J THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 190S. fte tha Irish I Make - It I Re the Making of RmI - Irish JM La. You Are Invited to View the Making of REAL HAND MADE IRISH LACE . MADE IN BEANDEIS' STORE TUESDAY BY 3 YOUNG" GIRLS FROM COUNTY ROSCOMMON. S Thousands of visitors Monday adrfrired the dainty hand Z work of these marvelously expert girls from Ireland. In an J artistic booth f t the west end of our lace aisle these lacej ( makers demonstrate their art and every man and woman in Omaha should see this exhibition. " ' " J You will be delighted at the sight of the deft fingered girls working out the beautiful and intricate patterns of real I Irish lace by hand. f Father M. 0 'Flanagan, the young Irish priest who has f j brought these girls to America, will be in attendance. . . 4 In Connection With This Interesting; Exhibition of Lace , ' Making; We Devote an Entire Section to a Great 1 i S LACE DISPLAY OF GENUINE IRISH AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Some of the most beautiful specimens of genuine Irish, i lace ever shown in America. We have imported fine lots of 4 embroideries and insertings, lace yokes, boleros, collar and i 1 cuff sets, entire lace coats," etc., etc. Prices lower than real J i Irish lace ever sold for in Omaha. ' J Tuesday Will Be a Great Special. Lace Day. s s s s s s s s s s s s BRANDEIS NEW ARRIVALS ; ALWAYS FASHIONABLY CORRECT .v So immense was our millinery business of the past week that we sold practically all the hats we had. These hats we offer for .Tuesday are all new ones latest styles and trim- J mlngs. ': ;: . ) . 1 The Late Spring Favorites. Even more charming than the Easter hats." New styles are fully settled now and the favorite designs are extreme ly becoming. The large hats are strong , favorites. We want you to see these splen did groups of all new hats at s s n!s w . J3 tyffltW' Hisses' and .; Ctll Jrca's Pretty Pok ponnets of fashion able . braids and chiffon, regular price. was $4.60; special at, tfB R A N DEIS 4 lassasaasaaaBanaaasBiBnBSnasBBSBaBaai 1 I uuiai i a uuis iyu wear Silk Dresses In Jamper J : i rf ri s " sim mucins. Luecis One of the greatest favorites, of the season it the silk suit in these dressy styles the new. patterns are extremely smart for almost any occasion. Price .A $IO i;;..v;. ! SPRING JACKETS More Popular Than Ever Before Tliis season's jackets are "'quite a b swell er than usual. ' ."We mention ' specially stunning new ar- ; , Q98 i rivals in braid jackets at. . . . .J COVERT AND SILK JACKETS For the women who want a stylish spring jacket at very moderate cost. Extra specials ( S8 WOJIEN'S SHIRT WAISTS at 98c S it J S S s s d In the new styles that will be most worn this year Q jl i J lace embroidery trimmings, also plain tailored, at . . (l C s DR. BRAD BURY, Dentist BRANDEIS'-- 1 JM8 Ftfium. Extracting . . . 25 up. Crowns.... $2.50 up. Plates (3.00 op. Bridge Work &1.&0 up. Porcelain rillinBs up from 91 -AO 17 Years Same Office. Phone, PougUa 1750. AlTroUr DentiBtrjr a specialty. " Loos teth made '. solid. Nerves removed without pain. W'orlc guaranteed ten years; SHOE LUXURY In Hanan Footwear II If you would ba aod to yourself buy and wrar Hanan footwear. In the hundreds of thousand of these fin shoes and Oxfords, made and sold all over the United States, there is not a hurt In a single pair. This store sells more Hanans for men and women than of any other make. Good reasons for this: First, quality; second, style; third, all around satlsfac ' tlon for general purposes or dress The stock of this particular make is too larg-e for us- to even begin a description. Just ask a sales man to show you a pafr of Hunan's. Prices rang- TO VOMEX $5.00, $5.50 and .96.00. TOM KZjr 45.50, $8.00 and 97.00. All sizes and width. Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnaia Street rain: a cor nr "a-sra "H" B""Bi' kt a n w n nmti ini'"' n i i y i i a i im s . A1 h M 1 Mi KKKIi Any 10 Ladies' Home Journal l't tprn with th jnaHrly Style Book at gQ 1 It - 3 N H i a i s M 0 H u U i A Utile Simple Arithmetic About Tuesday's Skirt Sale Tuesday's best bargain In the suit section Is the sale of 2 SO tailored Panama dress Skirts that the buyer picked up from a house that makes a specialty of popular price skirts tid who have the knack of putting mere real merit and Btyle Into their garmonTg than one usually finds. Let's figure this out a little. It takes five yards of material at 75c a yard to make these skirts. That amounts to $3.75. The making; conservatively estimated would cost about $3.00, the taffeta folds would probably make it 75c more. a. total of $7.50. Now here are skirts equal to dress maker made, cut from ,76c materials and trimmed with taffeta folds, (three styles) and all you pay is- 8 ss ll II H Spring Comfort OXFORDS $3.50, $4, $5, $5.50 and $6 Black or Tan WALIU0VER NETTLET0R Absolutely Original Styles for YOU Wsik - Over -Shoe Store 314 South. 15tb Btrset. . ' (Four doors Ha. Beaton Drug Co.) SO. U. TXOM7SOV, Walk-Over Man. it? y YOUR TEET1 If your teeth are defective do. not hesitate to consult us aj we cure sore and painful teeth, and restore and replace them to their natural beauty. Our methods are the. latest and thoroughly scientific. Bridge-work, per tooth ....... .$3.00 Bet Teeth, op from ....... I , . .$5.00 Taft's Dental Room 1317 Douglas Street, r 1 I H 0 Q i i E li B a a B a B a I a o A saving of $2.55. Isn't that worth hurrying after? All the new browns, leather shades, navy and black In the line.. On sale Tuesday. " TWO LOTS SAMPLE HOSIERY" On Sale Tuesday AST XHVOBTXK'B XITTrjLB UAMTX.M X.XHB, CX.OVSS OUT TO VM AT Air, Hsra's how th7 go oat to yoai Black Cotton Hose; silk embroidered patterns, a.vsry larce variety, -f they ar exceptionally ood, 2So values, on sale Tuesday,, pair XiJVy Black Imported rjsle, hand embroidered 60o and 75o Stockings for Kr three pairs 11.00 or pair iIV I Elbow lengths, good heavy quality, in all best SSliW iWJaSf! 08c gloves, every J.29 fJany Splendid Tuesday Bargains Every Utm a Rousing Bargain THsT KKUABUB STKS Not a Dissp' pointmenl Awaits . -. ' You Here, Tuesday is Skirt Day IN OCIl OIIEAT 5L4NUFACTTRKR,S RtOCK BALE OF WOMAN'S SPKINQ APPAREL Over 2,000 handsome skirts, Included In the great purchase, will be placed on .Sale Tuesday In FOUR SPECIAL 1OT3 LOT 1 Broken sires and odd lota of sklrta. only a small lot, will not. last. Ions; at price 81. OO LOT a Skirts worth to 15.00, all wool Panamas and fancy mixtures, best styles and colors, your choice tor 92.50 LOT S Skirts worth to $10.00, chiffon Panamas, voiles, etc.. handsomely trimmed, greatest bargain ever offered, at, choice S5.00 LOT 4 Skirts worth" to $15.00, In Aultman voiles, 18 gore style, trimmed with taffeta bands, all have extra silk underskirt, beauties, and matchless bargain, at, choice $8.90 WEDNESDAY 1178 Tailor