; Pacal. 14. Bat terles: Matona and b value; Pacal and Woita. Umpire: Kondele. Aaarrlcane Ara Oat far Blood. The Americana, formerly the Cudahya, have reorganised for the aeaaon and wou'd like to hear from all last amateur teams. Tlieir new uniforms of blues, and white triniininKS have arrived. They also wish to oVny Dial tliejr weie defeated by the MohT-I.anipinan team and wou'd like (o riwnae a earn wnh them for a side bet of $i or" more, Call Led M Tht-y line DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, " AmitY 21." 190?. " STANDING CF THE TEAMS. WEST. LEAGUE. AMER. ASB'N. W.LPct. W.LFct. Denver t 1 .Ruj Columbus... 4 ( If! Omaha 4 1 .10 Toledo I 1 .7"0 Sioux City... I 3 .0 Milwaukee . 4 2 ,-7 Lincoln 3 I .a-9 Indianapolis 8 2 .a-1 Ix-a Moines. 1 4 Ksnsss Cy- t 8 Pueblo 1 $ .1.7 Louisville... 3 4 ' .3 Minneapolis 1 t .'J Bt. Paul O 4 .000 NAT. LEAGUE. AMER. LEAGUE. WUPct. W.UPcft Chicago I 1 ,m New Tork... 4 1 .a-0 New icrk... 4 1 Bt. Lnula.... 4 2 '.7 Pittsburg..., I 2 . Boston 4 1 .W7 Phil 8 3 Chicago 8 3 ." Cincinnati... 3 3 ' .fO Cleveland.... t 1 .$ Brooklyn.... t 3 .-0 Phlla t 4 .tu Boston I 4 .3 0 Detroit 1 3 .2 St. Louts.... 1 8 .17 Washington 1 4 -3C0 -GAMES TODAY. Western League Omaha at Sioux City, Des Moines at Lincoln, Denver St Pueblo. National League Boston at Philadelphia, New York at Brooklyn. American League Chicago at Cleveland, St. Louie at Detroit, Washington at New York. Philadelphia at Boston. American Association Milwaukee at In dianapolis. Kansas City at Louisville, 8U Paul at Toledo, Minneapolis at Columbus. up as follows: Csughlln, felt field: Dennl son, center field; Fox. right field; Sweeney, third base: Rasp, second base; Farley, fit it base; Smith, shortstop; Cassldy, catcher; Denny, pitcher. GAMES IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Leals Oatklte Ckleage, hat Falls ta Searc. ST.-LOUIS. April .-The St. Louis Na tionals outhit Chicago today, but Chicago won. Score: 8T. Ulril CHICAOO. B H O A G. B.H.O.A-Tfi-Charlaa, tb... 4 0.2 t 1 stasis, ct....4 1 Barry, rf 41 Ogherkan, If.. 1410 Deleheatr. it. I 14 shslts, rf... t 4 Murrar. tt.... 4 t I Octiane. lb .. 1 I li I I Konetchr. Ik. I ill i statni1t, la. 4 1114 RTne, lb.... 4 4 4 1 1 Krera, Mi 4 4 111 O'Rnurka, s.l 1 II ITInkar. ea.... 4 t Hsatattar, e.. I t 4 KHet. e 0 4 e lUjrasoa, a., i t BLuadsrea, .. 3 tit Totals II ICH i ToUle...."l 13 "t St.. Louis ...4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 Sacrifice hits: Hostetter, Chance, Lund gren (t, Schulte. Stolen bases: Sheckard, Chance. Evera, Sleinfeldt. Left on baaa: St. Louis, 4; Chicago, 8. Bases on balla: Off Raymond. 4: eft Lundgren. 1. Struck out: by Raymond, 2; by Lundgren, 4. Time: 1:33. Umpires O'Day, New Yerk Wlas frasa Broeklra. BROOKLYN. Aprtl tft. The New York Nationals needed the service ot two pitch ers to win from the locals todsy. Ames proved to b more effective than Taylor snd Brooklyn was beaten, 4 to 1. Score: NEW .TORK. BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A C. B.H.O.A.B. Shannon. If., t 114 Pattae, rh .. 4 4 11 Tenner, lb... 4 1 1 4 Malsner. ct..' 4 Ml In. rf 4 OS.irrh. rf 4 8 14 Seymo.r. ef.. 4 t t 1 Jordan, lb I 111 Brsaaahta. t. 4 1 II. OAlpermas, lb. 811 Tlln. lb 1 41 OHuiameil, If. 1 1 4 Nlrklla. tb... I til Lewia. ss t 4111 Brl4w.ll. as.. 4 1 1 1 tDeritea. c t i I Taylor, s 1 I DRueser. S....I 4 Asms, p 1 I 1 . TaUlt 4 17 JI t Totals II 4 37 II - New York : 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-4 Brooklyn .......... .;.