A ft 4 1 L s crain and produce market Continued Dry Weather the Only Sus taining: Power. MARKET DULL, VALUES NARBOW Increased Demaad for Uhrat at Open Ins E Toward C !, While Corn Rated IMeady Local Trad. OMAHA, April 16, 130X. Grain market extremely dull and values ruled narrow. Weather condition are ruling; tha situation and continued dry weather aeema to be the only sustaining power and la offset by very favorable pros pect In all other rspects. Light, receipts on on aide are equally balanced on the other side by a very small demand. Wheat opened with the local crowd bull ish on the continued lack of rainfall and some Increased demand. .On a eliort rally soiling soon filled the demand and values gradually eased off toward the close. May wheat opened at h7tc and closed at BOc Corn ruled steady on soma local trade, but soon dulled down, with no feature to the market; receipt continue light and cash demand only fair. May corn opened ar filc and closed at 61c Oata held ateady but featureless and value unchanged. May oata opened at 4Wc and closed at 4Dc. Primary wheat receipts were 205,000 bush els and shipment 166,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 6SS.0U) bushels and shipment of 1,111,000 bushels. Corn receipt were 134,000 nushels and shipment 892,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 512,000 bushel and shipments of S92.0HO bushel. Clearances were 43.000 bushel of corn, S.Ono bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 148,000 bushels. Liverpool closed VS-Hd higher on wheat and 1 hlsher on corn. Local rang of options! Articles. Open. H1gh. Low. Cloe. Te'y. Wheat I May... ftftr, 80 coa, arry4 w July... n m f3 m ts Sept... 78 78 78 78 1 . n m t t Julv... M7), M 6S74 n'4 Fept... 68' 68 68I4I 68'4 6'A 49- 4M, 4! 4!T 4M. Omaha Cnah Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 0fr92c; No. 3 hard, 871 90c; No. 4 hard, HfrHTc; No. 3 spring, CORN No. 'J, 6U.c: No. 8, r.lr: No. 2 yel low. No. I yellow, eivi&mc; No. 2 white, 6H,c; No. I white. 6ir(iivic. OATS-No. 8 mixed, 47H'''MKc; No. 3 white, 48Vc; No. 4 white, 47Vtc8c. RVE No. 1 72373c; No. 3, HXglZc. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago 7 87 101 Minneapolis 88 Omaha 12 27 12 Duluth 12 I CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading and Closlnir ' Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 16 The wheat market closed strong today because of small ship ments from Argentina. Final quotations on tne May delivery were Unc higher. Corn was Sc lower, oat were down Vac .Pro visions were iWqliiv higher. The wheat mtirket opened firm because of small receipts In the northwest,, strong table and day weather In Kansus and Ne liiuska. ,lt soon weakened, however, on re purt from various points In Kansas that the much needed rain had fallen. Senti ment continued bearish until the final hour, when a sharp advance occurred on the nuallnrH of shipment from Argentina and prediction that the world' shipments for ..ie week will be light. The close was r rwfc'. May npenrd Siftiic to HWHc higher at l-Hi!)Jb sold off to 8A4jC and then ad- aneed to HJ'VV The close wa 2c. Clear ai'f en of wheat' and flour were equal to 1,.S,K0 bu. Primary receipt were 205,iOO bu.. iigalnat ffiR.tMO bu. on the same day last year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 117 car, against 141 cars Inst week and 64H cars a year aro. Corn was firm early In the day because " continued small receipts, but later the WinrVet heeame weak on selling by longs nnd rash Interests. Trsde was light all day. rile close was weak and near the low point. May opened unchanged at 6T4C advanced n 8TS,e and then declined to Wt,c. where It closed. Local receipts were 97 car, with 11 cars of contract grade. Oats wr weak because of the favorable outlook Upon the new crop. The volume of business wa small. Mav opened unchanged at 63o-. sold up to 63V, declined to Me end closed at 53'4c lxcal receipt were mi cars. Provisions were quiet and price firm be rause of smaller receipts of live hogs. At the Huae Mav pork was up 10c at $13.00. Lard was ffiTc higher at $9.O7V4r9.10. Ribs were V higher at $6.90. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 5 enra; corn, 155 car; oats, 167 car; hogs, 13.nr) head. There will ho no session of the board to morrow, Good .Friday. - The leading .futile ranged a follow: Article. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes'y. "Wheat May . July I I911.MM, 2H 90H 3V&'7 84 824 74 87 m 64 6V, 64 . W 1 K7. 63 62H,' 63 63, 6S 62 62 63 .' . 4S46Hiti4 4V 43 37VaH Si ' 871 IS 87H 18 02 87H 13 20 13 36 13 20 13 65 11 C7H It 65 8 05 8 10 8 06 8 22H 8 80 8 224 4-" 8 60 8 42ii 87, K trr 7 12 7 20 7 10 7 S7V 7 40 7 37H ff K5S 83H!83H'&1)4 M1 6714 3fj"l63'f(V,4 63Vi! 62 I t 45Vi 46 434 43 ' S74l37S'aH Bept. Corn May July Bept. Oata a.May bMay aJuly bJuly Bept. Pork May July Bept- Lard May July Sept. Rlh May July Bept. is on IS 90 13 32H1 U 62S: 13 bO 8 02H 8 22S 8 10 8 80 8 47HI 8 42V4 6 87H 7 134 7 J7H e o 7 in 7 40 No. X aOld. bNtw. Cash quotation were aa follow: KLOCR Kaay; winter patenta, $4.25(9 4.76: straight. $S.0g'4.6O; spring patent. $t o8.10; straight. $4.0oi?4.60; baker, $3.10 WHKAT-No. 2 red, $04!r924e. CORN No. 6va7c; No. S yellow, 7 4W17UC. OATS No. 2. 62Hc; No. I white, 65c; No. 3 - wnne, tPiDtc. , RYE No. . 2. 76(ff78o. II A R LEY Fair to choice malting, 7MTWc. SKElB Flax, No. 1 northwetern, $1.184. Prime timothy, $4 26. PROVIBIONS-Bhort rib aide llnnnoi S74(U 874. Mesa pork, per Mil., $13.oma 13.50. Lard, per 100 lb., 88.00. fihort clear aide (Doxed), iiAW'Kti Following were th receipt and chip ment of flour and (rain: Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbt 41.3UO 23,9 Wheat, bu 7.0U0 S5.7UO Corra, bu 113.8jO iu,4'a) oata, bu 2b2.6tl 2tH.4i Rye. bu 1.000 1,8,10 Barley, bu 3J.4O0 47,iMJ On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa ateady; creameries. 21U28c; uairle. auuc. Egg, steady; at mark, cases Included, 14c; firsts, H"c; prim firsts, lac. Chteae, steady, lilSHc. Kaaaaa City Grain and ProrUloaa. KANSAS CITY. April 1. WHEAT-lTn-chanaed; May. uV; July. 7t'c: 8ptem- hr- V:. J'Vt!,: 8.-, No. OATB-H nchanged to W lower: 1 wiutr. SKSoMc; No. 2 mixed, toinue HYK 747ftc. U HAY-Slady to firm; choice timothy $11 50W1J.U); choice prairie, 8.75lo S X HKAN-$1.U1.13; fchort. $1.11 al15 .toVkiwcr""1 cr'a,nerr- C- ;c"" taas bt'eady ;' f reh extras, 16c: current ; receipt, uo. , UI rrnl .... , . Receipt. Shipments. Uheat. bu , S'.Ouu "";". '" ak'.im DU 1ft. UUU Toledo head Market. ' "CYtt fc'TkO 1 a otf iv , $U.gU; April, $il.u0; October, 7.47. Ttmoihy. Llrorpool Grain Market. - LIVERPOtiu April M.