0 1 1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUKDAY, APKIL 18, 1908. 2 8 4Z Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments The New Easter Millinery ' New and beautiful creations are being added to our Easter collection every day. You will find here an array of hats that the fastidious will appreciate. Hats for every occassion from the plainest sort of model to the most exquisitely beautiful dress and evening hats. Many of them are . personal selections of our millinery buyer while in Paris. Many of them are the productions of Eastern fashion houses, and many of them are charming and artistic models from our own work room. We want you to visit our millinery room Saturday. It will be worth your while. Second Floor. New Belts for Easter., If you are looking for Individ uality In belts, you will find it here, at our Spring showing is ttada up of novelties, hardly two allks In the entire .. lot. . . Pretty white wash belts, embroidered all around, lft inches wide, with pearl buckles, 76oto$1.60 each. White Wash Belts, embroidered In back onlyh two Inches wide, bound edges, finished with pretty pearl buckle, 7Eo each.. Leather Belts, in brown, navy tan, black and white kid, finished with pretty novelty gold effect buckles, 60c to $1.50 each. Black patent leather- Belts, stitched all around, fits the form perfectly, 7Bo and $1.00 each. If you want to make your own belt, we have a fine assortment of strictly new, beltings, in both plain and fancy effects, 1 He to 6o an in. Main Floor. , CORSETS Tapering Waist R. & G. Corsets. The new It O. models for Sprint give the graceful contour of m perfect figure, with the most fashionable ef fect In addi tion they have the famous H. O. pliability and comfort. Sou can find exactly what you want lu cm complete line Of K. ft G. model. If you have a medium Blender flfpire, the model shown here le JuHt whet you are looking- for. Made- of batiste, price $1 00. Ask for model CSS. Second Floor. Easter Furnishings for Men. Remember, Sunday is Easter, and you wlU want to appear at your best.' Perhaps you need a fancy vest, a new scarf or a pretty shirt to go with the new Easter suit. New Easter scarfs are here by the hundreds, yours among them. Dainty white silk, rich black, and colors that would make a peacock envious, 60c and $1.00 each. A superb assortment of new waeh vests for Spring, well made, comfortable, good looking vests, all cut in the new five button effect, $1.06 ,to $3.00. Special Easter showing of fash ionable shirts. We think you would buy if you were to Bee the handsome patterns displayed here. Most all made coat style, with cuffs attached, plain or pleated, real comfortable, good looking shirts, $1.00, $1.60, $1.76 and $2.00 each. Main Floor. Two Groat Embroidery Specials for Saturday We consider these the best embroidery bargains we have ever offered. Every yard is crisp and new, in a beautiful assortment- of patterns. Lot One Fine Swiss and Nainsook edglngB, from 6 to 22 Inches wide, also lnsertings from 1H to 3 inches wide, values up to $1.00 all ro in one grand clearing sale Saturday, at , per yard 43c Lot Two Fine Swiss and Nainsook edgings, 7 to 10 inches wide, also galoons from 1H to 5 Inches wide, values up to $1.60, all go in one grand clearing sale Saturday, at per yard Main Floor. n w a incnes 69c Three Special Good Values in Women's Hosiery for Saturday. Women's Black Cotton Hose, with maoo split solos, double soles, heel and' toes, a good SDo hose, Saturday, tfbc per pair, pairs for $1.00. Women's Tan Silk Mule Hose, with cotton aolee, double sol, herls and tone, 8le per pair. pairs for $1.00. Women's Out blse Silk Mule Hose, rxcellent for wear, high spliced heels and double soles, 60u value, Saturday 60c per pair. . We are pleased to announce that we have arjiln secured a complete stock of the children's famous Neaiflf stocking. The demand for this hose has been so great that the manufacturers- have been unable to supply us for more than a year. But at last we are In shape to offer them to our customers again at the popular price of 15o per pair. Mala Floor. Women's Underwear. Light weights for Spring and Summer at popular prices. Stocks are most complete now. j Women's Gauze Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain tape trimmed, all sixes, 35c each. Women's Gauze Lisle or Cotton Umbrella Style Drawers, lace trimmed, all sizes, 60o each. t Women's Gauze Cotton Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain tape top, 15c each, or 2, for 25c. Women's Swiss Ribbed Gauze Silk Vests, low neck, sleeveless, fancy hand crocheted, only a few sizes left, reg ular $2.00 quality, Saturday each $1.25. Regular $3.00 quai- , ity, Saturday each $2.00 Main Floor. EASTER CANDY SPECIAL For an Easter