TTTE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. ATOTL 17, IPOS. rranso Economically Interestina Snecials i EASTER SPECIAL! MO.MfAV TDK IlIU HA1.V. OF lMlMKSTK'S. Q5 " NIIKKTS, PILMV CASKS. MISMNS, KTO. I.I4. KTl". V i - g i Remnant Day If do li i LP' ' 1 12 TnTTiT7TTT GREAT SALE OF Thousands of genuine mdney saving bargains for Fri day. Don't miss this bargain day. Buy the goods you want: for less money than any store ever offered them be fore. A chance for economy. cm Day THE KEI.lf.BLK ST! j - SPKCIAL SILK SALE FRIDAY 50c Silks at 156 Yd. The greatest Silk bargain of the season 3,000 yards of the new fancy and plain silks, in Lonisienes. Pongeos, pretty printed Foulards, Japanese Hahutai, Changeable Taffetas, Messalines and Satins. This is reg ular 50c fjuality silk, that we offer' on bar gain square Friday at, per yard Black Dress Taffeta 36-inch oil boiled Taffetas, beauti ful luster and finish. This is $1.25 vd. wide black 7 Ot - m at m-m 15 c taffeta, wltich we will sell Friday at, per yard. TIip tvost V-av of Sillts Rajah, Mandarin, Tuscan, natural' and dyod Pongees, plain and fancy dress and lining silks. Paillette de Solo, Radium Silks and colored Taffetas, short lengths from 2 to l. yards, that we have been selling up f down to 12-00, at 69c 25c Remnants and Odd Lois of DreSS Goods 75c Dress Goods at 19c Per Yard New spring dress fab rics, in remnants and regular piece goods, all the weaves in light and medium checks, stripes, mohairs,. batistes, veilings, plaids for children's dresses, etc., reg ularly worth up to 75c at, per yard. . . .'. 19c EMBROIDERY SALE These are medium and wide Embroideries, Flouncings, Corset Cover Embroideries in odd lots and remnants new patterns; worth up as high as 25c per yard three big bargain squares, at, C 1 A t per yard JC-IUC-IZ 2C REMNANTS OF FINE LACES French and German Vals., Torchons and Clunys, in vari ous widths; -thousands of yards, on four big bargain squares, Friday, worth' as high asf Z C 15c per yard at, per yard C"SC-CC Caster Millinery Don't put off buying your Easter hat until the very last day. Come to Brandels Friday where you will have a better selec tion. We can give you better attention. Come In the morning If you can. A STUNNING DRESS HAT Extra special for Friday we offer this up to date spring hat Merry Widow Sailors or high crown effects with turned up brim newest colors latest CIA styles, at $1U FREE COOKING SCHOOL EVERY DAY IW HOT7SEFTJBNISHIITQ SEPT BASEMENT, OLD 8TOKE . W give demonstration and Itnom in scientific oak making-. Make It special polat to attend any time during the day and recall free lnstrnotlons Friday Spt-rlul. J OMAHA- 1 48 Ex- l,000 Kiwr Pants Suits, strong chev , lots and Scotches, plain colors or fancy mixtures; all seams' are rein forced; a splendid Easter opportun ity to buy these $2.50 and $3.00 Knee Pants Suits at Hoys' straight Knee Pants, with elsinr 'Waist Bands "and susnendfir fiitton. worth 75c 30 Coys' Knickerbocker Suite, $2.50 Russian Sailor and Sailor Blouse styles, all up-to-date spring designs, regularly sold at $4.00. Brandeis' faster special price Secend floor, old store. ., Boys' Black Sateen Shirt W a Is Blouses Mother's Friend Percale Waists. : dozen of them at, each I"; Boys' Knee Pants, one big lot, includ ing all sizes, per pair 2-i