12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AFTHTi P. 1009. o n o D o D o D o D o D o D o a o a o n o D o D o D D o D o D o D o D o a o a o a o D o D o D o D o n o a o 8 Tlic Spring Style Aristocrats Suits for Women $25 The Suits thnt well dressed women wear. Every "Fashlonseal" suit Is made of fabric specially woven for these suits every style absolutely correct every new feature of fashion em phatically the dressiest suits ever sold for . . . . aonononoc gnonoaoaoc OMAHA The Most Beautiful Types of pring Millinery f.i. u a . n d 3oaono D o n o D o n o n c n c D o a o D o n e a o n o D o a o B D o n o D o D o 0 o a D o D o D o D o n o U o a a apnonooono aonononoao n o D o D o a o D o D o a o D o D o a o a o a o n o D o c3 Sale of Water Damaged Shoes We have on pale several thousand dollars worth of high shoes that -were dam aged by water in the fire last week. We have arranged them on our counters, convenient for selection. $2.00 Shoes at 91-25 $3.00 Shoes at $2.00 $4.00 Shoes at $2.75 $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes, at $3.50 These shoes are as good af new, 'only slightly damaged by water. 8 FRY SHOE CO. THE IIOEBI 16th and Douglas Streets. Annual Silverware Sale Opens Saturday No store In Omaha sells new 1908 spring hats at such moderate prices. In this special group we offer the new and, ultra smart Merry Widow sailor In every color and style of trimming, also the new high crown hats, etc., etc Charming French and Ameri can Hats The millinery masterpieces of the season, rich colorings and CC graceful designs. . We sell thousands of these pretty, new and right up- to-date spring hats, at u,,i, a i sir- $10 $5 e lS Elbow Length Gloves D o D o D o D o a o a o a o D D o D o a o D o a n o a o a o a o D o n o D o n o a o n o D o n o a o D o a o D o D o D ,o D Women 's Long KidG love s new browns, tans, navy and blacks. They are made of real kid and clasp at the wrist elbow length 50 worth up to $3.50, at .......... ! Kayser's Long Silk Gloves The best elbow length silk gloves made, black and colors, at.;.....;. 125449 lOe and 15c LACES at 5c Yd. j Various widths of lrfces and insert-1 inga for trimmings thousands of: yards of extremely pretty new lots, on bargain sqnare, at . 1 . SpecieJ Wah Goods Sale in Basement Simpson's Dress Prints, 3c Yd. .Wm. Simeons & Son's fancy silk finished Dress Trints Known 10 ie tne best calico manufactured in y 1 -sold from the bolt Wednesday. at, )"o jf w - Td America- yard. RESERVED SEATS To Mme. Yale's Lecture o Beauty may le had without charge by calling at' BrandeU Drug department. We have a number of excellent seats left. Lecture Is Wednesday Atternooiii:30 Mme. Yale is the Foremost l'eautv J,$vJSCrer in the World. " ' . ' If TICKETS ARE COMPLIMENTARY. oaonoc l ;.rr'n'rllB .in mi ii a. a 1 h J 1 T. V T'.ti fi M I. "1 1 1 ... 1 : f fi j n aonononon aoaDaonocio o a o a o D o a o a o D o D o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o a o a o a o o D o D o D o n o u o D o n o a o a D D o a o D o D o n o n aoaono No Matter What You , Want Bee Want Ads Will Get jt M it i if M with mm lip FREE Any lSe Ladlas' Horn Journal Pattern with Spring Quarterly 5tyU Book at 20o SEE THESE TAILORED SUITS WE ARE $ FEATURING WEDNESDAY AT. You'll have to come here daily to keep step the new suits as they arrive, always Sa c class by themselve them to thorougl me tne excellence of prominent style, every color, at 19.50 i dm Hundreds coming in, '('Cik& H mwm of ??X. " distinctly into J f Tl You must jjm I y th s offor. St:,m -aV;;!! V j something new to show. y hundreds jroing out every day. Not a dulli Hi ji. . i i i iji P nuur 111 luc uejiarimeni. 