gift, a box of Balduff 's Choc- olates. Balduff 's fine assorted chocolates, regular price COc a lb.; epecial all day Sat urday at, per lb., only. 30c Fabric Gloves for Easter Specially Priced. It-button length fine Imported Lisle Gloves, In white and grey, and small sizes of blacks, worth $1.60, Satur. day's price 89c per pair. , 1 (-button length high grade Cotton Gloves, In whtto only, worth 76c, Saturday's price 4c per pair. 12-button length fine Lisle Gloves, In grey only, worth 76c Saturday's price SDo per pair. Main Floor. Visit Our Rest Room, M Third Floor. We Sell Balduff - Pure Candies. . bee. 4-1J--08. Easter panrade! DoiVt be afraid! Yo can weaif The best that's made! i, 7 We make our Easter bow with a store full of attrac tions in the way of new spring fashions. By all means come early Saturday. ' FINE SHOES FOR THE YOUNG. X A great assortment of Young Ladies, Girls' and Baby Shoes, special for Easter trade. Young Ladles' Oxfords and Pumps, in patent leather and tan calf $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 and $3.00 Olrlds Shoes and Low Shoes, ex tra quality, tan and black $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00 Boys' Shoes and Low Shoes, In extra quality, tan calf, gun metal calf and patent leather- , $3.00, $2.50, $2.25 and $2.00 Children's and Baby's- Shoes and Low Shoes, In all the . leathers and colors $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 Expert fitting no waiting extra clearka. "Arnold" goods have come to stay, Baby's cooing all the day. Call Saturday while the lady representative Is here. Eastertide Fashion Exhibition -in Young Men's Clothes. "The Color Family" are here. "Mr. Tan," "Mr. Stone." "Mr. Brown." "Mr. Gray," "Mr. Smoke" and "Mr. Olive," as well as "Mr. Black." represented in our Young Men's "Sampeck" Suits. Smart fabrics and newest cuts 915.00 lon to $32.50 Boys' Easter Clothes. If you look carefully you will notice besides the very fashionable patterns snd smart styles that the qualities are better this season made possible by favorable market conditions. Better values in Boys' Clothes at every price $5.00 to $12.50 Write for Illustrated Catalogue. BENSON :?THQBNE CO. THIN SLICE OF PORK (Continued from First Page.) 1513 13iJ DOUG companies were engaged in handling fruits and produce for their own benefit and to the detriment of commission merchants. Limiting; Federal Injunctions. Senator Burkett, who has a bill pending before the Judiciary committee, relative to limiting federal Injunctions for state courts In the execution of state laws today In ex plication of his bill said that It was a substitute for the bill Introduced by Sena tor Overman. He stated that he was not opposed to the Overman bill, his object be ing to broaden the scope of the measure. Gamble Dill Reported. The Gamble bill, creating a new land dis trict In South Dakota, was today favorably reported by the committee on publlo lands of the house. This measure, generally known as the Lemon land district bill, Senator Gamble put through the senate a week ago, and now with a favorable report from the house committee on publlo lands will go through the house and thence to the president at an early date. Oscar E. Barnes of Mitchell, Neb., has been appointed clerk in the reclamation service located In Nebraska. BRAKES OX FEDERAL IXJl'NCTtOY Senate Passes Measure Governing; Manner of Their Issuance. WASHINGTON, April 17.-A bill regulat ing the granting by federal courts of tem porary Injunctions against state officers In the enforcement of state laws was con sidered by the senate today. Senator Over man, In calling up the measure explained that It prohibits the granting of such In junctions except by a majority of three Judges, two at least of which are required to be circuit and the third either a circuit or a district Judge. "As Justice Harlan recently said In his disaenting opinion In the case of Attorney General Young of Minnesota," said Mr. Overman, "we have come to a pretty pass when one federal Judge can enjoin an of ficial of a state from the enforcement of a law passed by the legislature of the state." Senator Burkett offered a substitute for the bill. Strong opposition was made by Mr. Hey burn of Idaho to the bill. The fact that the bill applies only to Injunctions against the enforcement of state laws was made prominent by Senator Knox of Pennsyl vania, who declared It would not endanger proper enforcement of the law under pres ent methods. y After a brief discussion the Burkett substitute was disagreed to and the bill, as reported to the senate, was passed. 1'ndertak.laa; Establishment. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April IT fSre- clel. ) Fire this morning completely de stroyed the stock of J. C. Trojer, under taker, and damaged the building at least (0 per cent. The loss on stock la esti mated at about 1500 and on building about 1400. It Is practically covered by Insurance. Death Wins la Loag Hiei, CHICAGO. AprU 17. Addison Parklson. a retired banker and fanner ct Rensse laer, lnd., died yesterday at Western Springs, 111., with a rare half-way across the continent to reach his home and rela tives almost completed. He waa stricken with pneumonia a week ago In California, and. In rptte of his ase. tt years, decided to make the race for hla home. He was inly half a day's Juurney from his home ALDRICII BILL UPON TABLE Home Committee on Banking Decides to Kill Measure. K0 REASONS GIVEN FOR ACTION Vreeland Bill, Introduced as SubstU tnte, Will Re Considered In Re. publican Caucus Early Neat Week. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOVXE Debate on Diplomatic and Consular BUI Takes Wide Rauire. WASHINGTON, April 17.-The attitude of -Kmperor William and the Berlin court toward David Jayne Hill, named by the president to be ambassador at that capital, was subject of con merit In the house of representatives today during the considera tion of . the diplomatic and consular bill. Mr. Perkins of New Toik and Mr. Slayden of Texas expressed the opinion that the objections to Mr. Hill were due to no other cause than that Mr. Hill was financially ur.fcble to maintain a certain standard of social representation. Each of them con demned the practice which thty said had grown up of selecting men of great wealth to be the nation's diplomatic representa tives abroad .and urged as a means of counteracting tha effect of such a policy the. housing of our diplomats In buildings owned by the government and the allow ance to them of salaries sufficient to enable them to maintain the dignity of their high of-ices. j Undor license of general debate Mr. Griggs of Georgia spoke In advocy of the STItOXG AS A MI LE Farmer' Gets Power From Food. Any one can better his condition. If eating Improper food, by changing to the right kind. It Is becoming well known among all classes of people in this country, that strength of mind and body come from the nouilBhm.-nt that Is taken Into the system In the form of food. A cowboy whose stomach got alt out of order on a ranch, went to farming and Incidentally found the cause of his trouble and the way out of it. He writes: "I was raised on a cow ranch, lived like the rest on beef and potatoes, often eating too much, until my stomach became so weak and I was so run down I had to quite the Job. "Then I tried farming but did not get any better. My nerves were all unstrung and I could not sleep at night. A year ago I saw an ad about Grape-Nuts being such a wonderful food, and told my wife I was going to try It. ' " So I bought a box of Grape-Nuts and by the time I had used this food two weeks, the weakness began to leave my stomach. "Now I weigh 184 pounds., and am as strong as a mule. We eat Grape-Nuts for breakfast, and I also take some as a lunch between meals. I must say that Orape-Nuts Is the best food there Is, and nearly everyone In town, seeing my lm provemenet, has taken to eating It." 'There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "Th Read to Wellvllle., in pkv W W W W W W W -J w W W W J V- V- J W V- i j w j J WASHINGTON. AprU 17. The house committee on banking and currency todsjr voted unanimously to tsble the Aldrlch financial bill. It also was derided to give a heerlng tomorrow to Representative Vreeland of New Tork, who recently Intro duced a financial bill, which Is looked upon as a substitute for the Aldrlch measure. The discussion In committee was brief. The only point debated was as td whether or not the committee should make a formal report giving Its reasons to the house for Its unfavorable action and the conclusion finally was reached that no reasons should be given. Consequently the committee's report will be a mere statement of the action of the committee. Of the nineteen members of the commit tee thirteen were present at today's meet ing. They were Messrs. Prince of Illinois, MrMorran of Michigan, Waldo of New York, Hayes of California, Durey of New York, Lewis of Georgia, Pujo of Louisiana, Glass of Virginia, Gillespie of Texas, Craw ford of North Carolina, McHenry of Pennsylvania and Chairman Fowler. N The Vreeland bill Introduced In the house last week as a substitute for tha Aldrlch bill and wk!ch. It Is understood, Is to be considered at a republican caucus to be held next week was not considered at to day's meeting of the committee. It was decided, howevet, to give a hearing to morrow to Representative Vreeland. The bill Introduced yesterday by Chair man Fowlor providing for a currency com mission also wMl be considered at the meet ing of the committee tomorrow. The com mission idea apparently has many friends In the committee. 