Boys' Long Pants Sulta, $10.00 values at 83.08 150 39 50 If j, OMAHA j Friday Special. In Our Basement Clothing Dept. EASTER CLOTHES FOR BOYS $2.50 Knee Pants Suits $1.48 BRANDEIS mm - f t l-i's-'"5. H Friday, and Saturday we will give FREE A Dottle of Fine Easter Wine to every purchaser of a quart bottle or more of MILLER'S BRANDS 6f Pure Whiskies You are always safe in using Hiller brands of liquors, because It's the brand your doctor can recommend. Full Quarts: 80c. $1 and $1.55 ASK THE DOCTOR ! IF IT COMICS FKOM IT MUST BE GOOO 1309 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 1241 Prompt Deliver' II J sQU i a , L-M ka.a1 98c for Lingerie and Lawn Waists Worth Friday, Bargain Day, brings one of the best sales of the year. Fifty doz en charming styles for Immediate and summer wear They are daintily trimmed with laces and embroider- Tailored to $1.75 ies; quite elaborate, too they were made for sell-, ing up to $1.75. As we underbuy we undersell Friday you get choice of any for In fact 98c Clearing Up Odds and Ends Silk Pclllcoals al $3.95 $3.95 8 i n i nnaiB Black and Tan EASTER OFFERINGS $3.50, $4, $5, $5.50 and $6 Walk-Over Nettleton SNAPPIEST IN OMAHA. OXFORDS for YOU at the Walk -Over Shoe Store H I On Sale Friday. 314 South 15th Street. (Four doors Bo. Beaton Drug Co.) no. . THOMPSON. Walk-Orar Man. Omaha's Pnre Food Center. Restaurant on 2nd Floor FRIDAY'S SPECIALS. Bishop's California Preserves, 50c Bize 25 New York Cream Cheese, lb. 20 Pretzels, per lb 1-lb. Steak Salmon, lb .....15 Lemons, per dozen 10 Large Oranges, per dozen. ..25 2 beads Lettuce 5? Fresh Eggs, per dozen . . -12 Fresh Country Butter, lb . . ,22 FISH DEPARTMENT Baby Halibut, per lb 12 Fresh Lake Trout, Pr lb . . . 18 Fresh Eels, per lb 15 Buck Shad, per lb 45 Roe Shad . $1.00 Extra Roes, per pair 501 About fifty of them and well worth $5.0o and $6.50. Most all good '.plain colors 'some changeable taffetas, fancy stripes and plaids. Only one of a kind for Friday Bar gain day, at Friday A Fine Special in Silk Princess Dresses These .magnificent costumes are absolutely new and fashionable. There are either plain taffetas or fancy striped models and each is garn ished with beautiful laces, silk piping and fancy buttons. There are charming net or lace sleeves, and attractive lace yokes. Nothing newer made. You can wear these for Easter an an alterations are scarcely necessary. No store shows I U anything as beautiful under 525.00. Friday for jjvtlv Your Easter Gloves Should Come From Bennett's If you appreciate the g-oodn of good goods you'll coma bar. Evary wanted kind and color In silk, llale and kid glovea, in every length, la on sale for Easter week. . . We sell the f amons Itayser and Townes brands of silk glove and best rrench and Italian brands of kid glovea. lC-button length silk CA 9 gloves, at P1.JW, 96 18-button length lisle gloves, for $1.00 2g!ovS,Krr.8,.,k...50c, 75c, $1 16-hutton length kid gloves, at $S.50 oT8k,r:?8!