Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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    Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 5, 1008.
g!M?Nrflgiis Sewing Machines
Xew Home, drop head $17.50
Wilcox & (libbs, box top $22.50
Xew Royal, full cabinet, just like new $17.00
Singer, drop head $21.00
Wheeler & Wilson, drop head $18.00
White, drop head $23.00
Standard, drop head $24.00
These are genuine bargains. Some of them have never
been out of the house. Are all guaranteed, complete with
attachments, and the latest thing the factory produces.
We rent machines. We repair and sell parts for all
Second-hand box top machines from $3.00 to $9.00.
All complete with attachments and guaranteed, and while
they have been used, yet are in a condition to give first
class service.
FREE, FREE We give absolutely free ten lessons
in dress-making to any lady purchasing a sewing machine.
We are the largest sewing machine dealers in the west,
carry the largest stock, the leading well known makes, and
are in a position to sell you a machine adapted to your
needs for cash or on payments.-
The Nebraska Cycle Co.
onday Specials
at Beaton's
Our biff sale on box stationery la etUl on. Bimembir, we are offering to
73c boes of the finest linen stationery during this sale at 14o a box.
Bee large display In onr rarnara street window. Here are some of our drug prioest
STie Ribbon Flit's, Motnlny only 18c
'Be Manicure Scissors, Monday only,. 45c
!!e Ivy Flint. Monday only 8c
15c Manicure. Sets, powder buffer, pumice,
stone, orange atul emery boarjs, Monday
only l?o
!r.- cake Null Polish 10c
Smrry Hoards, per dozen, Monday only,
at fie
'be Stistrlte Cuticle Acid, Mondday onlv,
at 18c
Uuffers. Monday only ; lOo
lfc I'earl Nail Cleaners, Monday only 16c
'5c box Armour's Oatmeal Soap (3 oaken
In a hoxl per box . ,.10
Oc box I'nlnur's Violet and Rose Toilet
Sojp, while It lusts 3 takes in a box, per
box :tl4e
0c, Society Hyglcneque Soap, unscenled,
t : 89c
!5o Oermoline Skin Soap, Monday enlv,
per cake 170
:5u Packer's Tar Snap 16o
'fic 4711 Tar Soup. Alondiiy only Oc
5c Imrt Castile Hoap, imported, full 2
pounds, Monday on;y. per bar. ..... 80c
5c Roger & (lallet Violet Soap, Monriiv
only a 6c
eatoo Drug Co.
IStli and
Universally Imitated
Differs from all others not
I In i I'rtPt' mIIi i ai
Y""1' HimnitMi, ii nas never hoeu reproduced.
When you by a Steinway Piano you buy a quality of
tone that can be had under no other name, and for nc
smaller price. It's the supreme merit of the Steinway
that years of do not destroy its characteristic qual
ity. ou are cordially invited to pay us a visit of in
spection and examine these matchless instruments. Cit
alofrucs furnished free on request . Terms arranged to
meet convenience of purchaser.
ScSimoSIer -& Mueller
1311-1313 Farnam Street
The Cause and Cure.
Crle acid Is introduced into the sys
tem by food and drink. Normally, the
uxcesslve amount of the acid biloiiij
be excreted the regular chan
nels, but iho amount that Is letruincl
ui. J absorbed In the tissues is the cause
ii f Kneuuiatlo troubUs.
Tits Hlioloids treatment povBcsscs thut
peculiar quality to form a soluble coin
pound with tlia Urlo Acid aud in thu
form It is carried from the system. Ruo
lold U easy and pleas.tnt to take and Is
highly auccessful In all forms of Klieu.
mulUm. .S't'Uialglu. Clout. Lumbago, Lam
Hack, Kidney, Ul'.Uder and such d,ea..-4
arising from exce.-slve I'rlc Acid. Th
regular site treatment JUKr. U sold by
gherman & McCor.nell Drug Co., Cor. ltn
nd Dodge tils., aid Owl Liu Co.. Cur.
Kth sod Ilarn-y Sis.
