Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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national convention muh hn ben ld
sr.d printed Teeardlnfc tn alleged opposi
tion of negro voter to, tho csndldacy of
Mr. Taft. Effort ha teen made to how
that rMr4 mob tn yrnt ntimb-r are in
tagonlstiu to Mtv, fan, that they are seek
ing to prevent the choke of 1elegtei to
tb convanttoa favavaMa to him, that llwy
will refuse to support, him in tha conven
tlnn and flaM .bit tlccOoa at tha ofl Ih
tha erent of h's aofnlnatloiic ', ;
While It mar N true that certain
tatora hevo "inalr an "attempt to align
rirgro vatcra., against' ertary taft th
effort haa not met with auccesa, as certain
facta end tha nroiroinced attitude of tha
leadera of the rae ahow. At evidence of
thl tt may e cited tbat th-'irst dletrlct
of nnnota, -which embrace tha Dull of the
negro vote at Chlcagoy went on- record
recently as. Vet bally instructing It dot
gstee io the national eonyeotlon . to vote
for Secretary . Taft'. t Te- iood -dietrlct,
wherein resld a majority ot,'the remainder
of .Chicago V 1ngro population,- refusort- t
Instruct Its delegates for th state's favorlrj
aon and left them freo to votVfor Secretary
Taft should they see. f to da no ...
In addition tij.-ililaHhere' ar .numerous 1
Indication ia va-rtnwa pari ot tha eountry
that Mr. Taff will iaoaj, enthusiastic
support ot colored republican Intelligent
rwgro voter are rapidly coming to rmlrae
that designing politician are seeXlng to
' mislead themv and thay art therefore mors
'- ! determined to sacrt Indcpendtaca by
atandlng by the candidate agalnat whom
: ' tha effort haa been made unfairly to pre
i judlc them. , ,
j The New York Ago, one of the leading
! . negro Journala In the north. In a raceM
editorial under tha caption "The Negroc
and Secretary Taft," said:
I It la pleading to not that there la a
I vnry strong aentiment growing up among
; colored pwoplo In aU parts of the country
! In bohalf of the. candidacy of Secretary
! Taft for h nomination at Chicago. In
j June. Thoughtful men have begun to
atudy tha man and- hie- milendld career
4 ax thev touch tb life and place In the
J bortv politic of the dark racea recently
j brought under tha protecting wing of thu
V'nlted Stati'g government. What ha haa
, . done for the Filipino and the Cuban h
I Will do for the negro AmerKntv whan th
j opportunity come to him. William H.
! i Taft la the aon of AUinse TaXt. julfisrnui
' 1 and abolitionist. He l the aclon of the
j ! Mock that ha arrays stood for euua.1
t ' right for all men and he' la the only oul
J . net officer the country has had who Una
i ever held up th rdrr f a prwahlcnt for
( ' any period, however brief, for any eauaO'
j , whatt.-vei'. Colorvd, wa jw .beginning to
appreciate the full atgnifioance of the
act of the aecretary of war when h held
: , bark tha preeldenVa ordr relative to the
' dlnmlseal of the black hattullon for twenty-four
hour In order to" atay the execu
i ; tion of it finally If possible.
1 Vpoa returning "homer front a visit to
I ' Waahlngton, tha editor of tha Topeka.
,i Flaln Degler (colored) wrote: "Our meat"
i ing with the witr aecretary . and liJa ex-
I I presalona on. Uia . rate- haa convinced, ua
3 1 that he will be- a, friend -ot, tha negro and
' the laboring man of thla country when ha
'taket the path of of flee March 4, 1909."
I Tlia Knterprlac.tOmaha. 9, colored newa
', I paper, of the woat,. speaking of Secretary
t'TafCa vlalt to that city aald: "The col
li ored people have never chorlahed agalnat
(-! him the spirit Df,lllTcU voiced by soma
S of the members of the race. And" they
fully endorse his program of reform. They
have confidence IrV his ablMty and hN
genius of government and rocognlze in-
him a man of capacity who. wHl hold th
reins cf power with tha graKp of a. atates-
j man.
i t Hocla ti atos t mY4wh- Dec B
' lowr Sm Wk Laa
j: - - Yay'--":'
;j CINCINNATI, April. Ui-lgpeolal Tele-
IBjT r in. ) Prluo Current may a: Compared witli
the corresponding week Just, year the.mave-
nicnt of hogs shows a: decrease. Total
western packing was ate.tito,' campe'reA wltft
Jfle.OOO' rlie precexHnB; weo4s..and. 478,000 laaft
year.' oca MmIi k the touu 1. S,lto,O0,
aa agalnat. 3,06t,y0, a year ago. Promlnont
place compare aa follows:
UWft. 1907.
