ft ilAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ulatn Grtm Stronj on Baying by Speculators. . tlTTLE RESISTANCE 10 THE RISE tattef aatlea r Cenrral Raaa . Over V t8e4, rra. X"84 Heavy' Srlllag l.ast . . - "'1 - OMAHA. April 10. 1908 Orilt mJum crew etrong en buying by JPK-rfiior who had soul heofi.y lat ta expectation of sear movement Ifter th general rains over the winter bt sertton- - 1 tie decided Increase la the world' rtau mrpiy cou.l,l with a muth Im proved demand sent value higher wllh tf"e rniim.; WbMl opened at Saturday' closing Irtrm and trader war inclined to aiu faiunm MiirKl readily to all offering crowd bra,a bullish ana bit tlie murk ft S. Wy lie opened at 90e and cloted It o. Oeru r!-S a trifl weak with no demand lrd anm fro of far in put a slump on rsloe. . &cetpte common to be light and tests eoru v. as alow. . nay Cora opened at S'io and closed at 61o. Outs Were iindy Id Mtir with and (Sotiif rrt detiuml and bidding wil active, but nr.t, effective Mar oats opened at tc And ejoaa! at 4;'o. Primary- uu . receipt war 4S4,0 bu. kix shipment were 2i,0w) bu. against re eipts last year W.OJ0 bu. and shipments 4f 6 .000 be. Corn recetp wara 64S.9D0 bu. and ship pianta wera 276,009 bu. agatnat receipt last ear or t9, "O mi. and shipments or S8.oiio u. Clearance wara 2S.0G6 bu. of com. i.v u. tf oata and wheat arjd flour equal to B&noa a. Holding" in Liverpool. Local rang of option: Article,, Open, High! Low. Ctot. Ydr. fcVbeat May. 0 ' S3 en, 92 M M . M n si 78 7S 18 78 . 78 41 ' II l ST S . 6 674 67 6" Ms tj it tr (Mi CH i . Juiy.J Cora May July, Sept, D.t 4-way Osaaka Cava. Prtee. . WHEAT No. t hard. 62Vi,4Hc; KO. I hard, No. 4 hard, vtft&c: No. I aprlnf. 8feV7o. CORN No. 1. T4CH4e: NO. . lVt9Mc: ol yellow. vwc; .No. whit. uf OATS-No. I tnissd, 7?47Hr: No. I whtta, 7Vyg4Sc: No. 4 while, 4r.c. . RXEHo. t 7-'-q: No. i, 71T4C. , Carlo Haawlpta. . . Whoat. Corn. Oata. rntca-o 14 ISO MA Mlnnapoll I4i ... ... Omaha 24 Dulutli M CRICA60 CRAIX AXD PROVISIONS Paatarva at tb Tradlaaj and Cloalaa PrlOM Board; of Trade. CHICAGO. April 20 The lwnl wheat market waa itmnf today berauae of th buillalt tona of tha weekly atatlmlca. May wheat rlwd lOltoe hlhr. Corn wn 4,0 lower. Oata unchanged and prorllon 6rw tower. Th wheat market wa alrong all Cay baoauaa of tha actlva buying of Ktiorts and ommlMton houae. Tha chlpf airenjihcn-bi(-Influenoa waa tha. weekly itaimUc. IVorld ahlpmenta lt week were only a little mora than halt of what they were tor tha corresponding time I ant yar. The amount , on raasnare decreased I.CtO.&X) buahela, oompared with an Inrreaw of t,l&8,tivu a year ego, and th viatbte up ply la America decreased 1,3'I.K0 bushel, aa;alnat an lucreoaa of e1.0J) buahrla last fear, Advloa from th north -t Indi cated that th new crop I prngrcralng favorably, but thefce report eemed to have but little effect. Tha market cloeed trong. May opened a ehada lower to a hade higher at KQ0Za. Inoreaied Mc aud Cloaad .at Mo. Clearances of wheat and (lour wer equal to 17,800 biwhals. Pri iriary recfrH wer it9.&$ iruniie;, gnlnt tS.n'-(iilHii!', 4ay last 'a!" Mlnneapatio. Dulnth asA C hlrogo reported rRtpta of JW cam, bgalnet 2io last week ni u a year ago, Tha corn market was w-k all day, Coni tnlMion houses were he vy . seller, of the deferred futuraa aiul It wa a,u tuat niut-lt of tha selling aa for lorml. longs. Clear weather In th com bejt and 4 tie jioasl- rlllty that th local receipts will soon in resae ware the chief reasuns for srlllng prsssura. The market recovered eotne wliat Ic th final hour on buying by hort, tnit tk cloee w easy. May ojjened a ada to Hft-VJ lower at tiSr'ijc. sold nt e. w and tuen declined to The rloea vk Sfejt'v;. Loral receipts were M) ars, yln,41 cata of contract grade. 'Lha oata market was dull and price er swntlned within a range of The tvew rrii( waa 'renerally reort!4 to b In favorable condition and . tha weather ex-ce-llent. May opened 'e hieher at Mlf, Mld off to Kc and cluaed at Uhic Locai recelpi.a wera 188 tara. . frovtelona wera weak on rea!1ztr aale by 1". ai packers and a decline of siilOe in live hos. At tha clnsa May pork vas olf ( at liiia Lard hi down 37HC at fi.ta. Ve lower at ta-sO. fectlmated rei-eipta tor tomorrow Wheat, t cars; torn, 471 car; oata, J16 car; hoc. Jl- head. .The leading luturea rtnjred a follows: .Article. J Open. I Hlh. Low. Cloaa.l Te, V-!..:t May ' . j uir Corn May . .. Jul Ppt ' Oni ,'u?'ar '." b.My . 4ir truly ,-puv tj:- May ' July ' te. Lard . Hay July ept. - ru ; juir - . Bept. Til WiUM 88 S71i-'i.,W'u93 i P?fr5 tMa JlHt4vitii 2 fiO!4!ia61W M 1 41' 4SSI 4H-.4 l7l 61 Si 37 j it m is i 11 44 11 10 13 4ft 13 77S, 11 ,1 !.. ii '..3 IS 2'A' Jl 40 1 1?H ll.'H 7 44 IS If ffi 7 OTWl 7 tVii ' No. t 01L ' fcNew. Cash, quotation were aa fnllowat FUH-'M etteady : winter talents, UT'a A; tralght. H.tiOft.: eprln patents 4..5.W; straight. M.wt34 6u; baker. U10 IITAT No. I apttog. rlctTslW; No. B ra-1. ' .i-Ho. rrcN-Na, . r: No. yellew. . OAT8-N. I. S-v; No. 3 White, 63ifooc: ' white, K.uWHc. .1' .P.L.KV-rir to choice mslilna. 7WSo. i-Kf-FlaT. No. 1 aorthweiwern, tl.ia PHj VISION ehort ribe sides (loosed WIKe S.s. Mee pork, per bhl., $j II . lrd. pee l-o Ins., 17 Bhort clear aide (boxed). l.rv'7 ii. Following wer the receipt and ship nscnts of flouf Jad grain: ' eoefta. Shipments. Flmir, bl. l,iw) . 12it Wheat. bu. 11.90 11. n) Corn, lui. ....'7 3t 74.U4 CHt, bu. , ..hvi ?4rt Kre, bu. ' 1 1,0 barloy. bu. W,j0 12. a On the Produca richane-e today the but f iuatkei waa st&dy; creameiica, aij-Tw; '". mi oo, k.xua, firm; at mark. :ctea 1 luiicd, U-o, iinrta,. prtmof firsts, A. fA, - i.erfca, et.te.dy at lUsjiio. I V , . L4a Oawarwl Jtfarhet. 8P. LOl.'IS. Ma., j April . WHFAT-Htg-herj traok. No. I red cash. rseAte; No. 1 a0, fHi1.00; May. M'c; July, t URN-Lower; track. No. J cash, atilc; JV. I white. tACi May, c. Jury. -JAT Lower; track. No. 1 rash, 4a'l; No. I whue, tfetVfcC; Msy, 44o, FLOCHr-iulli red winter patanta. UV& rH;- fira fmcy and Mralg-nt. Klouiw; . cK-ara. U .N'-tiAW. thh.iM'iniuthjr, eteady at t HsJtOO. i in KM!- t- aVteady at 5u. - MUM-lro; aacaed aaat track, H.l9 i H AY-frteady; timothy, po.oai.; pralrla, i io -1 rs tin " 1h(."l n-K'N Tlt.A-41.tu. 