-WHKAT-Spot. steady; No. 3 red, western winter, 6a utur... t,dy: May. T.; July. 7 lud: September. nSd. CvJRNVSpot, American mixed, kiln dried. . .V, i rea. aoc; No. 3 red. 90c. CORN Imhanged; May, Hc; July, 6c; September. b,r. fash: No. 2 mixed. 2ic: S " "whit.: i&eSSr No-1 hl1' steady at 6 fird: prime mixed, American, old, firm at 6 74d. r'uturea, quiet; May, 6 rd. WEATHER !t THE GRAIT BELT Fair Friday, with Teraperataro on the It la. OMAHA, April 16, 1!K. The area of high prensure has contlnied eastwaid and now overlie the lake region and eastern states. The wave of colder weather continue with the high pressure and temperatures are decidedly lower this morning from the middle Mississippi valley east over tlw Ohio valley, lake region and eastern states. Rains were general In the Ohio valley, lower lake region and eastern states during Wednesday and are neattered over the southern states this morning. The weather Is fair In the tipper valleys and west and will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with slowly rising temperature. Omaha record of temperature and precip itation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 19118. 1907. i9u. iyr,. Minimum temperature.... 40 25 41 26 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 . 00 Normal temperature for today. 51 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 2.02 Inches. , Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 2.01 Inehe. Excess corresponding period In 19c6. .56 Inch. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hour ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Thursday, April 16, 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- fitatlon. Max. Mln. fall. PkV. Ashland, Neb.... 67 41 .no Cloudv Auburn. Neb 64 41 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb.. 60 36 ."0 Cloudy Falrbury, Neb.... 67 45 .00 Pt. cloud Fairmont, Neb... 62 39 .00 Pt. cloudy Or. Island. Nb 61 46 ,o0 Cloudy Hartlngton. Neb. 63 .00 Cloudy Hastings, Neh... 68 4S . Cloudy OnkdaJe, Neb.... 67 41 .00 Pt. cloudy Omaha. Neb t 40 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... 63 41 .110 Cloudy Alta, la 55 S3 .00 Cloudy Carroll. Ia fiH 32 .00 Pt. cloudy Clarlnria, la 65 35 .00 Cloudy Blhlev. la 52 29 .00 Cloudy Sioux City, la.. 54 42 .00 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DIBTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. UAin. fttatlon. Btatlor.s. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, III 26 58 30 .02 Columbus. 0 17 70 SO .16 Des Moines, la.... 14 62 30 . 00 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 70 34 .06 KHnsaa City. Mo.. 21 68 44 T Louisville, Ky 19 74 44 .32 Minneapolis. Minn. 26 43 16 T Omaha, ,Nch 16 60 38 .00 Bt. Louis, Mo 13 68 36 .04 Decidedly cooler weather prevails throughout the central and eastern portions of the corn and wheat region, and tem peratures below freezing nre reported in the Dc Moines, Minneapolis, Chicago and Columbus districts. Showers occurred In all except the Omaha and Dc Molncs dis tricts. I A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Varlon Commodltle. NEW YORK. April 16. FLOTTR Re ceipts, 8,400 bhls.; exports, '1,500 bbls. Market steady with a slight scattered trade. Minnesota patents, $.".K(j5.35; winter straights, $4.1fiS4.30; Minnesota bakers, $4.2f(i4.75; winter patents, $4.fiO4.80; winter extras. 13.50iii4.10: winttr low grades. 13.5) ei4.05. Ryo flour, steady; fnlr to good, $4.40 t!4.!iu; choice to fancy, $o.(lii5.1B. CORNMEAL Bteady ; kiln dried, $3.55. HYK Hteady; No. 2 western, 83c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipt , 13,000 bushels; pot market firm; No. 2 red, $1.00H elevator, and $UHH f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth. $1.08 f. o. b afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $1.i614 f. O. b afloat. Wheat opened at an advance of '8'c on small re ceipts, and cable. After a decline of 1 cent upon reported rain and bearlah Kansas reports It rallied on small Argen tina export and closed net unchanged to ko higher. May, wui.(v .Closed il.O)1; July, o, closed VJc; September, 90Vt 4l!il'4C closed Pic. CORN Receipt. 3.225 buflhela; spot mar ket firm. No. 2 nominal elevator and 72c asked f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, IZi a.sked; No. 3 yellow nominal f. o. b., uflnat. Option market ruled quirf through out, closing unchanged to Vic lower; May closed iSc; July, T.vdViec, closed 73c. OATH Receipts. 42,i) bushelu; exports, 8.100 bushels. Spot barely steady ; mixed 264132 pounds. 65c; natural -white. 26432 pounds, 6Vhri7Vtc; clipped white, 324(40 pounds, biri;c. HAY Steady; good to choice, 90i'.lio. HOPS Quiet; common to choice, 9Jjl2V4c. HIDES Ftejdy; Central America. 17c. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family. $16.60017. 00; mesa, $12. 50(jj 13.00; beef ham. I2T.00W29.OO; packet. Ilt.OOWM.eU city extra India mess, $24.6026.00. Cut meats, steady; plcKlcd bellies, $8.5(1)9.50; pickled name, $9.50. Lard, steady; western, $N.3ti4H.40; refined, steady; continent, $8.95; Booth America, $9.75; compound, $7.75'oi 8.00. Pork, steady; family, $18,504 17.00; ahort cleurs, $16.2517.60; inea, $16.25ty 15.7a. TALLOW-Bteady) city, 54eHc; country, .ItaSi.'VH.c. HI I ITER Trregilar: held creamery, common to special, lMf27e. CHEESE Easy; winter made, 1010!4c. EOG8 Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, brown and mixed, extrn, 17c. ' POCLTRY Dressed, firm; turkey, 13gi7c; fowls, 12d15c. fit. Lonl General Market. ST. LOVI9. April 16. WHEAT Firm; track, No. 2 red cash, 98c; No. 2 hard, 95'rf 99c; May, 92c; July, 8280. CORN Firm; track. No. 2 caah. 654(gi66c; No. 2 white, tt6kVc; May, 64iU64c; July, 62c. OATS Lower; track. No. $ caah, 49c; No. 2 white, 62H'Mc; May. 4c. FLOL'R Dull; red winter patent, $4.50 4.75; extra fancy and straights, $4.1o4.40; clears, $3.5&fi3.70. SEED Timothy, dull, $3.154.00. fCOHNMEAL Steady, 83.00. BRAN Firm; sacked, eaat track, $1.16(31 1.18. HAY Firm; timothy, $10.50(&l.5O; prairie, $10.mi12.50. IRON COTTON TIES-81.06. HAGOINO 7V HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS-Pork. ateady ; Jobbing. $13.U7Vk- Lard, higher; prime steam, $7,863 7.95. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed, extra shorta, $7.62Vi; clear rll, $7.50; short clears, $7.87Vi. llacon, lower; boxed, extra short, $8.37Vt: clear ribs, $8.25; hort clear. $9.00. POCLTRY Market weak; chicken, loc; prlng. 14c; turkey, li-jfWc; duck, lOVic; geese. 5c. Hl'TTER Market quiet; creamery. 