'ijt Fox Wednesday we ask your special y tention to a lino of very stunning models tin f we priced at $r..oU. From a style point n view there are none that excel them. The general high character of the materials as and tailoring lifts them f5 a Realty Bargains Find them every day by watching tha n nouncementa In TQB BEE'S Want Ad C4 ami. Sprinfl JaCketS Stylish covert and broadcloth coats in 2. most any style fitted, semi-fitted or loose box effects. They are self strap trimmed, and silk and satin lined. We have every size up to 46 inches. Wednesday special 495 The Bargain Tables Will Be Loaded Down With Notions Wednesday Do not miss these sales. Everybody needs Just these very articles. ny noi ouy mem wnen tne price means bo much to you? Blaav Protector. llKht. cool and washable, tailor made, worth K UHc a pair, at -' Thread Family oewlnir thread, a (rood thread much below real Qf worth, rtoiin raathcratltcb Braids, white and color ed, larze lino, greatest values, too; worth up to 15c, two pieces Kf for J' Shall Ksir Pins, heavy and three and three and a half lnchea long, plain or crimped, three on a card, KZn at, card u More China Bargains Jugs, with fancy rose decorations, excellent 60c values. Fsarl Buttons, aood quality for shirt waists, etc. All sizes, ,worth to fir 10c dozen, two dozen for Jj Brass Shields, light weight nainsook, , all sizes, worth up to 25c a OCT, pair, three pairs for ArfOVv Eat Pins, 25 dozen, 7-tnch fancy pins. 'worth to 26c; special at fir,, each Uv Whit Taps, Ienox brand cotton, IT r, any width, fou it pieces for.... Cud Fins, large size, assorted colors, regular 10c cubes, for. From the Des Moines Department store stock. Handsome German China Cracker Jars and 4c 25c 1,000 decorated -Lunevllle China Bowls, blue, red. green In rose and currant decorations, lOo and 15c goods; onl 6 to a customer, at. each ,1 J PMISH BUN A 25c Cake, Special IP for Wednesday 1 lH C only . . . . . These Spanish Buna are a round cake about nine Inches In diameter, on the order .of sponge cake, but are much rich er with butter, eggs and milk, and a generous amount of currants, which makes them very delicious and appetizing, Don't fall to take "one of these cakes home with you. Special for Wed nesday only 15c 'Mai buffi 131K-SO Farnam St. HOHI BO. 711 K ASTER NOVELTIES IHSI'LAV SEE ON THEM on a W oman's Face. Keck. rArms or Shoulders is Not fftndrfpi pA Altrartli.. LA ilm DEPILATORY (Liquid) will remove hair from any part of th body In 6 to 11) minutes leaving skin soft and white no smarting or burning; 7ic per bottle. By i.iill, sealed. $1. Circulars free. S2SBM4JET McCOSSILI. OSUO CO, Cor. l(li ami Dodge, Omaha. OWL iitoa CO.. Cor lbih ud Harney. AMERICAN BEAUTT KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Exclutl Maksr. 500 China Wall Placques, assorted California fruit decorations, 9 inch size, 50c value; on sale at 25C A WEDNESDAY SALE Silk Brocade Corsets The factory's sample line, including a lot of "seconds" that is, corsets that here and there have a slight imperfection caused by machinery which prevents selling them aa perfect goods. The stylo or wearing qualify of the corsets are not in the least impaired. The factory supplies us with these seconds periodically. Wednesday a big lot will be on sale at much less than half. These corsets are high grade silk brocades, but most are iu small sizes; there are pinks, whites and blues models for the slender and stout figures. These Are $4.50 Corsets, WEDNESDAY $1.50 75c Another line of regular stock $1.50 models, with high bust, long hip and hose support ers attached; all are choice goods in many styleB. On Wednesday we offer fifty dozen of them, all sizes, at WEDNESDAY SALE OF PICTURES "FIRESIDE FANCIES," beautiful pictures, finished In Sepia and hand tinted colors. Frames are finished in gold and Flemish oak, both oval and square openings; all absolutely new. 3.50 kinds.... $2.00 ' ,2BkInd3;i--,1u-50. $2.35 kinds. , $1.20 $1.48 kinds. .$1.00 75c kinds. .45c That Sale o! Men's Hals oppourtunuyaof rheekyTarhtobbu8J soft and stiff hats about half. $2.00 hats.. $1.19 $3.00 hats. .