Chbmgo o,0a.
1 Kansas City. 4M.W0 4tM,0
I fiutli Omaita 70,uh 2),t,
I St. l.ouia ins,- 2to,u
l Kt. Joseph. moot
1 Indlanapolla- ... . lilt.WO 14t,iK.
Mllwauko ljW,0W' im'.eua'
t'inolnnatl ,.t i.m n,U-
. Ottumwa f Kl.Uflo 6l.0"O
Cedar Raylils..,.. X... 64.Q)0
; Bloux City la. UL.tt0
I Bt. Paul...., llO.Otn llg,(ina
Cleveland ,K,0Oi) 11.QK0,
Aa laaMto)- ang;.
On ot t)i wofAt teatusaa. of
trouble I that it i an, ImUdlon ii
and befma tha- visum-- roaJtso his drng.-r
h -nay hv a fatal malady. Takii FjMey
Kidney Cur, at .ha first sign of leeh, aa
I corroeia tcregulm-ifa an prvnt
Bright' diaeasa and dlabetaai I fa sej( fcy
all drugglata.'
taw f
Oataer At Chew for.'atn4g Year
law? Baaur mt Cena
rol Sriaa t.
At the. annual meaia of tho Omaha
Produo exchange lu J Wednesday ter
noon In tho otfloa mm - th axchanga tha
following offlaer yar elected for tha en
uing year; Leuui Ktrsehbraun. president:
A. J, Marsh, vice '.resident; C. C. Copeland.
treaaurer; Tha to lowing were elected mem
here ot tha boa m of control -. K. V. How.
J P. Jerpe. LongweJl, J. R. Snyder
nd David Co'K
ws ,
ftie "Arnold" Vceli ""S
The Arnold Fine and Soft
Knit Goods for Infants and
These good hvo national
re-BuUtlon and ar ndortd for
their anperior hygienic qualities.
Cfclldren'a need demand tr
taenti that will wear Ilka Iron,
strctcfe Uk rubber, reqalr lit
tla laundering' and above all, t
comfortabla. .
tV. Tta .Arnold Knickerbocker
Drawers tor children according
to alio. 55, to 75
z. Try tbeao lnatcad of muslin or
vlmprore the opportunity
u&& cajj wlJle the .lady Tep
efleatatire 'la here.
kk for. iUmtrated booklet
tenint lioir te, dreea baby."
t Writ of -oaf general catalog.
7 V 1313 13XT D OUCLrVJl
Iadicttiont That Ninth Biennial Will
B Larpeit Erer Held.
lapree4eaeal Reservation of Matat
Aerommaelattoaa Betac Male y
Stale rvleratla From
All Ovu- Coaatry.
.Judging from tb .rata at which hotel
aad boarding house acctommodatlona are
being reserved even at this date, the Bos
ton biennial promt to be tha largest tn
the history of tha General Fderatln of
Women clubs. The locaj committee, re
ports that tha choice of accomrbodatlona
la about gone now, and that all women ex
pecting to attend the convention th June
will do well to engage accommodation ftrt
medlatety. Aa the biennial falls on com
mencement week in Boston, the city will
t ba ted with a double deand.' To dale, the
rAoeevatlOfte are. far In axraa ;bf any prv
Ebua biennial, -and with maay Mat dlrga
ttona atlll -nnt hMrd from the atndnc
will uuiiteatlonably rpve larger thaa ever
bvforat Tvm If any of the Nebraska. clubs
have engaged accommodation aa yet. r
.Holding the convention In the eaet will
undoubtedly - Incream the .attendance
greatly. The close proximity ot such club
atatea as New York. Pennsylvania and th
other .eastern atatea. Including Massachu
setts, states that count their club women
by the thousands. Insures rap-eentatlon
that could hardly e epected any place
else, Illinois will ot course send a btg dele
gation and wtth woman suffrage promised
as an Issue. Colorado. Towa, California, and
tha other western statea have or are am
bitious for suffrage, will, of course, aene)
ovary avallabt wonan The- south, too,
with Its problems of child labor, tubercu
losis and tba aee4 of Juvenile court and
compulsory education lawt, will send large
delegation for every bit of inspiration
and Information to be had. Club papers and
"official organs" from avery part of tha
country tell Of large delegations. Boston
papers report th local committees as fear
ful tbat Symphony hall, where the eeaalon
are to be held, will be Inadequate to the
demands and that duplicate programs may
bave to be given to prevent disappointment.