2429c. EiGOS L'nchanged at 13c. case count. Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbl 4,000 6,000 Wheat, bu 18.000 17.000 Corn, bu 46.0U0 46,UiO Oat, bu 45.OU0 87,000 Mlnneapoll Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 16. WHEAT May. $10u; July, KOVaWSc; September. 8sk&!Vc: No. 1 hard, 1.04tc; No. 1 north ern. $102c; No. . $1.01Vilfl.01: No. 8, eisTc. FLOL'R First patent. $5.15?6.S0; econd patent, 5.05j6.20; first clears, $1.05'a4.16; eind clear. $3 10i9.3i. BRAN Steady: unchanged, t'l flf)21 ?r. n bulk. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Ill, April 16.-CORN Bteady No. 2 yellow, 6fai6VIc; No. 8 yellow, 4c; No. 2. 63Sc; No. 8, 63V; No. 4, 62c no grade, 45ia67c. OATS enchanted; No. 3 while, aHtfittc No, 4 white, 4!Vu60c. Mllwaakre Grain Market. 1111 I ' A I " 1 - t."" I . , . . ,, . . . puuAi nc April it-WHrUT Steady: No. 1 northern, $1.041.06; No. 2 nrtrltitin SI lei- J a . i. . i , , . ..... . . , aaT, IMPO, HARLEY Firm: Niv 1': .Mni. 85e. CORN Firm; No. $ cash, 65Ktc; May, 46c bid. Dnlnth Grnln Market. DL'LtTH, Minn., April K.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, on track. $1.024; No. 1 north ern. $l.uu; No. 2 northern. 6Vc: Mav t;c; July. sc; September, &e. OATS To arrive, 011 track, 4tic. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frail. 2pi-oIuR,V .Apr" 16 -EVAPORATED APPLES Market continue dull with fancy quoted at 10S(llc; choice. prime. 7,ii7Hc; common to fair 6V0rVc. ' DR1EU FRL' ITS Prune are in fair lob biiig demand, with quotation ranglnt from 4V.4.14C for California fruit and 5fel0c for Oregon. There are occasional aales of apri cot at inside prices; choice. 1wjuc; extra ctiolco. lo-.Uc; fancy. 2P4,'24c. i'eachea , uni'hangi. with t iiolce quoted at lofali-" extra ch.rtce. lliril V: fancy. lltftfSoTexTra" tancy laUo. Raiaina received very ht tl attentloUi , (x)M Mw, , quoted .1 M Jl -i 6VtfCi lB0on u" TTTE OMAHA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market i$ Active for Day Before Triple Holiday. PRICES ADVANCE SLIGHTLY Bnrlnar I Mostly by Board Room Trader Who Had old Short Crop .Xerrs I More Fororable. NEW TORK. April 16.-The stock market showed more life today than wa expected on the eve of a triple holiday. The tone was quite strong at times. The demend which advanced prices wa attributed largely to professional origin. The board room traders have been bearish and the short account proved the more extended when It came to evening up contracts pre liminary to the holiday. Some attention was attracted by a stale-mer-t. apparently Inspired, that the Erie financial settlement was not the eleventh hour makeshift It has been assumed to be, but was the carrying out of a definite plan having the assent of the company bankers and prepared some time before as an alterna tive to cover the failure of the plan offi cially offered. This fart was urged against the supposition! that friction had existed be tween the Morgan and Harrlmnn powers In the Krle settlement. There were reports In circulation also of sales having been made of largo heldlng of railroad stocks held by other railroads In the furtherance of policies of community of Interest In the past. These rumors applied especially to the Vanderhllt holdings of Lehigh Valley and to holding of Reading by other com panies. The purchase was reported by J. P. Morgan k Co. of a $18,000,000 bond Issue on a subsidiary company of the Lake Shore, whl-h gave hopeful expression of the growth of Improvement in the Investment situation. I'nlon Pacific was a leader in the day's market and absorbed a large share of the total transactions. Some effect was produced by reiteration of reports of plana for the comprehensl va advance in freight rates by the railroads and of the sanction of this action by the Interstate Commerce commission. The Baltimore & Ohio made the first re port of March net earnings at hand and It $469,127 decrease compared with March of last year did not promise well for the Influence of economies effected by the railroads in conserving their net return. Crop news was favorable In the reports of rains In Kansas and in the assurances ex pressed by the Cincinnati Price Current against any harm from drouth up to the present time. .There was some heavy buying of Cnlted Btates Steel and the strength of this stock had added serjtimental effect from the prenent In this city of a large gathering of iron men, although the object of their consultations was known to be to fortify themselves against the cutting of prices, which la acknowledged to be In prog ress. Known movement of money up io Wednesday night ludicnto a gain by the bank of nearly $10,000,000, after allowing for tho $1,000.0110 engaged for export to Paris. Foreign exchange held firm. A million more wa taken for export to Paris and addi tional gold export are taken for granted. Call money was loaned na high as 2 per cent, compared with a maximum of 14 per cent on the previous day this week. The declaration of a dividend on Amalgamated Copper at an unchanged rate was in accord with expectations and was not a marked Influence. The bond market showed con siderable variety and a firm tone, although the aggregate volume of transactions was not large. Total sales, par value, $6,029,(0). Cnlted States 2s registered awl 3a regis tered have advanced and the 3s coupon V per cent on call during the week. Following were the sales and range of price on the Stock exchange today: gales. High. Low. Clue. AiUms Eipreas 1,7 Amalftnutwl Copper 1J.6O0 fin M 57 Am. c. A r 400 il i Am. C. P. pfd "4 Am. Cotton oil 0 t4 Am. Cotton Oil pfd $i American Eipren Am. H. L. pfd W is lk4 174 Anurlrin Ice fterurltle.... l.ftO S4t 21V, 24V4 Am. Unaoed Oil 7M 10 l4 l''4 Am. Unwed OH pfd 100 Il4 V 51 Am. Icomotl 4 44 H Am. Locomotl pfd t0 : M 92 Am. i. A R " T Am. 8. A R. pfd K1 M M Am. frumr Reflnln 1.400 ) 1J 126 Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa M W Anaconda Mlnlni Co l.soo 8114 H M Atchlnon l.T 77 1 7H Aichiran pfd 87 7 Atlanilo Cnaat Line '4 Raltlmore A Ohio Hal. A Ohio pfd 84 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 8.7H0 474 47 4714 tanajllan Pacific '. 10. lMV 145 U Contra I of Nw Joraer 176 Chrtapeake A Ohio 70 1'4 1 Jl Chloaaro Ot. W "0 r,'4 4H 6 Chicago a N. W W 14S 148 144 C. M. A Bt. P .. I.1U0 ll7k 118 UB4 Chicago T. A T 6 Chicago T. ft T. pfd 25 C, C. C. A St. L 4V4 Colorado r. A I S.7"0 24H MS 24 4 Colorado A So l.Tofi 2!i' 2Vt Colo. A 80. lat pfd 300 M4 W4 S1 Colo. A Bo. W pfd W 471 47 47 Conaolldated Gaa 1.0 ll 117 118 Corn Product rf 100 14S 14H 144 Corn Products pfd. rfg l' S mi Dataware A Hudaon ') U2 VMS, Del., U A W 45 Uenrer A Rio Grands...... 