........ 10 TIIE OMAHA DAITAr BEE: TUESDAY, ' MARCH 31, 1908. Great Sale of Lace Curtains Tuesday Tuesday i - dl Sale of tce Curtains Spocialr for Tuesday c I Yd. I Corset Cover Embroiders 19 These are fine skirtings, flouncings and corset fl iTK cdver widths, aJI new patterns, fine sheer fab- l U rics, worth up to 35c, at These medium width effects are all crisp and fresh, on bar gain squares you'd pay up to 20c a yard for these em broideries regularly; in two special C j Art lots, at. Bj Lace and All Silk Chiffon nVJSILS at 39c M Black and colored lace veils, allover , lace veils and all silk chiffon veils regularly worth up to $1.00, Q at, each ;..JZJC " it u Dig Sale Men's Spring Hats Soft an Stiff Styles Next Saturday. Val. Laces 2c and 5c W Laces and insertions, white, cream and ecru, 1 n desjrable widths, at, yard - 2CJC Special Sale Dlack Taffeta at $1.19 Yard Hundrodei of yards of regular $2.00 quality black taffeta, b(iH-;lit .fionj an eastern mill 32, 30 and 2G-inch black tyvt fdj'vefy lustrous and made by one of the f Q bolt makers ; VOOL DRESS GOODS at 59c YD. Thousands of yards of all wool suits, panamas, serges, Hen riettas, etc, new patterns, worth up to 85ca . CQ, yard, at. : .;..'. C Rubberized Silk and Satin Miomobile Coats Black and. plored coats raiu-proof an4, right up-to-date many are extremely ; stunning all the new style features four special lots at $9.9S - $12,50 - $14.50 - $17.50 . Special In Ginghams I French Ginghams Splsnald new lot, 32-incb French ging hams, checks, plaids and stripe effects In blue, brown, tan and pink shades, it.ely faBt colors comes In waist and lengths sell regularly at sat ' 2ii yard, on basement bargain . I sun -e, yard. . . NeSvilpment flnrst IraporteA por calt . yard wide all the pretty neWWght styles for spring wetuj sale -price I IIP yard' 40-inch wide white lawns II just the thing for '' n m lining purposes, yd.".'. tjC II TsZnCasJLniiJlXlO the Fleet (. IN San Francisco Bay 1 ft motuter battleships, great cruistrs a ad a .warm of torpedo boat U do wj unii ova at mi t raoeiseo. f'vr firtH Ihow of Amerloan J OCli Knrth. round trip to Calif ami a. ) VIA THKJ r or me round trip to California. 1 with liberal etopers. Inion Pacific 'X CITY TICKET - JfT' Tf- " I0E, iJfY ' MM raui St. . :jV srossssatiz soiath office oil t lie third floor . There is only one room, facing the south, in the whole Bee building.' Mi at s vacant. This is an opportunity seldom offered and iliove is no probability that this chance will be open long.c If you are interested in a good sized office for reasonable rent now is the the time to make application, before 6omeone else snaps it up. THE BEE . BUILDING There are four other fOoes la tho building which art voant. ranging In price from 110 to 117.(0 per month. It so happens that ther im among thM, Mvoral particularly desirable ouUide rooms. If yov ar thinking of changing your office this is the time to ook arosad, a It Is probable that In a few weeks we will have none vacant. , ' l&S. R. W, Bajker. Snpt. xprmmrmammmmm luna; Ree Ballding I In C B D D 0 D C D D D D D D C 0 C C D D D C C D D C D TTTTT3TTTT I 1 La4lo' Horn Janal StyU Book n V for 4mJ, Cut Glass Most Radical Lowest Prices Known to the Trade Q s ssB 11.60 cut glass pieces for....7Bc $2.00 cut glass pieces for ..$1.00 $3.00 cut glass pieces for.. f 1.50 $5.00 cut glass pieces for ,.$3X0 The purchase of the Dps Moines Department Store stock: has made bargains unprecedented. Prices on the best Cu Glass made In nil America are actually cut in half. In all our experience we never knew anything to eQual this sale. On Tuesday hundreds of new pieces are brought forward that could not be shown on Monday. There will be new lots each ,day keeping the line complete. Come jj out Tuesday by all means. Uj IB. ou cut glass pieces ior $8.00 cut glass pieces for ..$4.00 $10.00 cut glass pieces for. .$5.00 $15.00 cut glass pieces for. .$7.50 CcstiQDalion ol Biggest Dinncnvare Sale ol Recent Years Tha Des Moines pppartnwnt Ptor atneft la selling at ridiculously low priced. 