The Omaha Woman's club will elect It
delegates to the Boston biennial at the an
nual meeting April 2T The newly elected,
president of th club, Mrs. Edward John
son, will represent tho club by virtue of he
office and- there- will also be several other
delegates. .
Omaha WoBnen la Evidence. "
The New York Tiwiea of Aprlt IS rlres
4 remarkable plcturo of the dinnerparty
given recently at the WaldorfS-Astr'arla In
honor ot Mrs. Humphrey Ward. It should
be- gratifying to Omaha ns that anting this
great assemblage ot distinguished men and
woman there were three Omar & women,
Mrs. Draper flTrilth, Mra. Arth jr D. Bran
dels an Mt.i. Edgar Scott, all active partici
pants In local sociological 'rork. These
three wpmcn aro easily dlnttr Mulshed In the
unusually clear print, wb'th shows the
guests scared at the- tabler
Wmra Mli uiarlra.
Seven, former arudentoof the Chicago
Training, school are amo ng the missionaries
appointed by the Bengtj Methodist confer
ence for 1908 to do wcnan'a work. One is
arf evangallstie work r. two are In Charge
of the Glrle' achqotgemd Wldowa' home at
PaXur. another t) cbarre ot tha Anglo
Indian orphonag m Calcutta, and threa
are c.onc5ted w jth the Lee Memorial.
Thedlrcctoiriot tha Social Bettjement will
hold a'mcetl'ig at 2:30 Saturday afternoon
at. th pabl' library, when aocne definite
:docllpn wl'j be made regarding tha settle
niana, houe-. ,
Tha louy monthly meeting of the Woman
Mxliiaj-yot the Episcopal church of Omaha
and Sqib Omaha will be hcM Friday. April
24; at fit. Andrew' church, at 2:30 o'clock.
t aaatly at Llaaor Caatared Walck
-" tonaine Kailsted Mea.
.'FORT RILE 7, Kan.. April 1. (Spe-
Vlai.) On last Thursday the officer of
th day at thia post Inspected aoni ot
th packages received at th depot by
xpreee and freight for the enlisted men
and found that there wer aeveral ship-
ments ot liquor. Ona barrel labeled "A,
V. B." waa found to contain bottled
whisky and the thing was traced to one
of the men ot Battery C, Sixth field
artillery. It ia unusual for one man to
purchase a barrel of whisky for his own
use at aas time, and it wa ''decided by
the offlciala that It was intended for
bootlegging. Andrew V. Burrow, th man
to whom It wV 'consigned, wa imme
diately placed under arrest and confined
In the guard house and an Investigation
bt the case 1 being mafe. A great many
mailer nhlprnewt of whisky and both
bottled and keg beer war found In th
depot and the name of th men i whom
they wer billed taken. A guard I kept
at th depot to Inspect all u1Ioub ex
press ard freight that comes to the post
with the view to ascertaining Just who
ara receiving liauor for th purpose of
selling It Bootlegging haa been going on
In th peat and Junction City, a narby
fety Mere
Boys' Easter Suits
The Btory of our boys'
suits is long;, but very new
and varied.
Mixture ot tha naw ahadaa.
t ....... ..f5 to 513.50
Bercea both fancy and plain
eutti specially season able tor
EaaUr ......
37.50 to 915
toll Suits
We've a lot ot
baseball saita.
a whole lot ot
em, with belts
and caps; they
will be free
till Eastsr
one wtth ovary
boys' salt sold
for two days.
U IV u
town, for about year and the civil and
military authorltlea both are trying thetr
utmost to cause tha practice to ' be dis
continued If it I poilble to o aa.
l-arge ninker of Parasera Laae Hear
Hr aa4 Rlev4ora Aro
HfKON. B. 13., April 1. -(Special Tele
gram.) Tha Hit of sufferer frOm Tues- j
day's fire continues to grow. Report show
it the most destructive In property losses
ever experienced In this portion of the
state. ' Thousands of acres were burned
over, groves destroyed' and; scores of cat
tle, horses, sheep and hogs were consumed.