1'robahle Future Action. The tabling of the Aldrlch bill will result in currency legislation being perfected by conferees of the two branches of congress. If the house carries out the probable pro gram of now passing the Vreeland bill. In that vent the house measure would come to the enate, all after the enacting-clause would be struck out and the provisions of the. Aldrlch bill substituted. The effect would be to put both the Vreeland and Al drlch bills Into conference and from them a currency bill would be probably agreed upon. I The Vreeland bill Is not fertile In char acter to the form of legislation provided by the bill which was passed by the sen ate, and therefore the action of the house committee on banking and currency, In the event Its course, is followed by a favorable report on the Vreeland bill as a substitute, does not Indicate that there will be no cur rency legislation at this session of congress as the house probably will pass that measure. Representative Vreeland, In drafting his bill, made provision for the use of com mercial paper and all other securities held by national banks, under the national bank act, as an additional class of security upon which emergency circulation may be Is sued. He eliminated certain amendments which Were tacked on the Aldrlch bill while it was under consideration In the senate, J Including the provision by Senator John st on requiring national banks to keej three- fourths of their reserves In their own vaults, and the amendment by Senator La Follette prohibiting the loaning of money Lyany bank to a corporation the officers or directors of which are officers or di rectors of the corporatin seeking the loan. Fata of Amendments. I Is expected that the senate conferees will make a strong fight for the retention of the Johnston reserve feature, but there is little prospect for the option of the La Follette amendments. Representative Vreeland Is not a mem ber of the house committee on banking and currency, yet It is expected that If hie bill Is passed he will be one of the house conferees. It Is not unlikely that Repre sentative Burton would be another, and the democratic member a man who Is favorable to legislation along the lines of the Aldrlch-Vreeland proposition. Mr. Vreeland and many house leaders favor an amendment to hla bill providing for a currency commission to report upon a general revision efthe banking laws. WE TRUST TIIE () o o () o C) O PEOPLE () o o () o o o o o o o o C) o 16X2 & -r lRNAM STREETS, OMAHA. The People Pornlture and Carpet Co. Established 1887. Everything c DiA:ni.. C. ) ridimy Priced Here Live Gold Fish and Globe WITH EVERY CASH OF CREDIT SALE OF $10.00 OR OVER IN OUR ...S.EsJj I o o, o o o o () o. C) o Men's Clothing Department q Buy your Easter suit, hat, shoes, dress shirt, , underwear, neckwear, and furnishing goods here, and give your mother, 6ister, wife or sweet heart a beautiful present, something that will make a handsome orna ment for any parlor this aquar ium is a clear gain to you over and above the exceptional values we offer for Saturday's selling. Suit prices are $25.00, $18.00, $15.00 $12.50 and 0.00 CASH OR CREDIT Merry Widow Sailers Saturday we will place on sale a limited num ber of this season's fad, the "Merry Widow Sailor." They come In all the leading colors, including Copenhagen some, are trimmecTv with large taffeta bows, and others beauti fully trimmed with flowers. C mm $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 values, l-k epecial for Saturday, Jf at , Saturday C) C) o o o o o o o o C) o o o FINAL... gSale. of Sample Suits Q The Merry Widow. The Butterfly. The Prince Chap. r A complete showing of every new model brought out this season. V jf assortment consists of an exceptionally wide range of fancy v J weaves, plain color fabrics and smart English stripes and checks all colors, including black and Copenhagen. "We have added to Olhe remaining lot of sample suits left from last week's great sale all the broken lines from our regular slock. Your special atten- W tion is called to the fact that these suits cannot be duplicated at : f to $35.00 we offer you your p "i stricted choice, just in V ) Easter wear, at the one Qj per suit pi" to mlw- Jo. MP fo (p Ail: 'id., j K i: f W s SI I 1 Ji p m v J W -l ' o I Hats for Easter A very large assortment of stylish, pretty ready-to-wear millinery, beautifully trim med with flowers and ribbons dozens of handsome models to choose from. AH the popular colors, $5.00, $6. 