$l..i) $4.00 hats.. $1.08 m sow roR delicacies! y Tms WtEK A SALE R00M L0TS' WAlL PAPER 'rffVlliisj II m twtnnlmr Wednesday the Wall Paper section will be an attractive place FOOD FOR NERVES Weak and nervous men who find their power to itork and youthful vigor cone ax a result of over work or mental exertion should take OKAY'S KKKVB FOOD P1L.L3. Thuy will make you eut and deep and ba a man 1 Bon 3 noses S3. 60 by mall. SBE&sfAK UcCOHXiiLL D&U(r CO, Cor. 16th and Dodge St. OWL DBVO COM AMY Cor- let and Hsmay Sis.. Omifca, Sab, HOTELS. WIIV IH SkiTBOIT blop at HOTEL TULLER Abbolulely ip"irproof. Cor. Adams Ava. and Pars St. In tna tenter of the Theater, boop pins and Buainne Lilltrict. A la Carta Cafe, Grill Room, Service L ii"xcelleii BTE1Y SOOM WITH BATH. BOaOFEAM AW. BVATXB, .tO IES SAT AJIS Dr. 1 W. TDLIIA Pto. St. A. Anaar. Mt. ' for those, who are planning new decoration. We shall have on sale BOO one- room lots and broken lines of fine tapestry, two-tona and gilt pspers. These i' are the left overs from our best selling- lines. They are artiatio in dnolifn, t and In a range wide enough to carry out any color scheme you have In mind. You can decorate entire houses from these lots for thwre are designs appro- 1 priate for any room. Here's the way w offer wall papers of real quality tj this week, to close: , Clearing up the odds I Clearing up one-room I Clearing up many choice and ends of 25c m lots of 15o pa- 7tC lOo papers us Ag. Daner et IUC per, at ' ' I low as ! See us for Sanltas. Burlap, Plate Rails and Wall Mouldings. DON'T OVERLOOK TflE BIG FURNITURE SALE ' TIMS We still have some fine bargains In Parlor Suites from the .i WKKK manufacturer's sample line. We advertise $37.50 (Suites ' $75.66 Suites for.' .' .' .' .' .'gSsioO $50.66 Suites for $:12.'H i $00.00 Suites for $47.50 $30.00 Suites for. ... . .$22.50 HITCH K CABlMiTS. r $15.00 Cabinets for. ..a.$0.48 $25.00 Cabinets for...$lG.50 TKDIV UKAIt WITH KACH GO-CAltT. i We hare forty styles, from $1.85 to $35.00. A $2.00 Teddy Bear, t fitted with sweater and cap, free on Wednesday with any Go-Cart at $4.00 or over. ' . Bee Want Ads Produce Results HOTELS. l f; ,,. .Ji I' . i ,i f m mi m I Chicago's Great European Hotel The Virginia Absolutely rireprooL Sates. 11.5$ and sp. . A hlgb-clatl Tranaieat aad Kasldential Hotel, situated Is oaa of Ilia moat select Darts of the city. Kotundai a harmoo 'Jin Italian marble, beautiful statuary sod cathedral glaaa. JO handiomely mrnisnea oaiaioa rooms, suwie or as saite. Larue blight Dining H all, with finest cuitine. Every conven ience that appeals to the mast exacting patron. Far enougn from city aoiae for restful quiet, yet within ten minutea' walk of business canter. Hright, new at. car (2 blocka away) in S m mlnatea take you to the abnpping district, paaaing trie doors aO-V"- rtf all ieaina theatrea. Huoklet free on reoueat. kx CfjO. W. REYNOLDS. Pro.. Ruab m4 OKio Sta.. Chicasw Buy Your Embroideries Wednesday Grcifesl Bargain Opportunity Ever Offered iwmi THE REUABLB TRK Scores of Beautiful Patterns for Selection 50c Embroideries, at, Yd. 17k Over 1,000 yards of extra quality Corset Cover Embroideries and 18-inch Skirt Flouncings. Immense assortment of beautiful patterns, actual 50c n yard values, nil 471' . go Wednesday nt, yard I f 2C The most delightful Jot of bargains ever offered in Omaha. Don't miss this Pale Wednesday. Never before have such values been shown at sale price, 174( 25 Discount on all Zipnl A big job of Val. Lnoes on City Laces for Wednesday.' sale Wednesday, SO-Se Great Sale ol Silks Continues Wednesday High Grade Wash Goods Dept. In This Department We lead all others. Handsome spring Voiles at Scotch Madras, double fold Silk Warp Voiles, fast colors Silk filled rough fabric. Rajah, but this will wash The greatest assortment ties ever shown in town, at, yard, from 10c to, .. 