Many farmer lost their homes, barns, ma
chinery and grain, but the aggregate lots
csnnot b estimated. Besides fires In this,
(Beadle) county, reports from losses In Jer
auld, Sanborn, Sully, 'Hand, SpLnk and
Kingsbury counties are received. Great
number Of farmer sustain srroill loss,
but -those whose losses run-fro.n 11,00) to
,000 are: Henry Miner, M. J. I-yon, Wil
liam Morrill, J. J. Wilson, Brown brothers,
Peter Janisch, Fred Johnson, George
Voung, Lew Lapler, Harry 8teele, , Lo
Papln, W. I Merrlman. Rom Htll Presby
terian association. Central. Dakota Tele
phone company. 13.000: At! Elevator and
Lumber company, tjn.OW;' Vandusen Ele
vator company; $8.000; . Chicago & North
western railway, $3.t0. Great Northern
railway, M.O00; Beadle wunty bridge, J,ooo;
and half dp sen school houses. Many per'
aons wer mote or lea burned or other
swlsa Injured, but r death are reported.
In thla city thl nfternoon, fire destroyed
Whakn' livery vara, damaged the Wind
sor betel sevePai hundred dollars and
ruined tho W. 1. Miner building occupied
by William If. Holliater A Co.. proprie
tor of the Meaning Herald printing estab
lishment. Nearly all the paper stock an
furniture was saved and the type and fix
ture are demoralised, but the presses are
uninjured. "Printera of th eity Joined office
force andthe paper Will not miss an Issue.
PIERRE, S. D., April 18. (Special Tele
gramsFire In Bully county yesterday
were rytnote from telephones and It is not
asy Vo get reports. 8o far as can be
learned that In western Sully destroyed
the aheda on the Hayes ranch near old
Clifton and burned a large amount ot hay
for different farmer. The fire In eastern
8'jlly destroyed the barns and sheds on
t,he farm of Albert Toungbcrg. No other
rartlcular damage has been learned of up
to thla evening.
O'NEILL, Neb.. April 1. (Bpectal Tele
gram.) The most destructive prairie fire
that has 'visited this country for years
swept over a large strip of territory north
east and east of thl city yesterday after
noon and last night. The fire wa carried
along by a fifty-mile gale and swept every
thing In it path, destroying several
houses, barna, granaries and thousands of
tons of hay and mile of fence post. $ A
man named Davenport, living about seven
miles northeast of the city, was plowing
fire guarda when the fire caught him.
The team ran away, throwing him down
and the flames passed over him. burning
his face, head and hands terribly. It Is
thought he cannot live. He wa about tt
year old.
Many farmer lost horses and cattle
and very few In the territory awept by
the fire but what lost nogs. The amount
Of damage dohe cannot be ascertained for
a few day, as all telephone lines in the
eountry through which the fire passed are
but of commission, the poles being burned
for miles. Among those who lost every
thing they had except their live stock are:
Con Shea, Jsmee Comecan and C. B. Rock
ford. These lost all their household goods
and clothing, aaving but the clothes they
wore at th time. It la estimated that the
fir, covered a territory ot thirty square
mllea. , ' u - -
Blase Starting From In known Caase
Threat an a North Side
Fire atartlng from an unknown cause in
a barn at 1S41 North Nineteenth street yes
terday afternoon consumed two barns,
scorched three others and for a time, fanned
by a high wind, .threatened to produce a
general conflagration In the neighborhood.
When the fire department arrived the
flamea were ao hot It waa Impossible to get
within 100 feat of the barn. The dwelling,
which la occupied by P. J. Mfebar was
alao burning on tha aide nearest the fire.
Tha wind had hurled aparka to the roofs
of aeveral other dweliinga and they were
atartlng to burn and the occupanta were
cariying out their furniture.
The two barna and aeveral outhouse
which wer entirely consumed were not 'f
great value and wer Insured. Th on
north of th place where th fir started
belonged to VT. V. Edwards. It la due to
the coolness of Mra. Edwards that a horse
In thia barn wa saved. 8h led th animal
out to aaety when the flame were already
eating away at th etructur.
Mr. Meehan waa slightly burned about
th fae ana neck.
The origin ot th fir i attributed to
parks, possibly from omeola srpoklng In
th loft of th barn, wher a quantity of
hay waa ctored. '
Brick Strwctar for laaaaaaael Bap
tist Ooagreerattoa . Will Be
Complete Thla Fall.
Work haa begun on tha erection of th
new Immanuel Baptist church at tha comei
of Twenty-fourth and Plnkney atreet. Th
structur la to be of brick and to coat be
tween IH.W0 and fll.OOO, eacluaiv of fin
tshlng. W. R. Flalay to th architect and
Pater Wind Boa hava tha contract for
th building of th new church, th contract
calling for tha completion of th baaement
for th Sunday School room by August
1, and th completion of th entlr building
early In th fall. Th etcavation waa made
last falL The building will have a frontage
of 100 feet on Twenty-fourth street and lit
feet on Plnkhty aucet.