Wc have received a carload of
the celebrated Ball-bearing White
and must have room on our floor for"
Other machines will be cleared
out at 2oro to 50 of their real
Cor. 15th and Harnay
10c I,a I'rcfcrcnola clear Havana, Con
chas size. Monday only 6c
Box of 50. $J.50.
15c Staehelberg's La Fama, Washington
Club Klzo 10o
Box of 50. J4.75.
15c Edward Onto, 4 for 85c
Box of 50, $4.75.
10c Edward Oato, 4 for 350
10c Kelna Louisa for oc
11.25 for box of 2b.
10c Falmer House for 5o
Can .of 25, $1.25.
10c Crown Specials for So
Box of 25, $1.25.
50c Sartoln Skin Food .'46o
50c Woodbury's Massage Cream, Monday
only 87c
50c Yale's- Almond Blossom Crea m . . . 45o
$1.00 Pumpelun Massage 'roam, Monday
only , , 4 So
50c Merldor's Cold Cream' 40o
25c Beaton's Cold Cream, Monday only 15o
50; Maggn Cream ,.40o
50c CiiNuvera Cream 50o
75c Rickseccker's Cold Cream, Monday
only 32o
50c IV Mars' Skin Food 25o
oOc Daggil At Ramsdell's Cold C'rcain..33o
Never Reproduced
only in decree, but in kind.
Phone Doughs 1625
n a Woman's Face, .Neck.
Arms or Shoulders Is Not
Considered Attractive...
will remove hair from any part of the body
In I to 10 minutes leaving skin tuft and
white no smarting or burning; 7Sc per
bottle. By i.iall. sealed. II. Circulars fres.
Cor. 16th and Dodge. Oman.
OWL bioa CO..
Cor loin nd llainey.
Closing Houn of Penitential Season
See Only Minor Things.
Hons Mm Instrail f House Maids
ow I aider Dlsraslon Amosg
th Kolks Wk Kin ploy
Domestic Help.
BTCslaf I P.
Though worldly, Is In a way
To her a living tnsue;
She's cutting out two meals a day
To sacriflcs some tissue. ....
The Maid
The Koclal Calendar.
MONDAY Daughter of American Rf v0
lution meeting Bt the residence of Mrs.
A 1'. Tukey; Mlos Blanche boretison.
Treble Clef club; Mlos lncs Bunnell, Ia
Douzaine club; meeting of Temple Israel
sisterhood; Mrs. Van Gleson, Informal
partv for Dr. and Mrs. Henry I Mere.
Tl KHDAY Mrs. William Belter, the New
Tuesday Bridge cub; Mrs. K. D. van
Court, luncheon for Mia -Lewis
WKDNKSDAY Mrs. Fred Walters, ror-get-Me-Not
club; women of All Sainls ,
luncheon at the Wattles' Memorial I'nr
ish house; I'rof. Chatelain, lecture at Ills
studio; Daughters of American Revolu
tion, dancing party at club moms.
Till' RSI 'AY M rs. A. S. Foyer, Mid
Week High Five club at her home In
FRIDAY Play at the I.yrie by the Dart
mouth Dramatic club; afternoon tea at
the Racquet club for the visiting Dart
mouth men; Mrs. Charles Teale, T. B.
flub. ,
8 AT CRD AY Harmony club, Mr. and Mrs.
K. A. Benson; Poppleton Avenue Card
club. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Manchester;
M. M. C. club, Mr. White, at his home;
North Side Card club, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Bigger.
During these quiet days one wonders
what some of the society women are do
ing. One young matron who lives out
West Farnam way is seeking a perfect
maid now wills she has the time "to
try thorn out." Last week she tried five
and she Is still seeking. Two matrons on
the hill, who have very large houses,
thought they had the "eternal question'"
solved by having Belgian house men in
stead of housemaids. But the men were
not at all alike. One Is- still giving per
fect satisfaction, while the other imbibed
rather freely, and upon being dismissed
decided that "misery likes company" and
invited the coachmen of the neighborhood
to a party. The next day several fami
lies were looking for new coachmen.