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 Base hlta; Off Taylor. 3 in four Innings; off Ames. 1 In five innings. Sacrifice hits: Devlin. Ames, Lewis. Double plays: Dev lin, Nlcklln and Tenney Sevmour and Tenney. Lett on bases:' New York. 4; Brooklyn, 4. Bases. on balls: Off Rucker, 4: oft Tsylor, 3. Struck out: Bv Rucker, 6; by Taylor, 2; byAmes, 8. Time: 1:28. Umpires: Emslle and Rudderham. -: t . Reds WlAi m Teatk. CINCINNATI. Aprlf tO.-Wlth two men out In the ninth, Clarke hit to right field for a home run, tielng the score. Cincln natti won out In the tenth on Lobart's triple and Ganxel's, single. Lobart alaj scored the home team's first run on a triple and sn out. Outfielder Df.lev was released to Terre 'Haute by , Cincinnati to day. Score: ," ' - One out when Winning run scored. . Batted for Moeiler in ninth. Cincinnati .'.;. -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 rutsDurg ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll Three base hltw."Mllbhen. Mowrev. Hula Witt, Clarkson. Pages on balla, off Camp- oeii, i, on A-eiiieta, I. lime; i:y. (.mptre, Rlgler. . - ' j , PkUadelpbla Wins la Teatk, PHILADELPHI, April 20. The home team won rrom Boston today in the tenth inning, when Ritchey's fumble permitted a runner to score. Boston could not solve Hoeh's curves until the eighth Inning when they hit the ball hard and tied the acore In the ninth. Exccpf In two Innings Toung wss effective with men on basee. Score: One out when winning run was scored. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 14 koslon 0 1) 0-0 0 0 0 1 Z I Two base hits: Dahlen, Courtney, Grant, Sacrifice hits: Dahlen, Knabe 2, Magee Hoch 2. Stolen baae:. Grant. Double pay; Dolan, Knabe and Courtney. Lett on bases Boston, 8: Philadelphia, 8. Baaes on balls: Off Young, 8; off Hoch, 2. Base on errors: Boston, 8; Philadelphia, 1. Hit by pitcher: by Hoch, 1. Struck out: by Young, 3; by Hick, 2. Passed balls: Bowerman. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Klen. - LEE-ULAS9 START OUT WITH WIN Hardware Mea' Have aa Easy Tins vltk Merchaats. The Lee-Glass-Andreeasns celebrsted the opening of their regular season by defeat ing the Merchants of the Intercity league In a one-sided contest at Vinton Street Park. 21 to A Manager Ratukin's team showed lack of practice and is capable of playing a much better game than put up yesterday. The Hardware men played in mid-season form, allowing the Merchants to score their-runs in ths last inning on four consecutive hits and an error. Min Ikus work on third was exceptionally fast and Bunnell's pitching kept the Merchants guessing at all times. The Lee-Glass An dreesena had no trouble finding Walling at opportune tlmee, but It must be aaid to his credit that had hie support been better b would be capable of pitching a good article of ball. Score: L-O.-A. AtKRCKAKTg. U.H.O.A.S. k.H.O.A E fssey. If 1 lit Henrr,- ef. ... 4 1 Br.dlord. tb. I t I t 1 8'oi'dr'a, II- t . 2 1 Mullea, ss... I 1 1 4 MrAndfa. lib 4 1 t 4 Minibus, lb.. J t t t 4 Walling. -. 4 14 1 Olbaon, rt....4 14 4 Jt W.'i, e-U I 4 4 1 C. ( lair. lb.. 4 14 1 Malum, lb... I 4 t 4 Dtrartbartr. ef I 1 I 1 Draaiinr, lb.. I 1 11 4 I B. Clair, s.... 4 4 7 t 48rk. as t 4 t 4 t Buao.ll. a... I 4 4 1 Mi-Oowsn, rf. I 1 4 4 4 Jslea. 14 Total. it 4 11 I t Totals M If II t Stolen bases: L.-G.-A., 13; Merchants, 3. Two-baa hits: Casey, Walling. Home run: C. Clair. Baaea on balla: Off Walling 3; off Symodynea, 4: off Bunnell, 2; off Jeien. 