Th new Immanuel Baptlat church will
be much similar, In architectural line, to
th new First Baptlat church, aay th pas
tor, nv. P. It. MctKjwell. It will have no
teeple or tower and will be simple In con
structlon. Th old frum church building
on Twenty-fourth and Blnney atreet will
be aold. Th raising of money for th conj
structlon or tn caurcn waa begun last
April, and autflclent funds have been aub
scribed to allow th dedication ot th edi
fice free of debt.
Vlekrj Haetfaaaat Appeal to B
II at
: aa Talk el Athletlaa a
Mentor!! Day.
Vlcksburg regiment No. 1, Union Veter
an union. mvBHoa ei ricoraaaa, ha peti
tioned Governor Sheldon to prevent athletlo
caret on Memorial day, submitting to
him thl appeal, algned by W. H. Hatte-
rom, adjutant:
At a regular meeting ot Vliksburg regt
. . ..... . r . , . m m.
invat . luwu vnmiii 'union, I
plated desecration of Memorial day by
public athletic contest at lsocoln betwe
iy a
tae Luiwrsiiv or iNeoraaaa and tha .
vereUy ef fcUnnreote, to whica It la
9mrtA I n I . m.hlU. n... a ..... . .
- - - - - iiwHiuni
of th Board of Regent have given their
consent, wa gtacuaeea and heartily an4
unanimously condemned, and the under-
the sentlnit-nts expresoed t thst meetln.
in veterans im son of vttersn of this.
regiment deplore the fart that It Is neces
sary to remind any bodv of American clil
tens lor Mudrnte that Memorlnl t'.y Is a
snered day In tbe Amrrtcrtn calendar,
sacred tn the meirlnrv i,l all'nur heroes
dead, sacred to tho scarred and' maimed.
sacred to the widow who gave their hm-
tianrls and to the mothers who gave their
sors for their country.
We believe that such an exhibition would
be a dtreet violation of the 1stuti of thl
state relative, to the desecration of M.-
hicrial ly, and are loath to believe that
the Board or Kegcnts, or any member, has
glvn concent thereto. - "
We renpectfully and earnestly call upon
you to see thst sny Mich desecration ff
Memorial day be forbbldcn and that th
law be tnforced.
It Denies That It Mas Any t alavrfnl
Agreement With Harrl-
SALT LAKE CITY, ttah, April It-
Answer to the charge made by the United
Statea government Ml. Us suit to dissolve
the Harrlman system of railroads as a com
bination in restraint ot tiado was filed In
the I'nlted Stajea court yesterday by the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa-' Fe railroad, one
day before the expiration! of the time al
lowed it to answer. .'
The answer of th Santa Fe is similar to
those already filed by th? other defendants
In the case and makes a aweeplng denial
of the various charges of conspiracy and
Illegal combination It is asserted in th
answer that the VrJon Pacific and Southern
Paclflo companies have nothing to do with
the polk.j of the Santa Fe, and that the
latter road ;a a competl(or of the Union
and Southern Paclflo. Denial Is made that
E. H. Harrlman ever obtained the use of
the Santa Fe tracks In southern California
in connection wtth the Salt Lake, route, the
road built by Senator W. A. Clark, and
owned Jointly by him and the Harrlman
The answer alao declares that the Harrl
man Interests In the Santa Fe were not ot
controlling nature and were merely an
Investment on the part of Harrlman.
Novel Frrearsto Be Amonsr Kahlblt
at Big Klrrtrlcnl Show la
"Ice cream made while you watch."
This sign will be hung out at the elec
trical show at the Auditorium next month.
A leading manufacturer of the cast has
realised the necessity of a housewife hav-
ng some method for the quick freezing
of Ice cream and has constructed an elec
trically operated domestic freeier, the total
weight of which Is hut thirty-four pounds.
It may be attached to an ordinary electric
light socket, for tt Is adjusted to any kind
of:urrent. This Is but one of the many
new and Interesting novelties . for which
the manufacturers are asking space at the
electrical show.
Alleged Protection of Gang of Crimi
nals Kxplained Away la Sat
lafaetory Manner.