'Ai..:tN)T-. Ii r" 1 WIN u-C. r r' 1 1 I i-Mtikt; cremry, taJ'So, 1 m ' nd; l.'. case curat. J-noVIiM. i.-l uik lower; ) .n.a, tS X Irl I '.. n'm S'oain. I. (! i jsx. lry e i r . . . - t-..J r"u -'tv i T 5 J T 7t 1 ?H I I S 90 R $ rJU ' 47MJ o T inj 7 T f 44T T 48- I t J'sron irteny; bnx ettr ehnrta, tflTU; lar rlt. I IS; nhnrt rleara. . I' l'L T R v vjiilet ; hM-aens, Hx1; sirlnci, 15S ?; lorkeys, IJ'lAc; dil.HS. hv; rt. la. ' t- " Recelrt. Buion-ient bh,a i !. n co torn, bu , .) -ft rkr Oata, b lJu.u.4 . liMUO .VKW VOHIl CiRXKHAi'i MARKET Qaatatloa of the Day Varlaa Caiaaaaaditlea. ' ' NEW TORK. April FLOl'R-Becelpt Ifl ,h4 . market firm, wMh scat lined trade. Mlnnea4a pateiit. SH-ijyjf; winter rlrsighls, H.li.i4). Mlnnemta bakers, 44 10 4i4 i; winter ekiraa. M.t'W4.tO: winter pat enia, M4'i4ai; winter grsde, 4) 4 i AX Itye. flour, steady; fnlr to good, M.4oij4.Ai; choice tn fsncy, t&Auil&. . tXHNMKAIStvady; fine whit and yel low, ll frtit:; kiln dried. (3 4 RYK Firm; K. I western. ne (. , b.. New York WHkAT Reretpia, 10 (ICO bnnhel: -p"rle. 44.fM biiskers, market firm; No. I red, 11.02 elerstnr and ll.QL'H f. 6. b.. af.oat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 41.1M4 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard winter,- tlM t. o. b.. afloat. Wheat opened at an. advance of t,o. and Increased tha gsln on aimng rjuntry accounts and continued falllna; off In Mock, dosed firm at a net advance nf ltn o. Msy, l.4X"S!.t. closed 41.02; Julr, lH'ti1MrC, closed, tee; September, 1W lv, closed ; . .CORN Racelpl(" ltna bushels; market fcately steady; fin y nominal, etc asked 1 o. b., afloat. No. 1 while Tjc asked. Options opened at a decline of e and sold off another Quarter ander heavy llqulda tloa. lanre receipt and : fine planting weather, closing sicsdy at ltMe net de cline. Msy, 74'4T!Ob closed 14C; July Closed 71 "C. OATS-Kecelpts. l.BO bushels; ekporta, 4.'ie bushel; spot market barely steady: mixed oete. JfSJ pounds. 64c; natural white, W'fSi pounds, WHOJJViC; cllppad White, S2V40 pounds, 6Tti2c. HAY Firm; grwd to choice, ffi397He. HlOKS-DuU; Bogota, 17c; Central Amer ica, 17c. LEATHER 8teady; acid. tOtgrre. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family. $!. t 17.00; mess, ,13,0CliSO; beef ham. 427.CO .:fi; packet. IM.DH.M; city extra India mess. &vt. Cut meats, stsady; pick led bellies. rtflOc; pickled heme, Via'Nic. Ird, easy; western, ISJOJO; rellned eaay; Continent. SH.U; 8outh America, t.7ft; compound 74Jc Pork, barely steady; fsmily, itoii7 00; hort cleara, $i.a&317.W); mess, I14.7:(jlt W). . TALLOW Firm; city, Hc; country, t PoULTRY-llve. steady; fowla. 14o; turkeya. 14c. t'resaed, easy; turkey. 129 17c; fowls. 12Gl6c. HPTTKR Firm; creamery special. 9c: axtraa. 38Hc; third to first, J1C28C; held, common to special, JlitfMci state dairy, common to choice, SufJ-SHc; procesa. common to special, l4j5c; western fsctorv firsts, 21c; imitstion creamery firsts. 252c. CHEFS B-Weak; full cream, specials, 154c; stale full cream, small, white, fancy, Ijc; alat full cream, large and small, col ored fancy, 14c; state, fair to prime, 114,3 18c; eiste common, Sc; state, winter made. SllHc. EOng Firm; state Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. J!H4c4 good to choice, IMjIHHp; brown and mixed, extra. 18c; first to extra firsta, VVc; western firsts, frealt gathered, 16V4tfl7c; aeconda, loulflc- WEATHER IJf . THE GRAIt BELT Fair Taesday Coatlaaatloxt at Moderate Teaeperatare. OMAHA, April . IDi Within the lsst twenty-lour hours rains have lallrn in me lower lake region, ess tern slate and throughout the woat gulf slates and Southwest. The weatner la clear In the upper lake region and west vvvr Hie upper Mississippi and Missouri alleys ana mountain district. Temper atures ronlinue moderate everywhere east i t the Itocay tuountaina, and are goaeraliy higher In tn northwest.. Fair weather wul probably continue la this vicinity to night and Tuesday, with nut much chaaga In temperature. Omaha ncord of temperature ' and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding Uity of the last three ysais: . 1. 1507 1904 190S Minimum temperature ... 47 31 48 42 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 If Normal temperature for today. 63 degrees. Lofli'ii-ncy in precipitation since March 1, l it Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 1.44 Inches. Excess corresponding: period In lf .13 Inches. L. A. WKLBli i r0ra aaat A'ktst Realan Ballettai. .For th twentj-fcur tduis enatng at t arn, 7tth meridian time, Monday, April ID, i , OMAHA TTtSTRtCT. ' ' ' Temp. Rain- ," Stations. Max. Mln. fall. ' flkr. Ashlsnd. Neb..., 47 82 .00 Clear Auburn. Neb... A 84 " 49 ..00 ' Clsar Columbus. Neb.. M 4 .00 . Clear Fs It bury. Neb.... 84 84 .00 'Clear Fairmont. Neb... M ' 41 .no Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 64 41 . .00 Clear Hartlngton.f Neb. 8 44 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb... 84 V, .CO Pt. cloudy Oskdsle. Neb.... SS 45 ' .00 Clear Omaha. Neb M M-- .00 -Cloudy Tekamah. Neb... M :. ..00 ' Clear Alta, la 84 M .00 Clear Carroll, la 84 '47 .00- Clear Clarlnda, Is is 61 . .0 : "Clear Bihley, la... 86 46 .00 .. Clear Bloux. City, la., 44 48 .OH . Clear Minimum' tempera tur for ( wel ve-hoti period end In; at 4 a. m. - DISTRICT AYERAOE8L No. of . --Tetr.p. Rain, Stallort. ' Statiot a. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, in....... rs Columbus, 0 13 Dos Moines, la.... 14 Indinnapc.lls, . Ind.. IS Kansas City, Mo.. 10 Ioulavlllc. Ky. m Minneapolis, Mini. 1A Omaha, Neb. ...... 14 St. Louis. Mo.,...- U ,70 . 48 T " ' 42 M l " " W ' .00 M 70" 48" .00 M . - , 8T' .01 74 4 .00 ' 8 ', SI . .01 . 4 to .( M) M .00 Tha weather wa warmer throughout th Western portion of the corn and wheat region during Sunday and moderate tem peratures continue over the eastern par lion. Very Hirht shower occurred only in th Kansas City and Chicago districts. U A. WELSH. LocS Forecaster. ' l-hlladelphln Produce MArVat. PHILADKLIHIA. April JO-BUTTER Sttady; fair demand; extra western crtan cry. extra neuruy piinla, EOG4 'Firm and 14c higher; PVnns--vanla and other tiearby first free case, liiMrC at mark; Penntytvanla and .other cur rent recoipta la returnable casea 18o at mark; western firsts, free cases. 