17.00 and 19.00 sets' for 13.48: 110.00 and 111. 00 seta for $5.60; 113.00 sets for 10.75: IIS. 00 sets for tft.60; $23.00 sets for $16.00; t&O.OO eta for $3. 00, and 180.00 sets for $35.00. Tuesday in Suit Room Stunning Easter Suits for $15.00, think of it! Scorps of them. The Bnapplest, smartest, best tailored spring models any store ever offered for the money. ' ' They are handsome Copenhagen blues, blondtnes and the pew leather shades. The newest materials and the latest Butterfly, Prince Chap and dip pod front styles. They are fashion faultless. The genuineness of this bargain cannot be questioned, for they are the finest tailored suits that ever came to town for $15,00. A Skirt Sale at $3.95 We happened across a big lot of jV Panamas in the piece while our buy erg were In New York. They price was barely half what the goods are worth. We had these' goods made up into skirts, ordered them In the rery new est styles, gored circular, and full pleated, trimmed with self folds and taffeta atraDs. . colors leather shades. a .navy and black, Tuesday on sale in at $3.05 $2 Corsets at 69c V11V - r. A special as usual ii it Is remark able. These are whte, batiste cor sets with high bust and long skirt front and side supporters especially adapted to stout figures. Also another style French Corsets with satin strips for slender figures, they are lace trimmed; $2.00 values, for........ 69c Silk Sales for Tuesday That Are Fairly Astounding Such ftllk barcalna as theae need no urging to aell them 60 pieces nlgn grade Jtipanesa maoK miks tnat are warranted to be alao lutely We offer Tuesday water proof and perspiration proof, for dresses., for lumper suits, etc., 27 lnctie wide,-wash aa readily aa an. wear Indefinably $1.00 and $1.25 silks, Tuesday, OtJC cottoti and at, yard. . . 27-lnch heavy oil-boiled dress Taffeta, rich, brilliant black, that la Kuarantecd to wear it's a t.00 quality, Tueaday at. y Tfic Style Center fcr Misses' and Ycung Women's FOOTWEAR ar We maintain an enviable position, not only in the west, but In the entire shoe world as a style headquarters for footwear as outlined by the world's famous shoemakers, and as worn by mlBses and young women who are style critics. Every season sees tome .thing new and correct on out shelves that is the epitome of correctness. . Today we call your atten tion to our new Oxfords in golden . brown, patent kid, Run metal calf and vlci-kld In either button or lace, In all sizes and widths. The prices range $2.50, $3, $3.50 Drexel Shoe Co. I41J Fariia SI . Tuesday is White Goods Day Bargains You'll Not Find Dupll caled Elsewhere nn yd THB RSLIABLK ST.! Read These Prices Compare and Come j Early Foes day In Our Famous Domestic Room Everything at greatly reduced prices on Tuesday, 10c White Oootls .3tt Organdies, India Ninons, Lawns, etc., good, long lengths. . .3 16c White Goods, yard 5 Dotted Swisses India Llnons English long cloths Rep Fancies and other goods worth up to 15c, yard ..-5 19c and S5c White Goods India Llnons, Persian Lawns Swis ses, Checks, Stripes, JacquardS and other goods worth up to 25c yard, all at yard 7H 25c and 89c White Goods yd . 1Q 39c Lingerie Checks; 89c Lingerie Stripes; 25c English Nainsooks, 25c India Llnon; iho French Lawns, 48-Inch wide, 25c 40-ln. . I-awns; 39c English Fancies; 25c Taffetas; 39c Piques and many other fine goods worth up to 3 9c, all on sale, at 10 From 9 to 10 a. ni., 1 case it fine bleached muslin, the regular 7 He grade, 10 yards limit, at a yard ,....3 All day 10c Towels 5t 12V4c Towels fttt 15c Towels 7H Wash Rags, 6c quality ll Come early . High Grade White Goods Tucsdiy Is Sale Day Here A DRIBS GOOD BrBCIAX, 21 pieces of English novelty Mohairs in neat checks, hairline stripes, etc., In tans, grays, green, browns, wash able roods for spring and QA summer wear, bto regu- ZllC larly, now WUI CKODS "W -!nch lancy suiting jr wanti skirts and sufl. many good stylets, 20o goods.. J5o Madras and Zyphers, with em Droioered aesigns, blues. 