$l, $1.25 to $2.00 1.;r8..Glo::,:B: $1. $1.25 to $2 "Let's Go to Bennett's For Hosiery." It'a a common snylrw, women have learned to depend on the ntncklnc they buy hore. The Kaster display la very extensive and every style that Is correct Is shown. Plain llsles, lace llsles. lace boot lisles, hand embroidered, and ailk Stockings, In blacks, tans and many colors 25c 35c 50c 75c $1.00 to $5.00 Two Exceptionally Good Friday Shoe Specials Good shoes, good atyles, but not all sliea. Mot all oan be fitted, however, a and women's style. tv, . , . , . , . . , , . ... , I " omens velvet kill house slippers, Hen' 66 pairs men's low cut vlcl kid shoes. plain or tip toes, tui are ti t2.f0 quality, for px.Oy hand turned, with medium heel. soft and comfortable, fl-f - ( fi.nn (iiiallty, for ipJ-.XtJ Special Friday Bargainat the White Goods Counter 16c and 18c Cream Turkish Tow els, large size, good "I 1 weight, Friday . XX1 $1.25 Bedspreads, Marseilles pat terns, full size, splendid QQ.i weight, Friday tJOKs 20c Dimities and Madras, figured, checked and striped and odds and ends of walstings,' 0 Friday Bird's Kye Cotton, 10-yard pieces, 24 and 27-inch; 95c and $1.00 goods, Friday, piece, fJO. 10 yards UKj English and American Plain White Dinnenvare From the Ses Moines Department Store Stock at Actual Value. worth 11.6 Caps and, Sauoers, a dozen, pair . . , 7-lnoh Plates, worth 90o a 0 dozen, each 6-lnoh riatee, worth 75c a dozen, each I 5-lnch PL.t, worth 80c a dozen, each Read These Startling Reductions. 3c 2c 2c 9c 10c 19c 160 Platter,, 6, t and 8-tnch, Friday 4o Coupe Sonp Plates, worth 90c o a dozen, each ly 7 and B-inch Plate, worth 20c, each 83o Sauce Boat, Friday for 40o Covered Batter Dishes, Friday riartney & Go 17th Douglas St. Phone Dong. 47 Private exchange eonneot all Depta. SPECIAL SALE OLD STORE MAIN FLOOR Women's SAMPLE SHOES a These are samples of the highest quality lace and button shoes; high or low cut patent and viei kid and gun metals. We specially mention women's sample oxfords in patent , kid and vici, tans and blacks, welt or turned soU, sizes 21, to 4, only; but worth up IO to $4.00, per pair Friday in I)asement Shoo Department Women's low ahues of vlcl kid, some Mlsaee Vlcl Kid Fhoes. lare or but patent leather, worth ft. ton, sitae 1 to t. worth f 1 60, qo. 11.00, at "uc per pair Children' on strap Misses strap slipper Infant a . strap slippri slliiDer patent lealh- llent kid, orth tans or black, sizes 'it. vl to 11. at o 11.60. at Me 3 to 6. at 6o rnftn rnn Wwk na nervous ma IUR Who find their wower t NrRVF work and youthful vigor " gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take GHAT'S N&HVU FOOD PLLLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man gain. fl Bozi 3 hose S9.50 hv mall. SBS&JaAJI ft HoOOnSLL D&UO CO, Cor. 16th and Dodf Bt. owi Dkua coatpAmr Cor. lStb and tuuraer ftts. Omaha. Web. SATURDAY the entire stock of Parlor Lamps, and Electric and Gas Portables from the Des Moines Depart ment Store Stock purchase will be on sale. i I Get the Right Corset So much depends on the Corset for the success of your Easter gown that It Is extremely Important that you have an expert help you be correctly fitted to the coreets adapted to your Individual style of figure, This department Is In charge of capable corsetieres who know your need and will assist you In getting them. AKZBZCAH BBAUTT COXSBTS are corset per fection. They Impart a shapeliness and a graceful contour that Is very pleasing and bring out effec tively the best points of a cleverly fashioned gown. AKEKICAX BZAVTT COMETS, Ho. 377, are de signed for medium and tall stout figures, extra high front extending over the bust and long hipless effect well dressed women .demand, heavy front and side mm supporter AKEKICAr BBAUTT COXSBTS, Vo. 307, for atout figure, medium low and high bust models, S3 long back, extra heavily boned. tnree pair supporters Friday In the Domestic. Room , You'll not wonder that women get enthusiastic over Hayden'al. Friday Bargains when you look over the values. Everything advertised shown everything sold as advertised. 