163 at mark; western current receipts, free cases, 14c at mirk, CHEESR-ta4y: New York full creams, choliia, l&ijiSc; New York full creams, fair U good, HV4J 14Ve. 1 Kaasaa City Oralis a4 Ptrovtaloai. . KANSAS CITY. Mo., April . WHEAT unchanged to higher; May, 4Vc; July, 04c; September. 77r: cash No. 4 hard. 2U7c. No. I. hard. h6n iv; No. t red. 4 u7c; No. I red. Sio, , CORN Unchanged to Vo higher: May, (See; July, 4.V-; fleutember, St,o; csn No. I mixed, 4Sc; No. J, ttt6jc h' "i', L. wb ivc whlta, 42Vc. ' OAT Lnchauged to Ic lower; No. 1 WRYE-rJte mJ"4' 4'M,VC- ' HAY Choice timothy, steady, ill 50 12 OOjcholce prairie, weak, $8 I81J8.74. BUTTER Weak; creamery, 7c; pack. Irtf atock. 1IV4& EOOU Steady; extraa, lie; current re ceipt a, U',c ' . . . ' . , Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 8Sd ' uo,,) Corn, bu M ono V i 0,0 Oata, bu -i 42.000 ' lo,0W Quotations at Kansaa City a reported by Log-an at Bryan. No. I board of Trade: 111 e Articles. . I Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloaa. wT heat- May .. July .. .. July . 87H fW,80iS 4ft'J 81 4TOB Mlaaeasolls Ormla Market. ' MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. April SO.-WHrJAT-May. lJ; July, 81 0Pk; Seatem ber, Ac; No. 1 hard.- $1.1 67W; Ko. 1 norther a. II 041 ..; No. t northern. 11 0.'ii 1 ' ; No. 4 northern. 94c4i4i.ui. BHA.M 4:1 OCm.T . In bulk. FLOUR lor luaher; first patenta, ti JTv3 4 40; second pafxni. St Vmt ; first cleara, Hlo-at-i. second cleara, 4.aua.a Mllwaakee Grata UuUC MIXWATTtEK. Wk, April 80-WHEAT-HiH.er; K 1 north em, 41 wrt rj; No. t noriim. tl. 64. -t4. 44; July, bhi. HAiiLfiJ-lirnwr; No. X 4e; sanula, M 45 i n 'RN Ixwer No. S cash, exoao; Mayw 4t,o aaksd. Kltflat Battav Varkst. Tzry in. awTTa4-Rtajy; omaiia NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Business Make a Poor Start After the ' . Triplt Holiday. . rOREIGI. B017ESES STILL CLOSED s Metal ladastrlal Are Lawer a ad h ' Sharis I tlirs la Wheat Has Bad KtTtert tk SMnrltlM ' Market. NEW YORK. AprtI 40. Business In h lock market made a poor stsrt tndsv after th three days' cessation of business. Thla waa partly due to f orris, a market remain ing ctoed, aocording to custom for Faster Monday, while In th1 country the Boston slock market wa clnsed, with th effect of aotne subtraction of business from New York. Whatever the source of th demand that advanoed price within the, first hour. It was soon exhausted and Stasnation de veloped. Boars were encouraged to put cut some short lines when this condition developed and a sag In prices resulted. The movement wa trivial and halting at all times. Development brarlna- on the flnsn. rial situation were almost equally unlm- Fvnsni. i. nuel Fifties Bieel railed to ben lt from the rea'flrmation of iron prices, which wa decide on ftfler the last atock Sxchanke session last. week. Equally In effective were rumor In circulation of heavy order for steel rails soon to b placed. These rumors probably arose from the fact that large teel Orders depend on the decision of the American ' Railway association on the rail pattern and that a report front the special committee of thit body on the Subject Is to be presented this ek. United State Steel, nevertheless. Was a heavy srxit In the market sml its dropping tendency wa of conlderbl sentimental weight. All cf th metal In dustrials wer more or less depressed. An item ins 1 neiped to sustain early prices wa th new of th resumption of minlntc operations today In many thousands of soft coal mines. In consequence of the settle ment of labor disputes. Something was msda also cf the assertion that negotia tions were in progress to effect an ad vance In freight rates by the railroads. In en effort to rectify the cut In their reve nues, a sharp upturn In the wheal market was an unfavorable Influence on stocks, holders, however, are kceolna an attentive eye on crops. more gold was encased for Paris, but th Influence wa allowed, that the ulllmat destination of some of the metal is te Berlin. The hank statement, oubllshed due. In the holiday Interval, confirmed all other evidences of the heavy accumulation of cash which la groin on at this center, the urpltis reserve of the banks having reached around t7i0.000.0u0. Call loan rates are not lower; more especially because the banks and trust companlea bv a tacit con aent are not push Ins; th lendlnk of their funds in that department. The demand for time losns la slitrrish and offerlna of commercial paper light, choice grades com- manning tuis, per cent. Money market conditions are .therefore, highly propitious for the offerings of new capital Issue ahead of the market, hut considerable anxiety exists, nevertheless, for the suc cess of new Issues ant the degree of Im provement In investment conditions which may be revealed by new floatations. Bonds wer dull and Irregular. Tolsl sales, par value. tS.8n2.000. United States bonds were unchanged on cell. ronowing were the salea and rans-e of prices on the Slock exchange today: sties, iitgn. lmw. -cwae. JT7 Aitama ktrpms AmaicamaiM CoDDar 6TH ST Am. C. A r An. C. A r. sf4 tt U "4 i 7 M IS 1TH t"4 94 44 V, Am. Cottoa Oil VTX) 17 Am. Cotloa Oil pti. ........ ...... .... Am. Kxpresa .... Am. M. A U rf4 17 A si. lee Senrltlas. ' I.OnO 941 104 1 . . . . 