5Sc S cotton 0 He R BLACK, and TAN WALK-OVER OXFORDS S3.50andS4 WALK-OVER SHOE STORE 314 South 15th Street rour Doors Month of Beaton Drag Co. ED. B. TIOKFIOK, Walx-Ovar Man. tans, green. terns, yard. igna chol ca pat- 9c l-lnch 1,1 nen Finish Buttings, yard wide. In tans, browns, ca dets, Copenhagen, green, pink, light blue, etc., Tuesday special, at lSHo Domestic s, St-lnch unbleached muslin , . .SUe "Squa-J Deal" bleached muslin 5o Canton and Shaker flannel 7c Gray Cotton Blankets, palr....SSo Almost a Dollar Saved on Women's Shoes shoes at a - $1.19 Tuesday put out an Immense lot of women's good vlcl kid shoes riuicuioiiHiy low price; iney nave patent tipa, military heels and are Uutd styles, sices IVa to 7, best 12.00 shoe we know (if; very special , Infant's 0c Shoes, hand turned sole Khora. patent tips, lace and button styles, sizes two to five, pair 89o Bblaola Ontflti box polish and brush, make old shoes look like new, 2Bo is the regular price, for t 17s Bennett's Big Grocery Tuesday's List of Money Saver. Coffees Roasted Evory Day. Ooldon Batnos CoffeS, pound Ua and SO Qreen Stamps Teas: B. K Japan, Oolong, liunpowder, English i I- Hrtukfaat. pound 3 So and 10 Oreen Stamps Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, cans....86e and 20 Qrn Stamps Best Wo Have Hubsard Squash, can ISO and 10 Green Stainpa Snlder's l'ork and Beans, can 16o and 10 Green Stamps Kconomv Milk, three cans SSo and 0 Green Stamps LIMl BEAM SFI!tlI-aJt .Several doien cans Hoyal Lima Beans, two cans S5o and 20 Green Stamps Best We Have String Beans, can 15o and 10 Green Stainpa 3So and; 10 Green Stamps . .a ena-2u ureen Mumpi .8 Jo and 10 Green Stamps .SAo and 20 Green Stamps .B4o and 20 Qreen Stamps 10c and 6c rEKEWIA-I, FltaVarT Hardy Phlox, Fox Glove, ColumbineLarkspur, Sweet, William, i Hue iu piani uuw w Best AVe Have Beets, two cana. Best We Have corn, two cans A. B. C. Catsup, bottle Menter's Chocolate 1'owder. can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can Maple Cream, pat-Knee Eaotcr Gifts Selected now would be a good Idea. We have so many beautiful odd pieces to show you and would be pleased to nave you spenaa a sew nunuicv in vur iiuia. LOOK FOR THE NAME S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler4 1018 PoagUs Street. v5 kJ Lz3 Lzz3 Lry 020 Want Ads Produce Results THAT GROW ) NEED ANY? THE MAN WHO HAD A FIT At our old location can have a better one at our new stbre in the Loyal Hotel building. : : : eiEEIZQO TAILORIIIG CO. D. H. BECK, Manager. 219 North 16th St. LOYAL HOTEL BLDG. s-tag FENCES IRON-WIRE Chespor than wood ANCHOR FENCE EIFG. CO. 80T IOBTK 17TX RUR , rbOBS Bed 814. t GOLD, SILVER and NICKEL PLATING Don't throw away anything made of metal because it is old and worn. Send It to us and we will make It good as new. No matter how large; no matter bow small. Omaha Plating Co. 1229 Harney BX Est. 1698. rhoaes Doug-las 86361 Automatic A3 539 LET US SUBMIT DESIGNS FOR YOUR STATIONERY. Baker Bros. Eosravlra Co. ' Barker Block. Omakit. j ' I SJCETIIATTHEYCOMEFROM THE NEBRASKA Rttw liUanM ISIS MowavA . t M A 1 1 A M IT f CO. Coss Into tha Homoa THE OMAHA DEC ' Best t Vcst 12 c India Llnons 8ttt 15c India Llnons .f)t 19c India Llnons 12Vfc 25c India Llnons 15 $1.00 French Lawns 59? $1.00 Hand Embroidered SwtsHes, at 59 Sue Hand Embroidered Swisses. t 49 75c Hand Embroidered Swisses, . j.;..... 39 65c Hand Embroidered Swisses, t 33 60c Hand Embroidered Swisses, at ...29C COc Hand Embroidered Swisses, at 250 100 pieces of 85c, 75c, 65c and 69c fancy white goods, at yd. .35. Several other bargains during the day. 10 pieces Imported German Mer cerized Damasks, our regular 98c quality, special Tuesday, yd.48 50 dozens, strictly pure linen nap kins, good size, heavy Del fast make, good value at sz.ou dor., special Tuesday, dozen. . $1.25 100 dozens high-grade linen tow els, splendid values for office or bed room use, 12c grade, spe cial Tuesday, each. . . . L 9 i i Mervelous Values in Dependable Table Damasks in Pur High . Grade Linen Department Tuesday . B0 Hemstitched Ta"bl9 Cloths, full bleached German make, two yds. long, well worth $2.25, special Tuesday, each ........... 