2. Struck out: By Walling, 4; by Symo dynes, 2; by Bunnell. 8; by Jelen, 3. Passed balla: Rohlnowlts, 2; E. Clair. 1. Wild ?c: Walling. 2. Time: 1:4a. Umpire: William Bell. STORS WIN AT VINTON PARK Sevea laatngs Agalast Raanbler ef Soatb Omaha Reaalls S te S. The Stors Coronas defeated the Ramblers of South Omaha In a seven-Inning game st V'lnton Street park, as a preliminary lo the "big" game. Bogatts, for the Brewers, had the Ramblers st his mercy, allowing but four hits. Ferster's and Smith'a bat. ting were features, Ferster getting three hits. tw being for two bases, and Smith hit to th center field fence for a home run with the basea full. Bwoits carried eft the fielding honors, nabbing a high fly after a hard run for the third out. with three men oa baaea. Corrlgan a one-handed atop waa also a fielding feaure. The 8tors-Coronss play the Ideal-Hustlers at Council Bluffs next Sunday. Score: STORI CORONAS. RAMBLERS IK.O.I1. MeLals, lb... 1 t I Co, lb I I 14 renter, .... 4 t 8 1 tblasioso. b..l 4 14 4 Kacara. as. ..4. 4 I Hear). If... I 111 Bosatta, ... 4 111 Tuul.. Jo.... I 4111 Harbtau. lb.. 4 IU 1 . rf.... I 1 Ssiltb. ef.... t 14 ( maaa. as.. I 1 1 1 Band, rf ... 4 I 4 4 fcw.ft, at I 4414 1-aaicaa. lb. . I 41 kaaaes., ..! 1 1 bradbeck. if. 1 1 I 1 fcaaaoa. .... 1 1 a Total. t li ti U Touts llTilTT Stor Coronas 0 0 t 4 0 0-t Ramblers 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 Horn run: Smith. Three-base hit: Cor rlgan. Twn-hiH hita: Ferater (2), Bando. Basea en balla: Of Bogatts. 3; off Beneon, I. Struck out: By Bogalta, 4; by Benson. 7 Psssed balla: Ferster, 1; Kennedy, 1. Wild pitch: Benson. Hit wtth pitched ball: By Lvnaon, t Double play: Id t Lain to Hacb ten. Umpire: SUanahan. Players Xelaaaated, hat Flaed. CINCINNATI. ' April 20.-The National Btae Ball commisaion todav reinstated I'laera Garland rtial.l and M. .1. iHjiilin. but lined each t, for having participated In certain same with clubs or against clubs harboring Ineligible plavera m the city of Chicago during luut be a sun. WADDELL DRIVEN FROM BOX Seven Hits ia Sixth Inning- Betult ia Five Hunt. ; TWO MORE IN THE SXVlLVfU These Are Reealt af Three till aad aa ErrarStaaa Drive la la Oal Baa Mad ky St. Leals. CHICAOO, April 20. Chicago knocked Waddell out of the box today and defeated St. Louis 7 to 1. Seven hits gave five runs In the sixth Inning and three hits tnt an error two more in the next. St. Loul scored on a bas on balls, a sacrifice and Stone's double. A peculiar double play, Hoffman to Spencer on which two Chicago runners were caught at th plat after Shaw had hit' safely waa th feature. Score: - ' CHICAOO. iT. Lon. - ' B H O A B. rttHirnsrtr. HI 1 1 Hoffman, rf.. 1 4 4 1 f. Jonas, f.. 4 t I J 4C. Janes, et.. 4 4 t 4 Frot. SS....4 4 4 1 lStnee, If 4 14 4 Aod.mon, rf. 4 ! 1 4 4 William, tb. 4 4 I t 4 Ats. lb t 14 (Wallae, ss., 4 1 1 I 1 rwnohsn. lb . I 14 rerrla. lb I 1 I Tanneblll, It 4 1 I I I T. Jonas, lb. I 1 It 4 Shaw, c 4 1 4 esneneer, C....I I ttalta, a- '4 t 4 t Waddell, s... I 4 4 1 Crlaa. ........ 1 4 4 Totals M 1117 It -I -. " Total u 4 t it l Chicago' 44440824- 7 St Louis 0 0 1 0 4 0 4 4 01 Two base hits: Stone. Tannehlll. Sacri fice hit: Hoffman. Stolen bases: Wallace, V. Jones. Double playa: HoffmSn to Spencer: Tannehlll to Donohue. Lft on bases: St. Louis, 4; Chicago, . Bases on balls: Off Waddell. 2; off Smith. 1. Struck out; By Waddell, 8: by Smith, t; by Cries, 1. Wild pitches: Waddell. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Egan and O'Loughlln. Bealea Wlaa Beta. Gaaaes. BOSTON, Mass., April . Philadelphia was beaten by Boston in the morning game here. Young's all round work waa a feature. The score: .- got TON. FHlLADgLPHIA. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Thnntr. It.... 4 114 t-Urti.U, It.. 4 4 t 4 Lw4. lb I 111 Nlrholla. as.. 4 1114 McHale, rf... I I t 4 4Uolllna, lb.... 4 4 4 1 4 Oenaler. rf... I II Davts. lb.... 4 141 LsPorte. tb.,1 lit Vurthr. tb... 1 t tnslanb, lb.. 4 1 IT om,h, H. ... I 114 4 Watnar, as... 1 4 4 4 Mnrnn. ef....l 0 44 McOonnsll. as 1 I 4 I Shrecb. e.... I 4 14 CMl.r. e 4 I 1 (Vlrkera t a I Tosag. 4 111 Ogrssna. ,... 1 alaswoll, p... 1 1 . imn H u It IT I - . . Tnt.l. u ml Boston 01830002 I Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 01 Two-base hit: oung. Three-base hit: Mc Hale. Hits: Off Vlckers. 4 in three in nings; off Krausa, 2 in on Inning: oft Max well, 7ln four Inning. Sacrifice hits: Wagner, McHale (2), Lord Thonev. Stolen basea: Davis . Lord. Left on bases: Ronton 7; Philadelphia, 7. First base on balla: Off Maxwell, l; off lounr, l. First base on errors: Boston, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Dy rwau, uira: oy aiaxweii, Aicuonnen. Struck out: By Young. 4; by Maxwell, 2; by Vlckers, 1. Passed balls: Crlger. L Time: 1:56. ITmnire: RherMnn Morgan prevented Philadelphia from scor ing iiier me nrsi inning. . B0BTON. PHILADeLPHIA - ' B.H.O.A.B. B.H O A K Thsner. If.... 4 It Kartnl. If.... I 4 1 Lord, Jb .I I 111 DKlrhnli aa...l alls M. H.Ia, ef.,,4 110 ncouins. tb.... 4 111 Oessier, rf...,4 1 srvaTla. lb .... I 1 14 irono. re., t iii siiiirpbr. Jb... 4 1 1 .4 1 t'nxlaab. tb. .1 I 14 roomba, rf... 4 114 MeConnell, aa 4 11, I 1 Mornn. cf I 4 11 Carrlraa, e....4. 1 4 Rmttb.. t....... 4 .0 I I 1 Morgan, 4. ... 1 4 14 leaner. 14 4 1'' Sehreck 1 4 4 Totals.. ... .11 a IT II -1 - -u. '.''' : Total II 4 i 1 4 Boston . 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 i Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Collins, Davis. Three base hits: Lord, Gessler, Carrlgan, Coomb. Sacrifice hits: Da via. Lord. Stolen baaea: McHale (21, McCohnelL Double play: Me Connell. La Porte to Unglaub. Lett oa bases: Boston, 4: Philadelphia. 4. First base on balls: Off Morgan, 2; oft Carter. 1. Baae on errorr ''Philadelphia,' 1. Hit by pitcher: By Carter, Unglaub. ..Struck out: By Morgan, 7: by Carter, L Tims: 1:S4. Umpire: Sheridan. ,, . , . .. v Naxteleeaa Wla Oa iErrere. . ' DETROIT, April 20. Though ontlilt nearly two to one. Cleveland won handily from the champions ot. two costly errora of judgment and five- mis plays that were II expensive. Malloy made hia debut and pitched an impressive game. Score: DBTROIT. CLEVELAND. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Metntrrs, If.. 4 t I 0J. Clarks. If.. til tcbaaier. lb.. 4 1 l.t OBr.dl.y, lb... 4 1 t 4 Crawford, et..4 I 1 Storall, lb.... 2 1 11 ' 1 Cobb, rf I lit ebajole. lb.... i lit Roaamsn, lb. 4 14 1 ITntar, as.... 4 111 tV)oitn. lb. 4 11 1M1I. n a a a a Bebmtdt, C....4 1 i I N. Clarke, . 14 is, e. s i e v v , cf4 I i. rt. i 4 4 ... t I I i ijearjf, aa.. 1 l x IBIrm'gb'm, aauuj, ....... lis iHinenrasa, g boades. Total 17 11 27 1! 4 Totals 14 T tt It Detroit 0 0011000 0-2 Cleveland 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 1 00 Two-baae -hits: Rosaman, Bradley, Tur ner. Sacrifice hits: Bradley. Stovall (2). 