44 ' 44 44 10H '44H !! Am. Llsssa oil J.jO Aa. Unn4 Oil st...... Ask borotnellTa 401 Aia. Loconottve pit 4 Am. a. A It k.loo Am. S. A a r si 44 Am. siicar Reftniss.. t.m in 14 ran )m Am. Tobaere sf4 rtfa so si an 89 84 T 7 SS 44 Anaeontla Mining On 7") 47 ana: Airkiaea , l.an ;t - Atehlana pf4 (n 47 11 Atlantic Coast Mas I T4 74 Baltintor A Qhls 1,44 ( 4 BallUnore A Ohio pti Brenklrs BS14 Tr 4.4W 47 ' 4 Cansalaa Partrie 14U 147 14414 1 Cantral of Jt. J. ex 4t: 114 csaaapeaas S Okie., ino 1; Chiesim (H W liart - 11 .41 4l ' CUK-Kts A Kt. W K 141 l 141 . M. B Bu r 1.WS 111 lit 117 4 !. t M 117 14 4 1H 4S M 40 17 I t nieara T. Si T Chicago T. A T. p( 0.. C C. A St. L 1.4) Colnrxle F. A 1 I. an) tt Cnloraila A So j.. l.sni tu Colorado A Se. 1st pM vn H t3 l 474, 117 14 45 Colorann A as. 44 aM tts . TH teeaolKlalM oas.. Cora rrodsru Cera roets pti Dalavars A Hedaa o lia JO 1114 104 4S Del., b. A W Danrer A Rle GranoA Denver A Kie OraaS BI4 MMIIIers' amrlilas an BU WO 11 It 41 17 n 1st pit Erie m era Oeneral Gleetrla Sty) u at 1 llllsia Central 400 U4 114 154 Internatlonsl Paper , 8 im. raper pro International raw Int. Pums. pfd.. low Cantral Kansaa CHr o Kanaaa Clly So. pfd Lauelvllle A Nashvlll Mteaa Central Minn. A St. L , M., St. p. A S. g. M M , Ft. P A 8 . M. pit Mlaaovrl PVIfla M., K. A T M . K. A T. BM Fa 104 4 84 8t 44 41 1 TO Sw 41 aS4 M 4 118 VI ' 41 4W l.ti 14 4 17 l.rm 44 (4 , J l its 4 National Losd ar 1 u 44 44 47 47 4 80 6: ;i H. B. R. f It. pti New York Central 404 44 N. T . O. A W Norfolk A Wtttrrs lot 44 Norfolk A W pfd North Americas ' 40 41 Pacilli- Mail ft t!S 44 r?RnayiTania Peoela's Oas P . C, C A St. L. t.H 117 1111 .11 aim 1 aat as aa Preaaed Stael Car 104 14 44 U Prim i 4 fleet Car fd 4 miimas Palsee Csr... Retains Rea11n H rd Reading 44 pf Republic Sfvl Rotatlle Steel fd It or Ulasd Cs ksrk Uiand la. pld... at. b. A 8. P 4J sfd. 14 IM4 lt 1M 71 e KM St 10411, h-1 41 80 S' !1 8. 13 11? ) 4.T04 1.4.K) PA 4.AI0 ""46 'kit i.o4 40 17 4S la U 14 '14 14 40 1 eis, 1 87 'ii "ii 'i' 44 .... St. Leaia 4 W 4t. Lenta (. W. ffdv ... Sent barn Pacl'ir 4uthm Paci'ic pfd Saot ham kailwajr ....... Soulhars Raiivar pfd Timneaca C. A 1 Tesaa Pact'lr T.. tl. t. A W t . at. I, A W. pit.. .. II 44w i? m ir t nine rartrie is a 44 7 i .i raruia pm. ....... f g. KMiir I'. . Ruhhar , f g. RaMier pld t 8. Slaal -. C. Slael pfd Va Carolina. Chemical Va -Carolla Ckem. pfd Wadaak Wahaah pld Waita.pnfuo g-tnrami.... Wastlnshovja Kiaetrt WeMars t;mos ....... asMliaf A L C Wtarenaia Central WlaeonaiB Caetral Bid. Noetkars Partita 44 1 41 V 4414 14 41 1 17 80 44 4 T 14 ta 4K) 14 U ' 84. v) 8.40) .1... t4 SO 44 4 414 14 17 4o a 14 14 14 4K1 m MM, )a Central Ueathe 100 11 r Cemrai LMtita pfd no ii rr Jt Sluea-ghefliaia 4 44 41 at ureal Northern pfd I. To M in 14 lJf i iniariaorousn net wm 1: 111 Inurboroaik Met. pfd 14.1KA f. (7 t tah Cuplr 4tM l . 40 II4 yr Tsui ala for Ike oar. t'.Ktn saarea. New York Meaey Market. NEW YORK. April 90.-PRIME MER CANTILE PAPFlt 4"44 per cent STERLING EXCHANOFr-Steady, with actual business in brnker' bill at it RTluy 4.K7V& for d.'mand and at t4 (M7ij4 t4H for isty-dnv bills; commercial bills, $4.8414. SILVER Bar. Hc; Mexican dollars, BONDS 3ovemrr.ent, steady; railroad, trreaulsr. 1 MONEY On call, easy at Aer cent- ruling rate, 1) per cent; closing bij, 184 per cent; offered at I per cent; tin) loans, very dull and slightly easier; sixty daya IH per cent; ninety daya i'.sifMi per cent; six months. 8svja per cent. The following are tha closing quotations on bands: V. 4. rat la. re. . ..! Hsrtin Valley 4t.0 vw wdyn ...... . 4. ta. ra do coeeea , V. 8. aw 4a. rag do run wen , Am. Takeeoe 4s.... ...H U A. N. sni. liatfctaa. a a .11 Mai. Cenirsi m .lt da lat lac .mtllna. A St. L. 4.. . K -BAT. 4s ... 4 to a Airlilw sea. 4a.... Ss sd. ... aiismm C. L. 4s.. Bal. A I Ule a A Okie 414.... brk. B. T. c. aa... r " sl. fjt" in N. T. C. . 4s 41. J C. . 4s. ,17$ No. Fvifu 4a ion f 4s '. Hsa!rrolk A W. a a. i'r-im ac w. aa. ....!"" n s l rtl s f do M IM.,.,.. f Paea. v. ' p.a " M . a,.....', p, 4 I-. - M tn. a. A t. 44. a. 4a.lM rVa A iVto 4Hs.... MM. 1. 4 S P. f. TI "i -to.o St A. -a... 41 (H fc. w. a- 4a ... SiZ W A. 44 4. aa .... 44 SaaSMart A. Aw ... daily TUESDAY. APRIL 21, C . R 1 A P 414 ka f.-if,. 8 en col. fs. O. A St. u g. 4s Col, lad. in ear. A oft. Midland 4a... Colo. A So. 4a Cuha aa 4S 40 lat 4a rtfa. .... ', fn. Rnllvar ta 44 Texa A P. 1 .... 4'' T . St. b. A W. 4 Into farm, ,.. 11! do tr. 4a 8- . M Fs T l- 8 0 A R. O. 4s liaiiHrsr (. te... Kris p. . 4s da s. 4s 'Japan 4a do 4H rtlt Ao 4V r'fa. 84 sr BlA eOSVr. V. . Pteel td !' Wahaak ....lf la An Am. B .... 44 .... 44 T" Weetars Mr. 4... H A I.. 4. 4a... 8i Wit .Central 4s.... 4V , 48 . 41 New Verk Tdlalsg Staclaa. NEW YORK. April 20 -Closing quotations on mining stocks wer: A "lama Cm 4 Little ctiief 4 n.. -m"f i.nTarie en Brian rl Ophtr 144 Urunan-lrk COB 4 ' Putnat l Hors Stlrer.. 7a anraae 47 Can Cal. A Va 41 Sl-rrn Nvrada. St Horn tllrse 11 Small Hope It Iron itirer 104 atsndsrd 144 Lesdvllls Co 4 Traary itateaseat. WASHINGTON. April fO.-Todsv state. ment of th treasury balance In th gen eral lunu. exclusive oi tne 4ioti,titii,tii gold reserve show an available cash balance of l-,837,:ia. Baak Oemrrag. OMAHA, April -Bank clearing for to day were ll.MU.fr 28 and for the corres ponding date last year ta,0fA.lM M. OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKET. smmmSaSxakBSk Coadltisaj f Trad 4sd ttavtatloais Stapls sad Faary Prod ace. EOOS FreSh selling eRfs, candled. 18c. b UTTER Common, Is. ; fancy tub and rolls, !o lo; creamery, Sue. CH Er7tK New full cream. Wisconsin twins, 1itc; new full cream brick. 17c; ti mestia new Swiss, lso; new llmburgrr, 19 14c; young Americans, 17. LIVE POl'LTRY-SprlnKs. 8Vr0: roosters, 6c; ducks, lie; geese. 6c; capons. 15c. HAT 4Jnolce No. 1 upland, 87.60: medium, t6.")0; No. 1 botlom, t5.t)i: off grades, 4.0irT 4.00. Rye straw. 87.00. No. 1 alfalfa, Hl.frJ. MISCEIXANEOC8. CANNED 0X)l8 Corn, standard west ern. 45c. Tomatoes, fancy, 8-pound cans, 81.46: standard l-ptmnd cans, 81.10. Ptne s pries, gated, t-pound, $2.arxntH.); sliced, tl.ibiitSe. Usflon apples. Moo. California anrlcots. tl.rnV7fA.9u.' Peat's. 2.UKj4 .16. Peaches, tl.8UU4.16. La C. teachea, t.lW 8.15. Alaska , lmon, red, ll.: fsncy Chinook, flat. 82.18; fancy sockcye, flat, ttlS. Sardines, quarter oil. 4.; thr quarters mustard. 1185. S'eet polsto.4, tl.2oiQl.9S. Sauerkraut, 86c. Pumpkins. Sue fitl 0. Lima beana, 1-pound. 75c4itl.25. Bonked peas, 9-pound, Kic--. fancy, tl AVoL46. FISH-Hallbut, Wc; trout. 11c; pickerel. 7c; pike, 9c: while fish, lie; buffalo, be; bullheads skinned and dressed, lie; catfish, dressed. 11c; medium crorple and yellow sunflsh. 6c; Isrge croppies, lie; herring, fresh froxen. 