25c and 35c Waslf Goods 7ic Silk Warp Olnphams. 3fic gno: 356 Lingerie Chirks; 25c ainfthaniB; 19o Ginghams, and other goods worth up to 35c, at, a yard 74 Extra Specials 10c Percalrs 5 12c PercalPg. 36-in, wld ....7. 10c White Crtiods 3H JOc Trlntcd Hatlgte 2V4 7c Ajiron Checks .". . 14 yards. 2 yarfls and 2Vx ard wide Sheetings, up to 30c yard, will go at, a yard . . .V 12V4 . Come early. 25 cent Wash Goods at 5c Arnold's Swiss Appliques, worth 25c: Arnold's Drap de Llndle; Arnolds Sergos;' Arnold's Voiles, etc., long lengths, at, a yard . . . 4 5 25c, 35c, 39c and 19c Wash Goods 10c Arnold's, celebrated Silk Organdies; 60c Silk Warp Ginghams; 50c Organ files; Anderson's celebrated Scotch Ginghams; 25c Voiles; 25c Madras; 25c Printed Fancies; 39c White Check and Stripes, and other goods worth up to 50c yard, all on one table at- ard ' AVJEIMUI kaiaaaue BEAUTY Style 7? Certat Ca, Makan D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. '(Successor to Dr. EL. Lb Ramacdottl.) ASSZSTAJrV STATB VBTBBXVABXajE, Offio and XoapltaJ. 8810 Call Promptly Answered at All Hoar. Theae omoe mra wf. ffmshs VH HOTELS. Willi IBT SETAOIT ' Stop at HOTEL TULLER Absolutely Fireproof. Cor. A4aa Are. and ark BV In the center of the Theater, bhop plng and bUHlnes fUtrict. A la Cart Cafe. Grill Room. Kervlce Unexcelled. SVBBY BOOM WITI BATH. KUAornAJi rx.AX. " BATXS. tIM SAV AJTO Mr. J.. W. Ttri.I.8. Pro. aC. A. Shaw. atg. Soda Foontain Luncheonettes Brer ret tired of Bestaoraat Cook lnff Try our Soda Touotala Xoaoh. Strictly Horn Cooking-. A few of oar Btandardai ' Individual Chicken Pot Plea, built up with potatoes 16o Strawberry Short Cake lOe Koast Bftf Sandwich, with brown gravy lOo Baked Bean lOo ' Chicken Noodle Soup loo Etc. Ktc. We also serve the very best Soda Water pnssihln to serve at the lowest price. Ice Cream Soda Sc. Borth Balcony Barney Entrance. Advance Announcement Nest week a furniture sale that will set the town talking one entire week beginning Monday. Preparations are now being completed. Our big third floor furniture store never had such bar gains before. Wait for this. Friday's Silk Specials , Always something doing in day's liaargains you'll find unu IN MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT. 75c black Millinery Taffeta, 36-inch wide, special at 400 $1.19 black Dress Taffetas, 36-Inch wide, special, at 75 $1.00 Rough Pongees, all Silk, in plain and fancy weaves, a snap, at, 'ard 690 Lace Curtains and Draperies Special values that insure splendid cash savings. Cluny Lace Curtains, with linen edge and insertion at, pair $3.05 Cluny Curtains, heavy net,, with edge , snap at, pair . , $2.50 Harnett Curtains. 54-lncb, wide, very elaborate designs, at, pair $ 81.98, 1.49 and $1.25 Madras Curtains, in all colors, very handsome, two big lots of odd pairs, on sale to close, at pair 1. 