Bnits, value up to $30.00 choice Q Qn of the lot -7l7l See 16th Street Window Display. Come early Wednesday. It button length silk color, and size, best $2.00 quality, Tuesday, pair ON THE BARGAIN TABLES IN THE MAIN AISLE These Remarkable Tuesday Specials: j, ooo jards or fancy; 1,200 Plauen lac . Larce square- of Mesh Veiling. Also plain Chiffon Veiling In black, wnne, pink, navy, ugni blue, ail 35c eoods, at yard lOc Stock Collars, white and ecru, a wide variety of good styles; every one fine 2(o value; at 5c hem stitched Auto Veils, In black, brown, navy,, pink, light blue, gray, tan and white, worth $1.60, at . 79c Housekeeping Cottons Underpriced m imo Uncertain Manner The" Monday sale brought out great th.ougs and every one felt splendidly repaid for Coining. . is'o suuu low puces have Men Heard of lor suveiai years. .onsUala Ik Bleached Muslin, pur yard Bleached at .... 15o rillow Casing, 46-ln., at 18c Pillow Casing, 45-ln., at 15o Pillow Caaes, 42z3-ln., at 18o Pillow Cases, 4Bx3S-ln., QHq 6wc llVe Cambric, special, py 10c ..." 9c Bleached Sheets, 72x80, each Bleached Sheets, 81x80, each 29c 39c 76o Bleached Sheets, standard Kflf ninkea . . . : titJKj tie Bleached Sheets, extra - - G5C $1.00 and $1.26 Bleached Sheets, CC-, best we ever had, each OiJKj iwm ft", .X 'WEARSUXEIROli" (pi A VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED With nothing more than a brush, two hands and a can of , , GLOSS WHITE JAP-A-LAC yoa can so rejuvenate an old wicker chair that it will look better than new. 25 cents will purchase all the JAP-A-LAC needed, and In a very few minutes you can make a new chair. And there are 15 other colors of JAP-A-LAfJ and a hundred uses for each color. - OAK, DARK OAK, WALNUT, MAHOGANY, CHERRY, MALACHITE GREEN, OX-BLOOD RED, BRILLIANT HLACK, DEAD BLACK, NATURAL, ;UKS8 WHITE, FLAT WHITE. GROUND BLUE, kt-mii4" AH "Im from 15c to $2.50 at our Paint Dept.' DR. HYDE ON EMMANUEL MOVE He Heaartta It Na mm DiaMvery fsyvkle Hlm and Offers Criticism, psychology which had been the ' common acceptation of the rlass room. Convinced of th intimate and potent relations of ths psychic and the physical part of man they saw a field for religious operation - which the churches had wholly , neglected. Tha feature of the meeting of the Omaha I R,v- Mr- Hyde held that the promoters Ministerial . union Monday morning at tha Young Men's Christian association was a paper on the "Emmanuel Movement" by fiev. R. 8. liyde, pastor of Hanscom Tark Methodist church. , Tha bmmanuel movement takes its name from tha church in which It was born, the Kmmanuel Protestant Episcopal church, the largest pariah of ths faith In Boston. A few' years ago the rector of this church, Dr. Worcester, and his assistant. Dr. lie Comb, conoeived the idea of putting Into practical use the theories and principles of F I a v p red nS. tsx bjQity bsssot jj VA 7 delightful flavors Jj . HI pax l4l y or this movement have not made -a Ul covery In ths psychic realm, but that they make rather bold to teach that tha church has not dona for man its whols duty in maintaining that the physical and psychical man ara not separate entities, the physical to be treated by the physician ana the psychical to be ministered to by ths priest. Mrs. G. W. Covell and Mrs. Clara Bur eaux or ins francls WUlard Women's Temperance Union were present at . the meeting and Invited the co-operation of the ministers to the work or the organisation f a Toung People's Temperance union in Omaha. I Oeaalr FrtcM possesses sufferers from lung trouble tj:i ney i am vr. King's New Discovery will "tip in, sue ana ii.oo. For sal by oeaion urug Co. J . :) . ataaaavel Oil Mas M Is tag;. rruiNi&w, April JO. Friends ef vnanes c.