4V: perch, 8c; white base, ltc; black base. 83c. CALIFORNIA DHI7CD FRriTS Prunes sre somewhat unsettled by. freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immedlst gradea. Quo tations range from lo Ic for California fruit and from SVfce to 8o for Oreson. Peaches are very firm, wllh fancy yellows quoted at ISHr. SUGAR tlrs nutated, cane, per seek, 96.80; beet, 4&.00; cut loar. 7c; cubes, 4.T0c; pow dered, snc. COFFEE Roasted, No. JS, Sfic; No. 30. 21c; No. 6. 18c; No. 20. 14. ' Cotton Market. NEW TORK. April 90.-COTTON Fu tures opened stesdy; May, 8.8e; June, I 84c; julv, 6.46c; October. tfSc; December, 8 8o. L-'.. . .. . -.iAU. mtAAAv a rii a r.r. . w 8.41c: June, 8 T0c; July, k mc: Aurust 8.69c; September. 8.7lc; octooer. 4.74o: Movemcer, 8 7ac; December, .T5c; January, 8.76c; Msrch, 8.77c. Spnt closed quiet: middling uplands, 9.90c miridllna- gulf, 10.160. No. sales. GALVESTON. Tex., Aptil 30.-COTTON Stesdy st 10 US-. NEW ORLEANS. Awll -CTTTON f" not cotton closed otrtet and eaay; sales. 1.750 bales; tow ordinary, t 16-Kd, nominal: ordinary, "4c; good ordinary. l-16c: low middling. -lc: middling, 10e; (rood mld dllns. lic: middling fair, llc; fair, 11 c, nominal. Receipt. 4,666 bales; stock, 182,- 0?o bales. BT liOITIS. Aorll 20. COTTON DuM : MIAillln 1AUA - - w.nn A nl K.7 bales; hlpment. 176 bale;' stock, 2800 Daiea. . Evaporated Applea.aad Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, April 80. EVAPORATED APP1.E& Market Is niliet with nrices un changed. Fancy, lnrflUc: prime. TMtjfHo; choice. 8V4JJHe: Fomnuwi to fair. 6g6o , DRIED FRUITS Pranes Quiet or spot. ; and quotations show jet Improvement, not withstanding bullish reports from the roast. California fruit' rangn from 49 14c. and Ore (tons. 8?r'10r. Apricots are dull. with choice quoted at l9c; extra choice, 19431c: fancy. 2rVfi24e. Peaches, unchanged, with choice at ltn.l0y; extra choice. 114) 114: fancy. K'ttti'llc; extra fancy, 152J-14Q. Ralslna, quiet, with prices more or less nominal In the absence of transactions. Loose muacatQl quoted at 6f!c; seeded raisins. 677. and London layer. tl.fK.3 1.75. . . Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 20. METALS With no London market; owing to th continu ation of the Easier holiday, there was comparatively no chanprs In tha local quo tations to day for metal. Tin wa re ported quiet, but a shade higher on the averaare, with quotations ranging from PI 85 to 853.80. Copper was unchanijel, with th tone nulet. Laks, tl2.7SMT: electrolytic, t12.2V8Ml7Bi casting. 812.37V 12.50. Lead quiet and unchanged at 83 97'i) 4.00. Spelter. 44.4v-rf4.6Tj. No Chang was re ported In Iron; No. 1 foundry northern. ,18 JS'818.76; No. 1 foundry northern, 817.76 CjlAtt; No. 1 southern, soft. tl7.t6-818.C0. Satrar and Molasses. NEW YORK, April SO. SUGAR Raw, quiet; fair refining. t8c; centrifugal. 98 test. 4sc: molasses sucar. 181c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 6.10c; No. 7. 6 08c; No. 6, 5 00c: No. 9. 4 ST: No. 10. 4 HSc; No. 11, 4.Sncs No. U. 4.75c; No. 11, t.TAc: No. 14. 4.66c. Con fectioner A, 6.90c; mould A. 6.8Be; cut loaf, 6 S0c: crushed, 6 20o; powdered. 6.60c; gran ulated, t.rVic; culies. 6.7.V. MOLAPSES Ouiet; open ke-ttle. New Or leans, good to choice, . 2R7jp42o. Oils ast Renal a. OIL CITY. April 90 -OTL-Oedit bal ance. II. 7; runs. 130.178 bbls ; shipments. T19?7 bbls.; average, 122 ?4 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., April 20.-OILr-Turpen-tlne. firm; 4$4&Vc. RORIN-FIrm; A. B C, I66c D. tBHoi F.. 8?Hc; O., 1.70c; H.. 180; I., 4.88c; K., 8 26c; M., 6.65c; N.. 8.8()c; W. G., 6.75c; W. W., 6.86e. Caff Market. NEW YORK. April 20 COFFEE Market for coffee fulure ooened qu'ot at un changed prlcea. closing stesdy, net un changed to 6 noints lower. Sales were re oorted of 4.K0 I'Mrs. Inrltidma Msy at 6.60c: July, 8.70c; September. 8.7Sfj-6.SOc. No vember. 66c: December.' 8 pfto, and March. Sr. Spot market quiet: No. 7 Rk. 4c; No. 4 Ssntos, 8e,Ve; mild coffee, quiet; Cor dova. 87712c. Visible Sapply of Grata. NEW YORK, Anrll 90.-The visible' surt oly of grain Saturdsy. April 18. aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange was ss follows: Wheat. 98 TO 0v1 bu.; decrease. 1 .(ai.ouo bu. Oats. lft.8Nft.flrio bu.j decrease. 141 .UO bu.: corn, 6.822. GOO bu. i decrease. .. bu. Rve. 44A0C0 but decrease. 44.000 bu. barley, J.OJO.OOO bu; decrease, bu. Peerla Orala Market. PEORIA. III.. April 90.-CORN-Lower; No. t yellow, tumble; No. t yellow. i3oo; No. 8 43c; No. 4, 4lo; no grade, frJ(67c. OATS Unchanged : No. t white, 60H4 tlc; No. 4 whits. 6fl-g30Hc. WHISKT-tlffi. I 4 Whb1 Market. -ST. LOUIS. April 90. WOOL gleadv: medium grade, combing and clothing, lurj? lSks; light, fine, lbOlsc; heavy ic, tub waahsd, 2o0M Telede ed Market. TOLEDO. O.. April 90.-elEED Clover, rash, tll oO: April. HI 60; October, 87. US. nmothy, prime, 81.26. Dalath Orals. Market. DULUTH. Minn.. April W. WHEAT No. 1 northern, tl 0-108; No. 9 northern, tl.OO; Msy. 8101; July, 81.01; September, tuc. OATS-SbSc t. La-als Lie I Peek Market. ST. LOUIS. April 20. CATTLhV Receipt a, 1.9UU head, including 476 Tcaana. Market stesdy; imllv-j. shipping and export steeia, liH ((j7 00; dressed lieef and butcher steers. 85 tows'. 40; steera under 1.4aa) pounds, U'lj 6.10; Blockers end feeders, 8l2bye.60; rows and heifers. ta.76.ui; cannera, 83.0Uiiia.0u; bull,' tt 7b.a4.7S; calves. 98 SutflTOO: Texas and Inulsp steers, 83.i0tji.iu, cows and bifr. ti 7Sr4.0. . . HtXiie Keceipu, 4.604 head: market la'tartc hlslwr. pin and Unht, H."iy.gi; pa k.-rr. 9b o-vUOO; butchers and beat heavy, tb.tm 4.10. MHEKP AND LAUB3 Receipt a, 8o4 head Market eteady; leallra mutlotis, 4J u ri8.7f, Inmbs, Va. chaio.uo; culls axwi bucks, e4JU,vJtt; tui.Aui, linVua, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Slow, but Xillen Stronger in Spots. HOGS HIGHER THAN SATURDAY Large Raa at Lasnbe, 4at Mostly Ca slgaed Tkreagk a4 Net Offered tar Sale OeeA Klad Steady ta Strang. SOUTH OMAHA, Keb.. April 20. 