9 and $1.25 Cable Net Curtains, values to $8.50 . pair, on sale Frlady at, pair $4.98 Rope Portieres for single doors, greaily undcrpriced Friday, all colors, at, pair $2.50, $1.98, 1.35, 91-25 an OS Rope Portieres for double doors, very special bargains Friday, at, pair 91.9H, 92.25, $2.50, 93.25 and 4.0S Ruffled Kwiss Curtains, worth regu larly 75c pair, on sale Friday at, Pa1r 390 Curtain Madras, all colors, Cathedral designs, at, yard 250 our busy Silk Department Fri- sually interesting. $1.00 Novelties, plain Mespallnes and 27-inch Taffetas, black and colors, unsurpassed assortments, wonderful values at, yard G50 IX DOMESTIC ROOM. Plain and fancy Silks, worth to 75o yard, over 2,000 yards in the lot, in choice weaves and colorings, special, at- ard 350 Champion High Grqde Wool Dress Goods Sale FROM 0:00 TO 11:00 A. M. ' 5,000 yards of Henriettas, Broadcloths. Serges, Panamas, Voiles, Shepherd Checks, Tailor Suitings, Mohairs, Fancies, etc., ranging In price from 75c to $4.00 yard, in four great lots, Lot 1..:. 25c Lot 3.... 49c Lot 2. .. 39c Lot 4.... 59c FROM 2: OO TO 4:00 I. M. Another sale of New' Goods not shown In the forenoon, at 19c 25c 39c and 49c 3,000 yards of Wool Dress Goods. worm from 50c to 75c yard, at. 150 yard Remnants of High Grade Linens AH Kemnanta will go in 7 lots Lot 1..12VSC. Lot 3.... 19c Lot 2 15c Lot 4 Lot 5 39c Lot 6 49c Lot 7 59c Afternoon an entirely new line of Linen Remnants. A-Clean Sweep Friday in Hardware 4-quart Zinc Rose Sprinklers ...19c Union Made Parlor Brooms. .. .17$ c 12-tooth wrought steel Garden Rake for 17 He 50c 2 4-tooth steel Lawn Rake... 25c Best bell steel double Hoe, 50c qual ity ......29c 35c steel Hoe, a bargain ......... 15c 95c lightning steel Spading Fork. .49c 3-ply rubber Garden Hose, foot.... He 98c Hose Reels, best made 49r 25 children's 3-p:ece Garden Sets,..c 10c Garden Trowels or Weeders. . .4c Extra quality Woven Wire alvanized Poultry Wire by the roll, per foot e-iocy Closing Out Dog Collars, worth 25e toX $1.00, on sale for 10c and 25cf Heavy Wire Carpet Beaters, only H-y 15c, Dust Pans , '. ,,5o 6-foot Ceiling Dusters ioc 75c Mall Boxes, one day only.... 29c Ready mixed House Paint, all colors. warranted three years, per gal.. 98c 15c cns Enamel g. Some interesting Grocery Prices for Easter 48-lb. ack bent Fancy Highest Fatwnt flour s. $125 10 bar best brand IjHiinrtrj' Soap 25c 10-lb. Back beat Granulated Cornmeal 15c BromanRPlon, Jellcon, or Jrll'O. pkg..74c 4 can fancy Sweot Sugar Torn 25c S-lh. cans nolld packed Tomatoes ,...Sc Wax, Green or Stringlens Heana, can 7 Vic 3-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy. Squash or Sauer Kraut Hc Fancy No. 1 Olives, per quart 3r,c Srhepp' C'otoanut. per pound 17Hc 1 lb. pkg. bent domestic Macaroni.... Vic The Hest Corn Starch, per pkg 4c Fancy Sweet Cookies, regular 1D0, 1 Mc, . . l"C .... 5c . . . . Rc 6c Wheat 6c 2nc sellers, oer pound Ffesh Crlnp Pretzels, per pound, Fresh Crisp 4?lnger Snap per lb, The Meat Soda Cracker, per lb.., yuaker Oats Company' Toasted Flakes, per package smiBD fruit raicus rom HASTES Choice California Prunes, per lb 4e Fancy California Prunes, per lb tc Fancy Santa Clara Prunes. pr lb.... 7 He Fancy Muwcatel Kalslns, per lb 7V4C Fancy Cal. Seedless Raisins, per lb..7VjC Fancy Imp. Sultana Halsins, per lh.,12Hc Fancy California Nctarlnes, per lb... 15c Fancy California Pitted PI rancy i aurornla Grapes, i Fancy New York F.vap. Ap rancy silver Prunes, per lb fancy Seeded Kaiain. per pkg roos, eoor, Baas ro lum. lb.... 1 6,1 P"r lb THc- ple, per lb.llo". . ' , "ll aii-jr u. i resits, ncith . Sng finer to be had, pr don T ... iS0 rKXBK TEOBTABLB VKIGS8 TOM. . . . KABTUr , 2 heads Fresh Leaf lettuce .... r I.aige Cucumbers, each ... 