8tolen bases: Bchaefcr. Coughlln, Turner. Double play: Lajole. Turner and Buivall. Left on bases: Detroit, 11; Cleveland, 4. Bases on balls: Malloy, 2; Rhodes, I. Bases on errora: Cleveland. 4. Hit by pitcher: By Malloy, I. Struck out! By Malloy, 4. Passed ball: Clarke, 1. Wild pitch: Malloy. Time: 1M. . Umpir: Evans. SUN BRINGS OUT THE SHOOTERS anwaBBanjaaaa . . Geea Crowd at tke Pottawattaaale Clak Saadag. The warm weather brought out a good crowd for the weekly practice shpot of the Pottawattamie Gun club. In addition to the regular shoot two-team races between chosen sides were shot off. - Townsend's team beat Dixon's Colts W to 88. and then Dixon chose another team, which- beat Charles Thorp's team 136 to 129. Woulman brok nlnety-sovsn targets straight with out a miss. The scores: Team Race Dixon (Capt.) 21 Townsend (Capt.)..kS Hardin 21 Woolmau Morrill 2i Damon .....22 bkinner 24 Giamlnl 20 Total Team Race Dixon (Capt) ... Townsend , Damon Skinner Talbot ., Morrill Total Broken Bow. Practice SUoot Jamea Davis .... Giamlnl G. Davis Talbot Skinner Damon Woolman Morrill Dixon Thorpe Van Cott Townaend Sharp Hardin Beno J W. Lewis Thomas ...83 Total 82 Thorp (Capt.) 22 ..21 Woolman tt ..21 'Van Cott Si ..22 Sharpe 3) ..21 Glamini jtu ..a Davis t) .135 Total 13 It 17 17-73 17 18 It-7 18 17 17 M-74 21 22 14-77 It 23 -IJ 4 2) 26 -3S 21 li ti-Ht 3 -a tin 20 to 22 44 24 11 22-00 21 ii) 3-t It 21 ..23 ..22 .It MOHRiaSEY WINS MARATHON BACH Yeaker Maa Covers Distaaee Beklad Leagkwat'a Beeerd.' BOSTON. April 20 -Patriot day wa gen erally observed in Massachusetts end Maine today with the customary meetings at Lexington, Concord and other towns famoua in revolutionary hlatory, and by sports and pastimes snd a suspension o' business In other places. The principal sporting event waa the Ma rat nun run, its twelfth renewal, from Ashland to this City a distance of a Uifle over twenty-five miles, in which more than a hundred of the leading long-distant e amateur runners In lb country participated.- The runners left the city for Aaliland early in tn day in order to be In time for the noon start. T. P. Morrlssey of the Mercury Athletic club, Yonkera, N. Y., won the Marathon road race today, covering the twenty-five miles In 3 hours, 2& minutes and 43V, ac ends, 1 minuie 1H seconds behind the rec ord eaUblialied last year by Thoinaa Long boat. ..... Haynes of tbe Irish-American Athletic club ef New York was second. Time: Kowler of Cambrldgeport. Mass., Athletic club was third. Time: 2:24:42. Error Casta at Gaaae. The Bellevue Juniors defeated th crack Nationals oa the Beilevue grounds Sunday afternoon. Aa Inexeuaabl error in tne tiiird Uaiina- lei bellevue score Uiree tun as The "itandard of McKlBBJN The -McKIBBIN I3IN Ivat of hat AA your dealer nd cost the Same, the score at th finish being 11 to 10. Batfries. Bellevue; Kllng tnd Ma thaw son. Nationals, Jenson and Russell. : Captain Jenson of the Nationals would llk to hear from any managers for games. Addnaaa, . tot North Twenty-eight atreet. South Omaha. CAMBS IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ' Chaanpleas Wla aa Easy Vleterr frasa tke Millers. COLUMBUS." O., April tO.'-Trlplen . by Kfutr and Cohgalton and singles by Oeyer and Prlel In the third Inning put today s tame out of tne reach of Mlnneapoll.' John Freeman cleared the right field fence In the sevnth- for a horn run. Two double plays that Raldy started Were the features hf the perfect fielding by the champion. Score: . ... Batted for Lllson In sixth. Cttltrmbus 44340003 t Minneapolis 00000010 12 Stolen baser Frtel. Sscrlflc hit: Kruger, Klhm, Raldy, Wrtgley, Welday. Bsee on balls: Off Oeyer, 2; off Wilson, 4. Three-base hits: Kruger, Congoltnn. Home runt Freeman. Double r's: KeMy, Wriglev to Klhm; Itaidy to Klhm. Klhm unaeitisted. Hit by pitched ball: Jackson, by Wllann. Struck out: Bv Wilson. 