100 20 In 20 D. A R. O. pfd Platlllara' Becurltte 800 114 so 4 sou F.n 8im 17- 17H 17; Kris lat pfd 94 34 S4 Krla Id pfd General Electrlo IW llllnnla Central I-3 Internationa: Paper- 100 84 84 Int. Paper pfd J Int. Pump 100 2J4 H M Int. Pump pfd 1W J1H4 H '1 Iowa Central l-t Iowa Central pfd 100 1 82 88 Kanaaa City Bo ..... H K. C. Bo. pfd M Loulavllla A N llcan Central 610 . l"a !H Minn. A BU L 200 W 44 M , 8t. P. A B. 8. M 0 112 1U! lll'i M., Bt. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd 1S7 Mlaaouri Paciflo ,00 48 43 44 M , K. A T 1W 244 44 84 M., K. A T. pfd, ex-dtr b National Lead 800 6S14 6 eo N. R. R. ot M. pfd. offared 47 K York Central 1.009 88 M 74 N. Y.. O. A W - NoHolk A W 100 83 S 34 N. A W. pfd 80 North American ,J Paoltlc Mall Pannajlvaula 4.80V) J1TT, 117 H7 i People' a Uas 1 8S B 89 P., C. C. A Bt. Lb Preaaed Steel Car ha) 28 23 13 Praaaad 8 C. pfd 81 Pullman Palace Car 161 Raadlng 48.800 lot 104 1U Reading lat pfd 8 Reading Id pfd 8i Kepubllo Btael 600 18 17, 17V, Rapubllo Bleal pfd Rack laland Co 8O0 lf. 16 K Rock laland Co. pfd 2 3 2 8u U A 8. r. 84 pfd 2 28 - St. Loul 8. W 1( 18 13 1J4 Bt. U. 8. W. pfd 100 84 84 U Bouthara Pariflo 2.8O0 74 71 7144 80. Pacific pfd 1") U 111 lis Bo. Kallwar ' 14 14 14 80. Rallwar pfd 3H4 Taiaa Pacific 100 17 17 1 T., Bt. U. A W 17 a. UT .A fkikfi Al La. At A4I 1 . . OV. t- CK . V 1 fnloa Pactfla M.600 1M 127 12 Vnlon Pacific pfd 78 V. 8. Rapraas 84 IT. 8. Raallr 44 V. 8. Huboer 20 1 P V. 8. Rubbce p'4 81 V. 8. Steal 80. 100 84 14 84 IT. 8. Steal pfd $" "H 8 Va.-caroiln Chemical .... w 1 18 l Va.-Caro. Cham, pfd luo l l . Wabaan 8 Waba.h pfd J 17 17 11 Walla-rargo EipraM Waatlnghouaa Kleotrlo 6 M M Waatarn Union vl0 13 62 M Wbaalln A U 8 0 Wlaconaln Central 14 Wla. Central p(d 40 Northern Partflo . 12 1" U Caotral Laaihar 100 2-' - '- Central leather pfd ' Sluaa-Shaftleld Btttel 44 Great Northern pfd l.M 128 122 lti lnterborougn Mat " " '"S Int. Mat. pfd 18 1 r7 1"4 liah Cooper ) 10 J Total aalr for the oar. 118.4J0 aharaa. New York Mlalag; Stock. NEW YORK. April M.-Cloalng quotations on mining stock were: A da ma Con t Little Chief I Alloa 28 Ontario 410 Breece 1 Ophlr J35 Brunawlck Con 1 Poloal I f Comxock Tunnel .... tl garage " " 34 Con. Cal. A Va 48 sierra Nevada U Horn Bllter Snail Hope II Iron Silver to Standard lao Leadvllle Cos t Tre.a.r, Rtate.e.t. WAfilll NOTION. Anrll II-TaJ.,,'. ..... ment of the treasury balance in the gen. eral fjnd. exclulv of the $150.ij00.0cO gold reserve, shows: Available cash tmlan.ee $JoS 308,150; gold coin and bullion. $26.t.Vt.5ll; gold certificate, $21,647, 7o0. s"eet Baak ( Eaglasd, LONDON. April 1 -The weekly Ute ment of the Rank of England show the folk. wing change: Total reserve, decreased 2.10!.0tj; circulation. Increased C'OOO bullion, decreased 1.879.Hot); other aecurv tie, decrenaed i747.tai; other deposit,, de. creased 2.3JU,(aa.; public deiw.il. Utcrad DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, APRIL ri2.000; notes reserve, decreased 2.153.000; government securities, unchanged. The pro portion of the bank s reserve to liability this week Is 60.0ft per cent. Ijtnt meek It wa 61.28 per cent. ?Vetr York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 16 MONF.Y On call, easy at 1'-'d2 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per rent: effered at $ per rent. Time loans, dull and eay: sixty day. per rent: ninety davt. iSi$ per cent; six months, 3H'w1t per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPF.R-4'ii5 per rent. STF.RLINfl EXCHANGE- Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $l.,i"2tf 4 C725 for demand and at $i.c7Sti4.R4,iO for sixty-day bill; cmnmerclal bills, $4 4V BlLVfcK-liar, 64;o; Mexican dollars, 47e PONDS Oovernmetit, steadv; railroad, firm. Tha following arc the closing: quotation on bonds: V. 8. rf. 2i. rg....ln34e.Hrkk ai. 4a....l'l do coupon 1.U 1.. ft N. unl. 4s 84 V. 8. la. r l'1nn. r. 4a 8'.' lo coupon l"l34ex. Central 4a 8"' I". 8. new 4i. ret. ...118 no Iti inc ls do coupon l:'2ViM. A Bt. L. 4 80 Am. Tobacco 4a 7imM . K. A T. 4a K. do lf',, da ! 8f' Atrhlaon gen. 4a :N. R. R. of M. c. 4l 7 do ad). 4a 8N. Y. C. g. 3 80 Atlantic r. L. 4 M N. J. r. R. f.a ...124 Bat. A Ohio 4a v No. Panlflc 4a 1 do 8a l e)0 j. Brk. R. T. c. 4a 71N. A W. c. 4a 83 Central of Oa. 6....1"4 o 8. L. rfdg. 4e 8' (to lat Inc 87 renn cv. 3a f. .lo Sd inc 44 Reading gen. 4a S7 do 3d Inc 34 st. L. ft I. M. r 6e..lM Chea. A Ohio 4 .... 87 St. L. A 8 F. f. 4s. H Chicago A A. 8.. 8! fit. L. 8. W. C. 4a ... .-' C, R A Q. n. 4a.... - Seaboard A. L. 4a.. 48 C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 1So. Pacific 4a M do col. ,'.a 84 do lat 4a ctfa 89 CfV. A at. L. g. 4a. 94 80. Railway 6a fc. Colo. Ind (s, aer. A. $5 Tessa ft P. la M Colo. Mid. 4a T.. St. I,. A W. 4a.. to Colo. A So. 4a 18 Inlon Pacific 4a 1"" Culm 6a 101 do rv. 4a 85 D. ft R. O. 4a 82 f. f. Stwl id 6a !i rletlllen 8c. 6a ... 9Viabah la 1"7 Krle p I 4a 84 do deb. B 4 do gen. 4a 7Weatprn M1 4a i Japan 4. 77 W. A U B. 4a 81 do 4a ctfa M WI. Central 4a 80 do M aerlea S". Bid. "Offered. Boalon "tock and Bond. BOSTON. April Ifi. Money, rail loans, 24 ft 14 per tent; time loans. AGn pT cent. The following were the closing price on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon ad. 4a V. Atlantic 8 do 4a M Btnirham o Met. Central 4a "Cal. Hecla 81fi Atchlaon 78ntennlal 21 do ptd 87 Copper Range 4 Boaton A Albany Je3 Paly Weat lloaton A Maine 134 pomlnlon Coal 49 Hoaton Elevated ...137 Franklin Fllclihurg pfd 128 Cranhy SO Metleun Central llale Povale 18 N. V.. N. H. A II. .116 Maaa. Mining t I nlon Pacific ll'ii Michigan 1 Am. Arge. Ctiem 17 Mohawk 44 ' do pfd 80 Mont. 0. A "C t Am. Pneu. Aube Sfld Dominion 33 Amer. Fugar .........12Oacola 81 do pfd 122 rarrot 17 Am. T. A T 114 Qulncy 82 Am. Woolen 19 Shannon 11 do pfd 84 Tamarack 68 Dominion 1. A 8 17Trlnlty 13 Bdlaon Kl. Illu. . . 2"7 Vnlted Copper 6 General Electric 138 V. 8. Mining 38 Maaa. Klectrle in V. 8. Oil 21 do pfd 46 Vtah 88 Maea. Gaa 51 Victoria 2 Cnlted Fruit 140 Winona 6 United 8. M 47 Wolverine i:r, do pfd 27 North Butte 62 U. 8. Steel 34 Butte coalition .0 do pfd 99 Nevada 11 Adventure 14 Cal. A Arliona 99 Allniiei 24Arlcnna Com 174 Amalgamated &7Greene Cananea 8 Aaked. "Bid. London Stock Market. LONDON. April 1. American securities opened firm and Vi'S'Hc higher today. Bus iness was restricted. London closing stock quotations; Console, money .. 87 1-16 Mo., Kan. A Texas.. 