Miss Florence Iewla, whoso marriage
to Mr. Sherman Canfleld takes place Mon
day evening April a), will be honor guest
at several prenuptial affairs. Some of
those planned for this week are a supper
Sunday evening giver ay fr. and Mrs.
E. M. Fairfield, a luncheon Tuesday given
by Mrs. K. D. Van Court, and a dinner
the latter part of the week, which will bo
given by Mr. O. C. Redick after the arrival
of Mr. Arthir Iwla. The wedding party
is to Include Mrs; Phillip Hosmcr of Chi
cago as maid of honor and Miss Virginia
Lewis as bridesmaid Mr. O. C. Redick
will be best man and the ushers will bo
Mr. Arthur Lewis, Mr. Lee McShane, Mr.
E. M. Fairfield, Mr. W. E. Martin and Mr.
Earl Gannett.
The afternoon reception for the members
of the Dartmouth Dramatic club, which
will be given at the Racquet club by the
Dartmouth Alumno Friday promises to be
one of the social events of the week. Dur
ing their stay here the visitors will bo
Riven the privileges of the Raoqiict club
In tlie evening they will present a comedy
entitled "The Other Fellow." which will
be given at the Lyric theater. Those who
will assist In receiving the guests at the
tea Friday afternoon will be:
R.l'!1.nm.p- Mesdames-
U"y PI'Tpont. Arthur Cooleyf
" -" '' George Redick.
Louis Clarke. Harry Doorly.
2-vu,n-M u ' ,)av1"' ,lal l Moorhead.
Xitin ?, lHi'e' ("' T' Kountze.
Kdwln 1. Sw.ibe. Arthur Kerline.
rank Kennedy.. Arthur Rogers.
Misses Misses
Flora Webster Natalie Merriam.
K" Weasels. Hortenso Clark"
K la Mae Brown. lloldrege.
lil'U'X ,','Wls' i-rtrude Moorhead.
Marie Croutise. Bessie Moorhead
xTUk?'' , Marv U - MeHlmne.
Ruth Moorhead.. Mildred Merriam.
I : arollne Congdon. Helen Davis
Mary .Alice Rogers. Margaret Wood.
The many friends of Mrs. Lola Rustin and
Captain William Doane regret very much
thai, they have had to change their plans.
Ca'italn Doane, who 1b stationed with, the
Twenty-second regiment at Fort McDowell,
A lgel Island, San Francisco, Cal., will have
such a short leave of absence that the
'veddlng which was to have taken place
In Omaha In -June will have to take place
in California, where both Mrs. Rustin and
Captain Doane have a great many friends.
The change was made necessary because
Captain Donne's leave of absence is only
for ten days, owing to the absence from
the regiment of so many officers. Judge
and Mrs. G. W. Doane. Mrs. Henry Rustin
and children. Miss Margaret and Mustur
Wliklns Rustin. and Mrs. Ruetln's mothe
Mrs. William P. Goodwin of Washington
D. C. will have April 15 for California
Captain Doane receiving his leave the
latter part of the month.
"Tho Echo Social Club" Is the name of a
new organization, which was organlied at
a meeting In tho Holmes hall. Twenty
fourth and Burdette streets. Friday even
ing, the purpose of the club being as the
name Implies, for social intercourse. Tile
club will have dances and other parties and
starts out with a large membership.
H W. McVeu was elected president and
Mrs. O. F. Hoffman was chosen secretary
and treasurer of the Friday evening meet
ing, the next meeting to be on Friday
evening of next week. Those present nt
the organization of the Echo club were Mr
and Mrs. O. F. Hoffman. M,s. and Mrs
H. L. Klcbbs, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ryks Mr
and Mis. B. Homan, Mr. and Mrs. II. w"
McVea, Misses Dora Smln.
Gould, and Messrs. N. A. Hoffman. George
Val lean, E. L. Hoffman. D. sonier and
. B. Ktndric.
Koclal (hlt-(tiat.
MIks Leah Mandellnig l8 seriously ia'at
her home. 2016 North T enty-second street
Mrs W. J . McCord has returned from
New York, where she has been for several
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon, who moved
into their new homo on Thirty-ninth street
ara now settled.
Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. William Lincoln
Byrne, formerly of Omaha and now of 8t
Ix'Uis, March 21, a son.
Miss Faith Toller sailed Saturday from
UverjmuJ for New York on the Lusitania.
She has been touruig France and England
for several weeks with fronds. They will
spend a week or ten days In New York,
ufter which Miss Potter will rtturn to
Miss Amy Gllmore, duughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Gllmore. will sp. nd her Easter
vacation In New York City with a number
of the other students from the National
Tark seminary of Washington, D. C. They
will be chaperoned by Miss Btovr, one of
the instructors of the school.
Mrs. C. F. McGrew will leave for Wash
higion Sunday, April 12, to meet her daugh
ter. Miss Alice Carey McGrew, who U at
tending school at Mrs. flnmr-rs". They will
go to New York to spend the Kaster va
cation. Mrs. McGrew will return with her
daughter to Wsshlngton and remain there
during the month of May.
Miss Elisabeth Murray,' who wfil be' at
the Orpheum this week, will be the guest
during her engagement In Omaha of her
cousin, Mr. J. D. Weaver and Mrs. Weaver.
On her previous visits hero Miss Murray
has been much feted, but tho dally mat
inees Interfere somewhat. Miss Murray will
close her season in the slates the last of
this month and calls for London May 2
for her engagement there.
Miss Eugenie Whltmore, who is the guest
of her fiance's mother, Mrs. John Shirk in
Tipton, Ind.. has been honor guest at a
great many social affairs given by rela
tives and friends of Mr. Shirk. V also
learn from tho Tipton Tribune that Miss
Whltmore has won new friends through her
musical ability. Miss Whltmore played at
a club musicals which was given at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Dickey of Tipton.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Hugo Brandels entertained very In
formally at bridge Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles O'Neill Rich Invited a dozon
friends Informally, Saturday afternoon to
have tea and meet Miss Dodge and Mrs.
N. F. Dodge.
The Lohengrin club was entertained Fri
day evening by Miss Nancy Haze. The
next meeting will be Friday, April 10, with
Mrs. O. G. Middleton.
Miss Bertha Dworak entertained the
Nezod club last Tuesday evening. At cards
the prize was won by Miss Elizabeth Abel
of South Omaha. Miss Minnie Witfoth
will entertain the club next Tuesday eve
ning. The "Rambler Crew" were the guests at
a slag dinner given by William It. Gould,
Jr., Friday. Besides the crew of W. . B.
Baehr, George Bpethman, A. J. Latey, Gus
Sayles, Joe Lilly and Dell Lough there,
were present Then Tillotson, J. W. Brown,
G. J. Kyte and Shirley McGlll.
Major R. 8. Wilcox was pleasantly sur
prised Friday evening by the employes of
Browning, King & Co., who called on him
at' his residence, 19n Blnney street, and
presented the host with a handsome elec
tric lamp. The occasion was the sixty
third birthday of Major Wilcox. An enjoy
able evening was spent with cards, after
which a supper was served.
Miss Flower Alexander entertained the
D. O. F. N. club Friday evening. Games
were played and prizes won by Miss Besslo
Alquist and Mr. Arthur Knapp, Miss Ruby
and Mr. James Christie. Those present
were: Miss Ruby Booth) Miss" Onle Krell,
Miss Jule Alexander, Miss Bessie Alquist,
Miss Mary Evans, Mr. Arthur Knapp, Mr.
James Christie, Mr. Carl Russen, Mr. For
rest Clark. Mr. Will Hazzard and Mr.
Engnar Danlelson.
The San Soucl club was entertained Fri
day evening by Miss Nclle Hurst at her
home. At the game of cards a prize was
won by Miss Bell and tho hostess was
presented with a hand painted plate. Miss
Hurst was assisted by Miss Ethel Hender
son. Those present were: Mrs. Shockey,
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Hocft, Miss Curtis, Miss
Plxon, Miss Corey, Miss Stemm, Miss
Hurst, Miss Nelson, Miss Gehrlnger, Miss
Peterson and Miss Wilcox.