00 C&snr and $7.50 values, special for at $2730 f1 f J our unre- J I time for Si fj price of, Jj 50 QYou May Buy These Suits onfasj Payments OOOOOOOOCOOOOOoOOOOCCOOOOOOO O V J disfranchisement ' of the southern negro. Mr. Burton of Ohio discussed the cause of the recent financial depression. Mr. Hill of Connecticut reiterated his views In favor of the Fowler financial hill. Mr. rivrit r Mississippi attacked the prevailing tariff policy of the republicans. Mr. Thomas of North Caroline mude a pica in support of the proposition for an Inland waterway from Cope Cod to Beaufort. N. C, and Mr. Saunders of Virginia urged govern mental aid to various schools of the several states In promoting the cause of agricul ture. Mr. Cousins of Iowa, chairman of the committee, deferred until tomorrow the usual eplanatlon of the diplomatic bill. With the diplomatic bill still under con sideration, the house at 6:42 p. m. recessed until 11:30 a. m. tomorrow. I'ROCEEDIWGfi OF TIIE 8E3JATE Bill to Limit Injunctions Against State Laws Is Passed. WASHINGTON, April 17. Injunction against the enforcement of state laws can nr.iv ha iimiied hv a majority of three fed eral Judges, who are to paBS them if a bill that passed the senate today Decomo. i. Th. mas drafted In the Judiciary committee from a number of measures under consideration. It was reported ov Senator Overman and Its provisions yere explained by him to the senate. A substl ..... v.- n...ir rturkett was disagreed to. The Overman bill was opposed by Mr. Hey . ,,i it-ot the great distances between the federal cpurts In the west would operate to delay the granting oi ""'' Injunctions. Senator is.no i.. ...- .v. Kin ard oDDosed Mr. Hey- burn s argument. The senate discussed at length the bill to appropriate in. .v. from the sale of certain public lands for the reclamation of swamp lands, but made little progress towards its passage. At 1:41 P. the nate adjourned. xr if at Cll'lE ntBiCHB. - rrora October to May come are the most frequent cause oi Brome Quinine removes cause. nV V. drove on box. So. p-laal Sal Batartfay at Tkt Feo ale's tor mt Laalea' Sample SalU. Saturday, April 18. we will lace on sale the remaining lot of ladles" spring suits left from last weeks great sale, together with a number of broken lines from our regular stock. These suits are well worth -H.ta. I300O and 136.00. All go Saturday at the one price of 117.60. Bee our window. lire. Carter's rronerty Goes. NEW YORK, April 17. The entire house hold furnishings of Mrs. Leslie Carter Payne, the actress, are to be sold to tha highest bidder, beginning next Wednesday. li-r effects are said to be valued at Ko.uOO it let imnatai chiefly of anttuue furniture, v portraits, oil paintings and laces. Mlsl Norma Munro. once a companion of the actress, made an effort to secure the furni ture for an alleged debt. Evangelist's Wife Ends Life. KKWATEE. III., April 17. Mrs. Brooks, wfe of Rev. J. CJ. Hrnoks, state evsngelist for Congregational churches, committed sul cldn at the family home here. She was suffering from nervous prostration. Moose and Caribou Browns A generous assortment of these new spring shades In our stock. Also the handsome new Wood color effects and Leather Shades. The fashionable attire for men this season will bs so different from those of former seasons that almost any "holdover suit" will be unpleasantly conspicuous. Better get in touch with one of our salesmen today. He'll be pleased to post you on the correct fab rles for this season's wearing. Trousers $6 to $12 Suits $25 to $50 AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S THEATER, OmASS OPElflBTQ SATUKDAY VXQHT TBI TATOBITB THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. miT webk's orrsKiiro JOHN SKEW'S SUCCESS HIS HOUSE IN ORDER PBICES.. lc and 85e Seats on Sale One Week la Advance. Special Attention raid Telephone Orders. rJL'i.Aj WILLIAM JEKKEMS BON3 209-11 South lBtb St. 5tasSBSs3nS Special Easter Table D'Hote AT THE CALUMET 1908 Spring Lamb jT FOR HIRE 2 Ofuildresssuitsi? It S.SUOARMAN t AUDITORIUM SATUKDAY NIGHT April 18th, 1908. GREAT WRESTLING MATCH BETWEEN FRED BEELL AND JACK CARKKEK HIGH CLASS I'HELIMINARIES Ileservetl Keats on Kale Thurs day Morning, April Kith. TRICES 50c, 75c, $1, SI. BO. CAKACWTON PrlONC ADVANCED VAUDEVILLH Last two times, John C. Itioe and Bally Cehen, and faiilina iiall and the Six Other Bis Current Features. MATINKK TODAY 2:15 Children luc ALH'I.TS 2Sc NUTfc Curtain 8:15 Sharp TONIGHT I'riees Km, 2S:, 50c NEXT WKEK "The Kadettes" and Otis Kil wards Hchool boys and Jirls and bis Other bis Acts. KRUG T HEATER TOBIOBT MATIVSS SATUKDAY . XUI.UAV 1SOBTIMS BUNCO INARIZONA SUHIAY THE IITTLLI FBOSrZCTOB l-hones: Urll, l)ug. Ik's. Ind. A1WC TUIt I Bias's Director Bacon's Owa as- Inl) I tutal Ciaaslo WEEK I " iau or caut-obbxs """l svapiats wllh X.aaffbtM nod Trs. Mstlaeosi lait, Ttaars., nt. ss Sunday. Whliaiu tiUltte s Becrst A.