26 do account 87 8-16New York Central .. ..101 Anaconda 7 Norfolk A Weetern.. 88 Atchlaon 78 do pfd 81 do pfd 89 Ontario A Weetern... 33 Baltimore A Ohio... 96Pennaylvanta n Canadian Pacific 159 Rand Mlnra 6 Cheeapeake A Ohio.. H1 Reading M Chi. Oreat Weetern.. 5 Southern Railway ... 14 Chi., Mil. A Bt. P.. 111 do pfd 41 De Beers 10 Southern Paciflo 76 Derver ft Rio Grande. 20 I'nlon Pacific 1S1 do pfd 64 do pfd 83 Erie 18t'nlta Utatoe Steel... 36 do lat pfd 86 do pfd 101 do id pfd 24 Wabaeh 10 Grand Trunk l'J do pfd 18 llllnnla Central 12 Epaniah 4a S3 Lnulavllle A Naah...ini Amalgamated Copper.. 68 PILVER Bar, dull at 2S 6-16c per ounce. MONEY 2&2 per cent.'. The rate of discount In. tji open market for short bills In mifZH per cent; for three months' bRls, 2rj2i per cent. Forelarn Flnaaelal. I.ONDON, April 18. Money was In fair supply and demand on tho market today and discounts were firm. On the Stock ex change attendance and business alike were small, but the tone generally was cheerful. Good weather and better labor outlook helped home rails, while gilt edged securi ties were maintained on the gold engage ments In New York for Paris. The bank return did not affect the market, the In creased reserve reflecting the usual out flow of cash to the country. American shares were dull, but firm, in the forenoon. I'nlon Pacific, Canadian Pacific and Erie were supported at hardening rates. Later the market eased, but Now York bought moderately and this caused a firm close. The low priced Issue were In the greateat demand. Grand Trunk was weak on the dividend Outlook. BERLIN, April 16. Price on the Bourse today were rather firm; trading wa light. PAR18, April 18. Trading on the Bourse today wa firm, but became lifeless toward the close. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA, April 16. Bank clearing for to day were 2.263,06U8, and for the corre sponding date last year $1.S66.747.13. Metal Market. NEW YORK, April 16. METAIA-The Lordnn tin market was unchanged to a shade higher, with spot quoted at 144 8s and futures at 143 6s. Ixically the market wa easy, but only a little lower on the average, with quotations at ai.Wijl.. Copper wa higher In London, spot being quoted Bt ns 12 6U and future at 59 2a 6d. Locally the market wa quiet and unchanged, with lake quoted at $1176(f 12S7'4, electrolytic at $l2.62VU2-75 and cast ing at $12.874'il2.B0. Lead advanced to 13 12s 6d In London, but wa unchanged at $3.7Hh"400 locally. Speller wa un changed at 21 ba in London and at i.'ip 4.65 locally. Iron wa unchanged In the Ijondon market, with standard foundry at 50 8d and Cleveland warrant at ois. Locally no change wa reported. No. 1 northern foundry, $18.26618.76; No. 2 north ern foundry, $17. 766(18. 26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern ec-ft. $17.25ig18.0P. The metal market both here and In London will be c losed on Friday and Saturday and the London market will rot reopen until Tuesday. BT. IjOUIS, April 16.-METAI-S Lead, quiet, $3.874. Spelter, ateady, $4.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 16. COTTON Fu tures opened steady; May, 8.02c; July, 9.12c Auguat, 8.043.06c; October, HObo; Decem ber, .09c; January, b.okc; March, 9. l.1c. Futures closed barely steady; April, fnec May, 8.84c; June, 8.87c; July, 8.9Jc; Auguat 8.85c; September, 8.8Vc; October. 8.90c; No vember, o.8c; December, 8.91c; January 8.91c; March. 8.93c. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 point lower; middling uplands,- 8.90c; middling gulf. lO.l&c. No sale. GALVkJSTON, April 16.-COTTON Lower at 10 3-16c NEW OKLKANS. April 16. COTTON Snot closed quiet; sale, 2.160 bale. Low or dinary, 674c, nominal; ordinary, 6 11-lBc, nominal: good ordinary, 8Vc; low middling, !e; middling, 10 a-16c: good middling, 10 11-lftc; mlddllug fair, 11 $-16c; fair, 11 13-lc. nominal. Receipt. 4,742 bale, tock. 190,046 bales. ST. LOUIS, April 16 -COTTON Marktt dull; middling, Ke; sales, none; receipts, 261 bales; shipments, 125 bale, stock, 27,9o6 bale. Oil and Hoaln. OIL CITY. April In OIL Credit bal ances, $1.78. Run. 213.9K1 bbl.; average, 169.W bbl.; shipments, 193,17$ bbl.: aver age. 174.XI6 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga.. April 16. OII.-Turpen-tine. dull. 4. HO8IN Firm. Quote: A. B. C. $3 40; E, $3 no; F, $3.B5; O. $3.76; H, 13 80; I. $4 36; K. Jo 2S; M, $0.60; N. $6.50; W, G, $5.60; W, W, $6.76. rhllaaelpkln Produe Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 18-Bl'TTER Market steady; extra wetern creamery. 33c; nearby prints. $3c. BUGS Firm, good demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby first (free case) 16c at mark; current receipt In returna ble raaes. 14c at mark; western first if re caaes). lc at mark; current receipt (free case), I6.c at mark. CHBKSl--8teady; New York full cream choice, litn&V?; fair to good. 14Vql4c. near nasi MsUaar. NEW YORK. April 16.-l'OAR-Raw quiet; fair refining. $SSr; centrifugal, M test. 4.42c: molasae augar. 1 67c. Refined steady; crushed, 6.2uc; powdered, Stjoc' granulated, i.aov. ' 17. 1903. OXADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Move More Freely at a' Little. Stronger Prices. ANOTHER SLICE TAKEN OFF HOGS Light Ran of Both Sheep and Lanka, with Trade .ot Very Attire, bnt Wlthoat Much (hanae In Prices. 80l"TH OMAHA. April 16. 190$. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Blieep ... 8.048 4.143 2.6MI Official Monday ... urriclal Tuesday .. 4.1W I.76S 11.314 12.939 4.M2 Official Wednesday 6,t51 uaumate Thursday 1.220 8.136 2.760 Four da vs "this week... 12.227 96.431 16.8") Same dH last Week 13,ii7 26.61w 23,277 Same day 2 week ago.. 17.725 20.844 V7.273 Sam dava 3 weeks ho. .l.c..4S 24. Ml 80.1" 2 Same dai s 4 week ago..l6.'- 4fi.938 34.779 Same da last year 24,563 37,866 48.960 The following table how th receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with lat year: 1S. 19111. Ino. Deo. Cattl 28t.S17 332.571 W.2i Hogs :k! .614 1BB.267 Sheep 4i7.656 600.42 112,873 Th following table hows the average price ot hog at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Date. 41 1908. 1907. 1906. 1906. 1904 1$Q$, ,190$. April April 7... April 8... April 9... April 10.. April 11.. April 12.. April 13... April 14.. April 15.. April 16.. 6 79 6 461 6 21 t 0 t 00 1 26 5 82 eu22 26 4 9 7 24 5 74 $ 38 S 85 4 1 7 27 5 73 S 82 26 4 91 7 35 5 68 6 39 C 801 1 95 7 26 6 72 6 4.! 6 28 4 9i 7 22 4J 34 $ 81 4 88 5 644 6 42 6 38 t 28 4 81 7 19 6 64A' 6 45 B 26 4 86 7 !2 5 421 8 39 6 31 4 89 7 16 6 37V 43 6 49 t 89 7 07 6 68 6 64 61 80 6 90 84 n 6 86 6 96 $1 Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road wa: Cattle. Hog. Snesp. H'r't. C. M. A St. P 1 1 .. 