2 bunches Fresh Onions .... 2 bunches Frehh Parsley . . Wax or Green Heans. per lb rresn l eas, per quart .. Fresh Heets, Carrots or uuncn . .60 ..60 , .5o , .60 ,10o . .50 per Turnip, 40 Qt. boxes Fancy Hipa Strawberries It Wo r mil y ru'Bll I'HIPH, per in I'iC Fancy Imported K'r(in Figs, par lb.2w3 Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen jjo Fresh Hnasted peanuts, per qusrt 5a OKAHQIS OIAKOEI OKAJTOEB Our eighteenth car of extra fancy High, land Navel Oranges In for Faster. TheaA are Kanter Fancy and will sell at par oia iso. iso. it Ho, aoo. Many other New Modeis-i to $10 Bg Sale of Linoleums, Monday April 20 m HMDENS' Dennett's DIq Grocery I Bennett' Capitol Flour, 88-lb. sack $3.00 And Bennett Capitol Flour, 48-lb. sack $1.60 And Beonet's Capitol Flour, 24-lb. sack 8O0 And Bennett' Breakfast Coffee, two pound can 480 A ml Teas: B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Breakfast. Ceylon, pound 48o And Nutmeg Grater and dnun nutmeg lOo Anil Baspberrie. evaporated, pour.d '. 40o And Bennett' Capitol Oats, package lie And Marshall Kippered Herring, can SOo And Jall'O. lemon flavor, three package 85o And Hex Lye. three can aao And Pure Fruit Jam, larg Jar 8S0 And Royalton Lima Beans, two can SSo And Best W Have Beet, two can ,. .85 And Keonomy Milk, three, can .8So And Ghl'ardellls' Cocoa, pound can 600 And Advona Jama, currant, red cherries, raspberry, strawberry, can .-10 And B. W. H Pork and Beans, four can SSo A ileus Brown Bread Flour, package ISO And xao FECIAL An Immense quantity of fresh new laid country eggs, dozen ' ISO Ttaisina, Urge, three crown, pound ., ISVtO And 100 Green 60 Green 25 Green 40 Green 40 Green 6 Groeo 20 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 20 Green 20 Green 20 Green 10 Green 40 Green 5 Green 10 Oreen Stamps. Stamps. Stamp. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamp. Stamps. Stamps. Stamp. Stamp. 20 Green Stamp, j BENNETT'S CANDIES Grocery Section. Salted Peanuts, pound '. .' lOo Kaster Candy Fgg. 60 for So Kaster f'hlek. two for .60 Faster Babies, each 10o ih Rshblts. each 10a Fancy Chocolatea, pure fruit flavor, pound box..30o And 10 Gren Stamp. . j J HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION SOUTH Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. On April 21st the Illinois Central will sell Home seekers' Excursion tickets to many points in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. For rates and detailed information call at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, or write,; SAMUEL NORTH, District Passesger Agent. 1 h 0 tzs YOU OUGHT V. To make a gift of some kind for Kautu r. Let It be :'S. a article from our store. We have hundred of jr v. lllect'8 to s1 from. , , y W T Spend a few minute In our store. Look for ( i vt ) ith9 nme- ' & - - i 1 ' ' at VBK. a 4B 9 m ' ' m v j i . v. IvIdsay. jeweler 4 iiTi v .1 J if . 1510 IK) t'O LAS bTIlttX