- uaccieverty. manager of tha Marin branch of the Standard Oil Com pany nere. are worried over kus absenre in mwer v aiiTomia. MacCleverty left hee over a momn ago to Join the fleet at Mag- aaiena Day, going down on the Pacific .-oast company's steamship Curasao as fa Doefs Your Piano E Need Tuning? Phone Your Order Douglas 137 Piano Dept. THE BENNETT COMPANY i LJ BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY i Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sk., f 1.70 and 60 Green 8tampa Duffy's Apple Juice Vinegar - liy.HU . ORa mwtA 1A rSMM c n . k Bennett's Caoltol Coffee, lb. nkg. SBo and 80 Green Htamna i8 ' Minate Qenatine, three packages..... S&o and 10 Green Stamps Hex L.ye, three cans - ...85o and 10 Green Btamps rive hundred pounds English Walnuts, pound.... 1 So Uoxen NuunnKa, and grater lOo land 6 Green Stamps New York Cheeae, pound UOo and 10 Green Stamps 60o bottle Quoen Olives for. 3So Beeds, beeds, aeeda. packdjt" 8Ho BUCCOTASK (FIOUL Best W Hav trand Suocotaah, six cans 88o and 60 Green P tamps Advona Jams, assorted, can loo and 6 Green Stamps Jell-O, lemon, three pkgs , ...BSe and 10 Green Btamps Gillette's Washing Powder, dozen.... 180 and 10 Green Btamps Castile Toilet Soap, six rakes 86o and 10 Green Htamps Blue Kibbon Seeded Raisins, pound pkg .....150 and 20 Green Stamps Jersey Butterlne, two pounds 38o and 10 Green Htamps mil 5 a ilHxn'i;n:i:iai:;iBlH:slB Havo your engraving . dona . in Omaha no better work anywhere. Baker Eros. Engraving Co. Barker Block, Omaha. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. to Dr. H. L. BamacoiotU.) tttATM TBTZBZVABXajr. 1 OtOao aaa HwptUl. BS10 Maaoa ttlMl Calls Promptly Answered at All Hours. Taoao omoa Xarasy S7. feea. Xag'laa 433S. Cciii, leb. Frlce B. will t yim fa rruTuat Vtey afubaHaUMM IbJurirKUM . . H OmaAa laiaa Stmtim. 1 Special Inducements In our High Grade Linen Department for Tuesday. 25 hemstitched ' full bleached table cloths, two yards long, good value at $1.60 each, Tuesday, each . . . .QS 100 pure linen fringed table clothB, plain white and colored borders, well worth $1.25 each. Tuesday, ea.9 30 pieces warranted pure linen tow eling for. glass; roller and general use our regular 15c grade, Tues day, yard i ...... . . .9 60 doien strictly high grade towels, hemmed 'hucks .and Turkish usu ally sold at 16c each, Tuesday,-at, each ..10 75 full size bed spreads, slightly mussed from handling, some $2.00 values. Tuesday, each. 79? High Grade White Goods Dcpt 10 -pieces of Tootle, Broadhurst and Lee s Celebrated English Fancies that sold at 85c, 76c, 69c and 69c, at, per yard ....-. 24c 50 pieces of genuine hand embroid ered St. Gaul Swisses that sold at 85c, 75c and 69c a yard will go at, yard 45,4 All 25c India Lawns . , . , . . , , .15 All 19c India Llnons 12 C AH 15c India Llnons ......... All 75c Persian Lawn J8 All 60c Persian Lawn All $1.00 French Lawn, 48 Inches wide, at 600 All 76c French Lawn, 48 Inches wide, at 50 All 60c French Lawns, 48 Inches ' wide, at 25 All 26c Long Cloth, at 15? A.. 19o Long Cloth, at 12 H) All 15c. Long Cloth, at . .. .. . 