1904. Reoelpta were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. Estimate Monday L7S4 ak.19 PMi Same day last week 8.048 4.142 2,r Same day 1 weeka ago.. 1.841 2,6t lo.lfts Same day t weeke ago... 6.17 .4'V4 4.7X4 Same day 4 Week ago... 8,751 4. ll,r-4 bnme day last year ,Si7 4.sil ll,4ril The followuic table shows th reOklots of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha i or tn year to aate, compared with last year: l. iu7. In. Deo. Cattle 22,644 947.614 64.M MOO IU.64 1 744.7H0 147.061 ... Sheep 447,615 42S.334 130.809 ina roilowtng table shows tbs averac price of hog at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparlaonai Data. I 1904. flW.lJ04.lS0. 11904. 108. ilteM. April t... April 9... April 10.. 8 74 4 841 e lB 4tij sy 8 4 9u S 95 4 91 t 87) 7 21 I 44 61 7T 4 til 80 April JL. April JX. 1 71 td tu 4 In 1 M e T 14 7 U 1 18 I87 7 14 V. 4 80 4 4 4 94 I 81 4 8H( 84 April U... April It.. April 16.. 44S 4 81 6 64 46 8 96 8 U 4 84 4 8s 4 89 a 98 4? 6 97 8 47 89 4 96 81 April it.. 8 44 4 l 49 April 17.. April 18.. 8 6lj 6 23 696 8 81 Xli 4 61 6 DH 4 80l 4 99 April 19.. 4 80) t 44 6 S4 4 43 4 TlU t 91 April I 163 S 31 4 7 10 Sunday. The official number of cars of atoak Drought in today by each road waa: Cattle, lloa-s. Sh'n. lira's. missouri nemo 4 i 1 14 1 8 It 9 8 1.. M 40 union Pacific a C. A N. W.. east.. C. &. N. W., west 7 V.. St. P.. M. A O.... 4 C, B. A W , east C. U. u.. west 93 Illinois Central t Total receipts 70 The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing th num- oer oi nesa indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Bhaeo. Omaha Packing Co 136 ( 6s Swift and Company 474 616 1.17s CUdany Packing Co 54 M0 1,004 Armour Ac Co 27k 13 694 64 27k 40 - I 78 9 69 ai 16 1 11 6 T Vanssnt A Co. .... Carey A Benton .. Hill A Son F. P. Lewi J. B. Root A Co.. J. 11. Bulla L. F. Hues McCreary A Carey H. F. Hamilton .... Sullivan Bros ljehmer Bro. , Huff 2K4 Kingun INS Blockshlre '2Vi Kohrer Bro 114 Other buyer ..... 144 .... 457 Totals ...1.886 1,964 CATTLE Receipt of cattl were light this morning and every one waa look- tur for a better market, but the trade proved more or leae of a disappointment. While buyers were out tn tne ysrus in good season in the morning,' the trade was very slow and dull from start ta finish. Saleeroen all seemd to feel that they were entitled to a substantial advanoa but pack ers war very backward about putting on so that tha trade waa prolonged throughout tha greater part ot the forenoon aKtiougn the orrenng wera very light. After a great deal of hard work, aoma salesmen figured that they pinched out 10c and in some cases lso more than last week, on in otrmr hand, there were cattle that did not look any higher. Later advices from Chicago Indicated a slow and weak market at that point which did not help the trade any here. Taking the trade aa a whole. It waa dull and unsatisfactory to tne selling in terests. Cows and heifers were la moderate aupply and the market waa In about tha aame coo dillon aa beet steers, that Is, Slow and dull. Mill the tendency waa a little stronser on such stuff aa packers wanted, but tha de mand waa r.ot sufficiently bri to put any lite Into the trade or make It appear Ilka good, alrong market. Blockers and feeders were In very mod erate aupply, but tha few loads in sight changed hands In fair Season In tha morn ing. The pricea paid generally looked about steady wllh last week. j Ouotationa on cattle: Good to Choice corn-fed steers, $4.0t4.6O; fair to good corn; fad steers, s&.ittzi.uo; common to lair corn- fed steer, 44.75V 6. 7S; good to cnotce cows and heifers. 84.iMi6 90; fair to good cows and heifers, St. 744 16; common to fair cows and heifers, CiXfjS.Tt; mood to choice Blockers and feeders, 44.7Mt.; fair to good tuckers and feeders, 64.0Uv4.76: common to fair mockers and feeders. 83.0UQt.Ou. Kepreeentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. Av. Pt. Na. 4... Av. PT ....1V14 I 14 ....1174 4 8 ....!! 4 90 ....1114 4 10 ....1874 4 M ....U70 4 It ....1110 I 44 ....1111 I 40 ....1441 4 86 4... 81.... It... it.... Pi It...., 14...., 44.... 14 I.I. I ... I.... I.... 4.... 7.... 4... 6... 6.... 14.... I.... I.... 4.... 10..... !.... 6... I ... 13.... 4.... 1.... 1... .... 1... 1.... .... 3.... .:::: 41... 44.... 4.... 14.... 41 I 44 474 4 t ..... 41 6 44 1114 4 V4 1M4 4 40 inn 4 tm 44t 4 0 1IM t 04 1!4 4 16 87 4 17 14 14 81 1074 4 1 COWS. im 400 PH4 til 1030 T71 1 4 4 8 SI it..!.. ...1104 3 16 ... 471 4 78 ...111 4 44 ...lit 4 84 ... rr 4 44 ...lost 4 44 ...lit 4 it . ... "4 4 14 ... Ut 4 1 ...lilt 4 M ... 444 4 44 ...im I i ...lint ( 84 ... M III ,.. 444 8 94 ... M IN ...- 6 44 ... 468 6 14 I 40 8 4 8 44 3 14 8 44 TT4 .1U0 4 14 . 474 4 84 .Pit 4 W 4 44 8 U 3 40 .Who .11 .1041 3 44 I HEIFKHfl. - 8 44 88 8 tt I 8 84 3 421 TW III 9 414 4 44 BULLA ....wen i so ....14S 8 IW ... lee 3 80 1., ..U30 178 ..111 4 0 ..14K4 4 4 ..I1W 4 44 ..14S4 4 71 . 1 I ..t-m 6 86 4- ....! H ....1240 ....ll ....144 ....1814 I ti I H I 84 3 CALVES. P4 IT! 1 IT4 6 4 11 4 4 4 6 4 844 3 HI IM 111 3 86 M k 194 I 0) IM I U 1.. 4.. 1.. .. )1 .. ia .no 4 40 lit STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 11 4l IK I IM IH 4 4l4 4 tt 41 4M I 44 4 410 4 44 T 4 4 19 , 43 4 8 1 4 14 1 Ul IN 80..... Ml 6 4 14 It 4 40 WESTERNS-UTAH. 84 steers.. ..l'f 6 60 64 cows V 44! 12 bulls Ii"i6 S 26 I bulls IK t 26 7k steers.. ..Ivi6 ( 60 HOGS Hog sold a shade higher this morning, but th trade was very alow and dull im1 It waa late before a clearance was effected, although receipts were light. The hogs sold largely at 8f.6C'6.66, as avainst 35.8ujC.62l4 on Saturdsy. Carload hogs sold aa high as 86.40, with a small bunch up to S5.45. . The week starts out with tha market A big 100 higher than It waa on week ago. ka. A. Sk. Pr. Na. At, 8s. Pr. act a m 4 4-f it in . 14 T 4J0 4 44 11 lit ... I U lul HI ... 6 4 48 1J4 44 4 44 ii in at l 40 in a it Ik 144 Il 10 I 11 44 I. 4 44 4 44 44. IM lu 111' 41 rst k Ik si Ill 1st 6 Se , ) U lit 6 44 17 Ua SO 4 111 U 4a4 ... I It tl til Wl I 4rt ll 44 4 44 Tt 117 144 6 44 tut ... Ill II Iff i0 I 44 1T ... 8 44 U 4 0 I biv, 711 It I at 44 lit 4 6 11 41 lal ... K 71 Ml 4 6 MS Ill ) M 71 ts 14 4 U 47 ill ... t Tl 114 ... 