1 Wabash 1 1 Missouri Pacific 1 I'nlon raclflc 11 24 S 1 c. v jm. w., eaat 3 3.. C. A N. IV., west.... 23 29 C, St. P.. M. & O.... 4 14 2 ('., B. Q., east I C, H. Ai W., west 15 28 6 C, R. I. & P., east. C, H. I. & P., weat.. 1 Illinois Central 3 1 Chicago Ot. West 1 1 Total receipt 03 116 11 The disposition of the day' receipt was a follow, each buyer purchasing th number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hops. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 175 1,261 393 Swift ami Company 393 2.449 317 Cudahy Packing Co 382 J. Rio 1.0M Armour A Co 259 1,307 480 Omaha Pkg. Co., Denver. 60 Cudahy Co., country 698 Van 8ant & Co 9 Lnbman A. Rothchlld 11 Hill & Son 90 F. P. Lewi 34 Huston A Co 8 J. B. Root A Co 8 L. F. Husi 2 McCreary A Carey 19 H. F. Hamilton 1 F. O. Inghram 4 Sullivan Bro 12 Lehmer Bros 29 L. Huff 2P Klngan 798 Oteher buyers 97 47S Total 1,699 10,108 3,447 CATTLE The break In the cattle market thia week reflected In very much lighter re ceipts at all market point this morning. In fact none of tho market had anything like liberal run. A a result of the mod erate offerings there wa a better feeling generally prevailing. Buyer of beef eteers Were out In tho yard in good season in tha morning and the few loads offered met with very ready sale. The price paid were strong to a 111 lie higher than yesterday' general mar ket. Well finished heavy steer sold a high a $6.45. Cow and heifer were also In very light supply, the offerings consisting for the most part of odda and end scattered here and there through the yard. Practically everything sold early In the morning, and a was the case with beef steer .price were strong to a llttlo higher all around. There wa only a load or two of Block er or feeder In first hand this morning, which wa not enough to make a market. The feeling was Just about ateady, there being no quotable change in any direction. guotatlon on cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers, $fi.00(H.6O; fair to good corn fed steers, $6.756.00; common to fair corn fed Bteer. $4.7Vy6.75; good to choice cow and heifer. $4.756.90; fair to good cow nd heifers, $3.75ii4.7; common to fair cow and heifers, $2.00(83.76; good to choice Blocker and feeders ,$4.75w.30; fair to good stocker and feeders, $4. 004)4.76: common to fair stocker and feeder, $3.004.00. Representative Bales: BlEr STEERS. No. 7... 17... 31... 46... to... 11... 17... tt... It... 10... Ar. .. 784 .. 841 .. 9f8 ..1048 .. H ..1178 ,.IM .. 830 . .10 ..Klfil Pr. No. Ar. inr 1047 Hot PK8 124 1374 12)18 1265 lOTt Itll 126 1448 1483 1313 1880 1410 Hit .....1510 100 1008 1082 11M 1078 87t 1't 1170 loo 124 1110 Pr 06 t 10 t 10 t 10 t 10 10 t 10 t 10 t It t 16 t 15 I tt t 80 t to 31 t tt t t6 t U 4 80 4 W 4 TO 4 Tt 4 tn 6 00 t 10 5 IS 5 t6 I I 60 4 60 t 10 C 60 ( 6 70 6 70 70 6 76 I 76 i 80 8 80 8 88 6 80 i 80 6 S 4 00 00 11.. II CI 8 81 17 II 21 31 It 41 77 It t.8 80 37 14 64 17 ..1244 18 WW It. 84. .1"84 .1023 .1160 .1077 .K08 .1223 tt... 10... Tl'.'.', 11.., it!! 11 ! COWS. 8S 804 778 887 IU 88 1045 846 1110 1015 964 47 726 610 7b 7T7 660 1183 lino 1110 660 1180 in 1240 1170 1210 1 110 li6 4CO t tfi 826 110 93 1W 180 t tn t 66 t 70 t 78 I 00 t 80 1 80 I M I (O 8 75 I 75 is.'!!!.'! 10.'.'.'.'.'.' 4 38 ' HEIFERS. t I 1. W tit 840 77t loot 641 1470 1780 140 1370 1400 1420 16) uo 880 1S70 1480 1680 ISO 170 10 100 100 I 00 t 00 I tt I 40 6 to I TO 4 40 4 40 4 50 4 75 4 Tt 4 10 f 00 t 00 . t 00 I 00 I It $ 16 I tt 1 26 I M t to f 60 t 18 I 80 4 00 4 40 I.... I.... 4 ... T. . . . i 00 BULLS. 1 60 I to t to i Tt t 75 I tt I tt t 35 I to 1 to t 75 1. 1 4 95 CALVES. I 10 4 60 t Oft 1 00 I It t tt 1. 170 t 60 tl0 5 ti t. 156 t 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. tot 4 to 1 870 4 40 311 4 36 I tlO 4 It WESTERNS WTOMINC1. B. F. Shrev. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 teer 790 t 00 1 feeder... 9u0 4 70 t feeder.. 716 4 70 I steer... .1175 6 40 II steer. ...1073 t 40 6 cow KM $ 86 1 heifer .. 686 $ 40 21 steer.. ..11SS 6 60 7 feeder.. 857 4 70 I feeder... 6U0 5 feeder.. 834 4 teer... .1070 t cow 1145 4 heifer... Shi 4 70 4 80 6 40 1 95 4 15 HOGS- Yesttrday hog market closed very badly, ome of aa low a $6.6uuV3C, the late sale being This morning th mantel started out a little higher than th extreme close yesterday, or 60 lower than yesterday' general market. The hog old largely at J6.3uv6.40. and a high as $6.46. The moat of the hogs sold yesterday at $64&6.46. with a top at $5.60. After the flrt round there wa not very much life of snap to the market, tha hog moving siuwiy i 1 ne decline. No. A. th. Pr. Mo. At. 86. 0 ru 40 t to 81 tii ... 78 l 140 I 71 337 40 TO ltl tt tH 75 141 ... 83 4 lu I to tl '7 ... 76 lul rl lb T3 las ... Tt 113 tta) t to It 311 VM 28 124 at I III 77 223 ... Tt 174 80 t to 62 140 7 Hi ... f 3214 .14 i Ml 48 14 130 I K 6 t ... I. ...... .187 40 6 34 ' aa ... 86 lae HI ili 44 UK) ... 81 174 140 t tt 44 ..till la 18 1W a) ili 14 lit 4W 74 ..too tuo t is It j?e jae 88 314 . . t 16 73 171 aO 76 2X1 1J t 16 41 .4 att 62 14 . . 4 IS Tl I4T SO 40 tu SO 6 16 tl llO 160 81 la llu t at 111 tri au T4 l.'I 60 6 84 44. ... tan 40 t It ID.: M 8 44..'. 2.1 10 i 36 Tu 2ta ... 17 t7 ... I 16 74 34 40 62 311 W t 46 to t lee I7........1W la ( a 41 84 SO Pr. I 17 H f 874 I ?S i 87 6 87 I 87 I r I 8T4j t ns, t 40 I 4 I 40 6 40 6 4 t 40 I 40 t 40 t 40 6 4 I 40 t l t 4 t 4 t 4 t 4 I 4t Five splendid offices There are five offices and only five which are not occupied at the present time. f you want an ,office in the best building in Omaha, now is the time to make your selection because among these are several choice rooms and one r two exceptional opportunities. ' HOOM 214 This room is 14Hx!7 feet, a total or nlraost 400 sqaar 1 feet in this room, and for anyone desiilng large floor erdce at tow rental, iMs is an exceptional opportunity. The price per month is -527.50 Sl'ITR 320 This is a very handsome suite of two rooms consist " Ing of one large room, 20x20 feet, with a north light, and a smaller room, 8x20 feet. In connection with the large room is a burglar- . proof vault. This is a corner office nnd corner offices are always eagerly sought for. The price per month is .