9g 25 pieces, all linen glass towellngs, good for drying mirrors, no lint, our 12 c grade special Tuesday, yard k Why bllBter your polished table top? Heavy table padding, B4-ln. ' wide, Tuesday, yard ...... 25C .... it Glove and Hosiery Sale Tuesd'y All the Ladies' Long Kid Gloves that remain from the Great Importer's Stock Pur chase will be closed Tuesday In one great lot. From 0 till 10 a. in. only a few hundred pairs left, sizes, 5 to 6 inches, 12, 16 and 20-botton lengths, values up to $4.00, on sale at, pair. 98 Over 230 Dosen Short Kid Gloves blacks,' tans, whV and all colors for street and evening wear. Importer's samples and broken lots will be on sale, at, pair -49 Men's, Women's and Children's Uow Surplus Stock .nd Sample lines of a woll known New York' Importer, hundreds of dozens to select from. On Sale at Less Than Net Cost. it An elegant line of Sample Hose values from 25c to 50c, on sale, at, pair. 15C Men's Ladies and Children's Hose that would 1 sell 1 regularly at 25c, choice Tuesday. .100 Men's Women's and Children's 15.0 quality Hose, at, pair 5 The Opportunity of a Lifetime for Bargain Getting. Bulbs! Bulbsl Bulbsl riant them now for summer blooming. We have Just received large consignment from the Famou i Itingler Nurseries, to go on sale Tuesday. Tuberose Bulbs, per dozen.. 100 Gladlola Bulbs, 4 for "50 Caladulns Bulbs, each 40, Canna Lily, a very fine varlity, each . . : 40 Dahlia Blubs? Red, Pink, Yallow, 6&Cb sseeseseseesasss Paeonies Bulbs, each .... 1 2 H 0 ' Walt for the annual Rose Bush Sale, it Is too early to plant them out yet. . Strawberries Strawberries Quart boxes Young, Large, Riie Strawberries 150 Pint boxes. Young, Large, Rip Strawberries "7H0 On account of the bad weather Monday, ill prices advertised Sun day for Monday will prevail Tues day. Tuesday, the last day of the Big Harness Sale, closing out every thing way below manufacturers' cost. M HRYDEHS' BEST miB-mtmt tae-tttiettaajteta arms" i w sum? j ns rears la the p ittentli r 7l f-twfrrimtrry.. t if If in V fofW. r"l :T,TT , I rlcy f V rrr jvg sta,rw on suck. rla. jrull'i'utf sta,tw vurS tEiXhl-vp HalL iisUban .... t . i totoB receivuur df . nm ntnm ifd. 'BBSS, -Jtm i ' "IrVWIUl' b rv wr r M w. f . t - i m i Iscountln 5 Br .. notes oJJJXf. iscler rts hwraWliVuld bs given n bonduiPji knawsrewortaJeXT i Jww,'ht J bsMsvej (t to esUUed to hn the procefyierbe notes vrfiip!j- ilUw t.t1?Pihr orpunf-reA I rhtle cresli snk wili.w lis s-r etr H t cf leant 1 ble L " IX Ion li lat tl TMO( V tfn rsoAf one' 8 bllty ft llcat I '' "OtA 'hlch i " I' hlcar I Hthv Idian.V To California by Tourist . Car . A Common Sense way to go. Economical and Comfortable. The Rock Island offers (aster sevice than any other southern route. ' The more you know about "Rock Island Tourisr , Cars" the more you will realize why thousands of ' well-to-do people travel that way. Booklets sbout California and Rock Island service ea request. Very low rstos daily during March sna ApriL One-wsy "Colo nist " tickets honored in Tourist Sleepers oo payment ol berth rata, Let ne tell you about (be very low cost ol this spriof trip. F. F. Rutherlord Division Paatscna' Agent t323 Farnam St., OMAHA. NEB. iora uu. nrjfif t(a and f ftt tMrxf '." O1", ,iUt much hotii to b .-Jl III 1 a tf . J-C'ttfVft such botes to ctC'j"s Jd vaaeeuredt If so be has com sUls4 Us aoas Cfcr4 9 thtiaoict the; i acc yty l! M la dalermii BaB, the crlmlne.1 latent to 161u Xbs hnK sscsrcsa.jrcutll ENAMEL EILLIXQS Just Uke the T03TB . ... .!..,.... .11... th., dd net show. If your teeth are missing we oan fill ine siare without plates or bridge-work by our Alveole System of Dentistry. Ixoee teeth made solid. "VNir or f k it' rum pil- toy ; rr j r or defraus) , J Uis lac ssssO 1 1 l-m ' KT-- vn nnnnniinV Pontiff 1518 Farnam if 7 t I ITS ' I nk I I . ' CI I f t UHi UliHUUUU f Wwtiu.s ITif i .::-.