A surprise rarty was given Mr. J. S.
Harpster Friday evening by a number of
his friends at 802 8outh Thirty-eighth
street, the occasion being his birthday. The
evening was pleasantly spent with 'music
and games. Those present w-ere: Mf. and
Mrs. C. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harpster,
Mrs. F. Busch, Mr. C. Harpster, Misses
A. Harpster, F. Brader, F. Harpster, E.
Nelson. Messrs. J. Funk, 1). Harpster, E.
Hassel, R. Harpater.and J. Dougherty.
About forty members of tho older high
school set were guests of Miss Alice Wood
worth at a card party given at the Wood
worth home on St. Mary's avenue .Friday
evening. Hearts was the game of tho eve
ning, and tho prizes were awarded to
Miss Iiulso Northrup, Mr. Walter Grif
fith, Miss Gladys Glfford and Mr. Harris
Vance. The score cards were very novel
and attrcctive, being white hearts with a
view of the high school building printed on
them In old rose. These Junior class colors
were also used In the decorations, and the
same idea was carried out in the refresh
ments. The Alternate card club was entertained
Friday afternoon by Mrs. F. J. Jurge.nsen.
Three table:, were placed for tho game of
high five, and the high scores were made
by Mrs. J. P. Foyer and Mrs. F. J. Jurgen
sen. Mrs. J. P. llolsey was the guest of
the club. The members present were:
Mrs. G. N. Douglas, Mrs. I. A. Stevens,
Mrs. W. T. Hoover, Mrs. C. V. Smith, Mrs.
Charles Stevens, Mrs. Brace, Mrs. C. N.
Walker, Mrs. A. K. Detwller, Mis. F. L.
Armstrong, Mrs. Fred Ehrhardt and Mrs.
J. P. Foyer. The next meeting will ba
April 15 at the home of Mrs. W. T. Hoover,
26fi9 Dewey avenue.
A, farewell party was given on Thursday
evening by Mrs. Thomas Croft at her resi
dence, 3S23 Charles street, in honor of the
Misses Mildred and Marjorle Johnson, who
arc leaving Omaha to resldo et Mlnne
spoils. Mrs. J. W. Austin assisted the host
ess In entertaining. Several amusing and
pretty games were played, In which nil
participated. Dainty refreshments were
served about 10:P.O and the party then dis
persed. Those present were: Mildred John
son. Marjorle Johnson. Francis Damon,
Erma Jones, Eleanor Patrick, Nellie Ryan,
Elizabeth Anderson, Marie Gaven, Margue
rite Nelson. Lenora Glblln, Marie Donahue,
Catherine Murray, Louise Damon, Wilma
Damon, Rachael Metcalf, Mary Lee Brown,
Josephine Gavin, Mable Sandburg and
Murie Croft.
Coming K vents.
Mrs. E. D. Van Court will entertain at
luncheon Tuesday of next week In honor
of Miss Florence Iewls.
Miss Grctchen Williams will ent rtaln at
luncheon Friday, April 10.
The New Tuesday Bi iilge club will meet
this week with Mrs. William Suiter.
The T. B. flub will be entertained Friday
afternoon by Mrs. Charles Teale at her
Miss Inez Bunnell will be tho hostess for
the La Douzaine club, which meets Mon
day afternoon.
Tho Omlkrons are making preparations
for a May day dancing party to be niven
This Institution is the only uuc
in tho central west with st'imrate
buildings tituatetl iu thvir own
:itiiple grounds yet entirely Iis.
tinct iitl reuUeriuu it possible lo
rliisfcify cubcn. The one building
being fitted (or and devoted to the
treatment of non- outaglou and
nun-mental diseases, no of tiers be
ing admitted. The other, Itest
Cottage, being designed (or and
ievoted to the exclusive treatment
ii f select mental rases, requiring
(or a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
if r
fnscinat i n g
Paris, that
long cher
ished source of inspiration
iu dress, lias ereated won
derful beautiful models
each charminj? but differ
ent in that intangible so
characteristic of the Paris
ian manner born, but she
is no more alone iu her
r t j-1 e supremacy. N e w
York City with her pres
ent air of our eastern style,
has also evented artistic
and beautiful modes all
are here for your choosing,
exclusive models that were
created here or abroad. It
is truly a magnificent dis
play, representing the best
thoughts of the renowned
artists of the world.
on "the "evening "of 'May 1. Instead of a
dancing party In April they will give a
la rgeatag Orpheum purty.