$52.00 ROOM 044 This Is the only vacant room on the sixth floor.. The room is 12x20 feet and faces the east. It Is a decidedly pleasant room and la Just the thing for some one who desires a medium sUed office. The price per month is $20.00 fcl'ITK 806 This is a fine located office on the third floor close to elevator. It is facing on Karnam St., and has a fire proof vault. It is subdivided to furnish two private oftlces and a reception ' room at, per month $50.00 ItOOM 520 Is a small room on the west side ot the building and " has good light. This can be let at, per month $15.00 Room 105. K. AV. HAKKH. Biipt. 43... 48.... .... 80.... .... 80.... tt..., 83.... 84... 42 ... .... 61... 48.... 82.... 48. ... 43.... T7.... 68.... 75.... S.... 411.... 76.... 62.... :.... to.... 67.... to.... 40.... I.... 63..., 76.... 70.... 88.... 84.... 70.... H I IS 46 24 ... 5 40 40 I 84 tt 164 ... I 40 100 I 36 40 ,! ... 1 40 ll Ili Tt til 60 k 40 lftl I It 74 t'4 ... I 40 ?fl t 84 70 IU . . I 40 340 t 86 64 871 10 t 40 ... t 85 . 71 144 ... I 40 100 6 W 14 21 ... 6 40 ... I 3f II 240 ... i 40 ... i 86 "0 157 tO 6 40 4 (16 T4 Kl ... t 40 ... tit t 2.-4 ... 140 40 t St 64 t.M M ! 40 6 86 TO !4 ... 6 40 ... 6 It 84 .330 60 5 40 ... t St tt !:71 ... 40 380 t 38 tt MA ... t 40 160 6 St 46 246 ... t 40 . 5 St 4t 2! d a. ) 180 t 35 80 887 ... I 40 lit 6 ar. 88 tn ... 60 ... lit 17 1M ,,, 4 ... I 374 TO 21 ... t 4:'M ... I I7H 41 '.f2 t0 t 43 Ml 10 t 171 70 1H ... ( 45.- ... I 37t 71 4T ... 6 41 V. ... t 3714, 7t lf,3 ... 1424 ... I 27 L, t Su6 40 t 424 ... I 37 . Ill ... 6 45 ... I I7h4j 52 9 ... 6 48 40 t 17 Hi 31 ,V6 a 6 4.1 ... 6 t74 48 IM ... 5 43 40 6 37 V 63 2M 10 6 45 40 C 87M, 71 341 ... (46 80 6 I7V4 . . ..tit .too ,.18t 3 ..213 ..171 ..tro ..187 ,.l.'7 .188 .120 ..204 ..JIT ..m ..1.13. ..mi ..in ..821 ..226 .to ..t4 ..til ..842 ..21 ..213 ..18 ..lit .388 ..19 ..250 ... vnj.m nMrr, wtrro liK'lt mis morning, only about a doxen cars being reported In. Three of these were ewe, the same a were here yesterday, which were old to arrive, being weighed up at S.o. Quite a string of good lamh (old at $7.50. The market a a whole wa without ny very notable chanare being In about the ame condition ns yesterday. It wa slow and yet prices wero about steady. Most of.theJ'tuff WM welKhed up In good season. Quotation on lambs: Good to choice wooled, t7.2Mr7.50; fair to good wooled, l.76g7.2B: good shearing lambs, carrying Vj!j''-iorv'!M'' ood shearing lambe. thin, .0Oge.60; shorn lamb, 60c under wooled stock. Quotation on sheep: Oood to choice light yearlings. horn, $o.2MUSO; fair to good yearling, shorn, 6.Vo1.26; good to choice wether, shorn, I8.00u6.26; fair to good wethers, shorn, 16.76(26.00; good to choice ewe, shorn, I5.60fd5.75; fair to good ewes, shorn, I6.0fxg6.60; cull and buck, ahnrn, S3.0iViit.5O; wooled sheep, 2&4f40o above shorn No. a .. Tr. 60 4 80 7 50 7 50 7 60 7 60 7 16 17 16 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 76 2x western lamb feeder, shorn 67 ao9 wetern lamh, feeder 85 67 Colorado lamh SO 8X7 Colorado lamb M 240 Colorado lambs fat 240 Colorado lamb 86 264 Colorado lamb 87 49 western lambs, feeders R9 46 Idaho ewe M 233 western ewe 99 6 western eye A Iamb, shorn. 83 13 western lamb, feeders 46 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Stead- to 9trona.Hoc Steady Sheep Strong: to JUsher. CHICAGO, April 1S.CATTL.BJ Receipt, 8.500 head; steady to strong; steers, to.(ytf 7.10; cows, $6tXSi00; heifers, $S.40i&4l.26; bull, $3.50(88.110; calves, $5.7&g.26; stockers and feeders, $3.2536.16. HOOa-Receipta, 16,000 head; market teady; choice heavy shipping, S5.804jG.86; butcher, $5.85rtf5.96; light mixed, $6.70fj6.7r; choice light, $6.HO36.80; packing, $6.(ra6.75; pigs, S4.2SQ6.26; b'llk of sales, $5.75Bo.86, 4VHEEP AND LA MB8 Receipt. 7.000 head; atrong to 10c. higher; sheep, $4.504j 6.00; lambs, 6.607.flB; yearlings, 15.603&6O. Kaasaa Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 16 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,000 head, including 800 aouthern; market ateady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $G.S0fi6.75; fair to good, $6.00rfl 6.26; western steer, $4.754(.60; atocker and feeders, S8.50&6.60; southern steers, $3.?f 6.25; southern cows, t2.5tKa4.75; native cows, $3.60.60; native heifers. t4.00iM.15; calves, $4.00flo.75; bulls, $3.15$6.10. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market Bteady to strong. Top, $8.68; bulk of sales, 15.4f.4i6.80; heavy, $6.6f6.&5; packers and butchers, $6.4o65.G0; lights, S5.2&S6.5&; pigs, S4.omff6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.000 head; market steady. Lambs, $6.60itf'7.40; ewes and yearlings, $5.006.50; stocker and feeder, $3.tX0t.OO. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April M -CATTLE Receipt. 1,800 head. Including 676 Texan; market for native ateady, Texan steady to 10c lower. Native shipping and export steer, $6.86 7.25: dressed beef snd butcher ateera, $5.60 4i.40; steer under 1.00 lb., $4.7566.40; atock er and feeder, $3.00(u6.26; cow and heifer, li-7Vu6.UK; cannera. S2.UUv83.00; bull, S3.7V8 6.76; calves. S3 6047.00. Texas and Indian steer, S3.7&&6.26; cows and heifers, S1.7&9 4.28. HOOS Receipts, 4.500 head; market lower. Pigs and lights, S3.764tf.76; packers, $6,269 &.66; butchers and best heavy, ti.70ij76.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpta, taJO head; market steady. Native muttons, S4.26n6.26; lambs. $4.6tiiS.00; culls and bucks, $4.26(6.26; stockers, IXCKXai.OO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 17J. CATTLE Re ceipt, 640 head; market steady; natives, S6.66.W; cows and heifers, $2.(ny5.90; stockers and feeders, $3.75b.40. HOGS Receipt. 6,4641 head; market 6c lower; top, $5.60; bulk of sale, $5,5046 65. FHEEP AND IAMiiS Receipts, 8.073 head; market steady: lambs, $6.507.30; yearling wethers, $6.sig5.80. Sleax Cltr Lito Steek Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. April 11 (Special Tels. gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; mar ket steady: beeves, So.iMj6.66; cows and heifers, $4.0xa6.26; stockers and feeder, $4 0XKh4 60; calve and yearllnira, $3.0ujr4 26. HOGS Receipt, 2,200 head; market weak to 5c lower; range, $5,3046.50; bulk of sal, $6.4ue.45. Stock la Slarkt. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha l. n.IM 8,150 Sioux City 400 2.20) Kansas City 8,0)0 10 000 1 000 St. lxul l.0 6.600 8o St. Joseph 940 6 4 S.07S Chicago .... 8.6t 16000 ' 7.00) Total recelpU lO.stiO 28.172 17,622 OMAHA WUiUtttaLS MARKET. Ceadlttea f Traele aa4 Qaotatlea ea Btasle aa raaey Preaaee. EGGS Fresh kerttng eggs, candled, ltc BUTTtH-OminoB, lfn.; fancy tub ao4) roll, 1!j.1c; crinry, tuo. CHEtfeE Nw full craam. Wisconila twin. 17Sc: new full cream brick, 17c; to. nieello new Bwla. ltc; new UuiWurger. lv 16c: young Anierlcn. Va. liVE POULiKV-eprlnga, SHc: hn. 10; roostet. 