2 -by Blersderfer. 4. Hits: Off Wilson, In flv Ihnlngs: oft Biersderfer. 8 In three Innings. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kerln. INTERNATIONAL . SPORTS' CLUB Oraraalsatlea Fertatag fa, Bay Large Tract la Mexico. ST. LOUIS, April .-The Allmlto Hunt ing and Flailing club, composed or rorts men from all over the country and which Will bring together hunter and fishermen rrom all. the world, la. being organised tn ft. Louis, according to Norman J. Coleman, formerly lieutenant governor of Missouri, who Is the president. Flv hundred mem bers will" make up the organixatlon and each has pledged himself to subscribe I,(W0 to pay for the tract of 260,000 acrea of land compoelng the Hacienda Allmltoa. a ranch event? miles from the Mexico seaport of Ttmpleo, on which the club has an option. Mr. Coleman stated today that sportsmen from many nations, some of them belonging to royal families, have signified their in tention ot becoming membera. Charles A. Crane, general passenger and ticket agent ot tit Wabash, Is vie president of the club. . - . BIO AMATEUR GUN TOURNAMENT Three Dare ef Sheetlagj Calls for , Elaborate riaas., . . Big preparations are being made for the annual amateur tournament ot the Omaha Uun club to be held at Omaha May S, 4 and 7, which all abootera ara Invited. -Marshall Sharp will be cashier, W. D. Town end and H. 8. -McDonald managers and G. W. Loom is secretary. "This Is strictly a shoot for amateurs and the jackrabblt system will be uaed, ao that 4h amateur will receive 10 centa for each bird broken In addition. to a chance to gt Irtto the money, which will bo divided X 3d. 20 and IS per cent. The association will add VKiO In cash to the regular purses. The Interstate association ' rulea will govern txoepting that when a piece of target la Ihot at lh , result will be scored: .. - . . , Hooslera Defeat Brewers. . . Indianapolis, ind., Apm a.-in- dlano polls won todsy from Mllwsukee. Slagle wa wild in the eighth Inning, -giving tw men bases on balla. Then the Mil waukee -men bunched five hlte. scoring four runsln ths,t Jnnlng. Tevls replaced Slagle. Baited for Martske in ninth. ihdlanopolls ........ r 2 0 8 0 0 0 ''. 11 Illwaukee 0 0 0.1 -1 0 4 23 Innings pitched: by Slagle. seven snd two thirds;- by Tevls. one -and one-third. Base on balls: Off Manake, 1; off Slagle, 10; off Tevls. 2. Struck out: Bv Slagle, 2: by. Tevls. 1; bv Hanake, L ffwo-baee hit: Cook. Clark, McChesney. Tfree-baa hits: Roth. Davidson. Stolen bases: Rush. Cook, Harden, Livingston. Hopket Roth. Brown. Balk: Slagle. Time: 3:10. Umpires; Kane and List. Golf Aasoclatiea . Toaraaaseat. NBW YORK. April 20.-The American Golf Association of Advertising Interests has Just -announced the program for Its fourth annual tournament. The evetit will h held this year an the link of th Umb. ton Country club at Toronto, which has one of the best elghteen-hole courses In Canada. The competition will begin Mon day, July 4, and will continue throughout th week. Besides the regular association championships, a number of other events have been arranged, including handicaps vents for men. William C. Freeman of "... v.7 1 a ui miarnv. u. sir iv. ijioyn of S