15c ..25c ..39c Just like .39c of novel- .1.98 Silk Warp Pongees, all colors Silk finished Toplins, at Fine roDlins, 25c and , . . , Arnold's celebrated 'silk warp flouncing Side Band Kimono Cloth, at. High class Dress. Ginghams, yard, $1.00, 75c, hOr, 39c, 25c, 15c and 39c 39c 19c 50c 25c . yard, 124c it Extra Specials for Wednesday IS Otn FAMOUS DOMKMT1C KOOM From 9 Till 10 A, 1YI. One case of genuine Ixmsdale limit of 12 yards to a customr, Wednesday at, per , yard v FOn ALL DAY 6c 7c Apron Checks 10c Linons, etc 3Hr) 12 He Voiles 54 69c Sheets "1 . 37 15c Pillow Slips 19c India Linons JOc 19c Persian Linons 10 12 He Toweling 7Hj 15c Towels 8Hff 12fte Towels 7H 10c Towels 5 7 c Claret Prints 3Ht 12V4C Percales, 36-in 7V4ff 39c Mercerized Damask.. 22 H 85c Damask 46 76c Lace Curtains ; 30 $1.00 Lace Curtains 50tf $1.25 Lace CurUlns (i)? $3.00 Wool Dress Goods f9 $2.00 Wool Dress Goods. . ..fOC $1.50 Wool Dress Goods. . . .3? $1.00 Bleached Table Cloths r0 69c Bedspreads . . . II 4 85c Bedspreads .. -5 $1.00 BedBpreads .57c $1.25 Bedspreads . (St $1.50 Bedspreads 77 40-lft. Lawns, 19c grade... 10? Shrunk Ind. Hd 8H 15 other specials for Wednesday. Another Big Sale In Gas Ughts and Mantles for Wednesday Lindsay Upright Burner, complete. 59 Inverted Burner, complete. . 5) Three 10c Mantles for.... 20 Three 16c Mantles for.... 25 Three 10c Chimneys 20 Three 26c Inverted Gas Mantles tor 5 For Wednesday only, nil Electric and Gas Readfng Lamps at -') per cent off. Save Gne-Ualf on Embroideries Wednesday READ THESE GROCERY PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY'S SALE 10 bars best Laundry Soap 25c 10 lb. sack best granulated white or yellow corn meal 15c 10 lb. sack best Buckwheat or Graham Flour Wc 4 cans best fancy Sweet Corn 2fc Quaker Oat Company's Toastsd Wheat Flakes, per pkg 6c The best Soda or Oyster Crickers, per lb c The best crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb., at 6c The best crisp Pretsels, per lb... 6c 1 lb. pkft. best domestic Macaroni RV WIkbIo Htlck Blue, per stick . . . .2 Vkc Wiggle Btlck Combination package lilc Fanry Cookies, regular 15c, ISc and 20c sellers, In this sale, per lb 10c Bromanuelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per pks; 7V 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 30 Choice California Prunes, per lb. 4o Choice Seedless Raisins, per lh. 8'ic Fancy Cleaned Currants, pr lb. Ric Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per lb. RMiO Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb.. 12Ho Fancy whole Dried Apples, per lb. 124c Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per lb.. at im OHANOKS OHANGKS Our 17th car of Highland Navels In. They are very extra fancy, sweet and very rich flavored. To s;o on sale at, per dozen, Jhc, lTMir, 15c and Ho FRESH VKGETABI.ES FOR WEDNESDAY Fresh Spinach, per peck ISo 2 heads fresh Leaf lettuce 5c. 2 bunches fresh Radishes 5c 6 bunches frrsli Onions fir Large Cucumbers, each 10c Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, 3 for , 10c Fresh Kpra Plant, each 5c Fresh Wax or String Beans, per lb., at 2f Fresh Tomatoes, per lh 1ic QUART BOXKS FANCY, RIPR 8TRAWBKRRIKS IVi CLOSING Oi'T OI R BI'MMKR T.AP ROBK8 IN HARNK88 DEPT. Reaular 11.00 Lap Robes, all to go at, each 60c Ton cannot afford to. miss -this. ' Great Rug and Carpet Sale Monday, Apr. 13 W HAYDEEE?. THE ROAD TO HEALTH (3 My -- TO -- Sulphur Springs Ark. "THE BEAUTY SPOT OF THE OZARK" v New $50,000 Kihlberg Hotel will open June 1st. $100,000 in improvements now in progress will afford modern axjoommodations at this All Year 'Round Health Resort 1 WKOT OB XMSa H.I.TSTMATXB XiXTESATUKH 8. G. HOPKINS, D. P. K. C 8. Ry.. TEXARKANA TEXAS. 8. G. WARNER, G. P. A., K. C. 8. Ry KANSAS CITV, 5IO. BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS TBIBD FLOOR, PAXTOM CLOCK Corner 16 Lb and Farms at Streets. Bst equipped Dents.! offlcs la tbs mlddls wsst. Highest grsds DsntUtry t ReasooabU Frlc, Porcelain finings. Just Uss Us toots.