4c; duck. 8c; See, 7So. HAT Choice No. 1 upland. 87.tu; medium, rl&O: No. 1 bottom, H.tV; off grade. St.Oud Mi Ry a'raw. 8700. No. 1 alfalfa, $11. IA TROPICAL rttciTtl. LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep ing, M to 8o0 . Ier box. $4; vxtra choice, ex u a long keeping. 8u0 and ) sis, per bva. 3.io, tr XaAcy, Sut) alae. yr tox. lire Building. 8AJTK SBFOSXTSI OUAXAItTXSD. Oltlssns Bask Trust Company. State Depository, BartlssTlll, Oklaaoma. Depoalta is thla bank 01'ARa.KTKKD th Stata f Oklahoma Ouaraalr Fund. New etale law pro elOee AHSOLITB BAKKTY to our tepoaltora. The State suaranteea th return o( thelc moncf on de mand under anjr elrcumetantea. We pay Inrereat on time desoalta. Make remittance la anr form. Full information furntehed npon requeet. I.argt Stat Bank In Eaatara Oklahoma. $8.50; extra cholc Greyhound, 800 la. per bux, n.a. . BANANA" -Port Llmoii. owing to also, per bunch, Sl.W o 18.00. OH ANGUS Extra fancy, 80 to 86 else, per box, $2.76; extra fancy, 111 afsa, pr,r box, etra fancy, 126 and 150 Use, per box, $"; extra fancy, 116, 2Ul, 416, It.i) aise. per box, U.ib; extra fancy, Washington navels, If' to M !, per box. $2.50; extra fancy, Washington navel, 112 alae, per box, $2. tic; extra fancy, Washington navel. 126 ai.d IcO . per box, $2.7d; extra fancy, Washington navels, 176, 20U, Si. 250 si, Tvr box, $1 APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties, Red Ch4.eK Plppm. Kings, Spy, asaorted. per 'box, $1,50; California red winter Pear man, per box, $1.60. STRAWBERRIES Texa berrta errivtd Monday and sold for $6. Another lot came Tuesday and aold for St. Probabilities ar .iiy will get low as ft. O RAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $1.00; Malaga, extra fancy, $4.50; extra choice, per keg, $4 ; extra fancy, extra heavy, $0.00. , CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bbl.. $6.00; extra fancy Jaraey, per box, U- 00. TOMATOES Florida (8-bakt crate;, per crate, $4.00; Cuban tomatoes, owing to quality. $1.50 to $3.00. PEARS Extra fancy winter Nellla. per box. ti.'ti. CAULIFLOWER Per 8-doxen crate, $3.oo tO U.6C' LETTUCE Florida head, per hamper $3; per dot., $1.00&1.5u. OLD AND NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES-Extra fancy Florida (6 basket ctale) per orate, $3.60; choice Florida (-baaket crate), per crate, S3. PEPPERS Florida i-basket crate), per crate, t2M. CUCUMBERS Extra fancy hot house, Illinois (1 do.), per boxi $4 cholc hot bouse,' Illinois (3 do.), per oox, $3. Hot house radishes, bead lettuce, onion, parsley, per do.,, too. Southern radlahe, fiaraley, new beet. nw. carrot, new hai ot, owing to lse, per do., VXq-xks.. Old carrot, parsnip, turnip, beats, per bbl., RUTABAGAS Canadian, per lb., c. CABBAGE Extra fancy Holland seed, per lb., lHc. ONIONU-Extra fancy Red Globe, per lb.. 2 He; Wisconsin yellow, per lb., lc; Va lencia Spanlali, per crate, SI. fry; Valencia Spanish, 130-lb. crates, $4 25, ONION SETS-Vellow bottom, 83 lbs. In bu., pr bu.. $2.75; red, $3; white. $3.26. SEED POTATOES Kansas sweet, per bbl., $1.85; 6-bu. lots. $1.75. NUTS, CIDER, HONEY. DATES, CELERY Coacoanuta, each oc: per sack, $4. No. 1 selected California English walnuts, per lb., 17HC. Filbert. Braslls. Jumbo pecan, butternuts, per sack, 12Vo. . No. 1 hand picked peanuts, roasted, dc; raw. 6c HONEY California, strictly fancy. 24 frames, per case, $3.76. CELERY Florida, per crate, $3.60.' DATES Suaar walnut, per box. $1.00. BEEV CUTS Ribs: No. L 15V4c; No. i, ic: No. 8, lOijc. Loin; No. L 19c; No. . loo; No. 8. 12c Chuck: No. J, 8Hc; No. 2, 8c; No. 3, 7o. Round: No. 1, lOo; No. i. o; No. 3, aVta. Plate: No. L 6Wc; No. 2, 6c; No. 8, uo. I Wool Market. BOSTON, April 16-WOOL There Is a marked improvement In the local wool mar ket, with a heavy movement In nearly all . domestlo lines, with buyers seeking dealers. Prices, however, continue low. ST. LOUIS, April 16. WOOI-Market week. Medium grades combing and cloth ing, ISidc: light fln. Uu'lGc; heavy fine, ll8'12c. Tub washed. 3D&j&c. (Toffee Market. NEW YORK. April 16. COFFfTE Market for coffee future closed ateady, net un changed to 6 point lower. Salca 1ft ure re- rorted of 44,250 bug, Including May, S6.60&) 66c; July, 6.70c; Septamber, 6.f"c; Krch, 6.00c. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, Sc.; No. 4 Santos, MtyiWtoc; mild, quiet; CorJova, B 13c. , ., . Half-breed Shot by Marahal. MITCHELL, 8. D April 16. Opeclal.) A little of the old wild west was turned loo at Kimball. Monday night, when a half-breed Indian by the name of Joe Riley made threat against the. life of Town Marshal Btewart. . Riley had ridden In from the reservation during the morning with his partner and proceeded to fill up with boose, and while In this drunken con dition he made threats around town. In th evening the marshal! got his shotgun and started out to hunt his man, whom he found astride of his horse.. The marshal ordered the half-breed to throw up his hands, but, Instead, he dug hi spur Into hi pony and started to get away. . The marshal pulled the trigger and sent the shot after his fleeing prisoner, but It failed to bring htm down, and It . waa supposed that he had gone back to the reservation. Tuesday afternoon, two men were work ing at th race track a ahort tjlstanoe from town and came upon the injured half-breed lying on the ground and his hone nowhere In sight. They picked hint up and tok him to Kimball, and tried to get htm Into a room In one of the three hotel, but they all denied him adml4,oiv The Cathollo prlect finally. Often r4 bis 4mu to the' Injured man, Atl - examination by a physician showed that he was not danger ously wounded, about twenty of tha small hot entering hi back. The ; half-breed, when found carried a 44-caIlber gun on his person. ' -1 - Holmes Wasted In the Eaat.' MITCHELL. S. D., April 16.-(Specla., William B. Holme, who was arrested a month ago up In, Orant " county on the charge of uttering a forged check on the Pint National bank of tbl city, appeared before Judge Smith In circuit court this morning and pleaded guilty . to the charge. Holme I thought to have a record, and while he wa in the north part of the atate he (uceeeded tn peing several forged checks on the First National bank of this city. After his arrest ths Plnkerton de tective were found to be on his trart for crimes committed In ths east that: were of a similar character. ' Announcement, weddtrs stationery and calling card, blank book and masailo bUdla. 'PbM Pouts. i...e t tfewt, la.