Pittsburg and Charles A. Carlisle of South end. Ind.. vice presidents, and Charles Stoddard of Chlcnn-n imatim n J treasurer. ' " - Hawkeye Beat Haascoaa Parks. The Hawkeyes defeated the Hanscom rarks t to 8, making four runs In the ninth Inning. . Batteries- Hawkeyes. Foster. Drumlng and Roas; Hanscont Parks. Hal bin and Flanagan. The Hawkeyea would ilk to schedule games with any U or lb- o'o o'OLD SQSSS The rleen nnrlerlvino- oanu nt anam 1,4 f .. t a - J:.: .' . a ... tlOOO. .Tais vital fluid has become infected with some germ or poison which prevents ths place from tealing;. This infection may be the result of aa inac tive, slpggUh condition of the system leavingr the refuse matter of the body to be absorbed into the circulation instead of throwtn-r it ff ih channels of nature. Another caute ia the weakening or polluting of this life etreani from hereditary taints, or from the effects of lontj spell of sickness, leavirif disease germs injhe system. When the blood is in this condition a sore cannot heal because the impurities with whkh the circulation is filled are beinsr constantly discharged into the place to irritate And inflame the tissues 4d further disease the surrounding flesh. The only, treatment that can do Any yood is one that removes the cause, and for this purpose nothing equals S. S. S. It begins at the fountain head of the trouble and drives out all germs, impurities snd poison, and then the place, being supplied with rich, pure blood, heals naturally and permanently. Local applications assist in cleans ing' the place, but a cure can only be effected through a purification of the blood.- Book on Serea and Ulcers and any medical advice free. . , WE 'CURE (V3EN FOLl t ear Atiseases.. r 1 . I-. , ' -''tv TREE Kaamlnatlon and consultation. Writs for 5f fc'Sa'MSii-'-r t fcynipt-.-n blank for Uotna treatment. Dr. Ceaxles & Searles, 110 S. 14th. Cor. 11th and Douglas, Omaha. 1 v nimu, ULCEKAT C- SASaS cares wntaoui f fi 1 iwutail 14 raars ""I I J beoa a Ssl i ii.ij --.h asaa Dr.CDVAno R. TAfinV, 333 i NATS hat value $ 3 . . SPLCIAL $ SPECIAL" $ to show them to you year-old team In the city. Call Harney 1S3L Robert Connsll, manager. Haetere S. Hoffmaas 4. Th Hoctors of . South Omaha defeated the Hoffinsiia Simday by the ecor of 5 to 4. Both pitchers played fine ball. The Hof mans wei-e unable to score up to the rlntlt Inning, when-the Hooters got will and let In four runs Halt erics: Hoctors. MrMas-tei-s snd Clsena; ,lUt(mans, Peavcuts and Smith. ' ' ' ' ' Bostea Defeats Phlladelpkla. American Igaar morning game at uoBiun. t , 4 - .' R. H. O. . 8 11 0 . 1 4 3 Boston Philadelphia Attell Wlaa la F.lghth. SEATTLE, April 20.-Abe- Attell won from Kelley In the eighth rountj. Sporting- Oosalp. By this time it must be evident that Ducky Holme has a bunch ot batters. Doe It matte yaw harJt back to the 'DO's to see a St. Lout Browns team at the head of th column? - Does took like Householder might manage to get more than two home runs a game. Ms'nager Frarlck may switch that batting order every day if by so doing the team can drag off three Home runs. ( New York-wants th tee ' bold barred. Why not go all the way and bar western wrestlers snd plaj safe? Juat can't hardly wait for that dear 'old Thursday. And to think. Mayor Jim won't be there to throw pie first game. - Th B la glad to know that Its rdd friends, the local amateurs, still look to its columns as the prime pi sue to publish their nas and scores.. Tbese scores snd this news sre always welcome. Com on, boy; the more the merrier. t , . , That Signal Corps team up at Fort Omaha Will bear watching. Ila winning of a double header Sunday has attracted much at tention and 'many fans who saw the gamea say they were of a high -order and that the Signal Corps bora showed form, that would hav dorm credit to faster com parer, ;.