4 11 14 M at 4 4T 41 114 144 I aJ 44 kl ... In SHEEP There were no new or Interest ing featurea In the sheep trade thla mom U.a. tn market being In very much tha Sam eo rid 1 1 km aa last week, buyera wera out In aood aeaaon In tbe morning aad kiMih stuff as they wanted generally sold quae readily 'et good, steady price. ln faot, ritipd stuff luoked a lull aironger. If any. thui. There waa nothing choice in the way ef wooled hunbe to put a top on the mar ket, but fuir kinds sold around 7 17 7.4. Siiorn kirA sold up to 17.su. A bunch of good shorn wethers, with a few year haga sina.ua- them sold at 44.00. The fed ln waa vry wwak aad ta teadmney, if ai.yf hinr, tower on th leae doatraU kinds. Wbtto fiie raomfpt wr lame, tb aciaaj eflvaiugra this RtorntriA wie siaalL twata thro cars behig tailed tbroutTe rasl era polnia Without, being Mil on sal at this lJrif- -ieUtfu.tianA-oa- rsTnTat .Qood . ttk-cttotca ! - , 1 FIEISi By its large resources and steadily increasing business of fcrs every advantage consistent with safety for accounts of merchants, manufacture crs, firms, corporations, societies and individuals TIlinTEEIITII A!,'D FARilAM STREETS CAPITAL, S593,Q00. SUHFLUS, $S20,C:3.G0. RESOURCES. $12,69.151.503. wooiefl, 7.!P4y7.t: fair to good wooled, 16.T6$1.SS: good shearing lamb, carrying flesh. 46.6001. 00; good ahearlng lambs, thin, 84.001l4.60; shorn lambs, 6ue under wooled Stock. Quotations on sheep: Good to rhoOe llsht rearllnee. shorn, 86.2f4.D0: fair to aood yearlings, shorn, 86hVu!u; good to choice wetnere, snorn, eotiJ:o; tnir to good wether, shorn. 96 75tit.OO; good to choice owes, shorn, 85.6106.76; (air to good ewea, shorn, t.0fff8.aii; cull snd bucks, shorn, t3.0O4.60; wooled sheep, a40c above shorn atock. Reprasentatlvs sales: 11 western yearllns- 9fl 6 80 4f7 western lambs, feeder., Bfl 7 15 76 Wyoming lamba. shorn. 86 7 00 9t Wyoming Ismbs, ahorn 108 7 00 49 Colorado lambs. Culls W 8 00 64 Colorado ewea 101 I 74 467 Colorado lambs 47 7 44 til Colo, wth. A l-Tg. ahora.,107 8 00 CHICAGO L1VS9 STOCK MARKET Cattle Hlaher, Hogs Steady fa jltroaa; and Khee aad Lasab Lower. CHICAGO, lfcOffl head n.n '.-T.ni i uv-narripia, A Mil an ..Mr e. r, . . i"ier, i'-.i jmv niKnrr; eieers, 86 twT.10: rows. I.tflrruii on: heifers . txtfrK 1.26; bulla, n.Ver.; calves, I2.50Q6.60; stock- ers sno teeoers, u.anie H). i Hit Nk ReTt-tr a XI f heart: wisrkat Steady to strong: choice heavy shlnntns-. 86.9f134eo; butchers. t8.9(4.00; light mixed. tS.Ho'jiJ.PO; cholc llrht, tS.BfyfM.OO; packing. 16 !fVfr6.90; pigs, H26j6 60; bulk of Bales, 86-00 454.06. BHB7EP AND LA MRU TtSMlnti. 16 tVn heed: market steady to lorfjioc lower; sheep, 5 0184.26; lambe. te.00ta77.t6: vearllnss. u.mcn 6.75. . , Kaasaa City Llv tlsrk Market. . KANSAS CITY. April . CATTLE Re ceipts. 6,600 head. Including 400 aoutherna; market IWdlo bisrher: choice escort anc) dreseed beef steers, 86.9r34jM.80' f sir to good, 84.7!tJ.45; western steers, K7fJJ.60; stock er and feeders, 83.60j.26; southern steers, S4.OMi4.3a; sou l hern cowa, 82-6O4.60; native oow. 8-1. 2Tv. 160; native heifer. 84.6uati.10; bull, t3.16ciS.Z; calves, t3.7!ti.0O. HOO-Roe1pta, 1.400 head; market SffllOo higher; closed weak; top, 96 80; bulk of sale, 86.656.90: heavy. J6 5Tvyi6.80,' tArker and butcher. 65.iOtf6.80i light. tX.MlS.70: pla, 84 OSJ4.60. krlAUr AND TJIMRA nrtnta 1Afru head: market weak to Ion lower- lemih. t.00tuV7.46; ewea and yearllnr. .H4.40; western yearling. lAOOttS.tO; western sheep, t.7bJ.40; atockers and feeders, 3.25i&e.00. St. Jpk Ltvt ttsrk Marlxet. fiOA tM1IDU a -.-.(I . 1a . Hi - HI, oalpta. i7 head; cattle Kgl5o higher; na tlvea 16.&0&4.80: cows and hetf-r. ttrkv 100; stockers and feeders. 88.7fwa6.il6. HOGS ReoeiDt. 1.2M hesA: market Be hlgheritop, 86.80; bulk, l5.5r-!g.7S. . . SHEEP AND . LAMFtS Receipts. . 8.584 head: market closed -Km- lower: lamba.'at.7 7.40; yearlings and wethsra, 6.i,S6. ' laws Citr Live Sttaeft Market. SlOtTX CITT. Ia.. Anni taa-rflnanlal TeU. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, t 1,6.10 head; market JOB higher: beeves, 85.0ti4T6: cowa and heifers. 84.00 6.66; stockera and feed era. 94.0Oli4-76: cslvna and vaarlinai 11 MB HOG44 Rcelrts, 1.109 head! market steady; rang. t6.40rSC.6s; bulk, 36.9030. 66. S4ek la Stgkt. ReeelpU of live stock at tha six principal western market yesterday Csrn Hogs. , l.lffl 8.400 t.yo 3.83 Sl.OuO Sheen. 8,648 i6,'onfi Ml 4.7V4 16,000 South Omaha '. ;. 1,775 Sioux City I.Ann Kansas city 6 50 St. Louis l,tf) St. Joaepb -667 Chicago I.. 14.000 Total .26.731 48,176 41.6(4 RACE GAMBLIN3 DENOUNCED Maaa Meetlagr la Brweklya, Addresd ky Oerersor Hsgket, Berates Lealmlator. NEW YORK. April 90. -A remarkable demonstration against race track gambling, that at times assumed thai form of A per sonal tnbut to Governor Hnghes, was mad in Brooklyn- yesterday. Tbs demoast ra tion began in tha streets leading to tha Bedford branch of tha Young Men's Chris tian association. Where tha governor Was announced to address art Anti-race track gambling meeting, - and attended th speaker from his carriage to the platform of tha spacious, hall..' Tha mass meeting wa a Bonseertsrtaa affair for men, called, tha chairman. Rev. JoTitl Caraoa of th Cantral Presbyterian church, explained, "with tha object of im pressing upon soma of our representative ln the legislature the noeaity f their changing their views with regard t raa track gambling," and ha added: "If they do not chahge their views, wa will ae to It that wa change tba men." An hour before tha time art for th meet ing the hall was crowded to tha doors, while a thousand or mora people were la th street outside. Governor Hughes ar rival ln tha crowd that filled Bedford ave nue from curb to curb was the signal for prolonged sheering aad cries for a speech to those Who could not get Into U4 ten. For several minutes th dsmonst ration con tinued. Mounting the steps of a convenient doorway, tha governor spoke briefly, set ting forth tha unoonatttuttoBsJttr of tha present racing situation and warning his auditors that upon them as cttiaena de volved tha responsibility' of Seeing to U that tha state constitution waa kept invio late. Within th hall ther was a aaaoo4 out burst, th audlene first cheering and the rising anjf singing "Th Star Bpaagled Banner'', gs ta governor sin tied and re peatedly bowed Ma acknowledgment. After the-chalrmaa had explained th ob ject 0$t'ne -gathering, -Governor . H exile spoke. He referred to the charge that his official conduct regarding tha aitaatloa had taken the form ef 'executive usurpation. 