PITTSBCRO, ApriH. Assistant Superin
tendent of Police .John Glenn, formerly
head of the Allegheny City police brfor
the consolidation of .greater Pittsburg, ha
made complete report to Mayor Guthrie
regarding his alleged protection of a gang
of criminals known aa"yvggs," who in
fested the north side. Mayor Guthrie will
not make the report public. Following a
short hearing today Glenn was exonerated
and the Investigation closed as far aa the
police trial board Is concerned.
Barnhara-apeldlBK. ,
WYMORK, Neb., April 16.-Bpeclal.)-,
Earl M. Burnham and Miss Pearl Spalding
wer married at St. Luke s Episcopal
church In thla city at 8 o'clock last even
ing. Rev. Benjamin Bean officiated. None
but the wltnesaes and th contracting par
ties were present. The bride Is the daugh
ter of Mrs. M. Kness of this city; the
groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Burnham. Both had lived In Wymore since
childhood, graduating together from the
high school In 1M6. Mr. Burnham has
edited tha Wymore AVymorean for a num
ber of years and will continue In that
BEAVER CITY, Neb., April 15. (Special.)
Mae E. Shafer and James Clyde Cameron
were married Wednesday evening at th
residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mra. W. H. Shafer, Rev. J. 8. Russel offi
ciating. Only a few Intimate friends and
relatives were present. After the ceremony
a three course luncheon was aerved. The
bride ia prominent In social clrclea her
and the groom ia one of the proprietors ot
tha Cameron Drug company of thia city.
Miss Llllle Bllxt, daughter of the late
Augustus Bllxt, and Gkorgo W. Miller wer
married Wednesday at s p. m., at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bllxt, cousin
of the bride. Rev. Charles W. Bavldge
perfegned the ceremony. Refreshment
were served.
Miss Edith Jones, daughter of John A.
Jones, and Kenneth Beektell were married
by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at his resi
dence, Wednesday at S p. m. .
Mill at Gerlag.
OERINO, Neb.. . April 16.-(8peclal Tele
gram. -The North Platte Valley Roller
mills at this place Were totally destroyed by
fir st jan early hour this morning. These
Bear in mind that trood
beer is health sustaining.
To be sure of good beer
make t m point to ask io
Jtlm9t Thm Jam Ol4 CeaaT Btmtm
The hop bitten act at an
appetizer and dicestant and
the malt nourishes. Dnnk
'Blatz with vour meals.
Have it on the family table
i and enjoy its benefits.
'Wbolasala Paalar,
fjot-ie Xagla U Cor.
sgla Cor. Sth. I
Ikragla Seal. J
maha, jrb.
J Remember the I
ATHarKjukrr 1
IA Bear in mind that trood V
gf i a - l mm mm s m it k.m
Our 13th Annual Soda Fountain Opening will occur tomorrow afternoon and Evening
and owing to the installation of our new Soda Fountain which is the larbest and most beau
tiful in this western country," we have made more extcsive arragements than ever before in
the history of our business.
Music, Flowers, Souvenirs, Etc. All Are Invjieji.
We have made arrangements with the National ("amlv
Company of ChlrRgo for the sale of their celebrated Cha
teau t'haeolates. With each hnx we give a handsome Gllison
Girl pk-ture worth at least 25 rents.
Chatau Chooolstea, 1-lb. box, 6Se; S-lb. box, $1.30.
The National Candy Company have supplied n with
1.000 samples and we will present these to each lady cus
tomer as long aa they last.
Bishop's Candy Easter Eggs
Ms-lb. box Original Allcgretti Chocolate Creams 30c
1- lb. box Original Allegretti Chocolate Creams. .60c
2- lb. box Original Allegretti Cliocolate Creams $1.20
We have long been agents for Hurler's candies ami carry their line of Special Mixtuiy,
Fine Mixed and Mixed Chocolates ,ns well as the Specialties'. Fresh goods received for to
morrow. ' '
Dris and Toilet Goods Bargiaivs for Tomor
row at the New Drug Store
25c Mermen's Talcum
Powder 15c
25c Colgate! Toilet Powd
er, all odors 15c
I-Ill f .! I To' Bl II
Cut Rate Druggists. Big New
r. fj. Our eclarred stor g-iv additional room In our Cigar Department and th
to th publle la th pact will s continued and' wa especially Invite your attention
ii Jt jimr7m:,j.,L, !,ilmimtmrmmmt.itm,ituM. twi. unujaiai n ji .JltlMtm?Mf
were the oldest mill In weatern Nebraska
and were owned by J. B. Boyer, who I
chairman of the republican county central
committee ' and a well known cltiten of
thl section. HI lot la upwards of tlS.OOO,
upon which ha hold Inaurance in the
Phoenix of Brooklyn to the extent of $6,000.