10 In Our Famous Domestic Room 12Vic Swisses, 10c India llnons, 10c English long cloth, 15c fancies, 12 He 40-inch lawns, etc:, all one price, at, per yard 50 19o 4 0-inch lawns, 16c India llnons, 19c English long cloths, 19c poplins, 15c and 19c dotted Swisses, 19e Jac quards, 16c fancies and other goods worth up to 25c a yard at, per yard 7Mt 29c Imported poplin, 39o Bedford cords, 25c pique, 890 fancy jacquards, etc., all at, a yard 100 Sample Hosiery at Less Than Half A great purchase of manufacturer's sample lines, ladies' and children's hose, secured at a small fraction of their worth. .The biggest bargain anywhere Ladles' Lace and Embroidered Lisle Hose All sizes and colors, values to . 76c, at pair .-v............... .250 Ladies' Heme Fancies, embroidered lace In black, white or .tans, plain black with white feet, regular or out sizes, at, pair 100 Ladies' Hose Regular 15c quality, all sizes, greatfrsi. runji btdi uiivivu, i. per pair.... ........ aC Ladles' Lisle Hose Embroidered fancy or plain. gauze, in black and tans, values to 39c on sale at, per pair ..190n 150 Children's School Hose Fine or heavy ribbed with double knee, heel and toe or lace, black and white or tan, at, per pair 100 and 12 HO Children's Hose Worth to 36c, afl samples, at, pair '. 150 Children's 15c Hose, at, pair 5? Roses! Roses! Roses! Our big annual Rose Bush sale Tuesday of the famous American Beauty rose bushes, grown by the largest nursery in the United States, the Ringler Rose Co., of Chicago. These bushes m7 are. three years old and will bloom in six weeks. Tomorrow, each . . Also Honeysuckle, Snowball, Hydrangea, Clematis, Althea, Lilacs, Vines, etc., at our regular low prices. These vines and bushes cannot be duplicated for five times the price we sell them for. , , M HMDEMS' WE Five Daily Trains CMcagf to ATHLETES TO 'KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE ' CONDITION Or THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO JUi CZmcara ass X)rmffa7f I Leaving Omaha Union Station at most convenient hours. Running right into the heart of Chicago La Salle Street Sta tiononly one on the elevated loop. Chicago Flyer leaves CWKssV "ilOa. m.i you aaa get supper in diner ea train lands yoa ia Chicago 8:40 am., sfter breakfast en train ready lor business, Cni Atwwmt lUwg m b4 UfMUnfT ear ROCK ISLAND TICKET OmCES. 1323 Famam Street, Omaha. , 16 Pearl Street, Council Liuffa. m y lli ON SALE TO ,W;- tte& ' k - Him. - : w r i'l-V 'r-t'i San Francisco Hf Log Angelcs.San Diego lV", . J M.r,, nthur TViinta in this State EVERY DAY TO APRIL 30. 1908 via npjir.Fi DAniPin V.- jtvt, Inquire at fete. . CITY TldSBI OFTICX, : -VA .V. , 13S4 axnam fctree F ' '. - T Uj'tiLa r V -nasi i is Bias naniSL.lUlssisajisajss. nsraraisaiisaaisaiuisimswiiip 1 jLi..j,,, , j,, . J,! .aaa. , i .,.,r..is , 1,111.111111,1 e t . A 1 . M K. O S lh-i S5 Arbor Day Planting: Paul Neyrori, Liberty, etc., each 15c, 4 for 50c. All strong 2-year plants and freshly dug. ' Crimson Ramblers, 1-year, 15c, 4 for 50c; 2-year, 25c; 5 for $1.00. Selected plants, 50c; 3 for $1.25. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. . : j -- "a e TIIE APRIL BRIDES r v. V Are numerous this year. Tf f our SterMna Silver or Cut 1 llf I ,u our tor- Look for ths viil; ) s. w. linds; They would enjoy a piece of law ripena a lew minutes name Y, Jeweler O 1L r' f Bee Want Ads Brina Results; tar as 1-a Fas. an 4 ths Ust s.aa at hJin 1U UOl'UIAS &X2 - was at that iaca, V i