- .. , Hosteller, otherwise Holly . snd Hoel ketter, has now played in every position since going into th big league at St. Louis. The Cardinals are using hrm for their main catcher this year. ' He ia not a mean pitcher and la a rattling fine nut or inticldcr. And yet they aay Artie Hofman i the only utility man. . ... . It is to be hoped Dca Moines may be able to brace up before the fight continues far. President Hlggina waa disappointed by Chi cago In not sending lm some players he had bargained. -for. Comiskey's failure In this regard might' 'tend to' confirm In the minds of some ot the Incredulous the an nouncement -ttwt the , ownership at Dcs Moines really and,., truly underwent a Chang. EPIDEMIC OF ELOPMENTS All rentage ia th Spring Get Cea 1 trarr - aa , "Weddinga Fallow. .' . It Is a cold day when the police do not get a. message to meet samo..train And ap prehend a pair of elopers or to seek them out in the 'fastnesses of the city where they might be in hiding front Irate parent. All of which seems to Indiuato' that spring has come snd that. In accordance with the rule, young men's fancies are lightly turn ing o thoughts of love.. . , ' To burst into metaphore, the weight of oppoalng parents hanging as It were upon tbe safety valve of the boiler of love has been Insufficient to keep love repressed In the spring time, . and the "happy pairs" are meeting by stealth and outwitting their elders. . , Yesterday morning a telephone messsge csme to Police Captain Mostyn asking him to be on the lookout for a certain pair who were described. They were R. J. Smith, 2,1 years of sge, a Jeweler tn Lynch, Neb., and Hasel Drussler, It years ot age, Clearwater, Neb. .. , , . Detectives Dsvis and Pattullo were sent to the Northwestern train arriving her at 10:25. They brought th pair back to the station. The groom forthwith drew .out a marriage llcene which allowed they had been .wedded Saturday In O'NellL . When th young woman did not return home In the evening Inquiry was made and when it 'was learned she and Smith had -boarded the train for Omaha th police were notified. Use Bee Want Ads to boost your buslnesa. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA.' By the Old Eeli&ble Dr. Searles & Scarlet Established In Umsha for Z yeara Ths many thous- ada of caaes cured by us make Us the most exper ienced bpeolaliats In ths West, in all dlseaaa and ali ments cf irwn. We know just what will vui you . anvure 04 quickly. We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee. . W make no misleading or false atatcmenta, or of far you cheap, worthleoa treatment. Our reputation and name are too favorably known: every caae we treat our reputation Is at stake. Your tiaallh. Ilia and happlneas is ton serious s matter to piac In the hands ot a HAMBtEfiS" DOO'lOa. Hnrieel doctors of ability use their OWa XAaaa laf TKflta Bt'BlSMS. Msrvous Taak.lltt. B lAA. W I . I L II II Ski. I , I aa mt I n W. 1 . all aieclal 1ltauts aaii AVtlotsata of Man. Pfcjj Ho HonsyTill Gurctl ULCERATION sa4 all RECTAL KWW aout ths kails FiiBtnM tutm oaricac., Writs 4m he kU Liissaasa. fat mt ainstioa Pre. Be C!d CLTAIIA, NEC