'Wall, ha added. "I never will support measure that I cannot openly and di rectly discuss with ths people. "The will of th people," be continued. "must be obeyed and wa will not permit th 4kaiatitbti4Mt ta be tricked. Th longer tha matter im publicly debated, tha more far-reaching will b ita consequences.' The audience then adopted resolutions nouncUig tba Parcy-Oray , act, which make faas track gambling possible, and demanded, tha paaaage of tha bills against gambllug wliR h war reoeatts' defeated by a "tig vol la ,tb elate aotikte. . The Kan LkjU toe 47rorna on tha, laiver-s gruurui uy auMif 11 4or Burv day. T)m feiurw of 4ne gravea waa Ln ytding or 4 tarry ia.oci.er' la center field lmtttawlMia: KaiiKrs, l- Woodaril mit SB DATIptlAL ;Bi.E- OF OMAHA , ; s BASIC DXPOBTTS VAJaATVTCTSI), Otttaen Sank Si Vraat Ooxsp?. State Jpe14ry, . BartlsrvlUe, oklakoma, Depoatta ta thla task Gl'ARANTEHD by th Stale f Oklahoma Onarantr Fasd. New stats la pr. Vitas ABHOLina SArlTT ts ear 4amUsra. Th Stat xnarsnieae th Win at thU Bvonap en e. mad ntidar ear aireanuHancea. Ws par IM treat time deposits. Make roaoiuanea Is say tvra. 1 Informal Ion rorniahed spaa r"a.emv X.argat rrtat Baak la , aster OUakoaaa. MISSION TO OPEN BIG PLACE Robel Gets Tweaty-rive-Yenr lease tt Fourteenth and Douglas. DORXITORY A1SD EATUfG H0US5 Arraatresaeat ' Mad Poaalbla as - fle salt at A. T. KUpp Baring; tk Eatlr Baildlac Tkat Coraer. Aa a result of A. T. ftiopp buying tha building on tha southeast corner of Four teenth and Douglas street th Union Oos pet mission has bean enabled to secure a five-year lease oa tha east , part of ths building, which consist of B ' full store room on th first floor, tw tipper Coir running back 133 fet and a large base ment, which will enable ths mission lo carry out the plana made some lima sgo i f establishing , mission restaurant and lodg ing house. The building waa ' formerly Owned by eastern pertiea who did not ear to mak- a leas and Superintendent C. T. Robel of the mission was unable to. secure the building unless he could buy the property. Remodeling Is to begin at once and by June 1 the mission will be In the new home at 1321 Douglas street. Tbe first floor, will be" a restaurant, where coffee, butter and milk will be sup plied at low pricea. Coffee, which la now selling for 14 cents per cup at moat of the reetauracAa, cn be gnd will b acid by the mission for t cent Ths milk is to be real without -the usual preservatives, and la Superintendent Robel ha conducted acoh restaurants before and used creamery but. tef, ha asserts that he will aa nothing it In Omaha. Customer will wait On -them-elves and email tables seating four per sons will be used. Each evening the tables will be removed snd the room converted Into an auditorium, where the meeting will be held. Tklrty Private TAeaass. Thirty private rooms will b provided with Ingle Iron beds containing sanitary mat tresses and two sheets. These rooms will b rented at moderate rttes And located on trie front of the second floor. Bsck of these. A free reading room with paper, .majxines and books will be maintained. - Tha third floor ia to b convened into a dormitory where more than a hundred may alaep. But every bed will have the hl and good mattreases. They will be free to those who have not a cent, in tha world and all other will be charged a pittdnc. The mission bath rooms and laundry are to be located In the cellar. Those who da !re to wash their 11 clothes may do so, and those who have no money with which to buy food may watB tha linen khd other things about the rtctanrant and lodging house, thus securing th necessities of life until their luck turns. ,Mr. Robel conducted a similar mission in Duluth which met with success and la still being operated en the eiiglnal plan. The mission on Douglas street will be known aa "Union Gospel Mission No. L" a th In tention Is to start another elmllar institu tion as soon as tba first is opened and proves what Mr. Robel says It will do. Th present home of tba mission Is at ill South Fourteenth street. TEXAS RAILROADS TIED UP Great TOWBaeg Doa ky Flawd ta A I. KlaAa f Property ta . Texas. FORT WORTH Tex.. April 20. Tb Indi cations today ar that th storm whir; baa prevailed for the last several cays In north Texas la about over. The waters are reoedlng almost as fast as they cam a, ant with no more rain within twa av three daya, avenues ef travel will be reopened and business will move again. At thla time, however, the Taxaa a Pa ct Ho transcontinental Una hi cut In two. There has been rso train la from California, or out to th west sine Friday moralng, and th most eptlmletle of the raQread f flcials do not hop to reopen frrarfla before Tuesday. Tba St. Leul A Baa Francis baa lost mileg of traok between this etty and Brady and ne great steel, bridge over the Laos river Is reported to bare bean destroyed. Traffic baa been abandoned entirely oa th Fort Worth division. The Fort Worth A Denver City baa a. Gfiped actual washouts, but an trains ars running ' lata. .,..-,,, Th AUhlnaon, TopekA At Saata Fa is In fair shape except between Parte aad Cle burne, where It, baa suffered many wash outs, , . The Missouri, Kanaaa At Texas ta alto open and moving trains on delayed sched ule. . . t The Rock Island has abandoned Ra Dal. kka-Fort Worth service entirely oa account of soft tracks and ths cuts caving ta. At the paeeanger at atlo ef the Texas A Facifto here today hundred ef travelers pm4 the day like A great camp, waiting for trafTJo to be reopened-- . j, T-iephoo and teleerrsmh wire are down athd there la rso way to otnsaanioata win. folate west trt Weiatkeef orrl, At Waco tba" Brest rtvetl reached ju n apaSew Bnawk p4 4 p. a today, when sjustpa tnoasea Tarajh-fte-i feet. Kut Weoo was (aovlnlnS try t. blXsUilng cf teaaa, rwrlD BA tha fcjaefaad) fcf grUy daT8edtai9 Ttitrndxeda or head ofOv stack r 1 ttmrm SmawdrowBed.