The fire originated In the engine houas
and it and the main building were in ruin
within an hour after the fire waa discovered.
Alao a grain house adjoining containing
about 10,000 bushel of grain. A warehouse
containing 50,000 pound of flour wa saved
only by a change ot the prevailing wind.
Perfunctory Selection Made by Bflne
Me Who Hold Proxlea of Ma
Jorlty ot Stockholder.
BAN FRANCISCO, April 10. -Tho Soulh
ert. Pacific Railway company, which own
Uie a.SOO mllea of line from Bt Francisco
to El Paao, Including both the Soft Joaquin
and the coast route to t Angele, and
ha a capital alack of (160.000,000, hud It
annual meeting of atockholder here, yes
terday Of th total of 1.600,000 aharaa the
nine men who attended the brief aeasion
represented and perfunctorily voted 1,690,
g00 shares for the following eleven dlrcctora,
who wer unanimously elected:
W. D. Cornlah, E. K. Calvin. C. II. Red
Inston, William P. Merrln. I. W. Heltman,
Homer a King. Jame K. Wilson, Dr. F.
Ki Alnaworth. H. A. Jone, William Hood
and 3. V. Wilieutt.
Aaaoaacemrata of the Theater.
Never tn the hlatory of the Orpheum ha
there been uch a wide-spread lntereat In
a single feature aa Is being manifested In
tha Fadettea Woman'e orchestra of Boston,
which cornea next week. Intejfat In "The
Fadettea" la not confined to Omaha, but la
shown by people In the ourroundlng towns
fnr mllea out. The ordera received at th
box office show that many visitors will
come to hear "The Fadette." Theater par
ttoa nromlae to be a feature next week.
Order for boxes and large number of
seat in block show thl.
Vaaderllle Act era aad Kmployea ot
Orakeam Flay Ball.
All th performer on thl Week' bill at
the Orpheum and all of the employee of the
vaudeville theater, together with thoBO
from tha other Omaha theater, will be on
band at Twenty-fourth and California
atreeta at 10 o'clock thla morning to watch
a picked nine from th Orpheum houe em
ploe do battle for eupremacy on the dia
mond with a nine made up entirely of
actor on thl wwk'i bill. Uoth ldee ea
presa confidence In their proweaa and a
deelr to apply a ooat of whitewash to
their opponent. Th lineup will b a
folic ws:
. Austin
. Austin
,. Harry
Wt Us
... First ,
... Third
... I-eft
... Center....
. Short Russell
Umpire, Mr. Rltter.
Wyaaara ta Have Racea.
WYMORK. Neb., April IH (Special.) At
a meeting this morning twenty business
men decided race should be held thl year
on th atate circuit, aa haa been Intended.
It will be neceaeary to have I wenty-wven
men subscribe 160 each to make the meet
ing go. Eighteen signatures were obtained
tl ia morning. ,
Pramatlaa tor Sraak S. Morlay.
MARSHA LX.TOWN-, Ia., April l.-(Bpe-claL
Division Trainmaster Frank 8. Mor
ley of Monmouth, who has been In charge
of the Eastern and Illlnola dlvistona ot
tKe Iowa Central, waa today made assistant
trainmaster, with th entlr ibietaa bis
territory. M aervea under Trainmaster J.
JC. McCalhey of Oskaloosa.
Mar Mea Laid O.
CRE8TON. la , April 16. (Special.) De
spite the order issued by the Burlington a
short tlm ago tbat all old employe .would
! . a v a ar mo.
Afternoon and Evening 1
Saturday, April
C&jvdy Prices for Easter
Oranges 15c Per
EOo Mm. XM'hell' raca Powder, 39c.
35o Mme. X'bU' race Fowder, 19o. (Jw lit.)
Wo have iniKle aperlal arrangements with tlie Mni.
iMe'tiell'H Cimpany to alve a prize with earh puri-lmae of
their ko(k1b for the eornina; wec-k. With earh box of Fue
Powder wo K've a numler wlih-h entitle the purchaser to
either a beautlfu' linmi painted plte or a box of Mme.
Ise'ltell'a HKln Food.
U El 11 Hhl U
Store at the Old Location, 16th AND FARNAM STREETS
bo reinstated who were dropped during the
montha of December and January fifteen
extra brakemen at this place have been
laid off Indefinitely In the lant few days.