The North, Side Card club will he enter
tained Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bigger.
The Tcmplo Israel sisterhood will hold
their regular meeting Monday afternoon at
the new temple.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Manchester will enter
tain the Poppleton Avenue Card club on
Saturday evening at their, home.
The Harmony club will be entertained
Suturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Benson at their home In Dundee.
Mr. White will be the host for the M. M.
C. club Saturday evening at his home at
Twenty-ninth and Hamilton streets.
Mrs. Fred Walters will be the hostess
for the Forget-Me-Not club Wednesday
afternoon at her home. 2S0!) Ohio street.
Mr. Wilson Heller will entertain at card.s
Friday of the coming week at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Heller.
The Mid-Weck High-Fivo club will bo
entertained Thursday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Foyer at their home tn Dundee.
Tho women of All Saints' will give one
of their series of luncheons Wednesday
noon at the Wattles Memorial parish house.
Miss Blanche Sorenson will entertain the
Treble Clef club Monday at luncheon. Dur
ing the afternoon a musical program will
be given.
The Dictz Mhlctlc association will give
a dancing party Wednesday evening. April
8, at the club rooms. Thirtieth, and Spuuld
Ing streets. The committee in charge will
be Mr. Frank Harrison and Mr. John J.
Mrs. Van Gleson will entertain Informally
Monday evening, April 6. for Dr. and Mrs.
Henry Lc-merc, who will celebrate their
first wedding anniversary. The guests will
include the bridal party 'at Dr. and Mrs.
Lemere's wedding last year.
The meeting of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will bo held Monday
afternoon, April 6, at the home of Mrs. A.
P. Tukey Instead of April 13 as formerly
announced. Mrs. Troup will read a paper
on "Tho Flag" and a musical program will
be In charge of Mrs. William Heller. Mrs.
Wagner Thomas will sing.
Come and Go Uusslu.
Miss Louise Ind will spend Easter week
In New York City.
Mis. Murthena Saunders returned Friday
from an extended stay In California.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgees leave Sun
day evening for a two weeks' visit in New
York City. 1
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf returned the first
of the week from a three months' visit to
New York and Alii ntic City.
Mr. Harry Townsend, who has been at
Eielsior Springs for a couple of weks,
has returned much benefited.
Miss Murle Hardin Is visiting over the
Hiring school holiday 4 with her friend,
Miss Blanche Wooldridge, at Sioux City.
Mrs. Frank F.llick of Chicago Is thu
guest nt her brother, Mr. Alfred Ellick
and Mrs. Ellick, at their home in Dundee.
Rabbi, Iouis Bernstein of St. Jnwph is
exptcted Sunday nifcht to spend the. week
with l'.is turents. Mr. and Mr3. J. Bern
stein. Miss Gladys Peters and Miss Bess Gould,
who are attending school at Miss Burn
hain's, will spend their wpring vacation in
Miss Gretchen Wllke of the Francis Wil
son company was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. I'tiau during her engagement 1:1
Mrs W. R. Millard and son. Mrs. J. E.
Wilbur and dnughter und Mrs. J. K. Sum
mers and son are sojourning at ExceUlor
Mr. Arthur Lewis ii expected Wednesday
torn Seattle, here he is nnv.' located, lb
will'i until after the Calif leld-Lewis
Mr. Euclid Martin and his niece, Miss
Fiances Martin, have returned from Lis
Angeles. Mrs. Martin will remain a few
Weeks longer.
Miss Uoiolhy Ling wall, who is attending
thi! t'nfvcrslty of Nebiaska, will spend the
Easter holidays wilii her parents, Mr. und
Mrs. Theodore Itingwalt.
Miss Hai-'l Council has returned from
an extended vlMt In New Mexico, where
she was the gm-st of her brother, Dr.
Ralph Connell. and Mrs. Council.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love anil small son
huve i-' turred from a hhorl stay at Mot
Springs, Ark., und rj now at their sum
mer home rear the (imala Country club
Senator Millard and his daughter. Miss
Jessie Millard, and his grandson, Joseph
Hopkins, Jr., are planning to take a trip
abroad some time during the coming
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McShane. who have
been spend!!!- a few weeks In Florida, will
i i i
This is a showing of high
art nppnrel which will be
at once accepted as being
indicative of the correct
trend of fashion and show
ing the stamp of the high
Okrin standpoint. These
new styles will be quickly
adapted as proper and will
illustrate in the very
broadest degree the now
great resource of Orkiu
U ro 1 1 1 ers ' o vga n i za t i on.
Every woman should
see our splendid dis
play of new Easter
styles and an hour or
so spent here will
give one a correct in
terpretation of what
will be worn this season.
For one week only, goods only slightly damaged
by water: $5.00 to $10.00 hats slightly damaged
will sell from $L50 to $5.00; $10.00 to $20)0 hats
..slightly damaged will sell from $5.00 to $10.00;
' other hats in proportion.
Hair Goods! Hair Goods!
$3.00 Coronet puffs that did not even know there
was a fire will sell from $1.50 to $2.00. Combs,
switches and pomps will sell at a discount of lOo
to o0rl. Buy a switch if you need or not, you will
need one next year.
liemembcr the sale is fov one week only.
The pretty custom of gift giving
at Kaster Is becoming more and
more prevalent.
Jewels, and Sterling Silver Gifts
ere particularly in keeping, and
appropriate for this occasion.
This season we have made a
special feature of Easter Wares
which not only embrace Jewelry,
Silver and Cut Glass, but such
plece3, for Instances as Gold anO
Sliver trimmed Leather Goods,
fine Cutlery and Sheet Goods,
Gold Mounted.
I 16'h andJUarney Sts.
spend the next week In Washington, and
an expected In Omaha about the mlddlo
of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton and fum
ily, who have been traveling In Sic ily, met
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cahlwi II, Mrs. Ilor
bucli, Mrs. P.ourke anr1, daughters. Tin y all
expect to visit Rome soon.
Miss Klizabeth Sweet, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Sweet, who Is attending
Smith college will be a member of a house
Tarty given by Miss Helen Cntlin of New
York during the spring vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cutlahy will leave
Punday, April .'. fur the east to meet their
daughters, M;rs Ji an Ciulahy and Mi.-h
Helen Cudahy, who ar.' altend'ng school at
M.hs Sommers In Washington. They will
all s-nd Kaster week hi New Vurk ("lly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hurgess ri turned
lon e Thursday after several months spent
In California. Knroute huiiie they stopped
Iu Ienver, where tiny were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Williams, i ml were
honor guests at many social affairs..
Lieutenant Freilerii k Test U tpendlng n
few days the guest of friends 111 Council
liluffu. He will return the first of the
week to spend a few days with his
Take a Barrel of
Home in your Pocket
Three ilavors in each barrel,
vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.
It will keep hard for a long
time on a hot day.
Quart size sufficient for six or
eight persons ..'. 40J
Pint size sufficient for three or
four persons 2Q
13IK-20 l'umuin Kt.
non so. 7ii
Table I 1 1 t- Dinner Today. 5Q
An Appropriate Easter Gift
Home rVIade
Grace F . Sorenson
Trie One Dollar For Hale at all book
' 'outliers In Omaha.
t-'eiKi Mail Orders to
Mis:; Grao Sorsnson, 648 Bo. 86th At.
I areola and w ill leave the last of the week
to Join his regiment, Hut Twenty-second
infantry, which is stationed near San Fran
cisco. Announcements, wedair; stationery and
culllnr cards, blank boot and inagaaln(
Hi. ding, 'l'hone Doug liXA A- L Hoot, la
HalldluK I'ermlta.
K. M. Arleo. Georgia and Poppleton ave
nues, frame :1 'celling. W juU.