- Intere-atlag find In Moonil.
BOONK, la.. April 16. The Stuto His
torical department today unearthed in a
mound near Boone human bones, aulmul
bonea and human teeth, historical docu
ments from ancient urns and other curios.
The relics are believed to have been tho
work of the ancient mound builders.
Yale's Wooden Spoon.
For many years, lown to 1872, the wooden
spoon wus tliH moat coveted honor of a
Vale course. . It did not necessarily Indicate
tlie highest scholarship, but it was voted
by the Kraduutlnu clnoS to the most popu
lar man. The "sKon man" of a clubs was
its hero. The otllt r boys loved him anil ho
was almost Invariably a person who Justi
fied that affection. Tho list of "gpoon
men" would Include some of the most emi
nent of Yale graduates. There were nine
members ot each class selected by their
classmates, and these were known as
"cocks," which Is short and Knglisli for
"cochleauretttl." To one of these nine was
awarded the spoon, and they all Joined In
a public performance called the wooden
spoon exhibition, at which the ceremony
of presentation was gone through with all
the wit that a college class could master.
Tho last "spoon man" was Robert H. Lee
of Nashville, Tenn., of tlie class of '71. He
died some yeara ago in l'aris. Hartford
Shucked by DurnlnH Fence.
Violating a simple principle of physics,
that water Is an electric conductor, Mrs.
Curtis Gross and aeveral of her neigh
bors In a bucket brigade at York. Pa., re
ceived a disagreeables surprise when they
attempted to extinguish a burning back
fence.. ...
Although they were unaware of the
fact, the flr had been caused by a live
(electric wire falling across tha fence.
When they threw the water from gal
vanised bucket upon the fence where the
wire touched, the electric current waa con
ducted through the unbroken stream of
water to their bodies. Several linemen
found them very nervous from the myster
ious shocks and explained the trouble.
Philadelphia Record.
( 1 LanpheA
Pi Aa. Yaw Dealer.
ft A
a a a j t m -oh.', by t s o
) KM.tllT SKT fHOt'DLATKS FiU 2Q ''
Our 29c Sr.lurday Candy is woll 'Jtnown.'f orbits
vnltto and Is tho only mil 60c Candy sold for 29 cents
In the'cltyv ,1 .V..'
Tt).M )HIM ) V. " " "'
or California
1 - lb. box of Hurler's Fine Candy 40o.
Mb. box of Huyier's Fine Candy. .80c
2- lb. box oNIuvler's Fine Candy $1.60
2.-C. 4711 Soap. ...;. 12c.
1- ll. Pntkliijj Cmilor ;
at .25c
2- oz. fiood Insect Powder
at , , . ..10r
Wi H H U m
ame Bargains that w bar offered'
to that department.
aWMiaijajLMj tiial U'jmrtlUjmWgWWBBSBa
11 UU VVOM&d
ai Hcaion s
And Six .Mounted McHHcngerg Assure
lroin!t S'driee.
Bell Douglas 81, Drugs and Order
Department. ' '
Bell Douglas 82, Prescription Depart
ment. I LJli U 1 B OO, JUHJU 1UU1 aim
Bell Douglas 166, Florist ' Depart
ment. -Independent-i-AlSSu.
15th AM) FAItXAM. ,
T"l 1 I T CO Ulntn T.'l An.l
7:aaaa w ajf j vaa. ITUMSi
rntBT wtti'i omxmi .
niOBI 10o aad asc
at on Bala On Wk la Advance,
April 18th, 1008.
Itcher h1 Keats on Sale Tlmrs-
day Morning, April 16th.
PRICES 6th; 75c, 1, $1.50, .,
Matinees Daily. 2:15 Every Right, 'g:15
THIS AV E K K J oh n C. Rico and Bally
Cohen, I'aullna Hall, N'elli Floreda and
Her Blx Englluh Rockers, Bertie Horow,
Eight Pliklaiiis, Iininan'a Novelties, Haily
and Austin and the Kinodrome.
I'RICS-lUc, Jic aud Cuo.
m K.o-t6o-Bto-7io,
fhone: liell, Iug. W, Ind. A IMG,
Jag Director Baeoa' 0i Fu
toral Claaalo-v
TMSi HITI.S or CAI.t70S.arlJ
K.Klt wna Itaughtar aad Yaara
Matiaeaai Tuu.. Thar.. Sat. aad liuu.
NciV VUUaua.i4Uitt's B(t tHTlH,
hi i i. , mm,, m umn